wk 2

Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System: FAQ/Walkthrough by Kouli Version: 1.5 | Last Updated: 2007-08-27 | View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System (PS2) FAQs & Guides Would you recommend this FAQ? Yes No ---------------------- Final Fantasy XII International ------------------------ ----------------------------- Zodiac Job System ------------------------------- --------------------------- FAQ / Walkthrough (JP) ---------------------------- --------------------------------- Version 1.5 --------------------------------- ------------------------- By Kouli ([email protected]) ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ <Nalbina Fortress> ~ <Royal City Of Rabanastre - 1> ~ <Dalmasca Eastersand> ~ <Rabanastre Downtown> ~ \Dalmasca Westersand/ ~ \Zertinan Caverns - 1/ ~ \Dalmasca Eastersand - 1/ ~ <Giza Plains> ~ <Garamsythe Waterway - 1> ~ <Rabanastre Palace> ~ <Garamsythe Waterway - 2> ~ <Nalbina Dungeons> ~ <Barheim Passage> ~ <Royal City Of Rabanastre - 2> ~ \Garamsythe Waterway - 1/ ~ \Sky Ferry - Ultimate Bow/ ~ <Sky City Of Bhujerba - 1> ~ <Lhusu Mines> ~ <Sky City Of Bhujerba - 2> ~ <Dreadnought Leviathan> ~ <Dalmasca Westersand> ~ <Ogir Yensa Sandsea> ~ \Zertinan Caverns - 2/ ~ <Nham Yensa Sandsea> ~ \Zertinan Caverns - 3/ ~ <Tomb Of Raithwall> ~ <Royal City Of Rabanastre - 3> ~ \Mosphoran Highwaste/ ~ \Salikawood/ ~ \Necrohol Of Nabudis/ ~ \Nabreus Deadlands/ ~ \Dalmasca Eastersand - 2/ ~ \Barheim Passage/ ~ \Garamsythe Waterway - 2/ ~ \Zertinan Caverns - 4/ ~ <Rainy Season Of Giza Plains> ~ <Ozmone Plain> ~ <Jahara, Land Of The Garif> ~ <Zodiac Job System> ~ \White Mage/ ~ \Shikari(Hunter)/ ~ \Samurai/ ~ \Black Mage/ ~ \Archer/ ~ \Breaker/ ~ \Spacetime Warmage/ ~ \Monk/

Transcript of wk 2

Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System: FAQ/Walkthrough by KouliVersion: 1.5 | Last Updated: 2007-08-27 | View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQsReturn to Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System (PS2) FAQs & GuidesWould you recommend this FAQ? Yes No---------------------- Final Fantasy XII International ----------------------------------------------------- Zodiac Job System ---------------------------------------------------------- FAQ / Walkthrough (JP) ------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.5 ---------------------------------------------------------- By Kouli ([email protected]) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ <Nalbina Fortress>~ <Royal City Of Rabanastre - 1>~ <Dalmasca Eastersand>~ <Rabanastre Downtown> ~ \Dalmasca Westersand/ ~ \Zertinan Caverns - 1/ ~ \Dalmasca Eastersand - 1/~ <Giza Plains>~ <Garamsythe Waterway - 1>~ <Rabanastre Palace>~ <Garamsythe Waterway - 2>~ <Nalbina Dungeons>~ <Barheim Passage>~ <Royal City Of Rabanastre - 2> ~ \Garamsythe Waterway - 1/ ~ \Sky Ferry - Ultimate Bow/~ <Sky City Of Bhujerba - 1>~ <Lhusu Mines>~ <Sky City Of Bhujerba - 2>~ <Dreadnought Leviathan>~ <Dalmasca Westersand>~ <Ogir Yensa Sandsea> ~ \Zertinan Caverns - 2/~ <Nham Yensa Sandsea> ~ \Zertinan Caverns - 3/~ <Tomb Of Raithwall>~ <Royal City Of Rabanastre - 3> ~ \Mosphoran Highwaste/ ~ \Salikawood/ ~ \Necrohol Of Nabudis/ ~ \Nabreus Deadlands/ ~ \Dalmasca Eastersand - 2/ ~ \Barheim Passage/ ~ \Garamsythe Waterway - 2/ ~ \Zertinan Caverns - 4/~ <Rainy Season Of Giza Plains>~ <Ozmone Plain>~ <Jahara, Land Of The Garif>~ <Zodiac Job System> ~ \White Mage/ ~ \Shikari(Hunter)/ ~ \Samurai/ ~ \Black Mage/ ~ \Archer/ ~ \Breaker/ ~ \Spacetime Warmage/ ~ \Monk/

~ \Knight/ ~ \Red Warmage/ ~ \Engineer/ ~ \Uhlan(Dragoon)/~ <Trial Mode>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

<Nalbina Fortress>High Speed Mode: Use L1 To Turn It On Or Off

You'll be controlling Reks. Move the Camera Angles with the Right Analog Stick.Use the Left Analog Stick to move toward Basch. Move toward the DalmascanSoldier and talk to him. After, get near the gate and press Circle to enter.

You will fight an Imperial Swordsman. Pressing Triangle will bring up the PartyMenu. Pressing Circle or Square will bring up the Command Menu. Pressing Startwill Pause the game and to end the game, press Square during a Pause. If youpress and hold down R2, that's Escaping. Pressing Select will get you theLocate Map. Within the Locate Map, L2 and R2 are to Zoom. Lastly, pressing theRight or the Left of the D-Pad will display the Target Info.

-------------------------Boss: Tiny Airship RemoraHP: 2200

Attack or use Thunder. Keep on attacking and avoid its Remora Bomb. Basch willuse a Mist Knuckle to end the battle.-------------------------

Next area, use the Locate Map or the Mini Map to navigate through. There aremany enemies here. You don't have to kill them all and you can hold down R2 forEscaping. At the north and east, you can get Potion. Take the stairs that's atthe north.

Moving on to get near the Save Crystal. You can check it to heal HP, MP & savethe game. Go on up and Reks will fight three Imperial Swordsmen. Finish themoff and move around to south to pass a door. Continue to the NW.


<Royal City Of Rabanastre>

You'll be controlling Vaan. Finish off three Were Rats. Besides the Equipoption, the World Map option will also be added to the Party Menu. Anyway, gotoward the south to meet with Migelo.

After, the Item, Weapon and Armor Shops become available. The Magic and TechShops are still unavailable. Once you are ready, go into the northern housewhich is the Sand Sea Restaurant. You will get the Clan Report and Licenseadded to the Party Menu, as well as the Accessory Orrachea Armlet & a PrepaidWrit. The License offers twelve Jobs and one character can only pick one. Youcan't change the Job after you picked one.

Exit out and press Select for the Locate Map. As you can see, the next stop isto get to the east. Before going there, check out the Magic & Tech Shops sincethey are available now.

If you check the Magic Shop for 25 times, you can get the Trade Good Mage's

Monograph. If you check the Armor Shop for 15 times, you can get the TradeGood Scholar's Monograph. If you check the Weapon Shop for 30 times, you canget the Trade Good Knight's Monograph. If you check ANY Shop for 30 more timesafter the above or check ANY Shop for a total of 100 times, you can get theTrade Good Sage's Monograph.

Go north to another area. There is a Gambit Shop but it isn't available yet.At the west, speak with a Mysterious Bangaa to get in the Clan HQ. Speak withMontblanc to become a member of the Centrio Clan.

Go SW from the Clan HQ. You will get to the Jajim Bazaar. As a Centrio ClanMember, you can use the Clan Shop here.

Once you are ready, head to the middle section of Rabanastre. The west & southgates are blocked. Don't head to the east gate yet. Around the middle fountain,there is a Merchant. Speak with him and get the Requested Delivery Article.

Afterward, toward the Imperial Soldier at the eastern gate. Next area, speakwith another Merchant. Give him the Requested Delivery Article. There is a SaveCrystal and exit out once you are ready.


<Dalmasca Eastersand - 1>Items: Potion, Antidote, Eye Drops, Phoenix Tail, Firefly, Hi Potion

Explore around for items and enemies. Make sure you avoid the Wild Zaurus. Ataround the middle, there's the Mob. Before that, you can check out the north.It leads to the Small Camp where you can rest for 100 Gil. Check around thecamp for more Gil and items. One of the items can be Firefly.

-----------------Mob: Stray TomatoHP: 134

Get close and attack once the Charge Time Gauge is full. Repeat and keep yourHP high. Chase after it to finish it off.-----------------

With the Galbana Flower, head back to Rabanastre.


<Rabanastre Downtown>Items: Phoenix Tail, Echo Herbs, Potion, Antidote, Eye Drops

Speak with Kytes by the gate. After, you are to get to Downtown. You can takethe stairs at east or north. Before anything, get back to Tomaj in the Sand SeaRestaurant. If you check the Bulletin Board for 20 times, you can get the TradeGood Warmage's Monograph. If you check the Bulletin Board for 20 more timesafter the above or 40 times in total, you can get the Trade Good Dragoon'sMonograph.

From the central fountain area, you can go pass the south and west gates now.At the central fountain area, there's a Map Shop at NW. Pass the south gate,there's also stairs to Downtown. Lastly, there's a Chocobo Shop beyond thewest, south and east gate.

In Downtown, explore around for few items. There are a Shop and a Warehouse atNW. A door within the Warehouse can lead you back to the area where Vaan foughtthe Were Rats.

Anyway, head to the southern section of Downtown. Smaller area but there arefew items here. There is also a Shop at the middle. Afterward, go south to getin Daran's Home.

After, you are to exit out from the south gate of Rabanastre. Before that, gocheck out the Sand Sea Restaurant.

-----------Mob: ThextaHP: 380

Check the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. There should be one forhunting down Thexta. Speak with Gasli that's nearby to start this up. Go exitout at the west gate. At the 1st area which is the Galtea Hill, run along thethe south side. Make your way to SE. You will see this huge wolf. Beat it & goback to Gasli in the Restaurant for your reward. Gasli will then move to theBazaar. Speak with him and check with the near Clan Shop for the Trade GoodHunter's Monograph.-----------

---------------------\Dalmasca Westersand/Items: Ether, Phoenix Tail, Steel Gorget, Hi Potion, Dark Mote, Diamond Armlet, X Potion, Potion, Cotton Cap, Antidote, Eye Drops, Leather Shield, Onion Arrow, Echo Herbs, Broad Sword, Leather Armor, Cotton Shirt, Onion Shaft, Orrachea Armlet

\Zertinan Caverns - 1/Items: Firefly, Ether, Phoenix Tail, Remedy, Sand Of N-Kai, Antidote, Echo Herbs, Gold Needle---------------------

------------------Mob: Flower CactusHP: 755

Check the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. Exit out at the east gateand at the first desert area, head to the Small Camp. Talk to Dantro here andgo north afterward. This area is the Ripples Maze. Move around and look forthat Flower Cactus. It is at around the middle, a bit toward the north. Uponkilling it, you will get the Cactus Flower. Go back to speak with Dantro foryour reward.------------------

-------------------------\Dalmasca Eastersand - 1/Items: Hi Potion, Silence, Dark Mote, Ether, Argyle Armlet, Poison, Bangle, Thunder Fang, Potion, Antidote, Echo Herbs, Chronos Tear, Eye Drops, Hand Axe, Onion Arrow, Shoot Bow, Phoenix Tail-------------------------

From the Ripples Maze which is where you fought the Flower Cactus, go NE toget to the Nalbina Fortress. There are a Shop, Teleport Crystal, Bulletin Boardand five Shops. You can find Jovy at the last area but we can't do much yet.

After killing the Flower Cactus, speak with Dantro once again. From the Small

Camp, go north to the Ripples Maze. Open up the Map with Select. The goal is togo north all the way to Southern Village Nearby Nebra River. In the Village,there are Map Shop, Item Shop and Teleport Crystal. Anyway, speak with Dantro'sWife around the middle of the area to get the Thousand Needles.

Speak with Dantro's Wife again. For the Semclam Shell, go check the shore andspot the shiny thing in the water. Back to the Wife and to get the Nebralim, goback to speak with Dantro. Check the jars near the Chocobo. Go back to speakwith Dantro's Wife. However, you can not get the Valeblossom Dew yet.

Once you are ready, go back to Rabanastre and exit out at the south gate.


<Giza Plains>Items: Knot Of Rust, Phoenix Tail, Dark Mote, Hi Potion, Blind, Potion, Eye Drops, Antidote, Echo Herbs, Chronos Tear, Ether

If you have bought the Map of Giza Plains from the Map Shop, you can pressSelect and view the whole map. Anyway, explore the first area and go south.

There are a Shop, a Save Crystal and a Map Shop. Speak with Mashua here. Afterthat, Penelo joins the party. After, speak with Kamina that's near. Anyway, goexit out and Penelo will give you few items. You can set the Gambit On Or Off,as well as changing Leader with Up or Down of the D-Pad.

Anyway, take your time and explore. Beware of those Were Wolves at SW section.Try to avoid them. The next destination is the southern small area on the Map.Speak with Jin there to get the Shade Stone.

You are to check out four Black Crystals that are displayed on the Locate Map.Once you charge up the Energy to 100%, you'll obtain the Sun Stone. Mashua willgive you few items afterward. Be sure to check the Shop here since it has beenupdated.


<Garamsythe Waterway - 1>Items: Phoenix Tail, Aero Mote, Remedy, Potion, Eye Drops, Antidote, Broad Sword, Javelin

Go back to Rabanastre. Use a Teleport Stone to check out Southern VillageNearby Nebra River. That Shop has been updated. Anyway, go back toward Daran'sHome. Penelo will leave the party. Speak with Daran and you will get CrescentStone. Exit out and head to the northern section. Go NW to the Warehouse to seeKytes. You will get few more items from Kytes. Go take the door to move on.

Save the game. The right leads to an item and go left to move on. Take time toexplore. The paths are straightforward and just be sure to use the Mini Map orLocate Map. There are quite a few items around. At the end, you will make it tothe Rabanastre Palace.


<Rabanastre Palace>Items: Elixir, Phoenix Tail, Ether, Remedy, Antidote, Potion

Get the Map and save your game. Through the door and go up. Toward the Guard bythe stairs and speak with the near Banga. Press Square to call the Guard tocome and you can just run around to avoid him to get up the stairs.

For this area, lure the guards to make your way around. The goal is get aroundto the middle area. That floor has the Lion's Crest. Use the Crescent Stone.Check the NW wall for the secret path. Go on and check that wall at the end.Check the other corner for a switch.

Through the door, you'll get the Goddess' Magicite. Continue to go up. Balflearand Fran will join the party at the end.


<Garamsythe Waterway - 2>Items: Phoenix Tail, Ether, Hi Potion, Dark Mote, Soleil Fang, Silken Shirt, Long Sword, Antidote, Altair, Leather Plate, Chrom Leather

Save your game & go down stairs. Battle Member and Gambit will be added to theParty Menu. Check the soldiers near and on to the next area. Next, get the Mapthat's just around the corner. First stairs leads to item, the next stairs isthe path to advance. There are few items around, grab them on the way.

For the next few areas, it's straightforward. Be sure to use the Mini Map. Youwill get to another Save Crystal. Go down from there and you will get to fightfive Imperial Swordsmen. Amalia(Ashe) will also be assisting here. Talk to thatAmalia(Ashe). She will join you as a Guest Character. You can control a Guest,as well as setting a Guest as the Leader or change their Gambit. However, youcan not change a Guest's Equipment and a Guest does not have a License Board.Anyway, move on afterward.

--------------Boss: Prin * 4HP: 360 ~ 420

You will end up fighting these yellow slimes. They are all weak against Fire.Exploit that weakness and gang up one after another.--------------

Afterward, continue on and you will get to another Save Crystal. Save your gameand go through the door.

---------------Boss: Bush FireHP: 3571

It's got quite a lot of HPs. Set one or two characters to heal or revive withthe Gambit System. The attack to watch out from Bush Fire is the fire attackthat can also inflict poison. Make sure you lure it to the water all the time.---------------


<Nalbina Dungeons>Items: Knot Of Rust, Tourmaline Ring, Orrachea Armlet, Ether, Phoenix Tail, Hi Potion, Aero Mote, Bronze Helm, Aquara Mote, Potion

Keep in mind that you don't have any Equipment or Item. Explore around for few

items. Save your game and move on.

