Wiley Academic Catalog Business, Finance & Economics

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BuSiNeSS SYSTemS bs.ecomod.i1 Optimization Modeling of Economic Systems

bs.lean.i1 Initial Lean Supply Chain – Proficiency

bs.lean.i2 Initial Lean Supply Chain – Tactical

bs.lean.i3 Initial Lean Supply Chain – Leadership

bs.lean.i4 Initial Lean Supply Chain – Strategic

bs.sust.i1 Sustainability Strategies

chemicaL eNGiNeeriNGce.batt.i1 Introduction to Battery Technology for Hybrid Electric Vehicles

comPuTer ScieNcecs.con.i1 Principles of Concurrency

cs.para.i2 Principles of Parallelism

eLecTricaL & comPuTer eNGiNeeriNGece.embed.i1 Signal Processing for Embedded Systems

ece.nano.i1 Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics, Basic Concepts

ece.nano.i2 Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics Including NEGF

ece.power.i1 Hybrid-Electric Vehicle – Power Electronics & Electric Machines

ece.vlsi.a1 Advanced VLSI Design – Low-Power Electronics and Design

ece.vlsi.a2 Advanced VLSI Design – Dynamic Power Management

ece.vlsi.a3 Advanced VLSI Design – Error Resilient VLSI Design

LiBeraL arTScla.com.i1 Presenting Complex Information

mechaNicaL eNGiNeeriNGme.hysys.i1 Hybrid-Electric Vehicle – Performance & Environment Impact

me.kinet.i1 Dynamics – Kinematics

me.kinet.i2 Dynamics – Kinetics

me.nano.m1 Thermal Energy at the Nanoscale

me.stat.m1 Vector Basics, Particles, and Rigid Bodies

me.stat.m2 Fluids, Friction, and Frames and Machines

me.stat.m3 Internal Loads and Basic Stress Analysis

me.vibs.i3 Dynamics – Introduction to Mechanical Vibration

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BUSINESSE-Commerce: Fundamentals and ApplicationsChan

Table of Contents• Part I: Technologies (Fundamentals) • Internet and World Wide Web • Client-side Programming • Server-side Programming I: Servlet fundamentals • Server-side Programming II: Database Connectivity • Server-side Programming III: Session Tracking • Basic Cryptography for Enabling E-commerce • Internet Security • Advanced technologies for e-commerce • Part 2: Applications • Internet Payment Systems •

Consumer-oriented E-commerce • Business-oriented E-commerce • E-service • Web Advertising and Web Publishing • Step-by-Step Exercises for Building the VBS

ISBN: 9788126514694 | ` 589

Business Process Reengineering & Change Management Dey

Table of Contents• Business Process Reengineering and Kaizen • Definition and Illustrations of Business Process Reengineering • Business Process Reengineering and Other Management Concepts • Implementation of Business Process Reengineering • Reengineering Structure • Common Pitfalls in Business Process Reengineering • Change Management in Business Process Reengineering

ISBN: 9788177225365 | ` 349

Business Law for Managers Goel

Table of Contents• Laws relating to Contract, Sale of Goods, Negotiable Instruments and Consumer Protection. • Highlights of laws relating to Intellectual Property including Patents, Copyright and Trademark. • Highlights of some relevant economic laws like IT Act 2000; FEMA 1999; and Competition Act 2002. • Corporate laws include Company Law along with Corporate Governance. • Legal aspects relating to business - Partnerships, Alternative Dispute Redressal, Sexual Harassment, Right

to Information and Environment Protection. • Relevant aspects of the Constitution of India concerning business.

ISBN: 9788177225358 | ` 349

Forthcoming TitleThe Business Law Book Kapoor

BUSINESS ANALYTICSCode Halos : How the Digital Lives of People, Things and Organizations are Changing the Rules of Business Frank NEWTable of Contents

• Digits over Widgets: The Next Age of Business and Technology • Four Principles for Success in the Code Halo Economy • Winning with the Crossroads Model

ISBN: 9788126548606 | ` 599

Microsoft Big Data SolutionsJorgensen NEWTable of Contents

• What Is Big Data? • Setting up for Big Data with Microsoft • Storing and Managing Big Data • Working with Your Big Data • Big Data and SQL Server Together

• Moving Your Big Data Forward

ISBN: 9788126548767 | ` 699

Modeling for Insight: A Master Class for Business Analysts Powell NEWTable of Contents

• Foundations of Modeling for Insight • Spreadsheet Engineering • A First Example The Red Cross Problem

• Retirement Planning Problem • Technology Option • Medi Device • Draft Commercials • New England College Skiway • National Leasing, Inc. • Pharma X and Pharma Y • Invivo Diagnostics, Inc.

ISBN: 9788126547111 | ` 749

Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die Siegel NEWTable of Contents

• Liftoff! Prediction Takes Action (deployment) • With Power Comes Responsibility: Hewlett-Packard, Target and the Police Deduce Your Secrets (ethics) • The Data Effect: A Glut at the End of the Rainbow (data) • The Machine That Learns: A Look inside Chase’s Prediction of Mortgage Risk (modeling) • The Ensemble Effect:

Netflix, Crowdsourcing, and Supercharging Prediction (ensembles) • Watson and the Jeopardy! Challenge (question answering) • Persuasion by the Numbers: How Telenor, U.S. Bank and the Obama Campaign Engineered Influence (uplift) • Afterword • Ten Predictions for the First Hour of 2020 • Appendices • Five Effects of Prediction • Twenty-One Applications of Predictive Analytics • Prediction People--Cast of “Characters”

ISBN: 9788126547999 | ` 599


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Marketing Analytics: Data-Driven Techiniques with Microsoft ExcelWinston NEWTable of Contents

• Using Excel to Summarize Marketing Data • Pricing • Forecasting • What do Customers Want? • Customer Value • Market Segmentation • Forecasting New Product Sales • Retailing • Advertising • Marketing Research Tools • Internet and Social Marketing

ISBN: 9788126548620 | ` 799

An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 3edAnderson

Table of Contents• The Multivariate Normal Distribution. • Estimation of the Mean Vector and the Covariance Matrix. • The Distributions and Uses of Sample Correlation Coefficients. • The Generalized T2-Statistic. • Classification of Observations. • The Distribution of the Sample Covariance Matrix and the Sample Generalized Variance. • Testing the General Linear Hypothesis: Multivariate Analysis of Variance • Testing

Independence of Sets of Variates. • Testing Hypotheses of Equality of Covariance Matrices and Equality of Mean Vectors and Covariance Matrices. • Principal Components.

• Cononical Correlations and Cononical Variables. • The Distributions of Characteristic Roots and Vectors. • Factor Analysis. • Pattern of Dependence; • Graphical Models.

ISBN: 9788126524488 | ` 649

Mastering Data Mining: The Art and Science of Customer Relationship ManagementBerry

Table of Contents• Setting the Focus • The Three Pillars of Data Mining • Case Studies

ISBN: 9788126518258 | ` 619

Using Excel for Business Analysis: A Guide to Financial Modelling Fundamentals, + Website Fairhurst

Table of Contents• What Is Financial Modelling? • Building a Model • Best Practice Principles of Modelling • Financial Modelling Techniques • Using Excel in Financial Modelling • Functions for Financial Modelling • Tools for Model Display • Tools for Financial Modelling • Common Uses of Tools in Financial Modelling • Model

Review • Stress-Testing, Scenarios, and Sensitivity Analysis in Financial Modelling • Presenting Model Output

ISBN: 9788126545650 | ` 799

Data Smart: Using Data Science to Transform Information into Insight Foreman

Table of Contents• Everything You Ever Needed to Know about Spreadsheets but Were Too Afraid to Ask • Cluster Analysis Part I: Using K-Means to Segment Your Customer Base • Naïve Bayes and the Incredible Lightness of Being an Idiot • Optimization Modeling: Because That “Fresh Squeezed” Orange Juice Ain’t Gonna Blend Itself • Cluster Analysis Part II: Network Graphs and Community Detection • The Granddaddy

of Supervised Artificial Intelligence--Regression • Ensemble Models: A Whole Lot of Bad Pizza • Forecasting: Breathe Easy; You Can’t Win • Outlier Detection: Just Because They’re Odd Doesn’t Mean They’re Unimportant • Moving from Spreadsheets into R

ISBN: 9788126546145 | ` 699

Taming The Big Data Tidal Wave: Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams with Advanced AnalyticsFranks

Table of Contents• What Is Big Data and Why Does It Matter? • Web Data: The Original Big Data • A Cross-Section of Big Data Sources and the Value They Hold • The Evolution of Analytic Scalability • The Evolution of Analytic Processes • The Evolution of Analytic Tools and Methods • What Makes a Great Analysis? • What Makes

a Great Analytic Professional? • Who Is the Analytic Professional? • What Makes a Great Analytics Team? • Enabling Analytic Innovation • Creating a Culture of Innovation and Discovery

ISBN: 9788126545698 | ` 999

Next Generation Excel, 2ed: Modeling in Microsoft Excel for Analysts and MBAsGottlieb

Table of Contents• · AutoFill • Selecting Efficiently in Excel • Formulas, Functions and Relative and Absolute Addressing • Naming Cells and Ranges • Conditional and Advanced Conditional Formatting in Excel • Excel Charts • Sparkline and Advanced Topics in Excel Charts • IF Functions • Text Manipulation • Descriptive Statistics •

Frequency Distributions • Statistical Regression • Data Analysis--The Excel Easy to Use Statistics Add-In • Data Analysis--Multi-Regression • Naming Cells--For Meaningful Decision Making and Modeling • What-If Analysis and Goal Seek • Sensitivity Analysis-

-One- and Two-Way Data Tables • Using Scroll Bars for Sensitivity Analysis • Multi-Page Budgets--Going to the Third Dimension • Lookup Tables • Sorting Data • AutoFilter • Data Forms and Features Eliminated in Excel 2007 and 2010 • Group and Outline Data • Excel Subtotals • Pivot Tables • Data Mining Using Pivot Tables • Using Slicers to Filter Pivot Tables • NPV and IRR--Evaluating Capital Investments • Unconventional Financial Functions: XNPV and XIRR • Frequently Used Financial Functions • Amortization Tables

• Accounting Depreciation Functions • Beyond the Goal Seek--More Than One Changing Cell? Use the Solver • The Solver Add-In--Optimizer

ISBN: 9788126542581 | ` 699


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Web Analytics 2.0: The Art of Online Accountability & Science of Customer CentricityKaushik

Table of Contents• The Bold New World of Web Analytics 2.0. • The Optimal Strategy for Choosing Your Web Analytics Soul Mate. • The Awesome World of Clickstream Analysis: Metrics. • The Awesome World of Clickstream Analysis: Practical Solutions. • The Key to Glory: Measuring Success. • Failing Faster: Unleashing the Power of

Testing and Experimentation. • Competitive Intelligence Analysis. • Emerging Analytics: Social, Mobile, and Video. • Optimal Solutions for Hidden Web Analytics Traps. • Guiding Principles for Becoming an Analysis Ninja. • Advanced Principles for Becoming an Analysis Ninja. • The Web Analytics Career. • HiPPOs, Ninjas and the Masses: Creating a Data-Driven Culture.

ISBN: 9788126542451 | ` 699Also useful for Management Information Systems / Operations Management

Data Mining Methods and ModelsLarose

Table of Contents• · Dimension Reduction Methods • Regression Modeling • Multiple Regression and Model Building

• Logistic Regression • Naïve Bayes and Bayesian Networks • Genetic Algorithms • Case Study: Modeling Response to Direct-Mail Marketing

ISBN: 9788126507764 | ` 439

Business Analytics for Managers: Taking Business Intelligence Beyond ReportingLaursen

Table of Contents• The Business Analytics Model. • Business Analytics at Strategic Level. • Development and Deployment of Information at the Functional Level. • Business Analytics at the Analytical Level. • Business Analytics at the Data Warehouse Level. • The Company’s Collection of Source Data. • Structuring of a Business Intelligence

Competency Center. • Assessment and Prioritization of BA Projects. • Business Analytics in the Future.

ISBN: 9788126544127 | ` 649Also useful for MIS / Operations Management

Data Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales and Customer Relationship Management, 3edLinoff

Table of Contents• What Is Data Mining and Why Do It? • Data Mining Applications in Marketing and Customer Relationship Management. • The Data Mining Process. • Statistics 101: What You Should Know About Data. • Descriptions and Prediction: Profiling and Predictive Modeling. • Data

Mining Using Classic Statistical Techniques. • Decision Trees. • Artifi cial Neural Networks. • Nearest Neighbor Approaches: Memory-Based Reasoning and Collaborative Filtering. • Knowing When to Worry: Using Survival Analysis to Understand Customers. • Genetic Algorithms and Swarm Intelligence. • Tell Me Something New: Pattern Discovery and Data Mining. • Finding Islands of Similarity: Automatic Cluster Detection. • Alternative Approaches to Cluster Detection. • Market Basket Analysis and Association Rules. • Link Analysis. • Data Warehousing, OLAP, Analytic Sandboxes, and Data Mining. • Building Customer Signatures. • Derived Variables: Making the Data Mean More. • Too Much of a Good Thing? Techniques for Reducing the Number of Variables. • Listen Carefully to What Your Customers Say: Text Mining.

ISBN: 9788126534722 | ` 679Also useful for Management Information Systems

Data Mining Using SAS Enterprise MinerMatignon

Table of Contents• Introduction. • Sample Nodes. • Explore Nodes. • Modify Nodes. • Model Nodes. • Assess Nodes. • Scoring Nodes. • Utility Nodes.

