World Eurythmy Therapy Conference The Art of ... - Goetheanum

World Eurythmy Therapy Conference The Art of Healing on the Basis of the Science of the Life Forces 16 to 21 May 2016 Medical Section at the Goetheanum

Transcript of World Eurythmy Therapy Conference The Art of ... - Goetheanum

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World Eurythmy Therapy Conference

The Art of Healing on

the Basis of the Science of the Life


16 to 21 May 2016

Medical Section at the Goetheanum

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2 • World Eurythmy Therapy Conference

Where sensory knowledge ends, That is where the gateway is located

Which opens the realities of life To soul existence;

The soul creates the key As it grows strong

In the battle which cosmic powers Fight on their own ground

With human forces; When through itself it drives out

The sleep which envelops forces of knowledge With the night of the spirit

At the limits of its senses.

Rudolf Steiner, Vienna, 6 May 1915

“You can see that a medicine which builds solely on sensory science must be

supplemented by what follows from spiritual perception, from the knowledge of the

total human organisation. Just as sensory science in its physiological, in its anatomical

part can only assess the external side of the human organisation, so it can only find the

relationship between a medicine and an illness through external testing. Inspiration,

imagination and intuition enable us to see the inner connection between a medicine or

healing process and the nature of the pathological process and to replace empirical

treatment which has to rely merely on testing with rational treatment which has insight

into the human being and the healing processes.”

Rudolf Steiner: Die Philosophie, Kosmologie und Religion in der Anthroposophie.

GA 215, 15.9.1922 (Translation by Christian v. Arnim)

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World Eurythmy Therapy Conference • 3

Dear eurythmy therapy professional community and others interested, A warm welcome to the second World Eurythmy Therapy Conference at the Goetheanum! The conference has been prepared over a period of more than two years and is intended to give us the opportunity to continue our professional development – but more than that, it is also our desire that we should meet one another as the professional community of those who carry responsibility for the impulse of eurythmy therapy. Each one of us contributes through their work to eurythmy therapy taking effect as a particularly active tool of anthroposophic medicine. But which impulse do we serve through our work? And what kind of effect are we talking about? Eurythmy therapy opens up perceptual and cognitive access to the world of the etheric for us. How can we communicate the associated experiences and make them productive so that we can learn to grasp and handle this precious instrument of therapeutic action even more deeply? How can we develop a secure judgement of what is therapeutically necessary and beneficial? For that we need a science of the life forces as the gateway to the supersensory cognition of the nature of the human being. That is why we chose “The art of healing on the basis of the science of the life forces” as the theme for the conference. The greatest variety of approaches and methods in the research into the etheric and in understanding eurythmy therapy are to be presented to a large number of people. In the ninth lecture of 18 April 1921 in the second medical course (GA 313) Rudolf Steiner describes the path of knowledge starting from sensory perception and progressing towards the supersensory stages of knowledge of imagination, inspiration and intuition as they relate to human development and eurythmy therapy. This approach will inform both the keynote presentations in the morning and the following interdisciplinary working groups. The specialist courses in the afternoon will undoubtedly also be enhanced as a result. Each working day in its diversity will be framed by the cosmic forms and rhythms which were implemented in the first Goetheanum building. Let our observation of the past and the future, across countries and borders, as well as the commemoration of the dead, contribute to the ability of our worldwide therapeutic community to continue to develop through what connects us: the love of eurythmy therapy and the Goetheanum as the place of spiritual encounter endowed by Rudolf Steiner.

Dr Michaela Glöckler for the Medical Section. Angelika Jaschke for the International Coordination of the Eurythmy Therapy Forum.

For the preparatory group: Dr. Wilburg Keller Roth, Elke Neukirch, Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir, Dr. Johannes Weinzirl and the organising team

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WORKING GROUPS Tuesday to Friday, 11.15–12.30

1. Eurythmy therapy as a path to train perceptual ability. How does our

perception change through specific eurythmy exercises? How can

eurythmy/eurythmy therapy become a path for training the four levels of

perceptual ability? Practical exercises will deepen and bring to life the

subject of the morning lectures. Jan Mergelsberg, physician, Bad Liebenzell,

DE; Dr med. Gudrun Merker, eurythmy therapist, Illmensee, DE; (German).

2. Dynamic forces and case histories as the basis for determining therapy.

It is the task of the eurythmy therapist and physician to find a therapy which

does justice both the typical nature of an illness and the individuality of the

patient. In order to find perspectives in this regard we will concern ourselves

among other things with what Rudolf Steiner said about eurythmy therapy

in the case histories of the Clinical and Therapeutic Institute. Elena Fürnrohr,

physician, Regensburg, DE; Norman Kingeter, eurythmy therapist, Basel, CH;

(German, French, English).

