Wickford and Runwell Team...

Parish Magazine January 2016 50p

Transcript of Wickford and Runwell Team...

Page 1: Wickford and Runwell Team Ministrywickfordandrunwellparish.org.uk/uploads/3/4/4/7/3447404/01_januar… · A Team Eucharist to celebrate . . . The Presentation Of Christ at the Temple

Parish Magazine January 2016


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Our regular monthly events include:

Every week: Tuesday Meet and Make 2 - 4 pm St Andrew's Centre Saturday Coffee Morning at St Andrew's Centre

First week of the month Thursday Mothers Union - Quiet time (from 11-45 am) followed by lunch and meeting Saturday Coffee morning in St Catherine's Hall

Third week of the month Wednesday Mothers Union - 7:30 pm Meeting at St Catherine's Hall Thursday Prayer and Meditation - 2 pm St Catherine's Church

Fourth week of the month Wednesday 'God Squad' - 8 pm St Mary's Vicarage Thursday House Group - 10 am at 2 Adam Way Saturday Men's Breakfast - 8:30 am (always last Saturday of the month)


Meet and make is EVERY WEEK on Tuesdays at 2p.m. to 4p.m so

please come and join us.

Don’t worry if you do not have a "project" going there is always something to

join in with, over refreshments, chat and laughter.

You can contact Val on 01268 732526, or Vicky on 01268 767440

Articles always wanted and welcomed

If you have enjoyed something, been challenged by something or noticed something . . . . then please write it down and pass it on to Jo (who assembles this wonderful magazine) and he will endeavor to make sure it is printed.

Many, many congratulations to Julia Glover for buying a new diary!

How many years did the last one manage?

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you all! Sadly, this will be the last time that I write the opening article for our church magazine here in Wickford and Runwell because, at the end of January, we, as a family, will be leaving the Parish to move to Orsett, Bulphan and Horndon on the Hill where I will take up the post of Priest in Charge. It has been a privilege to serve my curacy here and, as a result, the past three and a half years have flown by. During that time, it has been great to get to know so many of you. I have always felt supported and encouraged and, as we have shared experiences, laughter, joy and tears, enjoyed successes and I have sometimes made mistakes, you have taught me so much. And I know that all I have learned here will stand me in good stead for my future ministry, although I hope I won’t have to catch mice in my new parish!! And I hope, also, that I won’t get fined for driving in a bus lane!! This parish is blessed with a wonderful group of people, both lay and ordained. The dedication of so many from the three congregations who minister to others, often quietly and unnoticed, is something I will always remember. During my time here I have been inspired as I have seen Messy Church, under Carol’s leadership, grow from three or four children to thirty two children. Meet and Make, the group started by Vicky and Val, has developed from a small group of people meeting to knit on a Tuesday afternoon to being a large, thriving group, where there is always a welcome, a laugh and a warm friendly buzz and where people are able to support one another through times of joy and sorrow. Open the Book, the initiative to take Bible stories into school, has provided entertainment for all concerned. Most people on the team were reluctant at first due to lack of confidence in their acting abilities but, two years on, no

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one mentions that anymore. It has been a pleasure to work with both the volunteers and the children as we have tried to reflect Jesus’ love for all. The Gateway Project foodbank has been a fantastic collaborative effort between many of the churches in the town; the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal, headed by Elsie, a cooperative endeavour between the church, the schools and the uniformed organisations. And the enthusiasm and willingness of the WARY youth Group to try anything from camping, Bible study, archery, climbing, fencing, table waiting, leading acts of worship, to sleeping out in a cold building to raise money for the homeless, is something which has given me great hope for the future of the church. The above are just a few of the many good things I have had enjoyed being a part of since I have served in Wickford and Runwell. Unfortunately, this short article doesn’t afford me the words to mention all the positive experiences and inspirational people, but I will treasure each and every one. Before I came to this parish, the tradition of which, in church language, would be described as ‘liberal catholic,’ I spent many years in an evangelical church. Some would describe my move here as ‘going up the candle!’ candles featuring prominently in churches of a ‘higher’ tradition. But I think this experience has been invaluable. As I have stepped out of my comfort zone, I have learned to meet with God through different styles of worship and I feel all the richer, spiritually, for it. Those of you who know me well, will know that it is my passion to try to provide acts of worship where everyone can feel happy, whether they want to clap, genuflect or stand with their hands firmly rooted in their pockets and whether they like to sing traditional hymns or modern worship songs. I have caught glimpses of that here and, to me, they are glimpses of one aspect of heaven. I would like to thank you all, sincerely, for your hospitality and for the love and kindness you have shown to Phil, Thomas and me, since we have been in Wickford and Runwell. As we prepare to step out of the comfort of what has become familiarity, to move into pastures new, I encourage you, this

