Wilt 1J1irst :!lrtqn~ist iEpisrnpul

IHrtrtnrg Wilt 1J1irst iEpisrnpul <!Tilurr4 of &pturtrpnt·t. N. f.

Transcript of Wilt 1J1irst :!lrtqn~ist iEpisrnpul

Directory, The First Methodist Episcopal Church of Spencerport, N. Y.General Hardware, Heating and Plumbing Farming Implements, Paints, Oils, Glass
Automobile Accessories
- W.e Specialize -
I N the year 18 10 the who le of Ge nesee Co nference.
as it lies at pre sent , was comprised . within the bounds of a single circuit called the Ho!la nd Purchase Circu it. The ori gi na l Ge nesee Conie r­ ence comprised as mu ch tert'itory as is now divided into the Genesee. East Ge nesee. a nd
Ce ntra l New York, \Vyoming. part of the B lack RiYer . and part of Ca nada.
Previous to this. hO\\·eve r. in the yea r 1807 the },'h ila­ de lphia Confe rence se nt two me n. nam ed Peter \ 'a n\: est a nd Amos Jenks, to preach in \Yha t was term ed the H ol land Pu rchase a nd Ca ledonia ),.f iss ion. I t is recorded that th e fir s t sermon preached west of the Ge nesee Ri\·e r \Ya s preached by Pete r \ 'anNest at the house of Colone l \\'ill ey. prese nt tow n of Ogden. near wh ere now stancls th e Pres­ byter ia n Church. Th is is. however. di sputed by some that the Canesteo Ci rcuit had two societies form ed we st oi the ri ve r in towns at present called A mity a nd Belfast, in 18U(j.
The fir s t session of Ge nesee Confe rence was held in a barn be long ing to Cap ta in Dorsey, in L:-•ons. \Vay ne Connty . New York. The Holl and P urchase Ci rcuit was the n in­ cluded in the Susquehanna District, and John Kimberlin a nd W ill iam Brown were appoin ted to the circuit. T he fi rst class leader appoi nt ed wit hi n the hounds of the pre~e nt
Ge nesee Confere nce was David DO\nling. who was li\·ing in th e year 1852, at which t ime the record was writte n irom w hich th e m ost of thi s materia l is drawn , near P hilli p:;Y ille, A llegheny County, N. Y.
In the year 1811 the fir s t Society within what \\·as a iter­ \\·ards an d until a few years ago called th e Ogden Circ uit was formed by Rev. Loring Grant. It was located in \Yhat was called 'vVehster Bas in on the E rie Cana l. \\·e~t of Spe nce rport. a bout o ne mile. The origina l members oi the Society were : J oh n an d Susa n \ Vehste r. Ben jamin a nd R oxa nna Freeman . Polly David son a nd Sally \ ,\· eh,; ter. J ohn 'vVehster, Susan \Ve bster and Polly David so n \Yere me mbers previously in Lima. Livingston County, N . Y .. an d Benjamin Freeman a nd Sa lly \ Vebster were convert ed in 18 11 at a camp m eeting held in the tow n of Caledonia. \:one of th ese persons. it is believed, a re now li,·ing.
F rom th e class at \ Ve bster Basin sp ra ng the :Methodi sm oi Ogde n Circuit. T hi s class , ho wever. was aiter ward a h so ln~ d by the P ro testant Me th odi s ts. wh o s till hold th e ground in th e Soc iety. Me th odi sm . howeve r , increased in extent a nd spread it se lf abroad un t il in th e year 1821 a no ther t: la,;;, 11·as fo rmed in th e southeast par t of th e tow n. a t what 11·as term ed the W hittier Settl ement. to which som e of the mem bers of the fo rm er class were tra nsferred . T he class a t vV hi t ti er Se ttl em ent was fo rm ed according to the hest ac­ count s by Rev. J am es H emingway . th en a loca l pre:1c her in Chili , N. Y ., ac ting under the ge nera l direc tio n of the P resid ing E lder , Rev. J . T . Le nt . 11· ho was that year l''!s to r of th e Caledonia Circuit , w hich th en cove red t he territory af terward s called th e Ogden Circui t .