3. Formative forces in eurythmy and in the organism. Together we aim to

investigate the Cosmic Word as it is reflected in the etheric aspect of

eurythmy and eurythmy therapy as far down as into the physical aspect of

the human organism. The aim is to obtain a deeper understanding of the

medicine of eurythmy therapy. Angelika Stieber-Pelikan, eurythmy therapist,

Liestal, CH; Dr med. Barbara Zaar, physician, Sindelfingen, DE; (German).

4. Working with tone eurythmy therapy (intervals) in connection with the

keynote presentations. Physiological and spiritual developmental processes

in their relationship with the intervals. How are internalisation, perception

and the development of consciousness revealed as treatment perspectives

in the human being and music? Basis: ninth lecture from Illness and Therapy,

GA 313 and the lectures Das Tonerlebnis des Menschen, GA 283.

Dr med. Wolfgang Rißmann, psychiatrist, Hamburg, DE; Christiane Rust,

eurythmy therapist, Arlesheim, CH; (German).

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5. The sound lives in me as I live in it – stages in the growth of awareness

of the luminous and sounding healing power of the word. Which forces

take effect through colour and form? What releases the actual healing

power of the sound and what is the role of consciousness in the healing

process in contrast to mystical-visionary experience? We will investigate

these questions through exercises and cognition. Elke Neukirch, eurythmy

therapist, Bexbach, DE; Tatiana Garcia-Cuerva, physician with eurythmy

therapy training, Arlesheim, CH; (German).

6. Practising consonants and imagination – practising vowels and

inspiration. How can I grasp movement, feeling and character to transform

a consonant movement into an imagination. Elke Elisabeth von Laue,

eurythmy therapist, nurse, Niefern, DE; Sergio Quintana, physician,

Filderstadt, DE; (German, Spanish).

7. The formative forces. The three cosmic formative forces of “shaping, separating and consolidating” form the human organism out of the spirit. They are concealed as “movement, feeling and character” in the way sounds are formed in eurythmy. They re-acquire a healing action in the eurythmy therapy movement if these basic elements are consciously practised. Ellen Schneider, eurythmy therapist, Münster, DE; Dr med. Hans Broder von Laue, physician, Niefern, DE; (German, English).

8. Training perception of the action of the forces in eurythmy therapy. We

will develop on the basis of perception how in viewing the eurythmy therapy

exercises criteria are evident for assessing the efficacy of the respective

exercise with regard to the application area referred to in the lectures.

Practical exercises. Dr med. Björn Riggenbach, physician, Neuchâtel, CH;

Franziska Brem, eurythmy therapist, Contra, CH; (German).

9. From what has come into being to what will come into being. How can we obtain indicators regarding treatments using eurythmy through observation of morphological forms? Manja Wodowoz-de Boon MA, eurythmy therapist, Leiden, NL; Dr med. Paul Werthmann, physician, Heidenheim an der Brenz, DE; (German, English, Dutch).

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10. Sense of movement and awareness of movement. Working on the

meaning of movement as a sensory process related to language; developing

the sound forms of babbling (third to tenth month); practicing the

recreation of the basic forms of foreign language sound forms in eurythmy.

Dr med. Hans Jürgen Scheurle, physician, lecturer, author, Badenweiler, DE;

Barbara Lampe, eurythmy therapist, eurythmy training director, Lahnhöhe,

DE; (German, English).

11. The movement of colours and the higher levels of cognition. We wish

to invite you to a joint cognition and movement workshop and to attempt to

reflect on and think of the colours in eurythmy (therapy) in the context of

phenomena in physics, medicine and psychology as well as the four

cognitive stages (sensation, imagination, inspiration, intuition). Dr. med.

univ. Johannes Weinzirl, physician, scientist, Herdecke, DE; Hana Giteva,

eurythmy therapist, Prague, CZ; (Czech, German, Italian).

12. Treatment options in chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia in the light of

lecture VII. The workshop will use Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and

Fibromyalgia (FM) as a means to respond to and engage questions arising

from each mornings lecture. It will include the pathogenesis of CFS/FM in

relation to the threefold organisation and explore eurythmy therapeutic

strategies. Keywords: warmth organism, rhythms of sleep, resilience. Ingrid

Hermansen, eurythmy therapist, Greenwich, UK; Dr med. David McGavin,

GP, Greenwich, UK; (English).

