Workshop „Sustainable Sport Facilities...Olympic Stadium London, 2012 During the Games 80.000...

Workshop „Sustainable Sport FacilitiesProf. Dr.-Ing. Natalie Essig Slovak Olympic and Sport Committee (SOSC) Septembre 23 rd , 2020 Bratislava BNB DGNB

Transcript of Workshop „Sustainable Sport Facilities...Olympic Stadium London, 2012 During the Games 80.000...

  • Workshop „Sustainable Sport Facilities“

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Natalie Essig

    Slovak Olympic and Sport Committee (SOSC)

    Septembre 23rd, 2020



  • Workshop: Sustainable Sport Facilities


    9:00 – 9:15 Welcome Speach

    Anton Siekel (President of SOSC)

    9:15 – 10:00 Introduction to the role of sustainability in the life cycle of sport

    Prof. Dr. Natalie Essig

    10:00 – 10:45 Overview of the major sustainable building certification schemes

    Prof. Dr. Natalie Essig

    10:45 – 11:00 Discussion

    11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break

    11:30 – 12:00 Sustainable criteria for sport facilties

    Prof. Dr. Natalie Essig

    12:00 – 12:20 Process of implementing sustainability aspects in the national

    sport facilities concept

    Prof. Dr. Natalie Essig

    12:20 – 12:40 Funding possibilities for sustainable sport facilities

    Prof. Dr. Natalie Essig

    12:40 – 13:00 Case studies of application of sustainability aspects to

    construction and renovation projects

    Prof. Dr. Natalie Essig

    13:00 – 13:30 Discussion

  • Prof. Dr. Natalie Essig

    (Architect, Sustainability- and Energy Efficiency Consultannt)

    Study of Architecture

    TU Darmstadt (Diploma 2003), Politecnico di Torino, Italy

    Septembre 2003 until Novembre 2004

    Freelance architect

    December 2004 until February 2008

    TU Darmstadt, Scientific Assistant and PhD Student

    March 2008 until January 2013

    TU München, Institute of Building Physics, Prof. Dr. Hauser

    Fraunhofer-Institute of Building Physics (IBP), Holzkirchen

    Assistant Professorship for „Sustainability and Ressource Efficiency“

    Since February 2013

    Munich University of Applied Sciences (MUAS)

    Full Professorship for „Building Climatology and Sustainable Buildings“

    Formation of essigplan GmbH

    Since Decembre 2015

    Formation of Building-Institute for Ressource Effiziency and Sustainabilitgy (BiRN GmBH)

    Bodies and Advisory Boards

    Member of the expert circle „Zukunft Bau“ of the German Ministry of the Interior, Building

    and Community (BMI)

    Scientific Advisor of the German Federal Institute of Sport Science (BISp)

    Member of the general assembly of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects


    2020 B.A.U.M Arward for Sustainability Research

    Curriculum Vitae

  • Research Topics of the Institute for Building Construction and Building Climatology

    Munich University of Applied Sciences (MUAS)

    Energy Efficiency of

    Building and Districts

    Resource Efficiency

    and Life Cycle


    Sustainability of

    Sport Facilities and

    Mega Event Venues


    Assessment of

    Materials, Buildings,

    Districts and


  • Study for the FIFA: Worldcup 2018 in Russia and 2022 in Quatar

  • Study for the FIFA: Sustainable Certifications of Stadia

  • EU Project FP7: FASUDIR – Sustainable Renovation of Urban Districts

  • Development of an assessment method for sustainable rural territories in the Alps

    January 2016 until Decembre 2018

    11 partner from Italy, Austria, France, Germany, Liechtenstein and Slowenia

    Interreg Alpine Space: CESBA Alps

  • Sustainabilty Assessment System for Small Residential Houses (BNK)

    Pilot phase „Sustainability Assessment System for Small Residential Houses (BNK)“ (BMi), 2015

    Development and pilot phase of the „Sustainability Assessment System for Small Residential Houses


    Market launch of BNK und foundation of BiRN GmbH as certification authority

  • Publications

  • Workshop „Peer Learning Activity for Sustainable Sport Facilities“

    Organisator: Munich University of Applied Sciences

    Partner: EU, German Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (BMI) and