ISBN: 9788126535668 | ` 779

Excel Data Analysis: Your Visual Blueprint for Analyzing Data, Charts and Pivottables, 4edMcfedries

Table of Contents• Building Formulas for Data Analysis • Troubleshooting Formulas • Enhancing Formulas with Functions • Analyzing Financial Data • Analyzing Statistical Data • Building Tables for Data Analysis • Sorting and Filtering Data • Learning Data Analysis Techniques • Working with Data Analysis Tools • Tracking Trends and Making

Forecasts • Working with the Analysis Tool Pak • Analyzing Data with PivotTables • Visualizing Data with Charts • Importing Data into Excel • Querying Data Sources • Learning VBA for Data Analysis

ISBN: 9788126544004 | ` 499

Big Data, Big Analytics: Emerging Business Intelligence and Analytic Trends for Today’s BusinessesMinelli

Table of Contents• What Is Big Data and Why Is It Important? • Industry Examples of Big Data • Big Data Technology • Information Management • Business Analytics • The People Part of the Equation • Data Privacy and Ethics

ISBN: 9788126544691 | ` 499


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BUSINESS ANALYTICS / COMMUNICATIONSFundamentals of Business AnalyticsPrasad

Table of Contents• Business View of Information Technology Applications • Case Study Briefs • Types of Digital Data • Introduction to OLTP and OLAP • Getting Started with Business Intelligence • BI Definitions and Concepts • Basics of Data Integration • Multidimensional Data Modeling • Measures, Metrics, KPIs, and Performance Management

• Basics of Enterprise Reporting • BI Road Ahead

ISBN: 9788126532032 | ` 529Also useful for Management Information Systems / Operations Management

Too Big To Ignore: The Business Case for Big DataSimon

Table of Contents• Data 101 and the Data Deluge • Demystifying Big Data • The Elements of Persuasion: Big Data Techniques • Big Data Solutions • Case Studies: The Big Rewards of Big Data • Taking the Big Plunge • Big Data: Big Issues and Big Problems • Looking Forward: The Future of Big Data • Final Thoughts

ISBN: 9788126543250 | ` 399

Big Data: Understanding How Data Powers Big BusinessSchmarzo

Table of Contents• The Big Data Business Opportunity • Big Data History Lesson • Business Impact of Big Data • Organizational Impact of Big Data • Understanding Decision Theory • Creating the Big Data Strategy • Understanding Your Value Creation Process • Big Data User Experience Ramifi cations • Identifying Big Data Use Cases • Solution Engineering • Big Data Architectural Ramifi

cations • Launching Your Big Data Journey • Call to Action

ISBN: 9788126545452 | ` 499

Data Mining for Business Intelligence: Concepts, Techniques and Applications in Microsoft Office Excel with XLMinerShmueli

Table of Contents• Overview of the Data Mining Process • Data Exploration and Dimension Reduction • Evaluating Classification and Predictive Performance • Multiple Linear Regression • Three Simple Classification Methods • Classification and Regression trees • Logistic

Regression • Neural Nets • Discriminant Analysis

ISBN: 9788126517589 | ` 659Also useful for Operations Management

Business Intelligence Vercellis

Table of Contents• Components of the decision-making process. • Business intelligence. • Decision support systems. • Data warehousing. • Mathematical models and meth-ods. • Mathematical models for decision making. • Data mining. • Data preparation. • Data exploration. • Regression. • Time series. • Classification. • Association rules. • Clustering. • Business intelligence applications. • Marketing models. • Logistic and production models. • Data envelopment analysis.

ISBN: 9788126541881 | ` 489


Applied Data Mining:

Statistical Methods for Business and

Industry Giudici

Applied Data Mining: Statistical Methods for Business and Industry Giudici

ISBN: 9812531785 | $ 5.50Exclusively distributed by CBS Publishers & Distributors

Forthcoming TitlesHadoop in Simple StepsKogent

Hadoop SecurityLakhe

COMMUNICATIONSManagement Communication, 3edBell

Table of Contents• Pillars of Management Communication. • Letters, Memos and E-mail. • Reports and Proposals. • Career Communication. • Communication Issues for Management Success.

ISBN: 9788126529452 | ` 669

Soft Skills for ManagersKalyana

Table of Contents• Introduction to Soft Skills • Leadership • Team Building • Positive Attitude • Communications • Perception • Decision Making • Motivation • Goal Setting • Emotional Intelligence Management • Time Management • Stress Management

ISBN: 9788177225686 | ` 225

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Soft Skills for Young Managers Rao

Table of Contents• Indian Education • Indian Cricket • Employability Skills • Communication Skills • Soft Skills • Entrepreneurial Skills • Leadership Skills • Decision Making Skills • Time Management • Indian Knowledge Workers • Consultants vs. Contractors • Failure is Only a Comma

• Suicide is not the Solution • Grow Your Potential • Westernization • Indian Media • Corruption • Black Money • Reverse Brain Drain • Women Power • India - An Emerging Super Power

ISBN: 9788177223774 | ` 375

Communication Skills Handbook: How to Succeed in Written and Oral Communication Summers

Key Features• To outline the minimum requirements for formal pre-sentation of written and verbal material • Assists lectur-ers to apply a consistent approach to the assessment of the formal presentation of written and verbal material by students irrespective of department, unit or level of study • Reinforces that communication skills should

be viewed by students as an integral component of their studies and essential to their careers, rather than as optional skills isolated from their chosen disciplines • This edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the sixth edition of the Style Manual

ISBN: 9788126522231 | ` 169

Integrated Business Communication in a Global Marketplace Stuart

Table of Contents• Building Blocks of Communication • The Complex World of the Sender • Knowing the Receivers of Your Messages • Breaking through the Noise • Communication Channels • Business Communication and Public Relations Tools • External Communication: Messaging to your Publics • Internal Communication: Messaging within your Company • The Importance of Effective Communication in the Workplace • Issues of

Organizational Leadership • Global Communication Expands • Communication in the New Management World • Issues Affecting Communication Strategy • New Focus on Responsible Communication • Looking Ahead

ISBN: 9788126513451 | ` 599

ENTREPRENEURSHIPPatterns of EntrepreneurshipKaplan

Table of Contents• The Entrepreneurial Process • Developing Ideas and Business Opportunities • Analyzing The Market, Customers and Competition • Preparing The Winning Business Plan • Setting up The Company • Early-Stage Financing • Growth Funding • Discovering The Value in Intellectual Property: The Competitive Edge • Preparing The Organization For Growth • Developing an

COMMUNICATIONS / ENTREPRENEURSHIPE-Business Strategy • Managing Financial Operations • Buying Existing and Turnaround Businesses and Opening Franchises • Launching A High-Tech Venture • Harvesting and Exiting The Venture: Options and Alternatives

ISBN: 9788126512829 | ` 499

Entrepreneurship Theory at the Crossroads: Paradigms and Praxis, 2ed Manimala

Table of Contents• Entrepreneurial Innovation: Beyond Schumpeter • Innovative Entrepreneurship: Testing the Theory of Environmental Determinism • Entrepreneurial Heuristics: A Comparison between High PI (Pioneering-Innovative) and Low PI Ventures • Rules of Thumb that help Innovators: ATale of Two Entrepreneurs • New Venture

Strategies: The Innovators’ Choice • Beyond Innovators and Imitators: A Taxonomy of Entrepreneurs • Networking for Innovation: Anecdotal Evidences from a Large-Sample Study of Innovative Enterprises • Higher Education-Enterprise Co-operation and the Entrepreneurial Graduate: The Need for a New Paradigm • Organizational Learning through Partnerships: The Case of SMEs • Managing R & D in SMEs: Taking Advantage of the Giants’ Shoulders • Growth Venture Policies and Founder Characteristics: Evidence from British High-Growth and Low-Growth Ventures • Policies and Founder Characteristics of New Technology-Based Firms (NTBFs): A Comparison between British and Indian Firms

• Founder Characteristics and Start-up Policies of Entrepreneurial Ventures: A Comparison between British and Indian Enterprises • Entrepreneurial Motivation Revisited • Promoting Industrial Clusters in India: Lessons from Europe and East Asia • Entrepreneurship in Established Indian Firms: Strategies for Coping with Large-Scale Changes in the Business Environment • Financing Innovation: Strategies of Established versus Start-up Ventures • Turnaround Management: AStage-Theory for the Doubly Entrepreneurial Act • Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions and Activity Levels in India: Results of a National Survey Compared with the Global Scenario • Epilogue Manimala’s Entrepreneurial Cognition Research: The Beginning of ‘Deep’ Entrepreneurial Cognition Research

ISBN: 9788177224603 | ` 449

Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 3ed Asia-Pacific Schaper

Table of Contents• The nature of small business and entrepreneurship • Getting into business. • Selected topics

ISBN: 9788126531165 | ` 669

Entrepreneurship, w/cd Trehan

Table of Contents• Establishing a New Enterprise • Financial Requirements of a New Enterprise • Managing a New Enterprise • Expansion Strategies of an Enterprise • Business Continuity Plan • Small-Scale Enterprises • Institutional Support for Small Enterprises • Challenges for Small Enterprises • Organizational Complexity, Creativity and Culture • Decision Support System • Intellectual Property • Franchising

ISBN: 9789350040263 | ` 429

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HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTStrategic Human Resource Management, w/cdRao NEWTable of Contents

• · Transformation of Personnel Function • Introduction to Strategic Human Resource Management • Human Capital • An Investment Perspective of Human Resources • Human Resource Environment • The Concept of Strategy and Types of Strategies • HR Strategy and its Components • Integration of HR Strategy with Organizational Strategies • Human Resources as a Source of Competitive Advantage •

HR’s Role as a Strategic Partner • Design and Redesign of Work Systems • Strategic Human Resource Planning • Strategic Recruitment and Selection • Succession Planning and Management • Strategic Training and Development • A Learning Organization • Performance Management • Strategic Compensation Management • Strategic Industrial Relations • Knowledge Management • High Performance Work Practices • Employee Engagement • HR Evaluation and HR Audit • HR Outsourcing • Global Human Resource Management

ISBN: 9789351192589 | ` 449

Strategic Human Resources: Frameworks for General Managers, 3edBaron

Table of Contents• The Five Factors • Consistent HR Practices: The Whole Can Be More Than the Sum of the Parts • Employment and Economics • Employment as a Social Relation • Voice: Unions and Other Forms of Employee Representation • Employment, Society and the Law • Internal Labor Markets • High-Commitment

HR • Performance Evaluation • Pay for Performance • Compensation Systems: Forms, Bases and Distribution of Rewards • Job Design • Staffing and Recruitment • Training

• Promotion and Career Concerns • Downsizing • Outsourcing • HRM in Emerging Companies • Organizing HR

ISBN: 9788126524914 | ` 619

Human Resource Management, 10ed DeCenzo

Table of Contents• Understanding HRM • The Legal and Ethical Context of HRM • Staffing the Organization • Training and Development • Maintaining High Performance • Labor-Management Environments

ISBN: 9788126531196 | ` 569

Human Resource Management Gupta

Table of Contents• Overview of HRM • Human Resource Planning • Job Analysis, Job Description, Job Specification and Job Evaluation • Acquisition of Human Resource • Training and Development • Performance Appraisal • Change Management • Career and Succession Planning • Maintenance of Human Resource • Compensation Management • Latest Trends in Human Resource Management

ISBN: 9788177228212 | ` 349

Training & Development (Indian Text ed) Janakiram

Table of Contents• Training • Training Needs • Training Design • Learning • Training Process • Training Methods, Techniques and Aids • Implementation of Training • Trainer’s Skills and Styles • Management Development • Validation and Evaluation of Training 12 Cases

ISBN: 9788177227253 | ` 379

Human Resource Management: A Managerial Tool Kleiman

DescriptionThe book contains exercises in each chapter that are designed to keep students thinking about competitive advantage in a variety of scenarios; discussion ques-tions. The book is having dozens of up-to-date cases with analysis and discussion as well as cases for addi-tional student analysis. It contains experiential exercises in which the user is asked to analyze a case study. The book also features policies and materials from well-

known companies’ HR Policy statements and practices, examples of commonly used forms, and relevant laws and government regulations.

ISBN: 9788177223750 | ` 349

Industrial SociologyMathur

Table of Contents• Nature and Scope of Industrial Sociology • Development of Industry • Industrialization in India

• Grievances and Grievance Handling Procedure • Discipline and Management of Discipline • Nature and Causes of Industrial Disputes • Strikes and Lock-outs • Industrial Relations Machinery • Tripartite and Bipartite Machinery • Trade Unionism in India • The Trade Union Act, 1926 • The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946

ISBN: 9788177228465 | ` 229


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Performance Management, w/cd Rao

Table of Contents• Fundamentals of Performance Management • Performance Management Process - I • Performance Management Process - II • Team and Organizational Performance Management

ISBN: 9789350042892 | ` 395

Strategic Human Resource Management, 2ed Schuler

Table of Contents• Looking Inside for Competitive Advantage • Understanding Human Resource Management in the Context of Organizations and Their Environments • Implications of the Converging Economy for Human Resource Management • Human Resources and the Resource Based view of the Firm • The Complex Resource-Based View: Implications for Theory and Practice in Strategic Human Resource Management •

Alignment of Human Resources and their Impact on Business Performance • Converting Global Presence into Global Competitive Advantage • Human Resource Strategy in International Context • Reframing Global Mindset: From Thinking to Acting • A Quarter-Century Review of Human Resource Management in the US: The Growth in Importance of the International Perspective • European Human Resource Management: Researching Developments over Time • HRM in China • HRM in India • HR Strategy and Competitive Advantage in the Service Sector • Managing the Human Resource Architecture for Knowledge-Based Competition • New HR Metrics: Scoring on the Business Scorecard

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ISBN: 9788126515899 | ` 599

Employee Engagement (Hardback) Sengupta

Table of Contents• Demystifying Employee Engagement • Inequalities in Gender Engagement at Workplaces • Building Blocks of Engagement • Life @ Work • Lens of the Service Marketer • The Extended Honeymoon • Measuring Engagement • Best Practices and Benchmarking in Employee Engagement

ISBN: 9788177226713 | ` 395 Also available in Paperback ISBN: 9788177229134 | ` 295

