wife TALKl CHRISTMAS·Jan 12, 2021  · cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty...

Have your cake, muffins, and tea cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. t1rnc lilJ fiC.t ll1r:' type lur c,.acll !s!i.ur, ·your cr1py 8iloulcl. be ir1 t.lle (Ali'ee as I curly as puss Ihle.· Royal Baking Powder helps the house wife to produce at home, quickly and eco- nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer- cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts . and muffins, with which the ready-made food found at the bake-shop or grocery does CHRISTMAS· TALKl not compare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. ROYAL POWDEH CO., NEW YORK. LOCAi, '1'111' sl·liuuls )'l':.lt·rd.l\ and t•·· <Iii). Frank ot lh·ad111J..'. \ i:-.rL• d II L. BohT 1111 :--unday. ..,,"" · ''r". Fr.111c \\"Jlk1!1:- .111d da11gl1Le1 "Jll'lll Tlm11J,:-i.,:11111L! 1n .\1111 .A rli111. flvn111 \'adPll aud tamll.r ,Ill' 111nrlnj! I 1•1111 t lw I ta1·111. 1-t·r,, l.t'P!la!d :111d lamll\' li:t\C' 1111\1•d tu Hro11ktit•ld, !Iii:- \\t't'I\. \]1:-:- l1a !!ari 1\1ll "pl·r1d l1l'l'Thank-.· ).!11111i.:-,w1tl1 !wr p;i1c•11h, 111 \l11r11U1. '\J1-.. \·;1J1.\l\t'll wa:-; rallt·rl \11 4!l110 \Ii"'. <:1·11. Ya11i:Jia11 ,..1111, n·d a 11111· d;n l:isl \\I'd,, l1r tht· 1!.·al11 1i1· i1 111 paral):-;Js !111 1111J111111:.:-. :--.tiv l:->!'!"nll'la·tter;1t !Jl'l':->1·nt. I \It" C1111pl'1 n·t11rnNl.L11.J:U'k: Watches Clocks Jewelry [. R. BRITTEN Fine Cut rna:ss Hand-painted China It Is a lfttle ca1l.r1 hnl you want Lo Sil\'c muncy un them tlli: :-.wne as any ot.hcr ca.n s;i\'c vou enoug-!1 on a Gnld \\'a tell to buy dir.111cr fur a. f;unily of cl!-{ht. ,,Ye hitvc a fine lintj of Ladies a);ld Gents' Gold Watches, Wat9h Chains, Charms, Pins, Rings, Brooches, Ladies Chains . . , Silverware and Sterling Silver Novelties. Hand-Painted China, Tea Sets, Etc. •' Bargains in Mantel Clocks, \\'l' ask }'(l\IJ' lnsp1·c:tl11n, which wlll i.::cinvince you 1\1' :1:Pa11 c·1e1y \\orrl we al111ut 'Ye have L11cn1 ancl ;.(•',l want them. Come ea1ly · Si.:let:l now uncl tRkc tile go1.1c\s latc1. \\1 ... '.\la1\ !lallaJ.('lll'r pf .J1111L1 n1 d :-1111 la:-il af!eril tll!l'l' \\l'l'lis l':iln,L Fi·,1 ot l>1J:-il:-. :--,·, l , 1 ,11 l·' llull1111t',., ·are :-.pt'mlln.;1 tlll' 1>1•(·!1 "1L11 :--.tn1 i-:.1' ll:tmll1i ;11111 ta111il1. LI:=\. If you wish the Finest in Silverware, Sterling Silver Novelties, we have them · · H. Capron, The Jeweler. t', II. \\lln 111 !ht II !lcd1tH•s•1I l11a11d l:apl(b l'ttllll' t lt• l 'rt•l'k f• 1r !'It 1 ,. ra I 1 ·, a r ... , IJ:i.., Jlli ,, t>d . 11 1 lit•' t11 spt'nd 'l'!m tl 11:->lf 1 \ I Ill! wll11 lits 111-> ta1111h li:u·l.; 1 , 11!1" 1 1 1 . aiid i p.111•11\!'!, \Ii·. a1Hl ,l, .J !lul11w:-; !lit• l\111d l'1ty h 1111 llw \\,llw. : llt ('a111phr!l 11I .Jat'!,:-;1111 wa ..... l'idkd '\' II. \\'!rlg1 i. \1]111 \l,l" 111 t1i\\!I , 1 .,: 111 \1 1111 :-.1111da1 ti, :-.1·\· ,1 '1 t\' ..,ho\\ \1 ,, ,. 11 :-i ··'J'11 1 ')' 11 ,. .r .. 1 11 ,..,· 1 .. 1 l1"r"1 \\l111·1Lat 1111:-; \111t1111! is 1 \,•,111 ,·11111•'<h a11d Jw 11 1111 I'' "\ 1 • <111 p,11 l\ \I 1.! l I 1.l I" 11 I 11• 11' \I 1 i" '-<,.-,I'll jJi>il I llih'< I[ ll( 11 Tt•( l•·l 1 I .l,111lf':-.lc11\11 \'i.llli · I 1a1, .. t.1. \1,1:-i l all1 d lu l1v 11!1 :-;1·\e1v I! 111.1\ ill' .111 r, 111 11d+'l 1•"l J, I 1-.. 1'l l'llll 1 l111 t" I, 11( ,\\ :•"oil.• ; I I . d I 1111. •111,1111.·\\'.I: 1.1-.d,11H.'••tl11·1.1 1 JI E\J'(I\: H.\P!I> ....... · 1 1 lt1 .i!d ... 1ilr!11•1 ... ·1 11u1l11·" .ir1<11'1111 ,., I ! 11-.]1.,1\\1•1•k111•1 11,llt'•I" ,.• ilpjlli-. 1 11.d.\\1.., J'11·],h\1'l< 11i •1d 11111 ...... 11111a1.11i.:1· 1111\ •ii 'l11tl 111!: 1 .• 1. , 1 ,g ti. 1 ... ll'·c.ll111,.:l1·rl J 1 i:-. hi 11-..P 1111 lit ild1n1f ''' r1 11:1• 1,,.t[ :111d "t'lli l•1 'l'lw :-ili-i·I t_:,llilf li; 11 , 1 .1, 01 pti·tl·il \lil' l" .iJ.111 J.t1111, 1;.1\ :--prl11:..'-.. ( 1111!1·1111\ 111 ,,i i.ii 111 " l'•nl LH'li.i··•· ( •'Ill\ I. 1t1ld1 I I 11• l•·,11k1:-.IJ1j1 11] lilt· I•': 1 ·1 1111'1l1i pii·:-.tli·nt Livii• Tlw\\'tll11n..'ll(•lp1·1..,\·,, 4 \\lllnw(•t ... ),. 'I Ill' tOl) ... 1:-. d 1111..' ,, j.!I ··d \\llll \\1 .... I \j l'llllt.1111 \:11\ •• 1k I 'I lw (,11111wll I..\ :--.. \\1\l 1nt•tl 111tlt I l·.111:1.1:-.t111 Jlct 1 '1'111• 'lt1lll'\ :\Jj•{(•I', I ]>a11 l\1.tll 11! !rt.i111] f{;tpi(b \l.'Jlll 1rl 111i1,d1 11111 llLtl1· c.t111h 1,t l111ni.L11 at rlay 1a ... t WL•(•k, ac. I! \lr1tlh •1111 11111lJ!1111-.y 1 \Yrn:-;\tni Tuiilf'r11r Hi1t•.., ,)um:t11111 '.'IH'll\a11 1 111•,... •111t•11•d \lllt·l,1·1l 111 l'k••I \11•lt Ill t!J• ilt'l't:Ul·l('IJllSl!d••I( i'll'kW111lh "•r.\[t1'l111,·\1n .. Tll1•.\l1111ev.\!Plt·r"1 \I' \I I I I I f . 1 . 1a l. '' i1 ias 11>1•11 \1• .1 ..,,,ri1· .... 111 111u·n·:-.t 111g 11w1rl1·11l" •l 1 1 1 '.\l \\" 1 1"·11 h,11l1,Pr 1 ... d1,1111a1w,Lllr ..,IJ1i\\'I :. 1 .!' puig H'I' tllt'l'L'. · l:-i. 111 ·" 11 1 1 1 unwr l't'll!l!lt'd tll l1e1i111111c111 !:111•:-; n• 1 w 111stlllk1l't1\ tlH 1 n111rn·r TlH'llS\Jl!'· Junell1Jn \\'vtllll':-.dai. riwnt Is 111 I ht• l!',ll tl1l!lJ!" t•I lilt'. The {il'l'otpd y11ung- pn 1 n1·Jwr wh11 Pll'· FA \'Oltl'l'E It r:-> Ill .... humble 1(1 a lnrg-1• s,1lary elsC'whcre: Lllf' p11r1r \\Hiow wl! 11 ll11ag b !1t1 Llie :-<it\\ 11!'!t. her cblldrl'n alH1\e l!olc!: the Flt!yll :>.t1tclwll hN'll l'll\!<U.red Lo "lrui.n:!111!-!' derk Wh(l:-;(' prilspt>et 11f a 1 L1•acll the llt•rnli lltlfne Is 111ore tc1 hlrn tl11t11 prefer111Pnt, l\tiin. tii and 1lr:.. Erll!ar l}elrlc arc all ohh•et.·lest-iom; Lu the 11m11 uf :-,unduy. :\'oi. :!ll, a lnllllnns t.hat there arc many th!ng-:-1 I . in \He whleh inuney etuinut liuy, and 1 •.is." lkatrkc ldli.-i.111 lrn •. 'i Leen \l't'S •nueh In life beyond wen.Ith. s t·.k Lhl' .1mi-,\ \\PPk but b better at '. lh!S Wl'lllh)!. i\tieo.lllJ(Hn Vhrhoit.lan Eiulci\\Or i Myron Hud1r>slf'r uf Lansing is !Hmic l>ay. and expct:L.'i to sla)' and \\ork his I fnnn tlw c11mln1-r \'cnr - A1nonl-l' the plans at the I · · · meeting of Lhc omccfs u( the Mlcli!- The L. A.H. nr tills plaee will mceL i.mn UhrlsLlan gndell\'Or 1·n1un 1 llc\ci WtL\J A11.a:'1urnl!l'y ul J•:ut11n Hap- ;it. recently, wa.'i tho cclcbrit· ldH \\ cdne!-irl11y. :'\•1\', :m. tur 11 IJ!Jt- tmn o\' Clll'iSLian Endc1t\'UI' luck dinner. \Vise and i{uth HatCman were the n1 the l<Ltter's brother D1ln Batcn1an and \\II\., of the unc cli1y rccc1,1lly. There l1ns hecn a gri·ul deni or ta.lk fur 1'tl.HnoLlmo ur a miln :-1traytng llrnuu,1 In the w11ud:-. west of here and people h11d l"Otten tu spenk 0r hlm Ii." tllc Hwlhl 1111111 11 anr! or crn1r:;c U\"cry one was 1\nxlou:-. tu bo the one to can; turo him. But. \Y. (;\oui.:h ancl B. Haymer Sl.!Ctu to hC i11r; "\UCl\y·unCS-tU · Clll'l'Y off the honors Of the ettptUl'C. . , . Banigan RUBBERS OVERS Men's, Women's and Children's . ,, . iir I Hanigan RUBBERS Hanigan ARTICS \ Men's, Women's and Children's Banigan Felts and Rubbers, Banigan Sox and Rubbers, Batfigan Rubber Boots.· --------ALL GUARANTEED TO GIVE GOOD SERVICE-------- 11111111111111111111 The above cut represents 65 cases of Rubber Goods, also the force of clerks to wait on our many customers. 11111111111111111111 Our Clothing Sale is moving the clothing right along, and if you want some of the good things you should come early. 11111111111111111111 Ladies' Skirt Sale is offering some rare barg!lins. Don't let them pass, an.d then It afterward. We are also making some good price5,on shoes. 