Why Quantum Physicists Do Not S - Greg Kuhn



Why Quantum Physicists Do Not Greg Kuh

Transcript of Why Quantum Physicists Do Not S - Greg Kuhn

  • Why Quantum Physicists Do Not SufferAnd Why You No Longer Have to Either

    By Greg Kuhn

  • Copyright 2013 by Greg Kuhn

  • Table of ContentsIntroductionChapter One: An Important Secret About DeliberateCreationChapter Two: How You Create Your Material RealityChapter Three: How Your Expectations Are CreatedChapter Four: How to Create New Beliefs andExpectations, Naturally Becoming a Much More PowerfulDeliberate CreatorChapter Five: You Can Choose to Tell New StoriesChapter Six: How to Use the Great Secret of DeliberateCreationAbout the Author

  • IntroductionWelcome to this short, but important book, revealing andexplaining a vital secret about the law of attraction. Hearingfrom readers of my Why Quantum Physicists... series hasshined a light upon a common frustration experienced bypeople using the law of attraction: the law of attractionintuitively feels correct and many people are able to use it tomanifest small things and improve their life. Yet, when itcomes to the bigger things, the desires theyve long held,the law of attraction doesnt seem to work.Is there anything quite so frustrating as truly believing thelaw of attraction works, because you can feel it working insome areas of your life, yet not be able to use it to:Achieve financial freedom?Lose weight?Find a soulmate?Or any other of the myriad big things most of us trulydesire?I promise you that the reason youve not been able tomanifest your grandest, most-important desires is not becauseyoure faulty. Neither is it because the law of attraction onlyworks for some people (the lucky few), but not for you.

  • The reason your most important desires have continued toescape you is because you have yet to learn one of the mostimportant secrets about using the law of attraction. Youreabout to remedy that right now. The information youre aboutto learn is life-changing if youll allow it to be. In fact, youtruly may become a genuine law of attraction master.Suffer no more. From this point forward, you will be a muchmore powerful intentional creator of your life experiences.And your material reality will become increasingly moreclosely aligned with your dreams, especially those bigdesires that have long escaped your grasp. Just as youvealways hoped the law of attraction would allow.

  • Chapter One: An Important Secret AboutDeliberate Creation

    There is a secret about creating a more pleasing materialreality that will virtually set you free from suffering andallow you to realize your dreams and desires morecompletely than you ever imagined. This secret might soundradical to you at first read, but it is truly the basis for yourbest life imaginable. This secret can be a challenge to accept,but embracing it opens you up to a world of infinitepossibilities - a world that is not only your birthright toinhabit but also reflects the way our universe really works.This secret pours rocket fuel into your practice of the law ofattraction, your deliberate and conscious creation of yourmaterial experiences.What is this secret? Before I reveal it, I ask that you readthrough this book completely before making a judgment aboutwhether or not you will believe and/or will practice it. Thissecret is that important for you if you truly wish to becomethe powerful influencer youve dreamed of. This secret isthat vital if you wish to unleash the elusive genie promised toyou by the law of attraction.Here is the secret: There is no such thing as good or bad,except as you choose to label something. Absolutely nothingcomes into your physical experiences in a preexisting stateof good or bad. It is you, and you alone, who determines

  • whether something is good or bad in your physicalreality.But thats only the first part of the secret. The second andperhaps most important component of this secret is: You donot have to label anything good or bad. And, in fact, notonly are you not required to label anything good or bad,but you no longer should do so anymore.As strange as this secret may sound to you, give me a chanceto explain and convince you of its truth and also reveal whyits so necessary for you.Now you know one of the greatest secrets to deliberatecreation. And the rest of this book will explain exactly whythis secret is not only true but so vitally important for you asa conscious creator of your physical reality. First, I willexplain exactly how you create your material reality; then,Ill convey how you can become a more intentionallyinfluential creator of your material reality and how thissecret will help you do that.

