Winter 2015 The Magazine of Green Valley Baptist...

The Magazine of Green Valley Baptist Church Winter 2015 CHANGES Everying BABY A 2015 Living Nativity encourage!

Transcript of Winter 2015 The Magazine of Green Valley Baptist...

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The Magazine of Green Valley Baptist Church

Winter 2015

C H A N G E SEverythingBABYA

2015 Living Nativity


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Pastor RobBe encouraged,

He was a child that changed the world.

Who was He? He was known by many names. The prophet Isaiah called Him Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Peter called Him The Christ; the Son of the Living God. John the Baptist called Him The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Thomas called Him My Lord and my God. Stephen called Him The Son of Man. His disciples called Him Rabbi or Teacher. The multitudes called Him The Messiah. But Mary called Him Jesus.

He was a child that changed the world.

Jesus is a lot of things to a lot of people. To the architect, He is the chief cornerstone. To the artist, He is the one who is altogether lovely. To the astronomer, He is the bright and morning star. To the baker, He is the bread of life. To the banker, He is the keeper of the treasury. To the builder, He is the sure founda-tion. To the educator, He is the master teacher. To the farmer, He is the Lord of the Harvest. To the florist, He is the lily of the valley. To the geologist, He is the rock of ages. To the lawyer, He is the righteous judge. To the orphan, He is the everlasting Father. To the sick, He is the Great Physician. To the rancher, He is the good Shepherd. To the sinner, He is the Savior of the world.

He was a child that changed the world.

Mary gave him the name Jesus. If you know Him personally, He will change your world as well. At Green Valley Baptist Church, our ministry strategy is all about Jesus Christ. Everything we do revolves around three things: Knowing Christ, Growing in Christ, and Living for Christ. The way to know Christ is to spend time in His Word. As you go through the Christmas season and enter the New Year, I want to encourage you to make a commitment to Know Christ, Grow in Christ, and Live for Christ in 2016.

Yes Jesus is a lot of things to a lot of people. Butto those of us who know Him, He is Lord. As thegreat hymn so boldly proclaims, He is Lord, He isLord. He has risen from the dead and He is Lord.Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess,that Jesus Christ is Lord.

He was a child that changed the world.


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encourage!Green ValleyBaptist Church270 N Valle Verde DriveHenderson, NV

CREDITSEDITORDavid SimpsonASSOCIATE EDITORTerri JupinPHOTOGRAPHYMichelle Scottwww.scott-shots.comMAGAZINE LAYOUTJennifer Dufek

ON THE COVERTom Sarnelli and Hannah Wagner, playing Mary and Joseph, hold baby Stella Estrada at last year’s Living Nativity (p. 7)

5 7 9MARY, JOSEPH, AND THE BABYHow Mary and Joseph were changed by Jesus


GOD’S LIGHT STILL SHINESA couple recalls God’s hand working in tragedy

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FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 6:30PMLadies Christmas Tea

Tickets are $20 each


Christmas Music PresentationAll Three Services

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 5PMSURGE Tacky Sweater Christmas Party

For all students grades 6-12!


THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 12PMPrimeTimers Christmas Luncheon

Be sure to pick up your free ticket!

FRIDAY – SUNDAY,DECEMBER 18, 19, & 20, 6PM – 8:30PM

The Living Nativity5 performances nightly


Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

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What does it mean to abide? It means to remain, to dwell, to stay, or not to leave. But what does it mean to abide in Christ? It means to remain in Christ, to dwell with Christ, to stay with Christ, and not to leave Christ.

At Green Valley, we want to be a Church that honors the Word of God. In 2016, we will emphasize studying God’s Word, one book at a

time. On Sunday mornings, Pastor Rob will teach through the Gospel of John, verse-by-verse, for the entire year.

In addition, over 20 Growth Groups will be studying specific books of the Bible. I encourage you to begin 2016 with a renewed commitment to the Word of God.

If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and

the truth will set you free.

John 8:31-32

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A Study though the Gospel of JohnBY PASTOR ROB BOYD

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What do you get when you mix a church full of excited moms, dads, grandparents, and kids with funny videos, games, and upbeat music and songs written directly from scripture?

Student Pastor Ben Day and wife Alana welcomed their first child, son Ezekiel Stephen Day, on September 28. Pastor Ben recently shared, “Our lives have changed in so many ways, and we have loved every bit of it. September 28 was a date that had never meant anything to our family, but now it is a day that we will never forget. We are so thankful for the people of Green Valley and the way they have supported and loved us during this time.” Baby Zeke, as he is fondly called by many at Green Valley, is one special little guy!

You get God’s Awesome Word, a wonderful event brought to us by SEEDS Family Ministry November 6.

We had many visitors and first-time guests, who all sang along and

learned hand motions to scripture songs. Our own Children’s Choir participated in a couple songs as well! It was a great night of ministry and outreach to families in our community.