-----------------------------Boss: Daguza, Galeedo, GwitchHP: 232, 158, 142

No Equipment or Item for this fight but it's rather easy. Use Fire or Attack totake them out in this order: Gwitch, Galeedo, Daguza.-----------------------------

After, move up to get back your Equipment and Item, as well as the Map of thisarea. There is Item here as well, get them then go save your game. Move on andas you can see, quite a few guards here. Fight them all if you wish. Explorearound and look out for items.

Continue on to the NW section. At the mid part, toward the door that's shown onthe Mini or Locate Map. Afterward, through the door to go down to follow thatJudge. Basch will become a Guest Character at the end.


<Barheim Passage>Items: Knot Of Rust, Balance Mote, Phoenix Tail, Ether, Battle Harness, Potion, Aquara Mote, Thunder Fang, Cherry Staff, Dark Mote, Pointy Hat, Bronze Armor, Antidote, Aero Mote, Head Guard, Oak Staff, Capella

Go down for more items at the corner. Go on & hit the near switch if you wish.It doesn't work anyway. Save your game and speak with the Banga to get theFuse Tube. Go back up and input the Fuse Tube. Go back down and that Banga cansell you stuff if you speak with him again.

Anyway, press the switch near the Bangaa. That will lift up the fence. As youcan see, that uses the Battery. Go on to the next area. Try to take out anyBattery Mimick you see on the way. This is some long path to south and thereare quite few items around. One of them is the Map of this area.

As you move on to south, there will be a path to a west area. Confirm it withthe Locate Map & head there for a switch. The switch there reduces the Batteryby 30%. After, continue to south.

Save your game and move on. Beware that some item box here is actually Mimick.Anyway, make your way to SE. Eventually, you will get to another Save Crystal.

------------------Boss: Mimick QueenHP: 4073

Take out any Tiny Battery that's around. As for the boss, keep on attackingwith Blizzard and use on the Gambit to heal. The attack to watch out is ThunderBurst which can damage the whole party and inflict poison. Make the necessarycuring after.------------------


<Royal City Of Rabanastre - 2>

You will end up in the Dalmasca Eastersand. Your goal is to get back to the

Royal City Of Rabanastre. Before that, check out the Gambit Shop in Nalbina orwait till the one in Rabanastre.

Upon entering Rabanastre, everyone will leave the party. Go save your game.The Moogle here can instantly move you to different parts of Rabanastre. It'spretty useful if you don't want to walk or run around.

Anyway, you can head to Migelo's Item Shop to meet up with Kytes. Next, go toDaran's Home. Speak with Daran and you will get the Dalmasca Sword in the end.Head to the northern part of Downtown. To the western section to talk to Balzacand at the end, Basch will join the party.

Now, head toward the Sand Sea Restaurant. Go in the Restaurant and head up to2F. Both Balflear and Fran will join back the party. Before anything, reportback to Montblanc. If you check out the Bazaar, you can find Catrine. Speakwith her for the first choice. Anyway, let's hunt some Mob.

-----------Mob: WraithHP: 5146

Check the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. Now, get to the northernpart of Downtown. Speak with Milha by the northern house to start this up. Now,take the right door in the Warehouse to the Last Disposal Block of GaramsytheWaterway which is the first area after the WareHouse. To the center of thisarea and it will show up. Go back to speak with Milha for your reward. If yougo in this house, check the table for the Empty House's Letter. The hint isEast, SouthEast, East, SouthWest, SouthEast. This will come in handy later.-----------

-------------------------\Garamsythe Waterway - 1/Items: Gravity Mote, Priny Tholoide, Ether, Phoenix Tail, Dispel Mote, Sand Of N-Kai

Within the Last Disposal Block of Garamsythe Waterway where you fought Wraith,take the gate here to the Central Control Block. You can explore further. Oneof the items is the Map of this area.-------------------------

---------------Mob: NiwatorisuHP: 7509

Speak with Montblanc in the Clan HQ. Go to the Giza Plains and to the Nomads'Settlement. Speak with Danya here. Go east and you will be in the Gizas StreamCoast North Side. Clear all the enemies then exit and enter back this area.Repeat till you spot the Hinadorisu and Niwatorisu. Finish them off and getback to Danya for your reward.---------------

---------------Mob: Rock Titus

Speak with Montblanc in the Clan HQ. Take it and we will get back to this onceyou get to Bhujerba.---------------

Be sure to talk to Montblanc before anything. Once you are ready to move on, goto the western section of Rabanastre to get to the Airship Terminal. Within,

you can take the Airship to Nalbina. There are two Shops on the Airship. Makesure you go in the Lounge and speak with the Cabin Chief for the Letter FromThe Eldest Daughter.

--------------------------\Sky Ferry - Ultimate Bow/

While on board the Sky Ferry, get to the Deck. On the Deck, go up stairs. Atthe north, there could be a transparent chest. Since it's invisible, you can'tsee it nor you will get an alert. You have to get close to the north and see ifsomething is in the way. If it feels like something is there, there's atransparent chest. Equip the Diamond Armlet & you could get the ultimate bow,Seitengrate. However, the chance of getting Seitengrate is one in ten thousand.

- Two Handed Bow- 224 ATK- None Elemental- 75 EVASION- 25% Critical Rate- Long Range- Fastest Charge Time- No License Required--------------------------

Once you are ready to move on, speak with Balflear within the Airship Terminalin Rabanastre.


<Sky City Of Bhujerba - 1>

Exit out and Ramon(Larsa) will join as a Guest Character. Continue up and thereare Map Shop & Armor Shop. Most paths are blocked by guards but you can headsouth for Weapon and Magic Shop. Go on to south.

Next area, check the Tech Shop and move on for the Gambit Shop. Go on to onemore area. There are Shop, Save Crystal and the Map Shop. Once you are ready tomove on, go in the mines.


<Lhusu Mines>Items: Numerology, Aero Mote, Snake Rod, Steel Gorget, Assassin Dagger, Battle Bamboo, Aquara Mote, Dark Mote, Balance Mote, Potion

Go down and continue on to the west. Eventually, you will need to head up tonorth. Continue to go up to fight Ba'Gamnan, Fuwaji, Gijuu and Rino. You don'thave to beat them. After, return to Bhujerba.


<Sky City Of Bhujerba - 2>

Go toward the Save Crystal. You can Appeal with Square and try to raise theRumor Level. Appeal whenever you see people around and just raise the Levelto 100%. You can usually increase a lot if you Appeal before a Bhujerba Guide.However, don't Appeal in front of any Guard.

Afterward, you will be in the Restaurant. Anyway, you can explore the remainingparts of the town. The Item Shop is to the west.

------------Mob: NidhoggHP: 6079

Within the Restaurant, check the Bulletin Board to take this. Speak with Eicomat the area before the mines to start this. To the Lhusu Mines and head to themiddle area of the Map which is the First Transportation Route. You should beable to spot Nidhogg easily since it's pretty big. Go back to talk to Eicom toget your reward. DO NOT sell the Great Snake's Empty Shell since it comes intouse later.------------

---------------Mob: Rock TitusHP: 17548

If you've already started this previously, head to the west part of Bhujerbato speak with Pilika. Go to the Lhusu Mines and move up to the North all theway. At the area called Second Mining Facility, go to where you met with theBa'Gamnan Gang. Rock Titus will be there. Go back to speak with Pilika to getyour reward.

Speak with Pilika again. You will get the Tech Shop's Arm Band. Go to the TechShop. Go check the Bookshelf for Pilika's Diary and go back to Pilika. You willget a Bangle(Accessory) if you pick the 1st choice & an Jade Collar(Accessory)if you pick the 2nd choice.---------------

Once you are ready, go to the target location on the Map and go in to meet withMarquis Ondore.


<Dreadnought Leviathan>Items: Partisan, Reflectga Mote, Sleep, Iron Armor, MP HP, Solin Blade, Potion, Cross Bow, Shepherd's Bolero, Gold Needle, Prince's Kiss, Chain Plate, Iron Helm, Hi Potion, Iron Sword, Vega, Phoenix Tail

Vossler will join as a Guest Character and you will get the Map. Save the gameand move on. Avoid the lasers and make your way around. At the south most area,the upper level got two paths to east and the lower level got a path to north.

Take either east path at the upper level. It leads to another area to explore.Head up to north to turn off the Door Lock. Go through the near north door. Inthere, hit another switch to turn off more Door Lock. There is a path to godown around the middle. Go on toward that target location for fight Judge,Imperial Swordsman and Imperial Mage.

After, you get the Number 1 Brig Key. Use the key to go through the near door.There are four rooms here. C-201 got the System Control Key and Save Crystal.C-203 is the Merchant/Shop. Ignore C-204 since it's empty. After, check theC-202 to find Ashe. Ashe will join the party afterward.

Go exit out and you will need to back track all the way to where you firststarted in this area. It is all the way to the west. There are too many enemies

around since you are in Warning, you should just escape.

At the end, you'll meet up with Larsa & Penelo. Vossler will leave the partyand Penelo will join back the party. You'll also get the Manufacted Nethicite.Go on and time for another fight.

----------------Boss: Judge GhisHP: 4120

Quickly take out the three Imperial Swordsmen. As for Ghis, keep on attackingand move away to heal when he tries to use Aero.----------------


<Dalmasca Westersand>

You will be back to Bhujerba. Before you get back to speak with Marquis Ondore,take the Airship to Rabanastre. Be sure to speak with the Cabin Chief.

Once you've spoken with Marquis Ondore, you will end in Dalmasca Westersand.To advance, go west. Before that, you can explore the Dalmasca Westersand ifyou haven't done so yet. Further, more Mob hunting.

----------------Mob: Wyvern Lord

Back to the Sand Sea Restaurant in Rabanastre. Check the Bulletin Board to getthis quest. Go to the Weapon Shop in Rabanastre to speak with Shaluar to startthis. We will get back to this in Nham Yensa.----------------

As for the Dalmasca Westersand, it's rather huge. Spend time to explore around.The enemy to avoid is the Dive Eagle. For the most NE section, you can passthrough due to the strong sandstorm. The SW of the southern area has a paththat leads to the Zertinan Caverns. If you head into Ogir Yensa Sandsea,Rabanastre, Giza Plains or Zertinan Caverns, enter back to Dalmasca Westersand.There is a chance for the sandstorm to show up. During a sandstorm, there is atough enemy known as Spirit Gnome. Avoid it as well.

BTW, the Shop in Dalmasca Westersand has been updated and be sure to speak withCatrine at Rabanastre for the second choice.


<Ogir Yensa Sandsea>Items: Golden Amulet, Ice Field Fang, Chain Mail, Soleil Fang, Healing Rod, Reflect, Sirius, Turtle Choker, Paramina Bow, Lambent Hat, War Walker, Thunder Fang, Hi Ether, Leather Gorget, Potion, Ether, Ancient Sword, Phoenix Tail, Prince's Kiss, Round Shield, Eye Drops, Remedy, Poncho, Killer Bow, Triangle Hat, Kogarasumaru, Bhuj, Gold Needle, Musk Stick, Sand Of N-Kai, Handkerchief, Antidote, Gold Shield, Linen Cuirass, Wizard's Robes, Echo Herbs, War Hammer, Barbuta, Chronos Tear

Continue on and go up the structure. You can get two Maps. Go on and you willmeet up with Vossler. He will join as a Guest Character again. Continue on togo down.

To move on, go NW. Open up the Locate Map and as you can see, the road willeventually split into three paths. They all meet at west but take some time toexplore them. The NE and West both got paths that lead to the Zertinan Caverns.For the paths to Nham Yensa Sandsea, it's at most West and SW. The SW has aShop and a Gate Crystal. BTW, make sure you avoid Spirit Salamand.

----------------------\Zertinan Caverns - 2/Items: Darkness Kill, Soleil Fang, Potion----------------------

Anyway, take the most West path to move on.


<Nham Yensa Sandsea>Items: Heavy Lance, Cura Mote, Soleil Fang, Balance, Embroidered Tippet, Ether, Chopper, Lohengrin, War Walker, Chanter's Djellaba, Lambent Hat, Knot Of Rust, Hi Ether, Chronos Tear, Phoenix Tail, Hi Potion, Gold Needle, Balaclava, Triangle Hat, Bulky Coat

Save the game and talk to the Moogle before going to the next area. Continue onand you will see all Wultan Yensa are ganging up on Wultan Eater. Take it outand get back to speak with the Moogle.

From where you are, back track to Ogir Yensa Sandsea. Go up the structure tospot the Moogle and Wultan Yensa. Go back to the Moogle and check the flowernearby for Eksiro Berries. This will come in handy later.

Anyway, time to go on to the west. As for the south, it leads to the ZertinanCaverns. At the west most area, there's a Merchant/Shop. Go west to move on.However, you should check out the north.

----------------Mob: Wyvern LordHP: 18669

At this north area, head to the north hill to spot the Wyvern Lord. After youbeat it, don't forget to get back to Shaluar whenever you have the chance.----------------

----------------------\Zertinan Caverns - 3/Items: Hi Potion----------------------


<Tomb Of Raithwall>Items: Collapse Mote, Vanish, Hastega Mote, Dispel, Flame Staff, Blood Sword, Elixir, Random Magic, Handkerchief, Chanter's Djellaba, War Walker, Hi Potion, Gold Needle, Bulky Coat, Lambent Hat, Paramina Bow, Ice Shield

Upon entering here, the game will prompt you to save. Do so then continue onfor a fight.

------------Boss: GarudaHP: 6754

Use Eksiro Berries before anything. Attack with Gun, Bow, Pole, Spear or theMagic Dark.------------

After, go up for the Merchant/Shop & Gate Crystal. Check the Ancient Mechanismhere to warp in. Move on for a fight.

------------------Boss: Demon's WallHP: 22187

Equip Cherry Staff and an Accessory that blocks Silence. Cast Reflect on theparty and use Aero on the party. If not, run to the other door.------------------

Beyond the door, there's another fight.

------------------Boss: Demon's WallHP: 10332

Equip Cherry Staff and an Accessory that blocks Silence. Cast Reflect on theparty and use Aero on the party. This one has lesser HP, you should be able totake it down.------------------

If you've defeated both Demon's Wall, go back to where the first one was. Checkthe Hidden Jewel for the secret path. It leads to the Collapse Mote.

Anyway, continue on from where the second Demon's Wall was. Go down and get theMap first. If you need to go back out, you can take the south warp. To move on,go down from the left AND right. They both got pedestals that you can check upon and will reveal the hidden path.

Once you are ready, take the hidden path and continue to go down. Eventually,you will get into a fight.

-------------Esper: BeliasHP: 15943

Attack it with Water or Aqua Bullet if you are using a Gun. Keep your HPs highand when it's low on HPs, it will use Firaja. Make sure you cure the Oil statusafterward. BTW, there are two items here and make sure you get them. One ofthem can be Elixir and the other can be Random Magic.-------------

Afterward, Belias will be added to the License Board. Head in the door and moveon. You will get the Dawn Shard(20 MAG DEF But MP Becomes Zero) at the end.Take the warp nearby and back track out this tomb. Save the game and go down toanother fight at the end.

-------------Boss: VosslerHP: 9318

Fran will be in Berserk. You can assist here and take out the three ImperialSwordsman. After, focus on Vossler. Reduce enough of his HP and summer outBelias to finish him off.-------------


<Royal City Of Rabanastre - 3>

You will be in the Bazaar of Rabanastre. Before anything, let's do few things.The Tech Shop in Nalbina has been updated and be sure to check with Montblanc.While in Rabanastre, speak with Catrine at the Bazaar for the third choice.

At Nalbina Fortress, you can find Jury near the Guards. Get near the Guards.Rent a Chocobo from the near Chocobo Shop and get near the Guards. The twoGuards will escape. You can go Mosphoran Highwaste from here.

---------------------\Mosphoran Highwaste/Items: Gold Staff, Bio Mote, Kiku Ichimonji, Knot Of Rust, Avenger, Thief's Cuffs, Diamond Armor, Gillie Boots, Metal Jerkin, Elixir, Hi Ether, Dragon Shield, Stone Bow, Echo Herbs, Hi Potion, Antidote, Balance Mote, Black Garb, Remedy, Potion, Gold Needle

In Mosphoran Highwaste, there is a rest area with a Gate Crystal and a Shop.To the NE, there's a Stray Chocobo. Feed it Gysahl Green if you wish to rideit. To the NW of Mosphoran Highwaste, there is Salikawood.

