Words From the Wild



Magazine Edition - March 2013

Transcript of Words From the Wild


Editor’s Note

Fourth floor in the Main Building at KGiSL..

We are like the last lick of the ice cream. You wouldn’t know us from the crowd, but we taste the best!

Search Engine Optimization Team is how we are designated and segregated from mere mortals on the floors below and around.

We are wordsmiths who write for a living.

We are that annoying character with a wide grin behind you at the workplace…

-Aravind KumarRajendran

A Team SEO Magazine

Words from the Wild!



There are always right moments and wrong reactions. When a kid asks his dad for a hug and the dad recip-rocates by shooing away citing re-sidual office exhaustion and irrita-tion… A right moment and a wrong reaction happen.! When your loved one slowly lets her hand drift your way while walking and tries to caress your fin-gers lightly so that you can hold it… You are indifferent and grab the mobile phone for a conversation with someone else, then that is again a right moment and a wrong reaction.! There are beautiful moments in life, in everyone’s life but the people who are most happy are the ones who notice those moments and do something about that.! Then there are others who rue the fact there are no good moments in their life at all.! Well, if only they had noticed.! Most relationships nosedive into tragedy because the individuals concerned don’t observe the tiniest details that there is.! As they say, devil is in the de-tails!! There are subtle boundaries no one should cross. Even roses have thorns. You should know what to admire and what to stay away from.

Here’s a list of things that men shouldn’t dare say to women

1. Did you wear that dress yester-day?

" Your wait for her to get dressed up for the movie became a few hours longer. Dumb question dude.

2. I keep forgetting when’s your mom’s birthday?

" You can forget Christmas, Di-wali or even your own birthday, but not her mom’s birthday. There is no forgiveness for that. Enjoy theconsequences.

3. Pass the remote; I got to watch the game.

" You don’t have any idea how "much trouble you are in.

4. That friend of yours in the red skirt, what’s her name?

" Most probably, your relation-ship "is over.

5. I think you have gained a few pounds.

" Most murders happen after those words arespoken.


Here’s a list of what women shouldn’t ask men

1. Why is that guy wearing big gloves behind the wicket? Do not ever ask a man a dumb sports question.

2. I think you are drunk." Yes, he is, but he doesn’t want you to tell him that.

3. Why in the world all your friends are such useless people?

" He knows. Their wives have the same opinion about him too. Don’t ask. Jus’ let it be.

4. What’s so important about the daily news on TV?

" Do not talk currentaffairs when you don’t understand them.

5. What’s the big deal about this lat-est gadget?

" It is religion. Do not question gadgets.

Having said that… On a serious note, it is not easy to be always vigilant to find the beautiful moments, but if you keep yourself ready to be sur-prised you will be surprised happily. But if you close your heart for joy be-lieving that nothing good will happen if you smile and live your life, then you are shutting your door tohappiness.

! That’s the fact. Live the mo-ment and wait for thosemoments that take your breath away.

! When a right moment comes make sure you react right.

! Don’t let the moment pass.


A b



White, black and the lies in betweenWhat have you been saving today?

This is intended for matured readers only and may contain text and pictures that are unsuitable for sensitive people with low self-esteem, no sense of humour or irrational religious beliefs. Any content(s) here resembling real people, living, dead or re-incarnated is purely coincidental.

If you find anything offending or politi-cally incorrect on this article, it's probably just a product of your own imagination! Those of you with an overwhelming fear of the unknown will be gratified to learn that there is no hidden message revealed by reading this article backwards. No animals/people were injured during and after the drafting of this page, although some lemmings did have their feelings hurt.

The entirety of this article represents the official view of the voices in my head.

Environmental conservation was gener-ally associated with the PR acrobatics that the white collared business criminals per-formed. Now, every ‘photographer‘ seems to sing the conservation lullaby. This condi-tion is commonly referred to as USI or Unwarranted Self Importance. I honestly find it arrogant when I hear someone say that they want to save the planet. Are these people sober? We haven’t learned to take care of one another and we are going to save the planet? Hahaha. The planet is fine, believe me, it‘s the people who are [insert verb, noun or adjective].

Nilgiri Flycatcher (Eumyias albicaudatus)

This is an Old World flycatcher with a very

restricted range in the higher altitude shola

forests of the Western Ghats.

"Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk

agh burzum-ishi krimpatul." -Sauron

Why I photograph

Dharani Prakash


Common birds

that you can

spot in the city

Red-whiskered Bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus)

Green Bee-eater(Merops orientalis)

Indian Pond Heron Ardeola grayii)

White-headed Babbler (Turdoides affinis)

Grey-headed Canary fly-catcher (Culicicapa ceylonensis)

Pied Bush Chat(Saxicola caprata)

Red-whiskered Bulbul - This

bird feeds on fruits, including

those that are toxic to mam-

mals, nectar and insects.

Green Bee-eaters - A study sug-

gested that Green Bee-eaters may

be capable of interpreting the

behaviour of human observers.

Indian Pond Heron - Their

camouflage is so excellent

that they will close approach

before taking to flight, a be-

haviour which has resulted in

folk names and beliefs that

the birds are blind.


By forwarding, uploading and/or printing my photographs you acknowledge that I own all rights to your email address, your house, your car, your first born and your soul. Furthermore, you agree that it is okay for me or anyone else to slander and/or libel you in public, at your place of employment, or anywhere else in this or any other universe and/or dimension. Know that using my photographs is a request for character defamation, endless belittling and excessive mockery. You may not sue me for any reason, ever, and this disclaimer is subject to change without notice, and you are still subject to the rules regard-less of any changes made. If you do not agree with these rules, then don't use my photographs.