    German Federal Institute of Sport Science (BISp)

    Date and place: Munich in April 2021

  • Programme:

    1. Introduction to the role of sustainability in the

    life cycle of sport

    Prof. Dr. Natalie Essig

    Workshop: Sustainable Sport Facilities

  • Sport


    Sport with its divers facets is a central element of our society today

  • Sport

    Sport Spaces:

    Whether sport mega events or mass sports, whether winter or sommer sports – the spaces in which the

    sport is done are playing an important role - socially, economically and ecologically

  • Development of Stadia: Sport as Body Culture

    Wupatki Pueblo, Arizona: Stadium for Ball Sport (11th century AC)

    Ancient Stadium Delphi, Greece (6th century BC until 5th century AC)

    Colosseum in Rome (since ab 260 BC)

    Sport Facilities: Development of Stadia (Past)

  • Sport Facilities: Development of Stadia (Status Quo)

    Olympic Stadium London, 2012

    During the Games 80.000 seats

    After the Games: 25.000 seats

  • Sport Facilities: Development of Stadia (Status Quo)

    Sport as a Barbercue Event (American Football Games)

    Example: Arrowhead Stadium (Kansas City Chiefs), 26.000 parking spaces and 79.000 seats

    Internet Guides for the best NFL Barbercue parking spaces

  • Sport Facilities: Development of Stadia (Status Quo)

    Mega Sport Events: Social Problems

    Before, during and after the competion: „wild urinating“

    Manneken Pis – Le Petit Julien Student Project: Development of Sustainable Outdoor Toiletts

  • Sport Facilities: Development of Stadia (Status Quo)

    Sport (Footbal Games) as a Barbercue Party

    Example: Arrowhead Stadium (Kansas City Chiefs), 26.000 parking spaces, 79.000 seats

    Internet Guides for the best NFL Barbercue parking spaces

  • Sport Facilities: Development of the Swimming Culture (1900)

    Vierordtbad at 1920

    Karlsruhe, Germany

  • Inselparkhalle – Hamburg, Germany


    Sport Facilities: Development of the Swimming Culture (Status Quo)

  • Development of Stadia: Sport as Body Culture

    Sienna: Horse Tournament, Italy (15th Century)

    Racket (around 1725)

    Sport Facilities: Development of Sport Facilities (Past)

  • Bildungscampus Sonnwendviertel

    Sport Hall, Vienna

    Sport Facilities: Development of Sport Facilities (Status Quo)

  • Number of Sport Facilities in Germany

    Source: BMWi, 2012

    66.462 Unroofed facilities

    35.438 Sports halls

    78 Mega sports halls

    7.499 Swimming pools

    120 Ice rinks

    15.000 Shooting ranges

    13.040 Tennis facilities


    367.000 km Walking paths, bicycle

    routes, Loipen

  • Number of Sport Facilities in Germany

    Source: BMWi, 2012

    66.462 Unroofed facilities

    35.438 Sports halls

    78 Mega sports halls

    7.499 Swimming pools

    120 Ice rinks

    15.000 Shooting ranges

    13.040 Tennis facilities


    367.000 km Walking paths, bicycle

    routes, Loipen

    Estimated Renovation Requirements:

    42 Mrd. Euro (DOSB Status 2010!)

  • Sporthalls

    Sports Halls

    Backlog of needed renovation

  • Mega Sport Events Venues “White Elephants”

    Quelle:, 2017

    Olympische Sportstätten von Rio

    Aquatic Centre 6 months after the Olympic Games

  • Alpine Chalet

    Building Culture: Learning from the Past


  • Global Conditions – New Challenges for the Building Sector

    Building Sector: Amount of the built environment on utilisation of ressources

    Consumption of 10% of land area

    Consumption of 50% of natural ressources

    Consumption of 16 % of water

    Generation 60% of waste

    Consumption of 40% of energy

    Loss of biodiversity

    Increasing childs worlk

  • Industrialisation of Europe (18.C.): social and ecological problems

    International Conditions

  • Industrialisation of Asia (20.C.): social and ecological problems

    International Conditions

  • Are environmental protection and economic growth possible at the same time?

