Womens Angry Legs Calm Down

Women’s Angry Muscles-aching legs relief using Light Manual Muscle Relaxation 1 Copyright Michael Gillan Long Distance Recovery Specialist http://womensweb.aching-legs-relief.com/angry_muscles_calm_down.html Do Your Legs Suffer from Anger Management Problems? Many women lead busy lives in today’s modern lifestyle-they are juggling work. home and social commitments with possibly a favorite sporting activity of their own as well as supporting children and partner in theirs as well When do they sit down and rest? Many snatch a small piece of their day when ever they can get it if there is time in between engagements (if they are lucky) before racing off to the next one, whether it be to the gym, helping out at the school tuck shop or off to work By the time the end of their day comes, and all of the preparations for the next day’s activities are completed it is a very tired woman who eventually falls into bed-the legs which been carrying the body around all that time have finally stopped moving and can rest-or can they? When she gets there, she is exhausted mentally and physically and just ready to sleep, but just shutting everything down for that is impossible for some women-their legs which have been in automatic movement mode will not just close down-they can’t just switch off as there is no on/off button to tell them to stop The photo shows a woman runner-the definition of her leg muscles-especially the calf muscles-they are very tight and tense-when she is fresh and running for a short time, (a sprint) she can stop and control her legs; her brain can pass messages to the legs to close them down If she is running distance, (a marathon) the brain puts them into automatic mode early on, and the legs carry her forward of their own accord-during the run as the distance passes under her feet, fatigue starts to set in, muscle soreness develops and she will try to ignore it by concentrating on other things-the distance, time, position, drinks-anything but the way her muscles feel She is cutting them off and ignoring them The distance between her brain and muscles widens, so as tiredness affects the brain it is not sharp anymore, and judgement starts to be affected and the messages telling the legs what to do are lost in translation and so the legs just do what they have been doing all along-moving-the muscles do what they have been conditioned to do through repetition-carry the body forward As she tires towards the end of the run, all the mechanisms that ensure her usual daily smooth bodily needs have totally shut down-and when she finally stops exhausted, her mind wants to just shut down, so does the brain-but do the muscles know? The legs may stop moving, but the brain can’t tell the muscle fibers and motor units to close down, the muscles are exhausted, sore, separated from the rest of the body and ANGRY! Do you have Anger Management issues with Your Legs after an exhausting day?


from housewives to professional women, angry leg muscles are a problem from too much standing, walking, or sitting-Light Manual Muscle Relaxation offers a simple do it yourself anger management solution to calming them down

Transcript of Womens Angry Legs Calm Down

Page 1: Womens Angry Legs Calm Down

Women’s Angry Muscles-aching legs relief using Light Manual Muscle Relaxation

1 Copyright Michael Gillan Long Distance Recovery Specialist http://womensweb.aching-legs-relief.com/angry_muscles_calm_down.html

Do Your Legs Suffer from Anger Management Problems?

Many women lead busy lives in today’s modern lifestyle-they are juggling work. home and social commitments with possibly a favorite sporting activity of their own as well as supporting children and partner in theirs as well

When do they sit down and rest?

Many snatch a small piece of their day when ever they can get it if there is time in between engagements (if they are lucky) before racing off to the next one, whether it be to the gym, helping out at the school tuck shop or off to work

By the time the end of their day comes, and all of the preparations for the next day’s activities are completed it is a very tired woman who eventually falls into bed-the legs which been carrying the body around all that time have finally stopped moving and can rest-or can they?

