Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

Multiculturalism and The Welfare State: Recognition and redistribution in contemporary democracies Keith Banljng and will KyÌnlickâ OXTORD

Transcript of Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

Page 1: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

Multiculturalism andThe Welfare State:Recognition andredistribution incontemporarydemocracies

Keith Banljng and will KyÌnlickâ


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IlntroductionMulticulturalism and the welfare state:Setting the context

Kcith Bantint sn.l Will Kynli(ku

The paÍ thirty yea.s hâve witnesed a dramatic change in the way nìanyWestern democracies deaì with issues of ethnotuìtural dive6ity- Ìn thepast, €thnocultural diversibrÌ was often se€n as â th.eat to political úability,and hen.e âs something to be discoulaged by public policies. ImmiSünts,natìonal oiDorities, and indiSenous peopÌes wcrc âll subicct toa rangc ofpolicies intended to either assimiìate or marginalize th€rìì.

Díring the laÍ decades ofthe tw€ntielh century howevcÌ, many West

ern democÍacier abandoned these earli€i policies, and shilted towàrds a

moÍe accommodating âpp.oach to diversity. Thi5 is refl€cted, for exam

pÌe, in the widespread adoption of multiculturalism policies lor immi'

Srant groups, the âcc€pta.ce of tcrritoriãl autonomy ând languag€ rightsfor natioml minorities, and the recognition ot land claims and self

goveÌnment rights for indigenous PeoPles.We wiìl refer to all su.h policies aJ 'dìüìticulturaljsm policiev or MCls-

'tÌris term coveô a very wide rarge ofpolides, ând w€ willdisoss some ofthe impo ant difÍeÉnces between thcm in Chapter 2. But whai they allhave in common is that they go beyond th€ pÍotection of thc basic cìvilând polÌtical rights 8uâranteed to all individuals in a libeÍàl'deÍlô.raticstâte, to also extend some leveÌ of public recoSnition and support forcthn(ulturâl minorities to maintain and erpress their distìnct idcniìties

The adoption of MCPS has been and ÍerÌraini contÌove6ial, for a varietyof rcasns. On€ line of critique has been philosophicaÌ. Critics àrgue that

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MCP5 are inherc.tÌI in.oDsist.nt withbasic tiberaì democÍat1c plirciplÈi.MCl)s are said to cont adìct principles ot ì.divìduaì iicc.lorr ôecaúsethey pnviìcge /8roup rights'i over 'ìndividuaÌ .ighrs) ãnd/or pri.cilte,oÍ èquaÌiry (bc.aüre Ìhey trcat people dìfièÍenfly on rhc basis of ra.c oÍethni.ity). Defende6 or MCPS rcspond tlÌat rhese poticies otten enhan.clh€ choicc of individuâls, by makinS avaiìabìe oprions rhar woúld notolhetuìsebe alaihbÌe, and pronore rhe cquatit,v oi cirize.s, by Ìenrovi.8trarì.6 and con testjng stigmas rhat disadvan taSe Dembcls ol ethnic an.l

'Ihis phiìosophical dclrate iboul the moraì toundations oI dìutticuÌruralism donÌinâted the acãdeúì. ìte!âtÚe in the t980s and eart!'1990sand remains a source of ongoìng coDfuove$y. However, jt has rec.nrhb.er 'utpl.mer'rco Ir,t r4\omi i.\rFnr \uppt.,rrat bvJrJ f"o Ior.socnnogical concerns aboút the unintended effecrs oi Ma_lÌ. lÌì this voluìnc, w€ examlne one suclÌ ser of conceris: n.rmell,i thar adoprinS Mcp5makesil dÒre dilôclltto sustain. robuÍ weìfare stat.. On lhisvicw, rhereÌs a trâde off nr pra.tice betwcen a connnltment io Mcps ârd a conÌfìinment to tbe weÌfare state. Citics ge.eÌalÌy acknowle.lSe that .letende6 oaMCÌs do not tred to s'càke. tiÌe weÌtàre state. On the contrary, mo5rdefended of MCPS are also stong detendes of th€ we[arc stare, andview both as flowing from the same underìyin8 prìncille of iusti.e. ThecoDii.t between MCPS and thc sclfare sralc, th€.efor€, ìs not so much âÍratter oI competing ideals or principìcs, but of uninte.ded sociologrcaldl.namics. MCÌs, critics worÍ gradualÌy erode the irrcryèÍÍnral furst,sGiaì solidãÍity, and politicâÌ oalitions that sustanr the weÌfare star€.r

This Í not oÍ .orrse the only soit of concen thâi has bcc. Íaíedaboút Lhe effects of MCls. Some have expicse.l @ncern that they stosthe úrcorporatjon of immisÉnr minÌitìes nlro rhe e.onorìic and socÌatmâinstream, ând Ìeâd to rbeir isoÌation or segre8atÌon In recenì yea6,tev€Ìal Eúrop€an states, ìncluding the Netirerlands and Briúìn, havcconcìuded that older models of multicúltuÌaìism did not do e.ough rocnsure the economic and poìiticat inregratio. of ünmigrânts, and thârnew pro integrâtion policies aÌe reqúired. ttowevÚ, thcre h disàgreenÌentâLrout whelher rhese new policies shoúl.l be reen a s ata./rdrir.s to MCts oÌ

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as necesary r,rplcncrrr 1o thein. 'Ihe currcnt Bitìsh appÌfr.h operaresprimarily on the ìrtter assumpiion, ánd the Netherlands oD rhe forrìer(Flanse., foúhcoming; Joppke, forhcoming).

More aladning, particülaú sinc€ 9/r1, is the prospect that ftuìticüìtúrâlism policies mây hãve unintcnrionalìy created spãc,es for radicaÌ reli-gious and poliiieì nìov€menb to operatc,.reating a threat to rhe saferv oIcitizcns a.dthe secuÌity ol the star€.ln the naúÌe of pÌomorirìg n ìctu sronand toleftnLÌ, multìolturallsm polnje! may hav. .reated insrjtutìuÌalsúuctúÌe$ withir rn inority .ommunitjcs (like schooÌs, mcdiã, {!mmunitforgàniations) rhat have been caprÌúed by fLrndamentalisr Sroups conìDÌi1ed to àttacking the iiberil-deìÌocrltìc ordeí ln corrlast, soÌneexperrsaÌ8ue that mulìicuÌturalism polìcies make ir less likely rhat such fundânì€rtalist gloüps will tàke root, sinc. rbe 5tate is beLt.r abìe to moditoraDd nÌfluene mÌnorily institutìons thar hale been ret up ún.lo the.€gnof multiculturãlist public poli.ics. On thr view, re.Íorist cells are ÍDr€likcly to a.ise jn counlries wheÍe the stare hkes e hands oiTatritude ro flreÍeljgious aDd cúltuÍâl organiãtions of mìnoritygroups (KeelrÌe Z0O5).

These debaks about the link berveen MCPS, €.ononÌi. and poÌticalintegration, and national sccúnry are sometimes moÍe drâmatic thanconceors about rhe gràdual erosioD of the weìfarc srate. However. th.latter is àrguabìy of wider signiticlnce. -lb date, for example, Í:curiqconcems nì tlÌ. West have ìargell' focúsed on Muíiú idmigrânts. Thewellare stâte .oDern, bycontrast, hàt been raised moÍe wìdelt in retàtionto MCls fora broad rante ofethnic â.d.adal minorities.

lndeed, palt of the reason wh), tbe lint between MCI\ and the weÌfarestatc has become such a lively topìc ofdebate ìs rhar it ôtt irÌro à broaderdebate abou( thc inìpact of etlìni. ànd ÌaciaÌ diverity rs such on socìalsolidantyand on the w.ifare state. Conccrns about MCls arc ofren interwoven Ì!ìth conerns about the etTects of ethnì. and Íaciat divcrsitv onthe Ìedist ibutive rol. olthe rtate.

These two concerns aboút the ìmpact oÍ ràcial ãnd ethnic dìversìtvas $ch, and aboüt the impact of rnulticulturalism poli.iesárc oflcrlumped together, bút it is importaDt to kecp them disrinct. A g.owingchorus of rèsearchen and commentato.s argue that .thn ic/racial .livesitlmakes it nÌore diflìcúlt to sustain redisbibutlve poljcies, regârclte$ oftherypes of poìicies that governrÌenti adopr ro manage that diveBiry SucharSuúents assúme that it is inheÌently diffrcuìt to generate ie€Ìin8s ofnational solìda.ity and fuuÍ acrost ethnichacjal lines, and that the vervpÍesence ol sizcãble ethnjc/raciai dlvcBity ercdes the w.Ìlìre staÌe. Wewi1Ì calì this the'het€rogcncity/redistriburion tràde-off hypotÌresis.

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Such lcüs are oÍlen reinfor.ed by con.e.ns that the Jnulh.ultüraìiiD'polì.ies adopted Ìo recogDÌzeoÌ acconÌmodate ethnicg.()ups tend to fuFth€! unde.nìine national rcìidaÌìty and trust. TÌtt uddcrlynÌ8 hypotlìesishere is rhit there is a Íade ofÍ betw€en re@gnihon ârd redistÌibulnrU themore a.ountry embÍaces the'loliti.s oÍ (ethnic) re.ogniti{Ìì', the hardcrit is to s6t.in the'poìiti.s ol (econooio rcdntibution'. W€ wììl.all thislhe 'recognÌlion/redistÌibu tìon fuad€ off' h'?otheÍt.

In clIc.(, tlÌe list hypothesis irgues llìal rhe very pÌesence of siTeabìe

cthnic/racial dieersity erodcs tlÌc wcllìic state, ÍeSardless oi what sorrs

ol policìcs SovernnÌenls adopl to DÌ.nage that diverity. Íhe secondhypothcsis aÍgles tlÌal lhe typì.al way ìn whjch nany westeÍn govcrnücnts todây atlclrpt to ma.agr divcdit_v naoÌelt by altemptÌD8 toâ.connodate it through ÌnÍlti.últÌúalisn policìes, ratÌÌcÌ thar iSnoringor suppressúg it aorscns tlÌc probl.Ò.

If these hypethcses ârc iruc, wc fã.c a scrioús and grortìg problcnì/be.ãuse tbere is no reãsón to eìpect either tlút ctl!ìic/ràciâÌ ninoriticswill dnDnÌjsh âs a pciccdta$ ôf th. ovcrãll popúiation irÌ rìoí WcstfuD.ountÍiês,.r thàt theseÂrôups wìU abãndo. theirdan.s forú ìtitultúraÌaccommodations. On the contrary the.e is eveÍy reãson nr expeú thatmìnoÍties wilÌ continüe to gÌow as a percentage of the oveÌaìì population.IoÌ example, indig€nous pcoplcs are the ÍasteÍ Srowins seSmeDt oftbe popularion in coonfuies like canada, the UsA, and Auslralia, wìlb a

highcr biíh ratc than tht non nìdigcnous pôpula liod. Álso, nn!ìigationnÌtô thc Wcstern dcmodacjes wilì codtnìue to grow partÌy to ofls.t tlìcd{lnrúg birth ràte ànd agèint population, add partly be.àusê there ãr.limits on the 5tâte5 abiìì9 to stot wouÌd be migrãnts from entering thecountry SimiÌarly, th<Ìe i5 every reason to exped that minoÌitier whetheÍthey aÌe histunGlÌy rmted oÍ neweÌ mi8Ìants, wilì ()ntinue to presrdemaDds Io. recognition, whÌch grow out ol de€p toÍces of o.tempoÌary

So 'I

there is a tendeacy for eithe. etÌlric/Ìaciaì heterogeDeity ind/ormulticulturalhnÌ policies to eÌod€ tlÌe wellãre stat€, the problem is likely1o 8ct woÌsc. ll citlÌer oI thesc hypothccs wúc rrrc, thc vcry idú ofà 'Òultidrltúrâl w.lfarc stâte'a welfãÌ. stáft that Ìesp.cts ãnd a.co.ÈdÒdates div.rsity-would l)€ alrnôst a .ontrãdiL1io. in terms. The Íedis'tÌibutiv€ state has been un(jeÌ pÍe\su.e in recent de.ãdes hom a numbe.of eenomic changes: 81.)haìization, technoloSicaÌ change, demographic

d6{ÌÍitì,rio. ornúerìúont (lâtions, and dcmo.Ìàti/:tion, ÍÌ xyÌnri.ìr (20oa).

trcdds add lhe aSein! of socidy, slÌiftnÌ8 idcologics. Shoúld we idn ErownÌg crh^ic diversiry and claúrs foÍ its atÌomnÌodalion, lo rhis alre.dylcngdÌy li5t?

TlÌh worry has been lab.lled as lhc 'progressive's dilenrnÌa' (Goodhart

2004; Pe.rce 20O,tJ. SÒ.iàl dclrô.raÌs, il ú said, are faced ü.ith a na8ìctrade olÍ between surtaürn)gthcú haditional .8enda oÍ economic red htrjbutio. and enÌbracinS ethrx)cultlrxl divcrsity and úulticultrrilisÌì. ThebeliÈfnì srch a trade ofl

's (Íeatjn8 a rnajü Political rcaii8..ìcnt on th.sc

issucs. IrÌ thc pnst, ,Ìost re\i$an.e to únnì8rati{ti aÍd trultì.aLltÌúhtÌcarÌc froÌn lhe .ì8ht, who view.d thcÌ. as a lhreat lo cherished nalìonaltridiÌions or v.lues rodat Ìúwcver, oppositio! to immiSÌ.lion and molticulturalhrÌ is aÌso emergúr8 withnr dìe lclt, ar à P.rccilcd thrcãt lo tlìc

But is tbe brogrcssise's dilemma' real? Our nrairì goal in tbis ÍDhúìcis to exanrin€ the bclicl that llìelc ìs a tÍade ofi beti{een policies oflrultìcuìtural .e.oJlnitiôt and policics oÍ e.o.omjc redistÌibutbn. As w€

shaÌl see bekrw, thcrc is rcmiúably littleeviden.e in the.xistnrg r.sea(hliteFlure to support such an ar8ú!Ìert. Theì! is a Srowing Ìe!€arch liteFitúrc on tlÌe impaci ofaornic hctÚogcneìty as such, althouSh even heÌe

thc.vidcncc is very miÌed. Büt rlÌcrt is eirllaÌly no syÍematìc rcsearch

ôú tlìe irÌpact oiMCì,s on the welfare rtatc. This volunÌe sccks lo lìelp nü

In thè rcsi oI rhis introductnrn, we providc m ovcvicw ol lhe debate

on MCPr a.d rcdiskibution, outìinúg th€ vicws ol tht critics who contend that su.h a policy app@lch eroder the welfare stàtc. Wc tlÌ. 80on ro survey the cvidcDcc th.l bõ been devekrped to dàtc. As w€ wilse, lhere aÌe many u.àlswcrcd questjons about the .{}nditnÌB ünd.rwhich the heterogencity/rcdistiibútion and recosnitbn/.edistributurntrade-ofh may exist, about the .ãúsàl úcchanisms that undeÌpin them,and atput the possible stntegie! for Ì€du.nì8 thcÌn. Finallt we describ€

how the chapters in this voìume atteúPt to lll id some olthe imPo ant

8ap! in our krô{lcdge, and ìdentift iomc .riticâl directions foÌ iuture

Thc varÌous chapteB do rot poin( ro a snrSìe, simPìe ãnswcrto ttrè qucs

tion oI how nìulhdlturalisd poli.ies affect the welfar€ statc. Hosevcr,thcy do súggest that .on.cdr aboul lhe .o(osìve €ffe<t of Mar|s have

scc culxft, Dufrr\ .nd (â.d!j (2003)

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ben sigDi6.aotÌy ovetrlited, aod thar thcÍe may irkìeed be,onìc ci(!nrtances wherc MCìrs ictuattv hctp ro strènSihcn thF wclfare s(ite.

1. Multicnlturalism and the potiti€s of recognirion

-l ro.,'n '1.r1

dnd ,o,,ulo8i.dt .o.,, n. I.r.,r h,{,t.,r' "i.J rbo,rr tl.r 'l"or\ o,.í |,ri. tn,.,,J Ì,rtr,.,rtr,. "thm. it rr m",,,.a pow.rfÌrl lor.e in nrod€rn socÌerjcs. Sonìe oihcs h.ve eÌDresse.J theI na. rh-t'r' inrt't\ rt r{, \rr,r, r p.r. r,r!,,o or tr\'r.i, t11,r.\ I,ut,. dndo'Jl.r\ h'\' ì,{it.o t,. 4ríl,,.i p ot J rpr.i,r trorr .,,1'tr utrr.,.rtll.. Jndi reh{n to morc rràdúionãt ideis ofhodoSeneous and unitary republlcân.rtizc.slìip, ìn which ctÌìno.últuÍai diveÌsily is baristjed tionì rhc puhticÌeann ând r.leSalcd to thc p.ivar. sphetu Ooppkc 200.r; AnjbaÀer 2(ìOt;tnt7ingcr 2003). In Íeatity, howrveÍ, mrtti(llruratinn ha, bccôme dcq)Ìyemh.dded in the tegisÌatio!, jurispruilence, and lnstihrrio.s or rÌinvW-r,n,our'r'r". 'rd -d.,J,n,npl vtr\ ,,tt .nir6F Lr. tFr.rrr..rÌndeed b.cn a rerftat fronì somc uiiculturalisú poÌici€5 ior soÍne tylPsoi elhnd.ultúràl 8Ìorps in some.otr,Íjes, these hith ptulìÌe case5 ot'backlash' .an bhrd us to rboÌe B.nerai t.ends rcgaÌr]ins the a..ommo,odlrnn ol ,1n' oô.liL,,,líli\Fr,itj rì ,h, WF.l

ConsidêÍ, tor cxanplc, the case of natioÌ1.I n)i nori tie, Ás s.e wìlt see úì(:hapters 2 and 9,lbcrc has b.en a clearnr.d towards SreatêÌ ÌecoSniÌiodol.on inìoìigÌinr subÍar. natioraì Sroups, otlen iD lhe forn of regiônrlâutonoÌìy in.l official ldnSraSe sratus t.hat tr€Dd remains unrou.hed:thÚe has b.e. no ba(klash agr'Nt the Ìights ofratioDalÒinoririe, wilhinlhc Westcm dcrÌx:Íicies.lhcr. is no case in thc Wesr of a.ôunrÍv

'nr u|Fp J,iu1r. ,..totu, \ r. h,,\ r.r,J_,r r,, rr) nrúÍate natio.ai groult, On the coniÌarv thú rrc.d has hecn (altÌhe<land ttrergthencd bv lhc devclopment of ìntematio.aì noüns. so.h .stiìe lrâÌìework Convcnrion I{r rLe pÌorcction of NarìoÍat ]l1üÍtrjri.s'oof'rFd b\ thp ( ourr,r o, Iurop,,,ní1 ,ul,údr.htpd...rr,ti,,n,b) rh;OrlJatriatbn tor Secu.ity ând Cooperàtion nì luÌope.a

Or .onsid.r the case of in.l'genous p.otìes. Ás we witì sec in sevc.rlchapte6 (2, 8. lo, ànd 1]), thoe has bcen a clèar trc.d towaÍds greaieÌrc.ognition ollndilgeno6 rights, oftcn ìn thc form of laDd ciainú, recognition ol oíomàry lan, !nd scÌf8olernmc.t Íights. ïhat Íend Íemanrs

,.u t:tltjtl . "pd., -'Ì!e1 onnr úrìv Íss lweucÍ 2ft4).

iú11)' in pl.(. without any rncasunbÌe brcklash or rctrcati a.d jr roo trasbcen reaíìnìed ind sìrc.gth€ned b_r lh. doclopnmt of iotcrlaú)natrornìs,5uch as thc UN's D.dft l)e.bütìoD od the Righrs ol l.ÍliJtenousl'eopìcs, or.oÍrparal)lê decl!r.tions ot nrdiS€nous rìgh6 by the (Ìginiatior ol AnìcÌiran St.t€s, the IitctrÌattunal Lâboúr Or8ãni?arioo, or lhe

50 tlì(. n no à.tuss dìe bo.Íd rctrat from muliiculhralism ror borhmbstat. nJti.,ìal groups and ìndigenous peopl.s, the Íend ros,ãÍ(lstn. fuìrlìc FcogdiÌion and a..oÌÌDodation of eth.oc(ìturil divcÍsiryÍemanìs úìta.t, an.l ürdced is now nìor.lüÍ'ly enrrcrch.d, ú,red noronh h dorìe\tic acconmoditiod\ Jnd negoriations, but àlÍr rariiìc.l aniltrotected b_v interrationiì noÍn5

ìhe rcrr.it tÌ.r. trìultn:ulh!.llsnÌ, rhrtufóÍe, ú hrgcly rest tedrooDcdonìanì ói.throoìtuÌal dìvcrsltv. atrìeÌ, inìoÌ8raÌio.. Here, as wc{ill re i. C:ìÌiptcs,1 7, theÍe h.s been a ba.klãsh rnd rericàt fÍom

'nuLtielirraJisoì poticics rrlating Ìo post war migrànts nÌ somc lvesreÌn

denÌo.lacics. A.d, unlike the case oi.ati.[al mnÌoritìcs an.t Íxii8eDousp.oPl(\, theÌe has been no s.rnru! àttempt to codìlv dltlraÌ rìgh8 ÍÔÌjnìnri8ratrts.l thc nitcÍìational Ìevcl. It is ú nDporr.nr qú6tnnì whyiÒnìigrant nìulftulturaÌisnr ìi pãÍtnariaÍ has.onÌc undcr such aÌ1acti, towhi.h se wlÌl ÌetüíÌ bclow. But we can begin bf dismissing onc popuÌaÍ.xpianatior. As we noted eiÌ]icr, larbu5 commenraros havr suggencdihìt th. ÍrtÍeat rìom jmnÌìgia.t lNltn:ultuÍaÌism rctltctr a ÍetuÍn to rhetradilionil libcral bclièfthat ethnicil! bclo.gs úì the pÍivafu sph.r., thartht Publicsphe.e thould be neutral, Jnd that .itizenship slbuld he undìfteÍenÌiated. (rÌ Ihis vicw, dìe retrear lronì inlnigraDt muÌticlliurdtìsoìreflccc a r.ic<tiÒn ofthe whoÌe ìdca oi a I ibcra l-dem@ra uc .on.r ònot

Rtrt thi5 cinnol bc thc d t)lanation. lÍ westcíì demo.Ía.ies wúc r.i.cr-ing tÌìe vcry idri of lib.Ìal nnritìcultoÌalisd, thel solld halc r.ieúc.ithc clàìtrìs of subttate nalional gr^rl* aniì jndlgcrous pcôpler as weilrs immigranls. Alt.r all, the ciaims of natlonal goüps and indigcnouspcoplcs tlpnì.|1y involve a nÌu.h drÌ. dramaÌic ìnsorion of erbnecüìtrúal dive6'tv irìlo lhc pubÌn: \phere, and a nror. dÌamaric degiccof diftercnLiatcd .itizennnp, ÌlÌatr h dcma dèd by immigranr groupsWhcrcas nnnìi8Íanrs rypically sc.k nrxlest vaÍiations or .r€mprions iotlie oltÍrtion of Daìrskc.rì inÍituibn5, bistoÍic üüÌìat mjroÌiricsiDd ìrìdìgcDous pcôt)ks ivti(xìÌv sccì{ a .)uch wider levcl oI rc.ognìtioD nnd r.conÌno{lation, includnrS su(h thÌngs as land.l!irìs, selfitoveÌnÍrenÌ powcs, la.8uâgc i8hts, seti.arc cdu.atnrÌ!Ì sFreDrs, and






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indìgenous peoples, a bascliie ìeveì of JccognÌ tio n' rn.Ì 'i..Ôm nìÔd.tÌon'

ibr nnmigranLs has in..casingly been a.cePted as in inevitabÌe ãnd lcgitinÌate asped ol lile in a libcril democra(f.

So tlÌere is no singìe story .Í'advaDce' oÍ 'ÍetÌeãt' ol m!lliculturalism.'lh€re úc dilferent typcs of ethnh-ultural diveriry ea.h .aisnÌg i(s own

distinctive sorts ofnìulticúltural claims, a.d cach with it! own trajcctÕries

of Ìcsistance, rc.ePtance, and bâchlash. lt i5 úrPortanl lo keep these

distinct trxiccloriesüì drnìd, snìce, aswè will see I h ur8hout thìs voluìe,tÌÌÚe is a distrcssing tendcnq nÌ the likratrtrc to nÌake cìaims alrout

tlìc ne8ativc nnpact of 'hctcogcteity' as !üch, or ol 'nÌuìticülturàlúdas súclÌ, Lrised o. rlìe expeÍie...s oI a singìe typt ot giooP or a tin8lc

If we rhink àboút rbe imPe.t ol these differcnt Patrerns, multialtur_alism is one of th€ tìost imPortart sGìal ind PlÍj'trì h'níls ôf ihP

past fo.ty yra6, renaknrg srarcs âDd tocietics around the world Thcre

are many differcrt exphnations for the enduÍnì8 ã.d PeNasive narure

of cìàíns IoÌ multiorlrúnìism, and ÍÌany diffeÌent th.orìcs ol thei. DoÍ_

mati!€ undúpinninSs. SoÌne suSSett thât thc aim of muìtitultuiâlismshould be to .reãrc lhe.onditions lor a HaÌrerlnasian eihic of inteF

cuìtuÍal diâlo8ue (Renhabib 2002) or an üìclusiv€ deÍÌÌ rr ti. .Õ. resr aiion(willÌamt 1998); ollÌ€r5 ârgtrc thit muìtnultrtralism slÌould be foü dcd

oú thc idei of a 'ri8ht to culhlre' (Tânir 1993, Margâlit ard HalbeÍtal

1994); yet otlÌe.s aÌEuc Uìal muìtnrltuÌalistÌ should bc prcnisscd or th€

shkÌarian i.lea ol the avôidance of crueìty (rity 2000)i oÌ on thc need

of individuals for the recoSnìtiôn oI theú authc.ti. identities (lãylor

1994); as a pr€ondìtion 1òr individuaÌ autoromy (I(yúlickâ 199s); o!on the idea of tolcrance {Kukâthas 2001). 'lhè philosophicaÌ ìiterâturt

.oDtains nìanI sot)histicaled diÍutsiôns of these varioÍs argumerts, aÌl

ôf which atteíÌpt ro ground ideas of nÌulhQìturalisnÌ iD deeper Pnnciplesof frecdom and d.mdracy. aut for oúr Putfrses, we Qn perhals steP

back Íom the deÍaiìs of rhese arguments, add simpìy notc tlÌat on aÌl ofthese views, thc rise of multicúltúraÌism ir rèlatcd ro, and an e{ìeNionof, the úodem huúan riShts retolution. lìe sam€ huÌnad riSlÌts ideah

thât inspúerl thc íru88le agâinsr colonialivn, racia I seSÌegati on, ànd caste

discÌiúnÌation hàvc also jììrPir.d the stru88ìe by ôtheÌ hhtoÍi.alìy dis

advantag.d ethnooltural 81ouP5 t() cÒ.tcst the ìin8eridg nìarìilcstations

of ethni. an.l raciaÌ hierar.ht lndeed, tht üìodern .h.toric ô1 ÌìúÌtidltualism dÍaws expljcìtly o. the discouBes (and strate8iet d€vcloped

dunng the anti<torial national libú.tìon moveÌnents and lhe Aficàn_Amedcan .ieil rights movcments, adapthg them to the speci6c leeds of

elen scParate lcga! syícm' Thcse dÍüDs ürvolve 3 mÚ'h nìole serious

clìalÌergc (o ideâs of urdifÍere.tiated citìzenshiP and rhe Prn'atiatútloi ethnicity thar is Írvolvcd ii accomtrodatÚrg immiSrant 8roúPs' Y't

WÈstÚn dcdrocra.ics have IÌol retÌeated at all frod tÌreir c_ommitlúcni to

icconìnìodatnÌ8 th€se histon. nrinoritics.

Westdn denìocracies arc, in fàct, in.r.asnrSìy conìfortabìe with ctanns

Ìo .liiferentiated citizen.hip ind tlìe Public re'ogÌÌition ot diff'rcrce'

when these .lànns aÍ€ advrn.ed by hhloti( tìinotìtics So it is not tlÌe

very idcà ot ìibcral nÌulti.ulturalis'n Per sc rììat lìas conìc !n'lcÌ altack 5

Tir; ba.ììrash, rathct, n largely Íèstìcted to imrriSmtion And evcn wúhin

tlìc spheÌe oI imtnigÌiÌi(xr, the Íetrcat fÍnn muìti'rnruÌãlisdÌ Ìs far lrom

lnif;m aclDs countdcs: it is moÌe Ponour'cd in thc NethèÌlrnds than

(ìn.da, for exaÍlpLe. ^nd

in mary.ount.ies, thc shift hâs been grearcr

at thc level ol rhetoric than âctuaì Policies.bliven wilhÍì a singlc countr, th€Ìê àre nnPortant va'iatn)ns in thc

attìtude towaÍls thecìanns oldifferent imrìi8Ìant grouPs Public dcbat€s

nì many.oúrtri4 distÌn8uish '8Òod' inünìgrant 8roÚps, who are seen ar

ha -woÌking and law abidúrg and h.nce des'Ning of redonàble multi

úll uraì iccommodatnrns, IroF 'bid' immiSúnt grouPs, who may bc seen

ar illcgal or lazy, or as Prcnc to c nt, .eliSious fànaticisnì, or Poìiticaì

cxne,iiisn. wtrcn tn. utrer arc sen as the Filne ben'Êciaries of multi

.ulturaìitnl, Pubìic suPPort for MCts can .lramatically ditÌinish' lcádin8

to high polile cascs of Jetrcal /

tlui en as states sccN to cúrtaiì thc peÌ.€ivcd iexccsses' ot DÍrltnul

túr.li!m, they Ìypically cmphasize that thcy rÌe not Ìevc'tiD8 to oldet

honogeDizing ind ãssimilationist ftodcls ofnnmigration' and rccePt thc

nee.t f;r publi. inshlütions tite tlÌe schÔoLs, media, health care, aDd police

to adatt to deal bctter witlì the Ícaliti€s ot ethnìc diveÍsity lnÌmigrart

g.u"p. n." un longer exPed.d to hidc their cthtÌic idcntity i!ì Public

tite, uta can e"pect ."usorabìe lôrns of ieognition and â'commodation

in pubìì( üìsrÌhtions (e.8 in the common sclÌool Larriculunt ln short,

taìk âbouta terreat ftom (ìmnÌiSraot) Úrulticultnralism' tt'picalìy obscuÌes

a moÌe conÌpÌex íory in wlÌich a fcw MCPS are drrÌaiìed whÌle otircB

become more deePly institutioMìize.l As with national mÍxrities a'd

wBLcÍn d.ìÍrrâci( re ici(tui3 rhcÌal 'uÌruÍaltsm*, _. ;,. iti ., ,,.,

;d qÍ,,;\ ocoolt5 i c! lu! c2o{r'tu.. 2oor)

" ,. . -;d.,., ,h ,.",, .',ürh*" rr,"t'à.-r'q)' '"h,r' t tqe)r úri rnuins.r'i

'hrpt!Ì rrelow'

' u.ìr'" i-p.""ì*.t n.* p.-erlior in exfhinúN PúbÌr' iIIj!'Í íoÌ Úr'ìirúniMcPr, *e (ynlrÌi (2001).



Page 7: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

ditl€rent typcs ôl gÌoups in diffeurt Lountries. I his tink bctwccn MCI's

and huma. rights toíns Ìs ofte! exPìi.itly irìvoked by legitìãtors and

couís iI expiainìng tlÌc rauo.ale Í{Ì varnrus d(llicultuÌal Policies and

iaws, â.d ú tou.d jn nrtcnÌational Ìaw docutrÌ.dts on mìno.itI ardindi,lenous righls as welì 3

lbis heÌ|s eÌplâid wlìy mÌrìticultüralúrì íìould not be dìsnìisscd as a

passnìg lad or tashnm. WhiÌr iìs outer llmits aÍed€èplycontcsled, ús innercore is inextricably linked to tridèly a&cPted rorms offÌ€èdodì, cqoaliryhunÌan riShts, a.d dclnooacy. ln shoÍt, clânns tòl multicukuraÌisd arc

groúndcd in some oftbc úoí basic P.in.Ì cs of iuslice in contempoÌaryÍri.tìcs. Tbc question foÌ our tolúúe js whether thc purÍrit of so.ial

usti.e foÌ ethnocúltúal nìinorjti.s throogh MCI's is, unintt.tionally,wcakcning sodety's .apacitl lo Pu6ue th€ nìorc lraditìonal nsP€d ot\dial irs(ice relating to eononic inequaìity dnd.lisadvanl.Sc.

2. The case for â re.ognition/redìstribution trade-oÍf

Why lìave so many obscrvcd aÌgued that there is a trade olf betueenÌe.dgnitiÒn a.d redisÌìibutnnt? Critics hav€ sP<ulated âbout á range ofmechanirms lr), whi.h the adottbn of MCPS could inadv€rtently èrodc

thc wcllìre stat€e we can ÍmmaÌize these nÌe.hanisms under thÌee

The (rcwding out et'fect

Ac.odinS to one line of iryúnÌenl, MCI'S w€aken Pro rcdishibluon.oalitnnrs by diverlinS timei €n.ryÍ in.l monel from redistrìbution loÌccognìtion. Ìreoplc whowould otherwise bcacrivcly itlvolved in li8htì.8to cnhance e(ononìic rediskibution, ol at leastto lrroìtct llìcwcllarc5tateiÍtr. Íight wing rchenchm€nÌ, ar. insteid sP€nding theìr ttn. o. issues

Todd Gìtlln gives ün exaÍÌplc ol thìs. He dirdsscs how lclr wing studentt at hn u.iveÍsity (UCl,^) f(,ught Òbscsively foÍ whatthey deeded a

more 'inclusìvè' edúcatioDal eDüron ment, throúgh grca tei rePresenta tion

ìir lnì[ f (Ynrrich (íonhorn'! b)

" Ìn id..ntit nÌs tn.sè .onìr lr in 't rN(204r), i.dd(;rìÌnÌr9s), rÌi.haÌd Rortr (1993 2,u)o), ãnd Álan l\hlfc mdJydrc (r,nser (req7, ztlrÍ)r r!ìcr

dcrdDg L'rhc.nricí,la hrvc i


olnri'roritics jn the facuity and.uún:üìã. Al thc sanÌe tirne, howeveÌ, thetlnryclyignored hugebldsetcuÌs Ìo the state edü.âtiüÌnl 5ystcnr thal werc

riìalilng it rrorc dillìcllt for minority stud{Jìts to cvcn 8cl lo UCIA. As

lle puts it, 'mu.h of the Popúlar cnerSl and .ommitnxÌú it would hivt!ákèn to iì8ht for Ìhe tre\ervàtid! .lct ilonc tbe inrprovement ofPubin:edücãtion was channelÌed jnto acÌnnory arrDgst Polcntitl .llies' (Gitlin1995i 31) tìis ura.Dellins' oi crìcrgy s caphrred ni.ely úr Òn€ of lìiJchaprer titlcs: 'Mar.hi n8 oÌr the nr8lish D.pÍtmcnt wh i lc rhc ììiSh t lbokthe whitè HorBc' (Gitlir 1995: l26l.10

Ánothe! ìine of ar,lurìcnl slggests that NtCl')s elaker Í.dntribution by

Êroding trúí .nd solidaity aolrngí citizcDs, and henG eÍ(Ìlin8 I)oPL!la.support nr rcdistrilr(tion. MCììs are 5ai.i to rro.lc solìdiiìl-v because

they emphasiz€ difí.rcn.cs trelween citizens, rathcr tha. commonaliliesCitìzens have hittori.allv supportcd tlìc selÍarF sÌate, aiìd b.rn wiunrg tÒ

make sa.rincs ro súppoÌt theiÍ disa.lvantagcd co citizens, becaose theyviewed these o{jtizcns as'ooc ot us', boun(ì togcthcr b} . conrnoniderìity an.l comDìon rense ôf b.longnì8. Ho$ever, MCI)r aÍe said to

cotrode this ov.rar.lìiÌì8 conÌnìon tlentity. McPs tcll citizcns llÌiÌ whitdividcs them into separãtc cthnoctrllural SrouPs !! nÍrre nnPorldt than*Ììat thcy hive in conrmon, and thar cì citizens flonr otheÍ 8rìÌPs rrelh€retbÌe not Íeally'orìc oI aí.

According lo wolte ard Klauscn, lor cxample, in dìe earÌy days ôf th.BritÍh welfa( nalc in th€ 19.105 and 1950s, 'poplc believed they were

pàyirÌg the 5ocial wclfarc paí ol llìeir iaxer to l).opit who wúc liketiÌèmsclvcí. Bur with thê àdoptioÍ ol MlilÌ, and the .esultjng ãbaDdon

ment of ìhe /l{rÌ8 p.occs of natio.al hoÍÌogrniàtion', lhe ouÌconre hrs

been growing'tãx rcsistance', for'ifthe ties thit bnrd to! lo itcteasÌnglydìves€ lcllow citizen\ ãr. loôscdcd, yoú ale Ìi]reìy to i)e I!5s nì.hrcd ro

slüle your ÌèsÕurccs with tlÌem' (Woìf€ an.l Klausen 2000: 28).

Iorsome critics, this coÍd1irÌ8 oi soÌida riry by MCPs is alnoí a loSicaì

ne(e\rity. Wolfc.Dd Klausen, tur eutìdc, assert that'ilSiouPs withilr th.narion state Ìe.eivè 8rc.ter recoSnitbn, it ndr Iôllow th.t concePÌio.sof ov€rarclÌin8 natúnal solidar y /rúr receile lesí (20001 29, ..ìphasisidded). But olher.ritn\ of MCPS ol'lÚ a nDre nur.tql ÈÌllàd.tioÌÌ.

gÕ.ÈnÍ. Ìcdrtilì!in!lì.liri.sí3â,r20o1:197)


Page 8: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

^ccordnìg to one ve$ion, tÌìe problcú witlì '8.eater Ìê.ogrition' of sub

8Ìoups is, !t tcasl ür pa.t, tìrat thú re.ogníioo aimost ineütatìly has a

ha(kwardlooli.g rcmedial aspect ro it. /R(ognizinS' a 8!ouP, ú the con

texl of MCììt, often nìvo]lcs aclnowledSin8 its scts.oflÌistoric Srievan.Ê,and ackrÌowledgin8 that it has histori.ally been shstrátizcd and cxcluded,and nistr.ãted nÌ a pite alistic and .ondcscendìÌÌ8 way by the doÌìnÌantsociery RecoSnizinll á 8rôuP thcn involves in.ludnìgthc story of tlÌe hìs_

toÌicnìjuíices il has suffered within thc schooÌ curi(uluÌn, or witÌÌin themedia, or within the natÌonaj DaÍativcs morc Scncralìt ìn short, MCPS

nuÌtur. r 'politics ol Srievance' that Í€sults in nìüe.sed djst.uÍ betwccn

dÌemlìers of diffesrt grôúps, and mates it moÍc dillìcúlt lor üoss ethni.(oalitions of thc p@Ì or disadvàntaged to coalesce. lndeed, Gitlin xrgres

th.t MCÌs encourãgc a '8o it alone mo(d' thât vicws attempts at build-nÌg winDing coaìiftÍÌt as 'às a siSn of accommodrtnÌ/ (Gitlin 1995:

230 rì

^notÌìer veBion sugScsts that the .orosion of solidarity is nìost likeÌy

when MCI'5 invoÌvè soúc degrcc oi instituhonal sèPârâtcncss. As larryputs i! 'a siruatÌon wheÍe 8rcupt live in parallel univeÍses is not onc well

.alcuìated to advãr.Ìntrúlal undestinding or .ncouragc Lhe cuìtivatbnolhabits ofco operation oÍ sentitìcnts oftrust'(lÌaÍy 2001: aa). On this

baris, hc distnÌguishes two conceptú)ns of lnullicultural €ducatnrn'r tlÌefist ilvolves ensurnrg thâr all childrcn hlve a oúdron orriculum thatircludes iDfomatnrì about âll thc groops that (Frist withitÌ thc slate;

the se.ond involves creating sepa.ate schools wiih separare o..n!ìa lirdistinct groups (Barry 2001:237+). lhe latter, h. says, {otld be paÌtiolarÌy corrosive of t.urt and solidàrity.Ì1

SÒ the corrosion argument sugges!\ thãt MCls undernÌine trust and

solidãrity, eitheÍ intri.sicalÌt and/or whetr they are Ìúkêd tô a polilicsofg.icvã.c, and/o1wlìen they are link€d tô insritutional sePaÉteness.

The mìsdíog nos i t eííe.t

A thìÌd liÌÌe of arSumelt sü88èsts thàt MCPS ìead People to misdiagnosc

thc problems lhat minoritìes face. lt encourages peoPìe to think thatthe p(nters la.ing mirority 8loups ar€ tuotud Prnnarily iìÌ cultuÌaì

'misrecognitìon', and hcn.c to rhinkthatthe soìutnrì Ii6 in grcâtêrstate

'r ÀnodrcÌ veAior oÍ ihn aÍ3un ue s.hn.UF, wh.es tbe.dnnÌo. públic qrÀcc occd

(s.hnaplYr 1ee3)


re.o8nÍion ofctììnic idcntitier and culrural prà.tn.es tn rcality, however,these'cúÌluralist' solÌúions wÌìì b. of little or no bcnctìl. snìce th. nrtproblems lic eÌs.where.

This aÍgumert conÌes ìn rwo diffeÍenr forms. On. vdtion clanrs rharthe focu on c(ltural diflèrence has dlsplac.d attenrÌon ro rd.?, andtlÌereby ignorcd th€ dirt'DcÌive problerìs facing g.oups ljke AlÌican-AúeÍi.ans. narry for exampÌr, argues that 'io.c of the most soiôr8 mistakes by nÌultidrlturãlists i\ to nÌìsundcrstand rhe plight ôf

^mericanblnctr'. He goes on to quote KwaúÌ.Ârthont Áppi.h,s otrserarÌod thrt

it is.oi ìrìn.l a,lÌur. tlúl lhe ácist dndanìr, bur bla.ks lheÌ( is no cÒ.flicÌot visiors berweÊn bÌâ.k aní whío .uhúrÊs dì ir thc tuuro ôf rr.iJl rtiscord.NÕ lnoull of lnowledse oÍ th. .Ìclttcctural achÌ.vmrcris ot Nrbià I' Kushglarantes Ìeso.La foÌ AfÌiGr

^nerlcans (ìÌlhü. is nor dre prcblrn, a.d it

Ànotihesolution (ltpiah 1997:36,quotedin BaÍy200tì3061

SnÌ- the ptubìem ol racisnÌ irÌ the Lrnit€d 5rarcs is úor timarily oneof .uÌtu.ai nìisrecogntior, it .ànnot be rcsolved by nÌiking .MaÍinlrtther KjDg Day' a national holidat or c.lebÍatin8 (winza h schools,or t n.hinS about the accomplish ents of pre coloÌÌiàl

^fÍican socj.ti.s.

^(oÌding to cÌitics, thc prolrlem here is not just thar suclÌ chan8es are

nÌsún.i..t, bút ratheÍ thar rhcy blnìd peopìe ro rhc rcal prcblenÌ. ThcrlìeÌonc of MCÌs lunps all .thni. groups togctheÌ, as eqral yictimr ofalnrral misr.cognitior, whiìe obscúrirÌg th. distincÌ've probleÍn\ ficedby tho* radal Sroups wÌrich súffer the conscqucn.es of segrcgarior,sìavery racism, and djrrnnüìatbn (cl. FavcÌl20oll.

