Workbook for Beginners in Hindi - Michigan State University. …singhvis/book1.pdf ·  ·...

Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K [email protected] 1 Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Reviewing Basic Vocabulary By Vishwajeet K Singh This is the first draft of the book. Send comments to my email: [email protected]

Transcript of Workbook for Beginners in Hindi - Michigan State University. …singhvis/book1.pdf ·  ·...

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K

    [email protected] 1



    Beginners in Hindi

    R e v i e w i n g B a s i c V o c a b u l a r y


    Vishwajeet K Singh

    This is the first draft of the book. Send comments to my email: [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K

    [email protected] 2

    1. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . ......... a. morning . ......... b. my, mine . ......... c. kitchen . ......... d. spects, glasses . ......... e. all, everything . ......... f. Mrs. . ......... g. all right . , ......... h. yes . ......... i. Ramayan . ......... j. bad

    2. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , , )

    . -------------- ? . -------------- . -------------- . , -------------- . --------------

    3. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 )

    a) student ...... -------------- e) how much -------------- b) there ...... -------------- f) nine -------------- c) question -------------- g) Punjabi -------------- d) mad, crazy --------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K

    [email protected] 3





    (0.25 )


    (0.75 )

    Poss. Form

    (0.25 )



    (0.25 )


    (0.25 )

    I 1st.Sing.N NO

    Column A Column B Column A Column B

    . ......... a. morning . ......... a. Sunday . ......... b. my, mine . ......... b. Saturday . ......... c. kitchen . ......... c. Thursday . ......... d. spects, glasses . ......... d. Monday . ......... e. all, everything . ......... e. Tuesday . ......... f. Mrs. . ......... f. Wednesday . ......... g. all right . ......... g. Friday . , ......... h. yes . ......... h. hour . ......... i. Ramayan . ......... i. time . ......... j. bad . ......... j. day

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K

    [email protected] 4



    4. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . ......... a. at home . ......... b. meaning . ......... c. to look for, find . ......... d. bag . ......... e. friend . ......... f. cold, cough . ......... g. college . ......... h. to wake up . ......... i. paisa . ......... j. elder brother

    5. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , , )

    . -------------- . -------------- . -------------- . -------------- . -------------- ?

    6. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 )

    a) shop .---- -------------- e) dear -------------- b) washerman ...... -------------- f) Samosa -------------- c) toy -------------- g) Varanasi -------------- d) coffee --------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K




    7. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . ......... a. key ./ ......... b. to touch . ......... c. dog . ......... d. to come . ......... e. Khan market . ......... f. to do . ......... g. there, over there . ......... h. to eat . ......... i. which? . ......... j. just, a little

    8. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , , )

    . -------------- . -------------- . --------------- . -------------- (to write) . --------------

    9. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 )

    a) husbands younger brother.... -------------- e) here, over here -------------- b) to move, walk ...... -------------- f) opinion -------------- c) toy -------------- g) bag, cloth bag -------------- d) sage --------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    10. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . ......... a. my, mine . ......... b. London . ......... c. on (PP) . ......... d. husband . ......... e. floor . ......... f. door . ......... g. night . ......... h. morning . ......... i. things, furniture . ......... j. family

    11. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , , )

    . -------------- . -------------- ? . -------------- . -------------- (near Delhi) . --------------

    12. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 )

    a) ten ...... -------------- e) perhaps -------------- b) wife ...... -------------- f) by, since, from, with -------- c) in -------------- g) bus -------------- d) drawer --------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    13. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . ......... a. wrong . ......... ..... b. invitation to a


    . ......... c. easy . ......... d. to swim . ......... e. difficult . ......... f. salt . ......... g. eleven . ......... h. tabla . ......... i. at the most . ......... j. to buy

    14. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , , )

    . -------------- . -------------- . --------------- ? . -------------- . -------------- ?

    15. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 )

    a) at least .... -------------- e) to call names -------------- b) to put (sth) right ...... -------------- f) hooligan -------------- c) sometime -------------- g) scarcely -------------- h) real --------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K




    16. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . ......... a. understanding . ......... ..... b. to phone . ......... c. Banaras . ......... d. letter . ......... e. only (emphatic) . ......... f. innocent, guileless . ......... g. Masoori . ......... h. correct, right . ......... i. worth . ......... j. right here

    17. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , , )

    . -------------- (meet) . -------------- (simple) . --------------- . -------------- (invite) . -------------- ?

