WINTER 201 FEEL Better5/2016 - Sandusky OH Hospital, Near ...

WINTER 2015/2016 FEEL Better with Take a peek at the new Center for Women & Newborns Page 2 Get an inside look at our nationally- recognized care Page 9 A Patient’s Story– Meet Austin Pruit Page 4

Transcript of WINTER 201 FEEL Better5/2016 - Sandusky OH Hospital, Near ...

W I N T E R 2 0 1 5 / 2 0 1 6


Take a peek at the new Center for

Women & NewbornsPage 2

Get an inside look at our nationally-recognized care

Page 9

A Patient’s Story–Meet Austin Pruit

Page 4

GOOD NEWS for future “Firelands babies”and their mothers: the new Center forWomen and Newborns at Firelands RegionalMedical Center is complete.The renovation to establish our new state-

of-the-art healing environment began inJanuary of 2014 and included an $8 millioninvestment in design and construction.One-third of the project costs were providedby you, our kind community members,through the Center for Women and New-borns Capital Campaign.“Without the collective sum of all gifts

received, no matter the size, this beautifullyrenovated Center for Women and Newbornswould not have been possible,” said AliceSpringer, director of Development, FirelandsRegional Medical Center. “Thanks to thegenerosity of our donors, women in our region now have an advanced facility to assist them throughout all stages of life.”

The new center offers a soothing andsupportive environment for both women inlabor and women recovering from gynecol-ogical surgery. It is equipped with the latesttechnologies and most relaxing features:� The unit provides 24/7 security and an electronic infant security system for patient peace of mind.

� Two triage rooms were created formothers who require a non-stress test ora short stay either before or after delivery.

� A hydrotherapy tub was installed formoms during labor.

� Patient rooms feature controlled lighting, sleeper sofas, phones, new televisions, Internet access, and chargingworkstations for computers and tablets.

� Private postpartum suites include theamenities listed above and importantequipment for in-room examinationsand infant bathing.


RDear Community Friend,

The mission of Firelands Regional MedicalCenter is to be the healthcare provider ofchoice for physicians, their patients, andour volunteers and employees as we strivetogether to improve the health of those we serve.

Firelands works hard to uphold our missionby providing quality healthcare close tohome and being here for members of ourcommunity, regardless of ability to pay.

This issue offers articles that take a look at the quality healthcare we provide,services that keep families close to home,and financial services that help individualswith the cost of their healthcare:

Quality Healthcare – Page 9 will give you aninside look at our nationally-recognized care.

Cost – Firelands Financial Counselinglooks at ways to eliminate the financialbarriers to receiving quality healthcare.Learn more on page 8.

Close to Home – On this page you willfind information about the family-centeredunit that serves women in our communityand what we are working towards in 2016to keep families close to home.

We look forward to being here for you and your family in 2016, and many yearsto come.

Wishing you a Happy & Healthy New Year!

TheCenter forWomen


Health Talk

Center for Women & NewbornsLabor & Delivery Room

“This family-centered environment will benefit future generations of women,

mothers, their newborn babies, and their families.”–Martin Tursky, President & CEO


“We understand families need time to getto know their newest member,” said LindaRicci, director of the Center for Womenand Newborns. “Our postpartum suites include room for your baby’s bassinet andguest accommodations so you and a lovedone can stay overnight with your child tobegin developing that special bond.”The renovations to the Center for

Women and Newborns were made withyou in mind. We are now able to deliver theexceptional, personalized care Firelands hasbecome known for in a safe and healing environment. “The new Center for Women and New-

borns finally reflects the high-quality care we provide to our patients,” shares MartinTursky, president and CEO, Firelands Regional Medical Center. “This family-centered environment will benefit futuregenerations of women, mothers, their newborn babies, and their families.”

The Center for Women and Newborns,once licensed as a Level II Nursery in early2016, will make Firelands Regional MedicalCenter the only nursery in the region ableto care for babies as early as 32 weeks old.The Level II Nursery will make it possiblefor mothers and babies to stay close tohome, allowing numerous families eachyear to remain together in a safe and peace-ful environment.

For more information on the Center for Women and Newborns at Firelands Regional Medical Center,visit

Center for Women & NewbornsGuest Seating Area

Center for Women & NewbornsNursery

Center for Women & Newborns

Nurses Station


BORN PREMATURE,Austin weighed 2 pounds, 13 ounces and was16 inches long. He spent the first 1½ months of his life in theneonatal intensive care unit at Toledo Mercy Children’s Hospitalwhere he endured respiratory distress syndrome, inguinal herniasurgery and newborn jaundice. Unfortunately, Austin’s struggles were just beginning. When

he was six-months-old, Lisa and Jeremy became concerned thatAustin was not developing as he should. “He wasn’t hitting hismilestones,” remembers Lisa. “The hospital referred us to HelpMe Grow, which is a state agency that helps parents with newbornsthat have developmental delays and disabilities. They gave us greatadvice and support, and referred us to Firelands Regional MedicalCenter’s Children’s S.P.O.T. (speech, physical and occupationaltherapies) for evaluation when he was about 20-months-old.”Located on the second floor of Firelands South Campus,

Children’s S.P.O.T. is specially designed to meet the many uniqueneeds of children with disabilities. The 12,900 square foot of therapy space includes private treatment rooms, a sensory gym, a gross motor gym, a kitchen and a bathroom. The Children’sS.P.O.T. provides therapy services to children birth through age18 with diagnoses including, but not limited to: ADD/ADHD,autism, brain injury, cancer, cerebral palsy, developmental delay,Down syndrome, feeding and swallowing disorders, fluency disorders, genetic disorders, juvenile arthritis, orthopedic injuries,prematurity, Spina Bifida, sensory integration dysfunction, torticollis, and verbal or motor apraxia.

