Woodside Herald 5 27 16

To Advertise E-mail [email protected] or call 718-729-3772 VOL. 83, NO. 22 WOODSIDE, L.I.C., N.Y. FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2016 FREE SERVING SUNNYSIDE-WOODSIDE AND LONG ISLAND CITY 108th Precinct Community Council Meeting Sunnyside Community Services, 43-31 39th Street, Sunnyside Tues, MAY 31 st @ 7PM INCREASED SPEED CAMERAS AT SCHOOLS See Page 3 Speed cameras reduce speeding by 60% but are only allowed at 140 schools The low horizon of the Sunnyside Rail Yards gives the weather plenty of room to work magic in the sky. Photo Credit: Mary Caulfield SOMEWHERE OVER THE YARDS ANNUAL STREET FAIR on WOODSIDE AVENUE This Saturday 12PM-5PM BATTLE OF BARNETT (continued on page 7) by Patricia Dorfman Heated comments arose at Com- munity Board 2’s public hearing May 18 at Sunnyside Community Services on a request for rezoning to residential for “Barnett,” the 209-unit, 10-story all-affordable housing proposal by Phipps Houses. The spot is currently a 225-space parking lot next to the LIRR tracks at 50-25 Barnett Avenue from 50th to 52nd Streets. Most who signed up to speak were opposed to the project, with some in favor. Michael Wadman presented slides with Adam Weinstein, president of Phipps Houses, the non-profit organization that also manages the former Phipps Garden Apartments (now renamed Sunnyside Garden Apartments). Weinstein and development team seemed to listen carefully to the argu- ments, some expressed in a civil fash- ion, some not.


Woodside Herald 5 27 16

Transcript of Woodside Herald 5 27 16

Page 1: Woodside Herald 5 27 16

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VOL. 83, NO. 22 WOODSIDE, L.I.C., N.Y. FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2016 FREE


108th Precinct CommunityCouncil Meeting

Sunnyside Community Services,43-31 39th Street, Sunnyside

Tues, MAY 31st @ 7PM


See Page 3

Speed cameras reduce speeding by 60%but are only allowed at 140 schools

The low horizon of the Sunnyside Rail Yards givesthe weather plenty of room to work magic in the sky.

Photo Credit: Mary Caulfield



This Saturday12PM-5PM



(continued on page 7)

by Patricia Dorfman

Heated comments arose at Com-munity Board 2’s public hearing May18 at Sunnyside Community Serviceson a request for rezoning to residentialfor “Barnett,” the 209-unit, 10-storyall-affordable housing proposal byPhipps Houses. The spot is currently a225-space parking lot next to the LIRRtracks at 50-25 Barnett Avenue from50th to 52nd Streets.

Most who signed up to speakwere opposed to the project, withsome in favor. Michael Wadmanpresented slides with AdamWeinstein, president of PhippsHouses, the non-profit organizationthat also manages the former PhippsGarden Apartments (now renamedSunnyside Garden Apartments).

Weinstein and development teamseemed to listen carefully to the argu-ments, some expressed in a civil fash-ion, some not.

Page 2: Woodside Herald 5 27 16

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43-11 Greenpoint Ave., Sunnyside, NY 11104Telephone (718) 729-3772

CONTRIBUTING WRITERSPatricia Dorfman, Rob MacKay, David Rosasco, Peter Ross


Marlene Sabba ............................................................... Publisher

Sherilyn Jo Sabba ................................................................. Editor


On May 19th, Council MajorityLeader Jimmy Van Bramer, Coun-cil Minority Leader Steven Matteo,over a dozen other Council Mem-bers, and members of the culturalcommunity rallied for a $40 millionincrease in funding for cultural or-ganizations in Fiscal Year 2017.The Council Members were joinedby actor, playwright, and directorRuben Santiago-Hudson, actorDaphne Rubin-Vega, El Museo DelBarrio Executive Director DanielVeneciano, and other members ofthe cultural community. The groupis calling for an increase of $40

million, to be split evenly betweenCultural Institutions Groups andCultural Program Groups, whichinclude many neighborhood-basedcultural organizations.

