wiiiiiiiaiici 01 - University of...

-. . V...--'- f ' 1 17 01" H II ill I II II !ll II ill A HI II ill 1 II Jl Jl II II ( IK wiiiiiiiaiici VOL. XIL-N- O. 18. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1510. PRICE 5 CENTb. Xtxo CUtocrtistmcnts. SHHrtrtistsicms. fctritstmtnis. business ards. THE DAILY CASTLE & GOOKIi, 1 MPOllTEKS, Shipping aiid Commission Merchants. ilv avrrttirmrntf . HacMaery For Sale! The following niachtnrrj fonutn pit of thu . Star Mill Plum will bo fold t public aact'.on at an tr)jr date Mnleia diponl of trvtotialy I'jr private l'arliea dctlroua ei purcbalre anr portion of tbta machinery can gri arti- cular and prices from the undersigned t 26148 II & GcariDS, Spare Gear Wheel & Pinion ; 1 15i3A Engine, Spare Hear Wheel Jt Pinion; 5 McUnle ClariAera with Klttlnca. 4 complete; 1 Juice Heater, 14 fevt lonjr, l In. diameter; 24 In. W. 1. Cleaning Pan. 6xlx 7; 1 6x7 Doable Kffoct, complete w ith Pump A Stage; 20 Galloway Boiler complete 16x16 Tubular Boiler. complete; 1 Sugar Car 54 In. W. 1 4x8.4x3.4; 1 Sugar Cooler, HxS.Sx'JU; 1 Sugar (hosier, 6.6x5.fix.H; 2 Sugar Cooler. 4x5.6x,; 1 Tauk U In W. I., 7.6xxl; 1 Steam l'ump, 4 dlacbarge ; PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS. DEALERS IX BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, iPLANTATlON SUPPLIES, Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' ami Plumbers' Tools, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS 1 IT n Til 1 TP1 Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnisnes, Lamp GockIs, and i Greiieral Merchandise. Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugal p, Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines, . Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines. W041-- y HAWAII 4P BUSINESS AGENCY, Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Hoto11u, Hawaiian Islands. i GENEEAL j AGENTS, EXPERT And will have prompVdlaipatcn- - vrUfc Dialls flV hMi?PKBio n?'S?5I1,,t,LPEBI0R ACCOXJNTLlSrTS AND COLLECTORS, INSURANCE AGENTS, CUSTOM REAL ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE HOUSE, LOAN AND o Departments oks and Accounts accurately kept and Collections will receive special attention and Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and handsomely engrossed. Copying and Translating in all languages Keal Lstatk bought and sold. Taxes paid Houses, Cottages, Kooms, (Juices and .Land leased and rented, and rents collected. Fire and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurauce Companies. Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans pj egotcated at t avorable Kates. Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished. An y Article Purchased or sold on commission. Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention. J. B. CASTLE, Commission Merchant. Office Cartwright Building, Merchant Street, : Honolulu, II. I. Hawaiian Commercial Salesrooms, Cor Queen and Nuuanu St. Goods Of all descriptions sold On I commission. Mutual Telephone G31. 31-l- y GARDNER K. WILDER, -- A. tt o rne v" a t-- L aw . Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street. 77 12My J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w. Office Kaahumanu Street, - (In office formerly occupied by Mr. C 53-l- y Rogers). WILLIAM C. PARKE, ATTORNEY -- AT -- LAW N AND Agent to take Acknowledgments. Office No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono- - (i7-l- y lulu, H. I. Pianos For Rent. riANOS IN GOOD ORDER frfrrl from 14.00 to $7.00 per month. MUSIC DEPARTMENTOF THK HAWAIIAN NEWS COMPANY. 123-- tf GEORGE GRAY, (Late of the Customs) REGS LEAVE TO INFORM THE X public, merchants and others, that he is prepared to undertake the collection of lS?fiSt?SSa.,D Writing. Bell Telephone 401. XOffice at Sanders' Express, King St. 103-l- m P. O. liox No. 333. oolf Pioneer Steam CANDY FACTORY and BAKERY. b HORN Practioal Comectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. No. 71 Hotel St. : - Telephone 74. 1209 35-- tf JAMES NOTT, JR., PRACTICAL TINSMITH & PLUMBER Corner of Kins and Alakea Sts., Honolulu, H. I. TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261; residence, Mutual, 230. . m til Walker & liedward, IB ft Contractors & Builders Brick, Stone and Wooden Building Estimates Given. Jobbing Promptly Attended to 76 KING STREET. Bell Telephone No. a. F. O. Box 133 Sll tf Just Received Per S. S. Oceanic and Dark Velocity, from China and Japan, Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods SILKS, SiVk Handkerchiefs, Dinner and Tea Sets, Rattan Chairs, Flower Pots and Vases, Lanterns, Bamboo Baskets, Etc. WING WO TAI & CO. I'acilit Commercial Advertiser IS PUBLISHED Every Morning Except Sundays, At iio. 46 Merchant SU HUBSCRIlTlONa t Daily P. O. Adtutuu, one year 8 00 alx wonins... 3 00 pr month.... 60 Wkly II aw aii am Uazkite, one year . 8 00 foreign (in- - eluding poiUge) 6 00 Payable Iuvarlably lu Adjnnee. t--f All Transient Advertisement must be Prepaid. ADDBKAS: UAWAIUN GAZETTE CO., 46 Mercbaut it., pWSf office Uox O. Honolulu. U. I. LEWERS & C00KE, (Successors to Lewers Dickson) ImpoA-ten- t ant Dlew In Inmher And all Kinds of Building Material!. No.xa FOBT STREET. Honolulu. JOHN T. WATERH0USE, Importer and Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE. No. H5-- 3I Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf WILLIAM O. ACHI, Attorney and counsellor at law, Notary Public and Keal Estate Broker. Office 30 Merchant Street. 131-3- m U. HACKFELD & CO., Ueueral Oommissiou Agents Cor. JTort ti Queen fits., Honolulu, ltf BEAVER SALOON, r Fr( Street, Opposite Wilder Co.'a, tl. J. KOLTE, PBOPB1ETOB. tirst cls Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee, Hoda Water, Qlnger Aie or auia. 4eu from 3 a. in. till 10 pj bi. Xuiokers' Beqnlsltes a Specialty. ltf HONOLOLU IRON WORKS CO., Steam Engines, 1 toiler. ujcr Mills, Coolers, Brass null Iel Castings, a -- a mvchlnery of erery descrlpUon u i..nu..t4nntion Tald to ships black- - "mlthlnsf. Job work executed on the "nortest Lttice. YOUNG NAP, Importer of fine new styles of Manila & Havana Cigars, Cigarettes A HEATED WATERS, Etc. Cor. BetUel ami King Streets. 93-3- m THE ROYAL SALOON, for. Nuuauu and Merenaut Ktreets Under the Management of K. H. Wolter, a KSC" 'ViSSSiiSiSSSi 1U ..vi.u pr tfUse. .tJr-Ctt- H and Siee lTs.- - iti WONG SAI, Merchant' Tailor, MANUFACTURER OF Gentlemen's Underclothing IurnisliinK Goods. Woolen and Pongee Coats, Wool, Calico, German and Linen bhirts. Finest Brante of Havana and Manila Cigars. 89 Rlns; Street. 'ly SUN FIRE OFFICE, OF LONDON. Established 1710. Insurance effected npon every description of property at current rates 01 premium. Total Bum Insured in 1885 i.. 837,383,700 Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The jurisdic- tion of the Local Tribunals recognized. G. W. Macfarlane & Co. loi Agents for Hawaiian Islands. LEWIS & CO., Wholesale anil Mail Grocers, 111 FORT STREET. Australian Mail Service FOR SAN FRANCISCO. the new and fine Al steel steamship ZEALANDIA 99 q lna oceanic Steamship Company, wMJ be due at Honolulu from Sydney aui Auckland on or about July 26, 1890, An4 will leave for the abave port with maila and passengers 011 or about that date. Fo freight or passage, having KUPEBIOH ACCOMMODATION'S. apply to Wm. ii. Irwin & Co., AENTS. For Sydney and Auckland. The new and fine Al steel steamship O the Oceanic Hteamship Company, will be d t Honolulu froiu anFrancdco or or about Aug. 2, 1890. an AC- - COMMODATIONS, apply Wm. (x. Irwin & Co., AGKNT8 Claus preckels Wm. G. Irwin. A ITo LlAUO OritI!ibJVJ!iUp & tyU., BANKEES. HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLiANDU Draw Exchange on the principal parts o the world. Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and exchange liuslneas. Deposits bearing Interest received In their Sav lugs Department subject to published rules and regulations. 17oc3tf ANDERSON & LUNDY, Dentists. ARTIFICIAL TEETH from one to an entire set in- serted on gold, silver, allum-inu- ni anil rubber bases. Crown and bridge work a specialty. To rrsnns wearing rubber relates which are a constant source of irritation to the mouth and throat, we would recommend our Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper- ations performed in accordance with the Teeth .extracted without pain by the use of Hotel street, TreIoan premises. 55-l- y H. B. HITCHCOCK. J. MC QUEEN. V TV Ofnce next door to 11. 3Iore, King St. Kell Tel. 160; Mutual Tel. 565. DRAYMEN. All orders for cartage promptly attended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing and Shipping of Goods in Transit to Other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand, in quanti- ties to suit, at lowest prices. 2-- 1 y CALL FOR DIAMOND CKEAMERY BUTTER In lib., 2ib., Sib. and 71b. Tins Finest Article fcr Warm Climates. S. FOSTER & Co. Wholesale Grocers, SOLE AGENTS. 26 and 28 California St., San FrancUco. ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO OUR AND FAITHFUL ATTENTION Having had an extensive business mm RENOWlim roD TONE & DURABILITY 1 New York, Sept. 23, 1SS9. Hawaiian News Co., Honolulu, Sand- wich Is. Gentlemen: We take pleasure in ac- knowledging your acceptance of the Sole Agency of the Fischer" Pianos in the Sandwich Islands and we hereby confirm the same. We further direct you to notify the gen- eral public that you are the Sole Agent for the "Fischer " Pianos and that an v Cianos bought from any other source will by a great risk to the pur chaser by not receiving the Genuine ischer " l iano and all guarantees will be withdrawn from the same. We have no doubt but what you will meet with great success in the sale of these instruments, and wishing you all pros- perity, we remain, gentlemen, Yours very truly, J. & C. Fischer. Pre-eminen- tly the best instrument made. Endorsed by all the leading musi- cians of the age. Will stand hard usage in any climate and guaranteed bv the makers for 5 years. (Ill'd Catalogues free.) M Sold on Monthly Installments" AT THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. 35-- tf LOVE'S BAKERY No. 75t Nunnnn ft I reel 5IE8.BOirr.LOVX, rropritrM Every Description of Flaln nd K&nc? Bread and Crackers, r RES Q Soda Crackers Saloon Bread Alwar on Hand. MILK BREAD A 8PECIALTY. Island Orders Promptly Attended to 1T3-R- n CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Ajrents ! AGKKT8 FOB: New. England Mutual Life Ins. Co. OF BOSTOJf, Itna Fire Ins. Co, of Hartford. UNION Insurance Company FIHE AND MARINE, OF SAN FBANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. 15C9 y CASTLE & COOKE, HARDWAItK, Shipping and Commission Merchants IMrOIiTER8 AND D&ALEKS IK GENEKAX MERCHANDISE. flantation. Agents,. Life, Fire and Marine Insure nee Agents. 153 HONOLULU, II. I. ly C. BREWER & COMPANY, (Limited). GENERAL MERCANTILE COMMISSION AGENTS. LIST OT OFFICEBS: P. 0. Jones. Jr President and Manager J. O. Carter ..Traaaurar and Secretary Hon. W. r. Allen Auditor DIRECTORS: Hn. O. R. R'abop. Won. W. wvIkjjjj, RUPTURE 9IAKT1J ELANTIC TBl S"Onl Kletrl Tmu n the world. Iron H ttnnon ! East to Wft&r. Thia lahrliMl ML A Trass has radically rnrrd thonnandi of Datieota. KlUb. 1975. Perfect fitting trusaer nt to ai i pans oi ine world ana we guarantee safe a Iit. tor fall partiealars. r ite for Pamnhlet No. I AdJmM, 51. K. TraM Co.,?04 Sacramento Mren. nan r rancisco. i ai U. S. A. For 11 Ira um ourAes losuuntitat lor Ucme TraaUnaaU fnte, or 8a, aa hi 0 5 V " 1 If Is r 43 li ft New York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of an intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfully solicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. T Ta I Nil h Kiaicfi H fififl P11 111 iVilllUUi UUUX U1UU 2 Illake Tumps, m dlacharge; 1 Lathe, SO cbuck 13 feet long, bed ; 1 Heavy Vice; 1 Fairbanks Platform Scales, SOxSS; MILL BUILDING, 40x150x21, and Boilt-- r Shed, all covered with Corrugated Iron. . Fire Hrick, a loo a large asaorlment of aecond hand Cocks, Valves, Tiptng, etc., etc., JNO. MINI), For Stsr Mill Co., KohaU, llawill 1328-l- dAw Tlie Liverpool and Lon- don and Globe IISISIXJRjlSrOE CO ItsTlBLiflnrD lSJe.i Aaseta , 40,000,000 Net Income V.OTV.OOO ClalmaTald 114.5SJV.OOO Takes Risks against Loss or Damage b rire on Balldlngs, Macbl aery, Sngar MllU.Uwelll ngs and Furniture, on the most favorable tarraa. Bishop & Co. CEAS. BREWER & CO.'S Boston Line of Packets. IMPORTERS WILL PLTCASK take notice that the fine BARK EDWARD MA Will be laid on the berth in Boston to load for thin tort during July next. "For further particulars apply to 74 J31G-- y C. HRRWKIl A CD- - IVTules ! TO ARRIVE BY THE B. C. LLEN-- , due June 15th, 20 head of fine young L.oke Mules and 20 head of 3- - and unbroken, and within (X) days 80 head of young, broken and unbroken Mules, ranging from 4 to 7 years old, and all for sale cheap. I am prepaid to fill any order that those wibhine ules as to a.iv number or quality at a.iow or lov r rates than any importer, as 1 have arrangements with one ot the best buyers in California, and I shall endeavor to buy from first hands. 5 Prompt attention will be given by J. N. Wright at Little liritan, Honolulu. Address I O. Box 452. VUTt iaO-3- J. N. WRIGHT. MRS. M. J. RAMOS. NEW JIIOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY Over A. L.. Hmlth'a Storr, Fort St., Where the bkkt, the keatkkt ami the en kai'Kkt 1'hotographic Pictures and Views arc taken. Entire sati.sfartioii given, and all orders promptly attended to. EtTA respectful invitation ii hent out to the ladies to call and sec for themelve. 140-l-y DR. IjTJTZ WILL HAVE OFFICE HOURS FROM 8 to 9 a.m. and 4 to 5p.m. at No. 33 Beretania street, between Fort and Muuan: streets. Mutual Telephone Nos. M2 and 17fi. 13Mm DR. A. B. CARTER UA8 REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO NO. Beretania street, between Fort and Nuuanu streets. Office hours 9:30 to 11 a.m.. and 2 to 4, and 7 to 8 r. m. Mutual Telephone No. Sir. 131-l- m DRESSMAKING. MRS. DYER TAKES PLEASURE IN the Ladies of Honolulu that she has opened a Dressmaking establish- ment on the corner of Kinau and Punch- bowl streets, where she is prepared to give entire satisfaction to all orders entrusted to her care. Terms reasonable. 133-l- m DR. HENRI G. McGREW, AN ABSENCE Ot FOVR AFTER in Paris, has returned to his home on the Islands, for the purpose of resuming the practice of Medicine. He may he found at his old office on Hotel St. between Fort and Alakra Sts. Office hours from M to 11 a. M., and 2 to 4 and C to 8 u. 133-l- m EXCHANGE BROKERS. of Business: properly adjusted. returns promptly made. and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished in general use In this Kingdom. and rroperty salely insured. for Publishers. CARE WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AT MODERATE CHARGES. exierience for over twenty-fiv- e vears in 20 1304-i- l "N O T T and 97 KING STREET. Housekeeping OoUs. and Sheet Iron Work from Boston. iVST Bell Telephone No. 274. JO HN DIMOND BLOCK. 95 V Stoves, Kanges and Plumbing, Tin, Copper mm(imm XTEstimates lurnisneu on an classes of Plumbing and Tinsmithlng work. F.rst class workmanship and material gunran- - aU aboye branche3 o lu bu3i. reasonable rates. 44 ly New Goods, ex Bk. John D. Brewer 128 Days Dry Goods, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Stationery, Wrapping Paper HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES. ALSO J. & C. FISCHER 3?EV1S3"C)S Etc., Etc., Etc. FOR SiVIE BY ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., V2i)S lOrt-l- v King nd Rethel Streets.. The Weekly Gazette and Daily I U. Advertiser ARE THE NGIDAEL I' AJPR.ilS OF THE KINGDOM 25 Nuuanu Street 82-l- m F. O. Box 397. fe 1.89b245-l- y Ttlephon 840. -- If .1