Á s(ônd v€Íiion of the mìsdiagnôsis ar8umerl clairÌs that tlÌe lodson ethDi(or racial dillèrencc hasdìspÌaced attcnriod tÒ.idss, and rherebymadc pâr'cthni. ãl liàn.rs on clas issúes le55likely. On rhis viêw, the reatpÍoblem is €.onomic !Ì.rgnìãliation, not cultúral hisÍecogoirion, rndthe solution is Dot to adoptMclrrbut üther tonìpÍrve people's ían.lin8in ihe iabori nìaÍÌ(et, throü8h better âccess to i{)t}\i educarion and tÌainin& ànd v)on.'Ihe multiorlturalht afpÍoach encouraScs peopìe ro üìnÌkthat what low in.ome Pàkittãni imnÌigrants nì BÍirain necd nDst ij tohavc then distindive history religioÍ, or dÍesr g,ven g.catcrpublic slarusor arcommodatiod, wlrcn in fã.t their Ìeal n.cd is foÍ impÌovc.l a..essto decent iÌousirg, edu.àtion and trainin& and Sainhrì employúrent-nccd they share with the disadvaDtâgcd nìeobeÌs of rhc largêr sociery oroth€r ethric gÌoups, and a ..ed whi(h can o.ly be nìet throusÌÌ a pan-


Page 9: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

Crowding oul: The @unter-c|oìn

Tlìc.laim that NíCi,s'crowd oüt,weltatu stare issucs re5rs o. dìe inÌpli.irà$umption that therc woúld havc been a sizcable (oitilior of politi.aÌh,FnÂ

'8.a ' r' /Fn\ wrll.r'8 t4 d. I o uFtrnd rh. wFtr.,,. .rot,, ier. ttr ì noltrrrrrrJ br Mrpi\,ue\ i hp\olii rn.t.i úi trnttro,.hptrr,.cìÍlìer Yel Oitlin húnseìl.on.edes thar rhis $,rs .ot trr..

^s lìc notes

dìe vaí nÌr'dìtt ol ÍudeìÌÌ5 at UCI.A, and i.deed rfÌ. vrí nÌaj{Ìiiy olA.rcrn:an cilizcns Ben€rally, ha.l loÍ laith in thcir.aFcìry t() innu..ccthc stru.n{e ol &onomtc nreqüâìirt-.

^\ he dorc! in €xptàinirs (lìÌ

students did not troresl brdSer curs tôedúcariorl

The narional poìitjüì nÌne is nd)nldúlj. Th. JJulìtic ar ÌaÍgc has tirdc(onlrden.rthâl probl.ÌìJ c?n be ítvcd tr] golrnlnerr a.Lnn\ tvcn Àmencans ú.üdnüded

'r uul0la lôd8, r ' rrti.o,,,,r,

lcm , ìa.kihclairh úatiryoneknows L'har !rdl) rboul citrê\, iobs, eduíniion, ortu.c Élaiiod (Gitlin 1995: ls9l

simiìâ.ì, Atrnc PhilÌipr a.krowìedges üìat the nÌanr .eason why i$acs oieconomic nÍ<lÌtality have ben oc.tuded iD Sritain is rhaÌ mosr peopÌe,nìclüdúrg moí on the ìeft, have beconìc ,arronishirjsìv faraÌistic about..o.omìc i.cquaìitieí:

lveryo c now knôws tl'at na tn)nâì i/cd ìndunri.s bocome sh ti6cdandnÌeúc]eni,that iniljahvA n) {rd poleÍy.an end utr.ordernÌnrg pcopÌc r) I povedy hlptÌìai wÌ,cn publi. âuilo.ilies set oui to prote.r enplo,€cí wd8es and condilionslrom rÌìc l,rbher rêaltjrr It rhc mdtci rhcyoÍt.ì do thh at tlÌc.xpens. ol Aoodn,rui( pror(iôr wc have Êv. dNovered, ro ouÌ disnjay, thar dìr lrcc hêakhând rdualìon rìrat wr5 tÌÌc 8rcat ichìc'eDeni ot tne wetf:Í. Íate ca cnd úprcdlstriburiÍg wQÌLh Íro.ì d'c poor ro d'c mlddÌe.tr'$os. Wirìr rhr beÍ wiìt uÌth. wond, prôgraÌÌ..\ lòr redisribuiive tush{a oÍt€n ba.kfiÍc. súr.Ê wc Qn nolongeÍ t(tcnd 10.onfid.n.c about wl'nt makes ÍÌoplc ec.n.Ììi(alÌ, eqult, it hhaÍtly Íuprhlng dì $ nany hav. tumed d,cÌr attenljoj, ctí.whcÍc (rìhiÌtil's

Jn othcr woÍds, thc ris. of MCIÌ did nor Ìead pêople on üìe ìefr to àbando. ìssues ol ccoromic irÌcqualìry Mary people hâd arÍeady abandon.dirÍres oí c.ononÌic nÌcquality orr oi a sense ot hopetessncs. On ciLlüf\.!d PhiÌÌipt's own aralyris, lhc presenc of MCi,s madc no dittcrene totlÌe left's passivity towald s c.onom ic issuLs.Ì,

Eauy toô acknowlcdges thar rhc ÌúÌ,r p.ssility on economrc issúcs (du. to'despaii at the t.osp.cts of ler.irìg btuad bis.d cgaìitadan Íxt'cies

lhth vúsiorìs of the rrisdìiSnosis argumcnt clainÌ that MCPS do nolsìmtly divert..crSy irom Inoru !!c$ing issuet ôf r1.. ind .ìâs íth:r is

üie 'cÌowdnìg ôuf cÍfec0, but tìrat lhey distort peoPlc's ord€6tandnì8of thc causes ot dìsadvanlâ8e, Lry denying or f.jliDS t.ì r.krowlcdge the

Íeality ol ra.isrì and clãs inequaìity ^

Mâchiavelìian v€rstuú oI tlìis

arSunenr sugScsls lhaÌ ÍÌ8hrwüÌ8 Politjcaì and ê.onomic elite5 hàv. irìfa.t promoted Mcls precisely in ordcÍ to obs.ute th. ruality oL racism

a.d e.onoÍìi. mar8ìnaliràlion On this view, thc tenden.y io trìisdi.g

nose the plillht ol Alrì.an ^mericans

às one of cultural nÌìsrecognìti{nì

is noÌ an unnìt.nded by trodtrct otMCI\, but rather was lhen intend.d

^t firt glancc, all tlìÍee ô1 thcse critnlÌre5 hàte some Pllusibiìity. Thcú

plauJilrjìity is strengthened by the iddispolable fa.t that rhc rise oI MCÍ\has largcl)' colDcided Ìvilh thc Perod ôf reircncÌrment úì nÌàny sftiilpÌo8Ìamnìes. Thc qlestion nrruralìy arhes whedìcr tlÌcrt ú 5ome .on_

.cclion betwc{r tircsc lwo trends.IrerhâPs the riseofMCPShâs sotrehoÍ

Irlàycd a roÌe nì supPrtnì8, or obs.u.nìg, thc rclreat f(tn Ìedistlibútioo.'Iìe oowdiúg orL, coÍrodin8, and misdia$nosú8 clìcts could aìì heip

to cxpliin why tht risc of M(t's might have Ìntentionally or nÌadver

rently codüibuted to tbc rehcnchment of úe wclLre state. lhe plâÚibiÌìty of this conccnÌ ha5 even l.d sonc defenders of MCls lo rethinlithcir approich.

^nn. Phillìps, foÌ exanìPlc, wÌÌo artenuy d.hnded a

st(rì8ly ÌÌúllicuìtuÍalist .odceplìon of democracy in her Ì995 book(l,hjÌììp\ 1995), sútrsequentìy wrotc 'l cannot avoid troúbl.d tlÌoughttibout tiÌe way developnìcnts I otheÍwite suppolt hive ont.ibuted (how

ever üìàdvertc.tl-v) to a declüÌtìg intelest in e.untDic eqúalìly'(lhillÍx1999: l3).

Howcacr, thereaÍeaìÍr iÌnpoíaot reisons f{Ì q tr.stioning the 5u88esìcd

hÌkage bet{een OÌe rise of M(Ps and rctrcncbment nr ÍÌad! MiaÌ Pro

8ra.ìmes. After ãll, llìc weLtarc ltate has bcen under frcssurc thrcúghout ìhe Wcstern dem{xracics, including in couttics tÌrat Íron8ìy Í.sistMCI'5, like cèrÌrint as welÌ a! [ô-McP counÌÌi et, likè canadi ll is rotataÌÌ.lcar üÌal tìÌe prerercc oÌ âbsenceofMCPS hàd any beaÌing on whetheÌ

or how tÌìe wellìrestit€ wa\ restructÌtred.lndeed, â\ ChaptÚ 2 wìll slÌowsoÌnc pro MCf oüntri.s resisred dre ÌetrtnclÌment of the weÌlì.c srate

better thin sonÌe anti MCP .oÍnúies. So the existc.cc oÍ a Seneral lÍ'kLretween MCPS ard thewelfaÍc Íat. is not selt evnlert-

MoreoveÌ, o..e we think about it, the thtee moÍe sPc.iÊ..Íitìquesôi McP listed ibove àrc nôt sclfevìdent êithcr LetS tike them o.e by

r/ s.e c'püto (2mÌ) lorr sinitÍânìÌv:L

Page 10: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

adoptcd', &nd thiìt Ìhn desÍ,àl pre dited the rise ôf MCIS, rathcÌ tbanbcinS cãtr*d by MCI'S (8ary 20oli 32ó). Howtver, hc wo.rie5 rlrdt thiseconomic fâtalism will become a'setr-tutttlin8 Prophky'if p(oPÌcb cneFgies are '.lissjpatrd' ú írugAlesovcr MC?s (Rarry 2001: 197).I'erhaD, Lrut

oneÒüld als spmulalc thât lhe emerscoc oÍ McPs mãy aftually hâve

hclp€d lo.einviSoiate thc left, It pÌovlded ô cortext Íoi tht ìeft lo 8etinvolved nì politiõ âgâin, by pbviding an issue Òo whi.h pÍoSrersivetIcÌt it w.s possible to (iÌke à dlfference. Gctting involved ând nÌakiÌtg a

diÍ?rcnce helped Ìcvive conlì.tcnce nÌ lhe È)ssibility olchallcnpng €co

nomic tncqualìli€s- Ind€ên, lhÍ is what hãppened in Gitlin's om storyHaüng suce$tuUy achl€ved vaÌnrus McP reform\, tie UCl, studcntswho p@ioúly hâd been fatatistic about (onomic issu6 startcd k) lotlbyrellardirg the budSet.uÌ5. Gitlin's olidal story ú that McÌs drained thecne.aythat would hav.other{iee gone intoô8htiD,i'rconomicincquàliçHls @r rnecdore, howryer sugge5ts lhãt lhere wns Io encÍ8y to fghlthose bâltles, únfil rhe successtul stÍuggle for MCPS ÍNPi.ed connd€n.ein ta.klinS the €conortic ise5. ttonna lft van (ìtl't chãpler ltclow tcllsà slmiìaÍ story about the way stíug8ìes fo. nulticulhtrãlism hâve ícd nrtostrug8Ìe for Rlittnbution in l.ttÌ ÁmcÍ[email protected]

the '..owdifl8-out' algument isa commo. onc lhat hls bcen uscd hhtoÍicaÌìy by tIãditidìaÌ leftists to coD.lcnÌn Politi.al mobilizaÌio! aÍoundrhe cÍvÍonmol, oÍ 8áy íi8hrt oÍ arimal ri8hts Áll of tì€sc wd sâid todÌaDncl energy away fÌom issücs of cconomì( nìrquality. This aiSumertmrs oD th€ sumpúon that thcrc is a ixed and slàtl. rmount of time,cn€.gt andmoncythat wiìì bc sperr oD poÌitical mobiliãtion, súch thaiar|y effôÍt rpenl oD one issüe nÉccsar:ly detracts from ànother HoweveÌ,

there is an alternativè vi€w about poìiticâl mobilizâlior tlìat i5 nol ^osúm. on thisvjew, the rcalchallengc is to 8et pcoplc i1Ìvolvcd in politi.satâll, o. ãny isu+i.e ro hlievc that theiÍâcliüty càh mÌe a difÍeúeon any issue wonh Êghìing ahoút. Oflce tlìey a'c involve4 ãnd have

thii fns€ ot politicaì €í6caq, they arc likelyk,suppoit othcr prcgressivc

Ìt is thus un.lcaÌ how ruccesstul politicaì tÌÌobiììzatjons arcuÌìd newissu6 oí iustie aÍfct older i:$ues oí i6ti@.

-fte Íomcr may crowd @tthc latteÍ, a5 .íitics oÍ MC?s fear; but they may :ìlso hclp ìÒ s(stáin a

pul,lic @ltoe in whid issud oÍ i6ti.e tult€r, to reiríorc€ tbe b€licf thâtciurens have elfective politial agen(y, and to r€lcgìÌinÉte tÌrc statc as ãn

rr Mor Í.ncràlry Õne coúld Edlãt( whdh( thc $rrss ol rrÌ. poììtÈr orÌeotÌ ioobôs Ìrelled to inspne sne oí rhc pÌór. on.d glolìaìiaülr

institutio. thar is (a['abk oí acht@ing public intercsts. Ar any rakì, thela[er possibi]ity is át teasÌ as pliosibtc âs ihê ider dìat MCps crowd outisú€t of <rrbÌnic Ìusri.e.

Ihe conoding eííect: lhe counter-cloím

The ârSumcnr that MCPS coüod€ thc intocllÌnic Íurt ànd vtidàÍityned€d to susrain Ìhe w(tfrrc slare is âtv, debarabtc, Fo. one rhing, itassümes that prio! lo lh€ adoption ot MCpr there wrre itigh lcvcls oInúcrcthnic ttust aDd elidãÌiry whi.h ârc stowty (or rtui(rly) tEinS carcnaway. Howcvcr, hisrori.allt Wcíern statês oftcn adopted €xctusionarydnd at\'m'larn i\t [ol.F\ p'drrlt b.(âuf rh.'r w!\ ti I. ttust or,oì;dârity aüoss erhnk ãrd lirrial line5. DoüÌíìãnl EÌoups fett thr€atened byDjnorities, and/or supcrio! io then, atrd/or sinpty indiffeleàt to theirwcllbeinS, and so ãlrempted to àssimilate, ex.tu.l€, qptoit, or disemÍbwq tlÌem. lhi5, ir) t1ú./ led nìinoÌiti$ to disrírsr rtìc donila.t Elonp.ln the situâtions, MCP5 wcrc nor the origüìal ausf of this distrusr orhostiljq, and i. dìany case! the âcloprion of MCps wâs a rcsponse to rhúprê-cxisting lacÌ ôf trusvsolid.riry Ry adoptirÌ8 MCfs, rhe staÌe .!. tì.sen as rryúr8 borh to en(ruragc dominânt ErcúIts.o! lo Ícar o. d$piFúnìornics, nDd aÌso ro crìcoura8. nhff ìes lo rrust the la.gêr socicr,By .ckÍxl<d8in8 the r€l y oí hisrorn: Íriusri.6 against minoritiB,thc state a(knôwÌrdges the eÌistcrce ot rhese fechìgs of prciudice ândcontempt ?Sainst nürôritics, aDd aflirtrìs ã pubÌic dury tI, á8ht aaaiDsrìhem and th€ir consequen<e. Many deÍendeB of MCps ãrEre rhat, bytacklüÌg tlìcse feelings, MCÌs wilÌ a.tudly help ro *rèngÌhaD thc trustand soli.lâÌity neded foÍ a stún8 wetfare statc.

Of coune, theÍc ls no guaÌa.tec rhat MCps will sú$ccd in lhis legad.How(r., shen .efl€.tin8 on thij quêstion, it is imÍx,rratrr k) kap rlÌehisktri.àl .on rext in múd, ror €xâmpte, Baúy! majn €mpiricÀÌ evideoccfor the cor()siór (tlecl is rhe taDÌous ,robbe/s cavc, cxperjmenÌ con_ducted i. 1961 in wlich'iì paÌty of elevcn yeaÍ otd chitdren nì a súmmercarnp weÍe dividcd lnrotuo(orÌ)crìng groups, which /,produc€d in gtuupfÍiendships and hostitity (owaKl rh€ ôlhc. grcup",, a 6útt [c dcs.íib6as unsuÍprising (larry 2001: 8a-9, citing shelií cr al. r9ól). IDdeê4 üÌcresuli is unsurprisin& but it i5 Dot cÌrar how it is ãülogous to the rolêof MCA in @onlrics wherc rheÌ. has ben a histôry of misrrust aDdantipathy betwen 8!oups, erìbodìed in (and ÍclnfoÌ{ed by) offcidl statepolicics that exdudÂi, r8q;are<t, cxploited, and diÍoìpoweí€d minorúygÌoulrs. I. contexts wheÌe peopl€ havê had no pÌioÌ hirtÒry of mistrust

Page 11: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

o. dììstÌeãt enti albitrarily dividinS thcm idto 'odpeting SrouPs ma!

wclt reiluLe Prc-eÌislnÌE Ìcveh of túst a.d soÌ ãriry Bút this is noì tbe

onìy oÍ eve; tbe nolma! context in ethnic relallo's Often' the úore

apt anâlo8y would be ro consider à summú Gnp tlìat had hisroricalìv-

eÌ.ludeíì Àsians àdd,\rãbs, andadmittcd Afri'an ^tÌe'i'ans

only as shv€s

or lcírnts, and which sas now.onsnlerirÌ8 how io dcaì wìth rhe Í'sult

nÌg ìegrq of úistrust âÌÌrl ànliPathv oÍ cÔnsnler a s(tÌooL' or hosPitrì

".'porì,"iorce, "r pur,ric media o1 PubLic n scon' aLl oÍ {hi'h hãve the

sar;chÀtrty.ln thcsc.ontcxts, adoPtntÌ oÍ MCPS can ì)c seen as rcfle'ting

,n,'r,uld !re^ rLoul owb lio { onr lhF li ' P\hr'n8 r! rn 'r"'ì.-,r.. " ".

r', dr' p. hv o r'd"" l' Ìdlurrr! r'r'rpr'r\rôsrds újnoÍitics anÍl the mnìoritv\ IelÍì8s of distoiì ìn instihrtions

and Prccesscs of tht lâr8er so.iet!. DeferdeÌs of MCPS would argue thaì

witlÌoút these cllortt to contcst botÌì the càúses and conscquen'ès of thc

h*tory of cxclusion, dilttust an.t antilrâthy aÌc likelv to rctraiD' even in

jnstitutìdrs that nô longÚ formalìI djs'rínÌ natc''lhese lÌoPes of str.nSth€nirì8 truí and solidaritl tÌxouglì MCPS may bc

ispla(ed, but it seetrs at least as Pìausible às tìÌe conPìânÍ drãt MCI'5

co.;de truÍ and solìdaÌit,qrr Màtt Jamcs5 chapie' b'low disdsses the

conÌpleÍ dlná ìics pút in Pìay by tlìe linking of ììuìh{Ílturalisür with

Íhe nisdtognosis effect: The.ounteÍ cloìn

FiDalÌt consider the nisdìagnosis àrgument, whìch arguès that adoPting

McP;bìinds people to tlìe saììence of noo culturaì fa'lo6 in exPlaininS

a,oup d vdv;n dË.. lh- I'd,dd'8,,, . d\ ôl rhh di !or'Ir18 ro liÔrl Í'Jrrv

l.a t,'r,". "

rr. Ì \1,-Êno ol rl'r 'irudrior' or \'n' án \r'r rr dn\' Íor

,"-,,:;, .:, h, "-.it.; ^.;,,";;,:.., ; :ú..

;,,;". ".i-.i .; ;ì-,

;;;,,,";.ì,.;;; ,r"'a. ,i,r " ,

iililiìrìììi"i,,'*j,'.;i,^".-'Ì,eÉbitiìv tosÉrnisìmútion'"iì.ilìì ;. r,e r.pt" ,"*r

'd{LÌv thd*r'* * ' ""r''r or à pDl6i'{ loúP

;;; ìË::;;;i"il;,; p",'b'"".úgh.*.th-"F"b'"';;,,; ".,i J.. "-,.,".

i-,,..,Ji,",r.,'-; ,.' "t i tt-. r'g-, "'-';;:'";,.-.;,.,;":.;",^,". L *p ),"". ".,.:-:-i", -,; "--.;',.; ", I q t"r.,r ". 'r.,-1,-i., ':", .'r,.,'",. ; r"r''.rJ- Ì'ú hrrr"-'ri 4í I3iúl

,;,.iì;,,; ,.;,;J '"j ;', ;; "j"-,i; i ,,.' ,.. '". t '{u rs "1 " 'd Í'tr '

p,.t,,** -'o at""r --t, ,,, úft .ar6 rf, cM.úcd eÍÌpn'crrÌ'

wbonì hÍrcsol raccrnd.lasarc Ìnrch rìorc salirnt 1lìan dltÌtrãl recqnìtion. This is jüit ône.xaúple, ihÈy aÍ8üe, ofa ÍnÌe 8(rì€Ìâì tendenq forMCPS to gcncratè niìrdiagnos.s Òfthè.auses ofdisadvàntatje oÌ in'lÌstice,reì€vant to orheÍ Brcut\ a5 weì1.

'l lìe üilics .cknowledSe tha( thc relalive silierìce oI thcselarioúsfa.torsdiffers for dillcr..t Sroups. In sonìr.ascs, hsucs ôf.Ìàs âÍe conìparativelyinsignilicant For examtÌe, Jew! j. Nortìì

^m€rica, or llorg Kong inÌrìi

Srants,lì.!c highci lhrn ircrigc lcvcLs olnrcodc and cdúcàtion, ycthavefad dilficuÌtìes rcgàrdni8 tiÌe ac.onnodatn). of religi06 and cuÌl!raÌpÍa.ti.cs, irr.otypnìg nr tli. rrediã, gÉatÈr vulrÍ{aÌrility kr violenceard 50 o. Similarly, lonìe nâtnrnil minoriries, like the QÌrébécois orCatala.s, aic as wcll oll ccono.ììcaÌly as thc dorììne.t socict, yet feeltheir ÌanSuageandc hürc ÌÌrs been syíematn:ãlìI mar8inâlized in pulrÌicÌnslitulions(s!cìÌasthecorins,.ivìlse6'ice,oro.lionalmcdìa)nìrclationto ttìe dodinãnt larguagc ând cnltur..

So there aÌ€ vaÌnNs dimensions on whi.h €thnic grt{'fs .an la..úì justic+iDcludinE ra.e, cla$, nnd culh{e a nd groúps are olren ldalcdàt diffcrcdt placcs on thcsc diltcrcnt dnncnsions. Ior crâ Ìp1., a 8Írlmay be friviìe8ed in termr of ra.e yet di\:dvantage<t in telms oI class(c.9. Poíogucsc ìrÌ Nortlì ADÌerica), or it nÌay be pÌivilegcd nÌ tcrnìs oiclass and rac€ but disadvâdtãgod in t.rms of dìtuÌal r{ognitnr. and.commodation (e.9. CataÌant, and so on.

Thc rÌisdingnosis nrguìenl, lhcn/ as wc lndcsland it, cliirns that thcpr€ren.. ÒÍMCPS lcads pcofÌ. to ignorè íô. nnrn.izc) thc salien.€ oI therace and class dimensúnìs of inequaìig, and to exaggeÌnÌe the sillcnceof thc .ultural dincnsion. It lcads pcoplc to assurìc rhat racial an.l .lãssjnequalitiei âe eithcÍ unúÌlDrrant or dervâtive of.uìtural ineguaìities

wh! soúld MCrs ìead people lobcÌlcv. tÌìis? one posslbìc exflanationis that lìeople's 5ense ol iusti.c ìs

^rro'ruÌ! rnhan..d se.sitìvity to one

fom ol iniuftre inevitably entails reduced rensitivity to otheÌ tomsoi nìjusticc. On rhh view, people who are keeniy sensilive to Ìssucs olracirm oÌ sexìror, fÒr eÌrtÌtc, ãÍe úrêvitably I€* sensitive tu issues olcla$ Ìrìeq!.lity or.uÌtúral acconÌmod.tion, aDd vÌce ve6.. But Ìs thhtrue? h it rôt pôssilrlc dÌât tbc dìllcrcnt dnìcNio.s ol orr scns. ofjuÍice are mutuaUy ÍejnfoÍcing i.e. thit peopìe who have the awa.enessând nìotivatio. to look oút Io! onc lolnÌ ol ini(Íice are also liNcly tobo Írore opcn to considÚations oi othcr typcs ol injrsricc:' Conrc.sclt,perhapr thor. leolÌc whô hìvc a stunted s.Ds. of iusti.e règàdnìg rã.rsy, are also lìkely to have. Ílnted sense of jLrtìce redaLding gender


Page 12: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

-lo be sure, there are circunstances wherc a fixation on onc loÍdÌ ofiniÌ6ticc carbìindrìodc to othcl forns. lhe paradjgm case, historn2lltis Marxúm, wlÌich was idcologicôlly commitìed to tlìe view rhat.ìâssi.equality was rhe oniy'real'úÌcquali(t.nd that aU otheÌ iorms ofnìequaljty Íìcluding sexism and ÍacisrÌ w.re epìphenomenal, ã d wollddisappca! with Ìhe âbôlitntì ol.lasses.ln this.ásc, it was in explìcit and

ibundatnrìal part ofthe MaÍxist i{teotôgy rhat one dún.nsio. olinequaìity lÌad prira.y oveÌ thc olhers. MaÌÌìstrì systctÌaÌically mitdiag.oscdâ range ol irÌequaìitìes becÌusc it dogDÌaticaììy a$uncd class wa! tlìepÌimary nìcqúalily, wrthout looknì8 ar llÌe eüden.e nr particúlar cases.

tn o(leÍ to avôid nìisdiagDoris, we nccd to avoid ther s..ts of dog

nìati. picsumptions. tnrc. thc salìen.e of dìffercnt kirÌds ol disadvãn_

tige diflè6 bctween Sroups, and ovcr tinÌe, it is inìPonadt lor PeoPle10 be open múd.d abolt this, and t. bc wiÌlirÌ8 to (onsnÌeÌ th. claims

and thc evidence as they arc raiscd by vaÍnNs grotPs. lbe issue thenbe.Ìrn€s whcthcr M(rl's en.ourâg! or discourage this soft ô1 oPcn m i nded

appÌoa.h to rhc salience ol diffeÍènt fornìs oÍ inequalìty. DoÈs nìuiticulturalism h.ve a foündatiônal id@ÌogicaÌ {rtnÍiit'ncnl ro the pimàcy oÍcrlruÍaì nìequalities oveÍ othêÍ ìn.qualjlics, comlr,})ìP tì th. MârÌi<r

conìmitment to thc Prinary oleconoÌnic úequalities? l)cs it encoüràgc

peoplc to assume ttìat Llltural in.quaìities aÌe the Ìeal problenÌ, withoutexamiling th. cvidence in paÌti.ular.iscs? Or do MCÌ\ iÌìstead mâke

spâce Ioi ao open dcbaft abolt tlÌeir reìative salien.c?Defê.des ot MCP5 wouÌd àr8trc tlìar nÌulticuìtuÌalisú, nì botlÌ theory

and practice, has helped to otED up rhis dêbatc. AIloall, multi@lturalisÌnenìe.g.d as part ofthe Nèw Lelìt rcicction oftheMdrrist doSnÌatic asser_

tion of thè prinìa.y of class. Multi.xlturalisrs wele not \u88estüìg thal we

slÌould repla.e clas inequality with cuìturâl nrcqualtv as the mono.ãúsâl

rrotor of history but ràthèr .ontesrirÌg the very idea ol a úonocausaìmotoÍ of history. lt was contestúg Oì. idea lhat ãìì inequrlitics cinbc reduced to ode 'rcal' inequalitt, and bsisúÌg inste.d that oltui.,Íace, class, and sex aÌe àll reàl loc_i ol inequaìity, of vãrying sàlience, notreducibìe to eâch otlÌer

This secms.lea. enÒtr8h in the case of multioltürâlist tlÌcorists. lr i5 a

centÍàì claid ol most muìhoìtuÍãlist thcorists that the relative salicncc

o{inequalities rehtnì8 to r.ce, class, and oltürevâÌies Sreatly acrcss dif_

icrcnt grcops in so.iety. ParadoxicaÌlt thir i5 Pãniolarlyclcar in tlÌe case

BaÍy àrdGitlin cite, of AfÍicar-^nericâ.s. ÀÌofth€ majoÍ nìultitultúraltlÌeorists who have wrlteD or ÁIrican

^mericads lÌave enPhasized that

whàt distinguishes this.rse fronì rhal ol some ottìeÌ dinority Sroups

in the United State\ or otÌrer lvestern democra(i€s is pl(iscly thc ovcÍ-wlìelming silielcc of racc .nd class in conparison wìth drÌturaì djffereoce (see Spiuìer 1994; young 1995; rraser 1998; (ynÌli.kâ 1998: ch. 5).Nonc oftlì. ultiúlturalht th$rists asserts that tlÌe a(ommodation oicultuÍaì diÍfeÍenceis the ÍÌain tnbìem facin8 Aftican Americans. I.d.cd,AlrìcaD AnÌerìcaN are often discússed precisely lo illushàtr thê point thatthere ú.o ore rbdcÌ or f()rrNla nÌ deternìinìng the Ì€latjve siìlence oltlÌese dìff€lent forms of iniustice.

Onc !ìight rcspond tlÌat c!'cn ii uÌeorhrs do not as!€rt the trima.y ofcultúal ineqoalities ove. other diüìcnsìons ol iicqualiit thc actuaÌ impÌedentatnrì ot MCPS cr.ourages a knÌd oflalre.ons.ìoIness anÌoDgst thcmenÌbes of múority 8Ìoups, leadinS thenÌ to blame rhcir lale ôn dltu.aldrhrc.oSritio. rathrr than other fa.tüs of rac€ and dass Ìut is it Ìikelvthat the presen.e of MCPS ìtind! grcup nremb€Ìs to tììe saliencc ol rac.and class nÌ thcir lives?rs

TÒ say that sótìe SrouPs fa.è.nÌnì.al úrequaliti€r that warant Fm.dv

'n8 throu8h MCP! is .ot t() \ay that drete are the onìy inerl(alìiies thcy

Iacc, o1 üÌat úÌey ate the most irìportant oncs. Nor is it to asscrr that aìì

8roüps fa.e süd! h€qúlitics. It simply sãys thât .ultural i.equaÌities arcone teaÌ'forn ol injush.e tìratwe must be sensilive to, alongsidc ot|ers,whcn cvahating rhe silÍatìon of diÍìrcnt Sroups, ârìd that provnl€t ilegiìimate baris foÍ FÍertìaì cìaìms The task of ariü.g at a corNrdiagDosh ofthe cau\es of a particular group's diedvanlage ìs dol alwâysan cisy onc. Ivcn irÌ thc .asc ol Alricad Árìcricans, ther€ is a ìongstandinS and stiÌì-urÌesolv.rl dirpute aÌDut the Íeìative signilìcance olrâce and clàs (e.g- wilson 1980). Aíiving ar an idoÍnìcd júdgenÌent Õn

these issues requúes that {e hava a.or.eptual vocìòulary to der.ribe aìlof the dlfferent dimensions ofin€quaìjty, and iìso tEÌiticaÌspace in whichto dútuss them lrecly ard cvaÌuãtc theiÍ Íclatiresalien... One{rnnd a.guethat the theory and pÍa.Ìi.€ of multicultuÌalirm is intended preciselyto supplemenr and en.ich our conceptual rools and political spaccs for

r5 i.deed, Bâry him$lr els rhâl mo! Éodc (u.like rh. elr6) a

2001:2e5) rhl rd*r r puzzre àbo


Page 13: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare








dìffercnl wclfare statc '..ljinìeí tìave aho not yet inrc8Íarerj Ì!tcÌ,s intôtheira.âÌy\is (e.g. Cãstles 1989, 1998;FcrreÍa ì996).

ln shôrt, disclssiors ol rhc Ìecogrlion/ÌedúlÌjbutn)n trade{ff ro dar€a( ünsupportcd by any l,ÍenÌitìc cntirical reseâìth. I. chaptcr 2, weljsttwenLy three mullicultuÍa|snÌ potn.ies that have bcc. adoprcd hy !.Èious !Vest..n denÌoÜades, ar.l so far.s we know, .o onc has attenìptedio test the inìpà.toliny otthese MCls on rhc welfare sráte

Ìh€ only pÌtjâl cxccptioD conceÌns rcccrr wolk on rbe rctãtjonshj.oi ' ., I lcdpr,'lr,r'r nnd th, rpr.J,F .r ,," 4. br. ,tr.. r\ i.r , .. ,Frr, ,

I.drrdÌism ìs onc way ir whn.h coúntriet can sc.k to accomnrodàtc theìst)úatÌon nÌ selfgorcúìrìent by narjonai nìúÌoÍÍies, and so the adoptioD of f€deraliín.an be sccr, in sorì. co.texrs, às a torlr of ,VapScvcÍal cross dàtionâì sturlics ofrhc wèÌfare srare have con.Ìuded Úìrr..llotherthings Lìcin8 €qua1, f{'derat íates rend tô hav€ loweÍ levels ôfsocì.Ìspen.ìh8 (Swank 2002; lllbÚ and Srephenr 20Ot; Hubci, Ra8jn, an.lit.phens 1993; Hicks and MiÍa 1993; Hicks and SwaDk 1992; and Crepdz1998), lbjs rìight be secn a! ÌtÍelnnnìaÍlÌ evid..(€ rhal at learr onr f(,mofMCP cr es ihe nellìre sra lc. Howevel, su.h srudics do nor distins! \h'.rsF"n nr,"ri.r'Jtru-, our r, "\\ I, I n\r "'d', B,'8,1'n r1-',. .'i,r "

t Jn iÌed KinSdom, whcr. fc.lera I or quasi lcddàt in íit| úÌrs werc adopredil lcast in pa.t lo ac.ommodate suhía tc darionalisÌr, fÍom courtÌies {rrìas lustraÌia, cèÍnlnt and the Urited 5r.res, wtrere fcdeÍatjsm owe\ irsroots lo other considcratidr Fed.ral isn .ou.t\ asan MCì)in rhr i(,mer,but not in üìc làttei ror our pulposcs, the qúcstiôn is not hoÍ,fcd.rrÌ\tates coÒpare to !nitary staÌes nÌ leneral, but rarher Rhether srates rhaiadopt lederalirn toa.commodare nilionat minorities fare worsr in sociâtTending con\raÍed ro sratcs Ìhar do not a..oÍÍl Ìerrlorìat autoronìv,r, rrr.ir IJri,,r'l nr r o r'\ rníl tt r.,tL..r'.r.. t,ke " qL..t.or, d-, .tt1ìc relationship htween MCPS .nd rh. weìfalc sratc, has .ot yer bcc.

In contrast toahis virtuãlsile!.. on the inìpãctotMC?s oD thc weÌfarestat., there is a re.enr and gÍowing literature on the rclatc.l hypod!€rs discoss.d eaÌlier tlìat ethDic/la.ìal diversìty irteÌf wcakeD5 economi.redistribuiiorÌ (whàt we Glled rtre .hetcroS€neity/ledistibutioD lÍade oIfhypotbesis). Civen the inìportanc. ol.lisringuishii8 betwec. the inrpactof heicru8{rìeÌry aod rlÌe impa.t of MCts, it i5 s,orrh reviewjÌÌg rhis

hÌ one sensc, the dea that €rhnìc/ .iat hetcrogeneity car welken th.puEuit of a mbusl wclfá.e slarc i\ an old one. (irl Marì aLglcd thatúciàÌ divúions within rhe woÍknÌg class i. rhe USr\ would úÌr.lerminc

afliving at r more adcquale diignosis ofth. fÌrll r.dgc ol iJÌj!Íices h(edb), diller.nt groups in oúrsocicll

ln shorr, none ofttì€ al8urìcnts loÍ lhe !lleSed handftrl nrpâct ol Mct'son the wcÌlìrc slale aE relfevident. They m.y scenì to haae tome initiaÌplausrbilit, bul thcrc are equalìy pìausible ârgunrcnts why VCl\ wouidstÌenglìen Ìhe welfar. statc. Ìvlany ol the these.Íitnlu.s blanìc lucts ioÌpÍnteÍn that in iact pre date thc xdoPrion of NíCl's (e8 inteÌethnn:

nìisttr6r; fataÌìsnì àboúl economic Íuturct; otlìc6 asú!ìc politicaì

cncrgicsind moÍaì s€nsitivities Íc Zcro súnì (i e that..rc.Íì iorcuÌlrrralnr.qúality i,ìevitabìv redu.es.orccuì ior other stru88let

It \hould bc.lcar we hope, that this debatc cainot bc Fsolved byrÌorearmchaÍ th€oÌtúg, or by iÌadi1Ìg arecdote!. !v.Iìc.d to lookmorc.loscly add syíematicalì) at th€ $idcncc.

3. The available evidence

whai tÌrèd is thc cvide!.e that MCI'I eÍ)dr lhc wcllarc statc? Ás we

notcd eirlìer, the .ritn:s theÍÌselves do dot Provde systenìatú evnl€r.cto \upport theìr cÌaims. Nor do they cite .ny ctrPirì.al íldics showing a

& elation betwce. rhc adoption oI MCI'5 and th. oÍÒinnì ofthc wcllarcstàtc. This ìs perlÌapt not suÍlrisnrg bc.aúse, so far is we.an Ìelì, theÍenÌe ro€trìpiri.âÌ slrdìes 1òr critì.t (oÍ d€f€ndcB) to (ite. No one his cve.illcmpred to test tlÌe ru.o8ÌÌition/redistlìbution ÌÌade off hytothe\i\.

Thn is an ìDportaDtgap in what isotlìerwisc an c.olnÌous and imPlesj've (omparltive liiúatuÌe on thc factors tlìat 5hape th! welfaÍè statc.

One streanÌ wiihin thir lìtèrxtürc sccks io cxplaiD variatio.s in the level

ôlsocial spcnding across Ota-D.ounirirs by rcLrencc ro a Fidc Ìan8e oflìdoÌs, rü.h às th. lcvcl ol ecodonÌ1. developnxÌìt, tlÌe otur eí ol thceconony, the s'ze of the cl.lcrly PoPllitìon, thc ltÌength oÍ oÍ8dn'zedlabouÌ, thc historic domìnance of partics ol Ìlìc lcll oÌ 1i8hl, ald ÌhestÌu.tuÍe of lxtitical irìstitulions and the ele.t{Ìal s!5tem (ser, f{Ì èxat!plc, Huber and Siephens 2001, Swà.k 2002; Caíles 2004; lli.ló 1999).

Howevèr, ronc oI thcsc studies has jniegÍrkrd Mc?s iÍÍo thr ànalysis.'lhe same gap exisls in tlìe rclatcd lileratu!e on'weÌíìÍe Íate Íe8imes'

Drawìng on [sping Ândersen's gound-brcaking worl (1990, 1996), sev

erat scholas have examined wh! rcuntri€s ditlir, not Ònly üÌ thcú lclrloÍ social 5pendürg, but also irÌ the wiy $elfar€ benefits a.e stru.tuÍed,iô.usnÌg oD the bâÌãn.e betweèn ìn.ônrc tÌanslì6 an.l sd_iil scryrccs,

rnd dìe rôlc ol únìve6aÌ versus tiigeied l)n)8Írtrìík\. Studies of th.se

Page 14: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare





ÌanÌes ì987, 1993; crãfton, KnowÌcs, and Owen 2002; MiSucl ZOO4jMiguel and GuSaÍty 2005).i3 IÌÌ ã similaÌ vein, k reÌÍara hãs demonstrated thc iÒportancc of ethni.ity in conditìonürg access ro üúoÍmalcrcdìt dndgrcup l@ns ii AfÌì.a (la Ferara 2002, 2Cì03).

The secord.ontcxt conc,èrns rlìc trÌìitcd Slales. Ra.e has play.d acentral role in the hittory ol US sodal progranrÌês fronÌ rhek.a.tiestoriSüs (Skocpoì 1992). During the passage {)f rhe Social Se.urilv Acr in1935, rcsislancÌ fÌodr soudÌern .ongrc\tmen aod otlìcr (onseNarives kdÌo thc eÌdution ofigricuituril and donÌeíic labourer, denyúB over.gcto thrcc lifths of bìack workcs; and southern congÌer\m€n Led a suce$fdcinpaiS! in tlìe nàmc of'!stâres' righls' à8ainst narjôral $andards üjpublic assistan.e, Ieaving souüìcnr bìa.ks ar th. nÌercy of lüal au roÌiries(Qúãda8no 1988, Odoí 1988). Ín Ìhe 1960s, ra.iaì poìitt.sswüìed aÌolnd

^id to lanÌilì.s with Dependent ChikÌÍcn (AÍìDC) ãnd the creat Society

Prograrünes ^s

welfare rolls exFnded and .ew pove.rt pro,lÍammeswe.c r)üt in place, thc pro6le oÍ Ìhc poor became racìaLÌy charged Bla.kfamiìj€s rcprcscntcd.kre ro hatl of thc

^rDC cascldd and Hisfaúi.

SrouPs weÍr in.ÌeasinSlyovü r€pÌesenlcd. Rcscrtmcnt aSiinst thcse progràmDes helpcd lÌacture the New DcãÌ.rÈìition and the base ot rhellenÌoüãtic Party. White ünion nìeÌnbeÌs, wÌÌÌrc cth.i{:s, and sortb€Íìe6d.serted tbet rradlional tÌtiticai hodc, cspêciaÌÌy üÌ prcsidential electionr, in parl b(ause of its imàgc on ne and wcllâre isrues. Thc cÍi.rwas so powe.füì that the D.nô.Ìati. tìny sorShì to insulirc itsclf inthe 1990. by embracirÌg ha(le.lged w.llìrc reiorms, includürg the :1995Ìeforms signcd by PÍesìdent ClintdÌ.

Give. thìs history, it is not $ÌprisinS rhat sdìoìa6 int(csted ìn rheUS €xpericncc ircrcâsinSly add ethDic úd Ía(ial helerogeneitl ro modelslh.t scck to explain differcnccs úÌ social spendinrq, borh wÍhin the USÁand between thc USA ànd other coú.ties The sÌze oI racial minodrichelps cxphin difteÌencls in sdiàl expendtures aüoss.itier and sratcs Ìnthe USÂ (Âìesinai Biqit and Dasterll, 2001; Hcro 1998; Hero ãn.l'toìberr199ó; l'lot'Ìick ãDd WinteÌs 1985; Johrson 2001, 2ü13; SÒss et .1. 2OOt;Soss, S.hram, &nd lordhg 2003; Fellowes and Rowe 2004j LútrrÌcr 20Ol).'Ihese Íudirs codsist.nuy rhow, Ior cxadìtte, that the higher the proportion olAfrican

^merians orHúpanio wirhnì â srãlc, the more resti.tive

stâtelcvel weltare progranúnes lrch as Mcdicdid aÌe.ie Morc re.entl,

ri iì cÌúrhr 4 bdon riir rcrcransey oìden( $o rs rhÀr thc b€Í lrdi(or of Eoplc\ vÈ1úí roÌ

its.apacily to denìind pÌoljretsive ralôrmsi and lhis ha5 been a Ìècurnìgthemé in Anìcrican potiiiÕ.16 tlints that êtttrÌic divosìty s.s Potentiaìlyimportant o..asionilly em€ryed jn the litcratúrc on tlÌe develoPmentoI the welfare \tãte nr thc Post war era (.r'r'iìenskI and lÉbcaú 1965;

Wil..sly 1975). lor example, ir his cãrly crcss Daijonaì study of tlìceme.8en.e ol thc wclfarc state/ John stephcns loúnd thal ethnic and

lìdgúúlic dive6iry was ltrdì8ly and negativeìy .oÍelrted with thc lcvclof labour organìza1ion, a key variable in analysis ol tlÌc delermi.ant\ oisocial spending acrors OICD co(ntdcs (Stephens 1979). Thc nìplÌcalionwoukt seeÍn to be th.t hctcroSen€iry weakens the nobilizaÌion oÍ thewort<ing cÌa$ by divìdnÌ8 oÍgànizcd labour aloDS edrni( and lnìguistic lúrès, Ìiaking it more difôcüÌt to fd:us on an agcnda of €conomicirÌequality LjnfoÍtunateÌ, subscqúc.r Senerations of thn rcs.arch didnot foÌlow up on this lead, and ethni., râcial, and linguisÌic diveÍsityhar not beeD iúcludcd as a variable nr reveÍal of the mosr inluential cross nationaì studies of welfare stalc spendinS (eg Swank 2002;

lncìudnrg èthnic/racial hetero8eneiry as an explúatory variable iocomparative shrdies of $.ìal \pedding is lherefo.e a recent tÍend, whichíìitiãlÌy cdügcd i1Ì two discrete geoSÍatÌhicàl .ontcxts. lìi6t, deveì

opment economists, incìuding sômc assciared with the world nant,pointed to ethnic and tÌibaì diversity in âttcrìpting to explain th€ poo.e.ododìic and uiaì pe.fomance of <ìuntries nì sub SalÌarin AÍrica

The foos hêrê wâs initially on üÌe inÌpact of ethnlc het€Ìogencit)Ì onF.onomr 8Ìosh. rarìcr lhdr !i1rl tolid. llr uirn,,rr 'on..r" id'thatêthni. tensions Ìead to communal rent seeki.gnt gôv.nnncnt, p@rmacroeconodi. policies, arÌd nr sonìr cascs hiSh Ìeveh oiüolent (nfli.t,Âllo{whi.h retard the late of(onomic g.owth üì dev.loping countdes.However subseqüent res.aÍ.h hú extended the foos to examine thenegarive impact of heteÌogeneity on th€ provisioD of publi. 8@ds, su.hàs públic cdúcatÌon- studies suggest that while the àssdiatiôn bctwcenethnic divenity and the size of tbc stare is weak, sFnding on p.ì-vatc ãs opposed to public educat'on tends to tÉ high.r nì dcvcÌoPingcountnes with móre (ligious and lìnguisti. diveriry and tÌãnsfeÍ pay'ments tend to be loweÍ in countriês witb high lcvch ol cthnic.livesity(Collid 2000, 2001; CoÌÌid and Gunning 1999; nartuÍly and L.vnÌ.1997;I2ÍeÍly 200Ìa, 20O1r; Montalvo aDd Reyral Querol 200sj Ncttìe 2000;

r dril ârsunent, Ío Lir\et md MiÍNr (2ut)).ÌÌhfrsliìsì}'lhtobÍrÍionI

ot Íì.ôÍrFálc crhno linsnirti. dw.Nq. se Hub{ trlsrepúens(2(}!ìì)

Page 15: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

Alcsüìa and Glaescr hav€ èxtended rhis analysis to rhe cÌoss nâttunãìlevel, ar8úing thât diffeÌen.es ìr racial diversfty are . signiti.anr paÍ oIthe explanation of why the Unitcd Stâtes dnl nor dcvelop à tuÍopean5rylc wcl!ìrc Íate (^lesim and claeseÌ 2004).

