Willmar tribune. (Willmar, Minn.) 1915-09-15 [p ].""NEW HOUSE~~FOR SALE—Hot water heat, hot and...

I! fs s i I ? ^' "W« * f ; M M M W M N N N M i m i M a i m M H M H M M N N I I Claimed Wilts HELP WANTED WANTED—Girts Bros.' Laundry. at the Nelson 207 WANTED—Girls Steam Laundry. at the Willmar 207 WANTED—Young man to learn baker's trade. Apply at Kasten's bak- ery. 222 WANTED^Boy to work in bakery and deliver. Steady work; good pay Call at Palm's Bakery. 172 WANTED—Place for girl entering high school, with good family, in mod era house. Inquire Tribune. 226 GENUINE BARGAINS—If you are looking tor 'such in city property or improved farms in 1 Kandiyohi county, do not fail to call at the office and look over the large list of properties now for sale by Thorpe & Rykken, Willlmar, Minn^ 414 FOR SALE—I have for sale, well Improved, partly improved and unim- proved land in northwestern part of Minnesota, near where I have farmed for twenty-two years. Prices range from ten dollars and up on good terms. Write or call on me for further par- ticulars. A. H. Brown, Willmar. 941 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—14 ft. galvanized steel boat. Cheap. Inquire this office. 200 WANTED—One salesman and col- lector. Good proposition for the right man. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Willmar, Minn. 235 WANTED—Girl for general house- work. Will pay good wages. Inquire Miss Emma Berkness Millinery Store. 238 WANTED—Men who would like to find employment on county fair- grounds before and during fair days, may apply to W. O. Johnson, Sec. 173 POSITIONS WANTED. WANTED POSITION — A middle aged lady wishes position as house- keeper, in city or country. Would appreciate a good home more than large wages. Emiale Lundquist, Rt. 1, Raymond, Minn. 204 FOR SALE—Ford roadster in good running order, $225. P. M. Peterson, Willmar. 142 FOR SALE—A five-horse gasoline engine, cheap. Inquire Northwestern Elevator. 229 FOR SALE—1913 model 5 h. p motorcycle at a bargain. Inquire at this office. 138 FOR SALE—40 or 50 tons timothy hay on Gratz farm, Kandiyohi. B. Van Woort. 182 ~FOR~SALE—8 acres millet standing in field, on school farm. See Prof. Rodegeb of the High School. 185 FOR SALE—Excelsior Twin motor- cycle and carrier. Will be sold with or without May be seen at Person's. 128 HOU8E8 AND ROOMS FLAT FOR RENT—All modern. W D. Wiggins. 219 FOR RENT—Furnished rooms, quire at 111 E. Benson Ave. In- FOR RENT—Furnished room, suit- able for two. 703 Third St. 223 FOR RENT—Three rooms and bath, upstairs. 601 2nd St. East, City. 239 FOR RENT—Three furnished priv- ate rooms, modern and new. 625 Third St 157 FOR RENT—Furnished room. On- ly gentlemen need apply. Inquire at this office. 199 FOR RENT—One furnished room in new house. All modern. 221 Litch field Ave. E. 795 FOR RENT—Six rooms and bath up stairs at corner First street and Beck- er avenue E. 220 FOR RENT—Four room flat on up- per floor suitable for family of two 508 Fourth St. 215 FOR RENT—Furnished room in modern house. Only gentlemen need apply. Inquire at this office. 210 FOR SALE=Fine, newly remodell- ed 8-room house. For particulars, call on M. R. Simons. 'Phone 159J.121 FOR SALE—A five room bungalow, modern, except heat; in splendid lo- cation. $1850 buys it if taken at once. A. H. Brown, City. 113 ""NEW HOUSE~~FOR SALE—Hot water heat, hot and cold running soft water. Will take new or second hand auto on deal. Inquire Tribune. 189 FOR SALE—$2500 buys an eleven room house, barn, corner lot 75x150 feet, located two block® south of Swedish Lutheran church.—Lewis Johnson City. 178 ""FOR RENT—10 room house on Park avenue. Modern, also good well and automobile shed. Possession can be had by the 15th. W. E. Somerville TeL 31LT. 188 REAL E8TATE. FOR RENT—My farm in Lake An- drew. Dr. Christian Johnson. 208 ACRE TRACTS—-In BarnstadTand Olarum's additions. Inquire of Ander •on Land Co. 96 " WANTED TO TRADE—160 acres of land for an automobile. Address M Carmickel, Esplee, Minn. 116 CHOICE LOT FOR SALE—One lot, 60x100 East front on corner Litchfield avenue and First street. M. R. Sim one. 171 FOR SALE—My place in town, con sisting of 14 lots with good buildings, fruit trees, and 14 lots not improved I. W. Alme, Willmar. 201 FOR SALE —Good North Dakota Improved farms in famous Mouse riv- er. Loop country. Prices right. J Edgar Wagar, Bantry, N. D. 148 "~ WANTED^To buy a farm within 8 miles of Willmar. Give description and price in first letter. Will deal with owner only. Box 178 Willmar, Minn. 221 $7.50 PER ACRE buys a quarter of land; Bowman county, close to rail- road town; one-half cash, balance five years' time. Write for list. M. H. Derby, Bowman, N. D. 122 CHEAP LANDS—Owner,if you sell, and renter if you want to buy, go a little farther north and get good land at $16 to $75 per acre. Write L. B. Branch, Round Prairie, Minn., Todd county, Minn. 129 WANTED—More listings of farms, residences and business blocks. Make your prices attractive and we will find you buyers. Kandiyohi County Land Co., office on Fourth street, north_ of Postoffice. 569 HOUSES FOR~SALE—On the in- stallment plan. If interested in buy- ing a house it will pay you to call at our office and get full particulars. An- derson Land Co., Willmar, Minne- sota. 635 FOR SALE—Seventy acre farm with buildings, near Willmar. Thirty acres of same can be sold in five or ten acre tracts. Write or call on owner, Otto Johnson, Rt. 5, Box 5, Willmar, Minn. 160 ^WASHBURN, N. D. —Stock ranch of 1,457 acres, all in one square block in McLean county. No buildings. All fenced with three wires. 100 acres in timber; about 160 acres of plow land; the balance rough with plenty of wat- er. The best pasture land in this part of the state; $8.50 per acre; one-fourth cash, balance in 8 or 9 years at 6 per cent. Write KARL KLEIN, owner, Washburn, N. Dakota. 187 NEW YORK FARMS FOR SALE. Tour Buying- Safe, Tour Profit Sure. Gome Now. 8ee Sparkling- Fruit and Golden Grain. aore farm, R. R. village, 2 miles mecad. road, |30 per acre, $600 cash down. Mo Tremendous Squeeze to Pay the Debt SIC acre farm, 30 cows, 200 hens, S horses—Ask price. Bead it Again, Make Money and Go Forth Like a Man. 110 acre farm. Buildings worth $9,000. _, Price $6,000, $800 cash down. Short Cut to Success—$600 Pays the Entire BiU. • t aore fruit and hen farm on* mecad. road. "Write for photo*. R. R. fare one way to purchaser. L Muasoa, 1426 8. Sallna St. | M "~ ' Syracuse. H. T. FOR SALE—Minnesota White Clov- er honey, finest quality. Send for prices. Agents wanted. P. B. Ramer, Harmony, Minn. FOR SALE—One Hupmobile road- ster; 4-cylinder, 25 h. p.;; high ten- sion magneto; extra tire, top and windshield; trunk in rear; guaranteed A No. 1. Inquire P. J. Person Cycle Shop. 225 Corrected Wednesday a. m„ 8ept 15. GRAIN. Wheat, No. 1 Northern 87c Wheat, No. 2 84c Wheat, No. 3 80c Wheat, No. 4 75c Wheat rejected 70c Corn, shelled 65c Barley, per bu 33-40 Oats, per bu 22-27 Flax, per bu 1.44-1.52 Rye, per bu 77-80c FLOUR AND FEED. Flour, per 50-lb. sack 1.55 Ground feed, per cwt 1.70 Shorts, per cwt 1.35 Bran, per cwt 1.16 Oil Meal, per cwt 2.25 Cracked corn, per cwt 1.76 Clover hay, per ton 10.00 Timothy hay, per ton 10.00 WILLMAR PRODUCE. Eggs, per dozen 18c Dairy butter, per lb 24c Potatoes, per bu 35c Hides, per lb 8c Onions, per lb 3c Cabbage, per lb 2c Bean*, per lb 8c POULTRY, LIVE. Spring chickens, per lb 12 l-2c Old Chickens 8-9c. Turkeys 10c LIVE 8TOCK MARKET. Lambs $7.00 Sheep $4.00 to $6.00 Beef Cattle $5.00 to $6.00 Hogs, live 6.00 to 6.50 Steers $6.00 to $7.60 8TOCK FOR 8ALE FOR SALE—Fresh milch cows. T. I. Cashman, Rt. 4, Willmar. 192 FOR SALE—A high grade Holstein bull calf ready for service. State Farm. 216 FOR SALE—Grade Holsteins of all iges. C. Aug. Anderson, Browerville, Minn., Rt. 1. Professional Cards 120 FOR SALE—Registered Holstein bulls, and first-class grade cows and heifers. David Swenson, Spicer, 170 FOR SALE—One registered Short Horn bull, fifteen months old. Ar- thur Klint, Willmar, Minn., Rt. 5? Box 66. 