WM Iron Brigade-nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7c2f7jqz9w/data/0149.pdf · maddened torrents path And the hills...

THE BOURBON NEWS PARIS KY MARCH 3 1905 II 0 0 11 ilL t CHANGE When the breeze Is softly whispering message to the trees f And the purple clovers climbing almos i to a fellows knees And the great big oxeyed daisies ar- t ariodding over there Where a birds songs sort o llf tin r driftin through the air Like a shallqp on a tinklinj Perfumed stream Flowing through the air above me soft and pleasant as a dream And Im lying mongst the shadows comfy as can be memory contrary brings a dif- ferent scene to me- r standing In a canyon with the v thilla on either side spirits and unruly seems for Theceare huge Titanic bowlders in maddened torrents path And the hills above reecho with the Vjhuriders of its wrath And the trees that lean above it V with spray that it has flung Inthe madness of its fury when it twist turned and swung With the fury of Its effort to escape its bonds and flee To the flowerspangled meadows wher tire birds and blossoms be passion of the torrent to escape Its bonds and go Where the world Is blossom bordered vlifes tide Is calm and slow While the dweller In the lowlands by th sleepy tinkling rills Longs forever for the battle of the tor rents and the hills lliang crag on crag above him till seems life all alone In a world some vast convulsion haa f ricaught up and overthrown wanderlust that pricks us till oUr spirits long to range Like a woman searching searching hub bys pockets after change JLil Lewis in Houston Post The Iron Brigade- A STORY OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC By GEN CHARLES KING Author of Norman Holt The Colonels Daughter Tort Frsyae Etc Copyright 1092 bjr G W Dllllnuham Co GHAPTHER XII INTHE TEET OF THE BRIGADE Once more the BadgerHoosier bri- gade was swinging away For the sixth time in less than a year the men of the Black Hats at the head of column had picked their way over the stoneribbed pike saying opprobious things of Virginia path toasters An impudent lot were these follows in the imitation Kossuths snappy and precise in dj ill steady on parade enduring on the march and reasonably respectful toward their officers who were the only ones in the division to don and liabituallyi3veai tliefulldtaBB headgear of the regular service the rank and file blessed with not a little soldier skepticism as to the value or stability of other commands in and out of the brigade and a calmly critical attitude toward officers other than those of their selection They had not well content with their original field and staff and for lack of leaders of that rank had become some- what split up at first Bull Run fight- ing sturdily all the same by compan- yor squad to the fag end and never knowing they were whipped when finally herded oft the field Now they had men at their head colonel lieutenantcolonel and major they positively swore and on whose skill and valor they would have banked their last cent Yet with all their regard for these their leaders it must be owned the Black Hats gave them lots of trouble They would guy the rest of the brigade generally over the whole division only one other regiment of which had asx yet laced the foe in battle They had a curious defect of outside officers happened along and were forever being com- plained of as failing to render honors whereat they Were heard on more than one occasion unblushingly to declare they sax hut didnt suppose the strang- ers could be officers They were pre ternatiirally keen sighted as sentries toward men of other regiments run ning guard or smuggling contraband- of war and were correspondingly blind when the culprit was of their own complexion They were probably the best drilled and positively the worst hated regiment in the whole division and relished one distinction quite as much as the they were marching this third time on Manassas the little West Pointer in saddle itheir head thanked God that at last iefcad them where with work against 6oniinon foe there waspossibility of keeping them out of mischief Cehtreville had been passed Bull Run and Bristoe reached a point beyond their previous explo rations Then back had they to go a threatened raid on their railway communications and that matter settled again they were trudg- ing through the wellremembered wood roads when as a turn of the way brought their foremost company in full view of the fine sweep of to the west the gray bearded colonel for the time the brigade reined out to lhe for a look at his men and his bornsoldier of an adjutant rode alongside the blackbearded dark featured stocky little leader of the Black Hats pointed With his gaunt hand to the blue curtain of the Bull Run range and remarked Id a good deal to know just what that Jacksons dofng behirid that screen today Why T aaked OConnor akortly j Then my I Then In Wler wild ab the drip ed and r h r J MaEv lously wer be lover h ever bywhom lord it isionwhen I otherwhen I ft tom t ntl o and right taU Jetted gIve fellow t i 1 U I an- a coo- n er to de 4 Its the tTIs the I southwest- ward t I hon- ored I ad co com- m 4 1 > + ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < > < > > Shields licked him welt at Kerns town Banks has turned his whole force back there Blenkers big divi- sion has gone to reinforce them Why weve got enough men there to eat em alive Jackson and all First catch your rabbit said the adjutant musingly Old Stonewall knows every footpath in the valley every path through the mountains Hell trick Banks and Fremont sures cOlonel Then well have a shy at him May the Lord grant it was the pious answer as the colonel looked wistfully away toward the little rift in dark ridge where ten miles dis- tant lay Thoroughfare Gap the besjt and shortest route to the Shenandoah the gap through which four months later this same muchdiscussed and as yet littleknown Jackson was with such fatal effect to pour his columns on the union flank and rear It was a moist afternoon The men in the marching column heavily