Funding for arts and culturehas remained essentially flat since2008, while the number of visitorsto cultural organizations has in-creased. Cultural groups and or-ganizations are an economic pow-erhouse in the city, with the cre-ative sector accounting for sevenpercent of the city’s jobs. Morethan 25 million tourists visit NewYork City’s cultural attractionsevery year, up from 19 million in2002. Moreover, in addition toother free admission opportuni-ties, many cultural organizationshave also offered free member-ships to IDNYC holders, 400,000of which have been redeemed sofar. The increased investment incultural funding would be spreadto cultural organizations through-out the five boroughs.

“Every child, in every neigh-borhood, deserves access to artsand culture,” said City CouncilMajority Leader Jimmy Van

Bramer, Chair of the Committeeon Cultural Affairs and Libraries.“Arts and culture bring so much toour city. The spur our economy,attract tourists, educate our chil-dren, connect us to our heritage,and inspire our imaginations. Cul-tural organizations do all of this,despite declining support from theCity, state, and federal government.It’s time for us to give back to theseorganizations that make New Yorkthe vibrant, creative city it is.”

While the number of culturalorganizations has grown, particu-larly in the outer boroughs, fund-ing from the city, state, and federalgovernment has declined for years.NEA funding is dropped 15 per-cent inflation-adjusted numbersbetween 2003 and 2013, and NewYork State Council on the Artsfunding has decreased by 37 per-cent in inflation adjusted dollars.At the same time, the number ofcultural organizations in the fiveboroughs has grown, with the num-ber of cultural organizations inStaten Island, Brooklyn, andQueens more than doubling be-tween 2005 and 2015.


jority Leader Jimmy VanBramer and Council MemberDan Garodnick (Upper EastSide) toured the SunnysideShines Business ImprovementDistrict in Sunnyside, Queens.The Sunnyside Shines BusinessImprovement District helps keepthe streets in clean, removesgraffiti, hangs flower basketsand holiday lights, manages theBliss and Lowery Plazas, andpromotes the neighborhood.

Majority Leader Van Bramer andCouncil Member Garodnick vis-ited the Spring into the Plazasevent at Lowery Plaza, wherethe Uni Project and the QueensLibrary had set up an art stationand reading room that was beingused by children, teens, andadults in the community. Springinto the Plazas occurs every Fri-day at either Bliss or LoweryPlaza with funding allocated toSunnyside Shines by MajorityLeader Van Bramer.

CM Leader Jimmy Van Bramer flanked by Council Member Dan Garodnick (l) and Rachel Thieme,Executive Director of Sunnyside Shines (r)

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FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2016 THE WOODSIDE HERALD PAGE 3(continued from front page)


AT SCHOOLSOn Wednesday, May 25th, Majority

Leader Jimmy Van Bramer, along withCouncil Members Vanessa Gibson, BradLander, and Ydanis Rodriguez introduced aresolution calling on Albany to lift the capon the number of speed cameras allowednear schools in New York City. Twenty-three additional Council Members havesigned on to the resolution.

Speeding cars are the leading cause oftraffic deaths in New York City, and everyyear, car crashes kill more children in NewYork City than any other type of injury.Currently, Albany only allows speed cam-eras at 140 schools, leaving students at theremaining 1800 schools unprotected. In lo-cations monitored by cameras, DOT reports

a 60 percent reduction in speeding viola-tions. Lower speeds save lives: a person hitby a car travelling at 30 miles per hour has a45 percent chance of dying. If the car istravelling just fifteen miles per hour faster,the pedestrian’s chance of death is a stagger-ing 85 percent.

“Speed cameras are a simple, effectiveway to save lives and make our streetssafer,” said Majority Leader Jimmy VanBramer. “We’re calling on Albany to stepup and do the right thing. By allowing NewYork City to install speed cameras at everyschool, we can slow cars down and keep ourchildren safe.”

The proposed speed cameras would beinstalled outside of schools in New YorkCity and would operate 24 hours per day. Ifthe camera detects a car driving more thanten miles per hour over the speed limit, itwill take a picture of the car’s license. Driv-ers will receive a $50 ticket and no points ontheir license.


