Withdrawal Behaviors Syndrome: Orly Shapira...

Withdrawal Behaviors Syndrome: An Ethical Perspective Orly Shapira-Lishchinsky Shmuel Even-Zohar ABSTRACT. This study aimed to elucidate the with- drawal behaviors syndrome (lateness, absence, and intent to leave work) among nurses by examining interrelations between these behaviors and the mediating effect of organizational commitment upon ethical perceptions (caring climate, formal climate, and distributive justice) and withdrawal behaviors. Two-hundred and one nurses from one hospital in northern Israel participated. Data collection was based on questionnaires and hospital records using a two-phase design. The analyses are based on Hierarchical Multiple Regressions and on Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS. Affective commitment was found to mediate the relationship between different dimensions of nurses’ ethical perceptions (caring climate, formal climate, and distributive justice) and their intent to leave work. Lateness was found to be positively related to absence frequency which was found negatively related to intent to leave. Males were late more frequently than females, while seniority was related only to absence fre- quency. The findings indicated that each withdrawal behavior exhibits unique relationships. The results may help policy makers to focus on improving the ethical environment in order to increase nurses’ commitment and reduce their intent to leave. Improving the ethical environment may be achieved through ethical education for nurses which may promote ethical considerations becoming an integral part of nurses’ work. KEY WORDS: absence, distributive justice, ethical cli- mate, ethical perceptions, intent to leave, lateness, nurses, organizational commitment, organizational justice, with- drawal behaviors Introduction Withdrawal behaviors and behavioral intentions have long been at the center of health care research on nurses (Carraher and Buckley, 2008; Somers, 2009). Withdrawal behaviors refer to a set of attitudes and behaviors used by employees when they stay at the job but for some reason decide to be less par- ticipative (Kaplan et al., 2009). In the present study, we focused on three key indicators from among the wide array of potential withdrawal symptoms: lateness, absence, and intent to leave work. The importance of studying nurses’ withdrawal behav- iors cannot be overstated. Nurses’ withdrawal behaviors are very costly and result in decreased standards of patient care. They also cause increased pressure on those left in the job, resulting in de- creased morale on the wards and possibly further turnover (Borda and Norman, 1997; Shaw et al., 2005). Previous studies (Hackett and Bycio, 1996; Staw and Oldham, 1978) indicate that withdrawal behaviors do not have exclusively detrimental effects for an organization. They argued that withdrawal behaviors may give employees a needed break from stress and might be expected in response to a wide range of noxious aspects of the work role. Thus, by withdrawing, all these employees may return to work with higher motivation which in turn can ultimately increase organizational effectiveness. On the other hand, recent studies (Carmeli, 2005; Hart, 2005; Johns, 2003; Koslowsky, 2009; Ulrich et al., 2007) found that these withdrawal behav- iors stem not only from unavoidable situations, but also from avoidable ones resulting from perceived unethical conditions which reduce organizational commitment and organizational effectiveness. All these findings point to the relevance of examining whether ethical perceptions may predict with- drawal behaviors among nurses. The questions that this study tried to answer are: what are the interre- lations between ethical perceptions, organiza- tional commitment, and the three above-mentioned Journal of Business Ethics (2011) 103:429–451 Ó Springer 2011 DOI 10.1007/s10551-011-0872-3

Transcript of Withdrawal Behaviors Syndrome: Orly Shapira...

Withdrawal Behaviors Syndrome:

An Ethical PerspectiveOrly Shapira-Lishchinsky

Shmuel Even-Zohar

ABSTRACT. This study aimed to elucidate the with-

drawal behaviors syndrome (lateness, absence, and intent

to leave work) among nurses by examining interrelations

between these behaviors and the mediating effect of

organizational commitment upon ethical perceptions

(caring climate, formal climate, and distributive justice)

and withdrawal behaviors. Two-hundred and one nurses

from one hospital in northern Israel participated. Data

collection was based on questionnaires and hospital

records using a two-phase design. The analyses are based

on Hierarchical Multiple Regressions and on Structural

Equation Modeling with AMOS. Affective commitment

was found to mediate the relationship between different

dimensions of nurses’ ethical perceptions (caring climate,

formal climate, and distributive justice) and their intent to

leave work. Lateness was found to be positively related

to absence frequency which was found negatively related

to intent to leave. Males were late more frequently than

females, while seniority was related only to absence fre-

quency. The findings indicated that each withdrawal

behavior exhibits unique relationships. The results may

help policy makers to focus on improving the ethical

environment in order to increase nurses’ commitment

and reduce their intent to leave. Improving the ethical

environment may be achieved through ethical education

for nurses which may promote ethical considerations

becoming an integral part of nurses’ work.

KEY WORDS: absence, distributive justice, ethical cli-

mate, ethical perceptions, intent to leave, lateness, nurses,

organizational commitment, organizational justice, with-

drawal behaviors


Withdrawal behaviors and behavioral intentions

have long been at the center of health care research

on nurses (Carraher and Buckley, 2008; Somers,

2009). Withdrawal behaviors refer to a set of attitudes

and behaviors used by employees when they stay at

the job but for some reason decide to be less par-

ticipative (Kaplan et al., 2009). In the present study,

we focused on three key indicators from among the

wide array of potential withdrawal symptoms:

lateness, absence, and intent to leave work. The

importance of studying nurses’ withdrawal behav-

iors cannot be overstated. Nurses’ withdrawal

behaviors are very costly and result in decreased

standards of patient care. They also cause increased

pressure on those left in the job, resulting in de-

creased morale on the wards and possibly further

turnover (Borda and Norman, 1997; Shaw et al.,


Previous studies (Hackett and Bycio, 1996;

Staw and Oldham, 1978) indicate that withdrawal

behaviors do not have exclusively detrimental effects

for an organization. They argued that withdrawal

behaviors may give employees a needed break from

stress and might be expected in response to a wide

range of noxious aspects of the work role. Thus, by

withdrawing, all these employees may return to

work with higher motivation which in turn can

ultimately increase organizational effectiveness.

On the other hand, recent studies (Carmeli, 2005;

Hart, 2005; Johns, 2003; Koslowsky, 2009; Ulrich

et al., 2007) found that these withdrawal behav-

iors stem not only from unavoidable situations, but

also from avoidable ones resulting from perceived

unethical conditions which reduce organizational

commitment and organizational effectiveness. All

these findings point to the relevance of examining

whether ethical perceptions may predict with-

drawal behaviors among nurses. The questions that

this study tried to answer are: what are the interre-

lations between ethical perceptions, organiza-

tional commitment, and the three above-mentioned

Journal of Business Ethics (2011) 103:429–451 � Springer 2011DOI 10.1007/s10551-011-0872-3

withdrawal symptoms (lateness, absence, and intent

to leave work), and what model can best describe

these relationships among nurses.

Theoretical background

The withdrawal syndrome

Lateness is described as arriving late to work or

leaving before the end of the day (Koslowsky, 2000)

and has been recognized as having motivational

antecedents. Theoretically, it is classified into three

dimensions: chronic, unavoidable, and avoidable.

Chronic lateness is a response by the employees to a

bad work situation. Relevant antecedents to chronic

lateness are, for example, lack of organizational

commitment and job satisfaction. Avoidable lateness

occurs when employees have better or more

important activities to do than to arrive on time.

Leisure-income tradeoff and work–family conflicts

may be positive antecedents to this type of lateness.

Unavoidable lateness is due to factors beyond the

employee’s control, such as transport problems, bad

weather, and accidents (Blau, 1995).

Work absence is ‘‘the lack of physical presence at

a behavior setting when and where one is expected

to be’’ (Harrison and Price, 2003, p. 204). Sagie

(1998) distinguished between two basic types of

absence: voluntary absences, which are normally under

the direct control of the employee and are frequently

exploited for personal issues such as testing the

market for alternative prospects of employment, and

involuntary absences, which are usually beyond the

employee’s immediate control.