bur dened with bulging knapsack and double blanket and the long Springfield over their burly shoulders whipped off their hats and swept the coat sleeve over their dripping brows peer ing curiously at the old colonel sitting sturdily in saddle and watching their array A grim smile stole over his grizzled face as his own battalion came striding forth in the wake of the Scoffing Second Then the kindly eyes clouded with something like dis pleasure at sight of a tall lanky civil ian on a decrepit gray riding with the lieutenantcolonel commanding He had seen the man before many a mile from the spot and more than a week away How came you here ho asked as the civilian ambled out of the column and touched his worn hat brim 1 My place is just over yahnduh colonel Phaps you doan remember my comin to you with a pass back 0 Fairfax and the tall stranger looked confidently into the grizzled sunburned face Been in to yo know for supplies Wagon went shoht cut by stone bridge Keenly studying the veterans face he suddenly added Aint Col Bay ards cavalry out there Ask me no questions my friend and Ill tell you no lies was the wary answer Gen McDowells pass com- pels me to let you ride along with the column but doesnt i equire me to post you as to our movements You know too much now to be traveling toward Jacksons people you shown that pass to the division commander Why it was he who got it for me answered the Virginian placidly It was I that took him Lieut Bentons pistol and told him of his capture born t e Alexan- dria I I andhave your ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BREAKFAST WAS SPOILING Whats more Im specting to get fur ther news of the lieutenant Why hyuh comes the general now and f you dont mind colonel I reckon Ill ride with him a piece Graybeard glanced half angrily over his shoulder A few yards north of the road there was a barren little emi nence on the crest of which there had suddenly appeared the division com- mander with two of his staff Un slinging their fieldglasses they seemed for a moment studying the westward lowlands then came trotting swiftly toward the column Colonel there are scattered parties- of cavalry out there coming swift this WhY north of tween that and Gainesville They dont seem to be watching the column either Sena one regiment out along the Gainesville road as far as Bethle hem church and let them throw out skirmishers Halt the rest of the brigade here Good afternoon Mr Jennings he continued in civil ac knowledgment of the Virginians sa lutation I thought you were home by this time General said he coming along- side I want to say one thing suh and its young gentleman of your staff was so kind to Dr Chilton that it completely staggered the doc tor to have him knocked down and captured lies bound to take the best of cayuh of him till hes well enough to take cayuh of thenWell and then Mr Jennings asked the general impatiently for he was eager to get on ahead You look out for turning up any day If he aint exchanged Im bet tin somethin else will happen My understanding is that Dr Chil ton has made himself personally re sponsible for Mr Bentons safekeep irig sd long as lies allowed to remain with him Thats true I reckon answered Jennings But and here his lan- tern jaws relaxed in whimsical grin the doctor aintrjthip orjy brainy in that family general The girl that planned young Ladues escape from your fellows at Henry house ply tooout Bristoebe thisthat himselfan hi o c 2 t gay L L ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ it on Ewells folks at Gadnsvill as f asy So you know Ewells ville said the general whirling on the speaker And you know the lady who got Mr Ferguson into his serape do you Gettin another fella put o one answered Jennings un- flinchingly And she made a big play that night to get still another out of a bad fix less Jm mistaken Why general you jus ought to heuh Judge Armistead talk about that girl He says half the men in Albemarle uni versity and all were in love with her when the war broke out and the judge has a mighty pretty daughter of his own too I rather hoped some of our cavalry might be pushin out toward Hopewell tonight Aint Col Bayard somewhere out that way Hullo Theres a shot Not one shot hut two three in quick succession Somewhere ahead among the patches and thickets of scrub oak and pine the scatteringadvance guard had suddenly met swift galloping ads in gray Then came the distant of half a dozen shots carbines and the answering sputter of a ragged vol ley Well out to the front a bugle sounded some lively call and spurring full gallop from the rear the tall adjutant went bending and twisting away among the trees until out of sight ahead and then his powerful voice came ringing back This way Double quick Evidently Haskell had sighted some of the quarry and closer at hand than those ahead along the roadway for there came a crackle of bark of the cavalry weapon the saucy pop of a revolver somewhere among the thickets to the left of the column then a shrill burst of cheers from the deploying blue coats on the westward flank All of a sudden through the bushes tumbled a little squad of troop ers in gray making heroic effort to carry off a helpless comrade The gen eral and his aides had spurred in with the skirmishers and were just in time to see two riderless horses tearing away among the trees across an open glade while half a dozen daring de- voted fellows in saddle were stoutly in terposing between the forward rush of the excited Badgers and three of their number surrounding and supporting a tall officer who had been lifted side ways to the back of a plunging steed Halt Halt Dismount Sur render rang the hoarse shouts of the dozen bluecoats dashing in pur suit Bang Bang came the defiant response of the few defenders Bang Bang bellowed a brace of Springfields- in reply Dont shoot Hold your fire yelled the general Dont shoot Dont shoot echoed the staff for the luckless cavalier reeling- in his seat went sliding into the arms of his loyal followers while the devil of a horse whirled round