On Friday, May 20, the RidgewoodDemocratic Club (RDC) held its May meet-ing to commemorate Memorial Day. Ourguest speaker, Colonel Michael P. Porcaro(Retired), United States Air Force spokeabout the history of the US Military and its

continued importance in the modern world.In anticipation for Memorial Day, the

Ridgewood Democratic Club would like tothank Colonel Porcaro and all veterans forthe great service and sacrifices they havemade for our great country.

Joan DeCamp, John Sendlein, Assemblywoman Catherine Nolan,David Aglialoro, Colonel Michael P. Porcaro, Allison Cummings,Jim Grayshaw, David Renz, and Susan Grayshaw.

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(continued on page 8)

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CITATIONFile No.: 2015-3134/BSURROGATE’S COURT,QUEENS COUNTYTHE PEOPLE OF THE STATEOF NEW YORKBy the Grace of God Free andIndependentTO: The Heirs at law, next of kin,and distributees of Joan Ganly a/k/a Joan Marie Ganly a/k/a JoanM. Ganly, deceased, if living, andif any of them be dead, to theirheirs at law, next of kin,distributees, legatees, executors,administrators, assignees andsuccessors in interest whose namesare unknown and cannot beascertained after due diligence.A Petition having been duly filedby Michael Gioia who is domiciledat 52-30 39 Drive, Apt. 9D,Woodside, New York 11377YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TOSHOW CAUSEbefore the Surrogate’s Court,Queens County at 88-11 SutphinBoulevard, 6th Floor, Jamaica,New York on June 30, 2016 at

LEGAL NOTICE • LEGAL NOTICE • LEGAL NOTICE • LEGAL NOTICE • LEGAL NOTICE • LEGAL NOTICE • LEGAL NOTICEFile No.: 2015-700/CCITATIONTHE PEOPLE OF THE STATEOF NEW YORK BY THE GRACEOF GOD, FREE ANDINDEPENDENTTO:Estate of Hank Williams, Jr.,Mayida Zaal,Imani Williams,Physician Billing Department,Memorial Hospital – PBD,Attorney General of the State ofNew YorkThe unknown distributees,legatees, devisees, heirs at law andassignees of Yvonne Blackwellaka Yvonne M. Blackwell ,deceased, or their estates, if anythere be, whose names, places ofresidence and post office addressesare unknown to the petitioner andcannot with due diligence beascertained.Being the persons interested ascreditors, legatees, distributees orotherwise in the Estate of YvonneBlackwell aka Yvonne M.Blackwell, deceased, who at thetime of death was a resident of145-37 Glassboro Avenue,Jamaica, NY, in the County ofQueens, State of New York.SEND GREETING:Upon the petition of LOIS M.ROSENBLATT, PublicAdministrator of Queens County,who maintains her office at 88-11Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica,Queens County, New York 11435,as Administrator of the Estate ofYvonne Blackwell aka Yvonne M.Blackwell, deceased, you and eachof you are hereby cited to showcause before the Surrogate at theSurrogate’s Court of the Countyof Queens, to be held at the QueensGeneral Courthouse, 6th Floor, 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica,City and State of New York, onthe 7th day of July, 2016 at 9:30o’clock in the forenoon, why theAccount of Proceedings of thePublic Administrator of QueensCounty, as Administrator of theEstate of said deceased, a copy ofwhich is attached, should not bejudicially settled, and why theSurrogate should not fix and allowa reasonable amount ofcompensation to GERARD J.SWEENEY, ESQ., for legalservices rendered to petitionerherein in the amount of $48,287.87and that the Court fix the fair andreasonable additional fee for anyservices to be rendered byGERARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ.,hereafter in connection withproceedings on kinship, claimsetc., prior to entry of a final Decreeon this accounting in the amountof 5.5% of assets or incomecollected after the date of thewithin accounting; and why theSurrogate should not fix and allowan amount equal to one percent onsaid Schedules of the total assetson Schedules A, A1, and A2 plusany additional monies receivedsubsequent to the date of thisaccount, as the fair and reasonableamount payable to the Office ofthe Public Administrator for theexpenses of said office pursuantto S.C.P.A. §1106(3); and whyeach of you claiming to be adistributee of the decedent shouldnot establish proof of your kinship;and why the balance of said fundsshould not be paid to said allegeddistributees upon proof of kinship,