Recent literature reviews emphasized absence as a

variable related not only to the individual’s demo-

graphic characteristics but also to the organizational

environment and social context (Felfe and Schyns,

2004; Martocchio and Jimeno, 2003). Previous

studies on nursing have indicated that musculoskel-

etal disorders, back pain, mental problems, lack of

support in the workplace, low level of perceived

fairness, and negative social relations represent risk

factors for sickness absence (Eriksen et al., 2004;

Josephson et al., 2008; Petterson et al., 2005;)

Intent to leave work is normally viewed as a

proxy for actual voluntary turnover (Carraher and

Buckley, 2008; Griffeth et al., 2000; Lambert and

Hogan, 2009), which is one of the most detrimental

behaviors to organizational effectiveness (Morrow

and McElroy, 2007; Shaw et al., 2005) and costs

organizations billions of dollars per year (Podsakoff

et al., 2007). The theory of reasoned action suggests

that intention is a psychological precursor to a

behavioral act (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980). Based on

this notion, a nurse who nurtures the thought of

leaving his/her work is more likely to do so if

the right conditions exist. Nurses who intend to

leave their organizations may reduce their efforts

at work. Those who consider leaving are often the

more qualified employees, who are more likely

to find alternate employment, and this may jeopar-

dize organizational standards and affect colleagues’

motivation and efforts (Josephson et al., 2008; Parry,

2008). Previous studies in nursing indicated that the

lack of professional opportunities, restricted profes-

sional autonomy, unsatisfactory salary, and poor job

satisfaction contribute to a general intent to leave the

workplace (Fochsen et al., 2005; Morrell, 2004).

Four major theoretical constructs for the internal

structure of withdrawal attitudes and behaviors

have been suggested for describing the relation-

ships between various withdrawal behaviors: inde-

pendent, spillover, compensatory, and progression

(e.g., Johns, 2003; Koslowsky et al., 1997).

According to the independent model, withdrawal

behaviors have different causes and functions, and

should therefore be unrelated to each other. Thus,

employees can choose the form of withdrawal that

best suits them (Hulin, 1991). The spillover model

posits that withdrawal behaviors are positively

related, without specifying any temporal or

sequential relationship (Beehr and Gupta, 1978).

Thus, an individual is likely to react to certain

antecedents with a set of withdrawal behaviors ra-

ther than with just one (Koslowsky et al., 1997).

The compensatory model proposes that similar

antecedents causes specific forms of withdrawal to

be negatively correlated (Nicolson and Goodge,

1976). The most common model is the progressive

model, which posits that withdrawal manifestations

occur in progression, starting with relatively mild

forms of psychological withdrawal, such as occa-

sional lateness, moving to more severe forms such

as absence, and ending with the most severe forms

such as intent to leave work and actual turnover

(Koslowsky et al., 1997).

430 Orly Shapira-Lishchinsky and Shmuel Even-Zohar

In conclusion, the literature does not seem to

afford a clear indication of the interrelations between

the main withdrawal behaviors. Rather, the findings

are actually somewhat ambiguous. A few researchers

reported that no relationship exists (Ross, 1988),

others reported negative relationships (Nicolson and

Goodge, 1976), some reported positive relationships

(Iverson and Deery, 2001; Leigh and Lust, 1988),

while still others claim that there is no sequential

relationship between them and they can occur

concurrently (Benson and Pond, 1987; Wolpin

et al., 1988). These diverse findings indicate that

withdrawal behaviors may have different patterns.

We, therefore, examined the relationships between

different predictors and withdrawal behaviors in

order to study these patterns and understand the

withdrawal syndrome.

The recuperative role of withdrawal behaviors

One of the explanations for nurses’ withdrawal

behaviors is the Conservation of Resources (COR)

model of Burnout. This model is centered on

environmental and cognitive factors associated with

resources, defined as those ‘‘objects, personal char-

acteristics, conditions, or energies that are valued in

their own right or that are valued because they act as

conduits to the achievement or protection of valued

resources’’ (Hobfoll, 2001, p. 339). The COR

theory suggests that people strive to obtain, protect,

and foster valued resources and minimize any threats

of resource loss. Threats of resource loss are usually

in the form of role demands and efforts expended

toward meeting such demands. In a work context,

stress is caused chiefly because the rate at which

work demands use up employee resources is typi-

cally greater than the rate with which resources are

replenished (Halbesleben, 2006).

Consider the nursing profession: nurses can use

withdrawal behaviors as a means to protect their

internal resources so as to continue to perform well

on the job, which may increase hospital effectiveness

(Hackett and Bycio, 1996). Thus, withdrawal

behaviors might be functional to employees in a

variety of ways. Some may provide time to recover

from physical illness or psychological exhaustion.

Others may simply be seen as a way to restore per-

ceived equity to the employment relationship. This

study will expand upon this latter function of

withdrawal behaviors – restoring perceived equity to

the relationship between nurse and hospital – by

studying how ethical perceptions may affect a nurse’s

withdrawal behaviors, in the event that the nurse

perceives that her hospital does not fulfill her


Ethical perceptions

The rapid changes taking place in healthcare increase

ethical questions which may affect nurses’ behaviors

(Deshpande and Joseph, 2008). Two measures of

ethical perceptions were investigated in the present

study: ethical climate and organizational justice. These

were selected because of increasing research interest

in them in recent years, and because they represent

different aspects of ethical perceptions. The ethical

climate represents employees’ perceptions about

organizational norms regarding behavior and deci-

sions that bear ethical content (Cullen et al., 2003;

Victor and Cullen, 1988). In other words, an ethi-

cal climate will reflect to what extent the ethi-

cal dimensions of the organizational culture have

been incorporated and implanted throughout the

organization by processes of socialization so that

‘‘employees perceive the existence of normative pat-

terns in the organization with measurable degree of

consensus’’ (Victor and Cullen, 1988, p. 103).

Victor and Cullen (1988) proposed a two-

dimensional model of ethical climate. One dimen-

sion represents three basic ethical approaches:

egoism (maximizing self-interest), benevolence

(maximizing joint interests), and principle (adher-

ence to ethical principles). The second dimension

represents the various levels of analysis: individual,

local (organizational), and cosmopolitan (societal).

Cross-tabulation of the two dimensions produces

nine ethical climates. Victor and Cullen (1988)

organized these nine ethical climates into five prin-

cipal categories: (1) caring (egoism at the cosmopol-

itan level and benevolence at all levels, where

employees have a genuine interest in each others’

welfare, both inside and outside the organization),

(2) instrumental (egoism on the individual and local

levels, where personal and organizational interests

are most important), (3) rules (principle on the

local level, where employees are mainly guided by

431Withdrawal Behaviors Syndrome

organizational rules and procedures), (4) law-and-code

(principle on the cosmopolitan level, where

employees are guided by laws, regulations, and

professional codes), and (5) independence (principle on

the individual level, where employees are guided by

personal convictions and personal morality).

In a study conducted in Israel, Shapira-Lish-

chinsky and Rosenblatt (2009) identified two factors

that emerged as the most powerful and valid pre-

dictors of organizational outcomes. These factors

were named caring and formal and were adopted in

the present study due to their relevance to the Israeli

system (the site of the present study). Caring climate is

characterized by the employees’ genuine interest in

each other’s welfare, both inside and outside the

organization, corresponding to the original ‘‘caring’’

dimension of Victor and Cullen (1988) model. A

formal climate emphasizes organizational rules and

encourages respect for them. It combines two of

Victor and Cullen’s (1988) factors: rules and law-

and-code. Since a formal climate is based on trans-

parent procedures, it is perceived as protecting

employees from abusive treatment by management

and others. Both types of ethical climate, i.e. caring

and formal, and especially how they are perceived by

employees, may predict employees’ behavior on the

job (Peterson, 2002).