  • Chapter Two: How You Create YourMaterial Reality

    Subatomic particles, the tiny Legos with which allmaterial objects are constructed, are not actually thingsuntil they are observed by you. Until they are observed byyou, subatomic particles have only the potential to becomethings.Sound bizarre? The most famous quantum physicsexperiment, the double slit experiment (which Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman called the only thingyou need to know about quantum physics) shows us this factexplicitly. And, furthermore, the double slit experimentdoesnt just show us that our observations turn subatomicparticles from potential to things. It shows us that it isactually our expectations that give that command.Physicists refer to the field of pure, unformed potential (thefield of unformed subatomic particles) as the quantum fieldor the quantum possibility wave. The quantum field is aninvisible energy field that actually represents the true natureand essence of our universe, existing all around us at alltimes. You might think of the quantum field as an invisiblesoup of energy that inherently possesses the potential tobecome anything at all. This invisible energy soup waits ina state of pure potential to become any material object untilyou command it (via your expectations) to form what

  • physicists call a time space event (a thing) by placingyour conscious awareness upon it.A time space event is a group of subatomic particles thathave abandoned their state of potential and have become aconcrete, distinct thing, or material object. Yes, even yourown physical body (along with every other material object)was once a part of the quantum field (prior to yourobservation and awareness).Thus, we now know that the material world is not formedthrough a bottom-up process as we once thought. Thematerial world does not await your discovery in a preformedstate. It does not preexist prior to your observation.What we now understand, in fact, is that the material worldis formed through a top-down process, meaning that thematerial world is subjective and formed by you. You are theoriginator of the material world. The material world isentirely subjective and formed through your expectations forit, delivered via your observations, which are conveyed tothe quantum field any time you are aware and observing.Physicists sometimes refer to this top-down creation processas collapsing the quantum possibility wave. We call it acollapse because thats exactly what your observations do;once observed, the quantum field collapses (its state of merepossibility) and forms distinct physical objects (or yourmaterial reality).Remember that old metaphysical question, If a tree falls in

  • the forest and no one is there, does it make a sound? Thedouble slit experiment has shown us that, if no one is there, itturns out there is no forest.As a person interested in exerting greater influence over hermaterial reality, and now knowing how her material world iscreated, you would naturally be motivated to learn theanswer to the following question: Okay, so how can I makesure my expectations are commanding the quantum field toform a material reality that is much closer to the one Idesire? Since you now understand that your expectations arecollapsing the quantum field and commanding it to form yourphysical reality, that is probably your most importantquestion.The answer to that question will reveal the importance of thesecret I unveiled at the beginning of this book. And, it turnsout, the answer to that question is not complicated. Ill give itall to you now, in logical order and everyday language, sothat by the time you are done with this book you will beready to not only embrace the secret but to begin to use it inyour life.

  • Chapter Three: How Your ExpectationsAre Created

    Reforming your expectations to be aligned with your desiresand, thus, create a material reality more pleasing for you ismuch simpler to do than you may imagine. Lets start bydetermining from where your expectations come.We know that the wellspring of your expectations is yoursystem of beliefs. It is important to note, however, that theterms beliefs and expectations refer to things found inyour subconscious mind and not necessarily your top-of-mindawareness or desires. In other words, your beliefs (and theexpectations they naturally create) are found deep in yoursubconscious and are not necessarily aligned with the thingsyour conscious mind wants and desires. For example, youmight emphatically state, I want to be wealthy, yet, if youare not currently experiencing financial abundance, thatmeans that your subconscious beliefs about wealth (and theexpectations those beliefs naturally create) are not alignedwith your top-of-mind, conscious desires for wealth.If you wish to improve your expectations so you caninfluence and improve any aspect of your material reality (asIm sure you do), you therefore must focus on improving yourbeliefs (which exist on a subconscious level). But dontworry. This is not as difficult to do as it sounds.It is also important to note here that improving your

  • subconscious beliefs can almost never truly be done merelythrough positive thought and/or positive affirmations.Because of what we know about the human brain, changingbeliefs is a process involving reforming our subconscious.This process is virtually impossible to accomplish throughpositive affirmations, which is probably one of the mainreasons you may have been frustrated by trying to use the lawof attraction in the past.The main trouble with using positive thoughts or affirmationsalone, as you may already be trying, is that yoursubconscious mind does not really believe them. Yourconscious mind hears them and you feel good in that moment.But because your subconscious mind knows that thosepositive thoughts or affirmations dont reflect your trueunderlying beliefs, they are like putting a bandage on abroken arm.The good news is that reforming your beliefs to naturallycreate expectations aligned with your desires is actuallysimple to do. All the reformation process requires is somepatience and a commitment to the secret revealed in thebeginning of this book. Your patience is required becausecreating new beliefs (and, thus, new explanations) is not anovernight process. But rest assured. Your patience will berewarded in short order. Although you probably wontrealize your ultimate desires tomorrow, you will begin toexperience positive changes almost immediately uponentering into this process.

