Women Empowerment in Pakistan

WOMEN EMPOWERMENT IN PAKISTAN West always raise fingers on suppressed women rights in Pakistan but before discussing whether women have the rights or not in Pakistan we should first understand that what actually the rights of women are. DEFINITION. The term women right refers to freedoms and entitlements of women and girls of all ages. These rights may or may not be institutionalized… Pakistan is an Islamic society in which most of the practices are according to Islamic teaching and Islam has given equal rights to both men and women, whether it’s property or society in the eyes of Islam all humans are equal. Islam has given equal right to women in getting education and the most important right that Islam has given to women is that the women cannot get married without asking her will and consent. Unfortunately in Pakistani society where we call ourselves Muslims but we are the one who are far away from Islamic teaching. Orally we all can say that we are Muslim but practically we are living our lives with out practicing Islamic teaching. If we want to discusses the rights of women in Pakistani society than it is divided into two categories. URBAN WOMEN RURAL WOMEN WOMEN IN URBAN SOCIETY OF PAKISTAN

Transcript of Women Empowerment in Pakistan

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West always raise fingers on suppressed women rights in Pakistan but before discussing whether women have the rights or not in Pakistan we should first understand that what actually the rights of women are.


The term women right refers to freedoms and entitlements of women and girls of all ages. These rights may or may not be institutionalized…

Pakistan is an Islamic society in which most of the practices are according to Islamic teaching and Islam has given equal rights to both men and women, whether it’s property or society in the eyes of Islam all humans are equal.Islam has given equal right to women in getting education and the most important right that Islam has given to women is that the women cannot get married without asking her will and consent.

Unfortunately in Pakistani society where we call ourselves Muslims but we are the one who are far away from Islamic teaching. Orally we all can say that we are Muslim but practically we are living our lives with out practicing Islamic teaching. If we want to discusses the rights of women in Pakistani society than it is divided into two categories.



In 21st century women in urban society of Pakistan carries all rights, majority of women are getting education, working in different field of there interest side by side with men. Women in Pakistan are now working on the post of CEO’S, GT pilot, high post in Banks, doctors, engineer and what not women are free to go in any field now and complete her dream without any fear.

Urban side of Pakistani is not anymore backward, urban areas women are said to be called the super women they are not behind men in performing their responsibilities. Urbanization contribute much in adopting change in Pakistani society and with change the most important thing that happened is change in mind set of parents who previously considered their daughters as burdens but now its not like that anymore and due to parents encouragement and support women are working side by side with men and sharing the burden of society as equal partner.

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Trend of early marriages is changing due to alteration in parents’ mindset. Now parents give their daughters the chance to live their life with freedom but in limits and in my point of view limit are very important for protecting the values and norms of our society.

Young girls in urban areas of Pakistan have passion to do something in their lives, to make their own identity stand on their own feet’s and do not become burden on parents after completing education. Most of the girls are working in different fields and trend is changing that girl can only adopt the profession of medicine is not any more.

Urban women are enjoying their rights although they have to face difficulties in work places, buses and from some conservative mindset people but all women are ready to cross all obstacles coming in there way of success and they all count these difficulties as minor problems. Women of urban areas do not think that what others are saying for them and they are on their way to success.

The rising inflation contributes much in women empowerment and now women are working to support their families in this time of inflation. It is not the time that one person can earn the bread for the whole family and remain dependent but now women are sharing the burden equally with men. In urban areas women are performing all duties with full responsibility and now society starts giving credit for all the achievement today women are doing. Pakistani working women try to balance between work and her family.

Because family is Allah blessing and to unite the family and look after for its need is the responsibility of women and because of them only family system in Pakistan is much stronger. In my point of view Pakistani women should be the best example for others that how to maintain balance between work and family which is necessary for making healthier and organized society.


Pakistan rural areas are in hold of so called Zamindar, Jagirdars, Feudal lords who suppressed the rights of women and considered them as their property. Rural women are working in fields along with men and doing all household work but despite of all the sacrifices and contribution she carries no right and has no share in anything and her life remain property of men who are dominant member of society.

Women in rural areas of Pakistan are in worst condition may be there are 10 percent of women enjoying their rights but I am talking about remaining 80 percent of women those rights have been suppressed sometime on name of prestige, her life have been sacrificed on the name of honor killing and other

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illegal customs which have no place in Islamic teaching and are man made rules for women and make their life like hell. These women have no education nothing they are fully dependents on their men and this is the reason that they can not raise their voice against any injustice done with them and if they will be educated than they can say no to the violence and cruelty done with them on the name of so called manhood.

Rural men think that if they do not suppressed the rights of women and hold their lives in their hands than how they can say themselves that we are MEN and he has all the right to crushed the rights of women under her feet because women has given the right to them to do injustice with them because they feed them and give shelter for living. May be some of my readers will be against me that it is not true and if it is wrong than what about the case of Mukhtara Mai she was gang raped, Tasleem Sulangi and all such thousands of women killed on the name of honor are buried in Kari Graveyard built to give lesson to other women that not to think about living life according to your own will, and never raise voice in front of men for your rights and if some one did so than this Kari Graveyard will be your final destination.

Whatever Taliban government was doing with women of Rural areas were totally against Islamic teaching because Islam have given all rights to women and such illiterate people who want to dominate are using the name of Islam for fulfilling their evil designs.

Islam is such a religion in which women respect is so important that it can be proved from the saying of Prophet Muhammad that “PARADISE LIES UNDER MOTHER FEET” Lastly I can only say that women respect is necessary from every aspect and they should be given equal rights whether it’s Pakistani society or western. West instead of raising finger on violated rights of women in Pakistan should contribute its share in raising the standard of living of rural women built schools for them so that they all get education, vocational training should be established which can groom the inner abilities and provide the opportunities of earning to women of rural areas. In my point of view lack of earning opportunities and education is the main cause of violation of women rights. If women will be empowered then next coming generation will be educated and women can feel secure and can raise their voice against their rights without hesitation and fear.

So this proves that women empowerment is very important for the progress of a country and nation.

The State of Women Rights in Pakistan

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Constitution of Pakistan guarantees the rights of women and do not discriminate in any sphere of life. The basis of Pakistani constitution is Islam; a religion that has secured the rights of women fourteen hundred years ago.

In Pakistan; Mukhtaran Mai, Dr. Shazia and various other women have been raised internationally because of the corrupt character of our moth eaten justice, social and political system. In order to avail political power, dictators like General Zia-ul-Haq tried to placate the fundamentalist Mullahs by launching Hudood Ordinance. The society is silent over social customs like Karo-Kari, Vaani, Swara and several other atrocities of the retrogressive people. Finally, the last hope, the justice system, is itself a victim of political interference.

Let us see why women rights are being denied and exploited in Pakistan, but before that, make it clear what are women's universal rights. In Article 25(1) of the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan it is stated, "All citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law." Article 25(2) states, "There shall be no discrimination on the basis of sex alone."

Islam guarantees an adult woman to marry according to her will. Even parents cannot force her to marry against her choice. Moreover, no person including parents, husbands, in-laws have the right to judge and decide the fate of women accused of being guilty of any crime. Courts are there in a civilized society to decide what is right what is wrong.

