Workshop: Main Learning Areas€¦ · Workshop: Main Learning Areas Integrating Educational Goals,...

Authentic Learning with ICTs - Tom March page - 1 Workshop: Main Learning Areas Integrating Educational Goals, Effective Pedagogies, ICTs & Personal Learning Welcome Getting Tech details sorted / Posting Goals to the White board Intro to Course WebQuest Using our Online Network Web 2.0 as a Concept Proposing Harmony: MCEETYA, “Developing” School goals, best pedagogies, interesting ICT tools Core Activity Formats Managing Information Bookmarks: Delicious, Scootle, Diigo, Clipmarks, RSS: Pageflakes Media: YouTube, iTunes, TED, Your Digital Workspace Learning Community: Facebook, Ning Resource Spaces: Wordpress Digital Productions Text – blog posts, opinions, research, reflections, Multimedia – Video, audio, tutorials, slideshows, Discussion – Debate, feedback, queries, Action – class lessons, online projects, WebQuests Cool Web 2 tools Weblogs Social networking Social Bookmarking Specific tools: timeliners, video production, virtual environments, Contemporary Learning: Pedagogy, ICTs and Practice Easy as 1, 2, 3 1. Look to Learning 2. ClassPortals WebQuests 3. MyPlace & Other Projects Create Your Own!

Transcript of Workshop: Main Learning Areas€¦ · Workshop: Main Learning Areas Integrating Educational Goals,...

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Workshop: Main Learning AreasIntegrating Educational Goals, Effective Pedagogies, ICTs & Personal Learning

– Welcome– Getting Tech details sorted / Posting Goals to the White board– Intro to Course WebQuest– Using our Online Network– Web 2.0 as a Concept– Proposing Harmony: MCEETYA, “Developing” School goals, best pedagogies,

interesting ICT tools– Core Activity Formats

Managing Information

– Bookmarks: Delicious, Scootle, Diigo, Clipmarks,– RSS: Pageflakes– Media: YouTube, iTunes, TED,

Your Digital Workspace

– Learning Community: Facebook, Ning– Resource Spaces: Wordpress

Digital Productions

– Text – blog posts, opinions, research, reflections,– Multimedia – Video, audio, tutorials, slideshows,– Discussion – Debate, feedback, queries,– Action – class lessons, online projects, WebQuests

Cool Web 2 tools

– Weblogs– Social networking– Social Bookmarking– Specific tools: timeliners, video production, virtual environments,

Contemporary Learning: Pedagogy, ICTs and Practice

Easy as 1, 2, 3

1. Look to Learning

2. ClassPortals WebQuests

3. MyPlace & Other Projects

Create Your Own!

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Module 1 – Course Immersion

Learning ScenarioImagine that a government agency produces a large number of

documents outlining a new vision for teaching and learning, one that

is more in tune with changes currently transforming other professions

and even daily life. Imagine that this agency “got it right”.


How would you make sense of this new direction, survey the

ramifications for your own professional learning and then begin the

task of translating a good vision into “best practice”?

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Module 1 – Course Immersion

Activities– “Web 2.0” terminology– Playing with Web 2 tools– Case Study: Bookmarking, a progression from tools to ?– “Contemporary Learning”– Joining an online space– Decking out your page

Resources– MCEETYA - Digital Education, Contemporary Learning– Blogs and articles featured on Victor’s Members Space

Building Professional KnowledgeContent Understandings Skills Integrations

The MCEETYA goals for“Learning in an OnlineWorld”

The characteristics of“Web 2.0”

Important learningopportunities offeredthrough emergingtechnologies

How emergingtechnologies supportpersonal learning

How emergingtechnologies challengecurrent schooling routines

The potential for bothpositive and negativeimpacts from newertechnologies.

Navigating with a “Web 2”browser

Downloading and usesocial bookmarking

Join a professional socialnetwork and customiseyour homepage

Installing softwareextensions needed totake advantage of onlinelearning

Using Web 2 tools tointeract with coredocuments and peers

Linking useful resourcesto a personally accessibleand editable onlineworkspace

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MCEETYA: Contemporary Learning

– Gliffy -– Xmind share:– -

communication and collaborationmotivation and learner expectationsinteractivityknowledge creation and managementcritical, creative and reflective thinkinglocal and global networksproblem solvingpersonalisationnegotiation and risk-takingassessment

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From MCEETYA’s Learning in an Online World series: “Contemporary Learning” -

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MCEETYA: Achieving Digital Learningfrom Digital Education - Making Change Happen

The MCEETYA document Digital Education – Making Change Happen identifies 10 elementsthat define “Developing”, “Accomplished” and “Leading” Schools. Of these, six can bepromoted through participation in AISV’s Authentic Learning Series.

