Wolves of the Abandoned Jungle

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Transcript of Wolves of the Abandoned Jungle

  • 8/16/2019 Wolves of the Abandoned Jungle


     Wolves of an Abandoned Jungle


     The legend has it that a long time ago, there was a thick jungle

    somewhere near river Indus. Different animals had inhabited it.

    It was always a welcome spot for different species. Its trees were

    green; its flowers were fresh and the fruits sweet. The water

    splashed through different shrubs and made its way to form a

    stream. Oh, so pure and sweet was its taste! The animals believed

    that the water came from the heavens.

    Most of the times, animals gathered at night and sang and

    danced together. Some animals, especially wolves and foxes, did

    not like it though. They considered such traits against their

    animalistic disposition. However, Ahaserus, the King of the

     Jungle, would ward of any threats emanating from them.

    Everyone knew that a self-proclaimed priest of the jungle was

    responsible for such hatred and envy. Everyone knew him as

    Invidus the Wolf.

    One day, the sky grew red and the clouds gathered over the

     jungle. It was also the night of a lunar eclipse. No animal had

    seen such a ghastly view in their lives. Simia, the oldest monkey,

     who was otherwise very fond of narrating stories of the yore to

    the children, was silent that day. A grim look was visible on his

    face. He knew something bad was about to happen but he was


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    not sure about the details. He couldn’t vaticinate into the future,

    of course.

    He knew that the ancients had made a prophecy. They warned

    that the day sky grew dark and clouds congregated on the night

    of an eclipse, the peace of the jungle would be gone forever.

    Simia’s sadness was felt only by Ahaserus. But, much like Simia

    himself, Ahaserus also had no clue.

    Suddenly, strongest of the winds started blowing from the east.

     All the animals took to the cave. The eagles, contrary to their

    nature, lent a helping hand to the other birds. They helped them

    lodge their nests into the cave. After all, they were also birds. The

    frogs and the snakes hid themselves into the mud. Rhinoceros

    made arrangement for the food for vegetarians, leopards for the

    carnivores and pigeons for the insectivores.

    Every animal, including Simia and Ahaserus, prayed to Canoon.

    He was thought to be a supernatural power guarding the jungle.

    Birds, however, believed in the mighty Ptitsa. All animals joined

    their hands, and birds joined their wings, in a ritualistic prayer to

    their respective deities. Invidus, however, was missing along with

    his pack.

     The storm grew stronger, the torrents poured heavier and clouds

     became thicker. It seemed as if the night of peril would continue

    forever. Ahaserus thought that Invidus and his companions had

    strayed in the storm. He wanted to help them and take them out

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    of danger. Simia suggested him to stay with the animals inside

    the cave. He suspected that if Ahaserus went out, chaos would

    set it since it was Ahaserus who had kept the animals together.

    However, Ahaserus was overwhelmed by emotions. He could not

    move inside the cave and think about them. It made him uneasy.

     After a few moments, the animals saw him setting out for the


    Relying upon his animalistic instincts, he paced faster in a

    direction. Probably, he was able to follow their scent even in so

    damp and humid an environment. He was determined to find

    Invidus and lead him through the storm to the cave. Finally,

     Ahaserus found a trail of wolves. He was sure that the imprints

     were of Invidus and his pack. He followed the trails which led him

    inside another cave.

    “There you are, Invidus”, said Ahaserus, “and we all were very

    afraid for you.”

    Invidus scornfully looked at the King.“Why, tell me, have you

    come here?”, one of the friends of Invidus questioned him.

    “It is my duty, lad. I am the protector of all the animals around

    here. That’s why”, the King replied.

    “Oh, so you are the protector? Do you know how much chaos have

    you caused already? You have made our souls suffer”, Invidus


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    “Chaos? Suffer? What are you talking about, Invidus? I am the one

    who has kept every one united. All the animals live so happily”.

     The King seemed to be upset.

    “Oh, I curse your happiness and that of the others. You have tried

    to make us un-animals”, said the Invidus invectively.

    “But, what have I done?”, Ahaserus was growing weary on

    listening to such accusations.

    “You have united all of the animals in a single bond of animality.

    This is not what we are supposed to do. Don’t you see we are

    animals? We are supposed to fight, and shed blood. Violence is the

    gift for us. But you, Ahaserus, you have snatched all our pride, our

    honour, our legacy”, Invidus accused him with a venomous spite.

    “I have come here to rescue you. So, let us save our quarrel for the

    later day. Come with me now. This cave is so dilapidated. It will

    crush you any time. Come now, don’t you listen, Invidus? Hurry

    up.”, Ahaserus was getting uncomfortable.

    “No, we shall not move until we settle our scores tonight.

    Despicable king of the worthless animals!”. Invidus along with his

    pack attacked Ahaserus. He broke Invidus’ leg. He fought

    ferociously, but was outnumbered by the fiendish wolves. At last,

    the great King of the jungle had to pay the price of his affection

    for the inhabitants of the jungle. Finally, he breathed his last.

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    Simia was waiting for the King to return, but he went to never

    come back again. All of a sudden, the sky was cleared off the

    clouds. The moon was at its usual position. But the colour of the

    sky was still red. Simia knew that the prophecy was fulfilled. But

    he was still unaware of the fate of his King he loved the most.

    Next morning, Invidus came limping. He had his friends along

     with him. One of them had dragged Ahaserus all the way

    clenched in its strong canine jaws.

    “Oh Invidus, what happened to our beloved King. Is he injured”,

    Simia asked him worryingly. He couldn’t stop his tears.

    “Your King is dead, monkey. He was killed by a mad Elephant last

    night.” Priest Invidus said to him.

