Workbook Chapter 1CALC

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  • 8/9/2019 Workbook Chapter 1CALC

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    Topics Page

    Chapter 1 : Basic concepts of Electronic Spreadsheet CA-1

    Chapter 2 : Creating a Spreadsheet CA-30

    Chapter 3 : Formatting Data, Formulas and Copying



    Chapter 4 : Cell Reference and Functions CA-63

    Chapter 5 : Charts CA-71

  • 8/9/2019 Workbook Chapter 1CALC


    Chapter 1: Basic Concepts of ElectronicChapter 1: Basic Concepts of Electronic


    1.What is Calc?............................................................................................................CA-1

    2.Advantages of an Electronic Spreadsheet.................................................................CA-1

    3.Spreadsheets, sheets and cells...................................................................................CA-1

    4.Parts of the main Calc window.................................................................................CA-2

    4.1.Title bar and Menu bar......................................................................................CA-2


    4.3.Formula bar.......................................................................................................CA-3

    4.4.Individual cells..................................................................................................CA-4

    4.5.Sheet tabs...........................................................................................................CA-4

    5.Navigating within spreadsheets.................................................................................CA-4

    5.1.Going to a particular cell...................................................................................CA-4

    5.2.Moving from cell to cell....................................................................................CA-5

    5.3.Moving from sheet to sheet...............................................................................CA-7

    6.Viewing Calc.............................................................................................................CA-7

    6.1.Using the zoom function...................................................................................CA-7

    7.Types of data entry....................................................................................................CA-8

    7.1.Entering numbers..............................................................................................CA-8

    7.2.Entering text......................................................................................................CA-9

    7.3.Entering a formula.............................................................................................CA-9

    Entering data in Spreadsheets.....................................................................................CA-10

    7.4.Multiple lines of text.......................................................................................CA-107.5.Using AutoFill.................................................................................................CA-12

    7.6.Using AutoInput..............................................................................................CA-13

    7.7.Using AutoCorrect...........................................................................................CA-13

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    8.Editing data in Calc.................................................................................................CA-13

    8.1.Removing data from a cell..............................................................................CA-14

    8.2.Replacing all the data in a cell.........................................................................CA-148.3.Changing part of the data in a cell...................................................................CA-14

    9.File management.....................................................................................................CA-15

    9.1.Starting new spreadsheets...............................................................................CA-15

    9.2.Opening existing spreadsheets........................................................................CA-15

    9.3.Saving spreadsheets.........................................................................................CA-16


    10.1.Printing a spreadsheet ...................................................................................CA-17

    10.2.Print options..................................................................................................CA-18

    10.3.Selecting sheets to print.................................................................................CA-18

    10.4.Details, order, and scale.................................................................................CA-19

    11.Adjusting the print range.......................................................................................CA-20

    11.1.Printing rows or columns on every page.......................................................CA-20

    11.2.Defining a print range....................................................................................CA-21

    11.3.Removing a print range.................................................................................CA-21

    11.4.Editing a print range......................................................................................CA-22

    12.Headers and footers...............................................................................................CA-23

    12.1.Setting a header or a footer............................................................................CA-23

    12.2.Header or footer appearance..........................................................................CA-24

    12.3.Setting the contents of the header or footer...................................................CA-24


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  • 8/9/2019 Workbook Chapter 1CALC


    1.What is Calc?

    Calc is the spreadsheet component of (OOo). You can enter data, usuallynumerical data, in a spreadsheet and then manipulate this data to produce certain results.

    Alternatively you can enter data and then use Calc in a What If... manner by changing some

    of the data and observing the results without having to retype the entire spreadsheet or sheet.

    2.Advantages of an Electronic Spreadsheet

    1. Support good design and accurate results

    2. With Calc you can enter data faster and more accurately than using the pencil and papermethod. For example, from the spreadsheet you can change the formula to reflect anychanges of data trend, and the result will be displayed accordingly.