Image use policy

White-headed Babbler - This

a noisy bird that lives in

flocks of seven to ten or

more. It is a common resi-

dent breeding bird in Sri

Lanka and southern India.

Grey-headed Canary-

flycatcher - These are found

in forested habitats where

they often join other birds in

mixed-species foraging


Pied Bush Chat - This is a

small passerine bird found

ranging from West and

Central Asia to South and

Southeast Asia.

You wake up at the crack of dawn, with the loud buzzing of your alarm clock. Curse it. Ponder over whether you should call-in sick today, at the thought of working on your computer all day. Decide against it and get ready for work. Guzzle down a mug of coffee, and grab a piece of toast to go. Realize you’re running late and rush off to catch the bus to work, or if you’re one of those who have their own vehicle, you head off in your car or bike. Reach your office, grab another cup of coffee, and get straight to work.

! It’s a monotonous life, not to mention, extremely bad for our health. It’s now common knowledge that office workers are, in comparison to most, highly prone to muscle and joint pains, and of course obesity. Unfortunately, by the time we realize the error of our ways, it’s too late.

Bike to Work

•You could bike to work.•No, I’m not re-ferring to a mo-torbike, but a bicy-cle. It’s the perfect opportunity to get as much exercise as possible, and it’s also enjoyable.•If cycling just isn’t your thing, or you don’t own one, then try getting off your bus, a stop or 2 prior to your usual one, and walk the rest of the way. However, if you own a car or motorbike, simply park it well away from your office.

Say NO to the elevator

•As tempting as it may be to use the elevator, it won’t do you any good in terms of your health. Rather, take the stairs…unless of course you have bad knees, in which case you may want to run that by your doctor first. •For the others, it’s one of the best methods to stay in shape. Not only does it help burn calo-ries, but also en-ables you to stretch your legs and keep those cramps away, after sitting for hours on end.

Sumeena Iqbal has an interesting take on an ideal day of a professional.

Exercise from your seat

•To help ease your muscles while working, try moving your neck back and forth, and side to side every now and then. •Also, roll your shoulders backwards about 10 times or so, and then forward an equal number of times. It’ll help you relax instantly.

Take a Break

•You may think that ‘exercise can wait…but deadlines can’t. However in actuality, taking 5 or 10 minute breaks every hour or so, helps refresh your mind and ease the tension, making you all the more productive. It’s the monotony that slows you down.•So the next time your brain ceases to function properly and you’re unable to con-centrate on your work, step away from your computer for a bit.•Use every excuse possible to get out of your seat like, rather than communicating with colleagues via instant messaging, walk over to them and convey it yourself.

Water is the Elixir of Life!

•Despite popular belief, consump-tion of high levels of caffeine does nothing to help keep you perky. For that, switch to water.

•Taking fre-quent sips of water every now and then not only keeps you well-hydrated but will also give

you the mental boost you need, to work better.

Awaiting your appraisal, try this out with your manager*

*Risks Apply..


During academic days, we have often found poems to be indecipherable. Sathyashri

I know what you were thinking when you read that title. You must have said to yourself, ‘Poems? Not for me’. When was the last time you read a poem for fun? Or would it be better if I rephrased the ques-tion and made it simpler? When was the last time you read a poem? Was it in your college? Or was it when you were at school?

I remember memorizing ‘Daffodils’ by William Word-sworth. Believe it or not, I can still remember the poem. For those who don’t associate the term ‘fun’ with poems, I hope the following will make you a convert.

To understand poems you don’t have to distin-guish between a trochee from a spondee, a en-jambment from a assonance. Most of us grumble when asked to read a poem, we find it either bor-ing or un understandable. Or in most cases, both. Old poems with archaic phrases and syntax or modern poetry filled with literary reference make it very difficult to understand even those four lines of poetry. These objections are valid as it is diffi-cult to understand the thoughts of a person who lived in a time that is so different from now, a place, culture, and language that is not used in our everyday conversations.

Poetry becomes easier to understand when you think of it as a puzzle. A puzzle that makes sense when put together, that brings forth both the subtle and the profound meaning of the poem and gives voice to poet’s thoughts.



Poems are mostly thought of as an exaggerated expression, that’s because it exag-gerates everything out of proportion and shows the world in either really beautiful col-ors or in shades of grey. Poems are immortal, not only because poems are continued to be read by generations and generations of people but also because once a person reads a poem, absorbs the meaning and experiences it, he continues to feel the poem long after he has finished reading it.

Pity is a person who when asked to tell a poem, can’t come up with one. When there are hundreds of poems I have heard in my life, it seems impossible to talk about just a few. At this point, I think it is only fair to tell a few words about the poet in the words of a poet, William Shakespeare.

This is again a simple poem in the form of a question and an-swer. On the outside, the poem looks like a casual conversation between two people, but when you look closely you’ll easily un-derstand that it has a more pro-found meaning to it. The poem talks about heaven, judgment day and life. This is a beautiful poem with a poignant and ever-lasting meaning to it.

Poems are not always serious, and poets didn’t always express love and beauty. Don’t believe me? Read the following poem ‘My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun’ by William Shake-speare.

‘Uphill’ by Christina Rossetti

Does the road wind up-hill all the way?Yes, to the very end.Will the day's journey take the whole long day?From morn to night, my friend.

But is there for the night a resting-place?A roof for when the slow dark hours begin.May not the darkness hide it from my face?You cannot miss that inn.

Shall I meet other wayfarers at night?Those who have gone before.Then must I knock, or call when just in sight?They will not keep you standing at that door.

Shall I find comfort, travel-sore and weak?Of labour you shall find the sum.Will there be beds for me and all who seek?Yea, beds for all who come.


