WinRiver Quick Start Guide_Oct03

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    Quick Start Guide

    P/N 957-6203-00 (October 2003)RD Instruments

    Acoustic Doppler Solutions

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    Table of Contents

    WinRiver Quick Start Guide.......................................................................................................................1Introduction...............................................................................................................................................................1Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................1Hardware Overview..................................................................................................................................................2

    ADCP Requirements ..........................................................................................................................................2ADCP Mounting Requirements...........................................................................................................................2

    Software Overview ...................................................................................................................................................3Installing the Software ..............................................................................................................................................4

    Communications Setup..............................................................................................................................5Changing Communications Setting ..........................................................................................................................7

    Customizing WinRiver................................................................................................................................ 8General Preferences ................................................................................................................................................8Creating Workspaces ...............................................................................................................................................9User Options ..........................................................................................................................................................10

    Collecting River Discharge Data .............................................................................................................12Run the Configuration Wizard ................................................................................................................................14Mark Transect Start and End Points.......................................................................................................................16Transects................................................................................................................................................................18

    Viewing Data with WinRiver..................................................................................................................... 20Using the WinRiverDischarge Measurement Wizard.............................................................................................21

    File Naming Conventions......................................................................................................................... 23

    WinRiver Shortcut Keys ........................................................................................................................... 24

    Where to Find More Information.............................................................................................................. 25

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    WinRiver Quick Start Guide

    P/N 957-6203-00 (October 2003) page 1

    Acoustic Doppler Solutions

    WinRiver Quick Start Guide


    Thank you for purchasing theWinRiver

    software for your WorkHorse ADCP. This Quick StartGuidewill lead you through the steps required for a successful river discharge measurement.

    Please read the entire guide, and then follow the instructions in the order they are presented. Ad-

    ditional information can be found in the WinRiverUsers Guide that is supplied on CD-ROM.

    NOTE. To purchase a printed copy of the WinRiverUsers Guide, contact our CustomerService department at [email protected] or call (858)-693-1178 and order the WinRiverUsers Guide P/N 957-6171-00 (International Version) or 957-6096-00 (USGS Version).


    The first step is to familiarize yourself with the hardware and software that comes with theWorkHorse.

    This Section Covers:

    Hardware Overview

    Software Overview

    Installing the Software

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    Hardware Overview

    Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the requirements for a River Discharge


    ADCP Requirements

    In order to use WinRiver, your Workhorse ADCP must meet the following criteria.

    WorkHorse Rio Grande ADCP


    The WorkHorse ADCP must have the Bottom Track upgrade installed

    NOTE. The Bottom Track upgrade is available for WorkHorse Monitor and Sentinel ADCPs.This guide assumes you will be using a WorkHorse Rio Grande ADCP.

    ADCP Mounting RequirementsThe ADCP must be mounted as follows.

    Over the side or through the hull mounted

    Downward facing

    Within 5 degrees of vertical

    RDI recommends using a fixed mount to achieve the best performance (see the WorkHorse In-

    stallation Guide for recommended sources of mounts).

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    Software Overview

    You will use two software programs to test and collect data with the WorkHorse ADCP.

    BBTalk Main Screen

    BBTalkis a terminal emulator that al-lows your computer to communicatewith the WorkHorse via RS422 orRS232.

    This guide does not go into detail aboutthe operation ofBBTalk. For more in-formation see the RDI Tools UsersGuide.

    WinRiver Main Screen

    WinRivermay be configured to displaythe windows arranged and sized, as youprefer. See Creating Workspace,page 9 for more information.

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    Installing the Software

    You will be installing two software packages. These will be required for testing and


    The WorkHorse software requires the following:

    Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 4 installed,Windows 2000, or Windows XP

    Pentium class PC 233 MHz (350 MHz or higher recommended)

    32 megabytes of RAM (64 MB RAM recommended)

    6 MB Free Disk Space (20 MB recommended)

    One Serial Port (two High Speed UART Serial Ports recommended)

    Minimum display resolution of 800 x 600, 256 color (1024 x 768 recommended)

    Software Installation

    a. Insert the compact disc into your CD-ROM drive and then follow thebrowser instructions on your screen.If the browser does not appear, com-plete Steps "b" through "d."

    b. On the Windows task bar, click theStart button, and then click Run.

    c. Type :launch. For example, ifyour CD-ROM drive is drive D, type

    d:launch.d. Follow the browser instructions on

    your screen

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    Communications SetupWhen WinRiveris first started in the Acquire mode, you must set up the communications withthe ADCP, GPS (if used), External Heading (if used), and Depth Sounder (if used). Once

    setup, WinRiverwill remember the settings and use them each time the program is started.