Lisa & Jeremy Pruitt call their five-year-old son Austin, “a little

miracle baby.”



“Austin came to us as a nonverbal child who only communi-cated using a few vowel sounds and minimal sign language. Heexperienced sensory processing difficulties, a lack of fear and concern for his own safety, and displayed significant difficultywith communication, as well as having poor coping, poor fineand gross motor skills,” explains Lisa Horchler, M.S., CCC-SLP,STAR/C, director of speech-language pathology and pediatrictherapies at Firelands Regional Medical Center. “He was diag-nosed with autism when he was two and ADHD (Attention DeficitHyperactivity Disorder) when he was four.”For the past few years Austin has received occupational therapy

from Lydia Rapson, MOT, OTR/L and speech therapy from KaitlynGrabill, M.A., CCC-SLP. He attends Children S.P.O.T. summergroups, most recently the Super Social Sprouts, designed for childrenentering kindergarten and first grade who have social deficits. Austin has made significant progress. “When Austin came to

us all he did was scream and cry. He has improved in leaps andbounds the past few years,” says Lydia. He now speaks in shortsentences, is able to engage appropriately with peers, and attends

school at Furry Elementary in Perkins Township. Though Austinwill require continued intervention for some time, he has madeimpressive strides in adapting to his environment through self-control, and the ability to communicate and engage with others.“Miss Lydia and Miss Kait are a true blessing to Austin and ourfamily. They have developed a strong, close relationship withAustin, which has contributed to his progress,” says Lisa.According to Lydia and Kait, much of Austin’s success can be

attributed to his parents. Lisa and Jeremy are extremely supportiveand involved in Austin’s therapy. “They are open to our suggestionsand reinforce what we do in therapy at home. They will do anythingthey can to help their son, which allows us to focus exclusively on Austin,” says Kaitlyn.To help Austin achieve the best results, Lisa ensures that his

teacher, Ms. Ridge, and the Firelands therapists work together. “It takes an army to raise a child with autism. Everyday bringssomething new. Having an autistic child makes you look at lifedifferently or from a different prospective.”

[0–3 months] [4–5 years][18–24 months][6–9 months]

Can h

e follow simple directio



oes he recognize mother’s voice?

Has he spoken his first word ?Can he color inside the lines?

A Checklistfor Development

Do you know if your child is on track developmentally for his/her age range? It’s important todetect any delays in development as early as possible. Child Development includes:

c Cognitive Development (Ability to learn & problem solve)

c Social & Emotional Development (Interacting with others & self-control)

c Speech & Language Development (Understanding & using language, reading & communicating)

c Physical Development (Fine & gross motor skills)

If you have concerns about your child’s development, call the Children’s S.P.O.T. at Firelands Regional Medical Center at 419-557-7076 for more information.

Club Club Membership is FREE! Call 419-557-7722 to join, or visit

� Speaker: Darla Gaiser, R.PhCenter for Coordinated Care,Firelands Regional Medical Center

� Topic: What is in your medicine cabinet?

APRIL 27� Speaker: Andy Kissinger, HIS

� Topic: Can you hear me now? Learnwhat you may be missing.

MAY 25� Speaker: Tina AmmannitiArea Director Cardio/Pulmonary Service

� Topic: Journey through a heartcatheterization

FEBRUARY 10� Speaker: David Morris, MD Medical DirectorFirelands Sleep Lab

� Topic: Sleep Well!


Join us forLuncheon ClubSandusky Yacht Club, 529 E. Water Street, Sandusky

Enjoy the Yacht Club’s Wednesday buffet lunch for $18 per person (includes tax/tip; cash or check only): salad bar, soup, hot entrees with two meats, vegetables, pasta or fish, assorted desserts, hot tea, iced tea, and coffee.

The buffet lunch is from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm and will be followed by a presentation at 12:30 pm. The Luncheon Club program is open to the public and features knowledgeable healthcare providers.