In addition to constitutional guarantee, 98% percent Muslims of Pakistan are morally binding as believer of Islam to fight evil and injustice, i.e., Amar Bil-Maroof Wanahi-o- Mankar. In this regard, they are binding upon at least to voice their concern as a Muslim who cannot tolerate evils of gross injustices going on women.

Despite the universal protection of Islam and the rights given by the constitution of Pakistan, women are the being abused by some atrocious elements of our society.

Politics in Pakistan is a game of holding power and doing everything whether right or wrong in order to secure that power. Women have been a victim of such a political game. General Zia-ul-Haq, after clinching power from Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, enacted "Hudood Ordinances". Zia gave the impression to Islamize the country; however, the hidden truth was to prolong his tenure by making the religious extremist happy. Still the women are being crushed under the barbarity of Hudood Ordinances.

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If a woman is raped, one of the conditions of the law requires that woman must provide for four pious Muslim witnesses for seeing the crime. Let for a moment condone that part of the law. But, the worst cruelty of the law is that in case of failing to provide witnesses, the rape victim will be charged of fornication; the punishment for which is stoning to death.

One of the examples from innumerous cases is that of an incidence of stoning to death to a blind girl in 1980s. Her only mistake was to report that she was raped. But, unable to provide for the four pious Muslim cum male witnesses, she was charged of adultery. Consequently, in this Islamic Republic of Pakistan, an innocent was stoned to death.

Does the above case conform to the right and protection given by the constitution of Pakistan? Does Islam allow injustice of such an inhuman nature? The answer is no, but, such atrocities are being done under the name of Islamic injunctions; however, the concealed fact is that of a political nature. The society was silent when the Hudood Ordinance was enacted, and it is still heedless of the barbarisms from some of its own sections of people.

Karo-Kari is one of those customs related to fornication. A Kari is a woman who is alleged to have extramarital relations with a man called Karo. In a typical Birdari and caste system of our society, especially in rural areas, if a woman marries with her choice outside of her family relation -- a crime of violating the Biradari unwritten rule – then she is alleged to have committed adultery. The whole Biradari becomes willing to kill both of the husband and the wife under the pretext of Karo-Kari.

Even the dead body of the innocent woman is not given her due right of burying. She is interred in an isolated and far-flung place without religious rituals. In contrast, the Karo is given the right to be buried with religious rituals.

Moreover, husbands, in-laws, and their relatives also victimize the woman with allegation of fornication. In fact, the reason is their personal grievances and enmity for not bringing enough dowry or not following the orders of in-laws. She could be killed any time by her husband or any of his relatives under the pretext of Karo-Kari custom.

Not only the adult woman but also baby girls of even months old are not spared from the clutches of retrogressive customs. Swara and Vaani are such kind of heinous crimes that are deeply upheld by the stone-age minded people.

In both of the customs, the minor girls are given as compensation for the wrongdoings perpetrated by one of the members of the culprit family on the

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aggrieved one. The village's cult of goons called "Punchayat" leaded by elders of village, fundamentalist Mullahs, including any of our graduate MPA participate in such Punchayats.

Many girls given under Vaani or Swara to the aggrieved family refused to marry there after attaining adult age. CJ of the Supreme Court of Pakistan have taken suo motu action in this regard. Furthermore, girls as young as ten years of age are married with 60 years old man under such customs.

The data collected by Human Rights Commission of Pakistan reveals, "A woman is raped after every two hours and gang-raped after every eight hour. For honor killing, commission's report says that in 2006, 565 women have been killed under Karo-Kari. Police do not take seriously the crime of honor killings; as in 2005, there were 475 such cases, and police was able to catch only 128 accused.

According to a report presented by the Interior Ministry, there have been 4100 honor killings since 2001. The report also criticizes that under 'Qisas and Diyat" law, the killer could easily be forgiven after paying compensation for the blood of the dead.

The village Punchayat is so lowest in its scruples that sometimes it orders to rape the women of the culprit family as revenge. Mukhtaran Mai is one of such victim who had been gang-raped because her brother was guilty of some wrong for which she was punished to be gang-raped. The law enforcement agencies denied her "right to register an FIR" because the criminals were influentials.

Sometimes women are stripped and forced to walk naked in the village for any crime of their family members. If she denies marrying with a family relative or raising her voice against her in-laws then she is subjected to mutilation of her body by acid-throwing. For whatever reasons, her husbands could brutally beat her any time under any pretext. Most of the time, she was beaten and even killed for not having a male baby child.

Women are also exploited for the only reason of being a woman. With a high workload from dawn to dusk, she was paid far less than what males get doing less work. Moreover, in our male dominant society, molestation and sometimes attack on her piety during job are frequent incidents. If she reports such crimes then as a punishment, she is rusticated from her job. Therefore, most of the crimes against her remain unreported.

The traders of human flesh exploit her misery. Taking advantage of her penury, they force some of the women on prostitution. Trafficking of women is also a

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lucrative business for human traffickers. Such women after going abroad work as domestic slaves under extremely inhuman conditions or they are kept in brothels for the shameful business.

Report by an NGO, the Lawyers for Human Rights and Legal Aid (LHRLA) says that in 2006, there were 7,564 cases of violence against women; 1,993 cases of torture; 1,271 women were kidnapped; 822 women committed suicide; 259 were gang raped; 119 were trafficked; 144 booked under the Hudood Ordinances; and 792 were killed in the name of honor. The above data are based on reported cases; and because of unreported abuses, the actual crime rate is far more than what is reported.

Status Of Women In Pakistan/ Women Empowerment In Pakistan

1. Introduction

a. Tarnished image of Muslim and Pakistani Womenb. Status of Women in Human Society: A Historical Perspective

2. Problem Areas for Women in Pakistan

a. Use of Islam to deny Women Rightsb. Gender Discriminationc. Marriage and Marital Lifed. Sati, Vani and Karokarie. Domestic Violencef. Poor Literacyg. Job Opportunities and Job Environment and Veilh. Inheritancei. Want of Male Childj. Child and Forced Labork. Health Issues

3. Steps Taken by the Government

a. Legislation to empower womenb. Job Quotasc. Representation in Politicsd. Gender Mainstreaming

4. Impacts of the steps taken by the Government

5. Role of NGO Sector

6. Role of Print and Electronic Media

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7. Recommendations

a. Diagnosing the Problem: The Problem is of Human Rights, not of Women rights onlyb. Universal Women Educationc. Removing Social Barriers to Gender Equalityd. Need to Ensure Women Rights that are guaranteed by Constitutione. Implementation of Women Rights given by Islamf. Due Importance to Mother-Child Health

