H E 27 . ' , iB S r iilM lillli Martial Law Prevails Foi- .lowirg Fatal Slioiitlns of Mayor’s Prlvale Secre- tary by. Political Foes -«A N DIEGO, Cal,, M«y » _ 0 -Tijuann, Mexican border '^-resort town noted for Ita- CTmbHngjfnmMi was umlcr Jnartml l^ to n ig fil fcllowin;' tho doalh ol llo(,ue iftuljnno, tljc mnyor'n privali JB bA im ho- wm .Irnt ■Mllliml cnemlM atHcked JInyor Mqnel -AngcI Mtnen. by-«vin m«n.-Th«T «»yor drtw hl* Run,-which wintorrdurinjihejiniwie. •, TTw-iuauinrarnnacSjwr Miyor MjiwntJeMdilrcHed « mwUnit a t th# rtl»5r Umpla In tHe Lover CaUtomlk towi. JoM Rlcardl. ivlator, M<tJ?r. piirtr,.r*r».o^ "jurtd. - .......... Appolnlm*mx»B«* Uprtiint . , 7M tliack nsaJdto htve betn Ui8 rwuli of dLwalUtacUon wllh the appointment o/- U t n r MeaviiSet. «hq,»u««d«J R afflerSSn^ llc^tb.^ll^d Domlngue* resipifd be- t * w govcmmtnt ofllcUU h#ndi»' to ss' .Juan^jolletd-t^-.elty todijr on mJ* fT* of Oorernor carlo* TttJorTetada ^S o C ” .v'‘“ _Coloncl_Voajuci-aljo-had-poJleB a iSSZiStSSS’ ^ durinj the flay, ctlung upon elU. w to partlelpaic In the d«jnon«ia- Uon a K ^ i uj, new admlnUtmioa Jlec,-and o. Pavon. editor of-a n . J““ *.l*bor paper, at leaden of the w /h”* hs hu nol •“ .S X SK ? BOISE OFRCWL flULES ', . _ J ! L 0U )-il'dE PEIISIOVS J 'lURU im y -W fnirfM, with fhn rM»» W a .S ffi* ' ■< I __■ ________c tOAF-OF-BREAD:SEl;LSZ- " CENTS OK'COASf - ' « n « S ? f w*So(fcilS to bread In the clljihH . g la^B tJioaf farS.eentaandapound ? l«f for 7*4 «nu„de. * Urn prtca m t . . . •• ■OmON^ENOS-POPES-- I ' ■O^WAYTQCOWTJWEftlT ^ ‘£ ® ^ “Pji8»T»n«neMon«ij*. flc ^•largec««^ffftTe Mayor and Mr*. watlon at the tutlon aa.they JS) iWHOFJlRMERS^Et;^ ^ •(^owcEojjmmiiB: Is “ ‘r ® M!J-Kah6 JJ ^«mealicanipal{^thl*yt»r tie fr»r^ j»jj g g*“ «°»tOTglTttgn7ajaTltBffi iSi Ih^^^^Mdoihercropjof "^t •> ' E f \ tiiaa)’«rmm*HDni 01 --------- . -_.AaaocUTio rniBB____ Railway Exe( ^Hates to till • I ENORMOUS SUM GOES \ FOR PUBLIC BUILDINiS ' 'B , PROJECTS OF riATION ^ WASHINOTON, ftfiy t (fi) — , PreAldent Hoover aald today « the sovemment ha* under con- tract and construction public bulldlnffs coitlns a (otal of tllP,- - Durinc Uw next- «lx montli*. ;r , he tald, a total of *377.000^00 ts- .worth of-publlobulldlngi will bo ,f Mart«l In jaj different eomtnun*, Some (Ime next wrck lie u ld h« would Hire out a Uit of theM ° buUdlngt with Information u lo a -jth«n-«onitrueHon-wwiM-betlnr- d SIlea haTo been obtained, plan* I' made.-and/tpedileatlons'dnwR iff It lallne US,DOOAX). r-i Wllhin tho iubie<]uenl 90 daya ly-«l.fot-|fi(U)00,j., h OOQ-filrther-conilrucllon.-Con- tracu (oUllnc 140,000,000 «il| b« a let-tho followln* M day*. „ - - lififflM flllM lllfe bu TntflVllitiltH^ ; IFiDff JOCE ■ Indictment ol Ganjsters In r — flraniatic OorrBattlrW ttti ' . ...Police Conies Ctuickly • movMiwlfHv today to punWj pran- I cl* Cnwley aptftred vlth a ilrl abd r man companion In a dramatic gun . bntUe Ute y e « t^ y , and held for tw alaylnga. ... . . In A maUer of mlnuUj Crowley / and Rudolph Durlnger;were lndlct«> - ftt'fUat^Kreo murder Crowley-for . the- killing, of Patrolman Predertck . HlrKhefLoagl*lahd,.andOurlngtr for the alaylng of Virginia Drannen, ' a danoe hill hotlcu. Detectlvea an*' ' cutcnraald ihe twodefmilantrnHiKr be brougbt to trial within t «eck If case* agalnat them eould be prepared by that time, r Durlngtr waa locked up In Bronx «un(y Jail and Crowley plated In Na*tau eounty-hoeplUl undtr police guard for treatment of .wunda he' received In }t«erday* batUe with 100 poUce'ln W at I<lntlelh atreet,.Man-. " i^lri « ^-0»rt— « M S S S = iS iS W ness. Authorities tald ahe had made atatementa about.the patrolman's ^Ulng which would help to conrlct Crowley.- While thete derelopmenta.wcro In - B S L.of.^430 to srindorses Labors to Insure Pgace PA M . (SatonUy momlof. Miy B MVAU the doon of tho Bytee palaci .were opened wide lo Foreign Mlnliter ArUUdo Briand early lo- day when the chamber of denuUw, by a unaihlng vote of «0 lo 8J. env dOTMd hU tlx yean of-lndtfatlgable labor In Ihe cauiei of the world peiee._ Brtanifs frlenda eurettA the be- liei ttu t ahy imcerlnjr heUtatlon hi ' may havo retained orer'belnga prei- WenUal candidate can h a rtly .^ - ZHbTrandldacylwaa.put toward-ot«- - nclallyby raacal and modente . roup* under pondlUoha tuch Uiat political-obemenrBeDerally^Mmid. rrflt WW-be-dlTflcuit-foJ-Wia.-W . refute. --Durint-theAbttte-^inicirpreo^ea “ Ihe.TOte and latted untU a Ute hour, Ihe foreign minltter. defended' hit »llcle* and alto deicrtbed ht* pro- jCTtfl g g op a t CKtoBftUci-Lnloii.— ~ 'He-m:iM^UrtUyappIa5aiil'<liir ~ cg.tbeaddrcia which noulred oore - h a n « . t a w r - ~ : - - ~ - = ---------- oUclea have made ll'pottlble lo *et- legrjireiiueaUoni without retort to - han It erer wu'tn the put. --------- rretUge. Greater--------- - -^nch»en-lraTelin*-from-the - ifr-ef^the-earth-wnn^-tS’wix-tA-iif 7 fial-Fyanee apfesttge'ha* never been 55rt4artfacti*.cooiidcr?d:ft»oJ. T ier-o{:peace.'!...i . The contemplated Auttro<aerman W IN :ecutiyes Incline ricrease ^ Presidents pl 50 Cpmpanie l i j '. RCcornniend Study ol Haul ION Ing Charges'wilh View t 1- Alteration" of SctiBdule «lw , »n- , —r— , ibllc , (By The Auoclated Prat) p.iiiCAf;n,M.y8-Fifh ,, I j riiilrojul iiresidcnts. ud ijjj ^ mIttinK “ llic cmerRCfiq , ^ which c^tH n.s to the crcdl; ,un- nnd Income of the rnilronda’ rccommcnrf«{ today n'stiidj ihe . rf-frcifjht ratctt, with a view ie« I to rondjiiRtiiijc, and revisinj; »,‘o thft-m to iirnvlde-'additionn: *'"r MVeimml- - • "■ —* !»M M the name o f li® orgahltailon »»» the AttocUilon of ^lw av~ Execu- to- ilriictrng Ihetix rate groups In thb country to lUrt at once on a deter, lay* mlnatlon of how poajible recovery ol oo,j- JtYcn\ita-m»LbeJmughubcut.._ on - -Whlleln-tome-coM* iherfmlglil ; be be downward revision* t i alford more e<iultable<ompelUlon In the tran*- ____ porUllon of cerlalii commodltiet..U ------ wa* understood Uiat a general thUt upward A'ould be sought. |ft^ lU jI U ^ ^ 1itijM*°for rellef'fpM ^jSa In revenue tlnce ifin due to whnt n r Uiey termed a "KhltUlng" at Ihe rale k slruclure. UL put of Ihclr lour Urge lUmt of expente. tliey tald. their Uxes aro Increasing, Interest charge* fixed . I and maintenance reduced to tho llm- > "I IU One tpoketman tald: "It wat itttT wouitl ilmply continue the \^l circle." Ckly The carriers hope for a raU rtvl- alon .which would add' twomm annually ^ tlielr reveiu^. Of Uiit . lCon.tlnucd on page J^column-4) - S- IS iO il.H E IlIll irtck , ____ wr BAN.RAPA^ Cal„ May 8 >»“ ■ . Dr. Rafael 0. Duffley; pliyitclan at- tending Captain Robert DolUr. vet- .VUt^Mpplns andiluobet.inaD.Ji*. ^ his condlUotv.U "very serious." A Bhlll aelzed Capuin OolUr in the afternoon. lln Captain DoiUr, wIioTfcenllrob- illce tened ht* elghly-seveiuh birthday. , he hat been 111 two months tlhce he 1100 w u operated upon for a goll blad- lan- der oompUlnt. Prom this lllnus he contacted pyUUs, kidney ailment,. hl»-pHp.lrt»ti ..M ■. , -^ jirt ™ 7^«dto^‘ hU lade an'a ^ = = = TiCt I --------------------------------------- - Thi ~ ' " 4 m w M m £ lo- ^ n*- " WHE|5e-— !t _ - - ' .. !;----------- ^IrH ow w iw ejsi --------------------- FAL T\VIIiTAlX3nDAlI0~SATO 1€ IV d rd T h u m p of = = -;-■ '• .......... ( U f i T EWISTON, Idalio. May *-W( I , tom-loma, drummln* Ihe Ne; - canyon of the Clearwrter ton lanies Ka-Ou*1l. iheir spring thank the. Rockies tire a l peace. Mbtil. '^'oung bucks garbed In buek^li cro»-ned wlUi Uio eigle bonneu of Mil council fire, >-elllng and shrieking 1 5W 10 watched It w»t only a lot of nolte V ;,.- the tldellnta It waa chiptera out < flUIGS Nfz Perce hlilory.-- "£aeh dtnccr," he said, 'lella of . .big fighta of warrion many mooha a) ago. Mebbe hU grandfaUier UU Fifty many BUckfwt^ln^war aboul Uln dance; Mehbe hit grand- ioncy fathn'fcUlblggrlalybeariUKDhe Tcdlt lell about .Uiat. too." :i )adH’’ As the.bucka pranced and crouclie< ifiidv' W»e /!"■ warJHftgunt, raltjjnj Koufd»/lU«dwlth pebblfi and rlngini belli, the «quawtequalled around thi isinjr fdge of Ihc-clrcle ctiantlng-an/^en ionnl throaty tlng-tong; -.Tlie half doter —* lOWnbffljWtffitSSgllSiae-DircIf: allon 'le o f’tQuaw. -Th«-t^.Ou-Jt w dance w u i mlglit ' ..........—r -------- .--------- S 'lffiJ ifti thut . f e BiisianaEHipifi^as 'S ~pects-|:on'g‘-Stretcties”lo G et‘Oil in Coming Year nt of fixed BOiaE.May 8 MV-Very lllUe hlgh- illm- way WlU be ready for oiling this year, wu 'builongstdpswUlbemadertadyior llling hlire-nmtfPt]l .wrt .7 » H.,m. Iclous mer, director ofhlghwap, said Nearly all the highway ready- for oUlng latt J-ear w u olled.and uule' “jjjj iaWforolllngthlaytar.hesald.- , v4) - liiahBpe^iyea!^ Include;* . - Tlie SajrtooUi park highway from , Nevada Une nort^iward through Ual- •«y- ITIJ The new route of Uie Old Oregon lin I^>«i)d The Idaho-Monlana highway from' Idaho PalU-norUirard to Uie Moo- I at- ]an4 line Uirough 8peac«r. 'TheJUftrlwilghiraybnwchitti The noiaethoe Sepd nail between .BoUe and Payette lakea. .. ' The Kotus-Parma highway. ®“* TTiew h^hwaya, aleni with h pro- J'; gnun In North Idaho wai be oiled « h. ”?v SiSKSTS'iSSSS hird of Uie QH^^toa Ttall.eastward am- fTO PocaiartowCTiTtf^Mifig ......r Thbse'Life-Shortening: C iij ', ...... J , ^nvrnm PiT iW rW rn a IW t 'ATUin)'AY^rO)»i{I^>rAY 9, lO 3 o f T o m -T o m s E choei =61ea a tei5^<^ilishi H T i f j ^ i i i r u T icm --------------------— *-Welrd and. monotonous thumu.ihump he Nei Perce call to-arnw. came out of t er tonight. • IU aniu. liii- f>ryj’efef'hirtlati* are otae? thankfglvlnjj fMtival, .nd all the tribe* ickskln ad’oriied’wltli ixadt and bear clai let* of warriors, liopped and ran around t tklng hideously. To ihoiiwndi of Wiltea ,wl nolte! . but to a rwnkln oldtKr standlnid o u to f i ’- ---------; -------------- iciU ofi tlilrd annu blojtomjfailval. which a tSu» f fS r - q i» u . Liiiii lulU' 1. l u n m il! n [rand-: <ley) datk><^Td b.'unrtic. was erowi ten he: ed .byjUeuKiitnt Governor a. i Mix df Idaho u 18 prlnfcttes. rei ouclied retenUnr 'Idaho ami WaslilngU •alijjnj towns, iiiepdftl her.-An Innngnui ringing mocenitoitch vataujusdronofaL ind the pUnfadrotipliii: eherrj' bloMomtdm i,e^en. Wg w>Tnallon,. _ Jftiw>r^nM.lo».a mlle and! hecir- halfjc ir partd«_waiJormed,Ji;U queen]-aiarldHe"Bhd the lndUr w u « iieai-tl}( lead,_________; l H H l i^ iO K ilil !S"t« “ laTiotralTdTwiFFalfsTEs Year ' tlmate''Yleid Alter Surve] ihiih- MlBE,M.yIW>-M.tobvina of.iL tionnil (rult cnn tn tplle of the effecu of freat of Iwi today. VKks tgo,-w;», Wlcka, director o ly.for Induairy, said today a l l u r e UUle' odrtng reports from' Inspectori ani , making a penonal snnrey of tho'ma .WlUi p. Lee-Johnson, formerly o f»m «>n'<nl»»lflner of.sgricul I Uai- iWf-»aj,JV.E...Ttylor; formerly o Twin PiUt, chief field Inspector, h. jrtU leave.,tomorrotto North Idah* [!Sd ^ the intpecilonof Uie croi :A nonnal crop of prabably 700C earkMd* of apples It Utely. be aald btrrln* unexpected chailgeji In lb< ehbi^ W ^«outlooHfea8ldthelreei»'p- P?^*«fct»agood»undotapplfl. wriott'ay dama'ied were Uie delicious apple orchards, h« said, pro- A normal crop of prunes, peaciiea ed u »nd cherrlea ts expected, lie aid. r, he Cherrlea Ih particular In Uie Emmett , seeUqn; where tliey were reported more aerlously damaged, appeared to ilrtp have come throug»wUh projpecU of a w>nn«a «op, he tald.. •P ^ -WW>rWTxrui«i'-on''ihe Jiorth w ^id llK ) lour.-Wlcks win'metrwiUi -j |U,..U.w.».y^,cxmoil- ■- Ci|ty.Noises , |, Z t ht-''‘ ' " , .j7 th m. FAILS c o m n DAIL I,.1931^ _J:_. _Z1^- - - i^; imp ot n r -i irn i nniiT i of Uie N L 'ry il|l L II R lbc« ot . . . ' «*j». Inmate o( state Penltentla ”ni£ ' Tells Warden Fugltl ^ Enpects-to End Lite annual ‘ami ■■'®P'“™ *PP®arslmiiilnc 'S *!: T » “ ISE. ,Moy 8-A n inmu K of I h e Idiilio licnllf IniJSii tlirj’ tolil Wnnlcn II. : rrousl)' TJw)m «^i loday tJint--Ly( of air- Southard, e«a'ipcd liiiHhui itdur- Biiiyer, would'take poiaon b S d i fojy.W ng rccfnptiircd. .,^ ,h — J'hD"8tntBmifntnh(i'|ii'i.s(»i IdUiuJ.crto'iathcTwnitcntlfirrchic tne said waa' m Je to lic r^ ll —~ missing woman In a random to: I vernation tome , lime before tl I scaled the walU of Uie women -I— Bgland.mada-her^ny IgJrctdor --------The name of'Uie-wonian^prisoni P . waa wlUiheld. . i~ 8uch'-a~melliod'ilie"uifdlo'dli patch'Ul least one ot four hutbanc - who died wll)iln the space of lit ITIUI’ IwlunilTtSMnd one and wu give a-lO-year-lo-llfeterm.------ --------- ' The Information, the'warden sal( ruBU f^^'rmedhUbeliefotherwomenln ' ''cy-j,5jH , knew of-hn-plan-toTscap. a feat which U n . SoUUtard coni - pleled Uit Monday night by goln vinu- over t}ie wall w,lih Uie asslsiance c /crop an Imijrovbedjadder. a lengUi o „ _ • Reward for Uie woman’s a p tu r the-wardenfromiJ i,Md to MOO wim approval of the tUi tnt- priaon board..The reward; he said u n e WM IncrraW tw "(ComlauM oa p .,. c^aniirti ^00® .. ' . , ' • ,*S I-EWBTON. Mihi, M .; I « > It'D . Oo« Of Idaho's moat peculiar fores JPlfl. over #000 acrta «oday i s & » r s ; ? i r A. D. CurUs, fire warden of Un aearwaler Tlmber'Prolecllve aito I the. elation, estimated Ita slee.-taylng l: d. flamed on bolh aides of the lltUi ichea fork of the ClearwiiKr river, 7( miles norUteast of Oroflno. n,j{{ Vor Iwo weeks Uie fire crawlet rted tfirough the Umber unreported ali telephone wires belngdown. ^of .ra«> Prank Marquette, a proniee- tor dlscorered'lt- BK S ra tin S m e S c S ~ GOVERNOR C. BEN ROSS J-LIES-ILUWOCATa-tiO ■t the Iwm# of hU m n Iiw, wllh . Ihrott-Iorttlion, w u /UBhlly Im- P ^ d tonight. It was reported he »IU have to itmaln in bed for al leut _ ‘w « e « day*. He'became 111 Wed- _ nesoiflUinriETibaiidbnMasouUi. ern Idaho tour. . Uayor’hjomuC.Cofflnaddreued - t^graduaUnrcU-n-wDabotafgr the goranonodiyrxoffln' wlll'flll oUier speaking engsgemenu for Rosa - Salurdayand Bunday.—-- ------------ "T R lflL NEARS ENd T n COURT AT SANDPOINT SANDPOINT, Idaho, Uay 8 W>- Charlea SUta, II, on lr{al for mur- der, told a district court Jury loday he ahot and killed W aim Lund. 34 becauso he feared for his own Jlf>. He 'tald 'uind came to a spring near Cabinet, Idaho, over which a - fettd->iad-Tagnl fur 'tao'ytgn. am Ujreateaed him wllh a rifle. . “IjBM getuiy a drink from the oTerOo#*ptp9TriieirWBntrTiniinip' I— Mat'K>kal>rniy f ather.*AndiCT'an-' - ta.-aad-Abe-Koekl.-vho-were taelp' - inrmrdean-onrow-sprthgT— ^ ^ ][i^ w tft get out pf tt ts,i^r^‘ '1 plckied up U att'i gun and flred.- Ife didn't drop’ao I fired a ^ a “■waltef’s'meorours." Aftw'BUU-s testimony both iiaui' a nd .defense ' closed their H S U 'liiM iiy& SSiSS ' Is near Uia MonUna border, 40 mllea r eaatef:jw y-^,:,.^-:::-- -GATEGn^M A rtrO F ^ 7 — •NJURJES-TatT 2I0N C IT Y - -^^aAM U fflS CtTT. Uay g ■{/0 - - - _ CharIe*rA.;Hahne, .00,. Pocatello i - Oreccvi8hortLl&eeoDdud«r,diMlat .< - a local hoaplial-teday-aappoeedlror < = lnjtitt e ^ vmnrftm=he.f«ll-t)ffnr J - traln-petnuLry. iS.' Ocatti w u csuaeS t -hyraWwirtctennlhshrtlfi' i •Eff.BpujcerV^iJivwboalic’aded s - Hahfff, mid hr,wu nfrf rrrlaln tt tn li the-cau»-0f-Uie-MQ0d-cl0t:bQt-'hB p - wiertq uig injanfsToffrar-n-uirh _• (all]ints.niCODaL^___________ :ji T y n : uuosn Aunn noiiua orcmccunoHB 'M [O ffic e rs 111 lljl For liong =nti.rO I^-IJKENS bans use OF STATE'S SEA S i ON HQ-T B isn i If DOIfiE, May“ >i.Hot mlncnt .*lthUie*UteseaI stamp Uiem, and btKullawithtlie design of the tUle's Inlfii inmate w w r b e -a i lca*t offlcUtly, [■nitPii; t Lukens, secretary ot stale , R. K. cldeJ ibruiUly todaj'., - hyda Alocal biker sfarted K. jj, H hand l>eared al Ihe-offlce of the s< on be.' tar^ of state and asked pet ■. .ttoMQ.borrow Uie pqnderou.’ti •chicfr tiun*atldiwh:^rdotllf*rhc XiiUmL Ti'WltfbflfcirffttifltkMUnnti ■i)y tlw customen. k 'S I c TlvaUteseal haibeetrpU I'omen's O" iwdons,onde«lf for Iftid rctdoiii; exUadmonsfcrburgUraando irisoner malefaclors. Uie secreiaryaald a t long u -lt Is In hU office It lo dls- tioi grace'bujjj. isbands . .■_ . _______ of tlVB S a iP iw i-m s*ui ■going . ,, mce of * “7". fc j Two Moi'e Children Succ apture. Injurics-Recelvcd Coast Railway Cros t said, ____ _ : ------- MERCED, Cal, M a ji (<D - nn 4) children are detd here lonlght ' anouier child and a man wen 0 . .. Ileved lo be. dying, and a-sooi other children nuned Injuries - brutfc* u a result of a' Sant inrn train alriklng a school ‘ RORERTnJUEH,!#. 'v ", I lAV- DOLORES EPSEK. I. ' toresl • BILLY ET8EN, twin brotht «3dayj Dolotts. . ............. . Of Uie JILWEL KEllEB, g. n ie child believed fatally InJu; J , ^ The main feared dj'lng U Do- ver, 70 Creggar. S». driver of Uie bui T« —1^ failure lo see the tlowly approac Ualn or hear Ita whistle and bel « *” malned ths unsolved mystery ol tragedy. He alto'faiHfl to eee *P** wlgrwag w anibf which ty t wlti a-ftpgltcd i£tlng._.----------- -C»g|ar,durW|-*-brieMnlem ImkL dant lo fft malB-w. B BujuiTT Merced county traffic n u a d . Crei tald he slopped Uie bus before templing to drive acrw Uie tr IS ' TWs contradicted slalemenit of JJ-n j^ y s who said he did not s ’■ (Continued oo page 3, column IH m f i jisgsii eased :AgrjctiHiiro-Departm ent-i i-Jllmates- .Yield jorI19: --------at-652,902,000-Bustn INT wAainNQTON.’^MBj a m - bumper winter whest crop of 6! yp)_ 802,000 bu»heU-i««S>)OmoriU nur- last-year and 10;.4T5.000 larger tk oday the five year average^wu fw ^ I. 34, today by the AKrlcutture departme Jlf>. The condillon of wheat, farm irtai by excellent growing wealHer In a but a few of Uie leading product IB j- 'states ■ during ■ April , ' wu •ptt« d' . M J per cent of nortaal on Uay fli u compared with 78.7 on that daU J up rta^ago-and-aMen year average —Ac{eagi abandnnment-toUay^lj ~ ‘Wuettlmsled'at'S.T per cenfofcox pared wlUi lOJ’ln 1930 and a I wlieat p^od^clIon^ua been esUma ^ ed a t ni.OOO JOO butheU. T h at wou result in a 1931-crop pH^IIKiOiW - buthels u compared wlUi U1M0.0 last year. Spring wheal, h q n n » hat hrrn atfi>nled,b;.lack-.-.ra<irmt.aDd.wiiit«r.=wB» :.® may suffer. some damage . cfo -mthCL prior 10 harvest Ume.. -ThecaityoverOT-Julylhubei n peeled to be In Uie hands of the gial stablllsaUon corporatloa The'ean over on July 1. ino . w u : 79,000m —The-board-awwuooed-today-tJu •Uo a surrey show^’.cu lal -of.statmtallon-wheat-wa-ln.goc 'O f ■eondltloa-for-mUUag.--*'------------- rv Jnn=nyth^t<portnodjg^the^i sea Tittion'jn'Ru^"uu dikilbed t — U»-agrlcullui»^p»rtoant-aa-Ui led most unfavorable in yean. R tth^ Ja. In h a , peet-te-AttstraUa-rand-^ArgenUai : TODAY: J a EWS M --8,pA(iE3-:5ciN iF ados^R ejjpninsfK T g S eries O f C rim ( E .. Authorities Attribute M EAL- Holdup, Bank Robber ICUUS. ■Murders .to Sex « w “o™ i" East'st.'Loi hunohlD —1^ , nlfmtrial tny Tlio Auodiw Preu)' «nmmr / -< niCAUU, .'lay 8 - Ha lly, ptcd I . robbcrioH netting m( ^ than |5 ,000,000 f kldm . iiiRH which brouKht in a 9 Heap- 000.000 rniiffom ; and-^ e secre- ?200,000 holdujf of the-D« permit- I ver mint in 1922 wero attr; >u.-»«tatc-J utcd by niithorltlcg tonight iHHET] Hcvtti (icaperadoci flckca’fii rhciaidr TaidTit-Ea8t-Sfc-Louis,-IiHno n tn hU .latfctodatt..^*.—•- ^ ]' Described by police u a duster TitorAed’l 1*“ .^ nmalned ot the P«d Bur Cuckoo and fihetton gangs of aoul nid*.onJ tm IlUnoU, the sU-wero eaptui K loth^ Jn.,ajpecUcularsortle. ' ' ____ ia!d.but IHist office Inspeelon, departme e it WlU of Justleft agenta. IlUnoU sUte hlg --------- way-police,: Chicago det«tlv«s i .East 6t. Louis offlclaU closed In < —— Uicm, to end a search Uist b — ■■- oUs-cn)tMd tha na,U<m. They It lull ----- In-addlUon'to-tho-Den«r-ml holdup, in which a guard w u kUK lltrh UcWhorter, Chicago postal 1 - (.li Uiese_0ther.crlmei. y r n mmbenofuiogsng:. Theft of tl.000.000 from Uie tli w ^eb f i ^ , KaUooal bank, 6e; JCCUmb SUylngofMikoor&OarTUoa,wi ........... of Clyds OairUon, J wria gambli -Cd.O n October 17, IMO. . SUylng ot TTiomu J, Rooney; Ob rossmn «»foubor leader, March»,Hll. Kidnaping of Pttd J. Bliimer, Moi <}_.Six Kl.ilnapln(ot James KftketC Bll [ght and IsUnd. lUaoU. gambUag king, wt vere be- " V n lm e d on a reputed paynw soore of of.MM.000. _________________ L; net and in all, aooordlng to'Ilgurei pn anU pe aenledbyMoWhorUJandPatHocb Hot bus chief- tnTeaUgator -for 'Uw-state —J— attoTnci.-lhtfTiroeee&rrr^^ ’ \ UiandObamobberieataHUnoli,It ...•"•n-r dlana, Iowa and WU«onaln-Mlei ed ta h an bcea Uie wdVt ot Ui «hero( -ittaiaTrbte^lioittahad’W rti - r — ^ iicgywfat;. ; , , ^ . Toioiir H A m . *. nJuKd 1* TnOUAS aOONNOK. JACICBRITT. DoogUs ' HOWARD LEE. iShcM E.UAWK8. 'oaehtng WILLIA&I McQUILUK. bell re- 'BUtenients mads by Roche am r of-the Mowhorter lUted among, Ui# baal tee Uis holdup those a( UundeiriawClear alUieas- ing. Elmhursl, Ufayetle. Neponte tal lold >*-rhere are plenty o f .o U m ; Roche addttl."* a iitref'TtihBigmni' rnrm r mrmpit7mriniic$r$EleonH5i Breggar go far beyond UiU lemiory." 'ore al- ' . *' 'ol^ " ; ‘ ' 8Et2E-«M EN;''";- ' ^ - T ^ f S K ’Sau®;^ mn ,4) -Uie lu t of the Fred Durke nne.' set^ In a ^ tn 'the aoim. • A I day. four later were released. JII Afler Uie raid, the aUle’a altor- n e /a . office In Chicago announced rn 1/ that.among thoee arrrsiedwtre men I'L l ¥ auApeeted p t complicity In Uie kld- ^plag.oUM-Jr^lumcrrUoaroe, ell. Blue Itlsnd, I'uinou gambler. ; f-Fss- Ohicaro. tald, iiave S n ^ r t l a l l y IShfllS- “ XnThour ■ af"ler"uie^d, officials ...L left here wlUi Uie sU prlaoners, pre- sumably for Chicago. Six molor cah ' ~ * composed Uie earavan which sped' f MJ.- away trom here. U« first Iro con- e.Ui#n uining officers, Uie nexl Uuwof- r,iuan iicm and.the prUonemand Uie lu l irecast one officers only. ImenU \ St. Louis police had touglit threo iTored of-Uiose selxed In the re|d for ques- In a«- Uonlng In Uie kidnaping recenUy of luclng Dr. Is u c D. Kelley, jr.. socUUy .(In t leated'AprU38afteriielngheldprls- I j l , , oner for more Uian a week. ____ ; .Tommy ftave^bnttkti?TOllS! tijn t U'oso srrested, formerir-wameiqi. je£otUi^airioutflLr<>iiUCuckoo- . ten "O™ re<ei\tly attodated , / Itpa g)ing. lo PllaoU. of. ■ Ipring uunsbury-sald tWClilcago po- ' llc« ^ t e c l U ^^fle^U j^ eicf. had-beeh-on-th»-traU-of U»^saos- 00.000 for..aonlhi..wcre.."Jutt two hoursi rarer, behind" Bt, JoKPh, MUsouri, poUeo ..rajft o ho.»fTWitwt-Biirt e ngsl •4£l.'!«»»Llntl».«t-.i===i iram' T hom u O’Connor, one of Ihoae- ____a ro ie d was described ^ ’a close been aSociatr of Burke, now-a^ag a ' vM iita « q tM g^*:s^ r~cK^ Joeepni Mkliifani pi'illffniani rai** m ln Lee, anoUier U wanted- In Cbkag6 i r y on aa.-oJd murder charge. ... 9W0. --------- ------------------- 4Ji,t ^ ------ STOP^ffSP^GFlMl, 8PRIN0 FIIUJ. m . May 8 (« - 5 3 p o Ueo-'»iMi o M e « d - u u n a r g £ p t f ^

Transcript of WIN FAL IW DAIL EWS -...

H E— 27 . ' ,

■ i B S riilM lillli

M a rt ia l L aw P re v a ils F o i-

.low irg F a ta l S l io iitln s

of M ayor’s P r lv a le S ec re -

t a r y by. P o litica l Foes

- « A N D IEG O , Cal,, M«y » _ 0 -T ijuann , M exican bo rd er '^ - r e s o r t tow n no ted f o r Ita- C T m bH ngjfnm M i w as um lcr Jn a rtm l l ^ t o n i g f i l fcllow in ;' t h o do a lh o l llo(,ue

i f tu ljn n o , tljc m nyor'n p r iv a l iJ B b A i m h o - w m .Irnt ■Mllliml cnem lM a tH c k e d J In y o r M q n e l -AngcI M tn e n .

by-«vin m«n.-Th«T «»yor drtw hl* Run,-which

w in to rrdurin jihejin iw ie . •,— T T w -iuauinrarnnacSjw r Miyor MjiwntJeMdilrcHed « mwUnit a t th# rtl»5r Umpla In tHe Lover CaUtomlk towi. JoM Rlcardl. ivlator, M<tJ?r.

piirtr, . r *r».o^

"jurtd . - ..........

Appolnlm*mx»B«* Uprtiint ., 7M tliack n s a J d to htve betn

Ui8 rwuli of dLwalUtacUon wllh the appointment o/- U tn r MeaviiSet.«hq,»u««d«J R a f f l e r S S n ^

llc tb.^ll^d Domlngue* resipifd be- t * w govcmmtn t ofllcUU h#ndi»'

t o s s '

.Juan^jolletd-t^-.elty todijr on mJ* fT* of Oorernor carlo* TttJorTetada

^ S o C ” .v'‘ “_Coloncl_Voajuci-aljo-had-poJleB

a i S S Z i S t S S S ’^ durinj the flay, ctlung upon elU. w to partlelpaic In the d«jnon«ia- Uon a K ^ i u j , new admlnUtmioa

Jlec,-and o . Pavon. editor of-a n . J““ *.l*bor paper, a t leaden of the w /h”* hs h u nol

• “ . S X S K ?

B O ISE O F R C W L flU L ES ' , ._ J ! L 0 U )-i l'd E PE IISIO V S J

'lURU im y

- W fnirfM , with fhn rM»»

W a . S f f i * ' ■<

I__■ — ________c

tO A F -O F -B R E A D :S E l;L S Z - "

CEN T S O K 'C O A S f -

' « n « S ? f w*So( fcilS t o

bread In the c l l j ih H . g

la ^ B tJ io a f farS.eentaandapound ?l « f for 7*4 « n u „ d e . *

ta .m eet Urn prtca m t . . . ••

■ O m O N ^ E N O S -P O P E S -- I ' ■O^WAYTQCOWTJWEftlT

^ ‘£ ® ^ “Pji8»T»n«neM on«ij*. flc

^•largec««^ffftTe Mayor and Mr*.watlon at the tu tlon aa.they JS)

i W H O F J l R M E R S ^ E t ; ^ ^• (^ o w c E o jjm m iiB : I s

“ ‘r ® M!J-Kah6 J J ^ « m e a l i c a n i p a l { ^ t h l * y t » r tiefr»r^ j» jj

g g*“ «°»tOTglTttgn7ajaTltBffi iS i

I h ^ ^ ^ ^ M d o i h e r c r o p j o f "^t

•> ■ ' ■

E f \t i i a a ) ’«rmm*HDni 0 1 ---------. -_.AaaocUTio rniBB____

R a i l w a y E x e (

^ H a t e s t o t i l l




^ WASHINOTON, ftfiy t (fi) — , PreAldent Hoover aald today « the sovemment ha* under con­

tract and construction public bulldlnffs coitlns a (otal of tllP,-

- Durinc Uw next- «lx montli*. ;r , he tald, a total of *377.000^00 ts- .worth of-publlobulldlngi will bo ,f Mart«l In ja j different eomtnun*,

Some (Ime next wrck lie u ld h«‘ would Hire out a Uit of theM ° buUdlngt with Information u lo a -jth«n-«onitrueHon-wwiM-betlnr- d SIlea haTo been obtained, plan* I ' made.-and/tpedileatlons'dnwR

iffIt lallne US,DOOAX). r-i Wllhin tho iubie<]uenl 90 daya ly-«l.fot-|fi(U)00,j., h OOQ-filrther-conilrucllon.-Con-

tracu (oUllnc 140,000,000 « il| b« a let-tho followln* M day*. „ - -

l i f i f f l M f l l l M l l l f e bu TntflVllitiltH^; IFiD ff JOCE■ In d ic tm en t o l G a n j s te r s In

r — f l r a n ia t ic Oo r r B a t t l r W t t t i

' . ...Police C onies Ctuickly

• movMiwlfHv today to punWj pran- I cl* Cnwley aptftred v lth a ilrl abd r man companion In a dramatic gun . bntUe Ute y e « t^ y , and held for

t w alaylnga. . . . .. In A maUer of mlnuUj Crowley / and Rudolph Durlnger;were lndlct«>- ftt'fU at^K reo murder Crowley-for . the- killing, of Patrolman Predertck . H lrKhefLoagl*lahd,.andOurlngtr

for the alaylng of Virginia Drannen, ' a danoe hill hotlcu. Detectlvea an*'

' cutcnraald ihe twodefmilantrnHiKrbe brougbt to trial within t «eck If case* agalnat them eould be prepared by tha t time, r

Durlngtr waa locked up In Bronx «un(y Jail and Crowley plated In Na*tau eounty-hoeplUl undtr police guard for treatment of .w unda he' received In }t«erday* batUe with 100 poUce'ln W at I<lntlelh atreet,.Man-.

" i ^ l r i « ^ - 0 » r t —

« M S S S = i S i S W

ness. Authorities tald ahe had made atatementa about.the patrolman's ^Ulng which would help to conrlct Crowley.-

While thete derelopmenta.wcro In

- B S

L .o f .^ 4 3 0 to s r i n d o r s e s

L a b o rs to In su re Pgace

P A M . (SatonUy momlof. Miy B MVAU the doon of tho Bytee palaci .were opened wide lo Foreign Mlnliter ArUUdo Briand early lo­day when the chamber of denuUw, by a unaihlng vote of « 0 lo 8J. env dOTMd hU tlx yean of-lndtfatlgable labor In Ihe cauiei of the world peiee._

Brtanifs frlenda e u re ttA the be- liei t tu t ahy imcerlnjr heUtatlon h i ' may havo retained orer'belnga prei- WenUal candidate can h a r t l y .^ -

ZHbTrandldacylwaa.put toward-ot«- - nclallyby raacal and modente . roup* under pondlUoha tuch Uiat political-obemenrBeDerally^Mmid. rrflt WW-be-dlTflcuit-foJ-Wia.-W . refute.--Durint-theAbttte-^inicirpreo^ea “Ihe.TOte and latted untU a Ute hour,Ihe foreign minltter. defended' h it »llcle* and alto deicrtbed ht* pro- jCTtflg g op a tCKtoBftUci-Lnloii.— ~ 'He-m :iM ^UrtU yappIa5aiil'< liir ~ cg.tbeaddrcia which noulred oore - h a n « . t a w r - ~ : - - ~ - = ----------

oUclea have made ll'pottlble lo *et- legrjireiiueaUoni without retort to -

han It erer w u 'tn the p u t.--------- rretUge. Greater--------- --^ n c h » en -lraT e lin * -fro m -th e -ifr-ef^the-earth-wnn^-tS’wix-tA-iif 7 fial-Fyanee apfesttge'ha* never been “ 55rt4artfacti*.cooiidcr?d:ft»oJ. T ier-o{:peace.'! . . . i . “The contemplated Auttro<aerman

W IN: e c u t iy e s I n c l i n e

r i c r e a s e

^ P re s id e n ts p l 5 0 C pm panie

l i j '. ■ RCcornniend S tu d y o l H aul

ION Ing C h a rg e s 'w i lh V iew t

1 - A lte ra t io n " of SctiBdule«lw ■ ,» n - , — r— ,ibllc , (By The Auoclated P ra t)

p . i i i C A f ; n , M . y 8 - F i f h ,, I j riiilrojul iire sidcn ts. ud i j j j ^ mIttinK “ llic cmerRCfiq , ^ w hich c ^ t H n.s to th e crcdl; ,un- nnd Income of th e rnilronda’

rccommcnrf«{ today n 's t i i d j ih e . r f - f r c if jh t ratctt, w ith a view ie« I to rondjiiRtiiijc, and revisinj; »,‘o th f t-m to iirnvlde-'additionn: * '" r MVeimml- - • " ■■ — * !»M M the name o f l i ® orgahltailon »»» the AttocUilon of ^ lw av~ Execu-

to- ilriictrng Ihetix rate groups In thb country to lU rt a t once on a deter,

lay* mlnatlon of how poajible recovery oloo,j- JtY cn\ita-m »L beJm ughubcut.._ o n - -Whlleln-tome-coM* iherfmlglil ; be be downward revision* t i alford more

e<iultable<ompelUlon In the tran*-____ porUllon of cerlalii commodltiet..U------ wa* understood Uiat a general thUt

upward A'ould be sought. •| f t ^ —

lU jI U ^ ^ 1itijM*°for re llef'fpM ^jSa In revenue tlnce if in due to whnt

n r Uiey termed a "KhltUlng" at Ihe rale k slruclure.

U L put of Ihclr lour Urge lUmt of expente. tliey tald. their Uxes aro Increasing, Interest charge* fixed

. I and maintenance reduced to tho llm- > "I IU One tpoketman tald: " It wat

itttT wouitl ilmply continue the \^ l circle."

