Winter Swans

CHALLENGE Swans are known to ‘mate for life’. Why could this be an important symbol in a poetry about love? Winter Swans- Sheers 11 June 2022 Mini Sta rter Draw an outline of a swan and consider how it could be described. Must: Understand and be able to thoughtfully explain the meaning and main themes of the poem. (AO1) Should: Explore and consider multiple interpretations of the poem. (AO1/AO2) Could: Analyse the language, form and structure of the poem. (AO2) Inside the image: The description of a swan using ambitious adjectives. Outside the image: What a swan(s) could symbolise.

Transcript of Winter Swans

Page 1: Winter Swans

CHALLENGESwans are known to ‘mate for life’. Why could this be an important symbol in a poetry about love?

Winter Swans- Sheers 1 May 2023

Mini Starter

Draw an outline of a

swan and consider

how it could be


Must:Understand and be able to thoughtfully explain the meaning and main themes of the poem.(AO1)

Should:Explore and consider multiple interpretations of the poem. (AO1/AO2)

Could:Analyse the language, form and structure of the poem. (AO2)

Inside the image: The description of a swan using

ambitious adjectives.

Outside the image:What a swan(s)

could symbolise.

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Context: Owen Sheers

Owen Sheers (born in 1974) is a welsh writer and poet. Welsh history and identity is an important theme in his writing. As well as poetry, he also writes fiction, non-fiction and drama. Sheers is writer-in-residence at the Welsh Rugby Union, having been a rugby player himself. You may have seen one of his regular appearances as a presenter on TV. This poem is from his collection called Skirrid Hill.

What are the benefits of studying a poem by a writer who is still alive?

What are the cons?

Page 3: Winter Swans

Structure• How many sentences are there in this poem?• How does the use of clauses and sub-clauses

impact on the way we read and understand the poem?

• What is the effect of the structure on the reader?

CHALLENGEWhy does the last stanza differ in structure to the

rest of the poem?

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Imagery, Symbolism & MetaphorHow has the poet used imagery, symbolism and

metaphoric language to portray the theme of love?

Annotate your poem.

The swans physical appearance.

The movement of the swans.

The use of pathetic fallacy and


CHALLENGEExplore the effect of these devices on the reader.Is there more than one effect they could have?

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What is the poem about?A couple walk around a lake after two days of bad weather. They don’t talk to each other and they walk apart from each other – their relationship is troubled.

They stop at the sight of some swans and watch them as they tip under water – they eventually right themselves and swim away. The swans’ display seems to change the mood between the couple.

The couple carry on walking and end up holding hands – they seem to have reconciled.

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The clouds had given their all – two days

of rain and then a break

in which we walked,

Personification of the weather – the heavy rain may reflect the problems in their relationship.

Enjambment emphasises the pause in the weather, and perhaps in their arguing.

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the waterlogged earth

gulping for breath at our feet

as we skirted the lake, silent and apart,

Personification of the earth’s desperation links to how their relationship is struggling for life.

Multiple meanings – keeping to the edge of the lake, but also keeping their distance from each other and perhaps avoiding the issue that troubles them.

Caesura creates a pause which emphasises their silence and separation.

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until the swans came and stopped us

with a show of tipping in unison.

As if rolling weights down their bodies to their heads

Suggests what the swans are doing is meaningful for the couple.

Image suggests that the couple are weighed down by the problems in their relationship.

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they halved themselves in the dark water,

Icebergs of white feather, paused before returning again like boats

righting in rough weather.

The word “halved” suggests separation, but also that the swans were a whole to begin with – this reflects the couple’s relationship.

Icebergs have more below the surface of the water than they do above it – the metaphor may suggest that the couple keep things hidden from each other and aren’t communicating, or it could imply that their relationship has a strong foundation .

Simile shows it’s been a rough time for their relationship, but things are becoming more stable. The rough weather mirrors the rain in stanza 1

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‘They mate for life’ you said as they left, porcelain over

the stilling water. I didn’t reply but as we moved on

through the afternoon light,

This is the first time we hear one of them speak to the other- this voice seems to confirm that they’ve turned a corner in their relationship.

Porcelain is beautiful and strong – this metaphor reflects the hope that their love will have these qualities.

This verb represents how the disruption in their relationship is settling down.

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slow-stepping in the lake’s shingle and sand,

I noticed our hands, that had, somehow,

swum the distance between us

Sibilant sounds throughout this stanza create an impression of softness – this reflects the softening of tension between them.

Their hands have crossed the physical distance between them, but also the metaphorical distance – they have come closer together emotionally.

Swan imagery to describe them holding hands – this reflects how they’re following the example of the swans.

Suggests dancing – they’re moving together and in unison like the swans did.

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and folded, one over the other,

like a pair of wings settling after flight.

They’re no longer two separate things, but part of one whole. Swan imagery to describe them holding hands

– this reflects how they’re following the example of the swans.

Full stop emphasises the sense that the trouble in their relationship has been raised.

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Poetry Dictionary

Skirted – walked around or avoidedRighting – returning to a normal or upright position

Page 14: Winter Swans

Feelings and AttitudesIt’s clear that something has happened between the narrator and his partner – the earth is “gulping for breath” and they walk “silent and apart”.

There’s a feeling of peace towards the end of the poem. The couple have had their problems, but they return to each other and are settled in the end.

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Come up with your own ideas to the questions below:

1. Why do you think the poem is set in Winter?

2. Why do you think the poet chose to use swans as the metaphor for this poem?

3. What evidence is there that the couple have overcome their problems by the end of the poem?

Key Themes

Distance, fulfilment, nature…

Compare the physical and emotional distance here with the distance between the narrator and her lover in ‘Sonnet 29’ . ‘Singh Song!’ explores fulfilling relationships, and nature is key to ‘Letters From Yorkshire’.

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Simile Extended Metaphor


Ballad Sonnet

Free verseDramatic monologue



Emotive LanguageRepetition

Rhyming Couplet


Voice Tone


Page 18: Winter Swans

Reflection: SMILE Paragraph• Point:

Topic sentence with an adjective.

• Evidence: Quotation- try to embed it in the sentence.

• Explain: Select a keyword- why does it stand out?What is the effect on the reader?

• Language Analysis- Analyse what the word suggests & how it links back to the adjective.