Early reservations are recommended and can be made by calling 419-557-7840 or online at


A Day Made in OhioDeparting: August 11Travel Amish County to locations crafting and selling wares in Ohio. Includes lunch at Amish Door Village and Restaurant.Cost: $84 per person

Historic Akron/CantonDeparting: June 9Tour Stan Hywet mansion & gardens,MAPS Air Museum, Canton Classic CarMuseum. Buffet lunch included.Cost: $84 per person


TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES: Firelands 55+ Club Tours are a wonderful way to experience care-free travel. Trips are open to members and non-members. For more information about upcoming trips, call 419-557-7722 or visit

Yellowstone & the Wild WestDeparting: July 22 (7 days) Visit Salt Lake City, Grand Teton & Yellowstone National Parks and more! Cost: $2,579/per personDouble occupancy


Mackinac Island, MIDeparting: August 21 (4 days) Stay on the island and visit and lunch at the Grand Hotel!Cost: $772/per personDouble occupancy

Gardens & Mansions Departing: October 16 (7 days) Featuring New Orleans & Cajun Country.Cost: $2,445/per personDouble occupancy


All extended trips include roundtrip trans-portation, overnight accommodations, andsome meals.



(16 days) 14 night cruise with stops in Mexico,Guatemala, Columbia, Bahamas & Florida.Cost: $3,949/per personDouble occupancy



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Because everyon

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Example: The Benefits

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THE END OF THE YEAR IS A POPULARTIME FOR GENEROUS INDIVIDUALS TOTAKE STOCK OF THEIR BLESSINGS, andto provide a “gift” to their favorite charitableorganizations. Among the blessings oftenreflected upon this time of year, health isone of the most important. Through a charitable gift of stock, you

can make a remarkable difference in thelives of patients at Firelands Regional Medical Center. Often, gifts of appreciatedstock are larger than those made in cash,making a larger impact on the care environ-ment and health of a greater number ofpeople. Regardless of the size of your gift,you can rest assured that donations madeto The Foundation for Firelands provide essential funding for technology, patientsupport and patient care enhancementsthat ensure everyone in our community hasaccess to quality, affordable healthcarewhen they need it most.Historically, year-end is a popular time

for making stock gifts. In fact, most stock

gifts occur during the fourth quarter ofthe year. Many thoughtful donors reviewtheir stock portfolio and select thosestocks which have appreciated the mostand which have been held for more thana year. These donors give stock instead ofcash because they have discovered thevalue and enjoyment of stretching theirgiving power by giving the appreciation.And, after all, the more they can prudentlygive to help the worthy efforts of TheFoundation for Firelands, the better they feel.Have you considered making a gift of

appreciated stock to The Foundation forFirelands? It may be a better option foryou than making a gift of cash. To learnmore about this, you may want to talkwith your CPA and investment advisor.

If you would like to make a gift of appreciated stock, please call AliceSpringer in the development office of The Foundation for Firelands at 419-557-7151.

VolunteeringRecently graduated from college andhaven’t found your dream job? Retired and feeling like you need more purpose in your day? Kids off to school each day and looking to meet new people? Considera “gift of time” through volunteerism tobrighten the lives of those cared for atFirelands Regional Medical Center.

Volunteerism is a great way to enhance yourresume, add purpose to your life, meet newpeople, and brighten the lives of others.

You can make a difference in your life and in the lives of others through a varietyof flexible volunteer opportunities to fitalmost every schedule at Firelands Regional Medical Center.

From clerical to retail to patient caresettings, potential volunteers at Firelandscan select from a variety of openings to fityour interests, your skills, and your busy life.

More than 30 different areas, includingmany off-campus offices and facilities havevolunteer opportunities. There are manytraditional opportunities in addition to newprograms in technology, patient care andeven a combination of the two.

One of the best ways to lift your spirits is to do something nice for someone else.

To give a gift of time, call FirelandsVolunteer Services at 419-557-7460 or email [email protected].

TakingStockyear-end &Giving it!at

No one is more cherishedin this world than someone who lightens the burden of another.


Managing Heart FailureThe words “heart failure” sound alarming,but they do not mean your heart hasstopped working. Rather, it means that theheart’s pumping power is no longer strongenough to supply sufficient amounts ofblood to the body.

If you receive proper treatment and makethe necessary lifestyle changes, you can stilllive a full and satisfying life with heart failure.

The heart failure clinic at Firelands RegionalMedical Center will help design a treatmentplan that is tailored to meet your needs.

Management of the Condition Could Include:� Medications to improve blood flow,lower blood pressure, slow the heart rate and prevent fluid retention.

� Improving your diet by decreasing yoursodium intake, learning to read foodlabels and monitoring your fluid intake.

� Exercising regularly to strengthen theheart, reduce the risk of high bloodpressure and obesity, improve circulationand increase energy levels.

Heart failure cannot be cured, but there are a number of treatments that can relieve symptoms and slow the gradualworsening of the condition.

The key to your success is taking control of your heart failure.

For more information about the Heart Failure Clinic at Firelands, visit

EVERY SICK PERSON DESERVES CARE.Youwill never be turned away from Firelands Regional Medical Center because of your inability to pay. The presence of a financial counselor

can help alleviate these concerns for both patients and providers. Financial counselorsassist in helping patients and families understand their financial coverage andcosts, and identify possible options for financial assistance. These options mayinclude:� OPTION 1: Hospital Care AssuranceProgram (HCAP)HCAP is a state and federal program managed by the Ohio Department of Medicaid. It offers Ohioans with family incomes at or below the current federalpoverty guidelines, and who are unqualifiedfor Medicaid, help with unpaid hospital bills.