8. ConclusionEssay: State of Women in PakistanState of Women in PakistanIntroduction:Woman is one of the best creatures of the universe. She has been equally endowed with in terms of intellect, prudence and rights as man has been.The state of woman in Pakistan as compared to man are awfully miserable. She is badly victim of domestic violence and sexual assaults at working places. She is indeed meted out with massive atrocity and injustice. She is being denied her due social, economic, political and financial rights. She suffers badly in pursuit of her fundamental rights.Surprisingly enough, she has been deprived of her basic birth right of education which is the best source of women empowerment. It is only education that can empower her not only socially but also financially and professionally. It will be because of education that helps her widen the mental horizon. Thus, it is an undeniable fact that provision of education to every ordinary woman on the basis of equality can considerably change her fate. Undoubtedly, education plays a role of backbone in the development of woman at every level.The state of rural women as compared to urban ones needs urgent attention. The rural women are undergoing worst experiences at the hands of feudal lards. The have been kept vastly ignorant of their fundamental rights such as education, health, participation in politics, professional and financial liberty. They being illiterate and uneducated can not fight for their basic rights. This gruesome state of woman is just because of lack of education.Inevitably enough, poor economic condition of woman has badly told upon state of woman. She has no say in any domestic affairs of life. She has been victim of male dominance. It is only male, who is to wield power in both domestic and private affairs of life. Whether it be choice of marriage, casting votes and some other financial and professional matters.There is another social evil of our society which is feudalism. It wipes out the entire factors which help woman to be empowered. It has really become a stumbling block in woman Empowerment. This social evil urgently needs to be addressed so that the chances of woman empowerment can became possible in the near future.

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Truly speaking, the poor state of woman can only be improved by promoting education ranging from primary to higher level and opening up the doors of opportunity for jobs in different departments. So that they can become socially, economically, politically and professionally strong.

Factors which mar state of women in Pakistan Illiteracy Poverty  Feudalism Weak institution Judiciary Parliament  Executive Lack of Political awareness Cultural barriers Misinterpretation of Islam in terms of woman empowerment Corrupt mediaIlliteracy:Illiteracy indeed is a big obstacle to the social, economic and political development of woman. It has rendered common woman the helpless, voiceless and ignorant of their basic privileges. They being illiterate and under privileged cannot voice against the atrocities meted out to them. They have been reduced to extreme voracity and hunger. The developed nations of the world are encouraging woman empowerment by promoting standard education to women. Thus, they become strong not only socially and economically but also politically and professionally while the less developed countries are questing for foreign aid in terms of female education and spends a negligible amount of education and the rest of the amount is to be swallowed by the corrupt people and overlooking the standard of female education. As a result, most of the women remain illiterate and become unaware about their birth rights of education.Finally, if education is given to women, they can easily become able to snatch their fundamental rights. They can also become capable of doing profession and thus avoiding the pangs of hunger and voracity. Truly speaking, promotion of education among women can enable them to be economically and politically strong. Thus, they will stop depending upon their parents in terms of financial support.Poverty:It is well said that poverty is the mother of crime or revolution. So far it has not brought about revolution in society but it has surely raised the ratio of crime in society. Poverty and illiteracy are inextricably interwoven with each other. Illiteracy breeds poverty and poverty creates crime and crime disrupts the whole social economic. As a result, not only the women but also the entire society

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suffers at the hands of poverty. There is no doubt about it that poverty has rendered common women unable to attain even primary education. Thus many a woman falls prey to it becoming helpless and fed up. It is only because of poverty that woman is socially, economically and politically weak. If all women were rich enough to deal with all affairs of life, they could exercise enormous influence in every spheres of life. They usually depend on their male members in terms of economic and social security. Resultantly, they turn, to be enormously weak and fragile. Poverty has really affected on the creative ability of women. It has bred numerous hindrances in the way of women’s intellectual development. As it is rightly said that hungry man is angry man. It means when you are hungry, you are not in a position to do any work effectively. Thus it can safely be said that if poverty remains intact then there is a greater unlikelihood of women empowerment and the state of poor woman cannot improve in near future.

Feudalism:Feudalism is a greater impediment to social, economic and political development of women. It has utterly damaged the state of women in Pakistan. Feudalistic attitude in any society is not a good omen. It often discourages national development of a country. Regrettably enough, the state of women in Pakistan has been reduced to the beasts and animals. It is only feudal who exercise absolute power over women and their male member are at their call and back. They dare not voice against their opinions or views. They are their slaves and nothing more. The poor farmers whether male or female heavily depend on them for their livelihood. They have no any source of income except harboring the fields of landlords. Moreover, feudalism is a huge hindrance to educational development whether it is for girls or boys. They don’t allow the government to build schools in their premises. If government does this forcibly such schools soon are turned into go downs or animals quarters. As a result, no girl and boy can get education. They think that if they acquire education, then we will not be able to lead them by their nose. In this way, they want to keep them illiterate throughout life so that they may not be able to demand of their basic rights. Surprisingly enough, it is feudal who promote culture of honor killing and discourage the factors leading towards better state of women.

Weak institutions:The Institutions of Pakistan are judiciary, parliament and executive. All of them are almost failed to provide social, political and economic justice to women. The reasons as to why they are failure in provision of social, economic and political justice is discussed below respectively.Judiciary: It is well said that justice delayed justice denied. It means that just judiciary plays a vital role in catering immediate justice. But here the condition of justice is painfully

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miserable. The person seeking for immediate justice and it is found no where in our society. Poor women are suffering from sheer injustice at the hands of judiciary. It has become absolutely incapable of imparting justice. It has become dishonest and corrupt. Corruption has died down their economic and making those living dead.Parliament: parliament is one of the great institutions of Pakistan. It consists of the elected representatives of the four provinces. It is a supreme power of the country. It legislate various bills and policies for the betterment of the country. It has passed a number of laws for innumerable purposes of the country; so far it has also passed many a law for protection of women rights. Different governments have passed different ordinances and laws for the social and economic security of women. Zia regime passed hudood ordinance in which women were safeguarded against sexual assaults and adultery. Qazf was also promoted in his regime for the social security of women. Qazf is a false allegation of adultery against woman, if it proves false; the man will be subject to punishment.Musharaf government encouraged woman empowerment at a considerable level various ordinances were passed for enhancement of woman empowerment. Woman protection bill was also enacted in his regime which further made woman socially strong. After the overthrow of Musharaf government the government of Pakistan people’s party came and passed a law of domestic violence against woman and the laws of sexual harassment against woman at working places were passed. Thus they strengthened the position of woman in society. In spite of all the bills or laws the poor woman is still in a pitiable condition. These laws are passed in the parliament but when it comes to implementations the things appear quite contrary. As a result a woman who is extremely poor and has no access to attain justice suffers at the hands of weak institutions.Executive: Parliament makes different laws and executive implements it in a country. But the implementation of law is least to be found in this country. Law enforcement agencies are themselves victim of corruption. They have failed to enforce law in the country effectively.Police department concerned with crime happening everyday in the country has not yielded positive results in terms of reducing crime. The poor women who are daily victimized at the hands of certain criminals are not given adequate and human treat men by the police officials. Women are insecure when they are in the custody of police. They are inevitably prone to sexual assaults by the police officials. The women who came in quest of relief fall prey to brutal treatment by the concerned officials. We need to think about it and it will have to take a way out for the securities of women so that they cannot fall succumb to their brutal and beast- like treatment in near future.Lack of political awareness:

