Will to Kill

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Transcript of Will to Kill

  • 7/31/2019 Will to Kill



    J. Croft




    It was written recently by a Three Percenter that Christianity is dying because nobody is willing to kill for

    it. That Islam is rapidly expanding in large part because enough of its adherents are willing to kill for it.

    That is the biggest reason why the U.S. Government has been so successful in expanding their role and

    reach in Our America,

    That is the biggest reason why the Freedom Movement, the Patriot Movement has largely failed, too

    few of us have been willing to kill on principle. Oh weve had those willing, such as Gordon Kahl who

    stood toe to toe against federal agents in a shootout wanting to murder him and his son for speaking

    out against the fraud the U.S. perpetrates against the American People. Christopher Monfront, who

    took on the crooked cops of Seattle who beat up girls in jail cells and murder people left and right on the

    street; bombed and shot them in classic rifle ambushes. Where was the support?

    Where was those that ought to have spoken up and said these Americans had the right idea, where

    were those who saw in their own areas oath traitors pummeling teenage girls in jail cells, trumping

    charges to gain a bust?

    Aint those calling themselves patriots in front of a keyboard doing the shooting, its common

    convicted criminals and neer-do-wells willing to pick up the AK and shoot it out. Certain parts of major

    urban areas the cops will not go in without major backup. Why? Because they know if they start up

    with their petty police state bullshit theyre going to get shot at-not too accurately but they got the will

    to kill.

    Our enemy employs a lot of lazy, shiftless cowards to whom a honest days work is like crosses and

    sunlight; but they have at the ready an army of killers-mind you a lot of them want the easy kill but

    theres a core group that manically train to be able to kill anyone theyre ordered to at any time.

    Not the pretend-a-patriots.

    No-a real Patriot grabs his rifle to blast those oath traitors in response to their crimes against the

    American People and theyre on their own; the rest of the herd of pretend-a-patriots suddenly

    remember they still sheep and go baaah! And We the People keep losing ground.

  • 7/31/2019 Will to Kill


    No doubt the enemy has been able to operate behind the scenes controlling the media, the schools, the

    major generators of American mass culture, the levers of political power, banking, industry-all of whom

    had it as their common interest to disarm and tame the American People. Americans: who braved

    slavery both black and white and struggled to be free and settle a hostile continent with little more than

    the clothes on their backs, rifle in hand; who rose to defend the plot of land they worked so hard to

    clear in order to grow the crops that will sustain them in the winter from thieves whether they be

    common criminals or criminals in the employ of the government; who arose to claim their Freedom for

    their own reasons during the American Revolution, who outshot and outfought the greatest military

    power on Earth; who were self-sufficient, learned in the law, and distrusted the banks and government.

    It took a long time to gain the trust of such a wary, dangerous people. Took a coup detat in 1789 in

    Philadelphia to exploit a generated economic and political crisis to write and pass the Constitution-even

    then they had to add the Bill of Rights to sell this to enough Americans, yet they still had to embargo

    Rhode Island to get this passed. Theyve had setbacks such as Andrew Jackson not renewing the Bank of

    the United States, the Anti-Freemason Party. Certainly, attempting to control the vast body of self-

    sufficient, educated, armed Americans had to be done very gradually, very carefully.

    It was eventually, done. Public schools were first spread via the Townships, then those schools were

    uniformly structured along the Prussian model, designed to produce drones. Gradualism was coupled

    with major shocks to move their social engineering of the wild, dangerous American People via

    economic disruptions of the money supply and markets and of course the Civil War that while freeing

    the slaves from the plantations made everyone a slave to the government de jure through the 14th

    Amendment. The black slaves were disarmed in the South but also the slaves who werent aware they

    were chattel in the cities were disarmed as a response to crime. Industrialization brought the

    beginning of the end of the self-sufficient American as the wages were set to encourage the farmer and

    family businessman to abandon their business-where they get the full benefit of their labor-for more

    cash but they get a tiny sliver of the benefit the factorys owner gets.

    With the advent of the radio and motion pictures it became possible to unify American culturally-both

    mediums were controlled by the enemy from the beginning. The World Wars further regimented the

    American psyche by unifying the People with their enemy the Masonic U.S. government against enemies

    they raised up in the first place. Television, with Americans watching it almost their entire free time

    from school and the wage slave jobs created the American hive mind. A hive mind programmed by our

    enemy to mentally disarm and tame the American People, in a coordinated effort with the public

    schools and the lawyers to make us weak, dependent, unthinking, and most importantly not willing to

    kill for whats ours. To make us sheep, but I baaah to no one.

    So thats the psychological gulf you need to cross if you want to defend yours, to take whats been

    stolen from you back-your nation, your heritage as a Free People:

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    *You need to free yourself from the fraud that is the U.S., recognize that Masonic entity hijacked Our

    America 200 years ago, has been using the American People as the fig leaf covering their ugliness. The

    rest of the world has attributed us with their deeds.

    *You need to recognize that truth and stop obeying the enemys laws, listening to the enemys

    propaganda, free yourselves from the mores and values they like to instill into us-such as the learned

    helplessness preventing you from going out and killing every traitor in sight.

    *You need to make yourself ready, mentally and physically, to take on our enemy.

    Now, you are a single person. The enemy likes to run in packs. Now a single oath traitor harassing some

    sheep in their Suburban to extort some traffic fines, they know that sheep wouldnt fight back to save

    their own lives. Anyone who might put up even a fistfight, and they call in a dozen of their fellow donut

    munchers to thug up on them, taze them, beat them half to death and yell at them to STOP RESISTING!

    You need your own people to back you up. Back in the day they were called the Militia.

    Your militia, you will train as a fire team using rifle marksmanship and basic combat drills to hit your

    enemy out to at least 500 meters with full power rifle cartridges. You will have your militia where you

    can keep track of each other as needed on a moment-by-moment basis. You will be constantly looking

    for potential recruits to expand your units numbers and to form neighboring units to provide mutual

    assistance. I go into this in a recent article How To Start A Militia-And Get Away With It. I also cover

    much more the training your militia will need in the Second American Revolution Victory Guide 2.0.

    The thing you will have to work on most to overcome is the mental block keeping you from killing your

    enemy. Its there, and you have to psychologically scrape away the lifetime of programming the

    enemys institutions have instilled into you to be able to stop their enforcers and agents from taking

    what little we have left.