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Babies are true gifts from God. And this gift changes the lives of the parents from the moment it is known the little one is on the way. There are happy days as baby beds, changing tables, receiving blankets, onesies, tiny dresses or jeans, toys, and diapers are accumulated. Similar things happened with the birth of babies back in the days of Mary and Joseph. They probably didn’t accumulate furniture, but all the happy items needed for the coming baby were prepared. But what happened if there was an irregularity in the tradition? What happened when the young woman was found to be pregnant before marriage? That’s what happened with Mary. At the time when Mary was growing up there were many traditions. When a girl was 12 ½ her family looked for a suitable young man for her to marry. While the girl was not allowed to speak to young men outside of her immediate family, she did have some duties outside of the home. One of the duties given to young girls was drawing water from the well. Often young men would also go to the well. Not to draw water, but to stand close by and get a glimpse of the girls drawing water. This also

Mary, Josephby Claudia Mann

allowed the girls to get a glimpse of the young men, too.

The young woman’s opinion was taken into consideration by her family, but the choice of her husband was a group decision because the relatives of the young man would become part of the bride’s family and vice versa. For this reason, the potential bride and groom were often related. The parents of the potential bride and groom would then negotiate a marriage contract called a “ketuba”, a sort of dowry for the young woman. This dowry became the property of the woman in case she is renounced as a non – virgin or divorced for other reasons. When the young man came to choose who he wanted as his bride, he would pour a glass of wine for the young woman. If she picked up the glass and drank from it in the presence of both families, then the engagement party began and they were engaged. A divorce would be required to break the engagement. After the party, the groom returned to his father’s house to build on a room for him and his future bride to live in. This usually took about a year to complete. The groom was required to ask his father if the room


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was ready. Only the father could declare the room fit for the bride. Meanwhile, the bride was also preparing for the wedding. From the day of the engagement, the groom paid for all of her food and clothing and she began wearing a veil that covered her face. This veil indicated she was spoken for. The bride traditionally kept her veil and a full oil lamp beside her bed. When the time of the wedding arrived, the groom and his friends would come for her at night. The bride also chose virgin friends to accompany her on the walk to her new home. They were also required to keep full oil lamps close at hand to be ready any minute. On the night of the wedding, the procession ended up at the house of the groom’s father where seven blessings were given to the bride. Then the groom gave the bride either a gold or silver ring. The couple drank a cup of wine blessed by the groom. This was followed by a banquet. Then the bride and groom would be escorted to their room by the groom’s friends. The bride and groom would enter the room alone. When the marriage was consummated, proof of the bride’s virginity was given to the groom’s friends. If the bride was not a virgin, she was denounced immediately. The birth of Jesus disrupted the traditional events leading up to and following the wedding of Mary and Joseph. The couple was already engaged when the angel Gabriel announced Mary was chosen to be the mother of God’s son. (Luke 1:26-38) In Luke 1:38 (ESV), Mary responded to the angel by saying, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” What a brave response. Mary was aware that if she became pregnant before marriage she would bring disgrace on her family, Joseph’s family and the baby and she would suffer terrible consequences if others didn’t believe the baby she carried was the Son of God.

Joseph also had a decision to make. Matthew 1:18 says Mary was found to be with child, before they came together. What was Joseph to do? He was officially engaged to Mary, but he had not been with her. Joseph must have felt the right thing would be to divorce her quietly instead of waiting and publicly declaring her a non-virgin. The night the angel came to tell Joseph that Mary was still a virgin, must have been a night of great relief and happiness for him. The angel explained the baby was from God and that Mary would have a son. Joseph was to call the baby, Jesus. This was an important action as the father naming the son indicated that he would accept him and raise the boy as his own. Joseph then did as the angel told him to do. He took Mary as his wife, but the marriage was not consummated until after the birth of Jesus. Mary and Jesus may have faced the consequences of this Holy Birth for years so come. Mark 6:1-4 tells us of a time Jesus returned to his hometown of Nazareth. When he taught on the Sabbath, towns people began to question His words saying, “Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary…?” Usually a man was called the son of his father. Here, Jesus was called the son of His mother. This could have been a slur against both Jesus and Mary. The baby Jesus was precious to Mary and Joseph and they were willing to face the criticism and questioning looks they knew might come. They were chosen by God to be the parents of a special child. This little one God had given them as a gift was announced by the angels, celebrated by the shepherds and worshiped by the Wise Men. They must have wondered what next week would bring.

“Making a Living,” 2010 episode of Living in the Time of Jesus (National Geographic Channel, December, 12, 2010; 3 – hour special, 2015, Fr. Frederick Manns, OFM, “Everyday Life in the Time of Jesus,” The Holy Land Quarterly, Autumn 1998, (accessed 15 Nov. 2015). Elizabeth Fletcher, “Women in the Bible, a Historical Approach,” Harper Collins, (accessed 14 Nov. 2015). Elizabeth Fletcher, “Women in the Bible, a Historical Approach,” Harper Collins, (accessed 14 Nov. 2015).