13. Imagination and embryonic organ development as the basis for

eurythmy therapy. We aim to find our own path to the healing sounds on

the basis of the creative imaginations of embryonic organ development. In

interchange with the patient we will seek them in observing the individual

dynamic in the nervous, rhythmical and metabolic systems and in the four

organ systems of heart, lungs, kidneys and liver. Libertad Aguilar MA,

eurythmy therapist, Medellin, Colombia; Dr med. Siegward-Markus Elsas,

neurologist, Arlesheim, CH; (German, Spanish).

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14. The ill skin – boundary with the world – mirror of the soul – soul

gymnastics. Using “I think speech” we will work in four phases on how we

can act on the physical, etheric and astral body and on the I organisation.

Through practice we can become so active in our soul that the skin no

longer needs to react and can regenerate. Noëmi Böken, eurythmy therapist,

Salem, DE; Dr med. Insa Sikken, physician, Liebenswiller, FR; (German,

English, Dutch).

15. Four stages of knowledge using the example of the sequence LAOUM and “I think speech”. 1. Experience of the human being in space (“I think speech”) and the therapeutic essence of the eurythmy forms. 2. Experience of the consonants in building the human body (evolution series). 3. Evolution of the human soul through the experience of different vowel series. 4. Therapeutic word (sequence) - L A O U M. Marina Rykina MSc, physician, Saint Petersburg, RU; Olga Rozanova, master’s degree, eurythmist, Saint Petersburg, RU; Margo Denisova MSc, Saint Petersburg, RU; (English, Russian).

16. Study of the descending hardening and ascending enlightening paths

with regard to the skeleton. Study of the formative hardening forces with

regard to our hardest structure, the human skeleton, essential for

countering gravity as well as the foundation of the “path of enlightenment”.

How are our bones formed? Which spiritual-physical pathology underlies

frequent problems such as bone fractures or osteoporosis? Which eurythmy

exercises can support healing?

Ursula Browning, eurythmy therapist, Stroud, UK; Dr med. Pieter

Wildervanck, physician, Arlesheim, CH (German, English).

17. The active principles of the big vowel exercises. The inversion of the ear

and back of the head into the laryngeal speech organisation (first lecture)

provides the basis for understanding how the triad of “speaking -

performing eurythmy - inward hearing” becomes therapeutically effective in

human beings. Dr med. Armin Husemann, physician, Filderstadt, DE; Pirrko

Ollilainen, eurythmy therapist, Filderstadt, DE; (German).

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18. The human being as a temple of language. The seventh lecture of the

eurythmy therapy course as the basis for understanding illness and the

therapeutic process. Dr med. Sheila Grande, physician, Rio de Janeiro, BR;

Renate Nisch MA, eurythmy therapist, São Paulo, BR; (German, Spanish).

19. Efficacy through awareness. Differential diagnosis, differential therapy,

treatment examples. Imagination: the effect of the etheric body on physical

deformities through inner imaging. Inspiration: the effect of the soul entity

on the etheric entity through soul-spiritual hearing. Intuition: the effect on

“hereditary diseases” through the activity of the I in comprehending what

has been heard through doing. Julia Veil, specialist for internal medicine and

cardiology, Bruckfelden, DE; Dr med. Sabine Sebastian, eurythmy therapist,

Illmensee, DE; (German).

20. Inner and outer aspects of hearing with explorations in tone eurythmy.

In this working group, we will be looking at aspects of the outer hearing on

the basis of the ear and its anatomical and physiological characteristics. We

will then continue exploring the inner hearing. Through exercises in tone

eurythmy we will go through the processes of perception, imagination,

inspiration and intuition. Isabelle Ommert, physician, Herdecke, DE; Shaina

Stoehr, eurythmy therapist, Stroud, UK (English).

21. Practising and deepening the eurythmy therapy movement. We will

practise and deepen the eurythmy and eurythmy therapy movement with

regard to its therapeutic efficacy, including the sounding tone as the origin

and carrier of the movement. Dr med. Irene Peltzer, physician, Lörrach, DE;

Sonja Bergengrün, eurythmy therapist, Bad Liebenzell, DE; (German).

22. Forming consonants in eurythmy therapy. Using the account in the third and fourth lecture of the eurythmy therapy course, we will examine and practise how the four aspects of sensory perception, imagination, inspiration and intuition can be found in the metamorphosis of the consonant movements in eurythmy therapy and be eurythmically realised. Dr med. Wilburg Keller Roth, general practitioner, Basel, CH; Ursula Heusser, eurythmy therapist, Witten, DE; (German).

