Why people take drugs.docx

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    Why people take drugs

    There are many reasons why people take drugs. Here are some of the factors which can influence them:

    Risk taking

    Some people are more drawn to risk taking than others. They may use drugs to fit in with their social

    group or to help them cope, for a sense of release or individual transformation, or for the thrill.


    It may be that your genetic or psychological characteristics mean you are more likely to take drugs.


    Some people try drugs for the first time as an experiment, because they are curious or because friends

    are doing it. They want to try it to see how it affects them and talk about their experiences with their

    friends afterwards.

    Gender and ageThe age you are when you first try drugs can influence how you will go on to use them. For example, the

    younger you are when you start drinking alcohol, the more likely you are to try hard drugs later on.

    Young men are more likely to experiment with drugs than women. However, heavy drug use can cause

    more damage to young women.

    Hedonism (the buzz)

    This is a major factor, as many people take recreational drugs for the buzz or thrill. They make a

    deliberate choice to pursue this high.

    Peer groupThere are two schools of thought on the influence of your friends on your drug use. One is that the group

    can pressure you into taking drugs. Another is that people may choose to hang out with people who are

    into the same things as they are.


    The easier it is to get drugs, the more likely you are to use them. This will also influence the type of drugs

    you use.

    Family, social and environmental factors

    People who live in a deprived state, where the risk factors are high and the protective factors low, have ahigher risk of using drugs. In terms of family, the important factor is how happy and stable your family life

    is, rather than whether you have two parents or not.

    For a purpose

    Some people use drugs to lose weight or to help them concentrate. Others may self-diagnose problems

    and use drugs to self-medicate.

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    Drug Abuse and Addiction

    Signs, Symptoms, and Help for Drug Problems and Substance Abuse

    Some people are able to use recreational or prescription drugs without ever experiencing negative

    consequences or addiction. For many others, substance use can cause problems at work, home,school, and in relationships, leaving you feeling isolated, helpless, or ashamed.

    If youre worried about your own or a friend or family members drug use, its important to know that

    help is available. Learning about the nature of drug abuse and addictionhow it develops, what it

    looks like, and why it can have such a powerful holdwill give you a better understanding of the

    problem and how to best deal with it.


    Understanding drug use, abuse, addiction

    How drug abuse, addiction develops Signs and symptoms Warning signs in others

    Getting help for drug abuse and addiction When a loved one has a drug problem

    When a teen has a drug problem

    Understanding drug use, drug abuse, and addiction

    People experiment with drugs for many different reasons. Many first try drugs out of curiosity, to have

    a good time, because friends are doing it, or in an effort to improve athletic performance or ease

    another problem, such as stress, anxiety, or depression. Use doesnt automatically lead to abuse, and

    there is no specific level at which drug use moves from casual to problematic. It varies by individual.

    Drug abuse and addiction is less about the amount of substance consumed or the frequency, and

    more to do with theconsequencesof drug use. No matter how often or how little youre consuming,if your drug use is causing problems in your lifeat work, school, home, or in your relationshipsyou

    likely have a drug abuse or addiction problem.

    Why do some drug users become addicted, while others dont?

    As with many other conditions and diseases, vulnerability to addiction differs from person to person.

    Your genes, mental health, family and social environment all play a role in addiction. Risk factors that

    increase your vulnerability include:

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    Family history of addiction Abuse, neglect, or other traumatic experiences in childhood Mental disorders such as depression and anxiety Early use of drugs Method of administrationsmoking or injecting a drug may increase its addictive potential

    Drug addiction and the brain

    Addiction is a complex disorder characterized by compulsive drug use. While each drug produces

    different physical effects, all abused substances share one thing in common: repeated use can alter

    the way the brain looks and functions.

    Taking a recreational drug causes a surge in levels of dopamine in your brain, which triggerfeelings of pleasure. Your brain remembers these feelings and wants them repeated.

    If you become addicted, the substance takes on the same significance as other survivalbehaviors, such as eating and drinking.

    Changes in your brain interfere with your ability to think clearly, exercise good judgment,control your behavior, and feel normal without drugs.

    Whether youre addicted to inhalants, heroin, Xanax, speed, or Vicodin, the uncontrollable

    craving to use grows more important than anything else, including family, friends, career, andeven your own health and happiness.

    The urge to use is so strong that your mind finds many ways to deny or rationalize theaddiction. You may drastically underestimate the quantity of drugs youre taking, how much it

    impacts your life, and the level of control you have over your drug use.

    How drug abuse and addiction can develop

    Learn how drugs block emotions

    Watch a 3 -min. video:Roadblocks to awareness

    People who experiment with drugs continue to use them because the substance either makes them

    feel good, or stops them from feeling bad. In many cases, however, there is a fine line between

    regular use and drug abuse and addiction. Very few addicts are able to recognize when they have

    crossed that line. While frequency or the amount of drugs consumed dont in themselves constitute

    drug abuse or addiction, they can often be indicators of drug-related problems.

    Problems can sometimes sneak up on you, as your drug use gradually increases over time.Smoking a joint with friends at the weekend, or taking ecstasy at a rave, or cocaine at an

    occasional party, for example, can change to using drugs a couple of days a week, then every

    day. Gradually, getting and using the drug becomes more and more important to you.

    If the drug fulfills a valuable need, you may find yourself increasingly relying on it. For

    example, you may take drugs to calm you if you feel anxious or stressed, energize you if youfeel depressed, or make you more confident in social situations if you normally feel shy. Or you

    may have started using prescription drugs to cope with panic attacks or relieve chronic pain,

    for example. Until you find alternative, healthier methods for overcoming these problems, your

    drug use will likely continue.

    Similarly, if you use drugs to fill a void in your life,youre more at risk of crossing the linefrom casual use to drug abuse and addiction. To maintain healthy balance in your life, you

    need to have other positive experiences, to feel good in your life aside from any drug use.

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    As drug abuse takes hold, you may miss or frequently be late for work or school, your jobperformance may progressively deteriorate, and you start to neglect social or family

    obligations. Your ability to stop using is eventually compromised. What began as a voluntary

    choice has turned into a physical and psychological need.

    The good news is that with the right treatment and support, you can counteract the disruptive effects

    of drug use and regain control of your life. The first obstacle is to recognize and admit you have a

    problem, or listen to loved ones who are often better able to see the negative effects drug use is

    having on your life.

    5 Myths about Drug Abuse and Addiction

    MYTH 1: Overcoming addiction is a simply a matter of willpower. You can stop using drugs

    if you really want to. Prolonged exposure to drugs alters the brain in ways that result in powerful

    cravings and a compulsion to use. These brain changes make it extremely difficult to quit by sheer

    force of will.

    MYTH 2: Addiction is a disease; theres nothing you can do about it. Most experts agree that

    addiction is a brain disease, but that doesnt mean youre a helpless victim. The brain changes

    associated with addiction can be treated and reversed through therapy, medication, exercise, and

    other treatments.

    MYTH 3: Addicts have to hit rock bottom before they can get better. Recovery can begin at any

    point in the addiction processand the earlier, the better. The longer drug abuse continues, the

    stronger the addiction becomes and the harder it is to treat. Dont wait to intervene until the addict

    has lost it all.

    MYTH 4: You cant force someone into treatment; they have to want help.Treatment doesnt

    have to be voluntary to be successful. People who are pressured into treatment by their family,

    employer, or the legal system are just as likely to benefit as those who choose to enter treatment on

    their own. As they sober up and their thinking clears, many formerly resistant addicts decide they

    want to change.

    MYTH 5: Treatment didnt work before, so theres no point trying again. Recovery from drug

    addiction is a long process that often involves setbacks. Relapse doesnt mean that treatment has

    failed or that youre a lost cause. Rather, its a signal to get back on track, either by going back to

    treatment or adjusting the treatment approach.