Participation in the series demonstrates that, at the school level, preconditions exist thathighlight “enabling leadership” and “supporting professional learning”. Besides these twoelements, four more are the focus of the Authentic Learning Series:

Personalising and extending student learning

Personalising and extending student learning refers to the school’s capacity to use ICT toextend and differentiate student learning opportunities, and to support students to manageand direct their learning.

Connecting learning beyond the school

Connecting learning beyond the school refers to the school’s use of ICT to supportcommunication and collaboration with the wider school community, and to connect studentsand staff to external knowledge and learning networks.

Developing measuring and monitoring student ICT capabilities

Developing measuring and monitoring student ICT capabilities refers to how the schoolsupports and collects evidence of students’ confidence, engagement and skill in using ICT,and uses this data to improve learning programs.

Providing, accessing and managing teaching and learning resources

Providing, accessing and managing teaching and learning resources refers to the school’ssystems for planning for, selecting, creating, storing, retrieving, and making use of digitallearning and teaching resources in all learning areas across the school.

ICT Teacher Skills for Authentic Learning

Considers & Understands Uses & Shares Creates & Initiates“Developing” “Accomplished” “Leading”

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Course Intro WebQuestWhat is Web 2.0?

Mini WebQuest juxtaposing Web 1 & Web 2 sites


– Content Provide– Socialite– Software Developer– Information Manager– Marketer– Dataminer

Big Question(s):

– How do relate? What is the 2.0 aspect?– How can they be used for teacher professional learning?– How can they be used for Student Learning?

Group Transformation

– Where’s the Caged Steak Knife?

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Module 2 – Learning to Look

Learning ScenarioWhat if you worked in a profession so altered by new technologies

that the job description seemed to change overnight. One day the

order of business had been, let’s say, that all widgets came out to

the same specifications, one identical and interchangeable to

another. Overnight… the job changed. Now, instead of

standardized widgets, you’re working with gems and your task is to

bring out the highest value in each one. To achieve this requires

great expertise as each one must be treated individually to bring out

its unique lustre and brilliance.

Guess what, “Welcome to your new job…”


The good thing is that although the new job is unlike any you’ve

ever done before, it’s just like what you’ve always been doing…

huh? How can a classroom that used to be for “ teaching,”

transform into a community of self-initiated learners?

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Module 2 – Learning to Look

Activities– The Caged Steak Knife & the Open Source Community (WebQuest Prompt)– Constructing a Pedagogical Scaffold from Alphabet Blocks: SDT, DoL, HoM, IM, C4

– “Look to Learn”– Gathering Resources & Experimenting with Prompts– DIY– Next Steps – Reflection & professional learning: identifying themes, sure fire strategies

Resources–– Blogs and articles featured on Victor’s Members Space

Building Professional KnowledgeContent Understandings Skills Integrations

The three coreelements of Self-Determination Theory.

“Disposition,” itselements and the roleof “teaching”

Locations for richresources such asiTunes, YouTube,Flickr, RSS feeds, etc.

How perceptions ofautonomy, competence andrelatedness affect intrinsicmotivation.

Why creating a culture ofinquiry surpasses“instructional strategies”

How “Learning to Look”activities can promotesensitivity and inclinationtoward Critical Thinking

Reflect on how varyingaspects of autonomy,competence andrelatedness can alter alearning experience.

Reflect on aspects ofclassroom life that have animpact on “sensitivity” and“inclination”

Locating or creatingLearning to Look activities.

Reviewing past lessons/ units for the variablesof autonomy,competence andrelatedness.

Design a Learning toLook activity and use itwith students

Using a projector, richresources and promptsin a group of students.

Teacher ICT Skills Outcomes

Frequently uses rich resources to engage students in authentic inquiry as a means topromote a culture of critical thinking and self-determined learning.