I know you did not expect that! Now, what naturally follows humor? Wit. This is a Epigram. An epigram is a small four line poem with wit and brevity. The following epigram is writ-ten by Samuel L Colridge.

Sir, I admit your general ruleThat every poet is a fool, But you yourself may serve to showit, That every fool is not a poet.

Anyway, however much the poet wants to convey his thoughts through his poems, there is something that has to be imagined by the reader. The most essential aspect of understanding a poem is not looking at the lines only through the eyes of the poet but also to understand the poem from your per-spective.

It is true that we don’t associate with the language of old poems, in fact I would find it very strange if someone in this day and time uses the same lan-guage. I would surely laugh at that per-son. This is not the time for ‘thou and thine’ this is the time for the simple ‘you and yours’. The time for heavy language and cryptic phrases is long dead but the feelings of anger, love, pity, faith, humor and wit have remained through the ages and would probably continue to remain.

Off late there is a dearth of poets and poetry besides people who appreci-ate poems. We have turned to become bathroom singers and closet poets. But here is hoping that the time would come when poetry resurrects itself like the phoenix from the ashes of SMS poems and smart one liners. In the word of Shelley, ‘Oh Wind, If Winter comes, can spring be far behind?’

My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sin;Coral is far more red than her lips’ red;If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun; If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.I have seen roses damasked, red and white,But no such roses see I in her cheeks;And in some perfumes is there more delightThan in the breath that from my mistress reeks.I love to hear her speak, yet well I knowThat music hath a far more pleasing sound;I grant I never saw a goddess go;My mistress when she walks treads on the ground.And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare As any she belied with false compare

Nandhakumar i s a much marr ied man, here’s h i s

v iews on marr iage and re lat ionships in Nordic

cul ture…Polygamous Relationships and Same Sex Marriages

Most countries around the world shun polygamous marriages in which the man often takes two or more women as wife. In some communities women are also known to live in a po-lygamous relationship with more than one husband, though that is rare. This type of rela-tionship also has the ap-proval of law, but it is rare nowadays but not totally extinct either. However, polygamy amongst men is legal in some communi-ties and cultures, and has legal sanctions even today.

In any marital relationship, a common presumption is that those who cohabit

are from different gender, but the latest trend, especially in Nordic countries in-dicates to the contrary. The laws in these countries are radical, and they recognize marital relationship between man and man and woman and woman thereby le-galizing gay and lesbian relationships. These are however the latest trends that many countries in the Nordic Region recognize in their family laws.

Radically Different Approach to Marriage in Nordic Countries

As usual, Nordic countries have always taken a radically different approach to-ward marriage and those living in rela-tionship. They allow marriages on con-tract basis, same sex marriage and mu-tual consent divorce. The traditional definition of marriage and relationship is fast breaking these countries and pave the way for a more satisfying relationship close to accepted marital norms.

Laws are radical in the sense that mar-riage can be annulled without the court’s intervention, they provide for time bound marriage-like relationship with-out any obligations between the partners and even for short term relationship for convenience. The first country to make major changes was Denmark, where it is more like a partnership business today that can be terminated at will.

Ever since the dramatic changes in Denmark, more and more countries have followed in its footsteps and include Sweden. The general objectives of these types of relationship are not difficult to see, and the most important of all is they don’t entail any alimony issues for men – a reason that most men attribute to not entering into legal marriage. This fea-ture of law has provided many women the chance to live in cohabitation which otherwise is difficult to find.

Fit for Emulation in Other Regions

Though it may sound a little farfetched, the system as it is in Nordic countries seems to be working fairly well and is fit for emulation in other regions and communities. As a result of the new laws in Nordic countries, there are fewer cases before courts, eliminated bitterness between separating couples and has gen-erally given a sense of social acceptance to gays and lesbians. But, that calls for tolerance to changes which is difficult to find everywhere.

R O O P A T A L K S A B O U T E T I Q U E T T E S A T W O R K P L A C E A N D A T T H E D I N I N G T A B L E …


Body Language

Look at the eyes while you talk. If you look somewhere away from the one who talks, it could mean you are shy or you are not interested to listen to him/her. It could also reflect a sense of disbelief or dissatisfac-tion. Sadly, many societal norms do not al-low eye contact; they prohibit it because to them that’s an act of disrespect.

Be formal while you meet someone for the first time by asking “Hello! How do you do?” or “Pleased to meet you Mr.X”. Give a per-fect handshake with a crisp smile. The hand-shake should only be for three times with eye contact, do not take your fingers to the top of the other person’s hand, it could show some sort of rudeness. It should be a plain, soft handshake. If you massage your hands frequently, it means you are trying to make yourself feel better. Closed hands depict irri-tability and hands on the waistline mean you have no more patience.

While you keep slanting your head more often, it means you portray empathy and if you smile when you slant your head that is a little offensive. If you scratch your head that means your ideas are different from that of the speaker’s and if you move your eyebrows up, then it tells you have your

own idea. If you bring your eyebrows to-gether, it shows that you are concentrating and trying to grasp something. When you blink your eyes often, people might think you are trying not to sleep. Massaging eyes could mean you are exhausted and the eyes are dry.

Any motion of the feet represents some emotion of irritation, lack of concen-tration and uneasiness. If you keep shaking your legs from knee, it clarifies that you don’t want to be in the place anymore.

While you keep shaking your mouth from one side to another, it clearly pictures your lack of enthusiasm.

Etiquettes While You Dine

Etiquettes are to be followed everywhere! Why not on the Dining table? In fact, while eating, you are supposed to incorporate much more manners that elevate your re-spect over peers. Believe me! Learning these will need practice & patience.