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year, to be brave and to be prepared to step out of your comfort zone and seek to meet God in a way that you have not experienced before. God is faithful and won’t let you down and, you never know, you might feel blessed in a way you never thought possible! Please do hold us in your prayers as we move on. Our final service here will be Candlemas on Sunday 31st January and my licensing service at St Giles and All Saints, Orsett, is on the evening of Wednesday 2nd March; you are very welcome at both services. Please be assured of our prayers for you in 2016. God bless you all, Sue x


The annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity comes in late January and often slips by scarcely noticed, as we recover from Christmas and prepare for Lent. This year we are doing things a little differently. On Sunday 24 January there is to be a grand 'pulpit swap' between clergy and ministers in Wickford and Runwell, including those whose churches have never possessed a pulpit. Salvation Army officers, Pentecostal pastors, the URC minister and at least some of the Anglican clergy will be setting off in unaccustomed directions that morning, to offer a new perspective to unfamiliar congregations, and to have the joy of sharing in worship which has a different shape and rhythm to their usual Sunday experience. We hope to host a varied cast of preachers at St Andrew's, St Catherine's and St Mary's. Please do make a point of being there to offer them the warmest of welcomes.


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A Team Eucharist to celebrate . . .

The Presentation Of Christ at the Temple

St Andrew's Church at 10:30 am

An opportunity for us all to worship together

Now, Lord, you let your servant go in peace:

your word has been fulfilled.

My own eyes have seen the salvation

which you have prepared in the sight of every people;

A light to reveal you to the nations

and the glory of your people Israel.




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'Follow me, follow me ............'

Our celebration of St Andrew's Patronal Festival this year was enlivened by the Team Rector's choice of offertory hymn. Such was the bounce and dance of the tune, that even those for whom clapping along in church is very far from their natural mode found themselves joining in with enthusiasm. (Jo, it made my day). Disguised in that dancing tune, however, was a deeply challenge message.

Follow me, follow me, leave your home and family, Leave your fishing nets and boats upon the shore.

Leave the seed that you have sown, leave the crops that you have grown,

leave the people you have known and follow me.

Yes, it's all there in St Andrew's story, and in the stories of many, many thousands who came after him. But surely it's not what is asked of us, here in Wickford and Runwell in the 21st century. We place a high value on family relationships, we encourage people to invest in their homes and communities, we don't want anyone to be foolish enough to wander off from a steady job ..... Surely that's not what is asked of us. Or is it?


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Yet another triumph! Every year this service has more people attending, more creativity in the music and readings. Those who attended (numbering well over 100) were given a treat of great delight. The traditional carols and readings were given deeper meaning through the reflections that tugged out the deeper meanings within our beautiful nativity story.

One of the irregular visitors to the church was heard saying how brilliant the event was and that he really enjoyed the extra readings sitting alongside the carols. Another spoke of how this has become the beginning of her Christmas celebrations.

The Team nature of the event was evident in that so many from the churches were there and took part. Special mention for the exceptional music group comprising of piano, French horn, clarinet flute and fiddle - perhaps next year others might be bold and join this mini orchestra of great talent!

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Likewise the small but effective choir helped lead the singing too. And the reading was of exceptional quality with many voices from the young to the less young and from all three churches. But what brings the most satisfaction was that St Andrew's drew in many from the wider community and many of us felt confident in bringing our "less-churchy" friends to a place where the worship would enrich them. Not many people will know the energy that goes into producing a service of this quality and we must all thank Canon Jane for the hard work and effort that she has put into this excellent act of worship. And many, many thanks to those from St Andrew's (and from the other two churches) who laid on the refreshments . . . . the mulled wine and mince pies were a fitting end.

Congratulations to Martin Jenkins Asked to be an altar server on 1st January 1956 at St Nicholas Laindon, 60 years ago! In 1962 he went over to St Martin's Church in Basildon to become their first sacristan. Eventually he moved to Rayleigh and started serving there. He and Arthur Winfield often served together. Martin still has the book he was given and still uses it today.

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A bit of rough?