� OPTION 2: Hospital Financial AssistanceHospital financial assistance is FirelandsRegional Medical Center’s program for patients suffering from financial hardship.Patients are eligible for free or discountedservices through a formalized applicationprocess based on income and family size.

� OPTION 3: Care LoanCivista Bank offers interest-free loans withno credit check to patients at Firelands Regional Medical Center struggling to paymedical bills. The Care Loan can be takenfor up to a five-year term and is for patientswho do not have a bankruptcy involvingCivista Bank, are not in the process of filingbankruptcy, and have a source of income.

� OPTION 4: Susan G. Komen Northwest Ohio GrantThe Susan G. Komen Northwest OhioGrant provides funding for women who are in need of breast health screenings and may not be able to afford them. It includes screening mammograms, screening clinical breast examinations, diagnostic mammograms, diagnostic ultrasounds, and diagnostic breast biopsies.

� OPTION 5: Payment PlanThe Payment Plan allows all patients to pay medical bills over an agreed time period with affordable monthly payments.

Given the sensitive nature of the topic,Firelands financial counselors uphold patient confidentially. “We recognize it is often difficult to ask

for help, but understanding your eligibilityfor financial assistance and grant funding,or creating a payment plan that fits yourbudget is important for your health andfinancial well-being,” said Hosang. For example, a single mother with five

children came to Firelands Regional MedicalCenter’s financial counselors seeking helpfor her medical expenses. She was drowningin tens of thousands of dollars in medicalbills and the financial counselors helpedher apply for financial assistance. She waseligible for discounted services which tookroughly $20,000 off of her medical bills,immensely relieving her financial stresses.Please do not hesitate to ask for help. If

you or a loved one is in a difficult situa-tion, Firelands Regional Medical Center’sfinancial counselors may have a solution.

Financial Counseling

For more information about these programs, please call 419-557-7879 or visit Firelands Regional Medical Center during regular business hours

to speak with a financial counselor.

“When patients are poorly insured or

cannot afford treatment, their anxiety rises,

they may exhaust their savings, and they

sometimes ignore medical conditions.”

–Susan Hosang, Manager of Financial Services.


SPINE, ORTHOPEDIC, CARDIAC AND VAS-CULAR CAREat Firelands Regional MedicalCenter is recognized for clinical excellenceaccording to a new report from Health-grades, the leading provider of informationto help consumers make an informed decision about a physician or hospital. Among the achievements received is

America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Spine Surgery™. Firelands is the only hospital inOhio to receive this honor for 4 years in arow. Firelands is also a Five-Star Recipientfor Spinal Fusion, Hip Fracture Treatment,Coronary Interventional Procedures andPeripheral Vascular Bypass, as well as a Recipient of the Spine Surgery and Ortho-pedic Surgery Excellence Awards™.The report, Healthgrades 2016 Report to

the Nation evaluates hospital performanceat over 4,500 hospitals nationwide for 33 ofthe most common inpatient proceduresand conditions based on data reportedfrom Centers for Medicare & MedicaidServices from 2012 through 2014.“Firelands Regional Medical Center

recognized that hospital outcome measuresare important to those making healthcaredecisions,” said Patty Martin, vice presidentof quality & patient satisfaction. “These ratings from Healthgrades demonstratethat patients selecting Firelands for theirprocedures can have increased confidencein their choice.”

Firelands Regional Medical Center’s Healthgrades 2016 Accolades:SPINE:� One of Healthgrades America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Spine Surgery™ 4 years in a row (2013-2016)

� Named among the Top 5% in the Nation for Spine Surgery 4 years in a row (2013-2016)

� Recipient of the Healthgrades Spine Surgery Excellence Award™ 4 years in a row (2013-2016)

� Five-Star Recipient for Back and NeckSurgery (Spinal Fusion)11 Years in a Row (2006-2016)

ORTHOPEDIC:� Named among the Top 10% in the Nation for Overall Orthopedic Services (2016)

� Recipient of the Healthgrades Orthopedic Surgery Excellence Award™ (2016)

� Five-Star Recipient for Hip Fracture Treatment 7 Years in a row (2010-2016)

CARDIAC:� Five-Star Recipient for Coronary Interventional Procedures (2016)

VASCULAR:� Five-Star Recipient for Peripheral Vascular Bypass6 years in a row (2011-2016)

Firelands Regional Medical Center, togetherwith the Neurosurgeons, Orthopedic Sur-geons, Cardiologists and Vascular Surgeonson the Medical Staff of Firelands RegionalMedical Center achieved these high qualityratings and awards.“What this means to the patients of

Firelands Regional Medical Center is thatthe care they receive is performed by someof the nation’s best physicians at a top-ratedhospital in the state,” said Martin Tursky,president & CEO of Firelands RegionalMedical Center. “Furthermore, these ratingsand awards reinforce that high-quality careis a top priority at Firelands.”

To learn more about Firelands RegionalMedical Center’s 2016 Healthgradesachievements, please To learn moreabout Healthgrades and to view thecomplete Healthgrades 2016 report,visit


Take an Inside Lookat our Nationally-Recognizedcare!

