Women characters in jane austin's novels

Women characters in Jane Austin's novels Architaba gohil Architaba gohil Sem:-2 Sem:-2 Paper no.5:- Romantic literature Paper no.5:- Romantic literature Topic:- Women Charactres in Jane Austen Topic:- Women Charactres in Jane Austen Novel Novel Submitted to:- department of English Submitted to:- department of English MKBU MKBU ENROLLMENT NO:-2069108420170009 ENROLLMENT NO:-2069108420170009 Email id:- Email id:- [email protected] Year:-2016-18 Year:-2016-18

Transcript of Women characters in jane austin's novels

Page 1: Women characters in jane austin's novels

Women characters in Jane Austin's

novelsArchitaba gohilArchitaba gohil

Sem:-2Sem:-2Paper no.5:- Romantic literaturePaper no.5:- Romantic literatureTopic:- Women Charactres in Jane Topic:- Women Charactres in Jane

Austen NovelAusten NovelSubmitted to:- department of Submitted to:- department of

English MKBUEnglish MKBUENROLLMENT NO:-ENROLLMENT NO:-20691084201700092069108420170009

Email id:- Email id:- [email protected]:-2016-18Year:-2016-18

Page 2: Women characters in jane austin's novels

• Pride and prejudicePride and prejudice • Sense and sensibilitySense and sensibility

Page 3: Women characters in jane austin's novels

Elizabeth BennetElizabeth Bennet

• Characters in pride and Characters in pride and prejudiceprejudice

Elizabeth has Intelligence , wit, and playful sense of humor. She's often sarcastic and holds onto her initial judgments of people she meets; the irony, of course, as the reader begins to see throughout the novel, is that Elizabeth always thinks her initial judgments are correct, and that allowing herself to give second chances is stupid.

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Elinor represents "sense" in this novel. She is a dramatic foil to her sister, Marianne, in that she tempers her emotions and judgments with good sense and discretion. Prefers to keep her troubles secret, as she is always trying to make sure that her mother and sisters are untroubled by her private woes.

• Female characters in sense Female characters in sense and sensibilityand sensibilityElinor

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Continue…Marianne DashwoodTwo years younger than Elinor, she is thoroughly youthful, impetuous, and thoroughly immersed in romantic ideals. She lacks the sense and discretion of Elinor, preferring to express exactly what she feels and hold nothing back. Elinor often has to apologize on her sister's behalf, as Marianne makes few attempts to be polite or mask her feelings of contempt for those people she dislikes.

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Portrayal of women in jane Austen’s Portrayal of women in jane Austen’s novelsnovels

• In Pride and Prejudice, many women (such as Charlotte) must marry solely for the sake of financial security. However, in her portrayal of Elizabeth, Austen shows that women are just as intelligent and capable as their male counterparts. Jane Austen herself went against convention by remaining single and earning a living through her novels. In her personal letters, Austen advised friends only to marry for love. In the novel, Elizabeth's happy ending reveals Austen's beliefs that woman has the right to remain independent until she meets the right man (if she meets him).

• On the other hand, most contemporary readers will find the Long bourn entailment to be unjust. And yet the heroines - Jane and Elizabeth - refrain from speaking out against it. Instead, the only two characters who openly criticize the entailment - Mrs. Bennet and Lady Catherine - are ridiculous caricatures. Furthermore, the fact that Elizabeth seems to share her father's distrust frivolous women suggests Austen's uneasy relationship with her own gender.

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Similarities between female characters of Similarities between female characters of Jane Austen novel and Indian daily soapsJane Austen novel and Indian daily soaps

If there are more than two sisters elder sister are quite mature than younger oneMother is always in search of good life partner for her daughter male thinks that women can all suits in household or needle work

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