Ckly The carriers hope for a raU rtvl- alon .which would add' tw o m m annually ^ tlielr reveiu^. Of Uiit

. lCon.tlnucd on page J^column-4) -

S - I S iO i l . H E I l I l lirtck , • ____w r BAN.RAPA^ Cal„ May 8 >»“ ■. Dr. Rafael 0 . Duffley; pliyitclan at-

tending Captain Robert DolUr. vet- .VUt^Mpplns andiluobet.inaD.Ji*.

^ his condlUotv.U "very serious." A Bhlll aelzed Capuin OolUr in the afternoon. •

l l n Captain DoiUr, wIioTfcenllrob- illce tened ht* elghly-seveiuh birthday., he hat been 111 two months tlhce he 1100 w u operated upon for a goll blad- lan- der oompUlnt. Prom this lllnus he

contacted pyUUs, kidney ailment,.hl»-pHp.lrt»ti ..M ■ • . , - ^

j i r t ™ 7 ^ « d t o ^ ‘ hU

ladean'a ^ = = = TiCt I--------------------------------------- -

T h i

~ ' " ■

4 m w M m

£lo- ^


" W H E |5 e - —

! t _ • ■

- - ' ..! ;-----------^ I r H o w w i w e j s i


FA LT \V I I iT A lX 3 n D A lI0 ~ S A T O

1 € I V d r d T h u m p o f

= = - ; - ■ '• ..........( U f i T EWISTON, Idalio. May *-W (

I , tom-loma, drummln* Ihe Ne; - canyon of the Clearwrter ton

la n ies Ka-Ou*1l. iheir spring thank the. Rockies tire a l peace.

M btil. '^'oung bucks garbed In buek^li cro»-ned wlUi Uio eigle bonneu of

Mil council fire, >-elllng and shrieking 1 5W 10 watched It w»t only a lot of nolte V ;, .- the tldellnta It waa chiptera out < flUIGS Nfz Perce hlilory.--

"£aeh dtnccr," he said, 'lella of . .big fighta of warrion many mooha

a) ago. Mebbe hU grandfaUier UU F i f ty many BUckfwt^ln^war

• aboul U ln dance; Mehbe hit grand- ioncy fathn'fcUlblggrlalybeariUKDhe T cd lt lell about .Uiat. too." ■ :i )adH’’ As the.bucka pranced and crouclie< ifiidv ' W»e /!"■ warJHftgunt, raltjjnj

Koufd»/lU«dwlth pebblfi and rlngini belli, the «quawtequalled around thi

isinjr fdge of Ihc-clrcle ctiantlng-an/^en ionnl throaty tlng-tong; -.Tlie half doter — * lOW nbffljW tffitSSgllSiae-DircIf: allon 'l e o f ’tQuaw. —

-T h « -t^ .O u -J t w dance w u i

mlglit ■ ' ..........— r -------- .---------

S ' l f f i J i f t ith u t .

fe BiisianaEHipifi as ' S ~ p e c t s - | : o n 'g ‘- S tr e tc t i e s ” lo

G e t ‘Oil in Com ing Y ea rn t of ■

fixed BOiaE.May 8 MV-Very lllUe hlgh- illm- way WlU be ready for oiling this year,

w u 'builongstdpsw U lbemadertadyiorllling hlire-nmtfPt]l .wrt .7 » H.,m.Iclous mer, director ofhlghwap, said

Nearly all the highway ready- for oUlng la tt J-ear w u olled.and uule'

“ j j j j iaW forolllngthlaytar.hesald.- ,

v4) - l i i a h B p e ^ iy e a !^Include;* . -

Tlie SajrtooUi park highway from , Nevada Une nort^iward through Ual-

•«y-IT IJ The new route of Uie Old Oregonl i n I ^ > « i ) d

The Idaho-Monlana highway from ' Idaho PalU-norUirard to Uie Moo-

I at- ]an4 line Uirough 8peac«r.'T h e JU ftrlw ilg h iray b n w ch itti

• The noiaethoe Sepd nail between .BoUe and Payette lakea.

. . ' The Kotus-Parma highway.®“* TTiew h^hwaya, aleni with h pro-

“ J'; gnun In North Idaho wai be oiled « h .

” ? v

S i S K S T S ' i S S S Shird of Uie Q H ^^to a T ta ll.eastward am - fT O P o c a ia r to w C T iT tf^ M if ig

• ......r

T h b s e 'L i f e - S h o r t e n i n g : C i i j

' , ...... J ,

^ n v rn m P iT iW rW rn

a IW t'A T U in ) 'A Y ^ r O )» i{ I ^ > r A Y 9, lO

3 o f T o m - T o m s E c h o e i

= 6 1 e a s « a t e i 5 ^ < ^ i l i s h i

H T i f j ^ i i i r u Ticm --------------------—*-W elrd and. monotonous thumu.ihump he Nei Perce call to-arnw. came out of t er tonight. •IU aniu. liii- f>ryj’efef'hirtlati* are otae? thankfglvlnjj fMtival, .nd all the tribe*

ickskln ad’oriied’wltli ixadt and bear clai let* of warriors, liopped and ran around t tklng hideously. To ihoiiwndi of Wiltea ,wl ■ nolte! . but to a rwnkln oldtKr standlnid o u to f i ’- ’ ---------;--------------

iciU ofi tlilrd annublojtomjfailval. which a

tS u»f f S r - q i» u . Liiiii lulU' 1. l u n m i l ! n [rand-: <ley) datk><^Td b.'unrtic. was erowi ten he: ed .byjUeuKiitnt Governor a .

i Mix df Idaho u 18 prlnfcttes. rei ouclied retenUnr 'Idaho ami WaslilngU •alijjnj towns, iiiepdftl her.-An Innngnui ringing mocenitoitch vataujusdronofaL ind the pUnfadrotipliii: eherrj' bloMomtdm i,e^en. Wg w>Tnallon,. _

Jftiw>r^nM.lo».a mlle and! hecir- ha lfjc ir partd«_waiJormed,Ji;U

queen]-aiarldHe"Bhd the lndUr w u « iieai-tl}( lead,_________;

l H H li ^ i O K i l i l

!S " t« “ laT io tralT d T w iF F a lfsT E s

Y ea r ' tlm ate ''Y leid A lte r Surve]

ih iih- M lB E ,M .y IW > -M .to b v in a of.iL tionnil (rult cnn

tn tplle of the effecu of freat of Iwi today. VKks tgo ,-w ;», Wlcka, director o ly .for Induairy, said today a l lu r e

UUle' odrtng reports from' Inspectori ani , making a penonal snnrey of tho'ma

.WlUi p. Lee-Johnson, formerly o f» m «>n'<nl»»lflner of.sgricul

I Uai- iW f-»aj,JV.E...Ttylor; formerly o Twin PiUt, chief field Inspector, h.

■ jrtU leave.,tomorrotto North Idah* [ !S d ^ the intpecilonof Uie croi

■ :A nonnal crop of prabably 700C earkMd* of apples It Utely. be aald btrrln* unexpected chailgeji In lb<

ehbi^ W ^ « o u tlo o H fea 8ldthelreei»'p-P ?^*«fc t» ag o o d » u n d o tap p lfl.

wriott'ay dama'ied were Uie delicious apple orchards, h« said,

pro- A normal crop of prunes, peaciiea ed u »nd cherrlea ts expected, lie a id . r, he Cherrlea Ih particular In Uie Emmett

, seeUqn; where tliey were reported more aerlously damaged, appeared to

ilrtp have come throug»wUh projpecU of a w>nn«a «op, he ta ld ..

• P ^ -W W >rW T xrui«i'-on ''ihe Jiorth w ^ i d l lK ) lour.-Wlcks win'm etrwiUi

-j |U , . .U .w .» .y ^ ,c x m o i l - ■ -

Ci|ty.Noises , • |,

Z t

h t- ''‘ ' "

, . j 7 th

m . F A I L S c o m n

DAILI,.1931^ _J:_ . _ Z 1 ^ - - -

i^ ;M paiiT s.a i

imp ot n r -i i r n i n n i i T i of Uie N L ' r y i l | l L II R

lbc« ot . . . '

«* j» . In m ate o( s t a t e P e n lten tla

”n i £ ' Tells W ard en Fugltl

^ E n p e c ts - to E nd L iteannual

‘ami ■ ■'®P'“ ™ *PP ® arslm iiilnc

'S * ! : T » “ ISE . ,Moy 8 - A n inmu K o f I h e Idiilio licn llf

In iJS ii t l i r j ’ tolil W nnlcn II. : rrousl)' T Jw )m « ^ i lo d a y tJint--Ly( of air- S o u th ard , e«a'ipcd lii iH h u i itdur- Biiiyer, w o u ld 'tak e poiaon b S d i fojy .W n g rccfnptiircd.

. ,^ ,h — J'hD"8tntBm ifntnh(i'|ii'i.s(»i Id U iu J .c r to 'ia th cT w n itc n tlf ir rc h ic

tne said waa' m J e to l i c r ^ ll —~ missing woman In a random to: I vernation tome , lime before tl I scaled the walU of Uie women -I— B gland.m ada-her^ny IgJrctdor --------The name of'Uie-wonian^prisoni

P . waa wlUiheld. • • . i ~ 8uch'-a~melliod'ilie" u ifd lo 'd li patch'Ul least one ot four hutbanc

- who died wll)iln the space of lit

ITIUI’ IwlunilTtSMnd one and w u givea-lO-year-lo-llfeterm.------ ---------

' The Information, the'warden sal( ruBU f^^'rmedhUbeliefotherwomenln ' ''cy-j,5jH , knew of-hn-plan-toTscap.

a feat which U n . SoUUtard coni - pleled U it Monday night by goln

vinu- over t}ie wall w,lih Uie asslsiance c /crop an Imijrovbedjadder. a lengUi o

„ _ • Reward for Uie woman’s a p tu r the-w ardenfrom iJ

i,M d to MOO wim approval of the tUi tn t- priaon board..The reward; he said

u n e WM IncrraW tw

"(ComlauM oa p . , . c^an iir ti

^00® . . ' . , ' •

, * S I-EWBTON. M ihi, M .; I « > I t'D . Oo« Of Idaho's moat peculiar fores JPlfl. over #000 acrta «oday

i s & » r s ; ? i rA. D. CurUs, fire warden of Un

aearwaler Tlmber'Prolecllve aito I the. elation, estimated Ita slee.-taylng l: d. flamed on bolh aides of the lltUi ichea fork of the ClearwiiKr river, 7(

miles norUteast of Oroflno. n,j{{ Vor Iwo weeks Uie fire crawlet r ted tfirough the Umber unreported ali

telephone wires belngdown.^ o f .ra« > Prank Marquette, a proniee-

tor dlscorered'lt-

B K S r a t i n S m e S c S


J - L I E S - I L U W O C A T a - t i O

■t the Iwm# of hU m n Iiw , wllh . Ihrott-Iorttlion, w u /UBhlly Im- P ^ d tonight. I t was reported he »IU have to itm aln in bed for a l le u t

_ ‘w « e « day*. He'became 111 Wed- _ nesoiflUinriETibaiidbnM asouUi.

ern Idaho tour.. U ayor’hjomuC.Cofflnaddreued

- t^ g r a d u a U nrcU -n-w D abotafgr the g o ran o n o d iy rx o ffln ' wlll'flll oUier speaking engsgemenu for Rosa

- Salurdayand Bunday.—-- ------------

" T R l f l L NEARS E N d T n


SANDPOINT, Idaho, Uay 8 W>- Charlea SUta, II, on lr{al for mur­der, told a district court Jury loday he ahot and killed W aim Lund. 34 becauso he feared for his own Jlf>.

He 'tald 'u in d came to a spring near Cabinet, Idaho, over which a

- fettd->iad-Tagnl fur 'tao ' ytgn . a m ■ Ujreateaed him wllh a rifle. .

“IjBM getuiy a drink from the oTerOo#*ptp9TriieirWBntrTiniinip'

I— Mat'K>kal>rniy f ather.*AndiCT'an- '- ta.-aad-Abe-Koekl.-vho-were taelp'- inrm rdean-onrow -sprthgT — ^

^ ] [ i ^ w t f t get out pf t t ts,i^r^ ‘

'1 plckied up U att'i gun and flred.- Ife didn't drop’ao I fired a ^ a

“■w alte f’s 'm eo rou rs ."Aftw'BUU-s testimony both iiaui'

and .defense ' closed their

H S U ' l i i M i i y & S S i S S' Is near Uia MonUna border, 40 mllear e aa tef:jw y - ^ , : , . ^ - : : : - - •

- G A T E G n ^ M A r t r O F ^

7 — •NJURJES-TatT 2 I0 N C IT Y

- - aAM U fflS CtTT. Uay g ■{/0 - - -_ CharIe*rA.;Hahne, . 00,. Pocatello i- Oreccvi8hortLl&eeoDdud«r,diMlat .<- a local hoaplial-teday-aappoeedlror < = lnjtitt e ^ vmnrftm=he.f«ll-t)ffnr J- traln-petnuLry. iS.' Ocatti w u csuaeS t - h y ra W w ir tc te n n lh s h r t l f i ' i

•Eff.BpujcerV^iJivwboalic’aded s- Hahfff, mid h r,w u nfrf rrrlaln t t tn li

the-cau»-0f-Uie-MQ0d-cl0t:bQt-'hB p- w ie rtq uig injanfsTo f f r a r - n - u i r h_• (all]ints.niCO D aL^___________ :ji

T y n :u u o s n Aunn n o iiu a — o rcm c cu n o H B

' M [ O f f i c e r s 111

l l j l F o r l i o n g

=nti.rO I^-IJKEN S b a n s u s e

OF ST A T E 'S SEA S i ON HQ-T B is n i

If DOIfiE, May“ >i.Hot m lncnt .* lth U ie * U tesea I stamp

Uiem, and btKullawithtlie design of the tUle's Inlfii

inm ate w w r b e -a i lca*t offlcUtly,[■nitPii; t Lukens, secretary ot stale, R. K. cldeJ ibruiUly todaj'.,- hyda A local biker sfarted K. jj, H hand l>eared a l Ihe-offlce of the s< on be.' tar^ of state and asked pet

■ ■. .ttoMQ.borrow Uie pqnderou.’ti

•chicfr tiun*atldiwh:^rdotllf*rhcXiiUmL Ti'WltfbflfcirffttifltkMUnnti■i)y tlw customen.k 'S I c T lvaU teseal haibeetrpUI'omen's O" iw dons,onde«lf for Iftidrctdoiii; exUadmonsfcrburgUraandoirisoner malefaclors. Uie secreiaryaald

a t long u - lt Is In hU office Itlo dls- tioi grace'bujjj.isbands . ’ .■ _ ._______of tlVB —

S a i P i w

i - m s * u i■going . ,, mce of * “ 7 ".

f c j Tw o Moi'e Child ren Succ

a p tu re . In ju r ic s -R e c e lv c d

C o a st R ailw ay C rost said, ____ _

:------- MERCED, Cal, M a j i (<D -nn 4) children are detd here lonlght' „ anouier child and a man wen

0 . .. Ileved lo be. dying, and a-sooi other children nuned Injuries

- brutfc* u a result of a ' Santi n r n train alriklng a school

‘ RORERTnJUEH,!#. 'v " ,I lAV- DOLORES EPSEK. I. ' toresl • BILLY ET8EN, twin brotht

«3dayj Dolotts. . ............. .

Of Uie JILWEL KEllEB, g.n ie child believed fatally InJu;

J , ^ The main feared dj'lng U Do- ver, 70 Creggar. S». driver of Uie bui T« — 1 failure lo see the tlowly approac

Ualn or hear Ita whistle and bel « *” malned ths unsolved mystery ol

tragedy. He alto'faiHfl to eee *P** wlgrwag w anibf which ty t wlti

a-ftpg ltcd i£tlng._.------------C»g|ar,durW |-*-brieM nlem

ImkL dant lo fft malB-w. B BujuiTT Merced county traffic nuad . Crei tald he slopped Uie bus before templing to drive a c rw Uie tr

IS ' TWs contradicted slalemenit of J J - n j ^ y s who said he did not s

’■ (Continued oo page 3, column

I H m fi j i s g s i ieased

:AgrjctiH iiro-D epa r tm e n t - i

i-Jllmates- .Yield jorI19: --------at-652,902,000-Bustn

INT wAainNQTON.’ MBj a m -bumper winter whest crop of 6!

yp)_ 802,000 bu»heU-i««S>)OmoriU nur- last-year and 10;.4T5.000 larger tk oday the five year average^wu fw ^ I. 34, today by the AKrlcutture departme Jlf>. The condillon of wheat, farm irtai by excellent growing wealHer In

a but a few of Uie leading product IB j- 'states ■ during ■ April , ' wu • ptt« d '

. M J per cent of nortaal on Uay fli u compared with 78.7 on that daU

J up rta^ago-and-aMen year average

—Ac{eagi abandnnment-toUay^lj ~ ‘Wuettlmsled'at'S.T per cenfofcox

pared wlUi lO J’ln 1930 and a I

wlieat p^od^clIon^ua been esUma ^ ed a t ni.OOO JOO butheU. T hat wou “ result in a 1931-crop pH^IIKiOiW- buthels u compared wlUi U1M0.0

last year. Spring wheal, h q n n» hat hrrn atfi>nled,b;.lack-.-.ra<irmt.aDd.wiiit«r.=wB» :.® may suffer. some damage . cfo

-mthCL prior 10 harvest Ume..— -T hecaityoverO T -Ju ly lhubei

n peeled to be In Uie hands of the gial stablllsaUon corporatloa The'ean over on July 1. ino . w u :79,000m —The-board-awwuooed-today-tJu

•Uo a surrey show ^that.d lii.p a ’.cu la l -of.statmtallon-wheat-wa-ln.goc'Of ■eondltloa-for-mUUag.--*'-------------r v J n n = n y th ^ t< portnodjg^the^i sea T it t io n 'jn 'R u ^ " u u dikilbed t— U»-agrlcullui»^p»rtoant-aa-U i led most unfavorable in yean. R t t h ^Ja. Inh a , peet-te-AttstraUa-rand-^ArgenUai

: TODAY: J a

EW SM ■ - - 8 , p A ( i E 3 - : 5 c i N

i F a d o s ^ R e j j p n i n s f K T

g S e r ie s O f C r im (

E . . A utho ritie s A ttr ib u te M

E A L - H oldup, B ank R obber

IC U U S . ■ M urders .to Sex

« w “o™ i" E a s t 's t . 'L o ihunohlD —1 ^ ,nlfmtrial tny Tlio A u o d iw Preu)'« n m m r / -< n iC A U U , . 'la y 8 - Ha lly, ptcd I . robbcrioH n e t t in g m( ^ th a n |5 , 000,000 f k ldm

. iiiRH w hich brouK ht in a 9 H eap- 000.000 r n i i f f o m ; a n d -^

e secre- ?200,000 ho ldu jf o f the-D « permit- I ve r m in t in 1922 w ero a ttr ; >u.-»«tatc-J utcd by n iithorltlcg ton ig h t iH H E T ] Hcvtti (icaperadoci flckca’fii rhcia id r TaidTit-Ea8t-Sfc-Louis,-IiHno n tn hU .latfctodatt..^*.—•- ■^ ]' Described by police u a duster TitorAed’l 1*“ . nmalned ot the P«d Bur

Cuckoo and fihetton gangs of aoul nid*.onJ tm IlUnoU, the sU-wero eaptuiK lo th ^ Jn.,ajpecUcularsortle. ' ' ____ia!d.but IHist office Inspeelon, departme e it WlU of Justleft agenta. IlUnoU sUte hlg--------- way-police,: Chicago det«tlv«s i

.East 6t. Louis offlclaU closed In < — — Uicm, to end a search Uist b — ■ ■ - oUs-cn)tMd tha na,U<m. They It

lu l l----- In-addlUon'to-tho-Den«r-mlholdup, in which a guard w u kUK

l l t r h UcWhorter, Chicago postal 1 - ( . l i Uiese_0ther.crlmei.

y r n m m be n o fu io g sn g :.Theft of tl.000.000 from Uie tli

■ w ^ e b f i ^ , KaUooal bank, 6e;

JCCUmb SUylngofMikoor&OarTUoa,wi........... of Clyds Oair Uon, J wria gambli-C d.O n October 17, IMO.

. SUylng ot TTiomu J, Rooney; Ob ro ssm n «»foubor leader, M arch» ,H ll.

Kidnaping of P ttd J. Bliimer, Moi

<}_.Six Kl.ilnapln(ot James KftketC Bll [ght and IsUnd. lUaoU. gambUag king, wt vere be- " V n l m e d on a reputed paynwsoore of of.MM.000._________________ L;net and in all, aooordlng to 'Ilgurei pn anU pe aenledbyMoWhorUJandPatHocb Hot bus chief- tnTeaUgator -for 'Uw-state — J — a ttoT nci.-lh tfT iroeee& rrr^^

’ \ UiandObamobberieataHUnoli,It ...•"•n-r dlana, Iowa and WU«onaln-Mlei

ed t a h a n bcea Uie wdVt ot Ui« h e ro (

- itta ia T rb te ^ l io itta h a d ’W r t i - r — iicgywfat ;. ; , , ^ .

T o io ii r H A m . * . nJuKd 1* TnOUAS aOONNOK.

JACICBRITT.DoogUs ' HOWARD LEE. iS h cM E.UAWK8.'oaehtng WILLIA&I McQUILUK. bell re- 'BUtenients mads by Roche am

r of-the Mowhorter lUted among, Ui# baal tee Uis holdup those a( UundeiriawClear alUieas- ing. Elmhursl, Ufayetle. Neponte

tal lold >*-rhere are plenty o f .o U m ;Roche addttl ."* a iitref'TtihBigmni'

r n r m r m rm p it7 m rin iic $ r$ E le o n H 5 i Breggar go far beyond UiU lemiory."'ore a l- ' . *'

' o l ^ " ; ‘ ' 8Et2E -« M E N ; ''" ;- '

^ - T ^ f S K ’ S a u ® ; ^mn ,4) -Uie l u t of the Fred Durke n n e .'

s e t ^ In a ^ tn 'the aoim.

• A I day. four later were released.J I I Afler Uie raid, the aUle’a altor-

ne /a . office In Chicago announced r n 1/ that.among thoee arrrsiedwtre men I'L l ¥ auApeeted p t complicity In Uie kld-

^ p lag .oU M -Jr^lum crrU oaroe ,

• ell. Blue Itlsnd, I'uinou gambler. ;

f -F ss -Ohicaro. tald, iiave S n ^ r t l a l l y

IShfllS- “ XnThour ■ af" ler"u ie^d , officials . . .L left here wlUi Uie sU prlaoners, pre-

sumably for Chicago. Six molor cah ' ~ * composed Uie earavan which sped' f MJ.- away trom here. U« first Iro con- e.Ui#n uining officers, Uie nexl U uw of- r,iuan i ic m and.the prUonemand Uie l u l irecast one officers only.ImenU \ St. Louis police had touglit threo iTored of-Uiose selxed In the re|d for ques- In a«- Uonlng In Uie kidnaping recenUy of luclng Dr. I s u c D. Kelley, jr.. socUUy

. ( I n t leated'AprU38afteriielngheldprls- I j l , , oner for more Uian a week.

____ ; .Tom m y f ta v e ^ b n t tk ti? T O l lS !t i j n t U'oso srrested, fo rm erir-w am eiqi.

je£otUi^airioutflLr<>iiUCuckoo- . ten "O™ re<ei\tly attodated, / Itpa g)ing. lo PllaoU. of. ■

Ipring uunsbury-sald tW Clilcago po- ' llc« ^ te c l U ^ ^ f l e ^ U j ^ e icf.

had-beeh-on-th»-traU-of U»^saos- 00.000 for..aonlhi..wcre.."Jutt two hoursi rarer, behind" Bt, JoKPh, MUsouri, poUeo ..rajft o ho.»fTWitwt-Biirt en g s l • 4 £ l . ' ! « » » L l n t l » . « t - . i = = = iiram ' T hom u O’Connor, one of Ihoae-____a ro ie d was described ^ ’a closebeen aS o c ia tr of Burke, n o w -a ^ a g a ' v M iita « q t M g ^ J l l t m m t o .a t* : s ^ r~cK Joeepni Mkliifani pi'illffniani rai** m ln Lee, anoUier U wanted- In Cbkag6 i r y on aa.-oJd murder charge. . . .9W0. --------- -------------------4J i , t ------ S T O P ^ f fS P ^ G F lM l ,

8PRIN0 FIIU J. m . May 8 ( « - ’ 5 3 poUeo-'»iMio M e « d - u u n a r g £ p t f ^

I ’ pmc.'ly o . ...____________

RmiSllESSESM p w i i f


>■ ■VVo^f=pi5trii^*«llii!

OOODINQ; M»y B <Sp«IM Ul 'JH N iw j)-“n ie niin j of Prf»ld»nt Htr

’^ r t llwVff wilt Ito down lii-liwor

j]' ''Urttri)o»ilti.'<JKl*r«J8fnsiorJ()tii 3 ■ Tboniu,iau>o'«junl«wn»toi’.lnni

' flddRU on "Child WelUW befor more tli*n JOO jwrvin* Id itwiidaiic

: n t Ihe ifwmoon Mwlon of Uie «c 'o n d dAV of Uie tlilriy-tccond flimua■ thiee-d*y oonvcnilon or the Becom

I dWrlct PMemtlon orWCTnort^ib ! . >ura‘to(I»r<; TheKnitorpralMrtlheprf«nliul

"nilnlAlmtlon. partlailirljr Hoover, to i(< cooipreliriulre proirum o( beiie fii« tnr Miildren of the n«tlon. HI

• wuW M ton e trlr In »bni»i7i »» the tuu lU obtaining. Ue tU cum On

• wort: of the Federation of Ubor tni ' Ihe nkllon'i ulioob (n (he pram ti

. lorUigbettementotclilMlioodicon' - .. dlllOM. . .. • , ,

‘ Olher vldlori' UIU n r e given (o' i»w.»lrti»ni O. W. Tentifv til

o{ . ConiUtu(loiul Law.” u

preddenc tnd bjr P70f«u0r Frank E I , ; H m rd . Albion nopil.K hool. •

' . Mn. Alney Pmldf*-------^ly-rkasiO H -opeiied » l » A. M

• when t in . D. w. Alney,-PuYtle, dli- _ :_ .;_ trt r t jawldent, calltd the meednj (c

order, ttrs. I n r BlougaudHed u - . temblyi]njrjnciMMn.R.O.Hudel-

MD. Ooodlnj, conducted .lh® fUj

_ J ___ luUonnrlU la drawn up before (htclqami aeMon .uinOTTOir noon.

!. -ai«D dlttf'ooi^t(«i'R parl« v m stven by U n ..S . T. Barton. Bolae;

r ■ ..•M rrnrtram pbell.-K tirM eidow i: : 'Mra. E. D .^ v ,-O o u n ea ; Mra.-t>< ' B. Pride,- Kthu; Mrt. P.-U Ootti,

' : Boiie, u td Mts. S I B<im«t(< Tuttle. A caniU tuU M oIdtpuU iluut n -

:,too,Emmetl. .- i L:,' ' ' • • • • Two.mlniK* club ■ repdru,’ beguii

■ Kit«rd»y, were given by the follow- . ‘ Ing; M n.E .C .egbett,N inps.W o-

— ■ ~ ^len H?e^t^ttfy<^ub^Mn^^qydeW MounUIn JlOQM Clrle club: U i i . a

• L Birton, MldTtls Clrle I m ^ r e - menvetub; U u. W.J. 0 >TldMn,Mer-

_;lrtly , cdmmnnlty club; Mr*.

;^==^ublrM rfc;E«llth-Bnieta»rrJnw n* . P le iun t puunt Nelghbcrhood club;1 Mn. Oort PaUlck, Jenxns Qnnd ; Vl»wdub;M n.M .a.Jone^Jeroroe ') ^ City Clrlo club. The North Bide

.-' ' -. 'Community ind-BotoAli clubs v tr t luncheon t t the Melhodlil

'^•r'The aflentoon scmIoii opennl wllh ‘ ' . Mrs. PruiK f in n . Ooodlnc, dUWct

vieo preeldent, prtttdlni. After nad- -ln^orcollc<^ukimUllobytheaood• „ Inff high Kbool b u d , Mn, D, W.

.. Atne. dellrered the um utl preil- . .d e n lltd d fe o . ,

C ennl(U w Report.....St4DdlDK oomnilttce reports were

« lm byM ri.J .o .H .araT ely .B ol« : “ “ •*’' KrI. Homer flelUe, P»ytUe; itid UUu

■nd-Hi.4nnV j»toiflti.' polee; Un!

• ’ ■•VCtldwell »polw on club ieUrlUee,,,' ^ . M tt.lT ir6kougurd,Ooodlng.wu--------- In charge of mual9'!(dlowlng Senator

Ttiomii'.kddreu: Depcrtment re- ; port« by Mra.-a W, Ritchie, Hager-

----------weekefHreref-Mn.-lUlhetlne Kik-10, JeromS; B Dcndo Kelghti club:

-------- M n. R. W. Owpentei*, Jeioao Clrleclub; Mn. d . W. Uutchiuon, Isdlin VaUey ifflpntTOnroi U tfuej.M n . Edwin Olioa. Uoruhoo Bend im-

^ - . j ^ p r o Tem tnmub;.Ma . Axtl»Jit»iittr.»flmMil*TtnnTftV»m»n»>liih- yw If

■ ‘ C. McBlruy. -WendeU; Mn. Fetrl :’^ l U e , l t o ltoo Clrlo

i‘ Mr». Either'Ayte*,'Gooding Shoel - ittU H B tu d r in d 8enlw iJulj;-Mn:

j—I , . Olenni Peny. imprtftement .club:

M n. J. s ; McCubbeu, Oarden Valley . -.Syjlnga club; Mn.iiUoch&PaU0a.

French HOA club; Mrt. Cliules Tur­ner, Fairfield Camai club.

/ A banquet a l tlie Uigcnnan lake....... -Onnre ball-room where the Hm b -

n u n civle dab and the Rim nock ; - Study dub Of TutUe were l)otu.con-----------eluded th* day'a tesiloni.'Profei-: . , «or P nnk g. Howard. AlMen nannil.

banquet. ': . ' ' ElecUon a&d raoluUoni «lll coa- L-i_^==HraURimirRECE!VES= l„ ; ; , .PJSTRipT,HIGHWAY POST. 1 :—: - - ' -Hm ORW , iu V _ * J(8p«laM oI. m e Hew«)-J, 0. McCauley. Hey- :----------bare.-bae-be«happolnied-by O w --i______ rmtir Bna u ifltMrl M(;h«..y eng|.~ ~ • h w r to T O l a ^ 'R WeaTO, with'

h e« l(inartm a t8hoihcDe.iceordlnB : - r “ r “ « r in ij« m c tt t '« t~ t t« » “iieTe"Uiu

Mr. McCauley, Who h u been fam -

!=a^S-!ALmg-nMlimll..lIgiI3rfPriCTy TfAIl™ In, Habo with. be £ l< iu« i«rat ^

- — MTr-Wewer, who'hai been dlitrlrt h u ao-

q - l a ^ h ^ J ^ i a t h erOREtlAST FOIt TODAV AI

J\ lOMORROW -ralri iicrm.-il tc penlurr.

' “ Mmimui^MOlnBYirminilfhipri • - iiire* ef 3Ji*aiid 69,9 c l«f«« »<

recorded In d ie Tu'lii Tall*'vlcln JOS' in.the J4-liour period [iceccdlnn.S

M. )fWerda>-, according to llie r«ix jfP nf n, n . ChPYiif. tflvemnpiu *f«ili ___oluervcrjitr;..ific day.mi&

i T s O G l C T p, , ..A K D a tn w

1 ^ Mri.' B. B. WlIUu6a ^ . V

nco Phone 3M 'KC- —lUal’S l TheNefdlrerafi-Clul) m n at ll

lioiiii) o n t r i ~grn;'TnJi7(I~Tnil:. afiemooa The meetltiBSM Mlli

, 10 order by Ihe iirt*ltJenl. Mr*. C.Coonrad'. Boll call w u#iu«erfd *11“A Tribute (o Our Molhw," eae

moHieiv T guCMlng "gnmc- cn lltl ,nd "Molhcrs of Our Pres1deiiiA,“ wi Iho enjoyed. pr1te»i goliia lo Mri. Coot L wd nnrt Mrv W. H. llolletibeclt. Mr ,m RuUj CummJm(*Mflj"My.Arotl‘et m . eyej,--aMd "An OIrt-r*nitocK.I Loc*

ct." Mni.'Coonrarf~«iid Mrj. P«i (o‘ Beer gave.a vocd duefw uli Mr -flL Hollenbeck a t the piano. Refrci^ rhe menu .were fen'l(LW fKtivejnetil u ben and four , • •

.UC. —p— ——— —— _ion , At ft incctlnK of llie Mluionar ,E. Soclely ol'llie CUrlsllan Cliurch a • (lie home of Mra. V, C, DMlsnlyn

cn'M aple Avenue Thundtf> iioon tlie lollowlns officer!-wet

M. t|«ifH-for-»l»^iiMiiii#->-«iiri-Eieil " • dent, Mr*. D. P. Broun: vice pr«l .*? dcnl, Mrs...P..D..CnrMn:.KCTflnr3 “ ■ Mr*. J. J*. Denny; (reMurer, Mm..I “ * E. WlilUell; «creUry of meratiin

Mr*. W .T. Moore. Mra. l!.E.SKUhc P wM-OTomm-elmlfmaiirdte-Wblw^ raHp^OTfKW mfrftfJTcnrpRB!- - ofX(od,"-Dettrtlonalnccro-eonrtuel' ed by Mra. al<nn HtiKon. Severt ^ hiembeh reid ia m i’of Intercit oi

India. Mn. Mary,o:fcey la n f tw number*.accompanied by,Mr*. J. £

S m S jra ’Sijirwiiiftriis^tiir two TOcalMlo* with Mra. c u rtim ir i her a l the plnro, Mri. V. N. Terr I - aqd her dlrlilon Mrved.refreihJnenl g ^ aiU .» U u » .L .m ^iu ilon^ - j- ;

■. - Mn. Waller Hanlon w u elecUi “ prealdenl of Ihe Catholic Womwr

League (o luccted Mr*, fi:- K. Mc » tvmb «t a mfftlM al Uie-Home C a ' Ute laller.Thurtday aflcrpooii. Mri , f C hw lbJtort wai eleoled vice preil ,* dnil. Mh. p . L. smith, eeeond ric 1. prenldent: Mrs. J. O. Pumphrey. ret cording » « re liry !-M « n J.rA r8 irb- mon. oomiptmdlng Kcrelary: Mri hi R. K. McComb, financial lecreUry no- Mnry BIMiir Mflb; Ed Kinney; oudlior. At (he clwe o [td thft ailernoon'Mn. McCcmb *ervei n« rclreihrtenU.d« ' ----------« - Belly M ark-w u-hoatw a-to-th Ul si-D Club Thunday ewnlcg. Dur „ inf.DwTrinMeftm af hiulneM (h tb folkrtln* new offloen wer* elected l<‘ Pre*lilenl. Betty-Mark; lecrctarj

Oertnide Beeher;*lreMurer. Dorolh: Aulbich; rcporler*. flWrley Nel»oi and Pern Jatky. A loclal hour n enjoyed and the hoite** aerred re

. fm hm enU.'

ieo iN lliyfliiil a i i m E M

oboDINQ. May# (Special to TO u NewtixOecUtontoholdanoUieripe or elal elicUon td rote on *-4^U '1bt I* In lieu of the B-mUl levy t - jected by the ro len w u '» featur rt- ofnh«rOoodlnr*ehool-boirt-meet he Ing here Tucoday evening; A larg BT nutnDer oi tax*payen were prekni k- -T hree leaeheri, MU* Blanch: 1 b: HalL MUs Vada Alien and Coach M fie W. Tata Undered resignations am in Mlu Verna Youn«, w u eleetcd t< rt. fill a vacancy In Uie third irade. n- Su^rlntendenl P. IL T liom u.aa it. Pttndpal.J..a.Meglll.,YOhinUetei U. 10 per cent reduction In Ihelr u l irl orles. All present bkU on bus roule; a- were rejeclcd and a decUlou wa

ET^ n e n l l e n S B 'e S s g ^e> tlte open meeMng favored anothr r t elKlIonrMonaiiy rvei^tiS aVU o'cloclde »t tli» I'Igh ifhnpl bulldlnf T O (hiII time and place.



J; 'r o c k CRSEK. M»y 8 iSpocliil t(j ! The Kew»»-Tlie next meeting df (hi “ Rock Creek Worth While club wll '!* be’ held a l tlie home of-Mr*. Ma-

Orey. nexl Wedneidi^. At the lu « mryUng^a^ jj^ e j t f tn . C?ldi

Edmrnster. roU call w u a a m m wKh cum nt events. Tliere. w u i gurulng game In which Mr*. Croke:

^ teot ' llr*t pTiw and-MrarOTialg-eec-_ nnrf TVIIHnm y f i

^ ~ eS * r o o | S ^ ^ ^

Newii-ciarence Darla w u .decU« 'u- «e« .tm a* terso f-n 'ne« ly -^u iU « " Hoop ef boy toouU-lndadlagU mem 7 ben.orsanUtd h e n tonight. S. Rut„ « U ^ itv J? » ln .P a lU ,:w :p re » e n - andraddrH ttd* '^*>nM ra

- D A N C E - p A N C E . ;

► KIMBR&Y " ■^ N H A 0 q \ y a ^ f ^

q [—S a tu rd a y ^ lg h tJ iz; j :SSTO»W»:t»ltl>tr:M«lc -rf Ll^

I i -p ie c e sHADomAND^ |-7 ----- -:IW<0 -

-------- ;------ J-WK-ftVbtS-lhV

■ r j i i s m Gmprfh-fn Kfre .......—---------- . .—

" t * ” PalrdnST O f T w in, F a l ls .L: r tiw l ■ • • • ■I'fsiMtr r n |-y P r } \y p|iT ^


^ T l l^ t i rCTiiaiion or '' tw -i ■ r Twin'PatU'public library for i r '" ' year ending Muy. 1 .1911, nmouni JL to i n m Btalnit a (otal ut 80.']

per cent, It wns iliowii In \lio i ' . mini rei)o;l of MlM-Jeule Praj

librarian, releUrd yeilerday.’ *I____ averflge dnlly circulation for. i

year w u 37J Maliut 293 liUt ye at (lie «n IncrenM bf 8J dnlly. T;iie larg' Pridjy SaUy-clrcuIaUon w u eM,.(lie'rcpi- called »>««<»■k C. L. Tho nnmber of volumes lirtlM d «1U1 brary Moy 1.1931, » u I3.9» igali- each 13.070 on Mny I. 1930, an Increi r>f her of 810 volumeii. It wai iliovn. AtoiM * 61 ima voiuiiiH tcimiiy luni- V I, bul 899 volumes, which lud beeoi Coon- ‘w badly worn for further u h w« , dUcarded. Bl*ty-flve volume* %t M rr'a douiitpd. A toInl Of 1915 volum^i

books and magndnM combined Wf p .„ , aeceiiloned: 340 book* were rdboui

■ ' and 34 volunte* of magrtilne* wc frti” : -meHF ' ‘ ». 1' J

’ : na lw ; • mflgailnei lubierlbed f

number 27.' (lie report »(a(ed, Begl mlyne memben number 1B90.. f i j , . The following li (h&comparad ;“l-Irt circulation by nionllu for (he yea ^ e n d i ng May 1, 1930. and May

•j;,"!;!' ■ ‘ I9»;i93l) 1930-ID:

S -'“‘y --------- ' • ’ •»'*“*“* -___ 8-wi

N o«m beril’!;!-r™»w »‘ D u m b e r ----------- WJ8 'i lu :

on January____u____9.4SS ' IJ,«iFebruary________ :S S n - ;,1UI

■ J. 8. Mareli ___- 9 i0 4 .' • 11,0!rtiw S b t z am ir - • • •v, ;— _ _ Terry ' - * ■ «»j79'-' u*ymenu. ■;

I , i i l B R iM D X b O M S A S -


lnbU,,hci'lw I vice counlrle* will find a. place of equa

ili'jK llhJhinpeR niuieM n U)6 pli . f “‘' adw a led by France. All Europe wl

be al aen e v M e u ld . . , • ~ ; - I turn to Austria, ho w tnt oi

• - i i i i r r u r i tT i ’i i f lw u a -w m e r ilaw Auitrla'a economic dlfflculU(

- andimfrtienedsollcouldllve." ■' Returning to eihphaiUe' his pis

o-the. .f«_:^n>pean_solldaHiy,1.he.»al(:Dur- "I-ho;* Stresemun’* lucceijor.rt

IL lh t 'alltfii Iha t-frcn llm nn Irniter aiKted: made arbllrarlty." •etary. M, drland-lndlrectly look credlirolhy for hailing Oermaii-RumanUn neleUon gollatlon* for an economic treaty,r w-u HU announceminUof caadldac,fd re- for Ihe preildeacy U anticipated to

, morriw.or Monday, when moderat. redlcil group* call • to aik him b

IIU I ' mske hU Intention oltlcUt' .

oTOe ^ ^ S l T rrspe- - - —Mery - .........................

s s ; Cme«t- . W l f l Q T t o y l - T A - C ^ f c l > L L

' • ’ s t e e :(<1 to B eef P o t R oasta , p o u iid .... Ide. J L ean o r R ib Boil, pouiid . s.aad 1 iloiind o r S irlo in Sicaic.’ix

7-PrcahJIftm biij:geiV.poim di •oule* "^ - - -GRAlN-1S T i n ■ S houldct^R onstrpound—loUier S ilouIJer S tcnk , ]>oumi‘clock- - lA 'jf 'o f Coln'RoiiHiflTiwrmd

-la in -G h o p y rp o u n d i’lire P o rk Sauj8frc,'|)ouiid L ink SnuHBfce, p o u n d s.......