195 "FOR SALE—This spring's Chester White pigs, male and female. Pedi- gree furnished. These are very fine animals. John Bokinskie (Section 35, lona), Long Prairie, Minn., Rt. 1. 145 "HOLSTEINS - FOR - SALE — Bui 1 calves from nine to fourteen months old. Sired by King Segis Pontiac De Kol 4th No. 76076 and Sir Mayo Paul Prilly No. 9S800. Write for prices. Henry Jergens, Biscay, Minn. 130 FOR SALE—Several pieces of fur- niture, including hall seat and glass in Jacobean oak and hall runner, all practically new; dining table, gaso- line range, white iron bed, center table, desk, chair, kitchen table, wash tubs lawn mower and other small ar- ticles. Inquire of J. H. McHugh 716 4th St. 'Phone 486. 211 POULTRY FOR SALE—Barred Rocks, yearling hens, $100; one dozen, $10.00. Large, April hatched cockerels, $1.00; six for $5 00. Satisfaction guaranteed. Fred Stenberg, Atwater, Minn., Lake Eliz- abeth creamery. 206 MISCELLANEOUS OLD PAPERS—A big bundle for 6c it Tribune. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS nachines at Tribune. for all TRACING PAPER—Large sheets of oencil carbon paper at Tribune, 10c. MILKMAN—Will - delivennilk-to any part of city. Call 2 on Line 17. A. Ferguson. 191 ESTRAY—8 month-old calf recently strayed. Red with star in forehead. Notify State Farm. 217 MONEY TO LOAN on improved Carms at low rate of interest First .National Bank, Willmar. 4 —If you wish to insure against Hail or Cyclone call on us; we represent the old well known Waseca Company. Thorpe & Rykken. MONEY TO LOAN—See S. L. Ben- ton for farm loans, on the optional payment plan, and at low interest, as he has charge of the loaning business while I am away from home. A. P. Adams. 56 SALESMEN—How much do you earn? We offer you an opportunity to earn $100 to $500 monthly. We teach you how, no capital required. Sell groceries, paints, oils and stock foods at wholesale prices. Get your share of the profits of the big crops. Write us for particulars. John Sex- ton & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Lake and Franklin streets, Chicago, 111. 228 L08T AND FOUND LOST—Mud chain on road between Alb. Johnson's and Sletten's. Return to Max Somerville. 232 LOST—A week ago Tuesday eve- ning, a gold locket with name "Rosie" engraved on back of same. Contains two photos. Finder please leave at Tribune. 227 LOST—On New London-Belgrade road, ladies' gold watch. Engraved letters "H. G." on cover; ;green leaf design on other cover. Finder please write Willmar Tribune. 230 LOST—Tuesday afternoon, a white curly haired poodle dog. Wears a collar. Finder notify Andrew Ren- strom, 132 Benson Ave. E., phone 225- L, and receive reward. 237 LOST—A raincoat between New London and Willmar, or New London and Belgrade, last Saturday. Finder please notify Singer Sewing Machine office, Willmar, and receive a re- ward. 234 I. C. OLSON Offlee S09 Litchfield Av. W. 'Phone llt-i ftealdMoa. Sll First Street. •Phoa* llf-» Notice to Hunters. The electors of town of Willmar, Kandiyohi county, Minn., at its annual meeting decided that hunting with dogs in said town will not be allowed. Hunters take notice that said decis- ion will be enforced. By order of Town Board. C. J. HANSON, Clerk. Doctor CW. RICHES MEDICAL AND OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Specialist In Old, 8tubbern Ailments. 8uch aliments as Appendicitis, Qol tre, Enlarged Tonsils, Curable Exter- nal Cancerous Growths and many complaints of women are treated without the knife. Consultation and correspondence free Pleasant Home for such as desire 2882 2nd Ave. 8., Minneapolis, Minn DR. C. E. ANDERSON DENTIST Bank of Willmar Buildinf Willmar, Minn. R. W. 8TANFORD LAWYER Real Estate, Insurance and Cillections. Ones la Postomea Bulldlag. WILLMAR. - - MINNESOTA A. R. Endersbe Veterinary, Sorgeon and Dentist Special Attention given to Vaccination of Hogs. I use only Government Inspected Se- rum. Also Castration of Animals. Office at McCormlck & McDonald's Peed Barn, Phone No 46 Res. So. 5th St. Phone S99L Willmar, Minn Dr. E. WANNER VETERINARIAN Office at Wanner Bros.' Feed Barn Day 'phone 428; night 'phone 13 WILLMAR, MINN. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS (Continued from Page Three) First street, with team 36.00 Henry Johnson, state road work, First street, with team 49.50 Arthur Sjoberg, state road work First street, with team 76 50 Ole Olstad, state road work, First street, with team 74.25 The State and private property own- ers pay five-sixths of the above bills Water & Light Comn., street lights August, 1915, and light City Hall Bldg $235.90 N. W. Telephone Exch. Co., 'phone rent 2.50 J. A. Rowat, engineering work 4.00 Tribune Prtg. Co., publishing and printing 34.06 W. C. Kemp, hauling fire ap- Statement of the condition ol FIRST STATE BANK OF THORPE Thorpe, Minn. AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS, SEPT. 2, 1915. Date of call by superintendent, Sep- tember 7, 1915. Date of report by bank, September S, 1915. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $24,006 76 Overdrafts 35.99 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 1,836 00 Due from banks $423.95 Cash on hand 850.98 Total cash assets 1,274.93 Checks and cash items 20.25 Paid out for expenses, etc., in excess of earnings .... 717.02 Total $27,890.95 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $10,000.00 Surplus fund 2,000.00 Notes rediscounted and bills payable (including certifi- cates for money borrow- ed) 1,500.00 Deposits subject to check $ 4,006.53 Cashier's checks . 145.00 T o t a l immediate liabilities 4,151.53 Time certificates . 10,239.42 Total deposits .. .$14,390.95 14,390.95 Total $27,890.95 Amount of reserve on hand~.$ 1,274.93 Amount of reserve required by law 830.30 ss. State of Minnesota, ) County of Kandiyohi, f We, E. J. Strom, Vice President and C. E. Melbye, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of our knowledge and belief. E. J. STROM, Vice President. C. E. MELBTE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of Sept., 1915. (SEAL) STROMME L. JOHNSON, Town Clerk. Kandiyohi County, Minnesota, Township of East Lake Lillian. Correct Attest: (Two) Directors F. N. STEVENS, JOHN HAGERMAN. „ * 43.52 30.00 paxatus 2.60 Wulf ft Erickson, hauling fire apparatus 2.50 C. A. Nelson, "Stop Watch" for police i 6.60 McCormlck ft McDonald, extra street sprinkling 5.00 Peter Bonde, meals for prisoner 6.00 A. P. Bergeson, concrete wall at Homewood Park 57.46 A. P. Bergeson, raising cross- ings, etc 18 00 Hugh Ruddy, special police work, July and August, (21 days at $2 per day) 42.00 J. P. Quam, labor cleaning lock- up, fire station and City Hall Building 7.50 League of Minnesota Munici- palities, annual dues for mem- bership 15.00 WATER ft LIGHT FUND. L. K. Deal Lbr. Co., car cedar poles 245.29 Johnson & Nelson, labor water main 3.75 Tribune Prtg. Co., notices and supplies 1.89 Clarence Forsberg, line work.. 36.00 Manley Holt, line work 5.63 Arthur Ives, line work 41.25 Chester Nelson, line work 13.65 STREET FUND. Peter Anderson, labor 28.00 A. Sundling, labor .-.. 26.25 L. Rasmusson, labor 24.50 S. Magnuson, labor 20.00 John Peterson, labor 5.25 Carl Johnson, labor team 49.25 N. P. Hanson, labor team 4.50 POOR FUND. J. C. Strand, mdse. for poor... Mrs. M. Skoglund, Atwater, Minn., board and lodging, two poor charges, August, 1915.. PERM. IMP. FUND. A. Sundling, labor 1.75 L. Rasmusson, labor 3.50 A. P. Bergeson, cement cross- ings 58.44 PERM. IMP. REVOLV. FUND. A. P. Bergeson, cement side- walks 688.17 J. A. Rowat, engineering serv- ices, Gorton avenue, grading 6.00 Tribune Prtg. Co., publishing notices of grading 3.84 The Finance Committee reported the foregoing bills back approved and the report was accepted. Alderman Tjosvold offered the fol- lowing resolution which was adopted by the following vote: "Ayes," 7; "Noes," none. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Willmar, that the City Clerk be, and he hereby is, author- ized to issue warrants against the re- spective funds in payment of the fore going approved bills. Approved Sept. 14, 1915. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor. A communication from Handy-Lew- is Motor Co., McCormlck ft McDonald and other garages objecting to the new ordinance regulating the carry- ing of passengers for hire within the City was presented and read. Mr. McCormick and Mr. John Selin were present and were heard about said matter. After some discussion it was moved and seconded that the aforesaid com- munication be laid on the table. Car- ried. The Council, on motion, proceeded to consider bids for the grading of West Gorton avenue, Campbell ave- nue West and street running North from former Atlantic avenue to Gor- ton avenue, all in First Ward. Sealed bids of D. B. Daugherty and Christ Paulson were opened and read. The bid of Christ Paulson, being the lowest, w?s accepted. Alderman Johnson offered the fol- lowing resolution which was adopted by the following vote: "Ayes," 7; "Noes," none. RESOLUTION. Resolved that the bid of Christ Paul- son for the grading of that certain portion of that certain street and high- way in the City of Willmar, connect- ing with and running west from Gor- ton avenue in said City, described as follows: Commencing at the intersec- tion of Gorton avenue in said city of Willmar and the Section line between Sections 15 and 16, Township 119, Range 35, thence running west on the line between Lots 3 and 4 of the State Sub-division of the Northeast quarter of Section 16, said Township and Range, a distance of 660 feet to the west line of said Lots 3 and 4, in said City; also those certain portions of those certain streets and highways in the City of Willmar, described as fol- lows: Commencing at the intersection of former Atlantic avenue in said City of Willmar and the section line be- tween Sections 15 and 16, Township 119, Range 35, thence running north over the west 33 feet of Lot Eight of Block 124 of Second Addition to the City of Willmar, to Campbell avenue, thence North over the laid out street on the west side of Block 125 of said Second Addition to Gorton avenue; and that portion of Campbell avenue extending from 13th street in said Second Addition to the said section line between said Sections 15 and 16, in said City, at the following price to- wit: twenty-eight cents ($.28) per cubic yard for each and every cubic yard of earth removed, be and the same is hereby accepted and the May- or and City Clerk are hereby author- ized to enter into a contract with the said Christ Paulson for the doing of said work. u Approved September 14, 1915. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor. Mr. Paulson's contract bond was fixed at $500 and he was given time till November 1st, 1915, in which to complete the work. The City Attorney reported on peti- tion of Wm. Peterson, Ole Barnstad and others, referred to him at the last meeting, for the grading of West Trott avenue from 11th street and west to section line road between Sections 15 and 16, and) thence south on said high- way from Trott to Minnesota avenues in the City of Willmar, and stated that he found said petition proper in form and execution and had the required number of signers, which report was accepted by the Council. Alderman Johnson offered the fol- lowing resolution which was adopted by the following vote: "Ayes," 7; "Noes," none. RESOLUTION. Whereas, Wm. Peterson, Ole Barn- stad and others, have heretofore pre- sented to the City Council of the City of Willmar, a verified petition asking for the grading of that part of Trott avenue extending from Eleventh St., to the section line between Sections 15 and 16, Township 119, Range 35, and also that portion of that certain highway on said section line between Sections 15 and 16, lying between Block 4 of Fourth Railroad Addition to the City of Willmar and Block 3 of Barnstad's Addition to the City of Willmar, the same extending from Trott avenue on the north to Minne- sota avenue on the south, and, Whereas, it appears to the City Council that the said petition has been duly signed by the requisite number of property owners abutting upon those parts of those said streets af- fected by the said petition and asks to be graded. ONLY 6 TO 8 H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE REQUIRED TO RUN IT Also made in three other larger sizes Fill Your Silo with a Rosenthal Cyclone Feed Cutter and Silo Filler Self Feeding, controlled by Automatic Governor. Emery Wheel attached to machine for grinding knives, ill and get catalog and further particulars. Our guarantee is backed by the manufacturers—ROSENTHAL CORN HUSKER CO., Milwaukee, Wis. Why Do We SeU International Harvester Engines? XX^E recommend and sell International Harvester *j oil and gas engines because of the universal satisfaction they give to our customers. The weight is ample and is in the right place; the castings are sand- cooled, insuring evenness oftexture and strength; the design of every part is of the most approved type; simple, yet complete in every detail; easy to manage, requiring little attention beyond regular oiling; devel- oping from 10 to 30 per cent more than their rated horse-power. I H C engines of all sizes make friends wherever they go. This series of advertisements will explain fully why I H C engines are such good value. One or two features will be taken up at a time, so that when you are through with the series you will be well posted on engines. All the time these advertisements are running we shall have a demonstrating engine on the floor here, ready to show you what to expect for your money when you buy an I H C engine." O. W. KROON A Hardware, Furniture Farm Implements WOOD AND COAL (»»« GO •*« OOi NCr TO COMB to HOLM BROS. FOR. YOUR. SEPARATORS ANb 3UPPLIES DJABOLO IS THE BEST KANDIYOHI HOTEL B^^B^^^ H. L. STENBERG ^^^^•n^^^s^B^^^^nowiirron ^^^^•^ilLlLn rv 4L The Independent ^Elevator OWHtR. Attend the KANDIYOHI COUNTY. FAIR #<*S> THE BEAT OP ROBERT STUnVOU, FKOPEIfcTOK. C A. ANDERSON THE HARNESS MAKER flrV^S REPM*& IRUW^ GW?S V CANDY, ICECRtAM SOFT DRWK6. , TOBACCO, C I G A R S J. V. WALLIN THE B A R B E R HAIR CUTS SHAMPOOS . Kandiyohi, Sept. 13—Mr. and Mrs. Einar Sorenison and baby of George- ville are here for a visit with rela- tives. Miss Ethel Dougherty has entered high school here. Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Gus- tafson, Saturday, a girl. Mrs. J. V. Holmberg returned Fri- day from a visit in the cities. Mrs. P. E. Lundquist was a Willmar visitor the latter part of the week. Miss Edna Harrison is assisting Mrs. August Lundquist with the house work. Miss Kinburg of Dudley, la, is here for a visit with Rev. and Mrs. Till- man. Miss Ruth Sanderson of Willmar has accepted a position with the bank here. Thorwald Thorson has accepted a position at the August Lundquist store. A number from here attended the M. E. conference at Atwater last week. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Sorenson enter- tained relatives from Michigan last week. Richard Freedholm of Svea was a visitor at his parental home here on Sunday. Miss Ellen Anderson left Saturday for Norway Lake where she will teach this fall. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Kroona trans- acted business at the county seat on Saturday. Miss Ebba Lundquist is home again after spending a couple of weeks in the cities. Miss Florence Anderson left Sunday evening for Pennock where she will again teach this fall. Miss Melvina Mathiason Lake Lillian has entered the second year of high school work here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jacobson and Mrs. Damelson autoed to Willmar Sat- urday for a visit with friends. Winton Peterson left the latter part of the week for Albert Lea, where he will attend school the coming year. Services and Sunday school next Sunday afternoon at the usual time at Ebenezer church. Rev. Tillman, pas- tor. Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Anderson and children visited at Milaca with Mr. and Mrs. Emil Anderson, the latter part of the week. Bud French and Mrs. Herman Han- son of Kimball returned Monday to their home after an over Sunday vis- it £.1 C. E. Kroona's. Mrs. Andrew Nonne of Dassel, ac- companied by her father, Mr. J. S. Carlson was here last week. They re- moved the remains of Mrs. Norine's son from the Tripolis cemetery to Das- sel where it will be re-interred in the family lot The Sunday school picnic by the Ebenezer and TripoMs churches last Sunday was a success 1 in spite of the cold weather. Eleven cars from Trip- olis and nine from Kandiyohi made the trip. They went to New London and camped on the lawn of the Leb- anon church where lunch and ice cream was served. The only car which broke down was A. W. Isaacson's from Tripolis. About two hundred attend- ed and all declare having enjoyed a good time. Therefore resolved that the City of Willmar hereby declares its purpose and intention to make said improve- ment and to cause those parts of said streets above described, to be graded as prayed for in said petition and fur- ther to assess the property abutting upon those portions of those said streets above described that will be benefitted by the grading thereof, for the cost and expense of the said grad- ing. Resolved further that the City Coun- cil of the City of Willmar, will on the 27th day of September, 1915, at the hour of eight o'clock in the evening of that day, at the Council Chambers in the City Hall Building in said city, hear and consider the said petition and at that time and place any and all persons interested in the matter may appear and be heard, and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to cause a notice of such hearing to be published as provided by the City Charter of said City. Approved September 14, 1915. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor. A petition signed by H. T. Langag- er, Nels Balke and others for the grad- ing of Ann street in Ferring's Addi- tion was presented and read and the same was, on motion, referred to the City Attorney. The City Attorney reported that he had examined the said petition and found it correct and that it had the required number of signers, which re- port was accepted by the Council. Alderman Johnson presented the following resolution which was adopt- ed by the following vote: "Ayes," 7; "Noes," none. RESOLUTION. Whereas, H. T. Langager, Nels Balke and others, have heretofore pre- sented to the City Council of the City of Willmar, a verified petition asking for the grading of all of Ann. street in Ferring's Addition to the City of Will- mar, and Whereas, it appears to the City Council that the said petition has been duly signed by the requisite number of property owners abutting upon the street affected by the said petition and asked to be graded. Therefore, resolved that the City of Willmar does hereby declare its pur- pose and intention to make said im- provement and to cause said street above described, to be graded as pray- ed for in said petition and further to assess the property abutting upon said street above described, that will be benefitted by the grading thereof, for the cost and expense of the said grad- ing. Resolved further that the City Coun- cil of the City of Willmar, will on the 27th day of September, 1915, at the hour of eight o'clock in the evening of that day, at the Council Chambers in the City Hall Building in said city, hear and consider the said petition, and at that time and place any and all persons interested in the matter may appear and be heard, and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to cause a notice of such hearing to be published as provided by the City Charter of said city. Approved September 14, 1915. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor. W. O. McNairy was given permis- sion to fix up the City scale (in front of Power House) at his own expense and use it for public weighing pur- poses, on the condition that the City be given free use of the scales for weighing coal or any other article. The matter of drain at Park and Oak avenues in First Ward, carried over from former meetings, was brot up and discussed. Alderman Johnson offered the fol- lowing resolution which was unani- mously adopted. RESOLUTION. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Willmar that a twelve inch drain tile be and the same is hereby ordered laid from the lake at the west end of Oak avenue, thence running east along Oak avenue to the intersection of Oak avenue and Park avenue, a distance of about 275 feet, thence running southeast along Park avenue a distance of 150 feet and there terminating. Resolved, further, that the City En- gineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare a plan and profile of said proposed work. Approved September 14, 1915. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor. A petition signed by W. J. Sperry, N. P. Nelson, W. E. Boyd and others asking for an extension of the City water main from Litchfield avenue -north along Bertha street and under the railroad tracks and across to Homewood Park and Sperry's Addi- tion. The said petition was referred to the Water and Light Commission with a recommendation that it be tak- en care of as early as possible. Requisitions for supplies from the Water and Light Commission were presented and the Clerk was instruct- ed to order the same. The Council, on motion, proceeded to elect a member of the Water and Light Commission and on ballot be- ing taken J. F. Millard received two votes; N. O. Nelson, two votes; V. E. Lawson, one vote; A. A. Anderson, one vote and Chas* Wallin, one vote. There being no choice a second bal- lot was taken with the following re- sult: J. F. Millard, two votes; N. O. Nelson, two votes; A. A. Anderson, one vote; Chas. Wallin, one vote; and C. F. Spencer, one vote. There being no choice the matter was, on motion, carried over. The matter of tax levy was brought up and discussed and the Council, on motion, recommended to the Board of Tax Levy that $500 more be levied for the Street Fund and $500 addition- al for the Perm. Imp. Fund over last year's levy. v The City Treasurer was, on motion, requested to place $900 of Interest funds on certificate of deposit The matter of appointing Commis- sioners for making assessments for the grading of W. Gorton avenue, W. Campbell avenue and street from At- lantic avenue north to W. Gorton ave- nue was considered, and Messrs. J. F. Millard, O. A. Grangaard and J. P. Larson were, on motion, appointed such Commissioners. The matter of heating contract be- tween Kandiyohi County Bank and other property owners on west side of 5th street in Block 42 was brought up, which contract had been approved by the Water and Light Comn. The said contract was read and discussed. Alderman Tjosvold offered the fol- lowing resolution which was adopted by the following vote: "Ayes," 7; "Noes," none. RESOLUTION. Resolved, That that certain propos- ed contract relating to a central heat- ing system, between Kandiyohi Coun- ty Bank, and others, and the City of Willmar, dated August 10th, 1915, ap- proved by the Water ft Light Com- mission of said City on August 20th, 1916, and now on file with the City Clerk, be and the same is hereby ap- proved as to all of its terms and con- ditions, and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to execute the same on behalf of the said City of Willmar. Approved Sept. 14, 1915. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor. On motion the Council adjourned. *** * ~ . . E * C - WELLIN, Mayor. Attest: HANS GUNDERSON, City Cleric * \ ' X- > ii ABMBBMMMM '»! •It M o p Pleapb h 1Us Twim BMW Ndfar «njoyed a meal until |Wesilvisedthem to take a before and a f a r each n a i L 8aliatf Carlton Broe,