tugging straining at the reins and striving to break away Dismount Down with you Off with you cried the pursuers officer and man as another terrified horse tore wildly neighing in chase of the forcmost It was a desperate effort on part of the grays Their comrade troopers were too far off to help them even could they drive through the stout skirmish line al ready far flung across the field beyond With a last wave of his white hand the officer seemed ordering his de- fenders to save themselves and those in saddle with parting shots and defi- ant of them even hurling in rage his emptied revolver at the tall adjutant the foremost man in the away bending low over the streaming manes with the bullets of half a score of Springfields whiz- zing past their ears The adjutant was off his big raw boned bay in an instant and bending over the fainting man unscrewed the cap of his flask and held it to the pale lips beneath the sweeping mustache- A major hey he said as he noted the brilliant braids of gold lace on the handsome uniform frock What is a major doing out here with only a squad of you boys Is he wounded asked the chief as he glanced at the two sileut in gray One of them faced the commander Horse fell on him broke his leg said he with a salute that told unerringly of soldier so too did the speakers pose Instinctively he was standing at He knew the rank betrayed by that yellow sash Give this young gentleman a sip from your flask Haskell I fear hes Why my lad youre wound- ed Look to him some of you cried the general for the boy had grown ashen pale and was reeling when strong arms caught and lowered him Sure general Hes shot through the breast said a bearded soldier tearing aside the troopers jacket and displaying a bloodwet shirt beneath And wouldnt show it answered the general Thats the way with them Send for a surgeon captain And then the general too was off his horse and bending over the stricken lad Do you know his home he asked of the palefaced Virginian standing trembling a bit with excitement beside him The lad flushed looked distressed but seemed to believe it his soldier duty to give no information whatever to the enemy It was who spoke his voice breaking harshly somehow on the silence of the surrounding group as he elbowed through the curious circle and caught sight of the swooning boy I know him general Hes one of best suh and now Jennings too had thrown himself upon his knees Its Floyd Pelham still of Charlottes wile Itll break his mothers heaht suh if hes done Wail in the Virginians Voice seemed to ctch the ear and rOuse the acuities roviviirofficer jan J I at GordoIJ yessuh s Und captainlively shotsthe yellsone rushdarted strip- lings suhrolled teach- ing atten- tion nameand oun embar- rassed Jen- nings a- way ur 1 i i i ot sud- denly for- Th of tie i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < that doa for he faintly asked Not Floyd Pelham And tracing his hands upon the turf he struggled to a sitting posture while Jennings sprang to his feet and stared Maj Lounsberry Good God suh you wounded too Why Id no ideaNo idea I suppose interposed the major with cutting sarcastic em phasis that your friends the Chil tons had turned that Yankee loose Well you neednt rejoice gentlemen weve got him right in the teeth of his own brigade XIII RIVANNA TO RAPIDAN Long as he lives Fred Benton will never forget that night ride from the Chiltons and the thrilling days that followed Something heaved up through the dim starlight and lightly tapped against the clapboards below the sill and something black came swarming up the other something Pomp again and Pomp chuckled at sound of Bentons whispered hail Weve got a ladder dis time sub Didnt it aefo wid dem so de bahn and by ladder not by lightning rod was the descent accom- plished Dusky hands helped the crip pled soldier into saddle Dusky hands waved him goodby and good luck Then Benton gave himself unques tioning to him whom she his imperi ous queen had appointed as his guide and together they rode forth into the murmuring night When the suburbs were left behind and they had found the open country his escort turned and said Kin you stand a little canter Marstuh and Benton recognized the voice of Dusky Dan and stood accordingly They forded somewhere toward two oclock- a little branch a tributary of the rush ing Rivanna and were still heading westward when Freds darkey guide left him with both horses at the edge of a grove while he went forward afoot and reconnoitered Presently he came back rejoiceful Dey aint a soul a lookin out fo de bridge suh Deys all over Gawdnsville way We save nigh onto five miles hyuh and so led on again the hoofbeats sound ing hollow on the planking of some oldtime truss across a swift exuber ant mountain stream running bank full and far and near said Dan un fordable Still on through whispering aisles of forest trees through squashy crosscountry bridle paths far from pike or toll road until at dawn old Daniel led his soldier charge from the beaten track and turning square to the left began a tortuous climb that brought them presently to two little cabins Here while Benton was made comfortable in his blanket Dan held converse with other unseen occupants giving explicit directions faintly au dible in the hiss of frying bacon and the bubble of boiling coffee Benton heard vaguely drowsily the words Swift Run Gap Sperryville Ohleans Hedgman river and when he roused himself in response to vigorous yet regretful prodding he knew not how long thereafter a new voice sounded on his sleepy senses Another guar dian bent over him in the shape of negro with wrinkled face and gray white kinky hair but a world of sym pathy and interest in his somble eyes Marstuhs breakfast was spoiling and it was time that they were moving Where was Daniel Daniel had to go back to Marse Chiltons Miss Rosa- lie dono fixed all dit- To Be Continued Servant Problem A woman in Baltimore recently lost two servants the same day Remem- bering a girl whom a friend bud rec ommended a message was sent to her by the Baltimore