Human Resource Management, w/cd Sengupta

Table of Contents• The New Brand Ambassadors • The New Age HRM • Human Resource Planning • Job Analysis • Recruitment

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ISBN: 9789350043196 | ` 449

Forthcoming TitlesHuman Resource Management, 11ed, ISVDeCenzo

Human Resource ManagementRaju

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSElements of International BusinessChary

Table of Contents• Introduction • Intercultural Management • International Trade • International Politics and Economic Integration • International Organisations • Foreign Direct Investment

– I • Foreign Direct Investment – II • Strategies • International Business Today and Tomorrow

ISBN: 9788126506941 | ` 549

International Business, 8edCzinkota

Table of Contents• Part I: Impact • Part II: Foundations • Part III: Environment • Part IV: Strategy • Part V: Operations

ISBN: 9788126534074 | ` 749

International Management, 4ed Mead

Table of Contents• Introduction • Cross-Cultural Management • International Management • Conclusions

ISBN: 9788126529759 | ` 699


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INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS / MANAGEMENTGlobal Trade in the New Millennium (Hardback) Parthasarathy

Table of Contents• Globalization • Trade • Trade Environment • Government Influence on Trade • Emerging Market Economies • Foreign Direct Investment • Financial Crisis and Economy • International Taxation • EU India Trade & Business Relations • India EU Cooperation • Impact of Free Trade Agreement • Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary Measures (SPS) • Challenges & Hurdles in

Trade • Sustainable Development through Global Economic Governance

ISBN: 9789350040997 | ` 449 Also available in Paper back ISBN: 9789350040119 | ` 349

Global & Transnational Business: Strategy and Management, 2ed Stonehouse

Table of Contents • Strategic and Management Issues in Global and Transnational Business • From National Culture to Global Vision • Analysis of the Global Business • Analysis of the Competitive Environment • Analysis of the Global Macro environment • Global and Transnational Strategy • Global and Transnational Market-servicing Strategies • Global Production and Logistics Management • Global Leadership

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ISBN: 9788126515233 | ` 569

MANAGEMENTCoaching: The Art of Developing Leaders Babu

Table of Contents• Coaching for Leadership Development • Who can be a Coach? • What is Coaching • Coaching Paradigms

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ISBN: 9788126534791 | ` 479

Knowledge ManagementDebowski

Table of Contents• The Knowledge Environment • An Introduction to Strategic Knowledge Management • The Knowledge Leader • Building and leading a knowledge culture • Developing the knowledge architecture: A human-istic perspective • Building an Integrated Strategic Organizational Knowledge System • Defining and Capturing Core Knowledge • Capturing and manag-ing the strategic knowledge • Developing an effective knowledge service • Developing effective knowledge

users • Measuring knowledge take-up. • Knowledge Management Challenges • A Holistic view of Strategic Knowledge Management

ISBN: 9788126514502 | ` 499

Management : Principles & Guidelines Duening Table of Contents

• Introduction to Management • Planning • Organizing • Leadership • Controlling • Managing change and Innovation

ISBN: 9788177223866 | ` 379

The Little Book of Leadership Gitomer

Table of Contents • Leadership Insight. • Mental Leadership. • Resilient Leadership. • Reality Leadership. • Coach Leadership. • Situational Leadership. • Measurement Leadership. • Opportunity Leadership. • Guts Leadership. • Personal Leadership. • Celebration Leadership. • Next-Level Leadership. • Legacy Leadership.

ISBN: 9788126536474 | ` 399

International Management Behavior, 6ed LaneTable of Contents

• The Global Manager • Intercultural Effectiveness in International Management • The MBI Model for High Performance • Managing Global Teams and Networks • Executing Global Strategy • Selecting and Developing Global Managers • Managing Change in Global Organizations • Competing with Integrity in Global Business: Personal Integrity • Competing with Integrity in Global Business: Corporate Citizenship

ISBN: 9788126535996 | ` 529

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Summer Internship Simplified Mishra

Table of Contents• Introduction. What is SIP? • Conduct and Behavior • Major Stakeholders in SIP and their Role • Management Thesis • Thesis Structure • Thesis Presentation • Keep in Mind • Formats

ISBN: 9788177225372 | ` 229

Principles and Practices of Management, w/cd Nerkar

Table of Contents• Introduction to Management • Decision Making and Planning • Organization and Organizing • Directing Function of Management • Motivation • Leadership • Groups and Teams in an Organization • Organizational Change and Stress Management • Conflict, Communication and Coordination • Power, Politics and Authority • Controlling Function of Management • New Concepts and Trends in Management • Management of

Organizational Functions • Managing Strategies in an Organization

ISBN: 9789350042502 | ` 399

Introduction to Management Pithadia Table of Contents

• Introduction to Management and Organization • History of Management • Organizational Design and Structure • Organizational Culture and Environment

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ISBN: 9789350042496 | ` 349

Forthcoming TitlesInternational Management Behavior: Global and Sustainable Leadership, 7edLane

Introduction to Management, 12ed, ISVSchermerhorn

MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMSComputer Applications in ManagementSingh NEWTable of Contents

• Classification of Computer • Computer Basics Organization • Algorithm and Flowchart • Binary Arithmetic • Concept of Information and Data Processing • Computer Memory • Processor • Computer Languages • Computer Software • Operating System

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ISBN: 9789351192442 | ` 499

MIS: Management Information Systems in Business, Government and SocietyDe Table of Contents

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ISBN: 9788126520190 | ` 599

Management Information Systems Joshi

Table of Contents• Information Technology and Systems • Information Systems for Business Operations • Information Systems for Management • Managing Information Technology

• Planning and Implementing Changes with IT • IT Security and Controls • Internet and E-Commerce • IT for Distributed Teams

ISBN: 9789350040072 | ` 379

Essentials of Business Processes and Information Systems Magal

Table of Contents• Organizations, Processes and Information Systems. • Enterprise Systems. • The Procurement Process. • The Fulfillment Process. • The Production Process. • Integrated Processes.

ISBN: 9788126521753 | ` 359


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MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMSForecasting: Methods and Applications, 3ed Makridakis

Table of Contents• The Forecasting Perspective • Basic Forecasting Tools • Time Series Decomposition • Exponential Smoothing Methods • Simple Regression • Multiple Regression

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ISBN: 9788126518524 | ` 649

Harnessing Green IT: Principles and Practices Murugesan

Table of Contents• Green Devices and Hardware • Green Software • Sustainable Software Development • Green Data Centers • Green Data Storage • Green Networks and Communications • Enterprise Green IT Strategy • Sustainable Information Systems and Green Metrics • Enterprise Green IT Readiness • Sustainable IT Services: Creating a Framework for Service Innovation • Green Enterprises and the Role of IT • Environmentally

Aware Business Process Improvement in the Enterprise Context • Managing Green IT • Regulating Green IT: Laws, Standards and Protocols • Green Cloud Computing and Environmental Sustainability • Harnessing Semantic Web Technologies for the Environmental Sustainability of Production Systems

ISBN: 9788126539680 | ` 549

Management Information System, w/cd Parimi

Table of Contents• Introduction to Management Information System • Applications and Strategic Advantages of MIS • Introduction to Computer Systems • Management of Data Resources • Communication Technology and Network • Decision Support System (DSS) • System Development and Design • Knowledge Management and Artificial Intelligence in Business • Information Technology and Globalization • E-Commerce • MIS in

Project Management • Information System Security and Control • General Technological Knowledge

ISBN: 9789350043059 | ` 349

Computer Applications in Management, w/cd Shrivastava

Table of Contents• Introduction to Computer Systems • Operating Systems • Getting Started with Word 2007 • Working with Tables and Mail Merge • Macros • Preparing and Printing Documents in MS Word 2007 • Getting Started with Excel 2007 • Working with Formulas and Functions in Excel 2007 • Working with Graphs in Excel 2007 • Getting Started with PowerPoint 2007 •

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ISBN: 9788177228502 | ` 449

Data Mining for Business Intelligence: Concepts, Techniques and Applications in Microsoft Office Excel with XLMinerShmueli

Table of Contents • Overview of the Data Mining Process • Data Exploration and Dimension Reduction • Evaluating Classification and Predictive Performance • Multiple Linear Regression • Three Simple Classification Methods • Classification and Regression trees • Logistic

Regression • Neural Nets • Discriminant Analysis

ISBN: 9788126517589 | ` 709Also useful for Operations Management

Information Technology for Management: Transforming Organizations in the Digital Economy, 7edTurban

Table of Contents• IT Support of Organizational Performance. • Information Technologies. • Data Management. • Networking Discovery, Communication, Collaboration.

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IS. • KM. • Business Intelligence and Performance Management. • Managerial Decision Making. • Using IT for Strategic Advantage. • Econ. • Acquiring & Developing Systems. • Security. • Impacts.

ISBN: 9788126526390 | ` 629

Forthcoming TitlesStrategic Management of Information Systems, 5ed ISVPearlson

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Business Statistics:

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Business Statistics: Decision Making with Data Johnson

Table of Contents• Describing Patterns in Data • Organizing Data: Association and Relationships • Collecting Data • Probability • Random Variables and Probability Distributions • Continuous Random Variables and Sampling Distributions • From Samples to Populations: Inferences About Means • Comparing Means • Analyzing Count Data • Simple Linear Regression • Multiple Linear Regression and Time Series Models •

Management and Statistics

ISBN: 9812530150 | $ 8.25(Exclusively distributed by CBS Publishers & Distributors)

Computer Simulation in Management Science, 5ed


Computer Simulation in Management Science, 5ed Pidd

Table of Contents• Fundamentals of Computer Simulation in Management Science • Discrete Event Simulation • System Dynamics

ISBN: 9789812531933 | $4.50(Exclusively distributed by CBS Publishers & Distributors)

Forthcoming TitleComputer Applications in Management Singh

MARKETINGManaging Marketing: An Applied Approach and the Marketing Toolkit (Set of Textbook & Marketing Toolkit)Capon, Singh NEW

Table of Contents• Section I: Marketing and the Firm • Introduction to Managing Marketing • The Value of Customers • Section ll: Fundamental Insights for Strategic Marketing • Market Insight • Customer Insight • Insight about Competitors, Company, and Complementers •

Marketing Research • Transition to Strategic Marketing • Section lll: Strategic Marketing • Imperative 1: Determine and Recommend • Which Markets to Address • Identifying and Choosing Opportunities • Imperative 2: Identify and Target Market Segments • Market Segmentation and Targeting • Imperative 3: Set Strategic Direction and Positioning • Market Strategy — Integrating Firm Efforts for Marketing Success • Managing through the Life Cycle • Managing Brands • Section IV: Implementing the Market Strategy • Imperative 4: Design the Market Offer • Part A. Providing Customer Value • Managing the Product Line • Managing Services and Customer Service • Developing New Products • Part B. Communicating Customer Value • Integrated Marketing Communications • Mass and Digital Communication • Directing and Managing the Field Sales Effort • Part C. Delivering Customer Value • Distribution Decisions • Part D. Getting Paid for Customer Value • Critical Underpinnings of Pricing Decisions • Setting Prices • Imperative 5: Secure Support from Other Functions

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ISBN: 9788126548514 | ` 799

E-Marketing in Digital Age: Text & Cases, 2ed, w/cdSople NEWTable of Contents

• Role of Internet • Marketing on Internet • Consumer Behavior • Product Decisions • Pricing Decisions • Advertisement and Promotion • Marketing Research • Marketing Strategy • e-Retailing • B2B Networks and E-commerce Hubs • Search Engine Marketing • Mobile Marketing • Blogging: A Marketing Tool • Customer Relationship Management • E-Marketing & Globalization of Business • Legal & IPR Issues in Online

Marketing • Social Media Marketing: A New Wave • Cloud Computing: Enhancing Marketing Effectiveness

ISBN: 9789351192428 | ` 395

Marketing Research, 10edAaker

Table of Contents• The Nature and Scope of Marketing Research • Data Collection • Data Analysis • Special Topics in Data Analysis • Applications of Marketing Intelligence

ISBN: 9788126531189 | ` 709

Strategic Market Management, 9edAaker

Table of Contents• Strategic Market Management: An Overview • External and Customer Analysis • Competitor Analysis • Market / Submarket Analysis • Environmental Analysis and Strategic Uncertainty • Internal Analysis • Case Challenges for Part I • Creating Advantage: Synergy and Commitment vs. Opportunism vs. Adaptability • Alternative Value Propositions • Building and Managing Brand Equity • Energizing the Business • Leveraging the Business • Creating New Businesses • Global Strategies

• Setting priorities for Businesses and brands--The Exit, Milk and Consolidate Options • From Silos to Synergy--Harnessing the Organization • Case Challenges for Part II • Hobart • Dove • Competing Against Wal-Mart • Contemporary Art • Sony vs. iPod

ISBN: 9788126536245 | ` 459 Store OperationsAgarwal Table of Contents

• Introduction to Retails and Store • Front Operations and Merchandizing • Stock Management • Administrative and Employee Management • Security Management

ISBN: 9788177225167 | ` 349


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The Impact of E-Marketing on E-Buyer Behavior, w/cd Amin

Table of Contents• Marketing perspective in the internet age: e-Marketing • E-marketing-mix: marketing mix in internet era • The e-consumer perspective: typology of e-buyers and adoption process in • Electronic environment • E-buyer behavior in electronic environment • E-buying and online customer experience & CRM • E-branding: branding in electronic era • Case Studies

ISBN: 9789350043202 | ` 449

Marketing Management Anand

Table of Contents• Overview of Marketing • Market Oriented Strategic Planning • Marketing Environment • Marketing Research • Consumer Markets • Business Markets • Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning • Competition

• Brand • Product • Price • Place • Promotion-Integrated Marketing Communications • Five Winning Strategies in 21st Century • Marketing Area Overview

ISBN: 9789350042489 | ` 359

Customer Relationship Management, w/cd Bhasin Table of Contents

• Introduction to CRM • Importance of Relationship in Business • Planning a CRM Strategy • Selection of a CRM Tool • Managing a CRM Project • Creating Value for Customers • Customer Experience and CRM • Managing Customer Lifecycle: Customer Acquisition, Retention and Development • Customer Database • Sales and CRM • Marketing Automation • Service and CRM • Business Network and CRM • Customer

Portfolio Management • Electronic CRM (e-CRM) • Role of Human Resource in CRM • Role of CRM in Service Sector • Emerging Trends in CRM

ISBN: 9789350044544 | ` 399

Marketing Management Chopra Table of Contents

• Fundamentals of Marketing • Principles and Precepts of Marketing Management • Product Decisions • Pricing Decisions • Distribution Decisions • Communication Mix in Marketing • Marketing Strategies • Neo-Marketing Trends

ISBN: 9788177228427 | ` 329

Sales Management: Concepts and Cases, 10ed , ISVCron

Table of Contents• Early Management Thought. • The Scientific Management Era. • The Social Person Era.