■ , M ILK F:iai to 1 , Siiouliier Rc(a.‘»l*, pound.....j f ^ e ShouidiT S tea k , p o u n d ......

L e? o r L oin Roaslfl, pound I l u t . Of Chops, poum^ ________ - • —

'SPRINToker Slioulder Ron.<it« .;...............

TSho.uidcr Slt-'uka, jiound“ ^ .7. " — :______.y,

. , l i . r U ir a , i^ .L U l2

~" £ r= p |^ 'C o n l .rC , ^ n i Cntfl

I T ~ " ’'swTrt’i r

■ ■ 5 - f - - ^ y 7 V: r r r = biiicofb» ^ ilc ? d , lb.

~ 1 ^ t s / O u r Own• , M abovs;

-S w ilC ajP rem lum -H am srb j


(i"nWl.W^EXECUTIVES, um I ■ IVANTRATESHIBHU f j W j ^cal1lllltlcd Horn Pm 'O noJ

. - - ikl*l*»»ld,reln*ullngmaoy-nwr

Is . Lib*. ' Millard Ilead* Uriup

1 5 .0 0 0 ,i - U ‘iiJcU ^llM ‘‘-B iaW tnL flCDiillltiwf'and Olilo,,wu appolii

■ TH> re.vilutiw iaa'l^nitvftn'eni

7 '1 !h°.fncom^ f ^ r ^ r * | ^ ^ l e « »»*e».«ho

V Jrtlri?’ nnl bf ciil to remedy this condlt

% .U)e*lncomo of mlllli• -S .; ot uurktrs dependent largely on i

fnVTh^ ntlrottdi lor (heir livelihood*, lit VMr DllferfntUU would remain ll'jI lareeii *>'<1 «*'"'*'» of tradtf'urtdUiurbed a renort ill'® P f " P ^ revWon of rate Sin

* lu w . 'Ilir rale group»-eoutl|ci '.Ntaln-l'rimk. C e n t r a l , Weste BouiMweil; and New EngUnd-i

■gainii „w ctcd .io require a monUi In I Increaw ^.A toial ______rwnnr _ ■become ' UEUV CIOBTLY m lUAUO lie were u0 I8K,MayB(,n-Adeiay6f ayi ei wtre [„ pending court action on tlio n iim ^io f.jff ijh t r iifs on wheat would'ci

ld sho l1.JOO.OOO.a((ache80fUiepu r<ibo.und ,ic uillltKs commU*|on Mated I es were (i,y m-commenllng on the lltlgatl

j i i aued .lii t;nlled SU(e* suprei

Miiawa-. life ilril nctlon w u *(arted by t R ^ ts- rallrosdi,(o override the order o f i:

■ I IntcnUte commerce commUalon 11 laratlve Ing a lower freight .rate achedule. e yean I At th st Ume the Idahtf'commI May 1, «lon protested n lo u .o f $!,t00.0----------ffoHld-rrtult-on-the 1030-crop-ini130-lDSl lower rate schedule, were foreitallc

“ ’ piiioN, POSTS $500\ • _.,m AWARD FOR ARREST, rj[3]l^- - ~ T H m'CTl)Tlim’i lU n (Continued Prom Pago Oiit)• IJ,*OL-------------------- ------------ -----------. j i j g i enterprlse-ln (hs Search u will i ’ 11.031 lo xpur affleers e l oulalde citlct

W tr IMirtldic'wnlch'rorJlhe womsa-------- InvMilgallon -of mountalii'Mdi1H,»79 ou ts'w u ImlKuted by.the'-*aM(

In cooperation with ih e ^ e rl f f s i ' " lialllllUullllir'CDUDUB'DUl IllUftiv

" dence*^ been gathered b e jr^ 'U , fact,ihe ll believed Jo havs iK « x

DENT former Idsl


- - riCMHInutATrbin'PageO|W) '

Creggar did not know thU aftenioc m t on. any children were killed.«76r«^- -T -u if lh -n » ru i'r iru in in iirtt 'w iIculUee right on me.” Creggar said. Dp-aa:

.' • Iheiraln'spproiehRl a t-a hlgh^raiII Blah of "P***- ^ t S *P«d»l»bout eight muei-'anhpw.

-Fonr-chlldren were klUed-ltffifc ^ lniUntJy.TwooUMn,Matthalinrt

•nd-Mur!el*Kellerrdled-ioday~ -____ Never before, probably. huJU i

communlly been so saddened by a in no- eyent u it wat today.» y- Frank M. O itrtnder. dUltlcfai dldacy. lomey, announced ho waa.convlne« ted to- there wu'crlmlnal negligence on U ideraie part of Creggar and tha t should U llm to bu* driver recover a charge' of m u

ilsughter .would .be.yel« icd—

c u r c i a j r


k, ponnd-------------------- ------ 2 2 « ,U O i----- _ ; t I V . f

N - P E D - P O R K - - U : .....—

g —

K F E D V E A L ,la........................................... , i . . 1 5 t

ponnd.----- ------------------------ 2S(

H N G L A ! « B....... .................................... : ............2 0 t

--------------.......3 0 t . I

r 2 iS ^ n . . . ^ . ,k ’= 4 k .. top~

A N D B A C O t TP rc m lu tn -H am s Oiily |

e r G uta, Ib.'..:;..'.:^ S B (- » ■ i p , , |

Own S ^ a l trlrbmed 'L •Ktvg; lb.

Ur half- or-whol<, lb.----- — zsip

i f M a f k e t ^.ONE i l l v ....’-|

/ES.-'HIGHER . ' ¥ © ^ . T ‘] r

.1100,000*- . ..............iiB o m irr ^ .v -nunon YOUNQ AND OLD ENJfl ,„p lOAHO'FIlM, “SKIPI


rs should • .condlUoii -nie fllpi In* on appeil for aCI evenlu- a i well u children: rarenl* will ItllW HVIr t^ f c U lf tilt ) mwiiDiiij mu

mlilloR* diM to (liU comcrty.dramt of ctly oh tlte iiuod djiyji. , '

' Joe K w r* ol thh picture, 'un fixed pftramounl'a ani»<r lo (lie demurbed by einrrlalnmenl for kiddles ol

(l^V **- ®"-"W utim ’ .m«M>tory iJ ’biiill arouiKj an sn a -a re ' “omirrl iloe. Iind U a Him iwrtri A In Ihb t'l f^rcyCrdiby'i nationally fstr


^ S i T H O l W

§ i • i m i N i Mlitigation

iflo com-* M nine m e r i t a n j W o T i lorwlten' afrp .ihn iTOrt-rTT 1 tv the i)o}i leouU from'llie evleni dh t i ro f th e ot Twin Palls couniy a l a court

iiotior lield here last wli N.A.01ion;Klmberly.wuclialm:

'.'S fiS i; Oilier mcmben were Duvld.O.Mc M d .cJkM ^rl.iti(l..M urtaugli i Uf- J- N- Dsvl^ Kimberly, A T»

_ _ of.r?il«w held a.seMloiLOnjh - U iirgei.rt. Po ti and Edwin C \ ' , Kimberly; Dion Tolman, Murtal

;o T Mitl E. Ru».>ell Scott. T»-in F« ------ rerot-rxmttlve-cHhe-6«Rk»-RI

ifffltr — — —, I ■' ■ ‘ " a w m d class icouU-^iuHle W 3ne) - 4UWS and Oerald Ridgeway. ,M'

■' ■ bailR9 irclpIcnti-Llncoln L^e, coi w H «s Ing. poullty keeping, psthflndl

cUlcs to U|,!^nt PerklM, civic*, palhtlndl Earl Decker, palliflnrtln*;. Wei

l u ^ e - Qough. pioneering; Cordell Tun penonal healUi; Sherman Dellwc

»rlffs of V»|.n1n»Slar 8eouU-Ro#-Tumtr, Dui

i i - J_Perkin*.--------


Mra.,R. U Banks of Palo Pl;I tV F ^ couniy h a d irh w s l ira wofUri'

on Ihe lire market. She cam . ‘ them, and the ICO cans- of so

>n4> m p p lf l and mest wen ralued l3lJ0.or«4.30:m oretliatruie va of the Uva fowU.

ITJt'wuDp-aald .— ------------ ' -. ■

lxei(Uie . ^ ,

^ - ; B E - S . i R ElU;UlU , ,l ..,

: : : t o A x T E P'nvlnced

H ■ t r^ A N O P P O R iy i

v r C f V j

mt ' — -^aii" Z ~ . Fnr'TKoae ’

_ GOODI,,, / i < .11 : 'i ■',, /! Qt~ y g ja

~ 5.00-15

O.50-1? .............

s ^ ^ ------------- :

II r\5 fc E E j X r p o

I ......... . '•' •

§ r l i g fUfl'Y- "ASSORTED NUTS" NO' dPPY” FEATURES AT ORPHI“Plcturt" WIictIcK WwjIwy' ifriH 'H I? d*heari- m yde'tltflr'firtt iifrfiin hii it> lunitilerv Rllar^ Tliti#' ffllli,ii4j~otliei'"l

/llh-ihitt- filwt-a uiirlM,i:iHook,-ane-Befor# Joining plcture.1 the

or adulU comedlanA were' featuncd InI will nol "Follies." .■ttfrtm - Mln-Lce-Vftw mi lit llol]>‘of child- but never tecured..“a break"

Radio Plclureii' signed her up ire “If* ‘oDg-lerm contract In 19M. . demand "AMorled Nuts'' U a jipectaesof all Uirtll-comedy now a t ihe Orpl

“ theatre. I i pw lde t aplendid oi} an old versAtllKy of U« (rl


n y (ConUnued Prom Page One

III progrei* Durlnjer andlilTcoiu r i i i n i i loader the nlghtrkle on whichI I ID ll Sinl* Branfien w u alaln went InUDII l»tlM motor over Uie route I

KUrch 'X! and offlctn la ld Durl • polnled oul (he- spot In the iJ

leclsl (0 «tiere hc «hot the dime-a-dftncc

m u u n c ^ i S i udhtrlct hunting' for' the two deriter*

court.'ot wheiihcrbody, abullet'throiigli It wlilch stomocli, w u found .new Yor lalrmsn.’ Aprtl 77.l.MoycR A 19.')-ear-oId girl,’ Helen W. ughanrt 3fu.wUlLCH) A Tward confe*»Ion, he ilew. Bollcemin p iJUhlclt erlckHlrachlMlTutsdsy. ,'la Ollt^'■ w u another wiwmn-I urtalgh, Dunne,Jlke.UieDrennenlrl,ad n FalU, hall "hosteu"—who Upped Cro ifr-Rlver: *iid-puflniBrHnttrthe-handrol

n rv ta i- " T h rW a E iT iF l. sobbing onr. Merll shoulderofapJIlco matron, weniie,cook- fore Uie N asuu couniy.grand,flhdtnz: todsy.'Hcr testimony, with thattlndlnu; <e* olhcn. led lo Crowley’s IniWeilev n ientonallntdegreem urderch

Turner «>» »">• of 28 minute,^ hours later Di

’ <onnUHS(r-onhft-Drahnen'jtf "I loved her." he W OoIlce.

she wanted (o marry anotTicMt *AY ■■ "yg o t » r e and t l ^ her." ,

i " CANADA EXPORTS CATTL: UTITJO ••REGINA - Farmert o f ; canned kalchewan liave 'sent an' ext

if *oup, menial .shipment of- flnUhed 4ued a t to Ihe.BrtUsb m u k e tao test le value feaslbUlty of export beet produc

where .wheat h u been the only c

l A D E I l N:yN-TY-TO„REA tiZ E A ‘(

- ' We havc .rcccnl arid Cavalier'Tire

^ your old t i r e i ; M , Be BUre to Comc f f i saving to you.

l I l B — T Y o n ro ld * tire 5 T im D r]

j l B — I — c o o D n r c i i c i v

I f f ...$4.9Sf f “ : i l . , _ S 5 . 6 S

s : i _ $ 6 ; 9 8 ,' • ; S i :_ _ S8.57

se Who W ant the Beflt >DRICH-DEXUXE. .

= U = ^ $ 1 6 . 9 &

i'..........;.::......;— i l 8 ; 5 5 -

............ .■ .i :z r $ 2 3 ; l 0 -

$ 2 5 . 3 5

: : T

------------------- ^


p ■ . . M f i l; ■ ' TiiuPEilT,,N,r B (siwcii !NOW'-' Kcwl-MInldoka Couniy I in u p i iM niKkPled the tlml hlpmc trilcUIVI s(K»ii Irom Ru|)crl early

wwUtlns of Iwo can ot I

n a .G JK ir Ing-ly-pool.lllcuu—L_J

I the two an averscc weight of '83.1 1 In Zets- For 33 fat fall Umb* averai

ej iioiitidi, 16.00 a 100 WU' lloll>-ttoeir ■ Aiitc:r< uie-RrowwaeoMi| tak" until mnv. lumbt In (hit shfpm T up on a H. Buienbork with 30 lan I. . nando'Bctlem. IS; R. P.Hyi iwclicular F. Ame3.31; D.T. Wltnori, 2

S rJw irk T vlfluiIIy'aU hi* spring lami_ - stated Thursday by Couni

. BiifOTd E. Kiilins.^ ' bivlji Oreen. Paul, coa-ilUSTICE ti'nb*:

mrt D. T.WIUoh. Pioneer;

1 compajT- Tournam ent P ',™r.n'; 'A t C ountry-'Ute takenI Durtrwer Tn-m cw n u y ' clt

leivmof 15pIayers,l»(obec of-'Uiajncmbers.whoJurnJ joatA.scMealDAl^uxpaiBci

•rperadw* ,j,j tournament co:r^Yonkers *«nounced-lut-evenlng.

■ The tourjiam<nt play, wi HI WhIlIi “ntll tlw followlni™ h S be:miU 8 Holea.n in Pred- been lmp^

' cently wllh the building of jm -nrnie M'-fflng of a nta s d d n e ‘hat have proven5 CrewleJ «m e li^>(ho pu t.


?w "en t£ AFTER LONG lUrand Jury : _____.Uial of a . , Mra. Lee PaltUon, 63, rea

IIS Indld- Buhl for somo lime p u t. dlerchargc o'clwk (hi* morning a t'tin(Hi B.’ti^rnl hojpliul here where'f^ .r . I been under treaUnenl for m'■ Wl L*ja .bojptul regarding Mra, 1>llw!^“bu( ,U’»U8h It yo* »(ated-th at i

erV in iU of northem ldslio., *'Followln(t IWO month* p

r~~--------- irrannrni'oi lOc nospiuuniVTTLE pajiiKm lu l w«!c Mpresset Of (oreiurnioBulirsbenm sln i ' expert- only one day. and relumei ihed beef hoipllsl In an ambuUnoe F

test Uie l u l week.' iroductlon . The body was taken UiUonly crop, (o (he Rugg funeral parlors,

V T I K Ea ‘g r e a t s a v i n & o i

ccntly been appointed ' 'ire D ealg rto r Twin Fai

ome In Snd trade with u

n c rp w d -n irc n s h ----------------

C A V A I.IER t — ------------------

s.ri,'- ■r.98 - : .1.69 $8.75 ;.98 '^ ia .9 0 - -57^2^1 I :::

~ — We-mW-atce W part paym ent 0

i r I Tires Arid invil? 5 _ our low prices.

i f l ^ ^ i r a r A w E s i

leclal to Tilt ^ . '. ------- ,lyLambpoo^ D r i v c r " o f Car AWc riyT hhU ek Prosccution on Man " 5S S ; _ 8 l i l c j U : i i a P 8 o - l n ^

, —• 17. g'hn wM iitriif lfBwrvnt>.,j imberiiKT-SJa

is3T pounds, ih 'ta ' « l of Tn’ln FalU M w M w » ™ m g ..T U ,.n l j ,.M -paid. day to hi* horte a t Po(tCT*vllle

lambs- Fer- ' bO(ty iii* clnd In a wor Ili'de.-16; A. outgrown gray aiili tin ri, 31- aiid P. ^ oato (hat he cw placed 31 l'« »PP«r«d a t Uie R. V. kel h u io ld fim .-four mllej e u t of Twin ambJ. It w u ‘he w in . a t KUilunly Agent li^Saturday.HelefihUhomtf

MWourl drought area l u t fai «n.i,n,..i -Wl sorted for a Ume In Colorat

‘oW Starr, There w u only da>rwork for him at the Btair

■“ a neighbor-* farm where h« hatP l Q V looking for employment, whi A was struck,and killed by th.i f ^ r ' l i f h 'R^ontetih'hu brtn held 1; r V I U U nun(y /a(| here, without bSTT

tli« accident .0 . W. WlUiam. I club'«;lolf cuUng attorney, o ld Tlmrsdi

K composed complaint chafing MonlelUi :nJa .U i« .li manalaughtct-would-bc-fUed. b ^ r ^ U j q 9ompl»Ki(h»dnoibecn.liledJu

icrerrnialr- sulted-wlthTff-HrPcttrsonrPoc commlitee, ottomey, who had been his Jegi

vltor In other msilers, and alsc Wi,irh «.iii ^ ^ Rsybom, Twin FaUs.

ivlne Satur. ^1'® Pr>>Kculor Thunday In i II,; tbalMonUltli would be charset

tisvlnrbecm m aer m«-lnnu«r “ 'J“or and driving rccklealy

I n u m ^ r” occurred________

ILLNESS T lB T O l lM n in j I

resident of & rl WliaingTwo'ear-old a t. died a t 3 ,fl|«nuu^Whofor;eda|33ehKk •the couniy on 'ilsy day became, he sjild h ere tlie hid .broke And hungry, was senl r more (han by-Judge W. A. Babcock ln di

. PatlUbn. monUu in (ho coun(y JsU. ia t (he only cotpmulalloa ol .l-tol4-}-ear tfs-are-rest-- sentfnee. ■ *). Wlldlnif waived preliminary :< period of o"

essed dcelre lo the fom ry charge. _ *lalnedthero ' PspenamonghLieffecUshoimed ia the he w u discharged from marlru« Friday of vlc« a l Sa^ Francisco last Jm

.1' • • following foui^.ytln'employmetiU morning boau In coul-wlso traffic ancora, BuhL Irtp lo the South Sea Ulanda.

Iiii1 : S A L E > , .O N Y O t « - N E W - S E T ^ E ^


J G O O D R I C H g i l v e ^ w n

'• a l l s , a n d a s a n i n t r o ' d u c -

I u s . I t m e a n s a s u b s t a n t i a l

s p : l a r P r i c e s

i4*-^o*.old.tlCT».ln.anil.rnffl»-IuU-^ I :ne en Ibem. ... {J001)RIC1LSILVEKT0WN_: :

4-riy 8-Ply

; r z z : s 7 ; 8 r s i 0 ; 8 0 ’ "____^SS.55S11.15

1 : $9.15 S12.25 $12.00 S15.20 $13.10 $16.70 $13.50 $17.00

. ■ ' TkT X * I

.J , ■ 4.*', ' c c p t - y o u r - t r u c k 4 i r e s - a s = -

t o n n e i F G o o d r i c l i T r u c k .

r i t e y o u t o c a l l a n d g e t

s.-, , , ' ' , ' __________

............. -

,-y; |,''7 pjF- lr■A,-';-:

; A ' ■

f c i i H E i i

Session ol Women’s Proves. One of Oulstan

: = i n 9-Meellnns-oh;Wci

- = ~ ^ Bl^ E V rM iy < R a r jS M

, vlelhlly are morlng r#pl(ily wlUi t ttlum of warm *prln(t weather.'

Thf »WcdncKlny-fthemoon. May fl. a l t: homo o{ Mrt. Let 'Wrlghl, %\)M i h

, . atwndance. Mr*, flam Story imuld .•during the btulnrM' «MJon wh

pIiiQ w»e mtda for a<lvcrtlilng loc indujlrl?* and tninuracturlnB piar at.Uw ittCe convenllon to b« lu

’ a t Idalio Palla next week. Mra. D. 1 ' Wlckle Ml forlli tlie plan deckled ti

. ep and It waa voted lo have & paint , ■po«lerbooitlngBurley;and«ndll

Uu convenUon. Delegatea will 1 Mmed la j^ . M y m t *

waa "Alrlea" wlilch was ably handli by Mr». E. M, Thomaa who apoke tbe n tn who hel;Sed open up (he VI unelvlIlMd area: Roll call waa Neir

- The muiJc waa farrJfd out :the 'Nesro ipirltual idea. The ne; meeting whIcJi will cl»« IhU year

{■ work will be a May breaUaat to I \ ■ held May 30. At thla tln\e rtpcrto i

.iU ha lro iea^and-orrieerrofil:^

Bulneia and Profeulonal Women dub plana were dlKUMtd lor atlehc Ins the tu te conrenllon a t CaWwel MtM Etihcf Finney was appointed I

• order,lw(j’hard*wood. tree* to I------pUnl<d.on.the.mundajjtJhe.OTei

Isnd achool, in honor of th# Waah Infton bl.cenlcnnlal, Thla club ot

...... aened Mayday by glvlnffaOueitda..tjretUaat a l the National hotel Sun

. _ d s y Domtng. H>la ]iaa.bcen tho cui• tom-for-aeveral yeatt. Tho gua t

" . tJtt}iBr’t t iu rp i ii r r t n a n i 'n j~ UBi — dfcorsUoai'In-plnk'anaciteriTCryi

tal baaketa UeW pink tloweit t«v green fenu. An hour of.soclal cho

,. •: foUowed Mid thl* a«Mr proved to b . oneofthemostenJoynbleBatherlnx

of the Kawn. The.nexl mcellnB wll Ilnd Mlaa Nell Rhoades hoateu. Thl wUlbe the la n meetlng for.thUyea •nd offleera will be choaen for'th'

Oardtley wos h u te u (. the Ouljd ot the ^Itcopal church a

— The time waa aptnt quilting* am

s S K . a g a . ' a . f f iwl«i tea was enjoyed.

— APbto-Bn<lg«;Dmncf'wafl'cnjoy«• by the members of the Pau Pul

' KecwU club and tliclr hatbands omevenlnj during tla week.' The atfaii waa planned by'the members hoWlni

~ • low scores for fhe year, who acted w . 'h o s ts .to the membcra.aitd eucus

_T he party m suged a l Uie-liome 01 kiHwoW Deardorf. The dinner waj >-aer\-«dat 7 o'clock a t (ive amall laijle! .' liWlth pUcea mvked for-M persons ^ Jk color Mheme of plnV aijd whU<

- ^ u oatd tnd-apflhg'blwiMuTwig '*made the attractive centers for the

•^ ab lw ^ T h e w n in g -w a n p cn rp la y : - 1,'Jng bridge,in which high scores were

A iprlnk picnic wa* cnJoyetTby ,fcjj)oul20 outlie Bpworth League mem* 'vbers of tha Methodist church last '•Monday evening. They went to the ^Bulte. oetr.IClmamft and visited lha' *, caves. A plenlc aupper was enjoyed •ty o u n d *• large .bottfln aod'fc verr “■tnjoyable evening was spent.

T T ^T he—NBishbor<=3)t=Wo«Ic«rf

of Mr*. W. F. EmiKh. Fourteen mem-. .iKii gtlfgy a t W l anJ.tlir a w -WM

*■, Mrs, Pascal Adams w u gutit-of- honor a t a brld|e*IuncheoD given

-M onday aitemooifbrihe-menibers of "the MUler Bridge club. .This vaa

huntlktrtliUfthowi • w lor Mr*. Adamf.who U leaving j » n to make herhome.ln Montana, In the games following tbe luncheon

. the high score prtM went lo Mr*. 0. 0 . aelijy. Tlie bouse decorations were carried out In pink aod'whlte..The B acaJaw e^uJunB n lK ajm .

-menjmtim y entertained Wednesday evening, when Mr*. Oeorge Stanley

p<ifpl'i-wi^i-arH*^l'‘« 'lr ffirrlM-euti Each, guest was presented with a

At &>t«,hour.n W alnly two-oourse luncii was seri'ed n«Whree.-tablei.-eacb-centered-wlih . a bowl of pansies. Mrs. Harry L.

ItarpsteritfWved tbe high-cut prize for tha bridge ^ames.

The May meeting of the Ladlts' Lite^rjr club was held Friday after­noon a t the home of Mr*. Joe 0. PU-

' u a with a good attendance. Mra.B.' 0 . Mcculloch' had charge of ilte les- . son 00 "Woodrow Wilson." •; . u i u lucy Webster enterlAlncd In

honor ot Mlsf May Evans 6n« eve.' Ping this week. The affair was a sur» .Jinsaon inaoccaslonof MtisBMnV 'Alrthdar annlvqwry. Eight mends were bidden to enjoy an .evening of

; b rid^ which c l o ^ wllh the serving

; S a n i t W i 5

f o r M O T H i

I . r a n g e d f o r ! pottcd''plainaTT^niy*W 6'^*

W c T c leR ra p h FIo’■M cinbcr <i| lh

~155 »hln Avc. g B i ,

■ i ‘ '

■P“ MEMBERS-OF-EOEN:-GIVI ;U.|-CLU8JQIN.AT-BANQUr y : EDEN. 'May B (SpecUl to ' P I Ncw»)-Edt:i Civic club »■« !

.L l nt a bcauilfully anpolnird bam------« lh e Hlglisclwl audlWUum.o"

(iay’cvciiing. iluibands and P^< 'Illh ‘ WKUMls, — :— :

_ToWm to m td t« J small tables and menusand progr

_ ‘ 'c ck wOT-itrchiirRiroraeconiUonfJ — ay5= stin&--tim Mf».' fl, iJ. UJ


I Ihe InB-MLwYloleiB'ummersivocali Mrs. Huy Henry; reading, Row

laM OlUllm Thn nnrTlt tp<nt■ tilt, nlng a t -bridge. , ’ , ,

I liT lilS S E S I EStlimTflitto — -

WM W. E. Woods, Twin Fai S J ' introduces'Willard ^;e of .

S a lt L ak e C ily Stipcryiiit'in ........

BOllU May 8 (Special (o -J ,*[? ,Newsl-w. E. Woodi. T*’ln Fa a of P*'!”sjt of'thflrtalio' 'PTOiiucen*issoe

tio&-lM»4ucwC.wmaid-Cirfr8 ,UkB C»r..suPfn'lvTr-nf-W f «

en'S deling for tho Utah district o t'l hd- asHclation.whospokebefore»gal relJ. trtng- o! the' memhers '«* the Bi d to dblrlcl a ra nieeUng held in the c

be hail Thursday-evening, re ti —i l f ^ a a ru t re a e d the' Importai isb- of proper breeding Hock a ttf fe< Ob* ing to produce eggs large enWgh day fill the demand of New York mi un- kels for a product better than t

«andard^ ^ a c - ot Zt.ounecj.-N

^ 2314-ouDc««en: and. members of the auociallon desl belter prices, altenllon murt l» P« lo the necem ry elements In produ

’ ^ Ing tho belter product.An unusually good quality of egg

^ 1, produced.' on the Twin Palls d e „ trici and IT poultry raberi want' tj,j Teallxfl-lhe-ttantlard of their pr

I to breeding f lc l t 'o a the'-farm or o I « dcr baby chfcks from reliable bale: on. cries u-hleh'speclillze'In'the larg mfl breed of chicks, ler The loeal Mvy>latlnn wlH wil our the Utah organliatifm. M r Oa■ , s u te d jh a i in nine years'of tellli 1‘cd 10 New York mafk^Is the assoclati( ’uk has, never lost'o^ buyer from k >tie Qualiiy.ofeggs-IhA.rceest.pooltei

lo Eastern markets,-lhe-'I>'ln Fai Jhipment was the largest conlrlbu

" cd tlnce organlutlon of'the asHKli tion-dfcspllrtltriow-prtce'of'fCgs.'

No mention waa made of a po slble faiM In prlee of egM by tl

nsr W*ke«— • . ■

j g - ' - J . . . ■■■' he of a dainty lunch. Mlu Mae £>-ai lyr •«m-Mlsa-Be»ie-l;ee-weTt**w«dj ■„ the prizes for winnlhg scores, - nd The W E mejnbericoMi

Ulned In horxir ot Iheir husband ’by WedneMay evening a t the homo « J,. Mrs. W. B, Jackson on Oakley av«

nue. Alter dinner, whlcli ,was set«-e he a t.four ubles decorated In sprln I,,' flowers: pinochle was played. &tn ed Juan J, Dunbar and Jack Oavls re n celved prl*ca f o r - W t lu c M e s =

6Uly boys and girls,'escorted'b t t pxIrSundayKhool teacher,-Journey t* fdJo^Oicjlv^toue-tvoalng-duHn se Iho week'to enFy a welner nxisl. Th

j7 Tho clafA is calleaihrBook’of Mor n, mon claarT nr teacher I* MjfkTTee

bourn.;n The DaUy dewing dub met Us Jf Saturday ftftemoou at-the hom#-o IS Mr*. W. F. Andrew wlUi little »lls; ^ m nrfi-A naw w -M hotl<Mr.Tbe-«P lg Kmoon was spent playing games «ni I sewing. Isabel Funk was received In' n to membd»hlp and t luncheon wai 3. sened by the hoatea a t the d o e o, .e the afternoon;

Mrs. A. H. Bucklln entertained al y a SUpriM r>»Ttfy hIco and Miss Either Fenney. Iwc y local high school teacher*,- a t lh< r BuckllahomeonMilleravenue.TUes. i. <Uy.xrenUgrMay->.-Aboat-30 frieodi I, Ker6JnvUed^^iO}i^th*-«vsnlng-or » games. MUs Rice was presented-wltli R a hou<wje o{ kllehtft 'nlensSUjKhlle d MlM‘Penney receive *a bouqutl of t, haadkerehlefs.-A-veT7enjoyibl6-eve: . nlng wss spent inlormally and a B dflnty lunch was wrved by the hos.

leu. assisted by Mrs. Qcorgo Bcholer: ;• 'T heP B O m eia lthe irlas lregu la r . bl-monlhly mtetinfc a t the home of . Mrs. OecTKe Kltnk. Mrs. Lincoln Wilder p i^ d fd . ; -, .


r ----- Uo CluUUn I n l a m ^I ' Saturday S:00 o'clock. .I at T i ^ Fails Meal M a rk e t^


[ E R ’ S D A Y

a^in^ v i n g Hnoclnl.«U<>n-------

lowers An>"wherc. . ; t h t i .F .T .D . .

iiA i^is^pyopT ^ ~

, \ P h o n e J jS


a ^ ls D c n i f i i sn m i

1 on Frl.' -piHnefs ; , ' ^

M3Eft?.™Jni-tClosino o( % Sfp.™ .End Schools Brines M S -Extra-Events DiirlnnW'ollowing - _ _ ■ —

)7i~ttT r °

Rowena “ Khool draws to a elM n, Mirin.Oa»ni, prinilpal

tlw LlnciJn Klwol. entertw Thiimlfly' evening at a cliacmti

' P appolnted.nffilr for teflcliers of . L ••. building and a few Olher gueltsl'

early.pari ol the .evening.wa,t voted to nn Imaginari- trip and

Ulllj 'S t i ; ; T . iT , :T s s[ lU ilL nendlng aiid Ihe couolatlor

Mrs. Howard Oault. Supper served a t midnight a t. Ubles c tered wlth.lilaes, bridal wr*ath j

r a i l s , nyclm ses.' MUi Madge Oault i

G a r r ; Jtucit lfif,included-. 'M r».'Hbw, Oault, Mrs.ZenlA Hobun. Mn. M

irviSOr Jorte -Mllner. Mrs. A1vin"Bead Mrs. Lulu Oault. Mlsa Bemad<

' LeBallley. m(m Noma BculIey, ft; to The Mary Virginia Had, MIm Ruth Lo I Falls. MIm Helen. Warner, Miss Bern f plant Ripley. Miss F tanca Abel and M isjoels- Certha-Bkillem. ' rfrS iH - M a uwHyc Hsrton i cZi as » -can i. sUmog.ofiicM-<«r-ilie.n*wly-elet of llie gnAip wiio' will « h p Ihe PhllaU

agatli- MatroiU of tbe Baptist church ai 16 Buhl meeUng held Tliursday altemoon thed iy th«homeofMn.'AIphaBllllng.t,W

. Effljt Slarkey will sen-e as priaide orlanse M n. Leona-Hann. vlec'-^presidei A feed- Mrs. Lulu .8, Zbinden, secreta Hr8.1vaL<limsn,trca5Jrerand_M k mar- Oracc'Morgan,' repoHer.'Diirlng t i*n J h e prcyram, Miss Bertha lUppllnj * N«w give two humoorus readings. -H'


“ Eugene- Meyer“ and Mrs. Mey, Yakima.Washtaston.whoaicgut; In llic home of Mr. and Mrs. J,

jTOui.- Meyer, spoke to tbc'gatliering Ills experiences In China when st

1 **V Honed as- a marine patrol in t Orl.nufor-four-year«.-Prior-t<YrA

ir pro- *Shanghai and later was nAtloa on tlie Yanglic river as a patrol. J spentsometlmelnSouthChlnaai went to Ihe northern part of tl

, country, to-Chang Wan Tao. w

Pr«l»W« lifogress-ambng the Ch S ; ntaie In education or agriculture. /

modem methods are introdu«d In ^ the country by foreigner*'and. a ; f?lt» M ‘l«.help Is «fmployed,,tlHhiiLv populstlon Is alow In asslmllatlr

iS iti.. n** «t ‘he provlnc.ralia- loodstutfs-e nough-to -suppg

a n o i ' iJie population and ill s the sccUoi 6t tho country moat den.«ly popi

” ” lated 'where drought* anii famlni occur that the^lMth rate from /an in t.ijajiW gh,'

E>-ans .The next nieeting of the group wi nuded b»^ith-UrsrJrA,-Be«8li«r-tli«-nr

Thursday In June. . cDier- ^ l tbe ^n«{!n bulldin band's H an ntertalned at picnic lunebi imo of a l the school during the noon hot y ave- this week. All puiUls contrlbut«~t set«-ed the lunch -which winds up with a spring “ICO cream feed.". Atn. ftirs. S a n Bonar, aasbted by Mn >'ls re-. Uwrence Roublnek. was hottess I = = HS=KBHi5v^EW»nnaCTMkr«rtt « W «,mcdnj«.pref«nU Tbe culture:

nerat-lhe 4 ^ ; ed a-pUiio.Milo, “Tljat-Mldnlgh

Alapn" abd -Mo. Oamer and-Mn I. Jm, A. 6. Madsen player a piano ani nB.or gullaiL duct. Mrs. Ruth Currlngtoi ftllss save a rradlng. "Somebody's Motii

IS and Oregon guest who li vlslUngshe <dln- brother, Mr. Neale. Mrs. J. E. Ek 1 was sUand, Mrs. Leonard Albee and Mn nu of Roublnek. The next meeting will b

with Mrs. Ralph' Albee, with Mn ed at Maurice Currington astlsUnt hot

. two The Annual spring- breakfast o I Ihe the Womens Foreign Mtislonary so-

clety of the'Methodist chutch wai held Wednesday m om lng^tru i*

i i n ■ w untry homo of Mrs. Enoch'Wall Mr». M Lelgbow.MnTFrank-Hous- too and Mr*. T. O. Wilson were hoa-

about the rooms-abd'on-lho Ubie hoa. Thirty-five members took part In tht loler; •**d hulb exchange. Mr*. Franlrular '________ 'le o f ^ ^ ^ ------------------icoln

n W IL E Y D R l

- I h e ^

~ Get Your : j£qdak Otttr

‘- • E n t e r t h e K o t J a k J o - „ - t .c jn ^ t io n a L u C a n t f i s ^ fo r — _ T A m fttm r P ic tn re rT a to r fe -^

.lftU *rizc8 Xor S n a p s h o ts

^ new Verlchromo Film (dooi OrtaU. a g h e r Color SenalUvItT-' ?mg.»'ffw cenU h>nw

yiyr.icodak troub!d:tQTii

I'D A n .Y m V R . T O m F A !.T 5 . r o

P p - 7*- H u ito n r rh a tn n sm rih n f fO i •S --- , commltice, iirescnitd Mr*, li. C,

gijlr'j.-wlio sang two numberf,-- —I-------Mrs.-W.Tirr014s'uJiolfr\'e 'a r

[I ing.- ' ,1 I Mitt Marjorie llar|i;r. whoie

pruadiiug-marrlaio toOrral 8 , 1 waa-announccd-TTcenily.—WM' honorec iit.n clinrmlnglj- appoli

of W es t “railroad shower." carn’ljvK out coii-oUdallon Idcu of O S L and ft'

i t M i .■ novel mnnner-tW tokins were c

■ — cealed-la-'a-numbcr of.ViUUt

^ “hl “re Hon of ’'Lukarpcr" . Uie • road

itertf^ned cults, QuarrebvlIIe and Make tacmtnsty Uoatems lor tl« rwvtl .and delta ir» of the ful affair were Mr*. Olfford Di lelUlThe son;Mr*;TroyMoore,Mrs.CarlC wa.t de; 111,M iss Ruth Pettit. M lu H< and war Warner. The guesllUt Included fti

iiuts," ill diunea P. E. ilatmaker. Oscar On Mr*. Al- Elinor Van Houten. 0 . J. QIa^ ilatlon to Alvln Reading, Miss Fayo Nor >per WAS M iu Carmen ^ g e rth . Miss He >les cen- AhlqQlst,Mlss'nmTliompson,& Mth and B e m ^ I e UDslliey (tnd Mis* H ault ahd rietl Ijmb.-Retreahmenls w w K

Viughn Shrlver wa* hoil to ‘he teachen ot the Frank H. B Khool.lastT\iesdayewnlng.Ada

M « tr twxi-cbursd luncheon r t s stn a t a late hour to Mrs. Lulu Oiv

Wtlma Zach. Mias Oraco Se<md mS j*':

q'as in" • '

'hiiaihea of friends'Tuesday afteraoonBT r e h a la Informal galheijng. A dalntylunc moon at « n » i« «n-«d a t the doso of t

M ^ festlvltiea to Mrs. Henry Lehmi rodent- Mrs.M.L.Bpenc<r.Mr*. Ray E. W

Wnwn.- Mn.-T.~li.- McBroomrM 'cretary: Clarence Ooodhue. Mr*. Dallas O ind Mri. Mrs.Perr7 H0wardandM n.Bewdring the spencer.-^ ; ............ ........ppllngcr .• . ' -------— ■

'U i i r t i iM i i J i j n T u r i c u i U li

S M S I i l lring on ____ " ..1

'*ln *the SHAftmOCK. May 8 iSpecUl . ^ A u - IbtN ewJ=QraduaUoa«*ertlseaJ

IheEljhth gnvdeclauofthaShar■lyrt M

« i S S T i S " ' “•Ina and The following program will be gl of tbe en;song,class;wdcomeaddrtss.VI

to. Mr. Klnla Cook; song, class; recltatjo

le Chi- Haney and Alma DMn; v ^ l c t o ure All Jiddrett, Willie ftlay BoyWon; ai >ed inio <tress. Rev. Olen HuUon, Twin Pall 'nH , t preientatlon of diplomas, r ted .

Hills,dialnnanotlheschoolbbard, illatlng _!pii Friday, the foUoa-ing day,'u ovlnces annual school picnic will bo condu'c mpport «cUons patrons and .friends have been li

popu- vited.'A boske^.dlnna-. n c e a -a u unines baseball contest with the Mouiital n /am - “ hool boy* will ba-fei


K ” .™ i l i - K A \ L ^ b l i l P A N .Y -

, L E A S E S -R tlP E R T STORIuncbes ' ' " 'n hour RUPERT, May 8 (Special to Tli iut«-to Hews)-The M. L. Bailey- Cand Ith an company. Twin Falls, h u leased on

. o( the two rooms In tho new Lam ly Mn. bert 'building, east side 'of Rupe; teu to sqiiare, according to announcemen cntitSr ot-PrOrlaabwtTOTmtroIUwbulW lure of Ing. ^ -

l..Jlie .Jlaltty :«6mp«ny,-:«hleh'iha stores in av in Fall* and Poeifl llo

- wllHnatall an up-to-date candy kit

dniaht building Is rapidly near i - u n ing oompKtlon.’The ottffr hair 0 . the structure wlll'be occupied by Jin inaion E^les* cate,\iow located In the Cn Motii. ren.bullding on the soulh side o^th<

igsDer —B..Ek-d M a


Of o p en u rid cr.n 'cw m a n ag o - l7 r a r e a d y to -a u p p ljr r [HK T - y o u :v tg e ta b lc 5 -a r tH b w c r - ■Wair* T n ir ^ a i i ts r^ R E n tly - t i rT ic r : Hous-1 • - • o u t C all ___ I

-S m — 7 t h S t - a n d - M a i n — ;

“ - 'T A ' v c . S . : 'Frank

wcoiMyJ t e s & S t o r e

(dOQblfl coated)-Greater Bpecd. Added r lty - i in help you win apprise. And It's

iT C K T ^ h m r M k - f a ^ P M y ^

r to T u i ,/— ........ r — ,, •

7i - P H O N E

S ^ m A j^ ^ A T -\!R DAY>10BfflN f

S f f l F S w[ihefiiZ»n<lilUllt -U - I t u T - I l l lve a read- . . .