    Signs and symptoms of drug abuse and drug addiction

    Although different drugs have different physical effects, the symptoms of addiction are similar. See if

    you recognize yourself in the following signs and symptoms of substance abuse and addiction. If so,

    consider talking to someone about your drug use.

    Common signs and symptoms of drug abuse

    Youre neglecting your responsibilitiesat school, work, or home (e.g. flunking classes,skipping work, neglecting your children) because of your drug use.

    Youre using drugs under dangerous conditions or taking risks while high , such as

    driving while on drugs, using dirty needles, or having unprotected sex.

    Your drug use is getting you into legal trouble, such as arrests for disorderly conduct,driving under the influence, or stealing to support a drug habit.

    Your drug use is causing problems in your relationships, such as fights with your partneror family members, an unhappy boss, or the loss of old friends.

    Common signs and symptoms of drug addiction

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    Youve built up a drug tolerance.You need to use more of the drug to experience the sameeffects you used to attain with smaller amounts.

    You take drugs to avoid or relieve withdrawal symptoms. If you go too long withoutdrugs, you experience symptoms such as nausea, restlessness, insomnia, depression,

    sweating, shaking, and anxiety.

    Youve lost control over your drug use.You often do drugs or use more than you planned,

    even though you told yourself you wouldnt. You may want to stop using, but you feelpowerless.

    Your life revolves around drug use. You spend a lot of time using and thinking about drugs,figuring out how to get them, and recovering from the drugs effects.

    Youve abandoned activities you used to enjoy, such as hobbies, sports, and socializing,because of your drug use.

    You continue to use drugs, despite knowing its hurting you. Its causing major problemsin your lifeblackouts, infections, mood swings, depression, paranoiabut you use anyway.

    Warning signs that a friend or family member is abusing drugs

    Drug abusers often try to conceal their symptoms and downplay their problem. If youre worried that a

    friend or family member might be abusing drugs, look for the following warning signs:

    Physical warning signs of drug abuse

    Bloodshot eyes, pupils larger or smaller than usual Changes in appetite or sleep patterns. Sudden weight loss or weight gain Deterioration of physical appearance, personal grooming habits Unusual smells on breath, body, or clothing Tremors, slurred speech, or impaired coordination

    Behavioral signs of drug abuse

    Drop in attendance and performance at work or school Unexplained need for money or financial problems. May borrow or steal to get it. Engaging in secretive or suspicious behaviors

    Sudden change in friends, favorite hangouts, and hobbies Frequently getting into trouble (fights, accidents, illegal activities)

    Psychological warning signs of drug abuse

    Unexplained change in personality or attitude Sudden mood swings, irritability, or angry outbursts Periods of unusual hyperactivity, agitation, or giddiness Lack of motivation; appears lethargic or spaced out Appears fearful, anxious, or paranoid, with no reason

    Warning Signs of Commonly Abused Drugs

    Marijuana: Glassy, red eyes; loud talking, inappropriate laughter followed by sleepiness; lossof interest, motivation; weight gain or loss.

    Depressants(including Xanax, Valium, GHB): Contracted pupils; drunk-like; difficultyconcentrating; clumsiness; poor judgment; slurred speech; sleepiness.

    Stimulants(including amphetamines, cocaine, crystal meth): Dilated pupils;hyperactivity; euphoria; irritability; anxiety; excessive talking followed by depression or

    excessive sleeping at odd times; may go long periods of time without eating or sleeping;

    weight loss; dry mouth and nose.

    Inhalants (glues, aerosols, vapors): Watery eyes; impaired vision, memory and thought;secretions from the nose or rashes around the nose and mouth; headaches and nausea;

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    appearance of intoxication; drowsiness; poor muscle control; changes in appetite; anxiety;

    irritability; lots of cans/aerosols in the trash.

    Hallucinogens (LSD, PCP): Dilated pupils; bizarre and irrational behavior including paranoia,aggression, hallucinations; mood swings; detachment from people; absorption with self or

    other objects, slurred speech; confusion.

    Heroin: Contracted pupils; no response of pupils to light; needle marks; sleeping at unusual

    times; sweating; vomiting; coughing, sniffling; twitching; loss of appetite.

    Warning signs of teen drug abuse

    While experimenting with drugs doesnt automatically lead to drug abuse, early use is a risk factor for

    developing more serious drug abuse and addiction. Risk of drug abuse also increases greatly during

    times of transition, such as changing schools, moving, or divorce. The challenge for parents is to

    distinguish between the normal, often volatile, ups and downs of the teen years and the red flags of

    substance abuse. These include:

    Having bloodshot eyes or dilated pupils; using eye drops to try to mask these signs Skipping class; declining grades; suddenly getting into trouble at school Missing money, valuables, or prescriptions

    Acting uncharacteristically isolated, withdrawn, angry, or depressed Dropping one group of friends for another; being secretive about the new peer group Loss of interest in old hobbies; lying about new interests and activities Demanding more privacy; locking doors; avoiding eye contact; sneaking around

    Getting help for drug abuse and drug addiction

    Finding help and support for drug addiction

    Visit a Narcotics Anonymous meeting in your area. See below. Call 1-800-662-HELP in the U.S. to reach a free referral helpline from the Substance Abuse and

    Mental Health Services Administration.

    Recognizing that you have a problem is the first step on the road to recovery, one that takes

    tremendous courage and strength. Facing your addiction without minimizing the problem or making

    excuses can feel frightening and overwhelming, but recovery is within reach. If youre ready to make a

    change and willing to seek help, you can overcome your addiction and build a satisfying, drug-free life

    for yourself.

    Support is essential to addiction recovery

    Dont try to go it alone; its all too easy to get discouraged and rationalize just one more hit or pill.

    Whether you choose to go to rehab, rely on self-help programs, get therapy, or take a self-directed

    treatment approach, support is essential. Recovering from drug addiction is much easier when you

    have people you can lean on for encouragement, comfort, and guidance.

    Support can come from:

    family members close friends therapists or counselors other recovering addicts healthcare providers people from your faith community

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    When a loved one has a drug problem

    If you suspect that a friend or family member has a drug problem, here are a few things you can do:

    Speak up. Talk to the person about your concerns, and offer your help and support, withoutbeing judgmental. The earlier addiction is treated, the better. Dont wait for your loved one to

    hit bottom! Be prepared for excuses and denial by listing specific examples of your loved ones

    behavior that has you worried.

    Take care of yourself.Dont get so caught up in someone elses drug problem that youneglect your own needs. Make sure you have people you can talk to and lean on for support.

    And stay safe. Dont put yourself in dangerous situations.

    Avoid self-blame. You can support a person with a substance abuse problem and encouragetreatment, but you cant force an addict to change. You cant control your loved ones

    decisions. Let the person accept responsibility for his or her actions, an essential step along the

    way to recovery for drug addiction.

    But Dont

    Attempt to punish, threaten, bribe, or preach. Try to be a martyr. Avoid emotional appeals that may only increase feelings of guilt and the

    compulsion to use drugs.

    Cover up or make excuses for the drug abuser, or shield them from the negative consequences oftheir behavior.

    Take over their responsibilities, leaving them with no sense of importance or dignity. Hide or throw out drugs. Argue with the person when they are high. Take drugs with the drug abuser. Feel guilty or responsible for another's behavior.

    Adapted from: National Clearinghouse for Alcohol & Drug Information

    When your teen has a drug problem

    Discovering your child uses drugs can generate fear, confusion, and anger in parents. Its important to

    remain calm when confronting your teen, and only do so when everyone is sober. Explain your

    concerns and make it clear that your concern comes from a place of love. Its important that your teen

    feels you are supportive.