    3. Program can quickly edit and format data

    4. Data in the worksheet can easily be updated and formatted to suit your preference. Thereare various types of formatting that can be used to enhance the presentation of yourworksheet such as fonts, color, and chart types.

    5. Perform calculations and create graphs

    6. The most important function of using spreadsheet is the ability to perform calculationfrom simple calculation to complex mathematical and business formulas. Charts can alsobe created instantly according to the required data from the worksheet. The graphs can bein different types and in 2-D or 3-D views

    7. Perform what-if analysis by changing independent values in the spreadsheet

    8. One of the most powerful decision making features of Excel is the ability to change dataand then quickly view the recalculated results.

    9. Support simultaneous use of multiple sheet

    10. Calc allows working with multiple worksheets at the same time, and therefore make iteasier for the user to link one worksheet to another worksheet.

    3.Spreadsheets, sheets and cells

    Calc works with elements calledspreadsheets. Spreadsheets consist of a number ofindividualsheets, each containing a block of cells arranged in rows and columns.

    These cells hold the individual elementstext, numbers, formulas etc.which make up thedata to be displayed and manipulated.

    Each spreadsheet can have many sheets and each sheet can have many individual cells. Inversion 2.0 of OOo, each sheet can have a maximum of 65,536 rows and a maximum of 245columns (A through IV). This gives 16,056,320 individual cells per sheet.


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    4.Parts of the main Calc window

    When Calc is started, the main window looks similar to Figure 1.

    Figure 1. Parts of the Calc window

    4.1.Title bar and Menu bar

    The Title bar, at the top, shows the name of the current spreadsheet. If the spreadsheet is new,then its name is Untitled X, withXbeing a number. When you save a new spreadsheet for thefirst time, you will be prompted to enter a name.

    Under the Title bar is the Menu bar. When you choose one of the menus, a submenu appearswith other options.


    Under the Menu bar by default are three toolbars: the Standard toolbar, the Formattingtoolbar, and the Formula bar.

    The icons on these toolbars provide a wide range of common commands and functions.

    Placing the mouse pointer over any of the icons displays a small box, called a tooltip. It givesa brief explanation of the icons function.


    Row Headers

    Active CellIndicator

    Active Cell


    Formula Bar

    Column Headers

    Standard ToolbarTitle Bar

    Menu Bar

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    In the Formatting toolbar, there are two rectangular areas on the left. They are the Font Nameand Font Size menus. (See Figure 2.) If there is something already in the box, it tells whatthe current setting for the selected area is.

    Figure 2. Font name, and font size

    Click the little button with an inverted triangle to the right of the box to open a menu. Fromthe Font Name and Font Size menus, you can change the font and its size in selected cells.

    4.3.Formula bar

    On the left of the Formula bar (see Figure 3) is a small text box, called the Name box, with aletter and number combination in it, such asD7. This is the column letter and row number,called the cell reference, of the current cell.

    Figure 3. Formula Bar

    To the right of the Name box are the the Function Wizard, Sum, and Function buttons.

    Clicking the Function Wizard button opens a dialog box from which you can search througha list of available functions. This can be very useful, because it also shows how the functionsare formatted.

    The Sum button inserts a formula into the current cell that totals the numbers in the cellsabove, or to the left if there are no numbers above, the current cell.

    The Function button inserts an equals sign into the selected cell and the Input Line, therebysetting the cell ready to accept a formula.

    When you enter new data into a cell, the Sum and Equals buttons change to Cancel andAccept buttons .


    Name box

    Function Wizard

    Sum Button

    Function Button

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    The contents of the current cell (data, formula, or function) are displayed in theInput Line,the remainder of the Formula bar. You can edit the cell contents of the current cell here, oryou can do that in the current cell. To edit inside the Input Line area, left-click the appropriatepart of the Input Line area, then type your changes. To edit within the current cell, justdouble-click the cell.

    4.4.Individual cells

    The main section of the screen displays the individual cells in the form of a grid, with eachcell being at the intersection of a particular column and row.