When she gets there, she is exhausted mentally and physically and just ready to sleep, but just shutting everything down for that is impossible for some women-their legs which have been in automatic movement mode will not just close down-they can’t just switch off as there is no on/off button to tell them to stop

The photo shows a woman runner-the definition of her leg muscles-especially the calf muscles-they are very tight and tense-when she is fresh and running for a short time, (a sprint) she can stop and control her legs; her brain can pass messages to the legs to close them down

If she is running distance, (a marathon) the brain puts them into automatic mode early on, and the legs carry her forward of their own accord-during the run as the distance passes under her feet, fatigue starts to set in, muscle soreness develops and she will try to ignore it by concentrating on other things-the distance, time, position, drinks-anything but the way her muscles feel

She is cutting them off and ignoring them

The distance between her brain and muscles widens, so as tiredness affects the brain it is not sharp anymore, and judgement starts to be affected and the messages telling the legs what to do are lost in translation and so the legs just do what they have been doing all along-moving-the muscles do what they have been conditioned to do through repetition-carry the body forward

As she tires towards the end of the run, all the mechanisms that ensure her usual daily smooth bodily needs have totally shut down-and when she finally stops exhausted, her mind wants to just shut down, so does the brain-but do the muscles know? The legs may stop moving, but the brain can’t tell the muscle fibers and motor units to close down, the muscles are exhausted, sore, separated from the rest of the body and ANGRY!

Do you have Anger Management issues with Your Legs after an exhausti ng day?

Page 2: Womens Angry Legs Calm Down

Women’s Angry Muscles-aching legs relief using Light Manual Muscle Relaxation

2 Copyright Michael Gillan Long Distance Recovery Specialist http://womensweb.aching-legs-relief.com/angry_muscles_calm_down.html

Do you need to put them on an Anger Management Course?

What are Angry Muscles?

Angry muscles are quite simply leg muscles that have been pushed too far, too fast, and too often-and not been allowed to calm down and recover themselves

Some of the symptoms of them include, fatigue, soreness, throbbing, not being able to keep the legs still, a feeling of restlessness, swollen ankles, cramping, irritability, stiffness Bear in mind that many of the above have a medical component to them so you should be getting them checked out and treated by a medical professional

Once this has been done, it is time to consider other options such as podiatrists, physiotherapists, chiropractors to see if there is a physical contribution to them that can be sorted out-it is no use treating the symptoms unless the cause has been addressed Assuming all has been cleared, then a look at whether a leg servicing system done on a regular basis may benefit them-an anger management course for the legs may be an option

Do your legs need an anger management course?

Why do your legs get aching legs and the muscles get angry?

Overuse and abuse of muscles

These people have been running for 3 days-their muscles have been overused and are extremely sore to touch-the fibers have micro-tears in them which are being healed by the body-one of the first stages in their repair is inflammation which produces heat

If an attempt is made to use conventional methods of recovery at this stage, such as working on the muscles, it can break into the healing process and increase the time it takes to recover-rubbing the skin stimulates the pain receptors in the skin and muscle structures which are already overstimulated and angry

Legs are like people when they are angry , you can’t reason with them or do anything much except just ride out the storm and wait for them to calm down on their own-if they are being abused on a constant basis, they will never calm down-they will be chronically angry like the legs above

Or you can make an attempt to calm them down-usually you can do this by addressing the problem that caused the anger in the first place-this is what I did to the legs of the runner above

He was in a similar position after running too far too fast and too long and angered his muscles

Page 3: Womens Angry Legs Calm Down

Women’s Angry Muscles-aching legs relief using Light Manual Muscle Relaxation

3 Copyright Michael Gillan Long Distance Recovery Specialist http://womensweb.aching-legs-relief.com/angry_muscles_calm_down.html

His legs were so angry half an hour before this picture was taken-his mus cles had gone on strike and stopped working completely

What happened-why the difference?