Transcript of wiiiiiiiaiici 01 - University of...

Page 1: wiiiiiiiaiici 01 - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/39421/1/1890072201.pdf · wiiiiiiiaiici 1 II Jl Jl II II (IK VOL. XIL-N-O. 18. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN

-. .




17 01"H II ill I II II !ll II ill A HI II ill1 II Jl Jl II II ( IKwiiiiiiiaiici


Xtxo CUtocrtistmcnts. SHHrtrtistsicms.fctritstmtnis.business ards.THE DAILY


Shipping aiid Commission Merchants.


avrrttirmrntf .

HacMaery For Sale!The following niachtnrrj fonutn pit of thu .

Star Mill Plum will bo fold t public aact'.on atan tr)jr date Mnleia diponl of trvtotialy I'jrprivate l'arliea dctlroua ei purcbalreanr portion of tbta machinery can gri arti-cular and prices from the undersigned t

26148 II & GcariDS,

Spare Gear Wheel & Pinion ;

1 15i3A Engine, Spare Hear Wheel Jt Pinion;5 McUnle ClariAera with Klttlnca. 4 complete;1 Juice Heater, 14 fevt lonjr, l In. diameter;24 In. W. 1. Cleaning Pan. 6xlx 7;1 6x7 Doable Kffoct, complete w ith Pump A


20 Galloway Boiler complete

16x16 Tubular Boiler. complete;1 Sugar Car 54 In. W. 1 4x8.4x3.4;1 Sugar Cooler, HxS.Sx'JU;1 Sugar (hosier, 6.6x5.fix.H;2 Sugar Cooler. 4x5.6x,;1 Tauk U In W. I., 7.6xxl;1 Steam l'ump, 4 dlacbarge ;




iPLANTATlON SUPPLIES,Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' ami Plumbers' Tools,


Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnisnes, Lamp GockIs, andi

Greiieral Merchandise.Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugal p,

Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines,

. Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines.W041-- y

HAWAII 4P BUSINESS AGENCY,Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Hoto11u,

Hawaiian Islands.i

GENEEAL j AGENTS, EXPERTAnd will have prompVdlaipatcn- - vrUfc Dialls




Departmentsoks and Accounts accurately kept and

Collections will receive special attention andConveyancing a Specialty. Records searchedLegal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and handsomely

engrossed.Copying and Translating in all languagesKeal Lstatk bought and sold. Taxes paidHouses, Cottages, Kooms, (Juices and .Land leased and rented, and rents collected.Fire and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurauce Companies.Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.Loans pj egotcated at t avorable Kates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicitedSkilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.An y Article Purchased or sold on commission.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.


Commission Merchant.Office Cartwright Building,

Merchant Street, : Honolulu, II. I.

Hawaiian Commercial Salesrooms,

Cor Queen and Nuuanu St.Goods Of all descriptions sold On I


Mutual Telephone G31. 31-l- y


--A.ttornev"a t--L aw .

Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street.77 12My


Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w.

Office Kaahumanu Street, -

(In office formerly occupied by Mr. C53-l- y Rogers).



Agent to take Acknowledgments.Office No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono--

(i7-l-y lulu, H. I.

Pianos For Rent.


frfrrl from 14.00 to $7.00 per month.MUSIC DEPARTMENTOFTHK HAWAIIAN NEWS

COMPANY. 123-- tf

GEORGE GRAY,(Late of the Customs)

REGS LEAVE TO INFORM THEX public, merchants and others, that heis prepared to undertake the collection of

lS?fiSt?SSa.,DWriting. Bell Telephone 401.

XOffice at Sanders' Express, King St.103-l- m P. O. liox No. 333.



b HORN Practioal Comectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel St. : - Telephone 74.1209 35-- tf


TINSMITH & PLUMBERCorner of Kins and Alakea Sts.,

Honolulu, H. I.

TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261;residence, Mutual, 230.

.m til

Walker & liedward,

IBftContractors & Builders

Brick, Stone and Wooden Building

Estimates Given.

Jobbing Promptly Attended to


Bell Telephone No. a. F. O. Box 133Sll tf

Just ReceivedPer S. S. Oceanic and Dark Velocity, from

China and Japan,

Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods

SILKS,SiVk Handkerchiefs,

Dinner and Tea Sets,Rattan Chairs,

Flower Pots and Vases,

Lanterns, Bamboo Baskets, Etc.


I'acilit Commercial Advertiser


Every Morning Except Sundays,

At iio. 46 Merchant SU


Daily P. O. Adtutuu, one year 8 00alx wonins... 3 00pr month.... 60

Wkly II aw aii am Uazkite, one year . 8 00foreign (in- -

eluding poiUge) 6 00

Payable Iuvarlably lu Adjnnee.

t--f All Transient Advertisement mustbe Prepaid.



46 Mercbaut it.,pWSf office Uox O. Honolulu. U. I.


(Successors to Lewers Dickson)

ImpoA-ten- t ant Dlew In InmherAnd all Kinds of Building Material!.

No.xa FOBT STREET. Honolulu.


Importer and Dealer In


No. H5-- 3I Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf

WILLIAM O. ACHI,Attorney and counsellor at law,

Notary Public and Keal EstateBroker.

Office 30 Merchant Street. 131-3- m


Ueueral Oommissiou Agents

Cor. JTort ti Queen fits., Honolulu, ltf


Fr( Street, Opposite Wilder Co.'a,tl. J. KOLTE, PBOPB1ETOB.

tirst cls Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee,Hoda Water, Qlnger Aie or auia.

4eu from 3 a. in. till 10 pj bi.Xuiokers' Beqnlsltes a Specialty. ltf


Steam Engines,1 toiler. ujcr Mills, Coolers, Brass

null Iel Castings,

a --a mvchlnery of erery descrlpUonu i..nu..t4nntion Tald to ships black- -

"mlthlnsf. Job work executed on the "nortestLttice.

YOUNG NAP,Importer of fine new styles of

Manila & Havana Cigars, Cigarettes


Cor. BetUel ami King Streets.93-3- m


for. Nuuauu and Merenaut KtreetsUnder the Management of

K. H. Wolter,a

KSC" 'ViSSSiiSiSSSi1U ..vi.u pr tfUse.

.tJr-Ctt-H and Siee lTs.-- iti


Merchant' Tailor,MANUFACTURER OF

Gentlemen's Underclothing

IurnisliinK Goods.

Woolen and Pongee Coats, Wool, Calico,German and Linen bhirts.

Finest Brante of Havana and Manila Cigars.

89 Rlns; Street. 'ly


Established 1710.

Insurance effected npon every description ofproperty at current rates 01 premium.

Total Bum Insured in 1885 i.. 837,383,700

Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paidwith promptitude and liberality. The jurisdic-

tion of the Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.

loi Agents for Hawaiian Islands.


Wholesale anil Mail Grocers,


Australian Mail Service


the new and fine Al steel steamship


q lna oceanic Steamship Company, wMJ be dueat Honolulu from Sydney aui Auckland

on or about

July 26, 1890,

An4 will leave for the abave port with maila andpassengers 011 or about that date.

Fo freight or passage, having KUPEBIOHACCOMMODATION'S. apply to

Wm. ii. Irwin & Co.,AENTS.

For Sydney and Auckland.

The new and fine Al steel steamship

O the Oceanic Hteamship Company, will bed t Honolulu froiu anFrancdco

or or about

Aug. 2, 1890.




Wm. (x. Irwin & Co.,AGKNT8

Claus preckels Wm. G. Irwin.

A IToLlAUO OritI!ibJVJ!iUp & tyU.,


Draw Exchange on the principal parts o theworld.

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange liuslneas.

Deposits bearing Interest received In their Savlugs Department subject to published rules andregulations. 17oc3tf



from one to an entire set in-

serted on gold, silver, allum-inu- ni

anil rubber bases.Crown and bridge work a specialty. Torrsnns wearing rubber relates which are aconstant source of irritation to themouth and throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper-ations performed in accordance with the

Teeth.extracted without pain by the use of

Hotel street, TreIoan premises.55-l- y



Ofnce next door to 11. 3Iore, King St.

Kell Tel. 160; Mutual Tel. 565.

DRAYMEN.All orders for cartage promptly attended

to. Particular attention paid to the

Storing and Shipping of Goods inTransit to Other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand, in quanti-ties to suit, at lowest prices. 2-- 1 y


BUTTERIn lib., 2ib., Sib. and 71b. Tins

Finest Article fcrWarm Climates.

S. FOSTER & Co.Wholesale Grocers,


26 and 28 California St., San FrancUco.


Having had an extensive business

mmRENOWlim roD

TONE & DURABILITY 1New York, Sept. 23, 1SS9.

Hawaiian News Co., Honolulu, Sand-wich Is.