  • Chapter Four: How to Create New Beliefsand Expectations, Naturally Becoming aMuch More Powerful Deliberate Creator

    Lets now take some of the mystery out of reforming yourbeliefs (and the expectations they naturally create).Neurologists tell us that a thought is nothing more than thefiring of electricity through a pathway of neurons in yourbrain. We also know from neurologists that when you think athought repeatedly, that pathway of neurons becomes adominant thought, or belief.A belief, you see, is nothing more than a practiced thought.Thats all. Because youve made that thought a dominant one,that pathway becomes a belief for you. In other words, abelief is a practiced thought that has become habitual.This means, of course, that your beliefs, while true for you,are not universally true. You are the one who has practicedthat thought enough to form a dominant, habitual neuralpathway. Even if your belief is one shared by a majority ofother human beings, you are still the one responsible forhaving decided it will also be true for you by practicing itenough to form a habitual, dominant neural pathway in yourbrain.You have rightfully given your most practiced thoughts thelabel of truth because those thoughts are so habitual theyhave become dominant neural pathways. Youve practiced

  • those particular thoughts so often because, undoubtedly, theywere passed on to you by trusted sources throughout yourlife. Yet, as true as those practiced thoughts are for you, theyare true for you alone, not universally.This is great news for a deliberate creator like you. The factthat your beliefs are merely practiced, habitual, and dominantneural pathways means that you can change them if you wish.At any time, you can choose to practice new thoughts andform new practiced, habitual, dominant neural pathways thatwill become new beliefs for you.Can you anticipate where this information is leading? If youchoose to form new beliefs by forming new practiced,habitual, and dominant neural pathways, you will naturallyand automatically form new expectations too. And since yourbeliefs automatically create your true, subconsciousexpectations, your new beliefs will actually command thequantum field to form a new material reality in accordancewith them.There is no need for you to make wholesale changes to allyour beliefs. But in areas of your life where your materialreality is not in line with your desires, this knowledge willallow you to change your life dramatically.If you take the time to form new beliefs that are aligned withyour top-of-mind desires (instead of opposing them in subtleor dramatic ways), guess what will happen. Youll no longerneed to worry about how your desires will be fulfilled, nor

  • will you need to micromanage every little thought or detail.The quantum field will be responding to your newexpectations (arising from your new beliefs), just as thedouble slit experiment has repeatedly proven it will. Youwill see a material reality much more closely aligned withyour desires. That is the law of the universe.

  • Chapter Five: You Can Choose to Tell NewStories

    Now heres where you learn how the secret I revealed in thebeginning of the book is so important. How do you form newbeliefs? Since your beliefs are nothing more than practiced,habitual thoughts, to form new beliefs you need newpracticed habitual thoughts. And I have found that the easiestway to do this is to start by calling your thoughts, your innerdialogue, what they really are: stories youre telling yourself.To form new beliefs, you simply need to tell yourself newstories.Let me be clear. When I refer to stories, I am referring toyour inner dialogue - the value you assign to everything everyday of your life. You are constantly telling yourself a storyabout every experience you have, assigning it value andlabeling it good or bad. And it is your story, not theexperience itself, that makes that thing good or bad foryou (hence, the secrets relationship to forming a morepleasing material reality for yourself).Yes, your stories are not only habitual; they are alsocompletely subjective. Things that you have learned to labelas bad, you continue to label bad because thats yoursubjective value rule. There is no law that anything mustbe labeled bad, yet, out of habit, you have continued tolabel certain things, events, and circumstances bad as if

