WKC - Office P.O. Box 10 11 21 38410 Wolfsburg Germany e-mail: wkc.offi[email protected] WORLD KARATE CONFEDERATION WKC NEWSLETTER NO. 3/2013 “Grüß Gott”, dear friends of the sport of Karate – Ossu 押忍! I am delighted to address you at the WKC tournament and say a few words in my home community of Feldkirchen. Karate is one of the best-known introduced sports in Germany, which originated in Japan There are rules in life as well as in politics. One rule says that karate begins and ends with respect. Everyone for all his or her life should follow this rule. Especially working with the young people this is very important because children and youngsters learn to respect rules and boundaries. Another rule is to try constantly new ways, which I know very well from my political life, without change we would only stagnate. Karate is a martial art, which addresses the body and the mind. Behind the sport, success lies in the disciplined training of many years in which the trainers and the athletes have invested all their time and energy. At tournaments such as these, participants from around the world can be admired and the results of all their hard work seen. My special thanks for organising this event go to the Karate Dojo of the TV Feldkirchen1903 e.V. and also the great number of volunteers. I wish all participants, helpers, and spectators a successful Championship with outstanding and memorable competitions. Yours Ilse Aigner, MdL Minister of Economy, Media, Energy and Technology State of Bavaria Bernhard Schweiger Ilse Aigner Dear spectators, friends of karate sport, and guests Karate takes a great deal of time and effort in order to master the requirements of this martial art. It also requires work and sacrifice to acquire the physical fitness and mental power to master the fighting techniques of this ancient art. Our karate section of the TV Feldkirchen is a living example of this dedication. Karateka have concentration, condition, speed and this type of training is especially beneficial for young people. The karate section of the TV Feldkirchen has already organised a very successful German Karate International Open WKC Championships for Cadets, Juniors and Seniors Individual and Club teams (18 years and above) Feldkirchen-Westerham (near Munich) Germany 24 th – 26 th January 2014


WKC - Offi ceP.O. Box 10 11 2138410 WolfsburgGermanye-mail: wkc.offi [email protected]



“Grüß Gott”, dear friends of the sport of Karate – Ossu 押忍!

I am delighted to address you at the WKC tournament and say a few words in my home community of Feldkirchen.Karate is one of the best-known introduced sports in Germany, which originated in Japan There are rules in life as well as in politics. One rule says that karate begins and ends with respect. Everyone for all his or her life should follow this rule.Especially working with the young people this is very important because children and youngsters learn to respect rules and boundaries.Another rule is to try constantly new ways, which I know very well from my political life, without change we would only stagnate.

Karate is a martial art, which addresses the body and the mind.Behind the sport, success lies in the disciplined training of many years in which the trainers and the athletes have invested all their time and energy. At tournaments such as these, participants from around the world can be admired and the results of all their hard work seen.My special thanks for organising this event go to the Karate Dojo of the TV Feldkirchen1903 e.V. and also the great number of volunteers.I wish all participants, helpers, and spectators a successful Championship with outstanding and memorable competitions.


Ilse Aigner, MdLMinister of Economy, Media, Energy and Technology

State of Bavaria

Bernhard SchweigerIlse Aigner

Dear spectators, friends of karate sport, and guests

Karate takes a great deal of time and effort in order to master the requirements of this martial art. It also requires work and sacrifice to acquire the physical fitness and mental power to master the fighting techniques of this ancient art. Our karate section of the TV Feldkirchen is a living example of this dedication. Karateka have concentration, condition, speed and this type of training is especially beneficial for young people.The karate section of the TV Feldkirchen has already organised a very successful German Karate

International Open WKC Championships for Cadets, Juniors and Seniors Individual and Club teams (18 years and above)

Feldkirchen-Westerham (near Munich) Germany 24th – 26th January 2014


Championships in 2012 and I am convinced that the motivated team around Norbert Dank will succeed in organising and delivering a World Championships.I welcome all participants from all over the World and I am especially

proud that Feldkirchen has been cosen to host the International Open WKC Championships. We look forward to exciting competions in a friendly atmosphere under the Japanese motto: “The highest aim of karate is neither victory

nor defeat but the perfection of character.”

Yours in sport

Bernhard SchweigerMayorCommunity Feldkirchen-Westerham

International Open WKC Championshipsfor Cadets, Juniors and Seniors

Draft Program

Feldkirchen-Westerham (near Munich) Germany 24th – 26th January 2014

2 pm to 6 pm

2 pm to 7 pm

7 pm to ...