Su.h.esulls have 1ed scverâl s.holars to con.ludè that rhere isa u.iveÌsil tendency ior pcôple to .esisr inrercrtìnic Íedilrribütiod. hplJnationsdiffer as to whv thú tendcncli exiÍs ztr Some sinply vies it as a brutepicfcÍ€n.e or 'tistc' (httrÍìer 200r). OüÌcs arSue rhat elhno..rtrìsm ija Igenetic.lly dclcrxÌüÌed dispositjoD, sin.:e evolütion wÕutd jetect lorethnic ncPotisrl (Saìt€Ì 20Cr4).,1 Othe6 ofler a nÌorc nuanced acco(nt

aor thìs t.nden(a lv€n ilpcopl.aÍe wjlliiÌ8irÌ prhciple ro makcsacri6ce5:or co-dizens h'ho are n.t co etbnics p.rhrp\ morivarcd by sôÌne senseof comnÌon citi2e.ship or sharcd I)atúotism tlìey arc ônìy tikely ro .loio Í thcy tm\t the would bc r(Dienrro reciprocate. However, lhis sort oftrust is difiìcult io gc.cratê across ethnic lnìer. For oDe thiig, it i\ easierto san.tior '.lcfc.torí within one5 own erhnic group rhan to sanctionmembcrs oÍ othÈr edrnic groúps (Mìguel and cugaíy 2OO5). Also, tust!ìn bcs@. ar a conÌpodcDtot socialcaplal thardevelopsin associationnllife, a.d luriam arSuèi dìat thc son of asrociatiorat tifè thai SenerarcsrGial capitâl ii ìower ir ctlìni.all_\' heÌerogereous reighbourhoodi.22 Yerolhcr eìplanatioDs lotus on Ìhe nnpact of ethDic and ra.iaÌ djversilyon the poìitical .oãlitions and parties thar normally sulport rbe wcÌtìrestale. Ethni( .leãva8es nìay póse parric(lar chãllenges for thc foÍnatúnol a u.ited ind powertul labour Dovenent (AÌesina and ClaeseÌ ZOO.1;

Stephens 1979), and ofler pa.licxla. op€nin8s 1or righrwing poprtist


Í of thcÍ corì!êIn,3 eìpÌiniroos, r.d ÍÌe obi(ronrto cah, ke (yrnÌi.ka úonhcônir3 d). rt i5 hoonanL tìeÍe t dNingúsh êp.rnt ,hunrn.

d".. rup{ ru p, !;",;er- F,. I.drúr HosNer, ror th6e wÌìo cndou ú1r' r''o' o. rnr r, r \,6n+iJ rh

oL unagP '

"r". , ,; ... ,,. , ,. rrhtuush the pu|xcKio. Btrrsmiãt.aptaì, hthrrccnrtyúnrhd{l.liycrjnr b ! ü'(liÌr8rba5cd.n hirsoúlc.Ìpibt 0c.chmrÈshdy s

eisbhoüÌhmds ú tÌr u hdstdsaF n(Ìr lc$ cisrlldnlìÈt'lnnunÌtyândwjdeÍ!oraroirìc..unrvlrurr n2001


partìcsthar.ombi.. ãnti nnìniSrant dãtjvisnÌ with a$actson thewcifarcsrare (xits.helt 1995ì

Whareler rhc expìination -s,hcther sccr as ãn inh€Ìenr genctic dis-postjoD oÌ is d prcdi.rabfu by product oÍ sociaì capjtal detìcits, weakened pÍr wclfre coahtions or cl..toial proc.sses_the.c is an inüeasingrenJp4n r,. $\.r''rr rn.,r Frt ri L i rdt t.,,a08.r É1 ard, . rpd:.rr b.r_'r'ì All'o"8li thF n,In,\i,tèr.ip In, rr Lsumpti,,l.u,np\ trorn thos[Eci6. contexrFnanÌely, subSãhiian Atric and thc Lr.irc.l Sratej itìs nkreasnìljly rreared ás a univ€rs.Ì reid.rct. ,Ì.he strongty raciatjzcddnnension oi US weltatu politic\ is no tonger sec'rì Js a. anonElv .a pernì.ious legacy of the pe(rliar

^mcrn:aD hi\torv of slavery and segrerÌntnÌÌo,. d r-., A,,,uq.,,,, \en,,,i r,r.iDri..,.di I.o,,","".,-,.,.ì,.i., ;,'rr r," Ll hpr, ,.,ripn.ir\ t.ht,."c rtr I ii,F,r \tott'. hr ..j "

.o r,.p,...11the lcading.rìteÍnarional crampÌe oi the proporirion rhat helctu;cneiryd\..r \ eroo. r.di,l b'.1,n \+o^ hJ\t'r Fj8êd r\.r.,{, ot..n

^11 r,.i rl vF tt,, !',',, .\\F.r rr n.orJ,t or rt,p r 'rF,p.r \ si Jr, n,1t',08, rFo,h

Ba*Ìj on this assunptiôD, scnoÌa6 hàve dÍdwn rathc..lire DredÌcti.nìsrL'L' rlr h "i.,,t rt. ètt,,, .. rr. -,,o.,,h. w-.,.jr, dêr.r" r,.. |! h ir

rs tbc dre.e pr€sencc ot e1lìrìic and raciaÌ Íninoriries thaÌ hãs wea(en.,l rÌìe^,

rlr,p {Jr- rn rl'ê r r.ii.d \ur. \.,h,.n rr i.d\lrS rm.rr rrdrioI tr.r. rirn,Õ do ll,F.r, p r. I ur.,pp. tr, t!8h. ü,,y t,\. ,dn prF.r, t,\ ll I r,,,,,

r, ,"ur' $o rtJ ..,d r,, ,t,. \mi ri, d.r. drion or ,,,,.,,",,, ;, i;,,, ".,

;;.,ífrFrrnr I,8ü: h/,. dIc mor re. i,n,, oIInpnrJrúi\ trdrF rt.terrri,t lìr \pÍedi.lnrÌ (Glà7er 1998; Iâist 1995j {ìoodharr 2004). Ìn rlÌeircomtìirìsôDot the US ãDd luo?ean welfar€ stires, Âtesiía and ctac*Ícon.ìudc wirh.,.rulior 'to',t !r,'r,',r d qtio,..,rt,,.,,pp,,.lotrti,\..Á\tu,utìet.d\ì'.ún. io,.,t,rp,v t,roppo.\ hdr, ,n..J.ilph nFn u!,tr;hi r,,.\.r.il\ tI' \irn. rurm,,t i,iit,,,r r, tr, tt.r.Fdq;dÁo*ucn kt \ôrre,J.o npl, i rt,e I Irre.l \rdrp\ we.hr,\p.Rh.,toitr;8";.r"hh.ir"r.,b1' .dn r."ll) \ü1i\p rn r hpr.r,ixêni.uu\ \c rrry L\tr\..o Jnd,rtJr,Lr201ì4 t80 l,

Ìloqe\.r. rlrpreJn InporrJnl r.J.,,n\t.r' o.r.r,,,J^!ìrt,tôL, ds, .ur,.ôl d rt'ne'.'- tend, ri \ tor -thÍri. t,",Fr,ú |.irL .o.r,,,tr rtrn w. ttd,F \trt(The enÌpüìel cvidencc ìs drawn fÌoú two.ontcxrs rbatarearguabtyàrlpÌ(aÌ.IÌì the sub S.haran co!ÌteÌI, ihe artiiciâtity olsrate borndaiics,.oú,btìcd with tlìe wcâkness ofrtarc insritrrions a;|Ìe time of i.depender.:e,rÌeanr rhàt Íatrs had no usabìe rrxdtiols 0r instìtutbnal.àDicitv rôr.ìp"lir'r hr'lJtre..,r, tn'r.,. \m.r1d,,. ô .p\r, rJ,,t ,rmu\ h l-rJ t,.,1,..d Irp|r, J l{ ii rrL,r..,i, \t,r, r\,Iü .p8,.Àir,or rt,o. LniIt,lJr !e


Page 16: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

dependcÍl ôn stnle spon$rcd ideoÌo8ies and pÌadices rhat rlehumanizcdÈlacks Ore coúld argue rhdt .eithcr of these co.texr5 provì.lcs a reìiablc basis lor prcdictin8 tlìe impict oí sat incÈasÍÌg rìÚtrish nnrn:8ration on thc CeÍnìan wclfaÍe starc, ÒÌ increasnìg ?hilippìnc ìmmiÂrarion,,n ln. r rr J,||ãn \.lrJr". il.. \AhF'- nri.otlìad histori.ally.rrlaved groups, and wtìere starc institutjoDs a.e srrongrather tlìa. wealr rhc nnpact ot irdeasing h€tengencity oìay be qufte

Indeed, reccnt attemprs to resÌ tÌrc h.t€Írgencty/Í<liÍributi{n hyporh,csisbeyoDd thr US^ and Afrn:a havc a rumber of ln, itarions. Ales'na in.lGlaeser (2004: l4r) rcpoÍta negariv. Íeìationsh ip betwec. raciaìdìvcrsitvdnd \o, idl\tFnil rF d, ron,' \ ril. rdr,8.ôt.o.rntaA rr\FD d.ti.r. tte!pt\of e.ononic developnÌcnt. While rhe.elationship hoÌds whú the levct ofdevelopÍÌe.t is cortrólled, rhc strengrlì of the corrctrtion in lhc .ase oIdcvelôped count.ieris intÌuened írorgtyby rÌìc US^, whjch is a. outlic.h temÌs ol boih racial dìveBlry ànd ìevels of Írút sprDdiDs (Hlnxlen,,o,o, I,torF,ap'. Aj.\rnd ,nd r,t.,t',/r idoÍi rhe Lr LUr, rÌur1t, I,ntÌút s.vcraÌ factors which ÌÌomaliy ÂguÍe promnìcndy in coÍnpa.arìvca.àlyrs ol the welfarc státe, esp..ialìy the shength ot rhè pìÌtical left,are simply a lelÌectiôn of tlÌc teveì ot ra.ial divositt and thcrefore donot in.lude thcm in this phase ot their ãnatysjs. Other.es.aÍ:hers, how-ever have chalìeDged this assunrption. For crãmple, when Íàylor Gooby(2005) indudes tlìc stÌengrlì ôf the potitn.aì left ãdong rlìc conrÌols,.acial diveBity ha5 no sratistially sigriÊcanr cttet on s@iãl 5ìrndnÌ!i. Weícrn Eürcpe. He conclldcs thar thcr. ir, as _vct, no evirlcr.e thitinnnlgrâtion wilÌ have rlÌe sâtue el1èct on Eu.opcân weuare states thâtrace has histori.aìÌy had on the Arìe.nln wcÌiàre ,tate. Sir,ììarly, afteÌ a@mprehcnrive anâlysii of ooss-national data on publ ic attftu.lrs, Crepazwar.s aSatrt ext.apolating from rhe Àmerica..xperiencc. The chãll.n8eposed by nnmi8ratio. jn EúrôÍt unfol.ts in a coDtext Ì! whiú tlÌ.weÌfare stàte has rea.hed matunry an.t is embcd.led deeply in publicexpe.tãtions/ únlike the Anìe.ian exFrience in which rhe politi.s ofràce hampered movcment rowâ.ds ! more .omprchensive wetfare starcftom the outset- Ás a resul! be corcludes, thcr€ is llrlc cvnien.. rh:rimmigratiod,irìduced dives'ty will lead ro àn ,AmericãDiz.uon,, of thelüropead wêlfare íâte, (Crcpaz fo.thcorìing).

An additional pÍobÌem conerÌÌs the ways h whìch .tifte.ent formsof múltìoÌtural dive6 y âre integrãted inro ànalyses of the polfti.s otredist.ibution- The literàtü.e tends to be co..eÌned prnnaÌitywith immiSrant minô tjes, and tÌ.e.ts nrtional dúxÍtics and jndigcnous poptej


in â very üì.onsistenr Ìnanne. sorìerim.s rhcy arc iÍìctüdêd, soÌnetirncsDot.-fhir ca. be sccn in rÌre Index ot trhno,tinguishc lracúonalizariondèvelq)e<l by

^ìesn)a and h's coÌleigues, whi.h is üsed nìcrcasìngÌy jn

{r.dF\ o rhÈ. i..rjp\ r\te\:r- et Jt 2OOt, ttF Lr alri on,,t;.r,,Ir8Ltr n h h i,ir '-' dr,i.n. t^r erJrlp.. 18no._\ L rtr,ndt mnu r r , ,n

S.otland ind Waìes, a5 wclt as white imÌnigrãnrs suclr as rhc hish. ^s

aresult, rhc hìdex ìt only measunDs taciat,difrcrc.ccs u rhe uK: shjre01 prr,,..Ir,lld'r IIp,..e, .,in.rI I I ut,",,,,LpJt^rJn, t.q|'.cmt; llact 1.4 p...enr. tn Ca.rda, howcv.r, thc trd.x ÍÌb.lividcs ihewlÌjte majoÍiry nìto a raD8e ol diffcrent erhni. ard tiDguislic subSÌoops,Ìncludirìtj lÌeD.h 2Z.a per.ênt; tnfish 208 p€Ì ccnt, G.Íman 3.4 DerrFnl,: IrdìrJr' ,r I p.j . pnt: nurt t. I I t,-r ,. Lr , rJ \o u, .

^\ J r_.utr

'hF I'nlê\ \ "ôtJ,un i.tFn rj.i.,.rv.r\,hvithc!Lh,,r

oririrn\ ot J tôl,ulitior ôr ir\ pojirÌ" \ .r,Ér,r -l.,r,r ,d,,rtrtr\ A\ {.wiÌÌs@ in Chaplcr Z whc! wc rcst o, a morc consisrenr bash rhe nrpaclol naiio.rì nÌinÒrities and t igcnous pcdpJcs on the wctfa.e state i.Wcstdn demodacÈs, rÌ) signirìcant ÌeÌarionsh4r eurrges

ln the end, John MyÌes and Sóbâsrian Sr Árrãud con.llr.le rbât enÍingrcsearch on ihc retarionship betwecn erhni. diver,rya.d thc weltìresliteh'\ir''tn) .oo'rIr drnr,or,r.r,li, t,r ro dr.,h ..ror;tj.

^n, ru,,o . rM\.c\Jnd s, A rJ c. rl'r\ tol"me,. r td n. rhnl, dn InJ p,pnt trdd, ô bdsecnheterogeneiry and rcdistÌibutioD s|outd rheìrto.e be rreated with.autiôn.

It is not {Ìe.r how widcsprcad rhc pheDonìenon tr, or whar nì..h:niirh 'rnd,rlr ir 4lrlr,u{h d Srcsi tt,rrerJt, . jiEBi..,\ r,.Jt , r.h r.leffect €xúts ìn paínrla. times and ptaces_ànd of corrse wc {:an \epp\,J,1i.,i rh. ,\erv J,,) ij. ,oUr,tr F\ \u p nr tru . p r,. .onnr,;ànd racisr liolence . we cannot assumc ttìat it is a unrvcrsar tcn{len.vVrr.h nor. rc.pdr, t, ,. r.\u,,,,t t\ torc dnv d, hn. ri\ F tr.J!rm.,rt !J l,p

Olr fo.us here is on rhe linÀ b.:rwc.n elhnì. div€rsÌtv and re{tistri-b'Iidr bLt ri \tou,t b. otÂl rn,r ,hN ho\ tu\t ine pdí or d, !,idFlt P \ IInA rn th. ldtc tooo\.r.,,Jnd tl,r @r-r Lr,'v,reJtrr. I,otithdl Jjrí.toIirnit mpli..r.ro ,,,t .rtrjr, íll\t',!r\ t.r .rJn p,,,. thr rrw.re prclimina.y Íudies súgSesiing thar .ÌÌrnbies with high leveh otethnj. divÚsity wcr. morc prone to civit war, and werc tess likeìv fôd.v.l,'p ir'r,, d.'rx,.rhr\ lIoqF\pr. Inore rH-nr rac{,,h.,rin8 m,,rpriSorous Ínelhods, slgSests rhar erhnically diveíe societies aÍe not in

."I !-:lt ."'r '., ^ j-:


Page 17: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

{âct molc prone to cjvil wa! (Iearcn and Láitin 2003; Young 2fi)21, oÌle5s ìikely k, be dc rocÌacics (lish and Brook 2004). sìmilarly, earl)a!\e iorìt tbÃt eìhrìic div€6ity has ne8ative eff6ts on erìoni( Sroqtl'haa b@n quaüfed by mo( rè(enr [email protected] demÕnrl.àlnì8, amoogotherthnì8s, tlìat the negalivê Ìelatlodrhip Íadcs away at hiSher lcvels oldêveloptncrt and itÌ dêmocratjc countics (^lesina a!ìd li lc.rara 2005;CollicÍ 2(xü Lian atrd oneâl 1997). lhús earlier assumptions alr)urthc inhercôtlt, neSnlivc impacl of €thqi( divrÃit,v orì Ëac, dcn!)cÍac},and ecorÌomic dercl(,pDent are now widely seer s overstrted. ln tireqrne wryi the evidcnce abo{t the rclati(rlship bctwe€n div.$itr andq'al slrÌnding súnrmâ.izcd here tFúls to thc netrl lbr oution alDürassunìptjons dìat thcrc i! a unìvcrsal Ì.ndc{llbetwceD heteroscDelry and

Thc íeed lor morc res€arch ipplies cvcn more tôrcefully tô theìsuÉ of prnrary conccm in this volümc, the allcS({ tad@ff betwenmultÌ(ütulal RogDition a.d e(ononìic redislributtun. As we h.vr s@n

this is druch less exllored t€Ílitory- Yet ii is âÌso.Íitical ni tDlicy lerms.frÒÍn the pcap€.tivc oí public Èticf debat6,studies of the link lEtwftnlftl5 oÍ ethnic/.acial hetc.ogeneity and thc wèlfaÌe stâte repÍcÍÌt arâthcr a(adcÌnic dìscr$ion. FoÍ

'nost p.acticãl purpoles, rhc Ìevel ol

cthnichâcial hetero$neity n a given. A (ountÌy sndply lnds itlell sithceÍtain cthni./Íâ.ial mioonti6, and unless iì is willinS to cont(Ínpìategenúid€ or cthni. .lc..sintj, lhii must bc âcLepted as ! .eãlìty. The si^,olcthnic/râcial müìotities can bc alïectcd at the nÌar8ins, by in(reasiig ordecrcasnrg immigration, bút this onìy has a signih(aot effect on oveÍalllevcls oí div.6ity ovcr thê long rem

Fo. most poliry nìateÌs, tlìcrefore, thÊ .n'cial issue is not 'Íhat level

ofeth.i. hete.ogeneiry n d€simbl.', but.alhcr'hoir slìouÌd wc Ìespondio the ethÌric het€iogcneity tlÌat aÌready exists nr out Miety', As we

note<l <arlicr, durint the last túo d(àd6 of tlìc twenticlh .rntury nãn.vWestern demooÀ.ìes shifted towardr a morc a{ìcomnDitatnìg apprcicn1o dnersitÍ Íeflectcd iD the âdoption of MclÌ 1ì' Ínnìi8.ant 8Íoup5,naiional minoriti.t and nrdideooa lEoples- Thi5 shift has gcN.aredwidgpÍead contÍovc6y, includirìt aüicty ove. its nndicatn,n! Íoi thew€lfare state. WlìcthcÌ ther fèãr arc iuíin€d is one ol the co pcllingisucs id (oatenporary policy debatet

Wr trÌi€ve that thc rcssrcì rcfìrr€d nì ìhe followinS chapteÍr, shil€!Ìcrh,ps notdêfinúivc, pr@ids acnrcialfisrstep nì èrploríl8 ìssucs thatwilì Lre of fLnrdancntal inìf!)ÍaDcc fôr the íutuÌe oÍ lhc wellaÌc sìdte ìnthe twênty1ì6t Gntury.


4. Overview of the volume

This voluoÈ adopts a numl,eÍ of merhodot{rgicàt appÌach6 h, in.rakour undcÍstaldin8 of rhc rebttunship b(twc.n MCIÌ ãnd thc wellarestate. ftÌ parl, we rcly on.Ìosenatnhat striistical anitlyrir. Thj5 âpproãúis well rLri(cd to rertirìg thc €xtcnr ro which rhe.e is a svrr€drôti. rela_rionship lpt$@n MCI\ and the wetfarc sÌâlc, as iinpti"d bv th( c.itn:oÍ such tolicies. starisli.al rc.hnìques are âl$ lrchLLrt in âfienrpriÌr8 lodistinguish berlrÍ thc iDpa.toferhnicdiversiry on oüc hand rn.l MCpson thc othrr, as wellas t ratìn8a..ounÌ oÍ! wi.te râ,rgeoto ,er fâúoõthât aÍe known to innucn@ rhc srrcnSrh oÍ the krtÍiíc srarc. .t.h.:se

aÍeimtElranr advaDrases. Howcverì statisticat Írethod5 âlso iace nrportanLoDstrainti in this context Fúst, ftoss-naLi(,nal dara reh ôn our jssues ar€les tba. nleâl ar rllr bcrt oI ìtnca, and rhe timÍcrt numbcr oí Wesr€rndem(frdcs fo. whi(h ânydara are avaitabte lnnirs h(Jw tãr nìutÌivãr,alcaDalysis can rakc !s. Sccond, while stãtirticüt inatysis (!d reveàl wherlìcr

not th$e i5 a systematic .ctàrionshjp tFtheen MCt's anrl thc welfàr€slâte, itdocs nor a swcÍ qucstiont abour ltìc Íange oÍ (2ust mchani5mthal miShi be ar woÍlc Morcover, cross DrtiônaÌ anahsis is ìncviiaht!sll.nl or rhc ndlurÈ ol rrp rFlãltal\'r'tt in tarriot.rr r ^, , A5 w. -,,see, while the üosiìatiooal anât'sis in Chapter Z iìrìds no sraristk!ÌllsiS rÍ.dÍ nÊEãtrvc Í.|àt iÕnlhit

' bct we MLprand thc we[d,c\tdtp, thrl

does not prcclude rhe po\sibiliry thar su(h teìÌsiônr crist tÌ pârricular()untries or pcrnrds, or tlÌar some prlrìcutâi tÕlnÌs oÍ lrcls do havc

'l-o crplorc thc dvnalni6 in panitubr c!rs, the votrn,e nrÌrd6 anurnl)€r of(nsc studics Ìlìat examinc in d.prh paÍiicuhj cÌrrìri€s or setsoí(ourtÍies We itu1Ìrdc \oDe counrrics that havc adopted íúlri(xrtturatpoli.i6, sheÈatension bctwen r€roantn,n and Ìedistribuhon hârbenwidcly pRlictod o. assudr€d. 8ur we ale, nÌ.tude sn,dies of couorricswhich havc resisted Ìuìrjtuìh,rírt iptrcârhe!, h pân.ro und slandwhether a fear thal MCPS might weak r rhc,rellìÌe state ind otherdnnensioÍr oÍ slidaÍity help eÌptain why they have nor tolow(tt thar

The voìünc is or8ànlzed i. rhrce paÌts, pdrt I reporrs rhe findioAsof rwo \'oss{'nrio J stat.\ti\dt tc\r\ ot rtrc trrt"Be b(twÀ.n ttu têrrlsof MCÍ5 nrü thc sr.cntth of rhc wclture state act6 thc OICD countÌics. Fa ll co.tains tlìe.ãse srudics exarìining rhc linl betw.en MCISand thc wellaÍe sratc ilì pa.tidlnr countnes, or in retati{,n to partìc(lârtypes of divcrsitt rÍyi!ìt to ideniify some of rhc undcrlyiÍB tÌcnds ãnd


Page 18: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare


mechãnisús rt worN. lìinâÌÌy,lìari III p.ovìdes t{ô co.cìudÌo8 reflectionjon lne ielevanc. of oxr 6ddnÌgs for bloãder dtbatcs in politicil thcory

Patt l: Ctoss notionol íudies

We begin with two.lÌipteÌs that exploÌe th. rclatiooslìip between MCls.nd the welfare ÍatÈ on a broad üoss naftrnaì .ôhparãtive basis anÌongoEcD countries ln Chaptcr 2, Bàrting, JohiÌston, Kymlicka, nn.l soroka

inttudú.c a ncw framewoÌk foÍ testn)g rhc rccognition/.ediÍnbutionhypothesis FúÍ, thcy devclop an index of twentyìhrec dilïcrcnt lypes ofMc?s llìat h.ve been adott€d foÍ thrcc dlllererÌ 1t?es of mìnoúty 8úúps(immigrâúis, .atìoDal mlnorities, and indige.oÍs PcoPlct; second theycateSoÍize WestenÌ .ourtÌies in terms of theìr ìevel of MCPS; and thúd,lhcy tcí whether countie\ with highc. levels ot MCÌs have fa.ed à.erosion oi rhe weltaÌe 5tate as coÌnt)ãied to countries witlÌ lower Ìevels ofMCfs. Then findirìgs íÌow Do neganve coÍelàtntr beiwccn the Írengihof a.ounuy's..oÌhtrìitdìe.t to MC?s ald its ability to susúìn wellarc

spending ore.oronic iedisüibution As part of tlìc úultivarìite aralysis,this chapteÌ also exahines ihc hctcrogeneity/redisftbutio. hypothcsis,ànd shows that this t@ is oveôtated. IÌÌ gcrcal, the size ot immigrant

Sroups, natnrral únìorirìcs, ând nìdiSenous PeoPÌes nr wêstern coúntlesdo6 not affect a ou try5 abiÌity (o Írstah ìts weìfare corìrìithents,ãlthough â rapid chaDge iD the siTe of imtliSrant groups d@s seem tohave an eftêd. Yet ever hcrc, tlÌc aütho6 ar8!e, theÌe ãÍe hüìts thatadopting MCls can ielp to mihgate whatevcr ncgative eflect i raPidlyincreasür8 nnrnigranr pop(Ìation nÌãy have.

'Ihese Ìesuì15 l)rdvide soDe prcliminary reassu.ance that the .onfli.tsbÈtween múlriculturaì Ìecognition and e.onomi. rcdistÍibu tion are not as

seveÌe às nìary pcople believe. HoweveÍ, ìt is possible that thc nt8ativeeffects of MCÍ's sìÍÌny takt à lo.8 tjrne ro show uP. WelfaÌe states evôÌve

slowìÍ âs conìpl* policy changes in some púgranncs, Í,.h as Penslons,.an take conrnlèrãbÌe tnDc to come lully into etfect. Ior this reàson, itis úsctul to look, not only at welfaÍe speúding lcvels, but âlso at pubìjc

suppoí for thè wcllarc statc- Thìs is the foos of Chàpter 3, by Markús

C.epaz. As he not€s, we can view públic atlitudes as the'canary in ihennìc'. If thc poÌitic of mültioìturàl r(ognition are Soitìg to have a

conodin$ iftpact o! thc politics oI redist ibution, thìs will likcly slÌowúp úrst in . drop in pubÌi. support for tlÌe welfare 5t te, before it showtup in a.túal clÌan$s in spending ìevels. DÍawti8 on Públic oPinìoD data


hom a vâriety of survcys a.Ìoss rhc Westeo d.úooacics, C.epaz askswhctheÌ stateswitìr hi8her levcls of MCÍÌ h.vc se€n a! erosnrn irÌ pul,li{:suppÒrt for redistri bution, Ìn conpaÌisor nid).ounrii.s with low.r levelsof MCPS. Herc a8ain, lhc rcsults aE cncoüra8iDg: hè tìnds no evidenccthatadoptin8 MCIÌ ero.lcs tnsr, soljdanty, or srppÒrr tor rcdirtriburion.

WhiÌe cÌoss ütional studies provide tairty stronS evidcn.e tbal LÌre.e isno.íerodl or systemati. tcnd€ncy foÌ rìúltioltüral rc.ogìÌnion t0 erod.econorrn: Íedisíìbútion, they lcave ã number of guestions ünanswc..d,mãny ofwbich.ãn onlybc addrèssed thiough more d.tàìteiì c.sc studies.

We begi. PaÌt ll wìth a studyollhc Ámencan.o.t.xt, wìrich has drivcnmúch ôfrhe deb.te. Thc inìpad olrâ.ial divebiry on weltìic poÌio in theUnìted Statcs hâs beeD well studìed, and nÌdeed has ofr.n setr d a\ rbeparadiSm case Í{r the hctoogcn€iryhedjstrúDrjon tra.lo,.Í In chãpter 4,tiodncy Hero aDd Robcú PÍeühs surn.aÌize the.ÌcaÌ evidcn.e rhat sup-Pon foÌ wcllare programmcs dìnÌinishes in

^Ìnerican stàtes ttìaL have

highc levels of Ìl.ct<s a.d tlúpânics. 'the nÌaj. quesiion th.y address,howev€Ì, is how thê pÌesencc of MCt,s, srch as bilingúàl e<ìucarion f(ÌIlúpani.s, àffects this lamiliàÍ dvnamic. 'Ihey devctop an indcx Òf,r2rclcvel MCIÌ, lrÌcludüÌg the inlúcsting category of ,anri MCts, rbat is,poìicies adopted precisely to preveDr llÌe ftrtüre adoptio. of MCrs (suchis'OfÁ.ial l,nglislì/lawt. DÍawing or crosestarc statisrical a.atIsis, lhcyshow that t1Ìoc is nó renden.yfor $ares rlÌat have adopre.l st.onger MCpsto súflìr moÌe serioús crostu. in thcir welfaÌe pro8ralnmes cont)aÌerl 10

Ánother contèxt where ã r6ôSntion/rcdistriburion t.ârle off hãs beenwidely pÌednted conccnB immigrants in tirrope, pãrricuìiiy the ,e.crÌtSrowth in non whitê immigratìor. We have nìctude(t thrcc case íudicsof this pbcnônenor, tbcusing on rhÌft counrÍies thar have becn at theepic.ntÍ€ of tbese trcnds: the NctlÌcrtands, c.rnìdny, and the UDitc.lKingdom. In eà.h Gse, wc arc inre.estcd, .or onìy ìD wherber we.antnd crnpincaÌ eviden.c for thir predict.d tÍ.de o1l but aìso nÌ expìo.jngwhy 50 many politn:al a(o6 bclieve rhal sr.h a tÌideotf èxists. ln ãllthÌee countnes, we can obseNe the politi.ãì .ealignnìert we mc.tionedat tlÌc staú of this inhodú.tbn namel, a growing têndency within thesúìal dem@ratic Ieft to question its previous süpporr tor immÌSratiodand mrltidltu.alism, in pftt on gioúnds Òf their irÌpà.t on thc welíarestatc. Many Foplc nr these thrcc.Òuntries bcliève rhar ú.y face th.

Page 19: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

'ptuBrcsivc's (lilemn' of (boosing brlwccn div$sity !nd rcdistributìon,ãndth is affe.ling tX itical alliancs at|d stratcgiês. !o wc aÍe inteÍesìdiinpolitical aÌtitudcs ind publi( discoülse, às Ícll às actua l i'npacis on th-'

In ChâptcÍ 5, G@tÍcy tlvans (*amines th.dseol BÍiraiír ldu\in8 ooure nalure Òf public attitudcs towards cihni( diveÍ5iry MCls and thcwellïrc stite itì thar cou.tÍ', and theiÍ impli(ations lor parly pÕÌìtics.

Evanr Íúüks on two pÍedi(lions implicit in lhc c.itns'troÍics aboúlm!lticulturalis.ì: tlral plbli. oppositjor to incrcrrnrg tthrn dlvcrsnland MCPS will lead to !n erosio! in sociál tmel nnd a declin. in supporlfo. Oìc weìfarc state; índ Orat rhe poliliÕ ofdivcrity will üoúd out thepoìiti(s ot re()8nition, incrensl!ìg the salie.(e of cúltural ov.r redisrributive issu€r iÌì shàpin8 volcrs'(ìloiccs ol which paÍty to sumort, wilhncgative .ontquen.6 fÒr lefr parti6. úqds (mdud6 the prcddionsfãiì orÌ scverül Ircnts, Ii6t, tlÌere has lrc.n nô backìàrh agâi sr ethnndivcrsity and MCPS ìn BrÌraid- l\rbli( àttitudrs tôwards úinoriÌi.s lìavê

beooc morc tol€ranr over Ìimc, ànd public opporitio! to VCPS has

soften€d. S.cond, âltlough lhcre has bccr $me wcãkenitÌg in publìc

support for rêdiskibution, this irend has mu.h nÍtÍe todo with changinS@nonic ondihons tlìan qlh i!ìmiSratìo or MCts. Finally, Àlthouglìtherc ir soÌne evidcD.e thal nnniSratìoD Íìay $nÌctimes€rowd oul r.distÍibutive concclls in detcminin8 tpople s vottìt behâvioüÍ, rhcle is nosidetre tha t MCPs íoÍ âtrcady scttled m iroritks havc had Ìhis cfÍéct iìshô , [vans ()ncludus, 'we nx$t cast doubt on lhc pÍotirÌosis dt â trad.-ofl bclwen multi.xlnÌalirn policies ànd coÍünìtmcnl t() rhc w€lfare

In Chapter 6, Han htTingcr exaúÌnres the casc of the Netherlands. lf&itain has wiioesfd a nìild prllinlg lrack fonì multioltunÌisD on llìelcft, tlìe NcthellârÌds is often sccn as thc Paüdignì case ol a wholcsaÌeretre.l, Du.in8 thc poí a& yea6, dre Durch builÌ ollr oÍ thc most

8encou wellarc srates iD Europc aúd ádopted a stronSly mullioltu.llis(Minoritics Poliry, whìch re0cctêd an cxtension ol thêÍ apProach lo his-toric dive6ities, known as pilllrizatio . DurirÌg the t990s, howtver, thcNúherlands edued lhc spe of its welÍa.e stâle and shiÍtcd a{!y ÍúmÈuìticLrtturalìen. Wc( thesc two hends related? Dìd thc alleSedlycÌrÍGsive êfïe(ts oÍ MCPt contribute to the declìne oÍ the Dut(h welfare statc?

Entãnge. arguet no- The two pôliq currcnts werc driven by diítcrc tcon.erns. or one sidc/ restructuing lhc wclfare statt Íencct.d ecouorìi(lrnd idcoLôgicnl tcnds {onúÌkn to Wctìern derìo(racies, ud thcrc is littleeúdene thar istu6 ot irÌtrni8Íaliôn or múÌtiolh{alisd playcd a rok nÌ

the politi(.al thií. On thc other ridc, the $iÍt away lrom ìhc traditionatâpp@ch lo multicuìtorâlism wa3 drive. lry oúem rthr rhc app()achwas conlributing n) tlÌc excl6iorl of mnìoriries fÍonÌ the crcnoÒic a.dsocial nainstcam ol Dut(h sodetyi ãnd not by Òncclls aboui rh€ jmpacroÍ multiolrúrâlism on th( wellaÍè srat€- Whih thc Durch €xp.rience otthe 1990s dôes not co.rcspoDd to the politi.aÌ dynanìics anti.ipated bythe crili.s ot MCl,r, ËDtzilÌ8cr nooethclcss pr.dicrs that üìe rcrreaÌ lromMCI\ in thcNethcÍlãnds is likely ro cnduÍe, and rlìat goverínìcnr poticiesto crhancc the solidarity rhar undc4rins rh( wctfdrc state wilt not, lndperlìaps 5hould not, inctrdë a rcvival of nÌulticuttuÍàlirn

ln Chapter 7, Petcr kn(.s and Karcn S.hó wãldcr exaÍrine the carof G.nnâoy. Whereas thc left in hoth Britain and the Nerhcltlnds hadefiìbraced multidlh!rãlism h the 1980s, the lelÌ in Ccmany had rlwav\tclt múch morc@nÍlided, Xraus a.rd S.hõnwâÌder dcscribe rhc hisron.aÌfàcloB thíìt extlain this resi$tan.e lo multiNlturaljrn, which are pa 1!rooted Íì thr Datu.e of the Gúma welfare stat€ aod lât'ouÌ relarions_Tltcy al3) exanin€ (h€ morc rcert.autioüs openìnt rowürds ideas ofrìulticultüÍaìism. In rhÌs sensc, thc German case rcpiclenls a diShrìydiÍtemt lrôie.tory Írom rhc B.itain and the Nethcrlands. In rh€ pastdecidc, the GeÍma,) teft (partiúlárly the Sodaì Dcmmrârìc ParÌy) hashiìd ãn inil:nse intcrnâldebalc ahout wherhcr to cÈbraceMCPS, and howsuò a shift towards multicultuÉlism poúld aff(r its eÌ(ìoÌal .hancrsaDd its Í.ditional sftial Íxticy goaìs. Thìs.haptcr exanines the difÍercnt positions adoptcd in this dcbare, üre basis for leals tlÌat MCtìsnìighl i6padia úellã.e íalcEoalt, and the Íacto6 íìâping tlìe muhirìBpoìitj.aÌ írateSies, Whilc the.uthots find Do evidence rhat MCP5 havew(âkened the w.lfàe stat€, thê Gennan casë sugSests that 1ta.s ol rchrn impact cãd weakcn thc politi.rlallian(cs n(cssar' lo intrülucc or

Chapt.r S lodres on anouÌeÌ spccinc cont€xt wherc MCfs have ixenpredict€d ro hãve coúodüìg efi(tr-dimely, when rhey aie linked toi$ues oI histori.al rediess. Ás wc noted caÌlÌcr somr (orÌÌnentakrhlve suS8en.d th3t MCl,t are most likcly to corÍodc vnidaÍity and lÍusrwhm they itrvolvc hiShlighti ng istu6 ôf hisÌ(,ncal íìirlsti.e. gcnêraÌht a

krm of'8r'evanrc politid. Il,b backwardlookürg tbcu\ on part wonSsaSaiNt particular grcups ir eid to inhibit lorwaÍd ld)king úmpaians toachicve justirc for all. tn tltir.hàpr€r, Martranes cxdmines ìlìis issuc intht FrtìcúlÀÌ co.texÌ of thltc .edlcss .ampaigns ií CaÍâdi: .c(lÌe$ fo|the hams of resideo tial shooling Íor atDÍiginalr; ÍedÍ(*r fo. rhewarrinìcinlcmmetrt of.,apaflese and Ukajniân'C ìadiaDs; and redrcss foÌ rhe


Page 20: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

demoìitòn of^fti.vìUe, a black n€ighboúrhood iD Hnlifar I le aÌ6üet thãtwhile ledre$ campaigns can iDdeed pÍÌrotè àttitudcs that rcnder cross

erhnic cooperition more dificuìt, they ãlso hclp .r.atc rhc condìtionsurdc. whi.h such coalìlions arc possibÌe

WhiÌe mudÌ of the litcrature on thc rccoSniuonhedìsrribution tÌade-

off h.s focused on the Gse of imÈi8rant nmlticrlrúralism, tì1ere

ar. other forms ol erhnic dilersity that also Íaise potentìal Ìe.Ò8.ition/Íedistribution ìsrues. In Chapter 9, Nicola McIwen locuses on thecascolnitional nìinorities, particularÌytheScots, FlènìislÌ, ànd Québécois-In a scnsc, it is surprìsiDg lhat more attention has not b€ed taid to thisisiue, siÌìce nìinority dàtio.aÌnm has argúablyhad a nro.ì Sreare.impacton rh€ developnÌent of the welfaÌe state than ünúÌigration. Mostwcstoníates with si2eablc na(ional nÌirÌorities have ac.omm.xlated mÍrontynatnÌìaìist âspiãtions through sonc lornÌ of Íederaì o! quasi fedeÌaì ter-rilorial autonomy. l hir sort ofpolitìcal Ìestru.turnì8 ol thc statc can haveâ dr.dâlic nnp.cl oÕ lhc cvolltìon ol Ìhe weìfare statê, and Ìnàny cod!mertàtors lravc argúcd that it is typicalÌy. detrinentaì impac! mãkingit moÌe diíìcuìt to surtain oÍ buiìd conÌpreb.dsivc wtllarc progtammes.

M.Ew.n cxàrìnìcs rhc impact ol llÌis sort of devoìrúion/Íegionãìi7âtionoq the weìfare state iÌì the UK, BelSiud, and Canada. Slìe algues thattI. nÌstitulional reforms irtended to enabÌe nahÒnal seÌf-8oveEìmcntfor thêsc míbritics havc IÌãd codplcx etfects on sciaÌ polict both at0Ìe ccnkal ìevel and in the seÌfgovennìg règions. It has sct nÌ playpoliti.âl dyntunics thal somctimes work to stren8then rodal poli.y, às a

rooÌof narron buiìdú8, à.d ÍÌnètnnes *rec to inlÌibit new redìshibotivepolicies- As a ies(lt, no simpÌe, general Fttern leaps out.

We conclndè Pârt Il with two chapters rhat nÌove beyond OÈ(ìÍ) coun-ttes and focus on the ca5e ofindig€noús pcoplcs in t2tìnAnÚica. Manyoi rhc issúes being laÌsed in the recognitioD/Ìedisíibution deÌràte nr theWest had at.eady b.c cxtrsivcly dcbâred in íÌe taLì n american contex!whele the trend towaÌds gÌeàte. re.og.ition ol itÌdigcnous lights hasdcuÍed at roughly lhe same tinÌe as the trend towaÍds neoÌiberal rèfÒnnsthat hav€ et ÌÉ.k ón sftial spendnìg- Thúc aÌe several contendlng theories about how these $vo hends are rlated, many ofwhi.h are â.1nâllymôrc develôped vcBìons 01 lhc argúnÌents thai hive been .dvanced ìnthe West. In ChapteÍ I0, Donna Lee Van Cott oútlin$ thcsc theories, andd.mines the eDpnicaì evidence foÌ and againrt tbe , drawnì8 on both.ãse studies ând ooss narionâl statistics regarding stÌucturaì refoÌm in th e

legion. While some commentatoÍs havê àrgued tbat the trcld towaidsindìgcnoús rights has t ni ntentio na lly rej n forced neoÌiÌEÍal Íestructuúng,


Van Cott ãrgues, on thc.(Ìrtràry that the Ìnobilization for nrdigrnorsri8ht5 has often teNed as an effectjve vehde lor buildÌng ncw lcft-wingc(Èìitions thaÌ chaìlenge . eoìibera ljsm.

ln Chaplü 11, WiÌlem Á$ìcs cxanìirÌ.s in detail o € Í)f the most contiovcrsial .àscs nì Lltnì Àncrica r.tardnrg thc link betweerl ÌrdigcnousÌiShtsand neoÌ'beraÌ ÌetÍen(hnent goijvii is a cenhal case bccausc someindigcnous lcadc6 have cntÚcd nÌto allianccs with Deoliberal pirtres,ganrnÌ8 Íxnlest nìdig€rous MCPS in Íehrn loÍ not opposnÌg ítuctÌ.xìr€forms. let this alìiance did not laÍ, and many indigcnous lcád€Á ìnrisÌthãi .eoìilreralism and indigenols righÌs arc inhcrcntry nÌ corfli.t. lhischiptÚ cxplorcs wlÌat ilìc Bolìviân .asc tcLls us àÌrout the potenÌiil ibralliances bltween MCls ard neoìiberalìsm, and theÍ ìimits.