In 1828 the Society a t Gates was formed by J ohn Cope la nd. The nam es of the fir st class are: Ziba a nd O li ve H ayd en. Mary H ayden a nd Polly F inley. T he H ayde n fami ly were form erly m ember s a t Sc ipi o, Cayuga Count y. ]\' . Y . Polly F inley fo rmerly was a member a t Springwate r , L ivi ngs ton County. l\ . Y. T he mee tin gs we re held in a log schoo lh ouse, ahout eig hty rods south of the Cana l. an d about three -fo urth s of a m ile north of th e present Gates Chu rch.
In 1830 the Society rece ive d a n access of a bout th irty membe rs under the labors of R ev. C. V. Adgate a nd J a m es He ,ning 11·ay . A m ong those tha t year added we re : E beneze r \Va lker. Parish L illybr idge, J asper Stowe ll , Ze la Stowe ll , Aza ria h Stowe ll a nd Barba ra Jay nes. 1vith the ir fa milies.
in 1832. chie fl y t hroug h the labor s of two local preachers of noc hester. nam ed E li sha Grove r a nd Ri chard P ratt . Gates Cha rge was blessed w ith a nother good reviva l. i\m o ng th ose conve rted a t th at rev ival was A llen Todd , aiter11·ard s a class leader a nd throug h wh ose effort s p rin ­ cipally t he prese nt house o f 11·orship th ere 11·as erec ted. " A m a n,'' says the record, "of loml voice a nd great dec isio n oi charac ter .''
The Society at Spencerport It 11·as fo rm ed fi rs t hy a conce ntra tio n fr om South
Pa rma . Webster Basin a nd W hittier Settleme nt. In 1838 Re1· . Salm on Judd , Pastor in th at year (1 838). th e mee tin g hou,;c . to which we thi s day h id fa rewe ll. was erec ted.
Scl'(~ ra l things m il it:I ted fo r quit e a nu m ber of yea r s again<;~ th e p rosperity of Spe ncerpor t Cha rge. Fi rs t , th e
different part s o f whi ch the Society was compose d was divided b)' mil es of di s ta nce . Second. it was on g rou nd a lready stro ng ly occ upi ed by Cong rega ti ona l elem ent. by wh om th e country \\·as fir s t se ttled . F or ma ny yea r s. t here­ fo re, the Soc ie ty la ng ui shed . K o ge nera l re ,·iva l is recorded during th ose years. A nd with inroa ds which deat h a nd a postasy ma kes o n al l socie ties, it had a ha rd s trugg le to hold its ow n.
Indee d. th e Society was with out additio ns o f a ny grea t a mo unt until th e la bor s of Rev. Chnrch. o nl y a fe"· years ago. F rom th at tim e th e charge bega n to ri se more rap idly, a nd th oug h it is ye t fa r from wha t we a ll hope to see it. throug h the blessin g of Cod. s till thi s Soc ie ty has rca,; ·m to tha nk Cod fo r the pas t a nd w ith re newe d energy to bn ckle on th e a rm or a nd go out to win new vic tories ior K ing E mmanueL For thi s le t us pray a nd fo r thi s Je t us consta ntly la bor .
J t m ay he interes ting here to g ive a li s t of the P reac hers' nam es \Y ho have labored upo n th e cha rge a nd th e year s of their se rvice :
In 1807- P ete r \ ·anKest a nd A m os J enk s.
In 1808--Ceorge L a ne, afterwa rd s hook age nt 111
Ne w York. In 1809- J am es Mitchell. J oseph GatchelL In 18 10- J ohn Kimberlin , W illiam BrO\\'IL In 18 11- Lorin g Gra nt , Marm aduke Pi erce a nd
E lija h iVIetcalf. In 1812-Rinaldo M. Evart s. In 1813-Elij ah Kin g a nd E. Doolittl e. In 18 14- \ iV illiam Brow n a nd E . \ i\T a rren. In 1815-J a mes H . Harris. In 1816- R ober t J\f en sha ll , Thom as McKee. In 1817- \ i\T illiam J o nes. R eube n ;\ y lesworth . In 1818-Cyru s Story, M icah Segar. Tn 1819-Cyru s S tory, Z. Padd oc k. A . \ i\T illiam s. In 1820-N. B. D odson. In 182 1-1822-J a mes S. Le nt . In 1823-John Cosart. In 182.+-Benaja h \ i\T illi am s, Jam es H aze n. In 1825-- Barker Boale. In 1826-Eiij a h Boardm a n. In 1827- J ohn Cope la nd . J ose ph A twood .