or deposited with theCommissioner of Finance of theCity of New York should saidalleged distributees default herein,or fail to establish proof of kinship,Dated, Attested and Sealed 6thday of May, 2016HON. PETER J. KELLYSurrogate, Queens CountyMargaret M. Gribbon Clerk of theSurrogate’s CourtGERARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ.(718) 459-9000, 95-25 QueensBoulevard11th Floor, Rego Park, New York11374This citation is served upon you asrequired by law. You are notobliged to appear in person. Ifyou fail to appear it will beassumed that you do not object tothe relief requested unless you fileformal legal, verified objections.You have a right to have anattorney-at-law appear for you.Accounting Citation 5/20/16, 5/27/16, 6/3/16, 6/10/16

INDEX NO.: 701563/2014.Date Filed: 05/10/16.SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONSWITH NOTICEMORTGAGED PREMISES:11220 111th Avenue a/k/a 112-20111th Avenue, South Ozone Park,NY 11420.BL #: 11617 – 8.Plaintiff designates QUEENSCounty as the place of trial; venueis based upon the county in whichthe mortgaged premises is situate.STATE OF NEW YORKSUPREME COURT: COUNTYOF QUEENSNATIONSTAR MORTGAGELLC D/B/A CHAMPIONMORTGAGE COMPANY,Plaintiff,-against-UNKNOWN HEIRS TO THEESTATE OF THEODOREELLINGHAUS A/K/ATHEODORE J. ELLINGHAUS,if living, and if dead, the respectiveheirs at law, next of kin,distributees, executors,administrators, trustees, devisees,legatees, assignors, l ienors,creditors and successors ininterest, and generally all personshaving or claiming under, by orthrough said defendant who maybe deceased, by purchase,inheritance, lien or otherwise ofany right, title or interest in and tothe premises described in thecomplaint herein, and theirrespective husbands, wives orwidows, if any, and each and everyperson not specifically named whomay be entitled to or claim to haveany right, title or interest in theproperty described in the verifiedcomplaint; all of whom and whosenames and places of residenceunknown, and cannot after diligentinquiry be ascertained by thePlaintiff, ET AL, Defendants.TO THE ABOVE NAMEDDEFENDANTS:YOU ARE HEREBYSUMMONED to answer theComplaint in this action and toserve a copy of your answer, or, ifthe Complaint is not served withthis Summons, to serve a notice ofappearance on the attorneys forthe Plaintiff within 20 days afterthe service of this Summons,exclusive of the day of service (orwithin 30 days after service iscomplete if this Summons is not

ABOUT THE FORECLOSUREPROCESS. PLEASE READ ITCAREFULLY.SUMMONS AND COMPLAINTYOU ARE IN DANGER OFLOSING YOUR HOME. IF YOUFAIL TO RESPOND TO THESUMMONS AND COMPLAINTIN THIS FORECLOSUREACTION, YOU MAY LOSEYOUR HOME. PLEASE READTHE SUMMONS ANDCOMPLAINT CAREFULLY.YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELYCONTACT AN ATTORNEY ORYOUR LOCAL LEGAL AIDOFFICE TO OBTAIN ADVICEON HOW TO PROTECTYOURSELF. SOURCES OFINFORMATION ANDASSISTANCE.The State encourages you tobecome informed about youroptions in foreclosure.In addition to seeking assistancefrom an attorney or legal aid office,there are government agencies andnon-profit organizations that youmay contact forinformation about possibleoptions, including trying to workwith your lender during thisprocess.To locate an entity near you, youmay call the toll-free helplinemaintained by the New York StateDepartment of Financial Servicesat 1-800-342-3736 or visit theDepartment’s website RESCUESCAMSBe careful of people who approachyou with offers to “save” yourhome. There are individuals whowatch for notices of foreclosureactions in order to unfairly profitfrom a homeowner’s distress. Youshould be extremely careful aboutany such promises and anysuggestions that you pay them afee or sign over your deed. Statelaw requires anyone offering suchservices for profit to enter into acontract which fully describes theservices they will perform and feesthey will charge, and whichprohibits them from taking anymoney from you until they havecompleted all such promisedservices. 5/20/16, 5/27/16, 6/3/16,6/10/16