■ r i . J l l l l i t i i—wM'tne ^ ^appointed - — ■ — ^ -• - -

™°dM i'l’ B o tlvS c lcc ls (

f f iS 4 = J l t I > l - l o r _ A c l i l e u o i i i iwere con* . _ . •- ' .......

t o ^ w i " NwillcarolyiTaibb'^at^'H ove, Pro* Ho.Hl'M Mere ehosen honor studrmsi'Btf? reay imi icwnHake Up. mcrli). lu icIiooI uportsmamhlp. 1ddeUgW- 'l<ll«n,ou Ul athletics. clWienord Davl- »»« K't><iUr»lilii. Their;,name*Carl Cur- ^ 10 those already engnlu Hden bV Jonner graduating clazaH onided Mes- IJronw lablct at tlio foofot tho ar Oreen. pole, tcliool symbol..

Tut.^Iay snd' Wednesday of I . ‘hr leiilots will lake their

- wi.^ fxaniinailon*. N6 school wUlo” Thuriiiliiy. On Pri diss Har: {in,i .,n

I t a i t o - ---------------------------- • Sunday erttilng-Tltv. Cailey

la hoiteo lUlwy, pasior of the Presbytei kH.fluhl cliurtli,. will-deliver Ihe baccaii r. A daln- eale wrmon In tlie hIgirKhool u *t?rect dKofium at «;iS. The high school lu Oivult, cberini' will pUy a processional icoSech- IheilauUicatcdantlRcv'. Clirl lisa Ber- Benncy, p*itor_ of the Christ

■ Jew Jennlson wflFpUy-two-fl I n »wuin numbers and Rer. Oeftnre P. n on the Baptist, chuiylunch- «nrr»d-«ifticrlpiw. n of the . Adoub)omUedqua?t?{to-«lllj Lehman, “Dawn's .Awakening." Rev. N. y E. Wll- Un(a.;iaAtorotthe'fttcUiodUlchu jmrMnr -wili-prononnrenhe-BenedlcilOh'j Has Cox, the recea.tlonal will be played by'Beweley oreh«tra._ ' _______ •

Clais day'exercises are ach^u ' for next Monday ^-ening In the 1

' - 1 ^ Z)eeUI to ^ ^

sSham- t at the

ibe glv. h'esa.Vlr- fSfl- 'cluilon. ~ ^ H i g h f f l l h l i l v

M utoir ^ ■ c l e a n , a t t t a c t i v °n”ro S ; P c o u r t c o u s s e r v i

J L y o u t o S a f e w a y

iiay,'lhe jJ ' , - -

J S S . t — K E L L O G G

r . M ; B ■ W H O L E \

' B I S C I J

. I D j r i ,

- 1 ^ '> . ' 1; '■ ■■'ITORE [ [ 3 [ '~ l ° ----------------

fo I S A L M O N**Lamt J L Alaska RciRupert fffl Sockeyeicement U | .7'/^ 2 ^ ' ^ leh-iha* J l ' - .......— -3 :

i^^llli’’ E '• - .

r near- ,1 ^ - . --Ghfltka FaJityiCra naif Of , L . 'M eat

M fil/.'or.,(O ^ th e^^ r rO *_____ d p ^ c a n s .........—. _ U t

“ l l ' F I G S• ■ 'I # t j • • ■ Fancy LargcBlacl

i u . I J j l - ........ ......... ? S 2 - . -

; d i 3 lb . 2 . : . : . 2 S

llQ l- C O R N M ^ Ln U l r V ~ * ~ W iltc or yellow'~

j l i 911 ) '.b tit.... . . . . . . 2 5

= ' ' Q l i i c K Q U A K H = . .O a t s :

fffl - , Large PacknKo

_ t E a c h 2 3

ac> N E W S P U D S ,H ' Good Quality a t a. Ri

— \ |!J------- ;------- — -----------


- ^

^ f f l F — — CRUSHl ^ ;• PINEAPI

■ I cT ■ DolcXPn^cy^C

td ( n . These Prices Effective [jj] . ■ g th to lM n c lu s lre ln

“ " L . P ay 'n -u a m i.a L oT c ^

i : P ; ag fC ff .|L y --S ip n a i^ H ' L ~ W ~ ~ A l io 5 a f c ~ t^ U

J ■ ; ' ' BoM and Je r iS sfz r f

f lN M A ¥ = 9 F = l f ta i- ^ -------- -----------

p j r ' : M r E W « f l Eu I \ = - - ^ R E l t C S ' F O R : E X f f i

H T C C HAILKV. May a (e i« la l to U l n .Ni'n:i-Atilr« nnd.Blorerocnu '* ' l)dlUjeardiedloroI(i.|lMickuiiv

In I)'- iibcpd on rxhlbit for tlir Tl ------------ rplrbrailoii in Jlailey life fin.iIs Car-

. _ J ^ r , 'l 'e "Oolden Jiibi::e'' p:

. iccured, and It will be ftrlvfn by II m i mu .tiiJt

* ^ “ *^ n c ti l stage dtli'er.~ . . 'n ic tU t aJiMif.u«»l.l4o-bAm

d Henry Montfiomtry.,u custodian 01students exhibits, wlildi will be iiliown aitt'W riu r "M O, Jl inkiiiimu.ljuiidiini ua jhip. par: street.Wiet\al\lp " ■ ' !---------- -



• KNULU May 8 (Special to of nexl >*ew**-The naptlst churcli ol K

heir fin- l» Pl»nnlng « >peclal fttotlier’s wUl be I’W a m . Following the claw

1 PridM ‘he Sunday scltoo), tithy uie «H1 be two Ulks given by JohnT

y jj also WlU ^ prOTlded. ■byterian Tlie paalor wiU speak on "Moiccaiaur- ^ood.-—bool au- ' Tlie-dally'Vacation Bible mhool or- will begin on Monday, May 2S.ional as will conUnue for two weeks. EClirls J . »sslon will be Irom 0 to 12 o'ehrlttlan every morning except Salurday.-oeatli:^ chlidieu* belween tho ages of 1fo-flQte and M^nare'been-lnvlled:

church, = s = ^ = s = ^ = : dltorlum. _

»lll ftlna - Pinal graduation exerdi»« will '. M. H. held FridayJvM U lSrTO yTPi tchurch Dean John H. -Dycr. head of_ lOh find Univenlty of idaho. southtm brat 1 by the Pocatello, u graduation apeake

iteduled Oniyjpie foot apedalUt in T the au- Falla h^jiDe »«. Or. FotUr. t

= s g = a ^ B S = g

i t v f n n d a a t I m v p r y r i i - p i i ,

: t i v e s t o r e s a n d . c h e e r f u l

r v i c e > y ill e v e n t u a l l y l e a dr a y — _■-------- '

G g S - N E W —E W H E A T SomjIthlnB

C U I T S .. .■ - M ttk csF

,O L .pte , , . , ' A„.Ic— _ _

............ . . p o n n l ^ l

N ■ P E A S ■Red ■ H iffhw ay B rand

Good Q uality M edtuir S ite . N o. 2 Cnn -

,Crab " s r - ' T B U T T E B - - ^

B eat G rade '

55c ISlKHn •' 79(tiack ■ ’ . q u a l i

. . .. : .. _N U CK O LL’S -R cifular Size 8 tt 29c ^ H a lf

A L t r rh c a e nro

™ c z z r S i r , „ r : » h o i « - . i » b , -

^ g c - j ...........^...

K E R S A L T I, ■ . Iodized o r P l a in '

W ' 26 07..

23c 2 f » r . 15cD S O R A N G E Sa. ReaT ; S tveet Ju ic y

..5c D»=,i.___29i- i ' ' ' n s io

H A R D W He l n - O n ^ -

jZ I w l n ~ :C S I o r a T ^ „

iS f liiiii- l a i l E I l lU irrb iitfr , ' . ____firjt week ,

Norman B. Adkison t

f*'’" '* -V om nn* '

Riutic aftalra' in Uie^slatc! tered' actively on- lUi ilutlr chalrinan and sUto manu)

ANS TO tlfib national radio audition >V n a v all Intensive scorch for tlieb i o UA T singen In Idolio.

A « te ra n in the contluci I to 'llie paigns In tlio best interttt It ol Kiiull ttate. and eipedailj' In tl ther’s dny have tlie asalstance of yoi claw dli- pie, to greater', opportunity

a taT liw ' “l l T i

tional tlnals and share tn "Moiher- OOO cosh awards and the IC

sehoiarships offered by iho lie Mhool -Inundation, sponson y JS. and *'>‘*'“ 0 ''' Tills Is the fifth j ks. Each Adklson has been sUto 1 12'o'clock ‘he national irday. All

.• Iwa'lsolssehflntrM itatoch

EnlhosUioi Shown

m SonafrSSoM dltlon has I l.D r-lhe celved with enthusiasm by n branch, sinctr*. and hundreds o( co PM l'" ' liei tiiroughout' the' nation

are preparing for local audit In Twlo Krles o f 'leau will take Ihi

ler. Adv. singers Uirough four audit:

s s = s = ^ '

v a n sS K c s s s E s i s n B aw m a m m

'ul : Jhese oiitstSn ad . Comc in todaj

self‘W i t h thesi

c h r r .s e ~ ~Ih in K N ew — P i y c n t '

tc s F ln e S a n d w ic h e s ’\ n - Id a h o P ro d u c t

CORN‘l! F a n c y G o ld en B antam ^ a m . , . F l m i t ^ ^ y . , .

1 7 7 „ SUGAR_ ,■ ■ F in e G ra n u la le d Id a h (

. . B e e t

ILITY M E A T S .; ,L L ’S M IS S IO n ' h A M S - .: 8 to 1 2 lb. F in e s t Q u a lity - H a l f o r W hole

! z J ; 9 C 3 5 i H d . . . . .n ro n o t larjce h am s)

B A C O N - -

I . . - . . : . : . . . . .

.MATCHESV' ' H iffhw ny — F u ll .Count

■ ■ 6 B ox C a r to n s

^ 2 t o . „ . , , . L 2 5 c

LETTUCELarffC C r isp

9 c 3 h r ,.— ^25’c

i r o c T " ' ■ GETABLES ' _ ,r.C arro tfl, T u rn ip .i, 0 ^ ,^

. :rT

' v ' '• .......... .........a g

i n r f l T P ' - lo-hUhat-iiaUoinrn I N l M ihe'local

“ l-W u tun, Dcldjn any community

I i l lT r P T « ' -4iitt«.ThtU '-T dl'.li:n3.ol.tlii.conl£it-aro.s

I|B l - t U i.‘iatrttte-con:»tnm * miiii bi....... ' . ineeh tlio agcj ol 18 and M j

. liiduilve.-and muil not bfe ptn A ssum es singers, engaged in slRgiilHW Umi.i a'means-ofUvlllhodd.—

■tJliainTOii i i » w i« M i» ! M u .« a i c

f ra n tte n r r ® '' '! M w riu--------- .------mau-and win-be-calltd to the' ; ^ lieodiyian t r n'to coiniietB wltti ?ti; . r ro~ T n r ^ I w a^ * t»» i r w r-tn g tiair t Adklwn ot Ptoiuhip. Thts U the second it

ate, has ,en- and one young woman, will th«itlM as sUte ceed a t tho cxpenso ol th# foimugcrof U>e Uon to a dlatricl autllilon whe;llondlreciing champlonsofteveralstateiwllllebesiyoung peie,Tlw young men and youn

• men winner* of the five districtluci of cam- become tin) 1 0 national fl*ru ts of the Thetr respective n tlnks will beI Ihow Ibal <d In the national final*,, andyoung I’ifo. *>ll reoelvo a muilc sdwlahhli

ity as their ■ share ot 4ho casj ' award*,louncesthat —

i r lii l l i>. t.j '- VlGORu I 'E H T in z rJtn Uu 125,- tor Uwns and alvrubbuj. IlMne 10 rau.«;cal Tw-ln Falls Feed d; lea O o^lIho Atwater -------»r* ot Uiolh year Mr. -------------------------------:-------

" a n d h e T S I N U S I N F E C T I O

* h w U j wUh

sed to him. T rea im cn ia . ^ H t a d N o l s i s

M her^K th — e l l n l q a ( < d - r < ^ S |R

- r & I S f

. D R . H. W . HILUIhe young I Phone 1243 O v e rP lx to i

idltbni on] — — — ____________

- a s - w e l l B t a r t - e n } o i f i i a r ~ S n d i n g f e a t u r e s - n a w l

l a y 'a n d f a m i l i a r i z e y o u r -

! s e b e t t e r f o o d s t o r e s . - ^ ^ ^ - ^

" ^ C R A C K I ® S T ~ - 7 ^

Perfection Sa lted Sodaa ^ . ' |

, i. F r e ih and C r iip ' '

{ 'lb , box ___ 3 3 c ■ 7 ^

P E A C H E S A N D ’ I

t a ^ ^ A P R I C O T S I

..................Del lifontc Fnhcv T iw“ ^ : ^ c n ^ d F r u i r

C O O K I E S i

Fftncy A u o r t e d r

-— . ■ S O A P (

Luria B rand ^ I t o fi L aund ry S oap - |l

7 1 0 b : „ ^ . „ : i 2 ! 9 c f i

— :t- “ B A -k i N G - —

____________ — P O W D E R - - - I

~ C f l ifm c t:2 V S n b T :C a n C :: r

E a c h ..... .... 5 9 c ,

C A N D Y B A R S 1F re s h A sso rted . 1

>C 'E a c h - . , . - . . . - , „ - , : - ' 3 C I

' S N I D E R ’S ^

---------C A T S U P — — --------------------------- , - Ailila 'Z m t_ ■

i ; c ; ~ l : 4 . z ! b . i 0 9 c ~ 7 i

— S N I D E R ’S ^ ^ - T - ^ I - I

- ^ G E i a f i b E S ' 3 ^

o rn , P eas, Spinach, B eans ,' . 1 1— r.nm it«pntp-j____ - i J

----- -- • ' • | i

: . n i e s e PriMB E ( f « t l r e BJay -

— 8 th - to 11, In t l& s W in O a r - - |-----Pny’n -T a lil j-R 1 a g 'g -a

^ S j L t w - y - S G i i ? ^ / r w { ^ [

. .-Fftll8.-Ai80 S a fe irk y ;S U )rM .-^

' ' ~ 7 . ' a n d J c ro m e .\

' ■ .M

8 ^ W I N : F A L l S a i A i a ^ N E W

lUUMirriuM R in «■ ' ^T «U i ta AdUBC*

: = s j

^ - -* w u T l* X ITlb* S»WftV»l’»l‘T « bUtw, Und r lh* «ct «( uwcti

—;— -M u u n i Of u M C u n a r s m ---------- >-n* m oriing ttm-,• .«u«d.i<> M IIM,tiff mitiiiralln.Bt >1

jw n uipkKba sMitM w it, or m . a ia tn iu cmuM u u u p*»t> um i

ta* leal o m puuu&id .u . n«& t^ ntPuMitt

' ' emt i n os a * ^ ■utMU at ClKUltUaai, Iroa wbom u l»xamiu»a m to omutuoo M f M e» ulaM upon iBpUetUoa. D*ttli*d lo

: fonMUaa ppoa nquw

? a b ! ^ t. (AallU DM «tCH« UTM Diudltd m

M puMiuiM. BO cuauMflpu n l H nwm*d UUM m m r m im iv.aMM-

n ^ u S ^ u i ? A I^M V oU Bt K n Xati. OUcMOk StO m

■ ■ ■ T^"r»" r ^ ^ w 'U i d ' io*^ liuii. 5 g i T T ^ U r to n r te r to 6nl>}-itt»

e r t iu in fn lfh t n tc i, ftnd’irlU hold a MOicnnn ibout H Kon. Tticy iK«l

__ ' m anU ln.tW rj^ulpm m iuid’q td ll' aD4l to iTold io n rlsc

___I t U poMlbl# Uut till r»Uro»d* Mt' U _ n m i lR U t l» ik .T h O l |» i t

n te i 10, Ul# m on fn l(h t m»y 'be

U i w c t n ^ e f k u s ^ n n l(h t m n b« Uut, In Uw pn*

" ' <rtl defUilan no r lo ln i on, r iome« ••—• irh it J o w r - lm lo f n lliw d n le i

.. _*ould help them, .

---------------- - i n m i r * iM p TAtK—‘r .

OunroDMrful nodtrn leleoec nuy M lo ruUnitu pramlM Jiut u U» tek m of i;ia uielent ^Omita did. m n r i ti Arthirr H._0 »tDton Of thi

- V nlTtn»rorch!e«iti,*Kflbel prtM . wIiimV;-:. . - ••

Tilr» (b« a » ( vM dtjriir ikniop*

- — »T lirim eklnt »M:llit«nlnj to-Jfe - - - ' t m a a loud«pt4kir vha t Um im ) | Vr'-^ftocirieai-ploiiwihtTC-bofn-wort*

. i s t fort" ba wtaU to know. ' ^ n k . -Qi BenjuQliT ftanU ln and h li Ute,

>' e r J u i « blent uam U ,U ueool,D « PorettindoU w n. laU ilm b^U iiT

, :« n « y t t r , or ii tlwro i^eU iln j

tS old bn ijT ideoU ili ptomlKd ;Uut Uielf i?ienc<,wou3(l iiBlp n i«

. iSH better. And ttw> r«Ued to make 1^ . PrqrtHOr Compton ^)w .

: Whal wat the nfttU r wlUi the Oneki? MuUjr UUi: Th«r l^ksd 100 ,Bueh. .Ti»7 talked Uii JUa out e{

• m ry lH B i!r1 K y lK R 5 aT o iv re F s ^ -M l^ W i^ 'V n k .- ’T h tr ltu o r tiU

a n u r t and lechutd, aiid ended 'b; r. . . ' "dciiifnoUilBi: Ther came'to inlJtak*

• ■ 'i l j ^ a 'n nol Qulta^M h a d i i . th » l -.................

^ a iiM H B T -S tm N a

to t a n e d ou t ill Chli countTT, (mt ' aJipaoeMnrtaUoaUirlniuilefani'*.

• ■ Latt Norember a iplnnet In TuWo ' won a labor'dUpute tn 'thU quaint

. , manntr;' • . ’- - ■ ~ .a»-cUabtd-Uw-tmory-<ivlmniy

and leatod htfflaeU on Uii top, an- — — nmintlnr Uiif h a . to u ld jm jh tta . ■! unii\ iltiTnn*lf

. . . . g ta ^ t^ llM ( a e l ^ ownen pm* r — T-UiUdrbnl'th# poUe« aald there w u

. . :.boup:« ot d a n Uter.«ord camt Uiai emperor WM gotni. to 'pau Uiat

wajr.'lt Wli a tcrrtbta iituauoa B ; ^low em orlal cuiooitD o' Japacxte

. «‘uli}?et, In Uit EaipeTot;a.prwenee.m tfoeeupr a plaM,hl|ti»f Uun Uie

. ' tapero r. The hide UtUr announbed-------- that ^ would-Tiot-oome d’own tven

to be poUU to aa Emperor; w h« hi

s u n ^ U n to Um . propritUea,' . n w t^ h to d e n a a d i . Thttlt«<rrt>

l l u ^ to earth royauj was noi

~ .work*tm*

'• i» M ta f ld » fea t^ ia» h a a rri tr ii ite w wctM t agalnit Uie dliehartt ot a

workman, on f of U »o deddtd to do ■ *— -h u -b ti b r iw in« bai-Dot**i«Ti«:

' . t e nonnted ou 'hondred Uilrtr feet .. : . l i .U i8 cblsu ^ - to p aim .haalM iip

— ^~»TSMrJeftiW«o wTwpe.-He wiarrelHw4n--^fflj _ • -■ __

hU bard .toundantand Uxw od-

• •• ••: U f br puatw reiittaoec: ^

L!':L : ft* :m :8u g a a r iboun h T p B s a r

(■*'-■• Uriiy-iufa


J!|/s p r^ le e J iM ’ t n Kvrrcly.crltiriJ ^ Til,connection wf(K ilie''»trempi

mthicr of the Zkihleltetn *nd I HSU youngalottn Blieti »nd'Tul>e Coi U S p a n y ...

—S C tiw aO -ta in t-p rtitj-h in i- iw - Iiiuiri hid niucli crlUcL>nvio iacc. J f 'txpiamed. nm tiiu nun.

The moil objectloiiiblf thin* ib<

^ TJie bookfl r»ll«1 U}'»lw»' iI«m> cI««

,“2 cilllclwi,The bonus lyakm « u 4ixrt«l I

^ A n .k 4 ^ .n i« ,ln nrrt nintir »f M '■brl8htyounjm(n''.wt)omJievlcki

Uj: out and mad«,»ie«l m ilw n lhroi III on It. echwab w u one ef them, Tl

butlnfM throve «1lh them.

S ■ . ,, l«0>

3 o t h e r —

M V i y y ^

—UlMUOi-rtprlattd tioa> ittatt- _ am pip«n la l&li wtuna tn

M taM t# rlr* m tm ft 7Bi '•» N t^ im iia t i l ia iD a iu iu n e r


ri* fcCOWOMy~IN OPgHATtOK-* “ ll.w ill ba_r«aUe<flhal.dutliig th

lid iMl eamiMlKn C. B«n now. no< ROYcnior of Idaho, Uld rvtleula

of lu e i, and ftndlDi nev Murcta o 111 revenue

paylnj lu fuUThW ofthe-pubU . bunlen. It wia clalified.

V. -.T he pledce to nU e additional reve i.l£ jiue_wBi.kfpl_BtoTlile<t.Uie.court< bt lu iu in Um potrer and Income Ui }«

“ w u ilatRied would be pu t IrT’forfi ] . would bt to eut down Uie number 01 , atato bouta employet, whleh Jl wai ehanadw ve mort plentiful than foi

u which U un w u any real need.'Thla may hava botn trua M far aj

^ U j t i ^ «c o n c ^ . bul Ur, no tT fiu thal'whatOTCr Uie number of placw

peliUcaidemandi.' No pfoeea have been abolUhed Uia( I* wt havt heard of bul acoordlnt to d. repotta aome 13 ntw Jobs have been « ercated to take can of the fiithfiil - w itiru u ru a hanilDC'ftanitiBoo t<& " |3 « a per year, Hieaa new.officea

wtUi neeeuary aupplleX will probably H add Uilrty-to fortrUwusandof doU r. lan lo e x peniei and only a bertnnlns* W rW h .a a d e ..T h e n U y e U o je j » up Jhe machinery for collecUng the it ta u a under-Uit new tawt. Thla will .. mean.inoUiet chatie.of tMMO (o : l i o o m Then there u a h a l new *■ p ilm w coming albng next iprlng >. and n r all Uii couhtlea of Uie ttaU « win total around anoUierltO0,00(X, Bul lel ua b t fair. There havt been' rtducUoiu too. or a t le u t lo ll ti* claimed. The nlnt JanlUira around Uit ” xtata houN tiare each hadltmrvcKEi d eul llO 'ptr'm onU r no laiarlei cut, , Juit'w agej..TheJanltoraare'notln “ poilUoa lo make a fuu about It. but e pollUclant expecting ihetr »ward|

oould have been heard around the . world had lliilr aemandt been re>

fuKd-Nampa Leader-Henld.

^ “ ilw u ih o f iti ie Chamber of Com* If merce i^ould receive Uii full lupport i ofallpolIUeaiandclvloorganlxationi ~ *" ***' ap^perldahortprw enUU on a i th t

World> fair to beheld In’Chleato In in i . I l ll IncndlMi U ut Uu ligW - ture. adjourned wlUiout makbg pro* vliloni lor Uie pttUmlnary planning of aa Idaho txhlbit a t U ut expoalUoa

g aDd4 heufa«t-thi t U <lld-*aa-o(ilybt expUlnedonihiUieoryUiatUiiUw* m U en wen lo badly nUled Uiat

'■ Uiey did not know what they were a doing. It w u not Uial the nuUer , had w x betn brought to Uieir at­

tention. for the approprUUoni com- . mlttee Jiid a blU. dnw a by-Uia au te y chamber of eontaiartt. proTkUng for . the prellmlnarv work of orjanUlng

for and auembllng an Idaho exhibit,* buH t dcea net t t eiu tiHttTC-w t' I been dlscuued eren to eoiwnltue. . W hyr There lecma no explanaUon

except IhafUiey were.Jmt running* around In rlngi. Cerulnly,Uie whole k J u tn rv ra o ijn n tn a tra T in n a M itr t able exhlbll at.Chicago 4 n .l# M ,- , San t afford lo be wllhout tuch an

ezhJblt.~and tt u 4 matttr thal mutt r be handled officially by Uio itate. e Chambera of Commerce aAd other

civic organUaUonian-makepnllm . lAry InquWea and augguUon» bul

' to ba a luccaM the aUie m utt Ukt 3 It over, direct Uit aetlvltlei and aup- \ Ply the-funda.-muii do-Uiti-fven , IfU U nictaiarytocallaapeclUaee- . tinn M lh . «<mT“ ■tV''• leave It fer Uit n n l lettilatun would i I. be looHteT^PpeartHo’T flbuh tr— T|

* i H _ _ ----- u:.------8m‘T H E B L O S SO M O F

H U M A N IT ' T h i s I s a H a

I ■

i r i " ™ " - ” — “ — "S e n ' - ^ ^ W E C O O L D N O T O E T y I K a te ; R n m r c a n d r e a d th o; ' .V.

■ _ ■ ■■.T W lN :F A H i ^

rltlclied ^ O i W . Woodc«V-»‘I*»‘« 'i j etiipled' PWdsjTTirmaks ptohilililaR^nfff nH ih« "'*n^ effective In all aeeUona of '™* country, bul llirre /«m.» lo be t Com- iiinoni general agfeenieni thal C

nei Woodcock hna-cone about, r t —Va In ■ mnrr Inl^llltrrtl'm

' f ltr Uian hla jiredecMJori, .” it-niuaf fcTdiiilired'aruri-o-f

• • th i t Colonel Woodcock h u one ( iboui Ui.e moil dlfficuli pofiMom In ■ Revernment service, bin thua far

oni:fri^.| u r ir i -a b le .- - c ^ i t t i i^ Tmt7ftr^Tffnnmnn^TnTi^TirTWde4j "iiini. I dear* ^h( beglnnlnfi he did not make

diTFHW ' ' uUu 0^a month, or a >-*ar. and .fiU aroi

t«l by policy, ot concentraUiig mort ene Pf the l^^trylng to get ih e “bU i

picked jj baalcally sound,‘firoie , Immediately befori Colonel Wo n, Tho cock look office.- the country’ i

ihocked by a whole wrlei of easea whleh prohlblllon. a«n t* u*d fl amiA.on liw-abldlMg cIUk m , wt

- Umea fatally, but theae ca«a aidenly slopped after Colonel Wo< cock took tfrer the reins and hU

- .' I forta to improve the type ot the pWWUon bureau perwnnel atema

UlOM TAXKB AND U O tU SU ^ Tliirly yean ago the popuUtloh n » U)tf'i;RitM'sut«i~r£r>i;ow.ooir,~jf

the average penon oonuibuted tip T«« in laxei to'aupport government,

I,n JK?; Uld J u t year for . whl ^ jmidMiLolllcialJiaUiUaLirejliM “ * able.-ihe populauon waa ia o w .0 }K "< and the per capita lax had increU T T r ; to llOWft-rtJW-matlonal-deflell- * n o . Mw«l0,000 and 1700,000,0iciilar *” "*'* P f" ’®lethm' -^ Thi Ttli h o T alli.i .TtmeailUgtiitcu of wearily notea UiU tUlng ooal.of go ly not ernmeni, "beginning with our n.

the imalleat unlU,~ I t feara that U rcve. more the government a ttrm pu to ( murta Uw leu li 'aeoomniUhed and U e Ux R lgher'tiieooit.* '^I and W hatw eneedlsaretum toaonn

^o tu ie »rat w u«i^eag> which thl df*lf _e«ulifty_Jkni_goi[chmient_i(tfi forfo founded, when folki were betler of: « ro f anddtpendedmoreuponthelrowi ; waa iffortaandUiieaof btlnggovenw A for w in far left th in now ,.

Deapli'e Uie well-nigh unlvera « « lamenutlon. tomeUilnJ U io b t aaJ J S u jiufaTaiLxt-Uio4nercaatd expend

turei. •- flIlltfM ln»fea<LpLdtvQUnc Ihi

‘ *** efforta entirely to prlvalt aoeumula ih .i ilon or prlviit w ta. have n n fem

to devote a growing percentaga I public Imprinementa, to those thlnj whleh can only Ix done by Joint pai

w iA UelpaUoni—Tbt-^owl vteulli thmn aretobeBeenlnm aiiydim iloni,an Uifdealtiblllly of U ut new t«ro i

YJ,[ not to be overlooked, or tnlnlmlie X s IntaklngatoekofUiematter, ’ . . . ■■ Out oUier inereaiea are not so de

alnbler Onk of Uiese-lrcoTeramn d l l *ctlvlty Uirough ngulatorv device

M ( i UuteontrDlourllbertleawhlleaddln *” ‘® toU niaxbDtden.,W e'arenoi»lwi} X ” mlpdfiU of Uiat coniequence and lei ^ 10 when It U the federal govenunen yT which aeU u policeman aver ui.

Then Uien la the popular delualo {. U u l the aoveniment h u aome othe

^ 0 , , aourot or rcvenut Uian (lie elUsen'

M ^ ‘e d f e S n r 5 d ^' recommend ' themselves malnl

b..t >''»ugh Uie altogeUier atiaunl idei rardi tiu tw ha lw eieicom ufrom areaer I ,h l voir to which we make no eonttlbu'

Ilon..That fallacy betnyi ua lnl4 aMeiiUng lo, and e»tn demanding undertaking! whleh would iiave ni favor lf wc had to bear Uu coit o:

____ihemjllfteUv...........' And to It la Uiat Uien is more tiiar

s r : » -i» tiii«arv iriunrttir-i!oe tfiM « l o ^ «elf.governnient.^erfl U aiu an economic virtue, We ahould hav(

JSxJ iew.of govtmminl if w rw fm ed ti;

fedeni gov«niment._and ,alM, ol

gllJ] UwUton Trtbulie. pro- ' ------ .

I iwoMiiN pniWer , _ • _____

nUHU May 8 (Sjwclal'to Tlie Itate Neia)—Mn. L olaJI. Zlmmennan, . (Of 7Cw lfro(.U ie-U te Jicob ll^ ZIm- ^ 2 merman and realdeqt of the Twin ilblt Falls eountry. for many yeara. died ^ iw tftJoday_M »>Jlm m «inan;hail

made her homc'hcre for aome yeara lUon Ilcr hutband died In Twin ning Falli aboul.four yean ago. ' ' >hoIe She u-u sunived by four chlldnn, Wltr Pnd-llmraennan-and-Wrc-OBflnie 0 ,_ Wide, both of Buhl: Lee ;ammer- , tn man, MeOall. and U n . W.‘ U. Shot- nutt *ell. Twin Palla. A atep-daughler, late. Ntri. Etta BoUe. Uvea In Denver, and ther a broUier.' Charlie WUlla, la a real- llm- dent .of Parma. Idahp. Eighteen but graiidchlldnn and two great grand-

take children aLw lurrlve her. lup. A brother.-Elmer WIllU, Twinrren Palla,-dled-Uirte-weekj a g o ." ...a u - Mn. Zimmerman a u born Iri

otild lober » , IN], and w u married lo-----M ram m irm an. December M. H71.^ to held

<«ta Barton,— i>Ml«r—4 — tbe-Baptlst- ooel cliuich wtii'oQistaie,

HP! CHRISTiAN j p l - C H U R C H '-------I m 10 A . ]^L M d lh e r 's Dny B f . . ■ -B ib le School .^ ■ "£ h d C 5 A tih c B V T JH o lh tt2 $ =

■ H L j £ l O W C r s i ^ I < 4 h « r ^ . .------- ---------- ----

O F M OTHERHOOD ON < n r s T R E E ”.

H E f f S P M T H E R B - U F E - ^ S e rm o n — * :"V . — l " , j r - rr ALONG WITHOUT

i n S g H H f e W S ^ T O W ^ A t ^ I

“ n fo m ' . - - ^ - F o r d j G r a ^

•en*,‘” ® JIBNKV FO IID I I uud ' Ed r which . , H encylFoyd, ■ra bwicbn cjiiMllL _ L . .n t tc n d c O - jn a J o iL J e a g i

JSfiSS '

m,“” FILER RESIDENTS SOFFE;iUgtstet -I ■ H I,In---------Of gov- 71LGII. May 6 (Bpeclal to Tl: lUr na. Newai-Several Flier folka were-« llnea-to •ported-lll thlj-week,-and-aeveral-ai hat Uie convftleKing after lllneai.

-’Mm. T.--b,-8mlilr U recovirln from an attack of Inlluenxa.

' ■ MUa UVera Orout, instftictor I -Uie - ^ n ^ heol.-lar^

t o . ' u d H r t - j r o r n r S i r H l ^ If own Clarence Showen, ion of Mr. an remeo - Mrs. DewiyShowera, who*was bum

cd on Uw face and rlghl hand b liveraol thaexploaloh of powder from a ihc b taald gun ilwll l u t week, h u recover Ependl- and raaumed.hli atudlea>ln-Uit-fl«

. gradt al achool.—

J.. o.*Andenon and- daugh “ f* yr»nce^ *M confined lo thel

n t ^ home wlUi a ilegeof the mumpt._.Mm AnnalUa Jacohaon, homtftQ

ni.and nomlci iMtruclor in the Filer run Utm la high school.w’u abaent from'duUt limited Thurtday and FtldizJiecauie of 111’ • . • 'x**- ,

S FliER'RESIDHNTS-VISIT' ""J* _ERIENDSAND REUtlVE!S i “ riLH l, U « T T bj« cU1 to Th,m, KevD-Arrlvala and .departurea o:

elution Filer fuetu and roldcnU during tii< : Olher last week ineiuded.the foHo«1n(:-

-T i'ey wlth.frlendj.:;__' Mlsa Grace llicka prltaary leiehei

r ^ . >n Uio Hurley tehool, amm|>aned itribu. by iier friend. MUi ftomona Sieven* a Into initruelor in Ihe.Ourleyiidlng, k:>>co< returned lo Burley Sunday >ve no ttte r ^pending tha week-end with M l of MUj.Hlcka'parenU. Mr. and Mra,

J tlian -Itennr jm T B i iP ^ 'e n aoent tlie bie'ot wetli^rffiT»5tle^SlU i:U ictr-p»6 lia lio enla. •1 have 'Mra. Rosa Bitiwn. who hM'been ted-W vlillini hVf riiiiihfc.-Krw Minnie to tn* •Carlyle, in Pendleton. Ore|on, .tor

Uie p u t two monlha, visited iier :lon,- flioghter M r t D. J ; n rod In BoW

en route to Filer. • - Cyrus fitulxman and Mr. nnd Mn.

r n ' Sm er eiu’ttman'arrh-ed Thunday 1*^ • from Green lUver, Wyoming, when

i r r n (*’'0 uiMitlit by the Morrlson-ICnud-r r l l ten Conatrvctlon company. The men

I1.UI drove Uie company Irucki lo Boise' Friday morning, where- thiy will

- Tjij work a week or more before being (TO»n, « n t elsewhere to work fer Uie aum- ZIm. mer.'Mra.' 8luttRian~U"vliltlng’'al Twin the iiooe o t iier mother, Mrt. Maude , died Chapman, Pll;r. ‘l-hail' Itl tu A-pyyj-yeara ed for Oregon Clly.' Oregon, to at- Twln tend Uie'funersJ of Mn, Bolea'lit­

ter. U n-B . H; WrighU a former Filer Idnn, nildenU who died Tuesday In Uiat eonif cJfTfronnhe effect* ot cancer. The uner- Bolea expect to return won. ,•

ihler. Only one foot ipMtaiitt In Twin• Uld f i i u pbMii MO, Or.’FeaIrr Adtreal- .

tileen . "

i Wf f i ^ T o d a y a n d

» --------

- r r —oimnaii— - O U i ^ a l m c S i S i i t t c W

' “ T A x, M a U ir r iO i And SO

* = - ■ ll llu » ljii i ,I l i la X u i'lj ^ c

— I ’ ' ■ ' Clfc

« , t«« . »t ff 1 rWl.T TN 1 -IfJS. t l J A f iv r “ A 1 OHUA i .'Iv n m iN

n ^ n s ,L ik e B asrta ll; mv:;

I ®

ll ,£dnel Kcniiun F ord , KrundxoiiK i MlchnH f^nR. 'P ii^ y a ru tthnwh ax thi Jcag ife.,i;.in ic a t H e t m itn i ik c - c t l i had to have hi.s hot- doff.— (/P) Pilot

pESIfllM- “ I f f l F W l»virlng - _

r t t ^ h r -S u rp £ is& -E ac tie s -jh d -G a li

—erin0s-of-Churcij< Groui J S ■ During Last Wetland by . _ L ^ * •

c 4 ^ _ P I L E R . - May 8 (Special to T bt-flfirp^*>-® ® clnl evenu aere.nume

out In Filer during Ibe l u t week. redaN A wrprt»e firewell party w u gl

iluenM. Paul Ptyion aSrM r».'fe ' Weod.lnlhsbn«menlq^UteBaptl

0 their church Tueiday evenlnJ. Afler a » ®P<* elal evening luncjuiccnjlsttng i

T m n i .ved: then all aanx.-'Ood Be Wli1 duUts You n i l We Meel Again," afli : of 111- whlcli Mr. Kartliboner apoke a fe

, word! of farewell, Mr. Bid Mn. Col lc?t Wedneidarfor Colondo.-’

JIT — —JayHouaen aon Of Mr.-and Mr V-' Will Houur,«-u pleaMnllyturprlM FIVES ?tonday. cwiilng when a. group <

-hit friends and-nlatlvei-gatber(10 The ^ remind him of hi irci Bf blnhday annlvertaty. Those preaetinVn« Pr'nw •n'J B*" B>*'t * . u r and family, Abe Slatter and fan

lly, Mra. Maude Chapman, and tli S i . m m J a U s t i J t i B h a i i ^ h t -iratler .willUmi. Belva Btuliman. Jane

Miirrell and Leona Chapman. Th leieher evening w u ipent loclally;'and'fc ip.tCled cream and cake « c k lerved. Iieven- The .-Ladles' Aid aoelety held i< Burley Kguiar moni/ily busineu meetln Sunday Tuesda)' ■tiemoon Jn the batemeii 1 with o t Uie Methodist church wlUi Hi11 Mn. president, Mra. W. M. Bunce. In th:___ • |chalr.-TU regularwdeLof_butlnt!nt Uie waa dlspoaed of and the foUowIn lr:p»6: D'rfijrniiTiJrairenJoredyMfs.'a.-l!