Utensil Etiquette

Wherever it is, always follow the rule, Fork- Left hand, Knife- right hand. You should gather food with the fork to the spoon while you eat desserts and softer food. While consuming drinks, it is manners to offer everyone. In the American cult of eating, hold the fork with middle finger and index finger. Exceptions are allowed if you are a left hander. Except for sandwiches, chips and fruits you cannot use your hand to eat.

Always the fork should point down-ward and the knife should be in the position of cutting something. Do not immerse the spoon completely into the soup bowl to take soup, start from the side rim of the spoon and then ladle it. While you have completed your eating session, place the fork and knife together facing upwards. Usually appetizers like cheese and vegetables with toothpicks are eaten using hands. Always hold the fork well fixed to the index finger and never blow your nose with a napkin on the dinner table.

Eating Etiquette

The course of eating will start when you open the napkin and put it on your lap and when the meal is complete keep the napkin half tucked at the side. If you want to get up while eating, put the napkin without un-folding. Never fold the napkin. Keep the utensils at the same posture after serving.

Chew the food well while eating and sip the drink once you have swallowed the food wholly. Cakes and rolled foods are to be eaten after chopping them into smaller pieces. Eating it as a single piece might look nasty. Make sure you take the butter or any dip from a cup and put it on your plate in-stead of approaching it directly because it may contaminate the cup with food from your knife.

Don’t use toothpicks while at the dinner table. Don’t shove the plates and bowls away from where you ate. Always pass the food to the person at the right from a larger utensil. The soups are always served only by filling half the size of it. It averts the act of spilling. Never add salt or pepper before tasting.

Do not slurp while you eat. Noisiness is an act of disrespect. Wait for others to start eating. Do not place your elbow on the dining table when you talk. The greatest hint of nastiness is speaking with food in mouth and munching by keeping the mouth open. While you want a specific food item, request for it and do not ask from a neigh-bor.

Be polite to share the bills with oth-ers while at the dinner party.

If you want to eat a food item while taking your soup, do not take it side by side. Eat the bread, swallow it and then go to the soup. While drinking wine, clasp the glass at the middle and not by the edges. Never de-cline or request for foods other than that in the table.

In case, you waste some food, be po-lite to tell the host, “I am sorry, the food was so tasty, but it feels full”


Vengataroopini knows a thing or two about ‘Fashion’ and this is her take on it.

If you get to know how fashion evolved, you are going to enjoy the whole idea of Fashion and live your life as you please. Do you want to know more about fashion? Stay with me to understand what exactly Fashion is and Fashion was.

Fashion was..!!

Fashion has been around since decades. You can say it even existed during the Stone Age. People wore dresses and had a lifestyle which suited them i.e., styles were different for different places, culture and race. People wore what their tradi-tion was and gradually it shifted to com-fort. Let’s take a look at few trends:

Early 50s, women, wore suits that had over-sized buttons, with short boxy jack-ets. Men's fashion included frills and cra-vats, long and big ties that had crazy prints, leather boots and collarless jack-ets. And men's casual dress was usually plaid button-down shirts with slacks.

Mid 60s, women were introduced to mini-skirts and men to trouser suits, white boots and box-shaped dresses. That bought about a major change in fashion.

In late 60s both men and women wore tie-dyed shirts, frayed bell-bottomed jeans, headbands, work shirts and sandals.

The 70s, as a continuation of the hippie look, had mid-calf-length dresses and ankle-length dresses offering women with 3 different skirt lengths. Later, we also had the tight-fitting shorts replacing the skirts. Men followed the habit of wearing

wide lapels, flared trou-sers, and high-rise waist-coats. This decade also had the popular Designer jeans coming into style.

Then in the 80s, men and women wore looser shirts and tight fitting trousers. It was also the time when long hair was the fashion for men. I would rather wrap it here before I start sound boring. So this was how fashion evolved in Western cul-ture. But in India, over decades, the whole idea of fashion remained unreach-able. And it’s only in the last few decades that Indians started following the west-ern culture along with our unique tradi-tional culture.


Fashion is…!!

When it comes to body shape, it's all about proportion, and fashion is all about dress-ing according to those proportions to look the best. For instance people who are:

• Pear-Shaped Structure (Kim Kar-dashian, Katherine Heigl)

Can opt for

o A-line dark-colored skirts with light-colored tops.

o Boat neck tops, square and cowl necklines.

o Pointy-toed shoes.

• Wedge-Shaped Structure (Naomi Camp-be&, Demi Moore)

o Can opt for bright colored wide-leg pants or full skirts with light color tops.

o Can avoid boat neckline tops.

• Rectangle-Shaped Structure: (Kate Hud-son, Hilarty Swank)

o Can try scoop neck and sweetheart tops, tops with collars, long jackets.

o Look for short or long skirts.

• Apple-Shaped Structure (Jennifer Hud-son, Eva Longoria)

o Can opt for v-neck tops and shorter skirts.

o Try boot cut and flared jeans.

• Hourglass-Shaped Structure (Beyonce, Ha&e Berry)

o Can try wearing fitted dresses.

o Look for skinny or straight leg jeans

o Opt for lightweight styles

This is what fashion is right now! Trying to cope and catch on with the rest of the world. Little creativity in your dress code too can bring about a fashion trend. Well, if you are interested in creating a style for yourself, then better stay tuned. I will be back with ‘Do’s and Don’ts of Fashion’ pretty soon.

z Aravind Sekar loves to hang out and when asked to write about a drink, he came up with

Kaapi!!! z



In this space, I will be (in the coming is-sues), sharing with you some of the expe-riences I had on travelling to various parts of the country, with some pictures, information on how to get there and the contact details of the hotels and boarding houses. Also, being a foodie (though I don’t look like one), I will be giving inter-esting information on some of the best restaurants, cafes and diners in the city. Note that the outlets that will be featured in this column are not those expensive star-studded eateries that we can seldom afford, but will be an extensive compila-tion of places where anyone and every-one can have a good-yummy meal at rea-sonable prices.