    Five steps parents can take:

    Lay down rules and consequences. Your teen should understand that using drugs comeswith specific consequences. But dont make hollow threats or set rules that you cannot enforce.

    Make sure your spouse agrees with the rules and is prepared to enforce them.

    Monitor your teens activity. Know where your teen goes and who he or she hangs out with.Its also important to routinely check potential hiding places for drugsin backpacks, between

    books on a shelf, in DVD cases or make-up cases, for example. Explain to your teen that this

    lack of privacy is a consequence of him or her having been caught using drugs.

    Encourage other interests and social activities. Expose your teen to healthy hobbies andactivities, such as team sports and afterschool clubs. Talk to your child about underlying issues. Drug use can be the result of other problems.

    Is your child having trouble fitting in? Has there been a recent major change, like a move or

    divorce, which is causing stress?

    Get Help. Teenagers often rebel against their parents but if they hear the same informationfrom a different authority figure, they may be more inclined to listen. Try a sports coach, family

    doctor, therapist, or drug counselor.

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    Signs and Symptoms of Drug UseThere are many signs, both physical and behavioral, that indicate drug use. Each drug hasits own unique manifestations but there are some general indications that a person is usingdrugs:

    Sudden change in behavior Mood swings; irritable and grumpy and then suddenly happy and bright Withdrawal from family members Careless about personal grooming Loss of interest in hobbies, sports, and other favorite activities Changed sleeping pattern; up at night and sleeps during the day Red or glassy eyes Sniffly or runny nose

    The following are effects related to frequently used drugs and also links to pages on the

    signs and symptoms of specific drug use:

    Methamphetamine Effects:"Wired"--sleeplessness for days and weeks at a time, total loss of appetite, extreme weightloss, dialated pupils, excited, talkative, deluded sense of power, paranoia, depression, lossof control, nervousness, unusual sweating, shaking, anxiety, hallucinations, aggression,

    violence, dizziness, mood changes, blurred vision, mental confusion, agitation. Moremethaddiction info.

    Signs and Symptoms of Meth Use Symptoms of ice use

    Ecstasy:Signs and Symptoms of Ecstasy AbuseCocaine Effects:Impaired thinking, confused, anxious, depressed, short tempered, panic attacks,suspiciousness, dilated pupils, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, decreased sexual drive,restlessness, irritability, very talkative, scratching, hallucinations, paranoia.

    Cocaine signs/symptoms:here More on cocaine effects: cravings and damages Help for cocaine addicts

    Also info on crack cocaine useon this pageLSD (Acid) Effects:Dilated pupils, skin discoloration, loss of coordination, false sense of power, euphoria,

    distortion of time and space, hallucinations, confusion, paranoia, nausea, vomiting, loss ofcontrol, anxiety, panic, helplessness, and self destructive behavior.LSD abuse signs and

    symptomsand moreLSD info

    PCP Effects:Sometimes violent or bizarre behavior (suicide has often occurred), paranoia, fearfulness,anxiety, aggressive or withdrawn, skin flushing, sweating, dizziness, total numbness, and

    impaired perceptions.

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    Inhalant Effects:Short-lasting euphoria, giggling, silliness, dizziness. Then come the headaches and full-blown "faintings" or going unconscious. Longterm Use: Short-term memory loss, emotional

    instability, impairment of reasoning, slurred speech, clumsy staggering gait, eye flutter,tremors, hearing loss, loss of sense of smell, and escalating stages of brain atrophy.

    Sometimes these serious longterm effects are reversible with body detoxification and

    nutritional therapy; sometimes the brain damage is irreversible or only partially reversible.

    Heroin EffectsChemically enforced euphoria. "Nodding," which is a dreamlike state, near sleep, drifting off

    for minutes or hours. For long-time abusers, heroin may act like a stimulant and they can

    do a normal daily routine; however, for others, it leaves them completely powerless to doanything. Moreheroin addictioninfo

    Heroin effects: abuse and damages Signs and symptoms of heroin abuse Help for heroin addicts

    Methadone:Methadone Use Signs and SymptomsMarijuana EffectsCompulsive eating, bloodshot red eyes that are squinty (they may have trouble keepingthem open), dry mouth, excessive and uncontrollable laughter, forgetfulness, short termmemory loss, extreme lethargy, delayed motor skills, occasional paranoia, hallucinations,

    laziness, lack of motivation, stupidity, sickly sweet smell on body, hair, and clothes, and

    strong mood changes and behaviors when the person is "high".More marijuana info

    More on the effects of weed Signs and symptoms of marijuana use

    Depressants (Tranquilizers and Barbituates):Decreased inhibition, slowed motor coordination, lethargy, relaxed muscles, staggering gait,poor judgement, slow, uncertain reflexes, disorientation, and slurred speech.Signs andSymptoms of Tranquilizer Use

    Prescription drugs:Signs and Symptoms of Prescription Drugs

    Signs and Symptoms of Pain Relievers Sedatives signs and symptoms

    Signs and Symptoms| |

    Warning Signs:

    The use and abuse of drugs are serious issues that should not be ignored or minimized and we should not sit back

    and hope they just go away. If left untreated, use and abuse can develop into drug dependence. As a result, it is

    important to recognize the signs and symptoms of drug abuse early. If youre worried that a friend or family member

    might be abusing drugs, here are some of the warning signs to look for:

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    1. Physical and health warning signs of drug abuse

    Eyes that are bloodshot or pupils that are smaller or larger than normal.

    Frequent nosebleeds--could be related to snorted drugs (meth or cocaine).

    Changes in appetite or sleep patterns. Sudden weight loss or weight gain.

    Seizures without a history of epilepsy.

    Deterioration in personal grooming or physical appearance. Injuries/accidents and person wont or cant tell you how they got hurt.

    Unusual smells on breath, body, or clothing.

    Shakes, tremors, incoherent or slurred speech, impaired or unstable coordination.

    2. Behavioral signs of drug abuse

    Drop in attendance and performance at work or school; loss of interest in extracurricular activities, hobbies,sports or exercise; decreased motivation.

    Complaints from co-workers, supervisors, teachers or classmates.

    Unusual or unexplained need for money or financial problems; borrowing or stealing; missing money orvaluables.

    Silent, withdrawn, engaging in secretive or suspicious behaviors. Sudden change in relationships, friends, favorite hangouts, and hobbies.

    Frequently getting into trouble (arguments, fights, accidents, illegal activities).

    3. Psychological warning signs of drug abuse

    Unexplained change in personality or attitude.

    Sudden mood changes, irritability, angry outbursts or laughing at nothing.

    Periods of unusual hyperactivity or agitation.

    Lack of motivation; inability to focus, appearing lethargic or spaced out.

    Appearing fearful, withdrawn, anxious, or paranoid, with no apparent reason.

    Signs and symptoms of Drug Dependence:

    Drug dependence involves all the symptoms of drug abuse, but also involves another element: physical dependence.

    1. Tolerance: Tolerance means that, over time, you need more drugs to feel the same effects. Do they use more

    drugs now than they used before? Do they use more drugs than other people without showing obvious signs of


    2. Withdrawal: As the effect of the drugs wear off, the person may experience withdrawal symptoms: anxiety or

    jumpiness; shakiness or trembling; sweating, nausea and vomiting; insomnia; depression; irritability; fatigue or loss of

    appetite and headaches. Do they use drugs to steady the nerves, stop the shakes in the morning? Drug use to

    relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms is a sign of addiction.

    In severe cases, withdrawal from drugs can be life-threatening and involve hallucinations, confusion, seizures, fever,

    and agitation. These symptoms can be dangerous and should be managed by a physician specifically trained andexperienced in dealing with addiction.