  • there were such a law. It feels wrong, somehow, to not labelthings that youve habitually labeled bad as anything otherthan bad. But that feeling is nothing more than the naturallystrong pull of an ingrained habit.How did you acquire this habit? People you trusted taughtyou that certain things should almost always be labeled asbad. You trusted those sources and followed their adviceand teachings because, at one time in your life, you neededsomeone to tell you how to categorize things. But now, nolonger a child, you are free to make your own decisionsabout the stories you tell regarding any experience you have.In fact, you are even free to decide not to label things at all,to tell no stories about them. Since calling certain thingsbad is merely a personal habit of thought, that rule issomething you can choose to stop any time you wish.And I hope youll soon agree that stopping that rule will bea powerful ally in your quest to become a much moreinfluential creator of your material reality.Your stories are not the truth (unless you make them thetruth). They are subjective and always open to revision. Youare allowed to build new beliefs. Case in point: If both of uswatch the latest Tom Cruise movie, you may walk out of thetheatre saying, That was one of the best films Ive seen in along while, yet I may leave the theatre regretting havingspent my money on another disappointing movie.In this example, we both watched the same movie. That

  • movie did not await either of us in a preexisting state ofgood or bad. We each assigned a value to the movie aswe observed it. Its true that you and I used an entirelypersonal set of criteria to make our value judgment. But, justlike when we watch a movie, we also use an entirelypersonal set of criteria to make value judgments about everycircumstance in our life.Does that make our value judgments about the movie corrector incorrect? Neither. Our judgment simply is what it is, andwe are allowed to use our own personal criteria to tell anystory we choose. The same thing applies to anything else inour life. Our judgments are neither correct nor incorrect, butwe can certainly say they are correct, or right, for us.You may ask, Arent we supposed to make a value judgmentto determine whether a movie is good or bad? And Illrespond by saying that, although it might sound silly tosuggest that you make no judgment about a movie yourewatching, making judgments about all your life experiencesis just like watching a movie and deciding it is good orbad (though, as you now know, in this movie called YourLife you are the producer, writer, director, and star).Here is a story that beautifully illustrates not only howsubjective our stories are, but also how you can decide totell no stories about an event (regardless of how unwanted orpainful it is):An old farmer had only one horse, and one day it ran away.

  • When the neighbors came to console the farmer over histerrible loss, the farmer said,What makes you think it is so terrible?A month later, the horse came home, bringing with her twobeautiful wild horses. The neighbors became excited at thefarmers good fortune. Congratulations! theyproclaimed. Such lovely, strong horses! The farmer said,What makes you think this is good fortune?While training the wild horses, the farmers son was thrownfrom one of them and broke his leg. All the neighbors werevery distressed. Such bad luck! We are so sorry for yourmisfortune, the neighbors wailed. The farmer said, Whatmakes you think it is bad?A war came. Every able-bodied young man in thecommunity was conscripted and sent into battle, where theyultimately died. Only the old farmers son, because he hada broken leg, remained behind and lived.You intuitively know that there are many things you labelgood or bad, while other people choose to label themthe opposite - from seemingly trivial things such as foods,hairstyles, cell phone plans, or soft drinks to things that mayhave much more importance to you, such as religion,political parties, career choices, and military conflicts. Andwhile it might be silly to suggest that you should never formsuch judgments about things in your life, it is most certainlytrue that your judgments are always subjective, unique to you,

  • personal, and optional.There is no event or circumstance in your life that negatesyour option of making your own personal choice about howto label it. Certainly there are things that are morechallenging not to label good (such as winning the lottery)or bad (such as being diagnosed with cancer), but weveall read about a lottery winner who was bankrupt within acouple of years (and in worse financial shape than before thelottery win) and the cancer patient who overcame herdiagnosis (teaching and inspiring many people in theprocess). What those examples clearly illustrate is thatnothing, no matter how completely and totally good orbad it seems, is ever independently or universally goodor bad. You always retain the choice to label your lifesevents and circumstances however you decide.Viktor Frankl provides us with a famous story of a man whochose to tell stories of his own choosing about circumstancesthat make almost anything we suffer pale in comparison.During the Nazi regime in Germany, Frankl watched hisparents, brother, and pregnant wife die while imprisoned inAuschwitz and four other concentration camps. In his book,Mans Search for Meaning, Frankl wrote about hisexperiences and chronicled his decision to form his ownbeliefs about his circumstances while imprisoned.Amazingly, by telling stories of his own choosing rather thanaccepting conventional wisdom or defining his imprisonment

  • as almost everyone around him was doing, Frankl came tobelieve that he was a free man as long as he retained controlover his own state of being. He describes how he eventuallycame to feel pity for the Nazis who imprisoned him, becausehe realized they were actually in a more profound prison thanhim; they were allowing someone other than themselves togive meaning to their experiences and, thus, create theirbeliefs. The Nazi prison guards were imprisoned by theirown beliefs, while Frankl was free to define his ownexperiences and choose his own beliefs.Viktor Frankls story is a testament to the birthright we allshare to choose our own stories rather than succumb toconventional wisdom and follow the herd. Hopefully youwill never face circumstances as horrible as Frankls, butyou can certainly be inspired by his example. If Viktor Franklcould make these choices during his horrifying imprisonment,surely we can follow suit in our lives.

