Woolhampton Early Years Booklet

Foundation/Year 1 Classroom


Early Years Booklet

Transcript of Woolhampton Early Years Booklet

Foundation/Year 1 Classroom


W� w��l� ���e to ��lc��� y�� �n� y�ur ���l� toWo�lh�mpt�n C�ur�� of En�l�nd P�im�ry S�ho��

Y�u� ���l� ���l �e ��lc��ed �nto ��� F�unda�i�� �n� Ye�� 1 �las� ���n���y st�r� at Wo�lh�mpt�n P�im�ry S�ho��. I� is � ��ry �x�i�ing �i�e f��y�ur ���l� �n� �e h��e to m��e ��� �r�n�i�i�n �r�m ��� ���-s�ho�l �et�in��n� h��e to s�ho�l as �m�o�h as pos��b�e f�� �l� c�n��r�e�.

O�r �i� is to w��k t�w�rd� ��� �uc�e�s��l ����l�p��n� of y�ur ���l� �y�u�l�ing �p�n ��� �x��r��n�e� y�� h��e ���ea�� �r��i�ed as p���nt�.

W� �i� to ��ea�e � h�p��, �e�u�e �n� s�i��la�in� ���ir�n��n� to�nc�ura�� �n����n��n�e �n� �r�w�h �n �l� ��ea� of y�ur ���l�’�����l�p��n�. Y�u� ���l� �h��ld �e�l h�p�� �n� c�n�i��n� �n �r��� to�e�r�.

Y�u� ���l� ���l h��e �i�i�e� ��� s�ho�l f�� � ��� �es�i�ns �n ��� ��rm�ef��e ���y ��� ��� to st�r� �n� y�� ���l �e �b�e to ��e�� to ��� �ea�����b�u� �n� c�n��rns �r ���r�e� y�� m�� h��e. T�i� is ��� �e�i�n�n� of �n�mp�rt�n� p�r���r��i� �e��e�� y�� �n� y�ur ���l�’� �ea����.

W� lo�k f��w�r� to w���in� �i�h y�� �n� y�ur ���l�.

K�n� Reg�rds

Mrs H���, Mrs J��es �n� Mrs B�r�e�t

(T�e E���y Ye�rs Te��)



Teachers are often asked what a child needs to know before starting school. Listed

below are some ways in which you can help prepare your child for school.

■ If your child is not attending a pre-school or playgroup give them the opportunityto mix with other children in their homes and yours.

■ Bring your child to school functions e.g. the school fete, sports day or school play.

■ Encourage independence in their dressing and undressing, going to the toilet,washing hands and putting on their shoes.

■ Encourage good manners. In particular saying please and thank you and discouragerude language.

■ The skill of listening is very important to a child’s educational development.Because our children are increasingly using computer games, watching televisionand stimulated visually, less importance is given to their ability to listen. Try toencourage your child to listen to stories, follow instructions and talk to your childabout all the exciting things they have been doing.

■ Read, enjoy and share books together. You may wish to join a library. Encourageyour child to handle books with respect, turning pages carefully.

■ Play games together. Use dice and track games to encourage counting. The useof puppets encourages speaking and listening. Using scissors, a chalkboard,painting or drawing with your child will encourage good hand eye co-ordination anddrawing skills. Modelling with playdoh to encourage creative skills.

■ Play football, tennis, cricket, swing ball and encourage the enjoyment of beingactive.



The Foundation and Year 1 Class staff are;

■ Mrs Howe Class Teacher

■ Mrs Javes Learning Support Assistant

■ Mrs Barrett Learning Support Assistant

Children may arrive at school from 8.30 a.m, unless they wish to join the Early Bird

Club which is from 8.00 a.m (a small charge of £10 per

term applies). Children in the catchment area can use the

minibus to come to school and need to apply to the office

for the form. The children can be left at the top

playground under the careful supervision of Mrs Weight.

During their first few weeks you may wish to drop them off in the classroom to their

class teacher.

School starts at 8.50 a.m, when the children come into their classrooms, put on their

indoor shoes, place their reading folders in the appropriate box and register

themselves. Break time is from 10.15 a.m until 10.30 a.m and the children have the

opportunity to stay in the Foundation area or play outside on the top playground. If

the weather is wet then playtime is indoors.

We ask parents to give their children a healthy snack for break. We suggest fruit,

raisins, cheese etc. rather than snacks that have a high sugar, salt or fat content.

Parents can order, from the school office, cartons of milk for their children to have

at break time.

Lunchtime is from 11.50 a.m to 1.05 p.m. Children can order

a school dinner or can bring a packed lunch. Dinners are

eaten in the school hall or outside if the weather is fine.


School finishes at 3.15 p.m and parents should wait to pick up their children in the

lower school playground. The teacher will bring them down to the playground at the

end of the day. Mrs Weight supervises the children and only lets them leave school

when the parents collect them. If a child is going home with another parent or being

collected by a different person, a note (or phone call) to inform us of the change is

necessary please.