• The Modern Era.

ISBN: 9788126526383 | ` 589

Service Management and Marketing: Customer Management in Service Competition, 3ed Gronroos

Table of Contents• The Service and Relationship Imperative: Managing in Service Competition • Managing Customer Relationships: An Alternative Paradigm in Management and Marketing • The Nature of Services and Service Consumption and Its Marketing Consequences • Service and Relationship Quality • Quality Management

in Services • Return on Service and Relationships • Managing The Augmented Service Offering • Service Management Principles • Managing Productivity in Service Organizations • Managing Marketing or Market-Oriented Management • Managing Integrated Marketing Communication and Total Communication • Managing Brand Relationships and Image • Customer-Focused Organization: Structure, Resources and Service Processes • Managing Internal Marketing: A Prerequisite for Successful Customer Management • Managing Service Culture: The Internal Service Imperative • Transforming a Manufacturing Firm into a Service Business • Conclusions: Managing Services and Relationships

ISBN: 9788126512874 ` 599

Events Marketing: How to Successfully Promote Events, Festivals, Conventions and Expositions Hoyle

Table of Contents• Introduction to Event Marketing. • Event Promotion, Advertising and Public Relations. • Electronic Event Marketing Strategies. • Funding the Event Marketing Program. • Marketing Association Meetings, Conferences, Events and Expositions. • Marketing

Corporate Meetings, Products, Services and Events. • Marketing Festivals, Fairs and Other Special Events. • Trends in Event Marketing.

ISBN: 9788126524679 | ` 399

Global Marketing Management, 5edKotabe

Table of Contents• Globalization. • Global Economic Environment. • Financial Environment. • Cultural Issues and Buying Behavior.

• Political / Legal Environment. • Global Marketing Research. • Global Segmentation and Positioning. • Global Marketing Strategies. • Global Market Entry Modes. • Global Product Development. • Marketing


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Products and Services. • Global Pricing. • Communicating with the World Consumer. • Sales Management. • Global Logistics and Distribution. • Export / Import Management.

• Planning, Organization and Control of Global Marketing Operations. • Marketing in Emerging Markets. • Global Marketing and the Internet.

ISBN: 9788126534128 | ` 709

Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Communication: An Indian PerspectiveKumar

Table of Contents• Consumer Behaviour and its Applications • Consumer Behaviour and Market Segmentation • Environment Influence on Consumer Behaviour • Individual Determinants of Consumer Behaviour • Consumer Decision Making • Behavioural Based Safety Management • Consumer Protection Act, 1986 • Retail

Consumer and Outlet Selection Behaviour Pattern • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) • Misbehaviour of Customer and Marketing Activities • Consumer Loyalties Repeat Purchase Behaviour • Introduction to Marketing Communications Management

• Advertising and Campaign Planning • Integrated Marketing Communication • E-Commerce an Effective Tool of Marketing Communication • Rural Buying

ISBN: 9789351191827 | ` 395

Customer Relationship Management: Concepts & Application Kumar

DescriptionBridging the chasm between theory and practice this unique book Customer Relationship Management Concepts and Application puts the evolving discipline of CRM/Relationship Marketing in a holistic perspective. The book lucidly covers in detail topics like the concept and context of CRM, types of customers, customer value, and technology of CRM, managing customer

relationships, consumer research, CRM strategy, CRM measurement and HR in CRM. The text is interspersed with a profusion of cases and examples from various businesses. Service verticals covered include banking, retail, telecom, airlines and electronic media. The book helps students / practitioners and general management to gain insights into valuable customer relationships.

ISBN: 9788177226225 | ` 429

Customer Relationship Management: A Database Approach Kumar Table of Contents

• CRM, Database Marketing and Customer Value • CRM Industry Landscape • Strategic CRM • Implementing the CRM Strategy • Introduction to Customer-Based Marketing Metrics • Customer Value Metrics-Concepts and Practices • Using Databases • Designing Loyalty Programs • Effectiveness of Loyalty Programs • Data Mining • Campaign Management • Applications of Database Marketing in B-to-C and B-to-B Scenarios •

Application of the Customer Value Framework to Marketing Decisions • Impact of CRM on Marketing Channels

ISBN: 9788126509133 | ` 419

International Marketing (with case-book) Lascu

Table of Contents• Introduction to International Marketing • The International Marketing Environment • International Marketing Strategy Decisions • Managing the International Marketing Mix • International Marketing Strategy: Implementation

ISBN: 9788177223705 | ` 399

Shopper, Buyer and Consumer Behavior: Theory and Marketing ApplicationsLindquist

Table of Contents• The Consumer in the Marketplace • The Consumer as Decision Maker • Psychological Influences on Consumer Decision Making • Sociological Influences on Consumer Decision Making • Special Topics

ISBN: 9788177223835 | ` 329

Marketing Research, 8ed, w/cd McDaniel

Table of Contents• The Role of Marketing Research in Management Decision Making. • The Marketing Research Industry and Research Ethics. • Problem Definition, Exploratory Research, and the Research Process. • Secondary Data and Databases. • Qualitative Research. • Traditional Survey Research. • Online Marketing Research. • Primary Data Collection: Observation. • Primary Data Collection: Experimentation and Test Markets. • The Concept of Measurement. • Using Measurement

Scales to Build Marketing Effectiveness. • Questionnaire Design. • Basic Sampling Issues. • Sample Size Determination. • Data Processing and Fundamental Data Analysis. • Statistical Testing of Differences and Relationships. • Bivariate Correlation and Regression

• Multivariate Data Analysis.. • Communicating the Research Results. • Managing Marketing Research.

ISBN: 9788126529353 | ` 709

Customer Service in Retailing, (Indian Text ed)Mishra

Table of Contents• Introduction to Customer Service • Retail Service Mix • Customer Expectation and Perception from Retailers • Service Quality • Customer Complaints and Customer Service • Managing the Customer Service Function

ISBN: 9788177223712 | ` 279


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Table of Contents• Product Design for Online Channel • Future Trend in Digital Marketing • e-Branding as Strategy • Interactive Direct Marketing • Managing Multiple Sales and Marketing Channels • Adding Value to Sales • Mastering Networks of Partners, Media, and Middlemen

• Building Customer Care Systems • Buying Outside Services

ISBN: 9788126542000 | ` 379

Research MethodologyRamamurthy

Table of Contents• Fundamentals of Research • Research Problem • Research Design • Sampling • Measurement and Scaling Techniques • Methods of Data Collection • Data Processing and Analysis • Concept of Hypothesis

• Parametric Tests • Non-Parametric Tests • Model Building and Decision-Making • Report Writing • Computer Application in Research Methodology • Additional Questions

ISBN: 9788177229714 | ` 449

Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach, 5edSekaran

Table of Contents• Scientific Investigation. • The Research Process: The Broad Problem Area and Defining the Problem Statement. • The Research Process: Theoretical Framework and Hypothesis Development. • The Research Process: Elements of Research Design. • Measurement of Variables: Operational Definition. • Measurement: Scaling, Reliability, Validity. • Data

Collection Methods. • Experimental Designs. • Sampling. • Quantitative Data Analysis. • Quantitative Data Analysis Part 2: Hypothesis Testing. • Qualitative Data Analysis. • The Research Report.

ISBN: 9788126531318 | ` 519

Cases in Retail Management Srinivasan

Table of Contents• Retail in Detail - Unorganized to Organized • Strategic Realities in Retail • Kanchi Silks • Shreejii …? • Akbarallys

- Not in Rally • Dosa in Plaza • Hidesign • Vimal is Back (Reviving its past glory) • Amul’s Ready-to-Eat Pizza • Shoppers Stop Limited • IKEA Connecting Concept • Tiffany & Co. • Dominating Pizzas • Visual Merchandising • Passion for Fashion • The Big Endeavor

• Hindustan Oil Xtra Power Fleet Card Program • Garuda Transport • ITC • Case Study on Supply Chain

Management • Attraction to Attrition • Mall Dhamaal… • Luxury… Lifestyle or Lavish • Catalogue Retailing - ‘Ar-Goes’ • Crossroad’s Retailing Lessons • Vending Machines, • The LOOT- Great Steal on Big Brands

ISBN: 9788177229127 | ` 225

International MarketingSiddiqui Table of Contents

• Introduction to International Marketing • Theories and Policies of International Trade • International Monetary System and Export Documentation • International Marketing Environment and Marketing Research • International Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning • International Product Decisions • International Pricing Decisions • International Distribution Decisions • International Promotion Decisions • Cultural Issues in International Marketing •

Developments in International Marketing • Case Studies

ISBN: 9788177229752 | ` 349

E-Marketing: Text & Cases Sople

Table of Contents• Role of Internet • Marketing on Internet • Consumer Behavior • Product Decisions • Pricing Decisions • Advertisement and Promotion • Marketing Research • Marketing Strategy • E-retailing • B2B Networks and Ecommerce Hubs • Website Design • Mobile Marketing

• Blogging: A Marketing Tool • Customer Relationship Management • Globalization of Business • IPR and Legal Issues

ISBN: 9788177224320 | ` 375

Customer Relationship ManagementZikmund

Table of Contents• The Nature of Customer Relationship Management. • Understanding Customer Differences. • Information Technology and Collecting Customer Data. • The CRM Data Warehouse. • Customer Loyalty. • Customer Retention Strategies. • Winback and Acquisition Strategies. • Sales Force Automation and Automated Customer Service Centers. • The Basics of Data Mining, Online Analytical Processing and Information

Presentation. • Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty. • Issues for Implementing CRM Systems.

ISBN: 9788126528059 | ` 439


International Marketing

Research, 2ed


International Marketing Research, 2ed Craig

Table of Contents• Marketing Research in a Global Environment • Designing International Marketing Research • Secondary Data Sources • Uses of Secondary Data • Structuring Primary Data Collection • Establishing the Comparability of Multicountry Data • Non survey Data Collection Techniques • Survey Instrument Design • Sampling and Data Collection • Multicountry Scales •


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Analysis of Multicountry Data. • Assessing Differences in the Structure of Variables • The International Marketing Information System • Challenges Facing International

ISBN: 9971513862 | $6.50 (Exclusively distributed by CBS Publishers & Distributors)

Marketing Management,


Marketing Management, 7ed Dalrymple

Table of Contents• The Role of Marketing in Organizations and Society • Marketing Strategy • Customer Analysis • Market Segmentation and Product Differentiation

• Competitive Analysis and Product Positioning • Product Development and Testing • Brand Management • Services Marketing • Pricing • Selecting Distribution Channels • Personal Selling and Sales Force Management • Direct Marketing • Designing Advertising Programs • Sales Promotion and Public

Relations • International Marketing • Marketing Planning.

ISBN: 9814126217 | $7.50 (Exclusively distributed by CBS Publishers & Distributors)

Essentials of Marketing

Research, 2ed


Essentials of Marketing Research, 2ed Kumar

Table of Contents• The Nature and Scope of Marketing Research • Data Collection • Data Analysis • Applications

ISBN: 9812531823 | $7.50(Exclusively distributed by CBS Publishers & Distributors)

International Marketing: Consuming

Globally, Thinking Globally


International Marketing: Consuming Globally, Thinking Globally McAuley

Table of Contents• Trading Places: An Overview of the World Economy • Get a Good Guide-Book: The Influence of Culture in International Marketing • The Process of Internationalization • Smes: Key Players in a Global Economy • Understanding Customer Values • Creating and Communicating Customer Values • Delivering

Customer Values • Export Documentation, Getting Paid, Organizing Insurance and Finding Finance • Globalization, the Internet and the Marketer • International Growth through Franchising

ISBN: 9812532358 | $ 5.50(Exclusively distributed by CBS Publishers & Distributors)

Forthcoming TitlesMarketing Research, 11ed, ISVAaker

Marketing ResearchSathapriya

OPERATIONS MANAGEMENTExcel Models for Business and Operations Management, 2edBarlow

Table of Contents• A systems view of business • Model-building tools • Financial models • Investment Analysis Models • Worksheet applications in cost accounting • Marketing models • Purchase order processing • Statistical applications in quality control • Inventory control models • Models for production operations • Project management

ISBN: 9788126509515 | ` 519

Game Theory: An IntroductionBarron

Table of Contents• Matrix 2 person games. • Solution Methods for Matrix Games. • Two Person Nonzero Sum Games. • N Person Nonzero Sum Games with a Continuum of Strategies. • Cooperative games. • Evolutionary Stable Strategies and Population games.