  • Chapter Six: How to Use this Great Secretof Deliberate Creation

    I hope, by now, you agree with my reasoning and willstrongly consider my advice to use this great secret tobecome a much more powerful and influential creator of yourmaterial reality. To recap:1. The material world is created by you through yourexpectations for it.2. Your expectations are created, naturally, by yoursubconscious beliefs.3. Your beliefs are created by your most practiced, habitualthoughts. They are subjective and true for you, alone, becauseyou have made them so.4. You can change any belief you choose if you want to aligna belief with a desire you have.5. If you change a belief, the expectations it creates willnaturally change too.6. Once your expectations change, your material reality willchange in accordance with how our universe functions. Youcan depend on that.We are now full-circle back to the secret I revealed earlier.If you wish to create and experience a physical reality muchmore closely aligned with your desires, you now knowexactly what to do. The list above spells it out in sequential

  • fashion. And the one actionable item from that list? Ofcourse: changing your beliefs.Isnt that great news? If you want to see and experience amaterial reality more in line with your conscious dreams anddesires, all you need to do is change your beliefs. And youcan be assured that, when you focus on deliberate creation inthis manner, you are following the blueprint for how ouruniverse really works: the blueprint given to us by quantumphysics, the most accurate and reliable science ever created.And the best, most complete way to follow quantum physicsblueprint is to tell no stories at all. Forming no judgmentsabout your lifes circumstances is an incredibly powerfultechnique that gives the quantum field the most leeway andcreativity to fulfill your desires.Im not suggesting that certain things, events, andcircumstances wont be unwanted. Nor am I suggesting thatthey wont sometimes be painful. Yet, if you choose to startbuilding new neural pathways by declining to tell any storiesabout your lifes circumstances, you will no longer sufferfrom them. And there is a very important distinction betweenpain and suffering. Pain is inevitable throughout lifesseeming ups and downs; suffering, however, is optional, andtelling no stories about your lifes circumstances stops yoursuffering.And if you stop telling stories, if you stop assigning a valueto things, events, and circumstances in your life, can you

  • guess what will happen? You will convey no expectations tothe quantum field. Just like in that story of the farmer, thingsthat you used to automatically call bad will now notautomatically become bad - they will retain their infinitepossibilities to become anything at all (even the possibilityto become something you eventually want). And telling nostories about your life events doesnt just retain thepossibility they will wind up being wanted (or good) in thelong run, it actually exponentially improves the chances thatthey will.What if you decided to follow the example of the farmerabove and tell no stories about everything in your life? Whatwould it look like if you formed no value judgments andcreated no good or bad? Your life, on a moment-to-moment basis, would be open to an endless array ofpossibilities. The individual occurrences of each day wouldhold less drama and your life would have fewer ups anddowns to it. Finally, you would feel much more confidence -knowing that your decision to tell no stories meant theuniverse was free to direct its energy toward the fulfillmentof your desires (no matter how much it meandered on its waythere).But while Im sure you can see the value of not labelingthings as bad, you may be thinking, Why wouldnt Icontinue to call the things, events, and circumstances that Iwant (and are pleasing to me), good? Whats the harm inthat?