    At the top of the columns and at the left-hand end of the rows are a series of gray boxescontaining letters and numbers. These are the column and row headers. These headers can

    also be turned off by selecting View > Column & Row Headers

    4.5.Sheet tabsAt the bottom of the grid of cells are the sheet tabs (see Figure 4). These tabs enable access toeach individual sheet, with the visible, or active, sheet having a white tab.

    Clicking on another sheet tab displays that sheet and its tab turns white. You can also selectmultiple sheet tabs at once by holding down the Controlkey while you click the names.

    Figure 4. Sheet tabs

    5.Navigating within spreadsheets

    5.1.Going to a particular cell

    a)Using the mouse

    Place the mouse pointer over the cell and left-click.

    b)Using a cell referenceClick on the little inverted black triangle just to the right of the Name box (Figure 3). Theexisting cell reference will be highlighted. Type the cell reference of the cell you want to goto and pressEnter. Or just click into the Name box, backspace over the existing cell referenceand type in the cell reference you want.


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    c)Using the Navigator

    Click on the Navigator button in the Standard toolbar (or pressF5) to display theNavigator. Type the cell reference into the top two fields, labeled Column and Row, and pressEnter. In Figure 5 the Navigator would select cell F5.

    Figure 5. Calc Navigator

    5.2.Moving from cell to cell

    In the spreadsheet, one cell, or a group of cells, normally has a darker black border. Thisblack border indicates where thefocus is (see Figure 6).

    Figure 6. (Left) One selected cell and (right) a group of selected cells

    a)Using the Tab and Enter keys

    PressingEnterorShift+Entermoves the focus down or up, respectively.

    Pressing Tab orShift+Tab moves the focus right or left, respectively.


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    b)Using the cursor keys

    Pressing the cursor keys on the keyboard moves the focus in the direction of the arrows.

    c)Using Home, End, Page Up and Page Down

    Home moves the focus to the start of a row.

    Endmoves the focus to the column furthest to the right that contains data. Page Down moves the display down one complete screen andPage Up moves the

    display up one complete screen.

    Combinations ofControlandAltwithHome,End,Page Down,Page Up, and thecursor keys move the focus of the current cell in other ways. Table 1 describes all thekeyboard shortcuts for moving about a spreadsheet.

    Tip Holding downAlt+Cursor key resizes a cell.

    Table 1. Moving from cell to cell using the keyboard

    Key Combination Movement

    Right one cell

    Left one cell

    Up one cell

    Down one cell

    Control+ To last column containing data in that row or to Column IV

    Control+ To first column containing data in that row or to Column A

    Control+ To first row containing data in that column or to Row 1

    Control+ To last row containing data in that column or to Row 32000

    Control+Home To Cell A1

    Control+End To lower right hand corner of the square area containing data

    Alt+PgDn One screen to the right (if possible)

    Alt+PgUp One screen to the left (if possible)

    Control+PgDn One sheet to the right (in Sheet Tabs)

    Control+PgUp One sheet to the left (in Sheet Tabs)

    Tab To the cell on the right

    Shift+Tab To the cell on the left

    Enter Down one cells

    Shift+Enter Up one cell


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    5.3.Moving from sheet to sheet

    Each sheet in a spreadsheet is independent of the others though they can be linked withreferences from one sheet to another. There are three ways to navigate between differentsheets in a spreadsheet.

    a)Using the keyboardPressing Control+PgDn moves one sheet to the right and pressing Control+PgUp moves onesheet to the left.

    b)Using the mouse

    Clicking one of the Sheet Tabs (see Figure 4) at the bottom of the spreadsheet selects thatsheet.

    If you have a lot of sheets, then some of the sheet tabs may be hidden behind the horizontalscroll bar at the bottom of the screen. If this is the case, then the four buttons at the left of thesheet tabs can move the tabs into view. Figure 7 shows how to do this.