    WorkHorse Rio Grande Shown

    Connect and power up the ADCP asshown in the appropriate ADCP User'sGuide.

    Start WinRiverin the Acquire mode. Ifyou are in the Playback mode, click File,Acquire Mode.

    To open the Communications Settingsdialog box, click Settings, Communica-tions.

    Press the Add button.

    Select the device you want to setup andpress Next.

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    Select the COM port that the device isconnected to. Only the communicationports installed and available on yoursystem will be displayed.

    If you are unsure of the setting, use

    Auto Detect.

    Press Next to continue.

    Select the baud rate, parity, and stopbits. If you are unsure of the settings,use Auto Detect.

    Click Next to continue.

    WinRiverwill connect to the device andconfirm the communication setting.

    Once setup, WinRiverwill remember thesettings and use them each time theprogram is started.

    If desired, select the Use Software

    Breaks box to use the "===" string in-stead of a break.

    If desired, click the Inactive box to tem-porally inactive the device.

    Click Finish.

    NOTE. Only Rio Grande firmware 10.05 and above accepts the software break option.

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    Changing Communications Setting

    Once setup, WinRiverwill remember the settings and use them each time the program is

    started. If you want to change the settings, click the Settings menu, Communications and use

    the following options.

    Change Communication Settings

    If you want to change the Com Port se-lection, use the Remove button andthen Add the port back in.

    If you want to change the baud rate orother properties, click the Propertiesbutton.

    Inactive a Device

    To temporally inactive a device, click onthe device to be inactivated and click theProperties, General tab. Select theInactive box. The device would not beused during data collection, but its pa-rameters would be remembered.

    Software Breaks

    On the Properties, General tab there isanother option for the ADCP to use the"===" string instead of a break.

    NOTE. Only Rio Grande firmware 10.05 and above accepts this option.

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    Customizing WinRiverWinRivercan be customized to look and act as you prefer.

    General Preferences

    Contour and Stick Ship Track Plots havea tool bar that can be turned on by rightclicking on the widow and selectingShow Toolbar.

    Right click on the widow and selectProperties to change the size of thefonts. Choose the font for labels anddata.

    You can change the size of the fonts in

    tabular plots by right clicking on thewidow and selecting Properties.Choose the font for labels and data.

    On the Settings menu, click Units. Youcan switch the displays between SI(metric) and English units.

    On the Settings menu, click Reference.Select the desired reference: BottomTrack, GPS(GGA), GPS (VTG), or

    None (Boat Speed = 0).If the wrong reference is selected duringPlayback, data may not display. Forexample, if you select GPS (GGA) asthe reference during Playback and thiswas not collected when the data file wascreated, no data will display.

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    Creating Workspaces

    A Workspace is a collection of windows arranged and sized, as you prefer.

    To create a Workspace file, use theView menu to open all the windows you

    want to see during data collection. Acheck mark next to the menu item indi-cates it is being displayed.

    Arrange the views you are interested in.

    When you have the displays set up theway you prefer, on the File menu, clickSave Workspace File As.

    You will need to do this step for bothPlayback and Acquire modes.

    To return to the default workspace, on

    the File menu, click Open New Work-space.

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    User Options

    On the Settings menu, clickUser Options. The User Options menu sets how WinRiverbe-

    haves in the Acquire and Playback modes.

    Acquire Mode Options

    Enter the path to your terminal program(normally BBTalk.exe). Use theBrowse button to enter the path. Thiswill allow you to call the terminal pro-gram in the Acquire mode.

    Display Options

    The default settings are shown.

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    General Options

    The default settings are shown.

    Expert Options

    The default settings are shown.

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    Collecting River Discharge DataThis section has simple instructions for a typical discharge measurement using the ADCP only(no GPS, External Heading or Depth Sounder).