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23. Healing our physiology with help from the cosmos. This workshop will

look to explore how eurythmy therapy approaches the differences between

the usage of the vowel and the consonant in relation to their mirroring

organs. Andrea Damico MA, eurythmy therapist, masters in education and

eurythmy therapy, Nottingham, UK. Stefan Geider, medical doctor

(GP), Aberdeen, UK; (English, Dutch).

SPECIALIST COURSES Tuesday to Friday, 17.00–18.30

24. Professional hygiene and professional esotericism. “... Not until the

earth is a star am I truly a human being.” In this specialist course we will

seek to approach the source out of which eurythmy therapists themselves

can “refuel” to become the “model” for the patient. The aim is to exchange

exercises, experience their effect and take our own individual exercise

programme home with us. Prof. Annette Weißkircher, Bornheim, DE;


25. The Dionysian element in eurythmy therapy. This is a workshop

seminar which is being held in collaboration with Andreas Meyer (author of

Nietzsche und Dionysos, auf der Suche nach den Lebenskräften (Nietzsche

and Dionysus, the Search for the Life Forces)). We will study the question as

to how the movements of the consonants in eurythmy therapy obtain their

healing power. We will investigate and practise the role which the Dionysian

element plays in this. Barbara Lampe, eurythmy therapist, Frücht, DE;

Andreas Meyer, therapist, lecturer, author, Berlin, DE; (German, English).

26. Basic elements of tone eurythmy therapy. Practising the basic elements

of tone eurythmy therapy for internal diseases (rheumatism, cardiovascular

diseases, lungs, diabetes etc.) as well as medical contributions on the clinical

pictures. Dr med. Eva Streit, physician, Arlesheim, CH; Annemarie Bäschlin,

eurythmy therapist, Erlenbach, CH; (German, English).

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10 • World Eurythmy Therapy Conference

Monday, 16 May Tuesday, 17 May Wednesday, 18 May

The plenary events are held in German with simultaneous translation into English, French, Italian, Russian and Spanish

08.00–08.40 Eurythmy in groups

parallel event Singing, nature and building observation

08.00–08.40 Eurythmy in groups

parallel event Singing, nature and building observation

15.00–16.00 Arrival/registration 17.00–18.00 17th class lesson (DE, EN, ES, RU)

parallel event

Introduction to the School of Spiritual Science (DE, EN)

09.00–10.30 Keynote presentation The human beings and space Philipp Busche

09.00–10.30 Keynote presentation Sound forces in human development Wilburg Keller-Roth

10.30–11.15 Break 10.30–11.15 Break

11.15–12.30 Working groups

11.15–12.30 Working groups

12.30–15.00 Lunch break 12.30–15.00 Lunch break

15.00–16.00 Country group gathering

15.00–16.00 Initiatives & methods Open space

16.00–17.00 Break 16.00–17.00 Break

17.00–18.30 Specialist courses

17.00–18.30 Specialist courses

20.00 Conference start 18.30–20.00 Evening break 18.30–20.00 Evening break 20.00-22.00 Welcome Lecture Seeing karma – healing karma Sabine Sebastian Musical conclusion

20.00–21.30 Plenary session What has brought us here? Commemoration of the dead Saturn seal

20.00–21.30 Eurythmy performance Goetheanum Stage Sun and Moon seal

Followed by Night café

Followed by Night café

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World Eurythmy Therapy Conference • 11

Thursday, 19 May Friday, 20 May Saturday, 21 May

08.00–08.40 Eurythmy in groups

parallel event Singing, nature and building observation

08.00–08.40 Eurythmy in groups

parallel event Singing, nature and building observation

08.00–08.40 Eurythmy in groups

parallel event Singing, nature and building observation

09.00–10.30 Keynote presentation The physiology of inspiration Armin Husemann

09.00–10.30 Keynote presentation The therapeutic word Matthias Sauer

09.00–10.30 Concluding reflection Michaela Glöckler Plenary discussion Venus seal

10.30–11.15 Break 10.30–11.15 Break 10.30–11.15 Break 11.15–12.30 Working groups

11.15–12.30 Working groups

11.15–12.30 The Foundation Stone verse and its rhythms

12.30–15.00 Lunch break 12.30–15.00 Lunch break 12.30 End of conference Initiatives & methods Open space

Initiatives & methods Reflective discussions (4 plenums)

16.00–17.00 Break 16.00–17.00 Break 17.00–18.30 Specialist courses

17.00–18.30 Specialist courses

18.30–20.00 Evening break 18.30–20.00 Evening break 20.00–21.30 Contributions In various languages Mars and Mercury seal Followed by Festival of cultures Movement and encounter

20.00–21.30 Humorously eurythmical Plenary session Working groups review Jupiter seal

Subject to change!

