Work For Us Booklet

IF YOU can’t Beat THEM, JOiN Them


This booklet tells you everything you'd want to know about Profiles Creative, and your recruitment career with us.

Transcript of Work For Us Booklet

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IF YOU can’tBeat THEM,

JOiN Them

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Recruitment is a special game to be part of. One minute you’re a consultant, the next a “Life Saver”, “Hero”, “Saint” or “Star”. Where for someone, somewhere, every action you take is potentially life-changing.

We work at crossroads and these are sensitive places: where an inch to one side soon becomes a mile - and that mile a million. We’re caught between butterflies and hurricanes.

It’s not what you’d call your average job. A job with us is even less so...

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Well, if it’s anything like ours, start with a snow-swept cottage in Twickenham, an office space with a view of the back garden, a cat named Gladys and an army of custard creams.

Then, once you’re settled, put the kettle on and do something no one else has done: become the original multi-disciplined recruiter for the creative industry.

Then get ready to grow. And quickly. With the success of our unique offering of both Creative and Marketing, and later PR, we soon outgrew our quaint but horizontally-challenged office and moved into the thick of the city. Last came our Fashion & Retail team to give our retail clients even more...

The rest, as they say, is history.

Buy why dwell in the past when it’s the future that really gets us going. Our future-fuelled approach is the reason we’re here, and it’s a future that depends solely on people like you. As anyone worth recruiting for knows, it’s our people that drive us forward - from here to our ultimate aim of RUTHLESS GLOBAL DOMINATION. Don’t panic: that’s not really our aim. We actually prefer staying trim in size to ensure we don’t start putting profit before performance.

Today, a whole Thames Valley team to boot, we are now the UK’s most definitive creative recruiter.

The only thing we’re still missing is you...

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Design, digital & CLIENT SERVICES

This team recruit everyone you’d find within a creative studio. People who spend their days herding colours around their over-sized Macs, brainstorming concepts, or project managing the whole creative process.

Regular placements include digital and print designers, art directors, coders, copywriters, artworkers, studio management folk and every level of account handler.


This team recruit every type of marketer (that’s marketer, not musketeer, silly). From boardroom strategists to busy-footed execs, their talent helps many of the UK’s strongest brands grow even stronger.

And for all ecom clients, we have digital consultants able to recruit every pixel of their ecommerce team, from marketing and design to technical development.


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Heard the news lately? Well - whether it’s gossip, revelation or rumour - if it’s about a brand there’s a chance one of our PR & Comms candidates had a hand in it.

We partner with both Top 150 agencies and leading brands and sup-ply everyone from Account Handlers, Press Officers, Crisis Management people, to Internal Comms professionals.


Having half the high street as our clients, as well as a multitude of luxury brands, prompted us to provide retailers with an even better and more complete service.

So this team supplies everyone from Fashion Designers to Buyers, Merchandisers, and even those people you see in shop windows creating displays that look pretty enough to eat.

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Our working hours are 9 – 6pm. And that’s not recruitment speak for 8am - 8pm. We actually mean it as we want you to keep your work-life balance... balanced. We also run a flexi-time benefit where you can start and finish late (or early) to fit your own schdule. And there is always flexibility should you need to make a long avoided trip to the dentist or buy a last minute gift for a friend.


Not really. We prefer consultants to self-manage their time and implement their own plans on how to achieve their targets. But that’s not to say there isn’t a support structure to help you discover your own best way of working. And apart from some joint business development drives to help support each other, you’re generally left to your own devices.


Make one placement every day - or feel the sting of the whip. How’s that for an incentive? Only kidding, it’s actually two placements, not one, and that whip, it’s really more of a bespoke torture unit that doesn’t have a name yet but has lots of patents pending...

Actually, we have lots of regular incentives. But most are chocolate covered, involve leaving early, trips away, decadent meals out, events and secret parties.


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Our office, if you haven’t visited us yet, has a relaxed, colourful and creative vibe. It’s open-plan with plenty of natural light. We also have a dress-down policy so unless you’re out visiting one of our more stuffy clients you can leave your suit and tie to gather dust at home.

When placements are made we like to celebrate, but you won’t hear dinging bells or gongs, or see people giving themselves a running start for an around-the-world hand slap. So we’re free from the standard issue practices you can find in many sales environments. Likewise, we won’t give you a lovely comfy seat only to tell you to stand up when you’re on the phone.

