Why Yahoo PPC is Attractive To Affiliate Marketers

It\'s a common knowledge that Yahoo! Search Marketing isn\'t as widely used compared to Google AdWords program. However, this is exactly the reason why you should try it- few competition, lesser bid fees and a higher conversion. Yahoo! PPC is slowly turning into a new hotspot for online marketers/advertisers who want to try new markets and kick off their products in a more affordable venue. Is there anything we should keep in mind while working with Yahoo! PPC? Let\'s find out.


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Transcript of Why Yahoo PPC is Attractive To Affiliate Marketers

Page 1: Why Yahoo PPC is Attractive To Affiliate Marketers

It\'s a common knowledge that Yahoo! Search Marketing isn\'t as widely used compared to Google AdWords

program. However, this is exactly the reason why you should try it- few competition, lesser bid fees and a higher

conversion. Yahoo! PPC is slowly turning into a new hotspot for online marketers/advertisers who want to try

new markets and kick off their products in a more affordable venue. Is there anything we should keep in mind while working with Yahoo! PPC? Let\'s find out.

Page 2: Why Yahoo PPC is Attractive To Affiliate Marketers

Place Keywords in Ad Text: Basic PPC marketing formula dictates that you should put your keywords in the text of your add as this will allow Yahoo! to showcase your ad to

searchers then they use your targeted keywords while searching. In order to keep your ad relevant, you have to

use the most relevant keywords in your ad, which will help you garner more exposure. Hence, it will make your ad stand out as well because the search keywords are seen

prominently when searchers come across your ad.

Page 3: Why Yahoo PPC is Attractive To Affiliate Marketers

The Plural Approach: If you want your Yahoo! PPC campaign to generate excellent results then you need to

make sure you are bidding on the proper keywords. There are plenty of little tweaks that can really improve the

results of your PPC campaign and one of these is to look at plurals. Both the singular and plural forms of your

keywords should be on the list of terms you will be using in your campaign. This is because creating a campaign that centers on a plural keyword will mean a larger number of

keywords at a lower cost per click because most advertisers will be bidding on the singular version. Using

such simple tactics can help you take your Yahoo! PPC campaign to the next level while paying less for the

keywords, which automatically gets you a better return on investment.

Page 4: Why Yahoo PPC is Attractive To Affiliate Marketers

Do Not Engage in Bidding Wars: Bear in mind that your investment on the Yahoo! Search Network advertisement

is valued and should, therefore, be used intelligently. Don\'t let your temper overcome you and get into a

bidding war for a few high volume keywords; you have better things to do than that. It\'s wiser to bid on specific keywords with lower search volume. What\'s important really is traffic, and that\'s the way to succeed on Yahoo! PPC . If you\'re going to get into a bidding war just for the sake of some broad keywords, it\'ll be of no use because

the traffic itself isn\'t going to be targeted.. Hence, analyzing it, you\'ll end up spending a lot more for

keywords that are not helping you achieve your goals. Be a clever PPC advertiser and bid for the right set of keywords

to maximize the true potential of your ads.

Page 5: Why Yahoo PPC is Attractive To Affiliate Marketers

There you have it! Your way to spending less money and getting better result in the long run by just doing simple

bidding techniques. Doing Yahoo! PPC will not be complicated once you have a good understanding of its

fundamental flow; so, just take it slow and learn one step at a time. We should always call to mind that we should

spend our advertising money wisely as it is very valuable.

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