11111111111111111111 ,'-) Our Hardware and Tlnwal'e trade .Is lncreaslng{ight along, and this indicates_that the rlgltt goods at lo.w prices. ls a winner. · llllllllllllllllllll Remem• I:· • ! EATON RAPIDS, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER2, 1904. I THAYI\:SGIVING SEUVICE. TERSE TOWN TOPICS •••••••! 1 tutereStiug Gathering at ihe . .Ha.()ti!it Ul•nrcb In the E\•en• BOOKS Ar:i the most appropriate and appreciated of CHRISTMAS. GIFTS, stock this presents .to you the opportunity to obtain<tlie BEST AND MOST POP· . ULAR BOOKS, either for yourself, your family or friends /' Af,a, Very MODERATE COST ·The prices begin at 14c per volume for large 12 mo. sizes of Popular Books. We you to call and inspect the line, whether you intend to buy or not. Wilcox & Goddi'ng, n,.ugrrists and Booksellen Agelzts for RE __ )(A LL ·i?e1/neazes. NEW THINGS a delicious tuflj' nncl pop corn. Candy sprinkled with c.:oconn.tt, put up 'in l1nnclsome red p11stebonrd pails-line eating and catches tbc eye of the little !Olks-ttl! for ;""1c. Pop Corn. sugared, in small sacks, ror 1c. Sri I tell Pc:lnt1ts nncl Hot ll.oasted Pennuts. Ba.mums lnr !flt, 15c antl 20t: tloz. Na,·el Orari.ges 1 just in, sweet and seedless. 11icc Syn1l1 Cup, [il!ed 'vitb prepared mustard, for 20c Our Stnte Line (Pa.) Buckwheat Flour is here nnd <::tn't be heat· on. Pioneer lOc prepared Rnek\\ he:1t. it m:ikes light nnd puH)· cakee-try the1n-and fiml tliem nt the I EATON RAPIDS ll!ARXETB. The following are the prices paid fo 1 produce by our dealers, correctea up · tu the time of g-olng to press each l Thu1sday afternoon: , Beans1 per bu. . . . . .. . . . . . $1 :m J Wheat . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.15 Oats, per bu .. . .. .. . .. . ..... ., I Rye, per bu ....................... 77c I per lb ...................... 15c Eggs, per doz ...................... I PotatueS, per bu 1 ................. :me II ides, per ,lb. . .. . . . .. ....... 6c Calf Skins, per !b .................. lie Chickens. 9c Fowls ....... ic Ducks ................. , ... Sc KNAPP GROCERY .. COMPANY, Sheep Pclto ................... lOC@75c I Bogs, live wt, per cwt .......... !4 50 ____ ...,, ..... , ..... , ..... ,..., ........ ..., .... ...,...,"'! i Hogs, clre:ssed 1 pef cwt., ........ $0 00 SALE-A new book cnse, siugfo glnot< front. ali;o oeuond·hand berl room suite. Inquire of W. W. Ashley. i Cattle ................. L (111 :i1 a, I Fine llne of faney china ware at I \Yhitehead 's. Ing. The annual Thanksgiving service was held ot the llopM•t church, last Thursday and although there was a very goo<I attendance. it Was apparent that there was not as much inter.,.,t mablf.ested """' years past, when such entbnsta&,le workers tor humanity "" Dr. A. o. Dut- ton, Philip Leonard, and otliers, made it a point to call Ille pe<iple out to The senlce was opened by an OfllaD voluntary by Mrs. Mendell, fol- lowed by singing the Il<>•ology and a Short Items Conce1·11ing This, That and the Other. hymn. assemble In churcb on the day set Prayer was offered by tbe pastor, aside ror fastlni 11.Dd praver-wblcb Is Rev. W. W. Hick&, and Rev. R. E. now changed to !e.,tlng and hilarity Meader read the ootb psalm. The -and thank the Ruler o! the Universe choir sang an anthen1 and Rev .. Hicks ror His goodness. Perhaps there are announced the sermon by Rev. A. W. some tba.t have nothing to be thaok- Bond, pastor of the tu! tor; but I wa• thankful tbat I did church. . . not have a b.IK pile or money to cause Mr. Bond belie\•ed in a me sleepless nights, Jest sc meoae service and he thought might break into my abode and klll tlle people might find tlm,e to attend me to secure the same; and I was also such sel'\'lce to be held In thankful to think J had a friend frcm or the day, os he didn't like tl/e Idea whom r could borrow a !nil dollar of preaching to people whose stomachs with whlcll to bl!)' nw dinner at the were too full. His reference to tile hotel. Very few people lla\'e nothing llistor.r Club Aunl\'fJrse.r)'. tirflt Thanksgi\'lng' sei·\•lce held on tile to thanks for in this world. ti The ladies or The History Club cele4 ; rock 4 0ound sbt•res of 1\1assachusetts *** brated tlie tenth annh·ersa.ry or the was full or interest. and his of '(Thereis a big ditference between :Monday afternobn, No\'. 28, loot, a more deYout annu:d obsei\·ance of this town and Charlotte, 11 an ob4 at the home of Mrs. :Mary Lilf'P.ver. ' the day met with expressions uf ap 4 server the other day. "One would After a. s.hort business meeting- and from many or his hearers. He thin!.: the two towns were not in the tit remarks on the c1ulJ's' hiiittory did.not the bountiful ThanksM sa·me county and had the s:i.me laws li)' tile president :Mrs. the ,L.r!\'lng- dinner, but he .ra.'·rn·e<l an acM to them. in Charlott.e the I \\'ere entertained h)' the plctu?es or knowledgment to the D1v1ne Ruler be- and hotel c.niues lla\·e slot i tt1c '".Jerc1niah Fu.111Jly"· fore ou.r appetites. · I 111acillncs ot' all kinrls in full blal'it 1 I which were shown arid described by l\l1ss l\1abel Field a beautiful . · · - d , d solo at tlie ccinC\usion nf tlle sermon while there is of tbc kind alM one 0f the e:scen ents. A socliil time A cullection was talrnn fu; the 1 lowefl to operate in th ls city. •r1w followed, also a Hpot luck" supper, anrl tllc funds dl\'lded between the M. I runninl{ ut these device!; mar be dif· c01npr!sed of an elaborate menu. The E .. Baptist, Congre).{ational and M. P. 1 1 fercnt111 the two towns; but it is a parlors were decorated with was c!c.serl by singing cleac\ ecrlainty the Ea.ton Uaplds I themums and munations1• the dininii ''America,'' and tl1e bened ictinn. ollicer who permitted tl1em tn run f<'Olll wlth roses and smilax, wblle __ M _M here \'Cry long would be wltlH1ut tl job palms scattered the Tl1e change in time on the Lake I before he \\new It. I thought it wa,.; rooms. Thr\1ll).!h the efforts or Mr:;. &;hClre railroad. which went into et'-1 the duty ut' the sheriff tu St(i{J such LaFe\'et· and the Soch.l committee feet on Monda.\". only e!lects the two·, suhems; but lf they ate to run rn CharM 1 . the afternoon was a very enjoyable trains In the atternoon. The train! latte, why not let them here·r• · nnc; and all dec:lared the tenth anni- uorth now leaves this station at 4:10 I *** rersary lonJ,! to be remembered. They rore. I law ls one ot' the real wonflert'i nt tile ber. Roll call at 2.:30 p. m. p. n1. and the southbound t1ain leaves ll Speaking-. of the law in to, will mcetn:t the home of ltfrs. Franc at 4::48 p. 111., inste:i.d of 0:Hl a::; hereto· ducks, an old hnnter says: "The duck I durin.,::: the month t•f Decem- ........................ """""' ................................................................. ........................ ,......,.. ..................... .;.....,. ....................................... ........ TRY BEFO.RE YOU BUY The only real way to test a Stove is to use it. To sho\v the possibilities of modern Stovemaking •. '"e have arranged for a unique and instructive COOKING - - EXHIBIT Every Lady \vho comes will be presented with a Handsome and Novel Souvenir. We are going to show you just what can be done \Vith the splendid 20th Century Stool Laurel Ranae 5th \Ve will show you what a Fuel it . is,. how biscuits can be baked, using only a paper smoke pipe; and how ·strongly it is made. Do9't fail to ,come; this will be the most practical Cookjng Exhibit ever made. .,.r I to Dec. 10th,

Transcript of wife TALKl CHRISTMAS·Jan 12, 2021  · cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty...