The end of December saw us commemorating and celebrating the birth of a Jewish refugee whose parents traipsed across occupied territory to be counted in a census. Next we will pause to consider the wide reaching symbolism of a group of mystics who travelled the rugged terrain for several years to offer their own symbolic gifts. From places like Syria, Iran and Iraq they travelled on a weird whim that might give them greater understanding. Of course, the traditions have led our small baby from being a refugee to a meek and mild child, probably with blond hair and blue eyes, that is laid in a crib in a well managed stable. We will have heard about reluctant inn keepers who sadly turned them away - or sent them "round the back". We have recreated the parents into strong custodians of God's offspring from their, probably, frightened and abandoned reality. Joseph has become the dependable (and often old) carpenter and Mary the diligent (and ever-so slightly superhuman) mother. We have a tradition that moves us away from the grittiness of the reality of the story and the same happens at Epiphany - the day we take down or decorations and remember the arrival (some years after the event) of the Magi. The Magi, themselves, have undergone a transformation all of their own. Nowhere are they described as kings, there were certainly not just three of them and we didn't know their names! Why do we do this? Is there something in our human psyche that is so frightened of the rough edges? Is the large turnout for Christmas about tickling the chin of a baby and the declining turnout for Easter because we have to acknowledge the rough edges of the cross? This Christmas and Epiphany the roughness of human incarnation is so bleakly spread out before us. We have refugees, war zones with occupying forces, brutal executions, the poor sleeping in our streets, over-subscribed food banks, fear of strangers blazoned in the hateful media headlines and dangerous words spoken on both sides of the Atlantic. The roughness of our

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Gospel needs to be scooped carefully out of the honey that has glazed it ready for consumption. In a year when, in the lead up to Christmas, the Lord's Prayer (a beautiful heavenly request for equality) was pulled from the cinemas and advertising was, once more, all about having and taking, our preparations to travel through the roughness of the world to present our offerings to God are all the more urgent and important. The group that travelled to Bethlehem to offer gifts understood the messiness, allowed themselves to be challenged and saw that in this moment the complexity of humanity was once more united with the generosity of God. Amongst their gifts were the two that the Old Testament voices spoke of - gold and incense. The third, myrrh, was just too scary and messy for us to explain to our tea-towel wearing children.

Jo A reflection:

When the song of the angels is stilled,

When the star in the sky is gone, When the kings and princes are home,

When the shepherds are back with their flock, The work of Christmas begins:

To find the lost,

To heal the broken, To feed the hungry,

To release the prisoner, To rebuild the nations,

To bring peace among people, To make music in the heart.

by Howard Thurman

Many thanks to Phil Mann for passing over this thought-provoking poem

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The St Mary's Christmas Bazaar

Once again Runwell Village Hall was filled with the songs of school choirs, the sound of bottles clinking, cakes being sold or eaten and Father Christmas' great entry!

Many, many thanks to all those who worked so hard to bake, collect, scrounge, sell and add to the euphoria of a fun-filled (but somewhat exhausting) afternoon.

Alan Jones - your organisation (which has now found an extra place at the Gateway Project) was formidable and the execution of the event owes so much to you. The total exceeded £2,200 - which was fantastic - but was not really the important part of the two and a half hour mayhem.

The pictures do not do justice to the fun that was had (and drama when one young chap fainted on the stage - mid song - and landed in 4th Prize).

We need to start planning 2016 soon . . . . .

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The Youth Group Sleep Out!!!

Well done to the brave young members of our Youth Group, led by Martha's inspired desire to show solidarity with those who are out on our streets.

For more information just visit: www.brentwoodgazette.co.uk/Young-fundraiser-8-sleeps-raise-homeless-cash/story-28369466-detail/story.html It's all there!!

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‘PILGRIM’: A course for the Christian Journey

…….coming to a place near you this Lent

Some of you will have heard about the PILGRIM course, a new teaching and discipleship course published by the Church of England a couple of years ago.

This course is rooted in the fact that, for most people, becoming a Christian is like a journey. This journey can begin with small, even tentative, steps as we seek to find out more about the Christian faith and about God. It encourages people to enter into relationships, with a community growing together, and with God, through Jesus Christ. In the first stage, where we are encouraged to ‘Follow’, it uses key texts that sum up and communicate the heart of the Christian message, as we ‘turn to Christ’. The second, ‘Grow’, stage looks further at how we continue in the Apostles’ teaching and fellowship. There are eight short courses, each supported by a Pilgrim book. For each course there is a series of six sessions, involving time spent in fellowship, reflective Bible reading, prayer, and discussion. It aims for a community to be formed around the group participating in the journey together.