    18. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    a) to write a letter .... -------------- e) but -------------- b) to bore ...... -------------- f) maharaja -------------- c) university -------------- g) to return --------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    Column A Column B

    . ......... a. Agra . ......... b. June . ......... c. Date . ......... d. story . ......... e. Birthday . ......... f. to prepare . ......... g. right (opp. of left) . ......... h. these days, now a days . ......... i. to earn . ......... j. hour

    19. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , -, )

    . -------------- . -------------- - (north-east) . --------------- . -------------- . -------------- ?

    20. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 )

    a) John eyes.... -------------- e) to call names -------------- b) todays date ...... -------------- f) next day -------------- c) eighteen years -------------- g) wrong, incorrect -------------- d) on the table --------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    21. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . ......... a. Nepal . ......... b. moment . ......... c. February . ......... d. delay . ......... e. book . ......... f. God . ......... g. early morning . ......... h. hour . ......... i. vegetable (s) . ......... j. below, downstairs

    22. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , , )

    . -------------- . -------------- . --------------- . -------------- . --------------

    23. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 )

    a) previous day.... -------------- e) to send -------------- b) the month of May ...... -------------- f) near my house -------------- c) later -------------- g) year (of the era) -------------- d) in the book --------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    24. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . ......... a. fork . ......... ..... b. or . ......... c. oneself (emphatic pr) . ......... d. miserly, mean . ......... e. cow . ......... f. price . ......... g. to take off . ......... h. to want, to wish . ......... i. lie . ......... j. twisted, complex

    25. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , , )

    . -------------- . (stature or idol) --------------- . --------------- (by) . -------------- . -------------- ?

    26. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 )

    a) a lazy boy .... -------------- e) high hills -------------- b) hope ...... -------------- f) so much -------------- c) to take photo -------------- g) knife -------------- h) this time --------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    27. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . ......... a. temple . ......... ..... b. list . ......... c. if . ......... d. but . ......... e. cleanliness . ......... f. time . f ......... g. about, concerning . ......... h. police . ......... i. fly . ......... j. help

    28. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , , )

    . -------------- . --------------- . --------------- . -------------- , . -------------- ?

    29. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 )

    a) time and again .... -------------- e) advice -------------- b) to be bored ...... -------------- f) week -------------- c) Rickshaw -------------- g) to fall -------------- h) to lend a hand --------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    30. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . ......... a. easily, comfortably . ......... b. home . ......... c. your, yours . ......... d. this . ......... e. four . ......... f. village . ......... g. mirror, glasses . ......... h. oblique of ye . ......... i. black . ......... j. well, anyway

    31. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , , )

    . -------------- ? . -------------- . -------------- . -------------- . -------------- ?

    32. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 )

    a) O! ...... -------------- e) upto -------------- b) in ...... -------------- f) picture -------------- c) now -------------- g) to, on, at -------------- d) six --------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    33. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . ......... a. at home . ......... b. college . ......... c. more, and . ......... d. pill, tablet . ......... e. paternal uncle . ......... f. was . ......... g. lentils, daal . ......... h. tomorrow, yesterday . ......... i. work . ......... j. hot, warm

    34. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , , )

    . , -------------- . -------------- . -------------- . -------------- . --------------

    35. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 )

    a) were [+fem] ...... -------------- e) Oh! What! -------------- b) age ...... -------------- f) less, little -------------- c) beautiful -------------- g) silver -------------- d) tea --------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    36. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . ......... a. temple . ......... ..... b. list . ......... c. if . ......... d. but . ......... e. cleanliness . ......... f. time . f ......... g. about, concerning . ......... h. police . ......... i. fly . ......... j. help

    37. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , , )

    . -------------- . --------------- . --------------- . -------------- , . -------------- ?