    Figure 7. Sheet tab arrows

    Notice that the sheets here are not numbered in order. Sheet numbering is arbitrary you canname a sheet as you wish.

    Note The sheet tab arrows that appear in Figure 7 only appear if you have some sheettabs that can not be seen. Otherwise they will appear faded as in Figure 4.


    6.Viewing Calc

    6.1.Using the zoom function

    The zoom function allows you to change the view in order to see more or less cells in the


    Move to the first sheet

    Move left one sheet

    Move right one sheet

    Move to the last sheet

    Sheet tabs

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    The zoom function can be activated by either:

    Going to the View menu and selecting Zoom, or

    Double-clicking on the percentage figure in the status bar at the bottom of the window.

    Figure 8. Zoom dialog

    Both methods will open the Zoom dialog (Figure 8). You can choose any one of the optionslisted on the left side.

    7.Types of data entry

    7.1.Entering numbers

    Select the cell and type in the number using either the top row of the keyboard or the numerickeypad.

    To enter a negative number, either type a minus () sign in front of it or enclose it in brackets( ).

    By default numbers are right-aligned and negative numbers have a leading minus symbol.

    a)Entering number as text

    If a number is entered in the format 01481, Calc will drop the leading 0. To preserve theleading zero, in the case of telephone area codes for example, precede the number with anapostrophe, like this: '01481. However, the data is now regarded as text by Calc. Formulasand functions will treat the entry like any other text entry, which typically results in it being azero in a formula, and being ignored in a function.

    Note When entering an apostrophe to allow a leading zero to be displayed, the apostrophe


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    will not be visible in the cell after theEnterkey is pressed only if the apostrophe isa plain apostrophe (not a smart quote apostrophe). The type of apostrophe isselected by choosing Tools > Autocorrect > Custom Quotes. The selection of theapostrophe type will affect Calc and Writer. If smart quotes are selected forapostrophes, the apostrophe will remain visible in the cell after pressingEnter.

    Tip Numbers can have leading zeros and be regarded as numbers (as opposed to text) ifthe cell is formatted appropriately. Right-click on the cell and chose the FormatCells > Numbers. Adjust the leading zeros setting to add leading zeros to numbers.

    7.2.Entering text

    Select the cell and type the text. Text is left-aligned by default.

    7.3.Entering a formulaAll formulas begin with an equals sign. The formulas may contain numbers or text, and otherdata is also possible such as format details. The formulas also contain arithmetic operators,logic operators or function starts.

    Remember that the basic arithmetic signs (+, -, *, /) can be used in formulasusing the "Multiplication and Division before Addition and Subtraction" rule.Instead of writing =SUM(A1:B1) it is better to write =A1+B1.

    Parentheses can also be used. The result of the formula =(1+2)*3 produces a

    different result than =1+2*3.

    Here are a few examples of Calc formulas:

    =A1+10 Displays the contents of cell A1 plus 10.

    =A1*16% Displays 16% of the contents of A1.

    =A1 * A2 Displays the result of the multiplication of A1 and A2.

    =ROUND(A1;1) Displays the contents of cell A1 rounded to one decimal place.

    =B8-SUM(B10:B14) Calculates B8 minus the sum of the cells B10 to B14.

    =SUM(B8;SUM(B10:B14)) Calculates the sum of cells B10 to B14 and adds the value to B8.

    =SUM(B1:B65536) Sums all numbers in column B.


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    a)Entering dates and times

    Select the cell and type the date or time. You can separate the date elements with a slant (/) ora hyphen () or use text such as 10 Oct 03. Calc recognizes a variety of date formats. You canseparate time elements with colons such as 10:43:45.

    Entering data in Spreadsheets

    7.4.Multiple lines of text

    Multiple lines of text can be entered into a single cell, in two ways. Each method is useful fordifferent situations.

    a)Wrapping text

    Text in cells can be set to wrap at the end of the cell. This option can be set by right-clicking

    on a cell and selecting Format Cells. (See Figure 9.) Click on the Alignment tab. Near thebottom of the dialog, under Properties, is a check box labeled Wrap text automatically.Selecting this check box will cause a line break to appear when the text gets to the end of thecell. The results are shown in Figure 10.