personally delivered to you withinthe State of New York). In case ofyour failure to appear or answer,judgment will be taken against youby default for the relief demandedin the Complaint.NOTICEYOU ARE IN DANGER OFLOSING YOUR HOMEIF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TOTHIS SUMMONS ANDCOMPLAINT BY SERVING ACOPY OF THE ANSWER ONTHE ATTORNEY FOR THEMORTGAGE COMPANY WHOFILED THIS FORECLOSUREPROCEEDING AGAINST YOUAND FILING THE ANSWERWITH THE COURT, ADEFAULT JUDGMENT MAYBE ENTERED AND YOU CANLOSE YOUR HOME.SPEAK TO AN ATTORNEY ORGO TO THE COURT WHEREYOUR CASE IS PENDING FORFURTHER INFORMATION ONHOW TO ANSWER THESUMMONS AND PROTECTYOUR PROPERTY.SENDING PAYMENT TOYOUR MORTGAGE COMPANYWILL NOT STOP THISFORECLOSURE ACTION.YOU MUST RESPOND BYSERVING A COPY OF THEANSWER ON THE ATTORNEYFOR THE PLAINTIFF(MORTGAGE COMPANY) ANDFILING THE ANSWER WITHTHE COURT.THE OBJECT of the abovecaptioned action is to foreclose aMortgage to secure $727,500.00and interest, recorded in the Officeof the Clerk of QUEENS onNovember 23, 2009, in CRFNUMBER 2009000383096,covering premises known as 11220111th Avenue a/k/a 112-20 111thAvenue, South Ozone Park, NewYork 11420 – BLOCK LOT INWHICH INDEXED: BLOCK11617 LOT 8.The relief sought in the withinaction is a final judgment directingthe sale of the premises describedabove to satisfy the debt securedby the Mortgage described above.The Plaintiff also seeks adeficiency judgment against theDefendant and for any debtsecured by said Mortgage whichis not satisfied by the proceeds ofthe sale of said premises.TO the Defendant(s) UNKNOWNHEIRS OF THE ESTATE OFTHEODORE ELLINGHAUS A/K/A THEODORE J.ELLINGHAUS, the foregoingSupplemental Summons withNotice is served upon you bypublication pursuant to an Orderof the Hon. Kevin J. Kerrigan,J.S.C of the Supreme Court of theState of New York, County ofQueens, dated March 10, 2016.Dated: New Rochelle, NYMay 2, 2016MCCABE, WEISBERG &CONWAY, P.C./s/_________________Sonia J. Baez, Esq.Attorneys for Plaintiff145 Huguenot St., Ste. 210New Rochelle, NY 10801p. 914-636-8900f. 914-636-8901HELP FOR HOMEOWNERS INFORECLOSURENEW YORK STATE LAWREQUIRES THAT WE SENDYOU THIS NOTICE

9:30 o’clock in the forenoon ofthat day, why a decree should notbe made in the estate of Joan Ganlya/k/a Joan Marie Ganly a/k/a JoanM. Ganly lately domiciled at 62-08 81 Street, Middle Village, NewYork 11379, United Statesadmitting to probate a copy of theWill dated July 15, 2005 a copy ofwhich is attached, as the Will ofJoan Ganly a/k/a Joan Marie Ganlya/k/a Joan M. Ganly, deceasedrelating to real and personalproperty, and directing that:Letters Testamentary issue toMichael Gioia.HON. Peter J. Kelly, Surrogate,Queens County. Margaret M.Gribbon, Chief Clerk.Dated, Attested and Sealed, April28, 2016Crowley & Kaufman, P.C., 84-56Grand Avenue, Elmhurst, NewYork 11373, (718) 457-8585.This Citation is served upon youas required by law. You are notrequired to appear. If you fail toappear it will be assumed you donot object to the relief request.You have the right to have anattorney appear for you. 5/6/16, 5/13/16, 5/20/16, 5/27/16