The Food Court The city of Coimbatore, as we all know, is increasingly becoming open to numerous food chains and outlets. And especially after the arrival of Brookefields and Fun Republic malls, the urge to fine-dine has truly increased. So, for all those people out there who love to indulge in, taste and completely enjoy the company of a good meal, we dedicate this column to you. And as an opener, we will list some of the places in our very own city that serve piping hot special pure filter kaapi. So, just like the way we begin our day with a hot cup of coffee, we will be-gin this issue with a list of best outlets that serve the same.

So, the places are mentioned below and note that they are in no particular order.

Anandhaas Kaapi is just another beverage for some people, and for some its medica-tion. An instant remedy for headaches, drowsiness and sore throats, kaapi is in-evitable part of life for few. And this out-let seems to un-derstand this very well. That is why it offers a soothing cup-o-coffee; most of the time at the exact temp, that makes us come back for it more. It serves kaapi in the traditional davara-and-tumbler, in a near-to-perfect blend of the kaapi extract and milk. Priced at around Rs.18 per cup, the kaapi is just enough to make your day. Anandhaas venues that serve great coffee:•Brookefields mall (in a disposable cup)•Lakshmi Mills junction•Gandhipuram, near signal

iD: Incredibly named as Idly & Dosa, this outlet specializes in serving varieties of idlies, dosas and medhu-vadas. A typi-cal south Indian restaurant that has a de-cent ambience as well! It’s not branched anywhere else other than Brookefields, but has two outlets inside it. The one

near the Cinema hall has a better ambience and serves a larger cup of kaapi at around

Rs 40, and the one at the food court serves a relatively smaller cup of kaapi at around Rs 20. This may be because it has Anandhaas serving equally brilliant kaapi by its adjacent. Here, the blend is quite strong, which means the dose of the

kaapi extract, to an extent, surpasses the dosage of the milk, giving it a mildly-bitter kaapi whose essence will stay there right in your mouth for a couple of hours. Highly Recommended!

Adyar Anandha Bhavan: This place located in proximity to the central bus stand, Gan-dhipuram and serves great kaapi just like its counterparts. Since it has an attached sweets and snacks kiosk, you may very well sip into your kaapi along with

some south Indian savories as well. Priced at around Rs 20, the restau-rant serves super kaapi. There are two ways you could get yourselves kaapi over here. You can choose to either serve yourself by paying and getting a token sort of a bill at the counter, or you may choose to go to the restaurant on top and ask a waiter to get one. Heading to the restaurant will fetch you a kaapi over a disposable cup, totally stealing away the pleasure of consuming them from a tum-bler. Self-service will be quite interesting, as you can actually see the kaapi being made in front of your eyes. Believe me, it’s interesting!

Those that almost made it: The following places below serve comparatively decent kaapi, but not like the ones’ mentioned above. Nevertheless, you can give them a try if you have experienced all the above. Annapoorna at Lakshmi Complex, Gan-dhipuram R.H.R opposite to railway sta-tion Greens and Grains, R.S Puram So, that’s what this entire column is about – deriving happiness from the smallest of things and making it memorable. And in the next issue, we are going on to set out on a breath-taking journey across north India, beginning with Delhi.



Simplicity Now, that doesn’t mean geometric shapes, neutral colors and clean lines fulfill the purpose, it can turn out to be warm, stylish and inviting. The basic rule to be kept in mind is not to keep things cluttered. Clutter free liv-ing room helps in de-stressing.Function Your décor or home arrangement must allow easy access to all the living room items. This is an important step that varies from room to room. In a living room, you should have sufficient place to move about and to op-erate modern gadgets. If it is not feasible for you to have much open space, you can create this feeling by using light color window cover-ings that also allow suffi-cient air.Technology Yes, it is needless to say the fact that modern gadgets al-ways find a way in to your home. It is mandatory to check that they fit the space in your living room. In modern home décor it is best suggested to stick to elec-tronics that are streamlined, flat screen televi-sions, built-in DVD’s and hassle free comput-ers as they provide a clean look.Imagination Add a little bit of your character to the walls in your living room. It is magical to see one splash of color adding splendid effects to your room. Never hesitate to explore new op-tions, which open your door of imagination. Furniture Choose furniture’s that are elegant for the guests and perfect for an afternoon nap.

Plan the seating with great care so that every-one gets a clear view of each other and also the entertainment point (TV) if any. Classic Touch If you prefer adding that classic touch to your living room, make it simple yet elegant by setting up bookshelves. Standalone book-cases are perfect for displaying your most de-sired classics, family photos and décor pieces. If you are looking for a space that serves mul-tiple purposes, opt for built-in adaptable de-signs. In addition to these, it is vital to think about how to use the room and things that fit the size and shape of the room.•A narrow, long room can be divided into separate zones for relaxing, watching TV and others.•An L-shaped room will usually end up with a short place, which can be used as dining area or home office. If your room does not have a natural focal point, create one by painting or wallpa-pering the main hall of the room using a bold shade. You can also group armchairs and sofas around a coffee table and so on. However, keep in mind that your patio doors or door-ways are not obstructed. Some essential tips to keep in mind:•Make use of the contrasting color scheme•Buff up old flooring and carpets•Invest on glam lighting•Decorate the walls with wallpaper and paint-ings to match the modern ways of living pep-up your living room with three dimensional sculptures if you carry a passion towards it.

