Women’s rights Jessica Kelsey. Women’s rights: Entitlements and freedoms claimed for women and...

Women’s rights Jessica Kelsey

Transcript of Women’s rights Jessica Kelsey. Women’s rights: Entitlements and freedoms claimed for women and...

Page 1: Women’s rights Jessica Kelsey. Women’s rights: Entitlements and freedoms claimed for women and girls of all ages in many societies. By women’s rights,

Women’s rights

Jessica Kelsey

Page 2: Women’s rights Jessica Kelsey. Women’s rights: Entitlements and freedoms claimed for women and girls of all ages in many societies. By women’s rights,

• Women’s rights: Entitlements and freedoms claimed for

women and girls of all ages in many societies. By women’s rights, they could vote and participate in government and law making.

Page 3: Women’s rights Jessica Kelsey. Women’s rights: Entitlements and freedoms claimed for women and girls of all ages in many societies. By women’s rights,

Women in 1900s

• They were not allowed to vote• They didn’t have power• They couldn’t vote• They didn’t get equal pay or fair wages at

work• They couldn’t get educated as men.

Page 4: Women’s rights Jessica Kelsey. Women’s rights: Entitlements and freedoms claimed for women and girls of all ages in many societies. By women’s rights,

Timeline • 1900: People who had legal right to vote in a

provincial election were only people who could vote in federal elections.

• Married women got same legal capacity as men in Manitoba(1900), P.E.I.(1903), Saskatchewan(1907); Alberta(1922).

• 1914: Allowed to employ white female in Ontario• Women win the right to vote in provincial elections

in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta(1916), B.C, Ontario(1917), Nova Scotia(1918),New Brunswick(1919), P.E.I.(1922); Quebec(1940).

Page 5: Women’s rights Jessica Kelsey. Women’s rights: Entitlements and freedoms claimed for women and girls of all ages in many societies. By women’s rights,

• 1920: The federal government makes the franchise universal, except minorities and Aboriginal women.

• 1948: United Nations enacted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

• Equal pay legislation had passed in Ontario(1951), Saskatchewan(1952), B.C.(1953), Nova Scotia, Manitoba(1956); Alberta(1957)

• Fair employment legislation had enacted in Manitoba(1953), New Brunswick, B.C., Saskatchewan(1956); Quebec(1964).

Page 6: Women’s rights Jessica Kelsey. Women’s rights: Entitlements and freedoms claimed for women and girls of all ages in many societies. By women’s rights,

• Human Rights Act had enacted in Nova Scotia(1963), Alberta(1966), New Brunswick(1967), P.E.I.(1968),Nfld, B.C.(1969), Manitoba (1970).

• 1999: Extradition Act is amended.

Page 7: Women’s rights Jessica Kelsey. Women’s rights: Entitlements and freedoms claimed for women and girls of all ages in many societies. By women’s rights,

Key Points or Events Leading to Women’s Rights in Canada

• The government passed the right for Women to vote for provincial elections in Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan and the following year for Ontario and British Columbia in 1917.

• When the act S.N.B. 1919. C. 63 granted women the right to vote in federal elections this prompted many other acts and movements to ensure women’s rights.

Page 8: Women’s rights Jessica Kelsey. Women’s rights: Entitlements and freedoms claimed for women and girls of all ages in many societies. By women’s rights,

• In 1948, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is passed stating that everyone is entitled to equal rights without the discrimination of sex, religion, race, etc.

• Shortly after, the federal Government places the Female Employees Equal Pay Act where women are to be paid the same wage as men for similar work.

• The Canadian Human Rights Act was officially enacted, creating an uproar with men and women in a sudden realization of change... and surprisingly worry. Men and women worried life at home would be lost, breaking up the traditional “home”.

Page 9: Women’s rights Jessica Kelsey. Women’s rights: Entitlements and freedoms claimed for women and girls of all ages in many societies. By women’s rights,

• In 1982, the Canadian Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms is enacted giving women equal rights as men. This was one of the most important acts and had a massive impact on women’s rights across Canada.

• “The Person’s Case” was a group of five women from Alberta (commonly referred to as the “famous five”) had a huge impact leading to women’s rights. They fought to have women legally recognized as ‘persons’ in the early 1900s... and won under most parts of the B.N.A. act. This was considered a milestone in the journey of women’s rights.

Page 10: Women’s rights Jessica Kelsey. Women’s rights: Entitlements and freedoms claimed for women and girls of all ages in many societies. By women’s rights,

• “Women are persons in matters of pains and penalties, but are not persons in matters of rights and privileges.” This quote became famous after being spoken during a British ruling of common law in Canada.

• Social activist, Emily Murphy was appointed in 1916 as the first woman police magistrate in Alberta. Although many women thought of this as a step towards equality... many (mostly men) also discouraged this, as women were not yet considered persons under the B.N.A. act. A year later this case was brought to court and women were officially declared persons in the province of Alberta.

Page 11: Women’s rights Jessica Kelsey. Women’s rights: Entitlements and freedoms claimed for women and girls of all ages in many societies. By women’s rights,

• This encouraged Emily to go off and do work in other provinces for the same rights, making a huge impact on the rights we have now.

• Finally in 1918, women were granted the same voting rights as men in all of Canada. Leading to the first woman member of parliament in 1921 to the first female Canadian senator in 1930.

• It wasn’t until 1993 Canada saw its first female prime minister, Kim Campbell. Although her career as prime minister only lasted four short months, this was still considered a milestone for women’s rights in Canada.

Page 12: Women’s rights Jessica Kelsey. Women’s rights: Entitlements and freedoms claimed for women and girls of all ages in many societies. By women’s rights,

Women’s rights today

Today, women’s rights are in full force with feminists across the country ensuring the equality for men and women. March 8th was recently declared, “Women’s Day” to commemorate the long journey that lead us to gender equality in Canada today. Unlike just a century ago, women are now eligible to vote, work, live and be treated just as men without the worry of discrimination. We have come a long way in Canada and have past legislative movements to thank. For example before women were granted the right to vote in federal elections in 1918, our government right now would be drastically different and votes would be cut in half. Without acts of legislation like the Canadian Charter of Human Rights, life for women would be very, very different than it is today.

Page 13: Women’s rights Jessica Kelsey. Women’s rights: Entitlements and freedoms claimed for women and girls of all ages in many societies. By women’s rights,
Page 14: Women’s rights Jessica Kelsey. Women’s rights: Entitlements and freedoms claimed for women and girls of all ages in many societies. By women’s rights,

Sources• http://www.swc-cfc.gc.ca/index-eng.html• http://civilliberty.about.com/od/

gendersexuality/tp/Womens-Rights-Issues.htm • http://library.thinkquest.org/C001142/

home.php • http://canadaonline.about.com/od/