ISBN: 9788126523191 | ` 539

Applied Business Statistics, 7ed Black

Table of Contents• What Is Statistics • Visualizing the Data • Describing Data Through Statistics • Discrete Probability Distributions • Continuous Probability Distributions

• Distributions of the Sample Mean and Sample Proportion and Sampling Techniques • Estimating Parameters for Single Populations • Testing Hypotheses about Single Population Parameters • Analyzing the Differences in Two Populations • Analysis of Variance • Introduction to Regression Analysis and Correlation

• Basic Multiple Regression Analysis • Advanced Multiple Regression Analysis • Forecasting • Chi-Square Analysis • Analyzing Data Using Nonparametric Statistics • Quality • Decision Analysis C19-2

ISBN: 9788126537075 | ` 749

Modern Production / Operations Management, 8ed Buffa

Table of Contents• Classification and Importance of Operations Management • Operations Planning and Control • Design of Operational Systems • Operations Strategy and the Firm • Synthesis and Conclusions

ISBN: 9788126513727 | ` 639


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Project Management: Planning and Control Techniques, 4ed Burke

Table of Contents• Introduction to Project Management. • History of Project Management. • Project Life-Cycle. • Feasibility Study. • Project Selection. • Project Estimating. • Planning and Control Cycle. • Scope Management. • Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). • Critical Path Method (CPM). • Schedule Bar chart. • Procurement Schedule. • Resource Planning. • Project Accounts. • Project Control. • Earned Value. • Quality Management. •

Project Risk Management, • Project Communications. • Project Organization Structures. • Project Teams. • Project Leadership. • Project Management Computing.

ISBN: 9788126521647 | ` 499

Managing Quality, 5ed Dale

Table of Contents• The Development, Introduction and Sustaining of Total Quality Management (TQM) • The Business Context of TQM • Quality Management Systems, Tools and Techniques

ISBN: 9788126522460 | ` 499

International Logistics David

Table of Contents• Methods of Entry into Foreign Markets • International Contract • Terms of trade or Incoterms • Terms of Payment • Currency of Payment (Managing Transaction Risks) • International Commercial Documents • International Insurance • International Ocean Transportation • International Air Transportation • International Land and Multi-Modal Transportation

• Packaging for Export • Customs Clearance • International Logistics Infrastructure

ISBN: 9788177224306 | ` 399

Beginning R: The Statistical Programming Language Gardener

Table of Contents• Introducing R: What It Is and How to Get It • Starting Out: Becoming Familiar with R • Starting Out: Working with Objects • Data: Descriptive Statistics and Tabulation • Data: Distribution • Simple Hypothesis Testing • Introduction to Graphical Analysis • Formula Notation and Complex Statistic s • Manipulating Data and Extracting Components • Regression (Linear

Modeling) • More about Graphs

ISBN: 9788126541201 | ` 579

Management Guide to Quality and Productivity, 2ed Gopalan

Table of Contents• The Gurus • Improvement Cycles • The “7 Tools” of Quality • Holding the Gains • Six New Tools • The 7 Wastes • General Tools • Service Tools • ISO 9001: 2000 • Six Sigma • E-Enabled Services for Enhancing Productivity

ISBN: 9788177224580 | ` 299

Operations, Strategy and Technology: Pursuing the Competitive Edge Hayes

Table of Contents• Operations Management Confronts a New Millennium. • Operations Strategy: Origins and New Directions. • Capacity Strategy. • Determining Organizational Boundaries: Vertical Integration and Outsourcing. • Designing and Managing Operating Networks. • Information Technology and Operations. • Creating an

Edge through New Process Development. • Creating an Edge through Superior Project Management. • Evaluating and Justifying Capital Investments. • Sharpening the Edge: Driving Operations Improvement. • Guiding the Pursuit of an Operations Edge.

ISBN: 9788126531158 | ` 629

Production and Operations Management Jain

Table of Contents• Overview of Production and Operations Management • Operations Strategy • Forecasting • Product Analysis • Capacity Management • Quality Management: Strategic Issues • Facility Location and Layout • Productivity • Aggregate Planning • Material Requirement Planning

• Materials Management • Inventory Management • Production Planning and Control • Production

Scheduling • Quality Control • Maintenance Management • Just-in-Time System • Change Management

ISBN: 9789350045091 | ` 449

Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling, 10ed Kerzner

Table of Contents• Overview • Project management growth: concepts and definitions • Organizational structures • Organizing and staffing the project office and team • Management functions • Management of your time and stress • Conflicts • Special topics • The variables for suc-cess • Working with executives • Planning • Network scheduling techniques • Project graphics • Pricing and

estimating • Cost control • Trade-off analysis in a project environment • Risk manage-ment • Learning curves • Contract management • Quality management • Modern developments project management • The business of scope changes • The project office


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• Managing crisis projects • The rise, fall, and resurrection of iridium: a project manage-ment perspective

ISBN: 9788126538874 | ` 649

Information Technology Project Management, 4ed, ISVMarchewka

Table of Contents• An Overview of IT Project Management • The Business Case • The Project Charter • The Project Team • The Scope Management Team • The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) • The Project Schedule And Budget • The Risk Management Plan • The Project Communication Plan • The IT Project Quality Plan • Managing Change, Resistance, and Conflict •

Managing Project Procurement and Outsourcing • Project Leadership and Ethics • The Implementation Plan and Project Closure • Appendix: An Introduction To Function Point Analysis

ISBN: 9788126543946 | 539Also useful for Management Information Systems

Project Management, w/cd Marwah

Table of Contents• Introduction to Project Management • Role of a Project Manager • Planning of a Project • Market Analysis in Project Management • Capital Budgeting Techniques in Project Selection • Social Cost Benefit Analysis • Financing of a Project • Financing of Infrastructure Projects • Project Scheduling • Resource Scheduling • Monitoring and Controlling a Project • Project Evaluation and Auditing • Project Termination • Computer Applications in Project Management • Case


ISBN: 9788177229721 | ` 399

Project Management: A Managerial Approach, 8ed Meredith

Table of Contents• Projects in Contemporary Organizations • Strategic Management and Project Selection • The Project Manager • Managing Conflict and the Art of Negotiation • The Project in the Organizational Structure • Project Activity and Risk Planning • Budgeting: Estimating Costs and Risks • Scheduling • Resource Allocation • Monitoring and Information

Systems • Project Control • Project Auditing • Project Termination

ISBN: 9788126537082 | ` 709

Operations Management, 5ed, ISVMeredith

Table of Contents• Competitive Operations for the Global Arena • Designing the Transformation System • Monitoring and Controlling the Transformation System • Six Sigma for Improving the Transformation System • Lean Operations Improve Transformation System Value • Project Management and the Transformation System • Managing Supply Chain Logistics and Inventories • Capacity Management through Location and Scheduling

ISBN : 9788126542543 | ` 599

Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement, 3edMitra

Table of Contents• Philosophy and Fundamentals • Statistical Foundations and Methods of Quality Improvement • Statistical Process Control • Acceptance Sampling • Product and Process Design

ISBN: 9788126544097 | ` 649

Supply Chain Management (Theories & Practices) Mohanty

Table of Contents• Holistic and Systematic Treatment for Various Themes • Review of State-of-Art • Empirical Evidences at Every Stage • Extensive Breadth of Coverage • Modularity of Topics • Cases and Examples from Industry • Tools and Techniques • Focused Objectives for Learning

ISBN: 9788177221916 | ` 329Supply Chain Management (Indian Case Studies) Mohanty

DescriptionIndian Cases in Supply Chain Management Theories and Practices brings forth a blend of industrial and aca-demic experience to cover theoretical as well as practi-cal aspects of the subject.

ISBN: 9788177225808 | ` 159

Statistical Quality Control, 6ed Montgomery

Table of Contents• Introduction • Statistical Methods useful in Quality Control and Improvement • Basic Methods of Statistical Process Control and Capability Analysis • Other Statistical Process-Monitoring and Control Techniques

• Process Design and Improvement with Designed Experiments • Acceptance Sampling

ISBN: 9788126525065 | ` 639


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Supply Chain Management: A Global PerspectiveSanders

Table of Contents• Supply Chain Strategy. • Network & System Design. • Marketing. • Operations Management. • Sourcing. • Logistics. • Forecasting & Demand Planning. • Inventory Management. • Lean Systems & Six-Sigma Quality. • Supply Chain Relationship Management. • Global Supply Chain Management. • Sustainable Supply Chain Management.

ISBN: 9788126536351 | ` 599

Total Quality ManagementSuri

Table of Contents• TQM - A Roadmap to Excellence • Quality Gurus • Cost of Quality • Quality Leadership • TQM Implementation • Creating Quality Culture • Customer Focus & Customer Satisfaction • TQM & Quality Improvement • Quality Control and Problem Solving: Tools & Techniques • Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) • Six Sigma (6 ó) • Quality Function Deployment (QFD) • Value Engineering and Value Analysis • Total Productive Maintenance • Quality Management Systems • Quality

System Audit • Environment Management System and Total Quality Control • Human Resource Development & Quality Circles • Quality Awards • TQM Case Studies in Indian Industries

ISBN: 9789350043172 | ` 375

Software Engineering Project Management, 2edThayer

Table of Contents• Introduction to Management • Software Engineering Process • Software Engineering Project Management • Planning a Software Engineering Project • Software Cost, Schedule, and Size • Organizing a Software Engineering Project • Staffing a Software Engineering Project • Directing a Software Engineering Project • Controlling a Software Engineering Project • Software Metrics and Visibility of Progress • Epilogue: The Silver Bullets

ISBN: 9788126508358 | ` 679

Facilities Planning, 4edTompkins

Table of Contents• Product, Process and Schedule Design. • Flow Systems, Activity Relationships and Space Requirements. • Personnel Requirements. • Material Handling. • Layout Planning Models and Design Algorithms. • Warehouse Operations. • Manufacturing Systems. • Facilities Systems. • Quantitative Facilities Planning Models. • Evaluating and Selecting the Facilities Plan. • Preparing, Presenting, Implementing and Maintaining the Facilities Plan.

ISBN: 9788126542536 | ` 679

Management Science: The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheets, Excel 2007 update, 2ed Powell

Table of Contents• Modeling in a Problem-Solving Framework. • Basic Excel Skills. • Advanced Excel Skills. • Spreadsheet Engineering. • Analysis using Spreadsheets. • Data Analysis for Modeling. • Regression Analysis. • Short-Term Forecasting. • Nonlinear Optimization. • Linear Programming. • Network Models. • Integer

Programming. • Decision Analysis. • Monte Carlo Simulation. • Optimization in Simulation.

ISBN: 9788126526918 | ` 799

Total Quality Management Rajaram

Table of Contents• Unit-1. Introduction to Quality Management • Unit-2. Principles and Philosophies of Quality Management • Unit-3. Statistical Process Control and Process Capability

• Unit-4. Tools and Techniques for Quality Management • Unit-5. Quality Systems Organizing and Implementation

ISBN: 9788177226232 | ` 399

Operations Research : Principles and Practice, 2ed Ravindran

Table of Contents• The Nature of Operations Research • Linear Programming • Network Analysis • Advanced Topics in Linear Programming • Decision Analysis • Random Processes • Queuing Models • Inventory Models • Simulation • Dynamic Programming • Nonlinear Programming

ISBN: 9788126512560 | ` 589

Operations Management, 7edRussell

Table of ContentsPart One: Operations Management. • Introduction to Operations Management. • Quality Management. • Statistical Process Control. • Product Design. • Service Design. • Processes and Technology. • Capacity and Facilities. • Human Resources. • Project Management. Part Two: Supply Chain Management. • Supply Chain Management Strategy and Design. • Global Supply Chain Procurement and Distribution. • Forecasting. • Inventory Management. • Sales and Operations

Planning. • Resource Planning. • Lean Systems. • Scheduling.

ISBN: 9788126537044 | ` 739


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Inventory Control and Management, 2ed Waters

Table of Contents• Stocks and Inventories • Stocks within an Organization • Economic Order Quantity • Models for Known Demand

• Models for Uncertain Demand • Sources of Information • Forecasting Demand • Material Requirements Planning • Just-in-Time

ISBN: 9788126516483 | ` 469


Applied Data Mining: Statistical

Methods for Business &

Industry Giudici

Applied Data Mining: Statistical Methods for Business & Industry Giudici

Table of Contents• Part I: Methodology. • Organization of the data. • Exploratory data analysis. • Computational data min-ing. • Statistical data mining. • Evaluation of data min-ing methods. • Part II: Business Cases. • Market basket analysis. • Web clickstream analysis. • Profiling website visitors. • Customer relationship management. • Credit scoring. • Forecasting television audience.