    Connect the ADCP and computer asshown in your ADCP User's Guide.Mount the ADCP on the boat at the de-sired depth (see the WorkHorse Installa-tion Guide).

    Start WinRiverin the Acquire mode. Ifyou are in the Playback mode, click File,Acquire Mode.

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    On the Acquire menu, click ExecuteTerminal Program to start BBTalkandverify the ADCP is functioning properly(see the RDI Tools User's Guide for de-tails on how to test the ADCP).

    On the Acquire menu, click Set ADCPClock to set the ADCPs time to thePCs time. If necessary, first set thePC's clock first.

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    Run the Configuration Wizard

    Configuration Wizard

    The Configuration Wizard will create aconfiguration file and enter the most im-

    portant information needed for data col-lection and display during Acquiremode.

    On the Settings menu, click Configura-tion Wizard.

    1. Enter your choices for the Re-cording section.

    WinRiveruses the Filename Prefix tocreate the data file names made duringdata collection. Use the Output Direc-tory field to select where the data filewill be stored.

    2. Enter your choices or accept the de-

    faults for the Discharge section.

    Shore Ensembles These extra en-sembles are recorded to the raw datafile during the stationary period at theshore edge help to ensure that you havea good starting ensemble for estimationof the side discharge.

    3. Enter your choices or accept the de-faults for the ADCP Configuration sec-

    tion. Based on the entered information,the wizard will generate the ADCP com-mands.

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    4. Enter your choices or accept the de-faults for the Offsets section.

    Use the Transducer Depth field to setthe depth from the water surface to theADCP transducer faces.

    5. Enter your choices or accept the de-faults for the Devices section.

    6. Click the Run Wizard button.

    If any error messages appear in theConfiguration Wizard Warnings box,correct the error and click the Run Wiz-ard button again to verify the configura-tion file.

    Click OK to save the configuration file orSave As to save the configuration file asa new file.

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    Mark Transect Start and End Points

    You must determine the transect start and stop points prior to beginning data collection. Typi-

    cally, shore ensembles are taken as close to the shoreline as can be measured and still read valid

    data. Ensembles that contain a minimum of two good depth cells are considered valid data.

    Start Pinging

    On the Acquire menu click Start Ping-ing (you can customize WinRivertoautomatically start pinging when the Ac-quire mode is started).

    WinRiverwill send the commands gen-erated by the configuration wizard to theADCP.

    View the Command Log to see if anyerror occurs.

    On the View menu, select TabularViews, Discharge Standard Tabularifthis window is not visible.

    Move out from the shore until the wateris deep enough to show Good Bins oftwo or greater. Values of 0.0 are ac-ceptable, but bad values are invalid.

    Mark this position (with a float). This isthe starting/stopping position for thisshore. You will later start/stop data filerecording at this location depending onthe direction of your transect.

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    Move out from the shore traveling slowlywith the bow of the boat pointed up-stream.

    Use the Velocity Magnitude Contourdisplay to see how the water depth

    changes as you make your transect.Note regions where the bottom depthchanges quickly.

    When you approach the other shore,mark the closest distance to shorewhere two depth cells show dischargevalues. This will be the start/stoppingpoint for this shore.

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    Best practices encourage a minimum of four high quality transects be collected that agree with

    each other to within 5% of the mean of all the samples. The following sequence must be re-

    peated for every transect taken over the water body.

    Acquire Data Start Shore

    Starting at one of the edge positionsdetermined in Mark Transect Start andEnd Points, page 16, on the Acquiremenu click Start Transect (F5) to beginrecording.

    When prompted, enter the beginningdistance to the bank and define if this isthe left or right bank. When facingdownstream, the left bank is on your leftside. The edge distance parameters willbe saved to the configuration file(*w.000) associated with the raw ADCPdata file recorded.

    Hold this start position and view theStandard TabularorComposite Tabu-lardisplay.

    Check if the Ens. # minus any Bad more (or equal) to the number ofshore ensembles (the default is 10shore ensembles).

    NOTE. If you made a false start, click F5to stop recording. Restart at the edge by clicking F5to record to a new file.

    The Left/Right bank toggles at the end of each transect. Click F5 once more to stop recording.When ready to begin the transect, click F5 again to start recording. Be sure the bank is enteredto the correct left/right side.

