Women in Tech: Find Your Mentor and Move Ahead

Advancing the Careers of Women in Technology Content By Holly Justice Graphics By Patrick Coan, Guild of Build


As women working in technology, the road ahead is not always smooth. It’s like riding a mountain bike on a rough trail. Why take on that project? Why learn that tool? Read more to find out how to find your mentor and move ahead. Content by Holly Justice; Graphics by Patrick Coan, Guild of Build. Special Thanks to Creators of the ‘Advancing the Careers of Women in Technology’ Event: Chick TECH Technology Association of Oregon Puppet Labs

Transcript of Women in Tech: Find Your Mentor and Move Ahead

Page 1: Women in Tech: Find Your Mentor and Move Ahead

Advancing the Careers of Women in Technology

Content By Holly Justice

Graphics By

Patrick Coan,

Guild of Build

Page 8: Women in Tech: Find Your Mentor and Move Ahead

The common thread isall my mentors have some

experience I lack.

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Go out of your way to

meet people.

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I have worked on very

supportive teams.

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Positive co-workers gave me solid


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Certain bosses pushed me to take on

the tough projects.

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Look for the right place to work that supports women.

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If you are in a bad situation, don’t quit your career.

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Pay attention to your fellow students and instructors.

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Look for communities that support learning about your technology.

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My mentors have been there to push me to do what I needed to do.

Page 38: Women in Tech: Find Your Mentor and Move Ahead

Harvard Business Review: Find a Micro Mentor for Your Next Short Term Project

CAREEREALISM, Because Every Job is Temporary: 7 Sacrifices You Need to Make to Advance Your Career by Georgina Stewart

From Holly Justice: Don’t Quit Your Career Finding the Right

Workplace When You Meet

Potential Mentors

Page 39: Women in Tech: Find Your Mentor and Move Ahead

Advancing the Careers of Women in Technology

Content By Holly Justice

Graphics By

Patrick Coan,

Guild of Build