    Figure 9: Format Cells > Alignment dialog


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    Figure 10: Automatic text wrap

    b)Line breaks

    Multiple lines of text can also be entered by using manual line breaks. When a manual linebreak is entered, the cell width does not change.

    To insert a manual line break, press Ctrl+Enterwhile typing. Figure 11 shows the results ofusing two manual line breaks after the first line of text.

    Figure 11: Cell with manual line breaks

    c)Shrinking to fit cell

    The font size of the data in a cell can automatically adjust to fit in a cell. To do this, check theShrink to fit cell check box in the Format Cells dialog (Figure 9). Figure 12 shows theresults.


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    Figure 12: Shrinking font size to fit cells

    7.5.Using AutoFill

    AutoFill automatically generates a data series based on a defined pattern.

    1. On a sheet, click in cell, and type a number.

    2. Click in another cell and then click back in the cell where you typed the number.

    3. Drag the fill handle in the bottom right corner of the cell across the cells that you want

    to fill, and release the mouse button.

    4. The cells are filled with ascending numbers.

    To quickly create a list of consecutive days, enter "Monday" in a cell, and drag the fillhandle.

    Hold down Ctrl if you do not want to fill the cells with different values.

    If you select two or more adjacent cells that contain different numbers, and drag, theremaining cells are filled with the arithmetic pattern that is recognized in the numbers.

    The AutoFill function also recognizes customized lists that are defined underTools - Options - Calc - Sort Lists.

    You can double-click the fill handle to automatically fill all empty columns of the currentdata block. For example, first enter Jan into A1 and drag the fill handle down to A12 toget the twelve months in the first column. Now enter some values into B1 and C1. Selectthose two cells, and double-click the fill handle. This fills automatically the data blockB1:C12.

    a)Using a Defined Series1. Select the cell range in the sheet that you want to fill.

    2. Choose Edit - Fill - Series.

    3. Select the parameters for the series.

    4. If you select a linear series, the increment that you enter is added to each consecutivenumber in the series to create the next value.


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    5. If you select a growth series, the increment that you enter is multiplied by eachconsecutive number to create the next value.

    6. If you select a date series, the increment that you enter is added to the time unit thatyou specify.

    7.6.Using AutoInput

    When you are typing several identical text entries, AutoInput can speed up data entry.

    When you enter some text in a column that starts in the same way as previous text in thesame column, Calc will suggest the completion of the entry with the text previously entered but with highlighted characters. To accept the suggested new characters, just pressEnteroran arrow key. Otherwise, just keep typing or pressBackspace if you have reached the end of

    your entry.

    To turn the AutoInput on and off, set or remove the check mark in front ofTools - CellContents AutoInput.

    7.7.Using AutoCorrect

    AutoCorrect feature allows the program to make correction for any misspelled textautomatically. This features compares the text with the existing word list in the program.The AutoCorrect settings are applied when you press the Spacebar after you enter a word.

    To turn on or to turn off the AutoCorrect feature, in Calc choose Tools - Cell

    Contents - AutoInput, and in Writer choose Format - AutoFormat - WhileTyping. To apply the AutoFormat settings to an entire text document, choose Format -AutoFormat - Apply.

    8.Editing data in Calc

    Editing data is done is almost the same way it is entered.

    The first step to editing data is selecting the cell containing the data to be edited. To select theappropriate cell, use one of the above methods. Once the cell is selected, the text in it can


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    a)Keyboard shortcut

    After selecting the appropriate cell, press theF2 key and the cursor is placed at the end of thecell. Then use the keyboard arrows to move the cursor through the text in the cell.


    Using the mouse, select the appropriate cell to edit. Once the cell is selected, move the mouse

    pointer up to the input line and click into it to place the cursor for editing. You can either editthe data from the input line or, once the cursor is in the input line, click the mouse in theoriginal cell for editing.

