Woody Allen Presentation



Woody Allen Presentation

Transcript of Woody Allen Presentation



• Grew up in New York during the 30,s and 40,s to Jewish parents which he jokes about in many of his films.

• Stared writing jokes for a newspaper making $200 a week.

• Went on to writing jokes for a talk show but was not satisfied so he moved onto stand up and eventually film.

• After working a a few films like ‘What's new pussycat?’ (1965) he realized that he wanted to direct.

• His directorial debut was ‘what's up, tiger Lilly?’ a spy flick with a comedic dialogue which was realized in 1966.

CAREER• Allen’s career has lasted over 50

years and has left him being one of the most praised and most hated directors of all time with a record of hits and misses.

• He has directed 47 films and produced and written many more; some of his most famous being: Annie Hall, Manhattan, crimes and misdemeanors, Hannah and her sisters, Broadway Danny rose and midnight in Paris

• Some of his worst being: Shadows and fog, Mighty Aphrodite, Hollywood ending and scoop.

• he is still making films today with irrational man coming out soon.

STYLE• If you have ever seen a Woody Allen film and watch another

you instantly know its by him, this is through his distinctive style which includes; long scenes(very few cuts), great soundtracks and humorous voiceovers.

• When he started directing feature films his main influence was Frederico Passolini from comedy to the more carnivalesque and serious Ingmar Bergman

• One of his best opening scenes is Annie Hall which gives you an idea of how his style.



• One of my favorite film of his follows the relationship of an older man and a young woman in New York go through the trials and tribulations of a relationship. Allen like in other films of his is pretty much playing himself, which is great because it gives an insight of how creative he is.

• Despite it being a rom-com it received a lot of praise and won four Oscars for best director, screenplay, picture and leading actress.

• When Allen was coming up with the idea he spent days walking around New York.


• Its safe to say that Manhattan is Woody Allen’s most famous film, the it was released in 1979 and spans 3 genres: comedy, drama and romance.

• Allen stars alongside Dianne Keaton however she didn’t win any awards but the film won best film and best screenplay at the 1980 BAFTA’s

• It has one of the most famous shot in cinema being Allen and Keaton facing the Manhhatan bridge.


• Bananas is one of Allen’s first films (1971) and is pretty much a spoof film, for this reason it got bad reviews.

• Personally it is my favorite woody Allen films just because of how ridiculous it is;

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fVJt9FToP4

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzK9R4I-Yc8