I put his legs through an anger management course and showed them how to calm down-then I serviced them to get them moving again

Aching legs are usually part of the anger provocati on cycle

If you spend much of your working life, hobbies, sports or other activities on your legs, using them, or just sitting down inactive, the ability to pump used blood and fluid from the lower legs back up to the body for refreshment and recycling is affected

The calf muscles are the motors and power supply for a pump that moves used fluid up the legs back to the body if they are not being worked efficiently the flow of used blood and fluid from the lower legs is reduced, and when the legs are used too much, reduced flow of fresh blood to the muscle tissues reduces the ability to recover quickly

If muscles are not constantly supplied with fresh oxygen filled blood, they fatigue within a short time

Swollen ankles can be the result of inefficient use of calf muscles

Page 4: Womens Angry Legs Calm Down

Women’s Angry Muscles-aching legs relief using Light Manual Muscle Relaxation

4 Copyright Michael Gillan Long Distance Recovery Specialist http://womensweb.aching-legs-relief.com/angry_muscles_calm_down.html

Lower Leg Circulation

To keep the circulation in the lower legs going, a similar volume should be pumped out of the legs as flows into them

Old blood and fluid is taken out of the lower legs through the veins back to the body, fresh blood is supplied to the muscles through the arteries

Fluid always finds its own level because of gravity All fluids (when in a confined space) exert a pressure on the walls of the vessels it is confined in-because it is in a column, the pressure is greater at the bottom than at the top-the surface has very little pressure on it

Gravity and the weight of fluid in the body Pressure varies with the height of the liquid column-in the veins of a person standing up-at the head, the pressure is almost non-existent, but at the feet the lowest part of the body the pressure is higher. The term hydrostatic pressure refers to the force that a liquid exerts against the walls of its container (Hydro-water Static-standing still) and is measured in mm hg.

Head -10 mm hg

Feet +90 MM hg The only thing preventing all the fluid running out of the feet is the ends of the toes!

Page 5: Womens Angry Legs Calm Down

Women’s Angry Muscles-aching legs relief using Light Manual Muscle Relaxation

5 Copyright Michael Gillan Long Distance Recovery Specialist http://womensweb.aching-legs-relief.com/angry_muscles_calm_down.html

Fresh legs-healthy calf circulation To keep the lower leg circulation working and the calf muscles fresh, the muscles rely on having a constant supply of fresh blood to the tissues-blood is sent to the lower legs under pressure through the arteries and ever decreasing in size vessels called arterioles and even smaller capillaries-as the vessel size reduces the pressure taking it there also decreases

By the time the blood reaches the feet, all the pressure has been used, and there is none left to return the blood back up the legs to the body against gravity again

The Calf Muscle Pump To keep the circulation in balance in the legs, the same volume of blood should come out of the legs as goes into them

The calf muscle pump is made up of all the muscles in the legs, but the motors that provide the power for the pump are the calf muscles-these are made up of 2 basic movers-they are Soleus which is primarily used for standing upright, and Gastrocnemius used for running and jumping

As the muscles move, they increase and decrease pressure on the vessel walls (the veins) which have one-way valves in them, open to let the blood pass through them, and close to prevent the blood flowing back towards the feet

Blood pumped from heart through arteries under pressure

Reaches feet Pressure runs


Calf muscles act as pump


Used blood is moved up the legs through the veins

On return to body blood is renourished and recycled

Soleus Gastrocnemius

Page 6: Womens Angry Legs Calm Down

Women’s Angry Muscles-aching legs relief using Light Manual Muscle Relaxation

6 Copyright Michael Gillan Long Distance Recovery Specialist http://womensweb.aching-legs-relief.com/angry_muscles_calm_down.html

They need all the muscles working properly to be ef ficient

By not moving the legs, and staying static the pump does not work as well as it should-this disrupts the cycle and allows used blood to remain in the lower legs-as it its not being removed, water (lymph fluid) separates from it and fills the tissue spaces, as it is not being pumped away quickly enough, the ankles swell

Problems caused by calf muscle pump inefficiency include

• Poor circulation

• Lymph system inactivity

• Venous return reduced

To keep the circulation in balance in the legs and reduce muscle fatigue, the same volume of blood should come out of the legs as goes into them

Calf muscle fatigue, tight muscles, and poor lower leg circulation can chase each other around in a cycle that is difficult to break out from-each is a self destructive part that props up the other parts of the cycle and it will take a circuit breaker to disrupt the cycle of fatigue

