World History CSCOPE Assessment Unit 08A and 08B … - World History Unit 08A and 08B 1. Which...

World History Unit 08a and 08b: Global Conflicts & Issues 2012-2013_Edited This test is the property of TESCCC/CSCOPE and as such may not be replicated or changed without permission. Name:______________________________ Period:_____________________________ Date:_______________________________ Teacher:____________________________ Test Date: April 25, 2013 Suggested Duration: 1 class period

Transcript of World History CSCOPE Assessment Unit 08A and 08B … - World History Unit 08A and 08B 1. Which...

World History Unit 08a and 08b: Global Conflicts & Issues 2012-2013_Edited

This test is the property of TESCCC/CSCOPE and as such may not be replicated or changed without permission.

Name:______________________________ Period:_____________________________ Date:_______________________________ Teacher:____________________________

Test Date: April 25, 2013 Suggested Duration: 1 class period

Test - World History Unit 08A and 08B

1. Which action of the German government during World War I contributed to

a communist revolution in Russia?

A. developing the combat tank

B. using heavy bombers on Moscow

C. transporting Lenin in secret to Russia

D. permitting Czar Nicholas II to escape into Austria-Hungary 2. Which event at the conclusion of World War II initiated the Cold War?

F. The United States used atomic weapons against Japanese cities.

G. Germany was reorganized into two separate nations with differing political systems.

H. European democracies formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization with the United States.

J. The Soviet Union refused to permit self-determination in nations liberated from German control.

3. Use the excerpt and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following


How did Soviet actions at the end of World War II contribute to the Cold War?

A. Capital cities in Eastern Europe lacked police protection and lawful order.

B. The Communist Party was allowing free elections in Czechoslovakia.

C. The establishment of the Warsaw Pact caused Western nations to respond with NATO.

D. Communist domination of Eastern European governments was creating a political divide between Western and Eastern Europe.

4. Which early Soviet leaders most contributed to the consolidation of communist power in

the Soviet Union?

F. Leon Trotsky and Boris Yeltsin

G. Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin

H. Leonid Brezhnev and Yuri Andropov

J. Mikhail Gorbachev and Nikita Khrushchev

5. How have decolonization and independence for many African nations after World War II

affected their government and society?

A. Many of the newly independent nations have created Islamic theocracies.

B. Many of the newly independent nations have struggled with ethnic conflict and corrupt leadership.

C. Many of the newly independent nations have returned to tribal leadership and rejected industrialization.

D. Many of the newly independent nations have established successful democracies and raised the standard of living.

6. How did the alliance system contribute to the outbreak of conflict in Europe?

F. Germany refused to join any European alliances.

G. Nations pledged to intervene if an ally was attacked.

H. Asian nations viewed the agreements as intentionally exclusive.

J. The alliance between France and Austria-Hungary upset the balance of power among European nations.

7. Use the passage and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following


The passage above refers to which event?

A. the Gulf of Tonkin incident

B. the U.S. missile construction in Eastern Europe

C. the Berlin Blockade

D. the Soviet placement of missiles in Cuba

8. Use the graph, excerpt, and your knowledge of social studies to answer the

following question.

How did the German government's response to the obligations of Article 232 impact the economy of Germany?

F. The German government's printing of massive amounts of paper money led to rapid inflation within Germany.

G. The German government's refusal to pay led to a rapid increase in the price of gold on the international market.

H. The German government's payment of gold to the Allied governments led to a lack of precious metals in Germany.

J. The German government's trade embargo on Allied governments led to a rapid increase in the wealth of the German people.

9. Use the graphic organizer and your knowledge of social studies to answer the

following question.

Which event best completes the graphic?

A. Russia develops hydrogen bomb

B. Sputnik is launched

C. The Space Race begins

D. Cold War tensions decline 10. Which of the following did NOT contribute to the global depression of the 1930s?

F. the increased demand for automobiles

G. the overproduction of goods by industry

H. the U.S. foreign policy of protectionism and tariffs

J. the bank failures in the United States and across the globe

11. Use the information in the box and your knowledge of social studies to answer

the following question.