Gentlemen: We take pleasure in ac-knowledging your acceptance of the SoleAgency of the Fischer" Pianos in theSandwich Islands and we hereby confirmthe same.

We further direct you to notify the gen-eral public that you are the Sole Agentfor the "Fischer " Pianos and that an v

Cianos bought from any other source willby a great risk to the pur

chaser by not receiving the Genuineischer " l iano and all guarantees will

be withdrawn from the same.We have no doubt but what you will

meet with great success in the sale of theseinstruments, and wishing you all pros-perity, we remain, gentlemen,

Yours very truly,J. & C. Fischer.

Pre-eminen- tly the best instrumentmade. Endorsed by all the leading musi-cians of the age. Will stand hard usagein any climate and guaranteed bv themakers for 5 years. (Ill'd Catalogues free.)

M Sold on Monthly Installments"



LOVE'S BAKERYNo. 75t Nunnnn ft I reel

5IE8.BOirr.LOVX, rropritrM

Every Description of Flaln nd K&nc?

Bread and Crackers,r RES Q

Soda Crackers

Saloon Bread

Alwar on Hand.


Island Orders Promptly Attended to1T3-R- n


Life, Fire and Marine

Insurance Ajrents !


New. England Mutual Life Ins. Co.


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n the world. Iron Httnnon ! East to Wft&r. Thia lahrliMlML A Trass has radically rnrrd thonnandi

of Datieota. KlUb. 1975. Perfect fitting trusaernt to ai i pans oi ine world ana we guarantee safe aIit. tor fall partiealars. r ite for Pamnhlet No. I

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New York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of anintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfullysolicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.

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iVilllUUi UUUX U1UU2 Illake Tumps, m dlacharge;1 Lathe, SO cbuck 13 feet long, bed ;1 Heavy Vice;1 Fairbanks Platform Scales, SOxSS;

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and Boilt-- r Shed, all covered with CorrugatedIron. .

Fire Hrick, a loo a large asaorlment of aecondhand Cocks, Valves, Tiptng, etc., etc.,

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Aaseta , 40,000,000Net Income V.OTV.OOOClalmaTald 114.5SJV.OOO

Takes Risks against Loss or Damage b rireon Balldlngs, Macbl aery, Sngar MllU.Uwelll ngsand Furniture, on the most favorable tarraa.

Bishop & Co.CEAS. BREWER & CO.'S

Boston Line of Packets.

IMPORTERS WILL PLTCASKtake notice that the fine


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due June 15th, 20 head of fine youngL.oke Mules and 20 head of 3-- and

unbroken, and within (X) days 80 headof young, broken and unbroken Mules,ranging from 4 to 7 years old, and all forsale cheap. I am prepaid to fill anyorder that those wibhine ules as to a.ivnumber or quality at a.iow or lov r ratesthan any importer, as 1 have arrangementswith one ot the best buyers in California,and I shall endeavor to buy from firsthands.

5 Prompt attention will be given byJ. N. Wright at Little liritan, Honolulu.

Address I O. Box 452.VUTt iaO-3- J. N. WRIGHT.



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Where the bkkt, the keatkkt ami theen kai'Kkt 1'hotographic Pictures and

Views arc taken. Entire sati.sfartioiigiven, and all orders promptly attended to.

EtTA respectful invitation ii hent outto the ladies to call and sec for themelve.



8 to 9 a.m. and 4 to 5p.m. at No. 33Beretania street, between Fort and Muuan:streets. Mutual Telephone Nos. M2 and17fi. 13Mm


UA8 REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO NO.Beretania street, between Fort and

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MRS. DYER TAKES PLEASURE INthe Ladies of Honolulu that

she has opened a Dressmaking establish-ment on the corner of Kinau and Punch-bowl streets, where she is prepared to giveentire satisfaction to all orders entrustedto her care. Terms reasonable. 133-l- m

DR. HENRI G. McGREW,AN ABSENCE Ot FOVRAFTER in Paris, has returned to his

home on the Islands, for the purpose ofresuming the practice of Medicine. Hemay he found at his old office on Hotel St.between Fort and Alakra Sts. Office hoursfrom M to 11 a. M., and 2 to 4 and C to 8

u. 133-l-m


of Business:properly adjusted.

returns promptly made.and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished

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V2i)S lOrt-l- v King nd Rethel Streets..

The Weekly Gazette and Daily I U. Advertiser

ARE THE NGIDAEL I' AJPR.ilS OF THE KINGDOM25 Nuuanu Street82-l- mF. O. Box 397. fe 1.89b245-l- yTtlephon 840.



Page 2: wiiiiiiiaiici 01 - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/39421/1/1890072201.pdf · wiiiiiiiaiici 1 II Jl Jl II II (IK VOL. XIL-N-O. 18. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN


the Constitution directly prohibits it. The Xctu Utocrtiscmcnts.13 n Clutljontn th0s'T.ITHE LEGLSUTIVE ASSEMBLY.Rep. Kapaehaole I am in favor of re-

ferring this item to a select committee.I notiro the Minister lias left Molokai

hours on the floor ofwhcu the suar duties

Minister of Foreign Affaire has charge ofthe arms and ammunitions of war and todetermine where thev 6hall be kept and out entirely, tor what reason I do not

harbor, and fur that work special menshould tie employed. We could not geta civil engineer from abroad forles than$3,000 or $9,000 a year, and this Govern-ment cannot afford that. The dot?peningof the harbor will require a hydraulicengineer who will cost fl.tXW jr month,

know. We have Court houses and lock1 hit t -- Sixth Day. if he and hi colleagues think they oughtto go to the Palace or the barracks, they up there and they must ni kept in re

pair. I he principal Court house andshould go there. The Legislature havMonday, July 21.

The House met at 10 a m. Prayer jail on Molokai have not In-e- n repaireding given him this control by law, this

discussion. lie showed how a re-

duction in the duty on raw sugar-cou- pled

with an increase in theduty on refined sugar would nothenclit the farmer, hut would placehim at the mercy of the sugartrust. Ho reminded the committee

lor six years.by the Chaplain, Minutes r -- ad and apRep. Brown I see no need of reference

House has no right to control mm in thematter. I therefore move this resolutionbe laid on the table. Carried.proved. to a committee. A committee could only

Rep. Kanealii presented petition from do what the Superintendent of PublicNoble Burcbardt reads, tinder suspenWorks has alreadv done. Neither is thission of rules, bv title, an Act to establishWailuku for a Constitutional Convention

Referred to Judiciary Committee. the place to insert an item for any newKohala waterworks.Court house. (Calls of question,.)Resolved that engro sc rs of bills beRep. llalstead presented petition from Rep Waipuilani There is mi Court

that the result of placing coffee on

tho free list, which, as he said, wasdone some years ago, to meet a

paid 50 cents for each 100 words.Adopted.Makawao for $20,000 for mountain road house and j.iil at Waikiki and so the

but only for about four months.Noble Macfarlane Ij am in favor of

consolidating these bureaus. Hundredof thousands of dollars have leen wastedby incompetent men, and I agree withthe member from the first district. Ithink for a little larger salary than thatin the bill, a competent man could tobtained.

Minister Brown 1 thoroughly agreewith Noble Macfarlane and it would be agreat relief to the Minister of the Inte-rior, but I think it is too late in the ses-sion to attempt such an elaboratechange now.

Noble Isenberg I aree with NobleMacfarlane and Rep. Brown. But thetime is too short now and woik is neededimmediately and for the work neededimmediately men can be got here. In

honorable member from that districtNoble Crabbe, under susjHMiston otin that district. Lai I on table to be considered with Appropriation Bill. does not care whether Court houses arerules, reads bv title, an Act to regulate

repaired or not. The item includes $150

The Planters Monthly.

For Junvl890.

TA11LK OK CONTKNl'S:The American Tariff Bill.With Our Readers.The Vedalia Cardinali.Insects and Insecticide.American Legislature injurious to Am-

erican Industry.The Froposed American Sugar Tariff.The Sugar Cane Raised from Seed in

Java.How Shall We Preserve Our Forests?Some Results of Reciprocity.Essay on the Soft Shelled Walnut.Sereh The Java Cane Disease.Mango Growing in Florida.California Raisins.Plant Nutrition.Yield of Juice from a Ton of Cane.Sugar in the Kissimmee, Florida.The Strawberry Guava.

the sale of goods by commercial travel

Office or tub Hoard of Health, )

Honolulu, July 17, 100. f

Healed tenders will Le received at thisoffice until 12 o'clock noon, on WEDNES-DAY- ,

July 23, 1800, for supplying theHoard of Health with the following arti-cles from the 1st day of August, 1800, tothe 1st day of January, 1891, viz:

bcildixo material.Hough Nor.' West Lumber, up to 35,0U0

feet.Tongue and Grooved , N. W., up to 25,-00- 0


for Court house and jail in Kona. ThatNoble Pua presented petition fromManoa that roads in valley be repaired ing agents.

will not begin to put the building in reNoble Marsden gives notice oi an actand H.500 be appropriated. Referred to luiir. .... . . m kto provide for issuing ot licenses to in-

surance agents. Noble Pua made some remark:! whichPublic Lands Committee.were not translated.Minister Peterson resolved that thatRep. Katnai presented petition from

supposed political exigency, toafford a free breakfast for thoworkingman, had not in the leastcheapened that breakfast, but hadeuablod Brazil to pocket the revenue wo relinquished. He woundup by warning his fellow Republi-cans of tho danger of the coursethey were pursuing. Whether themajority in Congress will give heed

Rep. Marques I wish to endorse theportion of the Attornev-General'- s reportliana that all alien who have taken the statement of the Minister of foreignreferring to proposed Judiciary Act and

Affairs as to the barracks. Thev are outoath of allegiance be allowed to vote. the report of the committee on the samebe referred to select committee on bill of repair and the slate roof was damagedReferred to Judiciary Committtee.

bv bullets last July.relative to Judiciary. Adopted.Rep. Nawahi presented etition from Noble Baldwin e will gam nothingNoble Pua gave notive ot an Act.Ren. Brown resolved that the Minister by reference to committee. This schecertain Chinese residents who have

taken the oath of allegiance that they dule is based on reports received in the

the future I think it would be good tohave a man to unite all these bureaus,but at present I am in favor of the itemas it stands.

Rep. Lucas We are now on thesalary of the Superintendent of PublicWorks $7,000. There are plenty of menright here in Honolulu who can till thebill. The present incumbent doesn't fillthe bill. I have heard it said the pres-ent incumbent is only an amateur car

Iled wood Shingles, up to lfJO M.Redwood Surface, up to 3,000 feet.Redwood Rattens, x3, up to i) feet.

'Redwood Fence Posts, up to 200.Doors, 2x0 and OxiJi each.Sashes, 10x12 and 10x11 each.Nails, up to 30 kegs.Hoiled Oil. up to 150 gallons.

of Finance request the Collector-Gener- al

Interior Office. A committee could domay vote. Laid on table to be consid to state to the House now many gallonsof alcohol have been withdrawn from nothing. I would like to ask the Minis-

ter ot Foreign Affairs whether the $5000ered with any amendment to Constitu the Custom House for medical and metion on subject. tor ttie barracks is a euess or a carefulchanical purposes, and by whom, and

to the counsels of their oldest andwisest leader remains to be seen.If they do not, the emphatic wordsof the Secretary of State would ap-

pear to foreshadow a veto of thebill which they may pass.

estimate.when the withdrawals have been made.Rep. Kahookano presented petitionMinister Cummins I estimate that itpenter. I am not in favor of unitingReferred to Finance committee.from Kohala from one Mokapa praying

will cost $5000. The slates are off andRep. Nawahi moved that all expenses

TK11M8:Yearly subscription ......$ 2 50Foreign 3 00Bound Volumes 4 no

Back Volumes hound to order.

for pay for five months' medical attend wood work is rotten .

these bureaus.Noble McCarthy I think a large sal

ary should be appropriated and a com'petent man be appointed. At the pres

incurred by Judiciary committee inopium investigation, be paid out of theance on lepers. Referred to Sanitary Rep. Bush The most satisfactory way

when appropriating money is to civeCommittee.QUERIES. Address :ent time the present incumbent liss satisfaction to all parties. Some repre-sentatives feel that their districts haveRep. Kahookano presented etition something to do with the streets and ti e

from a resident of Kohala that a certain been neglected. If these repairs are GiZKTTE PUBLISHING CO.,46 Merchant St., Honolulu.

dAw2wniecfi of land taken bv Board of Educa

water works with the result that heorders work w hich the Superintendentof Water Works and Road Supervisor

appropriation torexpensesoi legislature.Carried.

Rep. Lucas reads by title an Act toamend chapter 1 of Act of Session Lawsof 18S0, referring to erection of buildingsin Honolulu.

Rep. Kamai resolved that $2000 be in-

serted in the appropriation bill to buildbridge. Laid on table to be considered

needed we ought to appropriate themoney for them. I am in favor of refertion be restored. Referred to Judiciaryence to a social committee of which theCommittee..Minister cf the Interior should be aRep. Waipuilani presented petition

know nothing about. The presentsalary is too small for a good man. Itis enough for a deputy. I believe a good

The "3Iind Your Own BusinessSociety" propose for considerationthe following queries:

If a person feel a personTreading on his toes.