Transcript of Willmar tribune. (Willmar, Minn.) 1915-09-15 [p ].""NEW HOUSE~~FOR SALE—Hot water heat, hot and...

Page 1: Willmar tribune. (Willmar, Minn.) 1915-09-15 [p ].""NEW HOUSE~~FOR SALE—Hot water heat, hot and cold running soft water. Will take new or second hand auto on deal. Inquire Tribune.






? '̂ " W «



; M M M W M N N N M i m i M a i m M H M H M M N N I

I Claimed Wilts HELP WANTED

WANTED—Girts Bros.' Laundry.

at the Nelson 207

WANTED—Girls Steam Laundry.

at the Willmar 207

WANTED—Young man to learn baker's trade. Apply at Kasten's bak­ery. 222

WANTED^Boy to work in bakery and deliver. Steady work; good pay Call at Palm's Bakery. 172

WANTED—Place for girl entering high school, with good family, in mod era house. Inquire Tribune. 226

GENUINE BARGAINS—If you are looking tor 'such in city property or improved farms in1 Kandiyohi county, do not fail to call at the office and look over the large list of properties now for sale by Thorpe & Rykken, Willlmar, Minn^ 414

FOR SALE—I have for sale, well Improved, partly improved and unim­proved land in northwestern part of Minnesota, near where I have farmed for twenty-two years. Prices range from ten dollars and up on good terms. Write or call on me for further par­ticulars. A. H. Brown, Willmar. 941

FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—14 ft. galvanized steel

boat. Cheap. Inquire this office. 200

WANTED—One salesman and col­lector. Good proposition for the right man. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Willmar, Minn. 235

WANTED—Girl for general house­work. Will pay good wages. Inquire Miss Emma Berkness Millinery Store.

238 WANTED—Men who would like to

find employment on county fair­grounds before and during fair days, may apply to W. O. Johnson, Sec. 173


aged lady wishes position as house­keeper, in city or country. Would appreciate a good home more than large wages. Emiale Lundquist, Rt. 1, Raymond, Minn. 204

FOR SALE—Ford roadster in good running order, $225. P. M. Peterson, Willmar. 142

FOR SALE—A five-horse gasoline engine, cheap. Inquire Northwestern Elevator. 229

FOR SALE—1913 model 5 h. p motorcycle at a bargain. Inquire at this office. 138

FOR SALE—40 or 50 tons timothy hay on Gratz farm, Kandiyohi. B. Van Woort. 182 ~FOR~SALE—8 acres millet standing in field, on school farm. See Prof. Rodegeb of the High School. 185

FOR SALE—Excelsior Twin motor­cycle and carrier. Will be sold with or without May be seen at Person's. 128


D. Wiggins. 219 FOR RENT—Furnished rooms,

quire at 111 E. Benson Ave. In-

FOR RENT—Furnished room, suit-able for two. 703 Third St. 223

FOR RENT—Three rooms and bath, upstairs. 601 2nd St. East, City.

239 FOR RENT—Three furnished priv­

ate rooms, modern and new. 625 Third S t 157

FOR RENT—Furnished room. On­ly gentlemen need apply. Inquire at this office. 199

FOR RENT—One furnished room in new house. All modern. 221 Litch field Ave. E. 795

FOR RENT—Six rooms and bath up stairs at corner First street and Beck-er avenue E. 220

FOR RENT—Four room flat on up-per floor suitable for family of two 508 Fourth St. 215

FOR RENT—Furnished room in modern house. Only gentlemen need apply. Inquire at this office. 210

FOR SALE=Fine, newly remodell-ed 8-room house. For particulars, call on M. R. Simons. 'Phone 159J.121

FOR SALE—A five room bungalow, modern, except heat; in splendid lo­cation. $1850 buys it if taken at once. A. H. Brown, City. 113 ""NEW HOUSE~~FOR SALE—Hot water heat, hot and cold running soft water. Will take new or second hand auto on deal. Inquire Tribune. 189

FOR SALE—$2500 buys an eleven room house, barn, corner lot 75x150 feet, located two block® south of Swedish Lutheran church.—Lewis Johnson City. 178 ""FOR RENT—10 room house on Park avenue. Modern, also good well and automobile shed. Possession can be had by the 15th. W. E. Somerville TeL 31LT. 188

REAL E8TATE. FOR RENT—My farm in Lake An-

drew. Dr. Christian Johnson. 208 ACRE TRACTS—-In BarnstadTand

Olarum's additions. Inquire of Ander •on Land Co. 96 " WANTED TO TRADE—160 acres of land for an automobile. Address M Carmickel, Esplee, Minn. 116

CHOICE LOT FOR SALE—One lot, 60x100 East front on corner Litchfield avenue and First street. M. R. Sim one. 171

FOR SALE—My place in town, con sisting of 14 lots with good buildings, fruit trees, and 14 lots not improved I. W. Alme, Willmar. 201

FOR SALE —Good North Dakota Improved farms in famous Mouse riv­er. Loop country. Prices right. J Edgar Wagar, Bantry, N. D. 148 "~ WANTED^To buy a farm within 8 miles of Willmar. Give description and price in first letter. Will deal with owner only. Box 178 Willmar, Minn. 221

$7.50 PER ACRE buys a quarter of land; Bowman county, close to rail­road town; one-half cash, balance five years' time. Write for list. M. H. Derby, Bowman, N. D. 122

CHEAP LANDS—Owner,if you sell, and renter if you want to buy, go a little farther north and get good land at $16 to $75 per acre. Write L. B. Branch, Round Prairie, Minn., Todd county, Minn. 129

WANTED—More listings of farms, residences and business blocks. Make your prices attractive and we will find you buyers. Kandiyohi County Land Co., office on Fourth street, north_ of Postoffice. 569

HOUSES FOR~SALE—On the in­stallment plan. If interested in buy­ing a house it will pay you to call at our office and get full particulars. An­derson Land Co., Willmar, Minne­sota. 635

FOR SALE—Seventy acre farm with buildings, near Willmar. Thirty acres of same can be sold in five or ten acre tracts. Write or call on owner, Otto Johnson, Rt. 5, Box 5, Willmar, Minn. 160 ^WASHBURN, N. D. —Stock ranch of 1,457 acres, all in one square block in McLean county. No buildings. All fenced with three wires. 100 acres in timber; about 160 acres of plow land; the balance rough with plenty of wat­er. The best pasture land in this part of the state; $8.50 per acre; one-fourth cash, balance in 8 or 9 years at 6 per cent. Write KARL KLEIN, owner, Washburn, N. Dakota. 187

NEW YORK FARMS FOR SALE. Tour Buying- Safe, Tour Profit Sure.

Gome Now. 8ee Sparkling- Fruit and Golden Grain.

aore farm, R. R. village, 2 miles mecad. road, |30 per acre, $600

cash down. Mo Tremendous Squeeze to Pay the Debt SIC acre farm, 30 cows, 200 hens, S

horses—Ask price. Bead it Again, Make Money and Go

Forth Like a Man. 110 acre farm. Buildings worth $9,000. _, Price $6,000, $800 cash down.

Short Cut to Success—$600 Pays the Entire BiU.

• t aore fruit and hen farm on* mecad. road.

"Write for photo*. R. R. fare one way to purchaser.

L Muasoa, 1426 8. Sallna St. | M "~ ' Syracuse. H. T.

FOR SALE—Minnesota White Clov­er honey, finest quality. Send for prices. Agents wanted. P. B. Ramer, Harmony, Minn.

FOR SALE—One Hupmobile road­ster; 4-cylinder, 25 h. p.;; high ten­sion magneto; extra tire, top and windshield; trunk in rear; guaranteed A No. 1. Inquire P. J. Person Cycle Shop. 225

Corrected Wednesday a. m„ 8ept 15.

