Wl HO« SEES A PLOT CIA YIELDS...OF Many Employes Working Under Conditions That Threaten...

OF Many Employes Working Under Conditions That Threaten Life and Limb. 1,200 BUILDINGS INSPECTED Joint Board of Sanitai-y Control Sends ¦ List to the Mayor of Opr>n Violations of the Law. \ . ""¦ -.i xammatti IJ30S fa tor: *i,., |of« wilding* '«',-, !*,«i\ .-011,11101«»,! ahr'v. . .! ...'..' <* loos eon* SHI« tins r. I k>u» vio» In« - « bull« ng ,\\ wltl '. t.. irnlng. nrmre sent |aj lab« uni ms tti . .'. mptojte. «n . Working und« l .. ;.ii« ¦'--»> '. ' Hrfs and limb In eaas -f Isa T \\ nshlngton Pis thni ih»» 'nint Board of I I -m«-«>i o: tii ,,. Bail and Bkli I Ttwd« mai ti " .¡i- -.-.,- and .- ' M ir -. aaaran! .,.-.- of i latstm. of Hi« aaaMary a n lav la aumentáis it- a «rlt»!.«. f:-"i". Mu« ir r, lynor doara The Board sras fwimd aftai the ir.ent of t'i« last geraaral rtrther, "f r*«eventy« Jlv *v ikmahan and one of'lts raMlvttles was an Investigation of the ron atltinn«. .imi'nc th«'-<» wrK«»r»-. 1 «-nr««i.».t» "i' two members of tin» «Cloak and t. Manufacturers' AssocrtsAlon, two nr-em- 4>*«i « of the s kermf km, and throe . **»-. - . ' esenting (he pobli« Miss Lillian a bi l -.-..¦ More Than 1.200 Places V-nit-H. Thr chairssaa '.»in William X Schi« and t..»- ai^-rotar Is Dl I v ' . lasp«i tori eni last t*a .*i »<..>ini; thnmrfh more tin,:' tweh* I ndr« I fart«-,*-« and lofl bulldin--*. tti s tbelt i 'i r< noria ha I nrat beei ihey i-., listed DSjNS ;' i-r,uii rares latkMM of Hm sasSvar] and fir«, lajwi i wan! It « * v. nt .»ii to .iv. "t| spite of tlii»-. roartttiosM m 11m chsBh fs orí« s na, a rompara Psawabab with thooe ka Ike -tiirt- wstsl We sen! evenl throe \ lolatsoras wMel ¦*. \ :-,.,i ¡, John TT irnar, who ara i a II« Hi C ilon« for tw<'.' ¦ ¦' ¦-..,,. ,. of the i .¦" I .". i- s retir« We have ilso sen! .-i« « of the list i v .. Hudolph Milk H :..¦ .¦¦.' n k of ,i.-c Polk-e Commissioner ,-.-.. ad mira toner Waldo n batst) sen! I. inufa« t- r- ;:» tli- -. .' m «ahowlts --r . the I wing la! er P 't.-ik'.«-! _.ir ::. .i; .' I -.. . *.í.i¡\--i*s' T'nif'11 At the reo gal » .,- lion« of I t t- . .¦¦.... - | pe lieparti en! . i .v. ¦¦ item *.-... r' .«¦ t ,. .,',«-. that, «ml ¡. .«-¦¦., r .«».<- X < vt a . mM .. t p I .. : Union a! Clinl ¦.- Hall, So, rl tll-r D the g .,- <¡.-<»-;sf-<-.a. A' «Lt- in-« t- i .. t the ,. .. , r me r v state-] ... rrimit - ild H s. In ; . «ill, b< rork on t . '\ rfff M. I ' c « ¦ . md ». .-. .... .»¦ ti'.ii I Fjr-starÎSS Viointinq tha Laa. . tentent. ' - gar« -. t < itldlns« r nt las «l'ii aillai- I .. .... :. . ¦. : ' i ....... ... ,, i,« . « )" . lora t \. ... .,- of about fifi f Ib« . on .i : ' -;,- ir* * ¦ it ... . t< ... If. Ill .. r t .... ... ,.. d trad**, .... .i Atlantic City WEEK-END OUTINGS VIA Pennsylvania R.R. Every Saturday $10 or 312 ;.. ' rj»trip Irai si n am Ian r ',. *.. *. il at .. "lirai »a < Washington place, thcr«* were two «floors --coupled l>y the rlonkmaktiiK Arm of Horn- ! .tin \- Mayer, «employing .»ver one hun« drad ;"?r:,ojiH in !hat -pu.«-»'. an«l ü -.vn-« «nl« inank.-» t.» th« Satintay imlf-liolldny «vln»«ii tii«' unions Introduced Into the In« «lust**, ttiat tt« lives Of 111»- '">e liun«Jred oloakraakei s wera sav«sd. «There la a tofl building. No. : Wash Ington I'll.»», next t<> this hooee, witere ! Ul< r.- ¡.i-»« no tlr>- »¦«»¦Hpi'S wli»if«-v><i ,in,l '\ lior«j» hundreds of pemons ere employed The |otnt «board ol -unitary »uiitr«»i em ployed Ik ii Inspector», under th« super vision ««i .lehn T 'r«iru«»r. a fonriCT a.«-«- Hlstant «in». snltary lnspf-t<_i In tlie «Health l>epartment, and th« dais nth-1 « l bj these Inspe tors throws much ltiílit i ..«) ihe lnad«niuacj of the Sre proteetmn farllltkw in m'.st of ih<- 12*3 shops «Sn¬ ap, to»! i«\ i'i»« hoard. In fourteen «-li»«i»* n<> lin- .¦«»«.ai'» «- «it at! «have «beei found In «ataty-flve simps n «. i.r, ea-cape* w,-r« provided with Straight i.i.i'i« rs. wlil.-li «ir.«. ii." If well ki«"'vn. \<ry -dangei.»i'« and whloli n<» «m«« who la not an experienced ladder climber enn «make n-,. <>«¦ In i««- shops '" droo ladders at nil were found, »«i "m« found wen pla« ¦! «out of reach. In v.'i shope, 01 M y*r oortt of all shops Inopected, ihere was no other «*\it hi »rase I f Hr« e\c* p| ««ii« tii« «escape In twentj tl r«» «shops the d«mrs leading lo halla and atalrwa; wen fmind locked! .)urina tl . <i.i\ In «int. shopa th« ta'.»- w«ir< .--j thnn ¦¦ reel a Id« I In 1,11 oi K .'. «pw cent "f «all tl «¡« ending to halb« «peni I lit li '. ..i ol oui us thi law i « .«n't-« i in a word the Investigation has ithown .ha» even wttl thi low atandard* for flra (»i"t«''ti«m as demanded at «pr««eiienl by the laa '... «re ar« hundred« snd thou »and« f violations In one Industrj alone When we r«mne, however, to ronsklei the | »Tlxtins reg ilatli I Hr« orot« tlon u m i»t admit thai the; ire fai lna«le »i .it. and in«i« a rlelualon »hd s mar« 'I .«r< l-j u», r. i,.-., i «arhj the s-iallfil tire« pra if buildings, « «. -¦. numbw w«omen .«r« mss*«M] ' «re ii no «-'ii wbj . es« ^i «. :iii not . « «»m ¡« led i«« i«!«i««ii!.« ....« «-. apes Noi Is there si * reaacn whj t lie ?hopa which ar« 'i"v-«i ».. . <',r<- .-i ipea should hsve but -««.ii«. .- oar man) persons woi k «T'liin. i«> ihe !". sei w, if a ,- is provided irlth ." ,% lire escape nnsa era th« ¡ >ee, u hex hex ten per . ten hundred work ih No One Directly Resnonsible. '¦¦ it .H presen! ¦ I real!« i.i.«« * ngle department whl h i » aponslbl« :¦'. fire ;.tlon in illdlnga \«. hen .i complaint la M-nt in to »ibe i.at'«»r Pepartmeni ihej refer I Bul na* '.¦.:«. .«.» nt, nd II fur- j rr« »l som« where else The Joint «board of sanitär) ¦. I ol has recent y, within thi las» few n*eeks, In» estlgatlon ol flre pm . result "f this lnv«eatlf»atlmi :: , hoard -rj)i ., ; -. ,,f sf«v< lit «.'! r«^» «Ahlch were flam lolatlng th« ihm In ¡¦¦.tori nee to prole «tlon »«¦ th« Mayor, Hie Hti .. -¦. ih« Bur« ¦.-¦> of Bi Ild i'. Coi imleaton« r ami tin- Pollc-t Commissioner Th« «ward sent s list lo th« oakmakera' t'nion. and lnform«*d II Iba! . rondlllont . retn described are so sert« '. .- .n- vin. »ii« «¡. the m-"n in.i women I In these -1 ops work m der cl threaten iif« and .. fire " a letter was aeni lo «each employai rep ted on .'.';- list, Informing him of the I itnlattom« with reference to tire protectton found h his -' op by our lnspect«ors. ISSUES CALL FOR RELIEF. Mayor Invokes Aid of National Red Cross, New York Chapter. ¦ent out an ai«i»«'ai for contributions last night through the Vork chapter of I Nati««nsi Hr«i . i. in aid of ' .- »i \ Ivon ol li He atari I th« I with ¦ «con« : ; . id later Issued an ap* to ii. public, which was «as follows: tlsens of New fork: "The appalllns loss of life .«.rui «personal factoi '«' ni N\'a-;ï'- -.: -.«»»i Pla<*e ..¦ Baturda; afternoon call for laraer i ¦. of elief than our il ;. ~. «,- .¦. ;. ,«\t., ct-ed *«» meet fp'-ii -i «resour««?« The New v.'i'U chapter of the National «><] »Cross iUed for f i»< nl '-'«iMri!) I oni to be diati ¦. through the v.oA 'rout if 11 afflliated member, lbs ^st«\' Y'ui. Charit; OrganlS-tlon «Society. .'! urg« i to -iv. f thla pur- ' ending their -contribution! either . ii. «Schiff, treasunr of th»* \. v««vk County '"liiiior «»f th« Na- *. onai R«ed « i"-.-. N««. .'.7 wiiiatn «street, or to me for reuilttanc« to hira Acknowledge- nt ail ' niluugTn the pre*«« - anedl W l, GAYNl IB '' The headquarter! nf the If lief comn ttee at No Mad «on avenue, tho Metro« lonn for relief »: »i dlstrib'jt« «. rr"in t«her<. i «i. )»« ard T, i *ey |ne, tai ol th« Set Vork charity Qrtto nisei ion Po will In charade ofithe h»eadquart>rra II« ¦ .- »t. ita »IIns R«ed ' 'retas f Commute of the « Organization F . '. . eat. chah «man, « Uto T .'i. Mr John M. Glenn Uoyd C. «i.i Mr w llllam P. Rli .. level md it i.ge ...?"¦.i". in i Mr« R*. K. Di o add to il . ent of in; dlsast« ani Invite the Sea *i .¦¦..k Keno<iatl«»ti .«nd'li"n of the I "««r nd tii" i'i.i'.«i Hebrew Charit lea !¦> nial Bureau «»! Charitlea, of «\1fre--d T. White Is preald« nt, t ill «o I 11 ihe neflt Brool l«ent ? luff« ;,iif < 'asasza. dirt»« l«¦. of i)ie \t« i------ ï n * House, snnoun-red last u ni» ll..»--.»« of the 'in«-. . of ih« i«« rs i»'« i- ha been .¦- -formani e to ;ni i he iff« reí i fi «i-i th» flre Tlie .-«.. plaç« un .M«Ti'i,«« .«» ing« menta aa .¦» tl e nat- of tl i«r«»ai ¦- .-«'..«i made, hh- etya*cted harl« Il il nrealdeni of Ihe The u lation, and tiio rganlxatlon, to n snge ¦! . . .«erformanc« \. eid at .«.«¦ti .,<-'<¦ via¦ m Ih« im. «u charltl«*« Building, No MS enue, tatemen! wai given out, . on munll "f New fork snd lorrow .»< ;;< n m mam of ,, « ..-, oi Oth« ». In ¦-..¦. The Cnlted Hebrew «Cl »rl. i ! »rew Free H';r : «I ftecl« a .,. ffer «every assl tan In . M ol »: lewli arliahl« ¦« lanisa- tin» elty TA-'i«« drape«! In f .' dead magei \ ...«. v««> k ed last nl| i the re of 1 I heat re (.-». Mom «« .. Tu« and Vi'« «in- da; s ould la lui ned o* to ». RESOLUTIONS OF SYMPATHY Thousand Persons Extend Condolences to Pvclatives of Fire Victims. Mor« ne thousan« persoi Rath« I . dai nf'» ; noon In i. «¡«»»« T< mple, ..... ;i»ii" .1 I. -.,. f»»i ih«» ft nd ,«n«i of tin Waist « ompanj letli The i:« irles Stela ij «erintend« nt temp id oi s church «and depa ' ol .: !':< bj inn «,n "The ;. 1 I.i snd frl« nd d ws ¦v i- Mi ¦¦ d fv'i'i'iith i«. whl enveloped «and th« enth.u suit ol . irophe, and i.sd of the reaolutloi i.» i .. VlK-r« . |n t ho Tel ro Ight, wIh .i ,. t pursu« »rder l .a rs ast« TO RELIEVE THE SUFFERERS. M arel .', Sotli srer« «snt i. District |d« i. .i"-«» h sn to tl. lh< nd< i, r of II'rli «aland . \m k S'.i'' ' ill ¦- a "-i .h [ to ihe n Ins -«i fui"!- || . . d the fa ii» Of III« V.u. I,.I i'U.