Need a person ask a personHow a person knows ?

Is it anybody's business

Turpentine, up to 50 gallons.White Lead, up to 3,000 pounds.


Rice, up to 400 sacks.Cal. Medium Hread. up to 400 cases.Rest quality Flour, i sacks., up to 400

sacksSugar, No. 1, up to 45 bags.Rest red Salmon, up to 40 barrels.Soap. 2-l- b. bars, up to 0.800 bars.Matches, Card, up to 120 gross.Salt, coarse, up to 150 bag.Kerosene Oil, up to 700 gals.Rids may be made for all or any part of

the above articles, to be delivered, asordered by the Agents of the Hoard, f.o.b.island steamers.

The Hoard does not bind itself to acceptthe lowest or any bid.

By order of the Board.GEO. C. ROTTER.

10-- 3t Secretary.

member.from Kona that road at Hookena be finished. Referred to Public Lands Com Rep. Nawahi Where is the powderman would save us a hundred thousandwith appropriation bill

magazine? Is it Government property?mittee. The Ilouse proceeded to order of the dollars in the next two years. A lew Directory !Noble Widemann wanted to knowRen. Kanaehaole presented petition Rep. Nawahi How does the Nobleday.

what the powder magazine had to dofrom people at Kaunakakai that land on from Honolulu know that $50,000 orThird reading of Bill 20, referring towith the matter before tho House.which they are living be sold to them. the nassenser tax. The Act reduces the $100,000 have been frittered awav?

The motion to refer to a siecial comReferred to Public Lands Committee. 2mittee was carried.That an English school be established at

Hospital Tax. to $1 and makes it part ofthe Port charges payable bv the vessel.

Reo. Rickard moved that the bill pass. Patronize Home Ininslry.nooie jucarmy mere are numer-

ous instances where he has built some-thing which has been wasbed away andit has been rebuilt at two or three times

The committee rose and reiorted proWailua, Molokai. Referred to Lducagress and asked leave to sit again.tion Uommittee. J. from some man in Rep. Kapaehaole inquires who is to

pay the $1 as part of the Port charges. its costsLahaina for $50 for repairing fence At 4 r. M.the House adjournedaround Government building in Lahaina Rep. Nawahi The Superintendent of Tho Hawaiian Gazette Comin 1887. Referred to select Committee

Minister Brown The Port charges arepaid by the vessel. The bill passed.

Third reading of Act to admit fertilizersfree of duty.

Public Works is not resionsible forfreshets. The greatest enduer cannotRep. White presented petition from

Lahaina for $400 for bridge over streampany propose to Issue a newDIRECTORY AND GAZETTEERat Kaanapali. Referred to Public Lands

build anything which will always resistthe elements. It simply amounts tothis. There are a number of men in the

THE ADVERTISER CALENDAR. of the Hawaiian Islands, to be basedCOURT Or THK HAW AllSUrMJMK At Chambers.Committee.Minister Spencer moved the bill pass.

Carried.Third reading of Bill 25, an Act to pro on the official census returns whichHouse who don't like that man who In the matter of the Bankruptcy ofJuly, 1800. Rep. Lucas presented petition from

thirty residents of Honolulu that the firelimit be reduced below Alakea street.

vide for a Police J ustice at Makawao. A LIT UUR JOHNSTONE of Honolulu,rides around on a mule. I say let him will bo taken tlds present year.Oahu. Before Mu. Justice McCvllv.ride his mule iu peace. We haven'tRep. Brown moved the bill pass.Rep. Waipuilani moved that the bill Order on Petition of Bankrupt for DisReferred to select Committee. 2. Prom 1800.time this session to consolidate these charge from his debts.bureaus. We are in the middle of thebe indefinitely postponed, lhe prece-

dent is dangerous. All the other dis Upon readme and nllnir the petition oisession. It doesn't require a civil enJ no. A. U. White stating that he wasemployed by the Government to drawplans, etc., for electric light plant, thatwork was done and approved by the

Tho imputation of this group isnow about 90.000. and a coinpleto

!H 1: I Th- - Fr- - rnnoln.l a T 4 s JlyI.t Quarter.

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 July 16New Moon. .j22L 18 17 M 19

20 21 22 23 IT IT IT Flm Qaarttr. July al.

27 28 29 30 31 Full Moou.

Arthur Johnstone of Honolulu, Oahu,alleging that more than six months havetricts will want Police magistrates. gineer to build roads. There are plenty

Rep. Rickard The intention of the of men here behind me who would make elapsed since he was adjudicated a Hank-- 1

nipt and praying for a discharge from all directory should include nt leastGovernment, but that he was not paid bin may be good but its reading cannot pretty good road builders.and that $300 be appropriated to pay be according to the intent. It is intended his debts 20,000 names. Tho official returnsRep. Kalua I am in favor of the item

as in the bill. I regret this tendency to It is ordered that THURSDAY, the 7thto create a Police Court in Makawao. Itwill furnish not only the names butday of August. A. D., 1K), at 10 a. m. of

that dav at the Court Boom in Aliiolanithrow discredit on the present Suiennmakes, however, the district judge policejustice also. I move it be referred back tendentof Public Works. I think he is also the residence and occupationEVENTS OF TO-DA- Hale. Honolulu, be and is hereby ap

If a gentleman should chooseTo call upon a lady

If the lady don't refuse ?Or, to speak a little plainer,

That the reason all may knowIs it anybody's business

If a lady has a beau ?

Is it anybody's businessWhen the gentleman does call,

Or when he leaves the ladyOr if he leaves at all ?

Or is it necessaryThe Venetians should be drawn,

To save from further troubleThe outside lookers-o-n ?

Is it anybody's businessBut the lady's if her beau

Rides out with other ladies,And does not let her know.

Is it anybody's businessBut the gentleman's, if she

Should accept another escortWhere he doesn't chance to be?

Is a person promenading,Whether great or whether small,

Is it anybody's businessWhere that person means to call ;

Or, if you see a personAnd he's calling anywhere

Is it any of your businessWhat his business may be there?

The substance of our query,Simply stated would be this,

Is it anybody's businessWhat another's business is ;

If it is, or if it isn't,We would really like to know.

For were certain if it is not,There are some who make it so.

If it is, we'll join the rabbleAnd act the meaner part

Of the tattlers and defamersWho throng this public mart ;

But if not we'll act the teacherUntil the meddler learns,

It were better for the futureTo mind his own concerns.

A. W. M.

to the introducer lor correction.

him, and $100 for work on foundation inPalace yard: Referred to Committee onthe Bowler Claims.

Rep. White presented petition fromLahaina that a gir's' school be establish-ed at Lahaina and appropriation for thatpurpose be made. Referred to Educa-tion Committee.

Rep. Brown The bill is alright. The pointed the time and place for hearing ofnaid petition when and where all creditorswho have proved their claims against said

of each person, and other data re-

quired for such a publication, which

a very competent engineer. It is no dis-grace to a man to ride a mule. Theco8tly'AVaimea bridge which was washedaway by the first freshet was fixed bv

office of district is to be combined withthat of police justice. Bankrupt may appear and show cause if

anv thev have, why the prayer .of said can be obtained in no other way.Minister Peterson i tninK me uiu is

m 1 T - t t the present incumbent and still stands ItAtikrunt should not be granted:Ken. Kama presented petition irom a Let us pass the item as it is in the bill. And it is further ordered that notice be There aro 15,000 Voters In tllOcertain Chinaman that $25 be returned to in proper lorm ana l am in iavor oi iuspassage. The business done is the sameas that in other Police Courts.

Noble J. M. Horner This House rep given by advertisement hi the Pacific Com-- Imercial advektisek published in said Kingdom, and the name of every

Lkoislative Assembly At 10 a. m.

(Jukkx Emma Hall Supper for benefit ofSailors' Home from 5 to 7 p. m.

Entehtainment and Social Rev. II. II.Gowen's bible class at 7:30 p, m.

Honolulu Rifles Drill Co. B and Dat 7:30 p. m.

A. O. F. Court Lunalilo, No. (HJ00 at 7:30P. M.

I. O. O. F. Excelsior Lodge No. 1, at 7:30p. M.

resents the people and the Ministershim (forfeited bail money). Referred toFinance Committee. Rep. Rickard withdraws his motion.

Rep. Kalua I am in favor of indefi do the work which we place in theirhands. It is the business of the Minis

Honolulu, for two weeks, ot the time andplace of snch hearing and that the ClerkNoble Isenberg from Education com-

mittee reported as follows : 1. That theone of them should bo In any cor-

rect Directory. Yet no Hawaiianof the Supreme Court mail notices of theters to find a good man, not outs. As Inite postponement. There in no reasonfor this bill. No need of. it and no de time and place of such hearing to all credunderstand it all these bureaus have a Directory heretofore published haspetition for an English school at liana

and that native schools be revived belaid on table ; 2. that the petition for an

mand for it. head over them now and that is the Min itors of saul uankrupt wuo nave provedtheir debts. v

By the Court. J. H. HEIST, contained more than one-thir-d thatRep. Kapaehaole wished to ask the in ister of the Interior. If we get a manfrom abroad and pay him $12,000 he number of namos, even includingEnglish school at North Kohala be

granted; 3. from Molokai, 1, that equal Deputy Picric,Dated at Honolulu, July 21, 1&0.

18-1- 2tseveral thousand Chinese in its list.government be established lor all, 2,

troducer a few questions. Wh it calamityis going to come on the inhabitants ofdistrict if bill does not pass? (Rep. Hal-stea- d:

Simply that criminals who nowescape would be caught.) How many

THE DAILY that all be treated alike regardless ofcolor, 3, that policemen and teachers bepaid alike. The first two prayers do not

The facilities which tho GazetteTO THK LADIES!such are there r u am not custodian oithe criminals.) Perhaps so, but thecome within the province of the commitPaciic Commercial Advertiser. tee, the third may be granted if school member ought to be able to give informa

Establishment possesses for execu-ting work of this kind are unsur-passed, as regards workmen, types-an- d


tiachers and policemen are of the same tion. I move to call ares and noes. MBS. LACK WOULD BEG TO IN- -

would want to control everything andwhere would the Ministers be. (Callsof question).

, Noble Macfarlane If the Ministerthinks it not exedient to consolidatethese bureaus I shall defer to his judg-ment and vote for the item as in the bill.The present Minister is a practical manwhich the late Minister was not, and ifhe thinks $7,000 sufficient I favor it.

Rep. Rickard moved tho previousquestion.

Noble Pua A ureat deal has been saidabout what has been done by the presentsuperintendent. We see what lie has

grade. 4 . That the petition that teach Noble von Tempsky To correct a form the Ladies of Honolulu andstatement of Rep. Kalua's that no hoine- - Tourists who are desirous of purchasingers be paid equally be adopted by the

Board of Education when their grade to nice Mother Hubbard Wrappers, to call atBe just and fear not:

f.et all the end thou aim 'at at beThy Country's, tby Ood'i, and Truth's.

intelligence, etc., is the same. 5. That Tho advantages of having aher Fancy Department, 81 tort street.Bteads are not taken up in the district,I would state that forty-fiv- e applicantsare waiting allotment. where will be found ready made ones, and HAWAIIAN DIliECTOttY ANDmeasurement taken for orders. Terms

the petition for a school at Makapala belaid on the table, as there is a largeschool there now. 6. That the petition

Rep. Kalua What I stated was notTUESDAY, JULY 22, 1890. GAZETTEER printed in Honolulu,

aro these :intended to mislead. I have seen theapplications. They are from people al

moderate, please give us a call. Pi-f- it

$25 Reward.for an English school at Kalaupapa begranted. 7.Thatthe petition for an English ready living in the district.school at Naalehu be granted . 8. That Rep. Lucas 1 think the bill ought to

Booked to Leave.The following are booked at the

office of W. G. Irwin & Co. to leavefor the States:

PefR. M. S. Zealandia July 26thE. Madden and wife, J. Lyons, G.K. Young, Miss Johnson, Miss Vale,E. J. Meyer, F. W. Damon, Rev. A.N. Fisher, Miss L. Schoen, Count A.

1st That tho names and datathe petition for a school constable at La-- paS8 because two or three lawyers havehaina be referred to the school agent will bo obtained from official rethere. 9. That the petition for a school 4 REWARD OF $25 DOLLARS WILL cords, and therefore reliable.at Honuapo. Kan, be laia on the table be paid for information leading to

the arrest and conviction of the party or10. That the petition praying that schoolteachers be paid $2 per day be left to theBoard of Education. 11. That the peti

2d The proofs ean all be read byparties who broke on the steel picketsfrom the fence in front of the residence ofC. H. Atherton, Beretania street. Apply

Szechenyi, Count A. Wachtmeister,Dr. Burdell, wife and daughter, F. persons familiar with tho names andtion that native and foreign teachers be at this orhce. 4-- ttE. Keffel, Miss Mendenhall, C. Boni-- paid alike be acted upon whenever these

spoken on it two for and one against. Isee there are police justices at Kohalaand other places who get $400 the sameas this district judge. I do not see thatit is any more than a matter of a title,anyway. If the people at Makawaowant a police justice we ought to givethem one. It is a little more dignity forMaui to have a police justice at Maka-wao, and it wont hurt Wailuku any.

