Wood ash An alternative fertiliser for agriculture

Eva Brod and Trond Knapp Haraldsen Bioforsk Soil and environment, Ås Wood ash An alternative fertiliser for agriculture

Transcript of Wood ash An alternative fertiliser for agriculture

Page 1: Wood ash An alternative fertiliser for agriculture

Eva Brod and Trond Knapp Haraldsen Bioforsk Soil and environment, Ås

Wood ash An alternative fertiliser for agriculture

Page 2: Wood ash An alternative fertiliser for agriculture


• Biomass fuel → wood ash = residual product

• 30 kt today disposed on landfills

• Contains K, P, Mg and other nutrients essential for plants

Page 3: Wood ash An alternative fertiliser for agriculture

Which wood ashes can be used as fertiliser?

• Regulated by gjødselvareforskriften • Determining: heavy metal concentration


Cd 0.4 0.8 2 5

Pb 40 60 80 200

Ni 20 30 50 80

Zn 150 400 800 1500

Cu 50 150 650 1000

Cr 50 60 100 150

Table. Maximum limits of heavy metals (mg/kg DM) for quality classes 0 - III

> Agriculture: 0 – II > Urban greening: 0 - III > Bottom wood ash < fly ash > Limiting: Cd, Ni, Zn

Page 4: Wood ash An alternative fertiliser for agriculture

Which wood ashes are suited as fertilisers?

• High nutrient contents (K, P, Mg, Ca, micronutrients) > 6 g K/100g DM > 1 g P/100g DM

• pH increase = yearly demand > CaCO3 + H+ > Ca2+ + CO2 + OH- or CaO + H+ > Ca2+ + OH- > Ca/K < 3

+ N

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Are nutrients plant-available?

• Complex chemistry of wood ashes • Study one nutrient and exclude others!

1. K fertiliser 2. P fertiliser

Barley (year 1) and wheat (year 2) 35 or 70 kg K/ha Wood ash + mineral N or organic N and P

Ryegrass, 4 harvests 30 kg P/ha Wood ash + all other nutrients

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Wood ashes as K fertiliser

• Effect in year 2 → Nutrient uptake → Yield → Soluble K in soil • Stronger effects

expected the following years

• K is soluble and plant-available! (Erich 1991; Etiegni et al. 1991; Ohno 1992… Brod et al. 2012; Brod et al. 2014)

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Wood ashes as P fertiliser

• 70 – 80% of fertilisation effect of mineral fertiliser

• Delayed P availability • Soil pH: Variable


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Example: Solid-state 31P-MAS NMR

1. Wood ash 2. Wood/cereal ash

Various Ca phosphates Struvite

Various Ca phosphates


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• Wood ash = promising alternative fertiliser

• Quality requirements > Heavy metal/nutrient ratio

> bottom wood ash vs. fly ash

• Implementation? > How to find and separate «high quality wood ashes»?

> How to establish alternative fertilisers on fertiliser market?

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