Organizational justice is another concept of

organizational ethics that is used to describe equity in

the workplace (Greenberg, 1995) and taps how

employees’ perceptions of equity are determined

and how these perceptions influence organiza-

tional outcomes. Organizational justice research has

focused on two key dimensions: distributive justice,

which refers to the fairness of the outcomes an

employee receives (Adams, 1965) and procedural jus-

tice, which describes the fairness of the procedures

used to determine organizational outcomes (Pillai

et al., 2001).

In this study, we focused on nurses’ ethical per-

spective because it has been shown that nurses

expect fairness in their workplace (Deshpande, 2009;

Deshpande and Joseph, 2008; Elovainio et al., 2004;

O’Donohue and Nelson, 2007; Purvis and Cropley,

2003), and that their perceptions of such fairness

affect their work attitudes and behaviors. Thus, if

nurses perceive that their ethical expectations are not

fulfilled, they will compensate for this disenchant-

ment by withdrawal behaviors.

Nursing and ethical perspective

Nurses are faced with ethical issues on a daily basis

because of inadequate staffing, inappropriate bud-

get allocation, situations in which patients are dis-

cussed inappropriately, and sometimes a climate of

withholding information (Corley et al., 2001;

Deshpande et al. 2006; Fry and Daffy, 2001; Metcalf

and Yankou, 2003; Moore, 2000). The quality of

nurses’ ethical decisions has a significant impact on

the quality of healthcare (Loewy and Loewy, 2004).

For example, De Casterle et al. (2008) found, in a

meta-analysis of nine studies from four countries,

that conformist practices by nurses represent a major

barrier to their taking appropriate ethical action.

Raines (2000), in a study of 229 oncology nurses

found that they experienced 32 different types of

ethical dilemmas over a period of 1 year, and some

of these dilemmas were experienced on a daily basis.

In Israel, although all nurses in Israel are encouraged

to obtain an academic degree (Birenbaum-Carmeli,

2007; Ehrenfeld et al., 2007; Fawcett et al., 2007),

their average salaries are among the lowest of all

academic professionals in the public sector (Wage

and Work Agreement Administrator, 2008). Any of

these factors is likely to engender perceptions of

unjust rewards, creating a climate that does not foster

a desire to spend more time at the hospital and

encouraging withdrawal behaviors.

Relations among different dimensions

of ethical perceptions

Each of the ethical concepts below represents nurses’

perceptions. The ethical climate signifies the aspect

of workplace environment and organizational justice

represents managerial actions. These two concepts

are closely interrelated. Gilligan (1982) viewed the

ethics of care and justice as interrelated, since both

revolve around responsibility and social relationships

and both consider morality as the means for resolv-

ing interpersonal conflicts. Formal climate is closely

related to distributive justice, since these two con-

cepts focus on the employees’ rights and on the

structure of rules and regulations that protects their


Although some of the values included in the eth-

ical perceptions presented here may be potentially

432 Orly Shapira-Lishchinsky and Shmuel Even-Zohar

conflicting (e.g., caring vs. equality-based distribu-

tive justice), the competing values model (Quinn,

1988) asserts that although tension between con-

flicting values is inevitable, it may contribute to

organizational effectiveness. This gives some cre-

dence to our integrative approach to the ethics

concepts presented here and leads to our first


Hypothesis 1: The ethical climate (caring, formal)

and distributive justice are positively related to

each other.

The ethical element in withdrawal behaviors

One of the common characteristics of the with-

drawal behaviors discussed in the present study is

that they are, for the most part, under the employ-

ee’s control. This means that they have a consider-

able voluntary component. Thus, in many cases, the

nurses’ ethical perspective plays a key role in

explaining decisions to withdraw from work (Blau,

1994). Many established foundational theories,

including equity theory (Adams, 1965), induce-

ments–contributions theory (March and Simon,

1958), and social exchange theory (Thibault and

Kelly, 1959) note the role of withdrawal behaviors as

a means by which employees can withhold inputs

from an organization. According to their theories,

withdrawal behaviors are often controllable forms of

input reduction. Additionally, withdrawal behaviors

permit an employee to reduce the cost of an aversive

job by engaging in more pleasurable activities while

still maintaining the economic benefits offered by

the job (Harrison et al., 2006).

In the case of nursing, lateness, absence, and in-

tent to leave work may have adverse effects on

patients, who are entitled to proper care (Deshpande

and Joseph, 2009; Nielsen et al., 2002; Parry, 2008).

Time lost because of lateness is often not given back,

while time lost due to absence (e.g., when the nurse

reports absence at the last minute) is usually made up

by colleagues who are normally busy with their own

duties, thus adding to their regular workload. Late-

comers and absent nurses thus negatively affect their

colleagues, exhibiting inconsiderateness for the

interests of their colleagues. Nurses who entertain

thoughts of leaving, even when present on the job, are

likely to invest less effort at work, either because of

lower motivation or because of time needed to

search for an alternative job. In addition, these

withdrawals are also likely to have an adverse effect

on patient-centered care (Ulrich et al., 2007), and

the patients’ interests may be compromised for the

personal interests of the withdrawing nurses. Thus,

according to the traditional theories, withdrawal

behaviors can be motivated by various personal and

work-related reasons, and they all may share ele-

ments of unethical behavior among employees

(Hart, 2005; Olson, 1998; Ones et al., 2003;

Koslowsky, 2009), and in this study, among nurses.

However, we should also consider that the

changes which have occurred in employment

arrangements in this decade have led to a destabi-

lizing of the relationship between employee and

employer (Kabanoff et al. 2000). Prior to these

changes, the employment relationship was con-

structed around an individual’s loyalty, commitment,

and trust in the employing organization. In

return, the employer provided job security and

career prospects. Today, however, the individual is

required to demonstrate more responsibility and

multiskilling, and to function under conditions of

role ambiguity (O’Donohue and Nelson, 2007).

Thus, the individual professional employee’s alle-

giance and career aspirations move away from the

organization and are transferred onto the profession.

(O’Donohue and Nelson, 2007; Purvis and Cropley,

2003; Thompson and Bunderson, 2003). These

changes in the work world, together with the

implications of the COR model explained previ-

ously, may encourage us to consider that withdrawal

from the hospital by lateness, absence, or intent to

leave, do not necessarily signify withdrawal from the

patient. This decade has seen professional ideol-

ogy become dominant in the decision-making of

employees (O’Donohue & Nelson, 2009; Thomp-

son & Bunderson, 2003), and that has had a positive

effect on work behaviors affecting patient care

(O’Donohue and Nelson, 2007).

Ideological currency, when applied to the nursing

profession, might include such occupational ideals as

professional competence, expertise and excellence,

client focus, or social ideas, such as the right of every

member of the community to access high quality

health services regardless of their individual socio-

economic status. Consequently, when nurses have a

commitment to the ideology and ethics of nursing,

433Withdrawal Behaviors Syndrome

reflecting an ‘‘other’’ orientation that goes beyond

the traditional dyadic employee–organization rela-

tionship, this may lead them to an increased effort to

protect their patients from the negative conse-

quences of ‘‘unethical’’ organizational decisions,

rather than to withdrawal from the patient

(O’Donohue and Nelson, 2007; Purvis and Cropley,


The relationship between ethical perceptions

components and withdrawal behavior

When the climate in the organizational focuses on

high morality, employees may respond by refraining

from deviant behavior such as withdrawal behaviors

(Hutchison et al., 1986; Peterson, 2002; Wimbush

and Shepard, 1994). More specifically, nurses will be

less likely to withdraw from work when they per-

ceive their workplace as characterized by a caring

climate in which their emotional and other needs are

taken into account, or where there is a formal cli-

mate in which the transparency of rules and regu-

lations protects them from managerial abuse of their

rights (Deshpande and Joseph, 2008).