    9.File management

    9.1.Starting new spreadsheets

    A new spreadsheet can be opened regardless of which component of OOo you are using at the

    time. For example, a new spreadsheet can be opened from Writer or Draw.

    a)From the menu bar

    ClickFile and then select New > Spreadsheet.

    b)From the toolbar

    Use the New Document button on the Standard toolbar. (This button is always a page

    of text from the current component with a black arrow to the right.) Click the drop-downarrow for a choice of what type of document to open (text document, spreadsheet, and so on).Click the button itself to create a new document of the type that is currently open (if aspreadsheet is open, a new spreadsheet document will be created).

    c)From the keyboard

    If you already have a spreadsheet open, you can press Control+Nto open a new spreadsheet.

    d)From a template

    Calc documents can also be created from templates, if you have any spreadsheet templatesavailable. Follow the above procedures, but instead of selecting Spreadsheet from the Filemenu, select Templates and Documents. On the Templates and Documents window,navigate to the appropriate folder and double-click on the required template. A newspreadsheet, based on the selected template, opens.

    9.2.Opening existing spreadsheets

    a)From the menu bar

    ClickFile and then selectOpen.


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    b)From the toolbar

    Click the Open button on the Standard toolbar.

    c)From the keyboard

    Use the key combination Control+O.

    Each of these options displays the Open dialog box (Figure 14), where you can locate thespreadsheet that you want to open.

    Figure 14. Open dialog box

    Tip You can also open a spreadsheet that has been recently worked on using theRecently Opened Files list. This list can be accessed from the File menu, directly

    below Open. The list displays the last 10 files that were opened in any of the OOocomponents.

    9.3.Saving spreadsheets

    Spreadsheets can be saved in three ways.

    a)From the menu bar

    ClickFile and then selectSave.

    b)From the toolbar

    Click on the Save button on the Function bar. This button will be greyed-out andunselectable if the file has been saved and no subsequent changes have been made.


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    c)From the keyboard

    Use the key combination Control+S.

    If the spreadsheet has not been saved previously, then each of these actions will open theSave Asdialog box (Figure 15). Here you can specify the spreadsheet name and the locationin which to save it.

    Figure 15. Save As dialog box

    Note If the spreadsheet has been previously saved, then saving will overwrite the existingcopy without opening the Save As dialog box. If you want to save the spreadsheet in

    a different location or with a different name, then select File > Save As.

    10.Printing Calc offers a powerful and highly configurable printing system. You canselect many different details to print or not to print. You can choose the order the sheets willprint in, the size of the sheets, and particular rows or columns to be printed on all sheets,andthe print range.

    10.1.Printing a spreadsheetTo print a spreadsheet either to a printer or a file, choose File > Print.

    Use the Print dialog (Figure 16) to change printer settings and quickly set what to print: thewhole document, specific sheets or a group of selected cells. You can also set the number ofcopies, and whether to collate the copies, in this dialog.

    ClickOKto start printing.


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    Figure 16. The Print dialog

    10.2.Print options

    You can set printer options for the current document only or for all spreadsheets. To selectoptions for the current document, on thePrint dialog, click the Options button in the bottomleft. To set print options permanently, go to Tools > Options > Calc >

    Print. The dialog boxes for both are very similar. See Figure 17.

    10.3.Selecting sheets to print

    You can select one or more sheets for printing. This can be useful if you have a largespreadsheet with multiple sheets and only want a certain sheet to print. An example would bean accountant recording costs over time where there was one sheet for each month. If only theNovember sheet were to be printed, this is the procedure to follow.

    1) Select the sheets to be printed. (For multiple sheets, hold down the Controlkey as youclick on each sheet tab.)

    2) Go to File > Print and select Options.

    Note The Options button is different from theProperties button.Properties deals withthe settings of the printer, whereas Options deals with OOos settings.