woman Te girl immediately replied to the message in person and was engaged on the spot When she was asked whether eht could at once enter upon the discharge of the duties of her new place replied that she could do so at the same time indicating her bag in the hall I fetched it along mem said she as I thought mebbe youd want me right away A weeks trial proved the girl to be satisfactory It was then that mistress inquired Maggie do your people know whero you are No mum was the answer Ya see I came here at once Wont they worry about you not knowing where you are Well mum said the girl Mr Clancy might be trifle anxious mum Thats my husband mum N Y Herald- A True Comedian The funny man of the piece was in a bit of horseplay on stage when he struck his head entirely by accident against one of the pillars of the scene On hearing the thud every one uttered a cry No great harm done said the comedian Just hand me a napkin a glass of water and a saltcellar These were brought and he sat down folded the napkin in the form of a bandage dipped it in the glass and emptied the saltcellar on the wet part thus prepared a compress accord- ing to prescription and when every- one expected he would apply it to his forehead he gravely rose and tied it round the pillar TitBits Mutual A man with a painful expression of countenance sat on a public seat Are you ill some one asked No Have you lost Never had anything to lose Whats the matter then f- Tm sitting oil a wasp 4 l C Why dont you That was my first impulse but 1 began to think that I was hurting wasp as badly as he was hurting I concluded to sit hr L wWW WhO againand CHAPTER dass try s- at he the a in- dulging th vio- lently Hav- ing anything i getup th m ant 7 JYn 1 i J J lieuten- ant I Th ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > Queen Crescent Route SHORTEST LINE ANDIQUICKEST SCHEDULES BCTWCCN Cincinnati Lexington Chattanooga Knoxville Asheville Charleston Savannah Atlanta Jacksonville Birmingham New Orleans i Texas Points riNFOHHATIONBIATESBETClADDB- EE ET AIKEN Trav P ss r Agt 89 E Main StJ Lexington Ky WA QARRETT Gen Mgr W C RINEARSON Gen Pass Agt CINCINNATI r Shreveport- and f L 1- r + The Erection of that MONUMENTOr- der now if you desire it delivered this PALL Our designs are new and exclusive and our stock of Monuments Markers and Headstones is by far the largest in Central Kentucky With uptodate machinery operated by eleov tricity we guarantee promptness and satlsfaot tion i 9 4 P Lettering by Pneumatlo Tools Our Specialty WM ADAMS SON Lexington Ky Pine OBT GRANGER BA M D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 709 High Street Paris Kentucky Next to Public Library Home Phone 289 PARII DENTIST Office No 3 Broadway KENTUCKY PORTER SMITH INSURANCE AGENT KENTUCKY DAVIS JT FURNITURE CARPETS WALL PAPER Etc Funeral Furnishings Calls for Ambt lance Attended to Promptly Day Phone 187 Night 100 KENNEY W K DUDLEY Drs Kenney DudleyO- FFICE OPP FORDHAM HOTEL f 8 TO 980 A M OFFICE HOURS 130 TO 8p M 7 TO 8 P M PHONES 163 V BOGAERT J E KNOCKS VICTOR BOGAERT Manufacturing Jeweler and Importer NO 185 W Main Street Importing House Brussels Belgium H F Sons Blue Grass Nurseries Lexington Ky Offer for the Fall of 1904 a full stock o Fruit and Ornamental Trees Grape- Vines Asparagus Small Fruits Shrubs and the orchard lawn and Descriptive catalogue on appli- cation PORCELB THE ONLY PREPARATION MAD EXCLUSIVELY FOR CLEANING ENAMELED TUBS AND OTHER ENAMELED WARE ALSO ALL PORCELAIN WARE- Do not clean your Enameled Bath Wash Bowl Sink or Porcelain War wits gritty acid substances will ruin tke enamel in a short This is a fact Ask your plumber or any dealer in plumber supplies about it PORCELA it positively guaranteed t remove all dirt grease rust or other unless same is caused by or damaged enamel without alighUH tendency to injure the enamel CONNELLY Plumber TELEPHONE 180 Scalp and Skin Food Ttie Clay Scalp and Skin Food will be found on sale at W T Brooks DniR Store The manufacture of these reme dies are directed by Dr F tafoat Sio PROEESSIOJflL GOBD- SR J T T PARIS 1 W VM S J IRON BATH asthese posi- tively tim stains fauld J J McMILLAN 1 Cexin non Jcenucky Tub i uQeta- tuJ < ¬ ± Too Many Burglars About Town For the comfort of society One less will visit your homes if he is introduced to one of our revolvers This Week Only I Will Sell Double Action Revolvers with re bounding hammers nicely finished and nickeled octagon barrel hard rubber handles 228288 Cal 1300 Automatic Safety Hammer Revol- vers made with hinged frame re bounding hammers antomatfc shell ejectors Positive safety device accidental discharge impossible 228288 Cal 660 each Automatic Safety Hammerless Re volvers have hinged frame Inde pendent cylinder stop and automatic shell ejectors Has no hammer to catch on clothing Fits the pocket 82 or 88 700 other popular makes suck Colts Smith Wesson etc ter stock Saws lawn mowers and scissors sharpened keys fitted locks and trunks repaired All work guaran- teed Elite Barber Shop j CARL CRAWEORD COLD HOT BATHS Only First Class Biv- T t Blue Grsss Traction Company r leave Lexington for Paris every hour from 6 a m to 9 m except 11 a m 1 and 8 p m Leave Paris for Lexington every hour from 7 a m to 10 p m 12 noon 2 and 9 p m Leave Lexington for hour from 7 a m to 11 p m except 11 a m 1 8 and 10 m Leave Georgetown for Lexington hour from 6 am to 10 mv except 10 a m 12 noon 7 and9p m Car 14 freight and trunks leaves Lexington for George town at 350 p m town at 10 a m Leaves Lexington for Paris at 1135 a m Leaye Paris at 145 p in Freight rates also special rates rot excursions for supper theatre at the office 404 w esfc Main street Lexington Kentucky ET Phone 610 Home Phone 1274 Y ALEXANDER President Gall on Mrs Successor to Mrs Keith HcOlin- nio Toilet Wart Dtj g a h- All ur VV O DA Proprietor 1- J c and 1 f 4 d f Cars r J i parties and for business and Yf famIly tlcketa can be had on fii1 r 4 vx- h Ii I applica- tion Bucks ret in PRAIGO IUOAL- 1 XQ 41ori s J r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > >

Transcript of WM Iron Brigade-nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7c2f7jqz9w/data/0149.pdf · maddened torrents path And the hills...




CHANGEWhen the breeze Is softly whispering

message to the treesf

And the purple clovers climbing almosi to a fellows knees

And the great big oxeyed daisies ar-t ariodding over there

Where a birds songs sort o llf tinr driftin through the airLike a shallqp on a tinklinj

Perfumed streamFlowing through the air above me soft

and pleasant as a dreamAnd Im lying mongst the shadows

comfy as can bememory contrary brings a dif-

ferent scene to me-

r standing In a canyon with thev thilla on either side

spirits and unruly seems for

Theceare huge Titanic bowlders inmaddened torrents path

And the hills above reecho with theVjhuriders of its wrath

And the trees that lean above itV with spray that it has flung

Inthe madness of its fury when it twistturned and swung

With the fury of Its effort to escape itsbonds and flee

To the flowerspangled meadows whertire birds and blossoms be

passion of the torrent to escapeIts bonds and go

Where the world Is blossom borderedvlifes tide Is calm and slow

While the dweller In the lowlands by thsleepy tinkling rills

Longs forever for the battle of the torrents and the hills

lliang crag on crag above him tillseems life all alone

In a world some vast convulsion haaf ricaught up and overthrown

wanderlust that pricks us tilloUr spirits long to range

Like a woman searching searching hubbys pockets after change

JLil Lewis in Houston Post



By GEN CHARLES KINGAuthor of Norman Holt The Colonels

Daughter Tort Frsyae Etc

Copyright 1092 bjr G W Dllllnuham Co


gade was swinging awayFor the sixth time in less than

a year the men of the Black Hatsat the head of column had picked theirway over the stoneribbed pike sayingopprobious things of Virginia pathtoasters An impudent lot were thesefollows in the imitation Kossuths

snappy and precise indj ill steady on parade enduring onthe march and reasonably respectfultoward their officers who were theonly ones in the division to don andliabituallyi3veai tliefulldtaBB headgearof the regular service the rank andfile blessed with not a littlesoldier skepticism as to the value orstability of other commands in and outof the brigade and a calmly criticalattitude toward officers other thanthose of their selection They had not

well content with theiroriginal field and staff and for lack ofleaders of that rank had become some-

what split up at first Bull Run fight-ing sturdily all the same by compan-yor squad to the fag end and neverknowing they were whipped whenfinally herded oft the field Now