.fihowen rend an article',on law eri rbeen, fotcem^ntJrom-UieJ iO ^ tto - A d

>n,.tor pahled on Ihe piano by Mlu Ere ?d iier Jyn- Kllnk, played a trombone aol< BolHf and Robert Thomaa. accompanied b

M ln Kllnk. played two comet wIo< d Mn. During the eoclal hour dainty ta unday fnihment^ were lerveft by-the-hoa where t ^ a . Mra.' R. L Bheartr and Mri

ICn'ud- . TiieWomcn’snomeMluiop'rio^'o « men clety of the Methodist churfh ha Boise

f will b g I'rom May 31 unlll Wedneada} being Moy 71. . ■ ■ -

• aum- ' At a meeling of the American Lc n r 'a t gloifAuxllUry Monday iftemoon.a' itaude thc'home of Mr*;, O.-W.'Anthony

plant were made to entertain thi cparUpWac.MoUiux^lUi-A-|uiiyJW«dnei 10 at- day on May IJ, a t the home ot Mn a' lit- T . O. Connor. Afler a butlneta aoa rPtler tlon. a-wctaUhour.iilUi cardt.wa I that enjoyed and refreilimenla wen icr -.The Tedr-; ^

Mr*. W. U Kloppenburg. prctlden' ' of Uie Past Matrona' cIuU. prmldcc

fwta *t mKllns held Thunday afler- Adt ooon a t Uk home of Mra.' Ouy H

i d T o m o r r o w

medy P a ir - V - - .

i C t f l t J i b r i i i h k J : ^ d i n r ; i » i i K 4 t t m d O t h O T ^ — ..

id S O « rE v c n l} t |f , C h ild re n l O r > ^ ■ a n d d O ^ ________ - 7

c i f c t t t f I

( H N O ^ A T - S r lS S l— r ------ —

g #Fli=8iOi!Ijmbm^ C la ss I n v l tc s -R tv ,— A r

R fl. B a K e ^ H u p c r t . lo S p

| n ■* , MLLU , way B lOlKClal 10 | h Newai-Rev'. A. D. Hubbard.' pi H M of the Flier Bi|)llst cliurttjl.wlll |M |M c liver Ih^ baccalaureato icrmon

ral high Khool at B:00 P. M. Bun Moy. 10, for the following O m

y v | ben of Uie senior eliui: •M ' Wilbur Cammack, Vincent Di

' V Mark Oaylry, Wayne DcBoard, I . - ' : 1 aid Dnke, U m n ir Enjia. y ' •' ' OrleiT. Leland Grout. Price lie

^-ay, Uwrence KalbHclscJi, V. V U ae lj, Harmon- Munyon, Eui M Mooi;t. :Rou Motclcy. Walter 1>

thletcn, Wllmer Newbmy,.Wai

S r Jamet Huge. Uoyd Bchnell, Non H fiboekley, Charlea Sleber, Rod

Tegan..I H I ' MoryD.Meamer.lvaBlakele}'.

o » n n iiuace/ JSilKM'CSnuni . Dorothy Cue. Enlher Davis, R

UK o f DeMoss, Lorna Dlerker. Verga : I th ey itjoin, DoroUiy Ooode, Nadene' II

' berry, WllmaUncpIn, Edllli Mum : - ~ i= Marjorie J lob lnsaaJJe lva^ tzai

Jerrene Shaw, Leihn Slatler, I r n cUlo auphetw. Kfllhertno Thac r n '»nd FJther Wllllamit. ■

' Wedneiday evehlng. May 13, Is i l l A chosen for Ihe commcncem | 1 | . P exercise! al.Uie:ii!gh.t]:hooLtudll Ul n lum. beginning a t 8:IS P. M, Jui

in U U Hugh A.-B#ker. Rupert, wlli dell . the addre« of the evenlnr. Vli . Lesself haa been chosen valedlct

R n th . lan and It Is a lie between Poroi LWIH"* I■lr oln fw 'iuiV

rOUpS' ------ -----------------------

"“^BOIinFlNllSeek. • . . .

'w tt ,rP .M > v ~ rT g n cc l« ;;n T New»)-Funcral servlets for .-Me

li.«ti!i ■FWier, 8^, Filer pioneer, w . . . « died a t Ihe home of her daught ^ M n. J. J,’ Brennen: Buhl, were'hi *"» *’' a t Uie Piter Melhodlat church UU K T . t t i i t f i i o o n ____________' Rev. Ciuirlei E,-nelman, p u l

*»« ' conducted Uie (er^leei.-uslhg-u l* text F ln t Corlnthlant IS.M. “Dea

i.,Cobb ii.swairowed Up-Ill.Victory." ThtWM a la n b gaUierltijforTfRnsnD

1 Mn.- * prefualon'dffloral Irlbutei' : 'prised PaU bearen were B .,0 , Oravi )up ot .W alteLM usgrau,jr. .George J )n l theriKl TL E. Hammrequltt, o r X Vlnl of h li and Frank'DeKlots. ■ ireaent - T h e PUer UeUiodUJ chureii qui I BUt- te t-M r. and M n. Olalr Ollllla 1 fam- M n. ArUiur'Beem and T. 0 . Wliti id the —u n g favorite Mlectlont ot We dE ilhet SSMOli_____ 'Jinell ' Mrt. FUher, who wat a resident I. The Flier unlll aboul • two , yeara ai ad 'fee *hen. ahe luffered a panlyi

. stroke, w u one of Uie earUetl pl >ld JU Ibe tn c t and w u conneewiins «1 * l‘h ‘he loeal church ever alni " lu organltatlon. r X . Bhe leavea to mourn her deaf

two tom, Earl FUher. Twin Pal: and-llarlan-Ftaher,-Chicago, at tw tn la u jh ta n rJ s tn ro n te Brigi .WhattUanflj!0>m{irnli«>ad. M n ,

°-.*V J. Brennen, Duhi; betldei-iever graddchlldnn and.great-gnndchldren. - -------------

, Eve- -■ . i'. . , - - - . 1' , . , i . r": ah ean r. PoIlowlng.Uia bualnett a« tlon. •» tocUl hour w u enjoyed ar

, “*• refnshmenu were ter^'ed..V * ‘ - Meaduaei L C. GlUUan. L Orak

R-Oennttt. and Ronald Oravet a

• . • Club leaden Monday afternoon at tl y ” ; hlgh'ichool building in Ta in Fall m r? . " O' Ibe Duhl Nauir!^*v chuith, tome of Ihe young pei

pie and.a ehomt from tho Mennoi , • Ite BnUiren of Chrlat church of Fl

i ' irpraaenled.thepigeint.nbe.Cha: lenge o f ,the,Cross.:! at Btilil We<

" , netday evening. Thoie Uklsg pai were: Mn. Homer Bchnell. -Edn B !nnitnT w n»B »nrv»iPaB tG U

I .M m'an, Inet Slallir. Rhoda-Barbeu• ™ Ltona Chapman, tlie ehorat.'andlh f - ' ~ plahUt. Mlti Mildred Jonet. Th U5L. ,pa«eanL.w u:Blven-at-^-8unda ildcnt »«.''}"»■ April_38._:aided ■ ’ ' . ' —— vfler- ' - ^ - jy H. j " " T - ■■= = C ontinuous Show Tod

Show s' A panm oa

r jZMES12. 2. \ - - Hetne of Pa

1 0 0 . - s o p " L A S T Ti:

■ 1 ^ . *

j E — -» » rk l^% - r s r n i s S ^ . l r r j H g g


I D i S T t e l i S e r v i

m l O l l l ----- K IJlB O tL r MFniOl________ ' HPlicOPAL CHUR'

. ' i. Rfv. Henry Van Vallccnbun~ A — tJ.“ —lO:00'AfM;~Bunday ichi

^ 11:00 A.Mr-Moihe^’a'dJ

_ _ _ _ Tai-f will Mng llie n w itl OlJpeaK -MoUier."

------- :;pO-P.-M.-EpworUl.Xai

>1 10 •the 8;03 P. M, - Specialrd .'pu tor -'Mtmorlei of Mother.'' and song. • irmon for .Wedneiidaynlsht-Deiolli

I. Bunday, ,bonrd, '« m em -/ . • . . ^ .

KIMBERLY CRRISTIAN ( lit Davl.«. Reynolds, mita rd ,^ o - ,p.o3 M ,-nible «lio

JliOO.A. M.-Monilng , I I v i i i l SpecUi mu>lo and servlet :II, Vlfjil ofMolher-tday.8crmon.“ ri ,, ot liie May,"

... ■ "JiOO P- M.-Clirl»llan 1 -W w ten8;M P.H .-EV enlngS3er

Mngsen-lco;tp<relalmu8lea Ing; sermon. ‘The. Beit J

«ie>-.Bue Mother Ever

HANSEN COMMUNITy C arga En- Rev. Lc.-Ole B. Bailey, pi ene Mag- iniOO'A; M.-Churciraeho hkr.M»-‘ '■''ll:OQ.X'\b - : ^ Morning' ineLans- Sermoti7"Moiher.:.A maJe Mum'on. allla lng ., iutiman,- —7:00 P. M.^ u n lo r and Be: Her, Lu- woriii League.Thacker >'S:0() P. M.-BYeiilng wohli

:ncement gram.' . ( ' ;.‘audllor.-., Monday^jOO . P. M.-TI <i. JuilKe -number of the pictorial li delivrr couReando1ectureon"Thc r. VIrgn Play of Obenmmergau' In 1 ledlctor- Tiiurtday 3:00' P. M ,- \

S i f___ i - m a y T i !M i a i ; ; a rcfie n

I ^ ' iitURTAiJuH m'eTKOOitP A vn KPIBCOPAL ClIliBCaC CTs Chariei W. Ronk. paIIL u ljil___lfl:OO .A .id^lblejieboall

, , Llndau, superlnlendent. ll:M A. M ,-M Q m lnr-'

J . . . ^ll.; .Vui -^day. Sermon by the pastor a

Jf?-|!,.M 3:00 p. M.- Junior 1 ^ ‘Jhlt League. J .!n . ^ W. Cowden

pM to r ^00 wmor 1 g'M ’hla League.,"- -------

T o w Rer. C. E. «e!man, paa n a n n si' — io;o3 a . M>»8uw tay«hoo L 'n:ooATJir=M euien-dayiOraves, Sermon. “Mothns and Hoi iJ)rakD., ?hM ^U .l/iPP ,;optltlO Iaill Vlnlng mualo by Uit choir. An'oppi

will be gtven for,Joining Uie

OlUlian, BAPTIST CHURCH OF I Wlittn nev. A. B. Hubiiard. pa

Ident ol'. so c ia l .MoUier'a day' 'aertni irt ago choir mutlo. m ly tlo - 7(00 P/M.-'IntmHedlaie ai etl plo- lor BapUit Young people’t I onneet: a ;00 p. M,-Bacealaureats Jr since a t Uie.high oehool,:

■ MENNONITE BRETHRE]t . I t i c im is T c u u n a i o p n

' Rev. J. A. Bradley, pu l B r ^ 9 :« A. M.-Sunday tcho:

~AtHho,«loie of-6unday-ith MoUier** day apeelala will be

~ g e n in g tervleei will be dll e tt le t- for baecaTaureBte,^=~=^. led ami -------;------------------

ANNPUNCEMENT'! ? *M The Oood Time club will me

utday 'highl al8l5U . 1 ,1. Bualneu and Profeulonal W

club roomt.

The.Oood Time club will m A fni blghtattheBuilnesiandProfi

e.CtuI- «l Women'a cljib rooms.

’ Th« Daughten of the An * ..^ 1 ReroluUon will bold Uielr.ii

li'n>li>ffn Mnnit.j. .1 I t» atKome of Mn. D. P. Slark. 71 «bone itre tl norUi.

• TIirBRASS ANGLE 6PRA1Sunday, -doea Ihf beat-workr-Pargo telL

.-Adv., . . „ . . . . . . ,

' J I ^ d a ^ A . M . t o 12:00 M.

tmomit.PobUx Theatre ShoiTB

, £ ' 5

l^ f f iS lS r rn rT D irT ^ i r Tihffis todXT” io« • ♦

^ M g f f e = S I iB = J d ih o .“ Hun*--

f l i 8 9 r > * laughin’ and e t j - '

--------■bout otir-pllchur.—They aay-ifi Uie awellett -of th eTjHff '

kit. Cow an “-M itaK ltT tn -ta^WMiff

eial-^bw far U ie -J U d d ta a - irT i^ 1 Mjwnloc a l IB o '< ^ lie .'. W

= ^ = 5 = ; s = = s = = ^ s a a » s

•vices^ f m m m

URCH : _____

W esl E nd M inidoka Cir r i . /K r t l r r , „ . .i i t e i i o f c — f a tn m t^ D lM U s n iP r o

' : , to M rm u n io n ,m j iHXaague-Mr-

*.L RUPErtT, May i .fSpeclal tin iioieaux Newsl-Inlerest in a-prppoted

, . End Minidoka ccimly consoIl< 1° . of lilgli tchooU was «hovn at

lattweek.The. Paul meeting w uca il«

N CHURCH special commlltee, I. - T. mlnbter , Bmllh and Royee'CrayihoriiP cliocJ. ' er»6n 'in d Heybum, apitoint I, aMcmhly. liie-£mer|onmeeting to,comin ct In iionor vesllgtllon ot plant and advb T h e Queen lyof furtlier aglUUng the cons

tlon. Truiteea of Pioneer dl 1 Endeavor Lincoln dUtrlct, Wtjhlngton.

ii'irn,'„rmrr«m and uembly and liig the propoied territory for le and read- a h ijh Khool. wen'invited I It Advlce'a meeUnj. Atl were repre«nted i- • Paul' meeling except O n ^ n

Wuhlngton. I t was reported ’ CHURCH U iat-tho« echoolt favo ■ eonsolldaUon Idea, ■ If luccw' ^ y - worked.ouu........ ..................M Auestlon '*'»s pul lo IbeSL \ ^ r i i t -Mliool,tru*t««t-whelhef-llwlr-l iw q u .n ,l ,

'iiMiini. Pn • ■»* *dequat< for an exUnded.i -22221-® ^ T r ^ r h a p n & n r udciiu gna w

. T t,, er It.were available lor nnU r hoUirng the propoeed new W u

eranceprq,- »il»~l- - • .- . Prtparra'E tilmalet

—ln-«nUnuaUon-of Uie'-pro coMolldaUoii pitn, auperintei a , h Hi™a,i.r »r t h . p . u i . cho»«laryforthemeelln(

to p n p a n estlmatat oi

w tn i im - . j-nnanclal-ttatem ehrervBhn ---------------orthfi-propoted dlDtrict and"— , • sources ftom which achool ma GOUT niaee lifndt ore available. Su; BCH tendent Hlrtchler w u also atk :. pastor prepare ooplea of the report fo

^wornhip,- »-vl«w-of finding the advUablll nf •Trihrr'n ■P*tlHenlnit Ihe ominry r/pimli n and sse- era to ctll an eleAlon for tho

pote-of creating a Weat End ' Epsvorth district,den, super- ' '^ 'I i committee, Charlea a

^ y URue and I^y L4rten, t|-E5wo5ir Insiniete^lo report Uie fHUllo

canvata a t a meeUng t ^ o r H / til Uie Paul Khool.,- ^ * ^ 7 .

^ lo r • ■ • Superintendent H. M. CarK •Rupemchool and-WillardHayi

ayiervleu; member. ®f-ths Buptrt boai Homes for Irwieei, were present a t \h e "i •fllher'aday 'day nljht mectlng.lo givo caUn spiMrtunlly 'On'Htli^rt hlgli'Klioorm&lnten.

' Only one fool' apeelalbt la P n tE R FaiU ;m ioot im . or. roiler/- . pastor i' l

!)taon and

e and Sen- 'I Union,Its iervlce

’ HLER .- b S w F S $ 8 * 2 - 4 W » ^ F 1

ho:I- ' ’athoolHa^I bo given: " y_Crtrdon_______ ^

T O - ' i f / ^ B A K I N S ^ ja^BOWDI


1 meet to- 'rofeulon-

j ; . . . 2 5 ; p u n 'w - f o r - 2 5 e -


, 717 Sho-

UYRODaelit thtmn- — ;-------------: = ----------------r

^ i l C H W O O L D Y O I

~ J U i E R D O ?" 8 J f i , " A

linB’ I . . .....8 :00

pTwr- l jk-gC TIM

do pnt or tho oUier.----- I tn 't -J t - th 8-bea t-= tb r-i»

healUifuJ’fcnd p le au n t 'wajr- - ta t K ellon’t Aix -BranT T

raady-to-eat eeru l ia mleoi —•a a eood foed-and It la n a n

te«l to fumiah the rooghaico, relieve and to p r o m t both te porary and rw u rn n t eonttii

_U on.--------------- ----------- - - J

||-TPT E L j .y , ; .

^ " D e t r o i l.1, ■ «-

O oyd b ro w n A nd

^ I titeiiilUtage--P T f fU

__'Tigers,and WastiingtoQ Club T ■ Compete (of 10 Innings!

Before Deciding > First Fray of Four*Qamo Scries

Amerkpn League ciub».- w«B iMt r« . '

'■ j c | |


r-----—fO D A rs-<h iM eS ^ -New York' a t Ctilcafo

______ rhtiM H phi».»M U U Bii----------W iihlniish • ! Df»r«ll— .

IlAilon kt CtcTtlind

^ IBr The AuocikM T rm ) Z

De t r o i t , m o j '- s - E o ri i . W h ite h l llr a n d I J o r d ®'

. . .B r o w n , b a ck e d .b y good f.' .f ic ld ln s i fo u g h t It o i i l o n lh c ei m oand fo r 1 0 .Inn ings today , «i

^ = T ln a to n ^ ( o :S ^ M h < h { i r a t - o f : | — ^ o p g g a m o e d o t : ! : - - — : ^ "

Two trIp lM flnd a .wnlk In i<*- . th e f i r s t innlnjTRBve th e S e n -M\ ttton their lw,nm».U>-er#niJWMt to~ ' (Ot tho th m biggeri. and Cronin •• ..wilktd, Dfltroll uiMl olnglM br de

_____rfOhtmia_and Alexonilor, o«ren‘» .»«-alk7 a wild pitch and t'llc ldcr’< th chalee to (le the tw re In the Mme ■

. A'double In Uie lenUi by oill Ak- aner*. arte.-Owen had alngled and been Sq

• _ aicrltlced to aecond by Koenlj. gave ot ■ Detroit IU wlnnlnff marifln. Bro«m Ihi

. . • led Whllehlll lor atrikeoui lionora, a <- i__1

" iS 2 S f . r = J S!

V i S l E E E i i i !fo u u ........... I in s 10 I 8hJ

• . J Ob» cu«^»h»n >liuilni run icortd. f|y,

=’‘• ^ ^ 5 2 ? '? ; J ? ? V 5 s

•d . .i tf f : ■* ° I— ^ ttz'

« « *Weh MTU .«ru« pun.

U t enl>r nnilm‘i¥ i ann. IU hM eriU

*' .NWrOM, — -AB R r o A I ^

r S f M i i i l a

I M s ! » i |Meor». p _ ! ---------J 9 0 i-B

Touii ________ .41 ‘a u a i IS I dami------^njtvixANO--------- AB-iuH-o-;^- latL:

Duni(lu ]& - - to U" ------------- } ' doirr

& S b n z = ; 4 - U- 1M!4

— -........ ..i----------- 1-1

■ p / s ' 1 1- § S ! ) ' = ’ ■ ■ —

M .W " --------------- Toi: • --------- =:__________ ou

- •% u * r? o n & « i» fd *n*t?»inth* ’ .** luiud (or 8«wrll la terinUi. _

. B»iMdXor TtOBiM In m e n lh j S'• M « n d - . . ! Z ^ . . g ; 5 S S f a

no“iS o ? » V ^ i* 2 « r^ » p p I^ ^ UII n 'WiT? t ’ _ 5 !2

N e w T y p e G u n -

- v G o e s - T o S h o o t. CoMldaraUa Intertat aUathts to lh» rtjnilar wt«klT ahoot to be hdd

: r i t . T a ^ t C T i f f i a c a j g ^ m

; T : » i « » - « t h r t a e t i t n n w m » r ^ ■ ■ ■ TTU>*l»w^Wr*^undB"-<loubMiafttl'. M itio t|W w in b eo a h aB d fo r lo > J

The new pua U tba propertr ot Itim aproat, Twin ralla, and, ao tar . aa known, ta tha f ln t of the type to be used la thla part of Wie.iutf. TTic n a prtaenta a number of. radical

—barrtlledtrperthenrtnctpW-DfwOrae --------J> t h»iieritlontiMhC'barTtto.-oni = =

abott tfia oilur tJu5<iii'’pfii(Ji!7t^ _

■ ™ c . s r ; not c o n t l^ lo m c O ''Ithe club but will be o y i t o ^ ____

t - D r u b s

■m ic IS a 1 X / O t V ^ . M U I fXCBLLCAJT X _ f t f ? 0 i 5 3 I CI6AJP, MAOAM,.Vyg 6,g;M .|

- BOT-iouCHTto- W BMr y a n iT S",

J i r n ' s t P o n d e r s O n

P u g i l i s t i c I s s u e s

S qm elim e J o p n P r i m o * Car*

to H b r D ecision of Ju d g e

Dr KDWAKD i. NKIL' ..fAi«oclat«d Preu SporU WrIUr)

nexl veek Primo Camera, the lu i* lan "man mounUln," and Jack SharkryrBotlon’a coiuluitconU nd- er, will find out whether their pre* llmlnary cesiurea tomffd'a 'fliilit at EbbetJ field; QrookU-niWune 10, Iwere Juit a w «te of time.., '•

Federal Judge John Knox, who

B««’aiilt;iiBalni(l7Jack Dfmp»y, IU- l<*ned lo Ihe plees ot Bttomf}Ti_fpr Mnribon .Square Garden ot flllnot*' today,.heard Oamara'a legal reply, and took under advUement Iho gar* den requeat, for an Injunction. Ht nol~^ier than Monday.

A»or«*y_0»orj»-W,-W)»1t«Wf.-rfnrrvntlrg Wllllnm Bito,an attoniey for New York Madlaon Square O araen'u:w«)l ttTprSIdenf Dt the lUlnola aubaldlary brlnglns Ihe ault. argued Uiat Camera algned 1 contract with tiio IlllnoU Oarden ;a«uarj--49 ;-168h -ta lltn r-fo r-T nalcli.with I h e .w ln n e i^ lb c M u 3ehe5ellM-Young*atrlbIlnj boui..V) » -h c» In Cln'eland July 3, and at he lame tima save tltrO ardan pje. :limve’ rl»ht to 'hU aen'leea until Jejitember. "Tlw Injunction' w y liked, to reitraln Cirnem fromirM»|httorSharkey here tor Jimmy Johniton. a Ival promolor. - u

* , B

B e r g V a n q u i s h e s s

- H e r r e r a - B e f 0 T B “ »

=^^l-2 7 0 0 0 a i t h f u l j

MADISON •SQUAIlE-OAIlbEN.IS: lEW VORK. May 8 in') - Jnckj i Kldi. Bers, DrKaln'i Inepreulble K> ghlwolght, camo bock lonlght lo hip Tcny Herrera, allm Mexican ^ii uncntr fnjm E L P * a o ,T ^ ,.ln tha . . . u ln IO>round boul In MadUon en quare Oardfn. ' ' lai•A -w w -B n a ,o o o 't t f i ru » r th e - — rat-fliflo.ahow«-batu* - H In nil Ti^>i^:iiiift' Ihry, le dedilon luttlly. . 1D en gafned IhrunanlmoufTlfct- ■ on-of-th«:rtferre-and-lwo-JudRe»; — errers. a clean>llmbed, twq^ftiled incher,' caught ttje eyet of f ix , owd, howerer. arid though he ^ < il> two rounds on aome of tho ■" lU ^acore cardg.^ ho waa wHdlt of

fought hls-tuual battle. pll> Wi g eonitaatir to cIom quartera wlUi r «4li hands tiring, dolnjr lltlle dam* elfi«:^but k«plng Herrera eonitantly ploI ths defenilvo. He cuffed and sinipped tho Mexican eonUoualty .ioutnho-had'iBd-boay;-------- WtHerriu*, did most o f the llllle d a mage ho. could aoeonplUh wllh a

wns. B«rg weighed 1S7X: Berrera114.:--------,--------------- 4 r . - . . „ :whi

. am-------------:— ......... K r

“ l i i B L e a i i i e s - y■ J . . . . . eltn

'AMEfllCANASSOCIATlON- “ A [oledo Mlnne.polli I t fnm>lbm postponed, rain, cold and gi

. • . . . . ko.'


lialUoMva J. BIrmlnfham i. r,^. JUI. IWtk *, jfoblk 0 ■letnphb «. Ntw O rlftn , t ^

W W E B N t EAOUE >frWotnfi».-ffifflTta-ii-:j;= ;;.-;- tO i linaba a t Toptkji p ^ ^ n ^ d rain.

OeBTer <. okUhoma Clly II •’'S ' "*'*'** *1 ffl Toiiph poilponfJ ~ — la n d c o ld .^ ^ : — — a ^

in tebn a tto n a l l e a g u e r rVNewaHi-4.----------- v l

cntrtal ll, Baltimore tpronto I, J m e , Clly «. . W«» ^ 2 l J J l a f t a l a A . . - 1 7 J .

' I ira

^ n e u n c e m

Log Cabin B^ - W H j r ^ P B W ^ A T ltB n A Y it — • • • -U n d e rS a n iB -M a iii

^ r T z r r z T z r r r S i n T j j a r a n i i i a — rB alloons-for-thB -K l

S a tu rd a y a n d Si

U ., ' T m N FALtg.DAiLY


............ .................__ y ! I . C n H - I Q Q l

I J a c k Qiiinn G oes lo Mound

U " in 'N ir i l l i . .Jnn inJ ' W hen

W P h iladolp liia . J h r e a t o n s

B ' Brooklyn " C lu b 's M argin

L S & S i L. i\aliond League

. ^ S g - - ± : : : — l i - ! . HI

sS :5 “ 'E E E i ii i '.p t ClBtlnytl.;-------------- 3 IS- .Itl

0® NATIONAirLEAr.«f:nnWwIJlTBt fhlllddphla ". rinrlnnBlI a l ne«ton i

> < hlf»ts at New y*rk • 'S T '•^■•‘^■'■■■VrirubHrih r "

‘S’' • my The AwoclaM P m ilS T > i» ra » R W ‘HiAT ’at J / — Joe S haute .-H rookiyn 10, , sou thpaw ,' p i t c h e d Ills . .way to h is th ird s tr a lg h l vie- t ^ < o ry -o v e r-th trP h illic s - to d 8r r t r Wlnftlhic a cIoM- gn i n c . - j H ^ f u ? S h a u te weakened in the -iiin th ' ? for. InnifiR and Ja c k 'Q u in n , w as « M cailcd-upon lo sto p a th rea t* p

cned Philadelphia ra lly a t the HS cost of one run . ilJ F i!Bi«5CTdJ}fllCDj«'hQ.alArtedJor.lh«. -

VhllllM for Ihe flrat lime. loJl h ls.pJc- ottn.sauio ilirougri.'hU-wiWiifM.----- 2,,f *" ft ff 9 A ff

g P n'ilT it r ~ ' " ,.« - i- i-B -o -» tf l

“ g g a : ; : : r = j i t n i rs i i i s L

lo Quinn, p ------------ ..» 0 0 0 ,0 o E ,J l ToUli -----; _ . J 1 1 « n iO I l l111 piiiLADnmiA Ann i t o a k S

» Illl lis. ,! I ' l r s l "

» M e C u fd rZ Z Z i: 0 1 0 0 0 f fD»»u. « __________0 ] 4 a olMi• _________ 0 0 0 0 |.

= ! ! ! ! •«

1 yy** • - ..........« 3 i r » 0 1

'•; rhjiDdHpiii. -..,.,.1 ...,T 009 on eoi-3 fei

0 1 wimn'Ar’ wm” ‘Sinnmr Bli

^ - a t Laiili.pllUburst) itm* patponnl «n on MwuBt of *»i ttouns*. Ouiy «•« tin laae i Kbtdul^ m.NaUeBUJes<u*.-L _>

f ~ Bi; — ‘ , — Ht

J ^ V i e A t ' S e a t t l e a

I 6EA1TLS. May I UPi^ick lUllne < , and Joe.KalUky of ihe University “- f f OfWin. and Uoyd Nordstrom and

. Washington; sutrlred ihe first twa rounds of Ihe N o rllm division Pa- , clfld coaal eonferenca Unnls cham* plon&hlpi here today to enter the aln»[*t semWlnals. . . . _^Tomom)w_moralug_iUilne-*lU meet Hoyt and Nordstrom will tan*Slo with Kallsky a im the wlnnera' ‘ ^ meeUhg for.lhe Northern title In the

In Uh doublet dIcUlon Nordstrom ^ n and Koyt advanced;to the flnaU o „ •WhUeJWil^iB-d^JUllsky WlU aeel' Si;^ !LQ r^t« cO um r.___ber of Oregon etalf, lomorrow mom* „ Ini-for-the olher ilnal position: " I '

Washlnalon 8 lal<- iiM Mnnl.n. _ oilier, enines In lh« loum am est'im ■ eliminated- in both the alnglei k t l • doubles divisions.“ Aflemoon rtsulla today w«ro as — follows: -i.- KalJsky (Istetitd iUrold Oook, Wui Oregon Stale, 0<4, a-:. whe , 'N o ty if^ .d e fea te d Tom Moon* P»“

^wu; Oi!>ijn. 1*1. e . | . | — hereWUbltil,'.

S '

C O L L t a R A C K ^i l « „ uiil

n ien t - B a r b e q u e - ^

d S u n lh y •

- ' J


j z T i H ^ M e e t s Z Z Z r

^ u r t A r t i s t

j a NEW .YOrUC, Muy I </P)-Vlncenl- t v r f i j E b i r t a m t td m U n n : ! ^

r )« "exptiuKS” In lltelr Mnuieiir kiilib v l ' 'rt4y»,-Tnc<t' tomorrow “ In'Modlion ^ f la w r e o iw tn w « T f T jm T r rn ) »

ries of live maUhes that are expect/d to'.brlng them around MJ.OW ealhi.

J Richards li guaranteed tIS.OOO. —- 1 ts taking a percenlago ot Ihe

lien m n k h fln ^ ^d lu M i?p ^has bwn promUed ;he winner of the cns serlw. .

, r Tllrtcn h:it been placing an arer* ■gin RRc of one match cvrry olher dny

slncc mld'Fcbruar}' when he i>lan*’‘ ed a nftllon*ivlde tour WIUi Karel ' Koieluh. former I>rofej*lonal cham*

D- plon.'R|ehards.whofiashadDOCom>‘ petlllonunccKc won llie profeulon*

. m iitir fmin Knrfliili a tF nm i, llllh lu t fall. ha.<i been making up for Ihls

' by taklnc.on all the amaleur stars whti would face him tn practice.

I Senators T rounce

- D j M a n ^ H - W O

■ S c ions .D rive O v er W inning

. • Run In E le v e n th .In n in g

- J — o f * N ig h t t im s . '- C o n le s t

f f .......... ............... ....OAKLAND. M iy BIffJ-BKranen-

' ‘ !u>iy ! l l ^ Oakland, l l lo ID, to*

p e!rby;StanlerH«t>rr*-»Bcrtfl»-br I '‘ t tudolph’s wild pitch and Stelnback* i ■as efa single. Afler, three' Sacramento i it* plichtra were unable to cheek tho t he Oaks, wlio camo from behind lo c

' tie .tho score In tho ninth, Plynn . stepped In and turned them back, rfl?- -T hB 8core=------- :------------r : h . e : };'*“ J 8acramenlolOJ-WO 005 01-11 l i _ l g

T ° ? S i i r S ? S M ^• 4 |t l e 1 d r ¥ i jn n ^ n 4 - K ^ ^ 5

0 Hurst, Qoekel, Rudolph and Read.

■ ClS M is g y NA J ! . :ANqBt.E8 3 ' _ l! 0 8Ai< flU N biK ?6 : May • a Ml -0 (Ten thousand persons .saw tho Mis-

J alon baseball team make i t three '1 straight over Los Angeles tonight ^ g whin m

o ltheR edi eight runa in the fifth in- ^ ' l ^ tS e m * ^ hanuner^ _lh«e_Ajigols0 TTieacciW • -R H .E . Hio|Loa Angeles .;.000 001 100- 3 B X tliSlMiuions^-....-.ia).080 o ia ^ u 18 i0 ), Ballertea: Mosa, Herman. Pelera dt e tndH anah:.C ol«andB ren»l. «

■ o l . , ___= . — -.■■ ...■ j; III^1 STABS is; SXAIS e - - . - te *0 LOS ANOBLES, M*y B MV-Hol* ' :-fiywpod'8tajT -B vw *a-tiirM n«-by r

takbg tonlghi-a game from San i . .4 Pranelsoo. 12 ta d. The swatfest-war — ;3 featured b» tha sluifSlrig-of Jeasle M w il. former Unlversliy of Southirn I, CaltfonHS~alhltte now with tho ir Stars, and Dud'Lee. Hill nude four »• 1 trips to ihe-plale. gelUog two hom- 4 «ra,.a double and slngle.-Lee htt-four g t0 times bt'flYo chances. ^

“ S M ^ ^ S o ' o l O u 'o o o ^ i ? ^ *3 “ Hollywood ..:::iM 'ooi'ioo.=i2'i7 0 ” ■ Baiti.'iiM.—j i c o D i . iunflUMn,'_ J)ouglas..tcd .Baldwln.-Fenebsky:1 aheltanbick and BaMlcr.____.•?<>

SEATTLE l i , rOBTLAND I e PORTLAND, May «■ W>-Seaitle ; smothered tha PorUand Beavera. 14 i3 y e. to a-cout teague baaeball game —

0 Tho indiaiu &ockea Kealing off ® , :th e -slab .ln -th a fourth Itinlns and “ n'

Irealcd his successor. OrwolJ. Juit as {*"' . roughly In an elsht«hlt eight-run ' oiisUughl. Then they, pounded Or*, woll for four more In the fifth. “ ** “ The seflerBow'sUnds tw o'trone' for Portland. ~ « -

1 ’, Theaeore: ' R . If B - m i Seattle . r.„ ,10Q 8M 001 - U _ ig ._ i

Portland. .- lO l loa jxa- , 8 II j ^ul * DatteriM: Page and Cox: Keaiing uw . pnroll.Jlouse, Salonlsan and Wood* tonl all. __ .

w___________. - Mati


“BatUlnr, Dotler,-: Negro h ta ij* t H ' weight. wlchlU. Kaasaa, and rclgn* .Ing. lUar.KnMUnti.-ttddfd.,anolher, lough vWlm to hU atrlng lonlght ^ ' when be defeaUd Meyer Grace. Philadelphia. In a lO-round b o u t____

^Vatkcr‘snd*i) daiiiuiltyt fo^a b o u ri^^ ^ wllh “Youngs Corbett, .wtm-as he jjo - , nlaswd,’ He dove IhrVpadllv throw*

h idW chunky Philadelphia W hi '■■■ dlstreu during sevtraJ roundi

■=TTtSRF10 IIT8 -TO*fiRAW------fOobbHOUiYWOOD. May 8 WV-Ooldle kooel

Beas.jtedonda.Beach..U4-pound«r, gelea, aktd'oul.a dhii>>lUi .Bobbr Pacho, roum

- ■ D A U

T O N I G H T - A T f e

D F n ^ y i O f i s d asoe * ^ ^ ;

■ ■ i B B I I V l i i

D A n O .'SA TU RD A Y .iD O IiNlNG , I

RoF o rtie tliR u n n in g

g ^ r a e k f l a ^ i c .

5 '^ , Nine o l E a s t 's ' f i e s l Anl-

lojHi m a i s K eer U ut O v er Rain-

Soaked T rac k on Eve eJ

“ d a y ' S 5 0 .0 0 0 Preal<n0s s Racc.un-' • ____■ •iCarel .• “ “ “nsm* Hy ()RU) ROBERTIiON com. lAMclsted P m . Hports Writer) Sion. ] ^ A i ; n M O R E . M a y 8 ^

'.li'f* ^ ' i t r o r o u g h b r e ^ 1 0 day^ peered ou l ove r a raln*Boaked

-• I’lniBco t^nck w h ere iQinor. . " row t l» ,e y will a n a .w cr’ the

• a IiukIc call fo r th o fo rt ie th C . r '.m n ln ito r th fl« 6 0 ,0 0 0 Preak- J , . n r .H a -rirs tm f th e r ich th ree . I n lE o M d if i ln k O L f lL lh c j- ia r L -i n ' A.hrav}'aa^ly morning'r&tn with

only, in occasional, glimpse of the____ »uji nonaJtoa.well for the

t>w nijiiop leaturc. bul m h o Vkles ling y ^ th h g iiu n :^ ffllo M l.m ^ ^ ^ for

infiihfli ,24 jioiin,! the raeiiig* strip linn tJ'* time the Heldling puBdes to the post a l about 9 P. U ,. ' 1 Eaulem Slandardjltne, tomotrow. i8Sl Nine have been"nimed over nlgJit----- In face starter Jim Mlllon, bluprob^

nbly only eight will sU rl a« James len* Rowe. tnUncr for Mrs. Payne ^Vhlt.

to* ney's Oraenlrw stable, haa nominal.

r b rKk* wllh Chsriey Kurtslnger up. will lead Brno the Grernlree pair to tho post *1Ui tho either aoTrntra'orThe'T inruly An- to chofs Awelgh as his running mate. -

Although Mrs,'Payno Whitney's

over Ihe .field numerically. It U { - ^ (loubUuiimierwill go to tne p M iu

Ihe fav^ tes of tlii» crowd of iO.MO

Should the track gel another doK | of water. C. V. Whliney'a Equlpolk. ' ' I'i!!'."* ol '

- public,oholee;------- -• . ‘.A. C. Bostwlek’fl Mate 'has been

-M named lo match, itrldea wjth hU ‘ ^ two.year.old rivals, a n d ' U by no ,

means an ouUlder. eipeelally lf the S : Inick'U heavy.,,., ' , ' loU Tho six oUierellglbltt are given no i- more Uian anouUlUo‘chance toaliDw',

.E . Uie way homo over- the mile and j1 tlute-sUleenUu Journey.

..*■ _They are Waiter J. fialmon'a Lad- t era dar. MorCiinL.8chwarl*'a Clock Tow- i

er the CanadJan.OH-Ded SolJ OIUU,' b Itoa-tbe^actag |-stabl»-and-W al- -

. ter.M. J efford'a-a^egla.

Z C o a c h A t G b ¥ d i h g ]

I ’ G e l s J e r o m e P p s t

!!? OOODINO, May 8 (Special (oThe g ^ Newfll-ooach M. W. Tal*. dlrwlor « L nf «lhl.-H« at. fhyiHlny h l.[| li/-hnnt, *

haa rtsfgned hU poat here lo accept *’ » , coaching and teaching poslUon a t ; S JeromeTilghiehooCmemBerircrthe « *0 »choorboiT dr»ho-B m -T uodir*t “

^ expense , i^ le m s , jn n w a ttd - h e f t '• to d a y .-- _ • “

"M r. Tale J iu been locai coadV for Die lu t two year*. Ke aucceed»Ralpli

u Harding, ooacli a t Jerome tor Ihe lu t 14

'I ~ I ' . - at({ El Cenln junior lightweight, by P*' d flnlshlngwlihwhlrlwlnda^edlnthe {■ 1, tenth round. Tha ImperUl valley n boy. who aelghed IH pounds had a P]; ,. good margin unlll Hess cul loose in

the final round. . _ _____ ^

• CODB W I N S --------thlJ . ' .NEW HAVEN; Conn., May 8 M>- a^ 1- W alitf-Cobbr-Balltoortr •knocked- W{ 3 ou l’Jlmmy Darcy, Dallfomla. In tha thi li leoond round ofalO-round bout han 6:3 * tonlght:cobbwetghe<l330;0arer30}.-bw- ^ w e . PlifladelphH^imij, won' » trchnioal luiutUiut lu Uie UilrtJ' “

round-from-Sld Umpel-W ttmore,»0,ofanelght.rounder. ______ ^


WILMTNOTON, DeU May g W>- *» Matty Whlle,'125. Philadelphia, won the declskin over Ad-Alton. 131. Salt

. Lake City, In a six-round bout here[ to n ig h t . - -------------------- ----------- C, 'Jimmy Mack, II8>i, Philadelphia, Pl" ,|w on the-declalon over B e n i^ Cre

Wfiwari*. IMW. llaldmore;.ln six w r rounda. R

—L - fllel• I ’ - PtHLIL'K TnnnHTHS. ‘ ^ J^B R lE ;.Pa , Uay.B un — llennan - • T P u ^ n a a tfpymi7JOT~^rtrhff.w~ ™ battered his way lo a 10-rouud ded* .

I a im orer Maxlp Strub. 118. £rle, to*

HERRERA nO U a ' SH i SAN DIEOO. Msy 8 MV-Cliarllet« o M r-8 n rT n T ro -w e iK fT O iir tr

kooeiwd oul Al Herrera, Los An- gelea, ta-tho elghth-round.of A '19-

|r o » ^ beut here toiilght.* r

^ i l o r tfio E v en in g f


G , .» A Y O , im - - , ’

obms VUr : T i g e r s D e f e a t . ; ^

J A l b i o n A r t i s t s

i r r o d A T i : n o ~ ' . nllumitl'rt ivi« nna gIrU from, nrsrbj

------ towiOTttewHi^-iiic y aiiiiiin miy m:I , ' rrelKs a t ihe University of idahO

i t slion Of all.deparlmenu. a jjajesn i

• and dance and a track meet taU 'ter . , Albion normal and Uie unlvr,rsiiy. ’\nr _^The unlverrtty team won tftc meet

am*. ,Wbrilndon. freslunan a t Uie uni- • verslly.;ran away from Uie veteraiw

! Ol >'■ Ibe mllei covering the dlslnnre In “ flmntnui«*nonxidere(l good Ume

IgQQ on Uir dirt and tiirt track. Nclbxiii, Poi-atello, wax high-polnl m«n with I6lt iwliiu. and Wilson led the Albl- on-scorers with 13 polnu.

Jep onJMeats- Lundeen At-BiiU

e th -____

■«! Portland Man Takes..Two ^ —Falls-'Otit“ of-Ttirce-and

Boise Boxer—Triumphsifor "" ........... •

leidl NeM) - Nela Jeppesen. J80„ Port*: U , land. broUier of H. C. Jeppesen.