\Salikawood/Items: Vanishga Mote, Gokuu Pole, Dark Mote, Bastard Sword, Ras Algethi, Knot Of Rust, Charm, Adamant Hat, Hi Ether, Antidote, Eye Drops, Prince's Kiss, Chaos Mace, Phoenix Tail, Hi Potion, Sand Of N-Kai, Potion, Rose Corsage, Chronos Tear, Remedy, Ether, Handkerchief, Bacchu's Wine, Balance Mote

Go north to a Save Crystal. Go on to north to another area. The Map of thisarea is at the south. If you go on to north, it leads to a Gate Crystal. Beyondthe Gate Crystal, you can fight Bomb King(HP: 37596).

Beyond the Bomb King, the west leads to Necrohol Of Nabudis and the north leadsto Nabreus Deadlands.

\Necrohol Of Nabudis/Items: Silencega, White Mask, Aeroga Mote, Protectga, Dejon Mote, Bubble Mote, Collapse Mote, Rune Blade, Black Robe, Jade Gown, Carabineer, Balance Mote, Shock Mote, Giant's Helmet, Jade Collar, Faith, Brave, Bio Mote, Hastega Mote, Chakra Band, Hermes Sandals, Penetrator, Hypno Crown, Cura Mote, Burning Bow, Holy Mote, Ensanguined Shield, Caesar Plate, Gravity Mote, Orichalcum, Aerial, Levitatega Mote, Power Vest, Vanishga Mote, Doom Mace, Reflectga Mote

At the third area, go to the north and check the SW corner for the BaknamusMerchant.

\Nabreus Deadlands/Items: Gysahl Green, Thunder Fang, Ice Field Fang, Stun Bomb, Holy Mote, Maduin Gear, Stone Shaft, Mythril Blade, Flame Arrow, Elixir, Hi Potion, Knot Of Rust, Fuzzy Mithra, Lower Calvados, Bowline Gallon, Dejon, Cross Scale, Barrel Coat, Aqua Bullet, Remedy, Opal Ring, Chronos Tear,

Bacchu's Wine, Gold Needle, Handkerchief

Go on to NE to a Gate Crystal. From the area with the Gate Crystal, if you dosouth and check the NW, you will find a hidden path. From the area with theGate Crystal, move on to north. Check the north for another hidden path. Youcan get Dejon.---------------------

At Rabanastre, go to the West Gate to speak with Limzatt. Head to the centralarea before the gates. By the fountain, speak with Katse. Head to the northernpart of Downtown. Norton is at the near SE of the Shop. After, head into theDalmasca Westersand. Go to the Wind Ripple Ground which is the area that'seast of the west most area. Wind Ripple Ground has two parts. Your goal is theSE section which is entered from the southern area. In that area, check oneJumbo Cactus to get the Wind Globe. After, get back to Limzatt. You will getthe Wind Vane at the end. With that, you can go through the NE area in theDalmasca Westersand. In there, you can fight Earth Dragon(HP: 70982). Beyondthe Earth Dragon, it leads to the northern section of Dalmasca Eastersand.

At Bhujerba, search around thoroughly for fourteen Bhujerba Soul. One BhujerbaSoul is worth 1000 Gil. Collecting all fourteen and sell them all will earnyou 14000 Gil. However, there's one you can't sell yet.

In Dalmasca Eastersand, go back to Dantro's Wife. The Ship is by the shore now.Speak with Chigri and go to the north shore. There's a Map Shop and go to talkto Luxera. Head back to the south shore to speak with Dantro's Wife. Behind thehouse that Dantro's Wife is by, check the Cactus Flower. It will come with youso you can go back to the north shore. Go up toward the Cactus to get yourreward.

-------------------------\Dalmasca Eastersand - 2/Items: Evil Slayer, Bone Mail, Hammer Head, Obelisk, Dragon Shield, Berserker, Diamond Helm, Viking Coat, Bone Helm, Gladius, Black Cowl, Hi Potion, Phoenix Tail, Gold Needle, Antidote, Remedy, Potion, Ether, Bangle, Chronos Tear, Bacchu's Wine

Exit out the village at west. Go north to the area called Fractal Sandy Soil.This is where Valeblossom Dew is. Get near ANY flower and get the ValeblossomDrop. Get back to talk to Dantro's Wife. Lastly, you can hand over GreatSnake's Empty Shell to her. Exit and enter back. Speak with Dantro's Wife.Behind the house that Dantro's Wife is by, talk to a Banga to get the BarheimKey and a Balance Mote.-------------------------

With the Barheim Key, you can get back to the Barheim Passage. From where youare, go down to south. From this big desert area, head to the SE. This smallarea leads to the Barheim Passage if you have the Barheim Key.

-----------------\Barheim Passage/Items: Soleil Fang, Glacial Staff, Vulgar Scale, Thorned Mace, Gladius, Remedy, Levitatega Mote, Toxic, Bubble Mote, Ice Brand, Cura Mote, Sledge Hammer, Collapse Mote, Cross Helm, Kagenui, Demon's Mail, Dejon Mote, Mental Break, Murasame, Lower Calvados, Pedionite, Fuzzy Mithra, Six Fluted Pole, Power Wrist, Bowline Gallon, Agate Ring, Elixir, Reverse Mote, Hi Potion, Enchanter's Habit, Diamond Shield, Jujitsu Gi, Phoenix Tail, Lamia's Tiara, Bacchu's Wine, Potion, Sand Of N-Kai, Cameo Belt

Within, go north to the Gate Crystal. From the area that's south of the GateCrystal, go west. There are two paths. Take the upper one. Continue on to theConnecting Bridge. Move on and it would seem like a dead end. However, you canactually knock down some cart around SW. Go on and you will get to the SaveCrystal. Beyond that, you can fight the Esper Zalhera(HP: 72248). Beat it andZalhera will be added to the License Board. After, the path will back to theGaramsythe Waterway.-----------------

----------------Mob: White MooseHP: 69469

Check the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. Head to the western gateand speak with the Teleport Moogle Sorbet. Go to northern section of Downtown.Go to the Warehouse and take the right door to the Garamsythe Waterway. You'reto get to the SW area which is the Western Water Regulation Block. Once youbeat it, you get the Broken Key. Get back to Sorbet for your reward. You willget the Sluice Gate Key.----------------

-------------------------\Garamsythe Waterway - 2/Items: Jade Collar, Aquara Mote, Aero Mote, Long Shaft, Gilt Measure, Achilles, C9H804, Gold Needle, Hi Potion, Chronos Tear, Ether

With the Sluice Gate Key, head back to the Garamsythe Waterway. At the earlyarea with the Save Crystal, you can use the Sluice Gate Key. There are fourpedestals you can mess with. Do the followings: Make sure Sector 10 & Sector 3are both activated. Explore SW for a pedestal and activate this Sector 1. Goback to deactivate Sector 10 and Sector 3. Activate Sector 11 and Sector 4.Explore the SE for a pedestal and activate this Sector 1 as well. Once you'vedone the above, get back and save your game. Deactivate Sector 11 and Sector 4.After, activate Sector 3 and Sector 4. Lastly, go to the south to the FirstTreatment Area to fight Queklain(HP: 125165). Afterward, Queklain will beadded to the License Board.-------------------------

----------------Mob: Ring DragonHP: 128648

Check the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. Head to the northern areaof Downtown. Speak with Balzac at west. Teleport to the Dalmasca Westersand. Goeast to this area called Wind Ripple Ground. It's the area before the area withthe Shop and Gate Crystal. With a sandstorm, Ring Dragon will show up. Beat itand get back to Balzac for the reward.----------------

--------------Boss: MarilithHP: 54921

Check the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. In there, speak with thatBar Master. You're to go to Zertinan Caverns which is in Dalmasca Westersand.In the southern area of Dalmasca Westersand, go SW and there is a path to theZertinan Caverns. At the first area, go south till you get to a large area ataround the middle. There should be two Lich Frog around. Get near the cornerby the sunlight and wait for Malilith to show up. Beat it and you will get thethe Serpent Wine Must. Get back to the Bar Master to get the reward.


----------------------\Zertinan Caverns - 4/Items: Miter, Slasher, Balance Mote, Aeroga Mote, Main Gauche, Magoroku, Flame Tongue, Iron Pole, Cura Mote, Diamond Armlet, Sand Of N-Kai, Ether, Gold Needle, Antidote, Enchanter's Djellaba, Remedy, Thief's Cuffs, Chain Mail, Aero Mote, Potion

Go on and you can fight the Esper Adramelech(HP: 39630). Beat it and Adramelechwill be added to the License Board.----------------------

------------Mob: OrthrosHP: 87141

Talk to Montblanc in the Clan HQ. Head to the northern part of Downtown. Speakwith the Seeq within the Warehouse. Go to the Garamsythe Waterway and go to themost south section of this place. You will need a female party to have it showup. Beat it to get the Stolen Articles. Go back to that Seeq for the rewards.You will get the Blackened Fragment.------------

------------Mob: Gilgame

Talk to Montblanc in the Clan HQ. We will get back to this when we get to theRainy Season Of Giza Plains.------------

---------------Mob: Kerogerosu

Check the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. We will get back to thiswhen we get to the Rainy Season Of Giza Plains.---------------

--------------Mob: Enkelados

Check the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. We will get back to thiswhen we get to Jahara, Land Of The Garif.--------------

Before anything, be sure to speak with Montblanc. Once you are ready, move onto move on to Giza Plains.


<Rainy Season Of Giza Plains>Items: X Potion, Regen, Bio Mote, Hi Ether, Rose Corsage, Green Beret, Ether, Levitatega Mote, Gravity Mote, Balance Mote, Slasher, Iron Pole, Leather Gorget, Shock Mote, Magoroku, Flame Tongue, Main Gauche, Love Feather, Eye Drops, Phoenix Tail, Potion, Gold Helm, Gold Armor, Survival Vest, Traveler's Vestment, Remedy, Gold Needle, Feathered Cap

The goal is to get to the most South or SW. Before that, take some time toexplore around and hunt some Mob.

---------------Mob: KerogerosuHP: 19449

Go to the center part to the Settlement. Talk to Sardine & to find Kerogerosu,go to the SW area. Look near the bridge to find it. Beat it to get the Ring OfThe Toad. Go back to Sardine to get the reward.---------------

------------Mob: GilgameHP: 86956

Go to the southern most area. Speak with Nanau to get the Silent Urn. For thehidden area to SE, you need to go around and cut d own six wooden logs. Onceyou have done that, there will be a new path at SE. In the hidden area, Bansatfrom the Centrio Clan will come to help. Exit and enter back the hidden areatill the area is raining hard. If Gilgame has showed up, Bansat will come toinform you. BTW, you can get the Love Feather at SE. It comes in handy later.After, go back to where Nanau was. Read the letter and we will get back to thislater.------------


<Ozmone Plain>Items: Chronos Tear, Heavy Lance, Ether, Dark Mote, Chain Mail, Potion, Echo Herbs, Phoenix Tail, Soleil Fang, Hi Potion, Prince's Kiss, Gold Needle, Aquara Mote, Chopper, Silent Bullet, Tourmaline Ring, Remedy

Pretty big area if you wish to explore. The most east leads to Golmore Junglewhich you can't explore much due to the seals in there. From the first area ofthe Ozmone Plain, go south and check the middle part of this area. It leads toanother part of the Zertinan Caverns.

Moving on, go down to S or SW and take the west path to Jahara, Land Of TheGarif. If you rent a Chocobo from Jahara, you can get to the hidden area ofOzmone Plain at SE. The hidden area has a path to Henne Mines but there areguards at the entrance at this point.


<Jahara, Land Of The Garif>

Nearby, there are the Map Shop, Chocobo Shop and Gate Crystal. Talk to one ofthose Garif Soldiers. Continue on to the west and speak with Spinelu. Go on tothe western area.

~EnceladusGo to the north part of this western area to speak with Shugum to start this.We will get this Mob soon.

Anyway, toward the Garif Soldiers and go in to meet the Great Chief. Larsa willcome and join as a Guest Character again. If you wish to exit out, take theChocobo since it's free for this one time.


Clear all the enemies at the SE area of Ozmone Plain. Exit and re-enter back.Enceladus will show up. You get the Errmonea Leaf for beating it then get backto Shugum for the reward. Keep the Errmonea Leaf since we can give that to someone in the future.


<Golmore Jungle, Eruyt Village, Ozmone Plain>

Just head to the east on the Ozmone Plain. Within the forest, toward the mostE/SE and you can take the secret path.

Within the village, nearby there is a Map Shop and a regular Shop. Head up allthe way to north to meet with Yote. Now exit out the village. Exit out GolmoreJungle.

Back at the Ozmone Plain, at the area with the Save Crystal, go to speak withthat Imperial Soldier. Give him a Potion. Talk to him again and get the Chocobofrom him. From this area, go to the near west area/Wind Waving Plains. In thisarea, there is a secret path near a Chocobo here. It's to south and it isn'tshown on the Locate Map. You will end up at the most south part. Move to south.


<Henne Maseki/Magicite Mines>

Move on and shortly, a switch on the way. Hit it. Move on and there is anotherswitch. You can ignore it and go right, but if you hit it, the paths lead toareas with the Map.

With the Map, it shall make this easier. Go all the way to the east most areafor another switch. Afterward, go on to N/NE. There is a Gate Crystal, so saveyour game. Go north for a fight.

Enemy: TiamatYou should have casted all the support magic you need. Go up and attack. Keepup your healings and you should be fine. Breath and bad status are the mainproblems, just prepare some Remedy to cure after.


<Eruyt Village, Golmore Jungle>

You will be back in Eruyt & obtain the Lente's Tear. Back to Golmore Jungle.You can go through the seals now, so you are free to explore. There are 2 waysto move on:

~Path 1Head to the east of Golmore Jungle and you will fight Elder Dragon on the way.

Enemies: Elder Dragon, Trent*2Take out the 2 Trent ASAP. Now, the boss here likes to do bad status, so besureto cure a lot here. Prepare some Remedy for the boss' special move, plus thespell Esuna also can help if you've got that. Try to attack by using long rangeweapons. Once it's low on HPs, it will start using FireBall. Wrap it up withsome Mist Knack combo. After the battle, go east to the Paramina Rift.

~Path 2Or, you can go south from the Golmore Jungle to the Feywood. In there, the Westgets you to another part of Hene, South is a Save Crystal, but the NE leads to

the Paramina Rift as well.


<Paramina Rift, Bur-Omisace>

Pretty big area to explore, the most south leads to the Stillshrine Of Miriamwhich we will go there soon. Once you are done exploring around, head to NE.

Within Bur-Omisace, there are Shops and a Gate Crystal. Go north all the way tomeet with High Priest Anastasis and Al Cid. Larsa will leave the party. You areto go to the Stillshrine Of Miriam. As said above, it's at south most of theParamina Rift.


<Stillshrine Of Miriam>

Within, equip the Dawn Shard that you got from Raithwall Tomb. Dawn Shard isthe Acc that has Mag Def goes up by 20, but MP will be 0. Check the centralobject. Unequip it. Continue on and go up. Eventually, another object and equipthe Dawn Shard again. Check it & unequip the Dawn Shard.

Back track to the previous area. Take either stairs down. They both lead to aLive Crystal. Check it and beat it. It will become a Save Crystal. Save yourgame. Moving on. The Gate is locked but check the other side for a HUGE sword.Check it and the gate will open. Check the object here to get back to the firstarea.

Now, take either path down. Both paths lead to statues, you will need to turnthem so they face the middle. Meaning, the one at West needs to face East andthe one at East needs to face West. Also, there is another one at South so thatone should face North. At the East area, before you get to the statue, a fightawaits you.

Enemy: VinuscalarIt has weak defense, but also cast bad status like Slow, Break. Just cure andcast Haste. It uses Sword Dance near death, so either keep your HPs high or doMist Knack combo before he uses it.

After, back to the first area. The Sword will be lifted up and you can now gounder to move on. Check the object at north. Before you go under that sword tomove on, go save your game at the Save Crystal and besure to cast all supportmagic you need. Through the door is another Summon Beast/Esper fight.

Enemies: Mateus, Ice Aze*5Use Thundara to get rid off the Ice Aze fast. After that, attack Mateus withnormal attacks. You gotta keep your HPs high cuz Mateus' Blizzaraja can dealdecent damage and cause Slip status. To quickly wrap this up, use Mist Knackcombo as usual.

After, Emperor Of Immorality Mateus, will be added to the License Board. Afterthat, go on to the last room. You will get the Tyrant's Sword. Like Dawn Shardfrom before, you can also equip the Tyrant's Sword.



Exit out Stillshrine Of Miriam, save your game and come back to Bur-Omisace.