My own experience of Pilgrim has been as a participant. I can honestly say that I learnt a lot, and enjoyed myself along the way.

This coming Lent we aim to use one of these courses, from the ‘Follow’ stage - ‘The Lord’s Prayer’. This is something familiar to so many, but how often do we take time to really think about it, however far on our journey we have travelled?

I would encourage you all to consider signing up to join one of the Lent groups and persuade others to come along too.

By the time you read this, I hope that sign up lists will be available in the usual way. Please look out for them! Easter is early this year, so Lent will soon be upon us and we need numbers so books can be ordered.

If you want to see more have a look at the website at www.pilgrimcourse.org. or ask me. Thank you

Sue Wise

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Lent 2016

Pilgrim – The Lord’s Prayer


Phone no.: email:


Please indicate your three preferences in order (1,2,3)

Afternoon Evening Monday n/a

Tuesday n/a

Wednesday n/a

Thursday Are you prepared to host a group? Yes/No (Coffee and tea can be provided) Do you have any special requirements that need to be considered? This course requires a copy of the Pilgrim ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ booklet -would you like a copy ordered for you? Yes/No Please return this form to the minister of your Church and you will be allocated to an appropriate group.


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Christmas Trees at St Mary's Church

On the Saturday a slow and gentle

trickle of people came to see the

trees at St Mary's Church.

Aside from our usual tree two

schools provided trees and there

were a few others.

More importantly it gave an

opportunity to keep the church

open (thanks to a valiant group of volunteers) and visitors were

greeted with tea, coffee, cakes, sweets crackers, colouring sheets and,

for a limited time only, tree stories!

Many, many thanks to Lyn Bear who, with Val Harris, contacted so

many people to raise interest. Lyn was truly amazing in her enthusiasm

and work.

Although the event was quite the spectacular we hoped for, it has

given us some really good food for thought as we prepare next year's.

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Wickford and Runwell Mother's Union

Our evening service of Lessons and Carols is now but a distant memory as we begin a New Year (where did 2015 go ?).

We hope our members had a meaningful Christmas with family and friends, at the same time giving a thought to those less fortunate. Those caught up in the floods in Cumbria, those in refugee camps on the continent and those families who rely on our local food bank.

The generosity of our members has enabled us to provide hampers for 2 needy families. Thank you to all who contributed.

So, to a new year and a new programme.

Thursday 7th. January 12.30. Corporate Communion for Epiphany at. St. Andrew's 1.30pm shared lunch followed by "Fiddle Pinnies" update

Wednesday 20th. January 7.30pm M.U . then and now at St Catherine's Hall

We wish all our members a peaceful 2016 A sobering thought February 10th. is Ash Wednesday!

An Epiphany cartoon:

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At St Mary's Church: with apologies for the delay!

Baptisms September 6th Henry, Kiera and Amelie Tarplett George Sealey Layla Petit 27th Freya Doyle Olly Stockley Ella-Louise Pannell Bre Revel-Begby

October 25th Rebecca Bradford

November 1st Thomas Priestaff 15th Thomas and Chelsea Parish 22nd Archie Cockerill 29th Harry Cowell Elijah Samuels Gabriella and Christina Savill Funerals September 15th Ben Thomas 30th Ernest Greenwood

November 19th John Roberts 25th Brian John

Weddings September 5th Lucy Philips and Paul Cook 11th Christina Shackleton and Michael Parnham 12th Kayleigh Middleton and BillyLawrence

October 10th Ashleigh Fazekas and Oliver Cooper 24th Jennie Wight and Philip Bright

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Wickford & Runwell Youth (WARY) Group

Programme to January 2016


Sun 10 Jan 4 – 6 pm Dropzone Trampolining (c£9) Meet at Park

Mon 18 Jan 7.30 – 8.45pm Bible Study 8 Honington Cl

The church youth group generally meets on one Sunday in each month (afternoon /

early evening) for a social event and on one Monday evening in each month for a fun

but informative bible study, usually at Sue & Phil’s house.

Dates, times and activities may be subject to change. Precise details will be

confirmed at Monday meetings and by text nearer the time.

Please let Sue or Phil know in advance whether or not you and attend an activity so

we can plan transport, refreshments, etc., accordingly.