In 182il-J ohn Cope land , H. F. Rome, R. Smith . I n 1829-Chester V. A dg-a te. S. vV. \ Voos ter. In 1830-C. V. Adgate . J ames Hemin gway. In 183 1-M. Tooker. G. Be ned ict . ]. He mingway. l n 1832-Richard vVrig ht, D . F. Parsons. \V m . J ames. I n 1833-J ohn Cozart . G. vV ilkinson. Aaron Pa lm er. ln 183-f- J ohn Cozar t, Aaron Palmer. In 1835-R. M. Everts. J . A tw ood. In 183(•-R. l\f. Eve rt s. H. Stanfor d. In 1837-Salm on Judd. E. 0. Hall. In 1838-S. Judd, E. G. Se lli ck. In 1839-:\atha n Fe llows. \Vesley Cochrane. [n 18.f0-l\ath a n Fe llows, D. Fe ll ows, J acob Hage r. In 18-fi --D. Fellows. Oria Comfort . In 18.f2-J ames Hall , Da niel A nderson. In 18.f 3- H iram May, J ohn F uller. In 18-f.f-Reuben C. Foote. H.a lph Clapp. In 18.f 5- Micha Seage r, R . C. Foote. In 18.f 6- 1847-John B. Sancton. In 1848- 1849-Lorcn Styles. In 1850--Horatio M. R ippley . In 185 1-Joscph McCrerry , Jr. In 1832-Gustavis H ines. w ho we nt from here to
O regon as Missiona ry to the Indians. In 1853- C. Patridge. T his was a young man devoted
to hi s work and of good promise, w ho d!ed of cholera in tha t year. Balance of year was supplied by Moses Wallace, a loca l preacher o f the Parma Circui t.
In 185.f the name of the Ogde n Charge was changed to Spe nce rport, and W. C. \Villey was appointed Pastor. T here were some convers ions at Spence rport during thi s year.
In 1855-1856-Rev. ]. B. J enkin s. In 1857- F. vV. Conable. In 1858-1859- A. L. Backu s. In 1800-1 861-H. W. An nis. I n 18(•2- 1803- E. S. F urman. In 1864-1865-1 866- S. C. Church. In 1867- Geo. \N. Coe. In 1868-H. R. Smith. ln 1869-1870-C. C. W ilbur.
Morning Worship .... 11 :30 A . M.
Evening vVorship 7:00 P. M.
Mid -week P rayer Service (vVed. Eve.) 7:30 P. M.
R ev. S. VI/. Eato n. B.D.