Go back to the Room Of Glory.

Enemies: Judge Belga, Judge*3Take out the 3 Judges that are behind you. Put up Protect, Haste and Regen. Forthe Gambit, have Hi-Potion as usual for anyone with HP<70%. Keep on ganging upon him, move away from magic like Aero then heal in the meantime. Use some MistKnack combo to finish him off fast.

After, you are to get to the Mosphoran Highwaste. But before that, quite a fewthings to do right now:

In Rabanastre, at the south gate, speak with a Viera. Talk to the Viera againin the Gambit Shop of Rabanastre. Go to the Sand Sea Restaurant. Head up to the2F to speak with that Viera yet again. Go to the southern central/fountain areaof Rabanastre, speak with a Hume man by the fountain. Go back to that Viera inthe Sand Sea Restaurant. Lastly, back to the fountain area to speak with eitherthat Hume man or that Viera for your reward.

For the Dry Season in Giza Plains, wait at the South Gate of Rabanastre for 5minutes, then enter. If not, repeat and try again. Go back to the Settlement,you can speak with Nanau for the reward of beating Gilgame sometime ago. Also,if you have beaten Kerogeros and got Ring Of The Toad, talk to Chief Burnoato return the Ring. Further, if you have beaten Enceladus, then you have thatErrmonea Leaf. Give it to Regina in the Settlement. One last thing, speak withMashua here. You will get the Shade Stone. Charge up the Energy, basically thesame as you did before to get the Sun Stone. Get back to Mashua once you havemade the Sun Stone, for some reward. You can speak with Mashua again & do thisagain, if you wish.

Ride the AirShip from Rabanastre to Nalbina. You can get a scene with the CabinChief. Go in the Lounge and talk to the Cabin Chief. You will get a Letter FromThe Eldest Daughter. Ride the AirShip from Rabanastre to Bhujerba. While in theAirShip, talk to the Cabin Chief in the Lounge. That's it for now.

Toward the Room Of Glory in Bur-Omisace, by the stairs before Room Of Glory,there is an elder that walks around. Speak with him to get the Condemn Maseki/Magicite. Back to the 1st area of Stillshrine Of Miriam. Go check the northernobject and use the Condemn Maseki. You will be taken to a secret area. Beyondthe door is a Summon Beast/Esper fight.

Enemy: ZeromusThe Dark Lords and Zeromus around can deal tons of damage. Another problem hereis that, Magic is sealed. This fight is definitely insane right now, come backhere when you are strong enough. If you insist, set your Gambit to heal withitems, like Hi-Potion. Plus, get the Bubble Chain or Bubble magic to double theMax HP. As for Equipment, try to get Black Mask and Demons' Shield where bothof them absorb Darkness. Further, you will likely die a lot here so have Gambitto revive with Phoenix' Tail/Down ASAP. One character will do the support magicand another one to heal all the time. The remain is the one that shall do thedamages. Switch in the other party to spam Mist Knack then switch them out. Theharder part of this fight is the last 1/10 of its HPs. Must try to spam all theMPs to kill it ASAP.

I guess if you do beat it, Condemn Tyrant Zeromus will be added to the LicenseBoard.

Back in Rabanastre, there should be tons of quests you can take in the Sand SeaRestaurant and the Clan HQ:


Check the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. Go to Jahara, Land Of TheGarif. In the western house, speak with Zayal. To Henne Maseki/Magicite Mines& head to the middle area that's got a switch. Hit that switch and take eitherpath. Ixtab will show up at around the corner. Death Sentence can be cured withRemedy but you need to get Knowledge Of Remedy from the License Board first.

After you beat it, get back to Zayal for your reward.

~Mind FlareCheck the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. Go to Jahara, Land Of TheGarif. At the middle area, speak with Grom. To Henne Maseki/Magicite Mines &head to the SW area on the Map. You can find Mind Flare at the south part. Makesure you have FULL MPs. Anyway, put up Reflect and cure Stop with Gambit.

After you beat it, get back to Grom for your reward. After that, in this samearea with Grom, speak with Geomancer Yggil. Let's leave it for now.

~TricksterTalk to Monblanc in the Clan HQ. Talk to the Chocobo Shop Gardy in Bur-Omisace.Exit out Bur-Omisace at south to the Paramina Rift. Go south again. Rememberthat Trickster will show up in snowstorm. If there isn't a snowstorm, try to goout Paramina Rift, wait and enter back. Anyway, Moni from the Clan will be thehelper here. Trickster is some fast and semi-visible Chocobo that runs aroundhere. Not hard, it's just annoying to chase after it. Bio seems to work well onTrickster. Once you depleted enough of its HPs, it will fight. Put up Haste tomatch up its speed and Bio Trickster.

After you beat it, get back to Chocobo Shop Gardy for your reward.

~ChoppaCheck the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. Talk to Himus near ChocoboShop in Bur-Omisace. In the Paramina Rift, head to the central small area withthe Save Crystal. From there, go left. Choppa is in this area.

After you beat it, get back to Himus for your reward.

~Vorpal BunnyCheck the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. To Eruyt Village. Go on tothe upper right circular area. Speak with Nephilia. Head to the Golmore Jungle.Go to the south area which is just before the Feywood. Alright, it just keepsrunning around and around.

After you beat it, you get the Rabbit Tail & back to Nephilia for your reward.

~BloodyCheck the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. Teleport into the DalmascaEastersand. Talk to Prisoner 381. You should have Barheim Key, so get back tothe Barheim Passage. If you have been there before for Zalhera, then you canjust teleport in as well. Open up the map and check W/SW. Remember the areawhere you fought with Zalhera from before? Remember that there is a SaveCrystal before that area? From that Save Crystal area, go east. In this area,walk around the mountain path at south to have this red bat showing up. Superannoying with the attackings and absorbing HPs. Focus on attack/magic that candeal lots of damage. Spam Mist Knack combo and use Ethers if you need to.

After you beat it, get back to Prisoner 381 for your reward.

~AntlionTalk to Monblanc in the Clan HQ. Talk to Nilei in the Stylus' Mansion in theSkycity Of Bhujerba. You will get the Site 3 Key. Go back to the Lhusu Maseki/

Magicite Mines. Just head up to the north all the way. You'll see that Elronon the way. Anyway, at north, there is a Movable Fence that you can use theKey. Use it. Pass that, don't bother going to NW. Instead, go down to south,to work your way to SW.

On the way, besure to press switches to lift up the remaining fences. Switchesare usually found near the fences. Besure to save your game when you get to theGate Crystal. Go on to the last area, go down to SW. You will find Antlion withlots of Killer Mantis. Take out all the Killer Mantis then on to Antlion. Thisis hard but not too bad. Put up all the support magic you need, heal constantlywith Cura. Since Antlion can damage all characters with one blow, you can have2 characters on one side and the other at the other side. That way, Antlion caneither hit 2 or 1. Asides from that, it's got tons of HPs. Throw in some MistKnack combo if you got Ether to spare.

After you beat it, Elron will show up. Get back to Nilei for your reward. Oneof the reward is the Bubble Chain which doubles your Max HP.

~CarrotTalk to Monblanc in the Clan HQ. Take the AirShip to Nalbina Fortress if youhaven't been there before. Or, you could head NE from the Dalmasca Eastersand.If you have been there before, then you can also Teleport in. In the Terminal,go talk to Zamadoria. We will get back to this quest when we get to Salikawood.

~AtomosCheck the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. In Nalbina Fortress, headtoward the Gambit Shop. Talk to Bloch that's near. We will get back to this indue time when we get to Mosphoran Highwaste.

~BlaeghCheck the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. We will get back to thisquest when we get to Mosphoran Highwaste.

~LobbyCheck the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. In Nalbina Fortress, headto the far left corner from the Weapon Shop. Talk to Morgan to start this. Wewill get back to this quest when we get to Salikawood. Nabreus Deadlands is tothe North of Salikawood.

Besure to check with Monblanc in the Clan HQ for any possible reward.


<Mosphoran Highwaste>

If you have explored around, you probably have found this place before. But fora quick way, go to Rabanastre and take an AirShip ride to Nalbina Fortress. Goexit out at the west since the Imperial Guards are gone.

Within, you can go north all the way to the Salikawood. But, before that, wecan head to the center which is a rest area with Shop and Gate Crystal. So, gothere, buy something and save your game. Few things to do here:

~BlaeghIn this central area, talk to Vagansa near the Shop. We will continue on thiswhen we get to Salikawood.

~AtomosSince we are in the Mosphoran Highwaste, head up to the 2nd last northern area.Atomos shows up here. Don't forget to get back to Bloch when you can.



Rather big area, but your goal IS ONLY the NE. If you want to go to the mostnorth or the most west, you WILL first need to get into a tough fight. And Ineed to repeat this, THIS IS OPTIONAL.

Enemies: Bomb King, Bomb*2There is a Gate Crystal before this, that means, you can cast Shell, Regen andProtect, any support magic, on your characters. Check the Gate Crystal to healthe MPs and save your game, then fight Bomb King. Bomb King heals few times,but he will stop. The battle itself is mostly Mist Knack combo & heal MPs withEthers. It isn't really that hard when Bomb King stops healing. The first partof the battle is mostly staying alive with items. Save your Ether for that BombKing when it stops healing. If you do beat it, besure to talk to Monblanc backin the Clan HQ for reward.

Beyond to the west, there is Nabudis which is a pretty deadly place. You candrop by for a scene but you don't need to go through here. As for the north ofthe Salikawood, it leads to the Nabreus Deadlands which is also tough.

BTW, in the first area of Nabudis, to the north, there is a room that isn't onthe Map. Check the corner for the hidden shop. You can get Ether for 222 Gil.And to storm through here, cast Levitega/Libra and Vanish magic.

~BlaeghJust before you get to Nabudis, you will see Bly around. It's flashing so youcan't really miss it. After you beat it, don't forget to get back to Vagansa.

~CarrotTeleport in to the central Gate Crystal area. Avoid killing from now on. Go tothe west then south. Meet with Caroline and remain no killing here. Move aroundtill you see Carrot. This is real hard to kill cuz it's got TONS of HPs. Notonly that, since it's a Marlboro, you can expect lots of bad status. If you cannot beat it, come back when you're strong enough. Once you beat it, get back toZamadoria for your reward.

You can also storm through Nabreus Deadlands. Just cast magic such as Levitega/Libra, Vanish. In the second area, speak with McReio.

~LobbyIn Nabreus Deadlands, move on till you get to the area with the Gate Crystalthen go back to near south area. Check the NW, there is a secret path that isnot shown on the Map. It leads to a secret area where Lobby is. Getting to thisMob is hard, cuz there are tons of Dead Reborn around. I suggest you move thelead character slowly, kill them one by one at the last area. Once you get tothe boss, don't get near. Walk VERY slowly and lure all the Dead Reborn to comeout. Once they are taken care off, the boss itself is not hard, but got lots ofHPs. Once you beat it, get back to Morgan.

Anyway, check with Monblanc for possible rewards. While you are in Rabanastre,after you have spoken with McReio in Nabreus Deadlands, go back to GaramsytheWaterway. Back to the early area with the Save Crystals and the 4 switches. Ok,they are positioned like this as usual:


Meaning, D is East, C is SouthEast, B is SouthWest and A is West. Remember thathint you got earlier? East, SouthEast, East, SouthWest, SouthEast? Well, makesure all of them are off, then apply that hint. So, D->C->D->B->C, once you didthis right, you will hear a quick tune. Now, in this same area, check in frontof one of the gates. There is the Dull Fragment on the floor.

Counting the Blackened Fragment that you got as a reward for beating Orthrosabove, you now have 2 Fragments. After, go back to Downtown of Rabanastre, headto Daran's Home. Within, speak with Rokkenmou that's near Daran. Go out, a bitto the NE from Daran's Home, speak with Filo. Now, back to Rabanastre's centralfountain area, speak with a female by the fountain. Now go to the Bazaar. Speakaround with various Merchants. Go to the Magic Shop afterward. Speak with thatImperial Soldier here. Pick the 1st choice 2 times. Next, go back to Downtownand speak with Kaitz near the Warehouse. After, go back to speak with Filo. Gopick the 1st choice 2 times. Speak with the Imperial Soldier again. You'll getthe Grimy Fragment. Since you have all 3, might as well return all of them toRokkenmou in Daran's Home. That's it for now.


<Salikawood, Phon Coast, Tchita Uplands>

Moving on, go NE from Salikawood. Eventually, you will get to a gate. Talk tothat Moogle that's nearby. Open up the Locate Map with Select. There are threeplaces you need to go. After you have spoken with all 9 Moogle, back to Mooglebefore the gate. Don't forget to speak with that Master Moogle before moving onthe journey. You will get the Quismoit Shoes.

At Phon Coast, save your game. Now, go SE all the way to the Hunters' Camp. Gettoward the middle for more scene. There is a Shop nearby, as well as the MapShop at NW. Save your game at the Gate Crystal. You are to go to the north, butwe can do one more thing.

Teleport to the Mosphoran Highwaste. The Moogle from Salikawood should be herenow. In this area, check the SouthSouth Wind Shrine. It's a bit South of thatShop and East of the Gate Crystal. Anyway, once you have turned that on, pressSelect and there should be a mark on the Map. Save your game & exit out at theNE. Use the Gysahl Green to get on the Chocobo. With the Chocobo, go south andtoward that mark on the Locate Map. From that mark on the Map, go west all theway and you will end up in another section of the central rest area. Turn onthe Westwest Wind Shrine. Check the Map, there is another mark now. Now, nearthe Westwest Wind Shrine, push down a rock. Then you can go back to the centralrest area. Within the central area, check the NorthWest Wind Shrine. This oneis near the Shop, a bit north of the Gate Crystal. Now, open up the Locate Mapand you now have 3 marks in total where 2 of them are close together. Save yourgame and toward those 2 marks. It leads to a Summon Beast/Esper fight.

Enemy: ExDeathNot too bad, but Item is sealed here. No biggy, heal with Magic. Start by usingDispell & use it whenever he puts up something like Reflect, Shell or Protect.Be very sure to put up Shell, and if you can, double your Max HP with the Acccalled Bubble Chain or the magic Bubble. At least one of your character shouldbe healing all the time once ExDeath starts using strong magic like Flare. Asyou reduce ExDeath's HPs, he will put up the Magic Barrier. Now, stay away andfocus on healing. Once that Magic Barrier is gone, use skill 'Destroy Defense'and wrap up the battle with Mist Knack combo.

Once you beat it, Sacred Tree Of Judgement ExDeath, will be added to LicenseBoard.

Anyway, moving on. At the Hunters' Camp in Phon Coast, go north. There is theChocobo which you can ride it to the end. There is a Save Crystal at the end.

You will end up in the Tchita Uplands. This place is HUGE, it takes forever tofully explore it. Anyway, there are Gate Crystal and Save Crystal around themiddle, all the way to east, there is another Save Crystal and the path is notaccessible. Go to the small area with the Gate Crystal. Talk to that adventurerand take this Mob Hunt. You will get the Soul Ward Key. Now, head north allthe way in the Tchita Uplands and enter a cave.


<Sochen Cave Palace>

Go north all the way and use the Soul Ward Key to open the door. Within, youwill get into a fight.

Enemies: Onion Queen, King Alraune, Mandra Prince, Pumpkin Star, Tomato CaptainNevermind the silly names, start by stealing from each of them. Afterward, youcan kill them with area attacks. Set your Gambit to heal HPs but more focus oncuring bad status. If they have any support magic on, Dispell them.

After, before you move on, you should go back to that adventurer for the rewardthen come back.

Anyway, moving on. The 2 doors here both lead to an area to north. Defeat thatCrystal Bug then you can save your game. Take the east door. There are variouspaths to north, take either one. There is also the Door Of Pilgrim which isn'taccessible yet. Continue on to north to the next area.

From this area, move on to north to another area, called the "Road That AcceptsThe Rule". Part of this area shapes like this:


Now, you are to move around that clockwise. Meaning, starting from the East, goto the South, to the West, to the North and back to East. Doing so and then theDoor Of Training will be unlocked at the West. There is another door beyond andwe can't open that for now.

Now, remember that Door Of Pilgrim that's locked? It's a bit more complex toopen this one. It involves this area/Road That Accepts The Rule, the area belowthis one/Water Grotto Of Time and the one below that which is the area wherethe Door Of Pilgrim is. That area is known as Road That Discovers Itself. Now,for the 3 areas, we will be using the south part of Road That Accepts The Rule,whole area of Water Grotto Of Time, and the north part of Road That DiscoversItself.