Why Not Love What YouDo, and Do What You Love?A little play time is essential to well-being,so Firelands Regional Medical Center offers our employees fun events and perksthroughout the year, including: a baseballopening day celebration, employee picnic,holiday buffet, and on-site fitness classes,along with competitive salaries, merit raises, tuition assistance, employee assistance program, and excellent healthcare coverage.

Why not join in the work, and the fun?

Search job openings at and apply online!

Looking for a job?

Apply Online!


individual offices as needed but over the years our scope of work grew into coordinating entire buildings.”Carol’s role on the “brick committee”

evolved into her being an integral part ofthe team that designs, builds and finishesall aspects of Firelands Regional HealthSystem. When a project is conceived, the architects meet with the physicians, nurses,and other members of the care team to listen to their input on the most efficientdesign of the area, keeping patient needsand patient satisfaction at the forefront.From there, Carol works closely with thearchitects, coordinating the interior designof the space. Carol’s most recent project, the renovation

of the former OB unit into the new Centerfor Women and Newborns at Firelands Regional Medical Center consumed oneand one-half years of her time to plan andimplement. “The Center for Women andNewborns turned out how we envisionedit,” Carol said, “The elements of the Centerprovide a soothing, spa-like atmosphere forfamilies to truly enjoy this excitingmomentin their lives. We wanted to bring in smalldetails that would make a difference in theexperience that families had in this unitand that would reflect the excellent careFirelands Regional Medical Center pro-vides to everyone.” Carol is quick to call herwork achievements a group effort; citing the work of other committee membersthroughout the years, the architects, the Materials Management Department, thePlant Operations Department, and the staffand physicians within the Medical Centeras integral contributors to each project.“The Board of Directors has appreciated

so much the countless hours and interiordesign work that Carol Wolfe has devotedon a volunteer basis to create this beautifulmedical center,” says Bill Springer, chairmanof Firelands Regional Health System. “Overthe years, she has devoted more time thanany other trustee in the renovations and expansions of Firelands to meet patientneeds. These selfless gifts of talent and timeshould set an example for all of us who are

Volunteer Carol Wolfe shares her talents to createArtwithHeart!

Gifts in Support of

Patient Care at Firelands

Regional Health System

Can be Shared in Many

Ways…Gifts of Time,

Gifts of Talent, and

Gifts of Treasure.

arol Wolfe is one donor who has providedall of these gifts, and if you have visitedFirelands Regional Medical Center, youhave observed many of her gifts.In 1977, Carol Wolfe was asked to serve on

the Board of Directors of Good SamaritanHospital. Chairman Bill Springer askedCarol to help choose the brick color for anew building project for Good Samaritanin the early 1980’s. A small committeeformed and out of that committee CarolWolfe, Elaine Lichtcsien and Joan Kromerbecame the interior design team for projectsthroughout the medical center.“Our committee started out working on

small projects,” Carol said. “We would redo


involved in the provision of quality health-care to our community.”“What I have always appreciated about

Carol is that she is very thorough. Carol’sknowledge comes from thirty-plus years ofhealthcare design research that includesbest-practice applications….Carol makessure that the project comes together right,avoiding costly errors. Projects like thesecannot be fixed after the fact. Carol is diligent about finding products that willstand the test of time, which is not an easytask knowing the numbers of patients thatflow in and out of Firelands year after year.Carol is extremely professional, experienced,and the research she has done is amazing,”says Greg Schmid of Poulos + Schmid Design Group. “Because Carol has served onthe Board of Directors, patient satisfactionand the efficiency of the delivery of care

mean much more to her than it might tosomeone who is only focused on interiordesign.” “For me, outside of my family and my

marriage, this is the most important thingI’ve done,” she says. “It’s like a job and theresults are everywhere. I feel a sense of prideand over the years, my commitment has

Inpatient Rehabilitation Nurses Station

Center for Women & NewbornsPatient RoomFirelands South Campus

Main Entrance

South Campus Renovations:�Main Entrance

� Reception Area

� Coffee Bar

� Community Resource Meeting Room

� Hallways

� New Elevator Lobby

� Outpatient Rehabilitation

� Dialysis Center on the Firelands South Campus

Main Campus Renovations:� Two Obstetrics Department remodels

� Center for Women and Newborns

� 3 North, 3 West and 4 North

� Pediatrics Department

� Emergency Department and Senior ER

New Projects:� Firelands Regional Medical Center East Tower

� 5th Floor build-out of Firelands Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation

� Professional Center I, including the Firelands Cancer Center

� Professional Center IIand Women’s Center

� Dialysis Center on The Bellevue Hospital Campus

� Route 250 Corporate Health and Firelands Home Health

� Counseling and Recovery Services of Erie County Building

� Artwork selections for all areas

helped me grow as a person. I’ve learned alot about interior design and about workingwith people. I’ve learned what I like and I am confident in my decisions, because Ican see the results all around me.”When asked why her volunteerism remains

a large part of her life after years of servicealready, Carol goes back to another simpleanswer.“It’s two-fold. I really enjoy what I do,

and when my family needs medical care, I am proud to be a part of Firelands Regional Medical Center. We are gratefulto have such a great health system herewhen we need it.”Carol and her husband, Arthur are the

parents of two married children and grand-parents of five grandchildren. Carol andArthur are also Charter Members of TheFoundation for Firelands Legacy Society.