Rep. Halstead moved the previonsquestion. Carried.

Bill passed on a vote (by ayes andnavs) of 32 to 14.

The House took a recess until 1 :30,

teachers are of the same grade andfay, Miss A. L. Hodge, Rev. W. W.places, and thus the many errorsfound in such books printed abroadwill be avoided.TO ARRIVE.capacity. The committee further find

that the Board of Education has onlyprocured teachers from abroad when thehome supply was insufficient, that great

done cutting down King street in Pa-lam- a.

I move a reduction to $5,600.Rep. Robt. Wilcox r am in favor of

the consolidation of these bureaus . Anincompetent man wastes more than hissalary. But as the Minister don't like itwe had better let it go.

Noble Phillips I did intend to bringin an item for $12,000, but I have chang-ed my mind and shall vote for the itemas in the bill. But I shall bring in theitem for a consulting engineer. The ob-ject is to secure a competent man in thegreat public works which are to beundertaken. An incompetent man isnot cheap. By a single miscalculationmore than the salary may be w asted .

Seven thousand dollars is enough for agood man to work under a consulting en-gineer. (Calls of question).

Rep. Lucas I move the sum of $9,000be inserted instead (if $7,000 to hire acompetent man.

The item passed as in the bill $7,000.Assistants and incidentals $10,000.Minister Spencer I have amended so

that the items make $8400 and I move itpass at that sum.

Rep. Kalua I move reference to aspecial committee. It is only lately that

3d AH tho persons engaged inimprovement in the school work has THIRTY HEAD FINE YOUNG canvassing, compiling and editingbeen made during the past biennial broken and unbroken Mules, to

It i very rarely that wo findanything in tho Elelo wwth pub-lishing or commenting on, but thofollowing card, which explains it-

self, is an exception :


AY. 1?. Castle, Esq.Sir In connection with the edi-

torial which appeared in the Elelein its issue of July 5tb, instant,wherciu your professional charac-ter and benavior were severelycommented upon, justice demandsthat I should explain such publica-tion. Iu the first place, I was en-

tirely ignorant, prior to seeing thearticle in the paper, of any inten-tion to publish said article, and hadI known of such intention in ad-

vance, I should not have consentedto such publication. I am aware ofno facts to justify tho chargesAgainst you contained in said arti-cle. Kespectfully,

Dan Lyons,Manager of Elelc.

arrive about July 12th per Bark the book will bo residents here, inperiod. They approve the recommenda- -

tion of the Board of Education that ademit v inspector of schools, in order

torest Oueen, and for sale byJ. N. WRIGHT,

At Little I? rita,n, Honolulu.

Case and wife.Per S. S. Australia August 1st

Col. Claus Spreckels, Mrs. Spreckels,Miss Emma Spreckels and threeservants, Mrs. Wm. G. Irwin, childand maid, Mrs. R. Ivers, Master BenHolladay, T. AV. Hobron, Hon. W. F.Allen and Mrs. Allen, Rev. W. C.Merritt and wife, Mrs. A. G. Hawes,Miss Jessie Kauffman, MasterHawes, R. A. Eddy and wife, Mrs. J.F. Foster, Mrs. Mather, B. K. Miller,Mrs. C. Bolte and child, Mrs. G. E.Howe, W. H. Bailey and family, Mrs.Rawlins and children, Mrs. J. C.

cluding also tho printers, bindersand others, and consequently In


Afternoon Session,The House at 1 :30.Third reading of bill No. 31, An Act tothat the work of: school inspection may

be. more frequent and thorough.terested in the success of thoRen. Brown moved adoption of the 7ST OTICE.Amend Sec. 3, Chap. 3o, Laws of 1886,

relating to the currency. The bill pro-vides for the issue of silver certificates on

report. Carried. publication and tho progress andprosperity of our country.Noble Muller reported for the Com- -

mittee on Commerce on the alleged irre deposits of silver in the Hawaiian Treas rriHE HAWAIIAN CONSTRUCTIONurygularities of the Hawaiian Cable Con-pan- v.

The irregularities were supposedA Co. will not be responsible for any billscontracted in their name without a w'rittenMinister Brown moved the bill pass. Each full pago advertiser will be

Rep. Nawahi inquired whether these order signed either by D. P. Peterson orBateham,D. W. Folsrer, Dr. N. B to consist in the fact that supplies un entitled to one copy of tho DirectMiss ported duty tree tor me UDie uompany cerimcaies womu ue ctiuhsmwuEmerson, wife and child ory gratis.Mrj W had been otherwise disposed ot and me Minister urown io; me uujttPeirce, Miss N. Robertson

J. M. Oat. B. F. DILLINGHAM,.Manager Hawaiian Construction Co,

Honolulu, July 11, IV.). 10-l-

NOT 1 C K.t i uovernmeni aeirauueu ui me uuiy. iue biujihj w yiowi iu v,i0v . .

X. Xi. I IR. Seal, F. C. Lowrey, Master The bill parsed For further particulars, address?committee find that the supplies havebeen disposed of to another com pan v the Manager of the

Castle, Mrs. W. H. McLean amichild, S. Ehrlich, J. H. Thomas,wife, daughter and son, Mrs. W.Lishman and child, D. Center.

but to one which was also entitled to itssupplies dutv free . They therefore find

THE SUGAR TARIFF IN THE SENATE. that there has been no fraud on the Hawiian Gazette Publishing Co.BOUGHT OUT MR. W. II.HAVING the Honolulu Carriage Manu-factory, at 128 Fort Street, I am prepared

revenue, but allege that the transactionwas erosslv irrecular, and recommend a

an assistant superintendent has existed.It looks as though the Ministry wereblindly following in the steps of the lateMinistry.

Rep. Bush I have always opiraedthese lump sums, but as the Minister hasabandoned the item as in the bill, I sup-port him. His estimates are reasonable.(Call3 of question.)

Rep. Nawahi wanted to know what theclerk was for.

Minister Spencer To keep she recordsin the office.

Rep. Nawahi made a long addresswhich was not translated.

The item was passed at $8400.Repairs and furniture of Government

buildings, $21,000.The items were sjecifiel by Minister


stricter Government supervision over alld&w 1318-2- m

ATTENTION TOScientific Charity.

The workers in the new charity areactive propagandists. They insistcontinually UDon the evils of indis- -

materials imported under a special exTho speech delivered by Mr.

lilaine to the Senate Committee onappropriations on tho subject of

to continue the above business under theold name of Honolulu Carriage Manufac-tory, and being an old experienced carria gebuilder I solicit the patronage of my oldfriends and the public in general, and withniv thorough knowledge of the business

emption free of duty.Rec. Bush moved reference of the re--

Planters and Lovers of Cood Slock!the surar duties, s:n--s a recent San the AttorneytUenerai. tarriedRen. Robt. Wilcox for the select com and with experienced workmen and using

only the best material I guarantee generalsatisfaction. Please call and see me before

mittee appointed on the resolution calling for the payment of $10,000 to Caesar

Consideration of the AppropriationBill in Committee of the Whole; Rep..Rice in the Chair.


Salary of superintendent, $7,000.Rep. Brown The superintendent

should be a thorough engineer and theroad supervisor and water works shouldbe under him and if the Governmentwould adopt this method, it would savehis salary, but a competent man to dosuch work would command a salary aslarge as the ministers'. We all knowthat the road supervisor repairs a pieceof road, and a month after the superin-tendent of water works comes along andtears it all up to l.iy some new pipe.This is a waste of money. We may notbe able to arrive at that object this ses-sion, but it ought to be done.

Noble Crabbe I am in favor of theitem as in the bill, but not in favor ofgiving the money to the present incum-bent.

Rep. Rosa I agree with the memberfrom Honolulu. The National ReformParty are particularly pledged to the a- -

Celso Moreno, having careiuuy exam going elsewhere.(Signed! GIDEON WEST.

Honolulu. Oct. 2S. 103-t- fined into the claim recommend that hebe paid $3,500 in discharge of the claim,on the ground that he served for a shorttime as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Large House and Lot For Sale!for nearly a year as Minister Plenipotentiary. Signed by all the committee. TU8T ARRIVED ON THEt Schr. Olci. 4ft If end nf Mnlo. IJRep. Brown moved to lay report on

Head gentle Horses suitable for ladies ttthe table to be considered with approdrive. Also the trottinc horse Cairo.priation bill. Carried

TDK WELL-KNOW- N DICK-- !son llouie ami Lot on Deretaniastreet is offered for sale.

The Cottage and Lot occupiedNoble McUarthv reports progress forBrood Mares, Thoroughbreds, andBowler committee and requests further bv Dr. nay Peiong to tne premises.


Francisco Call, is the most impor-

tant political event of the day. Itis understood to have been made byand with the advice and consent ofthe President, and to command theapproval of a majority of the Cab-

inet. Mr. Blaine holds that tho ad-missi-on

of Cuban and South andCentral American sugar free with-

out a corresponding abolition of

duties now imposed in those coun-

tries on American breadstuff's audprovisions is most impolitic; he ob-

jects to the increased duties onwool and hides, as calculated toprejudice the South Americansagainst us, and to impede tho con-

sumption of American farm pro-

ducts in South America, lie added,with the impetuous candor charac-

teristic of tho man, that he would

give two years of his life for two

Rep. Baker offered the following reso

They assure the latter that bread in-discriminately given is cast not ponthe waters,' but into the bottomlesspit that it is "the bread by whichmen die. They establish in each cityan office to serve as a clearinghouseof charities, and so endeavor to pre-vent the overlapping of the reliefgiven by different agencies. Theirffeueral view of the situation enablestnem to devise new and needed formsof benevolence, and to ascertain whatadditional legislation can bo reallyhelpfuh

It is Terr satisfactory when the con-clusions oi one set of thinkers coin-cide with the conclusions of otherswho have approached the same sub-ject from a diiFerent standpoint.When, therefore, the philanthropist,trying to think and work in accord-ance with the principles of enlight-eue- d

self sacrifice, finds himselfagreeing in theory and practice withthe economist whose guiding star hasbeen "enlightened self interest," thereis reason to congratulate them both.A. G. Warner, Ph. D.. in PopularScience Monthly.

jy-- Tr particulars applv toW. F. 'ALLEN,

At Dishop it Co.'s Dank.Honolulu, July 11. ISfJO. 1331 IQ-l-

Rep. Brown asks if this includes afence for Palace grounds.

Minister Spencer Am not yet readywith that.

Rep. Rickard I move an increase to$25,000 in order to construct a new jailat Honokaa which is an absolute neces-sity. The 8!ierintendeiit of PublicWorks has a suitable plan which I have6een.

Noble Horner I wish to add my testi-mony to what has jut leen stated as tothe necessity of a larger j;il. Th- - j;iilonly has two rooms twelve feet square.

Noble Widemann I have no objectionto a new jail at Honokaa. but I stronglyobject to putting it in with repairs topublic buildings with which it has noconnection.

Rep. Kahookano moves that the itembe referred to a select committee.

Minister Cummins I notice that theestimates contain no provision for repairson the barracks. They are leaking, andextensive repairs are absolutely neces-sary. I move an addition of $5000 forthat purpose.

pointment of a comjetent engineer, itwould relieve the Minister of the In-

terior from a great deal of detail work.The Minister of the Interior is often nota skilled man in these matters. I wouldsussrest that the Government be com

Road Horses,

One Norman Stallion,One Coach Stallion,Five Head of Cows three Durham withi

Calves three weeks old; one Jersey-wil- l

calve in six weeks; one AryshirtCov, now milking five gallons a day- -

Alt?o Four lload Curt,

Pearl City Lunch Room.

lution : Whereas, there is a great dealof general uneasiness with regard to cer-tain arms kept at Police Station, Re-solved that the Minister of ForeignAffairs return same to Palace and bar- -

Rep. Brown moved to lay resolutionon the table. The House ought not tomeddle with the duties of any of the

pelled to bring in a bill, and I move tomilE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TOdefer these items until a bill lor super

intendent of Public Works and WaterMinisters. They have been placed there works has been brought in, amaigamaibv the Kimr and are supposed to be in ing these departments into one.arnnl with him and the people. I do Minister Soencer I move the item

1 share the patronage of the travelingpublic at his Lunch Kooin now open atl'earl City, Ewa, where he will make allfeel at home. Lunches, cold drinks, tea,coffee, cakes, and refreshments; icecreamon Sundays aud holidays.

E. A. GALASPO,145-l-m Proprietor.

(Three Fetaluma and one Fraser.)One Fine Top Rock-awa- y.

