Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg

Transcript of Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Page 1: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Windows AzureData Services

Scott Klueppel

Chief Cloud Evangelist

SOAlutions, Inc.#gwab


Page 2: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Agenda - Overview - Management Portal / Tools - Windows Azure Storage - Tables, Blobs, Queues - Windows Azure SQL Database - Putting them together with Cloud Design Pattern Examples

Page 3: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Windows Azure StorageOverviewManagement PortalStorage Emulator / Tools

Page 4: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

What is Windows Azure Storage? - Storage as a service – Blobs, Tables, and Queues - Lots of it (up to 200 TB) – pay as you go

- Highly Available - Redundancy

- Highly Scalable - Partitions

- Blazing Speed - Performance “Targets”

Page 5: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Getting Started with Storage - Create a storage account in the portal - Connection string Account Name Account Key

Page 6: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Getting Started with Storage - Use storage emulator for development - Connection string UseDevelopmentStorage=true

Page 7: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Windows Azure SDK

Windows AzureSDK

Visual Studio2013

Visual Studio2012

Visual Studio2010

2.2 Oct2013 Supported Supported Not Supported

2.1 Jul2013 Not Supported Supported Supported

2.0 Apr2013 Not Supported Supported Supported

- SDK contains client libraries - Committed to backwards compatibility

Page 8: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Storage Client Library - SCL 2.1 included with SDK 2.2 - SCL 3.0.x upgrade available with NuGet

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Tools to interact with storage Visual Studio Server Explorer CloudXplorer/TableXplorer

AzureXplorer (VS Extension)

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DemoManagement Portal



Page 11: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Windows Azure StorageTablesBlobsQueues

Page 12: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Tables Concept OverviewAccount Table Entity




Name=RickyStatus=ActiveName=DaleStatus=ActiveRace=Jax 500Date=3/29/14

Page 13: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

- Structured storage in the form of tables-1MB max size-252 properties

- Quick queries by clustered index (only index)- 2,000 entities per second per partition- Data-defined partition scheme

-Table name + PK

Table Details

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- Tables store data more like key-value pairs - No schema

- De-normalized structure optimized for performance

Table Details

First Name Last Name Date of Birth Last Win

Ricky Bobby 1/1/1971

Dale Earnhardt 2/2/1972 Daytona 500

Cal Naughton March 3, 1973

Page 15: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Table Entities - Property Types byte[]


Page 16: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Table Entities - Required properties PartitionKey, RowKey, Timestamp

- Operations on entities Delete Insert Upsert (Insert + Merge/Replace) Update (Merge or Replace) Retrieve Query

Page 17: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Using Tables1. Get table reference

2. Execute operations on entities

CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("DefaultConnection"));

CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();CloudTable table = tableClient.GetTableReference("racers");

TableOperation upsertOperation = TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(racer);table.Execute(upsertOperation);

Page 18: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Using Tables with DTOs/POCOs1. Get table reference (like before)2. Execute operations on entities via

EntityAdapterWith TableEntity – RacerEntity

var operation = TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(racerEntity);table.Execute(operation);

With DTO – Racer

var adapter = new RacerAdapter(racer);var operation = TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(adapter);table.Execute(operation);

Page 19: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Table Best Practices1. Avoid querying across partitions2. Batch inserts (within partition)

- Order and details in same table/partition

3. Storing aggregate copies - Ensures 1 query 1 partition - Format data up front

4. Use intelligent PKs

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Page 21: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Blobs Concept Overview

Account Container Blob








Page 22: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Blobs - Types of Blobs - Page - Block

- Operations on blobs Exists List Upload from Stream, ByteArray, Text, File Download to Stream, ByteArray, Text, File Delete

Page 23: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Using Blobs1. Get blob container reference

2. Perform operations with blobs

CloudStorageAccount account = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("DefaultConnection"));

CloudBlobClient client = account.CreateCloudBlobClient();CloudBlobContainer container = client.GetContainerReference("photos");

CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(refId);blockBlob.UploadFromStream(stream);blockBlob.Metadata["FileName"] = fileName;blockBlob.SetMetadata();

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Page 25: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Queues Concept OverviewAccount Queue Messages







Page 26: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Queues - Operations on queues Add Peek Get Update Delete