Registration & Weigh-in for Competitors

Referee & Coach Seminar (mandatroy for all registstred Coaches, Judges & Referees (Mandatory in Karate-Gi & WKC Referee Uniform

WKC Dan Grading (Applications by Emailto the WKC Office


9 am to ...

9 am to ...





Eliminations all Cadets Categories

Eliminations all Junior Individual & Team Categories

Finals all Cadets Categories

Finals Juniors Individual & Team Categories


9 am to ...

9 am to ...





Finals Junior Individual & Team Categories

Eliminations all Senior Individual & Team Categories

Finals all Seniors Individual & Team Categories

Finals Juniors Individual & Team Categories

*) Sporthall, Adress: „Mangfall-Halle, Karl-Weigl-Platz 4, 83620 Feldkirchen“. Walking disctance from the train station Feldkirchen-Westerham

Organising Commitee

Email: [email protected]: +49 157 77 02 47 61WKC: [email protected]

Any News and Information on the tournament my be found on the WKC webpage (

AccomodationThe competition will take place at 83620 Feldkirchen-Westerham, on the countryside, 35 km in the southeast of München, in the direction to the city of Rosenheim, near the towns of Holzkirchen, Miesbach and Bad Aibling. Please do not mix up with Feldkirchen, a suburb of München 10 km in München’s east!Find easily accommodation in the major hotels through booking portals, like your national sites, international sites or German sites.

München (Munich)München is some 35 km away from the location of competition, Feldkirchen-Westerham. If you stay at München, you can go to the competition by car via the autobahn A8 or by railway.

For accommodation in München, please refer to the major booking portals.

Tourist information:

Detailed information on the accommodation may be found on the WKC

Information on the Referee/Coach Course and Tournament

Referee/Coach Course

All applicants, judges, referees and senior referees have to bring a karate-gi to the course as well as their referee uniform (grey trouser, navy blue blazer, WKC necktie and whistle).

All participants have to know the WKC competition rules. A written test on the rules has to be passed by participants of the course.

The coaches have to bring their karate-gi for the course and their tracksuit for the competition. They have to know the basic rules of the WKC. A written test on the basic rules is required.

The competition rules and the questions for the test may be found on the WKC webpage under the button “Technical” > “Event Rules”. Those referees and coaches who do not understand English very well should have the rules translated in their language.


The competitors must wear the karate-gi as stated in the competition rules. No badges may be worn other than that of their federation/club.

The mitts must have WKC standard (only plain white) as well as the gum shields (either white or colourless).

The coaches are responsible that their competitors wear the correct uniform and equipment and behave as expected in the spirit of karate-do.


Only the coach/manager of the team and one interpreter will be admitted to the registration room. They have to bring the passports or ID from the whole squad.

Only the competitors in the Shobu Sanbon category must come to the registration for the weigh-in. For all other competitors the presentation of the passport or ID by the coach during the registration is sufficient.


Only the competitors whose category is on display and their official coach are admitted to the tatamis. Only a coach who has participated at the coach seminar and has fulfilled all requirements is recognised as an official coach.

No bottles, shoes, tracksuits are allowed at the tatami. The coaches are responsible for the correct behaviour and equipment of their competitors.

Sigulda Open 2013

On the initiative of the Latvian Karate Association (LKA) with president Vladislav Fetkulin the International Karate Tournament „SIGULDA OPEN 2013“was held on 19th and 20th October 2013 in the Latvian town of Sigulda (50 km north-east of the capital Riga).

One hundred and fifthy athletes from three countries - Latvia, Lithuania, and Russia- partici-pated and displayed very profi-cient kumite and kata techniques. 2013 Kumite World Champion Dr.AlmanTimofeev headed the Russian delegation and acted as Chief Referee.

As this tournament was so suc-cessful the LKA intend to repeat it again on a yearly basis.

The National University of La Matanza hosted the 1st Pan American Championships of the Pan American Karate Confederation (PKC). In its imposing stadium,

1st Pan American Cup for Children and Pan American Championships for Cadets, Juniors, Seniors, and Veterans (12th – 13th October 2013)

The senior national teams of the Serbian Karate Union and the Ka-rate Savez Republike Srpske had friendly tournament on 13th Oc-tober 2013 in Višegrad (Republika Srpska). Excellent karate was dem-onstrated and the spectators had a very positive impression of the real karate.