EO For further particulars apply to

II. I. GRKEN,9-l- w At the Pantheon Stables.

nnt think this House beins the Leeisla- - pass as in the bill. I think there will betive branch of the Government, should I no difficult' in getting competent meninterfere with the Executive, and indeed except perhaps for the deepening ot the

Page 3: wiiiiiiiaiici 01 - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/39421/1/1890072201.pdf · wiiiiiiiaiici 1 II Jl Jl II II (IK VOL. XIL-N-O. 18. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN


OAHU RAILWAY k LAND COS LOCAL AND GENERAL. !ST. ANDREW'S PRIORY. 3Tnu 3Drcrtisnucu!u. 3Tcia ti)itttiscmcnts.

HOY ALTIME TABLE. INVOICES Johk Ea, Vice-Preside- nt.

Cecil Uaown, Auditor.E. R. Henprt. President and Manager,Godfket Bkows, Secretary & Treasurer.


A man and Lid wife aJveiliso f r abituation.

Two valuable horses tlied yester-day of lung fever.

There will be a trotting race at thePark on Saturday.

Col. Claus Spreckels will probablyleave for Maui to-da-

KxaiiilnatUuK ani 4 IomIms ExercUeaAn Int.re! Inc and Well i:enlcrel!'riprauiiu-- .

DuriDg la.st week written examin-

ations were held at the St. Andrew'sPriory school , for girls. The resultwas extremely satisfactory, and anevidence that' the instruction hadbeen very thorough on the part ofthe teachers. Same of the paperswere excellent. Yesterday the clos- -

(LIM1TKD).Opp. Spreckels' Bmk,

Iinortorn ami



Leave Honolulu...; 8:43 1:45Arrive Honouliuli 10:05 3:05Leave Honouliuli 10:35 3 ;3- -

Arrive Honolulu 11:55 4:5553-t- f


Titles, Hun and Moon.BT C. 1. LTOKB.

HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, CROCKERYGenuine HaviUnd China, plain nd decorated; Wedfewood

Ware; Piano, Library and Stand Lamps,

Chandoliors and Eloctoliers,Lamp Fixtures of all kinds; a complete assortment of Drills and File;


The "Gazelle" Riding Plow and Kqiialtter, IHueWard Kice Plow,Planters Steel and Gooeenecked lloea.

OIL,S: Lard, Cylinder, Kerosene, Linseed.PAINTS, VARNISHES and BRUSHES, MANILA and SISAL ROPE,


HOSE: Rubber, Wire-bou- nd of superior quality, and Steam.

Agate. Iron Ware' Silver Plated Ware, Table and Toeket Cutlery,Powder, Shot and Caps, The Celebrated "Club" Machine-loade- d Cartridea .

AGENTS FOR:"New Process" Rope, " New Process"

date City Stone i liters, Neal s Carnage Paints,"Hartman's Steel-wir- e Fence and Steel-wir- e Mats,

Win. G . Fisher's Wrought Steel Ranges,Hart's Patent "Duplex" Die Stockn

100-l- y l9t Pipe and Holt Threading



a II). only Try one Can anil you will always use it.40 Cents


HENRY DAVIS & GO.,90-G- m Exclusive Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

Hawaiian Opera House

L. J. LEVEY, : Lessee.CLIFF PHILLIPS : Manager.HARRY BELL Stage Director.W. DEXTER : : Properties.E. E. MAYHEW : Machinist.


Tivoli Hj Coiiipaiij


Offenbach's Charming CiereUn,mHKlJOrtKnp tTVEHGNr";llIEllOSKUI! i3LXJrKliCTK

Produced with all the Original Music.Concluding by request with the

Great American Comedy,


Introducing Songs and Specialties.

SJf-P- Ian for reserved seats for any nightof the season can te secured at the cilice ofL. J. Levey, cor. Fori and Queen Sts. 152



66 Hotel St. (Brewer Block),

Would respectfully inform their formercustomers and friends of Honolulu andthe other islands that they have just re-

turned from the Coast and will open astore and manufactory at above stand on


When they will be prepared to offer thevery latest productions and

novelties in

Fine French and Home-ma-de Candies


We will also carry in stock the finest linesof smokers' goods, such as

Cigars and Tobaccos,ALS- O- A NEW LINE OF CURIOS.

J"As we manufacture our Goods onthe premises we can guarantee everythingto be first-clas- s.

Respectfully,LUDWIGSEN & CRON,

14-- 3t Hotel St. (Brewer Rlock).


A PIECE OF LAND SITUATEat Kalihi Waena, District ofKona, Island of Oahu, lving

along north side of Kalihi stream, on Kamehameha street, makai of G. Markham'sresidence, about half a mile from King St.

This is a suitable piece of land for resi-dence, having wooden houses thereon, andalso kalo land adjoining, : containing anarea of 3 acres. -

X2FFurther particulars, can be had ofS. M. Kaaukai, over ttishop's Rank.

J. H. RENITO GURRERO.Honolulu, J une 20, 1S90. 151 1320-l- m


Hotel St., Honolulu,

Large airy rooms with board. Also,table board.

Hot and cold water baths,

"Terms reasonable. 13G-- tf

NOTICE.SEALED BIDS WILLbe received by the un-dersigned for the pur- -

r& chase of the wrecks ofthe U. S. S. " Trenton "

and Vandalia " now on the reef in Apiaharbor, together with all anchors, chainsand appurtenances thereto belonging.

Rids will be received up to August 15,1SJ0.

The purchaser will be required to removethe wrecks within three months from dateof purchase, and to furnish, satisfactorybonds for the fulfillment of contract.

The right is reserved to reject any or allbids.

The terms are that half of purchasemoney shall be paid at time of sale, thebalance within three months after firstpayment. W. RLACKLOCK, .

Trustee.. Apia, Samoa. Mav 22.1890. H3-30- t

ADVERTISER IS THETHE daily paper of the Kinedom


-- :o:-

The Only Steam Soda Works in theHawaiian Islands.

C a:c eD a

Bm IT a 0r, c S 3

p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m.7.20 7.00 0.30 1.00! 8.20 6.43 10.7

fu.8. 8.10 8.00 1.00 1.4n s.vo 6.43 10.41Wei.. .0U 8.40 i.40 2.20! 5.30 6.42

Thnr.. .24 9.40 9.2) 2.30 3.00 6.30 6. 4211. 55a.m. p.m. a.m. p. Hi,

Frl '25 10.30 10. CO 2.00' 4.00 6.30 6.42 a.m.Hat i'JC 11.20 10.40 3.10; 4.40 6.31 6.41 0.31Ban.... ,27 12.00111.20 4.30! 5.00j 5.31, 6.41 1.19

The wbUtleof the Ilonolala Steam PlaningMill U blown dally by electric signal from tbeHarvey office precisely at Honolulu mean noon.It sounds again at 29 rain. 33 sec. past 1 o'clockp. in. of Honolulu mean time, to correspondwith 12b. 0m. 0s. as given by chronometers setfor Greenwich mean time. Tbi last is especi-ally for tbe benefit of marl lie rr and jewelers.

Meteorological.BAHOX. THEBMO. t3

acoDay P 3.B

B a c

fun. 13 . 1030.04 74 7J0.02 f! 7, N Elion 14:to. 00:20.94 83 0.O1 74! 3 N K

Tues 15.N. 8;2J.95 73 83.0.72 95! 6 N Ewea Ue jo 00 23.97 73 85 o.4a 70 8 s

TunrjrX i0 08 30.CO 6H 0.0:i 70 2 8ri.. ism 11 30. o; 73 t)4 0.00 1o 2 N Eat..jl'jj .10.07 W.05 7 84 0.00 Ink


OICl'AHTUKKS.Monday, July 21.

Ktmr J A Cummins, Neilson, forKoolau.

btmr Wuimnnalo, for Waianao and Wui-alu- a.

btmr Waialeale, Chaney, for Kilaucaand llanalei.

Stmr Kaala, Hagland, for Koloa.Btmr Mokolii, McGregor, for Molokai.btmr James Makee, Macaulay, for



Btmr Lehua, Clarke, for Nun and Haka- -

lau.btnir Kilauca llou, Nye, for Pepeekeo

and iionomu.btmr Likelike.Pavies.for Maui.btmr W G Hall, bimeraon, for Hawaii

and Maui.btmr l'c'.e, Smythe, for Lahaina and

Kukaiau.btmr Mikahab, Campbell, for ports on


VESSELS IN TOUT.HUMS Acorn. Pollard, from a cruise.U b S Charleston. Uemey, from ban Fran.U b b Mpsic, McUurley, hilo.Bk Forest Queen, ban Francisco,lik Ophir. In ewcastle. NSWFk C 1) Bryant, J acobsen, San Francisco.15k Ladv Lampson, ban Francisco.iJchr Uobt Lewers, Penuallow, b Francisco.

VESSELS EXPECTED..VeMsels. Where from. Due.

Bk Adonis BremenBk 1 lsenberg. . . New YorkBk Faust .New Yorkbchr F E Sanders. Puget bound....Bk Harvester Delaware.Br ship Blenglield, LiverpoolBk Birker Londonilk Martha Davis.. Boston.."Ship Ecuador Newcastlebtnir Claudine Glasgow& b Australia ban Francisco. .July 25Jt M b Zealandia... Colonies July 2G

It M b Marinosa. . .ban Francisco. .Aug 2Bkt Irmgard ban Francisco..Bk Albert... - San Francisco..8b City of Peking, .ban Francisco. .Aug 30

DIED.PETERS In Honolulu, July 19th, Willie.

son of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus V. Peters,aged 4 years, 7 months and 11 days.

TAYLOR In Honolulu. July 21. 1890,Miss Phoebe Taylor, daughter of Capt.David Taylor ot Lanaina.- -

A Victim of Circumstances.The production of "A Victim of

Circumstances" last night was en- -

joyed by a fair sized house, notwith- -

atanding other attractions. It is aZ t 4i,Q Wnilnnirpitman va,ij, v

school at whose theatre it was originally produced, is bright, witty andentertaining and went with the dashwith which this company is chargedent Tnrta wor ndmirablv sustainedhv the several members of the com- -

w - i j I

jjir. Ugaen oeing a goou I

waII handled bv Miss Tessie Lee.Mr Hamilton was a strong TimothyKovsterer. and the mother m-ia- w

'wag waII nortraved bv Miss L. Car- -

TYion Mr. dates showed ms versain- -

ity in the Scotchman, bandy, provinghimself a first class dialect come- -

dian. Miss Uourtney snowed nersenin a better light than in anythingLa has done. Miss Barr also doing


Many not being able to see "Forbidden t ruit" on oaturaay evening,have requested the management toreproduce the same, and in order toAn an will be compelled to offer a

double bill to-nig- ht whenfWnhnMi's nrettv operetta, "TheVil.OUfc'"' c

Fort Street, Honolulu,

Denier in Getirrnl

Twist Drills,







the Factory.--o-


-- or-

Han ware,



Dry GrooclsIJOOTS -- 1 SIIOKS,

Cip:a.:rs. Liquors,BESR an1 WINES, Etc.

To Arrive per Dark Adonis from Bremen,Bark lsenberg from LiverKnl. Bark

Faust from New York, andother vessels,

JCSyAre offered for sale by


17-- 1 w 1332-- 1 m

Notice to Planters!

rnilE UNDERSIGNED HAVE JUSTreceived a 50-to- n shipment of the

Mexican Phosphate and ulphurCo.'s High Grade

fertilizer !


Ter Cent.' Phosphoric Acid 11Potassa 9.25Ammonia 3.25

Which is offered for sale in lots to suit, andwill be kept in stock to supply wants ofPlanters. This Fertilizer has been triedand found to be productive of splendidresults.

C. BREWER & CO.,15-- 1 m 1332-3n- i Queen Street.

U P - T O W NBook, Kews and Stationery Store


OyScnsciiiPTioNS to all Newspapersand Magazines have careful and promptattention.

See our new line of

Society Stationery !

See our lines of Tablets from 5c. upthey cannot be beaten !

yTo Philatelists Your subscripttion to " The Stamp News " publishedin London at $1 per year is solicited.

9BFull bound Blank Books ofeverv description.

New Music by every steamer.New Novels by every steamer.ty Websters Dictionary for 30c.

Base-Bal- l Goods !

Lawn Tennis and Croquet Sets,and other games.

SSend for or call and get Circularsof the New Merntt Type Writer.

HDana's New work on VolcanoesIFornander's Polynesian Races

can now be had in 3 vols, complete.9The finest line of Pocket Memo.

Books in the Islands.




Studio No. 27 Alakea Street,

(Formerly of New York),

Would inform the public of Honolulu thatshe is prepared to till orders in Pastel,

Water Colors. Oil, India Ink andCrayon Portrait, Etc.

sySamples can be seen at Studio am:at Hamilton-Hous- Parlors. m

-- :o:-

LATEST ITLamps, Library Lamps,

and Cliandoliers,from the Factory.


