World Book Day 2011 reading survey

World Book Day 2011 Survey In March 2011 the St Columba’s College English Department blog, , invited visitors to fill in an online form about their reading preferences. Included was ‘If I had to recommend one book, it would be…’ Hundreds of people from around the world suggested books, and here are some of the recommendations as they appeared on SCC English. Lisa: The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Zafon The Shadow of the Wind was able to depict beautiful and extraordinary characters. Zafon was able to intertwine historical fiction, romance, mystery, a thriller and a coming of age novel splendidly. I would say this would be my all-time number one book. Anonymous: Le Grand Meaulnes by Alain-Fourner Gently inspiring book - never leaves you once it's read. mscoxenglish: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee This is a story that amuses and thrills, mystifies and enlightens, warms your heart and stokes your anger. It's a must for any avid reader. Liam C : The Glass Room by Simon Mawer Beautifully written with excellently drawn characters. It opens up a place and a perspective in WW2 Europe that is an unusual one. Reading this is a strongly visual experience but all the other senses are also challenged to grasp the sense of space and light integral to this place. What is even more interesting is that is a building that exists as a national architectural treasure to this day on the edge of the city of Brno.


Lots of book recommendations from an online survey carried out on

Transcript of World Book Day 2011 reading survey

World Book Day 2011 Survey

In March 2011 the St Columba’s College English Department blog,, invited visitors to fill in an online form about

their reading preferences. Included was ‘If I had to recommend one

book, it would be…’

Hundreds of people from around the world suggested books, and

here are some of the recommendations as they appeared on

SCC English.

Lisa: The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Zafon

The Shadow of the Wind was able to depict beautiful and extraordinary characters. Zafon

was able to intertwine historical fiction, romance, mystery, a thriller and a coming of age

novel splendidly. I would say this would be my all-time number one book.

Anonymous: Le Grand Meaulnes by Alain-Fourner

Gently inspiring book - never leaves you once it's read.

mscoxenglish: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

This is a story that amuses and thrills, mystifies and enlightens, warms your

heart and stokes your anger. It's a must for any avid reader.

Liam C : The Glass Room by Simon Mawer

Beautifully written with excellently drawn characters. It opens up a

place and a perspective in WW2 Europe that is an unusual one. Reading

this is a strongly visual experience but all the other senses are also

challenged to grasp the sense of space and light integral to this place.

What is even more interesting is that is a building that exists as a

national architectural treasure to this day on the edge of the city of



debzanne: The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

It's part romance, part science fiction, part drama, and part adventure,

with a little humor thrown in. When my book club read it, I stayed up the

night before the meeting to finish it, and began crying around 2am

because the characters were just so beautiful. This is anovel when, truly,

the little moments are the most touching; the author does a nice job of

writing them without calling attention to them. In recent years, I've

convinced two men and one woman to read it, and they've all loved it.

Gorgeous book.

Anonymous: The Curative by Charlotte Randall

This book takes place in a cell in Bedlam, and reveals, eventually, why the

narrator/protagonist is there. It is a snapshot too, of the 'medical' practices of the time and

is beautifully written. My only niggle is at the end- the main character is incarcerated in

chains in damp conditions for a long time, yet he walks... I don't buy that bit, but was

absorbed by the rest.

Anonymous: The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak

Haunting, imaginative, and full of truth about one of the darkest periods in human

history. I could not stop reading it.

@dkdykstra: The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

I love how the novel unfolds from the different female characters' points

of view. A man takes his family to Africa to serve as missionaries, then

stays even though the political climate is dangerous. Each segment starts

with narration from the mom, then continues with each sister. The images

they paint are still vivid in my mind (I read the book 10 years ago). The

anger I felt toward the father when I read it is still palpable, too.

Libwithattitude: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

I enjoy reading books set in the 2nd World War and this one kept me enthralled, although

it is quite a long read. It had excitement and sadness and made me cry. I liked that it is

based on fact and would read it again.....but there are so many other books I want to read!

@SpandrewQ: The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas

They say revenge is a dish best served cold. Edmond Dantes serves it sub zero. The way

in which he takes his revenge on those who betray him beggars belief. A must read!

clouter1 : To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Read this when in school and it never really got my attention. Read it 10 years later when

a bit more mature and couldn't put it down, an amazing book! A must-read for everyone.

@matthljones: Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift

Satire at its best. Ever wondered where ‘Yahoo’ came from...?