    3. Loss of Control: Using more drugs than they wanted to, for longer than they intended, or despite telling

    themselves that they wouldnt do it this time.

    4. Desire to Stop, But Cant: They have a persistent desire to cut down or stop their drug use, but all efforts to stop

    and stay stopped, have been unsuccessful.

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    5. Neglecting Other Activities: They are spending less time on activities that used to be important to them (hanging

    out with family and friends, exercising or going to the gym, pursuing hobbies or other interests) because of the use of


    6. Drugs Take Up Greater Time, Energy and Focus: They spend a lot of time using drugs, thinking about it, or

    recovering from its effects. They have few, if any, interests, social or community involvements that dont revolve

    around the use of drugs.

    7. Continued Use Despite Negative Consequences: They continue to use drugs even though they know its

    causing problems. As an example, person may realize that their drug use is interfering with ability to do their job, is

    damaging their marriage, making problems worse, or causing health problems, but they continue to use.


    By Mayo Clinic staffMost drug addictions start with casual or social use of a drug. For some people, using the drug becomes

    a habit, and its use becomes more and more frequent. As time passes, you may need larger doses of the

    drug to get high. Soon you may need the drug just to feel good. As your drug use increases, you may find

    that it becomes increasingly difficult to go without the drug. Stopping may cause intense cravings and

    make you feel physically ill (withdrawal symptoms).Drug addiction symptoms or behaviors include:

    Feeling that you have to use the drug regularly this can be daily or even several times a day

    Failing in your attempts to stop using the drug

    Making certain that you maintain a supply of the drug

    Spending money on the drug, even though you can't afford it

    Doing things to obtain the drug that you normally wouldn't do, such as stealing

    Feeling that you need the drug to deal with your problems

    Driving or doing other risky activities when you're under the influence of the drug

    Focusing more and more time and energy on getting and using the drug

    Recognizing drug abuse in teenagers

    It can sometimes be difficult to distinguish normal teenage moodiness or angst from signs of drug use.

    Possible indications that your teenager is using drugs include:

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    Problems at school. Frequently missing classes or missing school, a sudden disinterest in school or

    school activities, or a drop in grades may be indicators of drug use.

    Physical health issues. Lack of energy and motivation may indicate your child is using certain drugs.

    Neglected appearance. Teenagers are generally concerned about how they look. A lack of interest in

    clothing, grooming or looks may be a warning sign of drug use.

    Changes in behavior. Teenagers enjoy privacy, but exaggerated efforts to bar family members from

    entering their rooms or knowing where they go with their friends might indicate drug use. Also, drastic

    changes in behavior and in relationships with family and friends may be linked to drug use.

    Spending money. Sudden requests for money without a reasonable explanation for its use may be a

    sign of drug use. You may also discover money stolen from previously safe places at home. Items may

    disappear from your home because they're being sold to support a drug habit.

    Recognizing signs of drug use and dependence

    The particular signs and symptoms of drug use and dependence vary depending on the type of drug. You

    might be able to tell that a family member or a friend is using or abusing a drug based on the physical and

    behavioral signs and symptoms associated with the drug.

    Marijuana and hashish

    It's possible to develop a psychological addiction to cannabis compounds including tetrahydrocannabinol

    (THC) found in marijuana and hashish. People who have a marijuana addiction generally use the drug on

    a daily basis. They don't actually have a chemical dependence on the drug but rather feel the need to

    regularly use the drug.

    Signs of use and dependence can include:

    A heightened sense of visual, auditory and taste perception

    Poor memory

    Increased blood pressure and heart rate

    Red eyes

    Decreased coordination

    Difficulty concentrating

    Increased appetite

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    Slowed reaction time

    Paranoid thinking

    Barbiturates and benzodiazepines

    Barbiturates and benzodiazepines are prescription central nervous system depressants. Phenobarbital,

    amobarbital (Amytal) and secobarbital (Seconal) are examples of barbiturates. Benzodiazepines include

    tranquilizers, such as diazepam (Valium), alprazolam (Xanax), lorazepam (Ativan), clonazepam

    (Klonopin) and chlordiazepoxide (Librium). If you're prescribed these drugs, take them exactly as ordered.

    If you feel your need for these medications is increasing, talk to your doctor.

    Signs of use and dependence can include:


    Slurred speech

    Lack of coordination

    Memory problems


    Slowed breathing and decreased blood pressure



    Methamphetamine, cocaine and other stimulants

    This class of drugs includes amphetamines, methamphetamine, cocaine and methylphenidate (Ritalin).

    Signs of use and dependence can include:


    Decreased appetite

    Rapid speech



    Depression as the drug wears off

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    Nasal congestion and damage to the mucous membrane of the nose in users who snort drugs


    Weight loss

    Increased heart rate, blood pressure and temperature


    Methamphetamine, also known as "meth," is a particularly dangerous drug. It's highly addictive and

    causes a number of short-term and long-term health consequences. Methamphetamine is relatively

    inexpensive and widely available.

    Club drugs

    Club drugs are drugs commonly used by teens and young adults at clubs, concerts and parties.

    Examples include Ecstasy (MDMA), GHB, Rohypnol ("roofies") and ketamine. These drugs are not all

    classified in the same category, but they share some similar effects and dangers.

    Signs of club drug use and dependence can include:

    An exaggerated feeling of great happiness or well-being (euphoria)

    Reduced inhibitions

    A heightened or altered sense of sight, sound and taste

    Amphetamine-like effects (with ketamine and Ecstasy)

    Decreased coordination

    Poor judgment

    Memory problems or loss of memory

    Increased or decreased heart rate and blood pressure

    Drowsiness and loss of consciousness (with GHB and Rohypnol)

    GHB and Rohypnol are particularly dangerous. At high doses, they can cause seizures, coma and death.

    The danger increases when these drugs are taken with alcohol. Because they worsen consciousness and

    memory and they're easy to give someone without his or her knowledge or consent, these drugs are both

    commonly used as date-rape drugs.

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    One particular danger of club drugs is that the liquid, pill or powder forms of these drugs available on the

    street often contain unknown substances that can be harmful, including other illegally manufactured or

    pharmaceutical drugs.


    Use of hallucinogens produces different signs and symptoms depending on the drug. The most common

    hallucinogens are LSD and phencyclidine (PCP).

    Signs of LSD use include:


    Greatly reduced perception of reality, for example, interpreting input from one of your senses as another,

    such as hearing colors

    Permanent mental changes in perception

    Rapid heart rate

    High blood pressure


    Flashbacks, a re-experience of the hallucinations even years later

    Signs of PCP use include:





    Loss of appetite


    Aggressive, possibly violent behavior


    The signs and symptoms of inhalant use vary depending on what substance is inhaled. Some commonly

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    inhaled substances include glue, paint thinners, correction fluid, felt tip marker fluid, gasoline, cleaning

    fluids and household aerosol products.

    When inhaled, these products can cause brief intoxication and a decreased feeling of inhibition. Long-

    term use may cause seizures and damage to the brain, liver and kidneys. Inhalant use can also cause


    Narcotic painkillers

    Opioids are narcotic, painkilling drugs produced naturally from opium or made synthetically. This class of

    drugs includes heroin, morphine, codeine, methadone and oxycodone (OxyContin). If you're prescribed

    these medications by a doctor, take them exactly as directed. Don't increase your dose without first

    talking to your doctor.

    Signs of narcotic use and dependence can include:

    Reduced sense of pain





    Slowed breathing

    Needle marks (if injecting drugs)

    When to see a doctor

    If you think your drug use is out of control or is causing problems, get help. The sooner you seek help, the

    greater your chances are for a long-term recovery. Your family doctor may be a good place to start, or

    you may see a mental health provider such as a psychologist or psychiatrist.