Vidoje Andric -memorial tournament

X International Shotokan karate tournament “Tiger Way”

The Lithuanian Shotokan Karate Federation (LSKF) with President KazimierasBartkevicius has or-ganized the 10th International tournament “Tiger Way” on 9th November 2013. Over 400 com-petitors from 26 karate organisa-tions (out of 7 countries), 60 ref-erees and 50 coaches participated at this event.In October the President of

Lithuania (also a black belt in karate), Mme Dalė Grybauskaite awarded the best Lithuanian sportsmen, who won medals in European and World Champion-ships. At same time sport leaders and coaches were honored by the President. One of them was LSKF President Mr. K. Bartkevicius. Con-gratulations!

eight national associations from seven countries took part in the tournament. 256 athletes and 17 teams competed for the medals and trophies. The PKC founded in 2011 united the American karate federations under an umbrella organisation with a democratic

structure based on the principles of equality and respect.

At the PKC Congress the next venue was scheduled for 2014 at the end of July in Sao Paulo or Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Competitors from 15 countries are expected to take part in this event.

Nestor ParreñoPresident PKC

Vice-President Roland Dietrich and Founding President Dr. Fritz Wendland attended the 23rd TAFI-SA Congress on behalf of the WKC. Mr. Joe Mirza also attended the Congress on behalf of the AAU, USA, which was accepted as a new national member federation for sport for all. Lectures by well-known univer-sity professors and sport scientists were held on the development of sport for all, the change of physi-cal fitness and health in modern society. One topic was the lack of physical

activities especially in young peo-ple who spend at the present many hours per day watching TV, play-ing computer games and searching the internet. It is expected that this generation of young people will die five years earlier because of lack of physical activity and poor nutrition. We experience this phenomenon in the industrialised countries and see the outcome in our children who start karate. Fifty years ago, the youth had no TV, computer, or smart phones and spent most of their time in outdoor games. They were fit and healthy more than young people today.

The Congress is very keen to find ways to get the new generation to take healthier food and more phys-ical exercise. In order to promote a healthier life style and not only to sit and listen or discuss at lectures, the Congress organised a walk over 10 km through the city of Ensch-ede, the surrounding suburbs and the university campus. The first Martial Arts Workshop was held prior to the official open-ing of the Congress. Unfortunately, only two international federations (WKC and WJF) and four national federations out of 35 TAFISA mar-tial art federations were present.

23rd TAFISA Congress, Enschede, Netherlands, 23rd – 27th October 2013

The TAFISA has accepted many national martial art federations, which obviously only seek the um-brella of the TAFISA but do not ac-tively participate in the sport for all movement. Karate is a classical sport for all with no age, sex, or so-cial restriction. Nearly 95 to 98% of all karate practitioners at this present time do not participate in competition but only train at a club.

The General Assembly as part of the Congress program elected the new Board of Directors for a period of four years. The new President is Prof. Dr. Juho Chang from South

Korea. General Secretary Wolfgang Baumann was re-elected.

The 6th TAFISA Games will take place from 6th to 12th October 2016 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The WKC has the possibility of organis-ing its World Championships with-in these Games as we did in 2012 in Siauliai, Lithuania at the 5th TAFISA Games.

Another opportunity for the WKC to hold an event is the 1st TAFISA Europe Sport for All Games 2018 in the province of Fryslan, Nether-lands. The European Union is finan-cially supporting the TAFISA along with the IOC.

The WKC Newsletter is an official publication of the World Karate Confederation. Its purpose is to make karate better known to the public and the media. Therefore, reprinting or otherwise copying all its contents is not only permitted but will be welcome; quoting „WKC Newsletter” as a source will be appreciated. The WKC Newsletter will be issued free of charge two to three times annually. Please direct any questions about the WKC Newsletter or contributions for future issues to the Editor. All questions regarding the WKC in general or next WKC events in particular should be addressed to the WKC Office. Editor: Dr. Fritz Wendland; e-mail: [email protected]

6th Polish Open 2014

The Sport Association of Funa-koshi Shotokan Karate (SAFSK) is organising the 6th Polish Open Championships on 22nd and 23rd February 2013 in the Sport Hall of Karpacz, Konstytucji 3-go Maja 48A street.

This tournament is especially designed for Children. The age groups and categories are on the WKC webpage under the button “Members” and then “Member Activities”.

For information contact the SAFSK by e-mail: [email protected]

The WKC member federation All India Karate-Do and Kobudo Promotion Federation under the presidency of Dr. Rethinam Swakky is organising the National Indian Karate & Kobudo Championships on 27th and 28th December 2013 in Chennai. For more details please contact the organiser under [email protected] or Telephone 94440-52122 and 98410-96942

All India Karate-Do &Kobudo Championships 27th and 28th December 2013

9thWKC Junior & Cadet World Championships

10th to 12th October 2014 in Buenos Aires, Argentina

9th WKC European Championships 13th to 15th June 2014 in

Cheboksary, Chouvashian Republic, Russia