F. B. Snave ly
Mrs. J ennie Hay E. C. H a rt Mrs. S. \ \ ' . Eato n Mrs. Geo. In g rah am Mrs. Geo. Ing raham
-114- District Steward
Acting Supt. Sunday School
Committee on Education M ilclrecl Hart Li la B rooks
E . C. H art E. C. H a rt H. E. R ogers
.\lr s. In g rah a m
Financial Secretary Treasurer of World Service
Treasurer of Current Expenses Fund
Auditing Committee S. L. F lagg
Ebe n Ba rrett
E. E . Cl ingman
Church Records Committee S. L. F lagg E . E . Clingman
Estimating and Financial Committee J ohn Ta lbott L. B . S nave ly H. E. Rogers S. L. F lagg
E. C. Hart
'World Service Committee E. E . Cl in g m a n ilfrs. Ne llie Brooks
.\I iss Esth er Ba ll E . C. H a r t
\Va lter N ichols
Supt. of Cradle Roll Custodian
Parsonage Committee Pres. o f Lad ies ' A.i cl , Mrs. F.. C. H a rt
Mrs. J ohn Talbott .\[ rs. F reel Fraizc
S. L. Flagg J osep h \V orland Walter N icho ls
S. L. Flagg Mrs. J ennie H ay E . E. Clin gman H. A. Shaie t·
H. E. R ogers A lirecl P eacoc k ]. A. Talb ott
Est her Ball Ea rl H awkin s .\'frs Ne lli e Brooks H . E . Smith
Committee to Eliminate Non-effective Members from Church Roll
E . C. H ar t J ohn T a lbott L. B. S nave ly
-114- The Sunday School
Mrs. Geo. Ingraham \Valte r ?\ ichols A lfred Peacock H. A. Shafer ....... . . . . Mrs. Earl Hawkin s Miss lvfilclrecl Hart Mrs. Ke llie Brooks 1\f rs. Jen nie Hay H rs. F. ?\ ich ols Mrs. \Va lter N ich ols
Superintendent Assistant Supt.
P ianist Primary Supt.
Junior Supt. Missionary Supt.
Missionary Treasurer Temperance Supt.
The Ladies' Aid Society Mrs. E. C. Hart Mrs. Freel F ra ize Mrs. J ohn Talbott Mrs. Ethe l Beaney Mrs . r\ Lawson
President First Vice-President
Second Vice-President Secretary Treasurer
The Women's Foreign Missionary Society 1v[rs. F leming Nichols President Mrs. ?\ e llie Brooks First Vice-President Mrs. J ohn Ta lbott Treasurer Mrs. J enn ie Hay Secretary
The Women's Home Missionary Society Mrs. ·walter Kichols Miss Mi ldred Snyder Mrs . Ethe l Beaney
President Secretary Treasurer
Emma H. A 1Jen Mrs. Frank Amish Ruth Eaton Ackley Ida H. Amish Eben \V. Barrett Kate Barrett Esther BalJ Gladvs S. Bennett Ethe.l Beany "llifrs. ~ewton Burrett Ne lli e Brooks Lila Brooks Mrs. C. H. Covington E. E. Clingman H ortense Clingman "Ill r s. Florence Davis "tlf ati lda J. Eaton Glach·s H. Eaton Cora· "Yr . Fox Hattie S. Fishbaugh Fred \ Ill . Fraize ?lfr;. F. 'N. Fraize Stephen L. Flagg Mrs. S. L. F lagg Mrs. Clarence Freestone Marv GilJett EYeh·n GilJett Cora·.\. Gardner Jennie A. Hay E . C. Hart Julia L. Hart "Ill ildred Hart Alice Hart Ethel Hart Daniel W. Hawkins Lydia Hawkins
Earl \11/. Hawkins Elizabeth I. Hawkins I rene B . Hedrich Nett ie F. Ireland Floyd G. Ireland Lucretia Ireland Wil liam J. Ireland Mrs. George Ingraham B. E. Kenyon Mrs. B. E. Kenyon Chas. F. Kenyon Arthur Lawson Clifford Leonard Harry Mason Selina Mason \VilJiam E. Mason Mary F. Mason Harry Mason. Jr. Leland Mason Lawrence Mason Cheste r Mason Avis Irene "t.Iason Lucile S. Mason Ella Madden !vfrs. Ceo. McKinney Daisy McKinney Ne llie M. McCabe K c lli c McCabe Ivan T. MarshalJ "Ill orris 'vV. Marsh LilJian Markel Mr. F. \Ill. N ich ols Zena P. Nichol s Mabel Sharp Nichol~ \ \'al ter N ichols Francis S. Nichols
Ed\\"arcl S. Osborne I. ::\ e\\"ton O'De ll Bessie O'De ll ~[r s. Forest O'De ll J ohn H . Peacock L ,·eli a Peacock .-\ifrecl Peacock ~[r s . A lfred Peacock H enry E . Rogers Grace L. R oger s J ohn B . Roger s Ilfary Rogers Lawrence Roger s ~[a r i a n Rogers :\[rs. Carr ie R eddi ck Gladys M. Reddick A lfred R obinson ~[r s. Alf,·ed Robin son ~[ar v R obinson Ed ith Robin son F lore nce R ing ~r ary E. Smith Harmon Stahl ~[r s . Harmon Stahl Chas. H. S"·ee tin g ~ir s. C. H. Sweeting DeForest Sweet ing John Stettn er