ISBN: 9812531785 | $ 5.50

Operations Management:

Concepts, Methods & Strategies


Operations Management: Concepts, Methods & Strategies Vonderembse

Table of ContentsIntroduction to Operations Management in a Global Environment. Building Capabilities to Compete Globally: • Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Operations. • Enhancing Productivity: A Key to Success

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ISBN: 9812531637 | $ 6.90(Exclusively distributed by CBS Publishers & Distributors)

Forthcoming TitlesStatistical Quality Control: A Modern Introduction, 7ed, ISVMontgomery

Operations Management: Creating Value Along the Supply Chain, 8ed, ISVRussell

ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUROrganizational Behaviour: Design, Structure and Culture, 2ed, w/cdGupta NEWTable of Contents

• · Individual Behavior: Emotion, Perception and Personality • Defining Communities of Practice and Organizational Environment • Implementing Strategy

• Organizational Culture • Organizational Learning • What is Organization Development? • Organizational Innovations • Leadership Development • Virtual Organizations: Outsourcing & Sustainability • New Organizational Structure: Dimensions and Applications

• Globalization and Workforce Diversity • Training and Organizational Development • New Paradigms in Organization Development • Stress Management and Organizational Development • Ignorance Management • Organizational DNA

ISBN: 9789351192459 | ` 449

Organizational Behavior: Design Structure and CultureGupta

Table of Contents• Defining Communities of Practice and Organizational Environment • Implementing Strategy • Organizational Culture • Organizational Learning • What is Organization Development? • Organizational Innovations • Leadership Development • Virtual Organizations: Outsourcing & Sustainability • New Organizational Structure: Dimensions and Applications

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ISBN: 9788177224597 | ` 395

Organizational Behavior: A Strategic Approach, 2ed Hitt

Table of Contents• The Strategic Lens • Individual Processes • Groups, Teams and Social Processes • The Organizational Context

ISBN: 9788126523948 | ` 649

Organizational Behavior Joshi

Table of Contents• Evolution of Organizational Behavior • Foundations of Individual Behavior • Motivation • Leadership • Group and Team in an Organization • Conflict and Negotiation

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Perspective • Organizational Decision Making and Planning • Organizational Structure • Organization Development • Role of Research in Organizational Behavior

ISBN: 9788177227987 | ` 349

Organizational Behaviour, w/cdRaju

Table of Contents• Organizational Behaviour - An Overview • Individual Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour • Attitude and Behaviour • Personality and Values • Perception • Learning • Emotional Intelligence • Leadership and Leadership Styles • Motivation • Groups and Teams

• Organizational Culture, Climate, Commitment, Development and Effectiveness • Power, Politics and Impression Management • Conflicts Management and Negotiation • Change and Change Management •

Communication and Knowledge Management • Stress and Stress Management

ISBN: 9789351191810 | ` 395

Organizational Behavior, 12ed, ISV Schermerhorn

Table of Contents• Introducing Organizational Behavior • Individual Differences, Values and Diversity • Emotions, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction • Perception, Attribution and Learning • Motivation Theories • Motivation and Performance • Teams in Organizations • Teamwork and Team Performance • Decision Making and Creativity • Conflict and Negotiation • Communication and Collaboration • Power and Politics • Leadership Essentials • Leadership Challenges and Organizational

Change • Organizational Culture and Innovation • Organizational Goals and Structures • Strategy, Technology and Organizational Design • Skills Workbook W-1 • Glossary G-1 • Self-Test Answers ST-1 • Notes N-1 • Photo Credits PC-1 • Organization Index OI-1 • Name Index NI-1 • Subject Index SI-1

ISBN: 9788126541270 | ` 529

Organizational BehaviorSultan

Table of Contents• Evolution of Organizational Behavior • Foundations of Individual Behavior • Motivation • Leadership • Group and Team in an Organization • Conflict and Negotiation

• Organizational Culture and its Management • Organizational Change and Stress Management

ISBN: 9788177228526 | ` 299


Management & Organizational

Behavior Essentials


Management & Organizational Behavior Essentials Schermerhorn

ISBN: 9812531459 | $ 5.00 (Exclusively distributed by CBS Publishers & Distributors)

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENTBusiness Ethics: (An Indian Perspective)Bajaj

Table of Contents•The Indian Perspective • The Corporate Governance • Business Ethics in Practice • Practical Issues • New Economy Areas • Case Studies and Analysis • Speeches

ISBN: 9788177221671 | ` 369

Contemporary Strategy Analysis, 7edGrant

Table of Contents• The Concept of Strategy. • Goals, Values and Performance. • Industry Analysis: The Fundamentals. • Further Topics in Industry and Competitive Analysis. • Analyzing Resources and Capabilities. • Developing Resources and Capabilities. • Organization Structure and Management Systems: The Fundamentals of Strategy Implementation. • The Nature and Sources

of Competitive Advantage. • Cost Advantage. • Differentiation Advantage. • Industry Evolution and Strategic Change. • Technology-based Industries and the Management of Innovation. • Competitive Advantage in Mature Industries. • Vertical Integration and the Scope of the Firm. • Global Strategies and the Multinational Corporation. • Diversification Strategy. • Implementing Corporate Strategy: Management of the Multi business Firm. • Current Trends in Strategic Management.

ISBN: 9788126542529 | ` 579

Contemporary Strategic Management, 6ed Grant

Table of Contents• Introduction. • The Tools of Strategy Analysis. • The Analysis of Competitive Advantage. • Business Strategies in Different Industry Contexts. • Corporate Strategy.

ISBN: 9788126519644 | ` 529


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Strategic Retail Management Srinivasan

Table of Contents• Module I. Retail Conceptual Framework • Module II. Retail - Applied Framework • Module III. Retailing - The Future

ISBN: 9788177226706 | ` 349

Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change, 4ed Tidd

Table of Contents • Managing Innovation • Context • Search • Select

• Implement • Capture

ISBN: 9788126534050 | ` 689

Strategic ManagementTrehan

Table of Contents• Introduction to Strategic Management • Strategic Intents of a Business • Environmental and Organizational Appraisal • Corporate-Level and Business- Level Strategies • Strategic Choice and Analysis • Strategy Implementation • Strategic Evaluation and Control • New Trends in Strategic Management

ISBN: 9788177228229 | ` 299


Strategic Management of e-Business, 2ed


Strategic Management of e-Business, 2ed Chen

Table of Contents• Introduction to E-Business • The Basics of E-Business Technology • The Markets for Electronic Commerce E-Marketing • The Economics of E-Business • Analysing the Industry Impacts of E-business • Developing an E-Business Strategy • Implementing an E-Business Strategy • Public Policy Issues • Future Trends

ISBN: 9812531890 | $5.50(Exclusively distributed by CBS Publishers & Distributors)

Contemporary Strategic Management Case Studies, 6ed Grant

Table of Contents• Madonna. • Laura Ashley Holdings plc: The Battle for Survival. • The US Airline Industry in 2007. • Ford and the World Automobile Industry in 2007. • Wal-Mart Stores Inc., 2007. • Manchester United: The Glazer Takeover. • Eastman Kodak: Meeting the Digital Challenge. • Organizational Restructuring within the Royal Dutch Shell Group. • Harley-Davidson, Inc., January 2007. • Raisio Group and the Benecol Launch.

• Rivalry in Video Games. • EniSp A: Building an International Energy Major. • Birds Eye and the UK Frozen Food Industry. • Outback Steakhouse: Going International. • Euro Disney: From Dream to Nightmare. • Richard Branson and the Virgin Group of Companies in 2007. • Jack Welch and the General Electric Management System. • Jeff Immelt at General Electric, 2001--2006. • AES Corporation: Rewriting the Rules of Management

ISBN: 9788126519637 | ` 379

Strategic Management Saloner

Table of Contents• Business Strategy • Competitive Advantage • Internal Context: Organization Design • Organization and Competitive Advantage • External Context: Industry Analysis • The Spectrum of Competition and Niche Markets • Competition in Concentrated Markets • Entry and the Advantage of Incumbency • Creating and Capturing Value in the Value Chain • Strategic Management in a Changing Environment • Strategy in Markets with Demand-Side Increasing Returns •

Globalization and Strategy • Corporate Strategy: Managing for Value in a Multi business Company • The Strategy Process

ISBN: 9788126515684 | ` 469

Strategic Management and Business Policy, w/cd Singh

Table of Contents• Introduction to Strategic Management and Business Policy (SMBP) • Corporate Governance and Strategic Management • Strategic Intent of an Organization

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ISBN: 9789350044995 | ` 429


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Global Strategy & the Organization


Global Strategy & the Organization Gupta

Table of Contents• The Challenge of Globalization • Developing a Global Expansion Strategy • Analysis of Wal-Mart’s Global Expansion • Building Global Competitive Advantage • Cultivating a Global Mindset • Leveraging Knowledge Across the Global Network • Creating and Managing Global Business Teams • Transforming the Global Game

• Globalization in the Digital Age

ISBN: 9812531238 | $ 2.90 (Exclusively distributed by CBS Publishers & Distributors)

Forthcoming TitlesStrategic Management of Information Systems, 5ed, ISVPearlson

Strategic Management & Business PolicyPithadia

FINANCEFundamentals of Financial Derivatives, 3ed Parasuraman NEWTable of Contents

• Forwards and Futures • Types of Options • Principles of Option Pricing: Put-Call Parity • The Binomial Model for Pricing of Options • The Black-Scholes Model • Volatility and Implied Volatility from the Black-Scholes Model

• Exotic Options - An Introduction • Introduction to Option Greeks and Basic Delta Hedging • Interest Rate Derivatives and Eurodollar Derivatives • Swaps • Credit Derivatives • Real Options • Risk Management with

Derivatives • Test Yourself on Your Conceptual Understanding

ISBN: 9788126547395 | ` 529

Analysis of Financial Time Series, 3edTsay NEWTable of Contents

• Financial Time Series and Their Characteristics • Linear Time Series Analysis and Its Applications • Conditional Heteroscedastic Models • Nonlinear Models and Their Applications • High-Frequency Data Analysis and Market Microstructure • Continuous-Time Models and Their Applications • Extreme Values, Quantiles and Value at Risk • Multivariate Time Series Analysis and Its Applications • Principal Component Analysis and Factor

Models • Multivariate Volatility Models and Their Applications • State-Space Models and Kalman Filter • Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods with Applications

ISBN: 9788126548934 | ` 739

Corporate Financial Reporting and Analysis, 3ed Young NEWTable of Contents

• An Introduction to Financial Statements • The Balance Sheet and Income Statement • A Brief Overview of GAAP and IFRS: the Framework for Financial Accounting

• Revenue Recognition • The Statement of Cash Flows • Financial Statement Analysis • Business Valuation and Financial Statement Analysis • Accounting for Receivables and Bad Debts • Accounting for Inventory

• Accounting for Property, Plant and Equipment • Leases and Off-Balance-Sheet Debt • Accounting for Bonds • Provisions and Contingencies • Accounting for Pensions • Accounting for Income Tax • Accounting for Shareholders’ Equity • Marketable Securities and Investments • Accounting for Mergers and Acquisitions

ISBN: 9788126547401 | ` 1069

Market Models: A Guide to Financial Data Analysis Alexander

Table of Contents• Volatility and Correlation Analysis. • Modelling the Market Risk of Portfolios. • Statistical Models for Financial Markets.

ISBN: 9788126523702 | ` 599

Valuation for Mergers, Buyouts and Restructuring, 2ed, w/cd Arzac

Table of Contents• Part One: The Tools of Valuation. • Part Two: Mergers, Acquisitions and Buyouts. • Part Three: Recapitalizations and Restructuring.

ISBN: 9788126524129 | ` 599

Marketing of Financial ServicesBapat

Table of Contents• Introduction to Financial Services Marketing • The Marketing Environment • Strategic Marketing Planning

• Consumer and Organizational Behavior • Marketing Research • Market Segmentation • Marketing Strategy for Financial Services • Product Management and New Product Development • Pricing • Distribution Channels

• Advertising • Sales Function in Financial Services • Building, Maintaining and Sustaining the Financial Services Brand • Marketing at Branches • Marketing

of Retail Banking Products • Marketing for Corporate Clients • Bank Marketing in Rural Areas • Customer Service in Banks • Financial Services Marketing Organizations • Customer Relationship Management

ISBN: 9789351191001 | ` 349

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Value of Liquidity • The Value of Synergy • The Value of Transparency • The Cost of Distress • Closing Thoughts

ISBN: 9788126518852 | ` 679

Investment Valuation: Tools and Techniques for Determining the Value of any Asset, University ed, 3edDamodaran

Table of Contents• Introduction to Valuation • Approaches to Valuation • Understanding Financial Statements • The Basics of Risk • Option Pricing Theory and Models • Market Efficiency--Definition, Tests and Evidence • Riskless Rates and Risk Premiums • Estimating Risk Parameters

and Costs of Financing • Measuring Earnings • From Earnings to Cash Flows • Estimating Growth • Closure in Valuation: Estimating Terminal Value • Dividend Discount Models • Free Cash Flow to Equity Discount Models • Firm Valuation: Cost of Capital and Adjusted Present Value Approaches • Estimating Equity Value per Share • Fundamental Principles of Relative Valuation • Earnings Multiples • Book Value Multiples • Revenue Multiples and Sector-Specific Multiples • Valuing Financial Service Firms • Valuing Firms with Negative or Abnormal Earnings • Valuing Young or Start-Up Firms • Valuing Private Firms • Acquisitions and Takeovers • Valuing Real Estate • Valuing Other Assets • The Option to Delay and Valuation Implications • The Options to Expand and to Abandon: Valuation Implications • Valuing Equity in Distressed Firms • Value Enhancement: A Discounted Cash Flow Valuation Framework • Value Enhancement: Economic Value Added, Cash Flow Return on Investment and Other Tools

• Probabilistic Approaches in Valuation: Scenario Analysis, Decision Trees and Simulations • Overview and Conclusion

ISBN: 9788126536009 | ` 739

The Little Book of Valuation: How to Value A Company, Pick a Stock and ProfitDamodaran

Table of ContentsHit the Ground Running --Valuation Basics. Value -- More than a Number! • Power Tools of the Trade. • Yes, Virginia, Every Asset has an Intrinsic Value. • It’s all rela-tive! From Cradle to Grave --Life Cycle and Valuation. • Promise Aplenty. • Growing Pains. • Valuation Viagra. • Doomsday. Breaking the Mold --Special Situations in

Valuation. • Bank on It. • Roller-Coaster Investing. • Invisible Value. • Conclusion Rules for the Road.

ISBN: 9788126536481 | ` 350

International Finance: A Casebook Desai

Table of Contents• Exchange Rates, Markets and Firms • Cross-Border Financing • Multinational Finance • Institutions and Finance

ISBN: 9788126510832 | ` 599

Security Analysis and Portfolio Management Bhatt

Table of Contents• Risk Management • Fundamental Analysis • Investment Risk and Return • Capital Asset Pricing Model • Modern Portfolio Theory • Technical Theory • Valuation of Shares and Business • Efficient Market Hypothesis • Bond Markets and Valuation • Derivatives and Option Theory • Mutual Funds • Commodity Market • Value at Risk • Portfolio Management • Portfolio Performance Measurement • Behavioral Finance • Case Studies

ISBN: 9788177224870 | ` 349

Applied Corporate Finance, 3edDamodaran

Table of Contents• The Foundations. • The Objective in Decision Making. • The Basics of Risk. • Risk Measurement and Hurdle Rates in Practice. • Measuring Return on Investments.

• Project Interactions, Side Costs and Side Benefits. • Capital Structure: Overview of the Financing Decision. • Capital Structure: The Optimal Financial Mix. • Capital Structure: The Financing Details. • Dividend Policy. • Analyzing Cash Returned To Stockholders. • Valuation: Principles and Practice.