As wc siid earlie{, the picture that cmergcs froú thcs. vàriout clÌaptc6 àbout thê relâtionship b.twe.n MCPS and tÌìe weìfãÌe stale is .ota simple oÌ stÌaightfoÌwa(l one. Most of the chaptÚs ackrÌonledge thatpotcotial lcnsions could eüci8c rndcÌ particúl.r .onditiors or s.enariosYct, ov.rill, thc icseaich dcscribcd hcrc provides grounds loÍ ciutjousoptimism. None ofÌhe.hatteÌs nas found cìear evidence lhal MCPS havesúioüíy wcakcncd the wellarc íatc, evcn in coúntries or.ôrtexts whereommentatoÍs havc Pr.dicted such tÌade{fts tô exist ln thit seDsc, thc.ase íüdies support tììe maìn con.lusìon ol the.ross rÌaüonal shrdics in

Polt lll: Theareti@] rcfledons

We nnish wiÌb refledbns fÍom leading Eholars in h{o lìeÌds at lhc lÌcartol rh. ontrovüsies exâDined in tÌÌis b@k, political lhcoryand ttì. studyoftheweìfar $ate. Dâvid MilÌerandJohr Myles ard SéÌ)astien St Aroaudrcvi.w thc conúibutÌons ür the volume and .eflect on th€ ìmplicationsfor th€oretical detìafts and frlurc resc.(h nÌ thci rcspè.tivê Âelds. lkrthMilleÌ and Myleysr^Ìnãüd .ondude that thê (nhcí onSinalconÌplaintsãgànrst McPs woe overstâted, Lr(t that there are srili polenriâl tcnsio.shpr. rhdr rcqulc tuíll1 dr rl\\r\drJ,d ctl r''Jr,rf.r'r

David Millo accepts that Ìhe adoption ofMCl's,laken by itsell, ennotb€ held rèsponsibL loÍ thc wcakcning of thc r.dishibútivc nnpad ofthe welfare state in WesteÌn dem(úã.ies. NevêrtheÌess, h€ sees dange6,paÌticularly in the .ase of úntììgration. MillcÌ distinguishes betweenìúlticúlttúalisnÌ as poiLl and multicultulljsm .s /d.olo{, fuguíÌg that

pÍoblems can en€ry. ii thc'discoúrsc ôr'idcolô8y'of niultidÌturdilmseenÌs io ìnpll that immiSrants can cÌaim rì8hts to ac.onmodation ol

Page 21: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

:theÌr difÍerènc without a(eptinB any correspo dnìg civic respons ibiiìricstoadaptand inlcg.âre Such a vìew, heargucs, isdeeply unpopular axìon,lv.rr'nele,ro,dr,.I | | . | | . |

. , e . '

I I ' d I n h,\ vi, h. t,, p.) . ,ldiattêntiorÌ to wherher MCPS contorni or nor Ìo cìriz.r5, cveryday sense otfaiÍnes. I. particular, MCPs arc likètl, to cotodc rolidari(y wlen rheyarcseer as pÍoviding 'ir&-n der' bcretì t' ionnrnigÍanrs who are unwilllng (trhdeed discoun$ed) fionÌ dìaking. gôod,Iairh eitort t(ì integÌare. CIearìy,

, ld r 'ì rn ,? , .r t ll.q'... ,! v, t., ijr , t, $ s,lÌavc scen, arlicìprted a gcrcÍat paÌrern of crowdjng outi .oÍrosion, an<ldÌndialjnosis. Moreover the \otution, àccôrding ro Mi er, does dot ìie inàbandoning uìtìculturalism Suppl{:nìenting MCps with robust nation,building poì i.ies thatexpecr aD.ten.our.gc nrrniSranrs to make an cffôÌtto irìte8Ìit..an heìp prcv..t rhe potêntiaìÌy cortusive possibilìties ot!ìulticulturalisÍn. therasti\ ro rhnÌt hard ,abou

t how inregration ÌroÌicìesdnhol,/,.w/ n rl r u l '

, r t v n p, n r . , , V i r,r thi. \,,tLm-,Mvles and SÌ Arnaud lea.lì a jjmilar cÌÌrhasjs on iiteSration th()ugh

a fury dittercnr route. Th.y.ote rtÌat.thni( divcrsìt, has bccd laÌ8elyabient in convertionai welf,re sratè rheories, ârd coDciode thar rhc cri-denc ìn this volÚìe (onllrDs that elhno,ràciat helercgeneÌtyand MCt\havê not played a signilìcà.r Ìole in the d€veÌopn,e.r ot codtemporaÌywelfaÌc states, outsìde the wcltdocumenl.d US case. Ho{.ever in fl,enview, evnlence lÌôm the past, even üìc re.enÌ pasr, does Dor settie rlìcissue íor the tutu.e. TheÌe is Íill â danger, csp€cia|y nì DuÌop., rhatnsiDg .thro Ìacial dive.siry due to imnigration nÌlght be fuansiorftedxìto ethno ra.ial poìitÌcal .leavaSes, which can bc úanipulate.l b, rightwüÌ8 populist poljtical Frries, with .orrosivc effe.rr tor rh€ w€ìIarc stàt€.loÌestàlling ihis daígeÌ requìre\ rhe suc-rÌssful economÌc.nd potúicalinlegratbn of inr.)ifranis, whi(h in tun depends .n a .ompÌeÌ .angcol fado6, nì.ÌudnÌg thc i m m igrant seledion pocess,labouÌ malk r nìstituÌions and [)oiici.s, and thc clèctoral st.cngth ol nÌúonry srouDs them\ph... Vi l\,.r' t ônt'rbur. I, i, hF rjrt.c dtror ^p., i, ) rt x ) , urto,nìto ppular po.eprions ofjusr descrt and Iaii corìpetition, but orlyas partofa mú.h largeÌ packá$e.

Ihüs both MilìeÍand Myl€s/St Ar.audagrec thàt the initiaì critiqucs ofVCI,5 have pÍoven u.foünded kr dare, bur ihrt Ì is prenìature to.lisÌnisstheconc€Ìnsrhaiúotivatedthe.ÌjticsnÌrheÍìblpta.e,arleastüì reÌauo.to thè.:s€ otiÒhigranl cthnic dilcrsit,vza

nr(J qÍrry nì (hiior to MalÌ o,'n.r indiscno$ psd.' enn trìo cft aau,t,ry úvonÌ â

5. tuture diredions

The.hat)teÍs nì thìs volun[, whil€ (]verirS a Nide Íange ol Sroupsand.olnlries, cin only be seen as a 5t.rting poirÌl lòr lúíh.r rcscâÍch.As the conrìentaiies by Miìlcr and Myles/s|AúÌnud rìike clelr, theÍerrÈ lrany unânívcr.d qúestions ábout tlÌ. rclàtnÍìship between het€rogeneiry nÌuÌÌi.!ltoalisrÌ policies, and the weltìle í.ic. l. particu-lar, botlr conìdìcDtarics cmphasiz. thc iÍUortadcc of sitrútüÌ8 debates

wÌthin a bn)lder fÌanìework that dãniines how Ma,Ps inÌeÌact witiìother tublic poÌicies Ìeìrtin8 k).itizenshipi ratlonal cohesion,.nd so.iocconomlc nÌtegÌalioD. likeo oo üìei1 own, ÌúCt\ are rnlik.ly to hàvedry'iÌúÍf.nt' or 1iàrual tcrdÈ..y to urd.ronte íoÌ rtren8Ìhetr) theseÌÍüe tliÌe. IloweveÍ, in coniunclioo with othel poli.ies, ald *lì.dopÚ.Lìng!ddeI parlicula.socio econonìlcand polÌ lici I cordilio.s, MClsÍÌay tüÍÌ out tô br irportani .ofufôDcnts ií a lãrgu (rútellation off..io( ÌhaÌ.an st(Ìì!ly affe(t rx iãl roljdariÌy ân.l the welfure slnle. ll is

tlre.e.onttell.llons oi ri.tos, .ot MCI's in i5oÌaÌion, which wc nced to

Based o. the anaìyses prcvúled in dìe various chapters ol rhis vol(rÌc,wc 5cr àt lcrn iwo bioad .1ea5 lor iütlrc Ìcscar.h: (d) th. rolc of MCFS

withnì a bÍrad.r prc.ess of Pltli.?/ nìte,tratnnr dlat can sustain the lornÌ5oí solidarity ard c'tizenshjp upon which th€ weltare 5tir€ drpcnds; andLòì tlìe (tc otMCPS sithnì i broadcrpócc$ of so.'o-e.ordni. irúegÉtnnrrlrat can pÍevent the Íise of'welfaÍe rhauviniim'and otheÌ lorms ofpopulist b.clilash a8.irÌsl the iocltisìon oÍ minorities in lhc wcltare íate.

Relgading úìe liÌst, dìrny .Íiti.s suclì ãs Llitlú, Wolfè, and IrarlyisÍxned tb.t lvtcrft inheiently coro<le lnJ serrse of comnÌon ftlionalìdcntitt or anl, scnse oi a conÌnÌon civi. relalionshìp bctwccn citizcnsand the Íxie lt is <l€ar ÍoÍÌ th. vàÍbus (asc ttudn\ in dris voluÌne thatlhìst€arisoversraLed lhereare real wo dexâmlletof 'multiculi{falcìti2c.sh4t, orwhat wemighl even caìl1núltìcúllúral nationhood', ii wl)ichMCÌ,s coexiÍ with a stÍon8 s. s€ of shâÍed dàtiônhood ãnd .itiz€nship.Howcvcr núch woÌlremains to be done in anaìysin8 bow precÌsely MCI)S

relate to idcas of nrtio. buildnìg a.d citiz..slìip.One way lo prcceed, folkrsin8 ì)avid Milìer'i eaÌlìe. work, would be k)

dini guish'tu.rdcrate tronr'radìcal' conceptions of multicuÌluralism. lnt|r ioÍrkÌ, brú nol the lattcr, MCPS ar. supplcnÌcntcd with policies that

Page 22: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

nurtüè a! overar.hnìB tDln ìcal idenüry A ,mo.!(atè, conceprio. of muih.ulturalism üì BÍìtãin, tor èÌample, woútd tetl .iÌizeDs thcre a.e maoydiffe.ent and legitìmnte ways of'LrenÌg Ìrirish,, and rhat b€in8 lJrtishis conshtent wiih rhc püblic exp(ssbn and ac.onún(xlarior ot orhèÍidc.tjties, incìudnÌg 'bej.8 Múín., oÌ ,being Scottish,. Howcvcr, su.hMCPt .e.ogrÌizing and ac.onÌ.odarinA nÌiÌìoriry idenrjrics wôuldatso Lrcaccompanièd by poìicics tÌÌar adivcly prômor€ rÌìc scrsc of,beilg Brirìsh,By.ontrast, a tadicâl' philosoplry of nllricrlrurÌism woold strBgert tììalninorities shoukl be absolvcd o. discoúraged fÌom âdoptúìB such ! pan-cthnic tupoordnìate polilicàl iilenriry (Miller 1995: ch. S; Miì1er 20OO:r05 6). Thc .adicil codcet)tion, hc argües, is coÍosive of solidarit! àndrh. qc lr'í rdr, I r rlÉ db\qr.. ,,t dDtroprktp rür on Lurtdir,,; p,,tr..\.MCI)S wìll reduce solidarity a.d lrust, by fdusnÌ8 .Ì.Iüsivety o. thênirÌority's diffelen.c. But in rlÌc prcsen.e ofsu.h rdrion brildjng policies,üc same MCPS Ììay in fact enhaDce sotidãrìty and t.rst, Ìry Íeassurìngmenìtrers of tbe minoÍity group lhat üìe larSer idenriç prcmolcd bynation brildin8 policies is an incl6ive one rhat wil fãìÍly accomdÌdtate

'llle cas. studies in lhis vdìünÌe sÍggest thar Írch â simple dichotoftydocs nôt .apture thc compiex y of the Flarionship betwccn MCps aDdnàtional citìzcdship. to far às we can tcÌI, no country n: the wesl hâsadopted radnàl multicultu.alisnÌ. All Wesrern countries .dopr a rang€ol poli.i.s to ÍÌcrl.ate overnr.hing narional idrntjties and loyalries,in.ludinS the nìândatory teachin6 of lhe Ètiont languag., hisrory, a..lìnstjtulions in rchools, lan8uage r.sts for citizensh[, the tMdnr8 ofnationãl media and úueunts, ànd the dìIfúsbn oI nationàt slolìols,dags, anthenB a d holidays, to ninÌe iust a feq [ven in those Westerncounhics that have írongl), mov.d in the dìrecrioÍ ofMCIÌ, rhc tusuÌtin8approach is Lrcí deÍÌibed as ,robust tofis of nation,búitdi.8 .onrbinè.rand co1ìst.inr€d by robrstf({ms ofrìürônty rìglÌts, (Kymlicka ZOO1:3).25So all oí the counti.s thar we descntE in Chapte. 2 as hàvürg ,strong,

or 'modest' lcvels of McPs fàll into rhe rútelare catcSory on Mille.,stermirology. We do not beìieve rhere is any WrsteÍì demooàLf that has

'doprêJ rldRJl nrul. Ì .tJrd i\m rn Mi rr', \enìLHowever, it is certainly true thar.óuntnes vaiy ìn the stength and

eff(rilcness of thcir .atnrn building poticies, aÍd thar coudtries peÌiqlicalìy need to leassesr wherhc. to strengrhcn thet policier in rhis

n.da or auÍÍarú, !r (yfl!.!a (lee3,2dr) o.il[wây

aÍea-.8. by t.ovidi ng greaier fülding 1ôr nnmigran ts lo lcaíì rhe oÍficiitlang!âge, or by pÍrvidinS .itizcnship edu.ario. .lasscs, or esràblislingcltizc.slÌit oaths and cereDonies for imnÌi8rairs who natuÌalÌzc. Thìsnrdeed ìs pfut oi what w. se€ in tlÌe lasr tuw yea6 in sonÌc We$ern[uÌope.n countdcs, such ãt the Neth.rlà ds o. ÌÌiiaiü. Ìhc Nctherl.ndshas dccided that more efÍoir nhst be spenron eiÌcouraginS and enablúr8immigrants to lea.n thc ofhciaÌ ìanguâgc (Icroìin 2001, Ìaubo.k 2003,úÌzingcr 2003). So too hrs lritaiÍ, which ha5 also a.loptcd a üarionaÌpoli.y of pronìoting citiz.nsÌrip cdu.ation jn lhc s.hdts, and crcâting.itiz.rship ceremonies and oaths (Wtite Paper 2ü12).

ïìese shilts iÌÌ lritãür and the NetherlanÍls have Lrcen des.nbed .sa 'rctrcat fiom multicuÌturalisri lry Ch.úhan Joppke 0oppke 2004,.f. Brubaker 2001). But nì the RÌit'sh case thc.ret.eat from nìúÌri.utrunìism'is primarily rt the ìevelol rhetoric, anÍl few MCÌrs hivc b.rn reptacedoÍ abolished (lÍansen, Iortlì.odìiÍìB),6 lven iD thc Nethe.Ìandts{hichhas certaì n l), lndergon. a wrcnch in8 .i tional dLüntc arou n<l thesc issues,and a markcd growth ú public anxicty ibout immiqFnr intefratioDa nunìb€r of MCl,s .emaür iD pìae.,2 The pr'mâry chà.ge has bc.n tortÌ€n8lhen lhe nation-Lìuilding poÌicies that accompany rlìosc MCts

Jopplc h surely Ìight that tlìesc poli.f slifts are olìcn ttu?ìyedby tltc8.neraì pubìic as a wÌÌolcsaÌ. 'rètÍeat from multìtultuÌaìirm,. ihis is due,at ìeast in pan, tô ttÉ fa(t that political leãde6 in nÌ.ny.ou.tries hiveshift(d away frod the discou6e or rlÌctôric of müÌtioltúratisÌn, whichhãs be.ure ìess faslÌionablc. IewèÍ feliticia$ extol its vütues or ìdcntil_ÌthenseLvcs as lnulti.ulturaìists', allhoúgh nor do thel, proposc to abolishoÍ Íctlc.ch aÌl existinS MCPS.23 Ii thi5 conrext, decisio.s tô supplementMCP\ w'th narion búildnrg policjes arc DoneihcÌèss FÌceived by.ra ycjtizcns (and academi. com!ìentato6) as a iÌetÌeaí fiom MCP'. If Millerìt orÌect that oÌulticúltúral eology c2n be as significàÌÍ as mulriculturàì

z Ìt is prd.uìrry pú,rÌDg b deÍnbe thc ne Bdúrh !.ticy âs J rtd{aìin, noe n r expri.riÌy ruknd o. ajnadirn !.rid6. tìor eMrnpìc@rhs r d .r ízênship .erLnodcs, tD.nshit, .rt dÌrwn inpa4o rúrilaÌ a:madün policics, ãid aÍê deíeided ii' pan by cmphas

L dcêj h r; rhc id,I I.o, othcs cnìm.ed râ'ioi-ürildnu úcanâd'm nodd oí nÌmr3Èd nrte!ÌJtio4 úth i6,mhúí nârn'' búnsrrnÀt ry Í.ÌruÍ onnonlv Íirh6,

rrroq rodris asdÌ íúe rbift'tionrr INcl, dísuiÍs r( tsrÉbdiÒn of .fún nuhi.úliun rrÌâ.tutunrain Í1ì.rlt.ÍlÌniaDy i' pììrc ndudc c.nsútrãrie l{dieri nrndins fornnonrt Fìúiour

, foÍ Ìiclbrior or tÌtr'd(Lne dc{re rhc pcris'cn..

.r M( Ì\, \€ K)arìi.kr t2oo3).

Page 23: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

polnf, then this (hangc rìày tre nnprtünt.2e Bút urlortunately, it has

oft€n obstured Íathcr than clariiicd thé rangc ol erhtirÌg ãdd poÌentjilrcÌãtionthips betwecn mullicrlturàl F,licies aÍd nalion buiklinS poli

Lì slìoú, wc nced to bc (areí'l not Ìo preildge the conncchonbetwe€n MCPS af,d nâtion-buildin& oÍ the.onne.ìiôn betaeer rhetori.and tÌ)l4 Ì-herc ntu subsrantial vãÌiatiorìs b€tls€en .ounbiet, or oÌeÍurÌe within corntÍies, irÌ thc rlìetoÌical riSniicaD(c attach&l to jdeas

of 'na tionhood', /cilizc.\lì ip', and Jnulticúllúalisí1. In sonì€ tjmes andplaces, a resuÌgenl nìctoi.ol natiô.hoodônd citi4nship .rcsIls otrt anytalt oÍ rnultialtuíâlism; in ot[er cas, tlìc opporitc {rms to hold. Burth.se higlìly lisìble shilts i. lheloric üray obscuÍc an ongoh& and lc$vúible, preess by whi.h counìriès tÍy to Lìúild fljcy lràrnewolks rhàt.ombíÌc MCI'S Ì/eith natiorlbuiÌdinlí aíd citize.shiÈpÍoÍnotinS Poli.i€jin a ÌrutüalÌy sul,po.ting eay. l-he vial,ility ot a nrultjcrllu.rl !íelturcstate may d.Fnd on i rn* nuanccd lDderslandins ot the nâhúc andtuncÌioning of sú(h lÌâmewoíks.

Lqúâlly imtDrtâoi is thc ccorìom ic and sÒcial intcgrâtion oì nirlrÍitie5Vu(h oí tlìc tuÍrent tensioí in [uÍotp is .@t(d in e.onomi. rnd s(iàlexcìusiüì ol immigrant5. Uncnlphlnrent haunt5 lÌon-lu imlÌ)igrantsthroughout Europc. llven id the coantries with thr besl rc.oÌd\, thcunéúployÌìcrt rate ol non-[,U lbrciSners is lwi.e Ìhat ol thc popúlaììoas a wholê, whercas nì other colltnes, I lÌc rat€.an Íntt8€ as hiStr as frvelnnes thatfor tlÌc popuÌation asa wholc (Koopma.s 200s, as strÌnn.rÌzrdi. llãnscn, fo.th.oming). ]h! c.Dnoúic cxclunon impln:it in únenìpÌoymcnl is often compoundcd by süial scpaÍatenc$. rcfl(lÍì8 paÉllclsúictier wíh Ícw link brid8ìn8 aooss.lltuÌâl divides. Mo.c worryjDgly,thc seeds of ex.lusion aÍr bcin8 sown in thc se($nd generrtlon. Th€20oo lÌogrammc lb! Internali(r.ul Studcrrt

^stesrmcnt íÌ'lSA) !!ve!Ìed a

rlúnnin8 8ap bclwen mi8Íanl childÍcfl ünd olhcr <hil<lrcn ír readin&rìatlìemalics, ands.iencc knowledge ìn i divc6c sctoÍcounhi€s, ircludin8 thc Nethedands, ceÍmany, Switzerl.nd, IÍanc€, and sweden (jbìd.).

H(e the inrcradion beru€en integratknÌ and th€ welfar. sìate is moredn€d .ìd olryious. MinoÍity groups wíh p€rislently hiSh l('vrls ofunempbyment arc likely to be djsproportionateìy dcpendrnt on socìalassistance ind other wclfare pro8ndune!, .r€aling dry tiideÌ f.Í politn:alnreioÍnìs. Two foíns of ba.klash háv€ emúged ií diltrr€nt countriet

.uÌ iÌr's o! Íxnrc'{ ú (:hlpkÍ 2, r rì.

lìúst, marìy Sovrrn'rc,ttt havc rcsoúed ro ,weÌtì.e.hauviijsm,, whichiupports thc w€lfrr( rrate but sttks to den) n€wconpÌs ãc.ess to jtsb.nelìts (llantnrS 1999; Kitvhell t995;

^ndc6en 1992; ÁndQsen ìnd

Biorrlund 1990) ^

lorìg lií of countÍies have nÍoduced oÍ tcn8thencd müìirnun rcsnkncy periods iìr so.iat progranìnrcs, tìnìitÍìg itrÌìì8rãnts n..ess tó tFncôts Sccond, à poiitn..l bã.kìash !8ânìtt nÌinoritydepcndency on wdfar. nÌighl help ruet a b()adcr neotitRht drrac( onthc weìIare sialc, ttren8lheDiis radicâì Ìlghlwnrg parlics ard/({ l. <tingüìaÌnslreanì pàrties lo quictl] witl(hiw ìheú suppo.t lor socirl rcdis-tnbution. lhc iDtDd nÌi8hÌ bc lell primâ.ity by proSrânìmÒ wtjich!üpÈtrt tlìc trrÍ 8èÍcrâlly but oo tíhich ninorfti€s hâve tìecn parrjcuLadv dcp(ìndcnt. lhc cilric .xanìlle hcÍc is wcÌfarc rqfonn nì rtr LJS^in th. mid-19905, whicb €Ìinrnìüred Aid lo familie, with D.pendenr(lhiidÌen (AIDC) and ÌèplàGd it wirlì thc rcÍnì lin'Íed Temp<trary

^idro Nedy Familiê5 (l)\Nr,ì. HoÍrvlr, rtÌc nnpact might he à nrDÉ t)crvasive weÀkcrÍìg 01 tle Ìedist-rjburive aspeds (as oppoÍt b Ìhc $ciaÌjnsurance âspects) of thc welia(r starc, a5 n ticipat.d by Dlv Milter.n his rclìe.hons (ìhis voìunÌe,. lhcJr rwo íorms oí bâ.\tash wctÍirc\:,ìanvnÌisíì and a broader neolibcratis.ì obrnrlstv disÌLibute 0)e brr-dens ol rctÌerchrrÌìt dilJeÌenrty. But both rrtres.rt 0n cÍrion ol theu!rivesalirtic cor.eption ot Lh. wcllare srire.

OveÍ@minB thc c()nornn: aod siâl €x(krsìon oí imnìi8ranr úi,Ìoritics is cJcarly onc of rlÌ.8Ìeil policy challcDËes confroDting luroÊsanc(unlÍies.:rr) A wide ranSe of I)o icy iìlÍrumcrts are rckrvânt, nìcludinglmÌriErãtio polici.\, setllemenr prcgrammcs, I!n8uì8ç acluisirion pro-gramm6, nnliìi5c.ÍÌioarion làws. cduarbn and tÍainin8, talbur ÍnaÍket institrliolr! and policics, Ío lnme a few, Sone ültns hâv€ assrmedrhat MCts üowd out or dìrpiacc ruch pdicics, brr tÌere âgain oúr ciìsestudies show tlìat thii is not truc. d)un(ri.s.an.ombir)c írong MCl,sw.th sto.8 policies to improve úrc a.c6s oí innniSant' ro €íl((ationandthe labour market- lndred, on( imúi8rant VCÌ nàm clt . ftÌrÍit1jv.a(lion is exclúsively lìï-used oí lhis iss(c_ ttul as Mylcs and SrÀnraud(mphrsizc, MCI\ are likely to bc onÌy one part of a lâr8.r ir.oÌIDÍrtionrc8ime, a d qüBtions remain Jbout what cxaclly is tlìc link brtwc.trVCIÌ and hbouÌ oarkei nìte&ati('n. Ior er!.ìtte, how do dilcÌenr

r' llsrhrrrl,crrr (2ooó) a'sue, LuíÌ{r ni üturonr IrhoímíFF(,rurn61'5rôBìnì.ruRú.*[nrcsrak..rhcNra(uri,ì8,ndn (xÍâlon!3oìdarìedn{ohlr?anhí)RÉr r rhc 0Rsí6 m rtrc B€rí.R.5c

ú.rÌjns, úr'nor.sr.,Ì ch!.3È ìd noo rbo:rrJoo].,l4na.f propr[ld hv!iÍ.Ìsnr (,.cr, ìhcrÌ ruerú]rú ú.k;dr


Page 24: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

kiíds of multicültural e.doGtion, motheÍìongúe *rvic, and tuht.âllysensitiv€ settlc.ìent pÍogranÌher túelâct with differcnt ktxìs Òf laboür

ntus one prcmlsingn€ìd IoÌ futur€ research isto drvelop a rÌnre rubtlcconceptül?àtio. of üìe possible links bctwer MCì,s and polÌliol a.dc.ononic int€8Í.tion of fuinôntics, ánd then to test which lúcrã8cs orcombinntìons of tlìese policies have bceD rnosl srcccsslul iD sustai!ingthe elfarc statc. ln cff<1, we nkd b dcvelop 0 Ìytolô8y of ìDcorpoÌa-tbn regimes, analoSoús tó rh. typoìo8i.s oí rvelÍâr€ ttate rc8Ìnì6 whichp.ovd so producrive i. .ompalâtive weÌtãre íate !cieâr.h. we ìakesmc terìtãtivc sugg€stions abnS this lü'eat thc end ol ChlplrÍ Z

ó. Con(lusions

How to nìàintain ard súengthen the lrnds of comnrunity in eìhnnìüyd'veÌse societics È one Dl llìe n)()st $mpalÌing qúcstions .onÍrontìrgWette.o demdìEci5. The gowírg diveFity oÍ West€rn so(icties las gcnerated pressúres for the constructiôn oi ncw and more itìclusive fôrNof citizenship and ralbnal identiry. Iindìn8 oúi wüy nÍwàÍ1 .eqLrirès

mu.h more liíowlëd8r áboút llìe ündeÍlyin8 rela( lonships bcrwccn cünicdiversity, rììullituìt(rális1n, and sokjiritythan wc have todat

Wc thcÍefoíc dolc wiür a cautioo. civen the limitcd naturc of eÍ hâÍtiDlirmation ú this ar.a, rhere is a dangeÍ thàt the experi€nccs oí onecdntry witl emcrgc as a sort ot maslcr larrative, â sto.y tlìat is seen

{s câptu.iD8 üF esren.t of the itrue in pla.y. FoÌ Ì,ôny tuÍopcâns, theUnited St tcs has be.omc th€ quintetsc.tial mültìculhlral @únrrt andthe kcy tesr @sc of lhe relrtioÍìs bctweo diwFiry Nognition, lnd rcdis-tÌiburion. ltr the United Kingdom, for cÌanÌple, analysts such as DavidGdnha (2004) dcpict the Ame.jen cxpcr'ence as (lear evìden.€ thâtcthaic heterogcneity and múltioltural appr@ch€s erode rcdittribution,and !s prcvidinga wanrinSabout the fulxre ôf theÌ country. The cotrcsive attE(ls ot US wclhrc politic arc oo loìgei Ko as a re0e(lion oi a

parrnlhr history of rlav.ry âfld ksrcgatio., but.atheÍàs a lornal, cveni'roiÌible, rcadion lo the simple Ía(Ì of divcÍ!Íy and its Íecognition in

This is a ôeki nì which sìírple nârralivee a.e ns likrly to nÌislead as

infoÍm- Distinclire hisrorig ãnd traditions mafter herc, aod it is imln!tlnt nol to projcct tlÌe expe cDcc of one counúy o to the rcí of tlÌeftoÍld, RalheÍ, tle pÍiorlly is to úncover dive.se nariìtives, a vírriely of

slorier thit FoinÍ ro diÍÍercnt possibte retationtrjps betucen divcrsity,múlrielhrÌaìisnì. and rdìstrit ulkrÌ. The cviderce in this bork stândsas ar anljdor(, ro fàtaìisric assdlnrÌs thrt nnrìticutturãlism poüciesnec.ssarily w6ken 5(ppoí Ío. sociat prcEÍaorú6 -r.lìe.oDptcÍ prt-terns a.rcsr .ounfuies arc hopctul sÌgrs, È{ich suSaesL thar thcre ir noin@itabilÍy ar work and thãr wisc poìicy ctìoices,nitÌcÍ

Page 25: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare


Do multiculturalism policies erode thewelfare state? An empirical analysis

XeiLh Rd ti t, Richdr.l lahnrbn, ttitt KyDÌÌi.ka,and Shldít Sòrakd

,her. .d droqine Íloldrr dDorr rtìe rmuJ, ot ,i rr,iry on 'tF


^.dr\,r.,êdrn( h.rptr, Lth.r, rrFrntJir rso\eD, rdrêdpbdt.\t,rrí

somp p.vt F Ip I thJt, thno liirplrtr or,J, idt C \.rvty bt rr\.t. *p"t.rì.th. welfare Íat€, becausc it is diffiúlt to generare feellngs of fuust ànd rr\uldJr:ly .r ro* erh i. dn,l rc.rd tr, "' rr, , ot, rhr, rt,o :h.rnron, r.rry,r.ri\lnburron irrd,.ott lrvpo,l^F rtÉ tdrBpr rt,r i,e or ,rtn,. ,,.;túinodtjes as à peÍcentagc of the popüÌarion, the more diíìcult it is to , _.,burÌd ôr \u\ arn d robun wprtrrr \tdle. Otl|er, Ie ttrdl th. .rd^ptrol otmulticulturalish poiicies (MCPt to r€.o8nize ard accomhodire cthnicgÌoups ppne'1'p\ polirndì dvnorn,,\ th,,r ir,d,t\prt.r,th und.rmrne th.w! ÍrrH nir. In wl\'ern oprur",r.. \At' .d thi\ lh. r.,omiuo,r/


'eJ\rr.bLlior' trJilpo hvÌ,othòh: rh" nrort d,ountrJ cmbr,xr\ rhemultioltuÍaì 'po1ìti.s of (etlÌni.) Ìecogrlion, tlÌroúgh MCps, th€ norc ,.] l. l,- ,

dilÏolt it is to sústàin a'politi.s of(econoúìic) r€diÍnbution, through theweìfare srate. This is rhe hêalt oI the ditìcs, cãse against MCÌs distussed

These l{o debates a.e obviously connected. Many people who believethat c0úìic/racial hete.ogeneity eodes rhe welfarc stãte assúme thatMCts must do só as well. AjteÌ aÌÌ, if rhê presen.c of sjzealìle ethnic aDdncial minorities tends to wealen thè weìfarc stãte, preÍrmably our 8mlshould be to Ìedúce the publi. üsibitiry an.l pol ical saliencc of thesecthrì(hacial diffeÍences, latheÍ than eÌrphasizing and.etcbrãtin8 th€n,

Page 26: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

aanrìng. lohnsrd, (ymli<I4 úd sorclâ Oo multiolturalifr polides cod€ tbe -elíae rbté? Ãn êmpiri@l ân.lyir

HowcvcÍ, as 1ìr as se.an tell, no onc has acruàlly enìpúically tcstedthe rêlatiooship b€lwce. MCPS ãnd social redistdbution Ás wc sw nÌChaprer I, therc is a 8rcwÍìg Itteralure on the frnl lìyporhcsis. whiclìsuSgrsts uìà!

'n at leãst some co.tc:ts, i!ìcrearnÌ8 erhnic and ricial

dive lry is @üclated with weakcr weÌInrc stares. Bur alì of these studies

. n.ru. on "rhnrc div.r\ilv as à dcnn'SrJphi( plrenohenon, dno ar( \rlenr" . on lhe rmpftdtronsol rheadopnon ot MrjlS.Such skd'cs tett r\ nothÍ'!

àbouÌ whctheÍ MCPS incÍease.ny tension thai may cxisl bctween cthni.diversity and so.ial l.distribution, as th( .rÌti.s sú8gcst, or potcnriall!ÌnitiSat{ i!, as the delcnde6 rcply. Wc are thcrcf(re left wth thr needto lìnd a way of illurninati ng thir issuc no.e dir(rly.

_Ihe purpos€ of rhis clÌapter i5 to provjde âr initial answêÍ rothis qucstion, by lb.usnÌg olt the crpericn.e oÍ Westenì dcm{râ-

í(hr dn.i uril,/,,rg rlf r@ls úf êmpnn"l nlalyr' h rr üuc rhàr (oun

"fr"* rtrat aOopr mulítultlnÍtnì p.,Í.i.s ftr rmn'ir9'ànl nnnoílic\ hdF

lrgredrq drún'rrv rn su{drnrns ünd d,lclopj q rhetÌ seìt"r. !Ìàt.. D,,o'.nlriFs rl dr it'cogn'e rij \uppôi nãlio kl rnürorii.r\ J'(l norfnds pcople pay ! pri.e in têms oÍ their sideÍ k:iaì commirments? h thc v€ry idcã of a multicúltu.al wclfare staüe a @ntÉdicrion

Toexamine this qu€rtion, thechapteÌ poceeds in thrccsraSes. Sedion 1

tak6 the Írst íep Dy providÍr8 a nxre Ìigorous dtnnitìon of MCP5and menturin8 dificenc in thc strenSlh of suclì policis tn Wc5rerndemoftrìci$, gÌouping the countries i o threc b.oàd crte8orics, thoscwith strcn8 McIÌ, tlìose with modesr MctÌ, a.d those wth werk McF\lir'tion 2 ìhen ÍÍxxluc â set of indicatoÍs oÍ th€ rtrenSth of rhewelfa.c stlte, ând êxâoÌin6 whcther tlìc ti.oíp of couÍrtries wirh rt.odl4MCrs farcd wo6e i!ì toms of the evolurion of rheìr welÍar. stales whencomparcd with countrics wirh modest or weal MCÈ. A\ a€ dBlÌ s@,Ìhis skÌion liní15 Do €úden e oÍ a slstemâti. .elatioDship betw.rD rheadoption of MCla âtrd thc erarion of rhc welfa.c stare ove. ttÌ€ trsttwo decadês ot the twentierh cerìrury Sedio.3 tnkcs rhe nnal ícp,condúdin8 a Òuìtivariate amlys's tbãt also tàkes acc(,urr of othc! facLoB lhâl i!ìnuencc the welfare state Cieên rhc deìât. atxlur wheÌh.Íëthnic diveBity itr€lf w@ketrs social (distribútion, wc í€k to dis€ntan8teempin(.nly the eiíêds of ethnic dive6ity and thc effects of MC?s. lrìadditjon, we iDcorp{rar. â numDc! oÍ otlìer fôclo6 that previous studieshave idcl)tiÍed as F,werÍúl drivcr' of sial spendin8 in OF-CD [email protected] ürultivariate nnâlysis con6rms tÌ'at Íca6 of rhc impa.t oÍ MCpson the wclíâre staic are ovdstalcd. ìndccd/ rherc ar€ sorne sugtestivc


hirls in thc dàta that adoptjng MCl,s nÌìght Íì facl, urder some circuÌnslaüs, srÌcnEthen tlìc welÍârc rtat.. Inìâlly, s{rioo 4 púllr rqerhcr therhràds oÍ tlìc arSumcnt and Rli€ds on thei. impliotions ÍoÍ thc larger

l. Th€ nature and strength of multicultuÍalism polider

DetêÌminlDg whetherrher€ isa.o e la tion betwccr MCl,s aod chanScs i nsociâl ÍeditlriDulion .cquires a clcár deünition of MCPS and a classitr.rìionoí couot.i€s in lcrúr of thc extent to which they have adopt<l ruchpoiicies UnloÍunaÌeÌ, tlrere is no clnsensus in thc ÌìtetalúÌe on hoe'to dennc the term'nrultìcultrúâl policieí. Thc teÍm hiÌs quitc difteíenl con.ólâlions in ditfcreÍt @urìtris. Many wÌite6 employ the rcrmwithoüt evcr defnin8 it, and those wlro do núle an eÍíoÍt to defneit offer ve.y diflercrt accourts of lhe nec€sialy or sufôcicnt conditionsfd a polny lo qualiÍy as a 'nÌulti(lltural' polìry. civeÍ thìs lack oícon*nsus, any acount that w. provìdc will inevital,ly be Ònt6tâble-af,d to sm€ €xtcrt stipulativê. Somc .ommc tato6 will frnd our dei,nilio. un{iuly rarow, oth€6 will 6nd il únduly b.ed. we will discusssoÍle of these obic.tn,ns as we Xo. How€v€r, tor ÌeasorN we rxplainbeìow, we thinl Í u.likely that exÍ'anding or ìa.rowin8 the dc!ìnition ofMCPS*ould chan8e tlì€ lrasic empi.iÉl lìndi!ìgs we plNnt itì s:tions 2

WÌÌàt then do we m€a.Ì by MCP92 To bcgin with, we arc fürlsitì8orÌ the treaü.ent ot cthn(nltúrãl 8rcutx--lhis is already to naÍrcsthe freld @nìpa.(d to Íìmc other accounts oí MCÌ\. ln $me .oot xts,tl1c t.rn nìulti.uìhlilislÌr ìs used k' covcr a broadc. rangc of foÌnìs ofdive6ity, n(hldnÌg gcnd€íscxual orìr.tation/disàbilily ând so on. Onlhis b.@dú vie4 'í,ultictlturalism' is Ìiriually c@xlcnsive with 'thcpolitic of rccoSoition', In thissÌud, ho-lrLva, we arc rerìiictiig the tcdnìul r uh,rdliÍn ro r l.( (orr, \r ,,fì!ììnmJtu'.ìl d,'.;.rúE\cn if w€ lirìit our focus to etlìnocultural 8(nrps, ther€ is still plenly

oÍ @pe Íor disa8@nent aboul whal ountl as a 'mülticultuDl' pôlicl'towàrds su.h Sroups. ln i lÌc âccount we 8ive bctow, we hâve tried as úuchas pôsrible to kìlìow whât we tàlc to b. the most $ílnÌoÌÌ usaSes ofthc term, nì l)otÌÌ pulrli( as wcll as schoirrly dcbate. Howcve., we lÉveale tri(d to ensurc thal our a(oülrl reflects lhe isucs Ìaised by thecritiÕ Òr MCIìS. FoÍ thìs rcãson, {c have excluded from ou! ãccounÌ otMCI5 any polk:ies dÌat silr'plv ìrìvolve the non-dlscnmnÌalory access tô,


Page 27: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

Banting, lohnston, Kymli.kâ, and soroka Do muìticulturali3n policies eÍode thc welÍare statê? Ân empiri6l ônalysú

or non dis.rìriinarory enfoÌccrnenr of dìe traditionat civil âr.l pol{icâlriglÌtt olcitizenship for the iidividual members ofethnicgoups. ln somecounlics, the rlÌetori. of multiculturali5m is advânccd to deknd súchnon discrininarory pror.úion of the coÌnmon riShrs of liberatdemocraric citizenslÌip. tor crámple, some ceinàn potitician5 haveüÌvoked mútn:uìtúraÌ rhero.i. to elìlrúâre legaÌ provisions rhar ,ìade'I no.. orlh.irlr t', e hr r turll rhdn ,o, .,t-nhcjlizcns, and to exrend th€ sÒp€ of antidis.rìrÌnÌatiotr la$,j ro cove,thc lürks. WhiÌe.lescÍibcd Lry somc poÌiticlaDs as a torh of ,muttieltuÌalisnÌ', and defended as leoglnzinS, or ,ac.onrnodJrinA, cÚmanyt"'ìr r J.rr\i,\. ríre.p dr, I ut r v 15 ol poti, rp\ tt-rt,,ur, rir, \ \re$ J\a thÌeaÌ to tÌÌe weÌfare stare. Rêspedirìg the conúnon indivi.lual righri ofcitizensbip is inded onc cssentìal fdm ot ac.ommodàting thc membcrsof mnrÌity groups, but the criti.s arc not obiectülg to ,recoxnìzin!,rnl16ái,l 'r'rl"\\.'r,c Lt.d.FquJt irxtrqd rdtI irrlpn\ |h4dr. ^n|i.Òncerncd with poticies tÌÌat go bcyond the prote.tion of hàdinoDalindividul rights úí.Ìlizcnship to p.ovide some additionaÌfodb olpubllc

i recognihon o. ruppo.t oÌ a..ôrìmodatbn of crhnic Eroú0s, idcntities,, ànd practj.es. Sh.c rhis is rhe .oncem of .ntics, we will lìmit oriÍI denrihon oI lvÍCt,s lo su.h policies oI pubìi( r€ognìrron, \upport, and

B(l what does it mcân b prDvnl€ públic ,Ìecognftion,, /sDpporr/, or'ac.ommodãtìon' to ethnic $oups? lr is dificdt to answer thjs quêstionin the abstrad, snÌce djffercnt 8roúps Éel quite.liffercnt forms ot recog,Ditiod, tuppoí, ând a.commodation. To help jdentify thesc poljcies rÌrepreciselt it is use{út to dislnìguish diff€Íent catêgo.ies of erhni. g.oups,and lo see how wesre.. states hav. âcomdú.Lared )èo (or nú). ror tlepu+oses of ún chapr€r, we will foos on three rypes of ethnjc groüps:ì'Drni8Ìants, national múÌorities, and nrdiAe4ous?elples.

t.lô,- ru ,inA 'o dn F\ami'rdti,,n ot s0ê-h. pothrF ror the\( UI€cSroups, howcrer, rwo tuÍther chnicatio.s aÌe irnpôÌtant. Inrt, oúr fo.usin this chatter is ô mulri.ì tue]nft loti.tpr, and we â.e not address-in8 the impa.t of multituìruÌalist dis.orr.re. In oÌary caks, IFlici.s ãnddlscous. go toScthêi CorntÍìes with strong MCts àÌe litely to bechaÌactcnzed Lry th€ rhetoÍi( of huÌhcultuÍaìisnÌ. Bur tbc elarÌonshipberlèn mdtiotruralist polic-iêt and multicullúralist rhctoric is compÌicàted. Onc cln have Dutliúlturalisr rhetoric withou r MCps. lorexample,as we .ôted eàrÌie., in cermany today rhc rhetoric of múlti.ìjtulalismú nìvoked to delend pticies of rìe rôndiscriminatorv enfoÌceúrenr oirrd,ll lonrl rndtr dudl , i! it dnd po'rtiút nghr ,. I on\ c^t ty, o,rp, dn hJ\.


ulti.ulhtraÌist polici.switho!l nìuLlic(lt(lralist rheroric.lhis is tììe cas.in Britain, wheÍe senior goÌcdrncnt Õflìcials cxplicitllÌ cÌprss their dis-lik€ Ior the teÍm 'müliioltüralisrrl. lt is also tnc, to a lesscr eìten! inAústralia, where tlÌe wod muÌÌiorìhuãìism ir lesr common than ten oÌ

We emphasìze this point n) parr to avoid potcntìal !ìisddÚstandtì8sâbouì oúr calcgorizâtion oI@untries beìow. When we (lercribe Cernìinyas 'minimaììy' MCq wc arc r.lering to rhc rclarivc abscncc ol Ìnúlticulturalisl policìes, not the abrenr€ ol muìtnarìtüàlist rlìeton.. CdDverscly,when we descnbe Álrtraìià à\ ÍÍÌìgly MCP, we are reftrrÍì8 to the wideran{c ofMCPS that Ïe present, Dot to the varyirtj l€vel of multiculhrralistrhetonc But we alsê.ìphxsizc this ponÍ Lr(ausc it raiscs an ürterestin€issúe ãboút tlÌe empnical citnlLre of muìticultuÌaìirm

^ll of the cÌitics

we have cìted.lànn thal m!lticultdalism polì.ics eiode lhr weÌlare sratc.