    3) Check the Print only selected sheets checkbox.

    4) ClickOK.


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    Figure 17. Printer Options dialog

    10.4.Details, order, and scale


    In OOo Calc you can specify certain details to print or not to print. Those details include:

    Row and column headers

    Sheet grid


    Objects and graphics


    Drawing objects


    To select the details to be printed:

    1) Choose Format > Page.

    2) Select the Sheet tab (Figure 18).3) In thePrintarea, mark the details to be printed and clickOK.

    Note Remember that since the print detail options are a part of the pages properties, they arealso a part of the page styles properties. Therefore, different page styles can be set upto quickly change the print properties of the sheets in the spreadsheet.


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    Figure 18. The Sheet tab of the Page Style dialog

    11.Adjusting the print range

    11.1.Printing rows or columns on every pageIf a sheet will be printed on multiple pages, you can set up certain rows or columns to repeaton each printed page.

    As an example, if the top two rows of the sheet as well as column A need to be printed on allpages, do the following:

    1) Choose Format > Print Ranges > Edit.

    2) TheEdit Print Ranges dialog (Figure 15) appears. Click on - none - to the left of theRows to repeat area, and change it to - user defined -.

    3) In the text entry box in the center, type in the rows to repeat. For example, to repeatrows one and two, type $1:$2.

    4) Columns can also repeat; click on - none - to the left of the Columns to repeat area,and change it to - user defined -..

    5) In the text entry box in the center, type in the columns to repeat. For example, to repeatcolumn A, type $A.


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    Figure 19: Edit Print Ranges dialog

    6) ClickOK.

    Note You do not need to select the entire range of the rows to be repeated. Just selecting onecell in each row will work.

    11.2.Defining a print range

    Use this option to modify or set a defined print range. This could be useful if, in a largespreadsheet, you need to print only a specific area of data.

    To define a print range:

    1) Highlight the range of cells that comprise the print range.

    2) Choose Format > Print Ranges > Define.

    The page break lines will display on screen.

    Note You can check the print range by using File > Page Preview. OOo will only display thecells in the print range.

    11.3.Removing a print range

    It may become necessary to remove a defined print range, for example if the whole sheet

    needs to printed at a later time.

    To remove the print range, choose Format > Print Ranges > Clear.

    This will remove all defined print ranges on the sheet.

    After the print range is removed, the default page break lines will appear on the screen


    Click to shrink dialog

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    11.4.Editing a print range

    At any time, the print range can be directly edited with Format > Print Ranges > Edit. Ifyou have already selected a print range, you'll see something like Figure 20.

    Figure 20: Edit Print Ranges dialog

    In this example, three rectangles are selected, each separated by a semicolon. The first is

    bounded by cell A3 ($A$3) in the top left and cell C9 ($C$9) in the bottom right corners.Clicking anywhere in the text entry box will show the currently selected print range on thescreen, with each rectangle in a different color as in Figure 21.

    After making any changes, click the shrinkicon to the right of the text entry box (see Figure4) to redisplay the rectangles with their new values.

    Click the right-hand icon (a window with an arrow pointing down) to re-expand the dialogbox.

    Figure 21: Edit print range


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    12.Headers and footers

    Headers and footers are pre-defined pieces of text that are printed at the top or bottom of asheet outside of the sheet area. Headers and footers are assigned to a sheet or to a sheet style.

    Headers print on the top of a sheet and footers print on the bottom of a sheet. There are set

    the same way.

    12.1.Setting a header or a footer

    To set a header or footer:

    1) Navigate to the sheet that you want to set the header or footer for.

    2) Select Format > Page.

    3) Select the header (or footer) tab. You should see Figure 22.

    Figure 22: Header dialog

    4) Select the Header on checkbox.

    From here you can also set the margins, the spacing, and height for the header or footer. Youcan check the AutoFit height box to have the height of the header or footer automaticallyadjust.


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    Changing the size of the left or right margin adjusts how far the header or footer is from theside of the page.