~Ir s. J oh n Stettner H. A. S haffer Francis B. Sna,·eh­ ~farguerite S n a1·e f~· H . B . Smith ~Ir s . H . B. Smi th George A. T homas Ida S. T hom as J ohn A. Talbo tt 1f ary Talbott F. E. TO\\"II Se nd ~Ir s . F. E. To1yn,;c nd 1\Irs. I rene G. Thax ter Lo is Thaxter 1\frs. Loui s Thou'<an d Ca rrie E. W hit ing :\ li.:c \•\ " cbster Ida L. Wilcox Gladys 1\I. \V i !cox Percy L. \Vilcox J oseph \Norlanrl Agnes B. vVorland Robert F. Y.lyant Rosa v\iyant ~ ·Ir s. Em ma \\'hite ~[r s. 1\f. vVood iYOrth Ire ne \ Vater,;
N ote--Thi s li s t doe s not include probatione rs. no n­ resident , or no n-effec ti1·e members. If th ere are anv m istake s or omissions. plea se notify t he Pastor. :\o one is in fa llibl e. A non-effective m ember is o ne who ha,; not at­ tend ed or supported th e Church for t\\"o years " ·ithout a cause or a rea son.
C omp/iments of
------------------ -------------- F. W. SPENCER ESTATE
Plu111bi11g & J-Ieatillg
Pholle 127 NEw YoRK
Phone 19 NEW YORK
IT ISN'T YOUR CHURCH-IT'S YOU (Adapted-Selected)
-o- If you want to be in the kind o f a Church
Like the kind o f a Church you like, You needn' t slip your clothes in a grip
And start on a long, long hike. You' ll only fin d what you lef t behind,
For there' > nothing really new ; It's a knock at yourself when you knock your Church,
It isn't your Church- it' s you.
Real Churches aren't made by men who knock T he workers who strive ge t ahead,
\ ,Yhen everyone works and nobody shirks, You can rai se a Church from the dead.
And if , whil e you do some real hard work, Your neighbor will do some too;
Your Church will be what you want to see, It isn't your Church--it's you.
If you'll g i,·e [Jraiscs, outsounding all whines, By these g lad 'ning all worker s, true;
You'll find your Church not left in the lurch. It isn't your Church- it's you.
The knockers, fault-finders, the g rowlers, and whiners, Though multitudes, nothing can do ;
But workers who plod bring the Church nearer God. It isn' t your Church-it' s you.
Then let' s all get together anrl make our Church Like the kind of a Church you like,
And you needn't pack your clothes in a g rip And start on that long old hike.
I f you want to be in the kind of a Church Like the kind of a Church you I ike;
Remember "it isn't your Church- it' s you," And your Church wi ll seem just right.
- Adaptation by the P astor.
Co111f>/illlents of
Quality and Price Cannot Be Beaten
Compliments of
There's a town called Don't You W orry O n the banks of R ive r Smile,
Where the Chee r-up and Be-happy Blossom sweetly a ll th e w hile,
Where the never-g rumble bower Bloom s beside the fragrant try,
And the ne'er g ive-up and pa tience Point their faces to th e sky.
In the Valley of Co ntentm ent, In the Province of I Will ,
You will find thi s lively city At the foot of No-fre t Hill ;
There are th oroug hfares delig htful I n this ve ry charming tow n,
And on every hand a re shade- trees Named the Very-Seldom F rown.
Rustic benches, quite enticing, You'll find scattered here a nd there
And to each a vine is clinging Called the F req uent-earnest P rayer ;
E verybod y there is happy, A nd is singin g all the while,
In the T own of Don't You Worry, On the banks of River Smile.
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PHONE 8 New York