«-' Or« ¡n Nsw ï«wk Ity. [ Twenty Organizations Join in Fndeavor to Fix Blame. QUESTIONS FOR EMPLOYES Committee Will Ask All Factory Workers to Report Regard ing Conditions. In r*aSB*oaSS t«1 a linrr\ <¡ill san! OtSt hy Hi.» Waaasa'a Trsals Calan Lsasjae, rapr-s« ». atathras of tw«»nt\ ina-ar rngantsatkms araramljlnd Um kra-agus u«l«iin« tars yes- terday aftsraaaw far the purpose of takin : Immediate aetsaa in the matter of fixing the ¡ilam. fer ilio m«» and loas of lif«» in tii<» Triant«]«» Waist Company's factorjr. II ¦w.im regarded as the most lasportnal labor meeting arre kaki in ths lesgus ¦ headsjuar« t. ri Mis- Ida Rank presided, aad am^iK the speakers wfr" Rabbi Stephen h Wlsa, waa said, in pan if tin Mame belongs anywhere, wa shall I And It and it \«iii bs pranlshad Sen v«»-k oui il to i" able lo r**btata a r**©ra**"*rtttee al ' twenty*flr« mam and woaiea who can ».' i ai the facts. Then we shoold frams lagla» latloi i" ::' : da disaster. Ws doa't waa! this to croate a srsal panic of eharlty low- ard those who suffered by the fir,«, arid ti.n forrgol the whole thin«. Wa want t,« d-at with the facia N" <»*!i' laI rnv-jstlastloo I should satlefj us, Ws most ha\«» s tars*« cltisens' rommlttse and we should .«r-k Ihal ;.'¡ ¦« omen of ihli 11 i :<~» MfTS on it. Mrs. i.'xn.'i.i ««Rpiiu made »,<ti,'i! .).(»ni t'« those pi »¦' al . ol to waste t 'i"- in going orar details '«i» «" ait *t oners, and appoint committee, so that their names could be given t,> the pr«"-«, in order thai th< great army of Ktr'«« who are going to ^<Tk each nrt-ornlag in stmtlsr traps may know thai awniethlng la i,«"ni: «I"- ' to protect t ''n- «>n motion of Algernon Lee, a committee of ti«.«¦ was appolnt«*«d bj the .hair it went iîit'» session at once, Rml drr«- up i set of questions t'> ba sem to .-«n employ*** In .ill f.i.t.Tt.s ,,f th< «-it;. The committee consistí of sirs OlIasbaftiMNr, "f Ko East 6sth street; sirs. Charlas Board, of No. 6801 Seventh avenue: Mr». Stephen S. Wise, of No W«w*l Mth street, «and Miss Wa Rauh, I NO. 4< Bast ad «-tr-»*«t. Ths SUSS« lions they formulated follow: "Are ths noon lockad? Ara there any l in mi the windows? «ire ihr freight ele-l » at"r doors ckwed i -»i i-í 11 «sr the day. Ara inoro lire escap-sa on nil the ftotnra, and la «!-. re free access to the lire ...«,.ai"»!'' Ar«» there any si raps lefi near ths motor <«r engine? If any of these conditions prevail you an» in danger from Bre. If yon nanti a letter to sny nrrember <«f this commlttso Itl will |«» treat«*-«! tu absolutely confldentls and the mattei "ill be attended to at once.*" Mr Maley, rapresentins ths Ladlea*! Waist Makers' t'nlon, >ai«l that at a spa*clal meeting of «)"» executive board of that body i "id yesftordai morning M a*aa decided to' establish a relief fand, and a commit.«** I VH- appointed to draft an appeal to tlie i public, li« said thai II was In lia Triangle] Waist Company shop thai the rar-cenl strike first tock place, because of Inhuman . men! "i mploj . p. A committe« of three, consisting of Mil«»*', M. Dnweon Algernon Lee and Morris Hill-1 iiiit mi» then appointed bf Ml*. Rauh to draft o resolution to I-- Ri',*»n i" ..¦ presa. Here rearable and resolution iinani« n<oualy a«dopU Û Whereas, s«. soon following lb« ¿ II h.lust In '. .'. n Ighborlng rli; ol New» ark, and In --i it-» of the solera m g to our official. In a lending Ne«, YorK maça sine thai conditions arere as had or a-orae hi re, Ihl i «ürea-Jfu «i«-.it^r. r nas come '.« the n... « he leas of oui p-eopl« tin arklng women of our etty in., tin»?.» dependent upon them; and \\ ii.t«**«,. it is ni.iNi evlalant thai has been leglecl on lb« pan of many, !*>oth ,.fti. lals and private cltlaiens, h-m « -;« «Inlly lack of " «peratton i«« prevent such acci¬ dent and thai luch negi**«*« Is lmm«-dlateiy «i cal i,i..-i d. nlora 1 '. aflli« tlon Bl r.ereat, Ve! deeper lie ea i ¦. such sa tin ontlnuation ol Industrial '¦. ¦. tare, the ., to « fact and force proi fa« toi y \ .i -. . t,. thi ;..,-.. usa l»l« dela> abo«il u _. mea hi« li h ol et .. ni il mis« i su h ilanffei and »provided i'T |h< "iiii"'! ..i'ioi. ,,. i ». \i.ttni«« ,,f in- î.i ., mannei s hlch ie» suits In s maximum of prevent loi ai d \\ reas, T n lister and oui hrotl - ers will have died In vain If the e i es without .-« full í>!i<i firm exprerwaloi id .. indignation -'am«» and grief u'lth whirli ih« horror lias leen recel e«l by all; now, therefore, he it Resolved, Tiir " «. who are here .m* Med deplon snd ondemn « illndness of public official! who fatuousl permll such condition to continue, ibe greed of soch employers as dn not welcome huí Instead ni ¦. it11 n mises «»mployes e-lio de maud aaf'e rendition. in,:«i arhlrh to work and th< In« tie of th< urea!, busj pu ;i «A'hlch does noi render such unprorttsble h,,th in ti", publl« servant and the em- i,... >.¦ and « I! aim R nolved, Thai \,f. .tu upon ih. il-"-, e of "in- ell« Mat«, and nation «.ng to nt at who are respon IWe for m h , ondll on. and t" t;,k¦ Inip.« rdhle thai we should e*i*ei again be grief .«d r.'c>- and »hame a: il thouc ron Id o east I] jirev« il ai d )¦" ,i dual y Keeol ed. I*hal we rail iipor the 'r'.ii.^^c peopb of Mfea Vork and In sympaih« wltl them l"-ti i«, t:,. f ineral pr«j«*e«aeli>i ..| lha victims, >i"i Ibus ^i.o etpr a!ik'- .,. ....¦ orrov ''.d i" i elr resolve t,, pr* . oTrors In f- lui e M, ,a Mill 'I ho f.,1 ,,\\ Ing I o--,.!.ii r,. it . also ad,,|l> d n ., ommlltee "f tw«mty«flv« he ap point««I i¦-. i,. .ni. r-onsUtlng of mein ¦¦ .,. itad«. unions and othei l¦«¦ I«. ¦-. «., .-all n mass meeting to determine a plan of action ju regard to the Investigation of ihe fa«*ts .* n. fire tr, plan leg station and to taUo i,|"|it measure tu enforce ni* la? Appeal for Relief l.-iue.ri. The ejecutiva board of the l«adlei Wal and t>rraamakers r-ii,n. Xo .'. Interna tlonal Ladle, ilarnraml Works of America, .- a -i.o. «ni meeting yeel rdaj ¦. t. »t¦>ir.. -:. m relief fund commute« to lid ll farm! les of th« i letlms "f Ihe tire In th« Pi \\ da! i ompany'a factoi | ah eontrlbutlona ch«r»cki and postal ^n«i ., eat money orden should be mad, oui m the Relief Fund f"ommltt«**e and sen! «hi".; "> the tti., ,'f the l*adlea' WatrM and Dreasmak '-' I nlOn So .'.. So, U>1 Clinton -ir.< t. w Volk. Samuel l'ntei n r a n«n sonal con. irlbutloi "i *.'.'-" to the i ind PRAYS FOR FIRE SUFFERERS Dr. MaeArthur Refers to Factory Dis- ¦-fitcr at Evangelization Service .\ 5. i¡,,- in the Interest of th« evangel!* a tlon «>* N< « V"ik wat held in th. ralvary liaptlsl Church « terday nriornlng, al which addreasss wen mads i>\ the pastor, -.,. Rs« Di i: 8 Ma- Arthur, the !...".. pr, Edward Judson, of tin- Memorial Raptlat Church; the Rev, Robert \Valu«i and the i.. lhai les 11. in In is prayer i»> MacArthui r< f,rn t., il. Are of Raturdaj aft(*«rn<XMi raying: "Almighty Uod, regard with Thj ti.,-t ri... Iou« fa« «.! ItK i" -,-..-i i .. th<» i riba lira oui ritj C< mforn ii¡,ih-* i lunn''i ,ni" «i« ., orroa i:< gracious to i hose who Buffering rs«*ruclatlng pain reasoi of ( his greal dl ., iter Be pk d gii >. .«. ¡.- slclan. wh" iiiini*-)' la thorn .-¦i- wisdom and skill .m.- the sufferers ilent lurag« is, heroic and ti m fui m ,, i..i n.,m «¦ "f pain Men if-ii Ood, ¦¦ ,.i !.,i,.,i r ,,. .inn. ¦< lhey owi ' ItMMK iin«i«-r th»!i .,ii In th. proper lonstrucllon of factortas, ,n in.ikiii), propt^r caita, und in ¡.li other <¦..>..- ,.,iin^ f,,r ih<- romforti and MpaclaU) th« llvea «.f tn-.-e ¡n ih« ir emplo " TO HOLD MEMORIAL SERVICE \ m-,,." lai errlci foi ihe unu of 11 .. dl ter rill held in .ra. « "h irch, Nth tree! and Bi ads a "n dnesda si i ii« will last tw« m «mu an ,«¦ 11 In«.lud I.¦ mn i r snthim i«. tiir <.ii««ir uni un I'M- Wl HO« LESSON Insurance Men Think Better Protection Will Come. MIGHT AVERT NEW DISASTER Revised Building Laws and Auto- raatic Sprinklers Among the Things Demanded. «Man*« «tending tir" Insurance «men «In ihls . 11 y vristrrda*. »ureeil that the disaster of S'aturdav nicht iind««iil'»«"dl.- W«9UM bring, i),.iiit vartly Improved «SOndttkms In tire «protect-On nuch earlier thnn would «other« «.¦»r have «baan pnssiPie «Bhrldga <.. «Snow, «,,. .-ddctit r'f the ll.iiiio |n «iran»e < 'onipany. I'harlr« «I. Smith, e»«i retary of the Herman« Amerlean insurance Conspany, and Theo.I lorn H Trie, a former president «-«f the ITaKK OWTO «ant-tig »hose who emphasised «the tact »hat any «lay «flBtghl "ee another nlamitr greater. If anvtMtiK. in it«- hor- r'»ra. The ii«««-c«||y for a lavr nun pell In ir the Installation of automatic aprinkier« in all buildings mo»-<» han «S «tost li?l« «i«»- i \««'e.i t«« memanlihi «or «anuinfMUiilns nur-! Sttltl WM imiiileil «.nt by «'harles «; Hriitt M. S mambei of th.« |i<«.ii<l «if Fir» t"n<ler*rrlt- er--, and Who has sat Tad "it the Building Cods «¦<mmi;;.'»i'»ii sinos Ml "«»iir hull.linar la«.- ar" .l'fl« iont with r«»- »pe.«» t,, nafSty of life an«! property n«_ain.-t «.astnwtlan by Btn\m «said Mr. Smith, "and j should revised completely «and made to .',. «the prsMnt metii".i« of buttdtng «on-, Itmctkm. 1 belief« ,liat thie '.orrlt'le o\- I por!en<~«» anipl«* rsaaon tor takinu Imnic- dtate and active «-step«« for «tlM adoption of« all neeeasary buMlng tpgutatkas having tilt« ««nil in rlew, Warninq from Newark Fire. "That «th«ere should have heen fn«*h a Ural Is n<> «surprise to me. i am on «record he« fora «n im estimating committee in Albany«!' .-.ille«l vrhen th« Newark fir* waa the «ub-i .».rt <»f much eomm-nt. a* ha\-1ns predi«ted .liât New vnrk «CMy must expect far worse ataiitrophes. if tlie «Jogs of life had bean l turtos a* gnn.t In Saturday'«« flre I «-hO_Jd li have fei» no surprise. And yet tf the!; «building had «bean «sojarippal «»-1th «aatoaantte sprinklers I doubt tf there wo'ild ha» e Peon ,t Uf« i«,-i la «tact, my *xp«cTi»»nec <«r thlit' \oAre leads mt tO repeat that there aould not have l«««en on«' life lost "Automatic sprtnkl'Srs «should bs «reqnlred in« law in «such «buildings The difference (, in the Insurance rate goe« largely to pajr-j« int .«>¦ the Installation of the spriakl_ra, i « hare knwn cassa where the «reduction in¡. «premium coat ^ reason of tno Installation li of .i itomatk aprtnktera pal I for the «equip« moni i«l-iiorjt at on« .¦. Tlie average reduc- j ti««n in insurant*« rate Is equal t«> ¦ return 11 of :'."« per eenl upon 'ho money Intrusted, .«. i. h m «ans thai the installation would paj f«ar Itself by «saving In Inaurancs co.-t1, alone in four Sai8." Mr «Smith s.-ii.i thai stream from the/ «¦..-..».. i»¦'.?¦i i" «'«> «good servi.« «should n»«t «have «to i"1 played upon a building higher than «slaty or slat] -flre feet. "This la thi height of s live -tory build- «Sag, he «said, "u heresu the eighth «st-orj «->( the «^liirt trapst ff-ctnry, «,». !