    38. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 )

    a) time and again .... -------------- e) advice -------------- b) to be bored ...... -------------- f) week -------------- c) Rickshaw -------------- g) to fall -------------- h) to lend a hand --------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    Vocabulary Quiz 03 (IHR)

    A. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    i) (, , , , )

    . ------------------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- . - ---------------- . ----------------

    ii) (, , , , ) . ---------------- . - ------------ . ------------ . - ---------------- . ----------------

    A. Write the appropriate letters to match the Hindi words in column one with their translations in

    column 2. (5 )

    ____________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    a. to run

    b. to tie

    c. to fast

    d. to bathe

    e. to call, to cry out

    f. to worship

    g. to celebrate

    h. to burn

    i. to climb

    j. to become

    C. Derive the inflected forms of the given verbs (see example): (10 )

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K




    i) (come) d, f, ii) (celebrate) --------------- --------------- iii) (to save) --------------- --------------- iv) (to say, to tell) --------------- --------------- v) (to come out) --------------- --------------- vi) (to give meat) --------------- ---------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    Vacabulary Quiz 01

    A. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    i) (, , , , )

    . ------------------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- . ----------------

    ii) (, , , , )

    . ---------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- . ----------------

    A. Write the appropriate letters to match the Hindi words in column one with their translations in

    column 2. (5 )

    ____________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    j. Female friend

    k. afterwards

    l. Monday

    m. Lane, street

    n. Early, quickly

    o. Saturday

    p. thirty

    q. to laugh

    r. woman

    j. Lakshmi

    C. Derive the opposite forms of the corresponding gender and number of the given

    words: (10 )

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    1. Noun Given Form Sing/Plural

    vii) --------------- --------------- viii) --------------- --------------- ix) --------------- --------------- x) --------------- --------------- xi) --------------- ---------------

    2. Noun Given Form Masculine/Feminine

    xii) --------------- --------------- xiii) --------------- --------------- xiv) --------------- --------------- xv) --------------- --------------- xvi) --------------- ---------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    39. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . ......... a. dear, lovely . ......... b. mother . ......... c. palace . ......... d. known . ......... e. Varanasi . ......... f. samosa . ......... g. market . ......... h. hundred . -......... i. friend . ......... j. children

    40. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , , )

    . () -------------- . -------------- , ? . ------------------------ . -------------- . --------------

    41. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 )

    a) gold ...... -------------- e) neighbour -------------- b) hill, mountain ...... -------------- f) were -------------- c) shop -------------- g) relative -------------- d) outside --------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    42. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . ......... a. post office . ......... b. (ones) own . ......... c. to know . ......... d. for . ......... e. yours, your . ......... f. Devanagari script . ......... g. pronunciation . ......... h. gossip . ......... i. a little . ......... j. day

    43. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    ( , , , , )

    . -------------- . -------------- . --------------- . -------------- . --------------, !

    44. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 )

    a) Nineteen.... -------------- e) sometimes -------------- b) for Jack ...... -------------- f) moon -------------- c) with -------------- g) on the table -------------- d) to leave --------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    45. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . ......... a. Kanpur . ......... b. near . ......... c. heat, summer . ......... d. woman . ......... e. holiday . ......... f. exactly, properly . ......... g. which various people . ......... h. to finish . ......... i. some, somewhat, something . ......... j. yes

    46. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , , )

    . -------------- . -------------- . (for life) --------------- . -------------- . -------------- !

    47. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 )

    a) rice.... -------------- e) special -------------- b) pocket ...... -------------- f) to heat water -------------- c) ten million -------------- g) to speak Urdu -------------- d) to seem --------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    48. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . ......... a. girls female friend . ......... b. oclock . ......... c. difficult, hard . ......... d. nick name for a little boy . ......... e. always . ......... f. our, ours . ......... g. year . ......... h. father . ......... i. to laugh . ......... j. Friday

    49. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , , )

    . -------------- . -------------- ! . --------------- ? . -------------- . --------------

    50. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 )

    a) promising.... -------------- e) Script -------------- b) twelve ...... -------------- f) to think -------------- c) guest -------------- g) to learn -------------- d) Sanskrit --------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    51. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . ......... a. pure . ......... b. to give . ......... c. Urdu . ......... d. Paise . ......... e. blue . ......... f. expensive . ......... g. also . ......... h. shirt . ......... i. fruits . ......... j. lentils

    52. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , , )

    . -------------- . -------------- . -------------- . -------------- . --------------

    53. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 )

    a) blue color ...... -------------- e) Lucknow -------------- b) in the afternoon ...... -------------- f) twenty -------------- c) Varanasi -------------- g) For how much? -------------- d) to buy --------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    54. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . ......... Room . ......... Yes, please . ......... One . ......... You (+H) . ......... Bird . ......... No . ......... What . ......... An English man or woman . ......... I (Ist person. Sing.) . ......... Japanese

    55. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , , )

    . -------------- ? . -------------- . --------------, . -------------- . -------------- ?