Dazzld: Skippy Dies by Paul Murray

This is the darkest, funniest book I have read this year. It is laugh-out-

loud funny and achingly sad and captures the teen years in all their


tgaletti: Bill Bryson's Down Under (or if kidlit any book by Michael


Bill Bryson's book about Australia is simply the most hilarious - while

very informative - book I have ever read. I re-read my favorite parts

over and over again. When recommending the book I always warn people not to read the

book in public - it can get embarrassing if you laugh out loud and uncontrollably. The

book is a real treat and will definitely make the reader want to see Australia.

For children I always recommend master storyteller Michael Morpurgo - nothing beats

his amazing stories and I yet have to meet the kid who does not get hooked by his books.

Jenny: War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy

It's a complete novel covering many facets of Russian life before and during the

Napoleonic wars. It has something for everyone - romance, comedy, drama, action and


Anon: The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton

A great book to appeal to teenagers.

Penny: Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams

Unusual: it makes me laugh out loud (horse is brilliant). I love stories which challenge

time - it is very thoughtful.

Anne: The Road by Cormac McCarthy

Brilliantly written. Gripping story that turns your head (and heart) inside

out. Thoughts of McCarthy's world as a possible reality will stay with you

for days/weeks/months after you've put it down. Unforgettable, really.

DonnaDB : To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

I first read Mockingbird as a high school sophomore in the early 60's. It was the first novel

that really engaged me at both a story and a moral level. Later, as a teacher of English, I

taught the novel several times. By then, it was through the lens of the civil rights

movement. Later still, the background of the story started to become a little foreign. In the

Northeast, Jim Crow laws were historic footnotes; civil rights marches almost relegated to

WW II status. However, the novel itself and the character of Atticus Finch have continued

to inspire readers. It is, above all, a story of choosing to do the right thing, regardless of the


Peter Lydon: The Day the Universe Changed, by James Burke

Just such a good read about the modernisation of the world.


Cristina: What Makes Us Human, by Charles Pasternak

Because it is a wonderful combination of scientific data from neurology, evolutionary

psychology and humor!

George: Swimsuit by James Patterson

It is a fast action packed page-turner, which gives the reader little or no choice in making

the decision to put the book down. However it is graphic and not for the squeamish.

Dr Stone: An Ice-Cream War by William Boyd It is a novel set in a

fascinating time and place (East Africa during World War I), brilliantly

written with wonderful use of words and an interestingly structured

approach to time and narrative. The characters are brilliantly drawn and

the evocation of the human condition in all its vagaries is sympathetic

and well conceived.

Mrs Heffernan: Room by Emma Donoghue

If you enjoy books in which the content allows your mind to grapple

and question long after you have finished then this is for you. It, on initial read, begins

playing with your emotions from the first page. It's sad! However it slowly develops into a

happy and occasionally funny, in part, ending. It's about a mother and son living in

captivity after she was abducted many years before. It's set in America, so the subject

matter is quite relevant in view of recent real cases of the same thing there. I can't think of

any one word that will explain to a prospective reader what this book encapsulates -

maybe just 'must read'.

Tristan: 1,000 Years Annoying the French by Stephen Clarke

It's a grown up version of the Horrible Histories I used to read as a child. A very

humorous, and only slightly biased, look at Anglo-French relations for the past thousand


Viva-Bavaria: The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

Anne and her family moved to Amsterdam in 1933 after the Nazis gained power in

Germany, and were trapped by the occupation of the Netherlands, which began in 1940. It

tells the story of a Jewish girl, hiding in a office building, in her early teens and describes

both the joys and torments of daily life. Anne Frank's diary is often said to be "classic" and

a book of contemporary world literature and yet no lesser designation serves. The book

speaks for itself. It gives another perspective to World War II. This is the true story of a

group of people who are living in hope and fear. It is a truly remarkable book.

Emma Dawson: The Graveyard by Neil Gaiman

It's a very clever, witty story which is just a bit different to most.


LizzySiddal: Effi Briest, by Theodor Fontane

It's the best German novel of the nineteenth century .... and knocks the spots off Madame


@antheald: Waterland, by Graham Swift

I wouldn't want to say this is the best book ever, but it caught me at an important time (I

read it in the sixth form) and it tapped into aspects of my life at the time, my having left a

school with the scientific bias of like that of Tom's, the schoolteacher


The novel opened up for me some of the themes and ideas that

would become important in my further studies, my teaching and

indeed my life. It is at one level a crackingly well-told story that can be

seen in the tradition of Dickens (I would later see the connection with

Great Expectations) or, perhaps more closely, Hardy, but it is also very

much a novel of ideas, about the very nature of storytelling and of the

nature of man, who "tells, if only to himself, if only to an audience he is

forced to imagine, a story." Thus I see it as leading me on to other

works that have become favourites and that I considered for my 'desert island' book, by

the likes of Umberto Eco, and Milan Kundera, as well as showing me the way back via the

Victorians to Sterne, Chaucer and beyond.