they had men at their headcolonel lieutenantcolonel and major

they positively swore andon whose skill and valor they wouldhave banked their last cent Yet withall their regard for these their

leaders it must be owned theBlack Hats gave them lots of troubleThey would guy the rest of the brigade

generally over the wholedivision only one other regiment ofwhich had asx yet laced the foe inbattle They had a curious defect of

outside officers happenedalong and were forever being com-

plained of as failing to render honorswhereat they Were heard on more thanone occasion unblushingly to declarethey sax hut didnt suppose the strang-ers could be officers They were preternatiirally keen sighted as sentriestoward men of other regiments running guard or smuggling contraband-of war and were correspondingly blindwhen the culprit was of their owncomplexion They were probably thebest drilled and positively the worsthated regiment in the whole division

and relished one distinction quiteas much as the they weremarching this third time on Manassas

the little West Pointer in saddleitheir head thanked God that at lastiefcad them where with work against

6oniinon foe there waspossibilityof keeping them out of mischief

Cehtreville had been passed Bull

Run and Bristoe reacheda point beyond their previous explorations Then back had they to go

a threatened raid on theirrailway communications and thatmatter settled again they were trudg-

ing through the wellrememberedwood roads when as a turn of theway brought their foremost company

in full view of the fine sweep ofto the west the gray

bearded colonel for the timethe brigade reined out to

lhe for a look at his men andhis bornsoldier of an adjutantrode alongside the blackbearded darkfeatured stocky little leader of theBlack Hats pointed With his gaunt

hand to the blue curtain of theBull Run range and remarked Id

a good deal to know just whatthat Jacksons dofng behirid

that screen todayWhy T aaked OConnor akortly


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Then InWler wild









MaEv lously


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Shields licked him welt at Kernstown Banks has turned his wholeforce back there Blenkers big divi-

sion has gone to reinforce them Whyweve got enough men there to eat emalive Jackson and all

First catch your rabbit said theadjutant musingly Old Stonewallknows every footpath in the valleyevery path through the mountainsHell trick Banks and Fremont sures

cOlonel Then well have ashy at him

May the Lord grant it was thepious answer as the colonel lookedwistfully away toward the little riftin dark ridge where ten miles dis-

tant lay Thoroughfare Gap the besjt

and shortest route to the Shenandoahthe gap through which four months

later this same muchdiscussed and asyet littleknown Jackson was with suchfatal effect to pour his columns on theunion flank and rear

It was a moist afternoon The menin the marching column heavily burdened with bulging knapsack anddouble blanket and the long Springfieldover their burly shoulders whippedoff their hats and swept the coatsleeve over their dripping brows peering curiously at the old colonel sittingsturdily in saddle and watching theirarray A grim smile stole over hisgrizzled face as his own battalion camestriding forth in the wake of theScoffing Second Then the kindly

eyes clouded with something like displeasure at sight of a tall lanky civilian on a decrepit gray riding with thelieutenantcolonel commanding Hehad seen the man before many a milefrom the spot and more than a weekaway How came you here hoasked as the civilian ambled out of thecolumn and touched his worn hatbrim 1

My place is just over yahnduhcolonel Phaps you doan remembermy comin to you with a pass back0 Fairfax and the tall strangerlooked confidently into the grizzledsunburned face Been in to

yo know for supplies Wagonwent shoht cut by stone bridge

Keenly studying the veterans facehe suddenly added Aint Col Bayards cavalry out there

Ask me no questions my friendand Ill tell you no lies was the waryanswer Gen McDowells pass com-

pels me to let you ride along with thecolumn but doesnt i equire me to postyou as to our movements You knowtoo much now to be traveling towardJacksons people you shownthat pass to the division commander

Why it was he who got it for meanswered the Virginian placidly Itwas I that took him Lieut Bentonspistol and told him of his capture


t e














Whats more Im specting to get further news of the lieutenant Whyhyuh comes the general now and fyou dont mind colonel I reckon Illride with him a piece

Graybeard glanced half angrily overhis shoulder A few yards north ofthe road there was a barren little eminence on the crest of which there hadsuddenly appeared the division com-

mander with two of his staff Unslinging their fieldglasses they seemedfor a moment studying the westwardlowlands then came trotting swiftlytoward the column

Colonel there are scattered parties-of cavalry out there coming swift thisWhY north oftween that and Gainesville Theydont seem to be watching the columneither Sena one regiment out alongthe Gainesville road as far as Bethlehem church and let them throw outskirmishers Halt the rest of thebrigade here Good afternoon MrJennings he continued in civil acknowledgment of the Virginians salutation I thought you were homeby this time

General said he coming along-

side I want to say one thing suhand its young gentleman ofyour staff was so kind to Dr Chiltonthat it completely staggered the doctor to have him knocked down andcaptured lies bound to take thebest of cayuh of him till hes wellenough to take cayuh of

thenWell and then Mr Jenningsasked the general impatiently for hewas eager to get on ahead