Got the idea? Good. For the Door Of Training, we circled around clockwise. Thistime, clockwise as well, but we will WHIRL. Still circling, but we will circlefrom outer ring to the inner ring, hence the term whirl. Where do we start? TheSE of the upper area/Road That Discovers Itself. Where do we end? The center ofthe Water Grotto Of Time, just by the Door Of Pilgrim on the Map.

As for moving, the basic idea is to whirl, circle clockwise from outer ring tothe inner ring. See that on the Locate Map, there are lines that somewhat formstraight paths/lines that line up the 3 areas? Those are the paths to take. Fora quick map:

--Road That Accepts The Rule------E----D----C----B----A---------J----I----H----G----F----------Water Grotto Of Time---------O----N----M----L----K---------S----R---------Q----P-------Road That Discovers Itself--

A is the SE of the upper area/Road That Accepts The Rule. M is the destination.Of course, the Locate Map in the game aren't lined up perfectly like that. Butit's roughly like that. A, B, C, D and E are the entrances, as well as P, Q, Rand S. For the other letters, I put them in to better illustrate the path youshould take.

Moving from A, to F->K->P->Q->R->S->O->J->E->D->C->B->G->L->Q->R->N->I->D->C->Hand H to M. That's the whirl. This'll get to the other side of the Door Of ThePilgrim. Within that, you can find stuff like Dark Matter, Elixir, Kouga NinjaSword(Atk 67). I got the Kouga Ninja Sword for my first time.

Well, enough of these, time to move on. To the north and another fight.

Enemy: ArihmanNot bad, the main problem are the bad status like Confusion and Death Sentence.Prepare some Remedy to cure them. Another annoying thing is that he can Splitinto few parts. Just beware of them ganging up on you cuz you just never knowwhen 5 or more ganging on you. Use area attack magic to take them out.

After, continue on. Better cast Libra or Levitega to avoid the traps. Continueon to the north most door. Go around to move up and check the Ancient ControlStand. Save your game at the Gate Crystal, then move on.


<Old Archades, Imperial City Of Archades>

There is a Shop near. Anyway, head on to the west. Next, you will get to a SaveCrystal. Talk to the Imperial Soldier at the end. Pay 1500 Gil to the Info ShopJule. In this area, talk to a man at NE. Back to speak with Jule. Again, withinthis area, head to the NE. Speak with another man and back to Jule again. He isaround the center of this area.

Within the Imperial City, move along the street. Now, there are 4 paths you cantake at this area. Take either NW one and go to the NW to the Tech Shop/Guild.The Map Shop is within here. Once you got the Map of the Imperial City, shouldbe pretty easy to explore around.

Before moving on, let's do one quick quest. Head to the Magic Shop. If you havespoken with McReio in Nabreus Deadlands, speak with Rokkenmuu here. Back toOld Archades. Within the area with the Save Crystal, go NE and speak with Ottoto get the Moon Silver Medal. Return that to Rokkenmuu.

Moving on with the game, head to the SW part and speak with the Taxi Guide. Pay2500 Gil to Info Shop Jule. Now, here's how this works: There are 4 areas youcan explore right now, the NirBus Section that you are in right now, north ofNirBus is MallBely Section, east of NirBus is the LeeAnna Section and north of

the LeeAnna is the Trant Section. Each section has people that offer you Infowhich you can Memorize, then give that Info to someone else in the same sectionfor a White Leaf at the end.

Although you can Change the Info but that overrides the previous Info. Hence,the basic idea here is talk to someone to get the Info, avoid doing any Changeand speak around in the same area to find the right person to give the Info to.

Take your time to tackle one section after another. NirBus Section can offer 6White Leaves, LeeAnna Section has 7, Trant Section has 6 and the MallBely got9. That's 28 in total. Also, Tarot Girl in the LeeAnna Section also tells youhow many remaining in each section.

Keep in mind that you only need 9 of them, and the game will pop up a messageonce you got 9. If you have the time, get all 28. Go into a Shop, to the Guildwithin. Trade in all 28 and you will get the Black Feather.

Anyway, speak with the Taxi Guide and head to the ZeNoble Section. Save yourgame at the Gate Crystal. Continue on for a scene and go back to the Taxi Guideto ride to Draklor Laboratory.


<Draklor Laboratory>

Go north all the way to an elevator. Take it to F67. On F67, to the NE ResearchRoom. You will get the Card Key, as well as the Map. There are 2 rooms near youwhere Room 04 got the Save Crystal then check the Panel in Room 03. Back to theelevator and go up to F68.

On F68, go east and enter Room 03. Check another Panel. Go around to the westand check the Panel within Room 04. Go down to SW and check the Panel that's inRoom 11. Now, go to the southern elevator. Go up to F70.

On F70, cast all the support magic you need. Save your game then go up for thefight.

Enemies: Doctor Cid, Luke*4Long fight here cuz they all got lots of HPs. Focus on the Luke. Prepare Gambitwith Dispell cuz Cid and the Luke all cast support magic. Once you dispell theLuke's Reflect, use high level magic to damage them all. Once all the Luke aretaken out, get near Cid since he uses guns and start bashing him. Keep your HPscuz he can uses the special move/Type S27 Nethicite Cannon.


<Port At Barfonheim>

Afterward, you will end up here. Explore around the Shops. Anyway, to move on,you are going to the Feywood. But, before that, quite a few things to do:

~Dark SteelCheck the Bulletin Board in the Foaming Waves Restaurant in Port At Barfonheim.Go to Archades. Talk to the man in the Weapon/Armor Shop. To the Sochen CavePalace, northern area that's before the warp area. Get back to that man for thereward.

~Over LordCheck the Bulletin Board in the Foaming Waves Restaurant in Port At Barfonheim.Go to Archades. Talk to a Seeq within the Tech Shop. To Sochen Cave Palace. Go

to the first area and the Seeq from Clan HQ will assist here. Get back to thatSeeq for the reward.

~VyraalCheck the Bulletin Board in the Foaming Waves Restaurant in Port At Barfonheim.Talk to a Viera within the Foaming Waves Restaurant. Exit out Barfonheim at theNorth, to Cerobi Steppe. Go the NE area and the Viera will assist you. Beat itand you will get the Viera's Rucksack. Get back to that Viera for the reward.You can get the Dragon Scale at the end.

With the Dragon Scale, go back to the Cerobi Steppe. Back to the NE area. Checkthe eastern Windmill, Number 10. Hand it over the Dragon's Researcher & you canget the Age Worn Key. This is the Key that will unlock the last door in SochenCave Palace. Beyond that door is an optional SUPER enemy.

Enemy: Majinryuu/Demonic Divine Dragon/Doom DragonI hope you see the HPs this Dragon has, about 6000000 HPs. This is no ordinaryenemy. Save it for later. You can run from this fight BTW. When you come backto this fight, its HP is the same as where you last left off.

~LindwyrmCheck the Bulletin Board in the Foaming Waves Restaurant in Port At Barfonheim.Go to Old Archades. Speak with Bulmon who is at north from the Save Crystal. Goto the Tchita Uplands. To the area that's to SE from the Save Crystal area. Theweather needs to be just cloudy, no rain yet. Lindwurm shows up around the SE.One of those enemies got TONS of HPs, besure to Dispell often or else you willdie super fast. Come back later if you can't beat it. This one really takes along time to beat.

If you do beat it, you get the Rusted Scrap Of Armor. Get back to Bulmon forthe reward.

~GoliathCheck the Bulletin Board in the Foaming Waves Restaurant in Port At Barfonheim.Go to Nalbina Fortress. Speak with Barong near the Weapon Shop, hiding to theleft of the stairs. It is in another area of Nabudis. You go there through theNabreus Deadlands. Tough place to go through as usual, not only that, it's gotTONS of HPs just like Lindwurm above, plus able to deal tons of damage with itsmagic and normal attacks. Come back when you are tough enough. Get back to thatBarong if you do beat it. One of the reward is the Save The Queen.

~Death ScytheCheck the Bulletin Board in the Foaming Waves Restaurant in Port At Barfonheim.Go to Nalbina Fortress. Speak with Popol near the Tech Shop. Go to Nabudis, thethird area. He doesn't show up unless at least 2 of your characters' HPs becomered/near death. Just switch in weak characters then once Death Scythe shows up,you can switch them out. Reduce enough of its HPs, he will be Resisting all theattacks, just move away and heal till that Magic Barrier is off. Back to Popolfor the reward once you beat it.

~Mystery Man/GilgameshTalk to Monblanc in the Clan HQ. If you did the Antlion Mob Hunt, then you dohave the Key Of The 3rd Mine Area. Teleport to Lhusu Maseki/Magicite Mines.Save your game at the Gate Crystal and cast all the support magic. Then go tothe west and you will encounter Gilgamesh & Enkidou.

Enemies: Gilgamesh, EnkidouDispell on Enkidou right from the start. Focus on Enkidou first. With all thesupport magic, plus the Bubble Chain/2*HP, you should be ok. Once you've takendown Enkidou, on to Gilgamesh. He starts with Squall's Revolver. As you reduce

his HPs, he will make the first change, Cloud's Buster Sword. Not much strongerwith the damage if you got all characters having Protect. Go on to reduce hisHPs, and he will make the second change, Zidane's Orichalcon. Now, STEAL cuzyou can get the Genji Shield from him. Continue on till he changes sword again.This time, STEAL cuz he now has the Genji Gloves. But if he puts up the FullBarrier, then you must wait and just heal around. He also got a decent attacknow, known as Kyuukyoku Gensou which means 'Final Fantasy', hehe. Just besurenot to end the battle till you get the Genji Gloves.

After, Gilgamesh and Enkidou will run off into the mine. Don't bother, you needto get a Key first. Teleport to the Phon Coast. Within the Hunters' Camp, headto the west of the Gate Crystal. Near the Former Bhujerba Resident, there's theshiny object which is the Site 11 Key. Now, teleport back to the Lhusu Maseki/Magicite Mines. Go west all the way and go south. It leads to the MovableFence. Use the Key.

Now, you can explore a new area. As you move up to north, besure to go east andlower the eastern fence with the switch. Continue on to the north for anotherswitch then go on to the east. Now, new enemies and they are strong. If you cannot even storm through, then you probably don't want to do this now. If you cancontinue to the SE, then you will get to the Save Crystal. Beyond that, is thereal fight with Gilgamesh and Enkidou.

Enemies: Gilgamesh, EnkidouWith all the support magic casted before the battle, plus the Bubble Chain, orthe Bubble magic, this battle is still hard. You just need to set the Gambit torevive and heal often. Asides from that, the bad status we will have to takecare off. Have Remedy and Power Wrist which prevents Stop. For the fight, tryto have characters with Shields cuz that has a chance to Guard the attacks fromthem. Dispell Enkidou and focus on him for now. One character should do all thecuring, and the other can Dispell then spam support magic. The faster you getrid of Enkidou, the easier this battle will become. Most of the problems willbe around reviving cuz those 2 do lots of damage, plus the bad status sometimesand if that's not enough, both of them got tons of HPs. If you can't beat them,just come back later. When Enkidou is low on HPs, its defense goes up the roof.Once you are down to Gilgamesh, it gets easier. He only can target one at eachtime, that means the other two can heal and attack. Next phase, Gilgamesh willcast Sleep on all of you, just equip the Acc to prevent it. Upon his 1st changeof his weapon, he has 'Hit The End' which is a decent single target like that'Final Fantasy' from before. Continue to reduce his HPs and he will change forthe second time. Now, STEAL cuz he has the Genji Helm. Finally, when he doesanother change, it's the Legendary Sword/Loto's Sword(Dragon Quest 1, 2, 3).Like before, STEAL cuz he has the Genji Armor now. But, like before, he willlikely to put up Full Barrier. This part is hard to endure out, you will needto constantly heal and revive, thanks to his 'King's Sword' attack that killsone character right away. If you are running out Phoenix' Tail/Down, switch tothe magic Raise. Also, Gilgamesh might have Regen casted, besure to Dispell it.Once the Full Barrier is gone, STEAL if you haven't done so. Then continue tillyou beat him. He leaves the Legendary Sword/Loto's Sword behind, but it doesn'tlook like you can pull it out from the ground. When you leave this area, thatGilgamesh will sneak in and take back the Legendary Sword/Loto's Sword.

~BelitoTalk to Monblanc in the Clan HQ. Go to Ogir Yensa. The goal is to ZeruthenianCavern from the middle entrance on the Map of Ogir Yensa. The Zeruthenian partwill lead you to a small area in Nam Yensa. Get to the end and you will meet upwith Moni from the Clan HQ. You will end up fight Ba'Gamnan and his gang. Thisis a LOT more tougher than the last time. Dispell all of them. Focus on takingout the 3 first, save Ba'Gamnan for the end. Ba'Gamnan himself do have variousattacks that can deal great damage, but with 2 characters to heal and 1 to do

the attacking, you should be fine. This still will take sometimes cuz he doeshave lots of HPs. You will get your reward after.

Get back to speak with Monblanc for possible reward. If you beat Gilgamesh forboth times, then you will get the Masamune.

If you already done the quests for Rokkenmou and Rokkenmuu, then go back McReioin Nabreus Deadlands. Talk to McReio. Then you are to go to the NW secret area.This is where you fought with the Mob Lobby. For the secret path, if you havenot discover that yet, in Nabreus Deadlands, move on till you get to an areawith the Gate Crystal then go back to near south area. Check the NW, there is asecret path that is not shown on the Map. It leads to a secret area. Anyway, goto the top and you will get the Medal Of Might, Love and Lusterless.

Save your game and head to Nabudis. At the second area, there is a locked door,Door Of Horror. At the third area, another locked door, Door Of Despair. Lastlyat the 4th area, one more locked door, Door Of Hatred. Door Of Despair can't beentered right now, so that leaves to Door Of Horror and Hatred. At this pointof the game, you ain't tough enough but since you've saved your game, why notgive them a try?

Enemy: Humbaba BossOpen the Door Of Horror with the Medal Of Bravery. Dispell right from the startand start attacking. He seems to focus on one target only, that means the othertwo characters can heal and support. This will take a long time to beat sinceit's got tons of HPs. For beating it, you get the Map of Nabudis.

Enemy: FuryOpen the Door Of Hatred with the Medal Of Love. Dispell right from the start aswell. This tiny thing deals way more damage than Humbaba Boss above, but likeHumbaba Boss, it focus on one target, it seems. Set Gambit to revive with thePhoenix' Tail/Down. However, it doesn't have as many HPs, and when it's low onHPs, it will cast Furious Soldier/Berserk which is crazy damage time!

Upon beating Humbaba Boss and Fury, Lusterless Medal becomes Medal Of Might.After beating those two, with luck or not, you really should get out Nabudis,save your game and come back. Anyway, with the Medal Of Power, you can nowopen the Door Of Despair. Beyond that is another Summon Beast/Esper fight.

Enemy: ChaosThe Fight Command is sealed, for this fight. Aside from Chaos, there are theWind, Water, Ice and Earth Chaos Juda. Take those out ASAP. As for Chaos, castDispell whenever you see it with support magic. Avoid using Elemental Magic,but you can try Bio. Likewise, Chaos has decent amount of HPs before you cantake it down. His physical is deadly, his wind magic is even more deadly cuzhe can heavily damage all of you if you are close. Another thing to worry aboutis the Silence he can cast on all of you, so beware of that. Use items to curethat and save the Acc for the Bubble Chain that doubles your Max HP. Before thebattle and during the game, you should buff yourselves up with support magic.As for what to attack him with, asides from Bio, you are down to the Tech/Skillto count on. But, chances are that you need to come back when you are strongenough.

I guess if you do beat it, King Of Reincarnation Chaos, will be added to theLicense Board.

Teleport to Archades. If you've got all 28 White Leaves for the Black Feather,then you can head north and take the elevator. Go north to the Terrace. Talk tothe Hunt Loop Owner. To the Phon Coast. Speak with the Banga Leader to South ofthe Gate Crystal. From Hunters' Camp, go east. In this beach area, continue to

the east all the way and there is a mountain path to higher ground. Get up tothe top of that, look down at the beach. There should be a turtle showing up,that's the Fenirens we are looking for. Kill it and get the Engage Shell. Backto the Banga Leader. Speak with the Banga near & let the Rare Monster Huntingsbegin. The basic rule, what you just did: find and kill the Rare Monster, getthe Engage Item and back here. You can also talk to the Hunt Loop Owner. I'lllist out the Rare Monsters out later. Anyway, in this Hunters' Camp area, youcan also find Limzatt by the beach.