-.» re the tire' atart-ed, was one hundred feet or more above the «street. «Because ¦ «boas «stream cannot he «played r«*t'< lively at a height greater than «slxty-flve feel or live buhIm, non-flreproof buildings usad tur mer. .nuil*-1 or manufs t'«-' an irpoaas should ».¦ M:i«t.««i to slxty-flve f»«««t. Own«srs of Bra« «proof buildings taller tiian «dxlv-tivo feet' whe-n used for mercantile <>r nmnufactur« ¡ lag - ould be compelled lo in-tail aiito- mat!« »prlnkleti Tight Bulkheads Needed. Another thing Tlie pre ent la«* pis en no limit upon the .-¡7.e of the flooi area «if -UnOlngfl l»"Wi"«H flre «rail* Tl.* BaSM principle exactly tl.af «hip OWlteri fedlOW t«» protect their paseeng-ers* lues a' sea. by the us.» ,«r watertight compartments, «miiii be adopted on land to -a\c the Uves «-»f; aorklng «men and "««men The «'7.»» of ihe( flooi sraa between fir« walla should not «be permitted to exceed 10.490 Kiuan f«t«tt for «i fireproof building and ."..».' «sqtiar« f««rt for non-flrep.( building*, an»i In each case e t'n. walla should be equlpptsd with sutomaticall« opera» Ins flr-eprool 1 «should «be i"» oppoi unity f»->r .«n*. mai ' » turer lo crowd an many a* one d working pi ople i one room." Our '¦¦ ...« been made tafe, Mr. Smith pointed out, sinos th« l«esson l«*amed «by ihe irn,|ij..jH Theatre Hire In «Chicago Automatic Sprinklers are required In ¦!! i eat -. «u« \n«i «,n tin« atrange etas- '.»m of prote «mi to «lie utmost Ihe pie ¦re seeking «public, whl!« omitting to take similar precautionary «m»easu*-s "ti «behalf of the ' «l ».. .,. : in lofts, Mr. ¦ml< _r«nt Injustlc« i ommttted Kll 'iLe C. «SnOW -aid '".«. th-ouglit it' I be a r;.»««»») thing f«>r t'ommlsshmer Waldo to >< .l.a»'L«e «if tl,-» !tl«|.Ii«»li «»t hnlldlnga. Tue intimate relation betw«een puttins '»«u a itr.¦ and preventing one '*,,,, ¦uch -* i«« render singularly appropriate sn lo luthoris« '«omnilasioner A\'a''i .i« »jet,, ¡it suitable Intervals tuen from own for« to Inspect «buildings. Mr Id« thai ' .. believed this «policy .-« light! n esifill 'n Roston Faith m Aiitotnatic Sprinkler*. lutrnnatle sprinklers «would «have «put »¦nt ihe ."». in Ihe ihlrt -»«'it «factory at. . nor'- ,i 1 Mi sn"».». "ftpeaklng r.,»iclil i should aay Iheii Installation there aouldl rest not mors than it,. \ better! name than Breproof for such ., structura Would he ¡' ik>w burning conatrti«etlon build¬ ing And there sre ...»'al grades of slow burning rotlstriMrrlon Borne of 'hem nio'< le-tr; il ,.| .,ib.>;-<¿ TI «re slioilld be -«Hie« .. tii tl i bj law t" »he number <<t per sons on ¦ floor, an«! then lome provision should «be «mads for çettint; them «out «by «... escapea The rspaeltj ol flre e»,.,-(p«.s¡ mould regulated a«fcordlng to th«-« num- i «i of emplo; .»«. "San r.'i"«i«<i> ha« le;irn»««i llil- I ha\e -, en th« fr«Mit of a lift«. ,.'»»t building eav« ,i»«il \«!lli lit. **cAyo< ..ii* there "I!.i«< >"'i not noticed «he amount of rubbish tl it Is permitted to «-hnk« flre .¦>*- capea In this «rlty* These «rnainads of «salta ehould be Inspeeted by somebody al le.ist i«. » ¦ month. '"n< «trumpet note to «be s««iin«ieii al tM- lime should be, I think. Inspection cleantl- i»»««-.- «and protection." ti <. i H «Price v.Hd he had «retired from Ihe iiie Insuram. lieid hscause the fundamental fault in Neu Torh Cltj was ti<« t.'.«.'t!"ii nf «al^aorapera Mr. i'ri««e is opposed to «tall buildings, in the pressai ac¬ cepte« undsratanding «<f ihe t«-rm. and as« p.«. i.i ii-. «so In ail «eases where m«srcantlle or manufacturing purposes at«« uppeinmst T: « height of «sverj «building should i»e governed, be »a.,«-, bj the «sJutfacter of in cupanpj Four or live «stories sh«ould «bs hi legal maximum v.'.i-.o induatrtal par« m. followed ALDF.RMTN FEARED DISASTER Board Adoptcrl a Preventive MeaMire After Big Newark Fire. M «« »-.-¦ t<« ¡«ii. «i lii-t niuiit thai »i few dü\M ,,fi, the «factor] tu» m Newark«! wh««spa eo «many lives were l«ost AMenaaa «Ralph «folk rodu sd ¦¦ measur« to prevent s similar ., .. in t!ilr- »tty. ii, «propoasd thai the «building «suporta« .«nu»ni« if tii« dlffaronl boroughs «re¬ quired t<« !"««k Into the maU'T nf tire . ¦ hi« mi «all factor) buildings, snd i.i-« ''««n »is unanimously sdopted bj tue :.i it kli m n r«iii. aid last nlghi «thai .«> far p..« i, d ». n made h lb« i upe» In landen tii» Board al «AMeraan. SEES A MURPHY PLOT < «>i«i ,n«i«-,l from flr»t mía«* l>f»in«>i-r»tir ropr'-eontati« o win» »lostr«»** to ». ,.to for m«. In the «ai.iirt, I will not «>rfrrifl tn«. loyal mid courageous m«sa who ha*,¦.» he« n supporting ni« sines my n«»m- inaii«>ti by saying to any "ti1* of them th.-it h.» shall not .!«« so." Mr. sii.« hin'.« Istter, In full, folliyara: Ta tii" r>« naocratic Meinbera »I the Legla laturs ol ths State ol New York. B) Ihe unanhno s vote ol the Denur-erstl« members of the [.egUlature s caucua h*.«' i««.n rail«'.; for Monday evening neat t" conaldei tin matl r of Ih« United States Senator Mj position >'ii the senatorshlp lias nevar ' been a matter "f doubt. hav« repeatedl: Bald, and I n«»« reiterate tiiat under n«> clr eumataracea ivill i decline the mr-mlnatkai arhich waa given ni«- by the unanimous vot« "f tii«. Democrat!« caucus held on Januar« last, lair arfll I soluleece In any suggsi tlon rhst in.. Bams r-haii n«>« be presented for . Msl'l»>ratu«n to an« fiirnr» |)ptno«-ra«l-* cau« us ir. a lottor addreaaed t<> ths Demo» ratlc members «if tha» [legislature on February Ml J said: "I cannot, as the représentative .of my party, r.l«»a«.«' mon elected lioino«-rat« from an obligation which they ows t<» the party »rid ncd te ma bear no contract'ial rolatlo is with thoai who ar«- voting for me If it be pnaaltilr to -.lens»' thorn, the perty moat «i<> fo. n,,t th«« part«, candidate "I shall rams In ss my irerty's f*andldate .'m Catted States Senator so king as the (arty rJeaires m< lo «fo so, no matter whai ; lh> persona! rons-xi'ienco«« »«« in«- may h> tor «will i i .. word or deed -1" anything |! that v in trustify trio minority in their ef form to frustrate the declared »rill of thai, majority. If, howaner. the majorlly of ai; I tho stoned I'oinn«-rati.- Senators end As semblymen «.hall s>kii .-« call « «meeting tho Democratic caucus be reasaembled, 1 si all loyall) abiiJe bj rho decision of thai ta and If such emu« us shall rl Id« thai another than myself shall ho chow - t,, carry rh.» party standard which I have bean carrying stncaj January W, ir'". I ailj t-'v» to such candidat« tn- unqualftled and wno-te*heart«ad support, bul short of su h arii'Hi I shall n«'t be a ;iart< to tin» da struction of th-> principle of matorritjr rulo." nom Ibat position heve no! deviated end a III no| da-vlate s hah' breadth if. an«! wtion. a majority of tho Démo¬ cratie rapr«**sentallves shall d**-ci*Ja In ra«i cue to roi «'ii«i'lor iiio vote by which i waa nominated foi ,'nlted States 8enat«>r, anj person partl<*tpating ih«**reln who feels that ho is thereafter bound lo continue t.. v«,to fog becs use of the prior raucus Hi,-, i «jay thai the de« Iston of the new mucus should '-o as binding ami effective ss the rlrat if. the result of the cau¬ cus Brtton ir "lia i.«- determined t" assin proceed to tire nomination of s futí-i date for Cnlt«d S'at«»a Senator to ai | man who '¦«itiHidor« that he la hound for am- reason other than his "-.vu senas of duty to cote for me, i releas« him, so thai hs may vote fo. whom ii«* wills Should s majority of ll,.-> Democratic reprewentatlves rhoora an» other than myself »a the part« candidate for Cnlted Btstet Son.nor. such action, in mv opinion, will operate n release from nM the obligations <>f the prior party ra i- ¦«. in rh«. event thai s Democrat other firm myself shall ho selected, I am sure no «Senator <r member of Assembly t 111 affront n continuing to «rote for me In tho joi-.t issembly. If, however, those srho partici¬ pated it« the Aral caucus, or Bnj others who may not have participated theraCm. dealre | t,, rote for -no 'n ti mo\>- caucus, they have mi full consent t., do >*< Even if ( ere be i || ningl« Democratic représentât Iv« .. » ¦,...,1. to vote for me In the caucus I will .... effend the loyal and courageous m«»ir « ave ;,'«T ipportlng me since mj nomination >,v saving to any one ol them that he shall not do so. R«*spe«»tfiillv vours, WIM.TA M P. BHEEHAN. »¦, Vor!*;. March tt. 1*11. MAY NAME D. F. COHALAN. i Insurgents, However, Say They Won't Enter the Caucus. Oovernor Dix lef! Sem Tors for Albany ru ih" noon train rraterda« spparently ' more hopeful of Ih* outcome of ihe sena* toiial Ighl than an« other poUtlcian urho ruld be found in tlrlr- «dry. Charle. F Murphy, who gave matter at V Ibany his personal dire,**! and undivided attrition when William r. Bheeban's name run«» "in of the Democrat» ratr-cus on Januan H tost, lefl the city about «i'o¡ sa. timo **-»r his country placa at Qood Ground, r/onir Island Nvitii«r Oorvarnor nm- immni bad anything lo add in rh" wa-. of common! ta prophcy to the possible ending of the deadlock. Rven with tho new cau«*us scheduled for lo-hlghl D-wnocratlc politician' who ea* t... t r.. ace th« flgl .:.,' ih,n could notl h found! fnat«**ad of anything as hopeful lhat, thera was onli the repetition of the wore from Murphy thai II was to be a free and open "unbossed" caucus The nbo.sed" peri of i! will be for <¦-,- t,,n.,i ob .'.-.¦>Ion only ac-cordlng to 'ho aoiv of one prominamt Denurcral yeater» Tbie man de< tor« d thai Ihe T im- many leglslatora recrived their orders for] the "imhceraed" raocti yesterday morning, I end the sum and substance of the orders! i- thai the Morganlsat!<Hi*' wants s rertaln amounl f Jockeying to h* done, to tho end :¦.,, ..... ion ma« he reached aa t., the rhances »I bringing forth 11 name of i »an-1 Id i. « -.di.ihin aa ihe can .. ndldate. i .. j.'.'¦-¦. ins. it was understood, would I Ir.rlude such detail. an apparent *-pli' in y many vote, i-arefullj handled, so ri re v .. ild h«» n.¦ of ., ¡«isl« o \oio ¦ .i snj ..-¦ r:. i,.' ,. ¦ "ii «)'. (1rs! ballot When that 1 he lead h* Ir no . o the < 'obelan han« ¡ ti .. ordei wmild he changad so that the name of Murphy's right hand m-«n In Mie organization would tho only one voted for on s so**ond bal* t in .pit« of ¦' fs . lha! the InsurgentsI ,-. furnish**«] a black ü^t. arhich Includes befiidea Cohalan - name tho«.» of Bheehan John R RtanchfleM and Da l.