Followed by Night café

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27. “Perceptual consciousness” – “imaging” and the indications about forming consonantal sounds as active factors in eurythmy therapy. The effectiveness of some clear instructions from Rudolf Steiner about the consonants in eurythmy therapy (inner perception, tinging, imaging) will be investigated. Then we will look at the connection between consonants and the life processes as indicated by Steiner in the seventh lecture. Barbara Trapp MA, eurythmy therapist and dipl.- psychologist, Berlin, DE;. (German). 28. La somatisation de l’enfant sous le regard diagnostique eurythmique. L’observation de l’enfant sous le regard diagnostique de l’eurythmie. -L’imagination, 1e outil d’observation, grâce à la vision artistique du monde. -L’eurythmie thérapeutique du jeune enfant, en relation avec ses parents. -La loi pédagogique adaptée à la thérapie. - L’intuition de la thérapie, comment naît elle ? Pratique et cas cliniques. Brigitte Laloux, Eurythmiste thérapeute, Art Therapist dance, Gymnnast Bothmer, aquaral painter, Lutry, CH; (French).

29. Learning to cope with stress. We will introduce vital eurythmy as an anti-

stress method and in doing so will demonstrate how the dynamic force fields of

the sounds can be used to strengthen regeneration. The concept of vital

eurythmy comprises the content of stress research which we combine with

specific practice approaches and the exercise of mindfulness. Christiane

Hagemann, eurythmy therapist, vital eurythmist, Hamburg, DE; Michael Werner,

eurythmist, Hamburg, DE; (German, English).

30. Meeting the challenge of developmental issues with therapeutic eurythmy.

We will examine the connection of developmental terminology, which is based

on the physiological systems of our physical body, with the four bodily senses,

the four elements and the four members of the human being. With case studies

we will see how specific ET gestures and exercises work in consolidating cosmic

forces into the human organism. Dale Robinson, BA in physiology and

behavioural biology, eurythmy therapist, Oakland, USA; (English).

31. Eurythmy therapy with cancer patients. Exercises and experiences in daily

clinical and outpatient eurythmy therapy work. Erdmuthe D. Worel, eurythmy

therapist, Arlesheim, CH; (German).

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World Eurythmy Therapy Conference • 13

32. Perspectives arising from the anthroposophical understanding of the

human being and methodological perspectives on eurythmy therapy with

children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Autism phenomena.

Medical perspectives and perspectives arising from the anthroposophical

understanding of the human being. From practice: what can we observe in the

movement picture? Forms of communication and methodological paths in

eurythmy therapy work. Possibilities and limits of ET. A keynote presentation

each day followed by the reciprocal exchange of experiences, discussion and

movement. Gabriele Lang, eurythmy therapist, Hochwald, CH; (German).

33. The seven main metals in the cosmos, human beings and therapy.

Contribution on the subject and discussion. The planetary spheres form the

spiritual background to the metals on earth. Used in the right way, they become

medicines in human beings which can support changes down as far as the

depths of the human individuality. What’s is the essence of the main metals?

What is their relationship to the planets and how should we understand their

effect on human beings? Lara Wolf, assistant physician, Filderstadt, DE; Dr med.

Paul Werthmann, physician, Heidenheim, DE; Christoph Holtermann, physician,

Potsdam, DE; Philipp Busche, physician, Arlesheim, CH (German).

34. The four stages of higher knowledge as perceptual qualities in a diagnostic

process. Motivated by study of Rudolf Steiner’s Truth Wrought Words “See, my

eye..., see, my heart..., see, my soul..., see, my spirit...” we will use observation

of an image and the example of a eurythmy therapy sound movement to

differentiate and practise four cognitive stages as perceptual qualities. Kaspar

Zett, eurythmy therapist, Dornach, CH; Beate von Plato, eurythmy therapist,

Basel, CH; (German, English).

35. The seven life processes in relation to eurythmy therapy. The seven life

processes, described as such for the first time by Rudolf Steiner, show the

mechanism by which physical, soul and spiritual life take place. But they also

indicate when life processes are impaired or have turned pathological. We aim

to make this productive for eurythmy therapy. Dr med. Michaela Glöckler, head

of the Medical Section, Dornach, CH; (German, English, Spanish).

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14 • World Eurythmy Therapy Conference

36. Eurythmy therapy for malposition of the jaw. Brief introduction to the

various malpositions and the corresponding eurythmy therapy exercises.

Mareike Kaiser MSc, eurythmy therapist, Graz, AT; (German, English).