Simon: The Cherub series

I enjoyed these books and they are very popular now but I only found out about them last

year and I have read twelve books already and I didn't get bored once. The author is

Robert Muchamore for those interested and the names of the books are;

1) The Recruit- 2) Class A- 3) Maximum Security- 4) The killing- 5) Divine Madness 6)Man

Vs Beast- 7) The Fall- 8) Mad Dogs- 9) The Sleepwalker- 10) The General- 11) Brigand MC-

12) Shadow Wave... These books are for ages 12+

Allison: Half the Sky, Nicholas Kristoff

This book is a moving account of the tragedy of human trafficking and the terrible living

conditions of countless women in the developing world. Reading it has made me more

aware of how blessed I am, and has left me looking for ways to make a difference.

Brendy: Diary of a Wimpy Kid, by Jeff Kinney

Margie: To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee

It considers everything- growing up, parents and children, moral and ethical

choices, racism, the "other," suspense, law and order, strength of character,

unselfish love- through rich characters you love and hate and a plot filled

with suspense and emotion. I can't think of much more that could be created

so skilfully within the covers of one book.


CAN : Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout

I loved the writing, the characters, etc. All linger with you long after the

book is over. Several of the stories - "Starving,' "Little Burst," "Incoming

Tide" - have imprinted themselves on my heart. My students have loved

them as well.

Maggie: Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin

Elsewhere could easily fit in the category of coming-of-age novel, but for the problem that

the main character is dead and she is growing younger every day. Still, Liz learns all kinds

of important lessons in Elsewhere! I've never met anyone who didn't enjoy this book, and I

have shared it with nearly 1000 students since it was published.

JY: The Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins

It is a cross between 1984, Mad Max Thunderdome and reality T.V. It grabs you from the

start and then is full of twists and turns. I usually don't like reading series books because

the second and third are usually knock-offs of the first book, but with this series, I could

not stop until I had read all three!

And also recommended by Karen:

I choose this series because it seems to be universally appealing - to readers and non-

readers alike. Some of my students who have never finished a book before on their own

often read this entire series. The story and characters are captivating to people of all ages.

Tweeter of Wit: The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald

As a tale of love and dreams set against a backdrop of recession and

corruption, this is a timeless novel which resonates today as it did in

1920s America. Gatsby is a tragic hero for the twentieth century, and

in Nick Carraway we have the template of the involved narrator.

Some of the imagery is sufficiently beautiful to be moving, and the

lyrical ending is a stunning resolution, following a denouement

which has revealed the moral bankruptcy of many of the characters.

Caragh Little, Head of English, Loreto College Coleraine

Christopher North Jr: Njal's Saga

I love the literature of Iceland. They have the oldest standing sort of democratically elected

parliament, the Althing, which dates back to the ninth century. Their sagas contain bits of

history; they are exciting stories and very novelistic, and Tolkien stole much of Lord of the

Rings from these stories. I could go on to recommend Egil's Saga, The Volsunga Saga, The

Prose Edda (or The Deluding of Gylfi, that does for Germanic myth what Ovid does for

Greek and Roman myth in The Metamorphoses). We learn stuff about the Vikings from

these stories we might never have known.


English Companion Ning Member: Steppenwolf, by Herman Hesse

It is first among equals, since you are only allowed one [recommendation].

Teresa: Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

There's something for everyone in this book-- action, adventure, psychology, friendship,

manipulation, surprise... I've read it and reread it tens of times and every time I like it


Jennifer: Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury

This book never fails to send shivers down my spine. It's beautifully written and poetic,

full of both hope and despair. I never get tired of rereading it and I take something

different away from it every time.

Patricia: The Hours, by Michael Cunningham

A paean to life, love and loss, it made me glad to be alive.

woodrowbound: The Help by Kathryn Stockett

I loved the characters in this story, the historical context, the bigotry from both black and

white women and the sense of justice prevailing... It was a

cracking read and is now being turned into a film. Set in the

1960s, around the time of racial discontent, Dr Martin Luther

King and the KKK, it tells the story of African -American maids

working in white households in Jackson, Mississippi.