But, as David Milìe. not€s in Chapter l2 below, it is possible that whãtsôme of thcÒ arc reaÌÌy corÌc€rnd alFuÌ is the rheto c oÌ discourse ofmuìtitultúralisn(sccalsoBrubikeÌ2004: 125n 15). torenmpLe,itisnotcleaÌ tbat eitheÌ the nìisdiagnosis cffcd or thc coÍodìog cflcct dcs.ribcdin chãpter I ically d€pends on the presence ofMCPr, ratheÍthan simplymulnoltrraÌìst dis.ousc. lr is dot clear how one woúid nÌeasore tlìelevcl of multiculturaìist dit.ouÌre cross nattÌìalì, to iee whetheÍ ìt is

coneìated with erosion of the welÍare state, Lìut ú is a hypothesis thltnight be woÍh úvestigãìing.2 I. t1Ìh .hapkr, howcvQ, wc are locúscdcxclrsively on muìtialtuÍàl lúlicie5.

Second, bè.ausc some of the critical dala on wellare Íate redist.'butionrre available on a cross-dàtionâl brsir ônly for thc poiod úp to 2001,we èiãminc ÚÌc relationship between MCì'>s and the welfaÍe state in theperiod ftom 1980 to 2000. A5 a rcsúll we.atcgorize the stength ofMClsìn differcnt.ountdesb.sed on ihe policies they had ìn pla(e f(tr a rubúantial poltion of tho* yèâÍs. This twcdccâdc púiod saw inlense d.bilesovÚMCIÌ, and seveÍaì .oúdhies adopted or sigúilìcãnrly cxtend.{ MCPS

in tbese years. Our aim is theÌefore to assess the impad of ihese I! iqj convcsclr courtis dDt lDvê dqàirì6r, É'{'dl thc dhcÕú* or nuld.úÌrúâl.m

r'ryco bir a (ni.i.ÌâÌ) nunb.Í o iÊrrn€(5ú!nì res).

^s S.hrin ÀÍ3a6, rìc mt noliie

) we sú1Er úat ihc ra'16 or fth r t5ì would rcr lì3dôc !rvdíLrr;o.ì ouÌêula nìdì n .halrci srrc rhc adoption of M ob t:ho.. Ìtôfin8nìlti.llìunúnL Íhelori.' Úd t}Tnon Í'tu toA kering acs t tdbìl hínú.ons. so, uhiìc nnì

ic*nrg thc foncÍ È rlxnrÌ,ry a Sood pmiv t.. rêíins thc latc.



Page 28: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

Bânting, lohntton, Kymti.ka, ãnd soroka

choi.es on the wcllãre stale. As a rcsuìt, our ra.knr8s !Ìay nor retÌed ttreDoí r€.ent cha.8e\ in soÌ)e courtrìes lìor cxample, with rhc teSislalÌonadoptcd in Urlain in :t998 to devol!ê po$.cÁ to ScortaÍÌl atrd WaÌex, onc.o{ìd argúc thrt Britaii 5ho(ld now ià]l inro lirc shong MCÌr catcgorvnÌ it5 approa.h to sizÈahìe natbnat ninoÍties. Howevo, úìis change;too rcc€nt ro hav€ trffeclcd the evotution ot Lte weiÌàre sratc lÌom t98Oto 2000. Il devoÌutìon bas an erodnrg effed on sôciaì re.listrilrurion, irwììì only \how úp in Ìato yeaÌs. siúilaÌIy, sôme cornneniaroB hayearSucd thai thc Nerhella.ds and Brìraio have re.enuv lekcated, ftôtrì1

' u I I | ' I r u I d | . | | r th..r tr eqr rn,1,r ut rn,rnrÁ.J,,t 8r.,L!\. A. {p d:\ uì

nìore tuÌryni ie.rio.4, thenature ofthcse lElic_a tìifts is complìcared, buri. inv eveni, üìis shift is too recent to havc ãffecred socìat pro,trannnesin the period we are studvinS. we c.tegônrc a cou.tÌ, as /rt.onatv, or'{oJF\h Vr I ,'' r- I oh,"r,o.p,.rn4dôI\l t,\tur ,\iei.tr.dnpoÍtion of the pcrnÌl berncen l98O and Z0OO and w€ âÍe int Íerred inÌhe relationship b€rwccn thesc poÌicies and the wclfare statc Ìn rhoÍ,

With tbosegualitì.ations nì Ìnind, it is rimr ro.levetop ouÍclasihcariorÌoispccilic MCPSand torankWestem coúnt.ies in rcrÍÌs ot the srÌensrh ofrlr vi r\dd,inrpd., ,,\tDi., r,, t.piu,r,,,,.or ,..*,,,-" .i .1,,",.immi8rants, natiônaÌ minorities, and indìgedous minorìtjes.

Histoncallt tlìe most irntDrtant couDrrie. oÍ ÌrrDirntion (i e. Aústratì.., dn"d r. \Fr /p,tdjr,t. "rd rne L,sA. hdd d J.jni,,rtr,,.,,. .flt o., t, ,,,immigration. IúmiSrants weÌe en.ouraged and expeúed ro assinÌjlate tothe pre existb8 soclety, with rhe hope thatover rnhe flrcl, would become'rJ^lrnÊ'rhhdDl.I',n, n .\r.bo r Ir.,/pn\ ir, tt,rI Iì-r,n. orFs, r.trp

ation, and way of liÍe go€ÍatÌt A.y gÌorps thar wcre ren a\ incapãbteof rhis rcrt of.uìrural a$jnÌiìation were pohibl.{l fron inìmÌgratins inrt,t' rir I p,r, p. o, rum be, ô,,.,nd, i,i/en\ rni."..,,.,.,.oir,",ú,,1excfu.led Africans lnd Asians trom enrering thesc.ountlles of jDrìig..tion for mu.h oflh. tweDrictb cnlury oÍ fronì naruÌatizin8.

BegirÌnin8 nÌ ìhe tite 1960s, however, we s.{.a dÍamati. chang€ ìnrhis appÌoach. Therc weÍe lwo .elatcd changcj 6trt, the adoptio. ofrace{ìeutral âdmissions criteliâ, ro rhãt immjgranr5 to r.se coúntres ar.incÍeasnÌgÌy tuo!Ì ron turoFan (r.d ofren.on Ch.núrn) sôci€tics; ând5econ4 the adotrion ôiâ moÌe nuÌricrttüral' co.(eprion of ilicgÌation,on.whì.hcrpeclsrhatman\ÌnnmlgÌântswi|!ìriblyar)dploúdlyexpÌcss


Dô multi.ulturalism poli.iêr êíôdê rhe welfar€ stat€? Ân êmpnical analyris

theìÍ ethnic identitÍ an.l wlÌi.h acceprs an obligatbn on the paÌt Òfpublìc ìnslitütions (like the polì.c, t.lrools, ncdia, mu5eu.Ìs, ctc.) toâccommodatc rhcsr ethni. identities.

Thrs. twofdd chanSes occaÍcd, to vaÍyin8 degrccs, i. àtì of rhe tradi,tronãl ouniries ol immigratior.

^ll ofih€m shiitcd frôn di5crimi!ìarôry

to race ncutal admissions and n.t{(alization tÒlicies Árìd nU of rh€mnìiÍted fÍoÌn an assimìlationlst to a noÍe mulrìcÍlrúrÌ .onceptìon ofintegration. Ol.ours., therc were inporrant.lillirêú.et in how offi.iaì dform.l this slÌift to multicuìtuÌaÌisrÌ has L,ccn. Ìn Canada. as nì AustÌãti.aÌÌd N.w Zèaìànd, this shift was for.ãlly a.d oÍi.ialll narked by rh.decìaratjon ofa nnúticúlrural pôÌìcybvthe ccrÌtraÌ govèrnment. But eve.in tlrc Unitcd State!, we saw súniiar cha.g€s on tlÌe 8roúnd. The USAdoes dot have an oficial poli.y of Íìulriolrrralism âr rh. fedeLal lclcl,but if we ìooN at lower levcls Òf lovemnrent, slch às statet or cilics, weoft€! ind à Lìtuàd range of muÌticllturalisnì polì.iet If we look àt stlrelcvel poli.ìc\ Ìc8a üÌ8 the educ.Lion cui.ituÌum, lor exanìpie, or cilyjcvel policies regardÌng policing or hospitals, we olrcrÌ â.d thar they arcúd istinguìsbablc horì the wâ)' provinccs arìd cities ì n Carada oÌ AÍsrraìia.1.âl sith iÍues ofjmmigradl cthnodrltural dÌversjly. As nì Cânada, rlÌcyhave theú owD diy.Ísity progÍãmnes and/or cqdty ôfnce6. Ás NathànGlazú (1,977) putt it, 'we are all lndriúltuÍalitts now', alrhou8h thisperhaps undertates thc consideràbÌe vaÍiation acÌoss.ities and sratcs inthe USA in tlÌcú connÌitrìent to MCPs.l

Siúìilàrlr in ÌJrú2ìn, whÌle thcr. is no nationwide nuÌticultuÌ.lismpoÌicy, many ol thr saüe bàsic ìdeas and prjncipl.s are pu6ued tlìroughtheir rã.è reìations poli(f.l All oI th6e .ountries have ac.epted theiame iwofoid changÈadopúrg ra.€-neutral .dnÌissions ârd natur.liation polÌcics, and nìposh8 on public institutions a duty to acconìnÌtdàte idìtrìiSrantethno.ultural divcsity,althouSh rhe dcgrccãrd foÌmltrc.ognition ofthe latteÌ chan8. vâÍies from country lo coúntiy.

lhis trcnd appìies prt.arìly to counnies of intrtrigÌation i.e. coun-tries whi.h Ìe8alìy admit imnÌìgrants as Frmanenr íesidedrs a.d futurecitìzens. AnÌoDgí su.h .ounties, the main ex.cptio. to thú trend isIrad.a, whnìh.etains an assimilationist L_on.eptnrì of rrench rcpubli.anliìizenship. lt is ã dilltreDl storÍ howeveÌ, in tlÌose countries ttìat do nol

l EXpúl nÌ Innilranon 3nd nÌcnìetrn3 rDf Jnd rhe cmrdrn

cn.rúc in rh.p.tuhÍrn4i,Èrnr . r.ontlrt, Íc châprer

r roÌ rbc lrrrsh m.xler ot nnnì or, *e liven (2ü]r),

i,L 'i


Page 29: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

BanÌìn9, lohnrton, l(ymlich, ãndSôÍoka

legally adnìit imnìigradts, such as úost .ountries of rorrheÍn luope.'lìcsc.ountÍies nìay weìì contâh ldÌge nurÌbcrs of,foreignÚí, in theÍonn of illegal eco.omic oÌigranb, asylum scc(c6, or ,glcst wôrkeÌr,,but these groutrs aÍe not adúirred as pad of an immigrition poÌicy. Asit happe.s, even so,n. of these counrnes adopted asp€ts of a ,ÌnuÌh,culrúrat' ãpproach i. the period we aÍe rrudynÌg (e.g Swede. and theNethedaDdt- But in gencraÌ, the fuend from atsinÌiÌatìon to multicrl-turalisÌn is.ne that hãs tat€D ptacê mort stlongly within counrriès of

What then arc the specÌic MCP\ that lenectrhis shifÌ ìn approãdì? rìolthe furlDscs of this chaptc., we $ill rãtc tlÌe foltowing.igÌìt poli.ics asthe nÌost.ómmon oÌ ehblemaric forms ofimmi8rant MCtrs:

(l) Constitutional, lcgislative or paitiaÌnen tary alÌrmation of multjtuttu.alisnr, at rhe.enrral andkÌ.egional and Ìnunicipal lclels;

(2) the adoption of múlliculturaìisnì nì ttre \:h@l currituÌum;5(3) rhe i.clüsion ofethni. Íeprescdtatìon/sensitivly nì the mandatc of

public media or media Ìiccnsin&(4) ex€mptions hom drcs codes, Sundây.lôsin8 Ìegistatìon erc. (eirho

by íâtute or by court caset;(s) allôwing dual citizenrhip;6(6) the tundiÌìg of ethnic gÍoup orgã.iâtions ro sÍpport culrurãl

.1ì {rftn ol TuÌrnh !!6r wolkêí }nh thc soal oí pepr.i4 tÌìcn Ì.n "";h o r- tumhrr ''rJr.'u)

M.l, oD oü à.(mitj ú.u.,{ rra

Í inn "'J' i j, nÌ,tL' ..mou| r 1. '_ !or, . ,i r

u non so,ennen;r oÌganúrjo,L ro qúr ).;n ú.lÌb.w8cq fuÌrrn tunúns .Ì( ,L! bt Ni'âbre b ppon ihe drhnrì rfc ;f Lhó r,ìnüi+


Do multicullu.alìrm policiee êrode th€ welfare itâte? an emPiri6l ô.alvrìt

(7) the luDdìrÌ8 of bilinguaì eduGtìon oÌ nÌolheÍ tdrglc insúuctìon;(8) alliÍmativc action fo r .tisadva ntaged ìdÌmiSranl SrouP\'3

sodÌr comrÌentàlors have suggcícd including a nilth Polì.v-.aÈclta Flicy of a<lmittüìg larSe numbts ol iFmiSÍants ãs Permanent r€si'

dents àúd furuÌ€ citizens. Some peoPle view a PÌo itrmigratior Poliqàs ìtscll a IoÌd ôl MCll on the assumPtion thar only a country OÌaì is

willing to accommodatc dive6ity {ould voluntiÍiìy ddrÌit immiSraDts as

foture citìrd6. However, tlìc 1ìÌìkbetwee. nnmiSration Poli.y aDd MCPS

is compìex Many .riti(r of MCts are nì fãct dclcndeÌs of tio.è opcn

boÌd.6: they are hapPyÍ'ith the idcâ ol Sreater ethnic and racial diveÌsitvnr the populatiorÌ, but snnply oPPose àny Sovernnent rccognition ora.comrìodation of lhis diversity throúglÌ MCls This is a ìong stândnl8

view a ongst lilreÍtãriàN. Clo.versely, nì som€ countrics, suppolt for

MCIÌ is d.peDdent on shârply limiting thc trunÌbeÌ of new irÌmiSrantswho tìn tlke advàntage of thesc polìcies This is often said to bÈ the

cas€ nr Brnain. TÌrè qúasi multì.ultÍralÌsm tX ìcies a.lopted in the 1970s

funder the hcading of rãc rektjont wúc part ol a Pa.ka8. irÌ whi.h the

SovcÍnment raid to Britons: 'wc will clos€ th? dDor ro new nnúigrants,

but we .xpcct you to acccpt and a.commodate the nnmiSrants ftonì the

Caribbon and South Asiã whohave alÍeady aÍived'.IÌeopeninS tlìe door

to ürnìi8ration was sen as ündennining the tenuoús suPPort foÍ MCls e

So Io. ou Durposes, se limìt immi8ÌaDt MCPS to Policics rhat concern


n F3 r'.n ',- "-.. ',n-i,,.nenhtÍJoíPttuhsouFsúúkcil'a!ãli.uk€oo.Dj.ni

qiúÍd ràdiìio.5 Àsdnkì wtrh Lhrt nichc so !h. . â caf ol a l.Ìrct lbat Nosria'

bú whi;i, tuà úoi 1,. rntrrìy odot ol aJrrrmtve /dìo Í)ôli.i6 h

sith r.oÌÌÌrnini to Íolon tÌìc odatiry ot tìorb.õor niloÌi9 8Ìoúps (c.s. d,e ado!úon ol ÍtrttidltuüÌtsr jn sÌì@l .urc'ja, ÚÌ cÌúna6 Lo

È wdr ;hd i ú wdr u,íoml b r.tonoodâte ninoritv 8Óu!t

h n,, n!!ro úNr;,u b,"r., ..." r -r-r,*.'r '

ror'I 'l u!l'trdtd) ftrurJL'qnt!kPo

rtu(ee Flicv. wìjte tlÌeÊ ( a cìuÍ trtÜd roÍ ps McP.ountÍi6 ro lüvc moÍe senaÍous poli!ìd on thc âdírirsjo .f tfus$ (xk ,0os)' dr5 n noi,wi$dr.aç as whi\ed 14 rh ún n o ÌprÍ€dwithE ú---b) ;Éú-*.p.-È$ b rrus&, in ce*n rryer ihoush ihc ronner i5 pr._

Mci aid rhi Litu ú Ìbli.icr rLori whcth!Ì b ú.ì( nopk ò nn ìisianLs oÌ Ìetu3€a !oLi.i6aìxìur how to rc.oÍn,'odar. rìcn or.eaú iicd, raiÍ q


Page 30: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

santinq,,ohnrton, Kyúliclo, and sôroka

the lrealniert of imDigrant gÍoups th.t already r€jnte on rbc tcrritoÍy ofthc state, uh is thc cight poÌicies lisrcd àbove

Fo. ea.h ol th. MCls in oúr list, w€ Save eã.h coudtry a s.oÌ. of 1.0it it hâd explicitly ado|ted and nÌpÌeÌne.ted rhc policy foÍ much ot theperiod wc are cxamining (1980 n) 2 )O),0.-5 iI it idopted rhc pÕlnìy in anúnplicit, incomplete, oÍ tok€r ma.ncr and 0 ii it did nor havr the poliryThn genenles a tôtaÌ po$jbìc scor. of 8 O, !.d thc .letaiìed scoÌing foreich courty ìs Íepo ed in Apprn(iiÌ 2.1. It a counrÍy scorcd at lèast 6 0out ola possible 8.0, Bc hâve c.tegori2cd it as,5trcn8,.llit s.oÍed berwecn1.0 and 5.5, wc have.ateSorizcri ìt as,modeí, tlft s.ored ünder LO, w.have calegorizcd it as'we!k'. Od this basis, we havc .areso.ized .oudr.ie\

sÌR()Nc: Ausrúlla, canadaMoD$r lclgnd, Netherlands, New Zeal.nd, Swe.len, LlK, trswEÂR: ,\ustria, Deninark, F nland, !ranc., GeÍnany, crc..e, ÌÍ,"tand,

Italt.lapan, NoNati tonugàj, Spain, Swltzcrlard

Sizeoble notianol minaities

A se.ond treDd conccÍìs the Ìrealnìrdt Òfsuhstare/nìnÌority narionalisds,such as th. Québércis úì CanJda, tìre Scols a..l lvetth in !Íitain, iheCatalans and Basques iÌÌ Spain, the rl.nìish ìn BeÌgienÌ, the ceünanspèaking minority in SouÌh lyrol in ltaìt and th. Hispanics ii pucrtoRnìo in Ìhe Unìted Strtes.Lo in all of these.ases, wè 6n(l â regio.ally coDcenúated 8Ìoüp that conccive\ of tscu as a nation wiüÌirÌ a laÌger starc,and mobilizes behind nation.list poÌitical paiics tÒ achieve Ìc.ognitbnof its nationhed, either in th. forD ofin independenr srate or throughterritoridÌ autonomy withnÌ rhe ÌargÚsrrte.

ìn the past, r!)rt if nor all of rhese counrrier have auenrÍe\t toassimilate or suppress lhcse fomi oi Írbstâte narìoDalism. rb have âÌegio.âl group witb a sense of distin.t nàtbnhood wãs seen as a rhicàttô the stare. Vàrioü5 efforrs wcr€ made to cúdc thn sensc of disrindnationhoôd, ìncluding resti.Ìi.8 nìirÌoritylan8rage righrs, aboìlshirgL.aditbnaÌ foflns of regionaÌ 5.11-g{)vemmenl, and encounglng membe6 ol Lh. domj.ant grouf to seftle nì ìh. mrnorirt go rr,s homcLand so that ihe mino.ity be.orncs outÌìumbered even in ús rr.dìtionàt


Dô nulticultuÍalism poli.i.ç erode th€ w€lfãrê {ate? An €mpiri.al anâtytit

Howev€r, thcrc has be.n a dramaric change in rhe wiy most WesrerncountÌies dcãl with sübstate natio.àhms. ìodat all oi the .ourhicswe havc just mentioned have i.ccpt€d rhe prìn.ipt. thlr these sllìnatcnaliônal identities wilÌ cndure üúo the nrdeln c tutuÍe. and rhât fl'eìrs.nse of nationhood ard natìonaìisÌ ispnatnrÉ mulr b€ acconrnrxlâredin some way or oúrl Thìs accon!Ìlodatign has r,vpicatly rãk.r the Íornof what we.an.all'multirìation federaìisD1 rlÌatn,.Ìeatin8. tcderàtoÌquasi federal s(boni( üì which Ìhe minority gtuup forms a local maioriry, and so dr €xeÍ.i* Deanidgful loÍns of seÌfgovernÍÌ.nt Moreovcr,whcrc the EÍoup has i distixct lìn8üa8e, rhis l.nguagc is typically rc.ag-nized a\ an ofi.ial statc litrìgua6e, al leisr kthh their federat subunt,and perlÌaps thoughout ihe couDtry as a whoìe

At the be8inninE ot the llcrtieth .ent!.t onÌySwiìzertând aDd Cana.lahad adopted this combirìàtnÌì .f tetrúorial aúrdÌorÌy and ollìciàl lan8!a8e Íat6 lor substate naiioDal groups. Sin.e rhen, lÌÒweveÌ, mostweÍenì dcno{âcies that co.tàúÌ tizeable Írbstar. dâtbnalisÌ mov.,Ìncnh hãve mov€d iÌr this dirÈ.ttun. the list inclúdos the adoprion ôfàütonomy ìor lh. SwedidÌ rp€!Àin8 Áland Islands in linÌand afrèÍ thelúst lvorld War, ãutonomy lor South Tyroì and Puerro Rico after the Sec-o.d Worid \4ìr lcdüal autonomyfor CatalolÌià ànd the ììasqle Courrryin SpalÌÌ in th. 1970t, foÌ lhndeÌs i'Ì Belgtum in rhe t98os, and mosrrc.ently devolütìon tbÌ Scotland rnd Waìes in thc U( nr the I990s.

This sÌrilr lroÌn súppÍêssing mbÍate nationàlitnìs Ìo icconìnodatingthem thrôugh regional autoDomy rnd óíìciaì ling(agc rights is nowqidesfead. AmoDgst thc lve(ern democÌacìcs with à sizeabte nirio.alminorily,lhc dÒstobvìous exceptior to thìs kend

'r lrance, ii fts retujaÌ

to gÍãnt autonomy to ils nÌanì sülrstate narioraÌisr group ií Co.sic. Howev€r,lè8ìtìatjo! was rcccntly edopt€d ro accord aurononìy to Corsica, andwhilc a rulingol thè ConstituiionaÌCourt pÍevenred ts ìnÌpl.Dcntation,Iran.e t@ may join thc bãndwà8cìn soon.

TheÌeare some other lbtential exceptions. NorthcÍì IÍcland isdilú.rttto.ategoriz., sú.è Cathoìics lre clcariy a nàtbnaì minorfty, brt arc nottciritdiaÌÌy (oncertrated, and so the model oÍ mulrinârion federatis!Ì isnot availabic. Lvcn here, howev€r, we sce.leâ. novenrent in thc dir..-tion of geateÌ rercgnitiorl ol üinority nâtionalism. Northcíì Ireland hasr€r:entìy adopted a pcàcc à8Ìeemenr that explic ly ã.coÍdt ciathoÌìcs a

n u mbú ol gúradtees in teÌms ol reprcscÍtation, and âcknowledges theirdcnti6càtnn wìth co Dationab nÌ lr.land.

\notheÌ conìplìcatcd .ase ìs rhe NetheÌlands, wheÉ the sizeablef_rjsian mirÌoritÍ lacks teritoriaÌ aurononÌy or sigriEcãnt ianguagc righrs,


Page 31: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

santing. lohnsron, Kymliú4 and sorota Do multi<uliuràlknr poli' ip' prodp lhc wclÍarc lldlcl An .mpniol andly\i!

it as 'strong'; if it s<Ìed b.twcen 2.0 ând 3.5, w. have calegorized it as

'drodeÍ'; and iI it scored under 2.0, we hâvè cateSori2cd it as'wcak/.Based on th6c critoia, w€ have categorized those WeÍcm dcmo.ra.icsthat contã'n sìreabÌc narioÌÌal nÌinolìlies thisway:

srRoNc: BelSjum, Canada, Iütlaíd, SpànÌ, Switzerl.ndMoi)LsÌ: ItaÌy, u(, us (wìth Ìespect to Puerto Ri.{tw l(: ljran.e, cree.c,Japrn

A thÍd ìrend concüns thc fueatment of indìgenous FoPlcs, su.h às thrIndiôls aDd Inuìt nì Can.da, tÌìe Aboriginaì peopìes of

^ustraìia, the

Vâôri ol Ncw Zealand, the SaÍÌì of S.andinavia, tlìe lrÌuil ol Greenland,and Indian tnbcs in rbc UnÌted Stites. Ìn dìe lÌast, all (Í thes. .oúrtieshad the same goaÌ and ext)cctation that iÌÌdigeDoús peoples wouìd eventúallydisappeaÌ as distind (un.rurities, as a rcsult oldyìr8out, oÌ inte.ma.riage, or ãssidÌilation. Various policies weÌe àdÒt)te(l to sPeed rp rhhpr(cs, Írcli .s íÌiptinS ìndigenoús pcoplcs of their Ìands, Ìestrntingthe pra.ti.r of their tnditionaì culhues, lár8üages, â.d rcligions, andüldermrn r8 rhe,, In{itur Â, oí \ ìÍ 8ov.n'menl

Hôw€vú, thoe has been à dÌanìaìi. chargc in rhcse policjes, startingin the earìy 1q70s. Today, ãll oI the countÌies we have iuÍ mentnrncdâcccpr, ai least in pÍin.\te, tìrc idcà rhat indiSenous peopÌes wiìl existinto the nrdeli tc luttÍe.s distinct rcieti€s withnì thc lãrge! coúntrtând tlÌal they must have thc land claims, cuìtural .i8hti (often Íìchrdi.8Íeclgnitjor ot custonÌ.ry law), and sêllSovernnrcnt righls needed tosutain thensèlvcs ãs distnìct societies

Wc Íe thìs pattem in âlì of th. Weslc Ì democrcjes Consn]e. thê

constitutiodal àllìnnation ofAboriginal .ighb nì tht 19a2 Cinadiar constitutioD, along sith thc land cliims commissiqì and the sigdnì8 olnewtieati.s, thc revival of tÍeaty Ìights throuSh the Treaty of Waitangi in New

ZeaÌand; the re.osn ion oI land .ights foÍ ^bngúãl

Atsrralians in tÌìeMabo decislonj the creatiod ol thc Sami ?arliament in Scandìnavì4 tlìeevolutìon of 'HorÌc Rule' for the tnuit of Grèenla.d; and the hws andcourt cases uphokiinSsclÍ-d.rúnìirÌatiorì Ìi8hts fo.

^meÌi.d lddiâr trjbcs

(notto ncntion the flood of Ìe8al and .onstitution.l chatrges re.o8nì7ing

indi8endus rights in lntin Amencã). In all of thes. coúntìcs therc is agradúal but Ìeal prccês of dc.olonìation taking pìace, âs nÌdige oús

Deoplcs rcgain their Ìands, @stonìary Iâw, rnd scll government.

aÌÌhouglì lhis is laryeìy b€cause (virtüãlly aÌ.nre amongst su.h sizeableiÌaLionil mnnÍities in tlìe W.Í) th€8roup has nor nr fad molrÌlized alongnâtionalist Ìines to acqlirc su.h.i8hrs.Ir is nor.ler.thatrhe Nerherlandswould reiect such.làinx if dearly suppoded by mosr frisiàns, but we (lonot include the.ountry nÌ ouranãlysis.

Amongst Wèste.n courìtics, IFrhaps ÌlÌ€ only count.y rhat remairsÍ(ÌrgÌy and ideologj.àÌly .)tposed to thc ofiì.ìal Ìecognitio. of sübstarenatÌonai grotlps is Cree.e, whü. the once sizeablc Maccdonian minorìr)Ìhas Dôw been swanped nì its tÍadjrional hoÌn.lãnd.

Wc cân .âll rhis a shiÍt towaÍÍlt a 'mulricúlruràt,approich ro substatenationaì Sroups, altlÌongh this teminology ìs raÌeìy used by thesè8ÌoupsÌhemscÌves, whÒ prefeÌ the lingu$e of nihonhoo4 setf determinarion,fcderalism, and powcr shàrin8 Whal rhen áre rhe specific poticies thaÌare indic.tive ol thir 5hift? Wc contnÌer Ìhe lotÌowirì8 six potjcies ãs

cnrblcÌnàtìc of a multÌcúltÍral ap!Ìoach to súbsrat. narionalgroupsj

11) fèderal o.qusi lìderal territo.iãl autonomyi(2) oíir:iaì linguagc Íàtu\, eúher in rh. rcgnÌr or natiodally;(3) glaraitccs of r€pÌesenta lion ìn the central govcxr.Ìent or oD Con

stitutionaÌ Courts;(4) publjc Íundnrg of mi norjry languagê ünivefuicíschdrs/mediaj(5) constitutional or parliafu.ntary afi.Ìnarion of Jnulrinarionalisnl;(6) à..oding inrenìational peronàlity (€.9. alÌownrg the subsrate

re8'on to sit on inte.rarìonal bodics, oÌ sign rreatics, or have rhenown olyr.pic team).

It is irDpoÌtant to emphasizc thât this c.tegory only refe6 lo ,sizcablê,

natntìal minorities. There are manynr.h snìalìeÌ natio.âl 8tuups wjrhinthe west.rn dcmô.racies wlìo la.k the numbers or rêÍntoÌial conccnha-tion tô be able to excrcise tedtoriaÌ autonômy or to support sepaÌateinrtinrtions such ís mothel tongü€ universities. This would include, fo.€xamplc, theSÌovenians in Aústia, the solbs in ceúnant tlÌe c.mìa.s inDcnüãrÌ! the lorncdal-Iinnr in Swedcn, ànd 50 on. We hrvc, somewhatarbitÌa.ilt sct the diúding linc bêtween .small ard ,rizeable, nario.àloÌirÌoities at 100,000 pcôpìe, altÌÌough àlt or rhe snÌalter gÍoups jusrhêntioned are in fà.t unde.50,000 FofÌe the lreaÚÌent oI suctì smaltnational mino.ities raises a diffcÍenr set ol issrcs, ând descrves a scparatecarcSort which we havc n(Íheen ablc to coveÍ in rhis chaptèr.

Once again we gavc.à.1ì counrry a sco.e of L0,0.5, or O for cach of rbeMCIÌ, ând the total Í!Íes for cach counrryc.n bc tôú.d in Apperdix 2.1.lf a coúntry s.Òred 4.0 or more out of a possible 6.0, we havc carcgoized


Page 32: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

santinq, lohnston, Kymli.ka, ând sôroka

llere again, wc will .aìì thú a shiÍr lowards â moÍe ']multicultúFtapproâ.h, àlthough thú te.m is not tt?i.âlly used by indisenoús p.oplcsllremsclvcs, who pÍefer the lernÌinology of sell dere.minarion, trcatyd8hts, and aboriginillty or i.digêú€ity. What are thespc.ii. policiq rhatare indic.tjve ol thc shift to a more multiculluraÌ apprôâch? We consìdotlÌe following rirìe poÌicies as enÌblematic ofrbe nês approich:

(1) rccô8.iti(ìn or Ìànd riglìls/r lc;

{2) recogDition oi s.ll-gôvern ment Ìights;(3) upholding hislolic {icatiès and/or siSning new hcaries;(!t) recognitìon ol cülhraÌ Ìights (Ìanglage; hrnting/nshÍÌg);(s) rc.ôgnitntn of atstomary law;(6) Suarantees oI rcprcsentâtion/consultalion ìrÌ the .entral govern

(7) constitutional or legislativc afhÍDation of the disthct statuj otindigenous pcoplesj

(lt) Í'pport/ratiÊ.ation foÌ internarjoDal ìrsttunÌents on nìdigenous

(9) afirmative action.

The total scoF lor eã.h clu.try is agairÌ to bc found in Appendix 2.1.We have.àtegÒÍized countries as 'stro.g' if they scored ar ìcast ti_oourofa pÒssible 9.0j 'modestr if they scoÌed betweer 3.0 ànd 5.5, and 'weak, ilthey scored 2-5 or und€Í On this basú, wc havccateSoÍìzed rlìose Wcíerncoot.ies .ontaini.g indiScrÕús pe.ples a5:

srRoNc: Cana.la, DennÌirk, NcwZeàìãnd, USArivoDrsl: AuÍraliâ, Fnnãrd, Nomayw8^t Jàpan, sweden

Givcn the linìited lesources at our dispoiaì, thjs cÌassilìcatiôn must obvioúsly bè conside.ed pÌelimnìary abnS s€veral dìnÌcisiôns. Our tist ol

'Ì TÌrer L smc.rTúre a,nonSf ecí'ú ís âp0Íüdì ro trìdiSenoú pr ír dcpendeir kìio.!írús rc..Âri4d tìy the us süprcnc ardd nì úÌe núetentà .eniúry lìar ptuviderì tuìen.an

Llìat üóÍ indisenoú llcrpl6 atuú

bcc. no dÍMìlti. Fnffnmrion otus^ton chrhc-rieâryoíwaÌ ui r.oDcilârion tÍo.65

cnúcnchnìent ot nìdilcnor dghr in (ì.ida. we haradqd(. to lerve the UsA in ìhc \roDe- ore!Òrv in prr r, ryoid ân

3ìy Ìclüte the rsumc.r advâ..êd


MCI'S is irÌcrìtably partialj one could quickll think ol other possjbÌcpoli.ics tó nÌ.lude, ìf one wanted to expand th. list. Othe$ mi8ht wanrto adopt a r€ Ìestrnlive tút, ipplying uÌr tcrm MCPS onìy to poli.icsthat 1(o8njze'aDd'a.commodat.'niinorities in a veryspecinc way (e.6

through lcgal cÌenìptions to .dmmon laws). We discuss so.r. of theseissúcs i. Áppendix 2.1, which consìde6 aÌrernativc {dys of detìningMCìi1ì2 rlowever, we beÌievc that ôur lnt is a faiÍ ÍepreseDlation of thesoÌts oi poiici.s lhàt hare bcen adotted or delrited by va.ious dmntÌies,defcndêd by advoGtes of multÌc!lturalisnì, à.d àttà.I(ed by their clrjcs.While there is undoutltedry Íoon foÌ rclìncrncÍl, wc beìieve that ourdalsilìcation scheme and ranknÌg r.prcscnt a Íeasonabìe sra(nìg ponÍ

There aÍe of course otheÌ kìnds oI cthÍô-.ültural Brcups, otlen ti.d tÒ

the unique cir.úmíanccs of parti.ulãÍ .ountries. Án importâ.t .ase isúàt ofthe Afri.an-^me.i.an5. lndeed, some ol rhc.ritics who a€oe tharMCPr haÌm the welfaF statc arc piiúãrily .oncemed with this prrticulrcas€. Aìthough llÌey íatc th.Ì critique in a very SeDeral loún tlìàr.ondcrìns MCPS d.rcsr the Doard, thei. real.onccíÌ is with this one groupin paúialaL Ou. focus here, howcrcr, is to têst the cÍitique ì! its gc.èralfodn. Ánd sowc hàve foosed on three types of Sroups that xre sufhcieDtì_vcónmon a.ro$ a Ìin8e of weslcdr.ornhies that s€ Gn make co$-nation!l compirisons

2. MCP5 and th€ welfare state: A first look

rÌaving cate8oÍi7ed WesteÌn denÌocracics ]n tcúns of the rrrengih ofMCIÌ, thc ncxl stcp is to caaDiôe the implìcations for the evolútio. ofttÌc weÌlaÉ rtatê. Do countrjes with stronSer McPs shôw si3ns of a weakened weìfaÌe ttate? ls theÌe anyevidcncc lor a 'r..ogDitiôn/redistribütion'

I. DrkinB thit aúestm€ni, we lool at üÌe relàtiônslÌip between rhe5tÌen8rh oI MCÌs ind two typ6 of measuÍeri chan8es iD the srrengtlÌot thc wclfàre sÌate; and changes iD socìal oulcomes. Ior evidence ofchanges irÌ the írenglh of lhe wcllare stâte, wê rely [).ìoaÌiÌy on rwotypes oI nrdicato6: social spendúÌ8 as a propodion of GDP; aúd the

" nn'n BaIr, IoÌ cxmplc, sn.tinvolvc sÍanlns 'ninodrt

gÍoups â h3ìì eìènìltion r.on .onnon law$ and/ü thâr ,nvoNesnnúng 8Ío!ps kplraE ard pna

Do rllti€ültur.lism poli.is erode thê welÍare ltate?An empúi.al ãnâtysis

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santing lohntÌon, kymlidâ, ônd soroka

redistibútive impa.t of government taxcs ând transfeÌs These indicatôts captuÌe two dimensiorÌs oÍ the stÌèn8th of rhe wellaF íalc. sociâlspending as a pÍoportion ol GDt neàsuÌes the proport'on ol thc nationtresources directcd bySovêmnìenriosocial purposes. Od its own, howeveÌ,this indìcator says little about rhe cxient oL rcdjstriìrutnrn tìrai emergeslionr thèse exlendiluÌes. Wc thcr.fôÌe ãlso pretent two nÌeasur.s of thêrdisrÌjbutive Ìnìpact of gove.nDeni we comparc thc lôvel of poveÌrybeforc and after govemoent laxcs ã!d transfers âre taken inro a.coúnr;ândsêcompare the level of hequality in ma.ketin.omcs ând nÌcqüãlityin dúposable inconÌcs (âftcr taìet ãnd transfers are takcn iÌúo àc.ount).'lìese are probably the heasures thal go mosr directly to the h€art oftheqüestioús riisedby the ciitics of MCls.

Unfortunatelt howcrer, dàta on ÌedistÌibution arc only âvaiìable fortweÌve ol our coúrtries. We th€refore aÌso providc two Ìbeasures oI s@ialoúr.Òrnes, for whjch data are available f{rr a largeÌ ser oi coúDtrics: thelevel of.hild poverly; add thè lèv€l ofincome in.q!alitt These measuÌesare noi dÌrect nÌeasurcs ofthestÍen8th ofsocial proSranÌn es, 5i n ce trendsin child Poverq' ând income !Ìcqúàlity ãre àlso influenced powcúìllyby otìrer fa.tors, irÌclúdhg economic cycles and únenìtlôyment levels,changc in farÌily foÌmation, and so on. Howevèr, the two measúrcs addúsetul suppÌemeDhry nìIornìatiôn. The ìevel of child po!.rty measurestbe extent to which o.èwlneÌabìe section ol thc coúÍhünity is proteded;and the levêl ôfinequaljty mcasúrcs the overall dútÌibution olwdÌ-being

ln sum, w. hàve lrve distinct mcasÍres of changes in rlìe w.lffue

. sdial spendürg as a pÌoportion ofGDP;

. the effect of redisfuibutio. in Íeducing poverly;

. the elfc.t of redistdbütìon in rcd(cnìg inequality;

. thc level of.hiki poverlyj

. the Ìevel of in€quality.

The lirst thÌee dì.edly mcasúre sociaì pol'cf the Ìattcr rwo rìeasuresociatoutcomes that arc núuenced by sNial poliry AplÉndix 2.2 providcsdeLails on tlle wayi in wbich thcse mêãsuÍe5 are clcularc.l, as welì adcscriptiôns of the datã sers on whi.h w€ dÌaw.Ìr

13 lküúse oí ra.k ol dita on rcy vaúbr6, cÈ@, Jlp Ì, N.y zL'àrand, rÌríqiÌ, ,marFjs srè^ppc ú2.2 6'Ì dcbiìr

Do multi.ultúrâlism pôl iciee €Íod€ th e welíarê {âtc? A. empni.al anâlysis

It is nrlortant to enrphasìzc lhâr oúr lôcus h ôn.,rdr{c in ncasurês ofth€ weìfaÌe state liom lhc early 19a0s to 2000, nor on the Ìaci of socialspendingand redistrìb!tion nÌ diffeÌent.ounrries. When (itnrs aÌgue rhaltlÌere is a coirclìtnrÌ between MCls and a wcalened welfare srilc, thcyarc not ar8uúìE that onÌy we.kwcllarc statcs àdopt MCts. Thrii.lâim itilìat €ve! if counlries wirh strong w€Ìfare states adopt MCPS, thel willhavc morc difiituÌty süstàìning the shength of theü weìfaÌe íalcs ovcrtimè than counrÌies with only rcak MC?s So their argum..t ìs not uratcountries with strongNÍC?s wilÌ necesslrily havr lower ãbsohÌr€ ìevels ofspendingand rcdistÍibutioÍì than .lurtries wirh wcalMCP\ ììarÌrci, thcirclairì is thàt.ountÌies adoptjDg stÌong MCFS are ìikelyro havc witiêssedÍeìative decÌine irÌ lcvcls of sl)ending and redistiiburion às ()mpared rocoontics with weàkMCPS lìeir cla inÌ is nor alìo t diffeÍences in absolutel.vels, but úout chanSes in levrh ovcr tnne. Hene our lesr, roo, fo.xseson the size and dircction of chãn8e5 in .edistribúrior in the 1980s and

To illustÍate thi5 point, we do not ask why Australia, Canada, and thellnited Statcs faÌlcd lo dcvelop Lurotean style weÌlarc stâtes duÍing rleposlwàr yeaÁ. Rathe., we are inrercstcd nÌ chanSes in ìevcls of so.iãlrêdìstnbuion in thcse .ountrics since their adoplion ol stÌonger MCì,sin Ncnt dc.ades in compariron w'th changcs in sociaì redhtribotion incoúntrìes that dìd Dot.lfs(lal rcdútribútiôn faded in rìr.h .ôrintrn\ Ípì-ative toolho.oúnhics, thcn the õihcí case gains considcrable suppon.BÍt if theÉ is no systematic relalionship b.tweer the adoption of MCPSand changes in re.listributiôn, the critìcs'câse is considerãbly weàkêned

At rhis súge, we àre simpÌy compaÌing dìc shenSth of MCÌrs and theevohtion of the welfare state ovÚ a twenty-year peÍiod. No ellort is ürâdeto control for other tâctors inflúen.ìng rciaÌ speDdlng, inclúdüìg the possibility tbat ethnic diversity on its own nÌây.onst.àin the redistibútjve(tc of the state. w€ adüess lhosc issres nr th€ next section.

The Ìesults oI oúr exanìnÌàtion of measures ofcharyc ìn súial sFndingand redistribütìon are clea.: there is ro consistent Íelationship betwccnthe adoption of MCIS and the erôsiÒn of the welf.re state. Tabl.s 2.1,2.2,and 2.3 pr.se t our MCP groupings and our rìcãsures Òf chan8e jÌr theweìfale state, as well as the baclgroünd in formation on seial ortcornes.llwe disdss thc rcsults for êâ.h type of minority groúp s.pâràtely.

ÌlThedttJìlddalionìmI!Eorr fomd iÌ Âppcndix 2 2. Thc dih pqoned heft Ìü!. h(n updaicd b thc rdÍ 21l(xJ, dldüclúom dúer nâl3inârry Íom d Í úis âÍarysis (Brnihsmd (ynri.r! 2003, ?0o4d).