Studies on distributive justice show consistently

that employees expect organizational decisions to be

fair, and that they engage in negative reactions to the

organization when they believe that they are subject

to unjust outcomes (Greenberg, 1995; Moorman,

1991). From this perspective, withdrawal behaviors

are among the various means available for restoring

an inequitable employment relationship (Blau et al.,

2004; Carraher and Buckley, 2008). Consider

absence research, where past absenteeism has been

found to predict subsequent absenteeism; stability of

absenteeism over time may in part be due to

employees’ ethical perceptions. The individual dif-

ferences perspective on organizational ethics posits

that individuals who have negative ethical percep-

tions will engage in more undesirable behaviors

(Elovainio et al., 2004; Ones et al., 2003).

All these raise the question of what can explain

the presumed link between nurses’ ethical percep-

tions and withdrawal behaviors. Based on the

extensive literature on organizational behavior,

where organizational commitment emerges as a

powerful explicator of employees’ work behaviors

(Cohen, 2003; Cohen and Freund, 2005), we sug-

gest that organizational commitment may best

explain the relationships between nurses’ ethical

perceptions and withdrawal behaviors, thus consti-

tuting a mediating variable.

The role of psychological contract in nurses’ withdrawal


Previous studies indicate that a violation of the

psychological contract may damage the employment

relationship, giving rise to anger generated by

betrayal of trust (Rousseau, 1995); this, in turn, has

the potential to reduce organizational commitment

and increase withdrawal behaviors (Geurts, 1995;

Nicholson and Johns, 1985; Purvis and Cropley,

2003; Robinson and Rousseau, 1994). The psy-

chological contract is created when an individual

perceives that his or her contributions obligate the

organization to reciprocate, and it is the individual’s

belief in the obligation of the organization to meet

his expectations that constitutes the contract. The

reciprocity in the psychological contract is unique

for each person that accepts it (Rousseau, 1995).

Therefore, it is logical to place the emphasis on the

individual’s subjective perception.

Cavanagh (1996, p. 80) describes the psycholog-

ical contract as a ‘‘sophisticated set of expectations and

rules which forms the psychological basis for the

continuing commitment of an employee to his/her

employer’’. Indeed, the latest studies expanded the

interpretive framework for the psychological con-

tract (Bunderson, 2001; O’Donohue and Nelson,

2007; Thompson and Bunderson, 2003) and indicate

an additional perspective, namely, the ideology-

infused contract (O’Donohue and Nelson, 2009).

Thompson and Bunderson (2003, p. 574) define

ideological currency as ‘‘credible commitments to

pursue a valued cause or principle that are implicitly

exchanged at the nexus of the individual-organiza-

tion relationship’’. Thus, by broadening the range of

contract terms included in the psychological con-

tract, the ideology-infused contract provides a means

for exploring the link between professional ideolo-

gies and the psychological contract for professional

employees (O’Donohue and Nelson, 2007).

In the case of a transactional perspective, the

individual approach is egoistic and instrumental,

focusing on benefit to oneself. The currency of

434 Orly Shapira-Lishchinsky and Shmuel Even-Zohar

transactional exchange is reasonably explicit, short-

term, and economic in nature. Such an exchange

assumes rational and self-interested parties, and does

not result in ongoing interdependence. For rela-

tional perspective, the individual approach is interde-

pendence through a commitment to the collective

interest over self-interest, focusing on benefits

accruing to both the individual and the organization;

its currency is socio-emotional in nature and,

therefore, less clear, and it evolves over time. In the

case of an ideology-infused perspective, the focus is

shifted beyond the individual and the organization to

a third-party beneficiary, defined in general terms as

society. Thus, an ideology-infused psychological

contract reflects a value-oriented model of human

nature, where the notion of benefit to society may

transcend personal gain in the eyes of an employee

(O’Donohue & Nelson, 2009; Thompson & Bun-

derson, 2003).

Employees sometimes perceive violation of a

contract even in the absence of direct personal

mistreatment by an organization. Psychological con-

tracts can be violated not only when the organization

abandons its obligations to provide economic

(transactional) and socio-emotional (relational) sup-

port to the employee, but also when the organization

fails to exemplify some principle or to fulfill

an implied ideological obligation (Thompson and

Bunderson, 2003). There is abundant evidence in

the existing literature to indicate that ideology

can play a key role in defining and shaping the

individual–organization relationship. For example,

George (2001) argues that for many employees, ‘‘the

real motivation comes from believing that their

work has a purpose and that they are part of a larger

effort to achieve something truly worthwhile’’

(p. 42) and Collins and Porras (1996) suggest that

successful organizations adopt cause-driven missions

in an attempt to fulfill the moral expectations of their

employees. However, the existing literature does not

elaborate on how employees react to unmet ideo-

logical obligations, for example, when the employers

do not share their employees’ ethical perceptions. As

a result, the organizational literature is poorly

equipped to explain the phenomena resulting from

an ideological breach based on ethical expectations.

Incorporating ideology into the interpretive

framework of the psychological contract allows a

more useful consideration of the influence of values

and ethical standards of behavior in today’s changing

employment environment. If an employee perceives

that the organization has failed to meet its ethical

obligations, he may see this as a breach of the psy-

chological contract (O’Donohue and Nelson, 2009;

Sims and Keon, 2000), which may affect his


Organizational commitment as a mediator between ethical

perceptions and withdrawal behaviors

Meyer and Allen (1997) identified three types of

organizational commitment: affective, normative, and

continuous. Affective commitment refers to employees’

emotional attachment to the organization, and their

identification and involvement with it. Normative

commitment reflects a sense of obligation to continue

working for the organization. Continuous commitment

refers to people’s external reasons for staying with

the organization, such as the cost associated with

leaving it. The general consensus is that organiza-

tional commitment is strongly related to work out-

comes and job performance (Blau et al., 2006;

Luchak and Gellatly, 2007; Meyer et al., 2002;

Nogueras, 2006). Nevertheless, the relationship

between organizational commitment and work out-

comes may not be universal for all types of

commitment. Studies showed that affective and

normative commitment positively affect work out-

comes, including withdrawal behaviors, whereas

continuous commitment showed little or negligible

relationships of this type (Cohen, 2003: Luchak and

Gellatly; 2007; Meyer et al., 2002). In the field of

nursing, the strong service element associated with

the vocation of nursing might lead to the dominance

of affective and normative commitment (Somers,


The mediating effect of organizational commit-

ment on the relationship between nurses’ ethical

perceptions and withdrawal behaviors can be ex-

plained by the social exchange theory (Robinson

and Rousseau, 1994), which proposes that the par-

ties in any given relationship seek balance and

fairness in the relationship. According to the

psychological contract, the organization provides

resources that address the employee’s values, and in

exchange, the employee offers his loyalty and

commitment. When the employees perceive that the

435Withdrawal Behaviors Syndrome

organization has failed to meet its ethical obligations,

personalized attachments are compromised (Bunde-

son, 2001), and the employees may seek ways to

recover the benefits to which they feel entitled, for

example, through withdrawal from work (Kickul,

2001; Turnley et al., 2004).

However, the processes put into operation by the

psychological contract are not all uni-directional.

Previous studies suggest that even when employ-

ees are deeply committed to fulfilling ideological

objectives, they will demonstrate tolerance in cir-

cumstances when the organization fails to achieve

ideological victories. This is explained in two ways:

first, because the very pursuit of the ideology is in

itself its own reward, and also, because those who

pursue ideological rewards are generally predisposed

to having a future-oriented perspective and will-

ingness for delayed gratification concerning the

organization (Thompson and Bunderson, 2003).