Page 1: wife TALKl CHRISTMAS·Jan 12, 2021  · cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. t1rnc lilJ fiC.t ll1r:' type lur c,.acll !s!i.ur, ·your cr1py 8iloulcl.

Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis~ cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome.

t1rnc lilJ fiC.t ll1r:' type lur c,.acll !s!i.ur,

·your cr1py 8iloulcl. be ir1 t.lle (Ali'ee as I curly as puss Ihle.·

Royal Baking Powder helps the house wife to produce at home, quickly and eco­nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer­cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts . and muffins, with which the ready-made food found at the bake-shop or grocery does

CHRISTMAS· TALKl not compare.

Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps.



'1'111' sl·liuuls du~rcl )'l':.lt·rd.l\ and t•·· <Iii).

Frank 1Iusl~1 ot lh·ad111J..'. \ i:-.rL• d II L. BohT 1111 :--unday. ..,,"" · ''r". Fr.111c \\"Jlk1!1:- .111d ~!ilt1d

da11gl1Le1 "Jll'lll Tlm11J,:-i.,:11111L! 1n .\1111

.A rli111.

flvn111 \'adPll aud tamll.r ,Ill' 111nrlnj! I 1•1111 t lw I l11d~1· ta1·111.

1-t·r,, l.t'P!la!d :111d lamll\' li:t\C' 1111\1•d tu Hro11ktit•ld, !Iii:- \\t't'I\.

\]1:-:- l1a !!ari 1\1ll "pl·r1d l1l'l'Thank-.· ).!11111i.:-,w1tl1 !wr p;i1c•11h, 111 \l11r11U1.

'\J1-.. \·;1J1.\l\t'll wa:-; rallt·rl \11 4!l110

\Ii"'. <:1·11. Ya11i:Jia11 ,..1111, n·d a ~t1111\(• 11111· d;n l:isl \\I'd,, l1r tht· 1!.·al11 1i1· i1

111 paral):-;Js !111 '1't1l'..,di1~ 1111J111111:.:-. :--.tiv :-.1:-.lt·1-111-la•~.

l:->!'!"nll'la·tter;1t !Jl'l':->1·nt. I \It" ~1:11~ C1111pl'1 n·t11rnNl.L11.J:U'k:

Watches Clocks Jewelry

[. R. BRITTEN Fine Cut rna:ss Hand-painted China

It Is a lfttle ca1l.r1 hnl you want Lo Sil\'c muncy un them tlli: :-.wne as any ot.hcr pui·.:hasr~. \\~c ca.n s;i\'c vou enoug-!1 on a Gnld \\'a tell to buy dir.111cr fur a. f;unily of cl!-{ht. ,,Ye hitvc a fine lintj of

Ladies a);ld Gents' Gold Watches, Wat9h Chains, Charms, Pins,

Rings, Brooches, Ladies Chains . . , Silverware and Sterling Silver Novelties.

Hand-Painted China, Tea Sets, Etc. •' Bargains in Mantel Clocks,

\\'l' ask }'(l\IJ' lnsp1·c:tl11n, which wlll i.::cinvince you 1\1' :1:Pa11 c·1e1y \\orrl we ~a~ al111ut B.uto~\I:\;-.. 'Ye have L11cn1 ancl ;.(•',l want them. Come ea1ly · Si.:let:l now uncl tRkc tile go1.1c\s latc1.

\\1 ... '.\la1\ !lallaJ.('lll'r pf .J1111L1 n1 d :-1111 la:-il ~at111clily af!eril tll!l'l' \\l'l'lis ~1:->lt'I. ~ll!'!:-i l':iln,L Fi·,1 ot l>1J:-il:-. :--,·, l , 1 \l~ll ,11 l·' llull1111t',.,

·are :-.pt'mlln.;1 tlll' 1>1•(·!1 "1L11 :--.tn1 i-:.1' ll:tmll1i ;11111 ta111il1. 1·:.\~T llA~I LI:=\.

If you wish the Finest in Silverware, Sterling Silver Novelties, we have them · · H. Capron, The Jeweler.

t', II. ~llll\I~, \\lln li.1~ li~•1·11 111 !ht II !.1·~1 !lcd1tH•s•1I l11a11d l:apl(b l'ttllll'

t lt• l 'rt•l'k f• 1r !'It 1 ,. ra I 1·, a r ... , IJ:i.., Jlli ,, t>d . 111 lit•' t11 spt'nd 'l'!m tl 11:->lf 1 \ I Ill! wll11 lits 111-> ta1111h li:u·l.; 1 , 11!1" c· 111. aiid ,, 1 ~.., i p.111•11\!'!, \Ii·. a1Hl ~Ir:-;. ,l, .J !lul11w:-; !lit• l\111d l'1ty h 1111 llw \\,llw. : llt ('a111phr!l 11I .Jat'!,:-;1111 wa ..... l'idkd

'\' II. \\'!rlg1 i. \1]111 \l,l" 111 t1i\\!I , 1.,: 111 \1 1111 :-.1111da1 ti, :-.1·\· ,1 '1 t\' ..,ho\\ \1 ,, ,. 11 :-i ··'J'111 ')' 11 ,. .r .. 111 ,..,· 1 .. :·

1 l1"r"1 \\l111·1Lat 1111:-; \111t1111! is rl11111~

1 \,•,111 ,·11111•'<h a11d Jw ~1.ar:11111·1·.., 11 1111 I'' "\ 1 • <111 p,11 l\ \I 1.! l I 1.l ~ I" • 11 I 11• 11' \I 1 i" '-<,.-,I'll jJi>il I llih'< I[

ll( 11 Tt•( l•·l 1 I .l,111lf':-.lc11\11 \'i.llli · I 1a1, .. t.1. \1,1:-i l all1 d lu H· l1v 11!1 :-;1·\e1v

I! 111.1\ ill' .111 r, 111 11d+'l 1•"l J,

I 1-.. 1'l l'llll 1 l111 I~\ t" I, 11( ,\\ :•"oil.• ; I 111 1 ~ I . d I 1111.

•111,1111.·\\'.I: 1.1-.d,11H.'••tl11·1.1 1JI :\tll~Tll E\J'(I\: H.\P!I> ....... · 1 1 lt1 .i!d ... 1ilr!11•1 ... ·1 11u1l11·" .ir1<11'1111 ,., I

! 11-.]1.,1\\1•1•k111•1 11,llt'•I" ,.• ilpjlli-.1

11.d.\\1.., J'11·],h\1'l< 11i

• •1d 11111 ...... 11111a1.11i.:1· 1111\ •ii 'l11tl 111!: 1 .• 1. ,1,g ti.1 ... ll'·c.ll111,.:l1·rl J 1i:-. hi 11-..P

• 1111 lit ild1n1f ''' r1 11:1• 1,,.t[ :111d "t'lli l•1 'l'lw :-ili-i·I t_:,llilf li;11 , 1.1 ,01 pti·tl·il \lil' l" .iJ.111 J.t1111, 1;.1\ :--prl11:..'-.. ( 1111!1·1111\ 111,,i i.ii 111 " l'•nl LH'li.i··•· ( •'Ill\ I. 1t1ld1 I I 11• l•·,11k1:-.IJ1j1 11] lilt· I•':

1 ·1 1111'1l1i pii·:-.tli·nt ~Ii·,, Livii• Tlw\\'tll11n..'ll(•lp1·1..,\·,, 4


... ),. 'I Ill' tOl) ... 1:-. d 1111..' ,, j.!I ··d \\llll \\1 .... I \j l'llllt.1111 \:11\ ~-•• 1k I 'I lw (,11111wll I..\ :--.. \\1\l 1nt•tl 111tlt

I ~!1:-.. l·.111:1.1:-.t111 Tliu~d.1~ Jlct 1 '1'111• 'lt1lll'\ :\Jj•{(•I', I ]>a11 l\1.tll 11! !rt.i111] f{;tpi(b \l.'Jlll 1 rl

111i1,d1 11111 llLtl1· c.t111h 1,t l111ni.L11 at .l11h11l'utnam·.~111l\' rlay 1a ... t WL•(•k,

l~<L\1111• ac. I! \lr1tlh •1111 11111lJ!1111-.y 1 \Yrn:-;\tni Tuiilf'r11r Hi1t•.., ,)um:t11111