ISBN: 9788126537884 | ` 699

Corporate Finance Theory and Practice, 2ed Damodaran

Table of Contents• Introduction to Corporate Finance • The Objective in Corporate Finance • The Time Value of Money • Understanding Financial Statements • Value and Price: An Introduction • The Basics of Risk • Estimating Hurdle Rates for Firms • Estimating Hurdle Rates for Projects

• Estimating Earnings and Cash Flows on Projects • Investment Decision Rules • Investment Analysis with Inflation and Exchange Rate Risk • Project Interactions,

Side Benefits and Side Costs • Investments in Noncash Working Capital • Investments in Cash and Marketable Securities • Investment Returns and Corporate Strategy • An Overview of Financing Choices • The Financing Process • The Financing Mix: Tradeoffs on Theory • The Optimal Financing Mix • The Financing Mix and Choices • Dividend Policy • Analyzing Cash Returned to Stockholders • Beyond Cash Dividends: Buybacks, Spinoffs and Divestitures • Valuation: Principles and Practice • Value Enhancement: Tools and Techniques • Acquisitions and Takeovers • Option Applications in Corporate Finance

• Back to First Principles • Solutions to Odd-Numbered Questions and Problems

ISBN: 9788126511150 | ` 699

Damodaran on Valuation, 2ed Damodaran Table of Contents

• Introduction to Valuation • Estimating Discount Rates • Measuring Cash Flows • Forecasting Cash Flows • Equity Discounted Cash Flow Models • Firm Valuation Models

• Relative Valuation: First Principles • Equity Multiples • Value Multiples • Cash, Cross Holdings and Other Assets • Employee Equity Options and Compensation

• The Value of Intangibles • The Value of Control • The


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Mergers and Acquisitions, w/cd Desai

Table of Contents• Corporate Restructuring • Mergers and Acquisitions • Theories of Mergers • Takeover and Defense Tactics • Accounting for Mergers and Acquisitions • Laws for Mergers and Acquisitions • Regulatory Framework of Takeovers in India • Clauses of Listing Agreements of NSE and BSE • Securities and Exchange Board of India Guidelines (Delisting of Securities) • Valuation of Target Companies • Divestitures and Equity Carve-outs

• Financial Restructuring (Share Buyback) • Strategic Alliances • Joint Ventures • Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) • Leveraged Buyouts • Cross-border Mergers & Acquisitions • Financing Mergers & Acquisitions • Due Diligence for Mergers & Acquisitions • Case Studies

ISBN: 9789350043165 | ` 449

Financial ManagementDhagat

Table of Contents• Financial Management - an Overview • Long-Term Financing • Short-Term Financing • Concepts of Organizational Health and Financial Analysis • Cash Flow and Funds Flow Statements • Leverages • Financial Business Decisions • Budget: Concept and Types • Capital Structure Management • Concept of Time Value of Money • Working Capital Management • Dividend Policy • Receivables and Inventory Management • Corporate Restructuring and Mergers • Risk and Return

Analysis • Management of Cash and Marketable Securities • Case Studies

ISBN: 9789350040225 | ` 399

Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, 8ed Elton

Table of Contents• Financial Markets. • Financial Securities. • The Characteristics of the Opportunity set under Risk. • Delineating Efficient Portfolios. • Techniques for Calculating the Efficient Frontier. • The Correlation Structure of Security Returns: The Single-Index Model.

• The Correlation Structure of Security Returns: Multi-Index Models and Grouping Techniques. • Simple Techniques for Determining the Efficient Frontier. •

International Diversification. • Estimating Expected Returns. • How to select among the Portfolios in the Opportunity Set. • The Standard Capital Asset Pricing Model. • Alternative forms of Capital Asset Pricing Models. • Empirical Tests of the CAPM Forms. • The Arbitrage Pricing Model and Its Empirical Relevance. • Efficient Markets. • Behavioral Finance, Investor Decision Making and Asset Pricing. • Valuation Models. • Earnings Estimation. • Interest Rate Theory and the Pricing of Bonds. • The Management of Bond Portfolios. • Valuation and uses of Options. • The Valuation and uses of Financial Futures.

• Evaluation of Portfolio Performance. • Evaluation of Security Analysis. • Portfolio Management Revisited.

ISBN: 9788126528141 | ` 549

Excel Data Analysis, 3edEtheridge

Table of Contents• Getting Started. • Formatting a Worksheet. • Structuring your Workbook. • Creating Formulas. • Using Functions. • Using Financial Functions. • Using Statistical Functions and Tools. • Organizing Worksheet Data. • Working with Pivot tables. • Charting Data. • Working with External Data. • Using Data Analysis Tools and Techniques. • Sharing your Workbook with Others. • Automating with Macros. • Illustrating your Worksheets.

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ISBN: 9788126542697 | ` 499Also useful for Business Analytics

Using Excel for Business Analysis: A Guide to Financial Modelling Fundamentals, + Website Fairhurst

Table of Contents• · What Is Financial Modelling? • Building a Model • Best Practice Principles of Modelling • Financial Modelling Techniques • Using Excel in Financial Modelling • Functions for Financial Modelling • Tools for Model Display • Tools for Financial Modelling • Common Uses of Tools in Financial Modelling • Model

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Table of Contents• What is Project Financing? • The Rationale for Projects? • What is Special about Large Projects? • Who Finances Large Projects? • Analyzing Project Viability. • Designing Security Arrangements. • Structuring the Project. • Preparing the Project Financing Plan. • Discounted Cash Flow Analysis. • Financial Modeling and Project Evaluation. • Using Real-Options Analysis to Evaluate a Project. • Sources of Project Funds. • Managing Project

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ISBN: 9788126531288 | ` 649

Behavioural FinanceForbes

Table of Contents• Foundations • Asset Pricing • Corporate Finance • The Professions

ISBN: 9788126529360 | ` 589


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Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructurings, 5ed Gaughan

Table of ContentsBackground. • Introduction. • History of Mergers.

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ISBN: 9788126531660 | ` 729

Strategic Financial Management, w/cd Goel

Table of Contents• Valuation of Securities • Capital Budgeting Decisions • Financial Services • Corporate Dividend Policy • Portfolio Management • Derivatives • Mutual Funds

• Mergers and Acquisitions • Foreign Exchange Management • Project Finance

ISBN: 9788177222524 | ` 369

Next Generation Excel, 2ed: Modeling in Microsoft Excel for Analysts and MBAsGottlieb

Table of Contents• AutoFill • Selecting Efficiently In Excel • Formulas, Functions, Relative and Absolute Addressing • Naming Cells and Ranges • Excel Charts • IF Functions • Text Manipulation • Descriptive Statistics • Frequency Distributions • Statistical Regression • Data Analysis—The Excel Easy to Use Statistics Add-in • Naming

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ISBN: 9788126542581 | ` 699

Direct Taxation, A.Y. 2013-2014 Goyal

Table of Contents• Basic Concepts and Tax Rates • Residential Status • Agricultural Income and Exempted Income • Income from Salary • Income from House Property • Profits and Gains of Business or Profession • Capital Gains • Income from Other Sources • Clubbing of Income • Set off or Carry Forward and Set off of Losses • Deductions under Chapter VIA and Relief • Tax Deducted and Collected at

Source • Returns of Income and PAN • Advance Tax and Interest • Taxation of Individuals, HUF and Firms • Introduction to Wealth Tax • Tax Planning

ISBN: 9788177221275 | ` 395

Commercial Banking: The Management of Risk, 3ed Gup

Table of Contents• Functions and Forms of Banking • The Bank Regulatory Environment • Evaluating Bank Performance • Bank Valuation • An Overview of Asset / Liability Management (ALM) • Techniques of Asset / Liability Management: Futures, Options and Swaps • Investment Management • Credit Evaluation Process • Commercial and Industrial Lending • Real Estate and Consumer Lending • Liquidity Management • Capital Management

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ISBN: 9788126510443 | ` 599

Risk Management and Financial Institutions, 3ed Hull

Table of Contents• Banks • Insurance Companies and Pension Plans • Mutual Funds and Hedge Funds • The Credit Crisis of 2007 • How Traders Manage Their Risks • Interest Rate Risk • Value at Risk • Volatility • Correlations and Copulas • Basel I, Basel II, and Solvency II • Basel 2.5, Basel III, and Dodd--Frank • Market Risk VAR: The Historical Simulation Approach • Market Risk VAR: The

Model-Building Approach • Credit Risk: Estimating Default Probabilities • Counterparty Credit Risk in Derivatives • Credit Value at Risk • Scenario Analysis and Stress Testing • Operational Risk • Liquidity Risk • Model Risk • Economic Capital and RAROC • Risk Management mistakes to Avoid

ISBN: 9788126536344 | ` 709

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ISBN: 9788177226218 | ` 199


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Investments: Principles and Concepts, 11edJones

Table of Contents• Investing is an Important Activity Worldwide. • Investment Alternatives: Generic Principles All Investors Must Know. • Indirect Investing: A Global Activity. • Securities Markets Matter to All Investors. • All Financial Markets have Regulations and Trading Practices. • Return and Risk: The Foundation of Investing Worldwide. • Portfolio Theory is Universal. • Portfolio Selection for All Investors. • Asset Pricing Principles. •

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ISBN: 9788126526376 | ` 649

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Table of Contents• Foundations of Risk Management • Quantitative Analysis • Financial Markets and Products • Valuation and Risk Models • Market Risk Management • Credit Risk Management • Operational and Integrated Risk Management • Investment Risk Management

ISBN: 9788126544080 | ` 999

Advanced Credit Risk - Analysis and Management Joseph

Table of Contents• Introduction • Firm (OR) Obligor Credit Risk • Credit Risks -- Project and Working Capital • Credit Portfolio Risks • Portfolio Risk Mitigants • Credit Risk Pricing • The Last Line of Defense -- Security • Credit Crisis

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ISBN: 9788126523665 | ` 649

Corporate Governance, 4ed Monks

Table of Contents• What is a Corporation? • Shareholders: Ownership. • Directors: Monitoring. • Management: Performance. • International Corporate Governance. • Case Studies: Corporations in Crisis.

ISBN: 9788126524907 | ` 649

Finance for Strategic Decision-Making: What Non-Financial Managers Need to Know Narayanan

Table of Contents• Finance and Corporate Strategy • The Resource Allocation Decision • Cost of Capital • Capital Structure and Financing • Payout Policy • Mergers and Acquisitions • Divestitures • Risk Management • Performance Evaluation

ISBN: 9788126509584 | ` 349

Understanding MicrofinancePanda

Table of Contents• Microfinance: What is it? • Supply, Intermediation and Regulations of Microfinance • Microfinance Credit Lending Models • Risks in Microfinance Institutions • Social Rating, Credit Rating and Impact Assessment in Microfinance • Marketing in Microfinance Institutions

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ISBN: 9788126534043 | ` 629

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Parrino

Table of Contents• Foundations. • Valuation of Future Cash Flows and Risk. • Capital Budgeting Decisions. • Financing Decisions. • Business Formation, Valuation and Financial Planning. • Valuation and International Decisions.

ISBN: 9788126530069 | ` 699

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Table of Contents• Introduction to Corporate Governance • History of Corporate Governance • Concepts of Corporate Governance and Stakeholder • Corporate Governance Mechanism and Overview • Principles of Corporate Governance • Issues Related to Corporate Governance

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ISBN: 9788177227130 | ` 325

Building Financial Models with Microsoft Excel: A Guide for Business Professionals, 2ed Proctor

Table of Contents• The Master Budget. • Financial Statements and Free Cash Flows. • Analysis of a Financial Model.

ISBN: 9788126525157 | ` 649

International Financial ManagementSathye

Table of Contents• Part 1 Multinational finance: the fundamentals • Part 2 Multinational finance: global financial markets and institutions • Part 3 Multinational finance: a firm level perspective

ISBN: 9788126533466 | ` 699

Commodity Derivatives: Markets and Applications Schofield

Table of Contents• An Introduction to Derivative Products. • Risk Management. • Gold. • Base Metals. • Crude Oil. • Natural Gas. • Electricity. • Plastics. • Coal. • Emissions Trading. • Agricultural Commodities and Biofuels. • Commodities Within an Investment Portfolio.

ISBN: 9788126546053 | ` 999

Working Capital Management, w/cdSekhar

Table of Contents• Operating Cycle & Estimation of Working Capital • Cash Management • Marketable Securities/Money Market Instruments • Management of Receivables • Inventory Management • Ratio Analysis for Working Capital • Liquidity & Government Policy • Letters of Credit • Dividend Policy & Working Capital • Logistics Management • Factoring in Small and Medium Enterprises

ISBN: 9789350042403 | ` 499

Financial Analysis & Modeling using Excel and VBA, w/cd Sengupta

Table of Contents• Excel for Financial Analysis and Modeling. • Financial Modeling Using Excel. • VBA for Financial Modeling. • Financial Modeling Using VBA.

ISBN: 9788126531820 | ` 779

Financial Management, 2ed, w/cd Shah

Table of Contents• Fundamental Concepts of Financial Management • Long term investment decisions • Working capital management • Financing and dividend decisions

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ISBN: 9788177229028 | ` 499


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FINANCEFinancial Services Shanmugham

Table of Contents• Financial Services • Capital Market • Money Market • Merchant Banking • Factoring • Credit Rating • Securitization • Venture Capital • Depositories • Leasing

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ISBN: 9788126519903 | ` 519

Multinational Financial Management, 9ed, ISV Shapiro

Table of Contents• Environment of International Financial Management. • Foreign Exchange and Derivatives Markets. • Foreign Exchange Risk Management. • Financing the Multinational Corporation. • Foreign Investment Analysis. • Multinational Working Capital Management.