    International Conditions

  • +3 Degree

    when thawing the

    permafrost ground

    International Conditions

  • 80% Energy


    2% Earth surface

    85% CO2-


    International Conditions

  • Building Sector

    40% Energy

  • Building Sector

    50% Ressources

    60% Waste

  • Source: Fraunhofer-Institut für Bauphysik

    From Energy Efficiency to Sustainable Buildings

  • Land Consumption „Build Environment“

    Total Area in Germany: 13.4% (transport and recreation areas: 5.8%, buildings 7.6%)

    Increasing land consumption: 74 ha per day

    Living space per person has doubled in the last 60 years in Germany

    1960: 20m2 - 2014: 45m2

    Sqm Living Sparce per Person

    From Energy Efficiency to Sustainable Buildings

  • Correlation between living area - heating demand per person and living area

    Quelle: Ebert, Essig, Hauser: Zertifizierungssysteme; 2010

    From Energy Efficiency to Sustainable Buildings

    Sport Area per Person?

  • LEED Emirates


    Sustainability Assessment Methods

    LEED Canada


    From Energy Efficiency to Sustainable Buildings

  • Sustainability

    The term “sustainability” originally comes

    from the forestry. It was minted by the Saxon

    mining administrator Hans Carl von Carlowitz.

    At that time “sustainability” meant that no

    more wood would be removed from the forest

    than could grow back.

  • Sustainable Development

    „Our Common Future“

    Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without

    compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

    Brundtland Report (1987)

  • Sustainability Strategies: International, Europe, regional

    Brundland Report „Our Common Future“ (1987):

    „SD is a development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the

    ability of future generations to meets their own needs.“

    Rio-Conference of the United Nations (1992), Rio+10 (2002) and Rio+20 (2012) etc.:

    Rio Declaration, Agenda 21 and SDG Goals

    Kyoto Protocol (1997):

    Climate change convention of the United Nations to reduct the CO2-Emissions

    Stern Report (2006):

    Description and calculation of the consequences of global warming from an economic point of view

  • Öko









    Three-Pillar-Model of Sustainability Priority Modell of Sustainability



    Economy Ecology



    Each area is seen with the same importance

    and equality to each other.

    Individual areas are seen in their

    relationship and interdependence to

    each other.

    Sustainablity: Methods, Theories and Approaches

  • Nachhaltigkeit

    Umwelt Wirtschaft


    Strategies for Sustainable Buildings

    Three Pillar Modell:

    Equality of every topic

  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) from the UN

  • 1st Stage (19th Century to the 50s)

    Tempory outdoor sport facilities (Part of World Fairies)

    Building Culture

    Turnvater Jahn

    2nd Stage (50s to 90s)

    Definition of Standards

    New Building Technologies

    Roofed sport facilities and venues

    3rd Stage (90s)

    Energy Saving Ordinance

    Energy tournaround

    Sustainable Architecture and Planning

    Sport „In front of the Computer“

    Development of Sport Facilities

    Stage Sustainability?

  • Sustainability?

    From the Sea to the Food:

    Sport shoes based on plastic waste from the sea

  • Sustainability of Sport Facilities


    erdwärme sha













    Sport Facility

    Sustainable Sport Facilities:

    “Sustainability at sports facilities means planning and operating them in such a way that the greatest

    possible benefits for the owners, the operators, the users (employees, athletes, spectators) and the

    society arise.” (Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund, 2011)

  • Strategies for Sustainable Sport Facilities

    Bildquelle: Ebert, Essig, Hauser: Zertifizierungssysteme; 2010







  • New heating


    Heating pumps Outen the heating!

    Super isolation Photovoltaic and

    solar thermal energy Outen the lights!

    Efficiency Consistency Sufficiency

    Strategies for Sustainable Sport Facilities

  • Strategies for Sustainable Sport Facilities

    Life Cycle of Buildings:

    From construction to deconstruction


    Construction Operation





    Life Cycle of Sport Facilities









  • Guidelines for Sustainable Sport Facilities (Book and Online)

    Available in English in 2021!