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    Move across the river as slowlyas pos-sible. For the best measurement re-sults, the boats speed over the bottomshould be no greater than the waterspeed of the river. Pointing the bow ofthe boat upstream and slowly crabbingacross the river will help to maintain atransect path that is perpendicular to theflow.

    Continue across the river until you reachthe stop position determined in MarkTransect Start and End Points, page

    16.You should have discharge values inonly the top two depth cells. Stop at thisposition and wait for the Shore Ensem-bles measurements to be recorded.

    Press F5 to stop recording.

    When prompted, enter the ending dis-tance to the bank. That parameter willbe saved to the configuration file(*w.000).

    Repeat these steps as many times asrequired for your application. An evennumber ofat least fourtransects arerecommended.

    When you are finished acquiring thedata, press F4 to stop the ADCP ping-ing.

    Turn off the power to the ADCP and dis-connect the cable. Remember to re-place the dummy plug to protect theconnector.

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    Viewing Data with WinRiverThe Playback mode ofWinRiveris used for post-processing data to get a total discharge valuefor the channel. After collecting four transects for each station on the water body, each file

    must be verified to be within 5% of the mean discharge calculated for the set. If any of the

    transects are outside of the tolerance, additional transects should be measured.

    Start WinRiverin the Playback mode. Ifyou are in the Acquire mode, click File,Playback Mode.

    On the File menu click Open ADCPRaw Data File and select the file to beplayed.

    On the Playback menu, click Play tostart playing the data. To quickly proc-ess the data select LastEnsemble.

    The playback tool bar has functions tostart, stop, rewind, and go to the end ofthe data file.

    Play back the individual data files withtheir associated configuration files in thePlayback mode. After playing throughthe data file, press View, TabularViews, Discharge Tabular Views, Dis-charge History Tabularto obtain thetotal discharge for each measurement.

    As each data file is played in the Play-back mode, the file is added to the Dis-charge History Tabularscreen. TheDischarge HistoryTabulardisplay will

    automatically calculate the average andother statistics useful in determining thedischarge value.

    NOTE. To remove a file from the table, double-click the file name. You will be prompted toclear only the selected file or the entire table.

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    Using the WinRiverDischarge Measurement Wizard

    The Discharge Measurement Wizard lets you enter station information (station number, station

    name, gage height, etc.) and creates a summary of the measurement that can be printed and/or

    saved to a file. To use the wizard, do the following.

    Start WinRiverin the Playback mode. Ifyou are in the Acquire mode, click File,Playback Mode.

    On the File menu, click Q Measure-ments Wizard.

    On the Q Measurements Wizardscreen, enter the General Information,Rating Information, Support Files andRemarks information. Each of thesefields will be included on the summaryfile.

    Click the Select/Process Files button.

    On the Select All Files For Processingscreen, hold the Ctrl key and click toselect each data file.

    Click Select to begin the processing.

    When you see the Files ProcessedSuccessfully message, click OK to re-turn to the wizard screen.

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    On the Q Measurements Wizardscreen, click Save As to save the infor-mation on the wizard screen to a *.dmwfile.

    On the Q Measurements Wizard

    screen, click Print to print a copy of thedischarge summary.

    Figure 1. WinRiver Discharge Measurement Wizard Printout

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    File Naming ConventionsThere are several files associated with the WinRiversoftware. These files are:

    Data Files (*r.nnn) These files contain all data sent from the ADCP and other de-

    vices during data collection. Refer to the ADCP Technical Manual for a complete

    description of the format of raw ADCP data files. For any specific deployment, rawdata files contain the most information and are usually the largest. Data for this file

    type is collected through WinRivers Acquire mode. WinRivers Playback mode ac-cepts raw ADCP data files for display or reprocessing.

    Configuration Files (*.wrc, *w.000, *w.001) These ASCII files contain user-

    specified setup and deployment information. This file shares information betweenthe different WinRivermodes. You can create different configuration files to suit

    specific applications through the Settings menu, Configuration Settings.

    Workspace Files (*.wrw) Binary file that contains information about open views,

    their size, and position. Normally, Acquire will have different window selections

    and sizes than the Playback mode.

    Discharge Measurement Wizard Files (*.dmw) These ASCII files contain user-specified information entered in the Discharge Measurement Wizard screen.

