Winter Morning, Autumn Walk

Winter Morning 4:00 a.m. Puppy barking Sun just rising Wanting to go back to bed 5 more minutes More barking Cold floor Chirping birds Frost on the windows Fresh chilly breezes Out in the yard Smoke from chimneys Cars hissing on the slippery tar



Transcript of Winter Morning, Autumn Walk

Page 1: Winter Morning, Autumn Walk

Winter Morning

4:00 a.m.

Puppy barking

Sun just rising

Wanting to go back to bed

5 more minutes

More barking

Cold floor

Chirping birds

Frost on the windows

Fresh chilly breezes

Out in the yard

Smoke from chimneys

Cars hissing on the slippery tar

Page 2: Winter Morning, Autumn Walk

Autumn Walk

3:00 p.m.

Dragged out the door

Walking the dogs

Orange leaves drifting

Rakes scraping against the pavement

Children giggling

Frisbees flying

Balls thrown

The creak of the swings

Candied apples for a treat