?•. '^ :ln .P alii,_w on jF 0_fatla_0iit_0f. I |lit three from Alex Lundeen. 17B. Calt­rop; fomla, bllled-u New Zealand lighttnei Iteavrwtlghl champion. In the fUialhit. stsslon of'A' comblnaUon wrestlinglat. and i^ ln g nrogratn attended bv

• Jeppwen won the"Hrft fai'fln-23 ead minutes.with it wrlitlock; Lundeen rtUi took the secoAd with • cnicllU in An- 8 mlnuict; imd Jeppasan «on-(ha

- third wlih another wrlsUock In Sey's minutes.- , . . -------age -In-H ie-m iln-boxlng>JrtPt. Will . u Radnl, HI. Boise.' won alt but UieI u 'hird-rOTnrt-of an elghtirouni'en-

r “ “"J!", , “ in a preiumnaiy’ event; Marion

Coombs. 131. Buhl, lost to Jack lE Uwls. 13#, Buhl,-on ,t foul In Uie jjj secofid round of a four-canUi bouU

, out.Johnpx)onell. lfi»..BuhL'Jaaha j ' _ Kcond round e t anoUier four-round

preliminary.'prank O-DoneUwil. Jamet Lynch. .

IOO.pounds.eaeh.aiid.bqm o t Buhl, ■ fought tp a draw in a curttln.ralser.

At the end of tho wrestling boul. Luodfenxhallenged Jeppesen to a n t -

“» other contest, which will be held In I no Buhl, probably about two weeks. '

Dr. Dreaur, Rlchlleld, refereed i id- the_ bouts. William Pratt. Boise, i w- lUte athletic, commissioner, at* IW.- Unded. .»I- • ; . .

i’j n rR N w iN s— . • I^U A L T U K E C IT Y .M ayBW vira '

„ Dcm. Balt U ke Clly. Uirew Alexis ‘ „ Kaffl^ Negro grappler ot Baltimore. ’

II ; The Negro was unable to return ‘ ,g to Uw^rinrfop furtfter-eom btrtlK r I It b^ne-thfown to the-raaHn-l#TBla»- -

- lna«.m lnule.U m e.l!ilim »t«h. fl

5 LONMS WINS ' ’NEW YORK. Ita 'r 8 bf}±A erowd '

• Sf *r P i ^ p . t h m ^ a a ^ ^i ly. Inj2i m lnula and'.H aeeonda ot , Ihelr^maUlfhere tonight. ‘AU air*I plane spin dumped Oardlnl on the , tanvas. Londos weighed *00 pounds:

Oardlnl 201. .; •• ’ . , ,

Herb j^em an. Ney York, 318.'• thm rjohnB m {t.finum d;aos.'tlth ' ' : ahatf.N eIsonuidcrotchholdln22: . 'I- lO{-aBd-WUd«k€bys*kcFrPDland.-32«,- * I threw John Pudubny, nmuiii « « , jn.I 6:38 iri[h a series ot flying marei and


' PHILADELPHIA. May S W -R ay " Blttla..aiendals.-California,-Uirew ■= Carl Popello. Chicago, lii Uia wtodup at the arena toiUght In r hour 12 aeeonds wlUi a body am . Steele seal, ed 813.30 pounds more Uian hU' op* p:Kint.Th5 atlandanoe w u approxi­mately gooo.. Dick BUkat, former world’a cham. J

plon. won the decision over Earl M e { Crekdy. Oklohamo. In Ute 4S.mlnule |wmlswtnaup.------ ^ I

Rudy Dusek..Ornalia, -and Hans'i fllelnke. New York, wreaUad 30 mln- mta.toA.dmw. . . . , , I

r r C q i i E G E a A S e B A t l i d

Washington «. Orrgon »..

A t t e n i i g

' > v ^ T i i n 6 - t ( r t M k r ' f

■ ' T n e n t t T F e h a v e b i f o r M v e r a l ' v e a r s . S

- J S i a , ? 4 . 0 0 p e r l f l O f i e d h a n d p i c k e d s (

— J B e i M e a i a n j a e e d J


>yhtp Pila w le s s D efea l

l l ^ t f l tT l io in D s o n

■U'tfn ■

‘S ik World's Welltrweitilil Tl; * holder .Drops. 'Battle"'5“ Now York Pugilist?5; lore '8260 CusloirAlbl- " ____ '

-IBy Ttie'AsMclated PrtH)'

t s ' """ti ^so n , w o r i d ’ 8 wei

, w eijch t ch am p io n , dronjJci l l h 1 0 - r o u n l decision ., t o Itu

L a H c s s , S y ra c u se . N ew Y( in K j io n ..ll( le enKOKcmeat t h e C h ic a g o s ta d iu m tp n ij

Two f ^

. bciten-Uie OakUnd’Negro"be: ip n s he became'chamoion.. '

Tlw bout-wa.1 TlKWiiKoii’s 'l since lio'slOnned Tommv -Pr^ii

I W I h l rfiohli/U'fileveland to r« Port* hU;14T.pound title. U w lea < ««n. aw rdcd ihe ballots of Iho two ]u It of. et.wlUi neftree-Joe McNamara.

for a, ^w.__^____ _fi?ui TTtfl only n a ionm m pson did H " losclils.tltlowasbecauiohe.for

I by Lawless to w c^h-toa t Hi.pout

Sm” verdict was_a surprise. UnbI I In Nj Wwn'fr* figured Thompson w -the his sharper boxiug skill and affgr In 5 alveneu, clearly had a: shade In *<----- of Iho 10 rounds. The NetRiU Jwarmed aU over IflwlessJnfMl Uiej body puntshmsrvt tor a greater p< en* .'bt t>}e dlituce . He had Uie Syraci

M , wsltefw«l«ht In fiwiii>ntwapt,rlDnlng left hoolti lo bwly.i

rion head and sharp right crosses to t

w u ,7J*« fdIe t.W ver,w as.po 'pu t * 1* with-tlie crow O etausaof Lawle

courageous Jimsh/and U ie - f a ^ -Thompson inadveflenlly-w^rgull of twice hilling Uwless after t

ich. . : •' • . - i _ _ . M , - s c h m ejln cA p p e ar* -^ JSI; ‘Tho boui. wiili Max Schmdin a n t inlO'A.hcavwclgbl.champloaui I In peering aa an added auracuon, (ks. the final exhibition or hU tour, dn t« I an atuhdance ot 83SQ.wlUi gn ilse, rewlpUatMlMO. at* tgnacio -Ara. Spanish middi - U whipped. Youi

Tirt^TNfWiflOfewTmey. inT T round.seml.fInal put on sJler U

155S."• In Uie opening lo-rounder, -Vli

. • een lS lee l.flnU bedl^atooT D u /alo middleweight. In 2 .minutes. I seconds of Ihe Mcond rouiid.-0lre

“ “ welghi«l i n : TOOO-1MI4. .• 4^; . Johnny <Mo) ZswacWe, Patlersoi tht. Wer Uersey.MJg.’-wbn • the • declilo jfn <roA Al PalUdTno, Kew York. IM^ I f f ln-i:tlr.reuml«fr^-^ ~ . ^ --

ew weekago.l4rlnsky wasBWonle'd'Ui- - aecUton^tontglirartenOjiounda"e

wad swinging. Ue vsigiiod l 8Ali

wd ^mt

■ F U R ^ S T O R A G E_ i . \ V ^ e - e q u I p p c d ^ i th .« p » - 18. ' c ial eo ld H to n n e jo o m s f o r Oi; ' ■ f u r a n d f u r iw rrae h lii

— _



I; I * OPEN FOR' ■ I have Juit opentd a Complete

.................._..PARMER-BSEI- . | H 711 Main;e B ' -.. Expertr^aJriny 0

is'i ■ ' ' Let US iilvo j|ou an e

, Yo x m g s l i

i o n ^ e a n j

i r '^ a l 'i l e o s i o ^ h - y e t e best certified s e rf fro

d seed a t ,$5.0* per 10011

edJfliij2.0f l i o r l00:itB.-


J r - J ^

kils, 4-3a ts B u r l e y l o o f i ^ i

in in -'L -a rg e A tfe n da n M

G K Q ll A t . ^TiwA o I p— —

lie to ■ ol JcuHi'Ceniral 'ldali t Be- ^ d Boise Valley AWal ;omers-•■intcr-Dlstrict' Clashe

" I . - (Speclsl to 'The News) ■ .’h n n r P ' ^ ^ ^ ^ y » ’\>«y 8 ’ - B 0 0 S t

v e l tc f . dicUnR a t r a c k a nd ' ficli ipcd a m eet rep le te w ith th riliaw h ei Kucky fiU r. c o n ten d e rs f ro m -B o ia Y ork, valiey a n d S o u th C e n tra lld a

e a t In ho d is t r ic ts rneet a t th e -fa ir n lc h t. R rounds h e re tom orrow a t ; Iclory IV A !., / , , J , . ! itDsnn. 11 wpntim /]iiU«i »tn .tj* iijf, .luivlng one or more sUto records will bi before broken . .

______t.,Cop,fc* Hsiiinn8n.jlll.bfi. here,.Hi•a iin t haa run the w .y a rd 'd a sh Uj BW

WhichUone-tenthwond betlerthai m e siatertcord. Atlose m e li >«k-

B w « between. Powen,-W er. uU J iud»* ‘ Prtotenr l "*»“« “>» hurdiu

ln2T«Mnfli.-’nils 'lfU iob*itrM tnt .. o f-all district-roeela-tor tiiU yeai

did nol In'UiUevwt.

i s . : 'j,Vtlfilll OUien WtltlirB ta Mbtt'hand"wKr 5S $ i$ rrt ei

nbljs. Campbell. RJcH-nw ith "«W.*>»ranUiomlleln«:4lJ;Rleti. 2 J S ,. n iw . whose polo vault wia 11:3. and

Baker, Burtey, whose* broad Jump record waa 20:UH: Moser. Rupert,

S if* m““ “■J -JiurW the-Jartlla lfiO.8 feet. rp a r t s n a , Boise.-Is .'also Uie fu ies t racuie man in .the 130*yard high bu rd te

lv and - Bftlw n .1m hiri. in Ui» hVtr.mVu to Uie relay wim time US. ll ie traek U tn

. exceUtnt condlU nrihd wlttt good weaUier it-seema nasoilable to ez*

.wleai- Pcc>-that aome,afato rocordi will t ' th a u '‘“ 'T . . ' ■ •:. ...guilty ^ --r Uie ■ FANS MAY LOBE ATTKB ALL' _ .BLYTHEaVILLE.'.ArtW wThe.------- new.;8unday baaebsll-tefereadum:- 7“ law may not prove an unmlUgated ding; blessing for fans . lh ' BlyUieiville. lUP* Sunday. baaebaU h a r been p M tted ^ >n. In for years, lh spite ot Uie law. Dut drew now tha t Uie'legislature h u glwn. grou MunUea of «ver^ 50.000 population

Uia right to vote on the quesUon. 1 1, . Prosecuting Attorney & L. otadlsh roung' waned fana be wiU enforce Uie TM* “ *if'ther-loeent-U n-ftjT theoailnr r Uie . . .

,,, wllh,Roceoacallng iW.''"’. ._aaay.D ubllnsky, young Chleago' lightweight, turned In an eight*

/ • ' , round viclory over Tommy, Oregani Omaha, rtveninx a decWon Orogin previously had , » ^ d ’orct him ::

{»«• Danny.DelmonlrOWcigoIlghtwtight- alvided Davey Abad.'Panama ,Ct$, j!S2S!£,l5M 99>eLti^

M M .........................woodia ^t w I ; • .

-We h av e a nice a sao r in ie n t ^ o f B U E L E -O R E IN G T O N ,

^ R H O D E -1 8 L A N D -H & D ," ■’

i" ” L E G H O RN S ittu t ha tch e d ^ a n d a l s o 'a few w M k o ld ' RhoTe Is land R ed Chicks.

11 will pay y o u to se e t h ^ e T h lc k s i io t - o n l r o m R M lf f i r ~ o f p rice b u t q u a lity as.welL" “

S u n n y . C h i x I H a t c h e r y — -I F lJ tr , ld .h o ._ . .. _

h h ^ h i i i h b h h

)R BUSINESSlete Automotive Repair Stioo a t theSERVIOBflTATION . _________aln Ave. E a t _ ‘« on all makes «t canll FlVd SpKlAllsl.-------------- - . -m estimate Oli yoiir work rk Ouaranteed

R E E A I R ^ O P - I Z X I

-G r ia w e r s r ze i u i » e e a i - r ^ ' u i t « ~ ‘ ^-<>i r o m s t o c k r o g u e d

D o n y A r r a t e c e r t i -

I l b s . A l s o s e l e c t e d _

. . . . . . ..t . . , . .

l i i i i t !

— , w ifiA pprecia tion itl Bontl V alues p .V

R eJuoeil HcillSM Iini R a te S T

.■ M a rk e ts a t a 'G lan c c K

HB\V YORK. Ma>- 8 (.JV- ' “ cus* . flioeki; Strons; benn tciirty w

. cover In'UtP Jttullnr.•, Dofidi: nrnii.'fuilrwuli gfner-

rorelffn. fxchanjfi: IrrfRular; ■|ltflln'8C«y.- ' . iju ,,. Co\Uib: HIjhfr: locftl cowrtng,■ S un r: Higher: trad# buylaif.

__ CoKft: Firm; nimortd liKtfU» 4 ^ “7 TrcZ' • CHICAOO: .

Wheat; Finn: IruuUlcVni rAln ■■ In the Nomilrest’ flnrt HtnpsU'T

with Tjt. NHOorti:'?lnn: dfcrfUKd Arirn* m6n«

/ ' tlne :uports tctS.lArtc cni»Ko rale [ thipmtnti. TilI ■’ culUe: Bt«dy<o MroiiR. t o n,_____ H08»l ------------- U ll;-I , ' , ■___■ ______ p tror Ry JOHN t . COOLKV'| ''> A iM l» i« i'l» fc « n n io cy WriUrJ “ ^

' - -‘-Iky and Mmmajiiy mwkeU Improv,* fjEI • tdtodsy. • . . . • vcr:( I •• Only in Uic m e or bonds could---th e gain be tm «l-dirK H y-lo-«l» 7

' MW_tcder«l meneiredlKount rale, NE■." •lUiough. Uils iKtor'Diay lisve betri Qulel• ■ lurklns In the background ot .ths Ih: to

• itoefc' market wfilcU cnma /on v rd ■ Iroi

Bond*, which .havo inor«l alicaiil ; In expwUUon thai «edll,»aa to be

mada cheaper, row further on the ' Mtual announc»mtiil,'DnlUd Slates

foremmenu were up nibirBrillally.-while railroad M ^ d u ilr la l b*at*

-i-In * M den-lron InaUtuUonal an.d■•.pritawaourcea.- • ^

' D tan look anotKer early llLns a l «.» — P n Il«O U l« 'B U el''iin J 'm T nc!n

'.'Can, lending Uw former to U» new J i « _ ..Jow .6I-lO O V JH ettliw i7.H f»iM iirMt' -Um tower rediscount rate v u a • pyt

— imd that lowerahare prleta wero lo airoD “ be had lor a litU* labor. Aa In'rc- «5var

cent aeaalons, tho gtneral-lUt d»- n,„ki

;m o»ed 'a long fluletly. except lor scpie: •m kneabereandnherelnU je.rallj. j,n u ,

^ m m .n ) u t . a t o c k t besaa l o .n tk uay , •way from.Steel and-Canfbean be- xhi

..’.c an e alarmed and covered en trg it' kiui ' ^ lealljr in Uie la it hour, fialei In Uie ond I

l u t 60 mlnulea wcio.l.tDO.000 ibaiea to $4. . -. oul o( Uio day-a loUl ot %T00ANI. Urawi

Mti galni’of a u>:< polnu emljrae. b^ ln ' ~ 'W :m M rofttn);inorp-aetlvB-lu u eg

'* United fiUlet Bleel eloted a t Ui, up ~ 5 , ' and 'A iiierteu t-O tn -tttlH ed -a^ — rl ■“ Blockiln Uie a'lo’ SrpolhlW up in- “ W> ...e lu d ed . Kadto, General -BBctrlc.

- Setlilthem, WetUnghouae, Amerl- Bui . can Telephone, InlemaUonal -Tele-

- phone. North Amerle«j,aiIlette,Na- BulUon*l DlKjUt. seara Roebuck. Baltl- -E * (

- tnore and Ohio. Union CarbkSe and_ « «l1t«4 fT» »nih<i1 Ite!

.. ' Sumnwlea o( U» veek><ltveIop<) p.^ rr^ tn tiJn lin d tt^n o rt« < t..M rB n c ea

; «fian£«..BrwUtrecUaald.“cl}b:aod- I - r/ ’ .nwwtnenta

- T W a ld o rU ie weaUierrHTd’bcen on belter. A m rdlni to Duni, evidence uus

- Mcumulaled during tho week point- veltoi• '€<{ to -a eonUnuuica ot iho de- eran ' cllne In g e n e^ builneai 'aclhtlly coaci

—rraUierthan ioany-perMpUblwlatk- Merc . ening In Uie>rottoC recaea*>9n.’’ - poi

■ITte meeClna ol rallwM'exccutlvea' »>.» ' a l Chicago a ^ c t e d conilderabit wtk; — ittenttonrupertaujritnceithadbtnr

" .L^_____ crop

_ . ^ J w i n F a lls M a r t e n -

Utht bucbirBi.*is5*toaio Ita— « ,n . U my « o ^ w w a Tfdt


• t>«“ . m. __________~ i o c fti

JS?Ut>--------------C ---------_»«lo»e t«rll

• Clom. Alillt ;----------- ----lltc 39 (r— com ^ ml .:7 .r t - , ..-. lic fowL." '.q tim ^ niu» TM—. rwsl

•• ■ • aofti— :ic;• B u t '- — ___ , i iu

“ "V ^ V iaa r i o ^ a r i J T n tm i i t r

Tif«Ti-Mn.n> ifL-. .BWel! (ood. 100.111. lou ■ «1 w ^

rffleiHoa. Wo, J or »»«■"' y

: ............. ..............1“ i i .»

- j g r - v : :zz:z=ij j -a


S t o c r M a r k c t 'A v c r a g c s - l p -

VEW YOnK. n »rrt. ~•:«, •icopriiihi, IMI,

•™ « « s 6 6 e is s !® i;$

i l - i i i l i iK is ^!«5« ’i iw » jM ; /

jofted'tlw l a liorltbnUl im-iVftAC freight ra w , aa one.mriW of liv.j'


(iOVEJlKSlEST rtO.SH.S NEW YORK. May 8 MV^nltfd ates’gOTernment bond rjiiowtlotis

je rti 3 'ia 33;47 ........ i-.llOW T .berly flrit 4 'l i 31-47 ..,— 1103.4 xrty fourth 4'i* J3-38 _-.$lM.11 • ,eaiury 4'i* 41-&3--------- ItH- . •eaiury 4. 44-M ------------ *1WM

ea;ury1N» 41.43 ...- ^ - '* 1 0 2 8 ___.

. . MONEV •MEW VORK. May II (.D C»Il >ney:Easy; hlRli tS : low 1; ruling / e H i: tkwe 1 pereeiil. / . . / 'time loinar.Slwdy; CO rin}» P i kni': 'CO ilayi 2; fortr jnomn* ■: w rL

anri',^»n»inll«g'i L E• oenu»rlmecommfrclalp»prr2’i to2 'i. Ittnkcru' tiff»ntancta! Uiiciiainfll, '

, , , r u i n i i i j l J U . -------- ,-JliE« WYOIlK. May 8 All- J™ |

Quiet anti Ne lo m a t 38'<e, Am /

___ ■ -M C T A L U l^r._____V Am"<EW YOFUt-M»y 8 (.IT-Coiipfr: let: clcttro!fUe,-»pot and'fmurt toO'.iC. AMhIron: Qultf;'unchanged. ^

il atl I^iitc tt.» , • Irtnil5lnc: QuIM: Ewt St. Lout* nkiI cm# iiu tu rc 13.25. ■ • g;;^' intlmony W.6S. ---------------------c u i. ------- o „ ,

KUnAIt ■ISW-YORfc.XUy 8 i'.ii ...tU a;. w u t :ar waa a lltiU steadier Jn tone ^ ay',allliQughllie.d«niand«a«not com

■t a l Dalllmore to a local operator ori a t3.I5 and 18J00 b u s of CuDUi. ^ lal’ to an oulport refiner at M.I8. KjJ'm 'uture* were iteadter on eorertng a po I'bttylnf by haiiwi'wllli 'trnde anct- -opean.cQnnecUoiu..iilUiough.lull >,«»- ances were not mai'otalned. Ihe Ofni rket lelMlng 1 to 1 polnls nei tier. Apptoximile aales 37J00. i-MAy-cla*ed’JJ4iarJuly-» oomi.lember $1.28. Bcceniber »U8, S lil; luary il31. May 11.43 and nexl, »I4J.— .................- - - - - =liere w u no elwngc In itllned. h refiners yuotlng *4.40 and mc-i i 1 hands available at-froln 1430 . I M3Sc-Tliere vete-moderale wllh- L iwals on old.conUacU. but hew ilneu WU'light and suppIletK

^ “ K7Itoi-A XO EfX-s.m nnucE— ° * «8-ANaELE3,-M af# W>-Pro.;» exchange receipts: > S",nJuller 110,100 poundi; cheeM.1800 jndi; eggs no cases. — .Jutler in bulk JTc.*(iu; Candled fresh clean, ektru jc; large slandsrds He: mediums ^ ' ;! medium ilandards 14c; sinalU »^{!

ieitf^U nchanged,____,

RAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE"ra,WC18C0. May 8 mi - }°** ,

JnittM! Birtfd, per ewL: Austra- n-h«KM.Mt_lo-»lJS;_Orcg(m. j? ‘ tow globes »l lo I1.M: now erop tyiUI whit wax IJc .to I t lug; achella wlilte wax 1210 U.10crale;TO^TedreocitrtSc-luic-------VUloei: BloeKlon long whtlei

:k; Washlngion nelted gems |1 to 2}^0 reton |l.8»-(6 tI.U-cwtt-ns«- rp gameU IHe lo 2'.ic pound: No. oweV; white atie to 3c .pound ._ . Poultry; Droller»-.-2lc to 24c; hens .

____________ S :

dtral-ilale markrt news eervleer a iolw lBlirlib ! J? '"r^Rs nnd cheese: Uucluinged.[luiter; 92 kore t t f ; W score iic .

c m c A m r n io n u r e:m C A 00, May 8 M’H O u t lT r : '^ ^ pts ll,l34.lubs', steady, unehanft-

i:sEs:.necelpu 29,009 casu : firm: ua flnu-iai;e;jr£sli g rued -iln ti ‘.c;eurrtnlrecelpU13‘icloJ4?lc:. ince jiscktd llni« 17>;e: storagt f ckfdem M 17>.c. ' • • sMve poiillr}'. IlecelpU Ihree car*, i* " (riick»: hens firm: broilers easy:

«l».17c to IJc; brgllrrs 33e to 57c: *“ * 5ster» lJ!,c: lutkeys 20e to J3c: ‘-dutks-iflcH>«i»y-epfh*f-<«uoM' ■== r;gfejepc.

^ h b |—— ----------------------------------

■■ . ~ lUAliU rALtS. May 8.(4) ID S | — A) roUloet: Demand tM ;

ukel rinni -Ule demand slow; u&*l-W rlr«tr*dyrt»rioa<Irf.-«r — riih 'nn Inrk: warrhoBM paeJi:

uwU No. : mwlly lOej No. Z _

««k lo cnwen: RuaH* No. 1 p •»llyJik:_N«.Tl.«Bo»tty:Mc, ta i . j'_

-------aiir-AGo-MAaKBr:------------1-'-CmcAGO, MsrB IT) lU 8 D A) t

RcwipU t t carlMAs: (J >n im k ZI»; lolal United SUtes htpaifnU m :: eld (sock- n m .«dlB | rilr;«ukee,percwtTW is«- - j - ■cnsln NBBd whtter JU S to ‘i ;

■vUcf^indtBFils^^ 4 =ills».Trtq»phrNo.-M iJ# to U r ; H = eV aJr qwllty C .7 ^ FtotMa bar- |

^.jFelpresi Uabo-Brnta, 0eU>er. - g

T 'V I^^ ’F A i,^5 .,n .A IT ,Y .^ '

* " l-QT'-QP P 0 6 T A L ^ ^ ~^

f^C O O D W !| ■ ’

^ N E W Y(^ u i

A1_CHfin_{C*DyK - lUli ■Ain'cli'i"' . . -.-..iov’i” Illl Hiclifl . • •• -j s ? w s r . ; r . 5 i ; ; K s a s r ;

Jaa«rc;:;.i3 ‘v

PJiiS.SS'V's’;!: K f M ' ” :cM B ii'S ii'p r___ a '. - ^ ru u .i 'u b lix ^ .u R I Jb l‘ . - - HI'i Prniirr Oo-.-S M .” " - * K;;'55“ ."' : - E M iS fc r i f t -

Drl A lliiilMn ' Bfsn Ilwbuca'.

S l i l - Z a i rcun-rotKU'_____ ,M • -auuajiitiHU—

llolcl DUKt .......— l« 'i Kund On N JfloorirMr nubbtr. . 41 i awnd OU H Y ....

W m w ~ i| . § '

n t X H r a r r r y r x f a y T n ^ ^ ^ JTdoal D A )M lon:JlenlptJ( MN: octlre.j Sh p ja B yT cnotaow tnhsn tn iw rta rT tatrtt averKe: moxtly steady: sinia.on ed e heairy celghls.itrang: top 16.73 on culli 180 to 200/pounds: most 170 to 300 pouiidi M.40"lO-'«,7D!-2«0 to JOO, potmds tdJ5 to M.40: toad aroOndV CI 42i potipds a t U4«; few 140 to l(»inogt pounds niO to 18.70:.a o n mostly $3 direciti H«n. .i/w» pl[^ In-i»iili105010 »7. . . - ^ rc o l- 8 h « p ! ; !v w lp ls j4 .0 ^ fe d jv n ta and springers around Sm lower; w d lo T lo|i iheep slefldyj'Kld.loU native [dVen sjirlnirm rlnti-nirinftrom tim V tnn; tn 21 wooIrI Inmbs IS; most sales t8.BS il> stroi Ul thoni Texas lam bs'll lo t7 J 3 ., man '-Caltle!-R K elpu“ 000.-'calnw'M;- io-|( gcnfrally“ 6tMlly nn most killing clasMs; tew loads fed steers.lOJi to pout l7.S0;.n)mmon .Oklshomas,.80«< 13.40; veatersjind calves unchanged; IS,?!ton vr«l<T« ta- .nrt - QacarcT. steady; fairly broad week- no 1 end clcarance. ' •____________ mar

.ST; JflSE ril LIVESfCCK' ilea< - st.^osE Pl^^^!fly•8-[sr^o-6-D t r a Ar-Hocs: Receipts fairly net- ers ■lvc;-gencrally Scjdjoc.jow er.than: year yesterday'; anrage; top M.73; bulk ^eld •iso-w-ao -^Junda 18.00 to 48.73; 24 veal t0 380paunds|S.2Stot&C0:300to3i0 to » poiimt*-l«-lo-ie:10i/M>w«:«MMS-to- 4106 J3J3; few best light sows up lol3iO. 1300

Catllr: IlecelpU &00,'calvrs 100: 1»0 'nll-killingclASMM fully-.ftes}fy- K al- nnd ItfTlim tfd atwm' and yearlings I6.M lo I

tiirluk'lInK of cullera gades I3J5 lo.find 14.23: medium bulls I t do«-n: top'ond iiuli'ii 18:'. stovkei's - and* feeders*, med slow; unelinnqed. moderate supply l4iC111 dcnlrr*''litti«ls:---------------- ‘ ‘ and'

Shetp: Refflpu 3000: 3400 direct: lo t u1nble->uiipW nluR t a n Including milk lwo losds Cnlilomln sprlnfrw mar- | 0; kel 2ie lower CalWomla* l io i i : sort- com ed 50 w t 10 rar: Cotomdo fed wool- Ired eri Iwnbs m to lO.lO: no clippers., MO

-SXN rtUNCW tO LIVESTOCK . 81 .HAN nUNCISCO. May 8-MI it) weal

s D A)-Ho«t; Recelpu SO; aleady; moa fo-j rTCTd.r l9C-t<riOOT>ognd-C a llfcr^ ln i nfn-t-MlS-to • l a t t r tm d - l iw me-- 10 'C ili’i'u i*-~‘'lndii IHO; ||>3 |

^ U S L K I - I ) S _ Z - Z Z

— y:;- ~ - - ^ y -SEt^;i;pHiN

,Y KKW?. T W IN F A M S , in A n O ,


- r -pOR,-BLOND.'LOUISIA s w e e r , ic a h o - s o u m <

•.ARl^O^JA- UtV/BLS. VIB' JOLLS,' T E X A S- SiSJ(2l

Y O R K ■ • ^

u j i.iL iwiiiaTr.3Ai— » 3 B » . acarcNU U IU . ; ~

,1141 . ..3 Uiiilrrvood a lIo t cITtTl

s Toi) 11 Sl UnliMl Om it Imp.- 3l(« weak

cnw__a I V«n»diiim_______ nnd______^ I'JU* WtisTf«nj!f-==— M --,,-.,,,I WMt»m tJniBB Tti loi —;>e‘u....'____Dl - WMiinshoiiw Dre « ' i beefitA...... :u Wllln 0 «frl*tvd_... 13

.43 Wonlwtli Co___ 71

r 3 T s r . s ' S r ’ ? i ^e m e . . .» , - rrnlMl Ulalr* Eire erS M

31*5 n«-”nif^rfihVi«"r.', «>’,M»i- »a»p IW * atisre pr jos'i HO-*

p{-----« llr<I» Ulninf .— I ', woolf

......... . 6 Hunrt ou l4i(] 1775' iloi

l i f S S ig S s g ^ l SS"

Ite__ l^iaiV. .ciml.osuUi.wmi£l' i»I •: nr«-_ 1]’.i ■'Uitlim Om wrnu.l, ><■ 1 « i___ 58 N>U ni»rmi — I poY i r l WVMTJIFXt TBUST T ” ® n i f r ^ n j- J " xon) Tr»t:BHinsrr- .dlrecl Cotj).i.»>i fund TT*i siiMM A I U / $7,75

Callle; R cce l^ 100;. light aleera steady; two cara lop medluin-800 to. , ‘B8Q pound ted Neradas 10.75; half '®*" car medium mixed OW pound fed 7“^ " yearlings 17: few outs I8J0. Calves: 1““®' HewlpU none: load.loU quoted 18 ^

Shwp: ReeelpU DOO;- iindertonfl TrtcaUy.- twb dnta-y<ninrIarhb»-gort>^f; ed eligible I3J0 to 17;"deck shorn; ' “

!d“ .CHICAGO UVESTOCK • 2’'®™ \ ancA oo , Mays (,n (U 8 D m

1 nogs: Receipts 18,000. lncludlng-3000 ' direct; fa lrli acUvo lo all InlcrcsU. T O |n-i»ii» In Ito Inwrr: top t7J3-nald Urcoly;- bulk 230 lo 340 p o i ^ ito 17; most 260.1o-300.poi&ai M.60.t»5(>' '■ lo'tt.7Srfeir-loadi’il1nla^'*boHr.‘J i» n . j oVcralMO: buft'towi'

strong M lghtb iitc l^^m ^ «««»mand; most 200 to 340 ppundA «.40— lo-|8,7Srbulk-packlnr»owi>-|i.00 to -load- MJW: -medUim and good 274 lo 500 orom pounds.I3i0 to M: slaughter pigs

market; lop pearling heifers 17.75; en I feTilcera-an'd’ 'earllhgjHow, about; steady; yearling helfets slrong:.oih- ,• ^ ' tr-ahe itockitrady-bulHTind vnil-— OC ers unchanged; bulk fed steers and'^lORS Ifftrllnffs_eliglbIeto_l7 l i 17.75: few for t ^eld above 18; slaughleFcalile a n d m at: vealen, steen, good and choice 600 Ca to POO pounds 17.73 to tSJO; 000 to for r

1300 pounda $7,7s‘ ui MiO; 1300 to - fe f . IJOO pounda 17175 to WiO:.commiil plairt and medium 600 lo 1100 pounds tS.75...Bh

,andmedlumlS.35tol8.7»;m's.gobd em 1 'and choice IS to « : ’«>mmomnid 1TTOedlnm*$4.'M-lo-|8nnitl«r-«,35'4oJ------

I4i0; bulls, yearlings excluded, good' DJ and'cliolce beefW to-»83J: cimer 8hee 10 medium.13.33 to l4J0; realers. eight milk fed. good and choice I740' to clipp 10; medium M-M to 17.50; rult and on I common IS to M.50: slocker ond Thm Irfder cattle, ateera. good and choice ket; 500 tb 1050 pounds 17 to MJ5; com- dlum

w e^*w ’a^low er: cholcVklndj off fed 1 moat; closing l y i y^actlte^^at de- 18.83

-paeken; Bvtrage-a-tlgliul—CC “mosUy8S“to-93-pw nitor^t..« in» l mam

-F E R -'iO L U *=_ - -'rtJlffiE-flr-NlCe- 3H IN '^ ~ ~ J WE UKE YUM, I


'■ ' - V ------- ^ 'WONT n e v e r

~ ^


'A L t E Y - ' T H E - P O S j i i

^ lA n t^s - r ^o ^ ti.^ 'G ^ c a s i r ; / .CAUISIWA'^— / _ •-; „.:.| -NC o u ig c . f ^ L Ol

ts.40 lo M.«0 latter price top.choleo a clippers absent few grading medliim

. Ajid cood 37.75 10 i a » : erne load JMoiiml 80..POUWI ilicarlnjc tambs ,

- iBiO 10 coiintty; f«w-nall'-c. spring-- cr».411 to IllJO fa t ewes very__ .• acarcersli'om_______________________ _

--------OSMIIATtirrSTOCKT- --------- *OMAHA. May ,8 1/71 (U S D A)—

QitileV .ltecdp t» -^» -w lve> ^O O r[P ri

to weak: lower grade cows steady; ■ bellir grades and heifers slow. ' weak; bulls aboul steady: .veolen ■ steady-lo strong: stockers nnd f(!ed-cr8-teftrc<‘n pMdy;- hiilk, fed jtc c rs __and yearlings MiO. to 17.50;- some

:;ieid.lili:ti*.bclfer».W.;4..i.ql7J_b'ii!c. beef cows 14.50 to 15: cutler grades .>A I3ii0 to |4 J0| med lum bi^ls » 7 5 J o ^

neiierjilly 25c lower; slieep and feed- ers Mcndy; medium to choice Call- n‘R fornia siirlng lambs M lo llO JW op. .QU Il040:-early-sales and _ b ld s_ tc l ^ wooled lamb* IB.7S lo $3.10; no shorn lambs on offer; shorn ewes “>

-up-to-»SrCalifomla^eetSlns-lamb*-J*^17.75 to MJ5------------ i«?"

Hogi: Recelpu la.OOO; Iteady lo

j«'undsi bulk ioo to'aJfi jiounds M-SO 'lo »8il5: 220 lo 250 iiound butchers M35 to lOiO; 250 to JM pounds SO to M35; 200 to 375 pounds 15.75 to $»: pscklng soft-s t5,15~lp 1335. 1

• POriTLANO l iv e s t o c k :- *‘® PORTUND, Mny a Ml (U 8 D A>! 6c

-HoKs: Recelpu 150; ^ 1 supply 701 / direct: few drlvelns Bemns-raadr*7Kn

■ $7,75 down. - ■. ingt 'Catlla: ReceipU 35, calvcs 10: all woi drlve-lns; no cnrly_soles;; quolably ’ o n itenLitt cxccpt calves and vcalcrai r whlcli closed Tliursday iOe or moro jidj

. lower; *bcst light vealcrs nol nbw quoUblc above 19.50. bulk, selling moi

.under'ID w lihoffgradesdan-n to tt ove. , Sheep; BcccipU 300: all drlvelns: Rcn _$E a-Itit-oolved-earIy^sone-«U ;-tiro quDUbly steady . . .1 « ^

— tos-A N G t'C E rnV E S T O C k= rir;c j LOS ANDELE8,-May 8-W') TO S ’w'e: !D A)-CatUe< ReceipU 150; hold- lng overs .147; quality mostly plain: pro: dairy typo cows, predominating; 1 P Sleady lo weak; load medium 1125 pound holdover groSs steers 16.40; wh lew'614-pound grass helfen 10: odd; Mi

* p o ^ gross'cows M3S; bulk com-1 Sc

• M: - culler- grades- dqwn to -11035... Cot Calves: Rcce'lpU lOO; stwdy; few: Mi

J-U o g i; Recelpu 50; hoidoveri 137; | 8e lo a d L g o o it- 'lO S -p o u n d -H ch ra ik a i^

o r o '.m d ^ o w e r * t 17.75 top.Sheep: ReceipU 300; lioldovers 1 .Mi

820; lambs nctlve. strong lo 25c Ju . higher: nearly two decks choice 70- Be

e n I8J0.

? " OGDEN LIVESTOCK -^0aDEN.-May-fl-W VtU-a.-i>-A)-4'i*' sJtcBs! Recelpu 324: Including. 124

for market; vcry-llltlo dono early; l -H nan-lor2a3^pound-h«Y i»:M ,l« .^^

Cattle: ReceipU 137. Including 27 , for markel: slow; few light helfen; -

S8 ir, iSSO- odd.«WB_i5' tO_l4iO;J ^ ,,fef.buUs MJO'to MiO:TmaU lot

plam cal\-e.v*7. I.,-flhecp:..BecelpU. 6988. Including, _ 538 direct: Uie yetUrday two loads' C

-1?-p<wnd-<7*llfoml*-laml»-on.casl— NA cm order. I9J0; do sales today. » -

J________DE.NVER-SUEEP-------- >'jlI DENVER. May 8 Ml (U 8 D A>-Bheep: Reccipu 3500; run IW udes, 0 elghl loads wooled lamba: lyo toads ^ clippers, deck earj;-no early nctlon.on fed lambs: asUng higher'Uiaa*qtn Thursday-a iSc to JOc lower mar- w« ket;-best held above tt;-few me-.offi dlum to good,native s p r in g s W.50 orli

• to $10: sleadv: ewM^tlrm;

fed wooled lambs Thunday lilO to ly 18.85: freight'paU toaU lnttresU . ' . t o

i - B d « m iS ^ S ^ y ! lV T A f^ !« le ; i to tmaRd:b-being-rteelted-«n'H»<5«»l«40U

UM, EUT. ALL TH£ T M E AN: k in ' ^ s o m e b o d v . o r ___ 1 ^

^ W O U O T I J g

MAY O, M S I _____________________


K^AMO SO M E M OPE - BRAVE. C ie^ ^u JA > JiA --M A W U N ^N O p iT , C A «<JM A - .UPRICHT..yiRClMIA -



; g - y q

■. com ing W c rse in C a n a d a 111

T e n d ' t o In c re a se V alues W

Ry JOHNT. BOUGIIA.S............ ’-rA.w>clated-Press'Markec .EaUor) ' w

cmCAOO, &lay 8-Proep.>cU of prI drought bfcomlnif w or^ In Canada Th

^ ^ F w a ? ^ m u r o ^ i j ^ ^ " S « T "biinight lo'isprlng ii’heal areas both In be! Canada nnd thla country was too ha fcM itlo be ot nny ImporUnt help, ■ ■Wlieui-Tk'firbiillliWyarrerted-also u by purclioies lo prepare for a pos-

_slblc..£urpclsUiUbfi_Uflll<d^Uilfi »I government crop summary duo afl- 'c r U-adlnghad-ended. ■ " -"boi

Trade comment aller Uio report * . - IiU 'bcen Isiurd Was Ul&l l»6 ||6V- ~1

emment report favored bulto u showing'*jirobible luinesl c t 6,- 000,060 buiKeU leas wheat than the

. average of reccat private esilmatea. foi : vnxMit firm: unchanged to I <

*ic higher: oSU'%c to ‘ic up; oaU. D( Hc lo >ic advaiicetl. BndlJfo^m-iif ble

• 6c to 30c doan, MlI At tin t, w h u t nnd other ccrcals wi ■7 H6w «radow nw rd nrlce'trena 6v^ “ 1 " in g lo . w?