'.'IH'll\a11 1111•,... •111t•11•d l1\'llL·1111a11!1s11Hi11 11 ~,111l1sJarmln•1t"l"e11llyp111· \lllt·l,1·1l 111l'k••I \11•lt Ill t!J• ilt'l't:Ul·l('IJllSl!d••I( i'll'kW111lh

"•r.\[t1'l111,·\1n .. Tll1•.\l1111ev.\!Plt·r"1 \I' \I I I I I f . 1 . 1~s • 1a ~1111L l. '' i1 ias 11>1•11

\1• .1 ..,,,ri1· .... 111 111u·n·:-.t 111g 11w1rl1·11l" •l 1 1 1 '.\l \\" 1 1"·11 h,11l1,Pr 1 ... d1,1111a1w,Lllr ..,IJ1i\\'I :.1.!' puig H'I' tllt'l'L'. · l:-i. 111·" 11 •1

1 1 unwr l't'll!l!lt'd tll l1e1i111111c111 !:111•:-; n• 1w 111stlllk1l't1\ tlH 1 n111rn·r TlH'llS\Jl!'· Junell1Jn \\'vtllll':-.dai. riwnt Is 111 I ht• l!',ll tl1l!lJ!" t•I lilt'. •

The {il'l'otpd y11ung- pn1n1·Jwr wh11 Pll'· FA \'Oltl'l'E (_,'()lt~EHS. It r:-> Ill .... humble l'llUr~(' 1(1 a lnrg-1• s,1lary elsC'whcre: Lllf' p11r1r \\Hiow wl! 11 ~lb .\n~11ti ll11ag b !1t1 Llie :-<it\\ 11!'!t.

prize~ her cblldrl'n alH1\e l!olc!: the Flt!yll :>.t1tclwll li;1~ hN'll l'll\!<U.red Lo

"lrui.n:!111!-!' derk Wh(l:-;(' prilspt>et 11f a 1 L1•acll the llt•rnli :-.c·ll~1(1l lltlfne Is 111ore tc1 hlrn tl11t11 prefer111Pnt, l\tiin. tii ~1r. and 1lr:.. Erll!ar l}elrlc arc all ohh•et.·lest-iom; Lu the 11m11 uf :-,unduy. :\'oi. :!ll, a clau~lill'l" lnllllnns t.hat there arc many th!ng-:-1 I ~I . in \He whleh inuney etuinut liuy, and

1 •.is." lkatrkc ldli.-i.111 lrn •. 'i Leen \l't'S

•nueh In life beyond wen.Ith. s t·.k Lhl' .1mi-,\ \\PPk but b better at '. lh!S Wl'lllh)!.

i\tieo.lllJ(Hn Vhrhoit.lan Eiulci\\Or i Myron Hud1r>slf'r uf Lansing is !Hmic l>ay. and expct:L.'i to sla)' and \\ork his

• I fatl1cr'~ fnnn tlw c11mln1-r \'cnr -A1nonl-l' the plans dl~eussecl at the I · · ·

meeting of Lhc omccfs u( the Mlcli!- The L. A.H. nr tills plaee will mceL i.mn UhrlsLlan gndell\'Or 1·n1un1 llc\ci WtL\J ~1i~. A11.a:'1urnl!l'y ul J•:ut11n Hap­;it. Sll~lnn.w recently, wa.'i tho cclcbrit· ldH \\ cdne!-irl11y. :'\•1\', :m. tur 11 IJ!Jt­tmn o\' 1llchl~lln Clll'iSLian Endc1t\'UI' luck dinner.

l~n1cst \Vise and i{uth HatCman were the g-uc~t~ n1 the l<Ltter's brother D1ln Batcn1an and \\II\., of the ell~ unc cli1y rccc1,1lly.

There l1ns hecn a gri·ul deni or ta.lk fur 1'tl.HnoLlmo ur a miln :-1traytng llrnuu,1 In the w11ud:-. west of here and people h11d l"Otten tu spenk 0r hlm Ii." tllc Hwlhl 1111111 11 anr! or crn1r:;c U\"cry one was 1\nxlou:-. tu bo the one to can; turo him. But. \Y. (;\oui.:h ancl B. Haymer Sl.!Ctu to hC i11r; "\UCl\y·unCS-tU · Clll'l'Y off the honors Of the ettptUl'C.

. , .




Men's, Women's

and Children's

. ,, . iir ~• • I


Hanigan ARTICS \

Men's, Women's

and Children's

Banigan Felts and Rubbers, Banigan Sox and Rubbers, Batfigan Rubber Boots.·



The above cut represents 65 cases of Rubber Goods, also the force of clerks to wait on our many customers.


Our Clothing Sale is moving the clothing right along, and if you want some of the good things you should come early.


Ladies' Skirt Sale is offering some rare barg!lins. Don't let them pass, an.d then regr~t It afterward. We are also making some good price5,on shoes.

11111111111111111111 ,'-)

Our Hardware and Tlnwal'e trade .Is lncreaslng{ight along, and this indicates_that the rlgltt goods at lo.w prices. ls a winner. ·




• !


I THAYI\:SGIVING SEUVICE. TERSE TOWN TOPICS •••••••!1 tutereStiug Gathering at ihe .

.Ha.()ti!it Ul•nrcb In the E\•en• BOOKS Ar:i the most appropriate and appreciated of CHRISTMAS. GIFTS, a~·~r;;ur stock this ye~r presents .to you the opportunity to obtain<tlie BEST AND MOST POP·

. ULAR BOOKS, either for yourself, your family or friends /'

Af,a, Very MODERATE COST ·The prices begin at 14c per volume for large 12 mo. sizes of Popular Books. We invl~ you to call and inspect the line, whether you intend to buy or not.

Wilcox & Goddi'ng, n,.ugrrists and


Agelzts for RE __ )(A LL ·i?e1/neazes.

NEW THINGS Pin.t-()-~risp, a delicious tuflj' nncl pop corn. Candy sprinkled with c.:oconn.tt, put up 'in l1nnclsome red p11stebonrd pails-line eating and catches tbc eye of the little !Olks-ttl! for ;""1c. Pop Corn. sugared, in small sacks, ror 1c. Sri I tell Pc:lnt1ts nncl Hot ll.oasted Pennuts. Ba.mums lnr !flt, 15c antl 20t: tloz. Na,·el Orari.ges1 just in, sweet and seedless. ~\ 11icc Syn1l1 Cup, [il!ed 'vitb prepared mustard, for 20c

Our Stnte Line (Pa.) Buckwheat Flour is here nnd <::tn't be heat·

on. Pioneer lOc s~ck prepared Rnek\\ he:1t. it m:ikes light nnd

puH)· cakee-try the1n-and fiml tliem nt the


The following are the prices paid fo

1 produce by our dealers, correctea up · tu the time of g-olng to press each l Thu1sday afternoon: , Beans1 per bu. . . . . .. . . . . . $1 :m J Wheat . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.15 Oats, per bu .. . .. .. . .. . ..... ., ~~1,

I Rye, per bu ....................... 77c

I ~utter, per lb ...................... 15c Eggs, per doz ...................... ~2l'

I PotatueS, per bu 1 ................. :me II ides, per ,lb. . .. . . . .. ....... 6c Calf Skins, per !b .................. lie Chickens. 9c Fowls....... ic Ducks ................. , ... Sc

KNAPP GROCERY .. COMPANY, Sheep Pclto ................... lOC@75c I Bogs, live wt, per cwt .......... !4 50

~"'"'!!!!"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"",_ ____ ...,,.....,.....,.....,..., ........ ..., .... ...,...,"'! i Hogs, clre:ssed 1 pef cwt., ........ $0 00

~'OR SALE-A new book cnse, siugfo glnot< front. ali;o oeuond·hand berl room suite. Inquire of W. W. Ashley.

i Cattle................. L (111 :i1 a, I Fine llne of faney china ware at

I \Yhitehead 's.

Ing. The annual Thanksgiving service

was held ot the llopM•t church, last Thursday eve~lng, and although there was a very goo<I attendance. it Was apparent that there was not as much inter.,.,t mablf.ested """' years past, when such entbnsta&,le workers tor sulferln~ humanity "" Dr. A. o. Dut­ton, Philip Leonard, and otliers, made it a point to call Ille pe<iple out to th~!lllt~~·

The senlce was opened by an OfllaD voluntary by Mrs. ~'red Mendell, fol­lowed by singing the Il<>•ology and a

Short Items Conce1·11ing This, That and the


hymn. assemble In churcb on the day set Prayer was offered by tbe pastor, aside ror fastlni 11.Dd praver-wblcb Is

Rev. W. W. Hick&, and Rev. R. E. now changed to !e.,tlng and hilarity Meader read the ootb psalm. The -and thank the Ruler o! the Universe choir sang an anthen1 and Rev .. Hicks ror His goodness. Perhaps there are announced the sermon by Rev. A. W. some tba.t have nothing to be thaok­Bond, pastor of the Uon~regational tu! tor; but I wa• thankful tbat I did church. . . not have a b.IK pile or money to cause