    Make an appointment to see a doctor if:

    You can't stop using a drug.

    Your drug use has led to unsafe behavior, such as sharing needles or unprotected sex.

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    You think you may be having withdrawal symptoms. If you're reluctant to approach a doctor, help lines or

    hotlines may be a good place to learn about treatment. You can find these lines listed in the phone book

    or on the Internet.

    Seek emergency help if you or someone you know has taken a drug and:

    May have overdosed

    Loses consciousness

    Has trouble breathing

    Has seizures

    Has signs of a heart attack, such as chest pain or pressure

    Has any other troublesome physical or psychological reaction to use of the drug

    Drug abuse is a very common problem in most countries so it seemed like a good topic

    for a list. This is a list of ten of the most abused drugs and the effects they have on



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    Heroin is an opiate processed directly from the extracts of the opium poppy. It was

    originally created to help cure people of addiction to morphine. Upon crossing the blood-

    brain barrier, which occurs soon after introduction of the drug into the bloodstream,

    heroin is converted into morphine, which mimics the action of endorphins, creating a

    sense of well-being; the characteristic euphoria has been described as an orgasm

    centered in the gut. One of the most common methods of heroin use is via intravenous


    For the last 4 months, my partner and I have been recreationally using heroin.H became our weekend ritual. Lighting candles, playing music, brie and wineand grapes, reading tarot and finally fucking for hours on end, the most

    intense beautiful technicolor sex. Each time we did it we got closer to eachother. And each time we did it, we wanted to do it again, and again. We triedsaying wed only do it once every two weeks, but that lasted 6 days. We haverules about how much we do in one night, how late we stay up and so on. Sofar the rules have kept us safe from addiction. Unless you consider thenagging i-dont-wanna-go-a-weekend-or-have-sex-without-it feelings. Wevenever run out, although, once we were down to our last little bit and I left thevial open on the night stand. I was reaching for the lube when I heard themost sickening sound, the vial falling over. Turns out, I was mistaken, I hadremembered to put the cap back on. But in those few seconds of uncertainty,

    my girl and I shot each other a look we had never seen before.. Fear.


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    Cocaine is a crystalline tropane alkaloid that is obtained from the leaves of the coca

    plant. It is both a stimulant of the central nervous system and an appetite suppressant,

    giving rise to what has been described as a euphoric sense of happiness and increased

    energy. It is most often used recreationally for this effect. Cocaine is a potent central

    nervous system stimulant. Its effects can last from 20 minutes to several hours,

    depending upon the dosage of cocaine taken, purity, and method of administration. The

    initial signs of stimulation are hyperactivity, restlessness, increased blood pressure,

    increased heart rate and euphoria. The euphoria is sometimes followed by feelings of

    discomfort and depression and a craving to experience the drug again. Sexual interest

    and pleasure can be amplified. Side effects can include twitching, paranoia, and

    impotence, which usually increases with frequent usage.

    The cocaine arrived and we agreed to use it at a time that translated to three and a half

    hours after I arrived. It cost $60 for what I was told was an eighth of a gram. This

    seemed rather expensive, but I was assured that it was high quality product. I took the

    line up my left nostril. After about ninety seconds, I felt my heartbeat increase. It was

    definitely kicking in. I began to worry a bit, as I could feel my heart pounding and my

    pulse increasing. I finally felt as if it had reached a plateau. My heartbeat became level,

    albeit still very high. Many people say that one feels euphoria being invincible and/or

    the desire to clean the house. I did not feel either of these (and I did remember to think

    about these things). For me, the positive effects of cocaine came directly from knowingthat I had reached a plateau and I was going to be fine. I felt invigorated, yet also very


    One of the besttreatment for drug addictionis to consult with cocaine rehab centers for



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    Methamphetamime, popularly shortened to meth or ice, is a psychostimulant and

    sympathomimetic drug. Methamphetamine enters the brain and triggers a cascading

    release of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. Since it stimulates the mesolimbic

    reward pathway, causing euphoria and excitement, it is prone to abuse and addiction.

    Users may become obsessed or perform repetitive tasks such as cleaning, hand-

    washing, or assembling and disassembling objects. Withdrawal is characterized by

    excessive sleeping, eating and depression-like symptoms, often accompanied by

    anxiety and drug-craving.

    We first smoked meth on New Years Eve because we heard it was great for sex. I had

    to work the next day and so saved some to smoke before work in the morning. When I

    got home another g was waiting for me and I smoked every day but one until I finally

    quit three months later. For three weeks we smoked meth with little consequence, then

    my skin became fragile and in addition to breaking out, started to swell. I was really

    worried because I was constantly thirsty and drinking water, but I rarely urinated. Then

    my kidneys started hurting. I had lost twenty pounds in two months and my husband

    had lost thirty, and wed read somewhere that rapid weight loss can cause kidney

    failure. I slept every three or four days for an hour or so and woke feeling rested. I was

    an hour late for work everyday. My husband wrecked the truck three times. One day Iforgot to feed my son. Everything was either the highest of highs or the lowest of lows,

    no in between existed anymore. We were banned from the sauna at our apartment

    complex because no one else could use it. Our sweat smelled so strongly of ammonia it

    burned the eyes, it was caustic, and it burned our skin too. My husband and I havent

    done any drugs at all for four weeks, and things are slowly going back to normal. But I

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    still want it. I cant sleep tonight because I want it. I wrote this in all honesty mostly to

    help myself, to remind myself why I dontwant it. And still I want it.

    7Crack Cocaine

    Crack cocaine, often nicknamed crack, is believed to have been created and made

    popular during the early 1980s . Because of the dangers for manufacturers of using

    ether to produce pure freebase cocaine, producers began to omit the step of removingthe freebase precipitate from the ammonia mixture. Typically, filtration processes are

    also omitted. Baking soda is now most often used as a base rather than ammonia for

    reasons of lowered odor and toxicity; however, any weak base can be used to make

    crack cocaine. When commonly cooked the ratio is 1:1 to 2:3 parts


    As I held the smoke in for a ten count and exhaled, I thought I felt nothing except a little

    excitement that was neither bad nor pleasurable. The complete rush some writers have

    called a whole-body orgasm hit me shortly after and I distinctly remember demanding

    more as soon as the realization of heaven-on-earth came. Some people say that the

    effects of smoking crack lasts 10-15 minutes. For me, it was just a shortest instant of

    gratification. Everything afterwards was just a great increase in energy and confidence

    geared towards obtaining more of the drug.

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    Lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD, LSD-25, or acid, is a semisynthetic psychedelic drug

    of the tryptamine family. Arguably the most regarded of all psychedelics, it is considered

    mainly as a recreational drug, an entheogen, and a tool in use to supplement various

    types of exercises for transcendence including in meditation, psychonautics, and illegal

    psychedelic psychotherapy whether self administered or not. LSDs psychological

    effects (colloquially called a trip) vary greatly from person to person, depending on

    factors such as previous experiences, state of mind and environment, as well as dose

    strength. They also vary from one trip to another, and even as time passes during a

    single trip. An LSD trip can have long term psychoemotional effects; some users cite the

    LSD experience as causing significant changes in their personality and life perspective.

    Widely different effects emerge based on what Leary called set and setting; the set

    being the general mindset of the user, and the setting being the physical and social

    environment in which the drugs effects are experienced.

    About ten years ago I bought my third trip from a guy in my home town Norwich (UK) Itwas a Strawberry and I was told it had been double dipped. The guy had a reputation

    for selling good acid so I happily gave him my cash. I took the single LSD tab in the late

    morning in a positive state of mind with no worries or anxieties. I began to come up on

    the acid towards the lunch time. It was to be the first and last time Id ever trip alone.