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Lack of political awareness has also wreaked havoc on the socio-economic and political development of women. They are being politically unaware do not yearn for their political rights.Undoubtedly, political awareness can further strengthen the position of women in every walk of life. After being politicized, they will earn greater knowledge about the political issues all over the world. Thus they will begin snatching their basic political and economic rights. The role of politicians for the widespread political activism among women has not been satisfactory enough. Indeed, they are supposed to be politicizing women about vari0ous issues pertaining to women’s political rights. This poor and miserable state of women has greatly affected to their contribution in political affairs of life. Surprisingly enough, most of the women do not know about the value of their votes. They are quite ignorant of it and do not ponder over it that it can play a decisive role in helping any party to win by the margin of one vote. It is the crying need of the hour that our politicians should take this issue very seriously so that the state of poor and wretched women can be improved not only politically bout also socially and economically.Cultural Barriers:Cultural barriers are too big hindrances to the socio-economic development of women. It has ruthlessly marred the state women especially in Pakistan. Rigid and narrow attitude of male members toward women have helplessly made women dependent and short sighted.It is surprising to say, that Pakistani society is male-domestic as well as private affairs of life. It has massively rendered women helpless, voiceless and destitute. The state of miserable women can not improve until cultural barriers of our society be rationalized and educated well. So that the condition of women can considerably be altered in terms of professional, social and economic liberty. Most of the people do not allow their children especially daughters to do a job and they think it to be a bad omen for them. It is their mindsets that disallow their children doing a job. As a result, many a woman suffers professionally and economically. When their as a question of marriage at their whim. Women or girls are not given the permission for their choice marriage as they remain under the thumb of male members who are to exercise absolute power in do most affairs of life. Thus women experience sheer injustice at the hands of parents. As a result, women have been chained in cultural chains which restrict their personal freedom. Finally, the women empowerment cannot be developed unless they are given professional and financial liberty.Misinterpretation of Islam about women empowerment:Misinterpretation of Islam about women empowerment has also been contradictory. The religious scholars of the county are not portraying the real Islamic teachings in terms of improving the state of women.Historically speaking, Islam is teeming with numerous examples about the liberty of women in professional as well as personal liberty. Bibi khadeja the

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first wife of the Prophet was a business woman. She used to run her business not only in Arabia but also some other countries. It means Islam had permitted women for being professional and the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was her employee who used to visits the different countries by virtue of business. There is another glaring example about women’s being professional and warrior. Bibi Aysha Prophet’s wife a war against Hazrat Ali. It means that she can wage a war participate in it. Thus it is proven from the facts of Islam that women are free to be professionals and adopt any way that can protect her basic rights of liberty. But regrettably the ulema of Islam are not discussing these basic issues of women empowerment in open public. They can address these issues at the occasion of Juma prayer frequently and this frequent discussion can remove rigid and narrow minded approach toward women. Reqular Juma prayer address regarding the state of women in Pakistan can mould the opinion of common men in favour of women. In this way every ordinary man will be vastly aware of the rights of women. As a result, of all these repeated address, as about women empowerment can help the masses to care for the privileges of women. But what happens here that every ulema belonging to the lower category who are virtually hailing from villages admit in madressa for the purpose of gaining religious knowledge. Now how can man hailing from village can easily understand the multi dimensional modern scientific trends and requirements of the globe. This seems quite impossible that this kind of man may represent true Islam. He cannot fathom out the various global phenomena such as woman empowerment, rise of democracy, professional and personal liberty, religious tolerance.Finally, the role of ulema can play an effective role in bringing about the improvement in the state of women and it can further develop the state of women in better condition.Corrupt media:Corrupt media men have played havoc with socio-economic and political development of women. It has not yielded positive result yet. It has failed to protect the real state of women of Pakistan at international level. Majority of the poor women being victim of domestic or professional violence cannot cast their viewpoints before any authorized organization of the state. The reason as to why the media has not reached them is lack of access to the far flung areas of the country. Most of the media men demand for certain amount of rupees for projecting their issue at national as well as international level. These are number of women who die of hunger daily. They cannot eke out their living comfortably. The media persons are absolutely reluctant to spread the news at a considerable level. But on the contrary they make fun of their misery and plight. In this way one can find such examples in our society on daily basis.Now it is our responsibility being citizens of the country that we should exercise enormous pressure on the media men to end this brutal trend of women harassment which bitterly mass the state of women.

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The factors that can foster women development are as under:• Promotion of education among women.• Reduction of poverty.• Abolition of feudalism.• Strong institution ensuring women empowerment.• Social, political, cultural financial and professional liberty among women.• Positive role f religions in terms of women empowerment.• Job opportunities for women.• Legislation on honor-killing, child marriage and vatta-satta system of marriage.Promotion of education among women: Promotion of education among women at primary and secondary level can greatly improve the state of women in Pakistan. Indeed it is education that renders common women socially politically and economically strong. When they become strong, they stop being dependent on their parents in terms of support. Thus the state of women can highly be improved by the incredible enhancement of education among them.Reduction of poverty:This is an undeniable fact that poverty has wreaked havoc with socio-economic and political development of women. It is poverty that has made them unable to get standard education. It is because of lack of education less access to wealth that women face sheer injustice and torture at the hands of cruel and barbaric people. They bear that torture and persecution in ignorance. As a result, most women fall succumb to depression and dejection. If the government of Pakistan and other several NGOs working for the reduction of the poverty take it serious and start pondering over the plight of woman that she suffers because of abject poverty can easily be managed so as to make the state of women better and worth living.Abolition of Feudalism:Truly speaking, it is feudalism that has brought common woman to the verge of destruction and devastation. It has become a great hurdle in improving the state of Pakistan woman. It has incredibly discouraged promotion of education of both male and female in rural areas in particular and common in urban areas. It means it has utterly damaged the state of women in Pakistan. Now it is the crying need of the hour that it must be wiped out of the face of the globe so that the state of woman and colossal development at national level can be ensured for the better future of the country. Because developed countries of the world see the development of women in different sphere of life. Later they call the developed countries the developed ones. If the state of women is not plausible then they do not call it a developed country.Strong institutions:

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Strong institutions play a vital role in developing socio-economic and political condition of women. Undoubtedly, strong institutions can certainly provide for speedy justice and viable implementations of different laws passed by the assembly. If these institutions start working effectively and honestly, nothing can do wrong in the country. All the developed countries, it is just because of their strong institutions that they face no pangs of torture and persecution at the hands of the institutions.Again it is institutions that can help improve not only the oppressed women but also every segment of society, victim of any oppression and brutality. Social, political, cultural, financial and professional liberty can massively improve the state of women in Pakistan. Social and political development of women can help them to be socially and politically active and enabling them to participate in social-politico activities of life. This will enhance their intellectual and personal qualities. On the other hand, financial and professional liberty of women can also make them self reliant and self dependent. They will deal their matters of life on their won. They being professionally liberal begin their independent life depending on nobody in terms of economy. Thus, socio-economic and political liberty of women can enormously add to the development of women in every walk of life.Positive role of religious scholars in terms of women’s empowerment:Religious scholars can play a positive role in bringing about improvement in the state of women. Ours is a highly religious society. It greatly influences their socio-economic spheres of life. It is religious scholars who can easily mould the opinions of various persons in terms of developing the social, economic and political development of women. Islam is also in favour of women empowerment. It was Islam which gave her due socio-economic rights. It never discouraged their professional and personal liberty. But here the ulemas of our country are not addressing there sensitive issues so as to develop their role in every walk of life. Last but not the least, the state of women can massively be improved if the role of our religious scholars remains positive and satisfactory.Job opportunities for women:Indubitably enough, job opportunities for women in different departments are very scanty. This has badly discouraged women from applying for the jobs. They have least means to scraps by. As a result, most of them get fed with seeking for something than can meet their incomes. Thus it is inevitably necessary that our government should open the doors of opportunities for their jobs in various departments so that they can make the best of their abilities in earning certain amount of sum and lead an easy and comfortable life. This will further encourages the women empowerment and make them excited for applying next time for the jobs.Legislation on honour, killing, child marriage of girls and system of vatta-satta marriage:Traditional honour-killing, child marriage of girls and system of vatta-satta