    German Federal Institute of Sport Science (BISp):


  • Research Project: „Sustainability Indicators for Sport Facilities“

    Funded by: Federal Institute for Sports Science (BiSP)

    Published: October 2015


    Sustainability criteria and indicators for new sport halls

    Basics - Status Quo of Standards (ew sports hall with multi-purpose use,

    DIN 18032-1)

    To develop potentials to improve the sustainability of sport halls

    For builders, decision-makers (municipality, NGOs, private Investors),

    architects, engineers etc.


    Guidelines for Sustainable Sport Facilities

  • Structure of the Guideline


    Chapter 10 Fazit /


    Chapter 1 Status Quo –

    Development of Sport

    Facilities in the

    Content of


    Chapter 3 Sustainable Planning


    Chapter 9 Pilot Project

    Chapter 7 Sport Halls –

    Ressource Efficiency:

    Water and Material

    concepts Chapter 2 Sportfunctional


    Chapter 8 Sport Halls –

    Wirtschaftlichkeit and Life

    Cycle Cost

    Chapter 6 Sport Halls –

    Energy Efficiency


    Chapter 5 Sport Halls –

    Health, Comfort and


    Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

    Guidelines for Sustainable Sport Facilities

    Chapter 4 Sport Halls –

    Sport for All

  • Sustainable Buildings: From the Vision to the Realization

    Vegetal City: Comic from the 70th Masdar City: CO2-neutral Scientific City

  • Programme:

    2. Overview of the major sustainable building

    certification schemes

    Prof. Dr. Natalie Essig

    Workshop: Sustainable Sport Facilities

  • LEED Emirates



    LEED Canada


    Sustainability Assessment Methods

  • Sustainability Assessment Methods for Buildings


    Assessment methods of the 1st generation:

    Ecological und energy efficiency approach:


    Examples: BREEAM, LEED, HQE etc.

    Assessment methods of the 2nd generation:

    Holistic and performance-orientated approach:


    Examples: DGNB Certificate

    Assessment methods of the 3rd generation:

    $ + + … +


  • 0

    EU FP 7 Project: OPEN HOUSE

    Basic & Quick Sustainability Assessment (2 to 3 days): External Partner

    Complete Sustainability Assessment (3 to 4 weaks): OPEN HOUSE Partner

    OPEN HOUSE: 67 Case studies (2 per Country)

    OPEN HOUSE Partner

    External Partner

    European Directive for

    Sustainability Assessment?

  • European Standard for Sustainability Assessment of Buildings (CEN TC 350)

  • Goal

    Categories Criteria Indicator Weighting



    Result Category 1

    Category 2

    Category …

    Criteria 1.1

    Criteria 1.2

    Criteria 1.3

    Criteria 2.1

    Criteria …

    Indicator 1.1.1

    Indicator 1.1.2

    Indicator 1.1.3

    Indicator 1.2.1

    Indicator 1.2.2

    Indicator 1.3.1





    Indicator …




    … …

    Structure of Assessment Systems

    1st Level: 2nd Level: 3rd Level: 4th Level: 5th Level: 6th Level:

  • Seals for Sustainability

    International Overview – Big Diversity

  • DGNB Certificate: Bronze, Silver, Gold

    Result: Office Building „Funky“, Arnulfstraße in Munich

    50 %

    65 %

    80 %

    55 %

    60 %

    70 %

    75 %

    85 %

    90 %

    95 %

    100 %





  • DGNB Awarding

  • Result; Silver

    50 %

    65 %

    80 %

    55 %

    60 %

    70 %

    75 %

    85 %

    90 %

    95 %

    100 %





    DGNB Certificate: Bronze, Silver, Gold

  • DGNB Awarding

  • Advantages of Sustainability Certificates of Buildings

    Benchmarks: Reduction and controll of the effects of buildings on the environment

    Checklist: Tools for setting sustainable planning goals

    Tool for Project Management: Ensuring the implementation of sustainable building quality

    Building Pass: Improvement of the documentation of the building

    Transparency: Greater competitiveness and improved user comfort

    Quality Assurance: Healthy, economical and ecological building

    Sustainability of a Building in 6 Folders

  • Building Certificates throughout the entire life Cycle


    Pre-Certificate for new constructions

    Pre-Certificate for districts

    Certificate for buildings in use

    Certificate for dismantling

    Certificate for new constructions

    Certificate for interiors

    Certificate for districts

    Certificate for existing buildings

    Certificate for renovated buildings

    Certificate for interiors

    Office Buildings Residentential


    Schools Sport

    Facilities …

  • Auditor and Certification Authority

    Certification Authority (BRE, USGBC, DGNB…)



    Training Contract


    Documentation Handover

    to Cert-Authority

    Certification – Awarding Certificate

    Contract Certificate

    Process of a Certification

  • BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environment Assessment Method)

    BREEAM (Building Research Establishment

    Environmental Assessment Method):

    most used seal worldwide – more than 550.000 projects

    Development in the 1990s in Great Britain:

    first sustainability certificate worldwide

    Worldwide versions for buildings and districts:

    BREEAM GB, BREEAM NL, BREEAM International etc.

    Certification Authority:

    U.S. Green Building Council (U.S.GBC)

    Auditor: Trained LEED Accredited Professional (LEED APs)

    Certification Levels: Stars

    Market Penetration:

    International approach, but main focus on Great Britain

    Since 2007: BREEAM Code for Sustainable Homes is

    obligatory for all residential buildings

    Since 2006: all new governmental buildings must achieve

    the standard „BREEAM EXCELLENT“

    BREEAM and Sport Facilities:

    Development of BREEAM Olympic Venues for the London

    Olympic Games 2012

    BREEAM Certification of Stadia for the FIFA World Cup in

    Russia 2018

    Since 2018: BREEAM UK New Construction for sport

    ≥ 30%

    ≥ 45%

    ≥ 55%

    ≥ 70%

    ≥ 85%

  • Categories and Weighting





    Health & Wellbeing






    Land use & Ecology


    Innovation (additionally)

    BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environment Assessment Method)

  • LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)

    LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design):

    most disseminated seal worldwide – more than 120.000


    Development: 1993 in the U.S.

    Worldwide versions for buildings and districts:

    LEED, LEED India, LEED Canada etc.

    Certification Authority:

    U.S. Green Building Council (U.S.GBC)

    Auditor: LEED Accredited Professionals (LEED APs)

    Certification Levels: Certified, Silver, Gold, Platin

    Market Penetration:

    Main focus are new and commercial buildings

    Through the high marketing development LEED is one of

    the most popular certification systems worldwide – more

    LEED APs than certified buildings

    LEED and Sport Facilities:

    All LEED Versions could be used for sport facilities

  • Categories:

    Sustainable Sites

    Water Efficiency

    Energy & Atmosphere

    Materials & Ressources)

    Indoor Environment Quality)

    Further LEED Neighborhood Development


    Smart Location & Linkage)

    Neighborhood Pattern & Design)

    Additional Points:

    Innovation in Design or Operation)

    Regional Priority


    LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)

  • DGNB System (German Sustainable Building Certificate)

    DGNB System (Deutsches Gütesiegel Nachhaltiges


    “2nd Generation Certificate” with an holistic and performance-

    orientated approach - more than 2.000 projects

    Development in 2009 in Germany

    Worldwide versions for buildings and districts:

    DGNB China, DGNB Denkark, DGNB international etc.

    Certification Authority:

    German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB)

    Auditor: Trained DGNB Auditor

    Certification Levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum

    Market Penetration:

    International approach, but main focus in Germany

    Easy adaptable on climatic, structural, legal and cultural

    conditions in other countries

    Since 2012 all governmental buildings must be certified with

    „BNB Silver“ – BNB ist the adaopted DGNB system for the

    building ministries (own certification body)

    DGNB and Sport Facilities:

    Since 2018: Version DGNB Sport Facilities

  • DGNB System (German Sustainable Building Certificate)


    Environmental Quality

    Economical Quality

    Sociocultural and Functional Quality

    Technical Quality

    Process Quality

    Site Quality