World history study guide Medevil

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    Daniel Sims1: Clovis : Early Frankish king; converted Franks to Christianity c. 496; allowed establishment of Frankish kingdom.

    2: Charlemagne - king of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor; conqueror of the Lombards and Saxons (742-814)

    3: Missi Dominici police looks after kingdom

    4: Alcuin of york

    5: Curriculum - course of study: an integrated course of academic studies

    6: Treaty of Verdun -

    In the Treaty of Verdun of 843 the three surviving sons of Louis the Pious , Charlemagne 's grandsons,divided his territories, the Carolingian Empire , into three kingdoms.

    7: as Charles II he was Holy Roman Emperor and as Charles I he was king of France (823-877)

    8: Lothar -11: Feudalism - loosely organized system of rule in which powerful local lords divided theirlandholding among lesser lords.

    12: Vassals- lesser lord who pledged service and loyalty to the greater lords.

    13: Feudal Contract- exchange of pledges b/t lords and vassals that was established by customsand traditions this contract governed feudalism.

    14: Route to knighthood - page to squire to knight

    15: Chivalry - code of conduct, guided a knights life, requiered:BraveLoyal

    True to their word

    16: Manor - lord's estate heart of the mideval economy

    17: sacraments - sacred rites of the church admined by the priest.

    18: Tithe - tax equal to a tenth of their income used to support the church

    19: Papal Supremacy - authority over all secular ruler (i.e. Kings), medieval popes claim this

    20: Benedictine Rule - 530 - a monk named benedict sets up 3 vows that governed monasteriesand convents across europe, 3 laws

    A) obedience to the abbot or abbess, who headed the monastery.

    B) proveryt - had to live itC) chastity and purity

    21: canon laws - church's own body of laws, applied to religious teaching, clergy, marriage, and

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    22: Excommunication - penalty for breaking church law, people no longer receive the sacramentsor christian burial if excommunicated.

    23: Interdict - order that would exclude an entire town, region, or kingdom from receivingsacraments and christian burial

    24: Cluniac Reforms -

    (abbot Berno of clun)900 c.e.

    1) revives benedictine rule, which had disappeared

    2) nobles no longer allowed to interfere in monastery affairs.

    3) 1077 - pope gregory VII, extends cluniac reforms

    A)outlaws marriage for priests

    B) prohibits simony - selling of church offices.

    B)Preaching orders

    25: Francis Of Assisi - sets up friars (monk who did not live in isolated monasteries, but traveledaround europe's growing towns preaching to the poor) 1200s

    26: Friars - members of one of the mendicant orders, the four main orders being the Franciscans,Dominicans, Carmelites and Austin friars; they lived in regular fashion but were extensivelyinvolved with the outside community; the term literally means "brother"

    27: Charter - written document that set out rights and privileges of the town.

    28: Bill of Exchange - merchent/anyone could deposit money w/ their home bank

    A) in return, they get a piece of paper

    B) travel - find a bank, give in piece of paper, get your money.

    29: Usury - lending money at interest, clergy decleares this "immoral"

    30: Guilds -Guild hall

    Commercial monopoly

    Controlled membershipApprentice to journeyman to master craftsman

    Controlled quality of the product (masterpiece)

    Controlled prices.

    31: 1066- Anglo Saxon King of England (edward) dies w/out an Heir

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    32: William the conqueror Cristmas day William of normandy is crowned william the conqueror(r. 1066-1087) Battle of Hasting, 1066

    33: Doomsday book - listed every castle, field, pigpen in england, helps build an efficient texcollecting system

    34: Exchequer - treasury, collects taxs.

    35: Henry II & common law - henry 11 inherits the english throne, cannot simply write new laws,but has to follow customsA) needed to figure out a way to make "customs" evolve into laws.

    36: Henry II & Thomas Beckett - )

    thomas beckett archbishop of cam canterbury vs. Henry II

    2) 1170 - 4 of henry's knights murder thomas beckett

    3) beckett - honored as a martyr and declared a saintEvolving traditions of english government

    37:1215: The signing of the Magna carta

    38: Magna Carta Provisions - Monarchs not above the law.B) kings had to consults a council of advisors (development of parliament)

    C) kings could not tax arbitrarily

    39: Great Council -

    A middle class merchants townspeople (burgesses in eng bourgeoisie in fr., burghers in ger.) wereadded at the end of the 13c.

    3. Eventually called pariaments.

    A. By 1400 two chambers evolved:

    -- house of lords nobled and clergy

    House of commons knights and burgesses.

    40: Burgesses Freemen

    41: House of the lords and house of the commons

    42: Hugh Capet Elected to vacent french throne in 987 makes throne Heraditary

    43: Phillip II - 1) moved capital to paris

    A) central government now in parisB) also a cultural center.

    2) fought against king john of england, was victorious, won back normandy and anjou, by hisdeath 1223, was the most power ruler

    44: Louis IX (r. 1226-1270)

    1. "perfect medieval ruler"

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    2. Created an efficient bureaucracyA. Gave citizens the right to appeal from local courts to higher courts.

    B. Created a more equitable tax system45: Duke Otto I takes king of germany in 936 worked closely with the church during his reign andin 962 pope crowned ottto HRE:

    46: Lay Investirture Presentation to bishops with ring and staff that symbolized their office

    47: Pope Gregory VII- was the greatest medieval pope as well as most controversial.

    48: Concordat of worms (1122) treaty that solves the issue of lay investriture

    49: pope innocent III clashes w/ kings w/ king john of england, w/ phillip II of france when he triesto annaul his marriage and with HRE frederick

    50: Palestine: place of many Holy places

    51: Council of Clermont 1095 urban II gives a speech urging Bishops and knights to fight.

    52: Religious Toleration policy of allowing people to worship as they choose.

    53: Scholasticism using reason to support christian beleifs54: Vernacular everyday languages of ordinary people, writing started to appear in this \

    55: Dante- wrote Dante's devine comedy

    56: Chaucer wrote the canterbury tales, story of pilgrims traveling to thomas becket's tomb

    57: Romanesque Churches looked like fortresses think wall and towers, few windows dark andgloomy

    58: Gothic Architecture bright and airy stained glass window pointed arches thinner wallsElaborate and airy interiors

    59: Flying buttresses Stone supports that stood outside the church, these are a key feature of gothic architecturem these supports allowed for the building of staied glass windows.

    60: Illumination artistic decoration of books, Gothic architecture influenced this