GRAIN. Wheat, No. 1 Northern 87c Wheat, No. 2 84c Wheat, No. 3 80c Wheat, No. 4 75c Wheat rejected 70c Corn, shelled 65c Barley, per bu 33-40 Oats, per bu 22-27 Flax, per bu 1.44-1.52 Rye, per bu 77-80c

FLOUR AND FEED. Flour, per 50-lb. sack 1.55 Ground feed, per cwt 1.70 Shorts, per cwt 1.35 Bran, per cwt 1.16 Oil Meal, per cwt 2.25 Cracked corn, per cwt 1.76 Clover hay, per ton 10.00 Timothy hay, per ton 10.00

WILLMAR PRODUCE. Eggs, per dozen 18c Dairy butter, per lb 24c Potatoes, per bu 35c Hides, per lb 8c Onions, per lb 3c Cabbage, per lb 2c Bean*, per lb 8c

POULTRY, LIVE. Spring chickens, per lb 12 l-2c Old Chickens 8-9c. Turkeys 10c

LIVE 8TOCK MARKET. Lambs $7.00 Sheep $4.00 to $6.00 Beef Cattle $5.00 to $6.00 Hogs, live 6.00 to 6.50 Steers $6.00 to $7.60

8TOCK FOR 8ALE FOR SALE—Fresh milch cows. T.

I. Cashman, Rt. 4, Willmar. 192 FOR SALE—A high grade Holstein

bull calf ready for service. State Farm. 216

FOR SALE—Grade Holsteins of all iges. C. Aug. Anderson, Browerville, Minn., Rt. 1.

Professional Cards

120 FOR SALE—Registered Holstein

bulls, and first-class grade cows and heifers. David Swenson, Spicer, 170

FOR SALE—One registered Short Horn bull, fifteen months old. Ar­thur Klint, Willmar, Minn., Rt. 5? Box 66. 195 "FOR SALE—This spring's Chester

White pigs, male and female. Pedi­gree furnished. These are very fine animals. John Bokinskie (Section 35, lona), Long Prairie, Minn., Rt. 1. 145 "HOLSTEINS -FOR -SALE — B u i 1

calves from nine to fourteen months old. Sired by King Segis Pontiac De Kol 4th No. 76076 and Sir Mayo Paul Prilly No. 9S800. Write for prices. Henry Jergens, Biscay, Minn. 130

FOR SALE—Several pieces of fur­niture, including hall seat and glass in Jacobean oak and hall runner, all practically new; dining table, gaso­line range, white iron bed, center table, desk, chair, kitchen table, wash tubs lawn mower and other small ar­ticles. Inquire of J. H. McHugh 716 4th St. 'Phone 486. 211

POULTRY FOR SALE—Barred Rocks, yearling

hens, $100; one dozen, $10.00. Large, April hatched cockerels, $1.00; six for $5 00. Satisfaction guaranteed. Fred Stenberg, Atwater, Minn., Lake Eliz­abeth creamery. 206


OLD PAPERS—A big bundle for 6c it Tribune.

TYPEWRITER RIBBONS nachines at Tribune.

for all

TRACING PAPER—Large sheets of oencil carbon paper at Tribune, 10c.

MILKMAN—Will -delivennilk-to any part of city. Call 2 on Line 17. A. Ferguson. 191

ESTRAY—8 month-old calf recently strayed. Red with star in forehead. Notify State Farm. 217

MONEY TO LOAN on improved Carms at low rate of interest First

.National Bank, Willmar. 4 —If you wish to insure against Hail

or Cyclone call on us; we represent the old well known Waseca Company. Thorpe & Rykken.

MONEY TO LOAN—See S. L. Ben­ton for farm loans, on the optional payment plan, and at low interest, as he has charge of the loaning business while I am away from home. A. P. Adams. 56

SALESMEN—How much do you earn? We offer you an opportunity to earn $100 to $500 monthly. We teach you how, no capital required. Sell groceries, paints, oils and stock foods at wholesale prices. Get your share of the profits of the big crops. Write us for particulars. John Sex­ton & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Lake and Franklin streets, Chicago, 111. 228

L 0 8 T AND FOUND LOST—Mud chain on road between

Alb. Johnson's and Sletten's. Return to Max Somerville. 232

LOST—A week ago Tuesday eve-ning, a gold locket with name "Rosie" engraved on back of same. Contains two photos. Finder please leave at Tribune. 227

LOST—On New London-Belgrade road, ladies' gold watch. Engraved letters "H. G." on cover; ;green leaf design on other cover. Finder please write Willmar Tribune. 230

LOST—Tuesday afternoon, a white curly haired poodle dog. Wears a collar. Finder notify Andrew Ren-strom, 132 Benson Ave. E., phone 225-L, and receive reward. 237

LOST—A raincoat between New London and Willmar, or New London and Belgrade, last Saturday. Finder please notify Singer Sewing Machine office, Willmar, and receive a re­ward. 234


Offlee S09 Litchfield Av. W. 'Phone llt-i ftealdMoa. Sll First Street. •Phoa* llf-»

Notice to Hunters. The electors of town of Willmar,

Kandiyohi county, Minn., at its annual meeting decided that hunting with dogs in said town will not be allowed. Hunters take notice that said decis­ion will be enforced.

By order of Town Board. C. J. HANSON, Clerk.


PHYSICIAN Specialist In Old, 8tubbern Ailments.

8uch aliments as Appendicitis, Qol tre, Enlarged Tonsils, Curable Exter­nal Cancerous Growths and many complaints of women are treated without the knife. Consultation and correspondence free

Pleasant Home for such as desire 2882 2nd Ave. 8., Minneapolis, Minn


D E N T I S T Bank of Willmar Buildinf

Willmar, Minn.


Real Estate, Insurance and Cillections.

Ones la Postomea Bulldlag. WILLMAR. - - MINNESOTA

A. R. Endersbe

Veterinary, Sorgeon and Dentist Special Attention given to Vaccination of

Hogs. I use only Government Inspected Se­rum. Also Castration of Animals.

Office at McCormlck & McDonald's Peed Barn, Phone No 46

Res. So. 5th St. Phone S99L Willmar, Minn


Office at Wanner Bros.' Feed Barn Day 'phone 428; night 'phone 13


CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS (Continued from Page Three)

First street, with team 36.00 Henry Johnson, state road

work, First street, with team 49.50 Arthur Sjoberg, state road work

First street, with team 76 50 Ole Olstad, state road work,

First street, with team 74.25 The State and private property own­

ers pay five-sixths of the above bills Water & Light Comn., street

lights August, 1915, and light City Hall Bldg $235.90

N. W. Telephone Exch. Co., 'phone rent 2.50

J. A. Rowat, engineering work 4.00 Tribune Prtg. Co., publishing

and printing 34.06 W. C. Kemp, hauling fire ap-

S t a t e m e n t of the cond i t ion o l



Date of call by superintendent, Sep­tember 7, 1915.

Date of report by bank, September S, 1915.

RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $24,006 76 Overdrafts 35.99 Banking house, furniture and

fixtures 1,836 00 Due from banks $423.95 Cash on hand 850.98 Total cash assets 1,274.93 Checks and cash items 20.25 Paid out for expenses, etc.,

in excess of earnings.... 717.02

Total $27,890.95 LIABILITIES.

Capital stock $10,000.00 Surplus fund 2,000.00 Notes rediscounted and bills

payable (including certifi­cates for money borrow­ed) 1,500.00

Deposits subject to check $ 4,006.53

Cashier's checks . 145.00 T o t a l immediate

liabilities 4,151.53 Time certificates . 10,239.42

Total deposits . . .$14,390.95 14,390.95

Total $27,890.95 Amount of reserve on hand~.$ 1,274.93 Amount of reserve required

by law 830.30

ss. State of Minnesota, ) County of Kandiyohi, f

We, E. J. Strom, Vice President and C. E. Melbye, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of our knowledge and belief.