37. The child at the Rubicon. Eurythmy therapy assistance for this

developmental step of the 9-year-old child. Margrit Hitsch-Schindler, eurythmy

therapist, Ittigen, CH; Beat Nopper, eurythmy therapist, Zollikofen, CH;


38. The collaboration between the physician and eurythmy therapist.

Perception – imagination – inspiration – intuition using the example of patients,

their diagnosis and therapies. Sigrid Gerbaldo, eurythmy therapist, Chesallet die

Sarre, IT; Dr med. Gudrun Merker, physician and eurythmy therapist, Illmensee,

DE; (German, Italian).

39. Eye eurythmy therapy for glaucoma. Eye eurythmy therapy for glaucoma with increased or low intraocular pressure. Rudolf Steiner called “glaucoma asthma in the eye”. In practicing the sounds, we will attempt to perceive the relationship between movement and etheric breath in sight. Margret Thiersch, eurythmy therapist, Dornach, CH; (German, English).

40. Consciously recognising and grasping the first four ethers as a fundamental

experience of the power of the Logos. Developing conscious distinction and

embracing the first 4 etheric forces as a base experience for the Logos power.

This includes rod exercises, lemniscate movements relating to the ethers,

planetary and zodiacal gestures based on what is dynamic. The exercises are to

help with new therapeutic eurythmy insights, inspired through M. Spock’s work.

Michael Chapitis, eurythmy therapist, Toronto, CA; (English).

41. Modelling and cosmic forces using the example of dental development. We

will consider dental development in the light of the anthroposophical

understanding of the human being using the lecture of 28 October 1922. The

modelling and cosmic forces come to expression not only in dental development

but also in the whole of the digestion. Thus eurythmy therapy can be prescribed

for each patient individually for disorders in dental development. Dr med.

Ricardo Andreas Torriani, physician, Winterthur, CH; (German).

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42. Questions concerning the dialogue between the physician and therapist? In

conversation we will take a closer look at the necessity and possible forms of

therapeutic dialogue. Dr med. Mathias Sauer, physician, Bad Liebenzell, DE.

(German, English).

43. The voice and speech of the eurythmy therapist. How can I recognise that

the way I breath in speech is healthy? The effect of “free speech” on the

movement quality of eurythmy. Speech and hearing exercises with individual

suggestions and corrections. Perception, imagination, inspiration, intuition in

speech. Dr phil. Serge Maintier:, creative speech practitioner, linguist, Freiburg,

DE; (German).

44. “Spiritual science is real research and goes for the phenomena.” (Rudolf

Steiner, 23.4.1919, GA 192 p. 48). Movement phenomena in eurythmy: selected

exercises. The meaning of the three pairs of wings of the human being: the

wings of the consonants, vowels and words. Connections with the zodiac in the

human body: examples of their relevance for eurythmy therapy. Breathing in

eurythmy therapy: the challenge from the eurythmy therapy course. Theodor

Hundhammer, eurythmy therapist, Epsach, CH; (German, English).

45. From eurythmy to eurythmy therapy – working with the very elderly. This

course will deal with the encounter in movement – how can eurythmy and

eurythmy therapy provide an answer to the needs of the very elderly; what do

the community and the individual need, also with regard to the waning life

forces as well as the approaching crossing of the threshold. Practical exercises

and discussion between colleagues in conversation. Thilo Riebold, eurythmy

therapist, Berlin, DE; (German).

46. Stimulating and calming sequences. As early as 1912 Rudolf Steiner

described the therapeutic effect of sequences of consonants to Lori Maier Smits.

He explained what we have come to know as the calming and stimulating

sequences. In the following years he elaborated on these consonants from many

different angles, culminating in the eurythmy therapy course. We can rediscover

the power of consonants in our work. Mary Ruud, therapeutic eurythmist,

masters in liberal study (MLS) therapeutic eurythmy, Milwaukee, USA; (German,


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16 • World Eurythmy Therapy Conference

47. How can the human constitution be treated with eurythmy therapy. Each

person has their individual constitution which is permeated by the constitution

of their folk group. There are great differences between people from different

countries. On top of this lies the constitution of humanity both positively and

negatively. The e-media leave their traces in the whole of the world. I have

developed well-known and less well-known eurythmy therapy exercises against

their negative influence which I would like to present as an impulse to heal the

consciousness of humanity! Uzo Kempe, eurythmy therapist, Berlin, DE.

(German, English, Italian, Dutch).