    Spacing affects how far above or below the sheet the header or footer will print. So, if

    spacing is set to 1.00, then there will be 1 inch between the header or footer and the sheet.


    Height affects how big the header or footer will be.

    12.2.Header or footer appearance

    You can change the appearance of the header or footer by clicking on the More button. Thisopens the dialog shown in Figure 23.

    Figure 23: Header/Footer Border/Background

    From this dialog you can set the background and border of the header or footer.

    12.3.Setting the contents of the header or footer

    The header or footer of a Calc spreadsheet has three columns for text. Each column can havedifferent contents.


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    To set the contents of the header or footer, click the Edit button in the header or footer dialogshown in Figure 22. The dialog shown in Figure 24 will display.

    Figure 24: Edit contents of header or footer


    Each area is independent and can have different information in it.


    In the header drop down list there are several preset choices.

    c)Custom headerHere there are several buttons to add custom elements to the headers.

    Opens the Text Attributes dialog.

    Inserts the file name field.

    Inserts the sheet name field.

    Inserts the current page number.

    Inserts the total number of pages.

    Inserts the date field.

    Inserts the time field.


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    Hands-on Exercise

    Produce a spreadsheet similar to the one below, using the skills that you have learned in thischapter. Save the sheet as Exercise 1. Type your name in cell A11.


    1. Entering the spreadsheet title

    Place the cell selector at cell A1. Type ABX Private College in cell A1. Press Enterkey. Place the cell selector at cell A3. Type Students Intake for Year 2007. PressEnter key


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    2. Entering Column Titles

    Click cell B5. Type Sem 1. Point the mouse pointer to the bottom right corner of thecell selector, the pointer become + (fill handle). Using fill handle, drag the cell tocells C5:D5. Sem 2 and Sem 3 appear in both cell C5:D5.

    3. Entering Row Titles

    Click cell A6. Type Law and press () down arrow key. Repeat the step for every rowtitle forBusiness, Econs and ICT for cells A7:A9.

    4. Entering Numeric Data

    Click cell B6. Type 356 and press Enter key. Calc enters the number 356 into cell B6and moves the cell selector to B7. The number is right aligned. Enter457 in B7, 377in cell B8, 563 in cell B9, 323 in cell C6, 370 in cell C7, 300 in cell C8, 560 in cellC9, 120 in cell D6, 156 in cell D7, 150 in cell D8, 290 in cell D9.


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    Lab Exercise

    1. Enter the following data in the worksheet. Observe whether they are text, numbers orformulas.

    a) 120 kg

    b) 53126

    c) 53 126

    d) 2+1

    e) =2+1

    f) 5/3

    g) 5-3

    h) 13-3

    i) 25 Jul 2005

    j) 13/10/99

    k) 10/35/05

    l) $100


    n) -200.59

    o) (200.59)

    p) 0.0135

    q) 0 2/5

    r) 100.20

    2. Click sheet2 from the sheet tab. Position the cursor at A1, perform the following stepsand write the cell positions:


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    Steps Cell Position

    Page Down



    Ctrl HomePage Up


    Alt Page Down




    3. In a new spreadsheet, perform the following task and observe the result:

    a) In cell A1 type January. Using fill handle fill the following month until December

    in cell B1, C1,..b) In cell C10 type Apr (short for April). Using fill handle, drag to cell C5.

    c) In cell H3 type Friday. Using fill handle drag to cell A3

    d) In cell D6, type 1000. Using fill handle copy the content to E6 until H6

    e) In cells A12 and B12 type 50 and 100. Highlight A12:B12 and using fill handle,drag to G12.

    f) In cells A14 and B14 type 50 and 20. Highlight A14 and B14 and using fill handledrag to G14.

    g) In cell B16 type Semester 1. Using fill handle, drag to cell F16

    h) In cells A9 and A10 type 8/25/2004 and 8/28/2004. Highlight A9:A10 and usingfill handle, drag to A5.