INDEX NO.: 706906/2015.Date Filed: 5/20/2016.SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONSWITH NOTICEMORTGAGED PREMISES: 237-34 FAIRBURY AVENUE,FLUSHING, NEW YORK 11426.BL #: 7997 – 49.Plaintiff designates QueensCounty as the place of trial; venueis based upon the county in whichthe mortgaged premises is situate.SUPREME COURT OF THESTATE OF NEW YORK:COUNTY OF QUEENSHSBC BANK USA, N.A.,Plaintiff,-against-AJITH K. KUMAR A/K/A AJITHKUMAR, if living, and if dead,the respective heirs at law next ofkin, distributees, executors,administrators, trustees, devisees,legatees, assignors, l ienors,creditors and successors in interestand generally all persons havingor claiming under, by or throughsaid defendant who may bedeceased, by purchase,inheritance, lien or otherwise ofany right, title or interest in and tothe premises described in thecomplaint herein, and theirrespective husbands, wives orwindow, if any, and each and everyperson not specifically named whomay be entitled to or claim to haveany right, title or interest in theproperty described in the verifiedcomplaint; all of whom and whosenames and places of residenceunknown, and cannot after diligentinquiry be ascertained by thePlaintiff, ET AL., Defendants.TO THE ABOVE NAMEDDEFENDANTS:YOU ARE HEREBYSUMMONED to answer thecomplaint in this action and toserve a copy of your answer, or, ifthe complaint is not served withthis Summons, to serve a notice ofappearance on the attorneys forthe Plaintiff within 20 days afterthe service of this summons,exclusive of the day of service (orwithin 30 days after service iscomplete if this summons is notpersonally delivered to you within

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Notice is hereby given that anOrder entered by the Civil Court,Queens County on JAN 13, 2016,bearing Index Number NC-000943-15/QU a copy of whichmay be examined at the Office ofthe Clerk, located at 89-17 SutphinBoulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435,grants me (us) the right to: Assumethe name of (First) NYIMA (Last)DHONDUP My present name is(First) LOBSANG (Middle)DHONDUP (Last)GYADATSANG (infant) Mypresent address is 35-33 64th Street,Apt #3F, Woodside, NY 11377-2338 My place of birth isQUEENS, NY My date of birth isFebruary 28, 2010

Notice is hereby given that anOrder entered by the Civil Court,Queens County on JAN 13, 2016,bearing Index Number NC-000916-15/QU a copy of whichmay be examined at the Office ofthe Clerk, located at 89-17 SutphinBoulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435,grants me (us) the right to: Assumethe name of (First) SHIRIN (Last)HIJAB My present name is (First)CHRISTOPHER (Middle)DAVID (Last) JOHNSON AKACHRISTOPHER JOHNSON,AKA CHRISTOPHER D.JOHNSON My present address is53-01 32nd Avenue, Apt #2D,Woodside, NY 11377-1901 Myplace of birth is PROVIDENCE,RI My date of birth is January 23,1993

the State of New York). In case ofyour failure to appear or answer,judgment will be taken against youby default for the relief demandedin the complaint.NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGEROF LOSING YOUR HOME IFYOU DO NOT RESPOND TOTHIS SUMMONS ANDCOMPLAINT BY SERVING ACOPY OF THE ANSWER ONTHE ATTORNEY FOR THEMORTGAGE COMPANY WHOFILED THIS FORECLOSUREPROCEEDING AGAINST YOUAND FILING THE ANSWERWITH THE COURT, ADEFAULT JUDGMENT MAYBE ENTERED AND YOU CANLOSE YOUR HOME. SPEAK TOAN ATTORNEY OR GO TO THECOURT WHERE YOUR CASEIS PENDING FOR FURTHERINFORMATION ON HOW TOANSWER THE SUMMONS ANDPROTECT YOUR PROPERTY.SENDING PAYMENT TOYOUR MORTGAGE COMPANYWILL NOT STOP THISFORECLOSURE ACTION. YOUMUST RESPOND BY SERVINGA COPY OF THE ANSWER ONTHE ATTORNEY FOR THEPLAINTIFF (MORTGAGECOMPANY) AND FILING THEANSWER WITH THE COURT.THE OBJECT of the abovecaptioned action is to foreclose aMortgage to secure $390,000.00(Said Loan was modified to$407,107.70 by loan modificationagreement dated October 2, 2010)and interest, recorded in the Officeof the Clerk of Queens on October3, 2007, in CRFN Number2007000503290, coveringpremises known as 237-34Fairbury Avenue, Flushing, NewYork 11426, County of Queensand State of New York – BL #:7997 – 49.The relief sought in the withinaction is a final judgment directingthe sale of the premises describedabove to satisfy the debt securedby the Mortgage described above.The Plaintiff also seeks adeficiency judgment against theDefendant and for any debtsecured by said Mortgage whichis not satisfied by the proceeds ofthe sale of said premises.TO the Defendant AJITH K.KUMAR A/K/A AJITH KUMAR,the foregoing SupplementalSummons with Notice is servedupon you by publication pursuantto an Order of the Hon. LeonardLivote JCS of the Supreme Courtof the State of New York, Countyof Queens, dated April 1, 2016.Dated: New Rochelle, NYMay 11, 2016 M C C A B E ,WEISBERG & CONWAY, P.C./s/_________________Sonia J. Baez Esq. Attorneys forPlaintiff 145 Huguenot St., Ste.210 New Rochelle, NY 10801p. 914-636-8900 File# 382-0761HELP FOR HOMEOWNERS INFORECLOSURE NEW YORKSTATE LAW REQUIRES THATWE SEND YOU THIS NOTICEABOUT THE FORECLOSUREPROCESS. PLEASE READ ITCAREFULLY. SUMMONS ANDCOMPLAINT YOU ARE INDANGER OF LOSING YOURHOME. IF YOU FAIL TORESPOND TO THE SUMMONSAND COMPLAINT IN THISFORECLOSURE ACTION, YOU