Mr. Bond belie\•ed in a ge~ulne me sleepless nights, Jest sc meoae Tbanks~lvlng service and he thought might break into my abode and klll tlle people might find tlm,e to attend me to secure the same; and I was also such sel'\'lce to be held In ~he m~!!Jg thankful to think J had a friend frcm or the day, os he didn't like tl/e Idea whom r could borrow a !nil dollar of preaching to people whose stomachs with whlcll to bl!)' nw dinner at the were too full. His reference to tile hotel. Very few people lla\'e nothing llistor.r Club Aunl\'fJrse.r)'. tirflt Thanksgi\'lng' sei·\•lce held on tile to ~Ive thanks for in this world. ti The ladies or The History Club cele4 ;

rock4 0ound sbt•res of 1\1assachusetts *** brated tlie tenth annh·ersa.ry or the was full or interest. and his ur~ln).{ of '(Thereis a big ditference between c~ub, :Monday afternobn, No\'. 28, loot, a more deYout annu:d obsei\·ance of this town and Charlotte, 11 ~m.id an ob4 at the home of Mrs. :Mary Lilf'P.ver. ' the day met with expressions uf ap4 server the other day. "One would After a. s.hort business meeting- and p~·oral from many or his hearers. He thin!.: the two towns were not in the tit tin~ remarks on the c1ulJ's' hiiittory did.not o~pose the bountiful ThanksM sa·me county and had the s:i.me laws li)' tile president :Mrs. Garr~ the Ii.idle~ ,L.r!\'lng- dinner, but he .ra.'·rn·e<l an acM to ~orcrn them. in Charlott.e the I \\'ere entertained h)' the plctu?es or knowledgment to the D1v1ne Ruler be- ~a.loons and hotel c.niues lla\·e slot i tt1c '".Jerc1niah Scro~gin's' Fu.111Jly"· fore . 1 ndulgln~ ou.r appetites. · I 111acillncs ot' all kinrls in full blal'it 1 I which were shown arid described by

l\l1ss l\1abel Field san~ a beautiful . · · - d , d solo at tlie ccinC\usion nf tlle sermon while there is noth1n~ of tbc kind alM one 0f the e:scen ents. A socliil time A cullection was talrnn fu; the pt~or 1 lowefl to operate in th ls city. •r1w followed, also a Hpot luck" supper,

anrl tllc funds dl\'lded between the M. I runninl{ ut these device!; mar be dif· c01npr!sed of an elaborate menu. The E .. Baptist, Congre).{ational and M. P. 1


fercnt111 the two towns; but it is a parlors were decorated with cbrysan~

cl~f1~h~~rvice was c!c.serl by singing cleac\ ecrlainty th~t the Ea.ton Uaplds I themums and munations1• the dininii ''America,'' and tl1e bened ictinn. ollicer who permitted tl1em tn run f<'Olll wlth roses and smilax, wblle

__ M _M • -· here \'Cry long would be wltlH1ut tl job palms wer1~ scattered throu~hout the Tl1e change in time on the Lake I before he \\new It. I thought it wa,.; rooms. Thr\1ll).!h the efforts or Mr:;.

&;hClre railroad. which went into et'-1 the duty ut' the sheriff tu St(i{J such LaFe\'et· and the Soch.l committee feet on Monda.\". only e!lects the two·, suhems; but lf they ate to run rn CharM


. the afternoon was a very enjoyable trains In the atternoon. The train! latte, why not let them ~u here·r• · nnc; and all dec:lared the tenth anni-uorth now leaves this station at 4:10 I *** rersary lonJ,! to be remembered. They

rore. I law ls one ot' the real wonflert'i nt tile ber. Roll call at 2.:30 p. m.

p. n1. and the southbound t1ain leaves ll Speaking-. of the law in re~ard to, will mcetn:t the home of ltfrs. Franc at 4::48 p. 111., inste:i.d of 0:Hl a::; hereto· ducks, an old hnnter says: "The duck I \Vill~ins durin.,::: the month t•f Decem-

~!!!"!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~""""""~ ---·-·~._ ........................ """""' ................................................................. ~ ........................ ,......,.. ..................... .;.....,. ....................................... ........

TRY BEFO.RE YOU BUY The only real way to test a Stove is to use it. To sho\v the possibilities of modern Stovemaking •. '"e have arranged for a unique and instructive

COOKING • --• EXHIBIT Every Lady \vho comes will be presented with a Handsome and Novel Souvenir. We are going to show you just what can be done \Vith the splendid

20th Century Stool Laurel Ranae

Dec~ 5th

\Ve will show you what a Fuel Sav~r it . is,. how biscuits can be baked, using only a paper smoke pipe; and how ·strongly it is made. Do9't fail to ,come; this will be the most practical Cookjng Exhibit ever made.

.,.r I

to Dec. 10th,

Page 2: wife TALKl CHRISTMAS·Jan 12, 2021  · cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. t1rnc lilJ fiC.t ll1r:' type lur c,.acll !s!i.ur, ·your cr1py 8iloulcl.

Car goes and

tro1• Parttes

Jfyiftl would be long, guard your ot.o11U1ch. Most cases of s1ckncs!I and death are traced to the stomat::h. A d1Sordcrcd otomach &huts off food nourishment-the active prlnc1plc of hfo. No other d1Seuse accomplishes this as quickly or OD elFectivcly aa dyspep'1•. Docs >our food dlStrcss you I Does a bitter flmd me in your throat? Arc y0u weak and d11.zv 1 Docs everything appear dirk when ym1 •uddenly •traiahten up from a bent poo1tlon r )s there n. bud taste in} our mouth and u vour breath foul? Do , 011 cxocriencc a sense of 1mpend111g calamity~ Arc ) ou becoming tlun nm] haggard I Then you have dy•pepsta ! M'my people tlunk these •ymplorns will paRS aw•r of their o"n accord.

not! Dyspepua mwer c11r' y 1t1elf-cvcu the best s1 ten ti:; ts often f111l to cure 1t \\ c know of but one remedy that w1ll posit1vely cure this disc isc­

Rcxnll J), spepSJa T11blets. These tablets furn1:;h the one element ncccss11ry to enable the:

ston1.tl h to digest food aud to 11-galn tukc up Lhc work of supplying nour­l::ilurn.: r>t to lhc funnshcd bod).

\ t!l a\ c seen thc1n ell eel mnnv nrn.rvclons cures \.\'c do not know of n. 61 n ·l~ 1n:;lancc "hl r1 tl11) ~11lcd to g1c11ll) hencfit the sufferer

\\~\\ant~ ou tJ tn ]lex ill l)J spc11:;11~ 'lnblct~, and ngrcc lo return ~our 111onc\ lf) ou 1uc not more th Lil sol1sficd with Lhe rcjlllt. .. Pncc 25 centa per fuU 11zr.: packaie.

Ouly "t our •tore or by mul


Electric Wiring, Chandelier~ ... and Supplies ...

Ollr \\ llCllH~n cl II ni1w "()\ kmi.:- \JI f ltlrin H1tp1rb, 11nrl \\Ill make JOU li,l(ll l l':i {II ('\ 111 \ Lhlrl.Lf

1n 0111 \1nc

\\ c: c:ai 1 \ the 1.1ri.c1 sl \lnl' ot ( l11nrlt lle1s In Lhc :it tll r uL:iHli nf Dct1ult, ~incl L 1 ( 1xt1tll

lJ!.!P u Lme!IL Is n1n\ p1e1i111cd Lo m,tnur 1i..:Lt111 oo ~lunt nr tlcc an} hpc!.'ltl l1xltlfUi Lii ll

m 1~ Uc nc~clcd

'\Ve ,111 just ripenln~

the hol1cl l\ L1.llk

mclll!; 1nd \\(\\ill glH

i1Jc tlou 111 U1e '.\orl1

Cavital Electric Engineering Companr [. V. Kinney, Mgr. 117 Michigan Ave. £, Lansing, M1ch1gao

Mix :-i 11!11c~ ,1n<l the} \\Ill hnHi pr11111pL nlt!.!ntlr n


NOW IS TJIE, TIME TO BUY Owing to the recent atlvan<:es in price it will

he impossible to sell SOFT COAL AT. SUM·

Vo~r grandfather used it long before you were born.

It Is known as the LINIMENT of LINIMENTS.



and 111 the hne of

Sweet Goods and Home made

Fried Cakes We arc ••ire to plcnsc th c most lnst1<hous taste a

Mark 'J'hc G1ot:1 i

Eat At Khort Order Co Jkllll-!' L11nd1ui if all kinds

0) steis any sty le

' \nheuse1 Busch n.nd II H l111lc BeerK

India Pale Aler n rltnugliL

llatpcr's ji'amou' \Vhl,l<e)

WM. D.


C>lllhJlUnth 11~ f• I


Gra1n, Provisions and

Stock Brokers,

Official Chicago QuoltJd ever~ rn tlltnlJ(OS

Prompt ••n 100

Dally soLtlcmuu ts

Herbert W. Knapp MANAGE.A

USTANG _INIMENT Has earned the title of

''Pioneer of Liniments'' It will stop pain and heal all

hurts quic~er than any other liniment you can use.

Good for J"l>\N and BEAST.

A '11ho11Hn.nd l)olln.rH' \Vo1 th ol Good.

A II •r1~uneH, a well known conl opera.tor ot Hutlnlo 0 1 w1JteH 11 have boon 1~11\lctcd with kJancy and hladder trouble iar yca1s p11SRlng J.i:ravel or BtoncH with excrnclatlnl.I' pain J f.{Ot no relier from mecllclne~ until I hel(lLn taking J'aley's Kidney Uu1e1 then trhc result WllH s111prlHlng A few doses started tlie brick duRL like tine stones n.nd now 1 111no no pa.In

Larl{C AM;ni t.mrnt of Lamps




Ibo IT NOW IO Per Cent Off Sale

... on all ...