Which system of government is described?

A. communism

B. monarchy

C. fascism

D. theocracy 12. Which characteristic of German society in the 1930s BEST demonstrates it was

a totalitarian state?

F. The military rapidly declined in influence.

G. A charismatic dictator controlled much of the mass media.

H. The government imposed heavy tariffs on imports.

J. Rationing limited the products civilians could buy. 13. Which concern MOST contributed to President Truman's decision to drop an atomic

bomb on both Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

A. to eliminate the Japanese monarchy

B. to limit further Japanese losses in the war

C. to prevent U.S. casualties in an invasion of Japan

D. to stop kamikaze pilots from destroying American ships

14. Which characteristic is always true of a totalitarian government?

F. workers control the government

G. religious laws direct the behavior of all citizens

H. the government is controlled by military officers

J. the government controls most aspects of citizens' lives 15. How did President Wilson's "Fourteen Points" speech influence the peace after World

War I?

A. Germany agreed to his fourteen points, but France refused.

B. Each of the fourteen points was incorporated into the Treaty of Versailles.

C. Many of his points were implemented by most nations in Europe.

D. The Treaty of Versailles only implemented his one point to form an international organization.

16. How did the circumstances of the Cold War contribute to the data trend in the graph?

F. Nuclear weapons were too expensive to maintain.

G. The American and Soviet militaries raced to have the most nuclear weapons.

H. The industry of the Soviet Union was able to produce nuclear weapons faster than the United States.

J. The American military required fewer nuclear weapons since they were more powerful and accurate than Soviet nuclear weapons.

17. Which reason motivated Bolshevik leaders to form the Union of Soviet

Socialists Republics in 1922?

A. to isolate forces still fighting Bolshevik leadership

B. to prevent nationalist revolutions by ethnic groups

C. to establish official borders with neighboring countries

D. to limit the expansion of fascism into newly acquired territory

18. How did communist policies in China differ from communist policies in the

Soviet Union?

F. Chinese communists argued for collective leadership while Soviet communism was led by a dictator.

G. Soviet communism emphasized industrialization while Chinese communism focused on agricultural workers.

H. Chinese communists did not pursue the development of atomic weapons while Soviet communists successfully created an atomic arsenal.

J. Soviet communism focused on confrontation with Western democracies while Chinese communism emphasized friendly diplomacy.

19. What was the major purpose of the Yalta Conference?

A. to coordinate the final assault on Japan

B. to draft the Versailles Treaty to end World War I

C. to establish an international court for war criminals

D. to determine the governments and borders of Europe after World War II 20. Why was the German invasion of the Soviet Union a military disaster?

F. The Soviet Union had prepared a swift counter-attack.

G. The harsh winter halted the invasion and devastated German forces.

H. German planes could not fight the technically superior Soviet aircraft.

J. Soviet tanks could cross the vast distances faster and better than German tanks.

21. Which action most contributed to the establishment of Israel as an independent state in


A. military aid from Great Britain

B. approval by the United Nations

C. recognition by the Soviet Union

D. economic aid from the United States

22. In 1945, the Japanese navy had plans to attack the Panama Canal using a specially-

built submarine capable of launching a plane against a target. However, the war ended prior to the attack. Why did the Japanese government plan to attack and destroy the canal?

F. The canal was a symbol of American strength.

G. The canal limited the ability of Japan to acquire resources.

H. The canal served as a link between North and South America.

J. The canal was a center of world trade and traffic for Allied forces.

23. The 1948 Soviet blockade of the French, U.S., and U.K. sectors shown on the map

above led directly to —

A. building of the Berlin Wall

B. development of the Containment Doctrine

C. the Marshall Plan

D. the Berlin Airlift