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marriage has awfully maligned the state of women in Pakistan. These hateful traditional practices are extremely obnoxious for women development. If the present phenomenon remains intact, the development of women at socio-economic and political level might be least possible. It is now crying need of the hour that government of Pakistan, should legislate on these sensitive issues which halt women empowerment at a large scale parliament, judiciary and executive may take strong measures in order to tackle these in for moldable problems which are extremely injurious to the social, economic, political professional progress of women. If these institutions are failed to cope with these issues then surely the state of women in Pakistan is in great jeopardy.Conclusion:Finally, the state of women can only be improved on the basis of promotion of education, greater participation in politics and widespread awareness about social, economic and political issues. Professional and financial liberty can further improve the state of women. Reduction of poverty and feudalism can open numerous chances for the improvement of the state of woman in Pakistan. Positive role of religious scholars and media can hopefully ameliorate the miserable state of women in to a pleasant one. Last but not the least, the role of strong and cogent institutions can also heighten the state of women of Pakistan.

Women Empowerment in Pakistan

The lives of Pakistani women have changed during the past 30 years and they are more empowered and emancipated than they were ever before.Pakistan A TALE OF EVENTSMonday, August 01, 2011

Quaid-e-Azam said in a speech in 1944, “No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you; we are victims of evil

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customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners.” The lives of Pakistani women have changed during the past 30 years and they are more empowered and emancipated then they were ever before. More and more women are entering the workforce today as their predecessors, who made the first time at the work place and also made life easier for other women, lent them the encouragement to do so.

The supporting and opposing views with regard to working women can be analysed by taking into account various aspects of the society regarding the subject namely the social, legal, religious and the political.

Sociological aspectTechnological advancement has added to the urbanisation of society, yet the old customs and norms often act as impediments to the progress of a modern society. While many advocate women empowerment, others oppose the very idea. There are various reasons of the above stated attitude towards working women. Firstly, a woman who remains at home and can, therefore, look after her children in a much better and productive way. She keeps a check on their studies, is more aware about their everyday activities and is capable of bringing them up in a healthy way. On the contrary, a working woman is always busy in her work schedule leading to neglected children. A change of priorities from children to work makes her negligent towards her children.The advocates of working women believe that they can contribute to the financial matters of the family. With ever rising prices and inflation, two earning people would surely help run the financial matters of the family.Secondly, a woman when remains at home is sheltered from the callous attitude of other elements of the society. She is safe at all times and does not face any kind of depression as a result of such unhealthy behaviour towards her. On the other hand, a working woman has to withstand the teasing behaviour of men all the times—from starting her journey to work to the workplace itself. Gender discrimination and harassment at workplaces is common in almost every sector perceived as achievement activity. This leads to high depression levels amongst women shattering their personality and their productivity at work.

The advocates of working women believe that that they can contribute to the financial matters of the family. With ever rising prices and inflation, two earning people would surely help run the financial affairs of the family. Apart from the material gains, working women are self-actualised entities. They are confident as they know how to utilise their abilities best. This inculcates in them a sense of satisfaction and contentment, while the housewife often has a low self-esteem as she is financially dependent on her husband and is mostly considered good-for-nothing.

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Legal aspectLet's take a look at various laws or bill passed regarding women in Pakistan.

The Protection against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act (2010)The objective of this Act is to create a safe working environment for women, which is free of harassment, abuse and intimidation with a view to fulfilling their right to work with dignity. Harassment is one of the biggest hurdles faced by the working women preventing others who want to work to bring themselves and their families out of poverty. This Act will pave the way for women to participate more fully in the development of the country. This Act builds on the principles of equal opportunity to women and their right to earn a livelihood without any fear of discrimination as stipulated in the Constitution. This Act complies with the government's commitment to high international labour standards and empowerment of women. It also adheres to the Human Rights Declaration, the United Nations Convention for Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women and ILO's Convention 100 and 111 on workers' rights. It adheres to the principles of Islam and all other religions which assure women's dignity. 

This Act requires all public and private organisations to adopt an internal code of conduct and a complain/appeals mechanism aimed at establishing a safe working environment for all working women.

Prevention of Domestic Violence Act (2008)The Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Bill was passed unanimously by the National Assembly on August 4, 2009, but the bill lapsed after the Senate failed to pass it within the three months period required under the Constitution.

Legislators from both opposition and government parties told Human Rights Watch (HRW) that even though President Zardari and Prime Minister Gilani supported the bill, it was delayed by unofficial opposition from some ministers.

The Domestic Violence bill seeks to prevent violence against women and children with a network of protection committees and protection officers and prompt trials of suspected abusers. 

The measure makes sexual harassment or intimidation punishable by three years in prison, a 500,000 rupee fine, or both. The bill includes protection in public places such as markets, public transport, streets or parks, and more private places, such as workplaces, private gatherings, and homes.

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Hudood Ordinance (1979)The Hudood Ordinance was enacted in 1979 as part of General Muhammad Ziaul Haq's Islamisation and replaced or revised in 2006 by the Women's Protection Bill. The Hudood Law was intended to implement Sharia law, by enforcing punishments mentioned in the Holy Quran and Sunnah for zina, qazf, offence against property, and drinking. As for zina, a woman alleging rape is required to provide four adult male eyewitnesses. The ordinance has been criticised as leading to hundreds of incidents where a woman subjected to rape, or even gang rape, was eventually accused of zina and imprisoned becoming a victim of extremely unjust propaganda.

In 2006, then President Pervez Musharraf again proposed reforms in the ordinance. On November 15, 2006, the Women's Protection Bill was passed by the NA, allowing rape to be prosecutable under civil law. The bill was ratified by the Senate on November 23, 2006, and became law after President Musharraf signed it on December 1, 2006. 

Religious aspectIn Islam the importance of women and their success as human beings, is measured with completely different criteria: their fear of Allah and obedience to Him, and fulfillment of the duties He has entrusted them with, particularly that of bearing, rearing and teaching children.