HARDWARE CO.. Lcl.,Fort and Merchant Streets.


fifoier Ale, Plain, Sweet and Cream Seda,




Mr. A. V. l'eters has a card ofthanks in another column.

From July 22d to August 4th, Dr.F. II. Day 'a office will bo closed.

Mrs. Johnson i3 no longer matronof the Kapiolani Maternity Home.

The steamer V. G. Hall sails forMaui and Hawaii at 10 o'clock thismorning.

The officers of the Hanalei SugarMill Co. elected on the 21st, appearelsewhere.

The Hawaiian band played a goodof music at Emma squarefrogramme

Everybody is going to take supperat the Queen Emma Hall from 5 to7 o'clock this evening.

A business meeting of St. An-

drew's Sewing Society will bo holdthis afternoon at 2 o'clock.

At the teachers' examination atFort street school yesterday eighty-thre- e

candidates were present.

The Supremo Court will sit inbanco for the last time during tbeJuly term, on Saturday, July 2Gth,at 10 a. ii.

Arthur Johnstone, a bankrupt, hasfiled a petition for discharge fromhis debts. The petition will be heardAusrust 7th.

A very fine display of trimmedhats for ladies and children is to beneen at N. S. Sach's store. No. 104Fort street.

The large tree at the corner ofMerchant and Fort streets has beentrimmed and the consequence ismore light. "


Five men-of-war- 's men from theU. S. S. Charleston were arrestedlast evening for assault and batteryon a police officer.

It is said that the Mechanics'Union had quito a stormy meetinglast evening. Sorry to hear that."What's the matter boys?

The Hawaiian Gazette is published to-da- y and is full of interest-ing local matter. Send a copy toyour friends on the outgoing mail.

Mr. Berger and his orchestra beingengaged at Emma square last even-ing, Mr. John Ashdown furnishedpiano music at the Opera House between the acts.

E.B. Thomas' namo was called asa jurymen in the Supreme Court,Monday morning, but he not answer-ing, A. H. Rasemann was drawn.The Court fined Thomas $10.

The next session of the tonic solfa class in charge of Rev. J. B. Alex-ander, will bo at 10 o'clock Wednes-day morning in the Fort streetschool. All are cordially invited toattend. .

A fine treat at the Opera Houseto-nig-ht. The Tivoli Company willpresent Offenbach's operetta " TheRose of Auvergne," with theoriginal music, and by request "Forbidden J? rmt.'

A correspondent writes to ask us ifwe know when the steamer Noyowill arrive from San Diego, andwhen she is expected to return. Noadvices have as yet been received toour knowledge.

Among the names of the committee appointed at the mass meetingSaturday night on that "Constitutional Convention" are those ofGeorge Markham and R. "W. Boydm e i 1. 1 .iwu represeuiauvea ui mw jjeupiw,eh !

This evening the members ot liov.n. 11. uowen's uiuie class win givean entertainment and social in theat. Andrew s ounaay scnooi roomA nice programme has oeen arrangedand the affair promises to be verypleasant.

A large number of school teachersaccepted the kind invitation of Admiral Brown and visited the U. SFlagship Charleston yesterday after-noon. They were very much pleasedwith what they saw on this magnificent cruiser.

Mrss Phfeebe Taylor, a school

King street. She was the daughterof Capt. David Taylor of Lahaina,and the body will be taken to that

I vlnA frit" inlnrmotitju.Company A, Honolulu Rifles, will

have a moonlight picnic at ItemondGrove on Saturday, August 2d.Trains will leave the depot at about4 and G r. m. The Hawaiian bandwill be in attendance. Tickets canbe obtained of the committee and atthe Oahu railway depot.

The supper at the Queen Emmahall this evening from 5 to 7 o'clockpromises to be a successful aflair.The proceeds will be devoted to thenew Sailors' Home, and tickets arefixed at fifty cents. The lloyal Hawaiian band will be in attendance.There is to bo a very tempting billof rare

ing exercises wero held during themorning and afternoon and wereattended by a large number of theparents and friends of the pupils.The schoolroom wa3 most beautifullylecorated with dags, wreaths, ferns.flowers, potted plants, etc. TLoprogramme consisted 01 songs,choruses, piano duetts, recitations,dialogues and short plays. Thepupils acquitted themselves wellthroughout. At the close the prizeswere distributed consisting of booksand different articles.

One thing that was noticeable invisiting this school yesterday, wasthe improved appearance of all thebuildings. There has been quite atransformation scene. The dininghall, large dormitory and the ver-andas have been thoroughly repair-ed and almost look as good as new.The reception room fitted up in thecosiest manner, is a decided improvement on the old one which was de-void of light owin? to a very large

e covering it. Thishas been cut away entirely. All thebuildings have been covered withcorrugated iron. The sanitary arrangements have been carefully attended to and are in perfect orderthroughout the entire premises. Allthese improvements have broughtwith them more air, and are condu-cive to good health.

I he entire improvements were personally superintended every day byMr. A. J. Cartwnght, who ha3 takenhe deepest interest in the school for

many years. Me acts for the isiotnerSuperior in England, and no orecould have been more faithful to atrust. Finding the buildings badlyneeded repairs, he appealed to tbeBoard of Education, and that bodyresponded in the most liberal manner. Mr. Cartwnght made the ap-propriation go as far as it wou!d,andto-da- y he has the pleasure of seeingSt. Andrew's Priory in a re builtcondition. The Board of Educationmay rest assured that the money iswell spent, for this school is doing,as it has done from its existence, anoble work among Hawaiian andother girls. The teaching and disci-pline are not equalled in any otherschool of thw kind in the kingdom.With Eldress Phoebe as principal,Sisters Beatrice and Albertina, MissMahon and several pupil teachers,the futnre of this school, like thepast, is full of promise.

3Tctu liircrtlscmcntiS.

Dr. Day's Oflice

WILL BE CLOSED FROM JULY 22M to AiiLHist 4. 18't0. - 18-- tf

WANTED.ASITUATI to tend horses and outdoorwork: woman to take care of children anddo indoor work. Apply at 151 Fort street


Card ot Thanks.

fTUlE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO- thank those friends who so kindly

assisted in the funeral preparations and infurnishing flowers at the funeral of his son

ulie, who was buried on bundav last.18-- 1 1 AUGUSTUS V. PETERS.

Election of Officers.

i T THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THEStockholders of the Hanalei Sugar Mill

Company, held this day, the followingofficers were elected for the ensuing year:

Chas. Koelling PresidentJ. N. S. Williams Vice-Preside- nt

J. O. Carter SecretaryP. C. Jones, TreasurerJ. O. Carter Auditor

J. O. CARTER,Sec'v llanalei Sugar Mill Co.

Honolulu, July 21, If 90. 18-l- m


against me are hereby requested topresent tbe same at once at the office ofH. Hackfeld & Co

D. P. R. ISENRERG.Honolulu, July 21. 1S!X. 17-- 3t


uouu SIZES II ALL'S SAFES INstock at No. 00 Fort street.

T. W. HOr.RON.12-- 1 w Agent Hall's Safe A Ick Co.


all persons having Furniture at thestore of the undersigned are requested tocall for the same this week; all personsowing the said firm are requested to settleup this week: and all claims against theundersigned will be settled at once.

15-O- t SAM SING & CO.


Boilers Inspected, Tested and Repaired.

WILL GIVE ESTIMATES FOll11 new Hollers, Tanks, Pipes, tmoke-stack- s.

Flumes. Bridges, an. 1 general SheetIron Work. (iool references furnished,ami all work Kuarante.l.

rfi-Atldr-ess P. O. Uox J7'., Honolulu,

II. I. 1311 1327-3i- u

Factory: 3STo. S3 Nxmaim St.MUTUAL TELEPHONE 300; CELL. 072.





ESSUS. IIOLMSTKU & CO.,M the attention of the loversWOULD




PACIFIC HAEDWARE CO., LUB. F. Dillingham, Pres. J. G. Stencer, Manager., F. L. Winter, Treas. CHOICE HAVANA CIGARS !

Direct fromTIIE VERY

Piano Lamps, Banquet

Hall LamDs,Just Received

Those in Bearrh of a pleasant smoke will do well to inspect this lotrose of Auvergne," and "ForbiiMon teacher, died yesterday at tbe resi--RVn- it

" will both be played. This dence of her uncle, Capt. Harrison, lefore purchasing.


A Full Line of the Favorite

Eddy's Refrigerators and let Chests.


Shelf Hardware, !Ktc ?

Planet Jr. Cultivators.

should prove magnate enough to fillimnA to overflowing. The box

plan is open at L. J. Levey's wherei T ! i C tti 1 1 liQ lio rr 1 ttau early appiicanvu w mu

safeguard againsi siauuius ruum.



Monday, July 21.

The Kiogvs.Lau He Wing andT o,, San. Conspiracy, first degree.

M. DavidsonPlea of not guiuy. J.4U prosecution: Paul Neu--

"!LBr WRnt8. Tried before.rSEtai iury. Partly heard and

continued to the 22d.

rnillS PAPER IS KEPT ON FILE.7 v r. Dare's Advkrtisixq

Agency, Mwe-r- ?

Kan t ranciac, v.., : ..

Druist andUS



The Weekly Gazette' and Daily Advertiser


Page 4: wiiiiiiiaiici 01 - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/39421/1/1890072201.pdf · wiiiiiiiaiici 1 II Jl Jl II II (IK VOL. XIL-N-O. 18. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN




33i'rr1isrmrnti. (Central dHotrtistmcnU Cco) totttisrmcnts." ip hi ii i i r

Honolulu ani Sin Francisco Mail Service(Iwiii Locomotives!LEO IS7 HARD & ROSS, a New Sumner Dress Materials It.n

OKI. H. DAVIESThe' undersigned having rcVav!oiuteU IMMENSE VARIETY! LATEST DESIGNS!




104 Fort Street,N. S. SACHS',JL ket prices mast be sent not later than by the "Alameda " leaving Honolulufe CObole Agents lor the Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin LocomotivesFrom tte Works of

oa the 31st of May, 1390.


Oceanic Steamship Co.From San Francisco, It O'clock, Kom.

Leave Due atS. F. Honolulu

Manpoa...baturdy.July 2i..,.Aug. 2Zalandu. .Saturday . . Aug. 23. . . . Aug. 30Alameda. . Saturday. .iSepu 20.. ..Kept 27Mariposa.. Saturday.. Oct. 18 Oct. 25Zalandia.. Saturday.. Not. 15.... Not. 22Alameda.. .Saturday.. Dec. 13... Dec. 20

To San Fruolaeo.Leave Due at

." Sydney Honolulu

One-four- th of the purchase money is sufficient to secure a contract.Price of Inside Lots $ 150 00 eachPrice of Corner Lots 175 00 each



The alove notice does not apply in those cases where the propositions areBurnham, Parry, Williams & Co.,already in course of negotiation.

IXVESTOttS WILL PLEASE STATE:Philadelphia. Penn.,1st If they are American citizens. 2d If not themselves American citizens, but eaianaia . . eunesaay . .J nly 9. . .J uly 28

Alameda...Wednesday.. Aug 6. ..Aug 23Mariposa.. Wednesdav..Sett3.. .Sent an

married to the daughter of an American citizen give wife's full name.Are now prepared to give estimates and

Zealandia.. Wednesday., .Oct l,...Oct 18LEONHARD & ROSS, Honolulu Block,Ellensburgh, Wash.

receive orders for these engines, of anysize and style.



in Stripes and Plaids.

1274 112-l- y Aiameaa.. . Wednesday. .Oct 2. . . Not 15Mariposa.. Wednesday ..Not 26. ...Dec 13Zealandi . . Wednesday . . Dec 21. ..Jan 10



The Baldwin Locomotive Works are Intermediate 8. 8. Australia. IS M.now manufacturing a style of Locomo WHITE GOODS!CRYSTAL SODA WORKS Leave San FrancisctM 1 Leave Honolulu.

I Eridaj ..July IS! Friday.. Aug. 1Friday....... Aug. 15:Fridav.......Aue. S

tive particularly adoptedQMUl


ItHy Sepu 12 Friday SepiasA ErHy ct-Uf- c Vtidy i 24

. nlain and I rrtday . .Nor. T Krklav Nv. iFor Plantation Purposes,

Victoria Lawns, Nansooks in plain and checks, Batistes, Confectiondotted Swiss, Fancy Open Work Materials, etc., etc. Friday. ..... ..Dec. 61 Friday Dec. 183 Sfe0 NO. 51 KING STREET.JOHN GRACE, Proprietor. A number of which have recently been

received at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing Plantation


Wool Materials.

Embroideries, Embroideries.Agents and Managers with particulars oi mumw GAZETTEsame.

The superiority of these Locomotives immense assortment at very low prices.GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER over all other makes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughout the Steam Hook ami JobArrival of Burrovvdale EMBROIDERY FLOUNCES, latest hemmedstitched designs, entire new pat-

terns at exceptional low prices, at theUnited States.1110E WATER!