Remember the Letter From The Eldest Daughter in the Lounge when you ride theAirShip from Rabanastre to Nalbina? We can continue and finish this now. FromRabanastre to Nalbina, from Rabanastre to Bhujerba, those are just 2 routes. Ifyou ride the AirShip from Rabanastre to Archades, Archades to Barfonheim, thenBarfonheim to Nalbina, Nalbina to Archades and Barfonheim to Bhujerba. Put itshort, just the various different routes among all the Terminals. In the end,you will get the Defense Armlet which puts you in Regen status.

After you have hunted Atomos, Lobby, Goliath, Carrot and Death Scythe, speak toJovy at the northern section of Nalbina Fortress. He's the newcomer Seeq that'srunning around.

Get to the Settlement in the Giza Plains during Dry Season. Speak & look aroundto see some Cockatrice have ran off. You will need to beat that Mob Niwatoris.Remember the Love Feather that was in SE of the same area as where you foughtwith Gilgame? Teleport to Barfonheim. Speak with the girl by the Chocobo Shop.Let her see the Love Feather. Check with the Chocobo Shop and you will get theDefender(Atk 91). Go to Eruyt Village. To the last area and you would see Murinwith Chi. Now, there are 9 shiny objects on the ground, through out the villageand you are to find them all. Once you got 9 Dewdrop Pebble, give them toMurin. Speak with Chi and there should be 1 more Dewdrop Pebble near it. Handthat over to Murin and you will get the Yoichi Bow(Atk 75).

Teleport to Archades, you can go north to take the elevator, given if you havedone the quest to gather all 28 White Leaves and got the Black Feather. You'dspot another Cockatrice. Chase it and speak to it for Aspite(Atk 66). Teleportto the Jahara, Land Of The Garif. Continue on till you see all these Garif atthe center and a Cockatrice. Speak with the Garif near the Cockatrice, talk tothe Cockatrice after. Speak with the near Garif again and pick the 1st choice.Head to the W to speak with the Great Chief to get the Great Chief's Gift. Goback to the Cockatrice and the Garif near to get the Platinum Messer(Atk 66).

Teleport to Dalmasca Eastersand. Speak with Chigri. Bring Nacil/Dog to NorthShore. Come back by yourself, then bring Aril/Boy. Repeat and bring Sasana/TheCockatrice. Speak with the Cockatrice to get the Kouga Ninja Sword(Atk 67). Goto Rabanastre. Head up to the most north to spot another Cockatrice. Chase orwalk, whatever you do, catch up to it and pick the 2nd choice. It will go backto the north. Pick the 1st choice. You get the Diamond Sword(Atk 80).

Once you got all Cockatrice, back to the Settlement in the Giza Plains duringDry Season. Speak with Tera to get 2 High Ether.

Teleport to Dalmasca Eastersand. Speak with Luxera. To the area that's beforethe Barfonheim Terminal. Talk to the Oldman That Likes Fishing. Speak with himagain. After, go walk around & away from the Oldman, but don't leave this area.Basically, you can not be in the same screen as the Oldman. When you head backto where the Oldman was, check for a Fish Rod/Muramata.

Go back to talk to Luxera. You can now play the Fishing MiniGame. Just match &input commands to the screen from left to right, kinda like DDR. That's it fornow, more to this later. Remember to beat Gilgamesh 2 times when you get time

since later part of this will requires you to do that.



Go back to the Golmore Jungle. Go south all the way to the Feywood. Go south &southeast to a small area with a Save Crystal. Save your game and go south fromhere. You will get into a fight.

Enemy: RaflesiaDispell it from the start. Set the Gambit to heal with Remedy or Esuna for badstatus from it. Don't bother with other magic, focus on using items to heal andattack with weapons. You could do Mist Knack combo before you are out of MPs.Continue to attack it and it will call up Molbol which means more bad status.

After, go back to heal and save your game. Moving on to south. Check around forthe chest that contains the Map of this area. From the look of it, this placeisn't huge at all.

Ok, at the 2nd last area, explore around this Map & as you can see on the Map,there are 4 structures with crests on the floor. Check all of them except therebe one with no crest. Either way, you will see 3 marks for this Map on LocateMap.

On to the last area, similar to above, there are 3 of them with crests & thereare 2 with no crests. Afterward, go to the SW for the Gate Of Devil. Go summonout Belias. You can now open the Gate.


<Ancient City Of Giruvegan>

Continue on and save your game. Go up and warp in. Time for another fight.

Enemy: DaedalusHe will cast Haste and you shall cast Dispell. Go up and start ganging up onhim. With all the support magic you can cast before this battle, you should befine. If not, throw in Bubble Chain to double your max HPs.

After, take the warp to move on. Ok, there are seals here and you will need tocheck the corresponding mechanism to unlock them. Just use the Map, this placeisn't huge at all. After, head to the west and down to fight 2 Mithril Golems,then more paths will show up once you beat them.

Next area, similar to above. Explore around and get the mechanism first. Applythe Locate Map to see which area you haven't check out yet. There are few moreseals here, so remember where they are would help. At the end, similar to aboveso just look for 2 Mithril Golems. They are usually at the end of the area. Dobeat them and more paths to the next area.

Move on, then save your game. Cast all the support magic you need then move on.In this area, a dead end, it seems. But, go to the center and toward east. Thenew path will show up, takes you straight to another fight.

Enemy: TyrantNo Waza/Tech here, so beware of that. Dispell and Confu it, then attack it withBlizzaraga. It takes a while, but an easy battle overall.

After, take the warp. There are 3 paths to take, but 1 is blocked right now. Do

ignore the one that leads up and take the one that leads down. Take the warp atthe end. There are 3 more paths to take, 1 to go up and 2 to go down. Take theleft or middle one and check the mechanism at the end. Go back & take the lastone that leads down.

Next, one goes up and one goes down. Go up and check another mechanism. Go backand take the path that leads down. One more mechanism on the way. Move on, onewarp on the way. Take this warp.

Continue on, cast all the support magic and save your game. Take the warp andcontinue on for a Summon Beast/Esper fight.

Enemy: SemihazaDispell from start. Avoid using elemental on Semihaza then get close to attack.Attack with Bio, Waza/Tech or weapons with no elements. Cast Haste and gang upon Semihaza. This is not comparable to other optional boss fights, at all. Dowatch out for the magic, so put up Shell. When Semihaza is low with HPs, theDefense will increase a lot, render lots of your attacks dealing average damageat best. Plus, Semihaza will cast Consecutive Magic. This last bit can be bitmore dangerous. Besure to cure bad status like Silence.

After you beat it, Betrayer Semihaza, will be added to the License Board. Nowgo down to the end to take the warp. You will get Treaty Blade. Afterward, takethe near warp to get out.


<Port At Barfonheim, Ridorana Cataract>

Come back here and open up the Locate Map/Select. As you can see, the target isto SW. Speak with the pirate at there and get in Reddas' Mansion. Reddas willjoin as a Guest Character at the end.

Go to the AirShip Terminal, and you may ride the Strahl. Doing so will get youto the World Map. You will need to select the location. Ridorana Cataract is tothe SW of Barfonheim.

Go up, save your game. Besure to cast Libra or Levitega since there are lots oftraps around. Continue on and you will get to a Save Crystal. Go on to the nextdestination.


<Pharos At Ridorana>

Should be casting support magic cuz there is a fight coming as you move on.

Enemy: HydroDispell from start. For the magic of choice here, use Curaga on Hydro since itis an Undead. If you got MPs to spare, cast Slow on it. Now, with all the magicyou should have casted before the battle, you should be fine here. But, sinceHydro can destroy your MPs, you might as well use the Mist Knack combo beforethat happens. You can recover MPs with Ethers after. If you don't want to useCuraga, then try recovery items. Another problem with Hydro is the bad status,which you can cure with magic Esuna or the item Remedy.

After, continue on up. Within, save your game first at the Gate Crystal. Thereare 2 paths here. Either one leads to the eastern door. Just besure to explorearound for the Map. Not only that, you will need to fight enemies here and havethem to drop the blue light orb/Black Pearl. Once you have 3 Black Pearls, go

input these Black Pearls into the Altars. The altars circles around the innerring, and since there are rocks that block the path, you will have to go walkaround to each of them. Once you got all 3 then the door to east will be openedfor you. Beyond that, move on and another fight.

Enemy: PandaemoniumA pretty defensive enemy here, Dispell its Protect. Avoid using Thunder, Waterand Darkness. Got some bad status, but nothing that you can't cure. Reduce itsHPs and it will put up the Full Barrier. Stay away and wait, cast support magicin the meantime. After the Full Barrier is off, go finish it off.

After, go back to the first area. Save your game and you can take the warp herenow. On F10, take either door. Moving on, you will need to kill 2 Kodja beforethe path reveals. Next, kill 4 more Kodja. Continue on to another area.

On F17, continue on and clear 6 more Kodja. On F28, similar to before, clear 6more Kodja(Green). After that, 10 more Kodja(Green). If you don't have enough,just circle around the last area for more to show up.

Next area, on F36, clear 4 more Kodja(Green) as you move on. Get through thatdoor at the end. On F48, get to the Save Crystal and save your game. Cast allthe support magic you need and more on for another fight.

Enemy: SlytDispell as usual. Attack it with Firaga, Slow and Confu. Even with Slow, it canattack one target real fast, besure to use Curada and Protect. Not too hard, aslong as you heal and revive.

After, take the warp at the end. On F60, there are 4 doors with 4 altars justin front of them. Also, there is a Save Crystal to west. Check an altar and goin the near door. The thing is, Item, Fight, Magic or Navi Map will sealed andyou are to pick one.

Anyway, any of the door leads to the next common big area. From that area, moveup to another then 2 more areas after. On the 4th area, F64, there is the SaveCrystal around. Besure to use that. Take the path at SW. Move on & yet anotherfight.

Enemy: FenrirDispell him first. Bio is fine, but avoid other elements. The rest is just gangup on him with physical attacks.

After, continue on. There are 4 altars at the inner ring. Get the correspondingone to unseal whatever you picked before. At west, take the elevator to F67. OnF67, save your game at the near Save Crystal. Take the warp.

F80, we are at the final part, somewhat close to the end so hang on a littlelonger. There are mechanism here, check the Black Crest mechanism. In the nextarea, go east all the wall to the Fool's Wall. Break it & check the Green Crestmechanism that's behind it. There are 2 paths, either one is fine. They lead tomore mechanism. Check the Red Crest mechanism. In this area, check the OfferingCrest mechanism which is the yellow one. Next, check the end of the near hallfor another Fool's Wall. Break it and check that mechanism that's behind it. Gocast all the support magic you need then take the elevator to F90.

On F90, it is time for another Summon Beast/Esper fight.

Enemy: HashmurimDispell him. Avoid using elemental magic, but Bio works here as well. It's moreor less similar to Pandaemonium, but he still got decent moves that can attack

the whole party. You should be ok with Protect and Shell, plus Haste. Have 1 or2 characters to support and heal all the time. If he casts support magic, thengo Dispell them. Once he's near death, same as Pandaemonium from before, therewill be the Full Barrier. Go away and heal or cast support magic. Wait and oncethe Barrier is off, finish him.

After, Regulator Hashmurim, will be added to the License Board. On F90, go moveon for more scene. Continue to the west. There is a Save Crystal on the way, sobesure to save your game. While you are at it, cast support magic. Go on & takethat warp at the end. Time for another fight.

Enemy: GabranthDispell him right away. This is four on one, he doesn't really stand much of achance. Don't waste too many items here cuz there are more fight after. Once heputs up the Barrier, move away from him and cast support magic. Also, he has amove called Execution which deals decent damage, but to 1 target only. Avoidusing magic on him, but physicals will work on him.

Afterward, you will get into another fight. A Summon Beast/Esper will show upin this fight as an enemy.

Enemy: Doctor Cid, FamfritDispell him right away. The rest is ok right now, keep up the healing with themagic Cura. Save the items for later. Once you reduce about half of his HPs, hewill summon out Famfrit. Beware that asides from Famfrit, Cid will also in thisfight. But, you can't damage Cid cuz he has the Full Barrier on. That means youcan only go after Famfrit. Dispell Famfrit first. If that Cid tries to supportmagic on Famfrit, then have someone to Dispell it again. With support magicslike Protect, Haste and Bubble, you should be ok. Bubble is more important foryou to stand against their attacks. Famfrit's best attack is Wateraja, so watchout for that. It attacks all of you, plus able to Silence you. Set your Gambitto heal with items. If this is not hard enough, Cid can also attack the fullparty asides from supporting Famfrit. Sooner or later, Cid's Full Barrier willbe off. Ignore him for now, finish off that Famfrit. Once Famfrit is gone, castDispell on Cid if he has support magic on. Hopefully you still have enough MPsto heal or items to heal, Cid does have decent attack for the party. Keep thisup and you would beat him eventually.

After, Dark Cloud Famfrit, will be added to the License Board. The game willprompt you to save your game.


<Port At Barfonheim>

You'll be back here. This is it, you're just before the final part of the game.Anything you want to do, do them now. Also, make a save before you head to theSky Fortress Bahamut since it's a one-way, you can't come back once you got toSky Fortress Bahamut.

First up, do some shopping at Barfonheim, southern Downtown of Rabanastre, thesouth shore of River Nebra/teleport to Dalmasca Eastersand, Dalmasca Westersandwhich you can just teleport in as well, western shop in Bhujerba, secret shopin Nabudis/NW of the 1st area, north shop of the Barheim Passage/teleport in ifyou have been there before for getting Zalhera, shop in Eruyt Village, the shopin Old Archades. That's it for the places that have any new stuff, at least formy game. Yes, I have checked all shops of the entire game.

Next, wrap up the remaining mob hunts:

~IxionTalk to Monblanc in the Clan HQ. To the Foaming Waves Restaurant in Barfonheim.Talk to the Girl Of Foaming Waves Restaurant. Teleport to Pharos At Ridorana.Take the elevator that's near. Run around this ring and Ixion will show up. Incase it doesn't show up, then exit, wait and come back. Still not, then you'llneed to try the rings at the lower levels. To get to the lower levels, refer tothe section with God/Darkness God below. Anyway, it deals tons of damage & gottons of HPs, but it seems to focus on 1 focus at one time. The risky part iswhen it gets low on HPs.

After you beat it, back to the Girl Of Foaming Waves Restaurant. You can obtainthe Ragnarok(Atk 109, Don'Move).

~PylrasterCheck the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. Talk to Rickie at SW partof Barfonheim. Talking to Rickie also can start this Racing MiniGame. You runby tapping Circle and X one after another. Teleport to Pharos At Ridorana. Fromwhere you are, go west. Set the Gambit to revive and heal cuz he does tons ofdamage, plus lots of HPs. Don't forget to Dispell it.

If you do beat it, back to Rickie for the reward.

~Shadow GodTalk to Monblanc in the Clan HQ. Teleport to Pharos At Ridorana then take theelevator that's near. On BF1, four Ancient Doors. Each leads to one Black Altarwhere you can input Black Pearls. Once you put in enough Black Pearls, it willlight up the surroundings. Each Door also can lead to areas where you can fighttough enemies, and they drop Black Pearls. So, go through the dark & fight someenemies to get Black Pearls. When you input them, just to be safe, put in 1 forthe start. Within the NE door, you can fight Phoenix and beyond that, you canfind Magic Pot. When it asks for Elixir, give him one. He will run around. Youcan then steal the Elixir back. It can drop Ether and Last Elixir. It's alsoworth 123 LPs.

When you are done with all 4 Altars, you can go back to the elevator and headfurther down. Next floor and the floor after, repeat the similar thing. The #of Black Pearls you need will get higher and higher. Once you did all 3 floors,besure to go back up and save your game before you go to the 4th floor.

At the 4th floor, you'll fight Darkness God. Hopefully you are prepared or youwill die super fast. Dispell him first. Reduce its HPs, and he will summon outPandaemonium, Slyt, Fenrir and Phoenix. After that, you can hit Darkness God.

If you do beat it, talk to Monblanc for the reward.

~Death Gaze/Doom GazeCheck the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. Check out various AirShipTerminals to find the Travel-Loving Family. Talk to them once you found them. Ifound them at Bhujerba AirShip Terminal. Take the Relax AirShip/Regular Serviceand ride the AirShips from one place to another. With some luck, you will get aspecial scene with the Cabin Chief. If you don't, go on to travel to differentTerminals and in each Terminal, talk to the Travel-Loving Family for more info,then go ride the AirShip. Eventually, you will get the special scene.