Nevertheless, Islam is a practical religion, and responds to human needs and life situations. Many women need, or wish, to work for various reasons. For example, they may possess a needed skill, such as a teacher or a doctor. While Islam does not prohibit women working outside her home, it does stipulate that the following restrictions be followed to protect the dignity and honour of women and the purity and stability of the Islamic society, the conduct of women, after all, is the backbone of any society:

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1. Outside employment should not come before, or seriously interfere with her responsibilities as wife and mother.

2. Her work should not be a source of friction within the family, and the husband's consent is required to avoid later disagreements. If she is not married, she must have her guardian's consent.

3. Her appearance, manner and tone of speech and overall behaviour should follow Islamic guidelines. 

4. Her job should not be one which causes moral corruption in society, or involve any prohibited trade or activity, affect her religion, morals, dignity and good behaviour, or subject her to temptations.

The above guidelines clearly show that a woman is not prohibited to go out of her home for the purpose of a job if she has the right intentions. 

Political aspectThe political representation of women in Pakistan is higher than India, Sri Lanka and Iran. Pakistan is listed as 45th in the Inter-Parliamentary Union's (IPU) list of women in national parliaments and stood ahead of several developed democracies, including Canada, the UK and the US. The only positive development thus far has remained the relatively large representation of women in the National Assembly, the Senate and provincial assemblies in comparison to other countries. Of the 342 seats in the NA, women now comprise 22.2 per cent of those seats. In the Senate, women make up 17 per cent of the parliamentary seats. This indeed is significant departure from the past considering that women are often discouraged from entering politics. Pakistan is also one of the 30 countries which have a woman as Speaker of the National Assembly.

The political growth of a country requires both male and female participation in the government affairs. Women representation in the government ensures that work is done for the overall good of the woman folk. However, the woman participation in the state structure calls for responsibility on the part of women and requires them with intellect taking up the posts instead of women who have been selected by their male counterparts.Women’s empowerment and literacy: Have we underestimated the Northern areas?By Uzair Ibrahim Published: August 16, 2013

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Samina Baig, the first Pakistani woman climber to summit the world's highest peak Mount Everest. PHOTO: AFP

The people of Northern Pakistan do not just reside on a higher altitude; in fact they are above us in many ways. They are healthier, wealthier and wiser.

The northern areas of Pakistan, in addition to being one of the most beautiful places   on earth, house some of the most brilliant people in our country (some of whom I’ve had the privilege to meet). Although I have had many friends from this area, I came abreast with their true potential and capabilities about six months ago, when I attended a residential youth camp with participants from all over Pakistan.A considerable number of participants had their roots in the northern areas. Their array of talents ranged from academics and social work to sports and even politics. If you think of them like I did – as shalwar-kameez clad, conservative people – then your view is about to change, forever.

The northern areas of Pakistan consist of the Gilgit-Baltistan region, with Hindukush, Karakoram and western Himalayas guarding it on the north and south respectively. It borders to the north with Afghanistan and China, to the south with India and Azad Kashmir and to the west with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.Populated by 1,800,000 people (according to 2008 census), the territory of present-day Gilgit–Baltistan became a separate administrative unit in 1970 under the name of Northern Areas, formed by the amalgamation of the Gilgit Agency, the Baltistan District of the Ladakh Wazarat, and the states of Hunza and Nagar.

On August 29, 2009, the Pakistani cabinet passed the Gilgit-Baltistan Empowerment and Self-Governance Order, 2009, which was later signed by the President. The order contracted self-rule to the people of Gilgit-Baltistan, by creating an elected Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly among other things. Gilgit–Baltistan thus gained de facto  province-like  status without constitutionally being a province.When education is a national emergency, the literacy rate of the region is considerably higher than the rest of the country, and whatever the demographic facts might say, the people are sincere towards  education  with over 2,100 schools and educational institutions, most of them are community-based with primary and secondary schools and adult education centres.The people have formed various community-based programs with help from NGOs and strongly believe that they can solve their problems creatively and peacefully. But sadly, Pakistan has not integrated them further in the country’s affairs on the grounds of its international obligations over the Kashmir dispute. Consequently, these enlightened people do not have the right to vote in the Senate and National Assembly.

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In spite of all the stereotypes about them, the people of northern areas continue to show a rather educated, constructive and liberal face of Pakistan to the world. The most recent examples are of Natasha Baig from Hunza being selected as one of the only six participants in the show  Cornetto Music Icons  from all over Pakistan and Samina Baig also from Hunza who became the Pakistani woman to conquer the peak of Mount Everest.Apart from these two in the field of sports, the northern areas have given Pakistan a female arm-wrestling champion and a few international female cricketers.

Another example is of Hina Hazrat from Chitral, a student in Karachi University, who founded The Youth Republic, a global youth network spread across 135 countries, which bagged the runner-up award in the World Youth Summit, 2012 in Canada, competing with 1224 entries from 122 UN member states who submitted their projects in the global contest.Yet another example is of  Saeeda Mirbaz Khan , who after writing a 100-page essay for an international competition, came out a winner, beating 1900 essays from 25 countries. She was honoured by the then prime minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani, and was inducted as youth governor of Gilgit-Baltistan in the National Youth Assembly.Judging from the above, women empowerment seems to be thriving in the northern areas, when it has yet to find a way even in the most educated and posh locales of urban Pakistan.

The list of their contributions is endless. But we find it easier to marginalise people instead of acknowledging their talents. Six months ago, my whole perception about these people changed forever. Now, I know that northern areas of Pakistan are synonymous with education, dedication to their country and empowerment.

Women Empowerment in Pakistan

Dear Members I have tried to compile material related to "Women Empowerment" from different sources (i.e Dawn newspaper, Reflection Essays, Jahangir world times etc) so as to share the relevant data about this topic which is going to help you prepare for Examination. 


Women Empowerment in PakistanOutline1. Introduction2. Women Empowerment and Pakistan3. Women Empowerment at global level4. Causes of anti-women practices in Pakistana. Male dominance and discrimination on the basis of genderb. Pseudo-religious scholars’ misinterpretation of scripturesc. Feudalistic, Political, Economic and Socialistic system of government5. Effects of Anti-women practicesa. Abysmal state of womenb. Honor killings, marriages with Quran, denial of inheritance, Watta Sattac. Women as bargaining chips in customs like Vani and Swarad. Harassment of women at workplaces and Trafficking6. Pro-women legislation done so far by different governmentsa. Domestic Violence(Prevention and Protection) Act 2012b. Prevention of the Anti-women practices Bill, Act 2011c. The protection of women at workplace, Act 2010d. Prevention of Domestic Violence Act, 2008e. Women protection Bill, 20067. Anti-women Legislationa. Hudood Ordinance 19798. Need of Empowering women in Pakistana. Economic aspectb. Social aspectc. Religious aspectd. Political aspecte. Legal aspect9. Conclusion

It is beyond any doubt that women play a significant role in development of society. History bears the testimony to the greatness of women as vibrant members of society. Even in the current scenario women have stood shoulder to shoulder with men for the general cause of humanity. But, it is unfortunate that their efforts have not been given due recognition in society. In the name of various customs, rituals and practices, women are being deprived of the legitimate rights. Consequently, women are found in the abysmal state. The need of hour is to give women workplaces and business environments that