In contrast to economic and socio-emotional

obligations, which usually require relatively short-

term gratification, employees who base their orga-

nizational relationship on more remote ideological

goals will be more likely to exhibit tolerance for

short-term breaches of the psychological contract, if

they are persuaded that the organization has

not abandoned its commitment to the long-term

objective. Similarly, Morrison and Robinson (1997)

contend that the likelihood of organizational viola-

tion depends on whether the larger social contract,

which is the context for organizational action, ade-

quately justifies the breach. If employees realize that

the ideology to which they are committed must be

counter balanced against other legitimate values,

their emotional response to the perceived breach

may be assuaged.

In line with this theory, we argue that ethical

perceptions may affect the ideological component of

the social exchange to which nurses react. These

ethical perceptions reflect the values guiding nurses’

behaviors (Schein, 1990). When nurses do not feel at

ease with organizationally endorsed values, they

reciprocate with a lower level of commitment,

which may in turn lead to unfavorable work atti-

tudes and behaviors (Bundeson, 2001; Kwantes,

2003), depending on how severe they perceive the

ideological breach to be.

Based on the O’Donohue and Nelson (2007) study,

which established that perceptions of the psycholog-

ical contract are best understood by reference to an

ideological currency; and based on the most common

model of withdrawal syndrome, the progressive

model, which proposes that withdrawal behaviors

occur in progression, starting with relatively mild

forms of psychological withdrawal and moving on to

more severe forms, we believe that such an ideological

breach will have a greater effect on the more severe

withdrawal behavior, i.e., intent to leave, than on

the other ‘‘mild’’ withdrawal behaviors (lateness,

absence). Organizational commitment thus acts more

significantly as a mediator in the relationships between

nurses’ ethical perceptions and intent to leave than it

does on the other withdrawal behaviors. This leads to

the second hypothesis:

Hypothesis 2: Organizational commitment (affective,

normative) will mediate the relationship between

ethical perceptions (ethical climate, organizational

justice) and intent to leave more significantly than

the relationship between ethical perceptions and

lateness or absence.

Figure 1 summarizes the study model and hypothesis



Population and sample

Two-hundred and one nurses from one hospital in

northern Israel participated in the study. The selec-

tion of the hospital was pragmatic, based on finding

an institution where the hospital’s head nurse and

the nurses were willing and available to participate

voluntarily. The reason for conducting research in

only one hospital stems from the differences in

defining lateness and absence, which vary among the

hospitals in Israel depending on the hospital type:

public, governmental, or private. Therefore, we

choose one hospital with a uniform definition of

lateness and absence in all its departments (e.g., in

public hospitals in Israel, lateness is defined as being

more than 5 min late while in private hospitals, it is

generally defined as being only more than 1 min


All subjects received a formal letter describing the

study goals and informing them that the study was

436 Orly Shapira-Lishchinsky and Shmuel Even-Zohar

undertaken in order to collect data about the char-

acteristics of Israeli nurses’ withdrawal behaviors and

their ethical perceptions. The letter also stipulated

the researchers’ obligation to maintain anonymity

according to the Helsinki Treaty. This was a con-

tributing factor in obtaining the nurses’ consent to

participate and may explain the fact that the response

rate was 75%.

The nurses came from diverse clinical backgrounds

(e.g., cardiology, intensive care, oncology, and geri-

atrics). Eighty percent of the participants were wo-

men. The participants’ mean age was 36.28 years

(SD = 9.50). The hospitals’ mean seniority was

9.68 years (SD = 7.35) and the mean job seniority

was 12.76 years (SD = 8.52); 77% of the nurses had

tenure and the others were employed through tem-

porary contracts. These background characteristics are

typical of the Israeli health system (Israeli Central

Bureau of Statistics, 2005), indicating that the

respondents accurately represented the Israeli nurse


Data collection

Data collection was performed using a two-phase

design. In the first phase, the nurses answered

anonymous questionnaires related to their descrip-

tion of the existing ethical climate and organizational

justice as they perceive it, their organizational

commitment, and personal background. Each nurse

put the questionnaires into an envelope, entered a

code number on the envelope, and gave the enve-

lope to the secretary of his/her department. In the

second phase, which was carried out 1 year later,

each nurse answered an anonymous ‘‘intent to leave

work’’ questionnaire. The nurse then put the ‘‘intent

to leave’’ questionnaire and copies of his/her first

half-year lateness records and the next half-year

absence records (without identifying the nurses’

names), which were supplied by the department

secretary, all with the original code, in an unmarked

envelope and again gave the envelope to the secre-

tary of the department. The codes helped the

researchers to link the questionnaires from the first

phase to relevant data from the second phase.

The author of this study selected different time

periods for the two measures: half a year to measure

lateness and over the subsequent half-year, an addi-

tional half-year period to measure absence, since

absence and lateness are contaminated measures.

Thus, for example, if a nurse is absent for five

consecutive days, he/she obviously cannot be late

during this time period.

Ethical perceptions

Organizational commitment




Intent to leave


Ethical climateCaringFormal

Organizational justiceDistributive


Control variablesGender


Figure 1. Summary of the research model.

437Withdrawal Behaviors Syndrome

Variables and measures


Lateness data were obtained from the hospital re-

cords by calculating the number of times a given

nurse arrived six or more minutes after the shift

began. The rationale for defining lateness as 6 min or

more draws on hospital policy which defines lateness

as arriving six or more minutes after the shift began

and is supported by previous studies that indicated

that this length of time is normatively unacceptable

in various organizations (Blau, 1994, 1995; Blau

et al., 2004). The data indicated 21.9 cumulative

percent of 0–5 lateness frequency events; 15.8

cumulative percent of 7–13 lateness frequency

events; and 13.7 cumulative percent of 14–39 late-

ness frequency events.

Work absence

The work absence measure was based on absence

frequency (not duration) as recorded in the hos-

pital records, that is, the number of times a nurse

was absent during the reported period regardless of

the number of days lost. It is generally believed

that absence frequency is the best measure of

voluntary absence, whereas absence duration (total

number of days lost) is the best reflection of

involuntary absences (Blau et al., 2004; Sagie,

1998). Absence frequency was chosen as the

dependent variable because the purpose in this

study was to investigate the interrelations between

ethical perceptions, organizational commitment,

and withdrawal behaviors, which reflect the nurses’

choice of whether or not to come to work. The

data indicated 70.6 cumulative percent of 0–2

absence frequency events; 16.5 cumulative percent

of 3–5 absence frequency events; 5.5 cumulative

percent of 6–7 absence frequency events; and 7.4

cumulative percent of 9–25 absence frequency


The choice of a 6-month period to report lateness

and absence frequency was based on a reasonable

time-span in which hospitals normally retain records

with these data (Johns, 1994). Another reason is that

a 6-month time-span produces a valid picture of

nurse lateness and absence, because it represents half

of a work year.

Intent to leave work

This measure tapped the nurses’ intent to leave their

work (e.g., ‘‘I often think about quitting my hos-

pital’’). It was adopted from the Walsh et al. (1985)

5-item intent to leave scale. Shapira-Lishchinsky

(2009), who used this scale in studies of Israeli

employees, reported a reliability rate of a = 0.92.

Ethical climate

This variable elicited the nurses’ description of the

existing ethical climate as they perceive it. Victor

and Cullen’s (1988) original 27-item ethical climate

scale, translated into Hebrew by Rosenblatt and

Peled (2002), was used. Since our model called for

two dimensions (caring and formal), a factor analysis

(principal components, Varimax rotation) of the

Hebrew version of the scale was performed.