48. How do I obtain a diagnosis of the human constituent elements and what

needs to be done to heal them? The diagnosis of the human constituent

elements is the prerequisite for therapeutic treatment. It combines the various

therapies and integrates them into a therapeutic “system of anthroposophic

medicine”. In our course we will work on the typological diagnosis of the human

constituent elements using common clinical pictures, study the principles of

therapy and focus on the collaboration between eurythmy therapy and medical

treatment. Dr med. Matthias Girke, physician, Berlin, DE; (German, English,


49. Applied eurythmy therapy research. Research with its many facets and

methods can be fun! It allows us to reflect on current therapeutic principles,

creates confidence through a deeper view of connections which were hitherto

unrecognised, allows for new questions to be asked as a result and builds

knowledge (“science”). We will present current research results as well as

scientific methods which can be used both in our own practice and in

therapeutic communities. Dr med. Jan Vagedes, physician, Filderstadt, DE; Prof.

Dr med. Arndt Büssing, physician, Herdecke, DE; Dr med. Johannes Weinzirl,

physician, , Herdecke, DE; Eduard Helmert, physician, Filderstadt, DE (German,


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World Eurythmy Therapy Conference • 17

Country group gathering Tuesday, 15.00–16.00

We are making available a space to become acquainted with one another,

support and promote collaboration and work on important questions:

How are we doing in our country?

What support do we want and need?

What are our difficulties and opportunities?

What are our strengths?

How can we help one another?

Thus a platform will be created for initiatives and collaboration across countries;

separated into seven areas: Central Europe, Southern Europe, Northern Europe,

Eastern Europe, South America, North America/South Africa and Asia/Oceania.

(Lists for registration at the Information Desk)

Gathering of practice fields – opportunities to meet one another

and exchange views Wednesday to Friday, 14.00–14.30

Wednesday School and the elderly Thursday Curative education/social therapy and clinics Friday Independent practice and first septennium (kindergarten)

(Lists for registration at the Information Desk. No registration required)

Initiatives & methods Wednesday–Friday, 15.00–16.00

Presentation of 14 different methodological approaches

Four initiatives share their work with interested colleagues

Presentation of research results and master’s theses

Space for walks (Eremitage, Klinik Arlesheim AG, Weleda and much more)

Time for free and spontaneous initiatives

(See brochure Initiatives & Methods at the Information Desk. No registration


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18 • World Eurythmy Therapy Conference


The plenary events will be simultaneously interpreted into English, French, Italian, Russian

and Spanish. Anyone who wants translation into their language other than the languages

shown is kindly requested to bring a translator with them from their country. We are happy

to offer this “translation participant” a complimentary ticket. In such an event please inform

the conference organisers by email ([email protected]) in good time.


Using the attached form, please send your registration if possible by 2 May 2016 to the

following address by email, fax or letter: Goetheanum Empfang, Postfach, 4143 Dornach,

Switzerland. Tel. +41 (0)61 706 44 44, fax +41 (0)61 706 44 46, [email protected].

Conference fee

The costs for the conference (without meals) are CHF 390, concessions CHF 270 and for

students CHF 110. Please enclose a copy of your proof of status with your registration.

Allowable hours comprising further training

40.8 hours at 45 minutes

30.6 hours at 60 minutes

Donations (not to be used for remittance of the conference fee)

We are grateful to everyone who contributes with their donation to helping compensate for the price reductions and contributions to travel costs. Bank details CH: Allg. Anthr. Ges., Med. Sektion, IBAN CH53 8093 9000 0010 0605 6 – BIC: RAIFCH22, Purpose: WHE 2016 Bank details DE and international: Med. Sektion, Förderstiftung AM, IBAN DE92 6839 0000 0000 9707 60 – BIC: VOLODE66, Purpose: WHE 2016

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Booking FormThe Art of Healing on the Basis of the Science of the Life ForcesWorld Eurythmy Therapy Conference of the Medical Sectionat the Goetheanum from Monday, 16 to Saturday, 21 May 2016Booking closes: Monday, 2 May 2016Please complete the booking form and mail, fax or email to:Goetheanum Empfang, Postfach, CH-4143 DornachFax + 41 61 706 4446, Tel. + 41 61 706 4444 email [email protected] fill out in block capitals! Ms MrName, first name ______________________________________________________________________________________Billing address private address address of institutionName of institution ______________________________________________________________________________________Street, no ______________________________________________________________________________________Town ______________________________________________________________________________________Postcode ______________________________________________________________________________________Country ______________________________________________________________________________________Phone/fax ______________________________________________________________________________________Email ______________________________________________________________________________________Occupation ______________________________________________________________________________________I need translation into English French Italian Russian SpanishConference ticket without meals CHF 500 (with sponsorship¹) CHF 390 (regular price) CHF 270 (concessions²) CHF 110 Students³