Once you got the special scene, up to the Deck for the fight with Death Gaze.Once you beat it, back to the Travel-Loving Family for the reward.

~DiabolosCheck the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. To Bhujerba, to the southpart of the city. Talk to Miklio. Teleport to Lhusu Maseki/Magicite Mines. If

you have beaten Gilgamesh, then you should have the Key Of The 11th Mine Area.If not, teleport to Phon Coast. Within the Hunters' Camp, go to the west of theGate Crystal. Near the Former Bhujerba Resident, there's the shiny object whichis the Key Of The 11th Mine Area.

Anyway, from the Gate Crystal area, go NW which should be the 3rd area from theGate Crystal area. Diabolos should be at the southern part.

After you beat it, get back to Miklio for the reward.

~Pisco DemonCheck the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. To Bur-Omisace, toward theRoom Of Glory. To a bit west from the stairs, talk to Ivanus. Go to Giruvegan.Go ALL the way to the area with the Save Crystal. From that area, go west. ThatPisco Demon is around the west part.

After, back to Ivanus for the reward.

~FafnirCheck the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. To Bur-Omisace, to the 2ndarea. Talk to Remery. To the Paramina Rift. The area is the southern most areajust before Stillshrine Of Miriam. But, it's the NW section of that south area,so you actually have to work your way there from the east in Paramina Rift. Notonly that, you also need a heavy snowstorm for Fafnir to show up in that area.Just exit, wait and enter back Paramina Rift till you get the heavy snowstorm.It also got TONS of HPs, plus able to inflict bad status like Silence & Sleep.

If you do beat it, you will get the Kiltia Ring. Back to Remery for the reward.

~Wild MolboroCheck the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. To Eruyt Village, NW part.Talk to Retina. To the Feywood, to the Save Crystal area. Go south and you willsee Wild Molboro.

After, go back to Retina for the reward.

~CatoblepasCheck the Bulletin Board in the Sand Sea Restaurant. Go to Jahara, Land Of TheGarif. Talk to Spinel at the southern part. To the Zertinan Caverns. Go to theSave Crystal area. At that area, check for the secret path. It will lead to theCatoblepas with Spinel helping you in the fight.

Once you beat it, check with Spinel for the reward.

If you have done all the ones till now, which is 43 of them. There shouldn't beany at any Bulletin Board. The last 2 is from Monblanc in the Clan HQ. However,the last one/45th will only show up after you meet the requirement. First up,let's do the 44th for now.

~King BehemothTalk to Monblanc in the Clan HQ. Go to Daran's Home at the southern part of theDowntown of Rabanastre. Talk to Kokomin within. To the Feywood. Within the lasttwo areas/two south most areas before Giruvegan, go around & kill all Behemothyou can see, plus all other enemies as well. Once you did that, back to the 2ndlast area/2nd last south area before Giruvegan. You can spot five more enemies:Onion Queen, King Alraune, Mandra Prince, Pumpkin Star, Tomato Captain. So movearound & finish off those 5, then back to the last area/south most area beforeGiruvegan. King Behemoth will now show up in this area, around the south partof the map. Tons of HPs, attacks with slow. Dispell it and cast Hastega.

If you do beat it, head back to Kokomin for the reward. If you have beaten thatMajinryuu/Doom Dragon within Sochen Cave Palace, then you may go take the finalone from Monblanc. For Majinryuu/Doom Dragon, check above or Ctrl + F it withinthis document.

~YazmatTo the Ridorana Cataract. Go to the Colosseum which is the southern circulararea.

Enemy: Yazmat (Short for Yasumi Matsuno?)More crazy and tons of more HPs than Majinryuu/Doom Dragon. This is no ordinaryenemy. Save it for later. You can also run from this fight BTW. When you comeback to this fight, its HP is the same as where you last left off.

If you do beat it, report back to Monblanc for the Godslayer Crest. This willcome in to play soon.

Now, for the remaining 2 Summon Beasts/Espers:

Once you have more than 10 Espers, go to Jahara, Land Of The Garif. Within themiddle part, talk to Geomancer Yggil. After that, teleport to the Henne Maseki/Magicite Mines. Go up to north/where you fought a boss from before, and youcan go take the right/east path now. Continue on and it seems like a dead end.But, from the 2nd last intersection, you can actually go south even though itdoesn't show on the Locate Map. After that, continue on all the way to NE. Theenemies along the way can be real pain. Don't depend on the Locate Map all thetime, because there are quite a few paths that aren't on the Locate Map. At theend, another Summon Beast/Esper fight.

Enemy: ZodiacDispell it right away. Keep dispelling it whenever it puts up something. Thisfight is hard, but not that bad. Try to attack it in long range, and have somecharacter to heal with Curaga all the time. The most dangerous move is specialattack from him. Not only that, once you reduce its HPs to low, it will put upthe Full Barrier. When that happens, it will be hard to endure out. Run aroundand cast support. Once one Barrier is off, cast Dispell right away if it doesnot have the Magic Barrier on. Then finish it with high level magic. You shoulddo this fast before it puts up the Barrier on again. If you can't beat it, comeback when you are tough enough.

I guess if you do beat it, King Of Commandment Zodiac, will be added to LicenseBoard.

For the last one, head to Giruvegan. Go all the way into the Crystal Grande. Atthe first area, take the path that leads up. Check the mechanism at the end. Goback down and the right seal is gone. So, take that path up. Take the warp hereto another area.

- You will be in the area with Transitional Mechanism X. Take the path up from here- There are TM XX in the middle and - Path to N, leads to Gate Sagittarius Control Mechanism - Path to NE, leads to Gate Sagittarius Control Mechanism as well - Path to NW, Gate Sagittarius 2nd. Check Gate Sagittarius Control Mechanism, rush to the Gate Sagittarius 2nd, unseal it manually - Leads to TM XII - Path to SE, Gate Sagittarius 1st. Check Gate Sagittarius Control Mechanism, rush to the Gate Sagittarius 1st, unseal it manually - Leads to TM XI - Path to SW, dead end

- Take either TM XI or TM XII. Since TM XII got Excalibur on the way, we will take TM XII- You will be by the TM XIV and - Path to S leads to the Gate Leo Control Mechanism and Gate Leo 1st - Path to N leads to Excalibur and Gate Leo 2nd- Check the Gate Leo Control Mechanism, ignore Gate Leo 1st and rush the way to north to move on toward Gate Leo 2nd - On the way, there is an area with 2 paths: - Path to NW leads to Excalibur - First time checking the Treasure in this area probably won't get you Excalibur. You need to exit out Crystal Grande then come back for a 2nd time. If not, keep trying - Path to W leads to Gate Leo 2nd- Pass the Gate Leo 2nd, take either path, it leads to TM XV- You will be by TM XVI with 3 paths. Sure, this is a big place with lots of areas, but there are only 2 Transitional Mechanism here. One is TM XVII which will lead you to Ultima, the other one is TM XXI which will take you all the way to Omega which you can't fight till you beat Yazmat. Plus, you can't get to Omega right now- From TM XVI, take the middle path to Gate Libra Control Mechanism. Check it and back to the TM XVI area. Take the left path. Go on and through the Gate Libra 1st - Pass Gate Libra 1st, continue on to the area with 3 paths: - Take the left/west one. It leads to the Gate Capricorn Control Mechanism - Press that and rush all the way to the TM XVI area - At the TM XVI area, take the right/east path. Pass the Gate Capricorn 1st and check the Gate Virgo Control Mechanism - Rush to the Gate Libra Control Mechanism area - Go either path, they both lead to a Gate Virgo seal- Beyond either Gate Virgo seal leads to TM XVII. You will be by TM XVIII. Move on to an area with a Save Crystal. Save your game and 3 paths: - Path to N leads to Ultima - Path to NE leads to TM XX (For quit exit/back tracking) - Path to NW leads to Gate Aquarius Control Mechanism

Enemy: UltimaHere it is, the last Esper. If you are prepared, which you should be for comingall these ways, then you might be fine. This is hard, considering the battlefield here can restrict you on various Commands, like Fight, MPs Decrease. Themost dangerous attack is Holyja which you can absorb it with White Mask if yougot that equipped. When your Magic is sealed, then you can't heal with Curagaor Dispell it. You will rely on items, tons of them. If your party can excel inFight, Magic and got lots of healing items, then you can probably beat it.

Once you do beat it, Holy Angel Ultima, will be added to the License Board. Younow have all 13 Summon Beasts/Espers in the game. Besure to speak with Monblancfor possible reward.

If you have beaten Majinryuu/Doom Dragon and Yazmat, then you can go fight thelast optional boss, Omega MK XII. Back to the Crystal Grande.

- Make your way back to Transitional Mechanism XX. Check it and head back to the Save Crystal area which is just before where Ultima was. NE path is where you got here from, North leads to where Ultima was & South is for backtrack - Take the NW path and it leads to the Gate Aquarius Control Mechanism - Back to the Save Crystal area and go south - Take the TM XVIII- Continue to back track to an area just after the TM XVII area. The paths here lead to Gate Virgo 1st and 2nd. Which one to take depends on which one you've opened when you were getting to Ultima

- Continue on to Gate Libra Control Mechanism area - From there, go south to the TM XVI - From the TM XVI area, go left/west to an area with 3 paths. Go to north/ straight and the same for the area after - Unseal the Gate Aquarius 1st - It will lead to the Gate Taurus Control Mechanism but don't check it yet- From the TM XVI area, go left/west - Continue on and by the area with 3 paths, go left/west as well to check the Gate Capricorn Control Mechanism - Rush back to Gate Libra Control Mechanism which is just north of the TM XVI area- From the Gate Libra Control Mechanism area, go right/east - Unseal the Gate Capricorn 2nd - Go back to check the Gate Taurus Control Mechanism - To the area just after the Gate Capricorn 2nd - Go north/straight to the Gate Taurus 1st - Unseal the Gate Taurus 1st and you should go save your game- Beyond the Gate Taurus 1st, go and take each Transitional Mechanism you see - You will end up in a battle

Enemy: Omega MK XIIDon't think that it only has one life bar then it's easy or got little HPs. Itgot less than Yazmat but it does got a lot of HPs, since even 9999 damage makesnext to no difference. In terms of attack strength, it's better than Yazmat andMajinryuu. However, you can escape this battle as well and come back later. Butits HPs will be full unlike the case with Majinryuu and Yazmat.

If you do beat it, you will get the Omega Badge. This will come into play soon,along with the Godslayer Crest from beating Yazmat.

Now, for the remaining side events:

Back to Luxera and the Fishing MiniGame. Keep fishing till you get Blue, Green,Red, Yellow and Black Bottle. - In Nabreus Deadlands, 2nd south area from the Gate Crystal, check the ship that's at the south of this area for the Faint Light to get Wanly Limned Letter - In Salikawood, area before Nabreus Deadlands, check the front of the empty house that's at around the middle of this area, for the Faint Light, to get the Green Hued Letter - In Mosphoran Highwaste, Gate Crystal area which is right on if you just teleport in here. Check the NW Shrine for the Faint Light to get Vermillion Letter - In Cerobi Steppe. Turn on Windmill #1, 2, 5, 7 and 9. Turn off Windmill #3, 4, 6, 8 and 10. Doing so, you will get the Auric Letter - In Garamsythe Waterway, in the early area with the Save Crystal and those switches. Look around here, see those small light stands? Near one of the light stands, you will see a rat. Check this light stand for Faint Light to get the Onyx LetterWith all Letters, teleport to the Barheim Passage. From the Gate Crystal area,go south, west and west again. It gets you to the Zevia Connecting Bridge area.To the small area that's at the most south of this area. But, as you can see onthe Locate Map, you get to this small area from the next area. Within the smallarea, a scene and you will meet up with Gilgamesh and Enkidou again. You willget the Matamune. Now go back to Luxera. You'll have another Fishing Spot, theMidStream. If not, get more Perfect for finishing at the DownStream. Of course,keep fishing and get more Perfect with MidStream will get you the UpperStream.Keep finishing at the UpperStream and with some luck, you'll get the Cactus'sCompact. Likewise, a new spot which is the Secret Shoal. Keep on fishing thereand with some luck, you will get the Cactus's Commendation. Yup, new spot

after, which is the Master's Den. Keep fishing there to get King Of Nebra, youwill get Taikou Omega. Sell off Taikou Omega along with Godslayer and OmegaBadge will get you the Tolo's Sword.

In Rabanastre, to the Bazaar. You can talk to Catherine near the entrance, bythe stairs. Talk to her from time to time, and each time, she will ask you onequestion. Talk to her for a total of 4 times, then she will head off. Now, herlocation will be depended on which choice you picked for these 4 times. She canbe in the Item Shop, in front of the Item Shop, in the Clan HQ or in front ofthe Clan HQ. Find her and you will get your reward which is also depended onwhere she is. The reward varies from Paramina Bow, Platina Sword, Fuzzy Mithra,Firefly or Ether&Hi Potion.


<Sky Fortress Bahamut>

So, once you are ready, to the Barfonheim Terminal. Ride the Strahl and on theWorld Map, the Sky Fortress Bahamut is just by Rabanastre.

Within, as I said, there is no comeback. Make your way toward the central areafor more scene. After, to the central area. Check the Lift Control for anotherfight.

Enemy: GabranthDispell him first. Because of his Judge Mant attack, stay away and attack withlong range weapon or magic. If you can, cast Darkness and Slow on him, evenSilence works on him. After you reduce enough of HPs, recast Dispell then castSilence. If he casts Full Cure then his HPs will be full. After that, recastDarkness and Slow. The rest should be easy. Just watch out for the attack knownas Innocence, it deals great damage. When he's low with HPs, his defense willgo up. Cast the Waza/Tech 'Destroy Defense'. When he's near death, he attacksa lot more rapidly, so finish it off with Mist Knack combo.

Afterward, check the Lift Control again to go up for the final 3 battles of thegame.

Enemy: VayneLarsa will be helping you in this fight. You can cause Darkness on Vayne if youwish. Just keep attacking then after, Dispell him and cause Darkness on Vayneagain. Pretty easy fight overall.

Enemies: Vayne Nous, Sephira*6Gabranth will be helping you in this fight. Dispell him right away. This is amuch harder fight than before. This time, he has lots of moves. As for some badstatus, you can cause Slow, Destroy Def, Destroy Mag Def on him. Use magic totake out all the Sephira around since they can be pretty annoying. Continue toreduce Vayne's HPs, then recast Dispell on him. Use Cura and Curaga a lot heresince lots of Vayne's attacks are toward the full party. Avoid using magic heremuch, he will eventually put up the Magic Barrier. Focus on physicals and castDestroy Def to inflict more damage.

Enemy: The Immortal OneAlright, 3rd and last form of Vayne, final battle of the game. Cast Dispell onhim. Have 1 character to focus on healing with Curaga. Don't hesitate to useall you got, any item, any Summon Beast/Esper, plus the Mist Knack combo butyou could save that at the end. Continue to reduce his HPs and he will start toput up Magic or Physical Barrier. Whenever he puts up support magic, Dispell itright away. If he does Dispell on you, spend some time to put them back on. Ifyou puts up the Full Barrier, then you will have to move away, cast support and

endure it out till the Barrier is off. Keep this up and you will beat him atthe end.