«n--o\ Klcoll.I ¡I loomed to ho tho general opinion yeetei <«.-,« that fohalan wru the chol«*e whose name I most llkel* to com« "«it «.f tho, o ond i lueus. USELESS CAUCUS EXPECTED Insurp;rnt,3 Probably Won't Enter It.Smith Still for Sheehan. Albany, March il »T«evel«>pm«*ntii h-r«-« « nigh! a luid indi« a thai little ««. «n ,-.ni« 1..I .i,i,., rail, CaUtm. to ho ho],« td-morron night to selec! a candidate (^r\ the ITnlted Btatea Senetorshlp who win be s.ui'faotoi v t., surf!« t«-1.i numhei "f Demo*I erratic members «,f the Legislature (¦> ho; elected Tha Inauraenta on lha one hand an lusphrioua ><r the motives behind the alun«, of ths caucus, and '«.hi probabl) no! «-.on .'¡itri it on the other hand, thereto a strong tendenc] : -imní main of the ao-l called pniars to stick *o Bheehan, n,. mat« .or nrhat happens When aaksd if ho arould go ln«o tho cau*l rus Senator Franklin D Ikioa« elt, the In« urgent lender, to-night aid "1 hü! not kn.iw definitely until .' .-', o'clock te-morrow night. ,m« Imprrea ton, however, is that «, «ill not go In." Ths friiMids of tha Insurgents say thai it is tii,- [iian of Coartes P. Murphy and tha other Tammanj toa«torr« lo *"-aiti»r the ! rotes of the regulars to*moriMv night after getting «s many Insurgsnts to ,«tt"n«i asl i o.ssii i<«. « in Tusada*! nlghl thej look for | ward t" another caucus being died, wh«»n I thi same pr-ocednre aill be gone through < »r. Wednesday, when II Is thought that the Insurgents ar«. believing that everything' ¡t «.-oii'n ail rinht. ¦ third caucus will i»e» ( called bul tiio Tammani members will and» senli units on i».«ni"i v. « 'ohatan, Mmp right hand man "The arguments will be mad«', if u, .,,, «¡i- atis|,..,i, ..,i,i one "f ths Insurgents to» '-"» I. that a a hav« la tos gom Into tha '"''-11- .i raranol «.mi arell iham ge bock <»n the eauens eandldata Ths aama kind of I reseure Is no« being broughi on the in« surgen] to gel them t,» anter ths caucus i a- basa Iwoughi to sat ths« lo \ot^ toi Bhaahaa Man) legislators, both Rep iMlcana and Democrats, began to sppsai in Albany r,,-r nlghl -vi" Smith, majority toarSer <-f tho Asssmbl] m.. i s.u. i,,; Wagner, of th.» ,,!" '.. »rrived together shout 11 ,"1'"1- Mr Smith d rlared that i. ,.. l""1"1 to .". - Itaa, n raattei « ii<->in tbt 'íui-ijj.selsctsd. CIA YIELDS 10 RUSSIA Ready to Acquiesce Fully in Czar's Treaty Demand-?. IS NOT PREPARED FOR WAR Japan Was in Readiness to In¬ vest South Manchuria if Sit¬ uation Became Critical. Peking, «March «M» «China Is nd prapnred to antagonist Russia completely, and a r*»aiiit at «prolong« d ««t.fer u «*es the 'hlness Foreign «OfBce t .- -. ¡. i >- a.-s ir<<! the Ruaetan -llalster, M. K-oroetoreta that «.Thin« «will acquiesce unreservedly <>n Monda] lo » demanda made i.i the Russian ultimatum con«cernlng th» provision.- »i the treaty of IM. Rossis in.'i«»ted upoi »t. an iwer «be¬ fore TUSOdai It i- «generally eon ld«et_d lhal Iher« wna no alternativ«- course in xrion ot i^ilna utter unpreparedneas for war Intensa i teres! Is being manifested In the attitude of Japan, which »« obviously holding en« ttrely aloof, «although nuire powerful than . ver at Poking While th» p.«,in« between linn an I R .-. sis have been shnoal oMiterat»«-) by tii« t'lent «series «of ultimatums, an i theoret lealty iti-niflii'ieiit cause for «.¦ upatton es-l lets, Rusats apparentl; fear; thai sha I nbtaln onlj popar promisse, which tha riiinosc would not observe unless Intimi« latsd Russians h«ere point oui that they have losa non In the ws ot concessions from Chins than when tha treaty ^a.« sign« i. Some gre«i'.t«-' of «lie i«««4ation quarter «i ni« Ruasla for not foHo«aing in the first Inntancc the ''cent example set by «"¡rent «Britain In rx-cupylng lerrttorj an«; swatting Chinea« re)i«line«-= t»-> dlscuM the contested points. But II it-" recognised that Ruasla, by failing to do this, hs -. that eh» «!o»s not posssss aggrsaaiva do« signs. The «''.in«-«» newspapers, which ar» :r,fens» ly Ignorant <«r «foreign affairs, ar» very hoetil«t ag Insl Great Britain, which I the] accuse of egtnnlng the present land grab, and th« y prophesy that both Japan and France «-rill n'«t «be l"ri. In following] sull Reports from Harbin atste that 'he Rua« ««dan railway has «refused t«, t«ranaport aetreral carioada of arms ^r.d ammunition I «i. »irie,i toy i'i.in.T. garrisooi on thai «frontier, l*Vom elsewhei In Manchuria I loin»'» IndlcattMia of Japanese readio«-*» to iveal South ICanchuris «h^uld the Ros- ilan Investment in ; he north assuma a letioua aspect. in a «receñí Issue "Th« Peking «Dal Sewa,' In an editorial, evidently Insplrod »y the hin««.««« Por-eign -Board, d riar«ad that China would not submit to 'he so-1 sited aggression* i»f various potrera, an«! that .«lie would not sign away h-ei .lationai rights, whkii ni'iat be taken from her. Whether thi-' was «>n!y s threat Intended i«« a.<M«t China's d|plomacj to«morrow ¦ho ild -.. ITALY'S NEW MINISTRY GMoUtti'l Probable Cabinet.Five of Luzzati's Advisers Retained. I'orn«. March -»' Ko oIRcla] announ*!-* nein ha-i yol «been mads to the now net, t»':t it Is c-onsidered probabb I it t ".in e conatituted about a- follows. «Premier and ^r n ..-; t of tha Inter! w, ;i«iv snnl Ololitti. Mini iter ol Agriculture, Sipn«-«- Rlssolatl, *.«.'« r of the Bo* allst Parliamentary group Public W oi ks, s "ii««r -' k hi Publl» Inatruction, Bignor i.Yedaro li sn« Big. «Tacts M-tine, Admiral i attollcs War, ,i neral .-pluear«!! Foreign Affairs, Marquis A «ii Ban GMu« iani« Justice, Bignor F"inoc«-hiaro ..-. «iv'ti«-!*- Ablgn»nte Poeta «ml Telegraphs, --ii.-« or tiaccei'i. Five of tiic ministers mentioned were in Lussatl «i. Inel BALLOON LANDS IN RIVER. Cassel, (lermany, March It «-Four «pas« «sengen In tha ipherl« «i «balloon Mi»nhurg! .i teirlhie experience while attempting ... the N'orth «Ses to-day. A hurri-j sne drove the balloon, which n-«»n«'i«,«l atI .jtenburg In tits duchj of «Saxe-Altenburg, nto the «Fulds «Rl «sr, ahich Is orer Its rinks oo SCCC-Un! «Of the il«¦..«.'«. ap<1 tii» ...-t« wir« «rescued «with difficulty.j me of th«etn was severelj injured Th«* ulloon travell« .'¦¦ mllea In tl «roe h«-»iirs. MATERNO EXPELLED FROM ARMY. !'.«" ¦ March M Lieutenant Baron its» ¦-I./II Pat» n««. wl o murdered Prln«««»ss f»iu NO MORTGAGE TROUBLE FOR TEN YEARS The home-owner who makes age of our ten-year mortgage ig free from renewal expenses during that period. He need have no fear of his mortgage being called In a, panic when he can« not renew It. The liberal provisions of payment tempt him to try to pay off some of the principal every interest day. Call at any of oar offices or write for circular. TiTlE GUARANTEE AND TRUST C? Capital . . 5 4,375,000 Surplog (all earned) 10,625,000 «7«BVay.K.T. 178 Kernten St.. Bklm r»50 Pruton «St., Jamaica. iia Tri-gona 'ii Bast1 v.ii«. ladf <n «-Ming t». 'j'Ken H««rfena, has boon »-xpeiira » ..m ihe Hallan arm!. BRACING CAMORRA INFOPMER Abbatemagçio Urged to Continue Hn Revelations Without Fear I'lterho, Mar.ii jK ->Abbat«Hnaggto . .. ' at.,1-11 nsi tn'ornvr «Alio SSPOOSd the OS k inc< ot tha terrorists on tii« irttnosa -»¡in«*. <»n Kriday, las received aumeroua letters Urging him to COnRhiM hla re-, »la»ion* \g t¦« «mtereel of bis country, some ,,r t>.-» «»rl»e¡- :oc lilm not f«> fe;,r th« ve»..gnan-. «.f the camorra, as all tha world arttl sip. tot snd defend him "Evolution of The 'Standardized' Desk" A Wanamaker Exhibit For Businessmen. Near the "Model Suite'' in our Office Outfitting Gallery we are demonstrating Desk-manufact¬ ure.from raw lumber to fin¬ ished Desk. To business men "From Mis¬ souri" (who say "Show me") the exhibit illustrates the integ¬ rity mortised and tenoned in our Desk-warranty. Also how and why Wana- maker's Desks have become "Standardized." And how a thousand human heart throbs and wf*ar-resis»ing qualities are bestowed on each Desk. How each "Desk-unit" is the product of specialized skill and marvellously accurate machin¬ ery. How we obtain the beautifully matched grains in our three and five-ply veneers.etc., etc. Ask for the booket "A Mod¬ ern Miracle." It describes every process in detail. Observe how similar selected materials and honest workman¬ ship are embodied also in Office Chairs. Filing Cabinets, and "Everything for the Office." Note our reasonable prices. John Wanamaker, Originator of "Standardized" Office Outfit«*» Astor Place. (Subway Station directly in Store.) Seventh Gallery. Nc*v Building. A fjß(Amfy~ Caerás present today their showing of Summer Furniture for the Spring, 1911. The Seventh Gallery Is a Veritable Bower! One ol the most picturesque features ¡| the showing nf rustic and lawn houses, arbor«;, furniture. All are fashioned from the boughs of Vermont's grand cedars and Jersey's wood« land monarchs. There is scarcely a need for lawn. walk, pathway or park unprovided for.from a picturesque seat or chair to fencing panels and complete rustic equipment for a large estate. Whether you desire to expend much or little for the summer home makes little difference. There are prices for everyone. beginning around eighty cents or a dollar for comfortable chair--. Come and see, on the Seventh Gallery New Building. Everyone of these other great galleries, in this separate building devoted to home things, are in tune with the season Among the Fine Domestic Rugs are these exceptional offerings: At $16.75, 9 x 12 ft. high-pile Axminster rugs Princi- pally bold OrietUal designs.copied from Serapis, Afghanistans. Yapracs. At $21, 9x12 ft. sterling Body Brussels rugs. Fine Per¬ sian figuration. Oriental medallion centers. Light gray and floral effects. All of exceptional refinement in color. Splendidly sanitary weave. At $21.»SO, 9 i 12 ft. close-woven Axminster rugs. Also up to $32 fpr super-quality. Patterns for living halls, dining- rooms, libraries. At $30, 9x12 ft. Royal Wilton rugs.good worsted weave Skillfully rendered likenesses of Kashan patterns and albver Persians. French gray and chintz effects. Old tablet patterns copied from silk rugs. At $32.50, 9 x 12 ft. Fremont Wilton rugs. Same variety of patterns. At $35, 9 x 12 ft. selected Royal Wilton rugs. Cluetlv Daghestan, allover and Asia Minor patterns. John Wanamaker Formerly A. T. Stewart & Co.. Broadway, Fourth Avenue, Eighth to Tenth Streets

