with Piecewise Linear Objective Functions Piecewise Linear Objective Functions Zonghao Gu Gurobi...

Solving LP and MIP Models with Piecewise Linear Objective Functions Zonghao Gu Gurobi Optimization Inc. Columbus, July 23, 2014

Transcript of with Piecewise Linear Objective Functions Piecewise Linear Objective Functions Zonghao Gu Gurobi...

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Solving LP and MIP Models with Piecewise Linear Objective Functions

Zonghao Gu Gurobi Optimization Inc. Columbus, July 23, 2014

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Overview }  Introduction }  Piecewise linear (PWL) function ◦  Convex and convex relaxation

}  Modeling ◦  Variables for pieces ◦  SOS2, binary formulations for non-convexity ◦  Direct handing

}  Convex PWL objective ◦  How to extend primal and dual simplex

}  Non-convex PWL objective ◦  How to extend branch-and-bound algorithm

}  Possible future work


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Definition A  linear  program  with  separable  PWL  objec4ve  func4on  is  an  op4miza4on  problem  of  the  form  




























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}  Convex cj(xj) ◦  Treated as LP

}  Non-convex cj(xj) ◦  Treated as MIP


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Motivations }  Demands ◦  Models with true piecewise linear structures ◦  Approximation of nonlinear functions ◦  A lot of different applications ◦  Customer models and requests

}  Traditional approaches ◦  One variable for each piece ◦  SOS2 or binary variables for non-convex function

}  New approach ◦  Can we handle it directly to improve performance?


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Previous Work quick incomprehensive survey

}  Convex case ◦  Fourer and Marsten, Solving Piecewise-Linear

Programs: Experiments with a Simplex Approach, 1992 §  Extend primal simplex to handle variables with piecewise

objective function directly §  No piece variables §  Use XMP subroutine library

}  Non-convex case ◦  SOS2 formulation, Beale and Tomlin, 1970 ◦  Branch-and-cut without binary variables, Keha, de

Farias and Nemhauser, 2006 ◦  Any work without adding piece variables?


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Piecewise Linear Function


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Piecewise Linear Function }  Definition c(x) = akx +bk, pk ≤ x ≤ pk+1, k = 1,…,t-1 where ak, bk, pk are constants for k = 1,…,t and p1 < p2 < … < pt

}  Convex c((x+y)/2) ≤ (c(x) + c(y))/2


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Convex PWL Function }  Continuous }  Slopes are non-decreasing


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Non-convex PWL Function }  There can be jumps at breaking points


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Convex Relaxation }  Convex relaxation r(x) is convex and r(x) ≤ c(x) for all x }  Strongest convex relaxation ◦  A convex relaxation ◦  For all x, there exist x1 and x2 such that r(x) = α c(x1) + (1-α) c(x2) with x = αx1+(1- α) x2, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 ◦  Hereafter, relaxation always means strongest one

}  Relaxation of a PWL function ◦  is a convex PWL function ◦  May contain fewer pieces


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Convex Relaxation


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Finding Convex Relaxation }  Algorithm ◦  Step 1: initialize a set of ordered points S = {(p1, c(p1)), (p2, c(p2))} ◦  Step 2: Loop k from 3 to t §  Find max j, such that the slope between (pk, c(pk)) and point j

in S is larger than the slope between points j and j-1 in S §  If no such j, set j = 1 §  Remove the points after j from S and add (pk, c(pk)) to S

}  Results ◦  S defines PWL convex relaxation ◦  Complexity O(t) §  Linear, because each breaking point can be only removed

from S once §  Quite similar to Graham scan algorithm for convex hull of a

finite points, but no sorting needed 14

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Direct PWL Formulation




























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Commonly Used Approachλ Formulation

}  One variable for each piece of PWL function ◦  Suppose variable x have a PWL function c(x)

defined by t points, (p1, c1), (p2, c2), …, (pt, ct) ◦  We introduce variables λ1,λ2,…, λt for the points,

such that
































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Convex PWL Functions }  Translation ◦  Substitute c(x) in the direct formulation by using

equations (2) ◦  Add equations (1) and (3), and inequalities (4)

}  Pure LP ◦  Size can be much bigger, if PWL functions have a lot

of pieces ◦  Direct handling of PWL by extending simplex may

have a big advantage


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Non-Convex PWL Functions }  MIP formulations (SOS2 and binary) ◦  Substitute c(x) in the direct formulation by using equations (2) ◦  Add equations (1) and (3), and inequalities (4) ◦  Add either SOS2 constraints or binary variables

§  SOS2 formulation: add SOS2 constraints on λ variables §  Binary formulation: add binaries y1, y2,…,yt-1 with following constraints λ1 ≤ y1 λj ≤ yj-1 + yj, for j = 2, …, t-1 λt ≤ yt-1 Σ yj = 1

}  Relaxations ◦  Direct formulation: replace c(x) with r(x) ◦  Relaxations of the three formulations have the same objective

value ◦  Model size

§  Binary: biggest; SOS2: smaller; Direct: smallest (could be much smaller)


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Simplex For convex PWL Formulation


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Primal Simplex for LP }  Important aspects ◦  Crash basis and phase I ◦  Pricing to find enter variable ◦  Ratio test to find leaving variable ◦  Linear algebra to compute and update basis

factorization and to solve equations (ftran, btran)


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Primal Simplex for PWL LP }  Important aspects ◦  Crash basis and phase I §  Pretty much the same ◦  Pricing to find enter variable

§  Need to consider both directions for a nonbasic variable at a breaking point of PWL function