Page 34: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

' ii'r iii:iiï1ii ã iÍ!t+;í;iz;i:=:2;;:ii::Í i;::: ri;È;iã1i: ì ilË:ii1::irï1ir;-li:i:ì ì

;;:, t=iiÈiií- - ;iia'liÍ: i'ti;ã:: : 1tt';

lr:, riiiiiÉ:ií

;rr;ïiirl,iiiri,;:illl-1, :;l:;l;r: triia;i.ii+,'liill;,i,:i , i;i:ir::' i,;,;,=:iËii iii

;r: íji;liii; Íii:ji.iííti ri=;iiii:

Tábl€ 2.1 MCPs ând nn grâft minoriti€5: chânge Ìn $cial spending, redist buton, ând sô.iâ ôut.ômês, r930 2000 or near

chlld pôvefry neqúârity

corntry ^vêiâ,oâ

counby Âv*âgê







r 0 r05

Page 35: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

Bântinq, lohnston, Kyfr lida, and Sorokà




5àËs! e-d

r à:












Do multìolturàlìsm policie5 erodethewelrarê stat€? An empiri.al analvsis

]ìble 2.3 cÕmpletes thc cvidence by providinS dìcasur€s for thè.asc olnìdiSenous p.oplcs. l'acausc â smalìer dúnÌLr€r of.ou kies have indiSe-

nous poples, the pattelns are particula.ll wÌnera trìe kr theexperìencofindtvi.luãl counfies. I!Ì p.dicuìar, oncc agaìn ônly one counÌry (Swcden)

has bcc! clatlihcd as weak'Mcl although i. contra{ r' rr:n'P in rhe '3\ê

of natnDal mjnorìtics, ttÌe dâtã ô. Sweden docs cover th€ entúc period

hom :1980 to 2000. For wha( ìt is wonh, lh€ rt()ng McI'countÍies lcad

on redistribtrtion ind.hild povelty; thc modest'McP count es Ptrlonnbest od sociaì spendingand oÍ.Íall inequality;.nd rhe weak MCll'countryperfolms Ìcast welì on cvcrymeãsurc

Ìi short, wt sce no consiícnt Ìelatìoníìip betwetlì adopting MCls

and chàngcs in Írciai sp€Ddin8, rcdìstributior, or so.ial outconìcs. 14e

.in oÌake the same Pint Inore sjmpÌy The ìârt two dccades have bc.n

tuÍbulènr tÌme! fôr rhewelfaÌèstate ir all Wcstern countrics On avelage,

for examplc, acrdss thc west€n world:

. social spending increased by 16.8 P€r c.nt;

. tÌre re.tisrributive Íedúction of pôteÌty increiscd by I 6 I)êr.cdt;

. thc redistÌiDurive redü.tion in ilequalitf increased by 2 5 peÌ (ent;

. child poreÌty nrcÍcased by 2 per ce.t;

. inequaììÌy Srcw by 9.2 Pft cent.

Thcse nunücrs repretert the Dom for bow w.s(em weìfarc slates

respon.lcd to thê .hallenges of lãst lventy ycars of the twcntieth centüry

If rlÌe cÌitics we.e (trê.t, we wouÌd exPect rcurhies with irong MCI'S

b llave fared worse thaD aloage. Fócúsing on the.rse of inrrÌigrànt

mtuoritics, however, the Ìe\uÌt is cxactly thc opposite for ioúr ot ouÍ hve

ÍÌeasures. Coúrlt.ies with íron8 MCPS have done bcuer ihan av.rã8e on

châúges in social sp€nding, rcduction Úr poverry .edúclion io inequalittand overâll child FvcrtY.

,rlün i rhh ô íelÍoaqmra' oo 4io1d,,;-"dd -n"Li,.rnÍ 1'anvq riBdâLâftdb.rh McPsâ Ívoítbequsúo$ue

r.! c;nD[ F o; h!h, u!. r o 1' {34"d ' '

\_iohnd"bJ; J!

'rrw -qLor r 4 ., ..

'q'b-'; ,iPr, r"r! -r\ 'nv' Bd

: -", " ú..1i;,'h'p,. , r"rrhu o 'úhc 's oe Í4'ì







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Bântinq, lohnrton, Xymlida, and sorola




















5àiEf c-.


Do múltieltoralirm Poli<ler dod€ úe wdÍde tt tc? Àn emPlri@l analFb

Notrowing the somple

So fâÌ, w. havc b€ën lookürg a.ross the hroad sweeP ol the WcstcÍn

dcm<rÍãcies. h taÍns, ho*de.. il rust bc eid thài mcì of thc criüsa.e fdusrd oí a narrówcÌ set oÍ côúnltÌes, and it is pos\ibl€ that if wc

red(.c úc súple. a Fttern úìay €mff8c that i5 obm'Í€d {hcn the túll

scr of western dcúo$a.ics is ìn(kdcdFoÍ sooÌc dtics, llìc fdus is quite narow-nanrely tlÉ'an8lo'lüo-

Íi€s. Ir ìÌiaD lìaÍy\ h@k, tor cxample, vi ually alì (,f his cxàúplcs of

MCPS (and virtully ãll ol the mulR:ultural th$Íi'ts hc (iticizcrì aÉ

.irawn fronì thc OK, UsA, canada, an<l A(straÌia lÍe aigu€' that MCI'S

havc had delere.io(s tffe(tt at least in thde fo(í oúntries Narrosiog

oúr samplc to these folrcountÌies shouÌd, Ìherclbre, Providc anolhert€\tof his thcoíl

^tÌhough BaÍry {jocs íot Providc a s}slcmàti( nnkinS of

countrier iÌì terms ol OÌeit levcl of MCPS, hc doer say that Carada has

'gooe fâÍther down the Path'ofVCPS thãn the U$it€d Kingdom and th€

United Siltcs (Lhrrt 2OOlr 29'1), and imPÌles tlìat Autlralia i5 closcr to

Ca.ada üÌ thií re8a.d (t.8. Barry 2001: 169) !r his argtun€nt is corect,

w. slìould expcct canada ând ^ustralb

to ha\c larcd wo6c on wellìre

\Í,iê mcasures thân Ìhc US^ and the IJK h lãcl the rcstrlts are Ìust the

opposite. ^s'Ìbblt

2.4 indi(otcs, if we complre thc p.Ílitrnranc. of th€ttfoür counlÌics orr Ír(ial sPcndinBand rcdistrib!rlor, which rcuccts Barry's

main .oú(eÌn, the strÒr8-MCP pâú has supcÌior PeíoÌDan(e to that of

the orcre modcsL pâir, espccially in lhe ovcÌall redhhibuÌivc itìpdct on

inÈqualily. whkh stÌ€n8thened in Cãnadaand AústÍaliâ ând wenkcn.d in

tìe U.ited ì(in8dom aDd tlìe Unitêd Statcs

Ir shoÍl. thc more we r)aÍrod oú Í(hr to lh( oÚntric that arc of

rÍìst corccnì to the clilics, the nÌorc pÍrblenÌs thcir alSument faccs The

ttatittical evidencc lìom act6 a larye enrPle oÍ Wcttcrn dcúdÌacies

Táhlê 2,4 MCPS &d idoigíaít miú.iti6 id Ârìslo&DeÍidn @Úntri6:changè in rc.lar rcdi5tribluon, 1 980 2000

McPÍmkha smdsendiiq RcdistÌburion!ftry Rêdu.t on in i'êquariv






5Ê C ;


: ì?








ii 3



Page 37: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

Bôntinq,,ohnrton, Xymli(kÀ and so.okã oo mullnuhu.alirm poll(ì$ crode thé wêlíd'c )tdtê?An cmpiri.ál ánalyír

pÍovid€s nosúpJxÍt torthe.rilic, t ut il úc nffrow our flns k, rhc An8locorntnes, the ëvidence â.íraUy contÍadids thech.tie.

'Ihc cunìulâtive weight of tlìê evidcDce is clcal wlìil. indicâto6 forspëcin. Surps occarionally mov. in the dìre(ion lredicred by criti.sof MCIis, thcrc !!e at least as ÌìanI indn:lto6 rnovinS in preciscly theoptrxile di.€daon- Mor@vcr, the mdt omprchensivc indialoÍ ot thcsociâl role ofth€ rtatc, changc in redistribution, favo{rs the srÍoot,McP8rcup. StroD 8-MCP .ounfies oülpeíoÌnÌ nìôdesr MCP(ounrries in rcdìs-trib tion in allthÌee mnìority group.ontexts. Stio S-MCI countrias alsopêíoÌm b€tter lhan weaÌ-MCP courfies on both mcaxuÍg oÍ r{tislribútion in the ca* of inÌmigEnls ând inditenous pcople', a.d on onê ofthc melsurcs in lhc cãse olnatio.al rÌinorilies. &Ì fnc tlìe botrorn Iine istlÊt the.c is nô evnjcnce of a.onsistent Í)altcr. ofrhc a.loptior of MClsleâdin8 to the cr$lbn oftlrc wel{âre srarc,

3. Diversity, multiculturalism policies, and the w€lfare state:A ÍÌultivariate analysis

Wê t clicve rha( the data &rcÍibed jn thc pÍcvious scdion proúde íÍon8evidcDce igãnìsi thc ditics olrMCÌs. However, th€ ÍeÍllts would be morcconclusive if thc anaìlsis wa! ext nd€d to lncorporate ! widcÍ ralìgc offadort thal in0uence wial sF,cnding. np bÌ8e liter.tuÌc on thc weÌfarcslâte has idenrincd â numbcr of pow€.tuldÍive6 oí s(rial spcndÌÌg inadvanccd democrlcies Gcc for cÌâmple Hi(ks 1999, HubÚ ãnd sictlìens20Ol,swank 2002, castles 2m4). roreÌámplc, we rnoÍÌ thatso.ial sp€nd-itì6 tends to incÍcâs. ãlonSride both the proponion oÍ the lDp'rìation over65 yeats of age and thc proportión of wom€n in the worKorc_ Ir thisscction, we buiìd on.xirtirÌg rnodeÌs of toclal sPending that ir.lude suchradors, to ree what impa.t (!f ary) Mc?s have on.e thes other fì(Ìou

TheÍe âre at lcart two impo.tant r@sons for entaSing in this oxrrecomplicated rnultivariatc analysh. Èirsl, it is thorcìically possiblc thalonce th€ impa.t oÍthcs.ótheí lã.to6 is beld conÍanl a ncgativr relation,slÌip wììl enÌerye belwêen MCPS and kjrl spc.din8. W. know rrcnÌ theprsio{s ktion lhat stong-McP .ounlrics laE not lEd nbftdiÍÍorttyÍuÍaioing sial programm€s compa(\l k, ihe OICD avcra8e. Howevü,


pcítEl,s thâr ir b@6e slÍon8'MCP (oínt.i6 happcn to hàve hiEhecthan-aveÌagc ou!Ìb€r of eldtrly or hiShcrìhan-âverage peÌcentag.s ofwomen nÌ th( Iabour mark(Í, If $, thcD one would have €xpcckri theseÍôctors to have pu3hed nialsFndins wellaboec th(OHIDàv€ràge; lhãtis, th@ oth€í ÍactoÍt ftáy mast a ne8âlivc iúpa.t ot sttuÍ!9 MCPS- We.!n only nrlc out such a possibility il wc conr.ol Io! there orlìc! factorslhâ! nrfluence social spending-

There ú a sccond, morc spl.iâ., .eason rÒr enSagnÌg in n lltivaÌiaieanalysis. Chapte. I Íefc6 lo the reccnt literaÌú.c cEmini'Ì6 lh. Iinlbetwecn thè sile of ethDo-râcial mino.itiet ãnd thc {clfare íalc.

^c.oÌdirÌg to a numbcr ofschôlars, weÌIarc Íàtes arc casier to build ud nìaiitainil rcuntui.s that are ethnlcâllyrâcially l)oN)geDeous, butbeco'nc haÌderto build oÍ to Ístaiú d ethnic/Écial mino.iúcs increa* nr ii7€. ThiscÍct has bcc ürcasu'rd in s.verãÌ (on(cxts lEed solcly on dÌc sizc ofdre minôritiëí, without altcnhon lo whether govclnmeDt policies seck

to Nâna8€ this divc6ity througl the adoptìon of Mcrrs- If it is trkÍìât the.e is â lcflsion ÌFtwecn cthnlTracial divèBity .!rd redirtÍibotion,this has imF)rtint @ns(quenc fo. our tst lor as we will scc lxlow,corurtner with strông MCÌ,r also tc.d to be coÍntries witlì hiSher-lha.-aveBge levcls of ethric ind !ã.ìal divcÍslty. Not srrplisin8Ì, countrieswhcr. minoriÌics arc dcmo8.aphi€lly stronSeÌ arc mo!€ likcly ti, ádoptMCP [Dlici6 that Í&)gnize and â(om modàte them.

Ttìis meaDs that many oÍ tlÌc strong-McP countnes woúldhe prcdidedto fa.. rpedrl dillìúlties ìn supporrìng the wcllìrc state, givoì tÌreiralrove ãveragc lcv.ls of ethnic and .a.ial divüsitL Yet, as w€ hlve s@ni

írron8-McP .rNnt.i6 havc not faRd bel{rw ãRÍa8c, at l@sl in temsof tlìãng6 in sociat spênding ovÚ thè twênty-Fãr PeÌiod in questior.'lhis suggcÍs the i!fuiguing posribilit, that MCI'S mây in facl hâvè a

positive impâct on sftial spending, in the seffc that they lìelp trritì8atetlp negative impa.t tÌ'at elhnic dd Ìi(iôl divsity ar súch is pÌedict.dto hâE Perhâpr stotrg MCP stater will hÌm out to have hiShcí-thãncxFcted levels oí sociâl spendi!& 8ivèn rheir lcvels of elhni. aDd racial

Itì ÒÍdeÍ to cvaluâtc thésÉ hyporhesës, we ned a model that bothin<lrpoFt6 otheÍ pnncipaldriveB of social sFndins aod allo$ for lhcefÍcd of diversity to be nìcdiâted (aü8,ÌcDtc{ or dinì in irlìcd) by dì c scop€01 McPs. we develop thh rnodel bclow. FiÍst, liowcvcÌ, we explorc th€.clatìonship betwcc. ttr€ rize oI minoÍities and th. levelol MCPS, as aninitiôl srep rorards di*ntan8litls the effe(ls of ihe lelel ol ctlüric div.6ityoIì ooc hând rnd the adoptn)n of MCPS on the ollìc!,


Page 38: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

Bantinq, lohnston, Kymli.ta, and soroka Do multi.ulturalism poli.ìes erodethewelfarê rtate? an empiriúl analvsis

of thc popuìatiôn for the indicated minoliry bv countrt eì.ept for tlìe

second pine! lor nDtrigrant !ììnolities, which captÌúcs the extent ol

chanSe in the imnìiSrant sharc olthe Populalio. bê1we'n lqRo:n'l 2ooo

rwc dLaw ôn thìs Parti.úlar Panol nì the !€xt scc(ion )'Ihc veÍtìcaì axis

of ãll oi the pânch Ìeprcscnts th€ coÍnlly't Mct scor€ for thc relevant

minority. ln each .lomanì thc Ìegre$ion tine linking Policy out onÌc to

popúiation 5tÌarc h also Plofied r?

As th. first paDcl conlìÍns, LÌìe coÍÌnitúent kJ innnjgrant NICPJ is Pow

üluìly rêlât.d to ìhe immigrànt sha.e of Ìhc totaÌ PoPuÌation. Auttralia

and Canàdx have thc stronSest immiSrânt MCPS, and both aÌso havè

ÌaÍ8ê pcrcentages of foieign bom Sevúal otheÍ côuntÌies .lusto at the

iow €Dd Òn both dnneDsioDs it is the middlc ol the range that ìs tioslrntcicstin8. H.reone 6nds theUniìcd Ki.Sdom and lheNeihcrlands $itlrÌelativcly strrlS MaìPs relative to thc proPoÌútìàtc size of thcn lorei8n

born populations, às well as Gednanyand liancewith thc l€a5t supportivc

VCP5 íelativc to rhe size oi th€n forci8n bo.n coÌn m unities Th€ PâtteÌÌì is

highly suggertiveof thè und€rÌyiÌì8 poLiticaì dvnamics Th. Polilicaìbas€roÌ ì!JCP5 ìs stÌong in countrìes with lârgc jmmiSÌâdt poPuìations; and

Ìhe issue simply rloes not break throú8h in countlies with s.ìall numbers

of foreiSn boÍn. lt is in ÒuntÍìes ú rhc middìe wììere the poÌitìcs of

múLticuÌturalism are nìost uncerlain and thc policy outcoues mo\t vâried'

Ìhe relaÌionshìP bets.cr national minorities ard MCPS ìs ìllustrated

in thê third and fourth P:trìtls. lhe thúd Panel shows th€ normat' lin

eàr relationship betwccn the t{o variablès, and sullS.sts a cl€ar lüìk

Howevct the slope h€Íê is driven üÌ large Pàrt by ! ttrikinS outÌieÍ,

Belgium, which ittüìSlybat the hiSh€st úulucult!Ìal s.ÔÍe ltaìÍr has by

quite a maÌ8nÌ the laÌ8cst nano.âl minority, sin.e our characteriTatiÒr

oi national minority Politics requiÍes labeÌling thc Fl€nrisb majoriry as

rlìc leading ÌnìDo.ity.l3 A bettèr sense of thc relatioúhìp can be had

v' r \.n; 'o" "

''-*.,---t^-^;.",.,;,..^.d-,'"..1'..'.''|''."'1.," , ", t-t,tL'." - q\'rrop'rr" p' " 'n'lr

., ",i."-'. . r-*-.;" fl.. th" "-,*,i-nÌ "iar



,ii1 -'- _ -.lcjf "

ìri8Ìr 2. r MìnoÍity popdaintÌ and .rjoodtt Fli.t

Minotity demoqraphy ond MCPS

Vulti.ullúraì politi.s do not exist irÌ a vaúum Nol rurprisjnSlt thèrc is

r 5Íon8 Ìclarionshìp bciweeD thê size ot tÌte vaiious Innìoritìes and th.nrcrSth ofMCPS in retPonse to then.od.erns, as li8ú.e 2.1 shows lherì8üre containi sìx PaneÌs, two for each of thr thÍee tyPcs of minÒritics

Ìhe horìzodtal axis in each paneÌ displiys the ãverage 1980 2000 sha'e

Page 39: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

Bantinq, lohnston, Kymlickô, and sorota

by úsÌng the natuÍal log of the national miúority loPúlâtion, which

scrves (o stÌetch out the low end of tÌút axú Nhilc at the sime húècomprcssinS the high enrt. R.sults a.e showtr in thc lourth Pincl ìlere,

(tìe relatiônship bêtween FrPL arion õnd MCP5 edeÍ8es mu'h more

clcarlÍ Ca^a.la and Ìel8ium have large national minoritics and ttongMCPS- Japa. a d rrance hàvc essentìally no MCPS 1br their rcsPechv'

n.tìonal nìinorities, wlÌìch are virll. Italy and the USA iÌave relatively

slrpporrive poli.ìes Siven tlÌc sÌze of tÌìeir nÌinontics wheÌeas the United

Kin8doú (for thc prc dev(ìlution ela) Iies beìow thc lioe, ãÌthough not

The story is simjlar for indiSenour mnÌoÌities, in the 6fth and sixth pan

eh. Oncc agaü!, tlÌe noÍmàI, linear lelationshiP suSScsts a lnìk betweên

tÌÌe si7-e of the minoriry PoPuìation and the ÍrenSttì oI related McPs

But again, the sloPe is .lriven by an Òúllier, üÌ this case N.w Zealand,

which is ti.d with tlÌc US^ as havnÌ8 the second stroDgcst MCìJt Howeve.,

the MãÒri share of tlÌe New zealand total is so much La.8er than lhe

indigenousshare for any otiÌer countiy (iouÌ times as large às the sharein

secord place caüda, foÌ nEtance) that cven were New zealand Ìo have

the worl.t5 higbest údiSenous nulti.(ltuÌàl policy scÔre' tlÌe reÌation

slìip i! rhÍ Iìgurc woul.l still appeaÌ dêccPtively wcâL lhe ÌelationshiP

therefor. cmergei múch more .lcady when we uÉ thc natuÍaì lÔg of

the indigenôus PoPuìation, wlÌich aPptà6 jD thc ,ìnal Pãnel: malginàl

ür.reases in indigenous p{pulation at thc low end of tbe s.alc are asto_

ciate.t with rcÌativcly Ìarye increascs Ìn MCPS; at the hiSh end of rhe

sole, the efícct of mãrginal ircreões is consì derabLy lowe. Th.lactthat â

log tÍa.sformatìon proúdes ã beitel fit raises Ìntelestnì8 questuÌB about

the naturc of the relationshiP. ìrèrhâps after a .ertain point, MCIPS âre

lelâtivrly well .tclcloPe.l, and furtlrer ilcrcases i! the indìgenous poPula

tion wiìl have Ìittle effcct. AÌtemativelt as Donna l€e Vat Cott suggests

iD her dircúsion of exPcrien.e in lãtin Americâ (this voìüúe), it mây

be êasicr to gain âccPtancê fôr irÌdiSenous riShts whcn the 8rÔúps are

Ii íÌort, foÍ àLl three t)?$ of MCÌs, ther is a tend.dcy for the lcvel of

MCPS ìú àry given .oúotry to be coÍclated witiÌ the size of its nÌinÒiity

That eid, thcrc are enoúgh excePtntN and outiiers that we can tryto eÌamnre th€ iddc!Éndent .tìcts of both on so.iàl sPeDding in our

muìtivariare anaìysis. As we wilì sec, resuÌb .onirm lindnì8s in Previoúss(tionÉna!Ìely, therc is no syitemàtic tendency foÍ MCls to eÍüe

Do muÍticulturalkm polid€sêrodêthe w€tÍôre starê? An €mplri<at anãtFis

Minoities, MCP\, ond the deterninãnts of sociot spending

We nôw model tha etfe( of dìinorit), popuìatjo.s an<l MCp5 on sociatwclfare spendnìg'Io do so, we lsc r model oI th€ deter.ìinarrs of socìalspe.diDg ú O!:CD countries wlrich h.s b€en adapte.l from standãr.lmodcls deveìoped nì the lfter"tuÍe on rÌìc wèlfare state, and which is Íror€lúlly describcd nì SoroÌa, Ìa.tirÌg, rrdJdrnÍôn (2006). ouÌ dqrendentvanable is 8rowlh nì v4iat s|Ènding ovd the perbd t98o_2000.r, Ásnorcd above, soLiaì 5pendingSÌewin a1t oi rlÌe cou.tÍjesìrì ouÌ sample, sothc issue is thÈ rclarive ratc ofg.owth. Our indcp.ndeDr vãriabÌes üìcludcthe follownrS iet of co.tÌols:

. The levcl of social spcnding iD 19a0, as a pôrcenrage of cDp Thisappcars astbe nrsr fãctoraccoúntin81o.1980 2ooo chanSe, a, múchspendhggro*th maybc'.atch up by injtially lÒw sperÌdinsstãtes ttrN. rln ri".1ri r.nr .hôLrd o.,r!d rvc. tor rnrr I,t, r/t. ot .n..di.r8

should lead to highe. SÌowlh_r The srr.rSth of tlì. poìiticaÌ lcft ìn SovernÌìenr, as rìeasur..l by the

púcentaSe ol the paÌliamcrÌtary sears of the govèrning coaÌitjon thãta.e held by left parries. This rcfl.dr rhe tÌÌding ln the weìIare Íarelitoâture tbar the ttrength of the lcft i, a kcy fãctor in speDdirÌgSrowth (ÏtrbeÌ and Stephens 2001; Swank2OO2).

. IlÌe percentagè of females in the laboür forcc. ^c.ording

to Hobc.and Stephcns (2Cì0r), rhjs a maÌor driveÌ of child-€re costs.

. The p€rcentage of the poputarjoD oveÌ 64, the most powertuÌ sirìBledriveÍ of Írial sperding Srowth.

Thcse vaÌiables rre two geneÍal purposes. To lhe extent thãt they covarywith the size ofmirÌr.ities or thc Írength ofMCls, contrôlìing tor them isnccessary to addÍess thepossibiìjry thãt the tìndirÌgs olourirìitial rest àrespúioüs/ that i5i to rcacaÌ wh€ttìer or not MCps have a negative nblDcrthat wÀs obscúicd by our earlicÍ test. Ar Lhè 5ame tnne, any fâctor tharconhibutes lo the overall crpluatjoo of sp€ndlng growth shouÌd nÌa_kethe impact êttimated lor MCl]s moie lÌecÌse.

For eàch typc of minority group, the scquen(e ot oúr.egression modchis êssentially the sanÌe. Wê staar w h the conrrol vanablcs ãbove, alonSwilh the popuìalion per.enr.gc for the 8roúp in qucstnrn inxni8Ìant

1'ÀsiÌrhcanalylisinKtiÕn2,beoEcDs{ÌìaÌf4EdjtuE daralÌ'$, whrh n d soii,r sp.ndú8 n ncãmd ói peNnqÌe ol cDq md úÌu6 rt

Page 40: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare


.Banting, lohnston, Kymìicka, and sorolG

nìinoÍitics, nahonaÌ minôiities, oÍ indigenous miloritics We then add

theMC?s.oreasalDaiD effêct This indicat€s ifthe sÍeÔSthofpolicy his

ad effect, positive or negahvc, over an.l above that from the mere sizc of

the gÍoúp iìseil ln thiss(oDd trôdcl, th€n, both thc minoÌity grouP and

MCÌs.an have.lirect, ú{ìcpendent cflects on chan8esh social spcndjn8'

Howeve., it is ìikely that these two va.iàbìes intÚacti as discussed in the

preccdìn8 5ection, the cliìct of úi.orÌiy SrooPs may be mediatcd by dr';xntencc of MCÌs. lìi\ possibjlity n cxPì.x.d in a ttrird model' whi'hnrcì!'les àn inreraction tretwcct lhe strength of Poliqr and tÌÌe minoritr

Note that ìo these tìodeìs we rcPre5€nt nino.ìty PoPuìations dìffcÍ

entl) Ior natútìaL minoitìcs and nìdigenous peoPles we use thest

8rôupí 5hàr. of the PoPulatiÔn But ÍÌ the case ol immigraDt mú'ÔF

itjes, two dimensions séein potentiâlly reìelant: their share Ôf thc total

poputation, and thc ext€nt of chanSê in that share In 'Ôntrast

tÔ OÌe

.ìscs ol national múoritìes and iidiSenÔls mino.itics, the immiSrant

5haÌc ol the Population in marÌ_ WesteÍr n.hon\-what ttu United

Nations ratheÌ ürelegantìy calls'miSrant stck'<hanged si8nilìúntilin our perio.t. For Dost countri€s, immigrant sto.ks weÌe krw in l9a0

and thc íocks that ha.t accomuìated by 2OOO were úâi.ly thè rcsuÌt

oi irÌiows over the intelim. This is the .ase for úost Du'oPean Union

counÌries but àlso for ttìe USA. MoieoveÌ, foÍãllcountics, eveD Íàditionaì

counties of imnìl8ration, the l98O 2OO0 lhift cnPturès the changc irorigins, thc shift fÍom m.inly EúroPean to mainìy non tuÌÔpcan sourcs

So perceDtã8e-Point change in thê foreign boúÌ share isarsüably tlrcvital

polihcal indicator, iol it.lptures moÍe preciseìy than any âlternative thc

growth in pressure for speciically cultuúl reco8nitìor, ar Ôpposed kr

other, stuctural elements nì immì8rant accontmodation Accordìn8Ìy we

tcÍ€d txlth the averagc level of !ìi8ra nt sìock over thc penod ãnd cìÌanges

nslimate.l nÌodels arc shown itÌ-lhbìes 2-5 and 2-6 lor the most Part,

fa.tos other tlÌao thê size of the nÌinonty or MCÌs ãre cr'ícal clem

ents nì spendnìg groÍth. As slsPeded, the level of spending in 1980

is imporrârt lor 198(È2OOO Srowth, ãs initialìv wciker sPèndeÌs caughl

up with thc eatÌy ìeà.lcrs. Aìso.ritical 's

thc populàtion share of peson!

over 64, actual oi Potential retiÌees. The letupady share in goveÌnnÌ'nt

and the lenÌlle thârc of th€ labour fo..e weÌe ãho lactoÌ5' The partìsàn

Do multirulturalìsm polici6 erodc the welÍar€ stãt€? An empiri@l ônâlys's

Table 2.5 lmmigÉm m noÍiti€5, MCP5 and !o.ia rp.ndiÌìg: 2otear change cro$seclional modeL (1930 2000)

^ \ó.iãl wêllàÍ€ iFn'iinq (% cDP)

Ìnm gÈnr mino,ììjes ocr t hmiqánt rì naÍities (.hanq6)

(0r?) (orr) (06,

( 759) 12131)


(.0eì) (0e3) (r02)

(ort (016) (0r3)

(060) ( 0ór) ( 063)

(.1o2) l t42J (]33)

(.aaa | 47t) <4 73s\

iDdìcãtor is consútently 5i8nih.adt, út Iemale laboì,rf^tentll yr. Th.sc arc the impofiant drivc6, as the weÌfare state Ìit ràtürc

Our primary ìntercst is of couts€ nì thc ellects oI miDority populâtions,

MCPS, aDd th€ úÍ€.action betw€en the twô. For thc most Palt, lìowever,

we find that ihese vaÌiables àre much iess imPortant than the structural

Iactorsouilined rtÌovc, and Ìesulttconfinn the tuldings in ouÌ inìtiãl têsts

we start wìth imriSrant mnìoritics. we have p.evioúly reported thatrhe relative 5ìz€ of the immiSÌint minority has no impad on sftialsp€ndüìg-it is the.ir,r!" üÌ the lize of the imúi8úDt nÌnÌoriry tììatmattes (SoÍolG, Bantin& and Johntton 2006). Tible 2.5 suPPo.ts thìs

hypothcsis. The lì6t three colÌdns show lesults frôd a oÌodel in whichchange nì spcnding is regretsed on the average i.vei of the úntìiSrantnÌnìority over th€ titÌc Poiod. The si?-€ of this tÌinolity ha5 nosiSnifrQntimpàct on spending growth (column one); .or do MCPS (coìi,mn two),

or the úÌeracrio! between MCls xnd the size ofthe iúÌnigrant minoriq"

Page 41: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

Adúnq, lohnrto'r l(ymlicrâ, ând Sdoln

Crzrjc in ìmfti8Ìants'shaR of thc populâtion docs se€dr to innúen.cwellare state growth, howeve!, as thc lìnal thÌe. columns of Tâble 2.5

sho( IIe h.st Btimation (.oluftn fou!) lndiates that the 8r$tcÍ llìegrowth in the fod8n-bom pcrccnta8e, rhc slower is thr Sowth in w.lfaÍcspendil\8, tctc.js panks-'zti lìe average level of inüease in rorcign-boÍnloweÌs thc predìcted growth in weltârc spendin8 by 0.8 points, âDout 2rp€r ccnl of the avcía8e expendit( rc gowth du.ing the peridl. The pàttcrnis thus üúcÍstin8.

^r thef6r threolúmnsin thc table @nlirm, immi

Srants' ãdual slìar€ of thc popuìation did not mattcr<ountri€s withlâr8e bul itable irÌÌn]igÌatìon popui.tions did not hlvë greateÌ difndltyin daclopinS oÍ sustâinio8 theú welÍâre stâtc in this lPnod thâo didolhe. ouDtri6. Bul Srowrh in ihni8rânlr' shar€ of thc popuìation dìdmattcr. As oftê. in so(iaì Ìife, cha^gc in oneb seial setting may b€ morèiúpôíant lhaD the nalule ofthe scttin8 iÌself.

^nd, of course, nìoÍc rccent

0oE of ünmìgrants hrve been the sou.cc of gÌeatcr .a.iaÌ diveFity in

whàt about the cÍlects of MCPS? strictìy rpeàkin8, the answcr ls thatthere are Do11c. ln colúÌn, ive, we útrodu€ the MC? variabìe, and iÌhas no nc8ãtive impâct o! Í(iâl spodinS oÌd.$d, Í hás à Inilive si8n,albeit very smãÌÌ and statistic.lÌy insignilìcant). Ìn column six, wc rhenintÍoduce the intemction vãdâblc (allowiDg the effe($ or rnìgrant strxìkto vdy wìuì d'ffeÍê t lcvels ofMcPt wilh thesã ìc Ícsult no ncgative

ã LnÍì13'ãrio. srcwìÌ' rppeâÁ as à qurdrÍi.lc.d' conrnr r *iih rhc â4rnnsnr andaú.tcncc ln soÌo12, üãlltrs, Jnd lohNhn (2006). ÌF inpricado! rs tr)al .hânsc lr ft8nnr

'lcr l@t5

'|ìE iolEtut d rbe rol8in ó rìr úqin

'hifb up@d rh u5^ :íd dE

NdbsrrÌúr & qili.ar h ìnc íú' ó cenB ejd! tuo oí rh úR Ì4h6Ì íoÈi*nrom3lú5 (^úìnâ ú the rhno ârd rhc ho sÌow.í nr.1 oÍ D€dnu ss*th.zr 'Ìrìc oRis c"urâl thÌ bctusr drvêniir 3ül eriaÌ wclíàF spendinS jr óÍ ouedif6.1'li b hâF out n$n8 aSsrcsatc drta. Tìai úc cÍtd ir .r le.í Friìr a pn'duci oí

'ndiyiduìr Retna b reeúla dúnnt rppc tô be sua,aDrtxì r't ru{i rhc lndividúr

Ml ho'fti 5e smri, ,ohn'ür and üanrin8 (zxÍr.z ïrÈsrâirkal krnriqE itrrchd ln 6ìmrio8.àc'údion eír(l b uÈ Íì.'d |w

ôf mlu@ dx eqÍir .uõ3n,3 lhe bani on whi.h bôú rhc ,populúofl .han8c, aÀt Mcr\,efidLs (i! th( í6ü*. fwt e iÌúeÌtrtx.d ro oycBt, pnÍ, iìc nõLnÈa.t ôÍ lMirrÌ pÕlllâüon .baÍ8e wiih tubrl McP{, shcrú thc rrond h nowdiBb rhc hprt of núiinar MctJ ittl' nin'ml F rlarid.h.nse ü (oue, |rdRrm cs íân b bcaM úì@ k tu,!€-u.y hlr hoth r{çítâbn ô.nsc .ÍdMcPFod elris íor rhc* .ays iÈ catturcd trmügh ã combiünon oí dìe'd,Gf cÍtui oi'I).rulâúon (lràn8e' .i /MCA', ,rd the intcndon .Bllì.rê.Ì in thc düd Ìoü Onc Gun ot{ns úrnucãl khÍiquê k úrt rhe di(l cíÍÉr of McPs sN ro trrr.h sisns, rúm Ílomvc(L @ 2, @l!ln 5) b nq.dvc th o* 2, mrl1m 6I rlflioush roüíüc:nr úis n(ãt dhlih @ lftftq rhir .ppãmt ftaldk €íÍer .í McFs in úlún.k l s in tâÍìd 2 ot lqúE 21, ràm N no Élmrld os or !tumd6 rlth MrhJMcPs ând do hme tn l!e4n.t popuhdon, ind e mw Mo ot (oluÍnì riÍ .i ctunrrinta hrpoihcucrl rcenano. I hc rciÌ isue k Lh. imtâ.1 o, varyins l.ÌrL of Mcrr uodcr ìâryin!


Oo hqltkütt ráliq potidg qodê úe wétíàÈ Í.rê? A. êmpirkat ânâty!5

..wi 'hl: frnd no Íàn\r\i,,v sis ì, rr c e\r or rrìrÍidrr.r VCpr crso'al+dÍin \p,'rJing, H"rir,Bsrnì llr, üNÌeJ, n rrt(ôr dn inr.Í,.,,^,,Íúr).n' .otüon rr',,oüBh,ran\rnr'y t,,"€";;;,;,.;,;',;,,.',ì;ïtrrm heÍc

's F6,t,vc. l hc ,-pr,, ar io, isir,,r ,m*n rK'ns,,rc,rrc -,.i. ;.; J,ffi ,'" :"'""ndd|'n8 poriry

dci,d rì ,cdu.p \1"ndi,,8 p ,,.ìì,. ;1.'',,,ï,'|., of,..,,,',q i,5 ,cl

paíituhÍry undeÌ h,rheÍ:h,",;,,;;.;,],;i''tr 1 mì) tr iÌL, r,J'.

is A4Íive,y ((,ned,q'l wi h ;;;;;,;ï;:ïi,J,':,lHlll:ïïIïos wôrry thaÌ high lrvek of,Dltrìi,{ràhon will irF,a,erdtes,r,cenìan rc8, n,o,,,,",n0",".."'ì"1flvuod' [,r.)f,.,n.esúrr5 pdinr ri, rhc rossib,,,,r'in,,ïì.'ì"i,ï'

,r,: r80 rr, rhen, our

tr@rh mìy he orh; br ,.r',,, üË.,- "' P'' $ive eÍÍct t oÍ 'mrx8rur'on

-^Agarn. recaI thJr rheÍ Jr. \6ti\lhJ r lralritp r,.r,.h: rt,. Inr"13,:ti!,nco?rni rmÌ is not NrD tkt, , o,g" r, ,r, ,ru,t ra *,o"

", "S",6.r;,f;:j:".1.rj,"1 1'" bv "'v *ú'Èbrc.Ìirc"on.zi,r".",^,i;;;;;:;

:..1," ' úii,.,,r urFr \trc,n\drions, th,"r Ì_r. hhi. h tcn4l so,nê mure (irdrD rry tô thc rrlrtr\,4 N!rerthelc,\, Ìhc tre.,t inaÈlr've , j\ noi r \,á, \ri(d,;, ,;;; ;,;;,;;ì,; L;i',i,1';,iiïìl;ìÌi,ìn

'ntrigüing one that dc*rys lürtheÍ\hrítv'lÌIc íory for ndno at aÍ.t rn,rigen,rrs minorwarr tr rônF"\r ,tre, r\ nÌore \trdrShríor-

::::: r. :Ì_{:',Ì;.;ï;ï""ï,ll ï .ff .y: ïi.l::iïi,ïï :ïi;Srrtìhx m?nFh, the dcpth ot M(:p co,nmioDpnt. ãnd rh. intpraction

ïiïjllJll::l- ,'n:"'J,,r pôrxrahun .r,rrc e ü \in,pry i,,, rc!an,(' EÍowÌn rn socjãt sp.n(thB,s Thr íory tor rndi!no,repÍAcnrãrio,i "0,,**..n#,,i "I":lffiìj"ïÌï.À.ïì:lï::::_ :*1'1ïr roÍ rÌr. tunr,y,D d wrnre. rhe r rarrvf :i,. of Ìhc,r'!rxenoúr FoputaÌion has no cúed, Thtr

^ nol sr

*; *rml{ tÍi*ri*"mrïirfu t'r*ì;ï;iìïilwck nr mn"r+'^,,. Ë^-.... ^--jf;l *l*,l;:.*a iïru;lÌr;jt Lft ll'jr,:ï ;i*;,ï ï:,]i;"."

J['',Ïflïï:il-]"*:l:ili.lrr: ' *.*"*.,."*oz.s,"a , .,srnr.ïiv.á,ìfiïi*lï n i' r r.no-

"r',aa,runr oo

JJ :i.'tï,ï^ïFJï,lï llï^iï;".I,:i,p_:,Í-e' *, *iii,ïÌ Ir*":,r:',"ï:-:#i, i*fi,#\ïtÌlilïr liïri::ii ït:i:j


Page 42: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

Bantìng,,ohnrton, Kymlickâ, and Sorokã

Iable 2.6 lndiqenous psps ànd.ational minoÍlti€s,

20 yeâÍ change croÍ çctionaldÒdek C9a0 2000)

Do multi.ulturalism polì.ie5 êrode th€ wêtfáre state? An €mpiricat anatysir

4. Summary and reÍlections

To retü.n 10 ôuÍ origirìaÌ gueíio., do multioltualien plicics erodeth€ weltar. \taie? h rhère a ,r..ognition/redishibution, traded? Theevldcdce in this clÌapreÌ is clcãr 'r'here is no tst úatic pâttêÍn of counlrics that ìÌave xdôpted ÍrÕrg MCps seeing erosion i! rh€ir weÌtar€ Íaresrelative to.ounrries rhàt have r.sisted such pÍog.amrnes

lìorstudenl5 olthe welfarc stat€, rhis re\ulrìs.ot !lprúúì,1 Sociãt rroÌi.. nndl\\",{dh,\hêdtônddEo rJr rr\o.idt,n'po, t",t,t, Lr";l,dnì.ôre featurcs ofthe poÌiti.ai econorny of each euDky.

^5 we hâve seer,

the polili.ál strength of the polirnìãt l€fr, thê pirricipátion oj womeD irìthc pàid labourlorce, and rlrc ã8e srtucrú.e of rhe popü Ìarion arepowertuÌdÍiveÌs of so.ial spendirg. Orhcr ãnaìFts tjàve rurncd ro such faúors aseconorlnì growth, the openn.s! of rlÌe economy, unenÌployment lerels,the stÍength ol.rganized làbour, rhe doDinan.e oiChristian Democraticpa$ies, thè lt.ucturc of political institurions, and the naturc ôfel{toràl5vÍcÌns. In comparisón sjrh such .ore fcahues of WeÍern dêmocracies,it woüld be surp.irinS il MCl,s p1oled ro bc as powerfrt â fador ãs theìrcrihcs ha!ê sugSest.d

Pe.haps more suÍp.ising is the là.k of evidence we hâve found IoÌthe 'he1üÒ8êneity/rcdisÍibÌrlìon' trade off. While mãny s.bolãn haveÌeccntly arserted that 5ocjal spendúìg is negarively retared to the propocrion of etlÌnic ànd acial inorlics in tlÌe populatio!, we found lìtrìeèvidence tü this assuúltion. Ir rhe casc of irdige.ôus pcoptes aDdnatìonaì minorities, chanSes nì tocial strending ii the perio.l in qüestiondo not seerì to ery at all witb the sjze of the minority group. Thereis somc .vnleoce for a lìeterogeneif/rcdiÍÍiburio. trade ot in the caseof immigratìDn, aìthouSh it ú Dor dÌe reÌarive sjze of rhe fo.eign-bornpopuÌatioD IEr se thatseems ro affect sociâl sperding. Rathei, tis the rarcof 8rôwth Ìn thc foÌeign born pop(htnrn thar nìây exerr downwãrd pres.súÍe on sGiãl spendiDg. (That is, countues with small but fart growinArorq8, li' n |]op,rlrr,{A hav, hdJ !r'.t.' rn.rJ,.. rn,q.,,tmdrnÀthan counkics wìth iargobut*abtc numtEB of foÍeign born.) Morcover,tlÌere is sorne prelimhã.y evidcn.è Ìhat even here, thê ã.toprjo. of MCpsca. hitigate the negative cffect of rapid growth in imrnigrrtion basedheteroge.eity on social speDdnÌg.