GIN GER Sous Agents for Hawaiian Islands. 140-- v 1ALE, 21 1307142 Days from Liverpool!46 Merchant Street.

Sarsaparilla, Lemon, Cream and Plain Soda, hsTlErW" GOODSE. O.UALL & SON, L'd,R CAROO OP Oliamnaerne Cider. Etc.. Etc. a Fine Assortment.

1 c? ' 'Is prepared to do all kinds of Commer-

cial and Legal Work, correctlyand with dispatch.We have just received per Bk Tillie Baker,

ALL AREATED WATERS GUARANTEED TURK. a nne selection oi new uoous,comprisine:, one

elegantISTew GoodsHaving Lately Received a Very CompleteMutual 330--TELEPHON-

ES----Bell 298. Hand-paint- ed Porcelm Dmner Set.Stock of all the riser Grades ofA few of those fine hand-embroider- ed


Flat Papers of every size,Assorted colors and patterns of Crepe


Fine White and Celorcd Cards.

Silk Shawls. Elegant Tete-- a te uupsand Saucers. A fine lot of


A few of those handy Mosquito Urns.'Also, an assortment of new styles ofHog and Poultry Eemedy faib (6 Ship Chan

And also having added to our formervery large assortment, about eighty fontsRattan Chairs and Tables


Anchors, Chains,Cocoa Mats, Kettles,

Sauce Pans, Fry Pans,Bedsteads,

Fence Wire,Sheathing Meta),

Roofing Iron,Cane Knivep,


Sole Leather Trunks,White Lead, Red Lead,Boiled Linseed Oil,Castor Oil, Belting,Coal Tar, Water Tanks,Fire Brick, Alum,Red Ochre, Fire Clay,Bags, Twine,Filter Cloth,

A Certain Cure for the Diseases of OF THECall early and examine this fin Ex Bark John D. Brewer from Boston ; the Ship Borrowdale from England ; and

Newest Styles ofJob Types k Ornaments

assortment of New Goods.

WING W0 CHAN & CO.No. 22 Nuuanu Street


HOGS AND POULTRYother late arrivals, a large assortment of uoods in their line,

including ' .

MANILA ROPE 6 Thread to 9 inch; IRON WIRE, and FlexibleSTEEL ROPE, all sizes ; Bolt Rope, Lanyard Stuff, Ratline, Spunyarn,Marlin. Hambroline. Housline. Seizing Stuff. Wire Seizing. Whaleline,Oakum, Felt. Pitch, Coal and Stockholm Tar, Pitch Mops, and Tar Brushes. I From the most celebrated Foundries ofO--

tJJ.OJK:s common and l'atent, all sizes and styles; .1. the United States, and MnnWInirlst. It tmts vour pijrs in first-clas- s condition. SHEAVES-Comm- on, Patent and Metaline bushed ; I . Mnor. nno ,' . 7 . .


2d.. It stoDB couch, and reeulates the bowels. A Large Assortment oti o w .

3d. It will keep sows healthy during pregnancy, ana superinduce a sound Galvanized and Brass Ship Hardware,THEEISDON

Iron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beal and Howard Streets,

San Francisco California

progeny4th. It will arrest disease in every instance, if administered before the vital A FULL LINE OF

HALLS STEEL PLOWS AND BREAKERS,with extra Toints, Handles and Beams to fit; all kinds of AGRICULTURAL

IMPLEMENTS; MECHANICS' TOOLS, of all kinds;ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, Galvanized and Copper Telephone Wire, Fence

Wire, Galvanized and Black ; LEATHER, Card Matches, Paints andOils, Kerosene Oil, Lubricating Oils, and Engineers

Supplies, Coarse SALT by the bag or ton .

W. H. TAYLOR PresidentE. S. MOOBE Baperlntendent

men, we are prepared to turnout at very short notice :

Letter Heads,1JI11 Heads,

Circulars,Note Heads,

Statements.Bills of Lading,

Contracts,Mortffage Blanks,

ILeases, Bonds,: Shipping Contracts,

Calendars,Blank Checks,

Soap, Groceries,Boots and Shoes,

Perfumery, Flags,Rope Brushes,

Croquet Sets,Dressing Cases,


parts are bevond the reach of aid.5th. It destroys worms and hastens maturity.6th. It is a thorough preventive. Feeders who use it all the year round have

no disease among their swine.7th. It will repay its cost many times over in the extra pounds of pork it

will make without extra feed. Hogs treated with it will gain two or more pounds,"while others are gaining one. The reason is it regulates the digestive functionsand enables the animal to convert every particle of food eaten into pork, involv-ing no waste. Hundreds of testimonials from breeders in England, Germany,Scotland, Ireland, the United States, New Zealand, and Australia.

TESTIMONIALS:LOWEST Market Kates.We Sell First-clas- s Groods atCall and. See for Yourselves at

ID. O. HALL & SONS,Corner of Fort and King 8treets.

Builders of Steam machinery

In all 1U branches.

Steamboat, Steamship. Land Engines & Boilers,High Pressure or Compound.

8TEAMVESSLS of all kinds built complete,with hulls ot wood, iron or composite.

ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-visable.

STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con-structed with reference to the trade in whichthey are to be employed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.

"Dr. Hass 57-2- mHoe Remedy is a certain preventive of disease, making pigs thriveflesh fast. (Sd,) J. N. WALTON, Birmingham, Eng.

(Purveyor to H. M. the Queen and H. R. H. the Prince of Wales.)well and gain

"Our experience has shown that Hass' Remedy will prevent disease in hogs and

Bridles, Felts, Whips, Spurs,Blankets, Sheeting,Dry Goods, Merinos.Shawls, Handkerchiefs,Victoria Lawns,Mosquito Netting, Leggings,Laces, Ribbons, Hats, Helmets,Velvets, Embroidered Dresses,

mat lue increase in iicou uv iva uoc muic iuuu ? o'GILLILAND, UAOKWORT1I & BUCKLES.

"Coffeyville, Kansas. B. IT. EHLERS & CO"A eood investment as a pork producer, to say nothing of its preventing disease."L. R. WOODS, Keene, Kentucky."

Steel-plat- e Wedding Cards,Stock Certificates,Business Cards,Milk Checks.Heal Tickets,Bank Checks,

rian tat I on Orders, - ,Receipts, Prom. Notes,

Marriage Certificates,Diplomas.

T iln not think it safe to be without Hass' Remedy to prevent disease. Alterathorough test I am sure it is a valuable medicine as well as a bork producer.

"B. F. DORSEY, Breeder Perry, Illinois.

SUGAB MILLS and Sugar Making Machinerymade after the most approved plans. Also, allBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.

WATEB PIPE, of Boiler ox Aheetlron, of anysize, made In suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on theground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and WaterPipes made by this establishment, riveted by

'FOR SALE with Directions for Use by




hydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ofwork being far superior to hand work.

SHIP WOR&, Ship and Steam Capstans, 8 teamWinches, Air ana Circulating rumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the Pacificcoast of the Heine Barety Koiier.

Catalogues,Blotting Pads.

Druggists' Lables,1. Envelopes, all slses;

Shipping Receipts,Ball Programmes,

.Theatre Programmes,

And in fact everything which a First-cla- ss

Office can do, and

At Bed-roc- k Prices !

PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation orAll will be Sold at Reasonable Trices."city works' purposes, built with the celebrated

Davy Valve Motion, superior to any otherpump.


3221 111-- 2 m Exclusive Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


WELL-KNOW- N BUILDER, IS STILL IN THE FIELD AS Aand is now better prepared to do any and all kinds of work

appertaining to contracting or any other class of work belonging to his trade, inthe same good and workmanlike manner as heretofore ; having curtailed my shopexpenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds of work appertain-ing to the building trade that may be entrusted to my care. 1 am enabled to dothe same at very low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and at the same timebearing in mind that what is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

Our Dressmaking Department under the management of MISSCLARK, will be re-open- ed about May 12th.JOHN DYER.... ...Honolalu

-- lSin Boom No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels' Block

Flannel,Basket Trunks,

Picnic Hampers,Rugs, Mats, Carpets,

Clothing, Tweeds,Ginghams,


Suitings in latest styles,Underwear, Braces,Sofa Pillows.Gloves, Flouncing,Embroidery. Curtains,Table Napkins,Table Cloths,Water-proo- f Coats,Artificial Flowers.Dust Cloaks,Pajama Suits,Fine Hosiery Silk; Lisle, Cotton,



Thanking the public for past favors,I remain respectfully yours,


Paxuhao Plantation, )

Hawaii. March 9, 1888.BJsdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Fran-Cisc- o.

Gentlemen We have used two of yourFilter Presses tblsseason. Tbey

are convenient, easily bandied and are workingentirely to onr satisfaction. I can recommendno improvement on them.

Very respectfully yonrs.(signed) A, Hoobb,

Manager Paanhan Plantation.


Chinese Japanese Fancy GoodsAMD


Dinner Sets,Tea Sets,

Desert Sets,Fancy Crockery,

Common Crockery,Wedgewood Ware,


Hkeia, Sept. 28, 1889.Ub. John Dteb, Agent Bisdon Iron Work

Honolalu.Dbab Sib: Please ablp us one of your 30

Compartment Filter Tresses, 240 square feetsurface, same as tbe one supplied us last season,which I am pleased to say has given us entiresatisfaction. Yours truly,

GEO. B. EWABT,Manager Heeia Agricultural Co.

GOO KIM & CO., 59 NUUANU STEEETOpened on Saturday last, an entirely new Stock of Goods, ex S. S. Australia,

consisting of all kinds of

DRY GOODS & TAILOR GOODSAll of which will be sold at very low prices.

Have constantly on band. Silk. Satin,Crepe, Grass-clot- h, embroidered and hem-stitched silk and grass-clot- h Handker-chiefs, silk and crepe shawls and scarfs : agreat variety of Japanese and Chinese teaets, vases, bronze and lacquered waresivory, sandal wood and tortoise shell cardcases, paper cutters, fans.- - and jewelrycases: ecnA anrl nilvpr imrei .1 :.L

FOR SALE:Stallions of Various Breeds. - ' '

Mares with or without FoalHorses Tor any Purpose.

The following Fine Animals will standfor Service at the Ranch, Waialae

Well-bre- d Stallion "IA.RIT."Norman Stallion

"CArTAiisr gkowl."Thoroughbred SU1."MIDNIGIIT."

Two Native Stallions

"PILIAOAO" ami "PRANK."A "Well-"bre- d Kentucky JACK .

These Presses are made extra heavy forblgb pressures, occupies a floor space of llz4 ft., and presents a filtering: surface of 240square feet. A limited number in stock inHonolulu and are sold at very low prices.

Itlsdon Iron A Loco. Works,San Francisco.

For particulars enquire ofJOHN DTEB Honolul

Boom No. 3 Spreckels' Block:334 W.G. IRWIN Jfc Co., Agents

BREAKING DEPARTMENT g ;clS w,,cat-eye- s anJ umbersuch a,scarr earrings, bracelets, necklaces,etc; an assortment of Chinese andA Skilful BREAKER and TRAINER ese nick-nack-s and curiosities too nJmei-i-semployed on the Ranch. ous to specify; Chinese matting a specialty

, t n..i,:- - also, a Targe quantity of ebony and narBle

"A first-cla- ss cutter is employed, and all clothes made at our establish

Wicker Ware, Fancy Chairs,Hammocks, Tables, Baskets.Umbrella Stands,Decanters,Salad Bowls,Mush Sets,Flower Tots,Filters,Etc., Etc., Etc.

ment will be guaranteed a first-clas- s fit. 10S-4- w

oausiacituu n Ru,auiri u. mrnuure in sets, tables, chairs and setteesand Training Horses. a fall assortment of flower pots, artificialEE. JE. Mclntyre & Bro.


Jlig G baa given uclrer-?a- lsatisfaction in tbe

cure of Gonorrhoea andLi let-1- . 1 prescribe it and

nower baskets, lacquered and bamboogoods, etc., etc.

A new Tailor Bhop has just been openedon the premises by the same firm of ChuOn & Co., with a large selection of fineigoods, suitingSj diagonals, and fancytrouserines, which thev will mak n

feel safe in recommend'fc,y inr it to all sufferers.Mrs

G-rocerie- s, Provisions and Feed, order.CiDctznaX r n.u. III The Daily Advertiser and Weekly GazettePBICE. 91.00. The public is resnectfullv invitoTheo. H. Davies & Co Trad Sold by Drustg-ists- .EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

New uoods received by every packet from the Kutern HUtes nd Europe rreh Californiaproduce by every steamer. A II orders faithfully attended to, and Uoods delivered to an y part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. HaUsfacUon guaranteed. Pobtcfbce Hot No. 416Telephone No. 92

nspect our goods. 137-3- ni

READ THE DAILY ADVERTISERwant the latest news.

Hollisteb & Co., Wholesale Agents.BiseoN, Smith & Co., Wholesale Agents