Transcript of Wl HO« SEES A PLOT CIA YIELDS...OF Many Employes Working Under Conditions That Threaten...

Page 1: Wl HO« SEES A PLOT CIA YIELDS...OF Many Employes Working Under Conditions That Threaten LifeandLimb. 1,200 BUILDINGS INSPECTED Joint Board of Sanitai-y Control Sends …

OFMany Employes Working Under

Conditions That ThreatenLife and Limb.


Joint Board of Sanitai-y ControlSends ¦ List to the Mayor

of Opr>n Violationsof the Law.

\ . ""¦ -.i xammatti IJ30S fa tor:*i,., |of« wilding* '«',-, !*,«i\ .-011,11101«»,!ahr'v. . .! ...'..' <* loos eon*

SHI«tins r. a« I k>u» vio»In« - « bull« ng ,\\ wltl '.

t.. irnlng. nrmre sent|aj lab« uni ms tti . .'. mptojte. «n . r«

Working und« l .. ;.ii« ¦'--»> '. '

Hrfs and limb In eaas -f IsaT \\ nshlngton Pis

thni ih»» 'nint Board of I I -m«-«>i

o: tii ,,. Bail and Bkli I Ttwd« maiti " .¡i- -.-.,- and .-

' .« Mir -. aaaran! .,.-.- of i latstm. of Hi«aaaMary a n lav la aumentáis it- a

«rlt»!.«. f:-"i". Mu« ir r, lynor doaraThe Board sras fwimd aftai the

ir.ent of t'i« last geraaral rtrther, "f r*«eventy«Jlv *v ikmahan and one of'ltsraMlvttles was an Investigation of the ron

atltinn«. .imi'nc th«'-<» wrK«»r»-. 1«-nr««i.».t» "i' two members of tin» «Cloak andt. Manufacturers' AssocrtsAlon, two nr-em-

4>*«i « of the s kermf km, and throe .

**»-. - . ' esenting (he pobli« Miss Lilliana bi l -.-..¦

More Than 1.200 Places V-nit-H.Thr chairssaa '.»in William X Schi«

and t..»- ai^-rotar Is Dl I v'


lasp«i tori eni last t*a

.*i »<..>ini; thnmrfh more tin,:' tweh* I ndr« I

fart«-,*-« and lofl bulldin--*. tti s tbelti 'i r<noria ha I nrat beei iheyi-., listed DSjNS ;' i-r,uii rares

latkMM of Hm sasSvar] and fir«, lajwii wan! It i» « *

v. nt .»ii to .iv. "t| spite of tlii»-. .¦

roartttiosM m 11m chsBh fs orí« s na, a

rompara Psawabab with thooe ka Ike -tiirt-

wstsl We sen! evenl

throe \ lolatsoras wMel ¦*.\ :-,.,i ¡, John T T irnar, who ara i a II« Hi

C ilon« for tw<'.' ¦ ¦'

¦-..,,. ,. of the i .¦" I .". i- s

retir« We have ilso

sen! .-i« « of the list i v ..

Hudolph Milk H :..¦ .¦¦.' n k n« of B«,i.-c Polk-e Commissioner ,-.-.. ad

mira toner Waldo:¦ n batst) sen! I. inufa« t-

r- ;:» tli- -. .'

m «ahowlts --r . the I wing la! er

P 't.-ik'.«-! _.ir ::. .i; .' I-.. . *.í.i¡\--i*s' T'nif'11

At the reogal

'¦» .,- lion« of Itt- .


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Union a! Clinl ¦.- Hall, So, rltll-r

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Fjr-starÎSS Viointinq tha Laa.. tentent. D«

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of about fifi

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If. Ill..



.... ...


d trad**,....




Pennsylvania R.R.Every Saturday$10 or 312


rj»trip Irai si n am

Ianr ',.

*.. *. V«il at


"lirai »a <

Washington place, thcr«* were two «floors--coupled l>y the rlonkmaktiiK Arm of Horn- !.tin \- Mayer, «employing .»ver one hun«drad ;"?r:,ojiH in !hat -pu.«-»'. an«l ü -.vn-«

«nl« inank.-» t.» th« Satintay imlf-liolldny«vln»«ii tii«' unions Introduced Into the In««lust**, ttiat tt« lives Of 111»- '">e liun«Jredoloakraakei s wera sav«sd.

«There la a tofl building. No. : WashIngton I'll.»», next t<> this hooee, witere !Ul< r.- ¡.i-»« no tlr>- »¦«»¦Hpi'S wli»if«-v><i ,in,l'\ lior«j» hundreds of pemons ere employedThe |otnt «board ol -unitary »uiitr«»i em

ployed Ik ii Inspector», under th« supervision ««i .lehn T 'r«iru«»r. a fonriCT a.«-«-

Hlstant «in». snltary lnspf-t<_i In tlie«Health l>epartment, and th« dais nth-1

« l bj these Inspe tors throws much ltiíliti ..«) ihe lnad«niuacj of the Sre proteetmn

farllltkw in m'.st of ih<- 12*3 shops «Sn¬ap, to»! i«\ i'i»« hoard.In fourteen «-li»«i»* n<> lin- .¦«»«.ai'» «- «it at!

«have «beei found In «ataty-flve simps n «.

i.r, ea-cape* w,-r« provided with Straighti.i.i'i« rs. wlil.-li «ir.«. ii." If well ki«"'vn. \<ry

-dangei.»i'« and whloli n<» «m«« who la notan experienced ladder climber enn «maken-,. <>«¦

In i««- shops '" droo ladders at nil werefound, »«i "m« found wen pla« ¦! «out ofreach.In v.'i shope, 01 M y*r oortt of all shops

Inopected, ihere was no other «*\it hi »rase If Hr« e\c* p| ««ii« tii« «escapeIn twentj tl r«» «shops the d«mrs leading lo

halla and atalrwa; wen fmind locked!.)urina tl . <i.i\In «int. shopa th« ta'.»- w«ir< .--j thnn¦¦ reel a Id« IIn 1,11 oi K .'. «pw cent "f «all

tl «¡« ending to halb« «peni I litli '. ..i ol oui us thi law i « .«n't-« i

in a word the Investigation has ithown.ha» even wttl thi low atandard* for flra(»i"t«''ti«m as demanded at «pr««eiienl by the

laa '... «re ar« hundred« snd thou»and« f violations In one Industrj aloneWhen we r«mne, however, to ronsklei the |

»Tlxtins reg ilatli I Hr« orot« tlonu m i»t admit thai the; ire fai lna«le»i .it. and in«i« ,¡ a rlelualon »hd s mar«

'I .«r< l-j u», r. i,.-., i «arhj the s-iallfil tire«

pra if buildings, .¦ « «. -¦. numbww«omen .«r« mss*«M] ' «re ii

no f« «-'ii wbj . es« ^i «. :iii not . « «»m

¡« led i«« i«!«i««ii!.« ....« «-. apes Noi Is theresi * reaacn whj t lie ?hopa which ar«'i"v-«i ».. . <',r<- .-i ipea should hsve but

-««.ii«. .- oar man) persons woi k\« «T'liin. i«> ihe !". sei w, if a

,- is provided irlth ." ,% lire escapel» nnsa era th« ¡ >ee, u hex hex ten per

. ten hundred work ihNo One Directly Resnonsible.

'¦¦ it .H presen! ¦ Ireal!« i.i.«« * ngle department whl h

i » aponslbl« :¦'. fire ;.tlon inilldlnga \«. hen .i complaint la

M-nt in to »ibe i.at'«»r Pepartmeni ihej refer IBul .¡ na* '.¦.:«. .«.» nt, nd II fur- jf« rr« »l som« where else

The Joint «board of sanitär) ¦. I ol hasrecent y, within thi las» few n*eeks,

In» estlgatlon ol flre pm. result "f this lnv«eatlf»atlmi

:: , hoard -rj)i ., ; -. ,,f sf«v< lit «.'! r«^»

«Ahlch were flam lolatlng th« ihm In¡¦¦.tori nee to prole «tlon »«¦ th« Mayor,Hie Hti .. -¦. .¦ ih« Bur« ¦.-¦> of Bi Ild

i'. Coi imleaton« r ami tin- Pollc-tCommissioner Th« «ward sent s list lo th«oakmakera' t'nion. and lnform«*d II Iba!. rondlllont . retn described are so sert«

'. .- .n- vin. »ii« «¡. the m-"n

in.i women .¦ I In these -1 ops workm der cl threaten iif« and

.. fire "

a letter was aeni lo «each employai repted on .'.';- list, Informing him of the I

itnlattom« with reference to tire protecttonfound h his -' op by our lnspect«ors.

ISSUES CALL FOR RELIEF.Mayor Invokes Aid of NationalRed Cross, New York Chapter.

¦ent out an ai«i»«'ai for

contributions last night through then« Vork chapter of I Nati««nsi Hr«i

. i. in aid of ' .- »i \ Ivon ol

li He atari I th« I with ¦ «con«: ; . id later Issued an ap*

to ii. public, which was «as follows:tlsens of New fork:

"The appalllns loss of life .«.rui «personalfactoi '«' ni N\'a-;ï'-

-.: -.«»»i Pla<*e ..¦ Baturda; afternoon callfor laraer i ¦. of elief than our

il ;. ~. «,- .¦. ;. ,«\t., ct-ed *«» meet

fp'-ii -i «resour««?« The Newv.'i'U chapter of the National «><] »Cross

iUed for f i»< nl '-'«iMri!) I oni

to be diati ¦. through the v.oA 'routif 11 afflliated member, lbs

^st«\' Y'ui. Charit; OrganlS-tlon «Society..'! urg« i to -iv. f thla pur-

' ending their -contribution! eitheri¦ . ii. «Schiff, treasunr of

th»* \. \» v««vk County '"liiiior «»f th« Na-*. onai R«ed « i"-.-. N««. .'.7 wiiiatn «street, or

to me for reuilttanc« to hira Acknowledge-m« nt ail ' niluugTn the pre*««

- anedl W l, GAYNl IB ''

The headquarter! nf the If lief comn tteeat No Mad «on avenue, tho Metro«

lonn for relief»: »i dlstrib'jt« «. rr"in t«her<.

i «i. )»« ard T, i *ey |ne, tai ol th«Set Vork charity Qrtto nisei ion Powill I« In charade ofithe h»eadquart>rra II«

¦ .- »t. ita »IIns R«ed ' 'retasf Commute of the «

Organization F .¦.

'. . eat. chah «man, « Uto T.'i. Mr John M. Glenn Uoyd C.

«i.i Mr w llllam P. Rli .. level mdit i.ge i« ...?"¦.i". in i Mr« R*. K.Di

o add to il. ent of in; dlsast« ani

Invite the Sea *i .¦¦..k Keno<iatl«»ti.«nd'li"n of the I "««r

nd tii" i'i.i'.«i Hebrew Charit lea !¦> .» nialBureau «»! Charitlea, of

«\1fre--d T. White Is preald« nt, t ill «o

I 11 ihe b« nefltBrool l«ent ? r« luff«

;,iif < 'asasza. dirt»« l«¦. of i)ie

\t« i------ ï n * House, snnoun-red lastu ni» ll..»--.»« of the 'in«-.. of ih« i«« rs i»'« i- ha been

.¦- -formani e to ;ni i heiff« reí i fi «i-i th» flre Tlie

.-«.. plaç« un .M«Ti'i,«« .«»

ing« menta aa .¦» tl e nat-of tl i«r«»ai ¦- .-«'..«i made,

hh- etya*ctedharl« Il il nrealdeni of Ihe The

u lation, and tiio

rganlxatlon, to n snge¦! .

. .«erformanc«\. f« eid at .«.«¦ti .,<-'<¦ via¦ m

Ih« im. «u charltl«*« Building, No MSenue, tatemen! wai given out,

. on munll "f Newfork snd lorrow .»<

;;< n m mam of,, « ..-, oi Oth« ». e« In

¦-..¦. The Cnlted Hebrew «Cl »rl.

i ! »rew Free H';r : «I ftecl« H« a

.,. ffer «every assl tan In.

M ol »: lewli arliahl« ¦« lanisa-tin» elty TA-'i«« drape«! Inf .' deadmagei \ ...«. v««> k

ed last nl| i the re

of 1 I heat re (.-». Mom «« .. Tu«and Vi'« «in- da; s ould la lui ned o* to



Thousand Persons Extend Condolencesto Pvclatives of Fire Victims.

Mor« ne thousan« persoi Rath« I. dai nf'» ; noon In i. «¡«»»« T< mple,

..... ;i»ii" .1 I. -.,.

f»»i ih«» ft i« nd ,«n«i

of tin Waist « ompanjletli

The i:« irles Stela ij «erintend« nt

temp id oi s church «anddepa ' ol .: !':< bj t« inn

«,n "The;. 1 I.i

snd frl« ndd ws

¦v i- K« .¦ Mi ¦¦ d fv'i'i'iith i«.

whl enveloped«and th« enth.u

suit ol . irophe, and i.sdof the reaolutloi i.»

i ..