Ìl .onlirmed bÌ fÌtrther rcsÈaÍch-nd Markús Crepu tìnds sinÌitaievid.oc€ at the lcveÌ of pubtic atitLrdes in Chapter 3 rhis is an inrer-estinS ônding that sonìc lleople may nnd counter intuitive. li gowrhjn etlìni. and mcìal diversty troh im!ìigration ten.ls to deplc$ social

MCP5 and 5ocâl spend'.q,

^ so.ìai welF.rc Pendine (% coP)

\1e7o) (r0r) (106)

( 0r3) ( 040)rfl.l€ âboüt

( 06r) ( 036)

(roq ( r40)

(140r) (4 53 )

A,rjuiêd R? .a2 31

comnÌitmcnr also docs not interâ.t in an inÌercstinS wav wìth PoPulãtion

In súnÌ, ou. resúlrs show only maÍgina1 elfects of the size of tìinoitlpopulahons and the l.!el ofMCPSo! social sPcndin8 Thcsize ofindiSc

noús peoples ãdd natioral ninorities are úÌêlelant to 8ro{th iìì social

spending, as are the level of MCts ir ea.h ol thesê dômâìns Post-1980

ìocrcases in imrnigratior are . Iactor nÌ inhibitnÌ8 sPending Srowth, but

a{topting MCPS for newcotÌers, if it has any efÍect àt aÌl, maymiti8ate the

relat'onship, heltüì8 to susta scìaÌsPending Irom tìre porentiaììyerod

ing effects of increased cìhni./lacial diveri9, paíiculaÌly whÚc there irmediu ì to hiSh growtb in niSrant tto.lc With thek results in nìind,

stident cìaims about thc iúPact ofMcts on the welIarc state hardly seen

à whnc we slos 8ur$ nst'3 iu

,h, " .,; , É rtr'tup .Lr, , in "rÍry'nLu Í Í''dnsi'ô

a2 a3

Page 43: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare


Banting, lohnrton. Xymli(Là, and Sorolâ

spendnÌ8, theD súrcly iÌ is danSerous to highliSht diverìty and ÌèndÚ

l môÌe politicalìy sàljcnr, thlough MCIÌ. Ìf divÚslty is bad lor sGidspendinS, surely it is better t.r ì8nore oÌ downplay the existeDce ofdivcrsity, rather tbaD to públicly acknowled8e a.d nf6rm it Yet is

Flssiblc llìat MCPS can acknowledge divesity in a wàv liÌat makes itless thÍêatening to hcmbeb of the domina.t 8roup, and that reduces

the 'orheÌness' of ethnic and racial müìôrities, enabÌing membeÌs Ôf the

domnìãrt gioup tô vicw Dnxtitics .s 'one ol us"this, of course, is

prcciseÌy what defenders olMCl't hàvc long aÍ8ücd aswas dinsscd inChâpter l, the abiìity of MCPS to ãchiêve lhis 8oaÌ rnay depend on how

they it into a latjer paclage of püblic polì.ics, ÌDcludingnatio! buiÌdìng

policies a.d policies .lesiSned to enhaDce the e.onomic integration of

In short, the evidcnce iD this chapter suggests rhat both th. hcteÌogen'

city/Ì€distÌibution an.l thc recognino /redistnbutiôn rrade oft havc been

ovestated. Of.ourse, a5 we hâec rePeatedty cmPhasizèd, this is iust a Ást

attempl at tr]/inS to develoP à mtthod for tcsrinS the .riti6 clains' and

it is polsiblc to raise a nunÌbeÌ ofobjeciìons to oúr .Ôn.ìLrsions.

o e obÌednln, raìsed by rhiÌipPe Van Pariis in relPÒnk to an eaÍliêr

veÍsion ôl this res€ar.h, is tÌÌat thè.oíosive effects ol MCP5 tãke time towcaten the wellìre siate, ând that the twenty yea. Period cxamined hêre

is t(Ú short to atÍàw dennit've .onclusionr: 'tnne G) rcquiÍed loÌ these

sociologi.àl pr(esses to *ork themtelves out and b. Polilically exPloitcd'

Oan rariis 2(ìrr.1: 3s2).'7 Hôwever, the múltivariate anaÌvsis presented

here Ìen.tes this obièctioo les Plausible- lìe twenty yelr [EÍiod wàs long

enoúgh for other polihcaì fàctôrs/ such âs the Ìole of left-wnÌg Parhes, to

emerSe stronSly in the muÌhvariàtc anaÌ)5ú; more telliD8ì, periÌaps, the

effects of c_hange in the proPortion ôf lhc PoPulâtion born outside ol lhe(!únrry also ern.rged cleaÍly nì the twenty-yeaÌ analysn The obìection

must assúme thãt thcre is so.retlÌin8 speciãl about the eff€.ts of McÌs,compaÍe.l tô immigÍation and othêr Political fa.tors, whi.h slows the

nrpact. lt is atif6dlt to see whàt that cntical differen.! Ìnight be ln th€

inal aralysis, onìytirìe can nnaÌÌy arsweÌ this objectior deinitivelv Bút

as Van I'a.ijs hnnseÌf con.edes, 'the longer tLe PrcPhe.ies of doom Iail

to ihow up in thê 6$res', the ìess plausibìe thc basic critigue of MCPS

othe6 might obied thãt oúÍ deônitntì ol MCP5 is to Lrr@d, and

that we n.ed to distioSüish diifercrr ways nr which divenity càn be

' JoÌnì Myl6 md sébaiie sLÀÌnaLd (tlìis volúmc) rir r Ìêhred objecron

Do multirúltúrâlitm poli.ìe5 crode thewelÍarê state?Áfl empiri.al anãlysk

lecognized' aÌd 'accomnÌodiled'. roÌ .x.nÌpl., sodrêone mi8ht arguethât trlicies desig.ed to accoúnìodàte div.rsilv pittÌìn comno i6tiüLriors aru consistcrt sith thc wcÌfãrè state, but that policies tÌÌal establish'paralleì institutionr' are more likelytoercde redistriburior. Ás wedisottin Appendix 2.1, B.rry sometimes dcúncs MCPS nÌ this narrcwer way. YetouÍ eàrlier Òbservâtions stand here as well. It ij doubtllü that nàÍownÌgthe deinition of the MCI\ would aÌler lìÌe results. Ìhc rarkings of diffúcnt .oürtri.s inÌpli.ir nr Ìarry's ohar àralysis aÍe tully coÌlsistent wiülour own, and it i5 unlikely that adopting his n.rrowcr d.úDitior woüldalteÌ the Íank oÍd€Í ôf .óuntÍies o. affect the empüjcal analysis of therelitionship between MCft and the wellare statc.

^ iinal objection js thâr conclusiôns flowing ftom cross nauoftl anâly-

ses do not n(e$arily apply with equll lolce ro individúaì cduntt€s.Ore càn go turtheÍ. Thc conclrsior that thère is .o rtarisricalìy signìlicant Íelationship betweeD MCPS and .edistibution is .onsiste.t withlwo inlcrprchlions. The lì6t is lhal MCPS havc no èffe.t.'fhe secondis tlÌat MCPS hak porcntially signilìcint clccts but there €rÍecrs dÌfIerand may be in the ôppotite direction dependìng on other social ardpolitical condìtions i1Ì the country Thát is, in some contdts MCPS mayindeed rcinfôr.e thê politi.s of retren.búent in the welfar statc, as üÌcditìcs conteDd/ wherear in oth€r coutexts MCPS may cnha.ce a sense

of súirl solidarity and rcinlor.c rcdist.ibution, ãs the defe.de6 replÍWe acknowledgê that thcrc Íìay wcÌl be tenrnrn betweer MCls and tlìewellare state i! particuÌar places aod in paftltular periods, just as thère ãÍeundoubte.üy conte{ts inwìÌjch MCPS dritiSate tersióDs between diverityãnd redistributio!.lÌefrnin8 our anaìysis tu.ther wìll therelorc deperd onrich.asc srúdicsol the experien.e oI individúal countries. OthêÍ.hãpte6in this book take p.(itely thir appÍoa.h

Nevc.rhclest rhe brcad compararive approâch in thìs drapter doeshav€ powêrtul nnpliGtiors. Chapt.r 1 snnn.ânzed two ügo.ous debates:the h€terogeneity/redjstnbution debat€, which certres on argumentsthât ethnic divesity itself ercdcs thc wclfar. stÀtc; and the ÍêcoSnition/ledìstribution debate, which .ÌntÍes on a.guments tiüt MCÌ,s erode thewêlfrre statc. Thek are.rirical debares, which cÀnnot be disnÌissed li8htly.]ìe.e is no questi(rn thàt theie is a l,dlprttl, conflìct between ethoicdiveGity .nd solidadty. We do not ned social scientÌsts to tell us tlìat.Iherc is lar l@ much evideDce of etlÌnìc ard racial ìntolcm.e on ôútelêvistud scrc.ns. Bút wc nccd toavoid pr.nÌatúr. judgemènlr ãbout theuniveFalitl indee4 the ú€vitabilityif tÌade otfs a.d haSic choicesbetwecn economic redisfuibution and cuìtural recognllion. The eviden.e

Page 44: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

Do multiolturalìtm policier êrode the welrârê stâtê?Ân empirìól analyiii ïaanting, lohnsto., Kymlìcta, ônd soroka

piesente.l nÌ lhis chaPtdabout the Ìclâlionírip between nnnÌìSratnnì and

\ocial spendúgor one ha.d, and the nDpadof úúllicuìtuÌalirm Poìi'i'son thr {eìÍare state oD theoLhet, PonÍ to the nccd IoÌ nuan.ed anaÌy\es

ìhe lr diÌÌgs aìso unders.oÌè $c le€d to (DdeÌsrrn'l rhe fa'tors lhat

Ìnediate b.tween divcrsil],'i n ulti.uttüa lìrrÌ sta tegi€\, aIìd redistÌibution-

Thcre is a (.mpclling ÌeJearch agenda hcÌe.

Appendíx 2.1. Measuíing MCP levels

dti.Ènam.lt Todd Cillin (1995) rnl Âlnr woÌlc drd lyctt. nauscn (ì997,

2000).Iìowevcr, jtniÍìlD ant to..rc thaLoúrdefinition oÍÌúCPs isbÌ@d€r úantnai Õflcred by Barry (2001). sin.c BaÍry's book hdl hrd ân nìiflJfrant nìducnc. ô

thc ícbate, t nray bc úseÍúl to .lalify hoN ouÍ ac{oult ot McÌ,s dìÌtc6 hom his,

&d hôw úis nisht affe.l thc onpìn.alÍc$ì1iConsìdcr ihr nsúe ÕÍ edü.ation. Bary sp?ci6(úly d.njer thri thc adoplion or

a ÌìuÌ1i.ülì!Ìal clri.ulrm {Íhüì .ou!o! ÈúìÌc s.hoô]s qüalihcs as a lünì ofVcP. To quaÌily às a. MCìl on his vicw, an edúcariomÌ polio muí 8o betotrdrc(oari/iÍ8ôraL_.ommodatjnS divc^ìqwitnin a.onmon ornLxlurÌ n'.on,Í'o.s.lÌools. Onevayit ca! go b.y.nd n i. drate i.*itutionaÌ seParâteoes rhat is,

5cprÌatc pubìi.ìy lünded Íhools 1õr dislìncl etlÌni. or Ícliaj(nh grmt\ rhis i\ d

Ìjvely issue in naryw.$cÌ. coúntiÊs, ôften debated asa lom (or implication) ofnuiti.rlturallnf

^rd as we noled in Chaptcr Ì, lÌary ji pdnnrlaÌly corLuìcd

J Dont the i nr J)act 01 iníitution nl 5ctaÌrttÍn1\ on iiusi a nd sol idarity an d hence tìÌe

w€lfre stat( (làÍy 20OÌ: 33). Yet i! pÌaes, BaÍy w.nts to rìarow tllc dc6tritìo!d MCPs cver frÍthe! to rcÍnd it to poÌicns tlâr !.voÌve lome íÌtr Õf Sorp*e.inc losal nSlÌr oÌ crÊmption (BaÌry 2001: 294-5). A poli.f thal Sranled allgoúÌts a ri8hr topubliclundtì8 tor 5cfrÌan :chmls woúld not qualily, on lhis v€ry

narowdoÂrinon,!n.rtlìeÍÊisnoSlolts|ecihcrishlorcxrDphon lÍltr.aijonalDoljd woúld only qualjÍy as an MCP il iÌ aìÌ,)w.{l Í..inc8roú$ b be exenfLednôm general .d u ca tirìnr l l.nvr (e 8 alÌôwÍì8 tundamentaÌisL ChdÍians ol MuslinÌgirls tobc ercnÌÌedlÌÕnì scx€ducation clas?s)or 3Ìantcd stl{r.ifi( 8Ìoups jp(ilì(.ighatoedúcarional facjlilìes (cg 8Ìa.tj.3ône ethri.Srôrf the riSht to nÌoìlìeitonSue educarior, lìut not otlÌea).

wc lrve ôbviously nor Ìeírj.red oxÌ "(onni.f Mcl\ iÌr rìrh wry. DêFDdi'rgon how hoadly or naFowly the idea oÍ grout-dllfeFntú ted ri8hts/exenptions is

inteetutcú it ii ìrosibl. dÌat orlt two ot the eight ülmigúnl MC,\ wc idcntiÍywôuld qualify as McPs on Bary3 d.6.itiôn (i o. 8rouPsp€cibc exemptions ardaftumativc adnnt 23 Wo hav€ seveÌal reasons ÍoÌ not loll@iÌÌg B!Íy5 raÍowdcn.itiôn. rtí, âs Barry hnlself rot(, ìn! drfinition is wjldly at odds wirhÈLorrdiy usaae, since 1or n'rrìy pÊo!ìr rhc idea oI a mullicrltural orìculLim is

úe very paradj8nÌ ol ar MCP GaÍy 2001:23,1). Sccond, lrarry! cÍìplìnjir oÍthe narÌow set ot group speci6. riShh/exemptions seems more .(levdt Ìo f,is

phnosop|icl Íiiiqúc d MCrs than his cmpúical cnnqlc. Most ôf BâÍtt hNkis d.v.tcd b arguing ihat MCI\ 1.nd lo violar. Ìiberal prin.iplÊs oI ÍÌeedom

and equaLiry and for tìrjs phiÌoúphjcal puryose hc ar6arc5 lhdt 8rclp jp.dlìcriÂnts/cxcdDtÍns are moÌe lüely to be illjtarãlor Ír'3àìiiarian thanfoìiciÈs tlÌaiac..innodate dilÌsity withnì co mon rulet in conÌmon ìnÍitutjors. Howe'criL is not clcrÍ whdh.Í he ihinls thal the enrpinGl (rÍnlü' rdvar.cd Ìn the frnal

.h{,t.r of ha book onlv llpln\ cÌ.lusiveÌy d e!Êo plinìaÍlt lo rhe narìoNeÍ

,r \ onüòr, vitu.nìv arÌ d th. .inc M.l\ wc idcnrify trftld irdisú& õrúmc qúrriry undu BìÍÌ'r defi n'or

Ìablê42.1 Country MCP 5.or€r

rqìnìig€nl Naturâl hdiqenÔ0r


; n



Note on Defining MCP5

\s üa nÒted earlier, oüÌ delinition tÍd Ìnì ot McPs ( oot ortcna.ilt e.ìuivalcni

Ò tlrat ol any prrtn:uhr cÍitì( (oÍ defendct oÌ Mal\' we lhuÌk ou I vis ( [í)adìt.onshtcnl with th€ implnit doiniú)n ol valÌ used bv bto 01 úc n.st inut'eDti.l


Page 45: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

Ìii Do multi(ulturalis Polide eÌode the wlíâ.e Ítatcf An empiriol .nilyür

úôntinqr lohníton, Íytn[(râ, and 5orôl@

Ìánrt ., oolr.r \ ,lher all " dinAroq'4Mr't\' l-(ÌÚr" iiioh'n:; ;",".:,. ' ,chs rn. c\emphü A ri na to Lt ddop(cü M"'n-r d v r"ììL."i,'"1'.1*a * "r-..".oler€lv

u"rtrMn t'v rl'' 8en€rar Pulir tBarry zrì295ì. The dôwdin,:, .ttrÍ{dhg and tlisdiãsí(*in8 €ff€'ts lt!Ír}' attribur$ Rm

'.,,,..,*"'r. n'.. ^ rnuult'*"t'"s r''l "tBiÌn rwn lccourr

,;,'il.;" ."; .".. qrr' "' n I n r' ' uroaao ' ur' !(r d mJrricuì Lrdl

€duühon tilho llün r;úP míowtsu6ol stouP \Plì rh! deúprion\ Môrcov.'

*'",.r"r,"* ".*A,y

*" urrhnl emniÍk'ldÜqrc' J lC'Ú'nÍllr(w hì

"fi ri,"r* ."uds .": Ire arJ r"arasD'\ 'ri(r\àrfh ut\0hrÒàdq

' " . .' V.'". ., "t', 'l" '",,.t r'q' Bà1y 1'l'hrt7e! 1"' ad l- '

,,,'i',.*',or--, "tit.-'. n'sh'ne ilplrÔrlv'h' \tu8slerorfl n'LÌrcutrJrdl

i*' t-ar '. ,"" -or,. " n-ls !o ú a tÉÍrihl€' rllhú8h not u ft'n thal B!Íry

i.Lod5 his QnPi;cal (xitiqúe to àppìv Ìô br@dor ÍoÍms otMCPS

,'""u". *,, " . **^, lv w( 'lurl'r rhát âÜvur ' I Ìhc nJrÚ" deün'r"

.,r lr. rl *..ra nr^r ri,, rAr rcsuh\ t' Á pr$ihh " prrn(il'l rrrdt o 'ntsi :

.frt.n ". ."**a . ",-rgly'

MCP on @Í b@d dtqia miaht tun oul to bL

' .". ' "lt . B"rrv\ nr 4 írcl/ rnd !'1( r'lv' How'!' BrÌ hrnllí

.,," -i'-r.*' *ürt r"'"' ' n", orr" "v*eúdrr r.8orvr rul ur ' Ôi"Úi^

-''i,"* * r, " .,,*.r,t.r . lhüÌ tu i poh'ii heJorror'!neúarMíP'i"*,-"..r" t".. "a"n,.,j".tr

n úe rFdúor''t l nÌn6 d 'misrdnun'rnd,r,. iunrn

'r". ',.pC-".r, r',r'gonc tudÍcralon* ih' llÌh ol mulh(uhurdliìm

ilÌan Riïâin or úe ìrìited slatey (8!rry 2ooir 291)' This su88e$s a rcÍkÍ'3 irÌ

wh r a2nada ìs úole stÌonglv MCr thaÍ the UsA/sritai ' which ìn tu'n aÌe

'""- ui.,"," "*

t,." *v,ì,Ítid o' certunr' llì'i is enti(lv onrBl(nr wú.,t .,-'

' ,,i*- b we u\P\ ' rlul ddophng tlaÍrv\ námk

' ' ' r'riã wuld nor

"-;''.".,i;, ;' .".,"""v Éíkrn!\ ind neno wuLrd nôt ãrra I rìc emP'i'r

;;;;;:.;i;,' h." the hv;r o, M( n\ ar '\Í\ rh' Rd'in \r'âre HowN. h^

ornlu:'on n6l hc nrcúsioÈ|, unol $nr@ne enSasrl r a svsreEdh( ônrmpl

t. otego.tc úúntris on B,Íry

t ll u(kd (b u, wh* IFlkìc! {oüld qúllfv mdq

'",, -;ì ;;; ;;'*i; rn thr dç d üb'ir nr"-h d nìú3€.* p"+ì6' rd#.::;1,Ë ';i*." '*F.

@bÌú úud,.-tu,*drÌvìï,ì'ii i.ì i'ï'" '-r" "*t'. ew úd ürc iÍr x,tdd(HesúhIsbu ÍoÍ

l'iïíí"1;,ï, "J;i D* "" "tl"E urã(trL@rg( nrÌ

'ô rìc r'nsÌ4" ôÍà Nb-' i

:: l-*.:"ìì:;,; :,-,;;;,^.."a,orr "'. rrrc iu'-g.' or.qkd\ r.4r hírd'd r

" "'- *" ''.i"ïi"ïir r,",qinp+ w'mrs- 'ttc't unsu.c rn&Ì8'ur bur

ËiÌi,:.'Ár.. ;* -,"*bà r' ^É'Épdr'$

5o h dì nonúnrdr n swÍ'ndrìd I

ii'jjl,ï,'Lìãi"i-"' *'-. '' ú. por*! o '*""ri"s

u"oor 'uún* 'fti orú Lr

Ë;-:;.ì:; ï;;;;;'; li*"ri- ìra " '-u4 r"a r"-s I'' ":-^-". " ^" i-"-nrcíroub aêÔi th(r vlr oorÌnln8 p!\ Õ trrca'd{r';lïi iì;ii;i ';;;;"i i', ,. iit ti t -' ' *' 't" '' rc 'ru' ú \'!'Ìrr" ú;#;::ì,àïõ.;ú.;; sn{Dd d'd sÍìÍní rhar bnau'rs rnd 4rárc rnnito

- . l-. ^-* -1,^,h; " . rhi tuÉNib FrÉ'Émiucs x'b'dóÚ'thft nd

lï, ìï* ìi:'" * ,n. ;rsh" .*"" *; s '"' '"N r" b "pph

3à'ahI. \l nll,d srjt llf 'nnm



Appendix 2.2. Dâta sources

Welfâre rlate marúÍet'lìis chafÍr employs t{o l}?€s ol dlrect aìdnarols oí thc sllcDÍd, o! üe wdfarstatc and Ìcdisrribulion lr .oÌÌntdesr trblic so.úì (xpendììuÍs as a É! celr ofGDP; ând two m€aÍrre! ol tlÌê rdlstÌibúhvc nnpa.r ôf sove!ìfucnt raxds andtt&íeõ- ltì .ddiüon, n urs rro nrntuG oí qri.l dtcÕítJ: th€ .hikl pov(Íyrab; rnd rhc levrì of inoltc úcqualiry.

DataÍorNblicsociaÌ(ìxpoldiLúmr sapeÍ..ntoIGDPa(ilomdi(oicl)síradab fi, lnd en bc obtaln€d rÌod raw.Gcd.ola. I)ata on thc olbeÌ n'casúÌesàÉ lrom th( rÌxemboúÌ8 ro@m€ shnly (rx), 2 {:oop€müvÍ (sarch pÍol6t tlìathaç 6tablìth.d r @ll<tlo. ol houÍhold ìnodc $rvcys Íúm (ounkir\ lroúndthê wôrld, The l-ls fuàm bârÌ!Ì'iz$ ald rtândãrdtÒ the ôidô dala Írrn rheditlcrent survcys lo íatilitatL.onlâÌative resea(h, Secaúsc tlc ôÌi8inâl coulhyrufreys r.É @ndldd L difÍcMt )rôó l,l9ba$d {rarh nomarÌy @mpares@utrúi6 n' tvey€Í FÌiods (@ÍIy 198&, ú ). á pÌadift Íollow€d hde. Ìha lat6tdaià araüâDle ai ih. rinre ol wÌinrÌtt iÉ loÌ 2[x]0 or.car ycaÍ, Mo( infônnrtionon the Llsd trbâsÊcan Ìr folnd aì s1v.risçrcÌ@t,ora

lìc tue rÍ,c.iÊc ü'eaeures êürÍnoy€d l!ì this chapÌeÍ arc clolarcí as lollôs:

htblic ttìal slrdtlit\ ds c pct.ed ofCOP rÌì scnsal reinú, pubüc s@ial expe.dinne ircludA (xpenditúÍcs on h€alú, üome tÌaDÍc6, aíd í&ial servi.cs (bút.oÌ âtuodon). r. íÈri6( Lêrnr dr etegory ni.lud6: old a8c benefrts, dlebiìitych beÍeÂt! {KprúÕfl:l ìniury/di(aÍ bên€6tl, si.Ìn6s lÉncits, seÍr4(6 Ío.cldêrìy and dlehìÀt prìople, surúvor!, IamiÌy e5h benclìis, iâmlly sc ices/ activelabouÌ n.rkct progárìtr'os, unenpk,rrent r*nctits, heaìÌh, hoúsin8 beneúh,..d otheÍ oÍnnaenci6.

^Ppendir 2.3 puida úc banc laelt of publi(: siar

clpendftud ar a pd c(nt oÍ GÍrÌ fd l9&) and Z)0O. rhc ngrrs fo. thange' inÌabl€s 2.1-2.3 measure th0 óange ì&.tvcen 193í) ànd 2OOO a a per cot ol úe

k listrituti@ M@-\, I1r.. two dêasurs oÍ êdist ib{úon crptur€ th€ ert tr1bwhtdr th€ levch ot pd€lry and in€guaÌity implidt Íì nÌaúet oÍ Fwale i ÌrncsrE redú.Rl try goveÍnnqtt taxes a d tÌanrrcr. l)ata Íor b.ih h€asúÌ$ .rc Írô.ìMâhld md J(5uit (2m5). wc ar 8Érctul ro úc alnho6 ÍoÍ rhciÍ wilÌin8ìs rollFe thetu dellild dar. rprndir {trh or, Jnd Íd asisrdna rn inrcrprcün8 theresults. FiBUr$ ÍoÌ sp€cifrc puiods i.

^Urndjx 2.iì (c.9. earìy I tlrot mÊas& the

cxtcnt to {hlcli povcÌry a d inqLrállry wcÌc reduRd ÌJy sov€rtrÌrlnt raxes mdlrôrúeÃ, anri u( expr4Èd n' perenliSc r{6. Ii8ü(s roÍ '.hân8(' ú TaDl6 212.1 c the <ha.sc in rh@ .€distÍibúúon ú'ca$r6 lFtwen thc eô.li6t àíd ìÍcstDeriôd av.jlrble rs â Èr (!l oÍ dÌc urlieíÌ)enÒd.

Page 46: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare


ÉE;:E?[ J *i6q: o 'Àiã:;;::t :ii:;ï'ríã ii;.::.:É;,:=.riãËãi;ÊA í=ìi: Ê :€:iÈiai ìÌ-iF,!iÈ ii;aii'l-,i,,ti:ì;:r ì; â :j':, ::... * Ì : ! : I ,- .= i ^ - : ; I l

iiii;:; i:;i i:;' ;':,!=i;t.i'lir;ió.:i"= :li: 1"- '-= r',-..'Ê =l:-=zti;:'"-, ;:tl ;ii ,lïÈÍì:iii;rã:i:iii:ìí rrli '.1u Ì:;::;iiiir;,;iiir:liï iiìt ;:ï ii:l;;;r;í::iilli:ii:ï irii '=: r.",;i:;::.iiFÉ,1t',1i-. ;Ë;ã ï; ll:i;;l-::;.:1ci:iir:i :qil ii :ii,;.i,rË;gli;i::iF; l:;: Ëç ã!.::qi1,r:J;1ì:.--,1-; :;i;e:-.ìlï; =!S= r è . : i : I .. * : t : . ; i

app€ndia2.3. wcraÈrtate rndi.atoÁ. so. al spending, Ied nr buton, dndro.Ìàt!úr.oìesi 1930 2o(J0 or neâryer


Page 47: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

l2Multiculturalism and the welfare state:Theoretical reÍlections

One wày to dcs.ribe th. troblcrì that rhis bool is addrcsing is as rteìsion belBen two parti oÍ the libe.al nkll oÍ cquality. On th{ oochànd, nbdeÍn Ìibcraìs aÌe commllled to thc ìdea oÍ ê{lual citizenírip,undc6tood to iÍ(lüde social aDd ercnorni. rights that are ti, be enjoy.dcqually by every mcmbêr of lhc rclevânt polil iol @m nìúity.-nÌe institÍ'tions oÍthe wellì( stitÈÌNbÌic cducatio./ health câ!e, incolDe suppoú,uncúployrÌìcnt insuran.e, old a&e p(nsio.r, !od so íÌth-aÍe €sscntiâÌ toguaEnte th@ riSlìts. On lhê othcr lnnd, índêr <onditions ofculrúÀldive6itt libehls Àre also conìmitl1tl to cquaì treatrÌrcnt oI citÌzens 4!"nìclnbe6 ol {:uÌtuíal 8rcúpr. As riry hJv€ ar8ud, t1Ìis mây tuquiÍcnìulticultúral policis that providc pÍotectìon and supporl tô culÌuialnìirôrities, whether by lrantüìg thenÌ cxerìptions fÍom guìenìly t,revâiling lâws, supdyn,lt therìì wiih additbnâlrLv)ur(ct, or8ÍnntinE Ìlrcn)stmbolic rcco8.itìon in th! public re.lm. A tensìon Ì)ethccl thesc t{ocommilrìeDts nÌllaÌúe il it luíú o!t lhãt the Pu^uit oL lnrltn\ntutulisnin some *ay undcrmine cqual cirizcnship, and in partnrhr the vxiâlaDd ecÌrnomic .ighls rhãt the wclfare statc is meaDr to Erarartee. lt thiswele to hátten, libtÌals would be for.cd to rcllc.t íìorc dêeply ôn whaL

equàlitv means to them, ànd ro tnrke sÌrc haÍd (ho'Gs: to abandonnìdlú. xiruralhm Iôr thr \rkc ol Lh€ wclldre sllLc. or vrce \!r\ì.

B(lt does th. tenrion identiôed in the laí pr.ag..ph réãìlyexìst, oÌ canmuìticuhtrâÌism and tlÌc welÍae nàrc be happy bcdtellows? Ihe es!)ri

r ,hÕúld lirc b rMnr x.üh srnriommmb otr r. edieÍlrdn oÍ this.hiphr. and lÈnh BuÍ roÍ úvàl@


Page 48: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

that mãke up this book weÌe coDnìssìoned in rcspoDse to a group ofcdtics who ciaitu to have idcntified trch a tensntì (and who rcsolve ir by8ivin8 p.iority to the wellarc stàte and arguingàgaìnst mullicúItufuIìsm).ln Seneral the essiys co..Ìude thar úìe citics,cìiims wcre €xaSgerâred,an.i that a ha.d look at the evidcn.Ì ft:veah no syÍcnìatic rendc.cy foÍstates rhat pusuo multìculturaì poìicies ro rctr.r.h on wcliàr. F)ìiciesand c{p. ditu.es. Bclòre .oncludirg that the problcrÌ is an illusoryonc, hosever, wc De€d ro Ìoot more cÌosely at what rhe üitj.s weÌedâimin& and also draw some shfupd distin.rions, bctween diff€renrÍoÌms of nultieìturalism, andbeleÌcn diffeÍenr typ€s of weÌfaÌe policics.lerhapr some paÍ ol the cdrics' càse niy survive enìpirjcal iivestigation,.ibcìt Dot ìn the swcetnì8 Ionn in whi.h jt has soÍìêtimes ben

It is helptul hcrc to be8jn by sètting tÌÌc criti.s of mulrì.ulhrãlismìn political .ontext. Ihc authoÍs cired by RantinA an.l (ymlicka intheir nìtroductory chãpteÍ lldan Bar.t'tbdd cirlin, Richud RorqÌ, Ala.Wollc, and Jyel(c Kâusen ìespitc theiÌ difierenccs .àn aìt bc dcs.ribed$ okl stylc so.iàl d€ndrars, with a sroÌy to tell âbout thc poìiti.s ofthcwcllarc state tlÌat tak€\ Ínrghly rh. lôlìowing tornÌ. Wirhin thc WestêÍDdehocra.ics irì the perìod folkrwìn8 rlÌc Se.ond World Wàr, à naìorllycoDscnsd êmerSed nÌ hvour of th. stat€,s pursuit oleonomic and seiàlcqràlìty, a coDscnsus süpporrcd both by uDionizcd workeÌs and by lefrirtinteìì€lrals. The clpìla list e.onony was to be tamed by enbanced work,erí righh, .ediÍributive taxation, ãnd the provisior Í)f e$ential serviceson à non ma.ket basis, crcati.S a fornÌ oí sdiàl citizenship àt theoriz.dby t H. MachaÌl and ôthe6 'lìc cônsensus enablcd the eledion of teft-ofcent.e governmcnlf, w'th thr Ìneans aL rheir disfosal to cârry out thistàrtin& suptDrted if necesary bI inciusive potitnll mov.mentr ar Srassroots lcvel. Ìthric à.d Ía(ial mi.orities, especially bìack in Ârìe.ica,cluld be expctcd to ioin the cons€nsus and tô b€ne6r Írom it through rheenfoÌcenÌert of equll rights in educaliod and empÌoyment and tÌÌÌoaghSen.ral eclnomic Ìedist ibution.

This mâjority consensus wa\ tìÌsr disruptëd by rhe .ise of the New txfrin tLc 1960r, whos. râdn.aì dema.ò nor only plã.èd new issucs ôn thepolitn:al agenda, bur aÌso dividcdrhe letl coatitnD, settinS rorke6 againsrinteUectoals, women agahst men, blicks aSajlsrwhites, aral so forth. TheaulhoB nì queslion src nìuÌticulrÚâÌism as an oútg.ôwth of rhc i.tentitypoliti$ lì$t pror!Íed by uìcse 19ó0s radicâls. lecalse lhe hovement ofthe letl his b€en fra8nented, rÌÌerc is no ìonger any .ÌÌrsisteDr pressureon pãrties and governments to rnake lurthc nDver iD lhc.lirechoD ot

gÌeato equality. Alrhough sociaì d€úocratic Pãrti.s have rot disiPPeãred'

to acìiev. elecioral slccess tlÌÊy lÌave l)ecn loÍ(ed nr nìôwP h th' "fneal beit protcctjn8 thc cxishng weìfarc statc itstituìntìr and othcr instru

ments of equality, at wosl tü..unÌbin8 t{) gÌob.l ecoDoÌnìc foÌce5 and

aìlównÌg those üìslitutióts to ercd. slowlI ovcr tim€ So for lhese sulporteri ôl older ttylc s@ial democra(f, ìhc Politn:âl Ô!ÌlÔok is soúewh't

bleãk, and aÌthoú8h the rìse ol nìulticultuÍal isú is rlotre..saÌily seen as

lhe manì cuLpÌit, it n ceÌtàinly regaÍdcd as contribulirÌ8 to thc dcmise of

a poìihcs ot cqual .iiizctshiP. Tlìc reasoú given exPlicitly oÌ iml)Ìicitly

for thi! are those idcntiôed Dy Banlinlj and (Imìn:kà: nìüllicuìturxÌisnl

fo.uscs politi.al delrate on culturàl qúcstions, oltcD ofa svnìbolic naÌurc,

and allows redistiÌrotive ìssúes to slip oif rhe asendã; it sets onc grooP

against another, ard dtâkes it dìfidlt to fonn a broad_bãscd coaìiftrn in

favouÌ of cquality; and at bcst lt delivc6 symbolìc berelìts to nÌiDority

groúps, whèreas their reat inteÌests âÌe in policies thir wôrìd deliv€Ì thcnÌ

iobs, housina, he.llh.aÌe, and othèrtàngble bcnelìts as Pàrtoi. Seneràl

redistiibutìoD ú favouÌ of the woÌse Ôff

A íúher asp<t of the cÌitics' tiÌirìking that des'N's ÔuÌ att€rtjon ls

the iúÈrrtan.e thcy aÌtach rotheDation state âs tììe mah instum€nt for

achieving soci.l denìoc.ati. i{ì.als lhet are soÌn. dìiÍcrencès about the

eFphâsis to be placed or either sidc of tbàt hyphenat.d ter!Ì. nì'hard

Ro$y ìs úost explicit about thc reed fôÍ what h e .alls ' natntÌal pride'asa

nrotivating lorc€ for progÌessi vc Pol ici es Hc arguesrhâ1 ameti'àn rciorm

er have aìways assuú€d lhat ^Ìrftica

at its best Íelrcsented a sPdalaclÌiever.cÌÌt, and thit theirtaskwas to púsh reality.loseÌ tÔ tlÌis nationãl

ideal (RoÌty 1998: elp- Iilst latúre) Todd Gitlin rscs the lãD8üage of

'comúonalitv' and 'comlnôn drealns' alonSsidc thai of itizenshiP, ãtd

^lan Woìfe and Jyette Kausen give the idea of 'the Sreat coÌnmrnÌty' a

centrâl place in the thjnking of Tarncy and Mashall, thc tvo thnììcÍs

they b€ìiève be5t €xptss the thcoreti.âl basis of seiâl democrâcy (Gitlin

1995: Wolfe an.l(ausen 1997). Bian Banv is more.aútÌousin hisapP€ll

to natioral identity (Bary 2o0t: ch. 3) He is citicaì of what he càlls

'rornalÌtic nationaiitm' bút recog zes at tlr. eme timc 1ì at ! Pur'ly legal

notion ol citizenshiP does IÌor create â sfuong cnouSh bÔrd to sustanì a

politi.s of.quatity. He settler instead fÔr '.ivi. nàtionaÌìty' às lhe coú

mon idenrity that cit'7lds need tÔ acquire, in identìty lhãt has LaltúÌaì

elemêDts, but is flexible cnough to aÌlow its .onlent tÔ be rene8otiatcd

as new dlturl 8ÍotPs join the statê For all t1Ìese thinlcls, lìowevci'

the .lan8eÍ posed by nìullioltuaLism is thât ir núy promÓte riSid and

.x.ìusive sectio âl identitics that àre incoúrpatibìe w h the (thi'kcr or



Muhi.ulturali!m and th€ welfàrê state





Page 49: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

thjnnÚ) ôvc!{Ílinx nlenljty üìat .iti/ers of a ralion stitc rìuÍ thare

il it is to tuÍ(Jbn su.ccsslully. Multi.u|nirnlisnì is criti.ized not only lorirs llr8crì dncd eÍÍ(ls on |blnìy, butalto loÍ llìc wav it rhip6 tDlìlicalnteniities, and th.tuforc the Íelalionslìips ihat wilì €xiÍ bclwc.n.itjren\who bclong lo diffcrcnt cuÌt(ralSroups.

Ìhc* daiDs aboút tÌìulti.últuÍalisn âre snìcwhat intangible, iìDd

badlv in nccd ôÍ c!)I)iti.al inveíigrÌìot of rhe tìnd Lrndcrlak. nì this

book, ThÈquestion $e nced toask is whether tlìe c rPúi.alteitinS that h

ciÍried ouÌ here really Etts to thc h€ãí l]1 lh. critics' ca* lvhy miShl iìnot? l'eÍhipt lhc kriabtes thrt crn bt mtasuft\r (í<tr iDstao(e whtth$ a

staìc rcorcs lriSll oÍ low on an ìr)dcx of dtrtltiQltural Polì.ict are not the

variâlrles thaÌ mãtter llonÌ th€ clitics' Poinl ol liew l'erhnps the causal

íf(ls oI mrllicultuÍâlism ãre lorgcÍ lcín, and .annol l'c ddetKl by

shrdics tlìat ruo ovcÍ a rcuPlc oL dccades, Í'eÌhaps lhc câusâl €ffe.ts.reÌcal, but are beinS blollcd out by Qunt€rvâiling la.trs in the s(iclicsunder study. Mosl of Ìlìc authos *1Ìo hnv. ont.ibüÌeì lo this volume

leel the iniuitjtc iorc. of the c.ilìcs argunHìt, evixì whilc th.v Presentev(icncc thtrt nìulti.ullüralisür iI pÍa.tj.e aFpcars nol to hdve daoìa8iD8

€í(ts on thc wellà.c rlàte So besides lookn'8 at lhe oidm.c wc nedalso lo rhnÌk aboüt the v.rio(s nrc.|dnrsnìs thn( hâvr b.$ (lnvassed lD

üplaiÌr Ìlhy nìulticalturÍliinr lrd the wcllarc statc miSht hc unhat,Pv

berlíellows, anLl ãsk wltetherrhey havc Í.ally opeÍald in llÌc way tüat the

VulticuÌturalism isá vaSueterm, and it miy be úsefulio bcgii bv Íyin8to clôÍily il. sotr'ètimet it is uscd nI a Putely de(ÍiPtivc * *, ro releí ioth.lâct ofculÌulal dlveÌsity- to the coexislcd.Ê widrin a Polilical sk. 'n'ty

ol mlny distlìct rctigi('$, ethnic, or rã(ial 8Ìoups whos. nì.nüeô see

rh€ir .(Ìturnl diffeÍen.es as imlx).tanì PârÌs of lhcÌ idèntily. Although

t!Ìis usãSe ir now.onxÌron, ii.an lad to co.tusn)n and il ìi8ht hrvebc€tr betteÍ to have úscd'.ultuü dìvcrsi ty' or '.u ltu ral dillcrcocè'tó Íefe!

to this phcnontenon i I h en nÌulticultüÌalisoÌ can bc used in â normativcknk, k) FÍ(. lo an id.Òlo8y that atlâl:|ìcs lx,sitiv€ val(rc to dlturaldiversiç calls lòr th€ r{tuaÌ recognitiôn of djftererl cültlRl SrouPs, rndcalls (po the state to suPpoú$dì Sroups i. varn)us way5 'lhìt idcology

)lró Á rot to ey rhar ÌnuhrLlrfâÌi$' nÌ tb! dci.rorv! Yr5c a u inPonart í wè

fl k$kÍìa tn(a n,ltu.tots(hd,riylxllrrnÌhcthcÍna6dirtr(ro noreìoPr qqrlihÌirn

'li.n 'l h$r14di r 'l{,,*, t^íi!$hn tn MithÌ 12 ì Hm hôw*.r ì n'iri lonr o. múlÌid'lnnrrirn in rbc

rbed Íi rliÁ ÌrÌiriÌr'lìr mtrxnrr


can tale diffcreDt ldnrFwc (ìn distingLrish weàkcr oÌ $t

uÍmur'r'.rLLr.'liïn deJ'1,ü.,Iü" h.s,u n i8d,h'dn..8Írp identily visir-vis natioìâl idenlity, for iníance.thc demands for cullurai suppolt bc.ìrnc. lnìally, mulúllhúallsm .[n.Lìc used lo Frì. to set of poli.ics that are designcd n, hclp c(llkirlDtrcrities, nlnrcrially oÍ symboli.dllÍ loÌ.xanplc ìhe tDlicie idcnriliedby Banting ct ãl iD Chapter 2 a5'nmltn:uituiâlhm policies'. ll is impor-tãnt lor tuo rr.sors to dntìnguhh nroltìcultuÍaÌlsnì ãs idroloSy llommulliculturálisnr as p$bli. polkl. rirst, ülúnu8lr the two phe.oftna.Íc cdusally Íelaied ro rome crtcnt, Ìht relationship nay nor bc a Ìi8htonc: in particular, as somc ÒI thc cvmencc 1r.Íì llollànd arìd C€rnìary

PÍesentèd in Chapters 6 and 7 su88ests, a ro(ictv may rcktat idcolqically ÍÍom nìultiolt(alirm kilhoút ãtsndonnÌg mútticultLrrat policìcs.2sc.ond, ii wê reluúr n) thc .riti.s dis.Lrssed abovc, thèir plnnarv ta€.ti\ nìulticuiÌurali\m as idrology, ln tlicìÌ view a iocìet,v i! whi.h peopl..oÌr to thirl oí thenslves píi!ìaÍily ar belonSirS to ÍpaÉte id(.titygrorps, ând who vicw theii rcìltiônnrip Ìo lhc \tdt(, throuSh thàt prlsnÌ,is not a \o(icly thrt cân \uÍaii eSalitariarÌ politlcs. I don't mern thatthcy have nothing lo$yaboút multitultural poln ies: Barry nÌ particúh.ãtt cks nÌJny of these policies as üniLrs{iliâble froÒ the nrndpoüìl oflilrcraì equilit, a.d aho a\ tiilinU toptulide.ulturll mlnorities with theícvruÌces thal thcyr€Jllync.d 3 Bút the (rili.s àre nol inh€ren tly opposcdb aflìnìativc ictnrn, or trilingual educalion, oÌ excDplions fÍom drrsscodes what rnainly Òn.erns theÌn h the growth ofa politnlal cultúr€ inwhich the* b(ome thc.enÍal i!su6 oi the day, dispb(nì8 sono ìi.issuês for instance, and iq whidì tlìey ale debalcd fÍom tl)e pelspè.tiveol (ach sct)a te gtuut, rithrÍ thân from thc prÍspcclivc df.n nÌclusiv.

Wcal$ nRd to I@k rnorc câÉtully ât whaÌ iscr(ompasrcd by the nleaof dre wclfãre stat.. lt has Ìon! becn ftÌ:oSnized thaÌ, evcn (lonlìrÌnì,j ouÌatt€ntiôr to lhcadEnctd lìbe.al .lemocraries, we i'rdà Én8cÒrdiffcrcllt

: ^norhd

ri* ilìrt lu$(lcs ì. pold n ,1nituliÀ, one úlonlv ì!! ruuntner rllh lsbongr Írdng ÍÒr üimisrinr .Ì inuuúÍarÀn a.$ldüì8 ro rl,c r aryi: ú (:hapter 2. lhrhìsh poÍÍ

'tÂahrìàn nuÍi(ì M

0idÍ.t rh o'tn hÀs b.Èì on( or {sdt rchr rro$ úc idú J{lons p.Ír \$ís ãnd olnlrrcn3ã8d ú oúb)r( dcÌÉre lìol'ucs d ügÍo.ì rri,rr püiod so(h rs tÌosrÍn'rs ânNd ârjulÌ,o'tins n(vly !í!!t i úsri ,úsh r, erì..a*itlnninnlris hÀ L,rn:h,Arydr Súd, puriclcr.â!.onrroúc !âdN ìhoúi o'ô porit.ìr í,NuÉctí8r Ir drcn' 3rdpr, ântl lúít b(ârç rr

Gâllis ' ind ld)ús (2m4 ,lr 4)i lbrirúclyrírnti.ar(rDlnÍstorrí)l r.{\e!Hcrdr iKe[]í200?).