- Queue naming - All lowercase - Alpha-numeric and hyphen “-” - 3-63 characters

Page 27: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Client Web Role


Queues in the wildWorker Role


Web App

Get Survey


Post Results




Thank you



Delete Process*

Page 28: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Client Web Role


Queues in the wildWorker Role



Web App

Get Survey


Post Results





Small Survey


Delete Process*

AddThank you

Page 29: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Client Web Role


Queues in the wildWorker Role



Web App

Get Survey


Post Results







Delete Process*

AddThank you



Page 30: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Using Queues1. Get queue reference

2. Perform operations with messages

CloudStorageAccount account = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("DefaultConnection"));

CloudQueueClient client = account.CreateCloudQueueClient();CloudQueue queue = client.GetQueueReference("orders");

CloudQueueMessage message = new CloudQueueMessage("ticket-order-17"); queue.AddMessage(message);

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Page 32: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Windows Azure SQL Database(formerly SQL Azure)Management PortalData Access

Page 33: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Windows Azure SQL DatabaseTools - SSMS- Visual Studio/SSDT- Modeling toolsCode- ADO.NET- Enterprise Library- ORMs (e.g. Entity Framework, nHibernate)

Page 34: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Key Features- High Availability/Durability

- Three Replicas (1 Primary – 2 Secondary)- 99.9% SLA

- Manageability- Portal, PowerShell, SSMS, REST API

- Predictable Performance- Scale-out*

Page 35: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

What’s Different – Maybe Bad?Missing- Extended stored procedures- SQL-CLR- Service Broker- Table partitioning

Important: All tables must have a clustered index

Page 36: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Data Types?Data Type Category Windows Azure SQL Database Support

Exact numerics bigint, bit, decimal, int, money, numeric, smallint, smallmoney, tinyint

Approximate numerics

float, real

Date and time date, datetime2, datetime, datetimeoffset, smalldatetime, time

Character strings char, varchar, text

Unicode character strings

nchar, nvarchar, ntext

Binary strings binary, varbinary, image

Spatial data types geography, geometry

Other data types cursor, hierarchyid, sql_variant, table, timestamp, uniqueidentifier, xml

Page 37: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Development Story- Local SQL 2012/Express database - SSDT Database projects

- Deploy directly to Azure from Visual Studio- Create deployment package- Use Release Management

- Azure Connection String<add name="DefaultConnection"

connectionString="Server=tcp:[server],1433;Database=[database]; User ID=[database]-host@[server]; Password=[password];Encrypt=true;"


Page 38: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

DemoManagement Portal

Create Server

Create Database

Firewall Rules

Page 39: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Patterns at Work• Cache-aside Pattern• Materialized View Pattern• Competing Consumers Pattern• Compensating Transaction Pattern

Page 40: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Cache-Aside Pattern- Build cache on-demand

- Read cache first- If not there

- Get from data store- Store in cache

Page 41: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Materialized View Pattern- Improve performance in systems with

difficult queries- Pre-populated views - Not updated by app, can be entirely rebuilt- Inherent delays- Doesn’t query well

Page 42: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Competing Consumers Pattern- Protect against a large influx (burst) of

requests- Balanced workload- Scalable

Page 43: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Compensating Transaction Pattern- Eventual consistency

- Series of autonomous steps- Intermediate steps appear inconsistent

- Compensating Transaction- Intelligent process to undo succeeded steps

Page 44: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Compensating Transaction Pattern- Example: Itinerary Creation

- Book 3 flights and 2 hotel rooms- If one or more are unavailable, we start


Page 45: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Compensating Transaction Pattern- Example:

Itinerary Creation

Page 46: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

What did we learn?- Azure data storage options/uses- Each has pros/cons/best fit- Management Portal and Tools- Design patterns

Page 47: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.


Scott Klueppel

Chief Cloud Evangelist

SOAlutions, Inc.#gwab


Page 48: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

Thank you!

Scott Klueppel

Chief Cloud Evangelist

SOAlutions, Inc.#gwab


Page 49: Windows Azure Data Services Scott Klueppel Chief Cloud Evangelist SOAlutions, Inc. #gwab @kloopdogg.

References• Cloud Design Patterns (P&P)

• Data Services – Storage

• Storage Differences – Emulator vs Cloud

• Data Services – SQL Database