VlK-r« . |n t ho

Tel ro Ight, wIh.i ,. t

pursu« »rder l .a rsast«

TO RELIEVE THE SUFFERERS.Marel .', Sotli srer« «snt

i. District :« |d« i. .i"-«» h

sn to tl. lh< nd< i,

r of II'rli «aland. \m k S'.i'' ' ill ¦- a "-i

.h [ to ihe n Ins -«i fui"!-|| . . d the faii» Of III« V.u. I,.I .«

i'U.«-' Or« ¡n Nsw ï«wk Ity.

[Twenty Organizations Join in

Fndeavor to Fix Blame.


Committee Will Ask All FactoryWorkers to Report Regard

ing Conditions.In r*aSB*oaSS t«1 a linrr\ <¡ill san! OtSt hy

Hi.» Waaasa'a Trsals Calan Lsasjae, rapr-s«». atathras of tw«»nt\ ina-ar rngantsatkmsararamljlnd >« Um kra-agus a« u«l«iin« tars yes-

terday aftsraaaw far the purpose of takin :

Immediate aetsaa in the matter of fixingthe ¡ilam. fer ilio m«» and loas of lif«» in

tii<» Triant«]«» Waist Company's factorjr. II¦w.im regarded as the most lasportnal labor

meeting arre kaki in ths lesgus ¦ headsjuar«t. riMis- Ida Rank presided, aad am^iK the

speakers wfr" Rabbi Stephen h Wlsa, waa

said, in panif tin Mame belongs anywhere, wa shall I

And It and it \«iii bs pranlshad Sen v«»-k

oui il to i" able lo r**btata a r**©ra**"*rtttee al'

twenty*flr« mam and woaiea who can ».' i

ai the facts. Then we shoold frams lagla»latloi i" ::' : da disaster. Ws doa't waa!this to croate a srsal panic of eharlty low-

ard those who suffered by the fir,«, arid ti.n

forrgol the whole thin«. Wa want t,« d-at

with the facia N" <»*!i' laI rnv-jstlastloo Ishould satlefj us, Ws most ha\«» s tars*«cltisens' rommlttse and we should .«r-k Ihal

;.'¡ ¦« omen of ihli 11 i :<~» MfTS

on it.Mrs. i.'xn.'i.i ««Rpiiu made

»,<ti,'i! .).(»ni t'« those pi »¦' al . ol to wastet 'i"- in going orar details '«i» «" ait *t

oners, and appoint .« committee, so that

their names could be given t,> the pr«"-«,in order thai th< great army of Ktr'«« whoare going to ^<Tk each nrt-ornlag in stmtlsr

traps may know thai awniethlng lai,«"ni: «I"- ' to protect t ''n-

«>n motion of Algernon Lee, a committeeof ti«.«¦ was appolnt«*«d bj the .hair it wentiîit'» session at once, Rml drr«- up i setof questions t'> ba sem to .-«n employ*** In.ill f.i.t.Tt.s ,,f th< «-it;. The committeeconsistí of sirs OlIasbaftiMNr, "f Ko East6sth street; sirs. Charlas Board, of No.6801 Seventh avenue: Mr». Stephen S. Wise,of No W«w*l Mth street, «and Miss WaRauh, I NO. 4< Bast ad «-tr-»*«t. Ths SUSS«lions they formulated follow:"Are ths noon lockad? Ara there any

l in mi the windows? «ire ihr freight ele-l» at"r doors ckwed i -»i i-í 11 «sr the day. Arainoro lire escap-sa on nil the ftotnra, and la«!-. re free access to the lire ...«,.ai"»!'' Ar«»

there any si raps lefi near ths motor <«r

engine? If any of these conditions prevailyou an» in danger from Bre. If yon nanti a

letter to sny nrrember <«f this commlttso Itlwill |«» treat«*-«! tu absolutely confldentlsand the mattei "ill be attended to at once.*"

Mr Maley, rapresentins ths Ladlea*!Waist Makers' t'nlon, >ai«l that at a spa*clalmeeting of «)"» executive board of that bodyi "id yesftordai morning M a*aa decided to'

establish a relief fand, and a commit.«** IVH- appointed to draft an appeal to tlie i

public, li« said thai II was In lia Triangle]Waist Company shop thai the rar-cenl strikefirst tock place, because of Inhuman .men! "i mploj . p.

A committe« of three, consisting of Mil«»*',M. Dnweon Algernon Lee and Morris Hill-1iiiit mi» then appointed bf Ml*. Rauh todraft o resolution to I-- Ri',*»n i" ..¦ presa.Here rearable and resolution iinani«n<oualy a«dopU ÛWhereas, s«. soon following lb« ¿ II

h.lust In '. .'. n Ighborlng rli; ol New»ark, and In --i it-» of the solera m g toour official. In a lending Ne«, YorK maçasine thai conditions arere as had or a-oraehi re, Ihl i «ürea-Jfu «i«-.it^r. r nas come '.« then... « he leas of oui p-eopl« tin arklngwomen of our etty in., tin»?.» dependentupon them; and

\\ ii.t«**«,. it is ni.iNi evlalant thaihas been leglecl on lb« pan of many, !*>oth,.fti. lals and private cltlaiens, h-m « -;« «Inllylack of " «peratton i«« prevent such acci¬dent and thai luch negi**«*« Is lmm«-dlateiy«i cal i,i..-i d. nlora 1 '. aflli« tlonBl

V« r.ereat, Ve! deeper lie ea i ¦. such satin ontlnuation ol Industrial '¦. ¦. tare, the

., to « fact and force proi .¦ fa« toi y \.i -. . t,. thi ;..,-.. usa l»l« dela> abo«il

u _. mea r« hi« li h ol et .. niil mis« i su h ilanffei and »provided

i'T |h< "iiii"'! ..i'ioi. ,,. i ». \i.ttni«« ,,f in-î.i ., mannei s hlch ie»

suits In s maximum of preventloi ai d\\ reas, T n lister and oui hrotl -

ers will have died In vain If the e i

es without .-« full í>!i<i firm exprerwaloiid .. indignation -'am«» and grief u'lthwhirli ih« horror lias leen recel e«l by all;now, therefore, he itResolved, Tiir " «. who are here .m*

Med deplon snd ondemn « illndness ofpublic official! who fatuousl permll suchcondition to continue, ibe greed of sochemployers as dn not welcome huí InsteadI« ni ¦. it11 n mises «»mployes e-lio demaud aaf'e rendition. in,:«i arhlrh to workand th< In« tie of th< urea!, busj pu ;i

«A'hlch does noi render such unprorttsbleh,,th in ti", publl« servant and the em-i,... >.¦ and « I! aimR nolved, Thai \,f. .tu upon ih. il-"-, e

of "in- ell« Mat«, and nation «.ng tont at who are respon IWe for m h

, ondll on. and t" t;,k¦Inip.« rdhle thai we should e*i*ei again be

grief .«d r.'c>- and »hame a: ilthouc ron Id o east I] jirev« il

ai d )¦" ,i dual yKeeol ed. I*hal we rail iipor the 'r'.ii.^^c

peopb of Mfea Vork and In sympaih«wltl them I« l"-ti i«, t:,. f ineral pr«j«*e«aeli>i..| lha victims, >i"i Ibus ^i.o etpra!ik'- .,. ....¦ orrov ''.d i" i elr resolvet,, pr* . oTrors In f- lui e

M, ,a Mill'I ho f.,1 ,,\\ Ing I o--,.!.ii r,.

it . also ad,,|l> d

n ., ommlltee "f tw«mty«flv« he appoint««I i¦-. i,. .ni. r-onsUtlng of mein ¦¦

.,. itad«. unions and othei l¦«¦ I«. ¦-. «., .-all n

mass meeting to determine a plan of actionju regard to the Investigation of ihe fa«*ts.* n. fire tr, plan leg station and to taUoi,|"|it measure tu enforce ni* la?

Appeal for Relief l.-iue.ri.The ejecutiva board of the l«adlei Wal

and t>rraamakers r-ii,n. Xo .'. Internatlonal Ladle, ilarnraml Works of America,.- a -i.o. «ni meeting yeel rdaj ¦. t. »t¦>ir.. -:.

m relief fund commute« to lid ll farm! lesof th« i letlms "f Ihe tire In th« Pi\\ da! i ompany'a factoi |ah eontrlbutlona ch«r»cki and postal ^n«i

., eat money orden should be mad, ouim the Relief Fund f"ommltt«**e and sen!«hi".; "> the tti., ,'f the l*adlea' WatrM andDreasmak '-' I nlOn So .'.. So, U>1 Clinton-ir.< t. N« w Volk.Samuel l'ntei n r a n«n sonal con.

irlbutloi "i *.'.'-" to the i ind


Dr. MaeArthur Refers to Factory Dis-¦-fitcr at Evangelization Service

.\ 5. i¡,,- in the Interest of th« evangel!*atlon «>* N< « V"ik wat held in th. ralvaryliaptlsl Church « terday nriornlng, alwhich addreasss wen mads i>\ the pastor,-.,. Rs« Di i: 8 Ma- Arthur, the !...".. pr,Edward Judson, of tin- Memorial RaptlatChurch; the Rev, Robert \Valu«i and thei.. lhai les 11. B« in

In is prayer i»> MacArthui r< f,rn t.,

il. Are of Raturdaj aft(*«rn<XMi raying:"Almighty Uod, regard with Thj ti.,-t

ri... Iou« fa« «.! ItK i" i« -,-..-i i .. th<»

t« i riba lira n» oui ritj C< mforn ii¡,ih-*

i lunn''i ,ni" «i« ., orroa i:< gracious toihose who r« Buffering rs«*ruclatlng pain

reasoi of ( his greal dl ., iter Be pk d

gii >. .«. ¡.- slclan. wh" iiiini*-)' la thorn.-¦i- i« wisdom and skill .m.- the sufferers

ilent lurag« is, heroic and ti m fuim ,, i..i n.,m «¦ "f pain Men if-ii Ood,

¦¦ ,.i !.,i,.,i r ,,. .inn. ¦< lheyowi ' ItMMK iin«i«-r th»!i .,ii In th. properlonstrucllon of factortas, ,n in.ikiii), propt^rcaita, und in ¡.li other <¦..>..- ,.,iin^ f,,r ih<-

romforti and MpaclaU) th« llvea «.f tn-.-e

¡n ih« ir emplo "

TO HOLD MEMORIAL SERVICE\ m-,,." lai errlci foi ihe unu of 11 ..

dl ter rill held in .ra. « "h irch, Nthtree! and Bi ads a "n W« dnesda si

i ii« will last tw« m«mu i« an ,«¦ 11 In«.lud I.¦ mn i r

snthim i«. tiir <.ii««ir uni un I'M-

Wl HO« LESSONInsurance Men Think Better

Protection Will Come.


Revised Building Laws and Auto-raatic Sprinklers Among the

Things Demanded.«Man*« «tending tir" Insurance «men «In ihls

. 11 y vristrrda*. »ureeil that the disaster of

S'aturdav nicht iind««iil'»«"dl.- W«9UM bring,i),.iiit vartly Improved «SOndttkms In tire

«protect-On nuch earlier thnn would «other««.¦»r have «baan pnssiPie «Bhrldga <.. «Snow,«,,. .-ddctit r'f the ll.iiiio |n «iran»e < 'onipany.I'harlr« «I. Smith, e»«i retary of the Herman«

Amerlean insurance Conspany, and Theo.Ilorn H Trie, a former president «-«f the

ITaKK OWTO «ant-tig »hose who emphasised«the tact »hat any «lay «flBtghl "ee anothernlamitr greater. If anvtMtiK. in it«- hor-

r'»ra. The ii«««-c«||y for a lavr nun pell In ir

the Installation of automatic aprinkier« in

all buildings mo»-<» han «S «tost li?l« «i«»- i\««'e.i t«« memanlihi «or «anuinfMUiilns nur-!Sttltl WM imiiileil «.nt by «'harles «; Hriitt M.S mambei of th.« |i<«.ii<l «if Fir» t"n<ler*rrlt-er--, and Who has satTad "it the BuildingCods «¦<mmi;;.'»i'»ii sinos Ml

"«»iir hull.linar la«.- ar" .l'fl« iont with r«»-

»pe.«» t,, nafSty of life an«! property n«_ain.-t«.astnwtlan by Btn\m «said Mr. Smith, "and jshould b« revised completely «and made to

.',. «the prsMnt metii".i« of buttdtng «on-,

Itmctkm. 1 belief« ,liat thie '.orrlt'le o\- I

por!en<~«» i« anipl«* rsaaon tor takinu Imnic-

dtate and active «-step«« for «tlM adoption of«

all neeeasary buMlng tpgutatkas havingtilt« ««nil in rlew,

Warninq from Newark Fire.