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support and welcome them to improve society at a large; a mass movement that Pakistan desperately needs to help push it out of Economic and Social quagmire in which it finds itself today.“No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you; we are victims of evil customs. It is crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of house as prisoners.”(Quad-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, 1944)The Pakistani society is one of the different kinds, where on one side it places women as the centre of attention and life; it then on the other hand considers them no more than a secondary citizen. For years the role that a women played as a citizen, a member of family or a home-maker has been highly undermined and today it has turned into a tradition to degrade women’s ability. However, over the years this scenario has changed, and the awareness of her abilities, her rights and her status has reached almost all parts of Pakistan. This country was formed on the basis of Two-Nation Theory, which emphasized Islamic teachings and values, and is therefore called as Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Islam gives the best and most balanced code of life, but Pseudo-fundamentalists converted the teachings of Islam to read in the best interests of men and highly unjust towards women. Despite this the women of Pakistan has come a long way in proving herself. The lives of Pakistani women have changed during the past thirty years and they are more powered and emancipated then they were ever before. More and more women are entering the workforce today as their predecessors, who made the first time at the workplace and also made life easier for women, lent them the encouragement to do so.The U.N Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women defines Empowerment as:“Empowerment means that people-both women and men can take control of their lives; set their own agendas, gain skills (or have their own skills and knowledge recognized) increase self confidence, solve problems and develop self reliance. It is both a process and outcome”By empowering women it is meant that women should be allowed to participate fully in economic life across all sectors and throughout all levels of economic activity. With the tagline of “Equality means Business” the U.N has put together seven “Women’s Empowerment Principles” designed to bring about a gender-equal environment in workplace and business. They include:• Establishing high level corporate leadership for gender equality• Treating all women and men fairly at work, respecting and supporting human rights and non-discrimination• Ensuring the health, safety and well being of all women and men workers• Promoting education, training and professional development for women• Implementing enterprise development, supply chain and marketing practice that empower women• Promoting equality through community initiatives and advocacy

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• Measuring and publicly reporting on progress to achieve gender equalityWith the passage of time and economic development women have attained high level of liberty in the developed countries. Women in said countries are enjoying almost equal rights in accordance to men. They have acquired such status due to high literacy rate, better infrastructure, enlightenment and sincerity of the ruling class.Unfortunately, man has woefully militated against God’s commandments in Pakistan. He has brought down women’s social status to the level of a third rate citizen. Three main factors have encouraged man to do so.Firstly, it is the physical strength and a false sense of superiority as against women’s physical weakness that makes her vulnerable to oppression. Man has enforced the law of Jungle where the weaker leads life at the mercy of stronger.Secondly, it is the so-called religious scholar i.e. the ill-educated pseudo-scholar who interprets the Holy Quran in the light of his own gender prejudices against the women folk. Himself being man he preaches absolute property rights of men over women.Thirdly, it is the feudalistic, political, economic and socialistic system of government that has taken charge of national affairs ever since independence. In the political field, this autocratic order has denied advent of democracy in the country. In some parts of the society, she is not allowed to exercise her right to vote. Restoration of right to vote has not much difference because she is not free to vote as per the voice of her conscience. In the economic sphere teeming millions are leading lives of serfdom. Denied opportunities to improve her economic lot she has been the worst sufferer. Dependent on man for every bit of her needs she virtually leads slave’s life. Feudalistic order has kept major part of nation illiterate but women have been left far behind literacy, knowledge, awareness and education. In some quarters even education is a factor that tends to indulge in sinful activities. It has therefore preferred to keep them illiterate and pious. In social matters man has successfully managed to keep her ignorant of her human rights. He has introduced devilish customs that victimize woman to accord her the status of domestic animals. The practice of Vani, Swara, honor killing, marriage of daughters with the Holy Quran, commitment of gang rape under orders of jirga etc are some of the examples of man’s inhuman treatment of woman. Target of all these social evils has always been woman.Anti-women practices have adversely affected the status of women in Pakistan. The inequality and depression of women have negative impacts on society. The implications of anti-women practices on society are as follows:Firstly, women are found in an abysmal state in Pakistan. When father is not a father and brother is not a brother, man has taken undue advantage of vulnerability of the weaker sex. That is the mark of his cowardice. When it comes to address women’s problems, father is not a father but only a “MAN”. He would hand over his child girl in marriage to an eighty year old man just to get out of a difficult situation in which circumstances have placed him by

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chance.Secondly, the brutal customs of honor killing (called as Karo-Kari in Sindh), Watta Satta marriages, marriage with Holy Quran and denial of inheritance are prevailing in society. A real brother is not a brother but only a “MAN” who would kill his sister mercilessly just because in his view, she has disgraced him and his family. To deny inheritance, the father in collusion with sons, would marry his daughter to the Holy Quran. To get rid of an unwanted daughter or to get a daughter in law of his choice, he would give her away in forcible marriage exchange. This practice is called as Watta Satta which often ends in miseries and eventual breakup marriage; on both sides. Husband is not a husband but only a “MAN” who utters the word of divorce thrice in one breath and sends the woman home. Man makes her work like an animal and beats her up whenever he feels the urge to do so. Domestic violence in the form of physical thrashing and mental torture with which woman is treated is considered to be the birth right of man. Man who is ordained to protect women by the Almighty God as per teachings of Holy Quran and Sunnah, leaves her exposed to every kind of threat, fear, misery, misfortune, indignity, uncertainty, unhappiness that one can imagine in this life.Thirdly, women have been used as bargaining chips to resolve disputes in disgraceful customs of Swara and Vani. Swara is a custom usually practiced in tribal areas, in which woman is used as a commodity to resolve feud between two clans. Similarly, in Southern Punjab Vani is a custom practiced in order to settle blood feuds. Vani could be avoided if the clan of the girl agrees to pay money called as “Deet”. Otherwise, the young bride may spend her life paying for the crimes of her male relatives.Fourthly, women face harassment in society, especially at their workplaces. The bosses particularly harass them. Trafficking is a worldwide phenomenon. It is the smuggling of women for the purpose of prostitution. Many women are abducted or blackmailed from Pakistan to other parts of the world and intra country also.To correct the despicable scenario, the law men sitting in the Assemblies have off and on enacted various laws to wipe the rampant social vices and customary practices that distort the fair image of women.The passage of Domestic Violence (Prevention and protection), Act 2012 and establishment of Women’ Rights Commission with financial and administrative powers aimed at promoting social, social, economic, political and legal rights of women in Pakistan, who constitute half of its population is laudable. But, our history bears the testimony that commissions to uplift the status of women was made and they were not successful because they were not independent. It has remained a custom to put good laws on paper but a little effort in history has been made to implement them. The Prevention of Anti-women Practices (Criminal Law Amendment) Act 2011 is a milestone to empower and enlighten women. The struggle of women for