Sue & Phil Mann, 8 Honington Close, Shotgate SS11 8XB

Home: 01268 730972

Sue: 07758 354457 [email protected]

Phil: 07749 479998 [email protected]

The Youth Group is part of Wickford & Runwell Parish (Church of England). Leaders have been DBS/CRB vetted.

Supporting Basildon Women’s Refuge

Especially desired in January:

women's winter clothes; writing materials Due to lack of space; Please only take items to St. Andrew’s Church on the last FRIDAY (or as near as possible) of each month; then they can be taken to the refuge. If you are unable to take our offering to St. Andrew’s then please do pass it to one of your Church Wardens or your Priest.

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God squad

16th December

Advent Calendar by Rowan Williams

He will come like last leaf’s fall. One night when the November wind has flayed the trees to bone, and earth wakes choking on the mould, the soft shroud’s folding.

He will come like frost. One morning when the shrinking earth opens on mist, to find itself arrested in the net of alien, sword-set beauty.

He will come like dark. One evening when the bursting red December sun draws up the sheet and penny-masks its eye to yield the star-snowed fields of sky.

He will come, will come, will come like crying in the night, like blood, like breaking, as the earth writhes to toss him free. He will come like child.

This began a wide-ranging discussion that began with a look at the tangible created-ness of Jesus and then moved into Christmas decorations, darkness, evangelism, service and, ultimately "God is Love". If you would like to come along to the group then the next meeting will be on 27th January at 8 pm. All that is needed is an enquiring and open mind . . . . . .

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Tickets are available (from the usual suspects) Linda Payne and wardens

but at St Andrew's Church and Centre

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CLERGY Jane Freeman St. Andrew’s Church 734077 Norbert Mutuku St. Catherine’s Church 733147 Jo Delfgou St. Mary’s Church 732068 Sue Mann 730972 Matt Simpkins 765524 Sue Wise (available Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) 07941 506156 Reader John Knowles 735837 P.C.C. Vice-chairman Pam Petts 734183

Secretary Sian Simpkins 765524 Treasurer Yvonne Branson 458778 Electoral Roll Officer Pam Petts 734183 St Andrew's Churchwarden Val Bryan 561446 Churchwarden Marina Bayley 730571 D.C.C. Secretary D.C.C. Treasurer Mike Gibson 734293 Hall Lettings Reg Warne 766749 St Catherine’s Churchwarden Richard Feldwick 733362 Churchwarden Andrew Morl

D.C.C. Secretary Emma Houghton 07527 433286 D.C.C. Treasurer Steve Lissenden 763670 Hall Lettings Jimmy Salmon 732606 St Mary’s Churchwarden Val Harris 571933 Churchwarden Lyn Bear 421685 D.C.C. Secretary Coral Upham

D.C.C. Treasurer John Skinner 456892 Hall Bookings Alan Jones 765360 Linda Payne 732033 Mothers’ Union Enrolling Member Jeannette Cardnell 452309 Parish Magazine Editor Jo Delfgou


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St Andrew's 9:30am Sung Eucharist 6:30pm Healing Eucharist (on 3rd Sunday)

St Catherine’s 8:00am Holy Communion 9:30am Family Worship 11:00am Sung Eucharist 6:30pm Evening Prayer (Sung Evensong 4th Sunday)

St Mary’s 9:30am Sung Eucharist 6:30pm Taizé (2nd Sunday)


Monday 9:00 am Morning Prayer at St Catherine's

Tuesday 9:00 am Morning Prayer at St Andrew's 7:30 pm Eucharist at St Mary's

Wednesday 9:00 am Morning Prayer at St Catherine's 9:30am Eucharist at St Catherine's 10:30 am Eucharist at St Andrew's 11:30 am Eucharist at St Mary's

Thursday 9:00 am Morning Prayer at St Mary's 4:00 pm Evening Prayer

Friday 8:30 am Morning Prayer at St Andrew's

Saturday 9:30 am Morning Prayer at St Catherine's (on the first Saturday of the month)


St Andrew Saturdays 11:00 - 11:30am in the Church

St Catherine Mondays 7:00 - 8:00pm in the Church St Mary Mondays 7:00 - 7:30pm in St Mary’s Hall

Articles for the next Magazine to the Editor by 15th of the month

Thank you - email: [email protected]

And our website: http://wickfordandrunwellparish.org.uk/index.php