MAY LOSE YOUR HOME.PLEASE READ THESUMMONS AND COMPLAINTCAREFULLY. YOU SHOULDIMMEDIATELY CONTACT ANATTORNEY OR YOUR LOCALLEGAL AID OFFICE TOOBTAIN ADVICE ON HOW TOPROTECT YOURSELF.SOURCES OF INFORMATIONAND ASSISTANCE.The State encourages you tobecome informed about youroptions in foreclosure. In additionto seeking assistance from anattorney or legal aid office, thereare government agencies and non-profit organizations that you maycontact for information aboutpossible options, including tryingto work with your lender duringthis process. To locate an entitynear you, you may call the toll-free helpline maintained by theNew York State Department ofFinancial Services at 1-800-342-3736 or visit the Department’swebsite at RESCUESCAMSBe careful of people who approachyou with offers to “save” yourhome. There are individuals whowatch for notices of foreclosureactions in order to unfairly profitfrom a homeowner’s distress. Youshould be extremely careful aboutany such promises and anysuggestions that you pay them afee or sign over your deed. Statelaw requires anyone offering suchservices for profit to enter into acontract which fully describes theservices they will perform and feesthey will charge, and whichprohibits them from taking anymoney from you until they havecompleted all such promisedservices. 5/27/16, 6/3/16, 6/10/16, 6/17/16

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(continued from front page)


Dan Raymond, one of severalfor the Queens Anti-Gentrificationgroup, said he was a “line cook mak-ing $20,000” and got applause whenhe said that the building was notaffordable, and in the long run wouldraise nearby rents and displace lo-cals and stores.

Weinstein answered, “no,” to que-ries of preferences for veterans orseniors and “will this be union” fromrepresentatives from the constructiontrade union and over a dozen mem-bers of 32BJ property services work-ers. Weinstein said that the projectwas only to break even as is withpackage of city help.

Attendees were most adamantabout parking worries, even jeeringwhen told of 200 new spots planned,more than required by law, that onlyhalf would be taken by new residents.

Selvin Gootar of Sunnyside Pres-ervation Alliance said that the total ofsignatures against the proposal is over2500. Gary Perrin 82, Phipps lifetimeresident, spoke for Tenants Associa-tion against rezoning land judged un-suitable for anything other than park-ing or a gas station since early 1930s.He said that the 492-Phipps complexhas no parking and the net loss withnew residents would burden the neigh-borhood, and that narrow Barnett isinadequate for more traffic.

Jack Freeman of Sunnyside Gar-dens was in favor of the proposal with

adjustments, as was a Sunnyside momwho said the building would be a solu-tion for friends who grow out of cur-rent space but are priced out of remain-ing here.