ISBN: 9788126536931 | ` 739

Risk Management and Insurance Perspectives in Global Economy Skipper

Table of Contents• Factors Shaping the Risk Environment Internationally • Enterprise Risk Management in a Global Economy • Insurance in a Global Economy

ISBN: 9788126515936 | ` 669

Corporate Governance and Accountability Solomons

Table of Contents• Defining corporate governance • Enron: a case study in corporate governance failure • Corporate gover-nance reform in the UK • The role of boards in corpo-rate governance • The role of institutional investors in corporate governance • The role of transparency in corporate governance • An introduction to corporate governance systems worldwide • A reference dictionary

of corporate governance systems • Discharging a broader corporate accountability • Socially responsible investment • The future of corporate governance and accountability

ISBN: 9788126513925 | ` 469

Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance, 9ed Vaughan

Table of Contents• Risk, Insurance and Risk Management • Life and Health Insurance • Property and Liability Insurance

ISBN: 9788126513062 | ` 649

International Financial Management, w/cd Verma

Table of Contents• An Overview of International Financial Management • International Monetary System • International Financial Markets • Balance of Payments • Theories and Policies of International Trade • Derivatives - A Major Innovation in Financial Markets • Currency Futures Contracts • Currency Options • Interest Rate Parity, Futures, Options and Swaps • Foreign Exchange Risk Management • Measuring and Managing FOREX

Exposure • Short-term International Financing • Long-term International Financing • Foreign Investments • Multinational Capital Budgeting and Project Appraisals • International Accounting Standards • International Taxation • International Banking • Country Risk Analysis

ISBN: 9789350043042 | ` 399

Fixed Income Securities: Valuation, Risk and Risk Management Veronesi

Table of Contents• Basics • Term Structure Models: Trees • Term Structure Models: Continuous Time

ISBN: 9788126531714 | ` 779

The Analysis and Use of Financial Statements, 3ed, w/cd White

Table of Contents• Framework for Financial Statement Analysis • Accounting Income and Assets: The Accrual Concept

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Taxes • Analysis of Financing Liabilities • Leases and Off-Balance-Sheet Debt • Pensions and Other Employee Benefits • Analysis of Inter corporate Investments • Analysis of Business Combinations • Analysis of Multinational Operations • Derivatives and Hedging Activities • Analysis of Financial Statements: A Synthesis • Accounting- and Finance-Based Measures of Risk • Valuation and Forecasting • Present Value Tables

ISBN: 9788126510221 | ` 729

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International Financial



International Financial Management Sathye

ISBN: 9812532374 | $8.50(Exclusively distributed by CBS Publishers & Distributors)

Essentials of Insurance: A Risk

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Essentials of Insurance: A Risk Management Perspective Vaughan

Table of ContentsRisk and Insurance. • The Problem of Risk. • The Insurance Device. • Risk Management. • The Fields of Insurance. • The Private Insurance Industry. • Regulation of the Insurance Industry. • Functions of Insurers. • The Legal Framework. Life and Health Insurance. • Managing Personal Risks. • Social Insurance Programs. • Introduction to Life Insurance. • The Life Insurance Contract. Property and Liability Insurance. •

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ISBN: 9971514222 | $ 8.90(Exclusively distributed by CBS Publishers & Distributors)

Forthcoming TitlesInvestment Management (Security Analysis and Portfolio Management)Desai

Investments: Principles and Concepts, 12ed, ISVJones

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ACCOUNTINGWiley CMAexcel Learning System Exam Review 2014, Part 1, Financial Planning, Performance and Control IMA NEWDescriptionConsisting of a textbook, Online Intensive Review, plus one-year access to an online test bank with 900 multiple-choice questions, Wiley CMA Learning System includes key formulas and knowledge checks at the end of each topic, as well as study tips and practice ques-tions providing candidates with what they need to pass the CMA Exam.

ISBN: 9788126544738

Wiley CMAexcel Learning System Exam Review 2014, Part 2, Financial Decision Making IMA NEWTable of Contents

• Candidate Study Information • How to Use the CMA Learning System • Create a Study Plan • Introduction

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ISBN: 9788126544745

Managerial Accounting Balakrishnan

Table of Contents• Module I: Introduction and Framework. • Module II: Short-Term Planning and Control: Maximizing Contribution. • Module III: Planning and Control over the Long Term: Maximizing Profit. • Module IV: Cost Accounting Systems.

ISBN: 9788126526444 | ` 859

Cost AccountingBhatiaTable of Contents

• Cost Accounting • Classification of Cost • Material • Techniques of Material Control • Labour Cost • Overheads: Indirect Material + Indirect Labour + Indirect Expenses • Single Output / Unit Costing • Job Batch &Contract Costing • Process Costing • Operating or Service Costing • Reconciliation of Cost &Financial Accounting • Standard Costing and Variance Analysis

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ISBN: 9789351191902 | ` 495

Accounting for Managers, w/cd GoyalTable of Contents

• Accounting Principles • Accounting Equation • Journal, Ledger and Trial Balance • Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement • Cash Flow Statement • Cost Sheet • Inventory Valuation and Control • Cost Volume Profit Analysis • Standard Costing (Variance Analysis) • Ratio Analysis • Working Capital Management • Cash Budget • Capital Budgeting

ISBN: 9789351190301 | ` 395

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Accounting for Managers, w/cdJain

DescriptionIt provides theoretical and practical knowledge of man-agement accounting. The book is intended primarily for students pursuing management, CA and CWA courses. The concise and accessible style of the book is also suitable for managers to achieve operational excel-lence and enhance their decision-making capabilities. Moreover, the book serves as a guide for practitioners and research scholars undertaking dissertation or internship projects. The book encompasses the three

major branches of accounting, namely financial accounting, managerial accounting, and cost accounting.

ISBN: 9789350043134 | ` 429

Managerial Accounting, 4edJiambalvo

Table of Contents• Managerial Accounting in the Information Age. • Job-Order Costing for Manufacturing and Service Companies. • Process Costing. • Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis. • Variable Costing. • Cost Allocation and Activity-Based Costing. • The use of Cost Information in Management Decision Making. • Pricing Decisions, Analyzing Customer Profitability and Activity-Based Pricing. • Capital Budgeting and Other Long-Run Decisions. • Budgetary Planning and Control. •

Standard Costs and Variance Analysis. • Decentralization and Performance Evaluation. • Statement of Cash Flows. • Analyzing Financial Statements: A Managerial Perspective.

ISBN: 9788126537105 | ` 649

Accounting for Non-Specialists Jones

Table of Contents• Financial Accounting: The Techniques • Financial Accounting: The Context • Management Accounting

ISBN: 9788126512638 | ` 799

Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making, 5edKimmel

Table of Contents• Introduction to Financial Statements. • A Further Look at Financial Statements. Just Fooling Around? • The Accounting Information System. • Accrual Accounting Concepts. • Merchandising Operations and the Multiple-Step Income Statement. • Reporting and Analyzing Inventory. • Fraud, Internal Control and Cash.

• Reporting and Analyzing Receivables. • Reporting and Analyzing Long-Lived Assets. • Reporting and

Analyzing Liabilities. • Reporting and Analyzing Stockholders’ Equity. • Statement of Cash Flows. • Financial Analysis: The Big Picture.

ISBN: 9788126523931 | ` 819

How to Pass the CPA Exam StephanieTable of Contents

• Why CPA? • What Is the CPA Exam? • How to Get Qualified • Getting Ready • Creating a Study Plan • How to Become More Efficient and Effective • Study Tips and Exam-Taking Strategies • How to Overcome the Fear of Task-Based Simulations • How to Ace the Written Communication Tasks • Audit and Attestation (AUD) • Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) • Regulation (REG) • Business Environment and Concepts (BEC) • What If I Fail? • Final Words • Appendix A

Countdown Plans • Appendix B Packing for the Exam Trip

ISBN: 9788126544066 | ` 699

Wiley CPAexcel Exam Review 2014, Regulation WhittingtonTable of Contents

• Beginning Your CPA Review Program • Examination Grading • The Solutions Approach • Taking the Examination • Exam Content Overview • Professional Responsibilities and Business Law • Professional and Legal Responsibilities • Federal Securities Acts • Business Structure • Contracts • Sales • Commercial Paper • Secured Transactions • Bankruptcy • Debtor-Creditor Relationships • Agency • Regulation of

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ISBN: 9788126547456 | ` 14,999 (Set Price)

Wiley CPAexcel Exam Review 2014, Financial Accounting and Reporting WhittingtonTable of Contents

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Wiley CPAexcel Exam Review 2014, Auditing and Attestation WhittingtonTable of Contents

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ISBN: 9788126547456 | ` 14,999 (Set Price)


Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems, 9ed


Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems, 9edBagranoff

ISBN: 9812531661 | $8.00(Exclusively distributed by CBS Publishers & Distributors)

Forthcoming TitleFinancial Accounting, 7ed, ISVKimmel

ECONOMICSEconomics of Strategy, 6ed, ISV Besanko

Table of Contents• Introduction: Strategy and Economics • Economics Primer Basic Principles • Firm Boundaries • Market and Competitive Analysis • Strategic Position and Dynamics • Strategic Position and Dynamics

ISBN: 9788126540716 | ` 629

Microeconomics, 4edBesanko

Table of Contents• Introduction to Microeconomics • Consumer Theory • Production and Cost Theory • Perfect Competition • Market Power • Imperfect Competition and Strategic Behavior • Special Topics

ISBN: 9788126532063 | ` 689

Essential Mathematics for Economics & Business, 2ed Bradley

Table of Contents• Mathematical preliminaries • The straight line and applications • Simultaneous equations • Non-linear functions and applications • Financial Mathematics

• Introduction to differentiation and applications • Functions of several variables • Integration and appli-cations • Linear algebra and applications • Difference equations • Solutions to progress exercises

ISBN: 9788126509188 | ` 649

Applied Econometric Time Series, 3ed Enders

Table of Contents• Difference Equations. • Stationary Time-Series Models. • Modeling Volatility. • Models with Trend. • Multiequation Time-Series Models. • Cointegration and Error-Correction Models. • Nonlinear Time-Series Models. • Statistical Tables. • References. • Subject Index.

ISBN: 9788126543915 | ` 489

Managerial Economics: An Economic Foundation for Business Decisions, 2ed Keating

Table of Contents• Managerial Economics: An Introduction and Overview • The Economic Environment of Business • Optimization: Finding the Best Solution for Business Decisions • Understanding and Building Business and Economic Models • Understanding Demand • Forecasting for Better Business Decisions • Production and Technology

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ISBN: 9788177223859 | ` 369


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Introduction to Econometrics, 4ed Maddala

Table of Contents• Introduction and the Linear Regression Model • Violation of the Assumptions of the Basic Regression Model • Special Topics

ISBN: 9788126534159 | ` 709

Macroeconomics: Understanding the Wealth of Nations, 2ed Miles

Table of Contents• What is Macroeconomics? • The Language of Macro - The National Income Accounts • The Wealth of Nations

- The Supply Side • Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth • Total Factor Productivity, Human Capital and Technology • Endogenous Growth and Convergence • Unemployment and the Labor Market • International Trade • Globalization • Fiscal Policy and the Role of Government • Money and Prices • Consumption •

Investment • Business Cycles • Monetary Policy • Stabilization Policy • Equity Markets • Bond Market. • Exchange Rate Determination I-Real Exchange Rate • Exchange Rate Determination II- Nominal Exchange Rates and Asset Markets • Currency Crises, Exchange Rate Systems

ISBN: 9788126516414 | ` 549

International Economics: Trade and Finance, 10ed, ISV Salvatore

Table of Contents• International Trade Theory • International Trade Policy • The Balance of Payments, Foreign Exchange Markets and Exchange Rates • Open-Economy Macroeconomics and The International Monetary System

ISBN: 9788126537686 | ` 709

Managerial Economics, 6ed, ISVSamuelson

Table of Contents• Section I. Decisions within Firms. • Optimal Decisions Using Marginal Analysis. • Demand Analysis and Optimal Pricing. • Estimating and Forecasting Demand.

• Production. • Cost Analysis. Section II. Competing Within Markets. • Perfect Competition. • Monopoly. • Oligopoly. • Game Theory and Competitive Strategy. • Regulation, Public Goods and Benefit-Cost Analysis. Section III. Decision-Making Applications. • Decision Making Under Uncertainty. • The Value of Information.

• Asymmetric Information and Organizational Design. • Bargaining and Negotiation. • Actions and Competitive Bidding. • Linear Programming.

ISBN: 9788126544349 | ` 729

Managerial Economics, w/cd Singh

Table of Contents• Managerial Economics: Meaning, Nature, Scope and Importance • Business Objectives of Organizations

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ISBN: 9789350043035 | ` 429

Managerial Economics: Analysis, Problems, Cases, 8ed Truett

Table of Contents• Introduction, Basic Principles and Methodology • Revenue of The Firm • Demand Analysis and Estimation

• Economic Forecasting • Production Analysis • Cost of Production • Profit Analysis of The Firm • Perfect Competition and Monopoly: The Limiting Cases • Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly • Games, Information and Strategy • Topics in Pricing and Profit Analysis • Factor Markets and Profit-Maximizing

Employment of Variable Inputs • Fundamentals of Project Evaluation • Risk in Project Analysis • Economics of Public Sector Decisions • Legal and Regulatory Environment of The Firm

ISBN: 9788126512539 | ` 519

Economics: Theory and Practice, 7ed Welch

Table of Contents• Introduction to Economics • The Macro economy • The Micro economy • The International Economy

ISBN: 9788126512621 | ` 619


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Applied Time Series Modelling

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Applied Time Series Modelling & Forecasting Harris

Table of Contents• Introduction and Overview • Short- and Long-Run Models • Testing for Unit Roots • Cointegration in Single Equations • Cointegration in Multivariate Systems • Modelling the Short-Run Multivariate System

• Panel Data Models and Cointegration • Modelling and Forecasting Financial Times Series

ISBN: 9812532323 | $6.00 (Exclusively distributed by CBS Publishers & Distributors)

Forthcoming TitlesMicroeconomics, 5ed, ISVBesanko

International Economics: Trade and Finance, 11ed, ISVSalvatore

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