The classroom is a busy environment. We encourage the children to establish good

relationships with all adults and peers in the setting. Children work in small and large


The morning starts with movement where the children do exercises to music and play

games. This is followed by numeracy where the whole class works together on mental

maths and then the foundation stage children work in their classroom on play based

activities. Literacy is taught towards the end of the morning, and as with numeracy,

it starts with the class working together and then the children work at their different

levels with the assistance of the learning support staff.

In the afternoon we have assembly which may be a whole school assembly in the school

hall or a key stage assembly in the classroom. We have an achievement assembly

regularly which recognises all the hard work done by the children. This assembly starts

at 2.45 p.m and finishes at 3.15 p.m and we welcome parents to join us.

The afternoon session is topic based where children take part in activities involving:

■ art and craft, role play and imaginative play

■ knowledge and understanding of the world

■ science, history, geography and R.E

■ physical activities

■ personal and social education



There is a short break in the middle of the afternoon when the children have their

fruit and listen to a story.

We try to use our school grounds and outdoor play area

as much as possible in our teaching in which the children

can explore all areas of the curriculum. It is important

that the children bring a pair of wellies and a warm coat

to wear outside.

We have a regular play morning where the children are encouraged to be more

independent learners and choose from a range of activities based on a topic.

Music is taught to all the children in the class on a Monday morning by our music

specialist teacher, Mr Teale.

P.E. is taught every morning, as movement, and in the afternoon, twice a week, to

enable the children to develop physical control, co-ordination, mobility, spatial

awareness and balance. In the summer term we use Elstree School’s outdoor pool for

a short course of swimming lessons.

We share stories with the children on a daily basis. We encourage children to listen

to taped stories and to access stories on the internet.

Sharing books with your children is important in the reading process. Enjoy the books,

talk about the pictures and characters and reinforce the understanding that written

text and pictures carry meaning.

When the children come to school for their pre-visit we give them a named plastic

reading folder with a reading record and a scheme book to take home and share with



you. The children usually start with a picture book and

are asked to tell a story through the pictures. The

children gradually progress to books with words and are

taught the process of reading. We have a wide selection

of books within our reading scheme and we try to select

the books that are most appropriate for your child. Please could you indicate in the

reading record booklet if you have been able to share the book with your child and

a comment on how he or she reads.

The school red reading folders can be purchased from the office or via the online

payment system. Reading folders should be brought to school every day and any

notes or letters will be put into the reading folders to take home. Please check the

reading folders regularly.

Please make sure that all P.E. kit and school clothes are named with a permanent

marker or name tape. They should be stored on your child’s peg in the cloakroom. All

P.E. kit will be sent home for washing at half term.

For P.E. the children will require:

■ Games bag

■ Plain red round neck T shirt

■ Plain black sports shorts (not Bermuda shorts)

■ Trainers for outdoor and plimsolls for indoor

■ Track suits for cold weather

■ Wellies



Jewellery should not be worn. Children with pierced ears should wear only plain

studs, which they must remove themselves for P.E. lessons and swimming. For safety

reasons we discourage children from having their ears pierced. Please note that only

one small stud may be worn in each ear.

Many items of clothing can be bought from the school

office. Parents can also purchase uniform by credit or

debit card using the online payment system (via the school

website). We require that all children wear school

uniform on all occasions and welcome the support of

parents in this respect. All items must be clearly labelled with the child’s name.

■ Grey skirt or grey pinafore dress or grey tailored trousers.

■ Red polo shirt.

■ School sweatshirt or cardigan (red with school logo).

■ Red or grey tights or white or grey socks.

■ Black school shoes (no trainers), maximum heel of one inch (2.5cm).

■ Red and white gingham dresses or grey shorts may be worn in the


■ Long hair should be tied back and secured with a neutral-coloured,

or red hair tie.

Education is a joint venture undertaken by parents and teachers together.

Involvement and co-operation with parents and the community are viewed as an integral

part of education in the Foundation Stage. Wherever possible we encourage parental





involvement. If you can help in school with reading, helping on the computer or in any

other way please do let us know.

In the first term there will be a meeting outlining how communication, language and

literacy is taught in the Foundation Stage. During the first few weeks you will be

invited to meet with your teacher to discuss how your child has settled into school.

Each term there is a parents meeting where you are invited to talk to your child’s

teacher about their progress. During your child’s final term there will be a written

report explaining the progress your child has made.

Please remember that we are always happy to talk to you about your child’s progress

or any worries or problems that you may have, before or after school.

Half-termly letters are sent to parents giving them information about the topics that

we are covering within class so that you can support your child in their learning. The

regular school newsletter is sent out to all parents and children in the school giving

you information about school events that have taken place and events that will happen

in the future. The school’s website contains a great deal of information and also keeps

parents informed of upcoming events. It can be accessed at


The Friends of Woolhampton consist of parents and

friends of the school who help to raise money to support

the school. They have regular meetings to organise fund

raising events. Please come along to the meetings if you

feel you would like to help the school and meet other

parents. You will be made very welcome.



Headteacher: Mr A BinghamTel: 01189 712270Fax: 01189 714424

Email: [email protected]

Woolhampton Church of England Primary SchoolWoolhampton Hill

WoolhamptonBerkshireRG7 5TB