Conference ticket with meals (4x lunch, 4x evening meal) CHF 700 (with sponsorship¹) CHF 590 (regular price) CHF 470 (concessions²) CHF 310 Students³Breakfast (5x) CHF 75Working Groups 1st choice, no __________ 2nd choice⁴, no __________ 3rd choice⁴, no __________Specialist Courses 1st choice, no __________ 2nd choice⁴, no __________ 3rd choice⁴, no __________Group accommodation If you need group accommodation, please contact [email protected] at the Goetheanum Parking permit: CHF 32Insurance Cancellation insurance (5% of the total costs, CHF 10 minimum) See cancellation conditions in the General Information

Payment methods on invoice (only Switzerland and Euro zone)Credit card (all countries) Visa MasterCardCard number: __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ Expiry date: __ __ / __ __

I would like to receive the biannual programme of Goetheanum events (in German).

I agree to the terms of payment and cancellation.

__________________________________________________________________________________________Place, date, signature

¹ Should you be in a position to pay an additional amount, this would help to cover the costs of the conference and support the work of the section.² Concessions apply for OAPs, the unemployed, military or civil service and people with disabilities who receive benefits. Proof of status has to be submitted with your booking form.³ For students, schoolchildren, those in training. Proof of status has to be submitted with your booking form.⁴ When registering, your first choice is no longer open, is cancelled or will be cancelled, your second and third choice will be taken into account. If your first, second or third choice is full, we will try to contact you. Please look for updated information at the start of the conference. Terms and Conditions will be sent on request or can be accessed online at


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General InformationThe Art of Healing on the Basis of the Science of the Life ForcesWorld Eurythmy Therapy Conference of the Medical Sectionat the Goetheanum from Monday, 16 to Saturday, 21 May 2016Booking closes: Monday, 2 May 2016Conference fees: With sponsorship¹: CHF 500 with meals: CHF 700 Regular price: CHF 390 with meals: CHF 590 Concessions²: CHF 270 with meals: CHF 470 Students³: CHF 110 with meals: CHF 310Conference mealsConference meals (vegetarian with dessert) include 4x lunch and 4x evening meal at CHF 200 in total. Breakfast (5x) can be booked separately at CHF 75. The other meals cannot be booked separately. We regret that food intolerances cannot be catered for.Parking permitfor the period of the conference: CHF 32 (not right next to the Goetheanum building). Please display your disabled badge in your car.Methods of payment/confirmation On receipt of a group application, the respective institution will receive the account for the group. Subse-quent bookings can only be applied for and paid on an individual basis.Credit cards (all countries): The full amount will be charged to your credit card as soon as your booking has been processed. You will receive postal or email confirmation of your booking and payment.Invoice Switzerland: Confirmation of booking and an invoice will be sent to you once your booking has been processed. Please note that we only send out invoices up until 10 days before the beginning of an event. After that, payment is only possible by credit card or on arrival.Invoice Eurozone: Confirmation of booking and an invoice will be sent to you once your booking has been processed (Euro account). Please note that we only send out invoices up until 14 days before the beginning of an event. After that, payment is only possible by credit card or on arrival.Other countries: Once your booking has been processed you will receive a confirmation by post or email. The amount due will either be charged to your credit card or you can pay on arrival. Bank transfers are not possible.Please note that the conference fee must be paid before the conference starts.Conference tickets: Tickets can be collected at Reception until half an hour before the conference starts, also if you pay on arrival. We accept cash (Euro and CHF), VISA, MasterCard, ec-direct and Postcard-Schweiz.Cancellation: Bookings may be cancelled free of charge up to 14 days prior to the begin of the confe-rence (2.5.2016, date of posting). After that, 50% of the conference fee will be charged. Meals, breakfast and parking permit may be cancelled free of charge up to 1 day prior to the begin of the conference (15.5.2016). Cancellation on the day when the conference begins or failure to attend are subject to a 100% invoice total. Substitutes will be accepted at no extra cost.Cancellation insurance: Subject to a payment of 5% of total costs (CHF 10 minimum) full cancellation insurance can be taken out to cover illness (including dependent children and partner), job loss and force majeure. Please ask for our terms of insurance or visit processing: All data will be electronically recorded and filed._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Guest Houses and Goetheanum AccommodationAccommodation bureau rooms from CHF 50 phone +41 61 706 44 45, [email protected] Friedwart from CHF 75, about 5 min. walk to the Goetheanum phone +41 61 706 42 82, www.friedwart.chBegegnungszentrum from CHF 30, about 10 min. walk to the Goetheanum phone +41 61 706 42 82, [email protected] are per person per night. Prices for accommodation cannot be guaranteed.Further accommodations you can find on our website: