Workplace Assessment Brochure

providing practical support for your business...


Maintaining a healthy and motivated workforce remains a key focus for any organisation. Improving productivity and efficiency whilst managing stress and absence levels remains a priority for all personnel professionals, regardless of industry sector. To assist with this challenge, RBLI provide a range of workplace assessment services focussed on providing your staff with an optimal and comfortable working environment. To speak to a member of the RBLI team, please call 0800 319 6841 or email: [email protected]

Transcript of Workplace Assessment Brochure

“providing practical supportfor your business...”

“I found the whole experienceinformative and enjoyable”

What do we offer?Maintaining a healthy and motivated workforce remains a key focus for any organisation. Improving productivity and efficiency whilst managing stress and absence levels remains a priority for all personnel professionals, regardless of industry sector.

To assist with this challenge, RBLI provide a range of workplace assessment services focussed on providing

Health and Safety Executive

your staff with an optimal and comfortable working environment.

Our team of assessors are able to a provide a comprehensive evaluation of an employee’s workplace requirements, providing a detailed assessment report. By working with managers, RBLI can help your business maximise its greatest asset - the people you employ.

TECHNICALERGONOMIC TRAININGPhysical health conditions and disabilities can cause problems for employees in the workplace. RBLI’s ergonomic assessment service can help improve workflow by providing affected staff with an optimised working environment.

Sensory impairments and specific learning difficulties pose unique challenges, which cannot always be overcome with the technologies available. RBLI’s technical service can identify the most appropriate and cost-effective solutions.

For organisations with the need for significant numbers of workstation assessments, RBLI can help to develop your own in-house assessment team with our range of training courses focussed on DSE and legislative requirements.

“over half of all Display Screen Equipment users inthe UK report symptoms affecting the head or eyes”

“sickness absence may be costing yourbusiness £836 annually per person”

The Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development

What are the benefits?Benefits to employees

Employees who have been provided with an assessed and optimised working environment will experience a reduction in stress-related conditions, fatigue and RSI risks. Along with increased energy levels, staff will see improved work output and efficiency.

Benefits to employers

By demonstrating a commitment to employee health and wellbeing, employers can see immediate improvements in staff retention, morale and productivity; as well as a reduction in absences. Ultimately, employers can reduce personnel costs caused by long-term health conditions.


“my confidence is better justknowing there is a solution”

“up to a 30% reduction in working days off sickcan be achieved through workstation assessments”

Health and Safety Executive

Ergonomic assessments

WORKSTATION SETUPCorrect workstation setup improves your employees’ posture, health and efficiency, ensuring that your people are both productive and cost-effective. By reducing absence and retaining your existing valuable staff, expenditure on HR, recruitment and training can be minimised. What’s more, RBLI can help your organisation develop your own team of assessors.

Display screen equipment positioned correctly with advice given on safe use.

Employee advised on correct posture, with attention to musculoskeletal disorders.

Desk layout adjusted for optimum reach, comfort and access by employee.

Adjust setup of chair and provide advice on ergonomic equipment if required.

Mobility issues and access to workplace assessed, with suggestions for adjustments.

Applicable to all computer users, as well as employees who find that a health condition or disability affects their day-to-day ability to undertake tasks; ergonomic assessments provide the opportunity to address posture and correct current workstation setup.

RBLI’s team of physiotherapists and occupational health professionals are able to ensure that your business meets all current legislation, and that your employees are at their most productive with the right equipment in place.

“61% of businesses report a reduction in staff stressfollowing the implementation of DSE assessments”

Health and Safety Executive

Technical assessments

ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGYSoftware and equipment can be specified to reduce the effects of many disabilities and health conditions, with a number of cost-effective solutions available. Free or cheap smartphone apps can provide alternative control methods to traditional physical inputs, whilst RBLI can also advise on how to source fully-funded workplace support for your employees.

Voice control and speech recognition software for dyslexia or dexterity problems.

Sensory impairment software, with a large selection of physical hardware solutions.

Keyboard and mouse alternatives designed for users with dexterity problems.

Wheelchair assessments and specification with advice on working area adjustments.

Organisational software to assist with planning travel and structuring tasks.

Employees challenged by specific learning difficulties, sensory impairments or cognitive health conditions can often find themselves unable to attain the same working pace as their colleagues.

RBLI’s technical assessment team can specify hardware and software solutions for both mental and physical health conditions, allowing your employees to be at their most productive. Why let valued team-members be held back by their working environment?

“I feel more valuedas an employee”

Don’t just understand your legal responsibilities as an employer - utilise this knowledge to effectively reduce absence, prevent injury and improve the productivity of your employees.

In addition to providing assessments, RBLI’s Managing DSE Assessments training course develops your understanding of current legislation and gives your business the tools to develop it’s own sustainable in-house assessment knowledge bank.

DISPLAY SCREEN EQUIPMENTIntroduced in 1993 and revised in 2002, the Health and Safety Executive’s regulations on the use of visual display units provide guidance for employers to improve the wellbeing of staff when using computer equipment. When implemented correctly within your business, these regulations can also reduce absences and the related costs caused by poor ergonomics.

DSE assessments

Did you know..?

“employers that neglect concerns about stressor job satisfaction risk losing top talent”

The Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development

Research: Health and Safety Executive, Employer’s Forum on Disability, The Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development

“15% of the world’s population hasa disability or health condition”

“34% of workplace accidents arecaused by bad ergonomics”

“the average person is sittingfor at least 9 hours per day”

“back strain accounts for 30%of all workplace injuries”

“good ergonomics increaseworker productivity by 11%”

“I don’t think I would still bein my job without this help”

Why choose RBLI?We have been doing this for a very long time.

RBLI has a proven track record in delivering practical solutions to work focused problems. RBLI have delivered our services on behalf of Government, the Armed Forces and in the private sector.

We can deliver our course and services in your premises or we can offer our contemporary training facilities on a daily or residential basis, providing flexibility for every business need.

We can take your employee related problems and deliver you a business-focused solution.


“64% of employers acknowledge improvementsin staff morale following workplace assessments”

RBLI have provided health and employment solutions since 1919, and since then have successfully delivered numerous related government and commercial employability programmes.

As a third-sector organisation with commercial and social enterprise operations, we are able to offer a unique and flexible perspective on employability matters to a diverse range of industries.

RBLI exists to deliver employment guidance and support. We practice our strategies internally, providing sustained employment to people disadvantaged by disability or health conditions.

Health and Safety Executive


Royal British Legion Village, Hall Road, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7NLRegistered in England No. 158479 | Registered Charity No. 210063