Most people just need something simple and effective to maintain the health of their legs as there may not be much wrong with them except that they spend too much time on them, so they do not need to use a sledgehammer to break an eggshell when a teaspoon will do the same job

Many people seem to find may be passive methods such as lying down with the legs elevated to let gravity drain the fluid out of the legs back to the body so that fresh blood can flow into the muscle tissues to help them recover

Most people with aching legs and angry muscles do not have the time for a passive

approach to their aching legs

Calf Muscle Fatigue

Tight calf muscles

Poor blood return

Fresh blood reduced

Page 7: Womens Angry Legs Calm Down

Women’s Angry Muscles-aching legs relief using Light Manual Muscle Relaxation

7 Copyright Michael Gillan Long Distance Recovery Specialist http://womensweb.aching-legs-relief.com/angry_muscles_calm_down.html

Anger management and servicing fatigued leg muscles-passive and active

The most advised way of helping the legs recover is to lie with the legs elevated higher than the body to let the used blood and fluid in the ankles flow back; it took the legs hours to get like this-how long is it going to take for gravity to drain it all back?

Elevation is too ‘passive’ and obviously not too efficient and does nothing to calm the muscles as there are so many lost days off work still through industrially caused diseases

This is time consuming as well as being difficult to do if you have a busy lifestyle

Active Servicing means taking a pro-active role in helping the calf muscles to

work the pump at moving the fluid up the legs

The faster the legs receive help during or after a long day, the faster they recover but it is important they get it as soon as possible before soreness and stiffness limits what can be done with them

This is applied through

The latest in non-technical, non-invasive 'cutting edge' solutions to fatigued

aching legs relief-Light Manual Muscle Relaxation

The advantages of using this system

• Do It Yourself recovery

• No disrobing

• Works with the muscles not on them

• No oil used

• Non invasive

• User friendly • It works with the muscles not on them

Light Manual Muscle Relaxation-A tested Trusted Anger Management and Servicing Course-for aching legs relief, anything

else is a luxury or not necessary

Page 8: Womens Angry Legs Calm Down

Women’s Angry Muscles-aching legs relief using Light Manual Muscle Relaxation

8 Copyright Michael Gillan Long Distance Recovery Specialist http://womensweb.aching-legs-relief.com/angry_muscles_calm_down.html

What is Light Manual Muscle Relaxation?

It is a leg servicing and anger management system

It is system developed for ultra marathon runners and walkers leg recovery and has been tested on long distance events worldwide (ultra marathon is any distance over marathon-42.19 kilometers/26.385 miles)

Ultra marathon is very long distance competition where they have to run or walk as far as possible in a given time; it can be over 6 hours-24 hours-48 hours-6 days-16 days or even around the world www.worldrun.org

Sometimes a long time spent on the legs may make feel as if they have done an ultra marathon

It is basically making the calf muscle pump work again to take some of the pressure away from the lower legs and let fresh blood into the muscle tissues to help the legs recover

A group of athlete's to suffer most similar problems to the flat floorer are ultra marathon runners and walkers-the main similarity between them is that their muscles are always sore, stiff, and fatigued and the muscles are angry-this can interfere with their sleep because their muscles cannot cut off and stop moving

They have to get up and get back on the track or road on a constant basis whether they want to or not to achieve their objective-the person with aching legs also has to get up and move on a constant basis whether their legs have recovered or not www.hazards.org/standing

Page 9: Womens Angry Legs Calm Down

Women’s Angry Muscles-aching legs relief using Light Manual Muscle Relaxation

9 Copyright Michael Gillan Long Distance Recovery Specialist http://womensweb.aching-legs-relief.com/angry_muscles_calm_down.html

How Light Manual Muscle Relaxation leg servicing works

Using just these-and the knowledge of how to use them

So how does Light Manual Muscle Relaxation calm the legs?

