World History

WORLD HISTORY Enlightenment/American Revolution Study List Review


Enlightenment/American Revolution Study List Review. World History. Idea that all people were born with certain rights “life, liberty, pursuit of happiness” Created by John Locke. Natural Rights. Social Contract. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of World History

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Enlightenment/American Revolution Study List Review

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NATURAL RIGHTS Idea that all people were born with

certain rights “life, liberty, pursuit of happiness”

Created by John Locke

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an agreement by which people gave up their freedom to a powerful government in order to avoid chaos.

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NATURAL LAW Laws that governed human nature Laws discoverable by reason

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French for “philosopher”

French thinker who desired reform in society during the Enlightenment.

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VOLTAIRE (1694-1778) French

philosopher and author

Imprisoned in the Bastille

Used with to expose the abuses of government and society

advocated a tolerant approach to religion.

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BARON DE MONTESQUIEU (1689-1755) French political philosopher explored democratic theories of


Proposed a government divided into 3 branches, greatly influenced the United States Constitution.

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(1632-1704) English philosopher Developed political and economic

theories during the Enlightenment. Wrote Two Treatises on Government in

which he declared that people have a right to rebel against governments that do not protect their natural rights.

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THOMAS HOBBES English philosopher who lived

through the English Civil War Thought people were

naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish

Supported powerful government; For him such a government was an absolute monarchy, which could impose order and compel obedience.

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JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU (1712-1778) French political


Believed that people in their natural state were basically good and were corrupted by the evils of society, especially the unequal distribution of property

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DENIS DIDEROT…. labored for more than 25 years to produce a 28

volume Encyclopedia, which means “circle of teachings”.

His purpose was to “change the general way of thinking”

The Encyclopedia articles: Denounced slavery Praised freedom of expression. Urged education for all.

His articles and positions reflect the ideas of humanism as seen in the Renaissance.

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ENLIGHTENMENT a time of optimism and possibility

from the late 1600s to the late 1700s; also called the Age of Reason.

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(1723-1790) Scottish economist

Became the leading advocate of laissez-faire economics

Considered by some to be the “father of modern economics” wrote the first true text on economics, The Wealth of Nations, in 1776.

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LAISSEZ-FAIRE policy allowing business

to operate with little or no government interference.

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BAROQUE ornate style of art and architecture popular in the 1600s and 1700s.

Palace at Versailles

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elegant style of art and architecture

made popular during the mid-1700s, featured designs with the shapes of leaves, shells, and flowers.

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SALONS gatherings in which intellectual and

political ideas were exchanged during the Enlightenment.

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restriction on access to ideas and information

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the absolute monarchs in 18th century Europe who ruled according to the principles of the Enlightenment.

Catherine the Great of Russia

Joseph II of Austria

Enlightened despots were absolute rulers who used their power to bring about political and social change

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JOSEPH II- REBEL WITH A CAUSE!! Most radical of enlightened despots. Granted toleration to Protestants and Jews. Ended censorship and tried to control the Catholic

Church. Sold church property to build hospitals. Abolished serfdom. Eliminated the death penalty and torture.

Unfortunately these reforms only remained until his death then things went back to the way they were.

* Serfdom was the enforced labour of serfs on the fields of landowners, in return for protection and the right to work on their leased fields.

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Was interested in Enlightenment ideas but intended to give up no power

Made some limited reforms in law and government.

Granted nobles a charter of rights.

Criticized the institution of serfdom

Wouldn’t abolish it because she would lose the support of wealthy land owners if she did.

Catherine the Great

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Exerted tight control over subjects, but saw himself as a “first servant of the state.”

Tolerated religious differences. Except for Jews he tried to limit the number of Jews allowed to live in Prussia.

Distributed seeds and tools to peasants.

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radical change, far-reaching effects.

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KING GEORGE III King of England during the time of the

American Revolution

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GEORGE WASHINGTON 1732-1799 First president of the United

States commanded the

Continental Army during the Revolutionary War

served as a representative to the Continental Congress.

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STAMP ACT Law passed in 1765 by the British

Parliament that imposed taxes on items such as newspapers and pamphlets in the American colonies; repealed in 1766

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THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743-1826) American


Third president of the United States, member of two Continental Congresses

Declaration’s main author

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DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE Letter to King George III, written by

Thomas Jefferson, declaring the 13 colonies’ independence (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness) from Great Britain.

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Basic principle of the American system of government which asserts that the people are the source of any and all governmental power

Government can exist only with the consent of the governed.

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government in which power is divided between the national, or federal, government and the states.

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TREATY OF PARIS Treaty of 1763 that ended the Seven

Years’ War and resulted in British dominance of the Americas

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BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706-1790) American statesman; he was

a philosopher, scientist, inventor, writer, publisher, first U.S. postmaster, and member of the committee to draft the Declaration of Independence.