“For me, outside of my

family and my marriage,

this is the most important

thing I’ve done.”– Carol Wolfe


When the holidays arrive it should be full of promise; we should be enjoyingheart-warming family time, have grateful children and gracious partners, enoughtime and money, and our spirits should be filled with peace and love.

Unfortunately, the common holiday experience for adults and children will be stress.Whether caused by busy schedules, shopping, personal expectations, holiday bills or grieffrom a loss, the holidays can cause our nerves and emotions to be scattered like glitter offa holiday card.

One key to managing stress is to be aware and acknowledge what your personal stressorsare and how this time of the year affects you. It is important when you are purchasinggifts for others, that you take time to focus on you – and how to manage holiday stress. To help manage holiday stress, one expert recommends to “Be Natural”:

Breathe Deeply – It will help increase energy levels.

Exercise – 20 minutes, three times a week.

Nutrition – 3 well-balanced meals; limit high fat/high calorie treats.

Attitude – Negative attitudes are contagious & destructive. Keep a positive face & voice.

Time Management – Set priorities & don’t take on more than you can handle.

Uniqueness – Recognize & treasure your own family’s uniqueness.

Relaxation – Private time to read or listen to music is time well spent.

Associations – Maintain contact with health support systems who don’t drain you, but who help energize you.

Laughter – Still the best medicine.

So if you’re still stressed this holiday, remember to take the time to just enjoy yourself.That’s a surefire stress buster!


This issue’s answer was provided by: Barbara A. Vonthron, MSN, FNP-BC, Nurse Practitioner, Firelands Physician Group

Ask aHealthcareProfessional

Ditching Carbs for CauliflowerNow may be the perfect time to startadding cauliflower to your diet. Thishealthy crop is best grown and harvestedin late fall.

Originating in the 1100s, cauliflower isnative to the Mediterranean and AsiaMinor. It is in the cabbage family alongwith kale, broccoli and brussel sprouts.

Cauliflower is considered a cruciferousvegetable. It has potent anticancerproperties and has high amounts ofvitamins C and K, folate, and potassium.

Here are a few ways to fill up oncauliflower instead of carbohydrates:

� Substitute ground cauliflower for rice or potatoes.

� Replace heavy cream with cauliflowerpuree in hearty soups.

� Add eggs and cheese to groundcauliflower to create cauliflower crust–good for pizza, grilled cheese,tortillas and more.

Make this holiday season as healthy as possible by using this nutritioussubstitute. Cauliflower is a simplealternative with a subtle flavor difference.

Look on the back cover of this edition of the Feel Better with Firelands for a delicious cauliflower recipe created by our own Executive Chef!

What can I do to manage stress during the holidays?Q:


DECEMBER 2015 – MARCH 2016CALENDARof events

CHILDBIRTH REFRESHERAnyone who has previously taken afull childbirth education course mayrepeat the course for $10. Althoughwelcome to attend an entire course,parents can limit their attendance toselect classes of the course, which willprovide information for review.Cost: $10Friday & Saturday Course:Attend Sat. only, 9 am – 3 pmWeekday Course:Attend 2nd and 3rd night of the 4-class courseCall 419-557-7840 to register.

HAPPIEST BABY ON THE BLOCKParents will learn a step-by-stepapproach to soothe the fussiest baby.Based on the techniques of world-renowned pediatrician Dr. Harvey Karp.Cost: FREEFirelands South Campus1912 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky� Wednesday, January 1312:30 – 2:30 pm

� Tuesday, February 96 – 8 pm

� Tuesday, March 812:30 – 2:30 pm

Call 419-557-7840 to register.

CPR FOR FAMILY & FRIENDSDesigned to prepare people toprovide CPR in a safe, timely andeffective manner to adults, childrenand infants. This program isintended for people with no medicaltraining who want to learn moreabout CPR, AED use and choking.Firelands South Campus 1912 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky9 am – 12 pmCost: $10/person or$15/couple� Saturday, February 27Call 419-557-7840 to register.

SIBLING COURSEThis course prepares children for theupcoming birth of their sibling byhelping them feel comfortable withthe hospital setting and the visitingroutine after birth.Firelands Main Campus1111 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky10 – 11:30 amCost: $10 per family� Saturday, February 6Call 419-557-7840 to register.

STORK EXPRESSFree program designed to givepregnant women the opportunity tostart on paperwork that is requiredduring their hospital stay. For anymom-to-be that is at least 34 weeksinto her pregnancy.Firelands Main Campus1111 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky9 – 11 am� Saturday, January 9� Saturday, February 13� Saturday, March 12Call 419-557-7840 to register.


BABYSITTING COURSEChildren 11 years of age and olderwill learn important safety info andresponsibility guidelines when caringfor younger children.Firelands South Campus1912 Hayes Ave., Sandusky8:30 am – 4 pmCost: $65� Saturday, March 12Call 419-557-7840 to register.