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Module 3 – ClassPortals

Learning ScenarioImagine that your students develop a sense of mastery and

enthusiasm for Learning to Look but want more. Participating in

and even facilitating the activities themselves works, but too often

the pressures of an ongoing curriculum curtail pursuing further

inquiry. What if you had a facility to support ongoing, sporadic

investigations on main interests and themes that have emerged

through Learning to Look activities?


By using a Weblog as a platform, you could empower students as

authors to post, comment on and track how topics might evolve

over time. Hey, this sounds like this could develop some good

Habits (of Mind)…

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Module 3 – ClassPortals

Activities– Discovering the Parts of a ClassPortal– Build the blog– Pageflakes for Feeds and popular Themes– Enable Authors & design a classroom routine– Produce content (Podcasts, Videos / YouTube Channel, Flowgrams, Dipity timelines,

Flickr streams, etc.– CEQ-ALL (“seek all”) – personal learning framework

Resources– ClassPortals @ AISV:– Tutorials on Pageflakes, podcasts, etc.– Blogs and articles featured on Victor’s Members Space

Building Professional KnowledgeContent Understandings Skills Integrations

The elements of aClassPortal

Differentiating learningthrough extension,enrichment andremediation.

Familiarity with a Habitsof Mind model (Sizer,Costa, Marzano, etc.)

Deeper experience withpromoting autonomy,competence andrelatedness.

How a blog can be usedto gather, process andproduce digital content.

How to leverage a classblog as a resource forindividualising studentlearning.

How metacognition canlink rich online resourcesto core content.

Develop strategies todetect and encourageself-directed learning.

Using an “Admin”Dashboard and modifyingsetting to suit needs.

Setting up and integratingRSS Feeds.

Publishing Web-basedcontent through a rich-text WYSIWYG editor.

Syncing core content withrelated themes that canbe investigated throughthe ClassPortal.

Using “adult wisdom” toenrich students’exploration of topicsthrough mutual learning.

Teacher ICT Skills Outcomes

– Support deep learning through ongoing thematic inquiry using real, rich and relevantonline resources and interactions.

– Begin production of digital content

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Module 4 – WebQuests 2.0

Learning ScenarioSuppose students eagerly adopt opinions, argue positions and

debate solutions to challenging problems. Now imagine that they

have even built up a body of evidence from which to launch their

case? So what’s the problem? What happens when students

might be willing, even eager, just not able? WebQuests began in

1995 as one of the first good ways to use the Web for learning.

Even as technologies have changed solid pedagogies endure.


Set up a scaffolded learning activity (AKA “WebQuest”) that

uses an authentic scenario, open-ended questions, a range of

perspectives and rich resources to help students transform

information into understanding.

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Module 4 – WebQuests 2.0Activities– The Parts & Purposes of a the critical attributes of WebQuests– Is you or is you ain’t a WebQuest?– Issue Perspectives, “Uncovering” the curriculum– Drafting a WebQuest – Links, Roles, Content, Skills & Outcomes– Managing the process

– Wiki for knowledge bank– Ning for Group / Role + workspace

Resources– WebQuests for Learning:– BestWebQuests & Web-and-Flow– “The Learning Power of WebQuests”– The WebQuest Design Process

Building Professional KnowledgeContent Understandings Skills Integrations

The elements of aWebQuest

WebQuests as a meansto differentiate a unit ofwork.

The differences amongProject-based learning,Problem-based learningand WebQuests.

The “Flow” Channel

How a WebQuestsupports transformativethinking.

How a WebQuestsupports knowledgeacquisition, problemsolving and affectivelearning.

Why a specific approachmight be the best one fora long-term project.

How scaffolding can beset and diminished.

Use a blog to easilypublish a WebQuest orother Web-basedlearning activity.

Frame questions thattarget specific kinds oflearning.

Locate or create scaffoldsto support a range oflearners.

Organise lessons withscaled scaffolding.

Adding a WebQuest to aClassPortal in order toprompt problem-solving.

Use in-person and onlinespaces to model andencourage student use ofquestions that targetdifferent kinds of learning.

Gather and link to acollection of scaffolds thatsuit your learners.

Empower students toorchestrate their ownconditions for Flowexperiences.

Teacher ICT Skills Outcomes

– Design a differentiated learning activity that uses scaffolds to prompt problem-solvingand reflective thinking.

– Engage in professional learning through an online community of practice.