Felt and Sox Rubbers

This sale includes Mi.shawaka---The Ball Band Felts and Rubbers

Now is your opportunity to save 10 per

ce11t. on your

~ :c m 0 0 u 0 -o, m ~ ~ -< m

CREAM We want your cream

phone uK for hlghe•t and contract

Agenll! for Lhe DcLa1al ardtor

Page 3: wife TALKl CHRISTMAS·Jan 12, 2021  · cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. t1rnc lilJ fiC.t ll1r:' type lur c,.acll !s!i.ur, ·your cr1py 8iloulcl.


Our •eckw11r lsnrtment is alost coi11plctc. \Ye are ShO\\.'ing at pvpu­Iar priL'cs, styks that

ire up to the Minute. .>OO \\,.hitc Embroidered Tu111-ovcrs In neat· dair~ty patterns. ReJ,!ular lOc g-1-a.cle at lie.

Tlltluncls of H1ndkerchl1fs ef the Best llnds priced low for quick selling. See display in front of st,!Jre.

le Colored Oorder1 hemmed cambric handkerchiefs, \'alue 3c.

2c Ladies' hemn1ed, white cambric bandkerchlefs, \'alue 5c.

.!Jc La.dies' hemmed, pure hnen handkerchiefs.

lOc Good Swiss embroidered handkerchiefs, value 15c.

lillc Pure line11 emlroidered handkercniefs, \"alue 25c. Betler grades up to !t:!.00. '!' · -

Underwear Sp1cl1ls Th1t ire Corkers

Eaton Rapids,· Michigan ' '

Successor to -Tucker &-Gallery----

·a Few Re111rk1bl1 HellerJ Specl1l1 7c per pair Fast black children's school hose, with double sole, heel

toe and knee.

10c Ladies' last black,-Heeced nose, value 151.

Just a Word In Regard .to Hosiery

We carry the celebrated Wayne Knit Line, which received the grand prize at the St. Louis exposition. They are known the country over !or their wearing qualities and superior dye and· ttnish. Try a pair and you will have no others.

Domestics 1t Prlc11 luch Len Th111 Usu1I 4jc per yard All om· best prints. A lar~e stock to select from.

1)c Good heavy outings, in light and dark colors, value ic.

Lew Prices 11 Llttte T~hlgs le per card Best Besamer steel hump hooks and eyes.

::c per box Best English mourning pins.

3c Best nickel safety pins, all sizes, value 5c,

10c per pair Fancv frilled nose'impporters,• value 15c.

Bren ....... q.1111111 Hip, Prlc11 Low 311e per vard All-wool whip cord, In colors and black. strong and

durable, new, this season's goods, regular 50c grade.

r>Oc per yard Scot-0h tweed suiting, iiO Inch°" wide, ,·alue 75c,

In this department .we are especially fortunate, In that we are able to serve you with the bost 'known fabrics direct from the manufacturer, tlicrcby ~ivlng you a better grade for the same nionev or the same quality !or less than It can be bought else­where. A comparison will convince the most skeptical. ~

Towels 1t Brt1tly Reduced Prices :Jae each Ladies' extra lieavy, fleeced tlat underwear, sizes somewhat ~ to~ Ladies' extra !leavy, lleece knlt \'ests and pa1;1ts. sizes up to ti,

recular 2-?c grade. -l!c Extrd hea\'Y unbleached muslin, full yard wide.

l :-Jc per yard Best A. C. 0. Ticking, guaranteed to hold feathers, value 17c.

bruken. but re~tllar .:ioc grade while they last, :r_;c, · ~ J Oc each Est..ra quality, hemmed. or fringed towels .. Thefie arc a

~ood value at 2.3c. · ' at+c each Lael ic1'~ i;rray, hea rr l\eei.:ed knit \'Csts, sizes up tu ii, regular 1 Hl' caeh 1Ien 's double bren.sted 1 natural gray nLndum nndershirts,

~-'-'O_c_g_ra_d_,_·t_l_1i_s_11_·c-ck-·.~·l\_lc_.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~-'--'n-1u_s~t-a_il_s_l'_·c_s.~va_l_u_e_:l-Hc_.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-·...,;·_~_:_J_11_c_e_ae_i_1~F-i-ne~d_a_m_ru_sk~ll~n-e-n-t-o-w_e_ls_,_r_eg-u_i_a_r_5_1lc~q-u_al_it-y-.~~~~- @

J L BO.YAN- SuccessortoTucker&Gallery . ~ ;

• • 1'_ ' Eaton Rapids, flich. ® . ® ~®~~®®~~®®®~~®~~~®~®~®~®~@~

..... TEA

Jt is the best. rrry it and lw


.rfhe Journal ls all home printf with

local llBWs on pa~es one, three, four,

live, nix ·and eight. Our adrcrtiscrs

1.·a1 ty :L!-:i p11shlhle.

Lr1c:al 11Pws cin pa!.(Ps :J anrl o.

(.'ur1·y Ilic ko; 1eu1rncrl t.o Ypsilanti Ll11s week.

!-;upt. \Von·estcr w!ll occupy the p11l­µ1t r1f tlw ConJ.{rCJ.{iltional ehureh on Surnlay mnrnmg.

:\Ir. aml ~In;. f•', \V. DcGolia enter­tained LlH; Eat(in Haplcls .whlsL elub

- \Vedoefiday C\'cnlng. J\[lf:l.~ Flossie Kemler returned t-0 her John J. Milbourn )!iss )faucle R nunter or this citv stu<lie' at Ypsilanti Sunday.

The' Dru gglst. was recently married to Mr. Chas. ,J. Dr. A. G. Sheets wa.s· in Lansing on Lamson or llattle Creek. Tuemla.y, on professional business ..

The Co-operative store has bargains Miss Allie 1-llller returned· home In their advertisement on page:~ or this from Port Austin last ~londa.y even·

G~nn:i:m::t'1J:l:l.l:lj issue ur The .Journ~l. Read it. Ing. L NEWS, !j · 'I'here will be election or unlcers at Grover Gale has hacl a rela!l"<l o! ty·

, , 1

• ,, p the L. 0. A. B. meeting Friday. Ail phold fever and Is in a critical condl· r .tlir.lJrJ:!l:t;:i;n;.J •. I filPmlJers are urged to be present, tion.

PeariM&rsball ls the new relier op- The shoe st-Ore or L. A. Bentley & Fay Spaulding and' wife n! Battle ' erat-Or at t.he telephone exchange. Son, and the dry goods •t-Ore o! ,J, L. Creek visited at Sam R Hamlin'• last

The o~d1Beloap homestead on Ca.nal Bryan have many bargains to offer to week. •treet has been given a coat or paint. patrons. Seo the opposite page. E. C. Or.born was ca.lied to Detroit

There will iJe a regular meeting of The Sunshine ciuh will meet at M"'. last week to attend the funeral o! a the FARtern Star )O<~Ke nexti 'fuesday H.elen Vaul(ha.n·'s on Saturday arter. siRter. evealug. . noon, and all who wish to assist in I. N. Reynold!i and Mr. and )lrs.

Dayton. the photographer1

has on LhlH wurlc are invited to lie present. .r. II. Stirling were In Che.rlottc on exhibition in trontothlf; FitucllnRample!'i Hert Crawford of Itllac:L, W. O. Monday. -of his worJ<.-Tbey a.re ''ery fine. Watson of Breckenridge, Olm .. ~. Brown W. ~-Drown amJ famil.v of w'ililamJ.io.

Thew. F. }(_ s. or the Robbins M. of Alma, and Dr. Wheeler of Hr.. Louts, ton spent Sunday with W. D. Wa~-E. church,Wlll meet with Mrn. Bert were m thl~ clt.y this week, ma.kinK ner's folks. Toplltl, next Wednesday, for dlnnct. friendly v1s1L.-; to Dr. Jjrarlley. Aa1·on Da.vls of Alma., was In the

'Ihe G. A. Jt. will elect otllccrs at 'l'he .Juurna.l has averaged one new city to \'isit his brother N. IT., a part suhscrilJer each da.y fol' the pai;'it severl of la.st week.

the next regula.r •lrieeting aml ererY member should elth~r he r1n lmncl ul'

IJeAat.islled with the result E. H. Hart, the tailor, t't•ll and so

8e,•erely ln1rt tllrnself w!Jill' \111!\'lng a henvy Iron svrre, that lll' l1a1• li,Pt'll

conlinc{l to his room all tlll' \\'1•1•k.

ilays, ancl this was done wiLlwut any Dr. 11. )1. Callen and wire r11' 1{11111-

sulic:iLing-. Our city and rural list is mmmo spent Tha.nksj!lvinl.{ with .l, ll!JW rnueh !:Lri.;er than ever hefr1rc, and Carr's per1ple. ;uhe1·tiserx sll11u]([ make a null' 11f this I Mayor Sheldon ate 'J'hunk:-Jl{iving

f:u:L. Lurkey w!tll Fn1nk Monr1ie un th~ \"11,11 ll.JI' 1nv1Led ti~ 8pea1·s $,'. Seo- i.;ounty line.

!iPld·,.., lmrdwa1c all ul next \\eek, tu Chas. s. ·lhJTncr is in Hpringllclcl, witnt'~S tJ1c wor\cing- (if tlw Laurel Ill., un business cunncctcd wltt1 the steel liLllJ!('. which will lie {HJ exhihi- ~[h.'llig-;ui l'eat Co. Llfln 1111rn )!onc\ay until Saturrlay •, ".\lrs. Ashl-ey Handal!, wJ1o luis been

LuildiHg on It anrl m;t!a· il intu a nighL Th(~Y a1e at the l1eud <JI' llH• \'cry siek fur a numlJer !if weeks. Is modern resirlencc. niokrng- ran~e~. ·some better today.