BREASTFEEDING BASICSTeaches new parents the benefits ofbreastfeeding and how to successfullybreastfeed their baby.Firelands South Campus1912 Hayes Ave., Sandusky10 am – 12 pmCost: $10 � Saturday, January 16� Saturday, February 20� Saturday, March 19Call 419-557-7840 to register.

BREASTFEEDING CLINICFree clinic to answer breastfeedingquestions or concerns and to offerbreastfeeding support. Certifiedlactation consultants are available toaddress questions and weigh infants. Firelands South Campus1912 Hayes Ave., Sandusky11:30 am – 12:30 pmMondays� January 4, 11, 18 & 25� February 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29� March 7, 14, 21 & 28Registration is not required.Questions: 419-557-7596

PEDIATRIC SPECIALTY CLINICSMonthly specialty clinics for children,staffed by Board Certified PediatricSpecialists.

Firelands Main Campus1111 Hayes Avenue, SanduskyPediatric Cardiology ClinicFouad Butto, MDToledo Children’s HospitalPediatric Cardiology Specialist

Firelands South CampusOutpatient Specialty Clinic1912 Hayes Avenue, SanduskyPediatric Gastroenterology ClinicJudy Splawski, MD, Anna Herrick, NPRainbow Babies & Children’sHospital PediatricGastroenterology SpecialistPediatric Neurology ClinicMax Wiznitzer, MDRainbow Babies & Children’sHospital Pediatric NeurologySpecialistPediatric Orthopaedic ClinicGeorge Thompson, MDChristine Hardesty, MDRainbow Babies & Children’sHospital Pediatric OrthopaedicSpecialistsPediatric PhysiatryVirmaire Quinones-Pagan, MDCleveland Clinic Children’sHospital Pediatric PhysiatrySpecialistPediatric Pulmonology ClinicAmy DiMarino, DO, Rainbow Babies & Children’s HospitalBruce Barnett, MDToledo Children’s Hospital Pediatric Pulmonology Specialists

To schedule an appointment, call:� Dr. Butto (Cardiology): 419-557-7840

� Dr. Quinones-Pagan Pediatric Physiatry Clinic:216-448-6179

� All Other Pediatric Clinics:1-800-377-3117

� General Information:419-557-6767

CHILDBIRTH EDUCATIONPrepares new parents for childbirthand caring for their new baby.Firelands South Campus1912 Hayes Avenue, SanduskyCost: $35� WednesdayJanuary 6, 13, 20, 276 – 8:30 pm

� WednesdayFebruary 3, 10, 17, 246 – 8:30 pm

� WednesdayMarch 2, 9, 16, 236 – 8:30 pm

Call 419-557-7840 to register.

DADDY BOOT CAMPUnique man-to-man workshop togive men the tools & confidence to become great fathers.Firelands South Campus1912 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky9 am – 12 pm� Saturday, December 19� Saturday, January 23� Saturday, March 26Call 419-627-4416 to register.

DECEMBER 2015 – MARCH 2016CALENDARof events

HEALTH & WELLNESSSCREENINGSVarious screenings offered tocommunity members for a low-cost fee. Cash or check only.Costs:� Complete Blood Count with Metabolic & Lipid Panel – $45 (No eating or drinking for 12hours – water allowed; Includesliver and kidney function studies,fasting blood sugar, thyroid,cholesterol, HDL/LDL andtriglyceride levels.)

� Saturday, January 237:30 – 9:30 am

Office of Kuns Family Medicine101 S. Washington, Castalia� Saturday, February 207:30 – 9:30 am

Office of Dr. Williamson300 Williams Street, Huron� Saturday, March 127:00 – 10:00 am

Firelands Main Campus1111 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky

Call 419-557-7840 to register.

SCREENINGSFREE BLOOD PRESSURE & BLOOD SUGARSCREENINGSScreenings are offered at variouslocations throughout Erie County. For a listing of dates and locations,please call 419-557-7410 or

SPANISH FORHEALTHCAREEMPLOYEES10-week course designed to introducesimple, effective communication toolsfor speaking with Hispanic patientsand their families in nursing andhospital situations.Firelands South Campus1912 Hayes Avenue, SanduskyCost: $75 (includes materials)� TuesdaysJanuary 5 – February 235 – 6:30 pm

Call 419-557-6740 to register.14

BREAST FRIENDSBRUNCH & SCREENINGFree breast cancer screening for uninsured or underinsuredwomen. Enjoy a light breakfast and special gift. Firelands Women’s Health & Wellness Center703 Tyler Street, Suite 152Sandusky9 am – 12 pm� Saturday, February 27� Saturday, April 9Call 419-557-7840 to register.

NUTRITION & WEIGHT MANAGEMENT SUPPORT GROUPProvides a group setting to discusschallenges of weight management. Led by Ted Fox, M.Ed., PC-CRFirelands South Campus1912 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky 7 - 8 pm� Thursdays, 7–8 pmTo register, visit or call 419-557-7410.

SUPPORT GROUPSFor a listing of support groups, please visit or call 419-557-7410.