    “Who killed him? Are you fabricating the story? Listen, fellow

    animals, our King has not been killed by any mad Elephant but

    Invidus, the hater, himself”,cried Simia painfully.

    “You are blaming me for his death? I would only consider it your

    madness since I am not responsible. Rather, I am the one who,

    while saving your king, broke his leg. You wretched monkey! Why

    did you not accompany him to see it for yourself? Weren’t you

    afraid for your life? My piety is enough an evidence to bear

    testimony to my assertion”, claimed Invidus.

    “He is right, he is very pious. He cannot kill Ahaserus. Yes, see,

    his leg is broken”, said Vulpus the leader of the foxes.

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    “My dear Vulpus! Pray tell them that I do not intend to kill anyone.

    But if anyone kept blaming me yet or raise his finger in doubt, he

    would risk his life for nothing”, Invidus wanted some assistance

    from his cunning friend.

    Everyone muttered to their own confines. No one dared speak

    out. Simia took his broken heart with himself and took his King’s

     body for an honourable burial. Simia decided to live in seclusion

    from the Jungle. He went to live near the base of a mountain. He

    didn’t want to see anyone from the jungle, nor did he want to

    hear from them.

     With each passing day, priest Invidus’ influence grew over the

     Jungle. First of all, he made a list of weak animals. He believed

    that Jungle was made for carnivores only. Birds and Herbivores

    are merely their food. He made a systematic plan to efface their

    existence from the jungle and purify it.

     The foxes, under the leadership of Vulpus, became his close aides

    and special assistants. They also suggested him to keep a strict

    check on the intermingling of various animals and birds. He

    must not let them eat together and share. No Carnivore should

    felicitate a bird on a happy occasion because it was against the

    canine laws. No herbivore was allowed to criticise the foxes or the

     wolves. Dancing and singing was banned forever. No one could do

    such tricks even on their happiest day. These were told to be the

    instruments of decadence and chaos.

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    It was also made obligatory for all to pray to Canoon. Birds were

    forced to either migrate from the jungle or to pay homage to

    Canoon. Ptitsa, according to Wolves’ logic, was a bird deity; and

    as birds were weaker in number and strength, Ptitsa was also

     very weak. It was subservient to Canoon. No one could speak

    against him. Anyone who did, he would immediately be killed

     without even being heard. He also ordered the Canines to kill

    anyone who they hear speaking against Canoon. This was an

    attempt to subjugate the birds and herbivores.

     After this, many of the foxes killed innocent birds to settle their

    own personal scores. Some were killed for nothing. It turned into

    a blind rage. He made it a living hell for all, and especially for

     birds. It was pretext used by him to compel the birds to leave

    their homes. But as the jungle was their only abode, they could

    not leave it.

    Foxes, meanwhile, started their propaganda in favour of Canine

    race, their supremacy, intelligence and fighting skills. Thus, foxes

    soon became an important and very treasured asset for Invidus.

    He would reprimand anyone against whom foxes complained. He

    kept a strict control over the jungle.

    One day, Vulpus went to an audience. He started preaching about

    his ideology, the Canine race and its supremacy and indecency of

    the herbivores and birds. While in a fit of emotion, he spoke

    against Canoon. All animals raised their suspicions over his

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    allegiance. They thought that Vulpus had lost his nerves. He had

    grown insane probably. Looking at that, few of the canines rose to

    kill him because Invidus had ordered to kill anyone who spoke

    against Canoon.

    Realising his blunder, Vulpus stood up on the pulpit and said,

    “You see, I am not very much well versed. I am a very feeble

    animal with feeble character. I confess my ignorance. I ask for your

     forgiveness for I seek pardon from you. I beseech you all present

    here. Bear testimony that I erred and I begged pardon”. Some of

    the animals including many gullible herbivores believed him to be

     veracious. Few of the enraged demanded his execution.

    It seemed as if Karma had returned back to Vulpus. The Canines

    had killed many of the innocent birds to satisfy their own lust for

     blood. But now, it was their turn now. All were sure that Vulpus

     will be killed by Invidus. But how could a Canine kill a Canine?

     This, the animals and the birds were about to know.

     After a few moments, Invidus came to the place where all had

    gathered. He looked at Vulpus and gave him a look of

    assuredness. He looked at the animals and said,“I wanted to

    bring peace and tranquillity in this jungle. What is this fuss about?

    This is such a trivial matter. Vulpus is very sorry for what he did.

     And all animals should forget about this. You sadist animals, you

    want to shed each other’s blood. Do you not have any kindness left

    in your hearts? You want to kill Vulpus. He is very pious. I

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    guarantee that he said this out of ignorance. Let us unite and prove

    that we animals are not here to fight.”

    One of the birds said in a very feeble voice,“But why my father

    and mother were killed? And why is Vulpus given a generous


    Upon listening to this, Invidus became furious and replied

    harshly. “Were your parents canine? I wish they had been since

    laws can be moulded for Canines because they have Canine teeth.

     And that is the proof of his piety.” His logic was extremely

    ridiculous but still he had already made his point.

     That moment, it is said that the spirit of Ahaserus came to visit

    Simia who was still sitting alone far away from the jungle. He had

    tears in his eyes. He told Simia that hypocrites had taken over

    the jungle and now there was no hope left. Simia, listening to

    that, asked his King’s spirit to take him with himself to the

    unseen world. He feared that he would not be able to sustain the

    pain. Ahaserus fulfilled his wishes. That day again, the sky

    turned red. This time around, however, there was neither storm,nor torrents, and nor eclipse. The jungle was doomed to

    destruction. The Wolves had taken over it completely.