  • I will counter with two responses. First, if you insist onlabeling anything in your life good, you are, in practice,still negating the infinite possibilities of the quantum fieldwith your expectations. Granted, in this case, yourexpectations would be positive ones. Yet, what if theuniverse has even better plans for working out yourattainment and realization of your desires? What if youconvey the expectation, Yep, this is it! This is what I want!but the universe actually has even grander plans for you? Ifyou think about it this way, even avoiding stories whereyoure calling something good is allowing the universefree reign to make sure things are happening just like theyresupposed to for the greatest long-term and continualrealization of your dreams.Second, if you insist on continuing to call desirable things,events, and circumstances good, you are retaining andcontinuing to reinforce your habit of telling stories. Have youever broken a habit? Its often not an easy thing to do -especially with a habit like this one that youve done yourentire life. Ill make the case that you need the practice of nottelling any stories, not assigning value, to everything in yourlife (even the good ones) to break your longstanding habitof doing so.So, if you make a commitment to tell no stories about yourlife experiences, you will be allowing the quantumpossibility wave to collapse however it needs to in order toalign your life experiences with your desires. You are

  • allowing the quantum field (or, as Ive also been referring toit, the universe) to do what it does best: use its infinitewisdom to create a material reality that reflects your truebeliefs.Why? Because if you decide to tell no stories at all, you arereforming your beliefs in an incredibly powerful way. Youare creating a new, very useful meta-belief that you are notqualified to know whether something is good or bad.This new belief commands the quantum field with thefollowing expectation: From my current perspective, I donot have the prescience necessary to definitively define thevalue of this circumstance. Therefore, I choose to defer to theinfinite creativity and wisdom of the universe, allowing it tocreate and unfold my life without my interference. I choose todo this because I know that the universe knows what it isdoing and Im going to stay out of its way as it fulfills mydesires, sometimes in seemingly mysterious and oftenunexpected ways.Not only does this new belief (and the expectations itcreates) take the handcuffs off the universe, but youll alsofind that it almost always feels so much better than yourprevious habit of constantly labeling everything as good orbad. You are no longer the judge and jury; you are notresponsible for deciding the value of everything in your life.This change provides you with wonderful mental andemotional repose because you release yourself from a jobyou were never qualified to hold in the first place.

  • Join me, and many others, today. Let the universe do what itdoes best. Start forming new beliefs by choosing not to tellany stories about all of your lifes circumstances. Youll notonly find yourself enjoying your life much more and feelinghappier, youll also become a much more powerfuldeliberate creator of your material reality. Once you begin toexperience these benefits, youll find it a very easy habit tocontinue.

  • About the AuthorGreg Kuhn is a professional educator and a futurist whoshows real people how to create the life they have alwaysdreamed of. He does this by making universal laws fromquantum physics simple and easy to apply for highlysuccessful 21st-century living.Until 2012, Greg wrote primarily for his father, CliffordKuhn, M.D., about health, wellness, and personal growth. Herealized people were struggling to apply the Law ofAttraction in everyday life. So Greg began publishing hisacclaimed and highly successful Why Quantum Physicists...series. In fact, many people have begun to call Greg TheLaw of Attraction Science Guy.Want to know the 7 words that can change your life? VisitGregs website and get this article right now.Select the book below that solves your personal challenge:Why Quantum Physicists Do Not Fail, which show you howto form your ideal life and deliberately create your desiresusing fun and simple-to-follow new tools from quantumphysics.How Quantum Physicists Build New Beliefs, which showsyou how to build any belief you want and align it perfectlywith your desires.Why Quantum Physicists Play Grow a Greater You, which


  • shows you in complete, comprehensive, and intensivefashion, exactly how to play the game you came here to play -Grow a Greater You.Why Quantum Physicists Dont Get Fat, shows you how toreclaim your ideal body.Why Quantum Physicists Create More Abundance, whichgives a fun and comprehensive overview of the sciencebehind the deliberate creation of your material reality.Gregs website has free articles and a newsletter for you tolearn from . Get signed up right now atWhyQuantumPhysicists.comYou can also follow Greg on Twitter at @KuhnGregoryGreg loves to hear from readers and welcomes you to contacthim via his website. Ask questions, share your experiences,or suggest future titles for his Why Quantum Physicists...series.Greg lives in Louisville, Kentucky, with his wonderful wifeand four sons (one by marriage). He could not have writtenany of his books without the support of his loving family.


    Title PageCopyright 2013 by Greg KuhnTable of ContentsIntroductionChapter One: An Important Secret About Deliberate CreationChapter Two: How You Create Your Material RealityChapter Three: How Your Expectations Are CreatedChapter Four: How to Create New Beliefs and Expectations, Naturally Becoming a Much More Powerful Deliberate CreatorChapter Five: You Can Choose to Tell New StoriesChapter Six: How to Use this Great Secret of Deliberate CreationAbout the Author