MEDICAL TERMINOLOGYThis course discusses the basicknowledge of the language ofmedicine and explains how complexmedical terms are formed. Noprevious knowledge of medicalterminology is required.Firelands South Campus1912 Hayes Avenue, SanduskyCost: $150 (includes materials)� MondaysJanuary 4 – February 2912:30 – 2:30 pm

Call 419-557-6740 to register.

EDUCATIONFREEDOM FROMSMOKING This 6-week program provides asupportive group environment andteaches a step-by-step method forchanging behavior and quittingsmoking for long-term freedom.Firelands Main Campus1111 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky 6 pm� Tuesdays: January 12 – February 16

Call 419-557-6151 to register.

HEALTHCARE PROVIDER CPRThis course provides information for healthcare providers whocurrently do not have certification.Firelands South Campus1912 Hayes Avenue, SanduskyCost: $50 (includes textbook)

8 – 11:30 am� Tuesday, January 25� Thursday, January 28� Tuesday, February 9� Tuesday, March 8� Thursday, March 24

1 – 4:30 pm� Thursday, February 25

Call 419-557-6740 to register.

HEARTSAVER FIRST AIDWITH CPR/AEDThis full provider course covers adult,child and infant CPR plus AEDusage, and also obstructed airway.Firelands South Campus1912 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky8 am – 1pmCost: $90 (includes textbook)� Wednesday, January 13� Wednesday, February 10� Wednesday, March 9

Call 419-557-6740 to register.


DECEMBER 2015 – MARCH 2016CALENDARof events55+ CLUBThe 55+ Club is open to all residents55 years of age and older. Membersreceive numerous benefits, includinga 10% discount in the hospital giftshops.The following programs arespecifically for 55+ Clubmembers. Please see page 6for other Firelands 55+ Clubtours and events!

MORNING COFFEEFree blood pressure and blood sugarscreenings. Special 55+ Club rate.Blood cholesterol for $7. Fasting lipid profile for $17.Firelands South Campus Community Resource Room1912 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky� First Wednesday of everymonth, excluding December8 – 10 am

Proceeds from items bought at the Firelands Regional Medical Center Gift Shops, special fundraising events and donations make it possible for the Firelands Auxiliary to purchase

needed equipment for the hospital to serve our patients.

OUT-OF-THE-BOX SHOE SALEShop the latest in shoes forhealthcare workers or office workers.Brands include Born, Clarks, Crocs,Dansko, Reeboks, Skechers, andmuch more.Firelands Main Campus1111 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky� February 29 – March 27 am – 5 pm

BOOKS R FUNFeaturing a wide variety of new booksat prices up to 70% off retail value.Firelands Main Campus1111 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky� Thursday, March 247 am – 4 pm

Firelands South Campus1912 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky� Tuesday, April 58 am – 4 pm

TRAVEL PRESENTATIONFree, no obligation informationsession for upcoming trips:Yellowstone & the Wild West(Departs: July 22) & New Orleans& Cajun Country (Departs: October 16).Firelands South Campus Community Resource Room1912 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky� Wednesday, January 273 pm & 6 pm

Registration is appreciated but not required. Call 419-557-7722.





Feel Better with Firelands® is published by the Marketing Department of Firelands Regional Medical Center. Reproduction or use without written permission of written or pictorial content in any manner is prohibited. This publication is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as medical advice.

1111 Hayes AvenueSandusky, OH 44870

Preparation:� Place cauliflower florets and garlic in steamer basket over boilingwater, cover and steam until very tender, approximately 12–15minutes. (If you do not have a steamer basket, you may place cauliflowerflorets and garlic in microwave safe bowl with ¼ cup water, cover andmicrowave on High for 3-5 minutes).

� Place the cooked cauliflower and garlic into a food processor. Add non-fat buttermilk, 2 teaspoons of Olive oil, unsalted butter, salt and pepper if desired into food processor bowl. Pulse severaltimes and then process until smooth.

� Transfer to serving bowl. Drizzle with remaining 2 teaspoons of olive oil and garnish with chives, if desired. Serve immediately.

*Tip: Can’t find nonfat buttermilk? You can make sour milk by adding 1 teaspoon lemon juice or vinegar to 1/3 cup nonfat milk, mix well.

Creamy Mashed CauliflowerPrep Time: 15 minutesCook Time: 15 minutes

Ingredients:8 cups bite size cauliflower florets (approximately 1 head of cauliflower)

4 cloves garlic, peeled1/3 cup nonfat buttermilk*4 Teaspoons extra virgin olive oil1 teaspoon unsalted butter¼ teaspoon saltFreshly ground pepper, to taste (optional)Fresh Chives for Garnish (optional)

Nutrition Analysis per ServingTotal Calories 115 caloriesFat 6.5 gramsCholesterol Less than 5 mgProtein 5 gramsCarbohydrate 12 gramsFiber 6 gramsSodium 200 milligramsSaturated Fat 1.5 gramsMonounsaturated Fat 3.5 gramsPolyunsaturated Fat 1 grams

Information compiled from data in theUSDA National Nutrient Database forStandard Reference.