The novel is told from the perspective of three characters:

Aibileen Clark, a middle-aged African-American maid who has

spent her life raising white children and has recently lost her

only son; Minny Jackson, an African-American maid who has

often offended her employers despite her family's struggles

with money and her desperate need for jobs; and Eugenia

"Skeeter" Phelan, a young white woman who has recently

moved back home after graduating college to find out her

childhood maid has mysteriously disappeared. These three stories intertwine to explain

how life in Jackson, Mississippi revolves around "the help"; yet they are always kept at a

certain distance because of racial lines.

Adam: Anathem by Neal Stephenson

Martial Art Maths Monks who save the future! This book changed how

I thought about fiction. It is an amazing story, a fantastic adventure, a

sprawling, epic science fiction story. The discovery of the plot, along

with the characters, makes the actual book a fascinating look at maths.

Along with many world theory, quantum mechanics … Also - Martial

Art Maths Monks who save the future! What else do you need to know?


halfajack: Orlando by Virginia Woolf

It's probably the most accessible of Woolf's novels. It is a wonderful piece of fantasy

exploring gender roles and expectations.

@ebd35 : To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

One of the books which should be on everyone's must-read list!

George: The Rabbit Quartet, by John Updike

Outstanding writing, believable characters and memorable scenes. This is an accessible

and absorbing quartet which is highly recommended.

Anonymous: A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry

A brilliant insight into the caste system in India - taking the reader from

rural India into the city through the eyes of two leather workers who try

to buck the system. Their fate is hanging in a very fine balance.

TREE - Alias Grace, by Margaret Atwood

It is an amalgam of so many different genres and from beginning to end is as enigmatic as

the eponymous 'heroine'. A superb read.

Anonymous - Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese

Just finished this book. Very good. Have started to read it all over again! Story of twins

from the time their mother arrived in Africa till their 50th birthday. Very interesting with

some history thrown in (though not very accurate dates).

Laura Nicosia: The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins

This is one of the best series I've EVER read- it is written with a

craftsman's hand and pushes the boundaries of young adult and

dystopian fiction in ways that engage all readers and touch lives.

Kel: Rampant by Diana Peterfreund

The protagonist is a kick-butt teenager named Astrid who fights killer

unicorns and finds herself in the process. I'm always looking for a good

literary role model for my female high school students.

Michael: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society by Mary Ann Schaffer& Anne


It has history, biography and it is a very human book!

emmao: A Room of One's Own, by Virginia Woolf

Simple, easy read, inspiring, contemporary.


Ms Smith: Death and Nightingales by Eugene McCabe

This isn't strictly my favourite book - but a book I think anyone who is

familiar with the Irish landscape should read. Its story startles and moves,

and the characters are simply unforgettable: I have the feeling that they're

lurking low in the ditches of Fermanagh right now.

Neil : Old School, by Tobias Wolff

This novel is a book about the joys of reading and writing, the story it tells is simple yet

profound, and its spare style means that it seems there is not a word in it that is wasted.

@NL_84 : The Silver Linings Playbook, by Matthew Quick

The most "different" book I've read in quite a while! It's not too often that a book grabs me

and refuses to let go, but that's what happened with this delightful novel. Get it, read it,

you won't be disappointed.

healigan: Beowulf

Perfect, intoxicating, authentic, powerful. Just one of my all-time favorite stories. I want to

BE Beowulf. I love that he does not waste time talking, and he is confident without being

arrogant. He is not afraid, NOT AFRAID, ever. He never hesitates. He know what needs to

be done and does it. Life is never that simple now. He is sure, loyal, and invincible: and he

uses his gifts to protect and serve others. If ever the world needed an example of what it

means to be a hero, this is the time. And Beowulf is the hero.

dippy dwynwen : The Crucible by Arthur Miller

It's perfect! Exquisite language, fabulous characters, weighty themes. Plot

and drama all cooked up in a hot, hot crucible.

Jonesey: A Short History of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson

It's an excellent read that looks at the history of scientific discovery as well as

the history of the universe. It's eminently readable and enjoyable. There is also a children's

version of the book; both versions are available in our library!

CarolKW: A Family Affair, by Tony Parsons Good modern day fiction about the trials

and tribulations of three sisters in Britain today.


Anseo a Mhuinteoir : Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery

It's an old classic that as a child I loved and would recommend to anyone in that coming of

age stage. There is not a single character who can come close to Anne Shirley and not a

book in the world can compare in regards to character development, story line and

enjoyment to any young reader or readers reliving their youth!