This analysis yielded six factors, the first two of

which correspond to the two dimensions selected

a priori for the study, namely: (a) ‘‘caring’’ climate,

defined as a climate of concern for the welfare of all

hospital members (e.g., ‘‘In this hospital, people look

out for each other’s interests,’’ corresponding to the

friendship and social responsibility dimensions of the

original index; a = 0.83, 13.26% of the explained

variance), and (b) ‘‘formal’’ climate, defined as a

climate of compliance with professional and social

codes and with the hospital rules and regulations

(e.g., ‘‘Everyone is expected to stick to hospital rules

and procedures,’’ corresponding to both rules and

procedures, law-and-code dimensions of the original

index; a = 0.87, 28.42% of the explained variance).

All other factors proved negligible in relation to the

factors: caring and formal climate (4.36–8.79% of the

explained variance).

Organizational justice

This 21-item measure was based on Moorman

(1991) and was translated into Hebrew by Rosen-

blatt and Hijazi (2004). A factor analysis (principal

components, Varimax rotation) yielded three factors,

of which the first, representing the dominant types

of justice (distributive), was selected for the present

study. Distributive justice assessed the fairness of

various hospital outcomes (e.g., ‘‘I am fairly paid or

rewarded, considering my job responsibilities’’),

including pay level, work schedule, and work load

(a = 0.87, 44.26% of the explained variance). All

438 Orly Shapira-Lishchinsky and Shmuel Even-Zohar

other factors proved negligible (6.90–8.90% of the

explained variance) in relation to the distributive

justice factor.

Organizational commitment

Factor analysis (principal components, Varimax

rotation) based on Meyer and Allen’s (1997) original

22-item measure yielded six factors. The first two,

representing the dominant types of commitment

(affective and normative), were selected for the

present study. Affective commitment items (e.g.,

‘‘I really feel as if this hospital’s problems are my

own’’) addressed the nurses’ perceptions of their

reasons for wanting to remain in their hospital fund

(seven items, a = 0.84, 22.67% of the explained

variance). Normative commitment items (‘‘One of

the main reasons I continue to work in this hospital

is that I believe loyalty is important’’) addressed the

nurses’ perceptions of the reasons why they ought to

remain in their hospital (six items, a = 0.77, 18.76%

of the explained variance). Continuous commitment

proved negligible relative to the factors: affective and

normative commitment (5.37% of the explained


Response options for all items ranged from

1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree.

Control variables

A set of control background variables that were

likely to be related to withdrawal behaviors and

organizational commitment (Borkowski et al., 2007;

Cohen, 1993; Wright and Bonett, 2002) were used.

These included personal variables such as gender

(0 = men, 1 = women), age, and hospital seniority.

Data analysis

The proposed model describes the mediating effect

of organizational commitment (affective/normative)

on the relationship between nurses’ ethical percep-

tions (caring climate, formal climate, and distributive

justice) and withdrawal behaviors (lateness, absence

frequency, and intent to leave work). Since the

statistical tools (Hierarchical Multiple Regressions

Analyses, SEM with AMOS) are based on the

assumption of the normal distribution of variables,

we tested the distributions of the variables and found

that lateness and absence did not meet the assump-

tion of normality; therefore, we used the log trans-

formation for these variables.

Two statistical procedures were performed in

order to examine whether there is a mediating effect.

First, we adopted Kenny et al.’s (1998) causal step

approach. In this approach, four criteria must be met

to support a mediating effect: The independent

variables must be related to the mediators; the

independent variables must be related to the

dependent variables; the mediators must be related

to the dependent variables, with the independent

variable included in the model. Mediation is con-

sidered full if the relationship between the inde-

pendent and the dependent variables is no longer

significant in the presence of the mediator.

Then, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with

AMOS was used for two purposes: first, in order to

confirm our previous findings based on the Hier-

archical Multiple Regressions and on the correla-

tion analyses; and second, in order to obtain a

general perspective about the proposed multivariate

model, which is illustrated in the same figure:

lateness, absence, and intent to leave (according to

Kenny et al., 1998, only one withdrawal behavior

present in each regression). Thus, the advantages of

the SEM include graphical modeling interfaces

which represent multiple dependents and their

relationships to their predictors (Arbuckle, 2006;

Blakely et al., 2005).


The means, standard deviations, and correlations for

the study variables are presented in Table I. In

general, the correlations between the ethical vari-

ables were as expected. All ethical perceptions

were significantly intercorrelated, thus confirming

Hypothesis 1, supporting our integrative approach in

considering the ethical variables. Men exhibited

more lateness than women, and seniority was posi-

tively related to age and absence frequency. Only

intent to leave work (but not lateness or absence)

was significantly related to all ethical perceptions.

The two dimensions of organizational commitment

were related to all ethical variables, as well as to

intent to leave work (which was not correlated to

normative commitment). This suggests that organi-

zational commitment may mediate the relationship

439Withdrawal Behaviors Syndrome

between ethical perceptions and intent to leave (but

not lateness or absence).

However, previous studies have indicated that

organizational commitment affects ethical percep-

tions and withdrawal behaviors such as lateness and

absence among other professions (e.g., Shapira-Lish-

chinsky, 2007; Shapira-Lishchinsky and Rosenblatt,

2010; Podsakoff et al., 2007). This, then, provides the

basis for using the Kenny et al. (1998) method of

measurement, in addition to simple correlations, in

order to examine the mediating effect of organiza-

tional commitment upon the relationship between

ethical perceptions and other withdrawal behaviors

such as lateness and absence (in addition to intent to

leave). According to their study, a series of Hierar-

chical Multiple Regressions were used to test for the

mediated relationships formulated in Hypothesis 2.

Findings pertaining to the first criterion in the medi-

ation analysis (independent variables relating to the

mediating variable) are presented in Table II. All the

ethical perceptions and control variables were in-

cluded in two separate analyses for affective and nor-

mative commitment. Affective commitment was

found to be related to all ethical variables, whereas

normative commitment was related only to the caring

climate. No significant relationships were found be-

tween the control variables and the two dimensions of

organizational commitment. This result partially sat-

isfied Kenny et al.’s (1998) first criterion.

Findings pertaining to the second criterion in the

mediation analysis (independent variables relating to

the dependent variable) are presented in Table III,

Step 1. All ethical variables were found to be directly

related to intent to leave work, but not to lateness or

absence frequency. No significant relationships were

found between the control variables and the three

dimensions of withdrawal behaviors.

Findings pertaining to the third criterion in the

mediation analysis (mediating variable relating to the

dependent variable, with the independent variables

included in the model) are presented in Table III,

Step 2. Only affective (but not normative) commit-

ment was significantly related to intent to leave work

(but not to lateness or absence frequency) in the

presence of all ethical perceptions and control vari-

ables. Finally, testing for the fourth criterion of the

mediation analysis, we looked at the remaining

relationships between ethical perceptions and intent

to leave work in Table III, Step 2. The relationships









































































































































































































































1,a m




























440 Orly Shapira-Lishchinsky and Shmuel Even-Zohar

between all ethical variables and intent to leave

work disappeared, suggesting full mediation. Thus,

Hypothesis 2 was partially supported: Affective

commitment mediated the relationship between

caring climate, formal climate, distributive justice,

and intent to leave work. This hypothesis was only

partially supported because we had hypothesized that

in addition to the mediating effect for intent to leave,

we would find a modest mediating effect concerning

lateness and absence, which we did not find.

As we explained before, the study model was also

illustrated by SEM in order to represent all the three

withdrawal behaviors and control variables in the

same figure. The SEM’s model with completely

standardized path coefficients for the model is pre-

sented in Figure 2. According to Chen et al. (2008)

and Hu and Bentler (1999), there is a need to use

several GOF (Goodness of Fit) measures in order to

minimize the error rate in the suggested model. In

the present study, all the calculated GOF measures

show a well goodness of fit with the data,

X2 = 38.97, p = 0.15; X2/df = 1.26; RMSEA =

0.036; NFI = 0.915; CFI = 0.93; IFI = 0.95; TL =

0.95. The overall model explained 40% of the var-

iance in affective commitment, 10% of the variance

in normative commitment, and 21% in intent to

leave work.