    Outside it was a glorious sunny day but I was happy enough in my temporary sanctuary

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    to even think about going outside. The LSD rush started blazing up my spine and racing

    through my guts, I felt a little uneasy with it but had enough mind to allow myself to just

    go with it and wait until the rush plateaued. I was having a wonderful time, watching

    floral Escher type patterns breathing over my skin. I vaguely recall deciding to go

    downstairs again for some reason then the next thing I recall was awakening on the

    floor of the dining room alone. The first thing I noticed was that there were blowflies

    buzzing around a bowl of catfood on the kitchen floor. I remember feeling perplexed as

    to why both flies had two bright neon after images in red and blue. Somehow I

    navigated myself through Norwich during the busy lunchtime shoppers and begun to

    head in the direction of the citys central park Chapelfield gardens. If you could imagine

    for a moment being surrounded by people in a busy place where their heads had been

    removed and replaced by Squids and Octopus you might begin to accurately picture the

    scene confronting me in the park. Everyone had tentacles smothering their faces and

    dangling down their necks like fleshy snake beards, even the women and children were

    not exempt from this disfiguration. In retrospect, it was the worst day of my entire life, It

    was the closest I can imagine to having full blown psychosis.


    Ecstasy (MDMA) is a semisynthetic psychedelic entactogen of the phenethylamine

    family that is much less visual with more stimulant like effects than most all other

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    common trip producing psychedelics. It is considered mainly a recreational drug thats

    often used with sex and associated with club drugs, as an entheogen, and a tool in use

    to supplement various types of practices for transcendence including in meditation,

    psychonautics, and illicit psychedelic psychotherapy whether self administered or not.

    The primary effects of MDMA include an increased awareness of the senses, feelings of

    openness, euphoria, empathy, love,happiness, heightened self-awareness, feeling of

    mental clarity and an increased appreciation of music and movement. Tactile

    sensations are enhanced for some users, making physical contact with others more

    pleasurable. Other side effects, such as jaw clenching and elevated pulse, are common.

    Sitting comfortably in our cosy living room, Caf del Mar and similar CDs playing in the

    background, we began at 8 pm. I swallowed one white tablet with water. Over the next

    hour nothing much happened except that I found myself talking quite openly and

    confidently with the others, moving very easily into interesting conversations. This was a

    little unusual for me as I am normally quite shy and overly self-conscious in social

    situations and it takes me a while to loosen up. The next thing I experienced was a

    striking shift in my visual perception. I dont mean a hallucination or a distortion, but a

    wonderful step up in the aesthetic quality. For a moment it was like being in one of

    those nostalgic TV ads where the world looks all gold and sepia. Everythings gone

    amber! I blurted. But then I found that my vision was becoming beautifully enhanced. It

    made my normal visual experience seem like cheap, fuzzy CCTV footage incomparison. Now I was seeing the world anew in sharp, lush, top-quality Technicolor! I

    also began to move in time to the music. The music! Oh, the music! Wow! It sounded so

    good, so organic! The uplifted state stayed with me and took a long time to fade at

    least a couple of weeks. It had unleashed in me a rush of joy that was still accessible

    when I focused on it weeks later.


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    Opium is a resinous narcotic formed from the latex released by lacerating (or scoring)

    the immature seed pods of opium poppies (Papaver somniferum). It contains up to 16%

    morphine, an opiate alkaloid, which is most frequently processed chemically to produce

    heroin for the illegal drug trade. Opium has gradually been superseded by a variety of

    purified, semi-synthetic, and synthetic opioids with progressively stronger effect, and by

    other general anesthesia. This process began in 1817, when Friedrich Wilhelm AdamSertrner reported the isolation of pure morphine from opium after at least thirteen

    years of research and a nearly disastrous trial on himself and three boys.

    I remember that what I smoked was much easier to smoke than marijuana. There was

    no burning in my throat nor in my lungs. I took a very large, smooth hit. Smoking it like

    marijuana, I held it in for about 10 or 15 seconds and let it out. It didnt taste like

    marijuana, I remember the taste being rather faint. It actually tasted and smelled like

    incense. I was very surprised to suddenly find myself on the floor, in the dark, with acrowd of people surrounding me. Apparently I had fainted and fallen to the ground, but I

    hadnt noticed. The high itself is rather hard to describe. It was much more intense than

    marijuana. It felt heavy, like my whole body was being impacted but it also felt very

    clear and refined at the same time. As I made my way towards the bathroom the drug

    began to kick in again. My steps kind of faded away and it felt like I was just floating

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    over to the bathroom. The scary thing was though, that I was having trouble seeing. My

    vision was fading. Distinct figures melted into shadows and everything had a sparkle to

    it. All of a sudden, everything felt really good. I couldnt stop smiling. Everything was

    profound in a very positive way, especially the music since it resonated everywhere. It

    was a very abstruse experience. I imagine that I was coming down at this point, an hour

    had surely past by because the band was building a climax to end their first set. I went

    along with the crowd and made my way outside. The fresh air was wonderful. The cool

    air seemed to wrap around my body. A slight breeze on the back of my neck sent chills

    that rapidly multiplied throughout my body.


    Cannabis, known as marijuana in its herbal form, is a psychoactive product of the plant

    Cannabis sativa. Humans have been consuming cannabis since prehistory, although in

    the 20th century there was a rise in its use for recreational, religious or spiritual, and

    medicinal purposes. It is estimated that about four percent of the worlds adult

    population use cannabis annually. It has psychoactive and physiological effects when

    consumed, usually by smoking or ingestion. The minimum amount of THC required to

    have a perceptible psychoactive effect is about 10 micrograms per kilogram of body

    weight. The state of intoxication due to cannabis consumption is colloquially known as a

    high; it is the state where mental and physical facilities are noticeably altered due to

    the consumption of cannabis. Each user experiences a different high, and the nature of

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    it may vary upon factors such as potency, dose, chemical composition, method of

    consumption and set and setting.

    After taking that first hit, and not feeling the effects within a minute (holding it in for a

    minute, and then waiting a little bit after exhaling) I decided, well I better hit this again,

    harder if I can. I took just as large of a hit, and again held it in for longer than a minute. I

    let my brother know I was really starting to feel something now and I dont think I liked it

    all. It snuck up on me really bad, and I still had no idea what to expect. I wanted him to

    be quiet. Laying down was not helping, so I got back up. I went back to the garage and

    tried to explain to everyone I am totally fucked up. This is scary! I was rationalizing

    everything tremendously, but it was SO intense! And it was only getting more intense

    faster! I didnt know what to expect, I was sinking within myself, accelerating downward

    like into the depths of my own oblivion. I was a novice, I had no idea what to expect,

    and the world had become out of synch, the talking of my brothers, his friend, all

    ridiculous and extremely annoying. I became amazingly irritable and wanted them to

    leave me alone or not talk in my presence. They did not understand or appreciate my

    fear, and they began to get loud again. I ran upstairs to my parents bed and laid down

    with some wistful hope that I could wait out this storm.

    2Psilocybin Mushrooms

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    Psilocybin mushrooms (also called psilocybian mushrooms) are fungi that contain the

    psychedelic substances psilocybin and psilocin, and occasionally other psychoactive

    tryptamines. There are multiple colloquial terms for psilocybin mushrooms, the most

    common being magic mushrooms or shrooms. When psilocybin is ingested, it is broken

    down to produce psilocin, which is responsible for the hallucinogenic effects. The

    intoxicating effects of psilocybin-containing mushrooms typically last anywhere from 3 to

    7 hours depending on dosage, preparation method and personal metabolism. The

    experience is typically inwardly oriented, with strong visual and auditory components.

    Visions and revelations may be experienced, and the effect can range from exhilarating

    to distressing. There can be also a total absence of effects, even with large doses.