Hnullcv and 'Minnie ha\t' liuug-hl Llw lots ju~t nortl11J! Ccor)!P Hu111st') 's brlrns and will mo\'C 1,lH· n\d Sl1t'rd

Dr .. r. B. Bradley l1as a111Ha1nt·1·rl Llml he will•:Lp~pr11nt .Ja1111·s l•:lliHt.l or 'fec1t111seh a!'i chief clerk in t.lw a11ditur j!CnC't<l I'~ tle.partmen t, tc 1 hlll'l'l'c'1i

Gecnl!e ~r. Dewey lit' Owu1"0s11.

Tl1e next. attrRcLlon at, Uw oµL•ra homH• wlll IJe Frank Ada.ms in "'!'m•lt' Her., n 000 Of ·the new cuinr.d It·~ ( 11' tlH' day1 wiUt a 0ras."i band anrl .o;1qwl'IJ tit'~

clicst,ra. ~ t will be hcl'I' l>t•t·. :!ll.

The W. t<"'.. 'M, ~.or the ~1. JI~. 1'IH1r<'ll will nt<..:oei with i\lrs. A nws 'J'opli/1 nr.~t WedneRda.y, Dec.';'. wl1en it i:­de.<.;1rcd that all those hnvini.r tl1e llttlP 1iL01:kl°"'-rs will brln~ Llndr contents.

Mr. Uenry Uarper Htoppecl l1ere l:t't 'fhurada.v on his wa.y rrom t.hc nortll­cr11 parto.t the state, where he wenl with a· hunting party. Ile l"<tptun•d c.me deer. JJls wJte, who haci het•n \'1fi1Ling numerous relatives lien• ae­Crm1pa.nied hliD home.

~r .. Jcdni Leisenring was \'en· p!ent>­nntly surp.rlscd on comln!-(' J111111e un

Tl1esc1a.y evenln1.r_, ~o tlnd till' parli1r tilled witlt his many friends and r•la­th·~~. Aftier partakinlo{ of a huuut lful 1rnppcr Ile Wai preRentcd wltll a ht'[LU­tlful leatber .rocker, It l1ei11g- Id~ 'i~d birthday.

J1ra111 Dm1ml~sirnwr Chas <.:arr had Mrs. W.atrcn Sheldon ls spending a a ~ll'!Jkc (Jr µaralys1s soon <LfLcr bllild- week ir;i rl'uledo with her daui.:-hter, m~ tlif-' ffi'Jl'l1inJ.{ lil'c last Hat,urday. Mrs. Borr Anderson. llis entire lcfL siclc is affected and tl1e a.rm !S u.Jm1ist helpless. JI !s friends l1di1:;ve tl1:n IJt• will recuver Jf tile. llrHl stroke 1:-; not l(1llowcd Uy anuthcr.­ClrnrlriLLP 'J'nlJune.

\\'_ C. Cupp will sell ~4 sprjng ca.h'es 1 .20 head yearling-!\ and two-ycar-11lc1.'>, (j l:OWS, ;j bruurl SOWJ.i, 20 pigs a.n<l shuats, ;,a brDud ewes and a J.\OOd IXJl­son phaeton t.:arriai.;£: at aur:tlon at ills 1c~Jdenee near the Brickyard school Jiriuse, next Tucsclav afternocm, begin~ nlng at (me o'clock, wlt.h )[. r.. Hurd as u.uction!:l'r.

:Mii.;s Genc\'ieve VanDctJsen was ho1ne from her school dutieR in Albion a few days 1afit week.

Mr. and )lrs. B. S. Woodworth w-ere in Hastings on 'l'lm.nksgiv1t1K da.y, W Vl!';it ·their son and wire.

Dr. R. ,J. Hyde and family were in Deti:oit over Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cadwell.

Mr. and ]IJrs. L. ,J. Dann ot Claar­latte were the J.{UCsts O( .las. IT. Parks and wife on Tuesda.v.

Oeur"'e WagJ.{oner of Le.n&l.ni.c waB Llrn g-uest of hls t:ilster and husband, M. J. Powers and wife, over Sunday.

WE 'Vant 1your Grocery tralle we have the goodR ancl prices'tbe lowc."1t. See Crr.:am Hon non candles made

to sell for 2.>c our price lOc. 4 Orown seeded ~aslns full

puund lOc. . ~ The best Butter crackers 7c.

Package coffee 1-lc. Hice three kinds', very cl1cap. Canned table syrups.

We have just received ·a. fine line or dainty llox paper which will please the most fasticlJous . Prices runge from IOC to !!!1.00 a Box.

Seeley's cooking extr~ts. Good i;aleratus per pound 5c. Lots or bargains. We give tickets which will get you ele­~nt china.

We have writing tablets and . envelopes \jo endless variety. Calling card81 announcement cards and envelopes to 1natcll.

r:trHigh .. t price fot your Butter and Egga;

It will pay yo11 to tnule at tbe Big Store.



Small pox at Chelsea. Battle Creek policemen have got to

squeal on the saloons to Rave them­selves.

To much clothing on band, and must reduce the •took by January 1. Buy while we are anxious to Rell a.nd save from 12.00 to 15.00 on every suit or overcoat. Notice the low prlcet1, come in and see the quality.

George Ryan, burglar, ls on trla.I at

.Tacksoh for the murder of his pal, For ~Jen's All-wool S:.ilt.'i, Frank Shoemaker. I $8,95 vaine *'"and $15.

•3 89 For Men's and Youth's ex· • • tra heary

Warburton 1s Kreen house was dr.- . $G._OO and $8.00, stroyed by fire :Monday night, the los.-; $8 96 For ~Jen's A.ll·wool Over­amountJnj.l' tu $2 uoo. I • coats, 10 style.c:i to select

:Marshall has' the roller ska.tin~ from, value $1~ and $15. $10,25 For Men's All-wool

I value $Hi and it.18. fever. Ice skat,fng is ,,rood enuui,:h for $ . For Children's 2-plecc Hui ts, Eaton Rapids people. :· l,25 value $2,2.5,

Albion want.f.: to give the electric; Specia.l prices on CbiW.rcn1:-1 1ightini;c company u :lo years' fran- 39 l)er pair for 'Roy 1s Knee Pants, cllisc. Ten year:; would he a Jong C \'[tJue ::ioc :tnrJ ri.i~. eoat.~ and Suits.

time. I A. ~Iarshal rna11 claimed he had 1

been robbed nf $JOO, but the justice I wa.>; too foxey to believe he ever harl I that amount. S. AMDURSKY

Wm. S. I1111nphrey, assistant cl1ie.f 1

cl-erk of t,he r..udltor genera.l's depart­ment 1s slated for reappolntnient hy Audit.or General-elect Bradley.

The On~ Prlce 0a."1h Dry Goods and Cluthlng !louse,. Eaton. Rapids, )lichll!an. !'hone 25t-:l.

Our Clothing holds the place none else can hnld 1

lH alwa.ys hrlJ,\'htr, whosever else µ;rows old.

Up-to-date • 1n Selection


Embracing al!'it does cru·p,fully chosen examples of the inspirations ot-the world's best tailors "


0 UR CLOTHING Shows what apparel for men can be fashioned when exqnieite taste is brought into use iu its production

Clothing That is Made to Fit and Fit to Capp Ulothiug and Leopold, Morse & Oo. make are brands that are known all over this conntry. If yon· want n 8UIT, PANTS or COAT, we have the best

• •

'11he tar' rate tor this year is *~.:!.-< per tboulilllld ,\·a}ua.tion in tile eit.y, the same BM u, was Ja.~t year. Tiit• ttJLa\ aRf!CMment or the city Is \ll\ILh

·greater than ~Mlt year and th(' ralA' woulr1 be Jetiii, 0nly that we nrc p:iy­ln1i: t5,000 on tlte electrlc 11..chL pla111

'" \hi• winter.

Cl1arle• Lcmmls of Illllsd•le, who J1a.s l.Jeen visiting the family of J\.lu.rk ~rord 1 returned home Saturday even-

,).ng. F 0 R ·Mrs. Ilelen Vaughan, who returned ,, HOLIDAY


We have the finest line or

Rubber Good& we have e\~er

Rhown In our store a.nci at,

prices to RCll them.

bfJme rrom Cilarlotte on ~londa.y, suf­fer.ing from a severe cold, JR 'now much better.

Heputy Auditor General John Wil­kinson of Lanslni,: was In towo \Ved­neftday In consultation with Auditor General-elect J. B. Bradley.

)(rs. Floyd Harwood o! Jackson has been visltln~ her sister. M'rs. Chas. Vaughan, 1'1. part or tl1e week. Mr~ llarw<K>d was here on Tuesday.

Mr. and }In;, E. C. O"'born returne<l Crom Ionia la.'lt Monday even'lng, hav­inK, spent Thanksgiving. day with th{lir daughter, ~lni. A. }.[ont:tromery.

;\[lss 'Mn.ry Derby W ·" home rrorn Ypti1la.nti to f'(>end the Thank~lving va.ea.tlon, returning to her dLltleR as teacher Jn t.he Olca1·y collC'J(e on Mon­day.

Bert Disbro haR s9ld a carpet beater to everv lady 111 OnQndaga 1 Olmnnrln.lo and Charlotte and Intends t;o Invade

We have "the articlP.e. that will please the Boys of All Ages-Beautiful and Useful. Look them •iver carefully .

Fur-llnod 0"Wcrcoat8 of the Lat-est Patterns. \ ·

Dret18 Overcoets for the 8tyJish Dresser.