You look out for turning up anyday If he aint exchanged Im bettin somethin else will happen

My understanding is that Dr Chilton has made himself personally responsible for Mr Bentons safekeepirig sd long as lies allowed to remainwith him

Thats true I reckon answeredJennings But and here his lan-

tern jaws relaxed in whimsical grinthe doctor aintrjthip orjy brainy

in that family general The girl thatplanned young Ladues escape fromyour fellows at Henry house ply

tooout Bristoebe





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it on Ewells folks at Gadnsvillas f asy

So you know Ewellsville said the general whirling

on the speaker And you knowthe lady who got Mr Ferguson intohis serape do you

Gettin another fella put o oneanswered Jennings un-

flinchingly And she made a big playthat night to get still another out ofa bad fix less Jm mistaken Whygeneral you jus ought to heuh JudgeArmistead talk about that girl Hesays half the men in Albemarle university and all were in love with herwhen the war broke out and the judgehas a mighty pretty daughter of hisown too I rather hoped some of ourcavalry might be pushin out towardHopewell tonight Aint Col Bayardsomewhere out that way HulloTheres a shot

Not one shot hut two three in quicksuccession Somewhere ahead amongthe patches and thickets of scrub oakand pine the scatteringadvance guardhad suddenly met swift galloping adsin gray Then came the distantof half a dozen shots carbines andthe answering sputter of a ragged volley Well out to the front a buglesounded some lively call and spurringfull gallop from the rear the talladjutant went bending and twistingaway among the trees until out ofsight ahead and then his powerfulvoice came ringing back This way

Double quickEvidently Haskell had sighted some

of the quarry and closer at hand thanthose ahead along the roadway forthere came a crackle ofbark of the cavalry weapon the saucypop of a revolver somewhere amongthe thickets to the left of the columnthen a shrill burst of cheers from thedeploying blue coats on the westwardflank All of a sudden through thebushes tumbled a little squad of troopers in gray making heroic effort tocarry off a helpless comrade The general and his aides had spurred in withthe skirmishers and were just in timeto see two riderless horses tearingaway among the trees across an openglade while half a dozen daring de-

voted fellows in saddle were stoutly interposing between the forward rush ofthe excited Badgers and three of theirnumber surrounding and supporting atall officer who had been lifted sideways to the back of a plunging steedHalt Halt Dismount Sur

render rang the hoarse shouts ofthe dozen bluecoats dashing in pursuit Bang Bang came the defiantresponse of the few defenders BangBang bellowed a brace of Springfields-in reply Dont shoot Hold yourfire yelled the general Dontshoot Dont shoot echoed thestaff for the luckless cavalier reeling-in his seat went sliding into the armsof his loyal followers while the devilof a horse whirled round tuggingstraining at the reins and striving tobreak away Dismount Downwith you Off with you cried thepursuers officer and man as anotherterrified horse tore wildly neighingin chase of the forcmost It was adesperate effort on part of the graysTheir comrade troopers were too faroff to help them even could they drivethrough the stout skirmish line already far flung across the field beyondWith a last wave of his white handthe officer seemed ordering his de-

fenders to save themselves and thosein saddle with parting shots and defi-

ant of them even hurling inrage his emptied revolver at the talladjutant the foremost man in the

away bending low overthe streaming manes with the bulletsof half a score of Springfields whiz-zing past their ears

The adjutant was off his big rawboned bay in an instant and bendingover the fainting man unscrewed thecap of his flask and held it to the palelips beneath the sweeping mustache-A major hey he said as he noted

the brilliant braids of gold lace on thehandsome uniform frock What is amajor doing out here with only a squadof you boys

Is he wounded asked the chiefas he glanced at the two sileut

in gray One of them faced thecommander

Horse fell on himbroke his leg said he with a salutethat told unerringly of soldier

so too did the speakers poseInstinctively he was standing at

He knew the rank betrayed bythat yellow sash

Give this young gentleman a sipfrom your flask Haskell I fearhes Why my lad youre wound-ed Look to him some of you criedthe general for the boy had grownashen pale and was reeling whenstrong arms caught and lowered him

Sure general Hes shot throughthe breast said a bearded soldiertearing aside the troopers jacket anddisplaying a bloodwet shirt beneath

And wouldnt show it answeredthe general Thats the way withthem Send for a surgeon captainAnd then the general too was off hishorse and bending over the strickenlad Do you know hishome he asked of the palefaced

Virginian standing tremblinga bit with excitement beside him Thelad flushed looked distressed

but seemed to believe it hissoldier duty to give no informationwhatever to the enemy It was

who spoke his voice breakingharshly somehow on the silence of thesurrounding group as he elbowed

through the curious circle andcaught sight of the swooning boy

I know him general Hes one ofbest suh and now Jennings too

had thrown himself upon his kneesIts Floyd Pelham still of Charlottes

wile Itll break his mothers heahtsuh if hes done

Wail in the Virginians Voiceseemed to ctch the ear and rOuse theacuities roviviirofficer