    I had acquired about 8 grams of dried mushrooms and some liquid psilocybin equivalent

    to another 5 grams of powdered mushrooms. I swallowed the liquid first, on an empty

    stomach of course. I could feel a slight sensation after about 10-15 minutes. Then I

    added the powder to some water in a mug and swallowed that also. I then sat by the

    camp fire, listening to the wind in the trees while I contemplated what was about to

    happen. After about 45-50 minutes I heard a voice calling to me. It wasnt audible in

    the normal sense it came from inside my own mind! Then I was gone out of this

    world. I escaped into what I perceived to be the outer boundaries of my mind or my

    imagination. This placed presented itself as a natural forest with low light. Here I met the

    owner of the aforementioned voice the Mushroom Goddess. She took the form of awhite, strapless, ankle-length dress, standing side-on from me. For about the next two

    hours I dialoged with her, becoming totally bewitched by her charm, her wit, her

    intelligence, her knowledge, her unconditional affection for me and her seemingly

    infinite perspective. I have come to think of her as my other-worldly girlfriend.


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    PCP (Phencyclidine) is a dissociative drug formerly used as an anesthetic agent,

    exhibiting hallucinogenic and neurotoxic effects. It is commonly known as Angel Dust,but is also known as Wet, Sherm, Sherman Hemsley, Rocket Fuel, Ashy Larry,

    Shermans Tank, Wack, Halk Hogan, Ozone, HannaH, Hog, Manitoba Shlimbo, and

    Embalming Fluid, among other names. Although the primary psychoactive effects of the

    drug only last hours, total elimination from the body is prolonged, typically extending

    over weeks. PCP is consumed in a recreational manner by drug users, mainly in the

    United States, where the demand is met by illegal production. It comes in both powder

    and liquid forms (PCP base dissolved most often in ether), but typically it is sprayed

    onto leafy material such as marijuana, mint, oregano, parsley or Ginger Leaves, andsmoked. PCP has potent effects on the nervous system altering perceptual functions

    (hallucinations, delusional ideas, delirium or confused thinking), motor functions

    (unsteady gait, loss of coordination, and disrupted eye movement or nystagmus), and

    autonomic nervous system regulation (rapid heart rate, altered temperature regulation).

    The drug has been known to alter mood states in an unpredictable fashion causing

    some individuals to become detached and others to become animated.

    When I was taking the drug, I used very small amounts. The effect was incredibly

    pleasant and social, so much so that me and my friends all used it instead of booze for

    almost a year. I couldnt dance for shit on the stuff (Id get stumbly and actually fell on

    my ass on the dancefloor once) but the physical sensations and mental pictures were

    really fun. It is quite different from any psychedelic visuals or even Ketamine

    visualsmore like rolling through old film footage. To be honest, I liked it more than my

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    experiences on Ketamine. PCP can make one nearly impervious to pain at high doses.

    Because of this, PCP can make things seem like a good idea that otherwise wouldnt

    (leading to the stories of people leaping out of windows, etc.) I experienced very

    confusing physical reality when really high on it, like being unable to discern the

    difference between walking up stairs and down them, or standing still and walking. This

    could lead to very unusual behaviour.

    Top 8 Drug Categories

    Posted on Monday, September 17th, 2012 at 8:14 pm.Written byCasa Palmera StaffDrug Categories

    Drugs come in various forms, and can be taken numerous ways. Some are legal and othersare not. Drug abuse and misuse can cause numerous health problems, and in seriouscases death can occur. Treatment for drug abuse is often sought to aid in recovery.


    These drugs speed up the bodys nervous system and create a feeling of energy. They arealso called uppers because of their ability to make you feel very awake. Stimulants havethe opposite effect of depressants. When the effects of a stimulant wear off, the user istypically left with feelings of sickness and a loss of energy. Constant use of such drugs canhave very negative effects on the user. In order to prevent extreme negative side effects ofthese drugs and the impact they have on life, drug treatment centers are oftenrecommended.

    Types of drugs include:

    Cocaine Methamphetamines Amphetamines Ritalin Cylert


    Inhalants are sniffed or huffed and give the user immediate results. Unfortunately, theseimmediate results can also result in sudden mental damage. When inhalants are taken, the

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    body becomes deprived of oxygen, causing a rapid heart beat. Other effects include liver,lung and kidney problems, affected sense of smell, difficulty walking and confusion.

    Types of drugs include:

    Glues Paint thinner Gasoline Laughing gas Aerosol sprays


    These drugs result in feelings of euphoria, cause confusion and memory problems, anxiety,a higher heart rate, as well as staggering and poor reaction time.

    Types of drugs include:

    Hashish Marijuana


    Depressants slow down activity in the central nervous system of your body. These drugsare also called downers because they slow the body down and seem to give feelings ofrelaxation. Depressants are available as prescription drugs to relieve stress and anger,although drowsiness is often a side effect. The relaxation felt from these drugs is not ahealthy feeling for the body to experience, to stop abuse of this drug, drug treatment issuggested.

    Types of drugs:

    Barbiturates Benzodiazepines Flunitrazepam GHB (Gamma-hydroxybutyrate) Methaqualone Alcohol Tranquillisers

    Opioids & Morphine Derivatives

    Opioids and morphine derivatives can cause drowsiness, confusion, nausea, feelings ofeuphoria, respiratory complications and relieve pain.

    Types of drugs include:

    Codeine Fentanyl and fentanyl analogs Heroin Morphine Opium Oxycodone HCL

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    Hydrocodone bitartrate, acetaminophen

    Anabolic Steroids

    Steroids are taken to improve physical performance as well as to enlarge muscles andincrease strength. Negative effects of steroids include baldness, cysts, oily hair and skin,acne, heart attack, stroke and change in voice. Hostility is also a frequent side effect ofanabolic steroids.

    Types of drugs include:

    Anadrol Oxandrin Durabolin Stanozol Dianabol


    When taking hallucinogens, switching emotions is frequent. These drugs change the mindand cause the appearance of things that are not really there. Hallucinogens affect thebodys self-control, such as speech and movement, and often bring about hostility. Othernegative side effects of these drugs include heart failure, increased heart rate, higher bloodpressure and changes in the bodys hormones.

    Types of drugs include:

    LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) Mescaline Psilocybin Cannabis

    Magic MushroomsPrescription Drugs

    Prescription drugs can be very helpful drugs when used properly and when under theguidance of a qualified physician. These drugs can be used as aids in surgery, to treatmedical conditions and while controlling various symptoms. Misuse and abuse ofprescription drugs however can be very dangerous.

    Types of drugs include:

    Opiods: Codeine, Oxycodone, Morphine Central nervous system depressants: barbiturates, benzodiazepines Stimulants: dextroamphetamine, methylphenidate


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    Stimulants are drugs that stimulate the Central Nervous System. These substances

    tend to increase alertness and physical activity. They include Amphetamines,

    Cocaine, Crack and some inhalants like Amyl or Butyl Nitrites. Caffeine (present intea, coffee and many soft drinks) is also a mild stimulant drug.

    Which stimulants are abused?

    The most widely abused stimulants are cocaine, crack (a pure form of cocaine) and

    amphetamines. Cocaine has limited commercial use and its sale and possession are

    strictly controlled. Nevertheless there is a huge worldwide illicit network for the

    manufacture and supply of this drug in its various forms. Doctors sometimes

    prescribe pharmaceutical amphetamines and their availability makes them

    candidates for misuse but powdered amphetamine, manufactured in illicit

    laboratories, is the most common type of amphetamine to be abused in the UK.

    Inhalants such as amyl and butyl nitrates are legal at present. Because of their very

    short action time - the effect lasts approximately 1-2 minutes - they are usually

    only abused in certain settings, such as parties etc.