"That «th«ere should have heen fn«*h a UralIs n<> «surprise to me. i am on «record he«

fora «n im estimating committee in Albany«!'.-.ille«l vrhen th« Newark fir* waa the «ub-i

.».rt <»f much eomm-nt. a* ha\-1ns predi«ted

.liât New vnrk «CMy must expect far worse

ataiitrophes. if tlie «Jogs of life had bean lturtos a* gnn.t In Saturday'«« flre I «-hO_Jd lihave fei» no surprise. And yet tf the!;«building had «bean «sojarippal «»-1th «aatoaanttesprinklers I doubt tf there wo'ild ha» e Peon

,t Uf« i«,-i la «tact, my *xp«cTi»»nec <«r

thlit' \oAre leads mt tO repeat that there

aould not have l«««en on«' life lost"Automatic sprtnkl'Srs «should bs «reqnlred

in« law in «such «buildings The difference (,

in the Insurance rate goe« largely to pajr-j«int .«>¦ the Installation of the spriakl_ra, i «

hare knwn cassa where the «reduction in¡.«premium coat ^ reason of tno Installation liof .i itomatk aprtnktera pal I for the «equip«moni i«l-iiorjt at on« .¦. Tlie average reduc- jti««n in insurant*« rate Is equal t«> ¦ return 11of :'."« per eenl upon 'ho money Intrusted,.«. i. h m «ans thai the installation wouldpaj f«ar Itself by «saving In Inaurancs co.-t1,alone in four Sai8."Mr «Smith s.-ii.i thai .« stream from the/

«¦..-..».. i»¦'.?¦i i" «'«> «good servi.« «should n»«t

«have «to i"1 played upon a building higherthan «slaty or slat] -flre feet."This la thi height of s live -tory build-

«Sag, he «said, "u heresu the eighth «st-orj«->( the «^liirt trapst ff-ctnry, «,». !-.» re the tire'atart-ed, was one hundred feet or more

above the «street. «Because ¦ «boas «streamcannot he «played r«*t'< lively at a heightgreater than «slxty-flve feel or live buhIm,non-flreproof buildings usad tur mer. .nuil*-1or manufs t'«-' an irpoaas should ».¦ r«

M:i«t.««i to slxty-flve f»«««t. Own«srs of Bra««proof buildings taller tiian «dxlv-tivo feet'whe-n used for mercantile <>r nmnufactur« ¡lag - ould be compelled lo in-tail aiito-mat!« »prlnkleti

Tight Bulkheads Needed.Another thing Tlie pre ent la«* pis en

no limit upon the .-¡7.e of the flooi area «if

-UnOlngfl l»"Wi"«H flre «rail* Tl.* BaSMprinciple exactly tl.af «hip OWlteri fedlOWt«» protect their paseeng-ers* lues a' sea. bythe us.» ,«r watertight compartments, «miiiibe adopted on land to -a\c the Uves «-»f;

aorklng «men and "««men The «'7.»» of ihe(flooi sraa between fir« walla should not «bepermitted to exceed 10.490 Kiuan f«t«tt for «i

fireproof building and ."..».' «sqtiar« f««rt fornon-flrep.( building*, an»i In each case

e t'n. walla should be equlpptsd withsutomaticall« opera»Ins flr-eprool1 «should «be i"» oppoi unity f»->r .«n*.

mai '» turer lo crowd an many a* oned working pi ople i one room."

Our '¦¦ ...« been made tafe, Mr.Smith pointed out, sinos th« l«esson l«*amed«by ihe irn,|ij..jH Theatre Hire In «ChicagoAutomatic Sprinklers are required In ¦!!i eat -. b« «u« \n«i «,n tin« atrange etas-'.»m of prote «mi to «lie utmost Ihe pie¦re seeking «public, whl!« omitting to takesimilar precautionary «m»easu*-s "ti «behalfof the ' «l ».. .,. : in lofts, Mr.¦ml< _r«nt Injustlc« i ommttted

Kll 'iLe C. «SnOW -aid '".«. th-ouglit it'I be a r;.»««»») thing f«>r t'ommlsshmer

Waldo to >< .« .l.a»'L«e «if tl,-» !tl«|.Ii«»li «»t

hnlldlnga. Tue intimate relation betw«eenputtins '»«u a itr.¦ and preventing one '*,,,,

¦uch -* i«« render singularly appropriatesn lo luthoris« '«omnilasioner A\'a''i

.i« »jet,, ¡it suitable Intervals tuen fromown for« to Inspect «buildings. Mr

Id« thai ' .. believed this «policy.» .-« light! n esifill 'n Roston

Faith m Aiitotnatic Sprinkler*.lutrnnatle sprinklers «would «have «put

»¦nt ihe ."». in Ihe ihlrt -»«'it «factory at.. nor'- ,i 1 Mi sn"».». "ftpeaklng r.,»iclili should aay Iheii Installation there aouldl

rest not mors than it,. \ better!name than Breproof for such ., structuraWould he ¡' ik>w burning conatrti«etlon build¬ing And there sre ...»'al grades of slowburning rotlstriMrrlon Borne of 'hem nio'<le-tr; il ,.| .,ib.>;-<¿ TI «re slioilld be -«Hie«

.. tii tl i bj law i« t" »he number <<t persons on ¦ floor, an«! then lome provisionshould «be «mads for çettint; them «out «by«... escapea The rspaeltj ol flre e»,.,-(p«.s¡mould i« regulated a«fcordlng to th«-« num-i «i of emplo; .»«.

"San r.'i"«i«<i> ha« le;irn»««i llil- I ha\e-, en th« fr«Mit of a lift«. ,.'»»t building eav«,i»«il \«!lli lit. **cAyo< ..ii* there

"I!.i«< >"'i not noticed «he amount ofrubbish tl it Is permitted to «-hnk« flre .¦>*-

capea In this «rlty* These «rnainads of «saltaehould be Inspeeted by somebody al le.ist

i«. » ¦ month.'"n< «trumpet note to «be s««iin«ieii al tM-

lime should be, I think. Inspection cleantl-i»»««-.- «and protection."ti <. i r» H «Price v.Hd he had «retired

from Ihe iiie Insuram. lieid hscause thefundamental fault in Neu Torh Cltj was

ti<« t.'.«.'t!"ii nf «al^aorapera Mr. i'ri««e is

opposed to «tall buildings, in the pressai ac¬cepte« undsratanding «<f ihe t«-rm. and as«p.«. i.i ii-. «so In ail «eases where m«srcantlle or

manufacturing purposes at«« uppeinmstT: « height of «sverj «building should i»e

governed, be »a.,«-, bj the «sJutfacter of in

cupanpj Four or live «stories sh«ould «bshi legal maximum v.'.i-.o induatrtal par«

m. followed


Board Adoptcrl a Preventive MeaMireAfter Big Newark Fire.

M «« »-.-¦ t<« ¡«ii. «i lii-t niuiit thai »i few dü\M

,,fi, the «factor] tu» m Newark«! wh««spa eo

«many lives were l«ost AMenaaa «Ralph «folkrodu sd ¦¦ measur« to prevent s similar

., .. i« in t!ilr- »tty.ii, «propoasd thai the «building «suporta«

.«nu»ni« if tii« dlffaronl boroughs i« «re¬

quired t<« !"««k Into the maU'T nf tire. ¦ hi« mi «all factor) buildings, snd i.i-«i« ''««n »is unanimously sdopted bj tue


it kli m n r«iii. aid last nlghi «thai .«> farr« p..« i, d ». n made h lb« i upe» In

landen p« tii» Board al «AMeraan.

SEES A MURPHY PLOT< «>i«i ,n«i«-,l from flr»t mía«*

l>f»in«>i-r»tir ropr'-eontati« o win» »lostr«»**to ». ,.to for m«. In the «ai.iirt, I will not

«>rfrrifl tn«. loyal mid courageous m«sa whoha*,¦.» he« n supporting ni« sines my n«»m-

inaii«>ti by saying to any "ti1* of themth.-it h.» shall not .!«« so."Mr. sii.« hin'.« Istter, In full, folliyara:

Ta tii" r>« naocratic Meinbera »I the Leglalaturs ol ths State ol New York.

B) Ihe unanhno s vote ol the Denur-erstl«members of the [.egUlature s caucua h*.«'i««.n rail«'.; for Monday evening neat t"

conaldei tin matl r of Ih« United StatesSenatorMj position >'ii the senatorshlp lias nevar '

been a matter "f doubt. hav« repeatedl:Bald, and I n«»« reiterate tiiat under n«> clreumataracea ivill i decline the mr-mlnatkaiarhich waa given ni«- by the unanimous vot«"f tii«. Democrat!« caucus held on Januar«tí last, lair arfll I soluleece In any suggsitlon rhst in.. Bams r-haii n«>« be presentedfor . Msl'l»>ratu«n to an« fiirnr» |)ptno«-ra«l-*cau« us

ir. a lottor addreaaed t<> ths Demo» ratlcmembers «if tha» [legislature on February MlJ said:"I cannot, as the représentative .of my

party, r.l«»a«.«' mon elected n« lioino«-rat«from an obligation which they ows t<» theparty »rid ncd te ma bear no contract'ialrolatlo is with thoai who ar«- voting for meIf it be pnaaltilr to -.lens»' thorn, the pertymoat «i<> fo. n,,t th«« part«, candidate"I shall ramsIn ss my irerty's f*andldate

.'m Catted States Senator so king as the(arty rJeaires m< lo «fo so, no matter whai ;lh> persona! rons-xi'ienco«« »«« in«- may h>

tor «will i i .. word or deed -1" anything |!that v in trustify trio minority in their efform to frustrate the declared »rill of thai,majority. If, howaner. the majorlly of ai; Itho stoned I'oinn«-rati.- Senators end Assemblymen «.hall s>kii .-« call « «meetingtho Democratic caucus be reasaembled, 1si all loyall) abiiJe bj rho decision of thaita and If such emu« us shall rl Id«thai another than myself shall ho chow -

t,, carry rh.» party standard which I havebean carrying stncaj January W, ir'". I ailjt-'v» to such candidat« tn- unqualftled andwno-te*heart«ad support, bul short of su harii'Hi I shall n«'t be a ;iart< to tin» dastruction of th-> principle of matorritjr rulo."nom Ibat position heve no! deviated

end a III no| da-vlate s hah' breadthif. an«! wtion. a majority of tho Démo¬

cratie rapr«**sentallves shall d**-ci*Ja In ra«i

cue to roi «'ii«i'lor iiio vote by which i waa

nominated foi ,'nlted States 8enat«>r, t«

anj person partl<*tpating ih«**reln who feelsthat ho is thereafter bound lo continue t..

v«,to fog m« becs use of the prior raucus a«

Hi,-, i «jay thai the de« Iston of the new

mucus should '-o as binding ami effectivess the rlrat if. k» the result of the cau¬cus Brtton ir "lia i.«- determined t" assinproceed to tire nomination of s futí-i datefor Cnlt«d S'at«»a Senator to ai | man who'¦«itiHidor« that he la hound for am- reasonother than his "-.vu senas of duty to cotefor me, i releas« him, so thai hs may votefo. whom ii«* wills Should s majority ofll,.-> Democratic reprewentatlves rhoora an»other than myself »a the part« candidatefor Cnlted Btstet Son.nor. such action, inmv opinion, will operate a« n release fromnM the obligations <>f the prior party ra i-

¦«. in rh«. event thai s Democrat otherfirm myself shall ho selected, I am sure no

«Senator <r member of Assembly t 111 affrontn .¦ '¦ continuing to «rote for me In tho joi-.tissembly. If, however, those srho partici¬pated it« the Aral caucus, or Bnj others whomay not have participated theraCm. dealre |t,, rote for -no 'n ti .» mo\>- caucus, they havemi full consent t., do >*< Even if ( ere bei || ningl« Democratic représentât Iv« .. »

¦,...,1. to vote for me In the caucus I will.... effend the loyal and courageous m«»ir

« ave ;,'«T ipportlng me since mjnomination >,v saving to any one ol themthat he shall not do so. R«*spe«»tfiillv vours,

WIM.TA M P. BHEEHAN.»¦, Vor!*;. March tt. 1*11.


Insurgents, However, Say TheyWon't Enter the Caucus.