Matthew Wallace attended forCouncil Member Jimmy Van Bramer,saying the Councilman had concerns.Later, Wallace said, it is “unlikelythat Majority Leader Van Bramerwill announce his position until afterthe CB votes so as to not short circuitthe process.”

David Aglialoro read a statementfrom Assemblywoman CatherineNolan including, “I am concerned thatinfrastructure needs for basic transpor-tation, health facilities and classroomseats are not keeping up with the needsexisting. . .development. . .will onlyincrease the demand on an alreadystressed-out infrastructure system.”

Pat O’Brien, who shocked the com-munity last month by stepping down inJune as CB2 Chair, led the hearingwith aplomb, except when asked by aspeaker, only identifying herself asMaria, if the project was a “done deal,”seeming to indicate that she mistrustedthe overall process as pre-decided infavor. O’Brien said with passion thatthe board had worked 200 hours onvetting the proposal, leading one at-tendee to shout out, “what did we getfor the 200 hours?”

To charges that the project was tomake money for developers, Weinsteinsaid Phipps Houses was nonprofit andthe building was permanently afford-able. Weinstein’s yearly compensa-tion according to a 2013 online 990was $735,631 (on par for major non-

profit executives).Phipps resident Michelle Quinn

received applause when she suggesteddevelopers build a parking structureand recoup their money that way.Weinstein said the organization is “notin the parking business.”

Phipps resident Peggy Perrin saidthat 24-hour train vibration and dustdoes not serve human residential needs.She said that Phipps management are“poor landlords,” treating tenants as“cranky troublemakers” and that theyunderstaff and overwork employees.

Perrin seemed to capture the moodof many in the room, when she saidPhipps “does not deserve the favor ofa variance,” on the “irregular wedge”of property. She said lots against therailroad tracks were zoned for manu-facturing because “they are not habit-able.” She mentioned Phipps effortsto de-regulate their flagship afford-able apartments. Weinstein counteredthat out of the 492 apartments, only 13have been brought to market rate.(Mary Caulfield contributedreporting to this article.)

L-R: CB chair attorney PatO’Brien, Phipps Housespresident Adam Weinstein andMichael Wadman.

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Photos & story by Patricia Dorfman

Sunnyside Shines’ “Taste of Sunnyside6” May 24 held under the 7 Train inSunnyside sold out in advance, with foodfans eager to try restaurant fare from manyplaces all at once. Popular bites were thedelicious mixed vegetable rice balls and“pasta purses,” the mozzarella and pear infagolini from Sole Luna. Los Verdes hada hit with meaty sliders, and the deepfried mac & cheese croquettes movedfast out of Café 52 chafing pans.The raucous blues of Sunnyside SocialClub and jazz Latin fusion group Afro-Latineers even attracted pedestrians to stopand listen. Borough President Melinda Katzand Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramerattended to wish all a good time.Many visitors go for the spirits, and were notdisappointed with wine and beer fromLowery Liquors, Claret Wine Bar,Maggie Mae’s, Big Alice Brewing, Fin-back Brewery, Queens Brewery andManhattan Beer Distributors.Other participants included Arriba Arriba,

Bliss 46 Bistr, Blu Orchid, Cooldown Juice,Copper Kettle, Dazies, De Mole, Dog andDuck, Dumplings & Things, 43 Bar & Grill,Jack’s Fire Department, La Adelita, PundaTibetan Restaurant, Salt and Fat, Side-tracks, Tito Rad’s Grill, Venturo Osteria,White Castle and Williamsburger.The first two Tastes of Sunnysides wereco-partnered by Sunnyside Chamber andthe Sunnyside Shines/BID and werepopular, with the next four solely pre-sented by the BID.

But it was Rachel Thieme, BID Execu-tive Director who pioneered the now signa-ture event in a block-long, fairy-lit giant tentunder the 46th Bliss Station. (Mark Stroubussays, “Hey , I helped think of that!”) Butwhat was questioned as a good idea, a tentunder the viaduct has led to three smash hitswhich showcase our restaurateurs with styleand excitement. And most importantly, theevent get the word out about our restaurants,as well as have a lasting effect by piquinginterest in patronizing new spots after theevent. Congratulations to Sunnyside Shines!