Overall, these simple tips will make your living room an identity of modern home décor. Fulfill the purpose of your room and pay attention to the comfort of your guests.

Manoj Kumar, our Aeronautical guy in

the rolls analyzes if India can survive an


Long ago a country is considered either

powerful or powerless based on the war tac-

tics and the number of soldiers in their army.

Now a country is considered powerful or

powerless based on technology and weapons

of mass destruction. Weapons of mass de-

struction have evolved to a point where a

single weapon can kill thousands of lives.

Military aircrafts are widely considered as

the weapons of mass destruction. As citizens

of India we are hoping our country will be-

come superpower one day, but do we know

where India stands among the most powerful

nations in the world? We will take a look at

some of the military aircrafts of other na-

tions here.


USA which is considered to be the

superpower of the world spends more

amount of money on military and defence

than any other nation in the world. The

amount of money the US spends on military

annually is more than India’s GDP.

B-2 Spirit: This

Stealth Bomber air-

craft is developed

primarily for the pur-

pose of penetrating

anti-aircraft defences

in Russia during the

cold war. This bomber

aircraft has the capability to carry large air to

surface missiles, conventional weapons as

well as nuclear weapons. Lacking the con-

ventional elevator and rudder, this flying

wing aircraft uses elevon to maintain the sta-

bility during flight. Due to the shape of the

aircraft and the advanced stealth avionics

system it is almost impossible to track this

aircraft using RADAR. Only 21 B-2 spirits

where manufactured and only 20 are still in

operation after one B-2 spirit crashed in

2008. The manufacturing of this stealth

bomber is stopped due to huge production

costs ($929 million dollars per aircraft) and

the end of cold war. It is used in both Af-

ghanistan and Iraq wars. Even though it is

developed during the 1980s and inducted in

the American Air Force in 1997, it is still one

of the most powerful bomber aircrafts in the

world. B-2 Spirit has a range of 6000 nauti-

cal miles (11000 km) and can fly at a max

speed of 0.95 Mach (1000 km/h).

F-22 Raptor: This fighter aircraft is claimed

as the world’s best air to air fighter plane by

US air force. This fighter uses stealth tech-

nology and advanced avionics system to

make it more maneuverable and undetect-

able by RADAR systems. This aircraft is one

of best in the world for air to air combat.

The avionics

systems in this

aircraft helps

to detect and

target other

aircrafts at a

long range

while remaining undetected by other air-

crafts. A mock war conducted by US air

force to test the aircraft’s ability. Four F-16

and three F-15 were grouped together to

fight against F-22 raptor where F-22

emerged as a winner. All the seven aircrafts

where destroyed while the F-22 remain unde-

tected throughout the exercise. The produc-

tion of this aircraft is also stopped due to

high cost and there is no opponent to

counter the aircraft. This fighter jet is in-

ducted into US air force in 2005 and is still

in operation. F-22 has a range of 1600 nau-

tical miles (2900 km) and can fly at a max

speed of 2.25 Mach (2400 km/h).


Even though Russia is not economi-

cally strong they have created some powerful

fighter aircrafts which can compete with

their American counterparts. Most of the

aircrafts in Russian air force are developed

either by MIG Corporation or Sukhoi Cor-


MiG-35: This

fighter jet excels

in long range air

to air combat as

it is equipped

with systems that

can detect en-

emy aircrafts at a longer range. This fighter

jet can be operated by two pilots. MiG-35

can carry large amounts of weapons when

compared to other fighter aircraft of its size.

This aircraft has a short range of 2000 km

and can fly at a max speed of 2.35 Mach

(2600 km/h).

Sukhoi Su-35: Sukhoi fighter jets are

known for its maneuverable ability. The Su-

35 is an upgraded version of Su-27 with ad-

vanced avionics system and stealth capabili-

ties. Even though it is one of the most ad-

vanced fighter jets in the world it is still a

fourth generation jet fighter. The Su-35 ex-

cels in air to air combat especially at closer

range due to its maneuvering capabilities.

The Su-35 is being upgraded to Su-37 to in-

crease the thrust vectoring capabilities. Su-35

has a range of 3600 km and can fly at a max

speed of 2.25 Mach.


One of the world’s fastest developing coun-

tries, China started investing large amounts

of money in developing new fighter aircrafts.

They have developed some new fighter air-

crafts which attracted the attention of mili-

taries and critics in the world. Even though

Chinese officials claim that some of the

fighter jets manufactured are entirely devel-

oped by the Chinese, the aircrafts still resem-

ble the Sukhoi and MiG variants. China

bought some of the research from Sukhoi

Corporation to develop their very own

fighter jets which will again prove the

fighter jets developed are not entirely Chi-

nese. The most notable Chinese fighter jets

are J-10 and J-15.


India is planning to launch man into

space in 2015 but it still has not developed

any major fighter jets. India has developed

HAL Tejas which is very light in weight in

order to replace the MiG-21 fighters which

formed most of the Indian Air Force. Even

though it is thought that Tejas was entirely

developed and manufactured in India, it was

not. The design of the aircraft was created by

HAL and most of the aircraft parts are

bought from foreign countries as India lacks

the technologies needed to manufacture air-

craft parts and the engine was bought from

General Electric. Tejas has a very short range

of 850 km and can fly at a max speed of 1.6


India have many fighter aircrafts most of

which are bought from either Russia or USA.

Indian Air Force is comprised of mostly

MiGs and Sukhois. India has to start develop

its own fighter aircrafts in order to become

superpower and to defend itself from an in-

vasion by a superpower. India still has not

developed its own aircraft engine too.