E. J. STROM, Vice President.

C. E. MELBTE, Cashier.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of Sept., 1915. (SEAL) STROMME L. JOHNSON,

Town Clerk. Kandiyohi County, Minnesota,

Township of East Lake Lillian. Correct Attest: (Two) Directors




paxatus 2.60 Wulf ft Erickson, hauling fire

apparatus 2.50 C. A. Nelson, "Stop Watch" for

police i 6.60 McCormlck ft McDonald, extra

street sprinkling 5.00 Peter Bonde, meals for prisoner 6.00 A. P. Bergeson, concrete wall

at Homewood Park 57.46 A. P. Bergeson, raising cross­

ings, etc 18 00 Hugh Ruddy, special police

work, July and August, (21 days at $2 per day) 42.00

J. P. Quam, labor cleaning lock­up, fire station and City Hall Building 7.50

League of Minnesota Munici­palities, annual dues for mem-bership 15.00

WATER ft LIGHT FUND. L. K. Deal Lbr. Co., car cedar

poles 245.29 Johnson & Nelson, labor water

main 3.75 Tribune Prtg. Co., notices and

supplies 1.89 Clarence Forsberg, line work.. 36.00 Manley Holt, line work 5.63 Arthur Ives, line work 41.25 Chester Nelson, line work 13.65

STREET FUND. Peter Anderson, labor 28.00 A. Sundling, labor .-.. 26.25 L. Rasmusson, labor 24.50 S. Magnuson, labor 20.00 John Peterson, labor 5.25 Carl Johnson, labor team 49.25 N. P. Hanson, labor team 4.50

POOR FUND. J. C. Strand, mdse. for poor... Mrs. M. Skoglund, Atwater,

Minn., board and lodging, two poor charges, August, 1915..

PERM. IMP. FUND. A. Sundling, labor 1.75 L. Rasmusson, labor 3.50 A. P. Bergeson, cement cross­

ings 58.44 PERM. IMP. REVOLV. FUND.

A. P. Bergeson, cement side­walks 688.17

J. A. Rowat, engineering serv­ices, Gorton avenue, grading 6.00

Tribune Prtg. Co., publishing notices of grading 3.84 The Finance Committee reported

the foregoing bills back approved and the report was accepted.

Alderman Tjosvold offered the fol­lowing resolution which was adopted by the following vote: "Ayes," 7; "Noes," none.

RESOLUTION. Be it resolved by the City Council

of the City of Willmar, that the City Clerk be, and he hereby is, author­ized to issue warrants against the re­spective funds in payment of the fore going approved bills.

Approved Sept. 14, 1915. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor.

A communication from Handy-Lew­is Motor Co., McCormlck ft McDonald and other garages objecting to the new ordinance regulating the carry­ing of passengers for hire within the City was presented and read. Mr. McCormick and Mr. John Selin were present and were heard about said matter.

After some discussion it was moved and seconded that the aforesaid com­munication be laid on the table. Car­ried.

The Council, on motion, proceeded to consider bids for the grading of West Gorton avenue, Campbell ave­nue West and street running North from former Atlantic avenue to Gor­ton avenue, all in First Ward.

Sealed bids of D. B. Daugherty and Christ Paulson were opened and read. The bid of Christ Paulson, being the lowest, w?s accepted.

Alderman Johnson offered the fol­lowing resolution which was adopted by the following vote: "Ayes," 7; "Noes," none.

RESOLUTION. Resolved that the bid of Christ Paul­

son for the grading of that certain portion of that certain street and high­way in the City of Willmar, connect­ing with and running west from Gor­ton avenue in said City, described as follows: Commencing at the intersec­tion of Gorton avenue in said city of Willmar and the Section line between Sections 15 and 16, Township 119, Range 35, thence running west on the line between Lots 3 and 4 of the State Sub-division of the Northeast quarter of Section 16, said Township and Range, a distance of 660 feet to the west line of said Lots 3 and 4, in said City; also those certain portions of those certain streets and highways in the City of Willmar, described as fol­lows: Commencing at the intersection of former Atlantic avenue in said City of Willmar and the section line be­tween Sections 15 and 16, Township 119, Range 35, thence running north over the west 33 feet of Lot Eight of Block 124 of Second Addition to the City of Willmar, to Campbell avenue, thence North over the laid out street on the west side of Block 125 of said Second Addition to Gorton avenue; and that portion of Campbell avenue extending from 13th street in said Second Addition to the said section line between said Sections 15 and 16, in said City, at the following price to-wit: twenty-eight cents ($.28) per cubic yard for each and every cubic yard of earth removed, be and the same is hereby accepted and the May­or and City Clerk are hereby author­ized to enter into a contract with the said Christ Paulson for the doing of said work. u

Approved September 14, 1915. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor.

Mr. Paulson's contract bond was fixed at $500 and he was given time till November 1st, 1915, in which to complete the work.

The City Attorney reported on peti­tion of Wm. Peterson, Ole Barnstad and others, referred to him at the last meeting, for the grading of West Trott avenue from 11th street and west to section line road between Sections 15 and 16, and) thence south on said high­way from Trott to Minnesota avenues in the City of Willmar, and stated that he found said petition proper in form and execution and had the required number of signers, which report was accepted by the Council.

Alderman Johnson offered the fol­lowing resolution which was adopted by the following vote: "Ayes," 7; "Noes," none.

RESOLUTION. Whereas, Wm. Peterson, Ole Barn­

stad and others, have heretofore pre­sented to the City Council of the City of Willmar, a verified petition asking for the grading of that part of Trott avenue extending from Eleventh St., to the section line between Sections 15 and 16, Township 119, Range 35, and also that portion of that certain highway on said section line between Sections 15 and 16, lying between Block 4 of Fourth Railroad Addition to the City of Willmar and Block 3 of Barnstad's Addition to the City of Willmar, the same extending from Trott avenue on the north to Minne­sota avenue on the south, and,

Whereas, it appears to the City Council that the said petition has been duly signed by the requisite number of property owners abutting upon those parts of those said streets af­fected by the said petition and asks to be graded.


Also made in three other larger sizes

Fill Your Silo with a Rosenthal Cyclone Feed Cutter and Silo Filler Self Feeding, controlled by Automatic Governor. Emery Wheel attached to machine for grinding knives,

ill and get catalog and further particulars. Our guarantee is backed by the manufacturers—ROSENTHAL CORN HUSKER CO., Milwaukee, Wis.

Why Do We SeU International Harvester Engines?

XX^E recommend and sell International Harvester *j oil and gas engines because of the universal

satisfaction they give to our customers. The weight is ample and is in the right place; the castings are sand-cooled, insuring evenness oftexture and strength; the design of every part is of the most approved type; simple, yet complete in every detail; easy to manage, requiring little attention beyond regular oiling; devel­oping from 10 to 30 per cent more than their rated horse-power. I H C engines of all sizes make friends wherever they go.

This series of advertisements will explain fully why I H C engines are such good value. One or two features will be taken up at a time, so that when you are through with the series you will be well posted on engines. All the time these advertisements are running we shall have a demonstrating engine on the floor here, ready to show you what to expect for your money when you buy an I H C engine."

O. W. KROON A Hardware, Furniture

Farm Implements



(»»« GO •*« OOi NCr TO COMB to





B ^ ^ B ^ ^ ^ H . L. S T E N B E R G ^ ^ ^ ^ • n ^ ^ ^ s ^ B ^ ^ ^ ^ n o w i i r r o n

^ ^ ^ ^ • ^ i l L l L n rv

4L The Independent ^Elevator

O W H t R .

Attend the













S H A M P O O S .

Kandiyohi, Sept. 13—Mr. and Mrs. Einar Sorenison and baby of George-ville are here for a visit with rela­tives.