'rtroiight. _ elli Porccasu of dry weather JrTdan^ ada gave Impel'us to advances which '

• ^ u e d lu wheat prices.' Further- In' more, extremely high , barometer ble ovenpreading -the N orlnm t was generally taken to mean t h a t

-«Iroughl.Mnillll[tn»jiLauMJll{tP*iaL {U las tn many secllpns U irn ln s had I J beenbaK ly sufficient lo lay Uie dust.- 1 f c o o n i w 5 s t r i t t ‘sy a » iQ n riiB a c = : ■w'et, cold weather advene to planU < Ing and com growth were faeton _ promqUng price upturns. -

I Provisions receded with hog values. _

W heat- Open High U w Close -; May ___83fi 82S 8354 82^f T ju ! ^ 2 ^ 6 i ? ;^ c 3 ^ — « j w - a w - : -

S e i H ^ e i W l U i ' 02'.S . ‘-D «.-rrr.>4>»— W - r r M ^ —

; M ^ - _ 5 7 « i ~ i8S 37H - 5 ^ " ^

i 8em .'3 j'8> 4 m ’ ' 68!{ • 58*r

,O a ta -.May,___37S 28!; ,3T,J 28July _ :.27 !i 28H 27-i 28‘4- •Sept, __5 fl 28’U -3 a ------Zaii —Dec. _ -.30^. :..30?i 30H 30*.


■ PORTLAND, May 8 WVWheat fu tura eloscd; May C8c, July 58Mc,

i6cpienISer‘S7!ic;Cash: Dig Bend brueslem. soft

(whlte,.wcstcm.whlte.6ac; hard win- , ler» northerir*prlnir»«teTTiTed-0«c

1 Oats: No. 2 38 pounds white'$22. j Car recelpu: Wheat 50, flour 21.

[ ■cmCAOO CAJSH GR^IN_ - ^I CHICAOO. iS fT r r ? ) -"tv iiea t: ■"N o ,a~ i^ 8 2 'ie to 83c: No- 1 hard _ i 83\C to 81c. ,_ V - .

Corn: No. 2 mixed 57?ic: No. a —yellow 5a'ic to 5ac; No, 2 while .59UFfr«0c. ■■■ ■ , ■ ~

: Oats: No. .3 ulilte 23c; No. 3 while

.'qtjaliitlpi of 64s and finer territory wools or bolHnev lind old cllpa, Best' '

. offcrlnss of.H vand finer wools In - original bagsranulnlng good French and average strlclly combing suplo Ut laiiiy iimi m iue i<> m «ri)ight- — ly better on an eatlmated scoured

'.basis. Bulk French combine wools ': htinit SV tn M, yntirrd haili Top '

h iue wools to 'covpr reccnt orden ” -pff-fli; -------

l3 S P 0 1 5 - W lJ J S S i5 = =n 5 = | ^ ^ g S G k r L s j a D N T L H E B - - ^ ' / B Z AN' G E O R G E . _______# W Y -

P i e t l O N A R y ^ ^ - ^

JB... - /^H E R E ^- -S taC K T -

nIIA-l A m . - M w E t L i M BW N O J S I W - ^ S W A M l' .K^MTUC

- r


[ BOfrrrfN- M ar'g <;r>—The Com- _ tn.rri->i iiuiiptin tomorTQw Will Bay:

■ ‘'Buslnesi b belng'dono tn ■ mod-

'■t- Ill wortud dtKTlpllCM aV p r ltu a which i>hoa- mile cha'nge' -Tor the

•m k.. Dealer* find 11 dflflcult lo S lum the new' wools a l a prollt. _ Bcourt-J' have been ralh«r_slo.w_aj^- prrtes-barel^flmii— «— --------------

-"In-lhe-W esli-the movemenl, of, • wool genenlly hos.been alow, wlUi , f prlcei M*ul the same for the week. I t The wwk has bfcn raUier featurc-

n being sllghily In buyers' favor as o have also Uit primary rta.rkels,

•TTiemaRufacturing.sltuallimjLere * U hralthy, MllU ore belter sold '• ahead than for' month* bul com- ^ pialn-of-Hw-dlffkiulty-of-aiaklng-any

money and Icequeotly Uiey hw e Mid goods av a low, 11 appean.

T adiSl*T^xa8*tiiK)iaW^. In the original sacks." , ■;# -^The Bul!etln-alK» wlll-pabllsh the

following (luotallons:.' •,■0 1 Ohio and rei^sylyanja fleece^ U Dclalnc unwashed 23c l o ^ ; iw i a blood-comblnr»cthret-elghta blood

combing 23c to 33e; qu&Uer bwodU combing 2lc.- ,'- ......

-hUchijan-and'N cw.Yotk-fl«ct*- » Djlalnt unwftshed n c to 2Jt: halt ra blood combing, 24c:.Uirec;

elghu blood combing 23c ,lo 24c; [7 quarwnJi»(r2ic.T--------- — :—h Wbconsln.'Missouri ^nd'average

Indbna end New Engtand: Half :r blood 20: to 3lcl threc-elgtilha Wood

r. ^fl^eto_^^c^. • — _d Rye: Wraale#: ------t.- Darley 37c to flJc. ________c =nwDUiy:Mta‘M J5'iirM :78r'— : .- Clover seed $111« 118.

e E V e 'r! y " c *A^N

p r r - ^ H U — ■■■-j

f i ~ | B — A

■■■■ ^H S P jU


; _ L M

_ H i a T O R ^

- -ENQUSH^FER ^ V ^ H tN S T S N i '

r S - ^ S

B t i

K rO K t;A H O M A -;^ W ,-\- M CA RO U W A -8K A 0S. j S O R K - CHEAP. / . W W ^ • . U C K S -M u q . w iLO .

2IC-I0 33c; quarter bJood-300. ______Scoured'baaSs; '

' TVxas: Ftne 17 montfis (telteted)

W60C lo 63c: fine short » m o n t^ t «oOOe; fine eighth fflonUM4»o-to57c, -

Oallfomla-NorUiem Sjo-to Me; , ini- ,nirifi]|. Me Iff aier aoutliem—ay:, jootofllc.. .• ■■'StaBW eOo

the j j j - . .Territory, scoured b«sb:

’“ t- S i f f i widslmllar-FlnesUp^s, , ‘5d.-eh^ce.63c to 84c; haU blood comb- — B T J & H r U i ! « = « W U »

rlUi combing 43c4o.tte. • , i i . •:ek.| pulled: Delaine T JctoJSojM T W .ire- to tie: flne-A.»uper« B3o to sac, a

“ ‘^ a a K « 5 e S i n 3 S 0 W « c ;

S . 32c: good cftdln* 23e toJSe;

“ -'^ j£?S47crTurkey.-Jalr^*Te»ge-»e ' ijia bond.)' ■ ^ —

f !. ciarcnce"a(niundsoir. muobp- #’ oarsman in tho Unlrenlly ot Vfaih- _

the lngtontrcshrtum a:ew .hs»^«“ ^ » .' 'name u Clarence iHec) Biin\in«- •

y n r " ’*^ Winhlnatfm tr^rk wwti.— • but b not, related., - ..

r ’ i l n Laitionti lo*lbairWieitc*th r t

M lf- j^ iM Phelan, head mentor, a^nd*:tci^*d-lUfl.lancr*l.ot-anal« RecJasfrHci SouUi Dcnd. Indiana. . - .

age I jnjj-otie foot ip e d atw l» l»W .F*lb Pboae W . D»..F»tw. ood ■ —

-— S ' n S S f e - B . T i r T v i T O M -

-AST. .;

• f ; I I a r a n t e ^ ■ . ,

.'■ -No Olher miCt synip n u IHo “* * m c un lto rm sty .-lhe .aane

^ itrtP3 lh ,.t!iers«ne -------• -tominfs. Made t « J l b f r ~ .

manafattuitr. T rf 'kwwr why It is first In repuU-—.. .

_U c5» .:.^.t*sV.ln.w»«W.— ---------------

t e # ®i o » P U W 0 J « P ^ » •■fBs^-Giia r a T t t ta t . _________


E g - G K l R S e - g J S ^ B - ----------

___ '■ ra I I Z

■ ■ > •.......... • ' ...................... •<'t |------

I m s t e r i o— ■:.. ■-(CoDtlnuW.tB

SYNOPsis. Dr. C h irtm m h li nunlof homi m oka l««ni Ihi .Tohn Wo7t, Ibrir ft>{ninx ^wllen h ia p l^c^ Ihe rourtm

'.d tc lim U ut b* wiU ftfuOn ■Um Jitiiut ualU' Dmwu mliiji

Adfto, Mr. J miih (lid Dlhtn oi th t lU lt ihkt W«r« I* * cBi

_____ >wtUfh»p>« lh»t D tnen w^•Join HebUU ln*de«lti u b« bai onre chtaled (he pair oat ot UsH

;............ ip9llf tn k dUmena'haol. CfiwtfrihaiM Ways ToThli knlaiikdi oM ili p u t and breauM lie ha< Ripped hU plot to poUon Marjorl

' ' Xau)erd«tJ,« pallmt; tMsre a re ward (or Unuelt and u Inbetll anre for (he ilrl'a nnrdrrotu autil

' 'JamH,' ihaiifb s lm d r mirripd dteIdH (« aik MarJoHe to wtd hin u (be prtte ot her reletw iQi

_______ aertb M a ln brf «ralUC------------------------------------UBtMtf 'i i —----------

----- M -W O R irS VISITORB r rouiidaboul patlu to’o i l

-------- Bfro Uiaflia w u hoT'tolloweJohn Waj'e.iif<>».hi».»«y-to a .x

' cluiM nook kn. The Monutei ______niln* .where _M uJorlo-Laudtr*

K aialziji-altwlhlm. .' "Welir’ Jie aald. hb whoto fat

fn sM la g - ic ia i- th a t - i t onfl_^wti h c te t ’ lo thal of one who love

. '^ - " E r m lh ln g all r la f itr____ lJ___' TfioJiUro of hb htttd eVw .Mti

ened' Incredlblj', a lender tmll rwetenlng his biller moulh. ;•. “Ye*. In A way. Come tn d t

■ dOK-n h m ." and Marjorltf paltc

■ youVo eome.“— - -And Tm Blad j-ou're gJ*<J,

; fmlW i John ware.tak en .n o ‘medlelnB'?

iUMas*iU> luolut'UT~n&ko lb *|j pear -that I hare. Uken It reju

. l a r i r - -•That's right. 1 jrlon't IWn

-------:there 'i,.yw wrT allfihltrtduijeibut rve taken «Wps which I thin:

______ h»To ra*da you * i g fe u tU th

"But you woulda't go tway uli .leave mo here, would vout" bwrre-

--------- m rjorld; ' ---------"Thai I promUo you."“X know you wouldn’t. I trui

you abwluUIy, and'l'U do.*n>ihlni you tell me to d o . . . . 1 only n li

tered to tnke me nwny -trotn hei^.'“WKiil? Who?" -----------

• The w«rnilh ot John Waye'i ex

' Oh, don't look llko t]^t,'' she ad<)'^

:----------- 1'Cniel.v-dangeroiUr-MWgo-.-wicked."■ "nK n I ’d 'better look hhwHll- eal, tor 1 feel alt th a t and raucl

- worw. Rowmary . . Marjorie I - m e a n t h l * i^ n - Jarae:

' i«ll me anything thnt w ou1^ak(---------mrriigtTiB rT m rT fliniK rH itST m

man more than I do."■*7(11 me what ho u ld , Utrjorit

.dear.","Ywterdtty evening I wujltUnc

In my room, when thero camo « • knock a l the door. .Thinking 11 ..WM * .nur», X calkd ‘Oomflrt.* and

in-WMked 3amet.':------t t -•*AsI»tMwl.'lie »hut the door

*n < J .th e n .m jy E « iitJ il t-o £ :io - «w>.-«erBcy*sUdr^- - .........

■ la."' : , • ; .:V .‘ • ' ■ — ^"'WU you p li* « -g o ouj-ot'-m y

room 'lnitahtly;'! u ld ., " 'a V d ta 't b« .silly.* he told.

T w ciltT r timi» h»T<-riTr yrnip

'. coulf'totiio. harm-ln .hearing, wbat' he had to aay. So I Juil tlartd at

. him jind'jotde no reply whalcrer.'“ S a (iere.’. W -wtnt ont'hurrled-

ly. '{ '.w ut t o ' f ^ ta yo« in<Mh- •fidene#.,-.TOat'.^ttnt^or.-'yoiiM-Uaud She dottn't want you io gel.wU at'airSHe'* hoping your Illness will ejid before you'rt. ai. Then your uncle comt* Into your money Insteaa of you>^nd Mtud'lTi

. ^ g e t the handllog bt that, big wodi

? ^ ' ‘'Now, we” do Juii''occ*aiomiily' L— lou-»^aw-liere,-tltouib^v*of.-v«iy-- .-fcw ,-tc r_ lh& .Doctor*! b wonder.

And I’m afraid youll be one ot------- tho c*M* wfr»h*irio«o,-ae»-*hi«t I

mcanT '• . • --*‘l ’n l pertectly ullrnt and sllll.

' and «tartd a l the creature.••‘‘NOW; you want lo m l away

from' here.' hc wrhl oot, ‘aflB you . can't d o - l t . . . Not wlthool my

-------help."“ A n y le tten ’ yww rtt«-m *y,or may aoU be put In' the b«g

boK In tl>«-h*ll. The Doctor^ tuch a careful man. He'd liato t leler

~ foujnn L ci TOu m in t Mmirt Toiild

him th r t what you wiolo w u ’the

^ “ ‘• I W t X c U going'faint; but X- Ibotight 11 Would.'be.beet' to hear

"Voa'waDt lo -get clear away ,, V n» i^mL-,'..ha wani fin

‘and Xin tbo only one Ihat can getTVn yal»V*»p»r ^ iiM

let you p a u i n was wllh you. But _-jBiL.coiildn:f.5rt-OUt.ot-hctt_ln S

— linaareffyeil:^ oUierway*. r p -

any " ^ W i ^ T S ^ n t i dealing ] - out betore UieyTe « vtl) a j Uiey ----- tU nk_U iey_*re_ lIc’a-r«sl)qntlble *. -T.ioczthoHt-whtribroasht-thenKherc i

and don't' fonKl’ lt''.w u M*ud , — b'tBughfyou~T^f f^ w lth he r hn>« •, ~ ."band'* knowledge Wd'conOTtT \

— mado-hlm « ‘U llle-aD ecm rortiibl^! - - r-Beo W l 'm T f lu r - m i t i a r T a j

, >nfoT ^;jie_oO T "m iT i^^i-t!gn3. i

: '."AM koov .irbrt r u t«u you ,|;

‘ ' I,

Q.US.W M - g «tnim .ttatcraur* Hewa) — »

u d .thoush yuu're sutvly guewd b i t . I'm in love with you.' tnt. - r ihudd«f<d nnd teemed to 1 « d myielf go pile.

J ll ' you lj|e flrat momfnt I w t eye*

■ lira without' you. I oer»lnl>- n\ Blli' “JA.V'tee, here, you cyi 't t

^ get any b«'tfr here. And tf I eallv« . wllhout you,;' ahd you. ca

^ ' lh« wllhout me - .w h y . : . I(i-

,rib' " 'Now. I don't I'pose youTe fin . len In 1^-e wlili' mo like I hirii. with you, bul j'ou'd tnlhCT 1«ml here and'marry me. than it[,a. here and '— not get well, wouldllm yo'*?',ai • '"W hat about u r

*1 till! ftmiiliw i «]leul. pnrl

“ 'And look here.’ he added, wl imioyanee In hU loi

.'Don't you 'ihink Ifmt anybody e! bukpie can gel yqii.-put. Oon'l-y thlnk that Waye-U going lo h«

^ 3-ou.-. Ho'd marry, you for money, perhipi.'irW could gc tyoutofhere .'^ ................................

^ -^i^Fhnl-ninn-jff*y*-I^MaUWi alh!et*nd-a-ffiunleren-who*en'i

~ *!' sn? a t San PaSo Jail and *« how I nlle take* It/SprUtg It on him suddei .■ ly,«nd«e,lfhe.'looksgood. .

' '“ Well, you «'ouldn'l Iruit you « l t to '* min like th*t would yoiWot t vcn-inn~comd~a<rgnytnirfor y o u ', . ..Except, wlckedna

' "1 Itlll. (taitd In illeuw, bul j.yH w u trying hard' to *umm<

m trtmTO 'oniu f t '^ I was afm ld-ih lnkl had wiy fee * . Ing but tn *lmo»t- unconlrOU*!)

m*ui*ea sl Ihe light of his face ar the tound ofhU-nloe.

Ink “ So tbere ills,' htf wmi oi Ihe •Tliat’i what I come to aay. I U gi

you wjl iif'here.'TTljhmow; ni uld marry you a t once. What d'j'Cred uy? '.________________ ■ ■ '

“ "AM <1* 1.UI on'* imlle t l i a H mosl prevented my i*ylng anj

u tt thing.lng "I stood up and prcfsed Iho bel old “ 'K a y Ihlt,'' X answered hla

rt." of. m y life In thli h«iH. or dlo tc b fgh ra iu in erer" spMk - t o - ^

ex> *Mln.' I'd sooner be lorlured-1 , ^ denth>ln Uie.mnt horrible w*y iir

^Itnable. lhan leare hiere with you led. “ '1* that your l u t word?' h

ask^d. hi* voice and faco thanglnrcmarkablj-.-:-—— ---------- —

" 'I hope iV* my last word t Ul. you,' I replied, 'for I think ^•ou'i ich »lo*lhsome. lying be**U' • rle, "And IbenVlhtro cam* a tap t nej tlio‘.door; and'he h id lo open It.

"Doing K. ho ^tme (ice to fae i r t *ltl»-Nu»e-J0Be*r»nd.-70iniWiiI ij(j h* ro ,ren her l*ce.*nd Iwnrt l»e

n”d p ray ,« iS l »rc you dolni rtfllnhero? ''. •

“I rt*lly fell Hint aIic wu m; ^ devoted frlenil, she aermed'to sav

, agsly Indignant. • ' • .. 11 "Th*f# til. my dear.- Marjorli afl concluded; “Oh. don't took liki— that.“- - ‘'. ' ^ ---------- :— :a r But John'W aye'i f*6e illd'no'

‘•tSii'-mSK.SSMl. b lB ti^ ^ t o ^ t i p r a ^ n

^ murmured:; T^ ^J:U r..JtfflttL ..^JU r.j*m w I-.-.-

Id. ., (Oopyrlghl’lMb,, by Frederick xL Co.) ’ " •

^ :-.:(Cootinvd lnN e«\|tsue>..

i i i i i i m E r' AT' iilOlU IN RIIRin

m .____ ' • V . ■' __ ;

S ' . . “ “ M i ? , " W 1 l5 p t tW to .m .. . Nm).'-rTwenttmtmbersof th e ln . 5 UNm«inlttlnrni«il«.OwBefi-«»o, J elation gathered .at tlielr regular “ monlhlyroeellngW<dn«sday,lioldlng ^ Huncheon^sfti»-(fntionarBKn*Jit % noon, which wuJollowM by a bust- ’ TJj.'antc^lng.-lcHirr.OlIIelteT'lVseler• Utah, prcsldent-of the K*oclall9n,

" wa* in charge. '* • Amongm«uer*dtocus»«dandBtled , on K' protest by.lhelndependrnt I. I lealM men. of whleli.thl^J-M-xla-

tlon Is mode up. agilnu ihe iim:.-c* y tlon accorded clrcull Iiousc* orned

by picture producer* to llie detriment y or Uk iDdeptDdau. f, • There was aUo'crlUclini HrFHIfd g *C*lnsUh»pr*cHceofllieclreiil!j<of •- rrdiiBlntr' artrrlHlan h clly llr*t-run housejt. ThU pracilce, r It i(U elalnied; wa* dctrlmeiiial lo

i d i n l « k ) n > f l c t s ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^. Tleports Irom members prc.-<ni In-

1 dleat«dthatthi><ift>fftmftnw.>t.hfwr. r lng- lu effect in thealre atlendsnce . In Uie Salt Lake City dlsuicu and lli. 3tM u»m <d41iawnm'ainta]£55iadf. haw to-b*-red«ee|d-co»ldeT*blrto

oe»i meeting placc. to be June 3.


l*iaed;at.four.l«blM Of bridge M*y 8..Mla*'01*dyi Anderwn won'high p rla in d m;»s porolhy Wliltenack

“ Tlio fo5oirtng-gU(iu--wtr«preifnl‘

M tt-'tnw i-Obm ei.-'M rir. 'Bdwln 0 iC M e^ ^ l4 ab trt-P e li> h ^

[ p h y . i n d t o a e W w c U i ^

' '□ v m F A L T .a n A i

S itjzzZ Z Z Z ZJESTE ^— r - = ------------ ---------IDEAL' I M lN ilf» YOU WERE A_- J .YoUNfaieiRO.'U .O.URJI^l

.....* A-Mb S T ^ trriN ti UP— | | : a o . “ 6 v e r- -a ;( ja jn ..^ ^


I 1 ‘I'WO WiSHt:

y can't. . . . ' ,n’t tire '

I can’t Ju. can t . ■ • • ' J. th e re . '

T efB l-f • VW ^ I havo'r 'lM * . \ \ V ^ ^ IS

slop B•oulda't .

■ m M f f l a

1 with — - ----------

K T IM E T A B L E S0 help -

Bcbedolcs of T as ieucf Trains s Molor tluoes PatflngJTbroosh T» Falls.------Oa£CO>WHIOUl-I.INR—

Ik hlm^;________ .

low he Train 1S3 luve* ________7:10 A.'ludden- '.• tVeslbooQd

I Train 83 leaves------------ 11:4SA.:your- -Train »5 l^nve*_____ .'... p. l

d you? I . WELLS BBANCny th ln r ----------iM ibbo iS d -----------‘*"“ * ''-T rtin 339 ie*Tes— — .^i:3Q'i» l but I | . Nortbboaod

inunon Train3«nrrl»ej-.;______3;60P.liia U a j— j^ a u v lc R - K T A G W —

y feel- Arrive from E ut_______ 5:30 A 1011*1)10- . IVeilem.Sebtdale--------u> and -Lc*vB W««tbound — ___7:0# A I

.. Arrirt-ltom Weiu______ia;OI A !it Oh.! , . UNION fA C inC 8TA0B8 fU get! *. WMiboood ■r-nnd-A nire ---------- _____-___ 6;M A Jd’j'OU i>gy> - • ■ - I'M A »

Arriv>-__ >-------------yjg p. tlat ttl- U tv e --------- -------------- 8:10 P. >

tn y - • Eulbespd•Arrive— ^ --------- 11:«;A I

0 WL ---------- --^aiW ^Nw

UotoTT- . _ POISE LOCAL .^ U - L e « v c . .^ c ; ------------------,.3 0 P »« - Arrir,-^: H.j< p, ^ly Im^ , ., y^ /]"T T T ijr7S E i3 rjn roarc^w j5W ' ?' he! DELL, OOODINO, BLISS“ <'i!*iLe.ve______________^,.7;00A,^^ lg ^ I v o J — :---------------11:30 K. h

--------------------OniER 8TA0E LINES

i f . . T1VIN rALLS-SQOBIIONt1 r«« _______ - 1 — 8:00 A. b:

d l>tr ....... • S' ^:■_____TfflN-FAMB-WELLB—"Leave — --------------- .•.2:30 A. I.

^ y 'A rr lv e ----------------------- 1 :» P. fc

i i H D M l G E

pppMH!- .« John-O.-Lowe, DIstrlol Tras '» |_tcB ,. and : G eorso E . Den

~ m a n , S u p e r ln le n d en t, V isi

n BURLEY. May 8 (Specloj lo Thi New«>—Claremont Grange, meetlnj

, - y W«lnc.vlay evening, hod on Its pro f-1 gr»ra addresses by Dr. John 0. Low LLI amembcrof Ilte Ourley etliool board

------ And Oeorge E.D:nman,«upennl<nd- h j ent of the fchool*. Claremont Is b

; V « communlly within .Iho Burlcj*choLdlstric L _ . ' ■■■:........

mlnr ^ ' ' ’CKild that county and stall dlna incomcnuentlsl In com'

lmbon-to.U>(ii*=-iticldent-^l«nh« Sust- “ ' “ **■ .the roids and iho cUIm auCi5jjp- «H «c* rA nd-ltih rliiltcnnsc frh<■Ilon. '“ ‘nuined. ar? controllable by the

' elllseiw rlghl ul *ielr own doorj'ords He called attention to the bonded

drnt det)! ef tlie niirIcy.dbtrlcU.*mouni>x .|i. lng 10 »3«J00. and reminded hlii;.-e> hejrers that part of shU debt wuiiied contractcd'Jor Khool hou iu whichnent were tbandoued when Uie district^ *11 Ktwls cen.tifd trtllted In Hurley.

lire, OTflM-.cJrTL-d* over from last j w i.^ Jl? .< L Prf«n i.year._w hlch .w a* an

S m K s y . 'l iI B ,- w i tr - I to -in. condition, bul ho gave scant

icffli >ayfniatf;tel.rcductlort in

Id” :-®“lwrtnt<ndentJ)£nmttn-*poke of

mlc paring their 'Improvement, to the ttrlde* made In aviation. He descnb-

. m ln l^ tlo n , unit, dual and multi-

“ J 1«J o i MliiM toUlrtihm Sy -

;,r ®M.eHABHHlYrAT= oti ::i GAN(ip ilq u its , POSTthy \


DATLY JJEW .y-PW lTJ P A L T i; , .m

\ ( V j m w ^ u l d

, u p p w e a - r s u p p o s ?wn-H m t « UKE-AU. FOOUJV

'o iR lJA T T H W rA C iE r ^ , ( A.H6 TNAT /W PUST

,.,,'c r / WUM N*.TUR*.ULy .•

Wan t JalBS snd ' . - -(hTwIn ^

NC— j- O N E CEN T P r t-v ilO R D

i 5 E d - r - P , l : t | - l l ! I S E f l T l i m n 710A.'M — ^ --------- --------------------

AanantAdsaUvtafldaetlTeanc 25P;m- • -U «y bring (h . bnytr.

' P bootH ■

0 P M “ F d r S 'al0 H e a l E s U t ^

g.nooM M onm N HnwBg *fB ffT

n ? S l e r e T ills ACREAOE-CLOSE 1 “ “ Good buUdlnp. Terms. Pha

^ ' ® i 5 ! E Z Z I Z Z ^ _H A M CHOICE HOME GOOD LOOA'HC BS a t a bargain, owner leaving tow

Gettert Real Estate,? A !5 BAR(3AIN-70^ACBES,^

° p- 5 1 ° y p ° r t i r i f r M i c M ^

,A U. CORNER LOT S BLOCK 141 FO I-Nooo ' saleby'tbaentow neroneuytorsi itolgBt. no t«sen*M.e offer refuted. J^ Vi KI'A~M ^B*mg*r, tM 'B. Oamlllu f lt, 6am

.-,Bart»tra.Ctlli;,. . _

1 P ^ FOR.8ALB-16 ACRES SOME ^ P. North of Rock Cree

■Iballin'co 'flw years. 11J7 U l ly a r d IS ,• Eugene, Oregon.

--------------- --- • '

F o r S a l e o r T r i d i

L ' 10 HEAD OP OOOD HORSES MT , ? „ ' 'm ulej fer lale o r 't r td iT T ’tiOB ' ^ g ’ 809R-L ’.

; P' M- TRADE=JOO ACRES MISSOOT i.p^fc^— t!mberl*ndrw»nn«»nBgT55u5 - „ Wme.tho .owner J. Wtrd.‘ Jefoini OA.M, H iho. c-o 0 . 0 . Miner. Routo »■

^ ___ f o r b a le , t r a d e o r RENT-Al“ — •« room apartment'Iwuse. WJis n r nave you to offer. Address W. M. / ML Buhl. R. R. 8. Phon«-HR< CuUefort

l^^ron - 'n iA O B -D O .A U rT O A O T O l M tA ■•nd.CulUvtlor. tttachmenU; to n | P-c««*.-M ustbc good one».-*"Eajro y ||^ -M tO a « C b O O lrR .-?^ D < -I^ -W rI

r ru s - 'J E R O M E -JU D G E rS E R V E '? -


T /fe it ' llAILEYTHtyTTflpeclti TSTffi;y , |^ > f< e i- i) -J u d £ Ad«nuflafclit-^JcL

•____ome, presided o>'er a special sejsJot—- - — ftrUft^UUIrtW rtlinialleyJIondaj ■« P * tor the case of A. W. Warr vcrjiuj i«UM B. H. Chapman, watermaslcr. Bln 4 pro- Wood Cwial company. Stale ofldnhc Lom. and CenUnentai 'Life Insurance board, company. Judge Donn Sluphen ol iilend-.Uie Fourtli district disqualified him- I Is In *elf.Burl^ This case grew out of reducing llio

Irtato W .t^ Rllry hUhe. from SW5 Inches com- ^ Indies. Judge Oarclay qun.>lied

M aud demurrers and gavo the defendanLi {j;-ljfTrao day»-^n-wlllc^^to-*nswef^TI»e:C•» ,y n,e-promlrM lo co Io the supreme court yards.

SlililillNS-:g 'E i i i m T i i iV - B U Iir^’. May 8 (Special to Tlio

J W ' regular'qiiirlefU'' meeting *t the

K S-A ue!!jiciJtiiui-n)ftM a ftC Pciimiiiiirtln-Thf^-m eeilnff-liu-lwn-tet-fortmrfl scant trom lln* rustomary final Saturday art in of .tlw In order nol to p»i- ^ — n ic F ^ K T i?m o n ird 4 n « rtis fK -‘ ke of— Mrs- FVlsher, Rupert, sec- n>ih7 *wuy;r.~Hatnrthgt~lhffTnecttng will com--ttfcc'PlaecHl'ibo high-*cJi«)l-«uol- 3 the lotliim. A«Ung-.«ltUbe icnb- lield In Ihe m snliig .'tod tn Ihe af-,] j,J ii i i iyiii iiiiH#irht|aii«hn *»»^liti»Hfmill. Ihere will'bo a 'p rofrtm txmslstlng■eon-“ W'*nirrcf f t l i r r 'a c t play;---------- rptoT-' - I t ll'} <^n Bnnounoed U\tt West toln-^Huil-Grimee will meet for t 'MbUi-

x*k« hold when.ilL ~ 'lb ^ will be bosu'to tbe 'trtvellcg

gartl." , .

I ^ H S I t E r A r i D BELLEVUE ”

^ j ^ P A I R ; F U l N S : T O ; M A R R t

a ia '^ ^ w s i-F if s t to u r m e lo many un- w k 'd e r Ut* «sU »»

i r S t ^ . Hailey-wlw li i e d ^' ih tlr inteniiBa. on 'Wedocsday:

i J n i B X V S A T y B D A - M e iH H W

iE ^ - G V - M p S - N O r

o r—.J S ? ~ - ^ ^.ousH A V 'E - . NNHA.T YT ABou^'THE J •

■ j ^ Cn.HE^ VJI.»H?/

jpptn — ForRpnt=Fumished-


BAKE3V ROOMS DY DAY r• • uesk. Phone 1113»J.'______

FOR RENt-TORNISHED HOU . 3rd ave west.. Phone 1837,

iM ffnilFURNISllED R ( y ^ 8

r E ~ D ^ f e M A » j B 6 AKI :- R ^ Phooe ^ 3nd North.

___ ^ R D AND ROOM; RATES mJA'nOM . wnable.. 130 BU> twnuo_norUi. « town. _ U qu T HOUE

_ I keeplngt|>srtmeat,M<MtlnNoi


it-eb«» w ^ ^ . '..> y . •

ATTRACmVE APARTMENTS A wonifr »ltr*eUvo prlc»fc Phi y terms, .jnm •

J . ^ t n •

' rent, 4J3 4th Avenue North. ‘pi»^ ..........( Creek l iq h t h o u se k e b p in o ' roc

<-PlH H »-«W ^ean-46M nd-A trd au. Norlh.

_ _ _ WELL FURNISHED MODERN ~ ~ l - —rflom-hou»e,-targe-garden,-Fh<

478J. .

!______ FOR RENT-«-ROOM FURNISH!.« modem house. W. 0 . flmlth R» AND £ j t ^■Phone ____________ •-" •


iefoine;: rOR'RENT-^MODE^N'FURNia Ito }. ed hpRrtmeot. nc«r -City. Pti

IT-AN .......... W lat lAPARTMENT MODERN, 2 ROOli ’. M. A; and kitchenette. Phono 838J,: Ucford. Blue Ukea Boulevard North.

tOTOR TOR-RENT-MODraN-FtmNISl t*; tor ed aparlment In good locaUo EajTot CooltwrtcmfcrtaWe.-G»«gt.-Phff S-WrU- M JJr-------- -------- r

ill fllO^Beeo^'aveni

■ILEY m iT O R I4IA BO S TO N A^T Funilshed Modem''Apartment

M ri» iR k-R 5rw aro ffic« -pw > i

PI.EASANTTHHEEROOMAPAR') ver*u* “P '““ f* <urnlsh«•r domplcle.., The Oxford. 428 Mal

iranec b o ARD. AND ROOM FOR TW Mn o f beds,_plenty of liot-w*te1 him- Congenial home. Clwe in . . Phor

..........~ ■ii« fti/i T H R v r n M ~Inches AparHneni with hot water anti ne< la-'hed electric ra'njf*. Bungalow Aptrl titLUto. monu.^lihntif.3W-'______ _ t , i . ^

^court .WO; 7-room■ modem $36; 8-root modem MO; 5-room modern 135;-. teres til In crop. 3 room Itouui ti71

I |P _ J r im i j M , A. II, l x > i i ; ; . ______

[ | J . J l/Tr g e a p a r tm en t w m i k it' chenetle and front 'poreli. Newl;

im i ] ktlsomlnU. furnace beat, irk'hts. wt: N ffll l e t use of Ulephone and electrlcll;

for cooking.» » « , 413,ilnln North.

J TllO

f i i im r a i iE s s -gMmjpsmM o a co w .u ay s W p cc i^T ljJ

V ^ lly of Idaho faculty are tliiis f « ■ jcbeduletf to deliver-mom-Uian-MnrtU «mmej)oiflitntj«$dreM<5jiidnJUtii$

n«f(Dlir'»<«k<-at-W»h MhoolsTSa ll-bc other educ*Uen*MnsmutKwa Ui-Uie e af- sUte, .The . ltlner*rleA. arranged

(tiog elude only (tcully members from

West addretsu . ___

m tn .-M ty i7 .- '— ---------------• Dr. J .O . Eldrldge,de*n of UM^*^

ulty. will spe*k *t WendeU, M»y.l3,r r : - -D itS iv a f f c rc r t iE s m ith v a iP1 lepofenglnefrlng; Jerome.MayUi |RY- Qlona* P trry rM arl8rRupert.-Mty

— :r b te fe h lc » sF la eh rttek n = c f J ^ ^Thff tBtiocLbnnlllts: lUgerMM. W y i ^ fun-' i^.-j,-p.-;M eiiengtr,=dt*n-«f-U ie iiUlt «duc*tlon: Gocdli^ college,

T-T7T K T N G : A ~C jr-

r e s e r v e ) __________ I

% ■

trgainS''l e c i . . . . ' . ' . . F o r t a i C r r S e G d s : ; "

picked ec t l Ol'obeOraln and M = = ■ itig n r - imni." .

JIEAVY YIELDINO. O R E . . . NisrUiem Anate seed beans, ch(

VY -OR F. n . Black. Phone 439.

= = £ = ■ RUSSET SBEO-POTATOra-pW ROUSE, year Mcd from Ashton Dliie-1

Joe Berks, 3 miles east en Ellub

_______ —

I™ ® ® lu l year, Mrt. L. P. Nelson, Haall

UMITED AMOUNT OP NETI ' Gem Potato seed one year out

y tn . • BlueTagCcrtlfledseed.J.E.Jart {OUSE- ot C>d Rocl^ Crusher.

P3H A iflO O D _aaE A T >O Il3

|:n iJ D TOR 8ALE-ALFAXJA SEED, R Phone AlslkpandSweelciovor. m p -i

Orlmm and Cossack AlfiJlt St_____ auU T ftledhlthm irltv . TwInFia t'P O n i WW and I t i Co, ’twin rails, i i

• FOR-8ALB-OREAT NOBTHEl___ 1 seed Dcnns, Arrate Strata, InquROOM I t Olbbs Bean and Elevator, or Ini

OIN 5- ONE CAR CER-nFIED BLOB T; -Phone -O em PoUi9e*.(iJs.t«l,-Rup<

Two c*n grown (rom cerUtled u ha«Q{ilte.f*w,treen chdsal GQc«i

tISHED ewURupert.'’w. E. Hunter, Rup( th Re*l Phone JM.


Ptrt! N.W. T^winlte Filer. Pht

"A R R A T E S T R A IN GRE iS ° ;i5 Northem Benn Seed. Thtl Is I

best teed on the Irart; u ;ia * be_____‘ gtwvn and seleeted-Wth great ci'NISH* rnf high pmrtiirttnn HtitlHy; h»p cation, neet and retlsttnee tram dlfeue.1 -Dhgne ule*tfto-t.pound,clttoedtnd*t( -A -r :- ed^HeoU at oibbs BCTttoriniM L . . n irS t ite Wsrthoute*.' Orewn by

g jg ! i .g jM .i» 3 .T ; |i i ,A i» ,r i»

. • • w v —A*“ BAW“ OF■'b Lu i ;“ T /-------- Northern* tnd got o n i i ^ U .A ftS. mine don't outyleld como snd -i nient*. your money b a c t U ' J . ' MlUi ■plSbne- ARRATA-BErD-DEANH-WHY YI

l l j r ’-*■-">— * ’ y r i i T i i r r f i

*‘™ln. 1 htv»:*e*d fnjm h ltl tU Improved strain. Theie betn* mt.

Mlln JJ bu. on „ y place right betide_____ certified great norlHem. T ho,«

the um o for bcur tnd whole flo water’ ‘rcalcd th f Mnil!. The great nortl Photie «rrii m*de ao-bti-per-*ctt.—In-U

Nortltem Betns Uitre w u dl*et ■ 111 througli but. tbe A m ti 8 t r t

Itl new My bean:, were lully matured ar tpart* ripe when cut. The field tttA rogue

— : enco.lii yield. Mosl of Uiem milk W^rtndrjeuTWllHIM-iKrtliriveik

-room undeveloped betn* In Ut# s«d, Hei I3.>;'9 are few names of people w}io t t ' <37$. the'bcans growing the aeison iv

botlglit nf meinrt i-niiHi fny ttin iihm~ statemeni: C.E.UndMbaga,Arthii

D*rrct; 4. Arlliur lluctUg and Sonl . of.,Hnalton JO. L..'0. EvaiiH r?. 13. Hub sold to oUiei

butUieydldu'isecihebetnsgrowln - In the Ueld." Belter get thw> seo

= beans betore loo l*l«. 8o sacked tn- . rtcleantd. first nia'ce e u t ot Ceme

. i . .

ijy i;. — F - o r - S a W u t o m o b l l s s -


3nd Ave. F«>t. . -

„ f o j i f l e n k r F a n i i a „ . .

I w « f t - R ^ ’-S*AOREa-tLOeE-IN1-Uie . -P hone8M .,_ . nerd -------------

from Lcflal A dvertis fim en ts •daho ■ ■ ■ T--------

heiid 7 ” NOnCB TO CUfDITQKB - ly J i E s l t t e - g r > 8 i l^ tk l r u r i t^ t e d - l

— -EvtsWttklnJ.:deeeued,l4'U>ecred- f* ^ llortofuultllpersonshavlngcltlm s y.l3, t it ln iU h e told ■HP lheoi.-wllh .tl>8-neais*ry-voucher#, y U i wlthln-*lx mo(ilhs-*li<r-lhe-(lr« Miy pBttotUon or this noUca n ^ e raid ------txeeotorvUtfoffW ofTTVrUraon;

-Uw iU ee-iM -fortfaetrBnstj^-oM he lege, busineu of n ld esUte.~ Amll.nth, IMI___ ........,'t t U :B?PIIMU8WATiaN8.

........ ...... , . ^ t u o r . ,

' j n a i c E ■ -

5-:0pp0j|i s T T - jT T T S l i i ^ l D n r W a n tE i

a ilXHff Wa n t co ^ g ^ ' e r ^ c iS i a d j ^ , . ffifliy.n inT I

—‘- n ,- . MOLUZ SUIZER. UATE i R E A t .' nuhloi.. Phone « 7 R t is,chetp. fam ily’ LAI

orw ortb3r ^ _ p t t a i f l

llU5.Tag. nE L X A S L Sl01R L _W l^ Ellubeth ■ c ire of «lilldren or 'Ufbl

work. Phone 1084.


Hialton. ind KaUoralnlng Btt Robet---------- Oil and Awnue West.NETTED ■ , r , . ,- r . .

L 7 . r t £ - .W a n tc d -M lsc e lla n eusher. .................... .... ..i-..,----- — > W AKTXD-POtnmtl H.O.s o n r a j . - « r-P h o n e MJW,------------

W l « WAMTBDDrRTTQnLL IM >51IU9. ytrd. Phono;OT.

; d, RED w a n t e d ^ o l d ' o r ORt nUvTtfi , h o n ^ Phone UPO. p'q,,Bu


WANTED TO PASTUBE.O/ or Inde- r»rUngf, tnd older eoy *i " c ! Q. Und.'S?e .S^ph

JBTAO WANTED-TO TRADE VOti -Runert. furblture'tor'your oliTfuled M<d Pbone 8. Uoon't P*lnt tod OQoenU ture Store.Rupert, PLENTY OF S t j o i

. win run..yetrtlngi or i f e i : C Q i'n - lunimer. If you tr« Inleteeu ^ l a n d or tddrea lU n y B tn r.B u h l

r .% 0M' g ^ ^ ^ y o h n S n■ Phone’ eq. . . ■ ~ .