So far the only fifth generation fighter air-

craft is F-22 Raptor. But other countries have

started to develop a fifth generation fighter

aircraft. India must follow the suit. Currently

India is developing Sukhoi PAK FA T-50 in

collaboration with Russia. Even though it is a

fifth generation fighter aircraft which is de-

veloped in order to combat the F-22 Raptor

it is going to be entirely manufactured and

assembled in Russia and it will not be avail-

able to India until 2020. China has started to

develop two fifth generation fighter jets with-

out help of other nations. USA has already

tested its second fifth generation fighter F-35

lightning bolt which is cheaper than F-22

raptor and has more interception and air to

air combat capabilities. India must under-

stand that having the world’s second largest

army will not help in an upcoming invasion.

India must try to develop new fighter jets by

itself instead of depending on other countries

to develop fighter aircrafts.

One thing in this world you cannot ig-nore or change, are negative people and vibes. As long as there is positive en-ergy around, there will be negative en-ergy too. But the trick is to find a way to break its barriers using positive think-ing.

As a famous author puts it, "Quit think-ing that you must halt before the barrier of inner negativ-ity. You need not. You can crash through! Whatever we see a negative state that is where we can destroy it." In today's competitive world, it is hard to keep away this form of destructive en-ergy. For instance, if you get promoted or patted by your boss or even some-thing as simple as your joy, there will be some negative people who will be utterly jealous. The ones, who were so-called close to you, will start cold-shouldering you, become hostile and stare rudely at you as if you stabbed someone. Such elements can make you feel guilty for nothing in silence as silence is the best

tool to make someone feel really bad about something that might not even ex-

ist and you might be left stewing over that fictional 'something'!

Their purpose would be to put you down in front of someone else. For all you know it may even be a ploy to bring down your work quality so that they can shine in front of the boss. They can go all lowly attempts to show how bad your work style is. If there is a piece of gossip, they will deliberately get

into a huddle and talk about it either in front of you or around you, just to make you feel out-of-place. This normally happens when one enters a new organi-zation. The newbie may be struggling to learn and understand the 'ropes of trade'. Instead of making him or her feel welcome and make it more approach-able, there will be similar attempts as above to create negative energy.

Priya Rajendran talks about Negative Energy and bullies at work!

Older the person in an organization, more is the hostility shown by them towards a newbie for varied reasons, unknown to even God, I suppose! One could only guess the reasons. Yet, it is a sad fact that instead of showing initiative in encourag-ing the newbie to enter a group or break-ing ice with the individual, it is often seen that the fresher to the organization (de-spite having completed a respectable number of years in the field) is made to feel guilty that he or she has yet not picked up the culture of the workplace.

The older experienced guys should remember that they had also started as fresher at some point of time. If they went through a rough training or rude seniors, does not mean that one has to be rude to the new people who join. This becomes particularly important when the so-called fresher is attempting something totally new that he may not have done all his professional life. He or she should be praised and lauded at every step that he is taking in the new field and the organization instead of putting him or her on a total guilt trip! The vicious cycle could only entail in increasing chances of attrition in an organization. It is up to the HR to keep a close tab if the fresher is undergoing any struggle to 'fit' into the team dynamics. This you may wonder is my story and an attempt to make it sound fictional. That’s not the case. It happens everywhere in a very covert fashion. No one really notices it and of course, choose to ignore it. The 'seniors' of the workplace

if made aware of this growing trend, shrug their shoulders and react emotionlessly saying "either the fresher/newbie is oversensitive or overreacting. There is nothing to worry!" This maybe my ranting on negativity and many may even ask me this question: Charity begins at home. What have you done to tone down negativity at the workplace? I am proud to say that I have mentored and helped many a newbie feel at home, at my level - many still thank me till this day! I believe if one can tone down negativity, the workplace will grow and it will mean lesser attrition! I can only hope that a day will come when one will leave an organization not because of politics, but better opportunities elsewhere.

How I startedBAKING!

Well, when I was asked for a topic for the journal, the first thing I thought about was baking. It is one of the most artful and inno-vative part of cooking! Many think it is really hard, but the truth is nothing is as simple as baking! Let me tell you how and when I started with it.

The first dish I made was a chocolate cake. I didn’t know how to go about it. I

had a recipe in hand and instructions in vague steps. I didn’t know which ingredi-ent should go first or how thick or thin a batter is sup-posed to be. All I knew was one shouldn’t mix the batter too long, the sifted flour shouldn’t be kept open and the batter should have a smooth consistency.

So, I started my first bak-ing journey using an oven with broken temperature

control, a very old ceramic bowl (which is a family heir-loom!), my grandmother’s wooden spatula and a cou-ple of steel cups for meas-urements!

The result? Well, I would say it was not a bad cake for a beginner! It was slightly burnt on the top and was way too crumbly!


Well, when I was asked for a topic for the journal, the first thing I thought about was baking.Sa


a K

“Tis burnt; and so is all the meat. What dogs are these! Where is the rascal cook? How durst you, villains, bring it from the dresser, And serve it thus to me that love it not?”

-William Shakespeare in The Taming of the Shrew

The first time I started, I just went around in a mindless sought of way. I didn’t analyze why a particular ingredient is used or any such details. Okay, without making it very complicated, here are some of the common ingredients used in baking and the reason for using them:

Flour: This help forming a pastry’s structure especially cakes. It absorbs fat and moisture quickly. The starch in it absorbs any liquid and swells to set the structure.

Eggs: Apart from helping with the structure, they help incorporate air into the batter. The yolk in an egg is an emulsifying

agent which helps distribute the fat evenly. Egg whites result in softer pastries.