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C H A N G E SEverythingBABYA

2015 Living Nativity

This year, the producers and crew of the Green Valley Living Nativity got together to improve on the presentation of the Christmas Story. They built new sets. They made beautiful new costumes. They’ll bring in barnyard animals of all kinds. And it’s all done to recreate the greatest story ever told.

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Sure, they could tell the story without the props, the sets, the costumes, the animals. But there’s one part of the story that you just can’t do without.

You have to have a baby!

Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, in the sleepy town of Bethlehem. His birth made all the difference. He’s the reason for the season. His appearance fulfilled prophecy, and changed the world forever!

You are invited to come and celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus December 18, 19, & 20, at the annual Living Nativity. It’s a tradition at

Don’t miss the Living Nativity,December 18, 19, & 20, 6PM-8:30PM.

Green Valley, one that is shared with many in our community.

We’ll have 5 performances on the half hour each night, beginning at 6PM.

In addition to the nativity presentation, we also have a time where children can come and see the actors, and animals, up close, as well as a place for you to get cookies and hot cocoa.

This is a free showing by Green Valley, presented to the community as our Christmas present.

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by Claudia Mann

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The room was very quiet as Jane and Mike Andriese spoke about their daughter.

“Alicia was our oldest child. She was born prematurely at 31 weeks,” Jane relates. “Her heart valves were not working correctly so, she needed heart surgery. The hospital where she was born couldn’t perform the surgery. She was transferred from our hospital to a hospital in San Francisco for the surgery.” The year was 1981.

Gay men were getting sick, but no one knew why. Jane and Mike had been hearing that non-homosexuals were beginning to get sick as well and a clean blood supply was becoming a problem in hospitals in the San Francisco Bay area.

“At that time few had heard of AIDS,” said Mike. “We asked the doctor if we needed to be worried about Alicia getting sick from contaminated blood. The doctor didn’t think there was anything to worry about.”Alicia spent months in the hospital. Finally, Jane and Mike brought home their baby girl. In the back of their minds, they were still concerned about the surgical blood transfusion.

In due time a son, Aaron, was born and the family of four moved to the small town of Ripon, California. Alicia was a happy, seemingly healthy big sister. She participated in church activities and went to the school associated with Christian Reformed Churches, where the family worshiped together. Alicia began getting sinus and ear infections she couldn’t shake, shortly after she turned seven. She began missing school with the numerous infections.

Jane recalls, “One day after another trip to the pediatrician, I told Mike, ‘I don’t understand why Alicia isn’t getting better. It’s like her immune system is run down.”

The words hit them hard. Jane and Mike looked at each other. Right then, they knew their precious, bright, loving daughter had AIDS from an HIV – Positive blood transfusion administered during her heart surgery years before.

A specialist called to confirm the diagnosis several weeks later.

Mike said sadly, “He didn’t even ask us to come into his office. The doctor told us over the phone that our child had AIDS.”

The doctor’s only consolation was, “We don’t know much about this disease, but I can tell you she won’t die this weekend.” They were stunned.

“This was the era of Ryan White when people were terrified of HIV/AIDS. It was possible we would be forced out of town if Alicia’s AIDS diagnosis became widely known,” related Jane.

Ryan White, who also contracted AIDS through a blood transfusion, was forced to leave his town because of the fear of the people, when he and his mother fought for Ryan’s right to attend school in Indiana. Through fear and ignorance, many terrible things were said about this 13 year old hemophiliac.

The negative actions of the community where Ryan lived impacted Jane and Mike’s decision making. They didn’t want their little girl going through the same thing. After much prayer, they decided Alicia’s diagnosis needed to be closely guarded for the present.

Alicia was in and out of school with illness for the next two years. Select school personnel, a few close friends, and family were the only ones informed she had AIDS.

Then, Alicia contracted chicken pox. The pox developed in her eyes because of her suppressed autoimmune system. Alicia became blind. Becoming blind was not a turn of events that could be kept private. The time had come to tell the community. They needed to understand what was happening to Alicia.

Ripon had three Christian Reformed Churches. The pastors of the churches decided to coordinate sermons for the same day. They talked it over and chose the story of the Good Samaritan as the text.

The following Sunday, the three congregations were informed, all at the same time, of Alicia’s AIDS diagnosis. There were nurses at every church to answer questions about the disease and the safety of the children around Alicia.

“I remember the Sunday when all of this was happening,” mused Mike. “We had gone to the mall and we just wandered around killing time until the service was over. I was worried.”