WANTED ~ PASSENGERS ll I s ^ e and wife going E u t In 8 pu - 4 ‘'k e two or three j)

u ftrM PIitsburgh .P t.lfInU PhonrJ8t>Y-Jerojneor«ddr«

? p m S H M t—lU LF 0 0 0 0 UFflTAinS 01

!~TACr —1*7 'T t ^ U POUR ROOM HOUSE, MO: >nd ||» t .vuc<pti»tt.Pt>oneM3-W.


i 'l lS i l t POR RENT-SEVEN-ROOM 1 5 n t ^ e em house. W.O.BmlthReiH

t i ' h i u l^or S a le M lseellaneoi

EAR' COHN FOR SALE-I i v f ^ -B lsc fa-P hcn rW .- .............rogued. f o r SALE-MASTOMN 8Kdiffer. pliinl*,«llO'f>»f.inn. Imilled 11T3R.

l^ le re SMALL 3 ROOM HOUSE TO M 10 n w call at 33S 2nd Aven\k Ndrm 5?id Phyiie 873-W. - - ..........-

5;^}!?* Fon E A L i- f o u im 'u v 4 1I tlfc*. 323 Third tvcnue West,m ils ' .oUiers f o n {jAi^U SED SEWINO rowing (iiiflm, singcn and olher*, 83. « seed JJ). Clly Tourtal P*rk.ed tiid --------- i----------------------------Ceme^ IIAY TOR SA........ . i.'us(,.*ecaad,-tnd-Uilrd.rai1= = = Dellvertd. Phone. 13!)0Ji.[o6___HPt-gtAi. rr\n mir^AV «wn t- uriav. new C^lumbU R^

ONK JRNkirJ^STACKEIt AI -.Buckrakrs os,goo(^untw,.*t]

. kay Ilaiiclt, 4 mile* north of Pe;— ,' mrtandholm rnierrPbone-W :

.BuM.nhoneJinflft«- , ---------

F o r S a M o u l t r y ' j

tmm «HIO K ff:«M »*N O 09F8______ iiy),;Aiso,tcll<i«'*wksoMpu----- - lUggerl's quiiliy Uatcheiy, lB w th lE tr t :o (W u h ln g to n 8e!M d j-

K f r u ' S ' - T ^ S i - ^ jcred- llayejlII-OradeRitehery.Jeroo iltim*»MMr JQR.EALE REDOOED PRICEiche«; =Rhod.zlsIaiir.Red:D4by-Cli-dr*l MoUier liens, hitching egg*, eelft n ld h*n*.-=Ph9ne-ttlBbeTlr3m « r :ireon; "SryHHa. ,.


W a SHAMPOO w n n 80 Cl - -flngff r tT f r ^ B a t T A M g

I, SPECIAL,t2.» . orpboutt be itor. . shop. Phone a n . . .

. . . ; F ocT s

p a i i j i p M ^

_ r ~ t q

\ . Jn c T U w E t J I i . F i r ^• V Q U T > . / ; p p

ftoiiiMe!i tE i J T ry f ■ ' ; .

LEANING. | ' £ r i 5 j " i 5 5 B 5 E

i r o in T T ' ■ I r

u o i f D a t T"

^ ' h o M - . ,Prpffiw iC T aI“ , '

_____ ATTOBKKYttf t a n ^ > ^ ",'f'r"fnnL»' n n'nvT

JOEM V r ! o * ^ A H - L t« 7 ^ ; t■ U d 'Tnm OuUdtni. Pbeoe W

inonit* SW E aE T *aW B E L B 7-U «or ineous Moonnto Bidding.-...... - -

— Businesi—.IWHACK l«w'YOa"B'STOPK-KXCTiXi

' Berfree,Budler Epperson Grul Oo, te c , Boise, rdthA -Loctio

_Burt. • . ay..ghoehone'Eut. Telephone

I ^ P i ^ . W .CT1BIW Q ^^~^ liftadaj; PLUMBING A BIAT_______ . Q0.p;6lw irjioom JBd.Bben,..CALVES, Third e u t. Phoae 388, —

I 5 J 1 5 5

A D T o lN s n jw o iu A r e o r n ' Potter Reil tn i te , Pbobe 171

S V ™ •m i o x B o m N s m . V ^ jy j^ C O r-O o tl tnd wiod. W

^ c n o L s .T B A M n r n .* :8 T ( * 0 * - O irttge^M bled dl

9 a u » . Phoneaoo. . ' • .■


puM nier r.4.«0WAll.4>ttnUnf.peperb* » petuQi tn i u d kiUomlnlnc.' 335 eUi i Intereeted eu t. Phene U4W. .irt>rp:o,- • 1------- i , '1-— — s

FAINTINO----- U = 5 FOR PAINTWG AND INTERIr r ; ; ---------aec o ritiii# n !« iro rs rv c M n j, M I - Phono IMM. — . - - r - r

■' H ra io i m c ™ ,

" f i S B F r r f i j t S E S T S i SunnRRN rteUDteteher Phone BUJI 'y. ; . ,

'HOUSES '•L o a n s ’

MMOD* — . AW8‘-^W IM aC 0 . tlE sttte . MONEY FOR ffXlMIOHT lOAJ ------- on oodetB Doutei la Twts f t

eous ' >■ 1 AM O P npW O A VSBV OBS,

- .......... oflered oo the Twin PalU tract>-F. H. «U1 pay yea U) tee 00 before Dliet

w n 8rn~~0 ~A Rol.n^-STRAW*L jn a n a .— PQiLSalo- F a m im fC

5 MOVE.' blW IOP AND BABCOCK REFRH « erttor, thrto'door. Phono W -W

I ^ PURWTORE - KITCH8 4 'USED “ TtblDtLi, mii'M. iititej,'clittn, tti 'esU C*U divenporu priced lo seiL Moot

P iln te n d Furniture Store.-

to UA- racE pnoN A L . BAnoAm-jsaj.i 13J 0 to Sullan, Iwo-plcce ovcrstuffcd tul

. . eorertd- with Angort Black Vela Itnest J^tftny^^constrat

tie Company. -

' g S ~ — W a n te d IbH e t l f -

■ ' alble part)' .sU room Iwuu wli AND 4 garage within wajklng distance (

itM M t «lgh8cho0I.-PJwn*-10S.------ r - r -Peavey: j . " . - . - i . J_____Wto or — F tir :S a le = ^ U v B s to c lr^ -

■7 7 ^ 40 ^VEANLINO PIGS. 5 MILEl y : .. south, 4 west Jerome, liom CaUei

nsFVSR if tr t I m s i ti i wBi WiTKff iWhb^ i i pullet*, mile e u t «i North of WtteW Oor

1 nTile 'ner. ■. — ------ ,

ONE JERSEY- OOW.lONTHOb DUCED - tm um ifej.'UJUiHllHtq l g Bmui it ehlek Pbooe 804R4.

W O NICE - y o O n o " laJdjraSS ' Bun*.I3-ytti*oWcboleeotUjrM

:CE9 ~ Ad Moor. Wettpolnt. WendeU .

' S m

' V _ M f s « I I a n e o l s

betuty TAKE THEBCENIO I}R nE ^lI.;B, ' ' '^ C

•-L-.-------------------------- :-----------------

P a g e E ig h t •

i l l M i f

M BlM iij^^ftiKB-AciEGIwrc^ n J

■ble talent ■ Chanle Io ^ Exiiibit Arllsllt ' Aliilily - j l

'A clevff llsht conifily In tlirfe ' *1*)' , net*; “It Won'l Be Lons iffc-MnUp by-K srouji ot vcof'cnimble - jyouuB m*n*nnd womm. nnil til l iplnncnlrd by the tilsli k IiooI or- in f ,

'ebertn 'a ulS'ftn miwle, _____pTOTld«l a ‘ Uioroughly enjoyable —rrenlns for nn apiireclatlvt audl- ,h a fo^ Injhc^hlgh wIiDOl ^OuJ.

d a n ptay. • __ properOne mnn’S reactlotu iinricr con*

TleUon that lie Jiai onb- i* hm ri ji to 11*0 WM the play"* ceniml theme. ,|,„ t ,{

*Swift-morJn)<r«JMn-flnfl nil) of fun; ttmakf* the mort of opportunlly for j,gu, lalfUifur lines and illiintlanJ. while -^ ll , back o f th e UunWer-Ilej an Ides Mid a Iq w ^ ln RcnffOiljy that (lives „

tha perforiMnce tittt il mbit . dellihUul. If. at lln)«.*ft student* player oeoulonally lapted from , tharacter.'ll was to bc recalled al- „ n j,a WB}-i th a e malh part of the ^vld

-story-a-as-* .fram*i»p-ln-*Wch-U- m rlr tl wit of the 13 pUycrs.were sup-

rpoaed-to-be-felinlnj.------------------ " WorV60 admirably •-as llie catl select-

ed lor.last.evenlng-s i^rformance.mljht hM.n liuUfl.

Tlrilleri for •UtHrpjnsnBm; There was, ample evidence, loo, of capable „ „ „ „ d l r ^ n ' AS well as consclentloiis work u d oo small amount ot talent. (|g„: l — ..Unlqaa In Itepertttlre . . The i • Tha play was unique aaioni slu-. dlrcctoi dent (IramaUc offering* In • tliat e ^ . I

-yoang-men ouUiunibcrcd girts In the Dan-Ti 'e as t, n iu to;ihrec.»- Wurslei' " 'O tflfi’ iittumtir r u n i exp«tt^i* to lln>t~P■ render i good account of Ihenuelves Call, m In 'an amateur Ihcatrical perform- Meml ■Bee, and last night’s performance were ef WM K signal example.In support of

*^SeIdoSTlf ever, Ihougii. have eo PlflTI(

^ K S 5 » “ X!■^;■:^i..AlIamaUur play In Twin Falls...-A reternn Of the stage could Mra.!

-•eanely'iukve-glven t-more slncere Rose 0 . Uld eakest portrayal than-did Jim afwrnoi .U om U ^ In .tbe role ot the har- 4i20o'e: w sed young milUonalfe. trans- jwotfcl

TfljH nedTimiiointnt'bystrenRthtit KnTnil hU'bellef thal hU hours are num- , bered. from* “hard.cold, Ught-In-

-dividual nerer-mixing sentUaenf », wllh.buslncss. Into one whote sud-

..jfc^pWbhthrople. led to grotesque

■ - r ^ 'g q d’deM of-tti^ y c h 'ln e h h e il^l-whom-Uieiuro loves, Is-a whol- *” • ^

ir l«»b ie .youM ..w iw n i:M jip iS i __seated by Erel^j-Jeoldni. and Jen-

. part ot B deraitaUng fortune-hunt- i ei er.wtvim'lhB hero In a final burst ' '

■of generosity make hap- „ , py-wllh aa his helitss-wldoT, mads

S S I;d m ^ - o t - U w - h n O r ^ K e n n e lh

, tn* lh hls representation Ot a none- -tooi4cnipulous man of- btulncM A ni i

T Fmrt-.miT mil.,M ..111 iM JiU.

man. and WUlUm 'Hionuu' natural etferreKcnce was a m tfu l u d e»- lenUal Ingredient In hU aueccatul * ‘,‘w ’ pM nyal of .the port ot a wide* eolllsloi awake.offlce-boy.- . P«ted

---------Mfi«^ s ? ^ ^ o S d ------- '' Minor characters In last night's f * !

- e » . K K 'S S i £ " , ' ibe desired in Her .part as a youpg builneu woman, unspoiled by sud- c-'P'd.n fi(inU4 (il IfiflUlitl--------- r . ' '■■‘•uneuM-UTillrlry I1.« UUMlpd

' toIK w a tiL u ijs 'In characler, ful- i*ouU: ' lUnhK one's Idea ot what a' bul- Tlie-ler^ousbt-to'-be, and-measurlng-up Muihwi

In r...;i.1r,.ni>.nu q{ htS part at the Irh lch..In reality, «-as more than and 8c

hvTnff g; Q U A L IT Y . 'C O U R T E S Y

— SATURDA, t , j ' ' ' l>rct*ea —,i

•‘I .................... llonla M ade'TK irh^’

C ' All Kinds ot rreah Bhipped In VeseU

■ , i*rgaA sw itffi^~otiO c(

, i - To eopply ths iDcreasln*■Cemand tor Ju!

- I ............. , ' ' ~ Mlow'i^?^iij to w p p le , Orange, Crape PTOlf,'oniw’--- --

~ l'z:— - L ■, -.t . n iTim-nl^CTlLftTtwyW

V ;.;'lw !^.a,lla.-Crlie

OKXM aett«csB3esocc»oorg j |f l l

W i l l i e W i l l i s ™P /H O PEnT QUILLFJ* * | - j l

' ■ ,iv.

, | l |5 p 7 ™ '' " r . T m !' Iil ' “ d*

'rUh. boj* eog|(l,Jis»r canrer « .lltlonm or M.mHhln' jxv' d«n'liT« (0 lake raiiUir oil for.* .

r j ' " ' ------------- - man's•of a mlaor role.jlletui, urifcetiil Vounn mnn ofrm o tlven i r ilie lOlUiinil inle atHJiiij.ii, nil nrH'nn-’nlrr in XlUlfil

e r churaetrr. Oporse Riillilisri lo |w iered wi excellent Imptciulnii, The was not JJalcom Parson.\' fmilt *-M ‘ Hiolppllcemaii's I’srt tliai Jie wlien

td wa*a RreaC (fenl (00 itlhetI and laeklnR ItrKilemnliy to br wiilh : eonvlnclns, Jmlle fproper lc,adorof.u pblltlcnl re- TwliF . moveArnl .was^Elburn Piefcp Wa! in n n r t t w u ner tq -n y r nnd' n m rHiein U'rll.’T. n iie UliiU.ll|l.-----t t T vpiOTtiticU'orTiiiWcrs |llgi

I filrls In lha.cast end aim to q lie Mny SlmpMn. director. Tliey

well deKrved. Tliere might ^have been more flowers, or oth- ~,'y,'Idence of appreciation, for tho ^ . ihryounriScS^iirE napn^iy .

irk 'oftlic-stoue iiiflnflBe/'WH led when wio »«ne selling wns “L“ ‘ , ileted. slnc ^ th w sliitt-

ihe one MtUns Idea 1* lo bc Amended, loo, as making for num of delay In Uie preicnta- of the pUy.s production » u tt,> tld e s ’Uic lor, included Irene Christoph- q i., .. prompter:-raul 8tandley and -m TXim’Ipseedr-buslneasj-MarJorle -j,r;a;i l y and Oordon Long, proper-

make-up, • •' — ' “ mben ot Uie boys' glee-clubs efficient usher*. | j | | | | j


I. Effle lllnlon Mil present Mrs. Glih-ln-plano-reeHal-eOTday- ' X.' w ioonfrom4.o'clock P/M .untll ofllieJ j'clock P. M. over KTFI. m m charge I'clock until a b'c l«k. Mrs. Hln» {^jram Hi prcKnt the'fotlmlnir senior t s o i r p I students assisted by Mrs. 0. nounce >ller, . Voice, /accompan)^ by lowing Pied 'Fus; Jennit Heap, Mix- In Uie i luckenUn, Obtdj’s Coiner, Mary John ( er, John Hahn. Ireno Parrott, neau i L JW W M D ^talsaiB L aO sJt j I i ! L ^ ^ e m Osborne.____ . o n > ^

--------- ---- - Z -------------- L]na«WSOFCATHEDRALS'- FEATURE IN PROGRAM1 Edith Egbert. Twin R«1L>, will stcrcopllca-n views ot leadingstnyuiL E uttiifU L jiM tii.«sa S I Sng program a tlh e First Presby-.1 church Bunday nlghl, 11 wrt titicc ij;s l^ ay .by ;il(O M t£ i7 JamuJiJlllar. M r8 .^bertw ai ■sfl In Europe durlnR Uie World iKr r wniitnciir a eii7»r t n e w “ “ ireate sermon' la Jerome Sunday p j ^

----------:--------------- ’A iiii.LISION VICTIM WELL . r WAY TO RECOVERY S'..’n e rc ru t rT S T n r n m e -L a u r ivard. who was hurled through , “ , Lrindslileldofhlsearandagalmt. _____pet lamp |w»t In ’an automobile : = : Ion TTiursday ennlng, was re- m m d to be well on the way to re'<T »t th* eountrgenenU hosplt- — it nlghU During the day, It vas - | . j 1 Mr. Crist left hU bed and wag | 1 iiui atAiJi 111 Wa * l the ~ lalrTlie record showed he cs*1 from the accident w ltha slight lulon'baclc ot tho left ear, a Pd «^r rtnim and InceraUons • tllie Iscfl’ahd head.' e eollUlon' o c c n r^ near « » iwert comer of tlw City park .j,j.

Second slreel e a ^ '^ ^

l aI To

■ I 10

■ ■ . 1 Co

Y SEjtVrCE i ~ I 19

-J Sinhubarb, Oreen Onions ' I Co

sUbles and SirawberriM • ♦ 10- -- - - - ♦ _£V:C a n 'O c ^ " J^ _ - A

lutoM:of A JH tods we Have j g * 4 ^ , N •. i ^



[JITFOODa......." - - ^ 1

: ^ ~ . ' ' ; . raVBii»i‘ i f r


. T W IN F A U .S D A ILY Nl

i l i i f il-ttiCCiBS-s•; ■ " — ......... .......... . Cull

iv . W . P d ls ip lic r , V iptim o l j s i

H lE a n d f R D r rO n v E r rO i t i j

H = f O t t f ^ t f f c e t a - ^ t i } n y g = s-■ ■ • . - > i : _ _____________

•csliteni ct Twill nU h for llirw j c i ^ 5 w l >n.vt. who wn.1 struck by a lilt-nnd- , .

I. M. Pulilpher, Rpre waUliu on Itie S r/I ■ofldilde Mutli.of Twin PalU Wed- C( levday w-ertlns, died IVlday afier^ . loon at'4he county Rcneral hospital life from wountI.i Includlnit a fr*e- _ ure<l iikull. wllliolil rwilnln'g con- L . clotwwM nfler tha aceiaent. 'Thft death car..whlcli. ilie dcMl .

nun's brother said, wa.i a large lH-edlng'«dan, aprrbached without ramlng and dld.n&l' pauM aller

^Ilioiit n Imp.- nf pvlijpnri-'ipndinf D iiowlblj* apiirrliPiulon. t IkThe fnlal acclileTit ooeuned aboiil roiiK

;30 P'cl^.''W ednM day evenlnj. Iien'tli’o m o brbi'hcn wlio lived to- . | „ e lh fr ^ / in h - .-m J J e - a n i lV h a lt f i i , iiiih ot Scuth Park, had walked a u illl llie from Uielr home on llie way to , • ,wlirFall*.------------------------------------ . ' IWallace W. PiilAlnher and lih'fam- \ \

y tSfflt ta laano acouf iiirHnnntT - — fllfyenfs“B(io"irQni'Ut11i7iWnXUyr u tf. lf?y lut^vcd by hi* U' l W ^

nd.Bylvln..5. He leaves .a ljo jils pUnn rolher. J. M. Pulsipher, and lister, th o ll In. 0 , if. Wrlghl, T i’ln Pnlls. be a i Tlifl body rests a t ihe' Oroisman ThelnmcraUwrlra._________ _ ?>'■ sNo funeral aervlce* will be Meld and I :re.but Uie bodj-.wlll be.laken today, shorl I Uie tormer home a t Brigham Cliy er," 1 here interment will take plnce foi- sing ii wing funeral service,< lo be lieN y a

gainlfl diprch fit J P f- ^uDfl y- Tho body will bo accompanied by of J« le jiareiiu- of tlie dead man. Mrs, sine, 'llllam Pulsipher who- arrived fllne.Hur*day,andWllllaml*n!slpherwho —AIBme from Drighsm Cliy yesimlay. Heme, OUwr members of Ihe tuneral por- the t: ■ will include, the widow and llUle Payne. w gK lerO lrrin3T .rrrx W. PulsI- Buriu ler, Mr. and Mn. O. JLffrt<bl Iind throwi

"■ ■ ^ : hls'mand fl

H l f f l l E EJlNISJSlilSTIINTS.; ,A.'WllUJit /'eOCBeiwral chairman -------Ihe American Legion commlitee In jQj„ arge ot presenting Nellie NeUon. forn,..

iuneedUieappolntment.pflhflfol- .ivlng committee memben lo n s ls l {,' .■tJiework:Mr».D.E.ReKan,pl8noj ' “ ‘I,ilin C. Hnrvey. prograrii! and Ju- ' !au H. Bhlnii. publllcly.The concert will .be (rtven at llie dent itl.tenm l l i , . l t4- |a : i l i r i i i l i t l i n i r -M ivleLegien-MemoTUl-bulMIng— . JmStS ■la addlUon4»th« localLcglon.pott. id lfc . X orgaritzallotu will cooperate In punui le tale of Uckcta for Uie affair, ae- boom irding l4 Mr. Peck, Uie/e with the ti shor jeclal chnlniien' for each'croup, retain :lng: Mrs. o ! l . Alexander,'Women's . uxlllary; Itctla McCoy.'Business = lid Professional Women's club: Mr*. '^Ink(rBamhBrtrOlrt•R<«rvea^WT i------r. Frantz, Troop number 11 Boy DOiiUiihUbelngihelrpopsponsored f'Wie-Amerkan-LeglonS'MtSfWrB. — mllli,'TwenH«irCemury clubj.and

Tlekeis. u Is announced, will be


AUBUnW. Ala. (/V)-Joe Burl. Aif- B l irn senior, has been awaked thanrlrr Inytny flip m ii Ti.<tih >if hliInning of six .varnlty. lellen for ____Jiletlc nctlvltles. Ile sUrred In lolball, baseball and basketball. *—

iiP aysT ftS Ford Deal

. F O R H O N E S T )

•1029 MckIcI A : ~ .-P ic k ll l l ....... ----------------- ;;------- I...!ui

iy 2a M o ( I c l A .

U f f l J b i l d T ” .....■.—Town S c d n ii..... ...............................1030 Model AT udor Sedan_________________IM O M tK iolA . .C o u p e ..............................L...... ........]!)30 Chovro lc t '

- < ^ po- .i.........:.------------------------------1931 .C hevrolet Contdi, new c a r 1929 C hevro let ’ ' 'C o u c h .... ....................... ..................Jii2d C hfv ro lv t •

. C^upc-,r™;„.rt...™;.'...„.......

.-J02S:N a3h .,- :u .--- ■_Cofich. ' ' ^ . 19‘20-Stiulebnker : '

192rrFnrH~'"™” " .........■ T uiior S e d a n ...;_______ 'J 9 2 f i ^ o t d - i . .-t^ouiw-TT-. .....~~~=~ ■■—

1 9 2 5 T o rd - ■ ■- II r — ^ -n r-T

___________N e w L o w F i n o n i. . . . — ^ ^ b e r a l i T e i

inftisim m------------ ^ i - w i n F a U s , !

1 NEW.S. T « ’IN‘ F S t t S . tB A H O , I


Tliouiili Mf.'.. nii-V. DuJardln oncc Itiini:,till'd ni.m*v tor her hiisbanil, H, ___ \P. UiiJnKliii. i(> com<*'home tromriiiifnrnii.- niter. Ii' l 'f i In o-fit-Gl -almrj^ Nnirmbfr, flhe naw wanl.l ' ' Tn

I V iirm c of dlvorre, the nld Innccm- hoiioI |>laliil In'll (hvdfce lull tiled Ift the .Mel)idl^lrlrl rniiri’ lirfr yciierday. She It w»j aliciir.v iTurity Sa ttoHiWU'for the A5!jmu.ii..iitiii fnr.aldivlslPii.oUlic .will.


fepfc/fnird lu Bits.action by O . P., Olorj UuvaII. Twin FolU attofiiey. A }


■ r<p«.-O n irraJ Uwlon camp, U nlW Pi“" ' RlwnL.h w .r v .lrm ta . TwIn.Fallfl. added K) I'.'i tiiernbcrshlp raiter Uie " " ‘ nnine* ol liliir ntw, members, a t a i®,; nieeiinB of the Tliursday J i , . evenlni. The new members were Alljifl M.. Clifsley. Burley; Walter M.Unnnn!, ;^<lrn: William, O. Lam*


---------------■-------- --------- r - l n i


planned in honor ot motherhood. At MUthe U A. M. worship hoilr Uiere U lo “Ood'iIm a sliorl program by the ehlldrea Clark. Thelma Anderson and Roy Magoffinwill £ly£_ttndlnca—Jutlfc^heplierd' -------and tTPda Mejer are to present a ,,i«horl dlalORiie entlUed. “For. Moth- n i llir,"Tlie Junior Girls chorus .will ULUl Ung lwo numbers, "A Bong for MoUi-;r." and "A Row y and a Kiss for • H

)f J«u£." Lawrence E. Turner will line, ‘T hat Wonderful Mother ofkllne." The -A t B-p.-MrB-ptcturr,-"ltome, Bweet the mfteme," is lo be shown. I t begins.wllh club 1<.he famous song of John Howard the hil»ayne. llien ihc heme# of Lincoln, over IOufiu. T T a«ilngtom nd"othcjnrB praifli;hrown on Uie screen, followed by Rilli

Its (iMi home and childhood days. moh,j ind finally a series that lell what It feemix ;akes to make a 'true home. ,All of juj'.vi. iicie plctii'rea are colored ond Uie)'. m r but onii nim, to exalt moiher- iiood atuMlie home.' .•


Jolm C, Savage.'Mlaml, Florida, .five di former T*in Falls rcsldenl, died a t 1,^ liisJiom.Uitfo-ApriL2t..Ba .resulLjf an auto-mishap, according to a •____ietlcr recelve^yiefc'yesticMay trom — Ills broUier, Henr; 0. Ravage, Wes- ion. Weal Virginia, by Lem A. Cha* ‘ pin, T»'ln Falls. Details ol the aec\* lent'weie not given. .“ Mn'SavBRO'wa.i aTilumbinRTCon*' I Imclor In'Tn'ln Falls Iti early days.! Z i $ n i t 5 H u 0 3 p 3 O I i c O i L i = = sijunued the same business. When the Mo'm In Florida collajued, lu spent \ short Nme In T»-ln Falls, where he retained Interests', alter which he re*

- --Used-Tireaa n d —

fiihRa for Sale

— - T . ~ e f a O T P ‘ f. - : - '

^ bho'ynincautoco... _Dlitrihnij^ri II .

~ ....... .Main a t ^ m . l ^ t l l j r T [ .

See Your _ oler F irs t, ,T VALUES 1S

.ij525fl.Q lt_;,„.$235.00 -

$'375.0.0 “. ::$425.00 S

$450.00 J_ $ 4 5 0 .0 0 - -u ir w ith ' a libe ra l d iscount

$325.00" !ti2. niniE "s*

£ ^ « 2 ^ 5 i0 r 1^^.^.425.00- -xazr=ri^4O-.00T fS:fif$45^0-- f= ^ J 2 5 m sla j ic ^ s ts ' s . ir T e m S r 'T t r l - t ------ - T ----- ^

W J J M M L Z 1 ^[b, I d a h o 12


[ T t , SA T U SD A Y M O RN ING , MAI

i i i i i io iM P ir |iiTIB'SDIiySEIliE,,;

---------- —------' VLll

- T n T r will-bC'SFcUi f.-n'IrM In honor of Mother's dny al llie FirJl HaJ .Methodist triiLwopal chutch Sunday, pg, It wa* ciinounwl yntcrdjU'. , .

At Wl! momlm; 'eenHee the-el»el»r~T Wll /Ins a niNlleyi ol "Hymns My

iMili- aill-sliis. l l 'h s i wunuffim _ MoU>«iM.'..Minf:" thr mla!ittr.JtV:.

Olory nf’Moiiierliood. • • ' *A nwelnl .Mother's day (Ifamatlin-

lion uill N- »rp,*i-nl^ hv n gfOiiu Pl,l»— )-oimc lieople ai.ihc evening service. O The t'lar. which fs'by Lyrila OfO^rr. 0 ,1 Desed and W entitled •'Hie Portrait." to l represehls n'RWup of j'oung. people plannm* how they shall obiene j, Memoflil day..They meet onM oth- jerc er's Bay. 10 years after the World In l war. and in the home ot '."Mother' ~ “5 Oalliinf where hangs the portrait o{ y her wn, kUle l In taUlc.'W hai the molh'T. and the portrait of her son. sa^ rt': the j-oung people foma the heart of the play. Th6 easl Is com-

echub'ri*. .Mary nesiiB. Coljeen Bice,Vern Sackelt,.and Cat?oll Kellogg._Jn mifiiHffn tlr th f pUiy "m- —■ If n.MI ppp<*wl>/< t,y thp »trtng Icit ensemble. .Mts* Josephine Tlfrlick- ^ morion will prc.<dde at Uie console of the.i>lpe.rrRan,dyrjng.a,lA-mlnule • Ei recital al 7;45 P. M. and Mrs. Henry Shei Wliltf nnd Mrt.-lterman Yarborougtr taei will sing .u ie o u gospci iijnm A

Mlw Shlrbjy . Nelson will ' read visit “Ood'ft Dreams" 'by T hom u CurUs . CUrk. . Si

__ War------ ■■ I. . • Burl

= i i g | | E iBrov

The following Is the program of last the meeting o r tn e T W in'alls 4-k Mn. club lender*' council held Monday a t - Uie high Khool here and presided ^ over by Mrs. Earl Hhie. Kimberty, wW

Following the opening song, "Our b*™roCTi5,- " foii Mi r ™ '-8rt)rr rTa ''t r - rMother's day quotallw uW .tbe 31 faemj>ch.prcsent. Explanation ot Ibe ' db'lhln'gjcorc card and comparaUve Judging was made by Mils Helen Jen-

Hralion agenV-Mn. Mlllon Powell. ^

-apron proiett and D. E. Warren. Bur* .. ley, explained Uie Junior short course ^ *nicifwill-be-held:in-Pocaltl!Oi- fo^ - n five days, beginning June 7. Hegu: lar meetings will be held on Iho *^ -M o n d a y -o t eaeh^month.. •

turned to Miami lo live, - iH eli sur 'lved by asonrJosrph-fla-

\ligc. Miami. and_bt his brother.Henr)- C. Savage, also a former>ett- ~ dent of Twin FBIS —

; ' ; BS^S- 1 — I h U R R A N ' NOV

...............— - - H A V F ..S O M F .J

lla b b lla

- ' S p rin K ‘•, I ; n m h , '


tlo a

New Enpiland Boi

1 mili cbbw. ; S" 3 large carrots . 3 sn

Wash laearw ickly In eoid water. : i cold water. Place n e a t In kettle, covci unUl tender (about 9 to S hours), l^ o » n u H ,‘o Bbg[W d n f iu rn lpK-ent to‘qu lenfliig. add pm nlpf, ooloni «t«},.pc p u t te r , ; . • '

S a tu rd a y £ISKoulder R o M t a Pork -

c S h ( i u l d 6 F ? P o r t e S t 6 f l i F s ^

Pot Roasts'Beef.........-i...f ^ n i c p - R i h T in i l

-Sirloin.Stealti-U .

Hambui'ger, Z T io in i t i f f T :

JtealShouldWJaSgM--.:Z y e J S o i i g E S H E^ e a l - S t e w E - : n = s = ^ . ; » " . :

: , ■ 4 _ j Z y ^ . p E L l Y

1 2 8 ;M a lit 'A T n im N o ^ l '. ; ::-.T

M A Y 9 ,1 9 3 1 . . ' . ■

BlR€Vm€pVljllilnP<«-_8iftlo:r!nn.JoeOat4. J

lirr .MIlLloJJocaldloJast-evenlnHo ^..VM:-. ^VUl* In rortlsnd-M fs. Carrlt

Hari» tell yeslerday tor a vlill In Portland. . . ' . . '

. ' en:’ .ilakM Iluilnru Trlp..^<rV. Jdiii- ^

t f n.wcnt to fi»lt Lake.Clty.yesterday,

. , , • - - - • frl•n .e a m -F o r -O r rw t t= :i il» rp -w ^

Oregon, to vuit. . ‘ . • g|y

Oo to 1.01 Aniele»-I>r. and Mn; AtrO.D. Weaver left yesterday OQ a trip msto Los Angeles.

J»pm e Man Tnv'e ls-B. A. DetsU, / Jerome, left here yeslerds'y lo vtsU » I n ^ Angeles. '

^ * icoyislU Parents-M fs. Miles Brown- n

Ing leit yesterday tor Berkeley to Uit tU it jie r parenU

where sbe wlU visit friends. ^

...O«*.0n.Vl»ll--Mr#.M aryKle*m n a lelt „ ind t'JcJnUy to i-lslc friends. -y

: Knlm. VnlTer»lty.*r.Mlu Helen m i Sherlock left yesterday tor. Berkeley tjenterUie.Unlyenltyo^ Callfomla. |jjii

S '. . - • - - , : • ■■ - II

spend YVeek.-End - .M iss Viola «nd WardJu;d4-lltsMaryAcallurlTentto Mta Burley yesterday to vlsll over «ek* Ms: end. -T Boil

I wee• Mere IV6m M<.nlpeller-Mti"Joan Us ' Conley,' Montpelier, arrived yester- cow day to vlslt'Mra. MjTtle Hester and whe dauhhteis. ■ ■• - ; ■■•■■■■ p jy

Brouse, 'Denver, left for. her home “ last evening after vlslUng Mr. u d M n. John DBtss. .

Labor Man Visits — August net* qulst, Pocatello, secretary ot the

>cre leslcrday on buslnesi.

Rrlnm Atl^n Trip—Mr. and Mn.W, 'A. Bass arrived home Thursday after an overland trip to New Mezl-

— F O R -S A L E ^A iilo .-D o o r G l ^ . . ,

ind sh ie ld s-an tl^ fflndo ff g la ss . N o c h a rg e fo r set*

■- - i i t J i t ---------

MOON’S ' •- P ain t and' F urniture Sfore

n u i in i i^

lOW WE'Ll ~ ■ ' 'l E - o o o f i - :___ikedHFA'k —iH U K vV bV b B ra n d ,

TO-TRUSTr|- - ^ ^ ^

- B aco n ','.

» n J

. Pure...—

3 | 9 ^ U r d

pllcll Irutt In UUa meat market.

Boiled Dinner

(I small parsnips 8 medium poUloes '3_ small tumlpasr. : t w ry aaltyi soak « hour Iti covering wlUs oiling water. Cook Ty> houn Ufore sm lny , a it In

d.. potatoes. Arrange on a Urge

S pecia ls

1 2 V , c

............. .....1i)e^

2 5 c - -

t e s H i i

L I VE R — ^ ^ - P h o n e 162-J63-; ^

« C3 and Texu.'Tliey weic i;une nbJUi g a month.

peUhies Rtll'l Co— F9r a second cimgcutivranvna'carlonVj nf iwia-

I® lot* Bcnc-oufT'j-^erday {rom thr- T»ln K«U» depol. n ir^ -c a r Imutf ol

ben'w were bLv) shlppW,-'

n • '(»!>« t# ll«l»c — A. A. DoHCheri

' employed hero .by the Schramm-- jBnnHjn'DniR'iiumiiaiu^lefi'Tiairr: V day morning for Boise where he

• friendr ^

^ (Jlre*TroibpPre*ent-A Twin Palls ; dUirn, whose lot had been effectively- Uuii'ui ||> Iiajn imuiun ' n, 'utu ■; Amrrlcsn u-glon troop of boy/eouts. p madea'vbluntAryoffrrlncotlltaUie

Iroop f und yesterday. ,

1. Compleie Tr<p-Mr. and Mn. W. ^ A. Bom returned Thunday ftvm a ,. monlh'i Tttlt In Colorado. New- Mex­

ico and Texks. Mrs. Jonnle Wltt Full-- er, .pueblo, Colorado, acc««npanled0 Uienvhotp^for A summer's vlalt.

,• - 'Leave For Washlagton-Mr. and

FtWsy. On Uielr return trip Uiey will• bring Uieir daughler. Cora, who la

a graduating tn m coUege In I o n city, c. __ ■

MwleUm Pass ThroQgh-Waller Petenwn. Mrs. T^R. Nellson and Mrs.

‘ IiH.Mwters.membersofIhemuslcal ' faculty ot the UnkersUy of Idaly).• h-iinph'«vm IhfXiijl. *Pip|n

[ inlMnneellPn

- Here’j-rimi Dols*~Mra. C;C.-CQrtls1 and children. Oall and Chcrrlll. and ) Mt9.-Mar)-8bihim7Tttomer*OfMrs.. Max BuckenUh. motored over from

Bol/« Friday attenooa lo spend Uie week end visiting friends. Mrs. Cur-

i Us-and chlldftn will movc'to Mcs- , cow. as soon as sctiool closes In Boise, i where Mr. CurUs has accepted U» " pmuntB~Df'thp‘ fija t' cirrltttigT

I “fl— ^ — 1 ■

A H Y o u -

G e t t i n g

[ T R r a j

In Every 1

OneCar ;S ta n d ^ B ^ — —

^ ' f ro n t . A nd th a t o S u p e r Gan, G lv?.

— - — Lj'i)u .'d -Jike,tp en jt

a n y I f n e . , .

orQ u a r t o f (

, W hen , you drlv R IG H T NO W , an.

' L in d ’s . 'N o t on ly I----------- e o u rte s le s 'th to w n

w indshie ld ; check y o u r-rad ’i a t o r . '

I f you havo lo > . - w h e n - y o u drivo

yo u r 'W atc li,,a n d i In a h a lf m in u te ,'

____.. . . QUART

—Lind-Auto'• Tb* F la « ra d 'B « (* t4 B Offleeana SbBp-fbwe *>» - OftlcUl Bosch Magneto Bale* w a sc r r ie e SUUon

rr -DANCB-OTTffrWS i - A T H A G

* -r(Lake GniT , x lV ~ i J O N lC H T .= S A T U l

■ ' MAY

• * ^ e v - A lw a y s H a v e G 'o o O

T ' fn- Pnll» Chnptrr. Royal-Arch ' Masons, conferred work W the Most Excellent Master degree upon four, -

^ icaiidldalct, nt n ,m>Tllng;in.tha.Mni_ lie sonlo tetnple here last 'night. The.

Ichapter, handed by, y.^H Barker,_ 3 i1 f lL jr ia .jn ird jO nem ^r«iK t~ni_ 5Iis present from Duhl. ' ; . ,'tlx . John W. Shore. Bobe. grand can-

.lain cf llie hone sa i.p re ien t and mado a brldf talk, nefreshmmtj v m sert'cd. • . . .

w . ,--------------- :— — — — —

iSi- School Newslied

InllUtlon'ot offlcen and memben ind of committees for Uio coming yiar Itfi will be a feature oi -thtf b n ^ c s t ,

rill mesllc science rooms ot the Twin .I la PaliUDgh school at B A. M. today,Ity. Barbara Oamble will succeed A rta '

UadasprcMdent:-Vatur»VanEng<*— len becomes vice pfcsldenl; Calhcr-

,_ IneTmcoi^Tecretary, and KnUiryn ea] Rulhlurl, treasurer. The toUowlng-r^ hg Isallstotoonimlllees: . . . s k ftibllclty-W awe Hall. Martha

_ Loin. Enid.K tnffoH hi;jii)g..nuth ~' UrownTiwiii Hiller; scn'lK,£iUl(r. ;

-I- nedo'c, Cloramao DowJes;.. caihp,.Elsa Cordos, KaUi^-n Boone: mem* '

>« bershlpf-Villurft-Von-Bigelen Belly— 501 Peu»ey: point, -Francea Wldeberj; . J ,, ousic, Marion Oraham, Janet Felu ir- ' . •a ; -JUNtOB HIGH SCIIOOL-----------M, The Junior high school band, J .T ,4» Balnbridge, director, gave a concert^ -'

~Z !5 t.u ;isA .M.'ye5teroay., .


N D ’S GAS ~

Traffic Line~-

..« %1..> tw __"Vll ^—ine_rar a lw ay s .fliwhM to thet ono M r .10 o ften ' iiiiM L ind 's V? y o u r c a r . t h e ’ i)fp’.f tn d zinnjfiy. F j ll _tnd.gfe'.liiiw M yBCahds o u t in _ _

lU teiSeM ce: ' )r a _O il F R E E

r ive u p - fo r jta^, you wimV It and th a t ’s w licn you rcI i t a t ly th a t , b u t you.RCt th e littlew n-in , such-as-cItoninK-^'OM r.............sckinir y o u r - t i r e s nnd filling

;o w ait, w e pay you well fp r i t ive np to o u r pum ps, ta k e o u t d I I y o U 'W i.n o t Burveil ,ivUli“ “ t c , y o u * c f n . .


toniobile^Gor^ —Eqifpped C i ia i i f i’ l S W « i7 " T 7

ParU 'T bO B fat' “ Tlfflken. New Pariarf aaA-

r U R D A Y i= T O N .I G H T 5 ^ E ^ — iVYiiftTH . ■