There are a number of ways to deal with muscle anger-the first thing that comes to most people’s minds are manual therapies-a problem with many of them is that they involve working on the muscles with sliding or gliding movements across the surface of the skin

I refer to this as a ‘skiing’ technique-it can cause problems with ‘angry’ muscles because the depth of pressure of the fingers uncontrolled, it can stimulate pain receptors in the skin and surrounding tissues and irritate them more

Unlike most other manual systems, uses a ‘snow shoe’ technique

This involves using the width of the hand in a compressing movement rather than sliding the fingers across the skin surface-resulting in a more controlled pressure and therefore less pain receptor stimulation as experienced with skiing-so the muscles are calmed easier

Light Manual Muscle Relaxation-the leg servicing and anger management system-when it comes to calming the legs, anything else is a luxury or not necessary

Light Manual Muscle

Relaxation applied

Tense tight muscles are

calmed relaxed and

moved gently

Used fluid moves through the veins back

to the body

Fresh blood moves through the arteries into

the muscle tissues

Page 10: Womens Angry Legs Calm Down

Women’s Angry Muscles-aching legs relief using Light Manual Muscle Relaxation

10 Copyright Michael Gillan Long Distance Recovery Specialist http://womensweb.aching-legs-relief.com/angry_muscles_calm_down.html

Some References

Michael’s methods of massage and blister care helped me to stay mobile throughout the race and to recover quickly afterwards. His techniques are safe and gentle.

Unlike some treatments, which put the runners and walkers at risk of muscle tears or infection, Michael’s techniques are gentle, safe, reassuring, and highly effective. They enhance comfort and flexibility, build confidence, and promote success.

This booklet will help others to learn and practice Michael’s methods. It is recommended reading for everyone who walks and runs and who wants to go further, go faster, or just to enjoy life more!!'

SANDRA BROWN 1996 Ladies 1000 Mile World Record Holder

1999 Ladies 100 mile Race walking World Record Holder “I know that your massage kept a number of competitor<>s in the event. The cold weather of Saturday afternoon and night certainly got to many of the walkers and your prompt action had them back in the race after a short stop.

In years past, that would have ended up as a non-finish. A number of walkers were able to keep going for the full 24 hours on the basis of your expert help.”

Tim Ericson Secretary Australian Centurions Club

'I have known Michael Gillan for many years and have always got quick relief for my aches and pains from the stretching he performs'. CLIFF YOUNG-75-80 24 Hour World Record Holder (150.07 kilometers)

A word from Jesper Olsen World Runner about Light Manual Muscle Relaxation

“If I hadn't had the qualified help from the excellent masseur Michael Gillan, taking several thousands of km out of my legs, I could spare myself the effort!”

“My crew for the current stages, Michael Gillan, has proven to have other talents than the quite taxing job of taking care of all the requirements of a really tired ultra runner! He has since years back been working on a new approach to stretching and muscle-rebuilding for ultra runners. I have the last two days tried his careful stretch and massage, and a bit to my surprise the muscles are beginning to feel like before the start back in Greenwich, London!!

Usually I doesn’t take massage as the legs of an ultra runner will often be quite sore during the long time events (and especially in an multi-year event like this...), and getting a massage can at times cause more injury and cramping up than good. For example my last massage was some 12 000km ago when I ran the 12-hour competition in Finland. And so far that has been the only one.