Would they be asked to leave the church? Would they be

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asked to take Alicia out of school? They waited for the reaction.All of their fears quickly melted away. In the days and weeks that followed, God’s people poured out love on the Andriese family. Church members took turns staying with Alicia when Jane and Mike went to work. Volunteers read to her. And many prayed. The fear that they would be driven from their home disappeared. All around them, Jane, Mike, Alicia and Aaron had the support of their friends and faith family.

Just after her tenth birthday, Alicia went home to be with the Lord.

How did God’s light shine on this family during these dark days?

Jane and Mike answered this question together.

“We were blessed with a marriage that grew stronger when the majority of marriages facing medical challenges grow weaker.”

“The book of Esther was an ongoing comfort. It taught us that God builds on each event and continues building even

after the crisis has passed.”

“About two years later God spoke to me as I sat on the back porch meditating,” Jane concluded. “He revealed to me that, we would be happy again.”

Maybe you too are suffering during this Christmas time. No matter what troubles you face during the Christmas season, God is with you. When you see the light of the Christmas Star, may God’s comfort and peace bring you joy.

February 7 Wounded Heart - Overcoming past trauma and abuse Stephanie Hall 12 February 14 Knowing God Better –parents/kids Carmen Harris 6 February 14 How You Always Meant to Parent Pastor Ben Day 3 February 21 Acts 16 to 2016 – Taking the Gospel to All Nations Claudia Mann 10 February 28 Way of the Master – Sharing the Gospel Tommy Scott 8 March 6 The Comeback Pastor Barry Anderson 7 March 13 Lord, Teach Me to Pray Paul McMullin 6

Equipping ClassEs for WintEr/spring 2016START WEEK TITLE/TOPIC TEACHER # OF WEEKS

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MARCH 11-13, 2016For more information, contact Student Pastor Ben Day


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DID YOU KNOW that God created the world? The Bible tells us He created everything. God is a perfect, loving ruler. God created us to bring glory to Him. (See Genesis 1:1; Revelation 4:11; Colossians 1:16-17.)

ADAM AND EVE CHOSE to disobey God. Since then, we all have chosen to disobey God. The Bible calls this sin. Sin separates us from God. Thankfully God had a plan to save us from our sin. (See Romans 3:23.)

OUR LOVING GOD provided the only way to save us - Jesus. God sent Jesus to earth. He lived a perfect life. Because He loves us, He took the punishment we deserve. (See John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 6:23.)

JESUS DIED ON THE CROSS in our place. Our sins were punished through Jesus dying on the cross. It’s all been paid for! In God’s eyes, it’s as if we never sinned. God welcomes us into His family as children of God.

When Jesus died, He did not stay dead. God brought Him back to life. People even saw and touched the risen Jesus. Jesus went to be with God and to rule over the world forever as King, even today.

One day Jesus will return to earth. God will welcome into His kingdom all people who have accepted His free gift of eternal life. (See Romans 5:8; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 3:18; Ephesians 2:8-9.)

This is the gospel. Gospel means “GOOD NEWS!” Because of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, we can be part of God’s family forever. That’s good news!

WE CAN RESPOND to the good news by understanding who God is (holy) and who we are (sinners.) Tell God you know you messed up and are sorry. Repent, turning away from your sin. Turn to Jesus, trusting only Him to save you through His life, death and resurrection. (See John 14:6; Romans 10:9-10,13.)

If you are ready to respond to the good news by becoming a Christian, simply pray and tell God something like this:

Dear God, I know I have disobeyed You and gone my own way. My sin separated me from You. I am sorry that I have disobeyed You and earned Your punishment, but today I turn back to You. I believe that Jesus died on the cross in my place so that my sins can be forgiven. I believe Jesus rose from the dead and is alive. I trust Jesus to save me. Thank You for sending Jesus to live a perfect life and to take away my punishment. God, please forgive me and help me to obey You and to live for You the rest of my life. Thank You. Amen

TELL others that you are a Christian.

TALK to your pastor about your faith decisions and about how being baptized shows others that you are a Christian.

READ the Bible to learn more about what it means to livefor God.

TALK to God every day.

ATTEND church where others can encourage you in your faith.

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What Now?


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Hymns and Gospel songs, andPastor Rob’s encouraging sermons

9:30AM & 11AMContemporary Christian worshipand Pastor Rob’s timely teaching

CHURCH STAFFDr. Rob Boyd Senior Pastor

[email protected]

David Simpson Worship Pastor

[email protected]

Barry Anderson Administrative [email protected]

Ben DayStudent Pastor

[email protected]

Byron FielderBusiness Manager

[email protected]

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Green Valley Baptist Church270 N Valle Verde Drive | Henderson NV 89074



W. Warm Springs Rd.

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270 N. Valle Verde DriveHenderson, NV 89074





Christmas EveS e r v i c e

3PM, 4:30PM,& 6PM