Similar to correlations findings, Figure 2 illus-

trated that all ethical variables were positively and sig-

nificantly related to each other (0.31 <r < 0.44,

p < 0.001). In relation to the mediating effect,

Figure 2 indicated positive and significant relationships

between caring and formal climate and each dimension

of organizational commitment. Only distributive jus-

tice was found to be related only to affective (but not to

normative) commitment. Furthermore, only the

relationship between affective (but not normative)

commitment and intent to leave work was negatively

and significantly related (b = -0.45, p < 0.001). The

direct relationships between the ethical variables and

withdrawal behaviors were not significant in the

presence of organizational commitment dimensions.

Thus, the SEM illustration (Figure 2) demonstrates the

partial support of Hypothesis 2 which was found in the

Hierarchical Multiple Regressions results, regarding

the mediating effect (above).

A positive relationship was found between late-

ness and absence frequency (b = 0.34, p < 0.001),

and a negative relationship was found between

absence frequency and intent to leave work (b =

-0.11, p < 0.05). No significant relationship was

found between lateness and intent to leave work.

Males tended to be late more frequently than females

and seniority weakly related to absence frequency.


Relationship of the study variables to organizational commitment (affective, normative) using Hierarchical Multiple

Regression Analysis

Affective commitment Normative commitment


Constant 3.508*** 0.206 3.095*** 0.211

Age -0.007 0.006 0.000 0.007

Gender 0.160 0.122 0.176 0.125

Seniority 0.017 0.008 0.009 0.008

Constant 0.643*** 0.362 1.935*** 0.443

Age 0.002 0.005 0.002 0.007

Gender 0.022 0.099 0.120 0.122

Seniority 0.001 0.007 0.004 0.008

Caring climate 0.386*** 0.072 0.260** 0.088

Formal climate 0.254** 0.077 0.147 0.094

Distributive justice 0.156* 0.056 -0.067 0.069

R2 = 38.2% R2 = 33.4%

Notes: N = 201, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001

441Withdrawal Behaviors Syndrome






































































































































































































































































































































































































































































a men





442 Orly Shapira-Lishchinsky and Shmuel Even-Zohar


Nurses are at the forefront of healthcare services. It is

thus vital to discover what may impact their with-

drawal behaviors syndrome. Since previous studies

both outside of Israel and among Israeli employees

indicate that ethical perceptions affect organizational

commitment and withdrawal behaviors such as

lateness, absence, and intent to leave (Cohen and

Freund, 2005; Gaziel, 2004; Luchak and Gellatly,

2007; Somers, 2009; Wasti, 2003), we therefore,

simultaneously considered three withdrawal behav-

iors (lateness, absence, and intent to leave work) and

three organizational ethics indicators (caring climate,

formal climate, and distributive justice). Affective

commitment was shown to be a factor that helps

explain these relationships only as a mediator for

intent to leave work but not for lateness and absence.

These findings emphasize the legitimacy of focusing

on specific withdrawal behaviors instead of aggre-

gating them under a single general concept such as

job withdrawal.

The fact that the mediating effect of organiza-

tional commitment was found only for intent to

leave work but not for the other withdrawal

behaviors may be explained by several reasons: first,

in contrast to both lateness and absence, which re-

flect actual work behaviors, intent to leave work

represents an inner psychological state, where nurses

experience behavioral intentions directed toward

their workplace. Based on Rousseau’s (1995) social

exchange theory, it is conceivable that the intent to

leave work, which represents an intention to behave,

will be more firmly related to the nurses’ ethical

perceptions than to lateness and absence, which

represent actual behaviors. Second, based on the

progressive model which assumes that intent to leave

is a more severe withdrawal behavior than lateness or

absence, we believe that the long term ideology-

infused component, the dominant component of the

psychological contract and an intrinsic motivational

factor, will affect the most long term of the with-

drawal behaviors, namely, intent to leave. Third, in

the Israeli context, it seems that nurses will choose

less to be late or absent because of the Israeli health

system which is characterized by rules and regula-

tions in the case of unjustified lateness or absence

(e.g., deducting from nurses’ salaries). Given the fact

that the nurses’ lateness or absence can be directly

observed by their environment (e.g., co-workers,

head nurses, and medical doctors), the nurses’ neg-

ative perceptions of the organizational ethics would

have almost no effect on their lateness or absence

because of the strict enforcement of the regulations

X2=38.97, p=.154; X2/df=1.26; RMSEA=.036; NFI=.915; CFI=0.93; IFI=.95; TL=.95



Caring climate

Formal climate

Intent to leave
















Distributive justice

Affective commitment


Normative commitment

Figure 2. The mediating effect of affective commitment between organizational ethics and withdrawal behaviors

*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, amen = 0, women = 1.

443Withdrawal Behaviors Syndrome

involved. However, behaviors that are discretionary,

such as intent to leave, which cannot be directly

observed by the nurse’s environment, can be affected

adversely to some extent in response to negative

ethical perceptions about the workplace.

The study findings are inconsistent both with

Josephson et al. (2008), who found that similar

predictors, such as being subjected to social exclu-

sion or negative consequences of organizational

change, are predictors of both absence and intent to

leave the workplace, and with Podsakoff et al’s

(2007) meta-analysis which demonstrates that dif-

ferent predictors affect the same withdrawal behav-

iors. In their meta-analysis, they demonstrate that

stressors account for a significant amount of variance

in turnover intention, turnover, lateness, and ab-

sence as a result of indirect effects through strain, job

satisfaction, and organizational commitment.

On the other hand, Somers’ (2009) study, which

was conducted on a sample of 288 hospital nurses,

supports the present findings. Somers found that

lateness and absence produced weaker results than

turnover intentions when taking affective and nor-

mative commitment into account. Furthermore,

Carraher and Buckley (2008) conducted a study on a

sample of 386 nurses and found that perceptions of

distributive justice were significantly related to

turnover, but not to absenteeism.

The social exchange theory (Rousseau, 1995) can

be used to argue that when nurses are disenchanted

by the ethics of their hospital, they may reduce their

commitment and entertain thoughts of leaving, a

mind-set which implies a diversion of energy and

time which may be spent on a job search. Although

the intent to leave work is unquestionably a legiti-

mate attitude on the part of employees, the man-

agement may perceive it as involving an unethical

element, because intent to leave may lead the em-

ployee to less investment in the organization.

The finding that a caring climate appeared to-

gether with affective commitment as predictors of

intent to leave work is not surprising in a health

context, where care for patients is a predominant

value and the ideology component is a dominant

factor in the psychological contract. The finding that

the formal climate may also affect intent to leave

work may be explained by the bureaucratic health

system and the nurses’ response to bureaucratic

formalism. In this case, rules and regulations are not

perceived as necessarily symbolizing rigidity, but

rather may be seen as protective mechanisms for

ensuring transparency and fair treatment of the


The direction of the mediating effect and the

interrelations of the ethical perceptions afford cre-

dence to our integrative approach, where these

ethical perceptions were considered within a single

cohesive theoretical framework. This integrative

approach to perceptions of organizational ethics

contributes to the existing literature, since the three

ethical perceptions were traditionally studied sepa-

rately with reference to employees’ withdrawal


In the present study, affective commitment may

have been more sensitive than normative commit-

ment to perceptions of organizational ethics because

of the emotional element in the former. Nurses who

perceive their workplace as ethical may reciprocate

with feelings of gratitude and appreciation, which

are probably linked to emotional attachment more

than to a sense of obligation (normative commit-

ment) (Peterson, 2002).

