Windows 8 tablet advantages

Windows 8 Tablet Advantages

Transcript of Windows 8 tablet advantages

Windows 8 Tablet Advantages

Windows 8 : PC OS

It most importanly, provides us an operating system same as in other PCs on a tablet.

That is why it results into better capability than the others.

Windows 8 : PC OS

Single PC, Multiple Accounts

Single PC, Multiple Accounts

On Windows Tablet PC, we can create multiple accounts with their own privacy by using password for their account.

So, by this functionality, each account holder will use tablet as their personal PC.

Monitor Cum Tablet PC

Monitor Cum Tablet PC

In more powerful Windows 8 PC; there is the functionality to work with it as mutiple monitors can be hooked up with the Tablet PC.

So, now it can be run with desktop configuration and can be used as core module too.

Work with any peripherals

Whichever peripherals can be connected to the standard PCs can be connected and can be used with any peripherals.

It will be very useful for video/audio professionals.

Work with any peripherals

Snap View

Snap View

Microsoft have built up Windows 8 Tablet in a way, such that it can be run and display two applications at the same time.

So, it will be useful when user wants to work with two applications together.

Windows File Manager

Windows File Manager

Some of the Tablets, other than Windows Tablet uses third party file manager.

Where as in Windows, file manager have the ability to work on any file operation.

And it is a strong adavantage on a tablet.



It is the most important for any of the user to keep their data private and cofidential to avoid stealing and misusing our data on the phone/tablet.

Microsoft provided this feature by file encryption in the tablet.

Handwritten Input

Handwritten Input

Almost tablets supports handwritten input. In Windows 8, we can easily write something by pen.

Such apps are there like OneNote and Windows Jornal.

An automatic text recongintion can understand even poor handwriting also.

Bing News Application

Bing News Application

In Windows 8 Microsoft provides Bing news application which is most popular among people.

It is so useful application over all of the mobile platforms but most importantly for touch operation on tablets.



Users are restricted to use one or two browsers on other platforms.

But in on Windows every browser will run, and at the end it will run on every Windows tablet also.

Internet Explorer is pretty good for Windows 8.

Supports Powerful Software

Supports Powerful Software

It can run any powerful software like AutoCAD and Photoshop as well.

This makes it choice of professionals also.

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