    What do they look like?

    Stimulants appear in many forms. Pharmaceutical amphetamines are usually

    produced as pills or capsules, whereas street amphetamines come in the form of afine, white dull powder. Inhalants can be prescribed or purchased in small glass

    vials which are crushed to release the vaporising fluid inside, or in small bottles.

    Cocaine is a relatively fine, white crystalline powder. Crack is seen as cloudy white

    crystals that are irregular and fairly large (pea-sized).

    What are the effects of stimulants?

    Different stimulants act on the body in different ways. For example, nitrate

    inhalants cause the blood vessels to dilate (widen); cocaine and crack interfere with

    normal levels of the neurotransmitter serotin; amphetamines cause the release of

    adrenalin. Nevertheless, broadly speaking all these stimulants have a similar effect

    in that they cause either mental and/or physical stimulation in the user. This may

    be felt as apparent increased physical energy and/or apparent clarity and speed of


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    A note on caffeine Caffeine is a mild stimulant that has the effect of making a

    person feel more awake and alert. Tea, coffee and soft drinks are the three major

    sources of caffeine, although it can also be purchased in tablet form. Each cup of

    coffee can provide approximately between 65mg to 115mg of caffeine, a cup of tea

    usually has about 60mg of caffeine in it and a soft drink contains between 30mg

    and 60mg of caffeine. Too much caffeine can cause anxiousness, headaches, the

    'jitters' and may prevent sleep. Caffeine is also addictive and a person who abruptly

    stops drinking coffee may experience withdrawal symptoms.


    These are substances that slow down or depress the Central Nervous System.

    Depressant drugs include alcohol, barbiturates and tranquillisers. It's worth

    remembering that, although alcohol is a legal drug and can be purchased by anyperson over 18 years old, it can be a dangerous drug, particularly when abused.

    Barbiturates and benzodiazepines are the two major categories of depressant drugs

    used as medicines. Often these drugs are referred to as sleeping pills and

    tranquillisers or sometimes just as sedatives. Some well-known barbiturates are

    secobarbital (Seconal) and pentobarbital (Nembutal). Benzodiazepines commonly in

    use are Diazepam (Valium), chlordiazepoxide (Librium) Nitrazepam (Mogodon) and


    Which depressants are abused?

    Alcohol is by far the most commonly abused drug in the UK. Abuse generally takes

    the form of under-age drinking, drinking in inappropriate situations, or drinking in

    excess. Its easy availablity and social acceptability may have enhanced this state of

    affairs. Although it is often perceived as a pleasant social drug (and for some

    drinkers this is the case), many people become either psychologically or physically

    dependent upon it.

    Alcohol abuse is directly or indirectly responsible for many deaths through drunkendriving, accidents and illness. It is also a major contributing factor in most incidents

    of domestic and other violence.

    Barbiturates used to be common drugs of abuse in the 1950's and 1960's but

    because of their addictive properties and association with suicides and accidental

    deaths, their use as medicines has been reduced significantly since the 1970's. The

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    illicit market in these drugs has become smaller because of their reduced


    Unfortunately, benzodiazepines - which were originally developed to provide a safe

    alternative to barbiturates for the treatment of anxiety and insomnia - have nowbecome a major category of abused drugs. Vallium, Librium and Temazepam are

    the most commonly abused tranquillisers and are often taken with alcohol as these

    two types of drug amplify each others effect.

    What do they look like?

    Depressants are usually manufactured as tablets or capsules, but some of these

    drugs are also available in liquid form. Alcohol is legally available in a multitude of


    What are the effects of depressants?

    Their effects range from calming down anxious people to promoting sleep. Alcohol,

    tranquilizers and sleeping pills can have either effect, depending on how much is

    taken. At high doses or when they are abused, these type of drugs can cause

    unconsciousness and death.

    Regular use of all depressants over a long period of time can result in tolerance,

    which means a person has to take larger and larger doses to get the same effects.

    This includes alcohol. When regular users stop using large doses of these drugs

    suddenly, they may develop physical withdrawal symptoms ranging from

    restlessness, insomnia and anxiety, to convulsions and death.


    Analgesics are substances that provides relief from pain. Mild analgesics, such as

    the many brand-named preparations of aspirin or paracetemol, are relatively

    harmless. Analgesic drugs of abuse are far stronger than this and are all powerful

    pain killers. Some are refined from an extract obtained from opium poppies(Papaver somniferum) and are classed as "opiates" and some are produced by

    chemical synthesis.

    Opiates include Opium itself, which is the resin obtained from the seed pod of the

    opium poppy, along with Morphine, Heroin and Codeine. These can all be produced

    from raw opium by fairly simple chemical processing. Synthetic analgesics are

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    manufactured as powders, tablets or liquids. They include Methadone (usually as a

    syrup), Physeptone (a methadone tablet), Pethidine, Diconal and Palfium.

    Which analgesics are abused?

    Analgesics - particularly opiates - have a high potential for abuse. Heroin is the

    most widely abused opiate analgesic but morphine, paregoric (which contains

    opium) and cough syrups that contain codeine are also abused.

    Many synthetic opiates are abused, usually by heroin users as an alternative to that

    drug. Methadone - prescribed as an alternative to heroin - has been much abused

    in recent years and is responsible for many deaths in the UK.

    Diconal, Physeptone, Pethidine and palfium tablets are usually crushed up and

    injected by drug abusers. These tablets contain solids such as chalk, which canblock veins when injected and lead to gangrene or a stroke. What do they look like?

    Opium is a dark brown slightly sticky resin with the consistency of stiff putty and is

    usually smoked or eaten. Heroin is a white or brownish powder which is usually

    dissolved in water and then injected, although it can be smoked. Most street

    preparations of heroin are diluted, or 'cut' with other substances such as lactose or


    Other analgesics, including all synthetics, come in a variety of forms including

    capsules, tablets, syrups, solutions and suppositories.

    What are the effects of analgesics?

    Opiate and synthetic analgesics tend to relax the user. When they are injected, the

    user feels an immediate 'rush' - that is a strong wave of pleasurable relaxation and

    relief from anxiety. Unpleasant effects may include restlessness, nausea, and

    vomiting. The user may go 'on the nod' - going back and forth from feeling alert to

    drowsy. With large doses, the user cannot be awakened and the skin becomes cold,

    moist and bluish in color. Breathing slows down and death may occur.

    Where analgesics are taken as a syrup, tablets or capsules etc. the effects are

    similar to that after injection but are milder and without any immediate 'rush'.


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    Hallucinogens - or psychedelics - are drugs that affect a person's perception of

    sights, sounds, touch, smell etc. Some of the stronger hallucenogenics can exert a

    powerful effect on a drug users thinking and self-awareness.

    A few hallucinogens come from natural sources, such as mescaline from the peyotecactus and psilocybin, which is the hallucinogenic agent in so-called magic

    mushrooms. Others, such as LSD, MDA (methylenedioxyamphetamine) and Ecstasy

    (methylenedioxymethamphetamine - or MDMA) are either entirely synthetic or

    semi-synthetic. For example, LSD is derived from a fungus that grows on rye grains

    but requires very substantial chemical processing to produce.

    Which hallucinogens are abused?

    Hallucinogens do not have any legal medicinal uses and are therefore all classed as

    drugs of abuse. The most commonly seen are LSD, Ecstasy and psilocybin (magic

    mushrooms). Other hallucinogenic substances such as mescaline and DMT are not

    widely available in the illicit drug market of the UK.

    What do they look like?

    Some of the naturally occuring hallucinogenic materials are most commonly seen

    either in their natural state or after minimal processing, such as drying. This

    includes all varieties of hallucinogenic fungi.

    Where natural materials have been refined to a large degree, such as in the

    production of mescaline,