Our findings demonstrate that each behavior re-

tains its unique characteristics, as attested by each

withdrawal symptom being related to a different

variable (or set of variables). For example, males

were late more often than females, while seniority

was related only to absence frequency. Studies

focusing on gender career choice showed that one of

the main considerations of female employees is that

working conditions suit the traditional female role

and reduce their work–family conflict (WFC)

(Boyar et al., 2005; Ladebo, 2005). It, therefore,

seems that female nurses try to keep their jobs by

making an effort to be on time more than males do.

Furthermore, studies showed that years of service

(seniority) affect voluntary absence (Ingersoll, 2004;

Liu and Meyer, 2005). At an advanced stage in the

nursing career, high seniority involves tenure and

eligibility for social benefits, which make it harder to

fire employees. This may explain why longer

seniority was correlated with higher voluntary


A closer examination of the study results

may support the existence of different withdrawal

behavior relationships. The fact that a positive rela-

tionship was found between lateness and voluntary

absence may support a partial progressive model

444 Orly Shapira-Lishchinsky and Shmuel Even-Zohar

which posits that withdrawal behaviors occur in

progression (e.g, starting with lateness and then

moving to absence). The relationship is defined as

partial because a low negative relationship was ob-

served between voluntary absence and intent to leave

work. The fact that a negative relationship was found

between voluntary absence and intent to leave may

support the partial compensatory model. It is defined

as partial because a negative relationship was not

found between lateness and absence frequency. In

any case, the negative relationship that was found

between voluntary absence and intent to leave does

not contradict the established theory that voluntary

absence is considered less severe withdrawal behavior

than intent to leave. The independent forms model

which suggests that withdrawal behaviors are unre-

lated was not supported, since significant relation-

ships were found between the withdrawal behaviors.

In summation, considering previous studies

(Deshpande, 2009; Purvis and Cropley, 2003) which

indicate that unethical behavior by employees can

negatively impact not only public trust and the

reputation of the hospital, but also its long-term

financial soundness, the findings of this study have

serious implications for healthcare managers and


Implications of the findings

Theoretically, the present study contributes to the

knowledge on nurses’ perceptions of the psycho-

logical contract based on the relationship between

ethical perceptions, organizational commitment, and

withdrawal behaviors, by simultaneously considering

various aspects of ethics and different withdrawal

behaviors in the workplace. Previous studies usually

focused on one dimension of ethical perception or of

withdrawal behavior at a time, whereas the present

results offer an integrative framework and focus

attention on the mediating role of organizational

commitment as a consistent link between a spec-

trum of ethical perceptions and nurses’ withdrawal


Practically, hospitals should promote high stan-

dards of caring, formal climate, and distributive

justice which may improve their contribution to the

psychological contract, especially to the ideology-

infused component, which may ultimately increase

nurses’ affective commitment. In the long term,

nurse management may find that the psychological

contract offers their nurses a powerful means of

professional leverage in their aim of ‘‘keeping their

nurses’’, despite the economical, political, and

bureaucratic constraints under which they work.

Promoting the ethical environment, which may

increase nurses’ commitment, may reduce not only

nurses’ intent to leave but also impact on turnover at

the hospital, thus saving money to the health system.

Improving the ethical atmosphere in the organi-

zation may be achieved through leaders and nurses

workshops that focus on ethics education and this

may encourage an environment where ethical con-

siderations become part of the decision-making

process of the nurses. As recent studies have shown,

education in ethics had a significant impact on the

ethical behavior of hospital employees and can help

reduce moral stress and improve patient care

(Deshpande et al., 2006; Hanson, 2005). Our find-

ings suggest broadening the ethics modules in

nursing schools by teaching healthcare and ethics in

an integrative approach in order to address ethical

issues that nurses might face in the workplace.

Strengths, limitations, and future study

This article attempted to explain an integrative

phenomenon with variables and constructs that have

usually been presented separately in the literature,

thereby presenting an innovative approach to

withdrawal behaviors. Methodologically, this study

was based on nurses’ self-reports, hospital records,

and appointing separate time intervals to measure

each behavior which allowed for uncontaminated

measures in the model, which may strengthen the

accuracy and quality of the study.

This study suffers from several limitations and the

findings should be viewed with some caution. The

sample was drawn from the nursing population in

one hospital. This is a limited sample which may

consider our study as an exploratory study. Thus, the

findings should be tested as to whether they can be

applicable to other hospitals and occupations in

Israel. In addition, one must consider the general-

izability of research based on a framework developed

in one nation and whether it will prove valid in

other countries.

445Withdrawal Behaviors Syndrome

Although predictors such as organizational ethics

and organizational commitment seem to be most

appropriate for voluntary behaviors (Koslowsky,

2009), it is often difficult to classify a particular

incident as an example of voluntary or involuntary

withdrawal behavior. In any case, the present study

attempted to cover a large number of withdrawal

behaviors by postulating the existence of several

types of antecedents where one or a combination of

them may provide an adequate explanation.

A basic argument in the study model is the

direction of causality that emanates from ethi-

cal perceptions which relate to organizational

commitment, and which in turn affect withdrawal

behaviors. The causal flow in the literature is gen-

erally uni-directional (Koslowsky, 2009). However,

investigators have argued that a causal effect in the

opposite direction is also a reasonable expectation

(Clegg, 1983). The present study’s design of a two-

phase study at different points in time supports the

causal (uni-directional) model which argues that

work perceptions lead to behaviors.

As we have maintained, psychological contracts

can be violated not only when the hospital abandons

its obligations to provide economic and socio-

emotional support to the nurses but also when the

hospital fails to fulfill an implied ideological obliga-

tion. Since we may assume that negative ethical

perceptions may lead to ideology contract breach,

future studies should attempt to study more deeply

the relationship between nurses’ ethical perceptions,

ideological contract, organizational commitment,

and withdrawal behaviors.

Concerning the changes in employees’ percep-

tions regarding their professional ideology and the

COR model, which points out the advantages of

lateness and absence, we encourage developing

studies to find whether withdrawal behaviors affect

patient care and harm patient treatment, and if so,

how and in which cases. This future study is

significant, considering the theoretical background

whereby most research studies assume that with-

drawal behaviors are undesirable (e.g., Blau et al.,

2004; Carraher and Buckley, 2008; Johns, 2003;

Koslowsky, 2009; Lambert and Hogan, 2009).

This is especially so when we consider a severe

withdrawal behavior (intent to leave), which may

be causing the current shortage of nurses in Israel

and many other countries (Borda and Norman,

1997; Coomber and Barriball, 2007; Ehrenfeld

et al., 2007; Fawcett et al., 2007; Krausz et al.,


In addition, although traditionally, withdrawal

behaviors have been of interest to administrators

because of their associated cost, future studies should

investigate whether these costs may be balanced

against the benefits of employees’ withdrawal

behaviors although these benefits are difficult to

measure directly. In the case of nursing, the potential

losses associated with the use of overtired nurses,

poor service, and errors caused by overwork are not

hard to imagine.

Finally, although our findings indicate that the

theoretical mechanism only considers intent to leave,

the general framework could be used as a basis for

future theory building. In fact, the findings consid-

ering the difference between the various withdrawal

behaviors and their interrelations suggest that the

theory is incomplete and that scholars should con-

sider, in addition to ethics, other models such as the

conservation of resources model and additional

variables such as burnout, challenges, and hindrances



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Orly Shapira-Lishchinsky

Department of Educational Administration,

Leadership and Policy, School of Education,

Bar-Ilan University,

52900 Ramat-Gan, Israel

E-mail: [email protected]

Shmuel Even-Zohar

Department of Psychology,

Bar-Ilan University,

52900 Ramat-Gan, Israel

E-mail: [email protected]

451Withdrawal Behaviors Syndrome

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