We love music. So we keep the radio rolling throughout the day. Got an iPod? Stick it on, just be ready for some lively debate on your collection of 80’s “classics”.


We admire your enthusiasm. You will do well here. We don’t need too much of an excuse to visit our local barkeep and talk shop and nonsense. And with quarterly nights out, there’s plenty of opportunity to let off steam and learn things about your colleagues that - let’s face it - you’d have been richer for not knowing.

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Aha... I see we have your undivided attention. Great stuff. We want our consultants to be properly rewarded for their efforts, and so have a commission structure designed to maximise your potential take-home pay.


1. If you bill less than £10,000 per month a threshold of £6,000 is applied.

2. If you bill more than £10,000 per month, you will not have a threshold and will receive a percentage on everything you bill, with the following percentage being paid out at each stage:


£0 - £6,000£6,000 -£9,999£10,000 - £14,999£15,000 +



No commission payable8% of GP billed (over £6,000)22% of GP billed25% of GP billed

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We know that building a freelance desk takes time, so we tweak our commission scheme for a 6-month period to reward you even while you’re starting out.


Pension Scheme - 3% matched by us

22–25 Days Holiday + Extra 1 day each year of service (up to 3 days)

Free Eye Tests

Free Breakfast on Mondays

Duvet Days - (Our Favourite!)

Flexi-time - 2 days per week

2 Month Sabbatical after 3 years service

Monthly Incentives and Rewards

Quarterly Nights Out

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l i ve i n

F a r r i n g d o n .

It’s one of the most active and

interesting commercial hubs in London

and the preferred home to many of London’s top

creative and media agencies.

Although very of-the-moment it comes with a rich history too. Its

quaint streets are a patch-work quilt of architectural styles from

the historic to the modern.

It’s home to the annual Clerkenwell Design Festival, the (haunted)

museum of the Order of St John, and everybody’s favourite

cocktail hangout, TART bar.

It’s also got more cafes, restaurants and bars than you can shake

a tenner at. So you’re never lost for somewhere new to lunch or

to go after work.

But most importantly, we think anyway, is that it’s our home too.

We moved here in 2005 and have never looked back...


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DEBRA Head Honcho

Debra spent years treading the boards in Washington DC and New York before moving into recruitment via a global creative specialist. Debra started Profiles in 2003 and she’s been the heart and soul of the brand ever since. Her focus is on developing our brand, PR, and commercial markets.

MOST LIKELY TO: Be heard laughing from as far as 2 streets away.

PAUL Operations Director

Co-founder of the company, Paul spent two and a half years at the same recruiter alongside Debra. Prior to this he helped set up Reed New Media. Paul keeps Profiles working like a finely tuned, well-oiled machine. Everything from IT & infrastructure, finance, payroll and HR fall under his scrupulous eyes.

MOST LIKELY TO: Have his name used in lieu of the word “help!” by hapless consultants locked in a head-to-head with their Macs.


JEn-Deputy M.D.

Jen has been working and loving recruitment since 2004, and has always specialised in Media, Digital & Creative. She was managing teams back when Digital was still known as New Media. Today she’s in charge of running the company on a day to day basis and oversees all of our teams.

MOST LIKELY TO: Have her alter-ego, “The Wrangler”, be called upon by consultants in need of her ace negotiation skills. The Wrangler never fails.

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That good, huh? Well, we believe you can be even better. We also believe that once you’ve joined us, it’s our responsibility to make that happen. We’ll provide you with all the tools you need and teach you new skills to give you greater control over your desk and your earnings. Mastering your art means you also have more fun every day you come to work.

We regularly hold training sessions on a wide range of topics, and most times you can pick and choose which you feel are most useful to you, as well as how many you want to get involved in.

We also give consultants the chance to provide company-wide sessions on specialist knowledge areas that are valuable to all such as social media or Google Boolean searching. So if you have any specific expertise you want to share, we’re always ready to provide the platform.

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It’s good to know you’re going places. And as you develop in your role it’s important that your role develops too. So we offer clear career paths to those seeking them. This gives you the chance to progress and take on new responsibilities such as team management or mentoring.

Prefer just to manage yourself? Then we’ll help you build your desk so that you can watch your billings grow and grow and grow some more.

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NOWSTOPreadingANDDO SOMETHINGAmaz i n g . . . . . . .

0844 225 9290 | [email protected]