Wildlife and flora of romanian region

Wildlife and flora of Romanian region. Comenius Project – Influence of the weather on the natural and urban landscape of different European regions. Liceul Tehnologic “Vintilă Bratianu” Dragomireşti-Vale Romania



Transcript of Wildlife and flora of romanian region

  • 1. Liceul Tehnologic Vintil BratianuDragomireti-ValeRomania Wildlife and flora of Romanian region.Comenius Project Influence of the weather on the natural and urban landscape of different European regions.

2. The Wildlife of RomaniaRomania may lack some of the developments social, agricultural, industrialetc that have swept across northern and western Europe but the slow paceof change has been a positive benefit for wildlife. Species that have declinedor even become extinct elsewhere still prosper in Romania. From the humbletree sparrow on the verge of extinction in Britain for example to the whitepelican Romania boasts the largest breeding population outside of Africa to the largest population of Brown Bear and Grey Wolf in Europe there arecountless examples. Along with this of course is the preservation albeitunintentional in many cases of large tracts of pristine or virtually unspoiledhabitats. 3. We present you some of the highlights the Romanian wildlife has tooffer.Tree SparrowThese appealing and attractive birds are in decline in the UK. They are oftenoverlooked in their traditional rural habitats or amongst groups of HouseSparrows. Tree Sparrow are still prosper in Romania. 4. The Great White PelicanThe Great White Pelican is a huge bird, with only the DalmatianPelican averaging larger amongst the pelicans. Adult males, weigh from 9 to15 kg and the diet of them consists mainly of fish. They lived in Transylvaniain the last century, but now the place where we can find them is the DanubeDelta. 5. The Brown BearThe brown bear (Ursus arctos) is a large bear distributed across much ofnorthern Eurasia and North America. It can weigh from 300 to 780 kilogramsRomania is the country with the largest number of Brown Bears in Europe(6000 exemplars in 2010, or 40% of total in EU). In our country it is protectedby law. 6. The Gray WolfThe main differences between wolves found in the mountains of Romaniaand the domestic dogs of Romania are that wolves have, on average, 30%larger brains, a better immune system, better sense of smell, and aregenerally much larger than domestic dogs. 7. The Flora of RomaniaThe flora of Romania comprises around 3,450 species of vascular plants,which represents around 30% of the vascular flora of Europe.The three major vegetation zones in Romania are the alpine, steppe, andforest zones.More than 1,000 plant species canReeds in the Danube Delta.be found in the Cheile Turzii reserve. 8. EdelweissFound in Romania on human inaccessible cliffs of Carpathians, Edelweiss is avery rare plant. For this reason it was declared a natural monument and ithas been protected by law since 1931. Edelweiss is protected in naturereserves such as Piatra Craiului, Bucegi, Ciuca. 9. Fringed Water-lilyFringed Water-lily is an aquatic plant that grows well in shallow fresh-waterlike canals and ponds or slow moving streams. The leaves float on water,from which long stems dangle. The leaves are normally oval in appearancewith a shiny appearance from above, sometimes with purple spots. 10. Thermal LilyNymphaea lotus var. thermalis grows up in the warm waters of Peea River,Transylvania. With a special scientific importance for Europe, this thermal lilywas declared a natural monument in Romania. 11. Balkan PeonyApproximately 40km from Bucharest lays Comana Nature Park, the largestprotected area in Campia Romana. Here you can visit a floral reserve, uniquein Romania, with the Balkan peony (paeonia peregrine) which is celebratedby local villagers every May with an event called Sarbatoarea Bujorului. 12. In the endIn this presentation we showed you some of the wild speciesthat are rare in Europe but still prosper in the Romanian region.We hope that you have enjoyed our presentation and found ituseful.