    Navigation Files (*n.nnn) These files contain ASCII data collected from an externalnavigation device during data acquisition. WinRiverreads the navigation data from

    a user-specified serial port.

    Depth Sounder Files (*d.nnn) These files contain ASCII data collected from an ex-

    ternal Depth Sounder device during data acquisition. WinRiverreads the depth data

    from a user-specified serial port.

    External Heading Files (*h.nnn) (WinRiverInternational version only) These filescontain ASCII data collected from an External Heading device during data acquisi-tion. WinRiverreads the heading data from a user-specified serial port.

    ASCII-Out Files (*t.nnn) These files contain a fixed format of ASCII text that youcan create during post-processing. During playback, you can subsection, average,

    scale, and process data. You also can write this data to an ASCII file. You can thenuse these files in other programs (spreadsheets, databases, and word processors).

    Summary Files (*.sum) These files contain ASCII information about the whole

    transect. The information is written at the end of the file or subsection.

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    WinRiver Shortcut Keys

    Key Description

    F1 Help

    F3 Configuration Setting menu

    F4 Acquire mode = Start/Stop Pinging, Playback mode = Start/Stop PlayF5 Acquire mode = Start/Stop Transect, Playback mode = Next Data File

    F6 File subsection (Playback mode only)

    F7 User Options

    F8 Configuration Items

    F9 Toggle Ensemble Header Tabular view (on/off)

    F11 Swap Composite Tabular view and Discharge Detail Tabular

    F12 Toggle Discharge History Tabular view

    Ctrl-A Output ASCII data file (Playback mode only)

    Ctrl-B Bottom Track Reference

    Ctrl-C Copy

    Ctrl-G GPS (GGA) Reference

    Ctrl-L View Command Log (Acquire mode only)

    Ctrl-L Lock/Unlock Configuration File (Playback mode only)

    Ctrl-M Switch to Acquire/Playback mode

    Ctrl-N New Configuration File

    Ctrl-O Open ADCP Raw Data File (Playback mode only)

    Ctrl-P Print (Playback mode only)

    Ctrl-Q Discharge Measurement Wizard (Playback mode only)

    Ctrl-S Save Configuration File

    Ctrl-R The Unfreeze button unfreezes all frozen items (blue text).

    Shift-F2 Set PC clock (Acquire mode only)

    Shift-F4 Set ADCP Clock (Acquire mode only)

    Shift-F6 Run Configuration Wizard (Acquire mode only)Shift-F7 Start Terminal Program

    Shift-F8 Start Test Program

    Shift-F9 Start Pressure Sensor Program

    Minus Previous Ensemble (Playback mode only)

    Space Next Ensemble (Playback mode only)

    Ctrl-Space Several Ensembles (Playback mode only)

    Ctrl-Home Go to Ensemble (Playback mode only)

    Home First Ensemble (Playback mode only)

    End Last Ensemble (Playback mode only)

    Z Zoom to Data

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    Where to Find More InformationCongratulations! You have completed the Quick Start Guide. For more detailed information,see the following sections in the WinRiverUsers Guide.

    Using the Configuration Wizard This section covers how to create a configuration file using

    the Configuration Wizard and a detailed explanation of each tab in the Settings menu, Con-figuration Settings.

    Acquiring Discharge Data This section is a more detailed explanation of the steps covered inthe Quick Start Guide.

    Post-Processing of Discharge Data This sections covers data playback, processing, and the

    Discharge Measurement Wizard.

    Integrating Depth Sounder, External Heading, and GPS Data Use this section to integrate Ex-

    ternal heading, GPS data, and depth sounder data into your real-time discharge calculations.These devices are used when environmental conditions make it difficult to get unbiased boat

    velocity and/or depth using bottom tracking.

    ADCP Commands Use this section for a description of each command and guidelines for set-

    ting these commands to acquire reliable discharge data.

    Water Profiling Modes This section explains all of the water-profiling modes available for theWorkHorse Rio Grande, Mariner ADCPs, and WorkHorse ADCPs with the high-resolution wa-

    ter profiling upgrade installed. For each mode, we provide a general description, an explana-

    tion of the best place to use this mode, specifics about the mode, and any setup considerations.

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    WinRiver Quick Start Guide