◦  Ratio test to find leaving variable §  Different §  Longer step ◦  Linear algebra to compute and update basis

factorization and to solve equations (ftran, btran) §  Pretty much the same


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Ratio Test of PWL Primal Simplex

}  Example, consider the dictionary for ratio test x1 = 2.5 + 0.5 x3 + ∑ aj1 xj x2 = 10 + x3 + ∑ aj2 xj

x1: basic, PWL with points (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 6), (4, 10) x2 : basic, no PWL, lb = 0, ub = inf x3 : nonbasic at 0, entering with reduced cost -1.7, PWL with points (0, 0), (2, 1), (4, 4), (6, 10) }  Ratio test with a shorter step

x1 : (2.5-2)/0.5 = 1 x2: (10-0)/1 = 10 ◦  x3 enters the basis with step length 1, x1 leaves. It can be

mapped to the λ formulation ◦  No need to consider objective or reduced costs


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Ratio Test of PWL Primal Simplex

}  Ratio test with a longer step x1 : (2.5-2)/0.5 = 1, (2.5 – 1)/0.5 =3, (2.5-0)/0.5 = 5 x2: (10-0)/1 = 10 (> 5, eliminated) x3 : 2, 4, 6 (> 5 eliminated) Possible steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 with corresponding unit

objective changes -1.7, -1.2 (-1.7+0.5), -0.2(-1.2+1), 0.3(-0.2+0.5), 1.8(0.3+1.5) ◦  x3 enters the basis with step length 3, x1 leaves to 1. This is

equivalent to 3 iterations for the λ formulation ◦  We can use the median algorithm to do the ratio test. Its

complexity is O(m log(t)), which is usually much cheaper than solving (ftran, btran)


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Dual Simplex for LP }  Important aspects ◦  Crash basis and phase I §  Bounded variables don’t matter much, cheaper ◦  Pricing to find leaving variable ◦  Ratio test to find entering variable §  Basically solve an LP with a single constraint on

variables with possible lower and upper bounds ◦  Linear algebra to compute and update basis

factorization and to solve equations (ftran, btran)


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Dual Simplex for PWL LP }  Important aspects ◦  Crash basis and phase I §  Different, not important, just do something simple ◦  Pricing to find leaving variable §  Pretty much the same ◦  Ratio test to find leaving variable §  Solve a PWL LP with a single constraint on variables with

possible lower and upper bounds §  Median algorithm ◦  Linear algebra to compute and update basis factorization

and to solve equations (ftran, btran) §  Pretty much the same ◦  Values for basic variables may change from one piece to

another for each iteration §  It needs to address


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Preliminary Computational Test }  Model set ◦  100 easy models from our LP set, many from netlib ◦  Replace objective of every variable with a PWL function with

10 pieces }  Method ◦  Primal simplex ◦  No presolve

§  To avoid removing pieces }  Comparison between direct PWL and λ formulations ◦  All 100 models:

§  5.91X fewer iterations, 3.28X faster (too fast to be reliable) ◦  21 models with > 1s runtime

§  5.89X fewer iterations, 7.13X faster ◦  Still some issues in the code

§  Possible further fewer iterations and better runtime performance


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Advantages of PWL Simplex }  Faster iteration ◦  Because of smaller model size §  Especially for dual simplex and for primal devex or

steepest edge pricing

}  Fewer iterations ◦  One iteration often equals several iterations on the λ formulation


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Branch-and-bound For non-convex PWL



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MIP Bound-and-Bound Solver }  Important aspects ◦  Presolve §  Stronger primal reductions like bound strengthening §  Harder for dual reductions ◦  Solve relaxation ◦  Select variable to branch ◦  Cutting planes ◦  Heuristics §  Any relaxation solution is MIP feasible


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Solving Relaxation }  Root relaxation ◦  Replace c(x) with convex relaxation r(x) and solve the

relaxation, the objective value is the same as that for the λ formulation before adding cuts

}  Node relaxations ◦  Use changed bounds to update r(x) ◦  It is primal feasible for one branch ◦  Warm start with primal or dual depending on the


}  Comment ◦  The advantages of PWL simplex carry over


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Selecting Variable }  Variable Candidates ◦  Every variable x with r(x) < c(x) is a candidate ◦  Basic (not at a breaking point) vs nonbasic (at a breaking


}  Selecting ◦  Pick x with max c(x) – r(x)? ◦  Extend current pseudo, strong and reliability branching?

}  Where to split ◦  Not good at non-breaking point ◦  Easy for nonbasic variable ◦  Two choices for basic variable, left or right breaking point


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Choosing Split (1) }  Pick right breaking point to x = a ◦  c(x) – r(x) doesn’t change at x = a


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Choosing Split (2) }  Pick left breaking point to x = a ◦  c(x) – r(x) becomes zero at x = a


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Cutting Planes }  Primal feasible regions ◦  Same for the relaxation and the original models ◦  Impossible to have primal cuts

}  Cutting planes with dual arguments ◦  Possible and how?


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Possible Future Work


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Separable PWL Coefficients }  Much more useful for approximating

nonlinear programs }  The λ formulation ◦  Model size may be too big

}  Extend simplex ◦  To handle the convex case directly to have faster

iterations and fewer iterations ◦  Harder

}  Extend branch-and-bound algorithm ◦  To handle the non-convex case directly


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Non-separable PWL Function }  Separating ◦  We can separate Q by factorization and

introduction of new variables

}  Mixed-integer models for nonseparable piecewise linear optimization: Unifying framework and extensions, Vielma, Ahmed and Nemhauser, 2009


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Computational Tests }  Translation the λ models back }  Approximate convex QP and non-convex QP }  Ask you and our customers to try and to send us

models }  Ask you for ideas


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Thank You