Wireless Revolution Ppt

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Transcript of Wireless Revolution Ppt


Submitted to:Mrs.Monika

Submitted by:Sandeep kumar

What is IT?

Information technology (IT) is a branch of engineering dealing with the use of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data.

Development of IT in various fields:Wireless technology. Mobiles. Bluetooth technology. Computers. Hub. Cameras. Transportation.

1) Wireless towers:Wireless towers consists of receiver and transmitter.

2) Wi-Fi:Wi-Fi is a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data wirelessly over a computer network, including high-speed Internet connections. The Wi-Fi Alliance defines Wi-Fi as any "wireless local area network (WLAN).

Mobiles:A mobile phone is a device that can make and receive telephone calls.

Bluetooth:Bluetooth is a wireless technology that allows computers, phones and other devices to tranfer data from one BT device to other over short distances.

A computer is an electronic device, which executes software programs. Some of the uses of computer are:1)Internet. 2)Medicine - You can diagnose diseases. 3)Mathematical Calculations. 4)Banks. 5)Defense.

Development of computers:..

Hub:A hub is a device that connects PCs together.In a hub, when one PC sends data onto the wire, the hub simply forwards the packets to all the other devices connected to it. Each device is responsible for determining which packets are destined for it and ignoring the others.

Cameras:a)Obscura b) Film cameras

c)Digital cameras


a)Low speed b)Less space

.a)Better control and more space

a) Auto control. b) Auto parking. c) Automatic gear shifting.


IMPORTANCE OF IT:1) anytime learning. 2) anywhere learning. 3) up to date information. 4) distance education. 5) multiple communication channels-email,chat,blogs,etc. 6) reduces time.