Words With Synonyms and Antonyms

Words with Antonyms Under Mrs. Bisnar Michelle Rein U. Lim IV- SOLIMAN


Words With Synonyms and Antonyms

Transcript of Words With Synonyms and Antonyms

Words with Antonyms

Words with AntonymsUnder Mrs. Bisnar

Michelle Rein U. LimIV- SOLIMAN


1absent present88broad narrow

2abundant scarce89calm windy, troubled

3accept decline, refuse90can cannot, can't

4accurate inaccurate91capable incapable

5admit deny92captive free

6advantage disadvantage93careful careless

7against for94cheap expensive

8agree disagree95cheerful sad, discouraged, dreary

9alive dead96clear cloudy, opaque

10all none, nothing97clever stupid

11ally enemy98clockwise counterclockwise

12always never99close far, distant

13ancient modern100closed ajar, open

14answer question101clumsy graceful

15antonym synonym102cold hot

16apart together103combine separate

17appear disappear, vanish104come go

18approve disapprove105comfort discomfort

19arrive depart106common rare

20artificial natural107conceal reveal

21ascend descend108contract expand

22attic cellar109cool warm

23attractive repulsive110correct incorrect, wrong

24awake asleep111courage cowardice

25backward forward112create destroy

26bad good113crooked straight

27beautiful ugly114cruel kind

28before after115compulsory voluntary

29begin end116courteous discourteous, rude

30below above117dangerous safe

31bent straight118dark light

32best worst119day night

33better worse, worst120daytime nighttime

34big little, small121dead alive

35black white122decline accept, increase

36blame praise123decrease increase

37bless curse124deep shallow

38bitter sweet125definite indefinite

39borrow lend126demand supply

40bottom top127despair hope

41boy girl128dim bright

42brave cowardly129disappear appear

43build destroy130discourage encourage

44bold meek, timid131diseased healthy

45borrow lend132down up

46bound unbound, free133downwards upwards

47boundless limited134dreary cheerful

48bright dim, dull135dry moist, wet

49brighten fade136dull bright, shiny

50encourage discourage137dusk dawn

51end begin, start138early late

52enter exit139east west

53even odd140easy hard, difficult

54empty full141free bound, captive

55expand contract142fold unfold

56export import143forget remember

57exterior interior144found lost

58external internal145fresh stale

59fade brighten146frequent seldom

60fail succeed147friend enemy

61false true148for against

62famous unknown149fortunate unfortunate

63far near150full empty

64fast slow151generous stingy

65fat thin152gentle rough

66feeble strong, powerful153get give

67few many154giant tiny, small, dwarf

68find lose155give receive, take

69first last156glad sad, sorry

70float sink157gloomy cheerful

71foolish wise158go stop

72fore aft159grant refuse

73haves have160great tiny, small, unimportant

74healthy diseased, ill, sick161grow shrink

75heaven hell162guest host

76heavy light163happy sad

77help hinder164hard easy

78here there165hard soft

79hero coward166harmful harmless

80high low167harsh mild

81hill valley168hate love

82hinder help169immense tiny, small

83honest dishonest170important trivial

84horizontal vertical171in out

85hot cold172include exclude

86humble proud173increase decrease

87ill healthy, well