Miss Ethel Dougherty has entered high school here.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Gus-tafson, Saturday, a girl.

Mrs. J. V. Holmberg returned Fri­day from a visit in the cities.

Mrs. P. E. Lundquist was a Willmar visitor the latter part of the week.

Miss Edna Harrison is assisting Mrs. August Lundquist with the house work.

Miss Kinburg of Dudley, l a , is here for a visit with Rev. and Mrs. Till­man.

Miss Ruth Sanderson of Willmar has accepted a position with the bank

here. Thorwald Thorson has accepted a

position at the August Lundquist store.

A number from here attended the M. E. conference at Atwater last week.

Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Sorenson enter­tained relatives from Michigan last week.

Richard Freedholm of Svea was a visitor at his parental home here on Sunday.

Miss Ellen Anderson left Saturday for Norway Lake where she will teach this fall.

Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Kroona trans­acted business at the county seat on Saturday.

Miss Ebba Lundquist is home again after spending a couple of weeks in the cities.

Miss Florence Anderson left Sunday evening for Pennock where she will again teach this fall.

Miss Melvina Mathiason o£ Lake Lillian has entered the second year of high school work here.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jacobson and Mrs. Damelson autoed to Willmar Sat­urday for a visit with friends.

Winton Peterson left the latter part of the week for Albert Lea, where he will attend school the coming year.

Services and Sunday school next Sunday afternoon at the usual time at Ebenezer church. Rev. Tillman, pas­tor.

Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Anderson and children visited at Milaca with Mr. and Mrs. Emil Anderson, the latter part of the week.

Bud French and Mrs. Herman Han­son of Kimball returned Monday to

their home after an over Sunday vis­it £.1 C. E. Kroona's.

Mrs. Andrew Nonne of Dassel, ac­companied by her father, Mr. J. S. Carlson was here last week. They re­moved the remains of Mrs. Norine's son from the Tripolis cemetery to Das­sel where it will be re-interred in the family lot

The Sunday school picnic by the Ebenezer and TripoMs churches last Sunday was a success1 in spite of the cold weather. Eleven cars from Trip­olis and nine from Kandiyohi made the trip. They went to New London and camped on the lawn of the Leb­anon church where lunch and ice cream was served. The only car which broke down was A. W. Isaacson's from Tripolis. About two hundred attend­ed and all declare having enjoyed a good time.

Therefore resolved that the City of Willmar hereby declares its purpose and intention to make said improve­ment and to cause those parts of said streets above described, to be graded as prayed for in said petition and fur­ther to assess the property abutting upon those portions of those said streets above described that will be benefitted by the grading thereof, for the cost and expense of the said grad­ing.

Resolved further that the City Coun­cil of the City of Willmar, will on the 27th day of September, 1915, at the hour of eight o'clock in the evening of that day, at the Council Chambers in the City Hall Building in said city, hear and consider the said petition and at that time and place any and all persons interested in the matter may appear and be heard, and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to cause a notice of such hearing to be published as provided by the City Charter of said City.

Approved September 14, 1915. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor.

A petition signed by H. T. Langag-er, Nels Balke and others for the grad­ing of Ann street in Ferring's Addi­tion was presented and read and the same was, on motion, referred to the City Attorney.

The City Attorney reported that he had examined the said petition and found it correct and that it had the required number of signers, which re­port was accepted by the Council.

Alderman Johnson presented the following resolution which was adopt­ed by the following vote: "Ayes," 7; "Noes," none.

RESOLUTION. Whereas, H. T. Langager, Nels

Balke and others, have heretofore pre­sented to the City Council of the City of Willmar, a verified petition asking for the grading of all of Ann. street in Ferring's Addition to the City of Will­mar, and

Whereas, it appears to the City

Council that the said petition has been duly signed by the requisite number of property owners abutting upon the street affected by the said petition and asked to be graded.

Therefore, resolved that the City of Willmar does hereby declare its pur­pose and intention to make said im­provement and to cause said street above described, to be graded as pray­ed for in said petition and further to assess the property abutting upon said street above described, that will be benefitted by the grading thereof, for the cost and expense of the said grad­ing.

Resolved further that the City Coun­cil of the City of Willmar, will on the 27th day of September, 1915, at the hour of eight o'clock in the evening of that day, at the Council Chambers in the City Hall Building in said city, hear and consider the said petition, and at that time and place any and all persons interested in the matter may appear and be heard, and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to cause a notice of such hearing to be published as provided by the City Charter of said city.

Approved September 14, 1915. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor.

W. O. McNairy was given permis­sion to fix up the City scale (in front of Power House) at his own expense and use it for public weighing pur­poses, on the condition that the City be given free use of the scales for weighing coal or any other article.

The matter of drain at Park and Oak avenues in First Ward, carried over from former meetings, was brot up and discussed.

Alderman Johnson offered the fol­lowing resolution which was unani­mously adopted.

RESOLUTION. Resolved by the City Council of the

City of Willmar that a twelve inch drain tile be and the same is hereby ordered laid from the lake at the west end of Oak avenue, thence

running east along Oak avenue to the intersection of Oak avenue and Park avenue, a distance of about 275 feet, thence running southeast along Park avenue a distance of 150 feet and there terminating.

Resolved, further, that the City En­gineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare a plan and profile of said proposed work.

Approved September 14, 1915. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor.

A petition signed by W. J. Sperry, N. P. Nelson, W. E. Boyd and others asking for an extension of the City water main from Litchfield avenue

-north along Bertha street and under the railroad tracks and across to Homewood Park and Sperry's Addi­tion. The said petition was referred to the Water and Light Commission with a recommendation that it be tak­en care of as early as possible.

Requisitions for supplies from the Water and Light Commission were presented and the Clerk was instruct­ed to order the same.

The Council, on motion, proceeded to elect a member of the Water and Light Commission and on ballot be­ing taken J. F. Millard received two votes; N. O. Nelson, two votes; V. E. Lawson, one vote; A. A. Anderson, one vote and Chas* Wallin, one vote.

There being no choice a second bal­lot was taken with the following re­sult: J. F. Millard, two votes; N. O. Nelson, two votes; A. A. Anderson, one vote; Chas. Wallin, one vote; and C. F. Spencer, one vote.

There being no choice the matter was, on motion, carried over.

The matter of tax levy was brought up and discussed and the Council, on motion, recommended to the Board of Tax Levy that $500 more be levied for the Street Fund and $500 addition-al for the Perm. Imp. Fund over last year's levy. v

The City Treasurer was, on motion, requested to place $900 of Interest funds on certificate of deposit

The matter of appointing Commis­sioners for making assessments for the grading of W. Gorton avenue, W. Campbell avenue and street from At­lantic avenue north to W. Gorton ave­nue was considered, and Messrs. J. F. Millard, O. A. Grangaard and J. P. Larson were, on motion, appointed such Commissioners.

The matter of heating contract be­tween Kandiyohi County Bank and other property owners on west side of 5th street in Block 42 was brought up, which contract had been approved by the Water and Light Comn. The said contract was read and discussed.

Alderman Tjosvold offered the fol­lowing resolution which was adopted by the following vote: "Ayes," 7; "Noes," none.

RESOLUTION. Resolved, That that certain propos­

ed contract relating to a central heat­ing system, between Kandiyohi Coun­ty Bank, and others, and the City of Willmar, dated August 10th, 1915, ap­proved by the Water ft Light Com­mission of said City on August 20th, 1916, and now on file with the City Clerk, be and the same is hereby ap­proved as to all of its terms and con­ditions, and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to execute the same on behalf of the said City of Willmar.

Approved Sept. 14, 1915. E. C. WELLIN, Mayor.

On motion the Council adjourned. *** * ~ . . E * C- WELLIN, Mayor. Attest: HANS GUNDERSON,

City Cleric

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