Eloise-Louise: How To Live: A Life of Montaigne by Sarah Bakewell

The title is, I assume humorous. How to Cook, How to Play Cribbage, How

to Live to a Hundred... How to Live is based on the life and writings of the

16th century essayist Michel de Montaigne. Montaigne, his life, his

times and the philosophy of his Essays are explored by Sarah Bakewell

in a witty and readable way. This book is highly entertaining and quite

persuasive about the big questions. Montaigne loved to think about

how to die - ironic in terms of the title! This was my favourite part of

the book. It seems he was the first person to write about everyday life

and his own feelings in an intimate way.

boscolib : The Happiest Refugee by Anh Do

Why? Because it's a reminder to us that we share a common humanity and we should all

be a little kinder. It's written by an Australian comedian who was also a "boat person". His

brother became Young Australian of the Year. Their journey from Vietnamese refugees to

successful Australians wasn't easy, but Anh tells the story with humour and hope. I'm not

sure if will hit the bookstores in Ireland. I enjoy your tweets - inspiring stuff!

Anonymous: The Alchemist, by Michael Scott

Yeah it's a great book and I recommend it to peoples of all ages!

Anne: anything by Alexander McCall Smith

Life-affirming gentle humour.


AnaT : Nineteen Minutes, by Jodi Picoult

It has everything...tension, believable characters you can relate to, a familiar school setting,

and above all it gives a true insight into the minds of teenagers and what motivates them

to act the way they do. The narrative is pacy and the situations simply

cannot help but keep turning the pages on! I missed that one when I finished it!

Dana Huff: Revolution, by Jennifer Donnelly

I haven't read a book lately that grabbed me so quickly and wouldn't let go

like Revolution. It's a great story with great pop culture references, a smart

heroine, and interesting locales.

@fboss: A Teaspoon and an Open Mind - The Science of Dr. Who by Michael White

Great combination of fact-based science and thoughts on what might be - and you can't

top the Dr.

Mags: A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson

It lets me know where I stand in the universe. I read it again every year once now, and feel

better each time - even though I promptly forget most of the details. The scientific

explanations are accessible and told with gentle irony. I love it.

Scotty : Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo

This book was inspiring to read at a young age. It is a true story about a boy left in the

wilderness. I recommend it to anyone, for this book looks at the lives that other people live

and the huge differences to ours.

tse : Of Marriageable Age by Scott Maas

There are 3 story lines in this that you can't quite connect until ¾ of the

way through. When one character finally catches a glimpse of one of the

other characters you know and love, it's just pure magic!

@fellfromatree: No Time For Goodbyes by Linwood Barclay

The book has a very intricate plot line, and so many twists and turns that I

couldn't bring myself to put it down...I just HAD to know what was

coming next!

CIC: The Housekeeper and the Professor, by Ogawa Yoko

A simple story, beautifully told, about love, loss... and maths!

Anonymous : The Catcher in the Rye by J.D.Salinger.

It's the ultimate coming-of-age novel that every teenager should read. At first it may seem

dated but it deals with the anxieties associated with growing up and finding one's identity

and there is something in Holden that everyone can relate to, regardless of era and



David - : Persona Non Grata, by Jorge Edwards

In 1970 Jorge Edwards was sent by socialist Chilean President Salvador Allende as his

country's first envoy to break the diplomatic blockade that had sealed Cuba for over a

decade. His arrival coincided with the turning point of the Revolution, when Castro began

to repress the very intellectuals he once courted. In Kafkaesque detail, Edwards records

the four explosive months he spent in Havana trying to open a Chilean embassy and his

disenchantment with the revolution.

Naomi : The Phantom Tollbooth, by Norman Jester

I loved this when I was growing up. I enjoyed this book so much with my own boys and

read it a few times on my own. A combination of “delicious” use of language and ideas

that are so true, relate to life so well! One example: a child who grows from top down,

and wonders how we do it our way! The older you get you keep seeing things from a

different perspective when you grow UP but when you grow DOWN your perspective

doesn’t change. What a great discussion-opener with children!

carlaleeB : To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

This book changed my life as a very young person. As a classic it has been loved by many

over the decades but for me it is timeless. It made me aware of injustice and the power of

love and friendship on a global level. It tweaked my interest in and love for both History

and English. The characters wove a spell over me that has not been broken to this day. I

have re-read it many times and secretly cherish the moments when a pupil I teach

discovers its magic. I have some wonderful artistic representations of the novel and its

many themes that were created by students adorning my classroom wall. Students always

ask about the book. There are many truly great books in the world but for me it's this one

from my childhood that lingers still.

Vicky Loras : Istanbul, by Orhan Pamuk

I love this book for the reason that Pamuk does not only describe the city as

if you would only go to travel there. He describes his whole life there, the

history, the customs and mentality. I fell in love with this city just by

reading the book!