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Module 5 – Consolidating Strengths

Learning ScenarioWhat if learning were a continuum where some things are understood

now and others to be mastered at another time? Hang on, it is! We

have spent four days and many hour together in-person and online. Like

students, teachers come to learning with previous experiences and skills

as well as areas that are ongoing challenges. Also, as we would with

our students, we want you to achieve a sense of mastery with what you

have achieved so far. Of the many strategies, tools and pedagogies

you’ve explored this year, what would you like to consolidate so that it

becomes a comfortable part of your professional practice?


Use this time to self-assess and reflect on how you can contribute to

“Contemporary Learning.”

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Module 5 – Consolidating StrengthsActivities– Review the MCEETYA goals and descriptors for Contemporary Learning– Assess your progress on the ICT Certificate for Authentic Learning– Evaluate your school as Developing, Accomplished or Leading.– Showcase a digital learning artifact from this year that you or your students have created.

Resources– All previous AISV resources

Building Professional KnowledgeContent Understandings Skills Integrations

Knowledge of theMCEETYA goals &descriptors.

The “ICTs forAuthentic Learning”checklist, categoriesand levels.

Mastery of at leastone main strategyfrom the workshopseries.

A professional opinionon how the MCEETYAgoals can and/or docontribute to learning inyour school.

Identification of how youwork with the fivestrands of the ICTs forAuthentic Learning.

The ability to articulatehow rich resources andauthentic learningpedagogies worktogether to supportstudents’ personalizedlearning.

The ability to locate ornavigate to a body ofprofessional resourcesthat support youreducational philosophy.

Reflect on your currentlevel as an Authenticeducator who usesICTs.

The means to easilyproduce at least onetype of learning strategyfrom the course.

Pedagogical Strategies - Use ofautonomy supportive strategies,using scaffolds as needed tobuild student competence andan interpersonal presence thatencourages.

Student Learning – a focus onnurturing a disposition to inquireand pursue learning.

Online Resources – a facilitywith finding and using real, richand relevant resources.

Digital Citizenship – Awillingness to engage studentson issues that may challengetheir well-being or questionethical behaviours.

Professional Learning –confidently leverage an onlinelearning community to ensureyour professional development

Teacher ICT Skills Outcomes

– Design a differentiated learning activity that uses scaffolds to prompt problem-solvingand reflective thinking.

– Engage in professional learning through an online community of practice.

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Module X – Extension

Learning ScenarioPicture this: you’ve found yourself in a group of people gathered

together to learn something. The thing is, you already know what it is

they’re learning. What do you do? Muck-up? Check e-mail? Cruise

Stumbleupon? Wait! … You could look to your own interests and

abilities and choose to learn more. Why not?


If you have already mastered Learning to Look activities, facilitate a

thriving ClassPortal and invoke WebQuests as needed, have you

considered organizing your own global project, leading peers in a

learning community, becoming a content provider or blazing a CEQ-

ALL (“seek all”) trail?

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Module X – Extension

Possible Activities– CEQ-ALL for Teachers– Mapping the K-12 Online Landscape– MyPlace Leadership– Finding the (unevenly distributed) Future– Maxing out your Presence (Blog, Twitter, YouTube, Classroom 2.0, etc.)

Resources– All previous AISV resources

Building Professional KnowledgeContent Understandings Skills Integrations

The nature of K-12online learning.

Deciphering patternsand directions across arange of exemplaryonline learning samples.

The ability tocommunicate using avariety of software.

Taking advantage of onlineenvironments and communitiesto maximise personal learningand contribution to the field.

Teacher ICT Skills Outcomes

– Serve as a leader in the field of authentic learning with ICTs by sharing expertise andcontent across online spaces.

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Appendix & ResourcesMain Web sites

– Private Professional Network for AISV Members -– AISV Diigo Group -– Learning to Look gateway –– AISV ClassPortals site –– AISV MyPlace / Projects site -


MCEETYA Documents

note: All the MCEETYA documents below are pdf files.

– Contemporary Learning– Pedagogy Strategy– Research Strategy– Digital Education - Making Change Happen

AISV Documents– “We are Here” – draft of the rationale Authentic Learning with ICTs– ICT Skills for Authentic Learning Checklist


– Self-Determination Theory Questionnaires -

– Costa & Kallick’s Habits of Mind Rubric -

– McREL Standards for Self-Regulation –

– McREL Standards for Thinking and Reasoning –