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emancipation and against discrimination has a long history throughout the world. Even in Pakistan, it is the high time to introduce a legal redress to ensure basic rights of women in society and to protect them against discriminatory traditions. The aim of this bill is to reduce injustice against women by discouraging several practices and customs in vogue in the country which are not only against human dignity, but also in contrast to Islamic injunctions. It is therefore, necessary that such inhumane practices and customs are done away forthwith and those who are found guilty should be dealt severely by providing penal and financial liabilities.The Protection against Harassment of Women at Workplace, Act 2010 is also an important legislation done to protect women against harassment at workplaces. The objective of this Act was to create a safe working environment for women, which is free from harassment, abuse and intimidation with a view to fulfilling their right to work with dignity. Harassment is one of the biggest hurdles faced by the working women preventing others who want to bring themselves and their families out of poverty. This Act builds on the principles of equal opportunity to women and their right to earn livelihood without any fear of discrimination as stipulated in the constitution. This Act complies with the government’s commitment to high international labor standards and empowerment of women. It also adheres to Human Rights Declaration, the United Nations Convention for Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women and ILO’s Convention 100 and 111 on worker’s rights. It adheres to the principles of Islam and all other religions which assure women’s dignity. This Act requires all public and private organizations to adopt an internal code of conduct and complain/appeals mechanism aimed at establishing a safe working environment for all working women.The Prevention of Domestic Violence Act, 2008 was passed unanimously by the National Assembly, but, the bill lapsed after the Senate failed to pass it within three months period required under the constitution. The domestic violence bill seeks to prevent violence against women and children with a network of protection committees and protection officers and prompt trials of suspected abusers. The bill includes protection in public places such as markets, public transport, streets or parks and more private places such as workplaces, private gatherings and homes.The Protection of Women (Criminal Laws Amendments) Act 2006 was enacted to provide relief and protection against misuse and abuse of law and to prevent their exploitation. This Act provided “Thirty Important Amendments” in “Offense of Zina and Qazaf” (Enforcement of Hudood Ordinance 1979). This Bill allowed rape to be prosecutable under civil law. Apart from this empowering and enlightening pro-women legislation, there has also been anti-women legislation in Pakistan in the form of Hudood Ordinance 1979. It was a step to downgrade the status of women in the name of Islam. The Hudood Law was intended to implement Sharia Law, by enforcing punishments

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mentioned in Holy Quran and Sunnah for Zina, Qazaf offence against property and drinking. As for Zina, a woman alleging rape is required to provide four adult male eye witnesses. The Ordinance has been criticized as leading to hundred incidents where a woman subjected to rape, or even gang rape, was eventually accused of Zina and imprisoned becoming a victim of extremely unjust propaganda. This Ordinance gave woman the symbol of dirt, filth and mainspring under the sun has been heaped upon the poor hapless women. This was the abysmal depth where woman lay almost half dead some decades ago. But the amendment in Bill in 2006 had removed the major road block that stood in the way of women’s empowerment. Her rights received recognition and her status was restored as an honorable member of society.Equal treatment of women and men is not just the right thing to do but it is also good for business. By accepting Gender stereotype and keeping the workplaces and business as no-go area for women, is an act which is weakening Pakistan’s economy. The need of hour hour is to rob both Pakistani men and women of the chance to improve their lives and perpetuate an unbalanced and unequal society. Following are some recommendations for the empowerment of women.Economically, it is essential to identify causes that keep women subservient to men. One of the most critical power that men wields to keep women under his thumb. This power should be shared between the two. Joint ownership of agricultural land and all other moveable and immoveable assets should be made mandatory for a house-wife in particular. Income and wealth created by women should be her role ownership. Man should have no claim over it. Secondly, daughters’ share in inheritance along with brothers should be legally ensured in accordance with the mandate of the Holy Quran and its denial should be strictly protected from being usurped by her husband or the in-laws. Thirdly, the orientation of all public sector policies, programs and projects should be equally favorable to both men and women. There should be no discrimination.Sociologically, the deadly customs of society will continue to have their sway so long as the inhuman system of Feudalism is not buried deep down from where it should never be able to pop up its ugly head. Feudalism is too firmly entrenched in this system. It will be eliminated only in the wake of a revolution. Until then it is the responsibility of NGOs that should spring up like mushrooms throughout the country and to come to the help of women. Highly educated, economically independent and politically emancipated women will partly be able to look after her rights. Feudalism has to be side-tracked to empower the women so that it refuses to be exploited by man, may he be a husband, a father or a brother.Religiously, the importance of women and their success as human beings is measured with completely different criteria in Islam, their fear of Allah and obedience to Him and fulfillment of the duties, he has entrusted them with, particularly that of bearing, rearing and teaching children. Nevertheless, Islam is a practical religion and responds to human needs and life situations. Many

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women need, or wish to work for various reasons. Islam does not prohibit women working outside her home, it does stipulate that the following restrictions be followed to protect the dignity and honor of women and the purity and stability of Islamic society, the conduct of women, after all is the backbone of any society. Outside employment should not come before, or seriously interfere with her responsibilities as wife and mother. Her work should not be a source of friction within family, and the husband’s consent is required to avoid later disagreements. If she is not married, she must have her guardian’s consent. Her appearance, manner and tone of speech and overall behavior should follow Islamic guidelines. Her job should not be one which causes moral corruption in society, or involve any prohibited trade or activity, affect her religion, morals, dignity and good behavior, or subject her to temptations. These guidelines clearly show that a woman is not prohibited to go out of her home for the purpose of a job, if she has the right intentions.Politically, the representation of Pakistani women in Politics is higher than India, Sri Lanka and Iran. Pakistan is listed as 45th in the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s list of women in national parliaments and stood ahead of several developed democracies including Canada, UK and the US. The only positive development thus far remained the relatively large representation of women in National Assembly, the Senate and Provincial Assemblies in comparison to other countries. Increased number of seats in Union, District, Provincial and Federal assemblies has partially given her reason to live meaningfully and lead an honorable life. This trend should grow to enable her participate in shaping the destiny of the nation in a big way.Legally, the pro-women bills have been passed in recent past but the need of hour is to implement those laws to empower women. There is much weight in calls by women’s groups to set up an implementation mechanism because it is quite common to put laws on paper but there is little government will or sturdy mechanism to get them enforced, the creation of an implementation mechanism may be spur required to put these laws into practice and strengthen the struggle to eradicate the appalling customs of society. It goes without saying that the framing of laws and their implementation is only the first step towards reforming society and ridding it of Anti-women practices. A continuous effort from all segments of society, including public condemnation of destructive traditions is needed to create awareness. The challenge is considerable, but it is commendable that laws have been made to strengthen women.In the nutshell it can be said that God in his infinite wisdom created women to play her role in the advancement of human affairs in her own way, and man was ordained to provide her protection so that she may perform her assigned duties with honor and respect. But man has subjected women to all kinds of exploitations i.e. social, economic and political. She became the worst victim of gender discrimination. The result is that half of the population that women constituted is put aside as good for nothing. The religious prejudices further

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made her life miserable. To be in her true self contributing to the advancement of the society in her assigned manner, she needs to be empowered in every walk of life. It is a globally accepted fact that when women have full agency and participation in business, economies are strengthened, societies become more stable and just, internationally agreed goals for development, sustainability and human rights are achieved, the quality of life improves not just for women, but for men, families and communities, the entire businesses’ operations and goals are pushed forward to success.