But Gillan came with best recommendations from my main contact in Australia, Phil Essam, who besides being vice president in the Australian Ultra runners Association has heaps of good knowledge to share. And this new kind of mild massage for ultra runners is definitely one of the good tips! There should be a fair chance that I actually get fresh enough to do some decent running at the 6 Day Race that I have coming up in Colac from the 21.November. I quite look forward to that, even though I can’t expect to make a top class result :-)”

He won! 756.2 kilometers (Jesper holds the record for the longest run in history over 26000 kilometers and the first person to run around the world Taken from www.worldrun.org

Page 11: Womens Angry Legs Calm Down

Women’s Angry Muscles-aching legs relief using Light Manual Muscle Relaxation

11 Copyright Michael Gillan Long Distance Recovery Specialist http://womensweb.aching-legs-relief.com/angry_muscles_calm_down.html

Some references for Light Manual Muscle Relaxation

To: [email protected] Subject: RE: Emailing: m gillan reference.doc

Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 16:48:31 +1000

Hi Michael,


May 3rd


For many years Coburg Harriers has conducted the Victorian 24 hour Track Championship and the Australian Centurion 24 Hour Race Walk, the overall event being the Coburg 24 Hour Carnival, which also includes a separate 6 Hour run/walk event.

This type of event is very demanding on Competitors, and each year, in addition to First Aid support, we seek to have the services of a masseur who can work on tired legs and also treat blisters in order to keep entrants on the track.

We have been privileged for many years to have had the voluntary services of Michael Gillan who with his techniques is able to coax renewed life from extremely tired muscles and legs to get athletes back on the track when they were thinking that they would have to retire.

Michael has a very well deserved reputation in the "Ultra" running and walking fraternity who look forward to his presence at our events as they know he gets results without causing further injury with his treatments.

It is rewarding to see exhausted competitors come from the track in the early hours of the morning, convinced that they are unable to continue, only to see them return to the event after being treated by Michael.

Our Organising Committee at Coburg is grateful to Michael for his dedication to the sport and can commend his techniques to Athletes.

Yours Sincerely, Bernie Goggin Raceday Director / Referee Coburg 24 Hour Carnival 2009


Do you have an anger management plan for your legs?

Page 12: Womens Angry Legs Calm Down

Women’s Angry Muscles-aching legs relief using Light Manual Muscle Relaxation

12 Copyright Michael Gillan Long Distance Recovery Specialist http://womensweb.aching-legs-relief.com/angry_muscles_calm_down.html

Calf Muscle Fatigue

There are many medical reasons for fatigued calf muscles, and to find out whether any of them are contributing to them, they should be checked out by a medical professional so that the cause can be addressed-do not take chances and self diagnose-you could be risking your life if they are ignored *Many people diagnose themselves as having restless legs which is a sleep disorder and its origins may be medical; there are treatments for these so it recommended that a visit to a physician to get it identified would be the first course of action. ANGRY muscles are giving a reaction to overuse by standing or walking on a consistent basis-they do not have chance to recover properly before repeating the same action over and over. Contact [email protected]

Physiology References The calf muscle pump (p.209) Physiology: a regulatory systems approach. Fleur L. Strand. Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc.ISBN 0-020979860-4

(p.209)Physiology: a regulatory systems approach. Fleur L. Strand. Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc.ISBN 0-020979860-4

"Venous valve incompetence and varicose veins" 'Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-726-3994-0

Effect of "Hydrostatic" Pressure on Venous Pressure ( P.165) 'Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-726-3994-0

Effect of Hydrostatic Factors on Arterial and Other Pressures (P.167) 'Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-726-3994-0

Calf muscle pump inefficiency 'Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-726-3994-0 ' (P.177) 'Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-726-3994-0

The Blood Circulatory System (P.150) 'Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-726-

3994-0 "The Lymphatic System (P.180) 'Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-726-

3994-0 "Pumping caused by external Compression of the Lymphatics

Guyton-Textbook of Medical Physiology eighth edition-1991 W.B. Saunders Company-ISBN 0-726-3994-0 (p. 182)

You can buy an expensive book on medical physiology or you can check up for further

information on Light Manual Muscle Relaxation at http://womensweb.aching-legs-relief.com/angry_muscles_calm_down.html

Page 13: Womens Angry Legs Calm Down

Women’s Angry Muscles-aching legs relief using Light Manual Muscle Relaxation

13 Copyright Michael Gillan Long Distance Recovery Specialist http://womensweb.aching-legs-relief.com/angry_muscles_calm_down.html