Butter: It helps tenderize and aerate a particular pastry. It helps prevent excessive gluten formation. Unsalted butter releases the best flavor. For example, a cake with less fat will seem less sweet.

I think before anybody starts to bake, they need to understand the reason for us-ing the ingredient. When you do, it gets eas-ier to improvise and be more innovative with the base!

Understanding Baking













ED Cookie BrownieBrownie is one pastry which tastes best when done at home.

Cookie Brownie

150 grams butter, plus extra for greasing

200g chopped dark and milk chocolates (I used ooty home-made ones since they are cheaper than Cadbury!)

3 eggs 2 egg yolks

1 tsp vanilla extract

125 grams sugar

2 tbsp flour

Preparation method Preheat the oven to 180C. Grease a 20cm square bak-ing tin with butter and dust it with flour (easier than lining it with greasing paper, but you has to have a good tray). Melt the butter in a pan over a medium heat. Once melted add the chopped chocolate. Leave to stand for a few minutes, or until the chocolate melts, and then stir together. Whisk the eggs, egg yolks and vanilla together in a bowl until the eggs are fluffy. Add the sugar slowly and alter-nately whisk the mix. Pour it around the side of the egg mix so that the air is not knocked out while mixing. Keep whisk-ing until the mixture turns stiff. Pour the chocolate into it - again around the sides so as to make sure the air is not knocked out.

One Egg CakeNothing can make a lovely evening like a good old classic cake.

Most of my aunts have gone for different baking classes and this is a recipe that was passed down to us by them.

Preparation Method

Sift flour, sugar and baking powder in a large bowl.

Add oil, milk, vanilla and egg to the dry ingredients. Preferably beat the egg separately and add it to the mix. Beat the batter for about 2 min.

Pour it into an oiled tin and bake it at 180C for 30 minutes.

Well, I hope you guys try these recipes and experience the joy of baking!

One Egg Cake

2 cups flour 1 ½ cups sugar 2 ½ tsp baking powder1 tsp salt1/3 cup oil1 cup milk 1 tsp vanilla extract1 egg

Add the flour, cocoa powder, salt and a third of the biscuits and stir until fully combined, then pour the mixture into the prepared tin. Scatter the remaining biscuits on top. Bake for 25–30 minutes (you can even try baking in our ‘food takers canteen’ during summer season! Brown-ies will get baked by the time you finish eating ;)). The middle should be very so slightly gooey. Leave the brownies to cool in the tin - the top should sink and crack a little.

Pull the brownies and cut into squares. Dust with icing sugar and serve it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and warm chocolate sauce!

Lakshmi Lund, a Sindhi, shares with us her recipe to taste!


People asked me if I am a North Indian or South In-dian. My name and my looks cause all the confusion. But wait I am not Indian in the first place. My grand-parents are from Pakistan. They moved to India dur-ing partition. The partition has resulted in Sindhis spreading across the world. Despite doing what the Romans do while in Rome, Sindhi’s have not given up on their native cuisine. I asked my mother which is the one Sindhi dish that will be relished by all and in a jiffy came the answer Dal Pakwan. The next time you wish to try cooking something different, you can cer-tainly try the Sindhi Dal Pakwan Recipe.Sindhi Dal Pakwan

For Dal• 250 gm chana dal

(adjust the quan-tity of dal and other ingredients according to your require-ment)

• 1 tsp cumin seeds

• 5-6 of curry leaves (karipatta)

• One Small On-ion

• One small to-mato

• 5 green chillies• 3 cups water• ½ tsp turmeric powder• Salt to taste• 1-2 tsp oil

For Pakwan

• A pinch of asafoetida• 2 cups All purpose flour (Maida)• ½ tsp cumin seeds/Ajwain (caraway)seeds• 3 tbsp oil (Ghee is preferred)• Salt to taste• ½ tsp Red chilly powder• Sufficient water to make a dough• Oil for deep frying


To Make Dal

• Wash dal and soak it for an hour• Pour 1-2 tspn oil in a cooker and allow it to

heat. Add hing, cumin seeds,curry leaves and chopped onion and fry for a couple of min-utes.

• Add grated tomato and fry it till cooked.• Add dal, turmeric powder and salt.• Add little water and close the lid of cooker• Wait for one whistle• Open the lid, check the dal,it should be ten-

der but not mushy•While serving, sprinkle mango powder(Amchoor), chilly pow-der,coriander leaves and tama-rind chutney and/or coriander chutney and chopped on-ions(optional)•Serve hot with crisp pakwans

To make Pakwan

•Sieve the flour.•Mix the flour with the cumin seeds/Ajwain, oil(Ghee), salt and sufficient water and make a dough.

• Dough should neither be too hard nor too soft.

• Let the dough rest for 15 min.• Later, divide the dough into small portions.• Roll out a portion like a chapati• Prick the surface with fork/ knife, so that it

don’t puff out (don’t forget to do this)• Heat the oil till smoking point, slide in the

Pakwan and carefully fry it,on medium or low flame till it turns crisp and golden in color.

• Serve with hot dal

That is it! Tell me how that tasted!

Amateur scribblers have got a platform to sound out all those who would hear.

We have started it and we have found it fun. We will sneak into your rooms, mail inbox and throw it at your door step every month doesn’t matter if you like it or not.

We would make you try our recipes and workout our exercises and we will not foot your doctor’s bills. We will make you cry with our jokes and we will make you pray, kick and scream that you don’t want to read our magazine.

But we will still write.

You’ve got no choice.

We are coming at you again from the Wild with our Words in exactly 30 days.

Be afraid. Very afraid!

Brickbats and bouquets are welcome.

Contact us at: [email protected]