All of the Latest FMhionable Shades of 1004·5.

Fit the form and purse.

Soft Purttata Hat~ tor $1.60; fin­est makes *2.00 and $.1.00.

Derby Puritans, brown ur black, 82.00 and $:l.OO.

Flnma, Fur Caps and Choicest. Cloth Capt-; t'or old arid youn~.

FattQY WaBh VeMts In white for dress occasions.

SUk Veat• tn browa, black and white-absolutely correct.

Hosiery In the substantial Shnw, ]\'.nit, Lisle Thread, ~rerlno and Cashmere.

ALL Wom, Sw;~ATEH8-For Men 1(11.00 to $4.00; Boys, lil!.50. CuL1,.rns AND C1iFFs, FANCY SHIRTS from 1111.00 to 1(11.50.

MoNA1wu NmuT Sum1'8, made of the fineet l!'lamiellette. Neck wear, Four-in-II ands trom12i>C to~, and henutlrs.

A.ttQota, in all the latest colors, or Ll1c Seai«nr; :)(Jc nnci %LOO. Perrect beauties.

Stli;k PlaM, Collar and Cutt Butto1ut-A new as.1:;nrt­ment.

Winter 01ovew-in Silk~lincd Kid!i at !:l.50, .,.,.a.rm ~love lined with La.mp•s wool.

Wool (ilo"¥es for comfort·, and j111't the thing for a· Chrlstn1as G lft.

•F'ur lilovctt for those who have to face cold weather.

Wti Are Outfiitters ]<'or Travelers and if yon want the finest Snit Case we barn them nt $10, or n 8tlbAtantinl article ut $1. Also the Nobbieat Travel· ing Bags, Trunks and the n•liable Ill}(\ convenie11t Tele~cope.

Umbrellus of the l!'ine8t for Hift.s--Al"o the "olid Gloria coYers at *l.50 and n Fancy Handled, Hl'lll"~' Covered Silk for :1\5. We have bargnius for

· you he_re.


Page 4: wife TALKl CHRISTMAS·Jan 12, 2021  · cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. t1rnc lilJ fiC.t ll1r:' type lur c,.acll !s!i.ur, ·your cr1py 8iloulcl.

Plght \\ill Be Bittei

Tl1ose who '"!II persist 1n dos In~ the11 ea10 against the i.:ontlnual re commendation of Dr l-..1ng s illcw Discovery for i;o11sumpt1on wilt ha\e " ion11 and bitte1 hght wltl1 their troubles If nut ended ear lier bJ fatal termination Rea<1 "hat T R Beall ot Beall, Miss. has tH say Last tail my wife had e\cry symptom or con 1mmptlon She took Dr KlnR s ~ew Discovery a!tet e\er} thin~ else had failed Irnpto\ement came at once J.nd four bottles entlreb cured her fJuaranteed b} J J ~11\bourn druJl ~1st Price oOi. and ~l r1lai bottles f1ec


\VllJJ.,. Rogers t:; l{il!nlllll

Lee \\Inn \H~nt t I an~1ng day


~!l and Mrs. Charles Holcomb and two da.ughter'sof Albion, visited their parents last we@lt

~frs iraud Wilson con1mencmd ller winter term or school in district No 11 Aurelius last Munday




Elmer Stdl} h 1s a new can lai:e Harr) B1a.incrd retu1ned home from

Lhc \H!St Jn.qt 8aturda}

M1 rnd M1' ~'rnnk Wniworth < r He irlln~ '!sited at Jolln Wah\urth h

O\CI Sunday

Geo 8hidcm1rn and family and Mr and Mrs E J,llne 'lsiU'd In All11on the rore part ur the week

Nea1iy all the young people al this place attended the dance at the Brookfield h•ll last Thursday ernnlng

Mr and M,.. Warren Solomon of Ohari<Jtte vl•itcd at E 8ternn•' last Satu1day


E P Grinlth is building huuEte

Miss Mildred VanAllen spent '1er Tlianksgivlng v 1cation with he1 pa1 cnts

Geo C Grlillth is ha.Ing a well dug near the ten int llouse occupied by J uhn Cai cl well

~Ir uncJ Mr~ Elmore Fuller nt~ Tl1ankl-i~I\ In..: dlnne1 with the latte1 1s p lrent.ci. !11 Eaton Ha.plds

Rob McGre~( r o! iackson visited his cousins the Woodaid Bros last week

~!1s !Jelen Mvers of Winlleld was a recent viHit01 o! G P Hawkins and iamily

]\f\ss NettlB Southw01 th h~ heen cnte1 tnlnln~ her cousin, 'Miss Beulnh Oil 1 er of J aekson

Mrs HnrrletGmdon and Mt ti 1 .... ath e!lna Lincoln visited ~tu; N 1, ref.sot Sand .. tonc Bunda~

S1m11el White returned to hi• home In Ohio last F1 lday alter tliree week~ '!sit with rel.1t1'e•

Mr> ~' \\bite would like to know the whereabout• o! her llock o! tur koy • Each turkey I• marked

We understand that Carver John 110n has traded with M Mahoney !or Ills forty acres In thi• neighborhood

S E Markley and family, A E Brlptook and family and Fred Clarke and family spent last Thursday at Jas Clarke•

T H llyon and wile entert.alned Bert Lyon and !amtly, P Pierce and wile L R Lyon and wile and Mrs 1!1111.q and daughter 'J'hanksglvlnK

l! yon hoven 't time to prepare Hol· li•ter's Rocky Mountain Tea, It is now made in tablet form a.lRO Get a package alreadv to UHe Makes you well keeps vou well la cents at Wll cux & Godding'•

Wlrnn you reel like singing- sing Sighing will ne1er pleasure bring Le1u n to lau1ith JOU can lau~h nncl

laugh right By taking Rocky Mountain rea at

night Sold by Wilcox & Goddln~

Dry clscrns 1110 the order of day

The Grimm ramlly •pent Thanks Mivlng wlth relatives in Eaton Rapids

A Nbbetsr his child1en ror

entert1dned some or dinner on Thonksglv

ln11 Farmers are kept busy attendlnl(

the dlft'erent auction sales around the country

Uatherlne Gibbs has been spending a !ew days with her sotl Hugh In Grand Rapids

Mlsa Pearl Wlll!ams or Albion spent last week on the County Line with her parents.

James Rogers has moved Into the Peter ~!Iller bonse on the Rher road !or the winter


Sloan was in Oharlotte Mon

Geo Bailey aud !amilv have moved to L!Lnslnlr{ tor the w1ntc1

J;d I rnnch \!sited f1iends in Wil llamstun the lirst of tl1e week

~liss Ettlua Rinkle \)sited Mrs In Lunslnl{

Mi.s Oii1c I ddy was G111nd f ml~u \Vcd11cscl1ty b) o! nn uncle

C II heeie1 110 \\S\tlllJ.: 110! 1{} JtlH!I

~~~ .................. t .................... ~~ ~ ~

iC 0 AL m ~ 0 :t ~ . ~

10 G n E:q I'{'ss lo:l b H "UC< lal lM Exuro:-;s JOI Expresg

Cblcaqo J "II 111 ,J,:.

Al!:l ~ft!Oll l{~pldJ

Lal~ Shore & MICb. So. ~f' £Corroctt'1i No\'urubur ~5 lllW 1

Mr 11nrl ~!rs )!eweli MeAlliste1 of Wlnllohl spent 'Ihanksgl\ Ing with ~fl nnd Mis G P Jla.wklns

~ A Do Not Delay Putting in ~ ~ Your Winter's Supply :t a; \ai ~~ ~

:a; L of Coal Any Longer. ~ ~. " MIKs 1'1arhLn Fo1d leturnerl to he1

Rehm I In IiLokson l\fonday1 11fter spending he1 1acation at l1ome

Mr and 1\Irs \Vm Gordon wer"o called to Eaton Rapids by the se1 ious !lines~ or tile latter's b1other Jn law P A 01inttold

MIS! Alma fleynolrls wi]o is tenoh at Gra~s Lo.ke Is l1ome fur nn lndoll ntto time the Rehool tlrn10 bcln~ clo11ed because of sn1all pox

~ ~ \ai \ai w w \1i The ca1 shottnge which lnvnrlabl\ c:1. mes about th ls time ur \ti \6; tho yea1 will .,oun IJe on llfi and C<J1Ll \\Ill lle hiud tu ~et Remcm \f.i W bet tl1ls i111ppens u1e11 JCllr Wu now h111c plenty or <111 kinds or \.1: \ti CO\ L and c1u1 till u1de1s pt om pt h "

l Webster, Cob~ & Co $ ·~~.~!~~;;.~~~,80011 ~~~~~~~~~~~~: ................. ~~~ Open to the Public Dally.

Batb• or 11\ d11111erlpt~b1 Prof ,.10 1~! M~ aeauu R~l!llial anen\lon wt an to L11tllc•

·~~l~e BTr1r:a1m!trir!~d ~!~i ~111:~~0 In o ll on 1ppllc1Uon \o


kecpawa\ ... rlH11rn11,ll t1uul hs \Ve sell

LOWEST Eaton i..:!trnt,)

Uc f1ost IJlttCll lllci tlll' st


IIarness et.c f{p ncmbet \~e sell

Hall & Darling


L. A \\! 11!-.J \!\



\\le are m a position to handle large

and i;mall quantities Our

house i.s the most complete

middle west, and we can pa)

market pnces for prune goods.

poultn the Ill


us for prices.

Phone, 94-2,

c. W. sru'ftf, Manager.

dered In New ".erk Ccur.