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that doa for he faintlyasked Not Floyd Pelham Andtracing his hands upon the turf hestruggled to a sitting posture whileJennings sprang to his feet and stared

Maj Lounsberry Good God suhyou wounded too Why Id no

ideaNo idea I suppose interposed themajor with cutting sarcastic emphasis that your friends the Chiltons had turned that Yankee

loose Well you neednt rejoicegentlemen weve got himright in the teeth of his own brigade



Long as he lives Fred Benton willnever forget that night ride from theChiltons and the thrilling days thatfollowed Something heaved upthrough the dim starlight and lightlytapped against the clapboards belowthe sill and something black cameswarming up the other something

Pomp again and Pomp chuckled atsound of Bentons whispered hail

Weve got a ladder dis time subDidnt it aefo wid dem so

de bahn and by ladder not bylightning rod was the descent accom-plished Dusky hands helped the crippled soldier into saddle Dusky handswaved him goodby and good luck

Then Benton gave himself unquestioning to him whom she his imperious queen had appointed as his guideand together they rode forth into themurmuring night

When the suburbs were left behindand they had found the open countryhis escort turned and said Kin youstand a little canter Marstuh andBenton recognized the voice of DuskyDan and stood accordingly Theyforded somewhere toward two oclock-a little branch a tributary of the rushing Rivanna and were still headingwestward when Freds darkey guideleft him with both horses at the edgeof a grove while he went forwardafoot and reconnoitered Presently hecame back rejoiceful Dey aint asoul a lookin out fo de bridge suhDeys all over Gawdnsville way Wesave nigh onto five miles hyuh andso led on again the hoofbeats sounding hollow on the planking of someoldtime truss across a swift exuberant mountain stream running bankfull and far and near said Dan unfordable Still on through whisperingaisles of forest trees through squashycrosscountry bridle paths far frompike or toll road until at dawn oldDaniel led his soldier charge from thebeaten track and turning square tothe left began a tortuous climb thatbrought them presently to two littlecabins Here while Benton was madecomfortable in his blanket Dan heldconverse with other unseen occupantsgiving explicit directions faintly audible in the hiss of frying bacon andthe bubble of boiling coffee Bentonheard vaguely drowsily the words

Swift Run Gap Sperryville OhleansHedgman river and when he rousedhimself in response to vigorous yetregretful prodding he knew not howlong thereafter a new voice soundedon his sleepy senses Another guardian bent over him in the shape ofnegro with wrinkled face and graywhite kinky hair but a world of sympathy and interest in his somble eyesMarstuhs breakfast was spoiling andit was time that they were movingWhere was Daniel Daniel had to goback to Marse Chiltons Miss Rosa-lie dono fixed all dit-

To Be Continued

Servant ProblemA woman in Baltimore recently lost

two servants the same day Remem-bering a girl whom a friend bud recommended a message was sent to herby the Baltimore woman Te girlimmediately replied to the message inperson and was engaged on the spotWhen she was asked whether ehtcould at once enter upon the dischargeof the duties of her new placereplied that she could do so at thesame time indicating her bag in thehall I fetched it along mem saidshe as I thought mebbe youd wantme right away

A weeks trial proved the girl tobe satisfactory It was then thatmistress inquired

Maggie do your people know wheroyou are

No mum was the answer Yasee I came here at once

Wont they worry about you notknowing where you are

Well mum said the girl MrClancy might be trifle anxiousmum Thats my husband mumN Y Herald-

A True ComedianThe funny man of the piece was

in a bit of horseplay onstage when he struck his head

entirely by accident againstone of the pillars of the scene Onhearing the thud every one uttered acry No great harm done said thecomedian Just hand me a napkin aglass of water and a saltcellar Thesewere brought and he sat down foldedthe napkin in the form of a bandagedipped it in the glass and emptiedthe saltcellar on the wet part

thus prepared a compress accord-ing to prescription and when every-one expected he would apply it to hisforehead he gravely rose and tied itround the pillar TitBits

MutualA man with a painful expression of

countenance sat on a public seatAre you ill some one askedNoHave you lostNever had anything to loseWhats the matter then f-Tm sitting oil a wasp 4


Why dont youThat was my first impulse but 1

began to think that I was hurtingwasp as badly as he was hurting

I concluded to sit hr L wWW




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Cexin non Jcenucky








Too Many Burglars

About Town

For the comfort of society Oneless will visit your homes if he isintroduced to one of our revolvers

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Freight rates also special rates rotexcursions for supper theatre

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Gall on MrsSuccessor to Mrs Keith HcOlin-

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