<Zodiac Job System>

\White Mage/

- Libra, Stamp, Charge, Achilles, Numerology, Darkness

- HP+230, HP+190, HP+270, HP+310, HP+110, HP+70, HP+150, HP+30

- Strengthen Power * 8

- Strengthen Magic * 14

- MP Usage Cut * 3

- Shorten Action Time * 2

- Given Damage Charge, SOS Magic Up, Magic Up With Full HP, Terminate Charge, Magic Charge, Received Damage Charge, Extend Time On Valid Status

- Equip Ribbon, Faith Rod, Dagger(5), Rod(1 ~ 4), Knight Sword(1 ~ 2), Accessory(1 ~ 22), Mystic Equipment(1 ~ 13)

- Knowledge Of Ether(1 ~ 2)

- White Magic(1 ~ 13)

- Green Magic(1 ~ 3)

- Gambit Plus * 10



- Random Magic, Gil Toss, Stamp, First Aid, Distant Attack, Libra, Bone Crusher, Step Attack, Revive, Thousand Needles

- Phoenix Effect Up * 2

- Gambit Plus * 10

- Knowledge Of Remedy(1 ~ 3)

- Equip Light Equipment(1 ~ 13), Dagger(1 ~ 6), Nagasa, Shield(2 ~ 7), Ninja Sword(1 ~ 3), Accessory(1 ~ 22), Ribbon, Gun(5 ~ 6), Orochi & Yagyuu

- White Magic(12)

- SOS ATK Up, SOS DEF Up, Received Damage Charge, Extend Time On Valid Status, ATK Up With Full HP, Terminate Charge, Given Damage Charge, Brawler

- Shield Evasion Up * 2

- HP+30, HP+230, HP+110, HP+310, HP+190, HP+70, HP+390, HP+150, HP+350, HP+270, HP+435

- Knowledge Of Potion(1 ~ 3)

- Strengthen Power * 6

- Shorten Action Time * 3

- Strengthen Magic * 5



- Equip Blood Sword, Masamune, Masamune, Blood Sword, Katana(1 ~ 5), Accessory(1 ~ 22), Mystic Equipment(1 ~ 13), Genji Equipment, Ribbon, Heavy Equipment(9 ~ 11)

- Darkness, Libra, Darkness Kill, Thousand Needles, Gil Toss, MP HP, Bone Crusher, Random Magic, Stamp

- Strengthen Magic * 14

- MAG Up With Full Up, SOS MAG Up, Given Damage Charge, Terminate Charge, SOS DEF Up, Extend Time On Valid Status, Received Damage Charge, Brawler, Shield Evasion Up

- Strengthen Power * 6

- HP+390, HP+230, HP+270, HP+310, HP+190, HP+150, HP+70, HP+110, HP+350, HP+500, HP+435

- Shorten Action Time * 3

- Gambit Plus * 10

- Knowledge Of Remedy(1 ~ 2)


\Black Mage/

- HP+70, HP+390, HP+270, HP+150, HP+230, HP+190, HP+310

- Equip Handy B(2 ~ 4), Mystic Equipment(1 ~ 7 & 9 ~ 13), Staff(1 ~ 5), Ribbon, Accessory(1 ~ 10 & 12 ~ 22), Heavy Equipment(7 ~ 9), Sage Staff

- Strengthen Magic * 16

- Gambit Plus * 10

- MP Usage Cut * 3

- Received Damage Charge, Magic Charge, Given Damage Charge, SOS Magic Up, Terminate Charge, MAG Up With Full HP, Extend Time On Valid Status

- Shorten Action Time * 2

- Black Magic(1 ~ 13)

- Poach, Charge, Distant Attack, Charm

- Knowledge Of Ether(1 ~ 3)

- Green Magic(1 ~ 3)

- Knowledge Of Remedy(1 ~ 2)



- HP+230, HP+435, HP+390, HP+310, HP+270, ATK Up With Full HP, HP+110, HP+190, HP+150, HP+70, HP+30

- Revive, Step Attack, Charm, Poach, Libra, First Aid, MP HP, Mental Break, Thousand Needles, Magic Break, Random Magic, Gil Toss, Achilles

- Gambit Plus * 10

- Equip Ribbon, Accessory(2 ~ 22), Bow(1 ~ 7), Light Equipment(1 ~ 13), Sagittaria, Sagittaria, Heavy Equipment(10 ~ 12)

- Strengthen Power * 2

- White Magic(4)

- Knowledge Of Remedy(1 ~ 3)

- Received Damage Charge, Terminate Charge, Extend Time On Valid Status, Given Damage Charge, SOS DEF Up

- Shorten Action Time * 3

- Phoenix Effect Up * 3

- Knowledge Of Potion(1 ~ 3)

- Strengthen Magic * 6



- Random Magic, MP HP, Time Attack, Darkness Kill, Mental Break, Armor Break, Magic Break, Power Break, Step Attack

- Shorten Action Time * 3

- Equip Shell Shield, Heavy Equipment(1 ~ 12), Accessory(1 ~ 22), Ribbon, Breaker(1 ~ 8), Shield(1 ~ 7), Genji Equipment, Curse Shield, Handy B(1 ~ 4), Strongest Shield

- SOS DEF Up, Received Damage Charge, Given Damage Charge, Terminate Charge, SOS ATK Up, Extend Time On Valid Status, ATK Up With Full HP

- Shield Evasion Up * 3

- Gambit Plus * 10

- HP+390, HP+30, HP+70, HP+110, HP+150, HP+310, HP+350, HP+190, HP+230, HP+270

- Strengthen Power * 13

- Strengthen Magic * 5


\Spacetime Warmage/

- MP Usage Cut * 3

- HP+150, HP+230, HP+190, HP+270, HP+110

- White Mage(4)

- Gambit Plus * 10

- Strengthen Magic * 9

- Magic Charge, SOS MAG Up, Terminate Charge, SOS DEF Up, Extend Time On Valid Status, MAG Up With Full HP, Received Damage Charge, Given Damage Charge

- Charge, Poach, Time Attack, Magic Break, Armor Break, Stamp, Numerology

- Strengthen Power * 10

- Equip Heavy Equipment(1 ~ 12), Accessory(1 ~ 22), Bow Gun(1 ~ 4), Ribbon, Sword(7 ~ 9)

- Spacetime Magic(1 ~ 10)

- Shorten Action Time * 3

- Knowledge Of Ether(1 ~ 3)

- Knowledge Of Remedy(1 ~ 2)

- Green Magic(1 ~ 3)



- Brawler, Given Damage Charge, Received Damage Charge, ATK Up With Full HP, SOS DEF Up, Extend Time On Valid Status, Terminate Charge, SOS ATK Up

- Strengthen Power * 16

- First Aid, Libra, Step Attack, Numerology, Darkness Kill, Revive, Bone Crusher, Achilles, Power Break, Armor Break, Random Magic, Darkness

- Equip Light Equipment(1 ~ 13), Accessory(1 ~ 22), Pole(1 ~ 6), Whale, Ribbon,


- Gambit Plus * 10

- HP+30, HP+70, HP+110, HP+150, HP+310, HP+190, HP+350, HP+390, HP+230, HP+500, HP+270, HP+435

- Phoenix Effect Up * 2

- White Magic(4 & 9 ~ 13)

- Knowledge Of Potion(1 ~ 3)

- Shorten Action Time * 3



- Knowledge Of Potion(1 ~ 2)

- Darkness, First Aid, MP HP, Darkness Kill, Revive

- SOS ATK Up, Terminate Charge, Received Damage Charge, Given Damage Charge, SOS DEF Up, Extend Time On Valid Status, ATK Up With Full HP, Shorten Action Time

- HP+270, HP+230, HP+350, HP+190, HP+110, HP+70, HP+30, HP+150, HP+310, HP+390

- Equip Heavy Equipment(1 ~ 12), Sword(1 ~ 9), Shield(1 ~ 7), Shell Shield Knight Sword(1 ~ 4), Accessory(1 ~ 22), Holy Sword, Genji Equipment, Distant Attack, Blood Sword, Blood Sword, Curse Shield, Strongest Shield, Strongest Sword, Ribbon, Holy Sword

- Shield Evasion Up * 3

- Strengthen Power * 12

- White Magic(6 ~ 9)

- Gambit Plus * 10


\Red Warmage/

- White Magic(2 ~ 7)

- HP+230, HP+110, HP+435, HP+190, HP+270

- Equip Heavy Equipment(8 ~ 10), Accessory(1 ~ 22), Ribbon, Mace(1 ~ 5), Mystic Equipment(1 ~ 13), Shield(1 ~ 7), Knight Sword(1 ~ 4), Curse Shield, Shell Shield, Strongest Shield

- Gambit Plus * 10

- Spacetime Magic(1 ~ 3)

- Received Damage Charge, Magic Charge, Given Damage Charge, SOS MAG Up, MAG Up With Full HP, Terminate Charge, Extend Time On Valid Status, Shorten Action Time

- Black Mage(3 ~ 6 & 9 ~ 10)

- Green Mage(1 ~ 3)

- Reverse Magic(1 ~ 3)

- MP Usage Cut * 3

- Strengthen Power * 3

- Charge, Darkness

- Knowledge Of Ether(1)

- Strengthen Magic * 12



- Green Magic(1)

- HP+350, HP+390, HP+310, HP+190, HP+150, HP+30, HP+270, HP+230, HP+110, HP+70

- Gambit Plus * 10

- Strengthen Power * 3

- Equip Gun(1 ~ 7), Accessory(1 ~ 22), Light Equipment(1 ~ 13), Ribbon, Handy B(3 ~ 4), Measure(1 ~ 4)

- Poach, Achilles, Libra, Gil Toss, Numerology, Charm, Step Attack, Time Attack, Stamp

- Strengthen Magic * 7

- Received Damage Charge, Given Damage Charge, Terminate Charge, SOS DEF Up, Extend Time On Valid Status, Phoenix Effect Up

- Knowledge Of Potion(1 ~ 3)

- Knowledge Of Ether(1)

- Spacetime Magic(8 ~ 10)

- Knowledge Of Remedy(1 ~ 3)

- Shorten Action Time * 3



- Equip Heavy Equipment(1 ~ 12), Accessory(1 ~ 22), Ribbon, Spear(1 ~ 5),

Dragon, Dragon, Strongest Halberd

- Poach, Random Magic, Armor Break, MP HP, Charm, First Aid, Revive, Darkness, Power Break

- Phoenix Effect Up * 2

- Black Magic(6 ~ 8)

- SOS ATK Up, Terminate Charge, ATK Up With Full HP, SOS DEF Up, Received Damage Up, Bone Crusher, Achilles, Given Damage Charge, Extend Time On Valid Status

- Shorten Action Time * 2

- Black Magic(5)

- HP+350, HP+310, HP+270, HP+230, HP+30, HP+70, HP+110, HP+150, HP+190

- Strengthen Power * 14

- Knowledge Of Remedy(1 ~ 2)

- Strengthen Magic * 6

- Gambit Plus * 10

- Knowledge Of Potion(1 ~ 3)


<Trial Mode>

Stage 1 - Were Rat * 6Stage 2 - Thexta, Wolf Leader, Hyena LeaderStage 3 - Flower Cactus, Cactus * 2, Tiny Cactus * 4Stage 4 - Razor Fin, Killer Fish * 4Stage 5 - Were Wolf, Nekhbet, Cockatrice * 4Stage 6 - Niwatorisu, Hinadorisu * 4Stage 7 - Judge * 2, Imperial Swordsman * 2, Imperial MageStage 8 - Badu * 5Stage 9 - Lich * 3Stage 10 - BeliasReward - 1000 Gil, Hi Potion * 10, Handkerchief - Option To Save

Stage 11 - KerogerosuStage 12 - Jelly * 8Stage 13 - TiamatStage 14 - Panther * 5Stage 15 - Elder Dragon, Treant * 2Stage 16 - Mateus, Ice Aze * 5Stage 17 - Mind Flayer * 3Stage 18 - Ring DragonStage 19 - Earth DragonStage 20 - Vulture * 5Reward - 2000 Gil, Phoenix Tail * 10, Lower Calvados * 5 - Option To Save

Stage 21 - Bomb King, Bomb * 3Stage 22 - Tomato Captain, Killer Tomato * 8Stage 23 - Pumpkin Star, Pumpkin Head * 8Stage 24 - Mandra Prince, Madragora * 8Stage 25 - Onion Queen, Mad Onion * 8Stage 26 - King Alraune, Alraune * 8Stage 27 - Mandra Prince, Tomato Captain, Onion Queen, Pumpkin Star, King AlrauneStage 28 - Wendis, Striker * 3Stage 29 - AhrimanStage 30 - Gilgame, Thunder Element * 2Reward - 3000 Gil, Ether * 10, Echo Herbs * 15 - Option To Save

Stage 31 - Bansat, Seeq Fisher * 4Stage 32 - Zalera, Deadly Bone * 4Stage 33 - Killer Cutter * 4Stage 34 - Marilith, Bogey * 3Stage 35 - Adrammelech, Skull Dragon * 2Stage 36 - Dread Guard, Mirror Knight * 4Stage 37 - Behemoth * 5Stage 38 - Mythril Golem * 3Stage 39 - Shemhazai, Ose * 2Stage 40 - Gavial, Baritine Dile * 2Reward - 4000 Gil, Phoenix Tail * 10, Reverse Mote * 3 - Option To Save

Stage 41 - Orthros, White Mousse * 3Stage 42 - Cuchulainn, Foobar * 4Stage 43 - Death Claw * 4Stage 44 - Antlion, Killer Mantis * 5Stage 45 - Koja * 2, Deidara * 2, Vishnu, Crusader * 3Stage 46 - Purobolos * 6Stage 47 - Aeronite * 2Stage 48 - Tower, Warlock * 3Stage 49 - Hashmal, Apanda * 2Stage 50 - Famfrit, Abaddon * 3Reward - 5000 Gil, X Potion * 10, Chronos Tear * 15 - Option To Save

Stage 51 - Helvinek, Over Soul * 2Stage 52 - CatoblepasStage 53 - Warrior Chief Spinelu, Garif Adventurer * 2Stage 54 - Death Scythe, Reaper * 2Stage 55 - Tyrant, Pisco Demon * 3Stage 56 - Larva Eater, Elvoret * 4Stage 57 - Rook Met * 2, Rook Spinner * 2, Rook Sphere * 2Stage 58 - Trickster, Black Chocobo, Red Chocobo, Brown Chocobo, Green ChocoboStage 59 - Rinok, Gijuk, Bwagi, Ba'GamnanStage 60 - Monid, Bangaa Hunter * 2, Rabanastre Watch * 2Reward - 6000 Gil, Phoenix Tail * 10, Collapse Mote * 3 - Option To Save

Stage 61 - Baknamus * 8Stage 62 - Vorpal Bunny, VampireStage 63 - Fury, Fortune Rabbi, Mu, Vorpal Bunny, Lucky RabbitStage 64 - Phunbaba Boss * 2Stage 65 - Death Guise, Vyraal * 2Stage 66 - Master Joe, Bangaa Fighter * 5Stage 67 - Shield Dragon, Dheed

Stage 68 - Exodus, Golem * 2Stage 69 - Wild Morbol, Cassie * 4Stage 70 - Carrot, Vivian * 4Reward - 7000 Gil, Hi Ether * 10, C9H8O4 * 15 - Option To Save

Stage 71 - KJRN, Viera Hunter * 5Stage 72 - Diablos, Avenger, Over LordStage 73 - Spirit Salamand, Fire Element * 4Stage 74 - Spirit Mart, Thunder Element * 4Stage 75 - Spirit Lashi, Ice Element * 4Stage 76 - Spirit Gnome, Earth Element * 4Stage 77 - Spirit Undin, Water Element * 4Stage 78 - Spirit Sylphs, Wind Element * 4Stage 79 - Light Of Light, Spirit Dekualb * 2Stage 80 - Soul Of Chaos, Spirit Ryosualb * 2Reward - 8000 Gil, Elixir * 3, Bubble Mote * 3 - Option To Save

Stage 81 - Zeromus, Dark Lord * 2Stage 82 - Apanda Leader * 2, Apanda * 3Stage 83 - Giruveganus * 3Stage 84 - Chaos, Wind Chaos Juda, Earth Chaos Juda, Fire Chaos Juda, Water Chaos JudaStage 85 - Pylraster, Abelisk, ScarecrowStage 86 - Rikken, Elza, Pirates * 6Stage 87 - MajinryuuStage 88 - Disma, Life Phobiton * 4Stage 89 - FafnirStage 90 - King BehemothReward - 9000 Gil, Last Elixir * 2, Remedy * 15 - Option To Save

Stage 91 - Magic Pot, Hecteyes * 5Stage 92 - Shadow God, Fenrir, Slyt, Pandaemonium, PhoenixStage 93 - Red Chocobo Level 99 * 3Stage 94 - Gilgamesh, EnkiduStage 95 - UltimaStage 96 - Abyss * 16Stage 97 - ZodiarkStage 98 - YazmatStage 99 - Omega MK XIIStage 100 - Gabranth, Ghis, Bergan, Drace, Zargabaath

Clear Bonus: No Saving But Two Options - Start New Game Minus (No EXP Game) - Back To Title

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2007 Kouli ------------------------------------------------------- All Rights Reserved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System: FAQ/Walkthrough by KouliVersion: 1.5 | Last Updated: 2007-08-27 | View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQsReturn to Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System (PS2) FAQs & Guides