Oovernor Dix lef! Sem Tors for Albanyru ih" noon train rraterda« spparently '

more hopeful of Ih* outcome of ihe sena*

toiial Ighl than an« other poUtlcian urhoruld be found in tlrlr- «dry.Charle. F Murphy, who gave matter at

VIbany his personal dire,**! and undividedattrition when William r. Bheeban's name

run«» "in of the Democrat» ratr-cus on

Januan H tost, lefl the city about «i'o¡sa. timo **-»r his country placa at QoodGround, r/onir Island

Nvitii«r Oorvarnor nm- immni bad anythinglo add in rh" wa-. of common! ta prophcya« to the possible ending of the deadlock.Rven with tho new cau«*us scheduled for

lo-hlghl D-wnocratlc politician' who ea*

t... t r.. ace th« flgl .:.,' ih,n could notlh found! fnat«**ad of anything as hopeful

lhat, thera was onli the repetition of

the wore from Murphy thai II was to be a

free and open "unbossed" caucus

The nbo.sed" peri of i! will be for <¦-,-

t,,n.,i ob .'.-.¦>Ion only ac-cordlng to 'ho

aoiv of one prominamt Denurcral yeater»Tbie man de< tor« d thai Ihe T im-

many leglslatora recrived their orders for]the "imhceraed" raocti yesterday morning, Iend the sum and substance of the orders!i- thai the Morganlsat!<Hi*' wants s rertalnamounl f Jockeying to h* done, to tho end:¦.,, ..... ion ma« he reached aa t., therhances »I bringing forth 11 name of i »an-1

Id i. « -.di.ihin aa ihe can .. ndldate.i .. j.'.'¦-¦. ins. it was understood, would I

Ir.rlude such detail. .« an apparent *-pli' in

y many vote, i-arefullj handled, so

ri re v .. ild h«» n.¦ of ., d« ¡«isl« o \oio

¦ .i snj ..-¦ r:. i,.' ,. ¦ "ii «)'. (1rs! ballot Whenthat 1 he lead h* Ir no. o the < 'obelan han« ¡ ti .. ordei wmildhe changad so that the name of Murphy'sright hand m-«n In Mie organization would

tho only one voted for on s so**ond bal*t

in .pit« of ¦' fs . lha! the InsurgentsI,-. furnish**«] a black ü^t. arhich Includes

befiidea Cohalan - name tho«.» of BheehanJohn R RtanchfleM and Da l.«n--o\ Klcoll.I¡I loomed to ho tho general opinion yeetei<«.-,« that fohalan wru the chol«*e whosename I most llkel* to com« "«it «.f tho,o ond i lueus.

USELESS CAUCUS EXPECTEDInsurp;rnt,3 Probably Won't EnterIt.Smith Still for Sheehan.

Albany, March il »T«evel«>pm«*ntii h-r«-«« nigh! a luid indi« a thai little ««. «n ,-.ni«

1..I .i,i,., rail, CaUtm. to ho ho],«td-morron night to selec! a candidate (^r\the ITnlted Btatea Senetorshlp who win bes.ui'faotoi v t., surf!« t«-1.i numhei "f Demo*Ierratic members «,f the Legislature (¦> ho;elected Tha Inauraenta on lha one handan lusphrioua ><r the motives behind thealun«, of ths caucus, and '«.hi probabl) no!

«-.on .'¡itri it on the other hand, theretoa strong tendenc] : -imní main of the ao-lcalled r« pniars to stick *o Bheehan, n,. mat«.or nrhat happensWhen aaksd if ho arould go ln«o tho cau*l

rus Senator Franklin D Ikioa« elt, the In«urgent lender, to-night aid"1 hü! not kn.iw definitely until .' .-',

o'clock te-morrow night. ,m« Imprrea ton,however, is that «, «ill not go In."Ths friiMids of tha Insurgents say thai

it is tii,- [iian of Coartes P. Murphy andtha other Tammanj toa«torr« lo *"-aiti»r the !rotes of the regulars to*moriMv night aftergetting «s many Insurgsnts to ,«tt"n«i asli o.ssii i<«. « in Tusada*! nlghl thej look for |ward t" another caucus being died, wh«»n Ithi same pr-ocednre aill be gone through< »r. Wednesday, when II Is thought that theInsurgents ar«. believing that everything'¡t «.-oii'n ail rinht. ¦ third caucus will i»e» (called bul tiio Tammani members will and»senli units on i».«ni"i v. « 'ohatan, Mmpright hand man

"The arguments will be mad«', if u, .,,,

«¡i- atis|,..,i, ..,i,i one "f ths Insurgents to»'-"» I. that a a hav« la tos gom Into tha'"''-11- .i raranol «.mi arell iham ge bock<»n the eauens eandldata Ths aama kind ofI reseure Is no« being broughi on the in«surgen] to gel them t,» anter ths caucusi a- basa Iwoughi to sat ths« lo \ot^

toi BhaahaaMan) legislators, both Rep iMlcana and

Democrats, began to sppsai in Albany r,,-rnlghl -vi" Smith, majority toarSer <-f thoAsssmbl] m.. i s.u. i,,; Wagner, of th.»,,!" '.. »rrived together shout 11

,"1'"1- Mr Smith d rlared that i. ,..l""1"1 to .". '¦ - Itaa, n raattei« ii<->in tbt 'íui-ijj.selsctsd.

CIA YIELDS 10 RUSSIAReady to Acquiesce Fully in

Czar's Treaty Demand-?.


Japan Was in Readiness to In¬vest South Manchuria if Sit¬

uation Became Critical.

Peking, «March «M» «China Is nd prapnredto antagonist Russia completely, and a

r*»aiiit at «prolong« d ««t.fer u «*es the 'hlnessForeign «OfBce t .- -. ¡. i >- a.-s ir<<! the Ruaetan-llalster, M. K-oroetoreta that «.Thin« «willacquiesce unreservedly <>n Monda] lo »

demanda made i.i the Russian ultimatumcon«cernlng th» provision.- »i the treaty ofIM. Rossis in.'i«»ted upoi »t. an iwer «be¬fore TUSOdai

It i- «generally eon ld«et_d lhal Iher« wnano alternativ«- course in xrion ot i^ilnautter unpreparedneas for war Intensa iteres! Is being manifested In the attitudeof Japan, which »« obviously holding en«

ttrely aloof, «although nuire powerful than. ver at PokingWhile th» p.«,in« between linn an I R .-.

sis have been shnoal oMiterat»«-) by tii«t'lent «series «of ultimatums, an i theoretlealty iti-niflii'ieiit cause for «.¦ upatton es-llets, Rusats apparentl; fear; thai sha Inbtaln onlj popar promisse, which thariiinosc would not observe unless Intimi«latsd Russians h«ere point oui that theyhave losa non In the ws ot concessionsfrom Chins than when tha treaty ^a.«

sign« i.Some gre«i'.t«-' of «lie i«««4ation quarter

«i ni« Ruasla for not foHo«aing in thefirst Inntancc the ''cent example set by«"¡rent «Britain In rx-cupylng lerrttorj an«;swatting Chinea« re)i«line«-= t»-> dlscuM thecontested points. But II it-" recognised thatRuasla, by failing to do this, hs -.that eh» «!o»s not posssss aggrsaaiva do«signs. The «''.in«-«» newspapers, which ar»

:r,fens» ly Ignorant <«r «foreign affairs, ar»

very hoetil«t ag Insl Great Britain, which Ithe] accuse of egtnnlng the present landgrab, and th« y prophesy that both Japanand France «-rill n'«t «be l"ri. In following]sullReports from Harbin atste that 'he Rua«

««dan railway has «refused t«, t«ranaportaetreral carioada of arms ^r.d ammunition I«i. »irie,i toy i'i.in.T. garrisooi on thai«frontier, l*Vom elsewhei In Manchuria Iloin»'» IndlcattMia of Japanese readio«-*» to

iveal South ICanchuris «h^uld the Ros-ilan Investment in ; he north assuma a

letioua aspect.in a «receñí Issue "Th« Peking «Dal

Sewa,' In an editorial, evidently Insplrod»y the hin««.««« Por-eign -Board, d riar«adthat China would not submit to 'he so-1sited aggression* i»f various potrera, an«!that .«lie would not sign away h-ei .lationairights, whkii ni'iat be taken from her.Whether thi-' was «>n!y s threat Intendedi«« a.<M«t China's d|plomacj to«morrow¦ho ild -..


GMoUtti'l Probable Cabinet.Five ofLuzzati's Advisers Retained.

I'orn«. March -»' Ko oIRcla] announ*!-*nein ha-i yol «been mads a» to the now

net, t»':t it Is c-onsidered probabb I itt ".in e conatituted about a- follows.«Premier and ^r n ..-; t of tha Inter! w,

;i«iv snnl Ololitti.Mini iter ol Agriculture, Sipn«-«- Rlssolatl,

*.«.'« r of the Bo* allst Parliamentary groupPublic W oi ks, s "ii««r -' k hiPubll» Inatruction, Bignor i.Yedaroli sn« Big. «Tacts

M-tine, Admiral i attollcsWar, ,i neral .-pluear«!!Foreign Affairs, Marquis A «ii Ban GMu«

iani«Justice, Bignor F"inoc«-hiaro

..-. «iv'ti«-!*- Ablgn»ntePoeta «ml Telegraphs, --ii.-« or tiaccei'i.Five of tiic ministers mentioned were in

Lussatl «i. Inel

BALLOON LANDS IN RIVER.Cassel, (lermany, March It «-Four «pas«

«sengen In tha ipherl« «i «balloon Mi»nhurg!mí .i teirlhie experience while attempting

... the N'orth «Ses to-day. A hurri-jsne drove the balloon, which n-«»n«'i«,«l atI.jtenburg In tits duchj of «Saxe-Altenburg,nto the «Fulds «Rl «sr, ahich Is orer Itsrinks oo SCCC-Un! «Of the il«¦..«.'«. ap<1 tii»

...-t« wir« «rescued «with difficulty.jme of th«etn was severelj injured Th«*ulloon travell« .'¦¦ mllea In tl «roe h«-»iirs.

MATERNO EXPELLED FROM ARMY.!'.«" ¦ March M Lieutenant Baron its»

¦-I./II Pat» n««. wl o murdered Prln«««»ss f»iu


The home-owner who makes age ofour ten-year mortgage ig free fromrenewal expenses during that period.He need have no fear of his mortgage

being called In a, panic when he can«not renew It.The liberal provisions of payment

tempt him to try to pay off some ofthe principal every interest day.

Call at any of oar offices or writefor circular.


Capital . . 5 4,375,000Surplog (all earned) 10,625,000«7«BVay.K.T. 178 Kernten St.. Bklm

r»50 Pruton «St., Jamaica.

iia Tri-gona 'ii Bast1 v.ii«. ladf <n «-Mingt». 'j'Ken H««rfena, has boon »-xpeiira » ..mihe Hallan arm!.


Abbatemagçio Urged to Continue HnRevelations Without Fear

I'lterho, Mar.ii jK ->Abbat«Hnaggto . ..

' at.,1-11 nsi tn'ornvr «Alio SSPOOSd the OS kinc< ot tha terrorists on tii« irttnosa -»¡in«*.

<»n Kriday, las received aumeroua lettersUrging him to COnRhiM hla re-, »la»ion* \gt¦« «mtereel of bis country, some ,,r t>.-»

«»rl»e¡- :oc lilm not f«> fe;,r th« ve»..gnan-.«.f the camorra, as all tha world arttl sip.tot snd defend him

"Evolution of The'Standardized' Desk"A Wanamaker Exhibit

For Businessmen.

Near the "Model Suite'' in our

Office Outfitting Gallery we are

demonstrating Desk-manufact¬ure.from raw lumber to fin¬ished Desk.To business men "From Mis¬

souri" (who say "Show me")the exhibit illustrates the integ¬rity mortised and tenoned inour Desk-warranty.

Also how and why Wana-maker's Desks have become"Standardized."And how a thousand human

heart throbs and wf*ar-resis»ingqualities are bestowed on eachDesk.How each "Desk-unit" is the

product of specialized skill andmarvellously accurate machin¬ery.How we obtain the beautifully

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Ask for the booket "A Mod¬ern Miracle." It describes everyprocess in detail.Observe how similar selected

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John Wanamaker,Originator of

"Standardized" Office Outfit«*»Astor Place.

(Subway Station directly in Store.)Seventh Gallery. Nc*v Building.

A fjß(Amfy~ Caeráspresent today their showing of Summer Furniture forthe Spring, 1911.

The Seventh GalleryIs a Veritable Bower!

One ol the most picturesque features ¡| the showing nfrustic and lawn houses, arbor«;, furniture. All are fashionedfrom the boughs of Vermont's grand cedars and Jersey's wood«land monarchs.

There is scarcely a need for lawn. walk, pathway or parkunprovided for.from a picturesque seat or chair to fencingpanels and complete rustic equipment for a large estate.

Whether you desire to expend much or little for the summer

home makes little difference. There are prices for everyone.beginning around eighty cents or a dollar for comfortable chair--.Come and see, on the Seventh Gallery New Building.

Everyone of these other great galleries, in this separatebuilding devoted to home things, are in tune with the season

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At $16.75, 9 x 12 ft. high-pile Axminster rugs Princi-

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Skillfully rendered likenesses of Kashan patterns and albverPersians. French gray and chintz effects. Old tablet patternscopied from silk rugs.

At $32.50, 9 x 12 ft. Fremont Wilton rugs. Same varietyof patterns.

At $35, 9 x 12 ft. selected Royal Wilton rugs. CluetlvDaghestan, allover and Asia Minor patterns.

John WanamakerFormerly A. T. Stewart & Co..

Broadway, Fourth Avenue, Eighth to Tenth Streets