Page 50: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

Mqlticulturalkm and thc wetfar€ stàre

wlfaR rcgin€-ìiftcre.t lroth nÌ the ld.d oÍ instiluhÒnt thev emPloy

and in tle distribútive outcores that lcsult.r loi the criLics ot ullioltural'sm we a.c considerÍr8, the wclfarc statc is nnPoltànt P.nnarilyas a ÍedisrÍibulive ln(ìanism that Qn help to off*t the inequliÌiesof life dFfl.e1 lhat à capitalist eonoÌÌy í€alcl, and raisc Ìhe posirion

oi tlÌc woií off €mbcrs of sdieìy to a level wherc Ìhcy are âble to

tuú.tknt as equil .itizenÍ. W€lfuc státLs, however, seN. other purl)oses

besidcs Ì€distrihulion in this sct*. They cân also be *en rt sdial nrsúaoce mechanisÍrs that ProttÌ:t ciÌi7. s aSairst haznrds sucb as iìlÌÌcss orunexpccted loss ofcarnin8s,r HÚe thcy redisúÌbutc resÔÚrces horizÒntaìì)

b€twen the heâllhy and thc rict, ey, ràtheÍ than vcÍúall,v betwcen the

rich ànd the pooi Of course wellare stat€ insritutions dn be tedistnbuiivei! both scnsês at o ce: a Ì!âlionàl lìealth tervlce fonde.l by Progressivetaxation not only tra slèrs rcsuÍ@s hom the lÌealthy to the sick, but

ale Íedistribut6 vc.liolly lo soúe ertcntó The tDÍ a( made better offthan thcy woúld hê iI they had to buy medi.al if,suran.:c on thc markct

tor lhe gucstknt t?te àre considennS, hôwcver, il hattes to what cxtenttìe wclfae íâte tunctions rs a (distributiw m(dÌanisüì in the vert@l

sense. For it is this kidd of rcdistributio thaÌ apÍterõ to ícqunc s(xialsolidarìly ìo sul,tort it. sclf-hterest alone will lcad pcopìe to support

wdfare policies that nìsure them aS.inst unPÍcdictable h.uâÌdt oi vaÌious

kinds. Civen tuftrcient únenainty about the fulure, it mak6 *rls€ toau$,orize thc stãtc to pioÌed you against the risks or ac€ide t ot illness

and to pay tãxcs to cover thoE risks. But thc sâme does not appìy toben.Íls that pÌerlictably go to woM{lï 8rÒúF, such 6 housÍrg suÌ,ridi6,incomc supplcments oÌ Ìon8 tèú unenÌployment benefrts Fôr betlcrorr peotlc-skiucd wôrke$ aod the oÌlddlc dass as wcll as the Ìich-tosupport the{ txtici.s, thcy ftusl re lhis à a nalter ol sociál justicc

Ard, $ Í is .laim.d, this Ícquin5 in tú.n that drcy sho'nd idcntifvwith thê benefrcialies oÍ the redistribution< identilìclhon fostcled

by a sense of conmon rationãl identitt ard (àìlcgedly) under in.d

1 r'hc lx*!rrd' aDàìFi5 0I tnrs li d ú pDÌxhly lspÍìg-^ndcMn (1t90)I úú!lí lhe n'MnQ rÍ{fr Íúy be qurc trpriì! Js ir h, roÍ rtr

Rríac !Fr@ whft notú Õri r.6bÍ\, tn nmmtkrvddt rftúG ar tund.{ bvibra!( lt.kd to . pÌoy.ìêni.

6 1ìc cxtc.t oÍ ihìí vdiÕl Rlnúrbntioi h ! rrÀtr oÍ dhprre âoìotq {údrna Ôf rheec L. cÉ d (re82,

'd ãì5o (n!{h ànd h (nrnd

(1937). ljtu úkâl 6Ínlú t Lr cdd JÍe hcìptutry tníì64Ìl id lbtr 0995) |i.ato trva'Ébu d al. (199r, rLfikr' quürì6 t omndì ondnir rtrdv Í' íúú 6p(1j I

c.sth 'n

MtÌIr (2003).


Só iÍ we ç?ot to in€ti8nle úc i!Ìpâct of hutticutturâtistn o! rhewelf&e srare, it ir nor enoLrgh juÍ to look a! Íor exarÌplr, ovc.dÌl levet,of expcuditurc o h.alth scrvi.es, educahon, or so.iàl scrvi.er. We ahon$d to l{Dk ú ô moré discriminating way â( th(tr etehenrs oL rhcw€lfãre íate thar âÍe SeD0incly rcdishibutive, ând ar hoÍÌ tar lrübln.attitudcs arc súpportivc ot su.h redistÍibutiolL, tor if what the criícsallege is true, Np mì8hr exp€ somcuìirìg Lilc rhc foììowiD8lo ncur: thewelfarc íate will no{ shÍiYcl awãy overnight but oveÍ ritDr wil movecloscl to thc insuran.. uxlel, in Ìhe s€nse lhat lr wiìÌ s$ve maintv lôprolcct t\'ot,l' r,:dir.st r \ltdn.l frov:de.tr, r. wrur \. r\i,15thd,,e ;orceffi{:iently supplied by púbti( mcànr, bur diíerenr 8oup, will t eneârfrcm il roúghty io t,ntpflion totheamotrnr that ìey.otrÍibute_ tt wiltr"dFÌore nu ronSer \erve as I vi .rlclc tôr \ô! rlt qudtrrv, cr\.pÌ i,rrordlas it prolidcs a râfety nct that prevenrs lEopÌe lron becoürürd uttetty

With this in rrind, we calÌ Dow look at the evidence about how theweÌfarc íate is lìring nÌ coluìtriês that have emìrtaced oultitulturatismkr vÀryin8 d%rer. t4t me beSin with lhe dara picse.t \d by Bãntina et al.

'n ahàpler 2, whrch tooks àt @.,à sfridt \pend,ng at as proportion

of CDÌ, rl,e rêJrstril,Ltr!F imn4 I ot ráxp\ - d t!àr, J, r. oD l, {ary andinequality, the exlenl of child povcíy, âDil rhc nnal extlnr ot incomcindìualityone rares ind transtuFar€ taken into a@unt. Takin8a[ the.ourt.ics rürveyd r.gêthcr Í61, and igno.nÌg how thcy scor€ on thevarious rìÌulti.ulturalism scalcs, whãt wc 6n.t is broa<Iy consislenl wilhrhc srn(shat Bs!fr'lrÌ {ory alet the mtià.c \tat; slcrrtÍt ãlDve.Oveall s6ial spending as ã propônion of cDp hrJ rtsen siSnifcanü,by 16.8 p.r c.t on averag{, l)ut the r€distributive inÌpacl ot rdè! andtransfeÌs has barely risen ar âll, rot cnough ro.oúpénste for.isiÍrginÕDc incqúlity, caus€d rr$úmabty by chanSinS @nditions in úe oq!nohic m&k€t

^s a resuÌt childpove(y (rhe perccntagc of chj ldÈn livin8

in homcs wth less üan s0 po c t of ne.rian iDrcme) hôs incrcrscdid ãll but thú.e of the sixren @uniries studied âtrd posGraÌ incoheinequalìly has also íÌ@ased nÌ a[ bur thr@, by 9 IEr ent on avcragcí.m Ìdhlt / I ' tikt rt'"tìttrur thLs( hgure\,. lt ne wcrc ro irrr"qrrcrthse resultl õ reflecrinS what mosr citizcns h uìLse sietiB want frohlhcir Sovc.nmcntsádúÌi cdty r danSeÌrs assumprion, búr I shal bclooknìt at publi( attftúd.s Ír a nìomenÌ we would say that âs libêrÂtv' h res h+,,,mr mor" d{lenl. tt,prr membFr\.ìrc ldppl t..* -,"".ì|the weallh they cíeate channellcj núo pübti. *ryies of various kinds(heahh seNices partiolârìy)/ rÌÌr bRome incÌeashsÌy less conc. rcd


Page 51: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

Multi(ulluralism and th€ welÍâre rrârê

:hôutcconomic inequâlity So alrhoÚ8h rhe weìfare \rrtenr a LJrcad sens€

l*. ììi'"'ir.". .*j" *;Íc ìs no Pressurê to in're:" iÌs redhtributivc

,-',"- ..1'-, "''" ' '"'e'ê\e( ol fr' lri I hom' rn q rdlilJ lor s u'

.H.'.;';;. -i'. i" "'r','" '' P J\ 'r'' rr'md v ' ''Ln'"-'i

csàhtJaJrr redr5Ìrrhuhon thi5 É bdd news''; ìi;: .;;;' rpr.o, o r'. Íi8h' ro \' 'oo ' r'''r "b" rhe Íurur'

',;":;';,:;;"ii' , "'' '" 'h" rrBh' o I'orr" r'- ""t1 "' bìJrn"

,; ;;i,;;,;r; ';;' \, ' n,d,nB ro rhF nsu ' rÍ'! ì r're ' 'rì ' h 'r P' 2

" '" -'';r;..t"" """'''"""t''o o''"" " "oJrr$dP'r\inrr

'"1;' ì;,,"" ",,ii'."",., 'r porr i'\ rrr'i r" dr'i itu ro 1 'r'r"rn

d m de i,:,;ì:l ';i'i;:b"''- rr'.'8h rr\F' Jrd ro" r' \dn'rr'd'\ rh: !rdim

i.;;;;, ;' i- "' '"'-i;Íant murti.ituralbnr i\ con'eÌned' bv Ìhe

,;;;';;"."; ';.."'., i"' au'r ' rJ drrd' rndrr' qnn" rd red ou'

, "",,",.,,^,,t

a" f^ "f' "Í \u' idl- \p r'd 'urP

dnd 'l rp ' rr' l"l'r ^' l

;'"i;;;;.; ;';;';.".' prnr'n rh;orrn d"€'r''" \"\"r'rFre' rr i'

."."...i""ì. "",,*" " 'r rh"r ìnc 'r'Prrun

or rnulr" rÌh'r"' u'ìr iP'

i"o"ï it t,'"ìt, ."'*" " "eld

Í€vonsible for the dinÌjnishinglv csaìitar

,ìn ôr,h ônrL uÌ Ìhr helÍJrF \raÌP.'"',ì' *i,',,i.," u"oer'Ìilr idPu'úP\ or rrr rrr''urh "rr"rr dnd r' imndr r

."ï;ì'., ;;;.-;;,..;.r',F,no'qJ'ri\' rrh^EU''Eror''hJrd:" ;;.;. 0ì;, ,:;'

". *'. D) 'oorrns ã r,' turc' ro h' rr"'e JnJ P rrdrrh

i.... tìin." *" .,glÌil.;nt weakenürs ú the ptrbric's comrniÍncnt to

ii'" '"i.". ii,, í";"r"" staÌc is úeant to edbodv? lhc coÌlParâtivc

"*0"..ì "^.'- u, vrÍtu' ' rcPd/ rn I ra|rPr ì u ê nnl! {'t rr' m

; ü" ;;',,',"',* ^t'i t' "'' "''ono'"'''o f rJ P rhen rìr.

"" ' 'ï"r" ***.'*.pre should tâke noo F ponsibilitv to pÌovide

i.' io"*t"i ,"0 ô*-t-enment should take more r'sPÒnsibilitv to

"ì,."ì" ii'", *"u-tv o provided ro''' AnsweÍs to trris qúeÍion ieveal

.'* .'.-a"."t 'tx" t"n " oorr'io! n orllF'"nr d re'r'on\ o\êr d

,..'",,,1"''."-'i,'."^'0,.1'ouIrr'e''nôdoubl'H0''IrrrE l'''l Ih"nÊ'\'",.""-1,,i---,',""'

'lrmdrPr'bur rh que\rio4 iFPl du 'n^r dr'

i:""".;".;;.;;;;. rrn' drrrcr'n $d\ ' rn iha h 8u' rnrr rnr\ m th',',"1ìi"

'ã' r-",. '." "cdrrh"^|c\'

rrno'n \ulPr'rrrnr\1r' r''d \o

" .", r"- t"ú, ^ , *) o' 'rd lrns JrÌ'tude' rn\dr'l|HdNrr rburron

;';"'"";'',;;;.,...' e,'r,'n u"oi,r* rrd \ riÌF\ reü p r- o'lrrpd

ì11'.ìnïì. ìi* uirr'u ,-nrr nritu'/Ps suÌvev- which rcvears a ínarr but

',""i" 'ú""'"*

"t **'t lor the proPosition that 'govenìmert shÔuld

;l; ,":;" ';:,'"' "" ". rr, . * .''' '' ' PU { Pv' r' r rr r"'d' ro

" __t"'. _, n'*'- " "

ihJr ' al'lJ H l'r'lv r' ' 'rdr' l! r"'-r rrJrrd'"

"ïi,'ìil""l.i',,, tr,"" ''o'"o '"ri \r'r't or''rdd'r\.n

can be supplem.ntêd Lrv soúe Íesults tioh Ìreler TayloÈcooby\ articte'Commitm.ntto rhe w.lfare Stare,whi.h usesdàta fro |\e Intcl ationatSo.ìal Sutr.y PntÍamw.ótnparing Wesrern ccnhany, Britain, llal, andSwedc. Oayìor cooby 1998).7 tvhar t1Ìis shows is rhar the pcr.entascsol o.or'l- "8re.ine rad' 8ov, I'mrn I o'.U rtetìnrr. t\ tF ..por^r1., ;orproviding heaÌth care lor the sick, a.d ,a deccnr staDdard ofÌiv'ngtÕrtheold'hàve remiin.d fairìv constant, bul tbãt there is s.eakenìng \upporrior governmcntrÌ Íesporsibility for ,r .lecent íar.lard ol living tor theunenployed', 'p.ovìding â job ròÍ .veryorc who wants onc' and ,redu.i,Ìgrnco!ìc difieÌences betr'€en rh. ri.b arÌd lhcpooÍ,. thjsgo€5 somcwaytoio'r. rr n8m\ l'\t,irìp!.rl'd , rq,.r,, hdpppo.,,.n"u, ,,rporii ,"rhr.r'urd4rc d\pe! r\ o, t p w"tt r',. \r"tr d,rvôr p md),,,, I ., r,r, - ",or 8nd th€mselvcs nì inarÌcial diIôelrics lãte in titc-hut havc beconÌelcss kêen oD policièsthat ovcÍly redìslribute.esour..s in rhe dlrection of

Attitudes to rhe Bclfare srate, thcn, appear to be slowly shiirins ãwàyro1 ec"IuirJni.m. Whnt ,,boL. prbtr rr"r;. r.n o, ,n,t O.,

'o*,.o,,nulticulruralism? ÌleÌe thc pÌdure is àìso a coDplex one. Inst ol a!,theic is.leaÌ evid.n.e of ìnücasins toleranè oÍ ra.ial, ethnic, àrd retigiôus diversit, and along

'vith this incrèâting acceptànce rhat equalftl

of opportuúity must âlso m€an equal rÍeatment fd membc* of mirÌoritvSrout\ 'n t hdtrpr S. i .o'lr.\ I \"n g,- ,1,'.' ,or 0,i.,,. .

', t.,t'o*ilrowing aL_epiance oÍ havú8 peoplc wfth minorlry ba.kArcund\ as yoúri,o'. rr qurr o.,r\ mdrvn8 r ro ru rr tJrnitr, dnd nIr ."r,t,.,' ro, "q,,topF)Ìtunitics pÒìicies. Thc sane qúcstìon\ weÌe aske.t in ten nuropeancounhies in thc nÚopean SciaÌ Sürvey in 2003, proilucnìg resulls vcrymú.h in ìine with rhose obrâÍÌed lor Bljtain,t so aÌthou8h wc do nothave comparàble eviden.c over tinìc 1òÍ other Eurôpean couot.ies, js

reasonàble to assuìè that tolcrân.e levcls wilt have riscn in nÌi.h rhe

At thesame time nn'nigrànts arc exFcted ro nÌâÀê adjustments to Or irìwitb the olruraì rom5 of tlÌcir host counky. Opinio! o. this is not ,oèasy to pin dôwn, becaúse tÌre quesrion that is uscd to try to captúre it isDot in nry view very rêvealing. RespondeDls ãrc atked to ch@se betweentheview tlìâr inúnigrant grouts should mânìtain theiÌ own clstoms and

rhc.cnhr co oÌ{inârnrq rêâ.r (2m3).


Page 52: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

Murti.utturatism aíü thê wclf&€ itai.t.a<ii(ions and the vicw tlìat they should 'takc ovú th( cutom5 ol thccountry' o! 'adapÌ aDd blcnd into thc largcr society'Gcc chnptcÌ 3 fülhcs qüestioDr- But any thdghltul p€uon would süÌrly rcict tDthof thcse poritions, sihca iì Srcat dcal dcpends on which 'custollls andrr.dìtion\' a.e at í!k!. íf lhesc involE an ethnic cuitÍ'c or a (oloúÍtu!frstivâl like the Chincr New Yeat nost peoplc woúld bc môre ìhanhappy f.r immiSrant mioorities to pleserve thci. own .ust(Íìs. rf on thcolber hand the rcievant tustom is f€malc .irtumdsioo o. pàrticipãrionih Triad gangs, thcn vidúally everyone will thirk that inìnÌi8ra ts mustadapl to libcrâl no.Ds thât cx(lude thcs€ pÍacti.cs- So answ€6 lo thlsquestion do not telÌ usvÉry mucil.

What is rcasonabìy cleaÌ, howcveÌ, is that idmilrânt minoritier arecx!€cGd to hcoúc loyâl citizen5 of thc .ountry thât re.(ives lh€Ìn.a.d to play by tìre prevailifl8 rules of the game. Thú may include inpaÍticútú leamìDg lh€ úational lânEua8e. À relevant pi(e of €videnc€is that, wben árked lo .hoos. betwccn 'lmnÌigrants sholrld gct the satrrc

l({el of wclfare tuppo.t as eristin8 B.itilh citizcns', 'lmmigrants should

8€tlest welfare support than 3Ìitish citizent' Ànd 'hhigrants sÌìôuld onlyget thc enÌe levcl of welfarc support as British citúrns iftheyd.monstratcrcmmitoent to the oúntry (e.9. l€amìn8 rafl8üâge aÌd hisrory)', 18 percent and 19 pcr cent rcspc.nvcly dìose the lrsttwo options, but an ovcrwbelming 5a per ent prefc.red the thi.d (Dúffy 20044). wc can onci(de,the.etbre, that nÌ6t citizcrú wànÌ ncither stÌãightfoiwad assnnilâtion,whc.e nnmigrant minorilies cÍf<tively disapperr as tl'cy bleod ÍÍo thc

'rxistinS r:ullüÍc, no! 'párallel societieí, wheÌc altural groups c@xist

sidc hy4ide without âdaptinS tô one anothcr's norús and vahrcs, burinte8rnÌnÌì, whcre (hi5 involvcs acquinnS conrmon citizeflship ánd thenatidrâl nhDtity thàt go$ along with it, ãs well .s únihtaining certaln

8roüp-srf,{ifi c cultural tÍails.lf this is corcct, where does this ìeâve support lo! mulfiodtuÍaltoli.tír?

What wc shoúÌd dp€.t to fiíd is supporÌ for süch policiri insotuÌ âs thcys€rye the (Ìulè of irtcEration, ând .rppositioD to them i nsofôr as they are

kgadcd as divhive, or as giün8 unràir advantâgcs to minority groups.And this is prcci*ly what tÌrc ryidcne we have âppea6 to su8lt6t. tfwe look at the policics thât are pfesented ii chapter 3 as dcmÒNtÌâtin8popular ruppo.t Íor rrultialluralism, they ârc pôlici6 such âs'J'omôtceqúâlit! of oppoÍtutÌ'ty in all area! of $(ial liíe', 'cllcou!ãge rlÌe ocatidÌoi orSanizâtions thiìl bring pcople írom diffcrcnt rac$, Ìeligions andülturcs t(8ethcÍ', a d 'prcmote the tcà.hnì8 of mutúal a..eptà (e àrìdlesPect in s.hooh'. tÌrcse wouìd Ììot, how.ver, count âs !ruIúrulhRl


poll' rt b) trr \ranürd ldi.t rLusn bv dnntrnS ct rt inchattcÌ2wh,(t,::fï).'lïl ". por ' ,H\ ''hl, s^ b. vo,,d Ìh, ,i",r ,,,u,",

"oi. r.i,,r ,,grr,ur (r,/enshrp ro provde som. rdd,tio,,dt rom ,,r pubt,c reog,,,r,,,. or

]111ïl: 1,:i'1,1"ll.'or,1hn , ìir,.rp\. .renr,,.c5J'ìr I 'd(lh F\. I oonoÌ roow oÍ d,ra lhàt ú,ú(t pubt,, it,irude\ on .,rch nf the .r8hr t)t"\oÍrhrìrl9,dntm'!ttrnrìh!dtpotic;., trí.d,r. ,dt.haplFr Uür r*ulPft6(

pieces ofevidcncc arc wo.th notinS. First, theie is not nìu{:h suppofl Ío!rhc prdtbs'tn,n Ihd|pthnr.m,noíii., úoujd br,<,ven 8overnmcnr ash.tance ro preserue rlÌeir custorns add tradnn)nr, ;htctr"r"",,r, i. .;Ã;"í.Íly ptrrsclv thc entÉt rhrusr tí (hapre, 2,s ündc^tindrn8 ôt müt.Lrculturali\r'ri e\tìe, ra y In rhose coLDlics s.,,,,*,n.,.,0,,.*üoi,;;;ili;il:ï;iì,'i:1.''Ï::-;f,:ì )iï:ïor^rÌosc 5u,ry.ú D ^st,zt,r,

r:.nrdr, ü,cJt Bi di . \êt;e,bnds, N.s

,,-ï,, 1u:,n:, ,:1.!.","r,, rh. hsu( i\ mu.h h,8h.Ì ror o rpr rlunr,16rn(rud.í in tht IS\f ,u^,ÍeJ)cod y,ou,,r,:csin Lr,.urn turalf, t,,rto,ìc út,tdEri(m Ín thi, mnv bc rhnl rí5po,denh rr rhe\p couütrie\

nrnonÌre1: rfmm ,ApindFnr\. r1 oií.ô,t.r.. $1._ r\t.,tlhu rl ..rJriukl

I'Il':'ï -:*, rhdn .erhnn ,ÌrinÒrir,ò.r s(ond. rrre ,roÌ. i! rrue or\uPPon Ìrr athnn.rtivc d, non. ur Jpríoo.t ,A poli. n,. rhar Eu b.yo d:ï1:|rytu1'rv d Ewe prcÍc.c Ìer rÌurmrnr ro erlüÍ. Ini,x,ririerrnìrnng

'tcci\Dns J d/or uni\e!s.rv atptk.r,ronj. Mo! oÍ rt,r Hrrd€nceÍrrrc oDF nom rhe US4, where delprrê rtrc ,,,tar,v.ty t rgtr proponiono' the pop btron lhdt mjShl 1,,.(^tìr(1Èd ro benerr lronì Í.tr mr,?ìc\oppo!r'o,ì à'nôn,ì rhe Srncril pubrUen,dinj \rro,,x .o u"".,rqi,^,1'Ã:,::']i:1-:',* Ì,,':, ro. Íd(iàr ,,i0oritie\ rrnd ro prodü(c ourhry-ÌtLràr perpntueq :rì ravoLÌ rn.t àEJrn\t.I b rt morc \pccrh, rtJ. \riôn\lhàl,h'8hli,:hl pÌeteRnhat rreatm.nt Ícv. t r ttifl.Ìrnr p.rr,". Wt,"n1ì.-:".'.1 :',r:' ro 8rw mrnorir $ xorc ol1r,,íunI ) .ro you bcrjrvf Ìar ro.ftnn'c'tv sh@td b. a d..1u, whrn de.rd,n8 who i, trirêd, t,.,,moted, orào'rìr rü lu (olìegÈ, or that hrnn8, prornotion\, ,nd mle8e rdm,sror,s

:i,ïiï'il#d-r**:#iï[Hi'*ï{ï':'"n*ft ,Ë'aiin3'L:Hi#}';'Ì:nt"-,i,,iil-lln*ïi*ldir,, !r r3. s@sF c, up puIì o Ík qìr:b .Do h 6or,cdry r@r ú, ll{rotFd-Ìn: \. r,,w,i ptu8Ìr,L iu,,r kt m r {ro,r rrÌân._ r, ."-,Ár,

. . --,-"


Page 53: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

sboukl br bascd stÍictly oÌr erit a!ìd guiìlifr.ations olher than race or€thni.iÌy?', only 5 per Nnt of cpondenl5 said Écc and clhni.ity shouldhe a Íaúôr, whilr 92 per ctrÍ said merit alon. sbould be taktn nÌtoac@unl. llvcD among blà.15 the corÌespondnrS nJinrcs wcic 12 t'tÌ cenl

ol cousc, th€ lad that m(,sL .itizcns in libeÍal denD(acics ãrc kÌne-whar sftpÉ(alof Írqltialtdrâli$ì bodì as nloioSy and as lrlny, whilcat tiìê sanÌe tiüre showing dwiüÌling erthu\iasdr Í{Í thc ÍÌore ovotl)Íedisrributiv. eleúenb ot the weÌÍarc state, doe5 nor show that lhe 6Ísts€t ol aÌtitud$ is rhe Gúk ot lhe !{ond To bÍidgc rh( 8ap, wc havc loinsert â pÌe.c of p5ychologic0l sp.cülation, albeit oDc that is pìausibÌe init*lÍ ând suptEÍ<i by consideÍablc evidcnc ál thàll-8.ouP level. lìesp(ulaÌion is Ìhat peopLc nÍ€ dÌore wiLlins to redistriilut( in favouÌ ôÍotlìeÍs {hen thc}'iec tlÌo$ olheÌ! âs Ììkc lhdscìvës in certain iespects,and alsowh€n thcy tefa.d thrm as daying Íaii -asiho*in8 willinEúNlo rccipÌocatc whd Ìt is thcir tur to màke a cotrÍibuti(rr. lf wc applythis n, rhe (ae: ofelhnrc trrinority inìmiS.ants,lben we Go predid thathost colLntrycitizcnr will be r.ludaüt to inchde thcfr within thr scope olwelrlrc srate poììci.s if thcy p!Ìccive (,) thdt tìÌe iDDiSÌaDts are nakìn8no eíft,í to adapr to the public.xllurc of lhe .oúntry tlìey hàve nÒvcdto Gce the rcsponses quoted eàrler in the c se of i'nmi8rünrs to BriÌain)andkÌ (ü) ir they pe.ccive tlìat immiS.ants a r€ tâldng advantà8e oÍ wcila FbeneÉts su.ì! as unenpìoyÌnent b(nefit wilhoüt havinS contribüted, o.attc.ìFed locorìribute, Lly wÒÍkin8 and plying Ìarcs.tr Suchperccptúrì\may vQ.)z wcll not bQ ac.urate Evcn if it turtr out, for èxámple, thalnrmì8rànt g(,ups iÉ dispÌoportìonltcÌy rcprese.tcd aÍrong thosc draw'in8 income slrpporr a nd otlìer beDefits, the eìplanation may have trrainìvto do with Ìaboú. marker lxtici6 rhât na\e it difúcultfÕr iDÍni8Íantt tonndsccuÌe iobs The pÍoblem, id otherwo(ls, may have nothìrÌg dircctlytodD with orllurc Ítclf \loneth€lcst on<à p..(eption is 6tablishèd that{clfaÌc scri(es arebeing ured urraiÌly by those who comc íÍom pàrticulãrgruups, dêhned nr ethnic or reliSioúr terms, the l,lcdìctable result is an

I wlt'nìsion lÌxúHâdrrd RIj,l Âtúnkl6 suÍcn quotrl ì'r TayloÌ (20rt2).ir IoÌ evdeme oÍ su.l, r lFreptiôí, wc nìrr mf.Ì r. â Nenr MoRI lÉ

rsrl@ sL6.nd ffir .|m4Ênb }tr Íìc $u 8tup6 ì6r llrdy rô h. piú.ì or atretr'ng

ilntrt pÍlonrso{rtoú h htrf,ocÁa'.smDuít(zxxò), nìÈ nìorc Ssierõl 'êúc pul!Ì atrúüd6 hr rhLLJÜôu, MPJoh4I\Jú'!. HeÍ'md thdnú ro úúu s{sciúnsry.últ rrìôi s-onftmEí*Íh'rÈtlgl s lú h* ã.R1, mr iuÍ,r

írould rÂkc into .ccounì rhc .fian and .ortnhtrÜor h!orshr,6 nìâdr irì úcpaÍ mdu cõ sl$urd br lÒr poprt,who4. r lcd lo rhcq ned th6Í, and u{ thcm 6ínniÜly'(txrlìr

' 2mr].


gnriï*ïJrgxfi iig'ag;$ffi ffi $t+

soü;ìl.d . r,'ì(,n '',Drr{',, r., '-n"'*,,,, " ",r, - ,-^,",;, ,.,,,,",-

Ìo 8uârd JBliní rhis ddngcri rt r tr|oorÌnnrshouu no, ,Évc rhF crÍl, o: ;,;;,;,',il.;;:,i,".1;j;,ïj;;,lJ:i.;.I'a,'r Srou|' ànJ rhc trosr

",n1."n,ti. - "rl_. .,*':, :," .,,.,,,,..,,;,;i,;";, ;: ;;ì'lï,il.,i;",ï'::,Pid.x(<t oÍ rlìc arrty rhdr 1,. rol.n rt"n, n, thcv \h{,td q\:btv b.co h,ncJ \,,h n.,,.on., , ,,2c,,.r,D r,,,,.", "r.....,,;, ,;; ,.;ü;"::rhmrBrlnt 8r\rp5 r!\ iãll), Ìoí.{ Ìhctr tovdÌrv ,!,r,.-,. r,.o-r n",,ru"J..; ;;:;;llï;ï:lï:;ll,l; :,ï1,:lïiliili.'u lìoIr',{rl rtr.. is I,re,i!ì\ r,.r.Ld\ naÌ,j,end,,. ,,,_ ,ol-,,,1,llldt scôrr hrSt' on thc ,nder ot mutr,(utlüÌj;n,o, ,Êce ,,,r,'ìij rc$,, ,o, i;;;;ì;ì;,;;:'lï;ìl':l' :ì,..ïïlÌ;"1ïlJx_u_hílârn. srrn h prN@L\.r had tu.'tè,1J (mewtrd, ,,,_,,;L ;:;:;alpr@' h lo nanon hurtdi,,EJ !,nAi1rm,plrnÌo(i, /prr,f

"d,,cà n 15 no; ;i ;:;;:;:,";,":ï:;J: ]"ï;..:lij.;rrip rn re roÍtrat Í,r\€ md- ,ut,re(l k, mu,l::11,1ï1"to:,"" .

" ,,," ;";..;ï:ì; ,;ïï,;:ïli: ìï i ï l;:iïLuÍr oÌ rnr hojr cr/untÍvrs Mutr,c jturJtlutrcic\I

arundonúr ,a.hdsh m (.h,r;; ;j:ï; ;:ï',ï,j::l ,ïl::ll,i":

nìort in,tt.F,trut(1. Jscr. but rhtr. t,!5 len rr,u.ol,Uuut.,",,.,t tr,.nìu/t(üttuklij rnsí!, s múttftutru.àh\m wa\ th.{,8tri to cntait onctÍled supnoí t{ rccr!,nrt Broup r.terLtine\.,r rhÉni,iô,, ,r rd.n,.,\. ,"" .,.,,:,,,;,; ;;

"ì;;;, ;"'"' '\n€'M uÍ r,' ,n ru!!.

rorray ro u* 16" 1,n*of "o,


lifïr r::r lir*lÍil'"""'11 ;:.ï ;,H:,,jlil1 ilt ri.'ìj,;::iiì"ïìtr

t-.m+ii,r+*,Ï,*ï fi rï:r*;;*xï,rlï{f; t::r:;rÍffi ,'ir,'::'r1{i;li'S *l*,"lilj1r,ïL;ru ma,:,i r* tÍ;nix*sï:ì:d,'"*';*l;rruij,i:rï#trïr.;ï*

Mülücúlrurârism ând thc retÍ..€ ía.ê


Page 54: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

Multi.ultuÌaliim ud the wêlÍàrê Íâr.

h this contcxt, ìt is woíh únderìining tììc shatl dìffeÍed.c, v, lar as

porentiàl impacì oD thc welfarL slate is con(amed, b.iween üìmiSranlsand natiólül minoíitiB, to r* the (nnceptúâl f6mcwo.k làid oút inChaptcr2(l rlìaÌr not dis{$s nÌdìSenous Peopls heÌc).

^sNi@,a M(Iw€.

cl€arÌy demodírates in heÌ .ìiscussnrì of Caüada, Bclgiúh, and thc U(,tlìcÍe is ro cviden.e to sú88est thal minority ationalitn in thcsc coun

ri€s has had ìn advcrte eff(t on suPport for the wclÍaro stìte, and som€

cviden.. lhat it oay hai'e had a Positive eftc.t. Thcle aÍe two 0oíÍsthat need to be dride herc. Fìrst, wheÍc natirtral mìnorilìet havt heen

8Ìàntcd devolved forms of SovernüìcDt ns in thc ihÌee cases discussed

by Mcf,wen-subnational gowmmenil will have smc í€sPonsibility IorwelfaÍe policics withìn their own tcr.itori.s, and these will be \upponedby rhe nìchsive political ide lil)es (âs Québécois, scots/ et..) lhat cxist

â( this tcvcl. S{ond, insotaÌ ar socìal iútic€ at the natio,ìal levcl r€quiÍes

r€disrributúrì betw.en the ÌÌational maionty and úc mi no.ity mtions (to

codpcnsatc tor lowcr lcvels of ecoronÌic PtÌtorman.e, Ior cxamPkr, this

will be acceptcd so l(ng as m.rDbe6 of nôti()nal mhorìli€s hâvc wltat Ihàve el*whcre .illd 16t(d' national idcntities, which aÌlow thcm toidentiryboth with the smalleruoil (e.g- QuelEc o. S.òlla nd) andwilh lheldÍgú (CltÌada or BriÌaÍt Gee Miucr 2000: ch. 8). necausc Ìhe Scois, satarc secr as shari.S a commor cuÌtural aDd histoÌi.âl ba.Ì(Srornd withtlFreÍoÍ the tJK ând in úÌat seoÍ arplainly Briúsh, thc FrcPtiontot$ltural difíc.ence that (ân make pcoPle rcluctant lo extend supporl toimmigrànL Ebups do nol arise hcre.Ì6

lD oses rÍhe.e minontt naiioàlism puts qrÍrmon idcntìtiet uDder

p6sÍe, howoeí, a dilíerent dynamic may cmerge. Ihe €xtrcne (ãsaÌc state\ tlìnÌ .õntain rival, rathe. than ncste4 natnnraLitìetsÌìalionàl

tiÒups who make .onfliding clàìds to tclrÌtoÍial soveÌeignty withoutsha.inS ád oveÍâ.chnì8 nalional id€ntitt su(h as Jews and Pàlcslitiatsir lsÍael, or S€rlE, Croats, and Mutlims in ltosnia. In thN @s€j wclfare

state exp€nditures úíry be weighted siSnificânllyin laeoui of tlÌe majoritycomnunily-ìn lsraeli for eÌanplc, the búd8et pü head ãwdded to

^râL)kml municipaliú4 is siSnilontly smallet than thât awaÍdcd to rcwishlocal Írünkipãlities, a d fo. this and Òlh€r rca$nt far more lsÍacli

^Ébfadìilier thar lrra.li Jewish fâmili.s are livinS below ttÌe Pov(lty UDe

(ke Mossawà Gntêt 2004).17 ln the .af ol a coüntry such ãs BelSiúm

r' M@bc6 of rÌìc tuÌi3tut súut tuy oÍ..ud id.otiry 'nôrc

rtuÌ8ry {lrh rhúàdopred oât o0 Úìan do thosc bclorì8r.g b nrìionzl nrtnonns. Thc kcy qncitio., hosÈvc',irwh{beio$plebeìonsú8b$chdt .ttonilotn/qrrhúo"

17 r Ì ÂÍltctuì ro Âms d€rhaÌit loÍ dikusdon.Í !h( lrÉú c e.

where nationil idcnljlìcs arcstiÌl pÌ.doúüìantty ncstcd, thc probl.trìs r.eÍ le$ scvcru, bur as Mclwen'r .hàpteÌ shows thesolìdaristn.welfarc policies thalnìvolvr nct nansfers liom tlandes toWaltonia hàve.ooernde.Írc fÍom Flemisü polilicìanswho would pÍdcÍ to ft socjal kÍviccs ardso.iaì s<urity beneÍÌls p.ovidcd on À Íegi{{ul basis (ànd by n.plì(attunwllhoul hvolvnìg redìstribution h?tween ihe two (rnmunirìes)

ÌrÌ6ive nârioml idcnrfties, llìcn, are â rcsoure rhat can bc urcd torupporl cSalitarian wclÍãr lx nier; whethfl n'nbrity kttunalirm is ahalp or à hind.ao.c de[Fnds on wherher jt rcinforc€s or Ílbverts (hcscmore inclusive loyâlrics, H.ving now cDrÌìincd lhe cvidercc. ldr Íì.etum nnally to rhe thirìkeB I havc b€€n (:allinS thc c.itic of mutticulturâlis.r. ttow fã. doer theÌ €titique hotd water? Ì betirye rhiìt thcygot three thlngs, at ìcast, right. IirÍ, ìhey rïcle righl (o aÌgtrc thüt àrcdist.ibútivc weÌfare state whidr ould âttracl mâiority suppôn rclie{ìupon erial solidaity ôÜos 8rdpt, only sme of whok henbeÍs couÌdêxp(t to bc ncÌ ben(nciaries írrnn rpeci6. policìes. I(lt di|ücnu, thcwellare stat( dcp<nde.l ut,{D d politi{:al odlition irì ptrrsuil otsociírl iús-tice aüd not mercly self-interest, a coaÌtio! rhrt appears to have íorhedin m6r âdvnnGl d€trrh-^Éd6 ÍÌ ti€ middtc ycd of thc lâsr ccnturÍSecond, they weie riSht to point out thar this sohhrity-l,ased cortitionhad mor. .ccênrÌy been weaÌcncd ìf not dissotved, iDd lhar rhc risc otmultitultu.rlism wâs tE.t of this prols.loliti.àt identitis hãd lKrÌneÍnorc spe.ìlì( and norc dividcd, âtrd whdc these identiriE weÍe ba*dln cÌhnìcity oi relig'or, â multiolhral ideobty had latcn ror. Third,they were Ìighr to poirìl out the danEer posed by multìottuÍati5m to thenãlion stat(, in ci@mstanG wheÌr that iÍíirution was already bcingqeâk€ned by rransnatìona! and 8lobal fo(er. For anyont who üw thènâtioD sta te as the main vchiclc lor cgaltarian politni, th is wat bad netos.

In otlìeÍ words, the oitici were 8ht to rlisc thc aliÍ!Ì, t hcy wcrc rightlo identry the dangeÍ pos.d by a ccíain bÉnd of muhicutturatism, eknlí they tendcd to êxaggc.atc thc spc.i6. conüiburion thar muìhottuÍaìlsft had mrd( Ìo tbe de(lìne of thc social derìocrâti. lctì (otho cutLurilshifts, for cxaDìpìc i' thc Íealms of worl ând leisuÌe, pbhabìy made abiSger diffeÈnrc). Bot they weÍe wÌon8 to sugScsr ttìât thc $lúrion tayln abandorinS rdti.ullurãlÌsm pcr sc, and .eruÌnin6 to â simpìeÌ kindoícgalitâriaD plti.s (ifürdeed they di.l suggcsfthât: as I noted ea.Ìlc! irtunrs out that thc qili(r' objKtion s are 15 to sp..ú. poli(i6 thar íavoü.culluml mi!ìoÍÍies,thân lomúlli.ultúnliú aran i.r@kìgy rhrtctebÌâÌ6gÍoup idêntity àÕd 8ruup diffeÌen(e at the cxpcnse oÍ,mlional ptldc,,'cohmon drcamí etc.), lÍ lhere is a sohrrlon, iÌ lies in àn inteuigert ÍorD

Page 55: Will Kymlicka Multiculturalism and Welfare

oI nÌuÌtnrlturalhÌì that extends speciat rre merr tÒ (ÌìrLtal ÌnnrÌitjeswhen, but only wheD, rhis scrve! to inregratc them morc .loseìv inrorhF h,d4 t u rn Ìy '\ .eu, ,.ti en wh.,r tt,r.np.r,,r,rtdr.,,,.r,.cses lor èxample how faÍ educarional t@vúìon ought to be tailoÌed1o nrcet the neds of.hiìdren 1ìoú ìin8uìslic or tuligioüs rÌìroritie5nccds carelul adàly\i5.Ì3 A çDlicy thar in o c côrrext may crrer{l oppornlrilìcs ioÍ mnìority groupÉfor irútin.c separate schôoÌins for rclgbu,nìnxÍities may nr àroth€r contcxt .on fuib( rc ro úxr bre.kdowr ofcoDrÍnrn cnizcnship Jnd thc cnreÌfence oi só{aìted ,parillct socieÌies' Thcsame applics to instjttnio.s thaÌ guar.nrce potiricat rcpÍ(,senlalion nJ

To.oncìúdc: foÍ those wlìo âÍe conÌ.Ìirr.d to the socìal democralicva\Es üÌit have nÌotivat.d the crtics of trìulÌiculrúatisÌn, Ìhe clidcn.ePrcscnted nÌ lhis boôk sho(rld be càü5e nejlher tbr gìqrm nor nÌ.ompla.èn9 lhcrc ir no reason to believe úÌar adÒptin8 nulti.ultuÍat polìcic\wìll lcad immiÌìently tó the collâpse of rhe srltìre rrare. Ìúr there rÍill a lriS questio. rbouÌ how to naintam denìocratir. lrpporr tuÍ red6tnbütive policiei, nr .ircrmsrances whcrc rarion Íar6 ãÍe inc.eisinglyconstraincd by Slobal e(onomìc lôr.es. We oecd to thiì* har.l abourhôw integhrio poìicjes can woÍk alo4ptd. Íìultnulturaì polnìies, so thatcitizens can respecl onc adorhe/s diÍer€ncrs buisrill think of rhcnjseÌv€sas bclonSing to the \âme codÌnunitt wìlh ã rcslDDsibility ro eNur..quì rights 1òr all. Recent teÍoisr outrages, ând the cvidcne rÌrey hàv€b.ought oi individ(als and Sroups wbo aÍe decply alìenated tìôm rhesocietier in wlÌich dìey havc .:Ì()5en to lìvc, nÌ)w us how ur8enr ÍrchthinküÌg has l)e.om€.

nn n! slcr âÌ !ak! hcÌe, sccNjíreÍ (2002)


Population diversity, m ulticultura lism,

and the welfare state: Should welÍare

state theory be revised?

Iot, Mft6 ú Íl Síbútia" t1 Am úd

L lntroduction

The edonnols exPansion oÍ weìfaÌe stàtcs lrom the 1950s to the ì970s

aÀd effor$ at retrenchnìent snÌce tiren havc tÌade weìfaÌe stare Pol

itics a pivotal eoçirical 'window' for answ€ring qúcstìons about dÌc

narure oI the political |ro.ess in the rich .rpitaList derÌÔüicics whatis the tule ol polilìcaì Putits and tlre dìversity of Politi.aÌ ideol

ogies they rePresent? Hon do diffeÌences nr the PÔlitical institutntrthâr m.diale tlÌc politi(aÌ pro.ess.ffect outcomes? What are the

seia/ lou.daliols Ò1 more exPansive wcÌÍare \tatcs? Ar€ differenccs

i. the deúogrâPhic oÍ .lass structuÌe ol thc PoPdation or the wat

Lhese g(trrps are ôIobìlized and incorPorated iÍ rhe poIú:al Prdess

These saÌn€ dcQdes weÍe ãlso a toúndatidril Perio<t for $rablshing

D€{ sdiâI, lc8âl and Politicaì institutions for .e8ülatnÌg ind nanâ8ing

Íerârìôns sith historÌc anüdô.J and for thè selccìion ard incorPoratìon

oI;rrriídrli. ln th. United States, tlrê 1960s'war on PoveÌt,v was coler

úirÌous with blact úìturgcncyind the rivil riShtt mov.nìcnt ln Canada

Quèbcct 'Quiet Rcvolution' brouSlÌt oflìdal bìllrÌslaìitm followed bv

adoption ol an of6.ial Policy of muìticultúralúm. IÌi BcÌ8nrm' the lìcrÌr

ìsh.atiorÌalirt movement gave rise to ã Process of frdfu2l dewÔh'tiÔ'

of [)ose bctweed Flarders and wallonia IÌì the leld of iúÌnigration,