    56. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 )

    a) two ...... -------------- e) copy -------------- b) person ...... -------------- f) all right, ok -------------- c) you (+intimate) -------------- g) fan -------------- d) Hello! Or Goodbye --------------

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    57. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . Language . Yes . Mother . I (Ist. Person pronoun) . King . This, he she, it . People . Child . House . table

    58. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list

    (5 ): (, , , , )

    . -------------- . -------------- . -------------- . -------------- . --------------

    59. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 ):

    a) am ...... -------------- e) very -------------- b) is ...... -------------- f) Sunday -------------- c) thank you -------------- g) boy -------------- d) white --------------


    ------------------------------------- :...

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    60. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . Hello; good bye . Because . How (mas.) . And . Sandal . How (fam.) . Shoes . Not; isnt it? default Q.tag . Just now; at this moment . student

    61. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list

    (5 ): (, , , , )

    . -------------- ? . -------------- . -------------- ? . -------------- . --------------

    62. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 ):

    a) Delhi ...... -------------- e) how much/many -------------- b) today ...... -------------- f) angry, displeased -------------- c) Thank you -------------- g) a piece of paper -------------- d) answer --------------


    ------------------------------------- :...

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    63. Match the following Hindi expressions in column A with its corresponding

    English expressions in column B: (10 )

    Column A Column B

    . sister . Matter, thing . son . [I] dont know. . Fat, thick . dictionary . student . Monday . Mrs . Tall, high

    64. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list

    (5 ): (, , , , )

    . -------------- , ? . , (that) -------------- . -------------- (ill or sick) ? . (my) -------------- . (Sheelaas or of Sheelaa) --------------

    65. Write down the Hindi equivalent of the following English expressions. Only five correct answers will amount to be scored. (5 ):

    a) Ramayan ...... -------------- e) or -------------- b) question ...... -------------- f) Mr -------------- c) sixteen -------------- g) cheap -------------- d) weather --------------


  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    66. Write the appropriate letters to match the Hindi words in column one with their

    translations in column 2. (15 )

    ____________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ . -

    ________ .

    s. all together

    t. inside

    u. below

    v. whence/from where

    w. to do

    x. pink, rose-colored

    y. city

    z. peacock

    aa. to weep

    j. to think

    67. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , , )

    . ---------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- 68. Translate the following words into Hindi. Remember, spelling counts! Your five best

    answers will be counted. (5 )




    to write...



    Long, tall..

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    A Write the appropriate letters to match the Hindi words in column one with their translations in

    column 2. (15 )

    ____________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    1. Female friend

    2. afterwards

    3. Monday

    4. Lane, street

    5. Early, quickly

    6. Saturday

    7. thirty

    8. to laugh

    9. woman

    10. j. Lakshmi

    B. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , , )

    . ---------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- C. Translate the following words into Hindi. Remember, spelling counts! Your five best answers

    will be counted. (5 )

    Outside X..


    right now..


    To wait

    In the middle of X..

    To rise, to get up ..

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    A. Write the appropriate letters to match the Hindi words in column one with their translations in

    column 2. (10 )

    ____________ . X

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    1. fat

    2. shoes

    3. cold

    4. dirty

    5. cat

    6. plant

    7. thirty

    8. old woman

    9. cobbler

    10. because of X

    B. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , -, )

    . ------------------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- C. Translate the following words into Hindi. Remember, spelling counts! Your five best answers

    will be counted. (5 )

    In a minute..

    In the field

    At Xs place..

    One week ...

    To bathe

    To cook ..

    But ..

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    A. Write the appropriate letters to match the Hindi words in column one with their translations in

    column 2. (10 )

    ____________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    1. To work

    2. family

    3. Kanpur

    4. When, what time

    5. hand

    6. color

    7. office

    8. maternal grand-mother

    9. of this kind/sort

    10. j. no, not

    B. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 ):

    (, , , , )

    . ------------------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- C. Translate the following words into Hindi. Remember, spelling counts! Your five best answers

    will be counted. (5 )

    Your eyes..

    Their work

    Body (our)..

    Devotional hymn ...

    To place/store

    address ..

    how ..

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    A. Write the appropriate letters to match the Hindi words in column one with their translations in

    column 2. (10 )

    ____________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ . ...

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    1. definite

    2. Sick

    3. Ganga

    4. It seems that

    5. province

    6. truly

    7. king

    8. body

    9. rain

    10. j. to give up, renounce

    B. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 )

    ( , , , , )

    . ------------------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- ! . ---------------- C. Translate the following words into Hindi. Remember, spelling counts! Your five best answers

    will be counted. (5 )

    Brother of the king..

    Fifth grade

    My own..

    Right occasion ...

    If then

    possible ..

    on the bank of Yamuna ..

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    A. Write the appropriate letters to match the Hindi words in column one with their translations in

    column 2. (10 )

    ____________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ . ... ...

    ________ .

    1. ticket

    2. envelope

    3. bullet

    4. As soon as then

    5. Allahabad

    6. strange

    7. later, ahead

    8. place

    9. sentence

    10. j. gift, contribution

    B. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 )

    ( , , , , )

    . ------------------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- C. Translate the following words into Hindi. Remember, spelling counts! Your five best answers

    will be counted. (5 )

    Your fate..

    My umbrella

    To bark..

    A big fool ...

    Since the time

    Ugly Betty ..

    Hurt, injury ..

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    A. Write the appropriate letters to match the Hindi words in column one with their translations in

    column 2. (10 )

    ____________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    1. Quick, sharp

    2. to lie down

    3. successful

    4. To burn, ignite

    5. name

    6. rich

    7. population

    8. much, more

    9. bad, spoiled

    10. j. much, more

    B. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 )

    ( , , , , )

    . ------------------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- ! . ---------------- C. Translate the following words into Hindi. Remember, spelling counts! Your five best answers

    will be counted. (5 )

    To the left..

    In the colony


    finally ...


    better than X ..

    famous ..

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    A. Write the appropriate letters to match the Hindi words in column one with their translations in

    column 2. (10 )

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ . X

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ . X

    1. happiness

    2. opportunity, chance, occasion

    3. government

    4. direction

    5. because

    6. in the direction of X

    7. cold

    8. laughter

    9. for X to have fever

    10. j. fear

    B. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 )

    ( , , , , , )

    . ------------------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- ! . ---------------- C. Translate the following words into Hindi. Remember, spelling counts! Your five best answers

    will be counted. (5 )


    Only, just


    thirst ...


    Scholarship ..

    According to X ..

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    A. Write the appropriate letters to match the Hindi words in column one with their translations in

    column 2. (10 )

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ . -

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    1. potatoes

    2. place, location

    3. continuously

    4. home-spun cloth

    5. to remain, to survive

    6. how many times

    7. peas

    8. to throw, hurl

    9. salt

    10. j. somewhat, a little

    B. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 )

    ( , , , , )

    . -------------- . ---------------- . -------------------------- . ---------------- ! . ---------------- C. Complete the following phrases given in Hindi, translating from given English ones.

    Remember, spelling counts! Your five best answers will be counted. (5 )

    Nice place ..

    Four scholars

    Native people..

    Servants work ...

    To kill

    immediately.. ()

    towards X X ..

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    A. Write the appropriate letters to match the Hindi words in column one with their translations in

    column 2. (10 )

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    1. slowly

    2. jungle

    3. to be beaten up

    4. house, residence

    5. light (in color, weight)

    6. expense

    7. wrong, incorrect

    8. to breathe

    9. life

    10. j. crowd

    B. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 )

    ( , , , , )

    . -------------- . ---------------- . -------------------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- ? C. Complete the following phrases given in Hindi, translating from given English ones.

    Remember, spelling counts! Your five best answers will be counted. (5 )

    To wait for X X ..

    To reply to

    To bear in mind..

    Near the rock .........

    To plough .....

    Lie, falsehood..

    To excuse, pardon ..........

  • Workbook for Beginners in Hindi Singh, Vishwajeet K


    A. Write the appropriate letters to match the Hindi words in column one with their translations in

    column 2. (10 )

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ . -

    ________ .

    ________ .

    ________ .

    1. Thin, lean

    2. To demand

    3. question

    4. on food

    5. independence

    6. zoo

    7. ordinary

    8. strong

    9. west

    10. j. hearth, stove

    B. Fill in the blank spaces opting correct Hindi expressions from the given list (5 )

    ( , , , , )

    . -------------- ? . ---------------- . -------------------------- . ---------------- . ---------------- C. Complete the following phrases given in Hindi, translating from given English ones.

    Remember, spelling counts! Your five best answers will be counted. (5 )

    near X ..


    his answer..

    in the east .........

    To spend time .....

    Young man..

    mosque ..........